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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12118528 No.12118528[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

that feel when you take melatonin at around 3PM so you can wake up when the janitor is asleep

>> No.12118559

What goes through your fucking mind when you post shit like this? How autistic does a nigga got to be? What goal are you trying to accomplish by posting a pic of a chinese cartoon girl and typing "Get in the blanket". Why would this thread get 120+ posts from this stupid fucking senseless thread? What the HELL is wrong with you people? Can't you step back and look at how pathetic you are? Do you not look in the mirror and see your worth? Ever? I guess you guys are so low in life that you can't bear to see what you've become and what you've done with your life. I imagine it drastically hurts when you have to think about it so you avoid it at all means possible. That can really fuck with you and force you to result to making shit threads like these. Sometime you guys remind me of a motivational picture I saved. It said something like "Hell is when you see the man you could have become'. Imagine dying and not going to your precious fantasy land Gensokyo, but instead to fucking HELL. Then seeing a smart successful Artist/Doctor/Engineer/Mechanic/Business Man/Race car Driver. How would you feel then? Would you have regretted your whole meaningless pathetic life? Would you feel great shame when you remember the times when you thought HURR DURR NEET AM 2 LAZZY SORRY GUIS XDDDD. Remember that you're simply the equivalent of homeless people, just a bit smarter. Fucking worthless lazy peasants.

>> No.12118559,1 [INTERNAL] 

I know that feel

>> No.12118559,2 [INTERNAL] 

Green Saten-san!

>> No.12118559,3 [INTERNAL] 

15 there's still time for you
22 I feel her too
33 you're on your way
Every day's a new day...
15 there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to choose
Hey 15, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got 100 years to live

>> No.12118559,4 [INTERNAL] 

I don 't like green saten, she all lazy and always lets her satengroup down

>> No.12118559,5 [INTERNAL] 

Burgers made her lazy

>> No.12118559,6 [INTERNAL] 

I just got really sick an hour ago and I think it was because I had my first burger in over a month fucking burgers

>> No.12118559,7 [INTERNAL] 

you probably overate fatty

>> No.12118559,8 [INTERNAL] 

That's what happens when I eat mcdonald's after years of not having it.

>> No.12118559,9 [INTERNAL] 

When I think of the cute girl in the OP eating a burger I all of the sudden want to fuck her, hard, but only because she's not fat. If she were a fatty eating a burger I would just be disgusted. But because she's not, the idea of her enjoying something not very healthy like a burger makes her incredibly attractive.

I wish there were more anime with cute girls eating a lot of food. Cthuko was an attractive character not because she was perverted, but because of her big appetite.

Is this normal? It's normal to be attracted to cute, non-fat girls eating, right?

>> No.12118559,10 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah that's basically what happened, fucking disgusting piss ass McDonalds.

>> No.12118559,11 [INTERNAL] 

speaking of burgers one of those new fast-casual burger places opened in town. its called burgerfi and it opened right across the street from five guys.

i still want to take a loli to a fast-casual restaurant on a date.

>> No.12118559,12 [INTERNAL] 

oh god this place has calories listed on their menu they have frozen custard and some of their shakes are listed as having over 1000 calories

i need to eat here asap
i want to share one of those shakes with a loli
maybe this summer i will get a loli girlfriend and i can do that
school gets out in like a week

>> No.12118559,13 [INTERNAL] 

I swear I've read an extremely similar post in the past

>> No.12118559,14 [INTERNAL] 

I've made extremely similar posts in the past.

>> No.12118559,15 [INTERNAL] 

this seems to be a fetish in japan since in every anime there's a girl who loves eating and yet never gets fat (they especially love eating meat)

I will point out though that if a girl has a "big" appetite she should really end up fat unless she does a large amount of exercise. otherwise she has a normal appetite no matter how big it seems.

>> No.12118559,16 [INTERNAL] 

i wonder if jap girls who have to diet and exercise all the time to stay slim like to watch anime with cute girls who eat a bunch

>> No.12118559,17 [INTERNAL] 

Metabolisms help a lot with that. There are lots of skinny asian girls that eat a fuckton of food regularly.
I always like happening upon one of those anime episodes because it happens to be my fetish. It happened last in Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin 5

>> No.12118559,18 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12118559,19 [INTERNAL] 

"Metabolism"... heh... just wait until I tell the boys on /fit/ about this...

>> No.12118559,20 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck did I just read?

>> No.12118559,21 [INTERNAL] 

The jews

>> No.12118559,22 [INTERNAL] 

fatNEET here- "lonestar steakhouse" is having endless fried catfish fillets on tuesday nights for $13 for a limited time
I went this week and had 20, they were a lot better than I thought they would be

>> No.12118559,23 [INTERNAL] 

i wonder if all the kids growing up with tumblr shit will grow out of the retarded shit they see there

then again i never grew out of shitposting

>> No.12118559,24 [INTERNAL] 

why is it called tumblr anyway? even the name is gay as hell...

>> No.12118559,25 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12118559,26 [INTERNAL] 

I dont get it

>> No.12118559,27 [INTERNAL] 

I was just about to post that very thing. wow.

>> No.12118559,28 [INTERNAL] 

They fight for minorities but a nigger is always a nigger.

>> No.12118559,29 [INTERNAL] 

The only reason I didn't absolutely hate Nero was because she ate a lot. There was even that one time when she hid food in her hat so she could eat it. Super cute.

>> No.12118559,30 [INTERNAL] 

What? That's what appealed to your fetish and not the fact that almost every single time Nanana is shown on screen she's eating pudding?

>> No.12118559,31 [INTERNAL] 


Does this girl eat a lot of sweets in this anime? Because she's eating a lot in this ending and it's giving me a boner, especially when they show her in a swimsuit, or show her boobies jiggling, or show her bare feet.

>> No.12118559,32 [INTERNAL] 

Yes. She just eats sweets all day.

She's half-youkai though or some shit. Dunno if that matters for you (she's the cool youkai at least and not some Disney one).

>> No.12118559,33 [INTERNAL] 

Nanana is a ghost so she dies if she stops eating pudding 24/7.

>> No.12118559,34 [INTERNAL] 

If she's eating 24/7 and not gaining weight, wouldn't that make her infinitely hotter than the girl who a lot of food once?

>> No.12118559,35 [INTERNAL] 

i want to fuck a cute, slim glutton girl

any tips

>> No.12118559,36 [INTERNAL] 

Call me, maybe?

>> No.12118559,37 [INTERNAL] 

dude like I said she's not a glutton if she's slim. not unless she's spending all day exercising and even then you could argue that she isn't being gluttonous because she's eating just what she requires

>> No.12118559,38 [INTERNAL] 

she glutton

>> No.12118559,39 [INTERNAL] 

she could just be vomiting up everything she eats

>> No.12118559,40 [INTERNAL] 

didn't think of that... but gross dude have you seen what happens to their teeth

>> No.12118559,41 [INTERNAL] 

melatonin is so cool

>> No.12118559,42 [INTERNAL] 

feel when you drink a bottle of vodka a night and hope you get shot or something so no one knows you're an alcoholic.

maybe i'll pull a zub!bar and join the marines and die fighting in russia

>> No.12118559,43 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12118559,44 [INTERNAL] 

feel nobody posts saten(green) any more

>> No.12118559,45 [INTERNAL] 

i have problems sleeping and i wake up during my sleep a lot and sometimes have issues falling back to asleep would melatonin help

>> No.12118559,46 [INTERNAL] 

but zunbar never fought anywhere, he just squatted his fat ass and maybe killed a bunch of civilians and children from afar without risking himself

>> No.12118559,47 [INTERNAL] 

from which anime is green saten

>> No.12118559,48 [INTERNAL] 

Natsuiro Kiseki

>> No.12118559,49 [INTERNAL] 

Did this get any better after the 2nd episode?

>> No.12118559,50 [INTERNAL] 

It was shit

>> No.12118559,51 [INTERNAL] 

but was it cute?
