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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 588 KB, 600x1045, jp after hormones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10581985 No.10581985[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you started your hormone cycle yet, /jp/?

>> No.10581988

I'm not a faggot degenerate.

>> No.10581989

What's gay about being a girl who wants a boyfriend?

>> No.10581991

I am a manly man.

>> No.10581993

I am proud of being the gender that God himself chose for me.

>> No.10581996

The part where you are not a girl.

>> No.10581997

Says who? Does an organ between my legs define my identity and my role in society?

>> No.10581999

Yes, actually.

>> No.10582002

Educate yourself. Organs decide your sex, not your gender.

>> No.10582005

If I were cute I think I'd become a degenerate, dedicating my entire life to penis. Big fat smelly hairy men with poor hygiene would always be hanging around my house and using me as a fuck toy and a toilet whenever they'd please!

I'm not cute though, so I'll just take it easy instead.

>> No.10582006

That's what I just said, dummy.

>> No.10582008


I'm glad we agree.

>> No.10582010

There is no reason for your sex and gender to be different.

>> No.10582019

That's like saying there's no reason for schizophrenics to imagine things. It's a disorder.

>> No.10582018

That's why it's called a disorder. They are not right in the head.

>> No.10582028

So what ?
Being right in the head is boring.

>> No.10582058

I don't want to end up like Sparky.

>> No.10582069

Got Sparky is disgusting.

>> No.10582098
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>> No.10582123
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>> No.10582131


>> No.10582132

wwwwwwww crazy

>> No.10582176

What's with your obsession with ugly men?

>> No.10582190

Uh, there's a slight difference between not right in the head and downright crazy.

>> No.10582203

Please keep the sub-human shit out of /jp/

>> No.10582248

I want to lose some weight first.

>> No.10582273

I'll skip this and just wait for cyborg bodies to be created.

>> No.10582338

If I was a girl I would keep my dick. Am I weird?

>> No.10582402


If you had the option to just switch perfectly? Not really, no problems with bleeding every month that way.

If you did have to go through all that stuff, it wouldn't be perfect even if you got rid of it so still not really weird. But people would probably tell you it is.

Why am I still awake /jp/

>> No.10582437
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If I was a girl I think I would want to fuck myself.

>> No.10582449
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>> No.10582450

I'll wait for science to improve first. All transsexuals look hideous and I'm happy being a man.

>> No.10582452

Why would you want to be a girl but not want to bleed? You can't have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.10582453
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> All transsexuals look hideous

>> No.10582458
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>> No.10582459


7.3/10 but not natural enough.

>> No.10582479

I think its time I go to fuggin sleep, 5am already

>> No.10582496


sleep well anon

>> No.10582511
File: 187 KB, 1322x928, 1350917702233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday I shaved my entire body and tried on some of my little sister's clothes while she was at school. They felt really soft and tight and lewd.
To think she goes outside like this all the time, it makes me kinda jealous.

>> No.10582528

I'm pretty just the way I am.

>> No.10582544

Please tell me more of your erotic adventures.

>> No.10582562

Because I'm almost 21 and I'm too afraid that it would turn out really bad...

>> No.10582573

I just want a man that will love me for my inner girl and not my external appareance.

>> No.10582591


I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.10582606
File: 137 KB, 705x705, 1358537077214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reasons for not doing HRT:
1. Because I like girls and I consider myself straight. I don't have any attraction towards man, only towards dicks. I have sucked a dick only once, and I don't think I would do it again. Males are disgusting. A tranny would *maybe* be an exception, but I would never fuck a trans prostitute and I don't think I would date a trans girl. They're promiscuous, fucked up in their heads and I don't want the social stigma for it either.
2. Because I live with my parents and siblings. I don't want to experience all the bullshit transexuals go through with their families. Sex should never be such a central aspect of my life anyway.
3. Because I have a girlfriend. It took me 20 years to get one and we have been dating for 10 months now. I don't plan to let it go so easily. (Sex and affection are nice)
4. Because I have a manly beard and manly face and lots of body hair (even though my figure is less manly). I also am 21 and I think I would turn out as a very manly girl. Fuck that, if I am going to be a girl, I want to be really girly and pretty.

Reasons for doing HRT:
1. Could crossdress and genderplay easily, a big turn-on but I have never even done these before.
2. Feel all the power and privilage that girls have. Also, teasing and seducing as a girl just makes my dick hard.

I think it's pretty obvious that the reasons against HRT outweight the ones in favor.
I just have to hope that reincarnation exists and that I am born as a pretty girl next life

Pic related, is one of the options I'd agree to look like if I was a women.

>> No.10582610


>> No.10582619

Because it makes you permanently impotent.

Otherwise I'd probably take some to get better skin complexion.

>> No.10582623
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>> No.10582628

>they have a disorder
>should we try to cure them?
>no tumblr would be very upset, let them destroy their body instead
Giving these people estrogen/testosterone is like given an arsonist a pack of matches and winking at him while turning your back.

>> No.10582630

> Organs decide your sex, not your gender.
Gender and sex mean the same thing. Doings things commonly associated with being a girl does not make you a girl.

>> No.10582631


>> No.10582632
File: 135 KB, 886x709, 1343530824982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, lighting fires harm other people, changing yourself is a personal choice. Second of all, transitioning is a cure, not a bandage. A better analogy would be "Giving these people estrogen/testosterone is like giving a cancer patient a cure for cancer".

Hope this helps.

>> No.10582636

>transitioning is a cure
You forgot the part where 90% of them kill themselves after realizing that they aren't turning into women but men with wigs.

>> No.10582637

Except that the cancer patient will make a full recovery.

You will turn into a bastard mutant of a human.

Please see the difference.

>> No.10582640

>90% of them kill themselves

[citation needed]

The disease is being in the wrong body, so changing your body is the cure. Obviously it's more difficult for some to do this than others, so satisfaction varies.

>> No.10582645

> A better analogy would be "Giving these people estrogen/testosterone is like giving a cancer patient a cure for cancer".
No, a better analogy would be "Giving these people estrogen/testosterone is like giving a crack addict more crack."
The "disorder" in gender identity disorder is not that they have the wrong gender, it's that they want to be the gender they aren't. The disorder is the desire, not the lack of fulfillment of that desire.

>> No.10582649
File: 14 KB, 307x400, checkmate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Giving these people estrogen/testosterone is like giving a crack addict more crack."

Nope. Crack doesn't cure a disease.

>The disorder in gender identity disorder is not that they have the wrong gender, it's that they want to be the gender they aren't.

Science disagrees. Brains of transsexuals resemble the brain of the opposite gender.

>> No.10582651

Numerous studies have shown that lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth have a higher rate of suicide attempts than do heterosexual youth. The Suicide Prevention Resource Center synthesized these studies and estimated that between 30 and 40% of LGBT youth, depending on age and sex groups, have attempted suicide.[5] A U.S. government study, titled Report of the Secretary's Task Force on Youth Suicide, published in 1989, found that LGBT youth are four times more likely to attempt suicide than other young people.[6]

>> No.10582653

Hormones don't ´cure´ anything either.

>> No.10582656

>Brains of transsexuals resemble the brain of the opposite gender.

But science also says that there is not difference between male and female brains and gener is just a social construct.

>> No.10582657

> Crack doesn't cure a disease.
And neither does getting HRT.

> Science disagrees. Brains of transsexuals resemble the brain of the opposite gender.
It's a problem with the brain, not a problem with the rest of the body. You're absolutely defeated now.

> checkmate.jpg
How comical! How comical! I think I may have to feast on what's inside...

>> No.10582661

Pretend you were the manliest man in the world, and then the next day you woke up as a woman and hated it. You were stuck in the wrong body and knew this wasn't who you were. Is it that hard to see why they would have a higher suicide rate? Also, all people who are/were social outcasts(homosexuality is still a taboo, at least in America) have a higher rate of attempted suicide.

>But science also says that there is not difference between male and female brains and gener is just a social construct.

No it doesn't. Gender is influenced by sex, qualities attributed to femininity are ones largely influenced by estrogen and the lack of testosterone.

>> No.10582663

Transsexuals are whiny cunts. They should stop obsessing about themselves and just do things that don't involve looking in the mirror like actual hobbies and just relax on their own.

>> No.10582667

Because it's associated with s-s-s-stuttering homofaggotry.

I mean sure I'd be cool with some wacky fun lesbiantics, but the instant you do anything remotely female, it's suddenly a sea of dicks.

Are there any cheat codes I can enter into life, set cl_allowdicks 0 or someshit, so I could get down to zany lesbiantics without all this s-s-s-stuttering gaylordery?

>> No.10582670

>And neither does getting HRT.

They know they will never be a full fledged member of the opposite sex, but they seek to get as close as they can. Imagine if a man lost his leg in a war. Would you say to him "Hah! Don't bother getting a fake leg, faggot, you'll never have a real one."

>It's a problem with the brain, not a problem with the rest of the body. You're absolutely defeated now.

The disorder is precisely because the brain doesn't match the rest of the body. How dense are you?

>> No.10582677

> then the next day you woke up as a woman and hated it
I wouldn't hate my own gender just because I feel like I "should" be the other gender. That's ridiculous. All of my complaints would be more related to things like PMS.

>> No.10582680

Ordinarily no, but some people are so defined by their lust for cocks and their desire for penises, that they'll tumble all the way down that hormone-laden slippery slope into transvestism.

Are there any MtFs here who AREN'T obsessive cocksuckers?

>> No.10582685

It's not so much hating your gender as much as hating not being who you know you are. Animosity towards your current(if present, which it isn't always) is just the manifestation of this phenomenon.

>> No.10582692

> Imagine if a man lost his leg in a war.
Cut the shit with these retarded analogies. The problem with the guy missing his leg is that he's missing his leg. The problem with the guy that wants to be a girl is that he wants to be a girl.

The cure to the missing leg is to give him his leg.
The cure to the wanting to be a girl is to make him stop wanting to be a girl.

>> No.10582694

You could also make him stop wanting his leg. Like you could give him TURBO WHEELS or JETPACK LIMBS or something.

>> No.10582695

>Cut the shit with these retarded analogies.

Why, because they make you realize how retarded you sound?

>The cure to the wanting to be a girl is to make him stop wanting to be a girl.

Then the cure to the missing leg is to make him stop wanting a new leg, using your logic. The cure to the former should not be any different from the latter.

>> No.10582699

Yeah but the problem with him isn't that he wants his leg, it's that he doesn't have this. Contrast that with that the guy who wants to be a girl, whose problem isn't that he isn't a girl, but rather that he wants to be.

>> No.10582703

That makes me wonder.
How come so many people want to be girls?

Why don't people ever want to be Robots or Werewolves or Sentient fungi or Spaceships?

I mean, I wouldn't take hormone therapy to become a girl. But if there was a MtSpaceship therapy out there, then I'm totally down for that.

>> No.10582705

>Yeah but the problem with him isn't that he wants his leg, it's that he doesn't have this.

The problem with a trans man/woman is that he wants to be who he/she is, but was born in the wrong body and is missing qualities that can be restored via hormones and surgery just like a leg.

>> No.10582707

The problem with the missing leg guy is that he is missing a leg, not that he wants his leg.

The problem with the wish-I-was-a-girl guy is that he wants to be a girl, not that he isn't a girl.

These are immovable facts. If you choose to deny it, you are denying truth itself.

>> No.10582711

>The problem with the wish-I-was-a-girl guy is that he wants to be a girl, not that he isn't a girl.

Wrong, it's that she IS a girl(science is on my side, so you'll need to provide solid evidence if you disagree) but is currently lacking certain qualities to bring this desire into reality, just as the man is lacking his leg.

>> No.10582710

So many of them are faking though. They don't actually want to be women, they just want to fuck men.

>> No.10582719
File: 26 KB, 400x400, projector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rate of MtF and FtM individuals who actually go through transitioning is about 1:1.

>> No.10582720

>Wrong, it's that she IS a girl(science is on my side, so you'll need to provide solid evidence if you disagree) but is currently lacking certain qualities to bring this desire into reality

>> No.10582723

Because, while I enjoy the girly figure I currently posess, I won't delude myself and ruin my body and life just so it can last a couple more years. Once the effects of the testosterone I naturally produce start showing on my body, I'll get myself a cool build like kenshiro.

>> No.10582724

I want to be a factory. Ever since I played Homeworld. It'd be cool to be a giant intelligent facility that made smaller robots or spaceships.

>> No.10582726
File: 22 KB, 400x279, watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science is on my side, so you'll need to provide solid evidence if you disagree

I'll wait.

>> No.10582727

How comical! How comical! You're a comicalness ultimatum if I ever saw one! You choose to say as fact that which you know is false. Why are you doing this? Because you're afraid of me. Afraid of my absolute correctness. Your public image is in shambles, and there's no escape for your cheeks now. Give up, you ignorant homosexual! Everyone here knows that you're 100% incorrect. Accept the truth, and stop living a lie. God doesn't exist and the bible is 100% accurate. I have the bible! I have the power!

>> No.10582728

You'll actually have to provide that ´scientific evidence´ before you can claim your bullshit to be correct.

>> No.10582732

So people can switch their gender as often as they want to and whenever they feel like it?

>> No.10582736

Use google. Here's the first link that shows up. Every study of trans brain have shown that they have the opposite gender's brain.


>> No.10582739

Age / Materials required / Location?

130 / Iron + Coal / Cali here.

>> No.10582743

We should allow pedophiles have sex with kids because it makes them feel good inside, just like transtesticles and their sex changes.

>> No.10582745

Terrible logic. Changing your own body doesn't hurt anyone else.

>> No.10582746

Well it depends.

How are you defining 'kids'? Because if that includes all the slutty horny teenage-and-tweenage girls that post n00dz of themselves on facebook, then yeah that ass needs to be tapped.

>> No.10582749

Pedophilia isn't wrong though.

>> No.10582759

I don't feel that I am a girl.
I would love to be one though.

I know that I'm a guy who just enjoys girly things and does things that would be considered more lady like.

Does it upset me that I will never be able to dress in nice clothes and experience that other life in its entirety? Sometimes.

I don't dwell on it though, seeing as when it comes down to it I can still enjoy everything that I like regardless of my sex besides look cute. and even then I still can try.

>> No.10582766
File: 53 KB, 768x432, [BNS] 081127 5LDK - Nakai Masahiro (768x432).avi_snapshot_12.07_[2012.12.18_22.13.28].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fishing has begun.

>> No.10582779
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I know my expectations would never be met in reality, so I just choose to avoid the experience altogether.

Pretty much my entire life in a nutshell.

>> No.10582801

I would if I could do something about how broad my shoulders are and how tall I am.

Is there anyway to make my bone structure smaller?

>> No.10582807
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>> No.10582819

My body produces female hormones naturally. I already got more than I bargained for.

>> No.10582823

I'll try it if it means I can be happy later.

>> No.10582826

>Changing your own body doesn't hurt anyone else.
It hurts the people you lie to. Either by deceiving them into thinking you're something you're not, or physically by getting them drunk and plugging them in the ass while they're too out of it to realize they're the ones being fucked instead of doing the fucking.

>> No.10582835

>Either by deceiving them into thinking you're something you're not

Lying/hurting bigoted peoples' feelings isn't against the law. If it emotionally traumatized me to see other people breathing, should I be able to stop them?

>physically by getting them drunk and plugging them in the ass while they're too out of it to realize they're the ones being fucked instead of doing the fucking

Rape is already illegal. And if the other person is consenting, who cares what you think?

>> No.10582906

since when is /jp/ full of lbgt activists?

>> No.10582915

Why would you fall back on the law to prove a point? Law doesn't make something right or wrong. Law could say that being a transexual was illegal, and you'd still be for it.

>> No.10582918


Please don't bump off-topic threads

>> No.10582927

>And if the other person is consenting, who cares what you think?

So then pedos should be allowed to have sex with kids?

>> No.10582932

I don't know if you're being sarcastic, but some people honestly believe they shouldn't.

>> No.10582942

There's nothing wrong with pedophilia.

>> No.10582948



Why not?

>> No.10582949

lots of transphobic posts itt

>> No.10582956


>> No.10582961

this is not a lbgt tumblr blog

>> No.10582969


But your mom IS sucking my cock, SAWCSM scum.

>feel when you make a heteronormative kiddie check his privilege

>> No.10582979

will hormones transform my 6'1" 200 pound body into a 5'4" 100 pound girl?

Sounds like magic.

>> No.10582984

How come the nuclear war thread got deleted but not this?

>> No.10582982

Luckily I'm already 5'4 and 110.
Unfortunately I don't want to become a mutant.

>> No.10582984,1 [INTERNAL] 

why was I even born with a penis :/

>> No.10582984,2 [INTERNAL] 

sos you could fuck the jan

>> No.10582984,3 [INTERNAL] 


So just cut it off.

>> No.10582984,4 [INTERNAL] 

i hope your dick falls off

>> No.10582984,5 [INTERNAL] 

Being a man is 1,000 times harder than being a woman, and it's thankless too. The Jews are working overtime to sissify the white male so immigrants can take all the jobs and women, while the Jews stay racially pure.

In the end they are destroyed the autonomy of white nations by importing 3rd worlders, with the ultimate goal of establishing a one world government without borders.

>> No.10582984,6 [INTERNAL] 

She isn't even trans you dumb fuck.

>> No.10582984,7 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10582984,8 [INTERNAL] 

What am I listening to? This is some conspiracy level shit.

>> No.10582984,9 [INTERNAL] 

I want to listen to the rest of this
Sup, rabbi

>> No.10582984,10 [INTERNAL] 

where are the loli streams?

>> No.10582984,11 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10582984,12 [INTERNAL] 

And your source...?

>> No.10582984,13 [INTERNAL] 

malaysian teenloli?

>> No.10582984,14 [INTERNAL] 

Your source that she's a tranny?


Fucking retard. Kill yourself.
