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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 116 KB, 650x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12363941 No.12363941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Today we’re making two noteworthy changes:

1. The E-mail field has been replaced with Options. This field had mainly been for posting options such as sage and dice-rolling. If a user wishes to provide contact information, they can do so in the Comment field.

2.We’re trialling delayed thread pruning on specific boards. While not a true archive, threads on /a/ and /v/ will continue to be accessible for a period of 48 hours after being pushed off of the board index. We may roll this out to additional worksafe (blue) boards in the future, as well as increase or reduce the retention period.

>> No.12363945

1. Bring back visible sage.

2. What's the point?

>> No.12363948

no more fake sage now

>> No.12363949

Most importantly, what happened to canv.as or whatever it was called?

>> No.12363950

how do i enable hard more

>> No.12363952

He took it down and kept the venture money.

>> No.12363958

/jp/ on the left.

>> No.12363961


>> No.12363962

Picture looks like a group photo of a metalcore band

>> No.12363965

What a Jewish thing to do.

>> No.12363969

Sage testing.

>> No.12363990

i fricken hate moot

>> No.12363992


>> No.12363993

can't use hockeyfox95@hotmail.com for obvious bait anymore, fuck moot!

>> No.12363998


>> No.12364004

It's really one of the most embarrassing pictures of Moot ever. Seeing people trying to be 'successful' pose for things like that makes me glad I'll die unknown.

>> No.12364014

Why can't moot find a girl to be in steady relationship with?

>> No.12364018

Because he's gay.
Even his trip is #faggot.

>> No.12364019


>> No.12364021
File: 174 KB, 561x876, 1407264987037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure he had a girlfriend not too long ago.

But then again, he looks like the kind of guy who would get NTR the second he turned his back.

>> No.12364025

because he shouldnt, we dont need any more jew blood babies in this world
and he's a government bitch, ready to leak any of your identifying info if they ask
they say jump, he asks, "how long do you like your dick sucked"
dont need more fags like that in this world

>> No.12364026

> If a user wishes to provide contact information, they can do so in the Comment field.
Finally I can post my information without causing a huge shitstorm. Thank you moot!

Contact me if you have any questions or just want to chat! :)
mail: sage
skype: sage
phone: sage

>> No.12364029

I have to press tab twice to reach the captcha field now, what a pain

>> No.12364040

He's the site's public marketing facade targeted at the "funny nerd"/"millennials who think they're losers" demographic, which is who they think are this site's only userbase is, other than the fucking mask-wearing psychos.

>> No.12364043

Thank you moot!

Contact me if you have any questions or just want to chat! :)
mail: sage
skype: sage
phone: sage

>> No.12364046

First he took away visible sage.
Then he took away page 0 and the subject field.

Now he's taken away e-mail and adds a temporary archive that lets FBI and NSA collect our IPs without having to rush.

This place has changed. What's next?

>> No.12364048

Don't forget shift+tab to get back to the post button. Why is moot so stupid

>> No.12364049

I'm really ready to give up this kike-run website. I love the idea and all the content here... but moot is clearly changing the website with a goal to make 4chan a more mainstream normie website. There's literally no other reason for making all these changes.

>> No.12364051
File: 941 KB, 1344x2492, 1406842927306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12364054

Having your email in the email field kept it out of the sight of spamming shitposters who would love to email you all sorts of unrelated and possible illegal shit.

It pretty much only showed it to those interested in emailing said poster while most others would be too lazy to even make one click.

Now bots can pick up emails from the boards/archives

>> No.12364057

Well shit

>> No.12364059

He's a catholic, not jewish. You can tell by how much he relies on people throwing in free effort.

He's doing the Lord's work.

>> No.12364060

Anyone who doesn't use a throwaway-email account on 4chan deserves all the spam he can get. Not that I agree with the recent changes.

>> No.12364062

>Today I have decided to get rid of sage entirely and replace it with a "No Bump" checkbox near the post button. This will help streamline the use of a No Bump system to those new to the site and bring it in view to those who aren't aware of it.

>> No.12364065

Why did moot remove the visible sage in the first place? I always thought it was because some faggot normies got their feelings hurt when they saw that someone saged their thread, so they complained to moot about it. But is that really the reason?

>> No.12364066

>he took away page 0
That's one of the things I will never understand.

>> No.12364070


this is the real reason. the grand jew was so fucking ass pained that he still hadn't removed sage that the whole e-mail field had to go

all the hundreds, thousands of problems with this sinking ship of a site and he removes the e-mail field. bravo you fucking kike

>> No.12364072

He'll take away the name field. Instead you'll have to post using FB/Twitter/G+ unless you wish to remain anonymous, that is until he takes that away too.

>> No.12364074

I don't think moot is interested in girls, he told me in private when I approached him at AWA.

Regards, Amanda Fournier (fishheads@gmail.com)

>> No.12364076

We will never be able to sage in all fields ever again. Thanks moot.

>> No.12364080

So what are the best alternative image boards? I think it's time I finally made the move

Contact me at JamesRubio98@gmail.com

>> No.12364081
File: 11 KB, 228x37, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come home, /jp/-san.

>> No.12364083


I've always just put 'noko' in that field

>> No.12364086

noko has long been dead.

>> No.12364087

I want to punch everyone in this pic

>> No.12364088

Can't wait until he limits the subject field to OPs only

Contact Info: loneranger95@gmail.com

>> No.12364090
File: 648 KB, 2448x3264, 1Ss1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming soon: Site wide indexing of your favorite Generals!

At least we're still anonymous.

>> No.12364094

moot of yesterday
>I hate archives
>I like anonymity

moot of today
>archives for 4chan
>I still like anonymity

moot of tomorrow
>I hate anonymity

I'm quoting moot by the way.

>> No.12364094,1 [INTERNAL] 

lmao butthurt nerds

>> No.12364097
File: 483 KB, 1181x957, ring_zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're actually upset, rather than offended that you didn't get to spam e-votes for whichever way you wanted it to work, you can always fix it to work however you want it on the client side.

Websites are make-believe, there are no real walls you can't just waltz through.

>> No.12364097,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12364099
File: 332 KB, 1733x2000, awoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12364103


ok sweet, slightly less typing then

>or Daniellukebarth instead now

>> No.12364105


>adventure time

i'm fairly certain that half of /jp/ has never even heard of that show

>> No.12364106


>> No.12364112

God this sucks, fuck you moot goddamn fucking piece of shit

>> No.12364114

Thanks, Time Traveler-kun.

>> No.12364116

>getting rid of useful features

e-mail field and visible sage

>keeping useless features

Namefield for namefags and tripfags

>wasting money when you don't have any

Having a semi-archive.

>> No.12364120


>> No.12364121

2 is another futaba feature that should have been implemented eons ago like the catalog

>> No.12364124
File: 61 KB, 521x967, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't like using that term "neo-x" since that's a 'neo' thing in itself but just take a look at this image.
These people actually have some blog account (is that tumblr or something?)
These people are "liking" this post
"There's nothing wrong with this, no one use sage anyways lol"

>> No.12364125


>> No.12364127

must be tumblrs. fuckin kids

>> No.12364129

Good fuck off with your fake sage

>> No.12364131

>"There's nothing wrong with this, no one use sage anyways lol"
Welcome to the shit that's been said for the last couple of years anyway, and sage isn't gone.

>> No.12364136

Why do people always try to fix what's not broken?
All these constant web 2.0 updates and changes are some fucking gay shit.

>> No.12364145

Expect new epic options soon. Maybe some will even be free!

>> No.12364147

At least this place doesn't look like Chlomo.org yet

>> No.12364148
File: 173 KB, 900x720, IN HELL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking gay shit
is that, like, lgbt?

>> No.12364153

I can't sage now ahhaha what the fuck?

>> No.12364153,1 [INTERNAL] 

Who fake outrage now?

>> No.12364157


>> No.12364158 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 178x227, 2014-08-12-151841_178x227_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one click.

Hover over it and look in the bottom right/left corner of your web browser.

Or that's what I would say if I could give you an example of what content looked like in the email field long ago on ye olde 4chan.

I can see this coming.

I will always hate him for this, I can never forgive him for this one.

/ota/, /what/, tohno-chan, gnfos, bunbunmaru,

There is many changes you can't do client side, and many that even if you do, won't matter because it would need to be enabled for everyone and everyone isn't using your userscript or whatever.

Sage is gone now that it's not visible.

The buttons on the side that simulate a home/end key press made me giggle.

>> No.12364159

>the archive is a bit redundant since deniable plausibility and foolz exists

Should I be glad that they haven't found out about Warosu yet?

>> No.12364164

Facebook connect soon?

Like when I facebook connect my account to 4chan my epic posts can be posted on my facebook profile (along with a link to the thread) so my friends can join in the discussion.

That would be so awesome!

please moot you are so epic, make it happen

>> No.12364166


>> No.12364172


>> No.12364173


Sandra and 11 others liked your post.

>> No.12364176


>> No.12364179

>Sage is gone now that it's not visible.
Well at least I know i'm dealing with a literal autist now.

>> No.12364183

4chan has multiple Facebook pages with tens of thousands of likes and its own Reddit thing. Normies ruin everything.

>> No.12364184

He'll give in and add /fur/ and this time no one will be banned.

>> No.12364188

But we already have /vp/

>> No.12364189

We already had that

>> No.12364192

Not him but it may as well be gone, no new user is going to sage their posts ever again or even know that it exists for that matter, look at what happened with the Babymetal idolshit generals.

>> No.12364195

/vp/ was a failed experiment before he made /vg/. both /vp/ and /jp/ need to be deleted and merged with /vg/.

>> No.12364201


/vg/ was /jp/ once upon a time

>> No.12364202

You're implying that brand of teenage idolwhore fans would want to sage anyway even if they knew about it. They WANT their posts to be at the top, they WANT everybody to see their stupid shit and jump on their garbagemetal bandwagon at the top of the board. Why do you think they abandon old threads immediately and make new ones as soon as it hits 300 posts even if its still on the front page?
Sage is a fault of the user, not the website.

>> No.12364204

Please don't say things like that. moot is looking for any reason to delete /jp/, try not to give him one.

>> No.12364207

But I like /jp/ attitudes without ever actually playing a mainline touhou

>> No.12364215

>Should I be glad that they haven't found out about Warosu yet?
These are /a/ users. Warosu doesn't archive /a/.

and now /jp/ is depreciated.

>> No.12364217

I wouldn't call it a failed experiment. It seems to be a pretty active board.

>> No.12364219 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 222x236, 2014-06-09-073233_222x236_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It for all intensive purposes doesn't. Do you know how many people just stopped using sage now that it's not visible? Nearly every post in this thread would have been sage, how many do you think are sage now?

I can't even find the motivation to sage on 4chan anymore,

Where did 2ch.eu go? What happen?

I want to just delete every board but /b/, increase the page count, then just have generals for everyone to go in.

I agree delete /jp/ though.

>> No.12364224

>I want to just delete every board but /b/, increase the page count, then just have generals for everyone to go in.
So you want 4chan basically dead?

>> No.12364225

>I want to just delete every board but /b/, increase the page count, then just have generals for everyone to go in.

That would be pretty difficult to monitor.

>> No.12364226

>Where did 2ch.eu go? What happen?
The EU stepped in and said only certain French grape farmers and vintners were allowed to post there.

>> No.12364227

It has nothing to do with its activity level.

>> No.12364228

Something that is outdated is "deprecated."
"Depreciate" means to loose value.

>> No.12364233

I'd ratehr /jp/ be deleted than have to put up with idolfags or invading /a/tards and their furrygirl general.

>> No.12364234

You can Loose this value
*whips out dick*

>> No.12364235

moot just got back from vacation, give him a break please.

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>> No.12364236

>Sage is gone now that it's not visible.
People who brag about how polite by not bumping the thread remind me of philanthropists who brag about how humble they are by donating to charity. You guys are a bunch of hypocrites. nokosage was the only way to go even before moot axed visible sage.

>> No.12364239

Oh god. Signatures when moot?

>> No.12364241

/jp/ is a good board. If all the shitposters wouldnt come here to post it would be fine. Same with many other boards

>> No.12364243

The fabled "shitposters"

>> No.12364246

Why is moot ashamed of /jp/? I'll always remember that stream where he let Hiroyuki see /a/ and /v/ but begged him not to look at /jp/

>> No.12364248
File: 33 KB, 497x347, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- signatures for pass users
- tegaki
- /kc/

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>> No.12364255


>> No.12364256 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 457x450, meido-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deprecated means your thing is shit now because it's been superseded or is now pointless due to some circumstances.


For example, this is deprecated.

What are you talking about?


Contact me at: shadow_sonic1996@yahoo.com

>> No.12364259

But jp was born out of the touhou hijack shitposters from /a/ and /v/

>> No.12364263

Who's ready for upvoting/downvoting next?

>> No.12364265

Why does moot randomly decide to fuck with things that no one has ever complained about?

>> No.12364268
File: 283 KB, 1066x584, 1401723533600.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I certainly am.


>> No.12364270

Futaba has upvotes now.

>> No.12364271
File: 284 KB, 900x1200, 404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called Web 2.0

>> No.12364277

OK guys this is where we draw the line. It's time to kill moot.

>> No.12364278

Where does he live? I'll take one for the team.

>> No.12364281

What will happen to 4chan then?^

>> No.12364283

Do you really want to share your email that badly?

>> No.12364287

img doesn't. And wasn't it a joke?

>> No.12364292

img is deprecated.

And it wasn't a joke. It just does nothing special besides adding a "+X" counter to posts.

>> No.12364296

The board that actually matters has them

>> No.12364296,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you too meido.

>> No.12364296,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12364296,3 [INTERNAL] 

Hi milk :)

>> No.12364296,4 [INTERNAL] 

ayyy lmaooo


Contact me at: shadow_sonic1996@yahoo.com

>> No.12364296,5 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12364296,6 [INTERNAL] 

No more faux visible sage now... an artform lost forever...

>> No.12364296,7 [INTERNAL] 

Where can I go to get away from normies?
Wizardchan is full of /r9k/ rejects and 95% of the posts are anti-feminist circlejerking and "I'm so suicidal DDDDX".

>> No.12364296,8 [INTERNAL] 

You can't, not unless you become a hermit and cut yourself off from the internet.

Fun Fact: Did you know their admin was a crippled midget, yet he still managed to lose his virginity, granted it was to a psycho landwhale.

>> No.12364296,9 [INTERNAL] 

Usenet, or recreate the world wide web. Like a webring of sites that can't be googled up by norms.

Also, did futaba axe their anime livewatch board?

>> No.12364296,10 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, use http://board.futakuro.com/jk2/futaba.htm

>> No.12364296,11 [INTERNAL] 

ayy lmao

>> No.12364296,12 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12364296,13 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off gaijin

>> No.12364296,14 [INTERNAL] 

I just wish there could be a new 4chan where it's good again. Maybe call it 5chan because it's 4chan's sequel. That would be good.

>> No.12364296,15 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12364296,16 [INTERNAL] 

The internet changed forever, there will never be a "new 4chan" in the future unless the internet changes again and becomes a TV-like thing with normies having access only to the normienet, which I don't think it'll happen.

>> No.12364296,17 [INTERNAL] 

This post better fucking be ironioc.

>> No.12364296,18 [INTERNAL] 

yo momma is ironioc

>> No.12364296,19 [INTERNAL] 

Hey man copypaste is a nice guy, I've talked to him before.

>> No.12364296,20 [INTERNAL] 

>>that fucking photo

I lol'd.

>> No.12364296,21 [INTERNAL] 

I can't tell if moot tries to look cool in his recent pics or if he's being ironic.

I miss when he used to say he was the glasses guy
Back when he wasn't quite as much of a fag

>> No.12364296,22 [INTERNAL] 

Being "nerdy"(lol i love zelda xD) is cool now because of The Big Bang Theory, haven't you heard?

>> No.12364296,23 [INTERNAL] 

Nah it's how he tries to look tough or something

Like that one picture with his 11" arms crossed and his hips all wide

>> No.12364296,24 [INTERNAL] 

I would be smug too if I was a millionaire for copying another website

>> No.12364296,25 [INTERNAL] 

The mods are so cool...

>> No.12364296,26 [INTERNAL] 

You got a problem with 11 inch arms, buddy?

>> No.12364296,27 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12364296,28 [INTERNAL] 

>It for all intensive purposes

4pq* confirmed moron

>> No.12364296,29 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah he's dumb as f*ck but pretends to be smart. You shouldn't give advice if you're retarded as well, but that doesn't stop him.

>> No.12364296,30 [INTERNAL] 

He graduated from MIT. What are your credentials?

>> No.12364296,31 [INTERNAL] 

mailing lists, usenet, gopher, BBS, revert to technology from yesteryear.

>> No.12364296,32 [INTERNAL] 

what happened here where's the party

>> No.12364296,33 [INTERNAL] 






>> No.12364296,34 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12364296,35 [INTERNAL] 

shut the fuck up you unfunny little niglet

>> No.12364296,36 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12364296,37 [INTERNAL] 

"boo hoo...since my userbase hates me and my SJW redditor staff, maybe I should reconsider /jp/, the board I helped destroy" - moot
