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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.47 MB, 1920x2560, PICT0083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11277976 No.11277976 [Reply] [Original]

so /jp/, going to Otakon this weekend?


>> No.11277988
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>> No.11277990

Normals and other equally subhuman faggots.

>> No.11277993

Otacon, from Metal Gear Solid. Why would he be in real life, OP?

>> No.11278007

I'll be sure to steal your Youmu.

>> No.11278013

No, going to C84 this weekend.

>> No.11278017


Get a load of this faggot

>> No.11278016 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, normalfag.

>> No.11278024

What do they just go and piss on each other?

>> No.11278045
File: 199 KB, 508x590, 1339651708014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's extremely mean.

Don't do that, anon.

>> No.11278055

This sounds relevant to my interests.

>> No.11278050

I'm sure you'll have a great time at that convention with all your friends, normal.

>> No.11278056

>going anywhere this weekend when comiket

>> No.11278059

you can stay home locked up in your room all day fapping when ever you feel like it.

otakon is only once a year

>> No.11278065

>implying whiteman convention is better than comiket
keep those keks coming

>> No.11278072

A year ago I told you I was going, so I hope to see you there anon!

>> No.11278080

It's like a thousand dollars more to attend Comiket than Otakon.

Sitting in front of your computer during Comiket just means you get the releases a few days faster but honestly that shit doesn't really matter.

>> No.11278096
File: 732 KB, 1787x2173, suika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have this on me. You should stop and say hello if you see me.

>> No.11278107

will do

>> No.11278108

>I don't care about otaku shit, I just wanna socialize with my bros

>> No.11278127

I genuinely don't give a shit whether or not I get an album now or two days later. The album's not going anywhere, and I'm not done going through all the shit from Comikets 60 through 83 anyway.

>> No.11278168

dont argue with them, tis pointless, they are too jelly

>> No.11278175

That /jp/ feel when normals have taken over completely.

>> No.11278180

All the truNEETs ran out of money and died.

>> No.11278181
File: 66 KB, 500x282, Lets go to Otakon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I assume /jp/ is sufficiently otakky to know that Otacon was actually named after the convention?

>> No.11278186

it would probably be cheaper to go to japan. also paying to go to a convention would irk me more than the 800 squid cost of getting there

>> No.11278195
File: 1.12 MB, 343x892, konko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have always wanted to go, but no friends, etc. etc.

plenty of money though

>> No.11278199

I used to think if I was ever going to go to a con, it would be Otakon, since it's sort of "the big one". I've since gone to a smaller one and if it's just like that on a large scale, then fuck it.

>> No.11278201

Anime Expo is the largest one, although if you're on the east coast it's obviously harder to go to.

>> No.11278211

ther eis nothing in teh relm or normalfaggotry in going to anime cons

>> No.11278210

I could feasibly go to either, but I really have no desire to leave the state. Going to the one an hour away was bad enough.

>> No.11278215

Yeah just like 6 months ago

>> No.11278220

Why isn't this deleted?

>> No.11278226

Cons are /jp/ related d00d lol

>> No.11278232

Because cons are otaku culture, take your "board culture" to /a/ you filthy 4chan secondary.

>> No.11278236
File: 187 KB, 544x720, 4987661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm... So are we going to schedule a... meetup?

Is anyone else crossplaying? I would like to meet another /jp/ crossplayer if I can...

>> No.11278239

While this convention was typically the only one accepted on 4chan, that was for a completely different reason and definitely not because the site was overrun with scum like the queers posting here.

>> No.11278240


>> No.11278241

Fuck off, faggot

>> No.11278242

/jp/ isn't for planning your homosexual hook ups, faggot.

>> No.11278250

No, but homesexual hookups are pretty much what American conventions are all about.

>> No.11278247
File: 291 KB, 500x500, 6538195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-why are you being so mean!

>> No.11278254

I guess if you're gay (no offense, I'm cool with that). I usually pull a girl or two per con if it's a whole weekend thing.

>> No.11278258
File: 99 KB, 291x396, 1326623152669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not crossplaying this year, but if it makes you feel better I'd totally meet up with you if I could go!

>> No.11278270

There's a slight chance I'll be doing a mokou crossplay, assuming I can still fit in those pants

>> No.11278279

To be precise, the proper boards for such activity are >>>/lgbt/ and >>>/soc/. The boards are slower, and better moderated, so as long as you keep it queer and/or social, it is ideal.

>> No.11278285

You going to let anyone get in on that big ol' booty?

>> No.11278289

No normal would ever set foot in there.

>> No.11278294

Would anyone be willing to try losing their virginity together? I'm dead serious, my birthday is soon and if I don't take care of this before then I think I might kill myself.

>> No.11278293

I'm not a fag

>> No.11278299

Woah, that's a harsh word. I was just trying to make you feel better about being fat, dude.

>> No.11278307

I made those pants 6 years ago, I can still fit in them, but they feel a little tight.

>> No.11278306

Filth like this is why 4chan is in the state it currently is; disgusting.

>> No.11278312
File: 137 KB, 180x135, gigantic-faggot.1190191366447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>harsh word

>> No.11278313

Did I ask? Unless you made the pants while you were 12 go be fat somewhere else.

>> No.11278321

Telling faggots to get out when they don't belong is a tradition on both 2ch, and /jp/. You faggot.

>> No.11278322

ahahah its funny because he is gigantic (literally)

>> No.11278335
File: 195 KB, 483x495, prepare-for-fisting.1371465868920.toph-avatar-point-react.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for ruining this awful thread with me. I appreciate your participation.

>> No.11278338

This is important.

>> No.11278341

sure i'll fuck you

>> No.11278353 [DELETED] 

I meant the faggots on /lgbt/.

>> No.11278359

/jp/ - normalfag meet ups

>> No.11278373

/cgl/ wannabes up to no good again.

>> No.11278374


>> No.11278383

/cgl/ does nothing but bitch about other cosplayers and their dresses, /jp/sies only care about fucking each other in the ass

>> No.11278385

So, you're saying it's a better board?

>> No.11278389

I'm not advocating the supremacy of either board over the other.
Just stating facts, you're free to make up your own conclusions based on them.

Also, niggers are more violents than whites.

>> No.11278395

How would I know? Last time I took a gander at it, they were having constant meetups/prostitution threads, might be different now, but I'd sooner castrate myself.

>> No.11278403 [DELETED] 

I'm not advocating the supremacy of either board over the other.
Just stating facts, you're free to make up your own conclusions based on them.

Also, niggers are more violents than whites.

>> No.11278415

You'd have to be willing to let me fuck you as well, otherwise I'd still be a virgin.

>> No.11278436

There's a shitty con in town that me and a friend go to for about an hour once every year. It's just awful but we go on the off chance there is something neat to buy, or do.

I'd only be serious about going to Comiket, Reitaisai, or M3 really. Not just because I'd be spending a grand to get there, another grand to stay there, and another grand on things to purchase, but because there would actually be original and interesting things to buy instead of figures marked up 40% that I could buy on Mandarake and video games that I could buy literally anywhere else for pennies on the dollar.

There's nothing worthwhile or notable about any western convention. No doujin works, no exclusive merchandise, and no interesting guests. They're more or less a place for pseudo-normies to go and call themselves otaku and talk about the latest flavors of the month or whatever.

>> No.11278469 [DELETED] 

Only subhuman faggots forcing your crossboard queer agendas care about that shit, get the fuck out of here normie.

>> No.11278474 [DELETED] 

Don't forget to tell the dykes to leave too. Fucking subhuman dyke normals always posting gross dyke pictures.

>> No.11278503

Dykes who draw porn may stay.

>> No.11278505

No, when people post yuri, it's obviously to push a dyke agenda. They need to fuck off to /lgbt/.

>> No.11279113


>> No.11279114

see you all at Otakon!

>> No.11279139

/jp/ meetup where?

>> No.11279163

touhou photoshoot(s)

>> No.11279287

do they sell fumos there?

>> No.11279337

they sell nendos anyhow, and people bring fumos there

>> No.11279359

lol are you nerds seriously going to this? I might go just to rip on your fat asses.

>> No.11279365

I don't want a nendo.

>> No.11279368

well maybe you will luck out and they will sell fumos

>> No.11280712

/jp / meetup on Friday night

>> No.11280802

Anyone wanna meet up and try some lewd things?

>> No.11280837


>> No.11280846

What is the /jp/ codeword?

>> No.11280851

Kill yourself.

>> No.11280896


"witch two who?"

>> No.11280955

look for a bunch of faggots

>> No.11281005

I am. Look for a shitty "No-face" cosplay. See you there guys!

>> No.11281048

this is not a gay meet up thread.

>> No.11281079

it is now that your here lmao

>> No.11281081


I fucking lol'd

>> No.11281114

i just arrived today and not liking it. This room is too fucking crowded 10 people in a single bedroom.. wtf

>> No.11281131

You fucking slut. I bet you're full with all the nine cocks you filthy bitch.

>> No.11281144

I'm going to Animethon! Are any of you going too?

>> No.11281190

Psst.../jp/ meetup is at Friday - 10PM Indoor Fountains.

I hope everyone shows up.

>> No.11281278

I'll be there

>> No.11281285

Have fun, y'all. I really enjoyed the last /jp/ meetup I went to.

>> No.11281309

The dyke agenda is also mine. Girls should fuck girls or at least want to, and make porn about it.

>> No.11281354

There are no true /jp/ers on America so there won't be /jp/ meet up.

>> No.11281358

NEETs don't go to meetups. They hang out in IRC and masturbate.

>> No.11281378


Just show up alone like me, anon!
Money -> booze + japanese treats -> friends

>> No.11281382
File: 222 KB, 2116x932, otakon fri sat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Otakon otaku checking in!

Matsuri oshimashta ka?

>> No.11281429
File: 2.63 MB, 4128x2322, 2013-08-09 00.40.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to regret making this decision

>> No.11281441

This is the type of piece of shit that has taken over /jp/, truly a sad day for all true users.

>> No.11281448

Don't do it, you'll get your cock sucked and have that Suika stolen.

>> No.11281450
File: 158 KB, 454x404, 1373584349267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem upset

>> No.11281635

I'm sure you'll fit right in over there.

>> No.11281753


>> No.11283074
File: 977 KB, 3264x1952, IMAG021589273273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some one stop me

>> No.11283084

they sold flan before I got there, but there's some nendos left

>> No.11283420

I wanted to go, then the last 3 weeks happened
3 weeks ago: Get Jury Duty for the Monday after the con
2 weeks ago: PS3 Broke itself
Last week: Water pump on my car blew
This week: Sprain my ankle

I'm just stuck at home watching Fantastic Four, all I really wanted was to pick up They Are My Noble Masters for ps2 and .hack//Versus.

Only good thing I have is that I managed to sell my hotel room this morning for almost twice it's worth.

I mean what's the point of working a job if I can't spend a lot of money at a convention?

Is it fun this year? Good guests and way too much crap in the Dealer's Room? Any interesting games showcased in the Video games area? And did video games really swallow up a whole level like I thought it would?
I really wanted to go.

>> No.11283444

much touhou stuff

>> No.11283462

Hey reminder, meetup tonight at 10pm by the indoor fountains.

>> No.11283505

9 pm

>> No.11283655
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>> No.11283658

I'm gonna buy the Jiraiya one and the Suwako one ^__^ (frogs for life)

>> No.11283663

Speaking Wapanese is cool

So many loli

So little time

Why isn't every neet week like this?

>> No.11283676

$20 for a little keychain thing? Holy fuck.

>> No.11283700

Fucking retarded dealer room prices.
This is why I buy my shit online instead of giving those scum money.

>> No.11283741
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>> No.11283749
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>> No.11283773
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>> No.11284370
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jp meet now. live

>> No.11284373

I didn't know /jp/ was the board for cosplay, maybe I'll take some photos of myself and post them here :3

>> No.11284380
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>> No.11284384

Do it.

>> No.11284395
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x1952, 2013-08-09 20.46.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11284400

There's a C84 and an Otakon thread, which ones does have over 100 replies? Dohohoho, kill yourselves out of /jp/! Kill yourselves easy.

>> No.11284401

Are those the only circles there? Why are they all time slotted? This doesn't make any senses how do you buy doujinshi if everyone has to go to the same circle at the same time?

>> No.11284403
File: 1.30 MB, 1952x3264, 2013-08-09 20.49.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11284415

Why is there so much 2hu? I remember when even a character as normal as Marisa was a rarity.

>> No.11284416
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>> No.11284427
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>> No.11284426

The C84 thread has been up for a half hour, this one has been up for 2 days.

>> No.11284438
File: 1002 KB, 1952x3264, 2013-08-09 20.56.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11284442

I was thinking of taking the train down tommorow but decided because it's going to be a madhouse with TM Revolution performing.

Sunday might be better though Yoko Kanno and Chiaki Ishikawa would be nice.
I went last year and saw Aya Hirano and that was awesome.

>> No.11284443

>There's a C84 and an Otakon thread
No there isn't.

>> No.11284449
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>> No.11284456
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>> No.11284473
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>> No.11284480

Touhou is popular this year? last year it was madoka and bleach.

>> No.11284479

Yay sooooo /jp/ hahah wow this is otaku culture!!!!

>> No.11284485
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>> No.11284496
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>> No.11284503

dat Yoshika

>> No.11284507
File: 1.28 MB, 3264x1952, 2013-08-09 21.20.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11284508

me on the right being a total otaku weeb with my /jp/ /b/ros

don't forget there's a warosubros meet up tonight at the same fountain!!! no foolzfags allowed xD

>> No.11284511

It feels like these things are daily.
Or the time goes by really fast.

>> No.11284513


WHY? NO. Delete this shit thread.

>> No.11284514
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>> No.11284522
File: 1.25 MB, 3264x1952, 2013-08-09 21.25.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11284530

Holy shit, a KD Youmu that actually gives full fucks about his costume? I am very surprised. Happen to have any better pictures of the sword?

Also, I know that Suika, he's a cool dude.

>> No.11284653

Someone sold fumos?
Only thing I saw left was Touhou were some dakis and the 2 music booths.

>> No.11284709

This kills the Byakuren

>> No.11284754

yes they sold fumos

>> No.11284792

Con thread with no camwhores?


>> No.11284813


Most of these people are not /jp/ at all. Last time I went to a /jp/ meetup, there were only 3 other people.

As for overcoming anxiety, you just ignore everyone else. It isn't that hard.

>> No.11284811

Is this really a /jp/ meetup? How can you overcome your social anxiety and stand being in a place with a lot of other people?

>> No.11284823


The only tru/jp/ meetup is the Comiket one by the big saw

>> No.11284833

Except most of those people don't really post in /jp/ either. They just use /jp/ to facilitate a meeting with like minded people so that they wont feel lonely in a foreign country.

>> No.11284891
File: 2.11 MB, 640x1080, konko2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too embarassing for me. i'll just stay in my room this weekend as usual.

>> No.11284899

How the fuck do you "really" post in /jp/ as opposed to "fakely" post in /jp/? Do you have to meet a certain post quota?

>> No.11284900

Why is this /cgl/ shit still up?

>> No.11284915

Hello normal. When you post here I feel uncomfortable. Have you considered trying /a/ instead?

>> No.11284918

I've been making oversensitive little shits like you feel uncomfortable for years and I don't aim to stop now.

>> No.11284922

No bullying allowed on /jp/!

>> No.11284925


The difference between crossies and tru/jp/sies

>> No.11284928

Your "no bullying" shit is one of the things primarily responsible for reducing /jp/ to a complete shithole. Please fuck off.

>> No.11284937

How vulgar.

>> No.11284938


Neither are normals and crossboarders. /jp/ should be a den of degenerates that nobody else should enjoy but /jp/

>> No.11285112

I would be pleased if you could add the pros and cons of being an oversensitive person for me, to explain how that's an act of being a little shit. Reducing the quality of a board just because some people has personality trait of being oversensitive is utter bull-.

>> No.11285159

Did anyone else get a free abortion while they were in Japan?

>> No.11286500

I always thought I was an autistic fuck until I found out how autistic the average /jp/er is.

>> No.11286627

Hey, I'm the guy who started the big saw meetups and have gone to most of them, and I can guarantee you that I browse and post here pretty much daily the whole year round, and have been doing so since the split. In my experience the Comike meetup does draw a number of people who, like you said, aren't really /jp/ers but are just coming to the meetup to meet other English speaking Comike goers. I don't have a problem with that. On the other hand, there's usually at least a few people who know /jp/ in and out as well.

If I was to go to an overseas (i.e. non-Japanese) convention for some reason, and there was a /jp/ meetup, I'd probably be inclined to go just because I love this place to death, and when you don't live in the West, Western weeaboo culture kind of stops being as irritating as I guess it would be to someone living in the thick of it every day.

>> No.11286630

I'd be up for a /jp/ meetup at AWA.

>> No.11286632

next meet up at 5pm same place

>> No.11286665

I got a double bed room but im the only one in here. Any of you weeaboos need a place to stay?

>> No.11286686

Are you a grl?

>> No.11286695

Not even close

>> No.11287295
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x1952, 2013-08-10 14.06.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still fumos left. just got flan

>> No.11287320

I would like to fuck your butt.

>> No.11287350

>I also browse /a/, /cgl/, /vg/, /k/ and /q/ on a daily basis!


>> No.11287368


Why /k/?

>> No.11287392

there's touhou threads on k

>> No.11287415
File: 1.27 MB, 3264x1952, IMAG02361319287035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at the con enjoying it with mai waifus

>> No.11287421
File: 1.17 MB, 1952x3264, 2013-08-10 14.54.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone donated to reimu

>> No.11287434
File: 1.72 MB, 3264x1952, 2013-08-10 14.59.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marisa stole it

>> No.11287454

Cute pic dude

>> No.11287468

How much did they sell them there?

>> No.11287532

I haggled them down from 80 to 55 each.

>> No.11287599
File: 1.25 MB, 1952x3264, 2013-08-10 15.57.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11287667

Oh wow that's cheap.

>> No.11287690

photo shoot at 5 pm indoor fountains

>> No.11287748
File: 1.26 MB, 1952x3264, 2013-08-10 16.49.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11287759
File: 1.25 MB, 1952x3264, 2013-08-10 16.52.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11287768

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony danmaku victory. But because, I am enlightened by my powerlevel.

-Fran with a fedora

>> No.11287783


Are you kidding? Fumos are like 30 dollars, new. That's an awful price.

>> No.11287788
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x1952, 2013-08-10 16.59.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11287816

by the time your done shipping them from amiami its 50 to 55

>> No.11287825

What do you even do with Fumos? They're just lumps of dyed fabric.

>> No.11287828


No, it's not.

>> No.11287842
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x1952, 2013-08-10 17.13.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11287890
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>> No.11287920
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x1952, 2013-08-10 17.32.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11287929

Where are you shipping to? ISS?

By the time you ship it's about $35 and if it's in the sale then maybe about $20 total. Congratulations if you haggled down a 500% markup to only 200%.

>> No.11287975

This is so fucking gay, holy shit hahaha.

>> No.11288054
File: 1.59 MB, 1952x3264, 2013-08-10 18.13.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11288099

youmu cost me 52 by the time I payer for shipping. could go less if I use shitty shipping and risk it getting lost

>> No.11288165

Those stockings, what a daring outfit for a man to wear.

>> No.11288463
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>> No.11288472
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>> No.11288478
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>> No.11288598

Then order in bulk. I don't think I was ever retarded enough to order 1 fuma or nendo or other cheap thing with EMS by itself.

I've also had $400 worth of kits ship with SAL and they got in just fine.

>> No.11289361
File: 2.60 MB, 4128x2322, 20130810_230309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11289366

The face of /jp/

>> No.11289368

Tokiko cosplay? For real? Whyyyyyyy

>> No.11289375

Why is /cgl/ shit allowed

>> No.11289377

Because manly touhou.

>> No.11289379


>> No.11289382

Not otaku culture

>> No.11289380

This is just so ridiculous its cringe inducing

>> No.11289421

You guys look like you're having fun. I didn't care much for the smaller cons I've been to but maybe I'll try to make it out for this next year.

>> No.11289417

I drove 5.5 hours to get to Otakon.

I don't want to elaborate but it was my first con and it was a nightmare.

Dealer's room was the only good part. I bought some touhou fan art books, key chains, and Grimoire of Iosys vol 1 and 2.

I actually bailed Friday night and drove all the way home in the middle of the night to get back. I missed the Oreimo premier because they are too retarded to put up signs or barriers and there were two lines. Then I missed two panels I wanted to go to that night because they didn't accept my id as valid proof of my age; no, I needed a paper wristband that I would have to wait in another giant fucking line just to get because they were too fucking stupid to hand them out at registration.

Fuck Otakon and the rude staff members.

>> No.11289420
File: 813 KB, 1920x2560, 2013-08-11 01.09.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back from Otakon. Thankfully I live in baltimore so it's an easy drive. I saw the backpack in the OP yesterday and kept looking for touhou stuff in the dealers room to spend the last of my money on, but couldn't find anything other than the stand with the doujinshi, artbooks, and CDs. I kind of wanted to get a CD, but I don't know enough to pick one out that would be worth the ridiculous price, so I picked up two books that as far as I could tell were about Patchouli. Turns out one is an artbook, which makes me happy, and the other is a non-h doujin story, which also makes me happy. If anyone saw me around, I was the guy wearing the last-minute Old Joseph Joestar cosplay (yellow polo, dark red pants, and a big brown hat)! Saw a lot of good touhou crossplayers, too. I may work on a Patchouli outfit for next year.

On a related note, I have a few bucks left, so if anyone knows of a place selling touhou figures, fumos, or related for tomorrow, I'd be grateful. I wanted to pick one up but had to settle for the awesome books I got!

>> No.11289451

Nice blog.

>> No.11289447

Sounds like what happened to me the first time I went to a con. At least my drive was only 2 hours.

>> No.11289448

So many fucking normalfags

>> No.11289452 [DELETED] 

Any of you go to the TM Revolution concert? How was it? Did he only do anime themes?

>> No.11289457

Did any of you go to the TM Revolution concert? How was it? Did he only do anime themes?

>> No.11289467

not op. went to the concert. was very cool he did all the top songs. At the encore hand made kazoku came back on and sang together with TM and were just pure buds evn going into the audience.

greatest part was at end TM pulls up his shirt and the fangirls go insane. one girl at the front pulls her tits out and promptly gets yanked out.

>> No.11289470


Baltimore area native that was unaware of otacon until I stumbled on a light rail full of cosplayers.
Saw a pretty good heather and max Payne.
Anyone who attended know if there is any Umineko stuff?

>> No.11289474

dealer room sucked like it always does at every con.
>bootlegged everything
>slimpickings in selection

some guys had their touhou booth. tons of doujins

>> No.11289476

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11289481


Micro from HMK and him are best friends, so I figured they would do something together. Their performances in Japan were pretty good from the few I've seen.

Not surprised on the fucking fangirls, though. His Japanese concerts don't have shit like that despite the audience being loaded with generations of pussy.

Leave it to the Murrican congoers to pull that shit.

>> No.11289480

Are we being raided?

>> No.11289491
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>> No.11289665

did you go to the touhou dinner and get free sushi?

>> No.11289669

I took a video at the touhou dinner
thank you to the people I met today, see you tomorrow!

>> No.11289673

This makes me feel really awkward.

>> No.11289675

I know that feeling breh

>> No.11289759 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 720x540, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I found milk guys!

>> No.11289778

Hats are cool and touhou. Fedora are hats. Thenceforward, fedora are cool and touhou.

>> No.11289815
File: 55 KB, 768x1024, BRXTyvfCAAIamNg.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11289824

Normals are scary. Why do they browse /jp/?

>> No.11289846

The same reason NEETs browse /jp/ minus the homosexual meetups and blogging.

>> No.11289996
File: 40 KB, 720x540, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11290021

that's not milg

>> No.11290030

but janitor thinks it is he already deleted this picture twice lol

>> No.11290163

Dude in the foreground has the most hardcore look on his face, I'd be scared if he pointed a pistol at me.

>> No.11290616

saw some fumos in the dealers room just now.

>> No.11290673

Can someone explain to me what was the "Otakon 2013 pool incident" everyone is talking about?

>> No.11290678

*fountain incident

>> No.11290727

Lifetime ban!

I'm a winrar

Ota for life

>> No.11290765

Someone put soap in the fountain, suds everywhere.

>> No.11291125

Wat u do to get banned from Ota ??

>> No.11291635

I wanted to fuck that guy in the aya coaplay

>> No.11292350

Does anyone have the group Friday night group shot with me and my hideous mask in it? I wanted to see if I could make it into a funny banner.

>> No.11292566 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 200x215, Tezuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dealer room sucked like it always does at every con.

Got a Osamu Tezuka Artbook from a dealer I say Hi to every year. Very reasonable price -- even cheaper than online when you factor in shipping.

>> No.11292593

>Then I missed two panels I wanted to go to that night because they didn't accept my id as valid proof of my age; no, I needed a paper wristband that I would have to wait in another giant fucking line just to get because they were too fucking stupid to hand them out at registration.

Otakon Staffer here. Actually, Maryland law states ID age checks may only be performed by someone certified by the state. That's why we have professional security from outside check the IDs -- the wristbands are a work-around so we don't need rent-a-cops in front of each theater.

Some of our staffers actually have the certification that Maryland requires. However, they do not have the insurance coverage that would need to go with it to cover legal liability.

>> No.11292649

Jesus there was moe as fuck tiny Marisa and murasa. Too bad they probably weren't /jp/. Why can't you guys be that cute.

>> No.11292728
File: 2.76 MB, 4000x3000, otakon-loot-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks to the random rich /jp/er we met, who bought us all each a Reimu poster

>> No.11292739

I see some girls in those pictures. Why are there girls at this supposed "/jp/" meetup?

>> No.11292749

>I see some girls in those pictures. Why are there girls at this supposed "/jp/" meetup?

Because we are teh little girls, silly! oh my god it's true

>> No.11292752
File: 981 KB, 1161x2064, small thieving witch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?

>> No.11292756

she was very nice

>> No.11292769

I have that same Nano fig.

>> No.11292814 [DELETED] 


>> No.11292825
File: 1.32 MB, 2313x2858, ayayayaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can fap to this.

>> No.11292833

Holy shit that has to be hard.

>> No.11292845

is this the normalfag general

what afterparties do you bros attend when con-hopping?

>> No.11292852

Cons are filled with normies I learned this very fast.

Never again.

>> No.11292863

Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be autists will eventually be flooded by actual autists who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.

>> No.11292869

Then lets try to avoid becoming that community. Shall we?

I love /jp/, I just don't like crossies.

>> No.11292874

the fuck about an anime con is normal

>> No.11292878

Stay in your room. Don't ever leave. Ever

>> No.11292893

Can someone explain to me the point of going to cons? Without any friends, literally the only reason you would go is to buy merch and those you can just order online

>> No.11292923
File: 707 KB, 2064x1161, drunken oni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was fun. Hope to see you again!

>> No.11292925

You actually had panels for which there would be legal liability if underage people showed up? Were you serving alchohol? Showing hardcore pornography? (Movie theaters don't check ID for R-rated movies, do they?)

>> No.11292930

They're populated by people that have a passing interest in weeb culture but really just want to bang sluts and act like retards

>> No.11292939

...that is not exactly true. keep thinking that if it makes you feel better.

>> No.11292941

It's true
I've seen many a people go to cons just because. They barely watch anime, don't know about VNs, etc...

>> No.11292948

>You actually had panels for which there would be legal liability if underage people showed up?

Let's see... we could start with the "Bondage Anime" panel in room Panel 6 Friday night...

>> No.11292960

Hey "He didn't win anything" guy :3

>> No.11292957

I've also seen the opposite.

You're not a special little snowflake because
of your deep weeaboo knowledge

>> No.11292966

I wasn't trying to imply that I was. Point is, personally, I've seen more people going to cons who don't know anything about nip culture, than people who do. I don't see the point of trying to talk to them at cons

>> No.11292971

its easy to spot those kinds of people, and all
you do is not interact with them.

>> No.11292972

>Without any friends, literally the only reason you would go is to buy merch and those you can just order online

Some people want to see the guests. For example, Yoko Kanno at Otakon this year. The last anime con I went was some years back, when I saw Yui Makino, and a subgroup of AKB48.

More gregarious people could imagine that they could make new friends.

>> No.11293038

I have a question about cosplaying!
What's the point of it? You're never going to look as good as the real thing, and any attempt you make would be an insult to the original character unless you look exceptionally like it

>> No.11293039
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>> No.11293051

Average con goers. Skip to 5:40~ for the best part


>> No.11293057

People sometimes enjoy playing pretend.

Also most artists started off as shitty artists who insulted the characters they drew with their embarrassingly shitty drawings, but that didn't stop them.

>> No.11293074

it's fun to have fun, it's fun to see people have fun from you having fun

>> No.11293124

I think it's more about the actual costume than trying to look exactly like the character. I think if you put a lot of effort into the costume and know what you're doing, it can look pretty nice. You can usually tell who put a ton of effort into it, and who just bought some Chinese sweatshop shit off eBay.

I hate people who put absolutely no effort into their cosplay and then act like they should be taken as seriously as someone who spent months laboring over theirs.

>> No.11293132

I hate people that cosplay.

>> No.11293127

Dress up to get fucked.

>> No.11293137

That's nice, dear.

>> No.11293139

You seem to have lost your way.

>> No.11293144

Why are there so many normalfags here?
Are we being raided?

>> No.11293165

I've never been to /cgl/ in my life. I'm just saying if you're going to bother cosplaying, do it right or don't do it at all.

>> No.11293156

/jp/ stopped pretending to be made of truNEETs months ago. Get with the times.

>> No.11293161

Omg they hang out with niggys. Its worse than I thought.

>> No.11293167
File: 2.80 MB, 4128x2322, 20130810_230327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you e-mail me a link to the pictures you took?

>> No.11293175

You're dressing up like a cartoon character. What kind of loser would take that serious?

>> No.11293185

Shut up normie.

>> No.11293187

>Get with the times
That sounds like a neo-crossie.

>> No.11293208

>did I fb you?
I sure hope this is ironic.

>> No.11293193

did I fb you? I don't remember. anyhow, they are on there. point out which ones you want copies of, as i can not upload them all, they are huge and my internet is shit

>> No.11293197

Your home is calling you, dear.

>> No.11293213

bump to prune

>> No.11293214

Literally nobody cares what you think.

/jp/ is all about taking your hobbies seriously, even if everybody thinks they are stupid.

>> No.11293230

Nice literally meme.
Your crossboard nature didn't show enough as it is.

>> No.11293231
File: 2.95 MB, 4128x2322, 20130809_014545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a facebook

>> No.11293222

Take your hobby to it's board then

>> No.11293239

What a normalfag

>> No.11293245

It's true. The total number of people who give a shit what he said is zero. Go hate on common English terms somewhere else.

>> No.11293251

Go back to your board

>> No.11293254
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>> No.11293265
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>> No.11293257

Prove it

>> No.11293258

I'm already here. You can fuck right off, though, seeing as how you probably got here last year.

>> No.11293282

Keep dropping those memes, crossboarder.

>> No.11293274

Go back to your board.

>> No.11293287

Stop projecting.

>> No.11293304

Jesus, what has this place become ?

>> No.11293296

I've been here longer than you and I'm not going anywhere. Cry some more.

>> No.11293300

>seeing as how you probably got here last year
What in those posts showed that?

>> No.11293311

Go back to your board.

>> No.11293315

Spamming redirects everywhere is the mark of someone fresh from /a/.

>> No.11293317


>> No.11293326
File: 26 KB, 370x658, 1205898448734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facebook, cons, real life, normies, /a/, /cgl/, milk, brown people, niggys.

This isn't /jp/.

Meido please hear my prayers!

>> No.11293318

well in 500 years when my dialup speeds are finished uplaoding my photos to fb i will email you links to the fb albums.

look through them and any images you want just link back to me and i will send you the full res source images.

keep in mind that these are 5 megs each and my internet speed is pure shit, so for the love of god dont ask for everything

>> No.11293319

>did I fb you?
I actually laughed a little

>> No.11293323

Get out normalfag

>> No.11293325

Why the fuck can't you type properly

>> No.11293329

Is that where you came from?

>> No.11293337

Because its a facebook kid

>> No.11293349

Fuck off.

>> No.11293357

What's a Facebook kid doing on /jp/? It's one of the lesser-known boards, right? Someone like that should be on /b/ or /v/

>> No.11293358

Sure is normalfag here, and not just the epic /jp/ normie meme, but real normalfags.

>> No.11293362

Years ago, same as the rest of /jp/.

>> No.11293364

Probably came over from /a/ or /cgl/ given this is some con thread.

>> No.11293378

I'm going to go to another thread and pretend crossies aren't consuming /jp/.

Maybe I can be happy if I ignore reality...

>> No.11293372

You're kidding right
Janny 2.0 babies fucking iphone threads to 200+ posts but deletes anything remotely pertaining to NEET stuff within 120 seconds.

>> No.11293390

We used to have NEET threads just fine until a gigantic new wave of blogging faggots ruined it for everyone. Suck it up.

You are why /jp/ is shit.

>> No.11293384

My God, the /cgl/ Otakon thread is actually better than the one in /jp/. What is the world coming to?


>> No.11293385

Don't worry, I'll have it out of here soon.

>> No.11293395

If you're faithful she will answer your prayers anon-kun trust me.

She sides with the righteous sometimes.

>> No.11293392

Cons don't belong here, normalfag.

>> No.11293393
File: 1 KB, 257x22, a814ef4fcff321aeaf1410e36f5bc364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're still here add me
I was the guy with all the fumos

>> No.11293397

seagull here

i had sex with some random guy who goes on jaypee at otakon. he didn't have any condoms with him so i gave him a rilakkumma condom that was in my purse. :x

stop being so neety and hating on normies. i'm going to see him at AWA and i'm going to cosplay as marisa for him. <3

>> No.11293399

Wow, a thread in /jp/ was shitty! Stop the presses!

>> No.11293409

Hehe, I was just about to post that.
Does anybody have a fake facebook account?

>> No.11293403

You're a seagull? What the hell does that mean?

>> No.11293405 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 166x172, Picture 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11293408

You know, like furries.

>> No.11293418

/cgl/ users refer to users of their board as "seagulls" because it's loosely how you pronounce cgl.

Needless to say, that's of course a vintage /jp/ shitposter who has probably never visited /cgl/ in his life.

>> No.11293425

Is this a real post or just a joke?
I can't tell, please help

>> No.11293427

We are vulnerable. Leave us alone please...

>> No.11293429

If you visit /cgl/1, you shouldn't come to /jp/

>> No.11293430

Why the fuck would anybody even have a fake Facebook account? For signing up for shady online things?

>> No.11293435

>I can't tell, please help
If you really can't tell, you are a complete retard.

>> No.11293433

to creep on people

>> No.11293436 [DELETED] 

This guy has like no info.
Conrad Brooks
Class of 2001 at UNC - Greensboro
From Greensboro, North Carolina

>> No.11293442

Its not like I put my life's story up for whoever wants to see

>> No.11293444

Let's shit on him for being above the age of thirty and still unironically browsing /jp/ or liking Touhou.

>> No.11293451

He also only has like 20 friends.

>> No.11293460

lmao how much of a loser do you even have to be

>> No.11293469

Class of 2011

>> No.11293470

Are you talking me or him?

>> No.11293478

does anyone have a Reimu daki?

>> No.11293479

i was thinking about him but come to think of it you're probably an astounding fucking loser yourself


>> No.11293487

I don't have a ponytail and goatee.

>> No.11293499 [DELETED] 
File: 531 KB, 719x481, Picture 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's got sick Mario Kart skills.

>> No.11293507

what kind of loser seriously takes "clean-shaven" as a point of pride

it's like seriously being proud of the fact that you don't own a fedora if that's actually one of your strong points it means you probably have no other redeeming features

>> No.11293511

Please stop projecting.

>> No.11293514

he's in the fucking ZONE

>> No.11293522
File: 292 KB, 900x1425, 1375045787684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all depends on how you view yourself!

>> No.11293528

you literally just proclaimed it as evidence of your own superiority don't be mad that i nailed you spot-on

>> No.11293534

Epic literally meme

>> No.11293541

it's almost like it's a correctly used english word

i'm sorry your education was so deficient that you never encountered it before you found 4chan though

>> No.11293538

Sup crossie, what board are you from?

>> No.11293545

Since when was "literally" a meme?

>> No.11293547


>> No.11293548

*tips fedora*

>> No.11293550 [DELETED] 
File: 518 KB, 729x479, Picture 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am euphoric.

>> No.11293551

This thread sure took a turn for the completely retarded.

>> No.11293554

Jesus, stop arguing about dumb shit.

>> No.11293557

oh so you DO own a fedora after all i was wondering what part of my post was inaccurate after all

>> No.11293559

Go back to your board first.

>> No.11293561

mariokart makes me feel that way too

>> No.11293565

*tips fedora*

>> No.11293576

It didn't belong here in the first place.

>> No.11293569

For fucks sake, stop stressing about other people. Are you a teenager?

>> No.11293570

It's just newfags and shitposters arguing with each other about who's least fit to shit up /jp/.

>> No.11293586

Joke's on you, /jp/'s already shit!

>> No.11293584 [DELETED] 


>unironically browsing /jp/ past the age of twenty

>> No.11293592

There's "somewhat off-topic," and there's "completely retarded shitposting fest."

>> No.11293595

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11293599

This isn't on topic at all.

>> No.11293616

Look at this.
*whips out dick*

>> No.11293606

That proves it, you're a kid.
Please just be quiet and let the adults talk. There's no irony in me coming here. I'm just clicking shit and looking at pictures- easy as that.

>> No.11293618

It pretty much is on-topic. They've been getting shit off the board for years but they only get deleted when they're reduced to complete shitfests.

>> No.11293630
File: 70 KB, 720x676, 402267_2470606449926_1300431998_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11293639

Cons go on /cgl/.

>> No.11293641

If you're going to do the meme, do it right. It's *grabs dick*.

>> No.11293642

>Please just be quiet and let the adults talk.
m-muh secret club!!!

>There's no irony in me coming here.
which is what makes you such a loser

>> No.11293644

Is that a butler cafe?

>> No.11293645

There's no rule about that and never has been.

>> No.11293646

Cons are full of normalfags anyways, like you can see in this thread

>> No.11293647


Our friend Conrad seems to have a starring role in this picture

>> No.11293650

What's wrong with the "sekret club" mentality? I think it's a good thing. It wards off newcomers to a degree

>> No.11293651

In all fairness, this guy does look like he's a lolicon.

>> No.11293657

Comiket is full of normalfags, and so are figure and doll threads, but nobody tries to shit those off the board.

Although some people are trying really hard to do that.

>> No.11293664

Not even close.

>> No.11293666

the only mentality you really need is "don't be a fucking faggot" actually making a sekrit club just invites people who want to laugh at how retarded you are for thinking you can actually set one up

granted i'm being quite a faggot now but its okay since we're in the official shitposting thread

>> No.11293668

All those things are going to have some normies, but what matters is the proportions. Western cons have a much larger percentage of normies than those

>> No.11293675

Everything has normies in it, but none of those are at the same degree as a con. Cons are just social meet ups.

>> No.11293678

The vast majority of people going to Comiket have friends and either work or study.

>> No.11293685

That doesn't make them normalfags.

>> No.11293689

Again, not even close.

>> No.11293692

They enjoy the company of other people and talking about things with their friends. You lost me.

>> No.11293693

But just not mentioning /jp//4chan or whatever in conversation will make sure those people are few in numbers since they won't hear about this website much

>> No.11293697

Prove it.

>> No.11293703

You don't know what you're talking about, normalfag.

>> No.11293709

What's with the sage ?

>> No.11293711


>> No.11293718

Half their circle members even tweet random shit all day. Your bars for what constitutes "normalfag" must be weird as fuck, although I'm starting to assume "not Japanese" is in there somewhere.

>> No.11293719

Why would you post your facebook on the internet in the first place?

>> No.11293725

You still have no idea what you're taking about.

>> No.11293728

What's with the sage?
Trying to fit in crossie?

>> No.11293737

After they learned that nobody will actually track you down IRL and kill your dog they stopped caring.

You've been repeating yourself for the last half hour now and I'm going to ignore you until you say something new.

>> No.11293746

Well why are you saging anyways? The thread is on autosage...

>> No.11293751

I remove sage from the email field when I feel like bumping a thread.

>> No.11293747

What's with the sage?

>> No.11293750

Why do you have a facebook, normalfag?

>> No.11293760

But why are you saging?

>> No.11293753

This thread has been pruned for the past hour, newbie.

>> No.11293758

Because you're lonely like everyone else in the world? It's just completely stupid right down to the idea that personal information disseminated among a bunch of faggots is even dangerous. The only thing someone should be scared about is having to pay for the stomach pumping after giving you a nearly fatal case of cumgut, you living toilet.

>> No.11293759

It's on autosage... Even if you don't have sage, it won't do anything

>> No.11293763

Everybody I knew in high school had one so I made one too, but I haven't signed in more than a few times in the past four years.

I'm not the guy from North Carolina.

>> No.11293770

Go to bed kid.

>> No.11293783

But why are you saging?

>> No.11293773

I have it there by default. I go out of my way to remove it when I feel like bumping a thread. That would be pointless here.

>> No.11293776

What a normalfag. What are you doing here?

>> No.11293788

lol nice attempt to save face

>> No.11293789

You must be pretty young

>> No.11293790

Emptying my balls into your throat and smacking your pink lips with my dick. HONK HONK HONK

>> No.11293805

Epic your mom meme xD

>> No.11293796

You're not my mom. You can't tell me what to do.

Browsing random threads.

>> No.11293797

What are you like 18?

>> No.11293800

Not funny, you bully

>> No.11293809


>> No.11293819


>> No.11293816

Are you slow or something?

>> No.11293830

Then how did everyone in your high school have a facebook? Facebook wasn't big then. Myspace was still the thing.

>> No.11293831

It was less funny than the original post, but even old as dirt jerkcity regurgitations are funnier than these limp wristed attempts to dox and 'lorf a dorf what about that airplane facebook' shit.

>> No.11293837

this year i had a blast at otakon. did what i wanted to do, took pictures, talked about anime with friends. all and all a great time. meet op at the 2hu meet up. And on top of all of that i got to hang out with a yukkuri all weekend.

i cant wait for otakon to move to DC in 2017 tho. i fucking hate driving around Baltimore at night, and im from the city.

>> No.11293841

Why can't you type like an adult?

>> No.11293845

H-haha, you're so funny. Those dumb normies, right?

>> No.11293850

MySpace was never big at my school. Everybody had a Facebook a year after it became open to non-college students, though. It was how people talked to each other outside of school, replacing AIM.

>> No.11293856

Sure thing kid.

>> No.11293866

Must have been the only high school in America that didn't get into myspace.

>> No.11293878

Facebook has been open to high school students for eight years now.

>> No.11293880

Facebook was big when that guy was in highschool, are you really trying to say it got big in the last 3 or 4 years?

>> No.11293881

Yeah me too. I hate having to drive my girl friend and all her friends all the way from Virginia.

>> No.11293882

I bet this kid cosplayed Homestuck

>> No.11293884

Go to bed kids. Don't you have school in the morning?

>> No.11293889

Yeah, fucking losers on here don't even have SO
btw im a grill

>> No.11293894

Why is everyone using sage when the thread is 200 post over the limit?

>> No.11293898

But it's summer break!

>> No.11293899

MySpace was for "cool kids," and my high school didn't really have cool kids.

People did have Xangas left over from middle school, but everybody abandoned those within a few years. Otherwise they just used AIM to chat.

>> No.11293907
File: 8 KB, 152x152, 12937047240007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread wonderfully exemplifies the kinds of people that go to cons.

>> No.11293908

What a loser

>> No.11293916

Do you at least laugh at yourself around the 100th time you do this kind of rote shit?
I just leave it on auto-fill because who cares? Just you cum breath.
and /jp/

>> No.11293919

Some people sage all their off-topic posts even at five hundred replies, because their Japanese spirit compels them to. What a bunch of fucking weebs.

>> No.11293934

Do they all look like pedophiles like that facebook guy?

>> No.11293926

Pretty sure all the actual congoers have jumped ship by now.

>> No.11293939

I said bed now, mister.

>> No.11293958

I imagine that most /jp/sies look like pedophiles, since they are.

>> No.11293961

Has a bottom bitch like yourself ever commanded anything out of someone other than a faster pounding?

>> No.11293971

Go to bed.

>> No.11293982

Please stop projecting.

>> No.11293971,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11294001

What a weird way to type 'Yes, I am the faggest of all fags and with a random guess you've pegged me as the most submissive fagking who begs for permission to eat cum off the bathroom floor. I desperately post unfunny garbage on /jp/ to keep my overwhelming oral fixations from causing me to wrap my lips around a shotgun'

>> No.11294006

Where are the upskirt shots?

>> No.11294010

*tips fedora*

>> No.11294017

I said go to bed. This is an adult site.

>> No.11294013

Nice angry sage, crossie.

>> No.11294014

I can't imagine that kind of person who browses /jp/ and doesn't want to fuck children.

>> No.11294058

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>> No.11294116

yea man, if you get lost in Baltimore your are pretty much fucked. i don't care if i look like a pussy if i say this. I have stories about some of those stoplights in Baltimore man.

>> No.11294119

Stop hanging out in the hood.

>> No.11294139

most of baltimore is the hood friend.

>> No.11294149

Don't call me friend, faggot.

>> No.11294155

okay sorry.

>> No.11294388

None of the things you ever type are ever funny.

>> No.11294406

How did you know I'm all of those posters?

>> No.11294673
File: 24 KB, 396x360, 1368708007530[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11294679

But you'll die too anon!

>> No.11294683

Fine by me.

>> No.11294691

No! You have so much to live for! Your mother and I love you, and we just want the best for you!

>> No.11294705

Jokes on you, my parents are dead.

>> No.11295972
File: 1.99 MB, 1365x2048, IMG_5149-resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11296210
File: 37 KB, 320x310, my_parents_are_deeaaaaaad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jokes on you, my parents are dead.

Go back to your cave, Batman.

>> No.11296210,1 [INTERNAL] 

thread is EPIK

>> No.11297046

Batman invented being an orphan.

>> No.11297046,1 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't post in my proximity.
