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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 76 KB, 640x360, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12509684 No.12509684[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Every second anime or manga series is a harem
>Most every female is depicted as a weak and helpless romantic interest
>Hardly ANY fucking women working in major studios

First time poster, long time lurker here.
It’s no secret Japanese media has a gender problem, I’ve been thinking about starting a hashtag movement on twitter and/or tumblr, something like #SeriouslyJapan, but numbers would be needed to help get the message across to the big studios and players in Japan that their industry’s blatant misogyny needs to change.

Everyone willing to help is welcome, for starters we’d probably need the account names of these big players, anyone got any ideas?

>> No.12509699

I have a hashtag for you, #opisafaggot

>> No.12509712

Why are you doing this? No, seriously.
Nobody is laughing, not even you.

>> No.12509719

enjoy getting killed by the anime cartel

>> No.12509721


This isn't a joke, gender disparity on Japanese media/industry is something that should be addressed.

>> No.12509732
File: 1.88 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sabagebu! - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.55_[2014.09.22_00.24.05].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't watch shitty garbage anime and stop nitpicking maybe? Japanese media nowadays is full of strong women, hell, even back the Goky and Vegeta were shit scared of their wives.

>> No.12509739

Cool story sis.

>> No.12509743


>even back the Goky and Vegeta were shit scared of their wives

The stereotypical 'bitchy strong wife' doesn't work to help female representation.

>> No.12509765


You are such a fucking faggot.
Nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.12509767


Everyone but manchildren take gender equality issues seriously, when you've grown up a bit you're welcome to join us. :)

>> No.12509778 [DELETED] 

8chen pls go

go shill on /v/ and /pol/ but gtfo of /jp/

>> No.12509783
File: 2.59 MB, 5000x5000, 1411294980816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to turn Japan into Sweden.

Gender roles are good and they keep societies stable and healthy.

>> No.12509792

What the fuck is shoujo manga, josei manga and otome game? Why the fuck anime based on those exist?

Why the fuck a granny is the owner of this fucking eroge company http://vndb.org/p709?
Why the fuck choco chip is a female?
Why the fuck KEY never fire their shitty female artist even though she never improved?

Why the fuck every girl character in japanese media not voiced by a man?

Why the fuck I replied to a faggot?

>> No.12509797

Don't listen to these idiots, OP

I'm going to support your cause.

>> No.12509800
File: 85 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Nobunagun - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.18_[2014.01.19_20.32.09].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Bulma is a fucking scientist with a high place in society, she's indipendent as fuck and turned that edgemaster into his pussy.

Chichi is more or less the same but in manual labor. Stop nitpicking already, anime is pretty various in gender roles. Not my fault if you watch harems, aka the worst form of anime.

>> No.12509803

How dare you ethnocentrically judge their culture, western appropriators?

>> No.12509812

The women's movement failed to make women into men during the last century, because what should be a surprise to nobody women actually like being women. So now it's trying to make men into women.


So go away, we won't fall for your bullshit, you're in the wrong neighborhood motherfucker.

>> No.12509819

Aww, white girls on Tumblr thinking they're all grown up

>> No.12509823

>watches harem anime
>is surpriced that it's shit
The most unfortunate thing in this is that shit taste can't kill you

>> No.12509841

I'm mad.

>> No.12509846

>I’ve been thinking about starting a hashtag movement

I hate that people try to use the internet to push a political agenda in countries that they don't live in. Absolutely no respect for the sovereignty of nations.

This international meddling needs to stop. We're getting to the point that western white people are outjewing the jews.

>> No.12509853

But anon, we're all litle cute grills here.

>> No.12509854

Who are you quoting?

In fact, who y'all quoting?

>> No.12509862


>What the fuck is shoujo manga, josei manga and otome game?

Bread and circuses shoving females into gender roles, it's no better than the other garbage

>> No.12509866

>First time poster, long time lurker here.

No such thing

>> No.12509870


Have you not heard of the global community?

Besides Japan exports this stuff, so we're more than justified in joining their dialogue.



Also we might need some Japanese speakers to write messages for them, (not sure how many speak English well enough).

>> No.12509878


"Oh no, Sweden is making efforts to equalise the field! Better make up a bunch of bullshit!"

Stormweenies please

>> No.12509887
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, horriblesubs-space-brothers-03-720p-mkv_snapshot_21-15_2012-04-26_07-45-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this thread should go to /a/ anyway

>> No.12509895

>a gender problem
You don't have any right to judge if it's a problem for them or not.

>> No.12509896

Sweden ples. I mean, YES

>> No.12509897

Fake concerns for fake people. Maybe spend half the time you waste on twitter volunteering in a soup kitchen.

Oh right, we need to find a solution that involves you not getting off your ass.

>> No.12509907
File: 25 KB, 400x400, oEk4gjOS_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post grills with attitude.
2hus are isi modo so they wont' count.

>> No.12509910
File: 116 KB, 500x419, 765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12509911


Any excuse to try and stop actual investigation of these issues huh. Go mansplain somewhere else.

>> No.12509921

This is funny because, you're right, most of these people can't even be bothered to do the work that doesn't involve them getting off their asses either.

>> No.12509923

>Have you not heard of the global community?
It's a disgusting term with no legitimacy that is used by politicians who make it a habit to violate the sovereignty of other nations. In politics, global community is what someone always says right before they talk about justifying something like airstrikes against a nation that they are not at war with. It's equivalent to me shouting out the existence of the "global neighborhood!" as I break into your house and start smashing all of your things with a baseball bat. Did you join this global neighborhood? Does such an organization even exist so that you could join it in the first place? Did you agree to 'share' your TV and your other objects with me or am I just breaking into your house and smashing everything with a baseball bat?

>Besides Japan exports this stuff, so we're more than justified in joining their dialogue.

You have the right to boycott exported goods from Japan, but in no way does it give you the right to "join the dialogue" on their domestic political issues. Hell, they only export a fraction of it while the majority of it is pirated and fansubbed by criminals. So you're basically a foreigner and a thief that's saying that he has the right to meddle in Japanese politics because you regularly steal from them and were offended by something that you saw in the stolen anime that you watched.

>> No.12509929


>It's a disgusting term with no legitimacy that is used by politicians who make it a habit to violate the sovereignty of other nations

Oh you're one of THOSE, ugh, no thanks.

>> No.12509931

>First time poster, long time lurker here.
Even my penis is longer than a week.

>> No.12509934
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, 1378836733216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't you concern about females in the 3rd world countries actually getting killed and getting treated as an object for no reason instead of getting mad at shitty anime or videogames? Remember that time where that nerd raped a girl because he saw that in a videogame? Me neither.

>> No.12509936
File: 219 KB, 746x439, 8ebXGmH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12509943
File: 72 KB, 400x400, WoundedFemPaladin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12509947

>Go mansplain

I see through your playing the strawman, no one in the chan could be this retarded. As much as /jp/ hate radical feminism your whole crusade against is fucking retarded, especially when it stemmed from irrelevant shit like videogame journalism.

>> No.12509953

Japanese women aren't born with abnormally high levels of testosterone (white and black women) so they don't care about this and your internet crusading is not needed or desired by the women that you are attempting to "liberate"

If you try to push the common ultra-masculine western variety of feminism in an East Asian country then you will quickly find out that most of the people fighting against you will be other women.

>> No.12509958

OP is troll. It's fucking obvious.
You'd have gotten a 1/10 from me alone, but seeing as you managed to make everyone else flip their tits you get a 6/10. Almost worth the time and effort you spent on it, GJ. Now go shitpost somewhere else.

>> No.12509960


>Trust me they WANT to be objectified and oppressed!

How do you speak with all that poop in your mouth, shitlord?

>> No.12509963 [DELETED] 


Honestly I was expecting this thread to be deleted in 3 minutes, what the fuck are the mods doing?

But 6/10 only? Fuck you.

>> No.12509964

I replied a couple of time but I'm just chuckling, I want to see how far it goes. Thread won't be deleted soon anyway with this new policy.

>> No.12509966

>with this new policy.
What's the new policy?

>> No.12509975

>objectified and oppressed
It may seem surprising, but some women like living in a culture where they can stop working once they get married and focus on raising their family. White women, surging with all that testosterone, were more than happy to throw their own children to the wolves so that they could pursue careers, but family is actually important to most Asians.

>> No.12509978
File: 105 KB, 622x626, 1409224827699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: /jp/ falling for b8

>> No.12509980

As fun of a troll thread as this is are there actual numbers to back up that testosterone shit? I'm guessing not.

>> No.12509987
File: 415 KB, 1256x1216, transgelion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the problem with this kind of bait is that these people actually ARE this stupid.

>> No.12509989

What mental illness does the person in that image have?

>> No.12509990 [DELETED] 

4chan is tumbrl SJW friendly now and you get banned for trying to have an actual conversation how show how they're wrong.

>> No.12509993

Did this happen recently? What prompted the change?

>> No.12509996

I don't see Feminist fight for female conscription in the army.
There was a gang rape case in Ohio and the convicts got off scotch free because they were productive members of society. Yet I don't see them feminist talk about it.
And here they are nitpicking at petty little things in fictional thing like anime.
Doesn't it make you feel like they have some sort of a princess complex?
I think this post might be deleted or I might get banned for saying this because 4chan mods are SJW now.

>> No.12509998

Dfab sounds like some sort of horrible Scottish fairy.

"The Dfab's breath can wilt crops and sicken livestock, and the creature was held responsible for droughts and epidemics on land despite its being predominantly a sea-dweller. According to Tammas, Dfab has a man's torso attached to a horse's back as if it were a rider. The male torso has no legs, but its arms can reach the ground from its position on top of the equine body, the legs of which have fin like appendages. The torso has a large head – possibly as much as 3 feet (0.91 m) in diameter – that rolls back and forth. The monster described by Tammas has two heads; the equine head has an enormous gaping mouth that exudes a smelly toxic vapour, and a single giant eye like a burning red flame. A particularly gruesome detail is that the Dfab has no skin; black blood courses through yellow veins, and the pale sinews and powerful muscles are visible as a pulsating mass."

>> No.12510002 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 750x750, free-ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh! You were trolling.
The mods won't delete this thread unless you talk about a 2D girl having ebola.

>> No.12510006

Probably just free time on their hands. That's the funniest thing about this, these people treat feminism and trans-sexuality with less reverence than we treat Tohou.

Jesus, Dfab sounds like the kind of thing no DM would put into his campaign because it's too much bullshit.

Maybe they thought it was gore?

>> No.12510007
File: 67 KB, 500x500, b5bc14a2dd9af71874f39dc2b37ed468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost nothing in /jp/, but watch the whole gamer gate thing /v/ is getting buttmad at. Still I won't go to the shitty new board they're making since it's a mess full of tripfags.

Anyway OP, you don't know how much I would pay to stay at home and do domestic labour while a girl wears the pants and works her ass to get money and mantain the family. Shit would be so comfy.

>> No.12510010

Actually I've been meaning to ask, is this whole thing over the gamergate generals getting deleted? I mean everyone knew that was going to happen eventually.

>> No.12510011

How out of touch with /jp/ are they to think it was gore?
If that newfag SJW mod lurked in /jp/ long enough he's know Yume Nikki is a part of Otaku Culture.

>> No.12510013
File: 28 KB, 431x388, 627.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12510014 [DELETED] 

Mods don't know shit about /jp/. That's why you shouldn't put a normie controlling otaku stuff.
If infinity channers agree in putting a mod that knows about otaku culture, but that still deletes shitpost and there's a block to tripfags (currently their /jp/ has only name and tripfags trying to be the new coolwhores) I'd consider going there.

>> No.12510017

It's just the nuckelavee with the name changed. You didn't even get to the part where it can only be contained by a deity, and only for six months at a time, leaving it free to go on murder sprees for the rest of the year.

It also has a special ability that allows it to sicken and kill all the horses in the land. Scottish fairies sure didn't fuck around.

>> No.12510018

Yes, but that's the tip of the iceberg or something, I didn't really care to follow the whole thing.

Did anyone tried to report the thread anyway? You know how janny doesn't delete things if they have otaku OP images because he's too lazy to read the actual thread.

>> No.12510023

Sudo Christ how horrifying

>> No.12510026 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but it's not as simple as testosterone levels. While free testosterone levels are similar for all races, it's that the androgen receptors for Asians aren't as sensitive to testosterone as blacks and whites so the same testosterone level has significantly weaker effects.

>The genetic differences in the gene encoding the androgen receptor itself contributes greatly to its ability to respond to testosterone and other androgens [13-15]. One of the most distinctive and important genetic differences found is called the CAG repeat polymorphism. This refers to the glutamine-tag attached to the androgen receptor becomes the sequence CAG is translated into the amino acid glutamine. The number of CAG repeats an individual has in his or her androgen receptor gene determines how effective his or her androgen receptor is at binding testosterone; those with less repeats are more sensitive to testosterone and those with a greater amount of repeats are less sensitive [16-21]. It has been found that those with short CAG repeats have the same symptoms of men with high testosterone levels, increased skeletal muscle mass, lower good cholesterol (HDL), and have an earlier onset of prostate cancer [21]. Those born with too many repeats (>38) may be at risk for certain genetic disorders [22].
>Small but significant differences in the average CAG repeat length were found between different ethnic groups. Men of African descent were found to have the lowest number of repeats at 18-20, caucasians at 21-22, and east asians at 22-23[21]. Not only does this information reinforce our observations about body composition and androgenicity among different ethnic groups, but it also offers us some clinical value. The differences in enzyme, coactivator and androgen receptor activity may explain why certain individuals respond to testosterone therapy more strongly than others.

>> No.12510032

So how do we fuck this thing?
I followed it a bit when it was a fun shit storm but I found most of the people too serious about it all. They really thought they were going to get ZQ and Sarskeeta locked away for life.

>> No.12510040

The things I would do to that fairy..

>> No.12510041

You don't. It's the nuckelavee. 1d6 investigators per round, plus every horse in a six mile radius passes a fort save or dies to mortasheen disease.

You might as well try to defeat Mary Poppins or Scrooge McDuck.

>> No.12510063

i knew all g.amerg.ate shit would bring faggots to this place

>> No.12510066

>>Every second anime or manga series is a harem

That's false and off topic. Go get learned elsewhere and stop posting your shit here.

>> No.12510071

I've raped a child.
It was fun.

>> No.12510075

OP needs to watch Monogatari

>> No.12510085

He said he was trolling.
Read >>12509963

>> No.12510090

wow thanks for pointing out that level one irony /j/ro

>> No.12510100

>Have you not heard of the global community?
Oh, you mean the White Man's Burden? It's your job to uplift those filthy Nip savages from the darkness of misogyny? Truly the White Saviors are the greatest beings alive!

>> No.12510119
File: 171 KB, 637x431, 1344673331487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck are the mods doing?
Pic somewhat related.

>> No.12510128 [DELETED] 

The new mods are SJW. They endorse feminism.
That's why this thread is still on.
But If you try to make a thread against feminist who talks about sexism in video games on /v/, you'll get banned for violating global rule #4.

>> No.12510155
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, [Anime-Koi] Sabagebu! - 10 [h264-720p][ECB2E057].mkv_snapshot_11.48_[2014.09.15_08.24.11].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while we're at it can we also stop fatshaming?

>> No.12510171


>> No.12510182

Good fucking riddance. Enjoy posting about anything that isn't actually otaku culture (because you don't even know what it is, for you it's only posting touhou images) with a bunch of spamming, mouthbreathing tripfaggots and epic memes in every second post because otherwise you're going to cry "help muh shitposting is getting censored ". My only wish is that all of you would actually, for real, go away but I know you will still keep posting here, sadly.

>> No.12510185
File: 88 KB, 473x361, handsome bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminist-san, I...

>> No.12510189

You address it by directing your funds and workforce towards a company that agrees with your view
Not by some shit twitter branding to help with your page

>> No.12510204


>> No.12510207

Did you even read dude? I think literally the same as you about that place. That's why I said "if there were actually competent moderators that know how /jp/ should work and there was a block for tripfags".

>> No.12510217

Stop raping me dude.

>> No.12510220

I wish I was a girl. I want to leech off some guy and be a truNEET all day. Being a housewife must be the life.

>> No.12510221

My apologies then.

>> No.12510225

Don't worry anon, I'm pretty tired of this whole shit too.

>> No.12510268

I doubt it's as easy as it looks.

I'm still planning on eventually becoming a houseman though, i'll just try to get a rich girl and get a maid or something.

>> No.12510270
File: 227 KB, 541x720, 1337094798225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finding a guy willing to fund your neet lifestyle is harder than it seems, especially if you're a truHIKKIneet and contrary to all the media you consume, even for girls, natural good looks are really hard to come by. You'd have to be a real genetic winner.

>> No.12510304

Yes, it's getting increasingly hard to find quality threads around these parts.

Anyway, all I wanted was to play video games, watch animu, enjoy some Yura Yura Teikoku music and be left alone. I don't need this shit. 4chan doesn't need this shit.

>> No.12510344

Too bad people that are born beautiful tend to become /soc/ whores because they know about their situation and want to exploit it and feel good about theirselves

>> No.12510359

99% of anime pass the Bechdel test. Anime truly is at the forefront of feminism.

Everybody wants to leave /jp/, but nobody actually does it.

>> No.12510374

Wtf? You browse /soc/?
Get out

>> No.12510391
File: 61 KB, 332x333, 1389802798864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These kinds of trolls make me seriously feel sick.
The worst part is that people exist that seriously think that way

>> No.12510398

It's like YouTube comments. I come here to get away from retardation like that, so I don't know why people go out of their way to bring it here.

I can't think of more than one feminist who seriously tried to set up shop in /jp/, and she was run out within two weeks.

>> No.12510439

おちんちんがだいすき ! ! !

>> No.12510487

Fuck all of you.

>> No.12510517
File: 263 KB, 600x1638, realFeminists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the have a "lowest common denominator" problem.
As does every media outlet that depends on making a profit.
If customers keep buying moeshit instead of well written, intriguing animu, vns and mangos, then the studios will keep producing just that.

Also maybe stay away from the shounen (and sometimes seinen) market and go out exploring.

I found interesting josei recently.
Granted its officially for women, however its not as infantile as shoujou. And the men in it are not generally pushovers

>> No.12510523
File: 40 KB, 340x557, 1382498035187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people that are born beautiful tend to become /soc/ whores
If you mean literally on /soc/ and not just an euphemism for socialite turbonormie then sorry dude but a lot of those girls on /soc/ are fucking u-g-l-y. Even I look better than them but I'm still single.

btw i'm a boy

>> No.12510523,1 [INTERNAL] 

Only took 5 hours, good work

>> No.12510523,2 [INTERNAL] 

check your privilege

>> No.12510523,3 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off I was out getting hot pockets.

>> No.12510523,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12510523,5 [INTERNAL] 


