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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13354464 No.13354464 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you old idiots still here?

>> No.13354483
File: 21 KB, 320x300, 505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anal prolapse accounts for 79% of the causes of decease for /jp/sies just this year.

>> No.13354492
File: 81 KB, 761x347, 1406807325506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suicide by dragon dildo

>> No.13354638

Hey guys

Did I ever tell you that I wanted to fuck the Yotsuba?

>> No.13354660

Trying to get a redtext? Sexualizing Yotsuba was how I used to get mine back in the day and it worked every time without fail. I regret nothing.

>> No.13354665

I've been b& before, I'm just trying to tell the truth this time. I really do want to see and fuck the Yotsuba.

>> No.13354802
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>> No.13354811

This thread is unfortunately a very, very accurate depiction of modern /jp/.

>> No.13354834

Who dis semen demon?

>> No.13354840

Not really all the moderation clearly abandoned this sinking ship

>> No.13354843

Good riddance.

Soon /jp/sies will evolve to be amphibians.

>> No.13354849
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>> No.13354853

I want to do the in-out, in-out motion!!!

>> No.13354888

It's not like we've been waiting for you here or anything.

>> No.13354902

But the janny is a 2hu nigger

>> No.13355063

with the NIGGER!

>> No.13355102
File: 348 KB, 787x830, cutest funposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Sachiko part of /jp/ culture yet?

>> No.13355110

what's up, nig?

>> No.13355168

I-Is this the good ol' days thread?

>> No.13355517

Still waiting for currybutt to come back.

>> No.13356615

I fucking hate it when we pretend that cute anime girls would post here.

They would probably all be on Tumblrs and Facebook just like every other XX chromosome ever.

>> No.13356623

but Sachiko is C O O L, she wouldn't do that.

>> No.13356715

Sachiko here. I'd definitely do that.

>> No.13356717

I don't believe you!!!

>> No.13356725


More like she is a L O S E R, and this would the only place she belongs.

>> No.13356731

I'm C O O L with that.

>> No.13356749


>> No.13356767
File: 324 KB, 747x1100, IMAG0324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would I lie

>> No.13356783

Because it's a paradox, if you are Sachiko, you are already posting on 4chan!!!

>> No.13356877

If she's C O O L she'd be doing exactly that. 4chan is for uncool losers and /jp/ is the epitome of a shithole that no one cares about.

>> No.13356881

but I do!!!

>> No.13357021

What happened to her monitor?

>> No.13358158

witch 2hu fuk

>> No.13358191

RIP /jp/ - death by crossboarders

>> No.13358202

oh my F*CK those proportions.

>> No.13358224

I nominate Sachiko for inclusion.

>> No.13358243

I wish that I wasn't, but I know that if I wasn't I'd wish I was.

>> No.13358270

Same. Being old sucks.

>> No.13358296

To be completely honest, this place is still as retarded as it was back in 2009. Less tripfags, though.

>> No.13358441

and more normies.

>> No.13358444

It was overrun by people who would be called "normies" today. Back then they used different, more restrictive terms.

>> No.13358458
File: 205 KB, 700x493, 1359081225477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the only uncool loser here.

>> No.13358484

We're the dead.

>> No.13358491

>4chan is for uncool losers and /jp/ is the epitome of a shithole that no one cares about.
like Homura?

>> No.13358501

It's all shit nowadays. There was a brief period when otaku culture was obscure enough to not suffer from a major influx of normies and retards, but these days are long gone now.
It's not going to come back either. Fuck us, I guess.

>> No.13358555


Don't insult Homu like that you swine.

>> No.13358708
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who homu here

>> No.13358954

I really hate this about the way the internet is evolving. Nothing can remain between a small group of people anymore. If someone sees someone having a good time they just walk over and join in, even if they don't fit in with that group they just "open it it up to a wider audience" or in other words invite their friends, kick out the original inhabitants, and then carry on as if they had always lived there. It is seriously distressing to see every community everywhere on internet converging to one "least disagreeable" culture. Can I not exist just because I'm not part of the dominant culture?

>> No.13359115

>Can I not exist just because I'm not part of the dominant culture?
Resistance is futile.

>> No.13359147

Give in goy. Let the degeneracy wash over you

>> No.13359165


>> No.13359234

I really know how you feel. social media teens coming in here is literally no different from shitskins moving to europe

>> No.13359237

>Can I not exist just because I'm not part of the dominant culture?
Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.13359242

This is a very apt description of what seems to have happened to 4chan in general.

>> No.13359276

social media teens are't here to stay tho

>> No.13359300

You say that is they don’t get replaced.

>> No.13359308

Been on 4chan since 2006 and I get called a "normie" quite often. It's a fucking stupid term.

You know how the media had always said the Internet was going to leak into real life? Well, the opposite happened. Social bullshit, corporates and monopolies (Google, Facebook, Twitter) are the main offenders.

Speaking of /jp/ only, many natives left a while ago and we get new users (crossboarders) who basically kick down the door and try to impose themselves over the rest (/jp/ regulars).

The Internet is dead... for us.

>> No.13359314

You're the one invading, retard. Your garbage humor meta threads were neither funny nor interesting. No one is above the topic of the board so if it follows the rules, it stays. Cry about it.

>> No.13359316

How much do you weigh anon.

>> No.13359319

Is it really infected by normies though?
Most normies don't even know what an otaku is.

>> No.13359334

>Most normies don't even know what an otaku is.
You mean like /jp/ these days?

>> No.13359351

/jp/ knows as much about otaku today as it always has, which is next to nothing.

>> No.13359459

>No one is above the topic of the board so if it follows the rules, it stays
By your logic this thread in on topic. Retard.

>> No.13359485

I don't browse 4chan anymore. It's no longer enjoyable and instead I'm only hit by a powerful wave of unexplainable, profound sadness every time I come back. Not sure why I'm here today, maybe it's something like morbid curiosity.

I'm no longer familiar with the boards so I don't know what kind of community /jp/ is now or if it at all resembles what it used to be, but I imagine most of its previous users are gone one way or another. They must be. I wonder what all the different people I've talked with are doing now. I hope they're happy.

>> No.13359546

And I thought this thread couldn't make me get any sadder.

>> No.13359572

IMO /jp/ is probably more on topic now than it ever was but it's like an empty shell of what it used to be. It's exactly what it's described as, a board for discussion of otaku culture and not much more. I guess that's good in a way but there's not much as far as enjoyment goes. It's like all the old /jp/ers left and new boring people who just like touhou, kancolle, VNs etc just replaced them.

>> No.13359580

Being old sucks. I fucked up my life.

>> No.13359638
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That is like a textbook example of being a fool, partaking in a system that is doomed to fail, and then crying when it fails.

4Chan was made to be little more than a pool of humanitys disgusting nature, a weak and disgusting construction, who would place their hopes on that?

>> No.13359641

I'm not even that old and I can barely find any enjoyment out of the Internet already.

>> No.13359660

But that happened in all the boards, all the creative and lighthearted anons left.
I did too dood but instead of lamenting you should look for a reason to live be it your family, your dog or whatever you have a little love for.
Then living will not be that shitty, of course is not that great either but al least is something better and you won't feel bad.

>> No.13359716

I have clinical depression and few things manage to make me sad nowadays since I always already feel terrible by default but thinking about people I've had conversations and memories with on 4chan and how I'll never meet or talk to them again never fails to distress me.

>> No.13359775

Wow, little Rumia knows how to deliver the truth!

>> No.13359803

i'm an idiot who never left! do i get a prize?

>Can I not exist just because I'm not part of the dominant culture?
it's like digital colonialism. the invasion, misappropriation, and eventual destruction of everything you love by the hands of normies.

>> No.13359816

I preferred old off-topic /jp/ to current /jp/ but only because I liked the people. Now that I hate pretty much everybody I prefer interacting with them through sterilized on-topic discussion.

>> No.13359845

>i'm an idiot who never left! do i get a prize?

i doubt anyone who's been here for long would use that word

>> No.13359855

Maybe you should just leave this accursed place. Or not. There's nowhere to go, anyway.

>> No.13359865

would you would prefer i use something like "normalfag"?

>> No.13359870

This word is killing /jp/ for me more than anything.

>> No.13359875

Is it because you're a normie?

>> No.13359878

oh yeah, the -fag suffix, very 2008-like

how about neither

>> No.13359891

Both versions are used in regular old /jp/ though, and even before /jp/, /a/.

So the answer is: you can use both.

>> No.13359892

uh, then...."crossie"? though i don't exactly have a problem with "crossboarding" per se, just people shitting up the place.

maybe i should call them "colonists."

>> No.13359901

let's be real now, he's trying to say that using a common term is somehow representative of how long you've been somewhere which is just terrible logic. realistically, he probably just got called a normie at one point and is still salty over it.

>> No.13359903

The -fag suffix and /b/speak in general has never been well-received here, though.

>> No.13359904


>> No.13359906

Not the other guy but I like how you went from normalfags to crossboarders, as if the two are synonymous and correlated. Sadly they probably are too.

>> No.13359913

to >>13359892 oops

>> No.13359918

I don't know about that since normalfag is regularly used around here, as well as moralfag.

>> No.13359922

eh? i would argue that normie hate is universal. though yeah, i rarely ever see "normalfag" on /jp/. "normie" just sounds better anyway, the -fag suffix is just needlessly edgy at this point, as is much of /b/speak.

>> No.13359928

Everyone use fag on 4chan, not just on /b/, /jp/ included.

You can check the /jp/ archives for proof.

>> No.13359947

> I like how you went from normalfags to crossboarders
just going down the list of /jp/ "boogieman terms"!

> as if the two are synonymous and correlated
i actually think they are heavily correlated. both terms would describe people who don't respect subcultures enough to even attempt to assimilate. they need to make the fact of their otherness known somehow, often obnoxiously. this is also typical "normie" behavior. no doubt it converges on a particular "type" of person.

i, for one, blame tumblr and /a/!

>> No.13359951

Yeah, because of crossboarders.

A lot of people use greentexting or think sage works like a downvote but that doesn't mean they're right. This place is dying, anyway, so that's why you see it happening more often.

>> No.13359956

nah i'll take your word for it. fag used to be in very common use but i've probably just become desensitized to it. that or people have actually become a little more sensitive to LGBT and it has been used less in general. maybe both. shrug.

>> No.13359959

The usage of normalfag was actually more popular on older /jp/, because normalfag was the older term and /jp/ was branched off /a/.

Nowadays everyone just say normies because it's the shorter term.

>> No.13359970

Fag is still commonly used on every board (that I browse at least).

>> No.13359978

It doesn't have anything to do with people being sensitiveww

It's just annoying /b/speak that went old at least 7 years ago.

>> No.13359984

Normalfag fits this board better, and I remembered it being used plenty.

I can't hear "normies" and not instantly think of /r9k/ frog posters and "r8 me i'm a virgin".

>> No.13359995

-fag never went old.

People just used Mokoufags last week or even right now.

>> No.13359999


>> No.13360005 [DELETED] 

Define "normie".

>> No.13360007

I always thought "normies" was just the sort of language in hype right now what with a lot of people trying to sound cute and gay. I notice this a lot in the OC thread. I grew up using the -fag type, though i can't really remember when it started to die out.

>> No.13360008

It's not crossboarders.

As said, people have used fag on /jp/ since 2008.

>> No.13360011

What's that?

>> No.13360014

>I have clinical depression
I think that goes without saying for most people here, anon.

>> No.13360017

It's like it never existed.

>> No.13360019

oho. the crossboarder reveals himself!

well i don't personally see it. even if i did it's not like it matters. using a word has little to do with how long you've been here or even where you frequent. the memes might though. greentext and shit will always bother me.

but we have an LGBT board now. that's gotta count for something! on the other hand 4chan as a whole has gotten much much more racist and right-wing over the past year or two.

>> No.13360022

1. A profoundly wise man, especially one who features in ancient history or legend.

Eh, this is turning into a "no. yes. no. yes. nuh-uh." kind of conversation. I'll simply agree to disagree now.

>> No.13360023

This is what scares me.

You have newfags who pretend to be oldfags and deny history, effectively changing it to their version.

>> No.13360035

i used to. even tried to gensokyo one time. but now things are much better. find things that you love to do and do them. also, fall in love. i fell in love with a perfect (2D) girl and somehow life has become infinitely more meaningful.

>> No.13360038

What can we do about it? Since this is an anonymous imageboard, there shouldn't even be a sense of history or identity, and we're just realizing that it really is the case. We probably have people who've been here for 2 years and think they're "old"fags, though they probably won't use that term

>> No.13360040

It's not a yes or no question.

I have proofs for it, in the archives.

People simply used normalfag a lot more when the board was formed.

>> No.13360043

this makes me very, very sad. especially when i see people constantly bumping threads.

>> No.13360044

The archives exist.

Proofs of older /jp/ culture are preserved there.

>> No.13360050

Yeah, because /jp/ started as a fork of /a/. Then it developed its own culture, mainly featuring eastern Internet culture and avoiding /b/ tendencies (memes, greentexting, reaction pictures).

>> No.13360053

It matters (to me) because the -fag suffix is one of the older 4chan culture, that even /jp/ shares.

To deny it is to deny a part of history.

>> No.13360060

>older 4chan culture, that even /jp/ shares
...But 4chan culture is EXACTLY what /jp/ hates.

>> No.13360062

i saw "ronery" in one of the posts there...

>> No.13360065

What? Even in the days of /jp/ culture (2008-2012), people still use normalfag a lot, in fact they use it way more than now, which is the time /jp/ culture starts to die down.

If your logic is right, then this moment is the high time of /jp/ culture, which is very wrong.

>> No.13360067

"normie" is a term I associate with the unrestricted retard era and therefore I assume everyone using it is a retard.

>both terms would describe people who don't respect subcultures enough to even attempt to assimilate.
Old /jp/ culture had a strange allure despite being shit and so people went out of their way to assimilate. Modern /jp/ is just shit so nobody cares.

>> No.13360075

Not older 4chan culture.

There's a reason people say the best time of /jp/ was that it tried to be old /b/.

>> No.13360082

You mentioned tumblr and other (lesser) boards but I hope you realize that the way you type is one of their key features. Maybe you're actually a double agent working undercover for them? I'd believe it.

Anyway the whole 2D thing isn't exactly a new concept and I would have done it a long time ago if it could cure me.

>> No.13360091

Maybe they resembled each other but I don't think was trying to be anything. Back then, we just were.

>> No.13360092

free your mind from the tyranny of punctuation

boundless freedom awaits

>> No.13360095

To be fair, I use "normie" because it's shorter.

Then again, I think should use the -fag suffice more often, as a homage to older 4chan.

>> No.13360103

We were Japan/General, which was kinda old /b/.

>> No.13360108

...No? Old /b/ was almost 10 years ago, anyway.

See this very old thing I could salvage off the Internet Archives:

>Keep your memes in your board - We aren't meme fans, try to keep your memes in /b/.

/jp/ tried to stay as far away as possible from anything resembling /b/, /v/ or /a/. If anything, we tried to be like a mix of Nijiura and vip.

>> No.13360110

I don't know, this sounds like tumblr-speak to me.

Grammar nazism was older 4chan culture.

>> No.13360119

This. There as a time when thread-after-thread would be derailed from such shit flinging. It's quite nostalgic to think that it will never happen again.

>> No.13360120

>Rule 12: Don't be a "normalfag" - Most of the users here are loser weeaboo "NEET"s. Nobody cares if your girlfriend is a supermodel or if you are more successful than us, we enjoy our way of living, even if we feel lonely.
Even that /jp/rules use normalfag, man.

>> No.13360122

>Old /jp/ culture had a strange allure despite being shit and so people went out of their way to assimilate. Modern /jp/ is just shit so nobody cares.
i don't know. i think old /jp/ was pretty shitty (in that special way) that made it less accessible and it drove a lot of people away. i think modern /jp/'s problems stem from a greater influx of new people, only now they aren't being driven out by /jp/ shitposting.

>the way you type is one of their key features.
i used to type with perfect punctuation and grammar for years on here. the guy with really long and proper tl;dr posts you would see was probably me. in the end, i decided it took too long to be so uppity. i just try to take it easy now.

>> No.13360124
File: 15 KB, 580x141, NERD_shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still keep it around with rule 6.

(I believe this post was made by a moderator who needed a suitably drastic public example to make.)

>> No.13360125

i only started using all lower case when they took away sage as a substitute indicator that my post (or your thread) was very shit

though sometimes i suspect i picked up this habit from very shitty posters who weren't doing it on purpose

>> No.13360130

Well, don't.

Someone quoted older /jp/rules:
>Rule 14: Grammar and spelling - Type coherently. Firefox has a spell checker, there's no excuse. Also use proper capitalization and punctuation. Yes, we actually care about that.

>> No.13360140

What seemed like a thread to celebrate the past inevitably turned into a fierce disagreement over board culture and normalfags. Well, I guess that's also nostalgic in a way.

>> No.13360141

In my mind the switch from "normalfag" to "normie" exemplified /jp/'s transition into pure idiocy.

>> No.13360145

Because there be nigga trying to deny older /jp/ culture.

I have to fight them.

>> No.13360148

Notice the quotation marks.

>> No.13360150

this is the part where i tell you that suigin and his rules are full of shit

but only because it gives me /jp/ cred and not because i actually agree

>> No.13360160

>fierce disagreement
That's exaggerating things a bit, anon.

I switched to "normie" because I frankly stopped wanting to use the term "fag." I used to not care, but now it doesn't sit well, especially when it's tacked on the end of everything. Just seems "edgy."

>> No.13360162

If it's put into modern context, it would be "normie".

Just accept that "normalfag" is a popular term on older /jp/, even on /jp/'s golden age.

>> No.13360164

People were consciously avoiding the use of punctuation on SA's BYOB and the old Laissez's Faire subforms LONG before Tumblr was even a thing.

A lot of the newer posters forget that a lot of us old posters are former goons that fled SA after Lowtax shat up the place. /jp/ (and to an extent /s4s/) is the last remnant of the goon culture that we imported here.

>> No.13360166

It was made by an annoying person but (most of it) still holds true. To me, at least.

>> No.13360167

Old 4chan was edgy.

And the fact fag is used on everything makes it a normal word on 4chan, just like nigger.

>> No.13360173

>used to type with perfect punctuation and grammar for years on here. the guy with really long and proper tl;dr posts you would see was probably me.
Yeah, me too. I'd make it a point to structure my posts to a point where it was unhealthy. While I still don't habitually type the way you do I've become much more carefree about that kind of thing, despite what this post may suggest. I wonder if I've devolved into a filthy creature or if I've reached a new stage of liberation.

>> No.13360174

So, who here still has their forum account?

>> No.13360175

Well, I don't know about SA but I never seen approval of non-punctuation usage on 4chan.

Grammar nazism was a thing and I hope it's still a thing.

>> No.13360178

That reminds me most of the original 4chan crew were/are a bunch of what people would call "normies" nowadays.

>> No.13360181

These days it's just a suffix you put on anything to describe a person. It's only "edgy" if you think too hard about how you're secretly supporting the beating of gays.

Adding "-ie" to anything just sounds infantile.

>> No.13360186

They would be call edgy by modern 4chan, normalfag or not.

>> No.13360193

Oh, I think I remember when I first saw the -ie affix on something in /jp/. I think it was on /jp/sie, which I think is an alright term to use for /jp/'s citizens, but then it somehow spread out to being used on other terms, such as normies and crossies.

>> No.13360194

>Old 4chan was edgy.
Well yeah. That's what I'm saying. That just doesn't really sit well with me anymore. I grew a little older in that time, you know. It's the same for "nigger." I'm just trying to take it easy. No time for that silly shit.

>These days it's just a suffix you put on anything to describe a person.
Yeah, it was like that for a long time. Reimufags now KCfags or something, whatever. It's just hard for me to separate it from the history or implications of it, even if it's so normalized. It reminds me of an underaged kid (me) thinking he was being really cool online at one point.

>> No.13360199

It's just that the definition of "normie" has expanded as people here constantly act out to one-up each other.

>> No.13360204

/jp/sie survived, but there used to be /jp/ers or /jp/edo.

And the huge deal behind /jp/sie was that it was a cutesy, positive-sounding term, while "normies" and "crossies" are not.

>> No.13360210

>I wonder if I've devolved into a filthy creature or if I've reached a new stage of liberation.
forego all limits! our passion can't be contained by grammar, spelling, and punctuation!

if it makes you feel any better, i type with perfect everything when i argue things seriously, out of respect. and even when i type without capitalization, i still often use proper grammar our of plain old habit.

>> No.13360211

It's fine if you want to take it easy, it's not fine if you try to deny older 4chan culture.

Take it easy is for the soul, not for the tongue.

>> No.13360214

/jp/sie was supposed to be gypsy, right? Hardly cutesy, more scornful, much like all other old chan identifiers, such as /v/irgin or /b/tard

>> No.13360226

No, it's definitely more a more cutesy term compared to /jp/ers and /jp/edos.

>> No.13360227

>scientologyFAGS better not forget we don't forgive hey check out shitting dick nipples lmfao let's raid this chick's myspace lucky star general
>Hitler and ron paul were right degeneracy fuck off you normies wew laddeh mai raifu MEME GRIPS

>> No.13360228

>it's not fine if you try to deny older 4chan culture.
Well that's silly. You could just look it up on the archive as some anon already linked. Also, it's pretty common knowledge that -fag is used all over 4chan. It's textbook "chanspeak."

I always read it as "gypsy." /jp/sie DOES sound kind of cute though, no lie.

>> No.13360231

That term literally only exists so we could call ourselves a bunch of gypsie fucks (the unwanted, homeless trash of 4chan). Except endearingly.

The extension of that to anything else was just retarded.

>> No.13360234

>>13360210your rite grmmr hu needs its wasteof time

>> No.13360236

Well, I'm the dude who supported -fag suffix, so yeah, you are arguing with the wrong dude.

>> No.13360237

why would you even visit /pol/?

>> No.13360246

fk rytng


>> No.13360252

I like to think of grammar as clothing.

Formal grammar and syntax is like business clothing.

lack of both is for relaxed settings where you can wear your pjs or underwear

>> No.13360257

Well, you should at least respect older 4chan culture at least.

Else, this place is just gonna be tumblr.

>> No.13360263

I can't tell if this thread is good or bad but it's weirdly pleasant

>> No.13360265

There's no denying that parts of /pol/'s internal culture has bled into the rest of 4chan.

Every board has its collection of autists who are right happy to derail a thread at the first mention of feminism, niggers, ``neoreactionaries'' or whatever the gamergaters are angry at this week.

And trolls are only too happy to bait those people by pretending to be radical leftists.

>> No.13360278

>Else, this place is just gonna be tumblr.
Anon, I'm really, really sorry to break it to you but it's already happened.

Retro (read: trendy tumblr microgenre music) threads, "Japanese culture" threads, "ironic" and not-ironic SJW posting, epic memes, pictures with "tumblr_" in the pic name.


>> No.13360280

/pol/ was pretty much the old 4chan.

So now the new 4chan tries to isolate it.

We used to have athens.

>> No.13360283

I still stand here and I don't browse tumblr, and would keep reminding people of ye olde 4chan.

>> No.13360285

I'm incredibly shocked that there remain people in 2015 who care about the quality and state of a board. I haven't browsed this place regularly since mid 2013 so I don't know if there's anything worth protecting still, but man, after all this time? It's really surprising.

>> No.13360288

>/pol/ was pretty much the old 4chan.
Pfft, hahaha.

>pictures with "tumblr_" in the pic name.
MANY great artists decided to switch to Tumblr and Twitter to post their stuff for some reason, instead of sticking to pixiv and the sort.

>> No.13360289

Older 4chan culture was an import of SA culture. There was room back then for rejection of formal grammar

And this place is going to become tumblr anyway. All non-facebook-youtube-twitter social media communities are converging into the one homogenous culture as redditors start posting on 4chan and tumblr while 4channers create reddit and tumblr accounts and so forth.

So you can do that or you can flee to one of the hundreds of fringe communities.

>> No.13360294

>/pol/ was pretty much the old 4chan.
No it wasn't? 4chan has always had an atmosphere of casual racism, but it was never like /pol/ level nonsense.

>> No.13360296

It was though, old /b/ was pretty much /pol/ with all the raid.

>> No.13360298

kill yourself twice

>> No.13360299

I guess it's because it's hard for people to let go of something they've spent so much time on. I don't even like it here anymore and it's a complete waste of time, but I stick around nonetheless.

>> No.13360301

Yeah. I go around /pol/, and to my surprise, I saw athens posting with his fucking trip on. God that took me back

>> No.13360303

Old 4chan was pretty much impossible to be offended back then, new 4chan is too much political correct now.

And /pol/ is a continuation of /n/ anymore.

>> No.13360307

>And /pol/ is a continuation of /n/*

>> No.13360308

Please do. I think if we model proper /jp/ behavior, others might follow. No helping the inevitable, but we can probably still keep this place somewhat decent. I'm still here, after all.

>MANY great artists decided to switch to Tumblr and Twitter to post their stuff for some reason, instead of sticking to pixiv and the sort.
Huh. Didn't know that. But still! All of the other stuff still stands.

>> No.13360309

/pol/ has a large population of actual nazis and the sort.

4chan wasn't as big as it is now when /n/ was around, so moot killed it and nothing happened. If /pol/ was to be deleted now all their posters would spread to other boards.

You could say this place is the best of the worst.

>> No.13360311

>4chan wasn't as big as it is now when /n/ was around

i love it when people pretend they know anything

>> No.13360312

I can never confirm that, maybe back in 2004 4chan.

But in 2007 when I start browsing 4chan, people were trying to be as grammatically correct as possible.

And I don't know/don't care if you browse leddit or tumblr, you should at least pretend to follow older 4chan culture.

>> No.13360314
File: 524 KB, 1000x1000, 26527961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why hang on to something as disposable as a website? Why tether your enjoyment of your hobbies to a community that is slowly collapsing into a pointless morass?

Go enjoy things without needing a community to validate your interests.

I honestly don't remember the old 4chan being as narcissistic as /pol/.

>MANY great artists decided to switch to Tumblr and Twitter to post their stuff for some reason
The tumblr platform itself is well-suited for posting graphic content, and twitter is good for communicating small messages with like-minded people on the fly. Doubly so for Japanese as they aren't as affected by the 140 character restriction.

We justifiably hate them because of their cancerous userbases.

>> No.13360317

>you should at least pretend to follow older 4chan culture when you post on 4chan.

>> No.13360321

>Old 4chan was pretty much impossible to be offended back then, new 4chan is too much political correct now.
Granted, it was smaller back then, and it was a community of misfits, underaged kids, and idiots. Now it's much bigger with more mainstream attention and it's filled with shit like tumblr SJWs. No helping it. Still doesn't exactly make old 4chan like /pol/.

>And /pol/ is a continuation of /n/
Holy shit i totally forgot that that happened with all that stormfront shit.

>> No.13360324

Old 4chan (especially /b/) regularly had suicide threads.

>> No.13360325
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>And I don't know/don't care if you browse leddit or tumblr, you should at least pretend to follow older 4chan culture
make me nerd

>> No.13360326

>old 4chan being as narcissistic

see: /co/, /v/, /a/, etc...

>> No.13360330

/pol/ is exactly a community of misfits, kids and idiots.

The big difference is it's also filled with other kinds from other sites trying to "convert it".

>> No.13360331

You seriously think 4chan has had the same number of users now as it did many years ago? Really?

>> No.13360336

/co/ wasn't as elitist as the rest of the boards.

People said /co/ used to be the friendlest, it was "love" and other bullshit.

It's a gateway for tumblr now.

>> No.13360338

>it's filled with shit like tumblr SJWs
We had those since they early early days.

It's just that they had the benefit of having a complete idiot in the white house to provide justification for their impotent rage.

Furthermore the issues they are fighting have shifted in the last three-four years. Economic policy has taken a back seat to mind-numbing identity politics (feminism, lgbt, race, trannies).

>> No.13360339

>The tumblr platform itself is well-suited for posting graphic content
Actually, it's terrible for that, at least now. Mandatory resizing now forces needless compression on all pictures you upload. I think you used to be able to upload at a certain res and it would just leave it at that, but not anymore. Gifs get all fucked unless you compress and desaturate and everything. People change tags and steal art and no one knows thanks to tumblr's excellent reblogging system. Honestly, it's terrible.

>> No.13360345

>/co/, /v/, /a/
/co/ and /a/ had the decency to contain their autism and self-importance to their own boards.

/v/ to an extent is one of the predecessors of modern /pol/ since a lot of the adolescent rage that you find there meshes nicely with right-wing identity politics.

>> No.13360346

Yeah. Even though I have no business saying this, I'm kind of thankful that people like you stick around. If everyone who used to browse this place just left like I did, it would lose everything it used to represent. It would become something completely, irreversibly different. I don't know how long you'll stay here but I hope the experience is at least somewhat meaningful for you.

>> No.13360353

>We had those since they early early days.
No, not like this. The surge of SJW is most definitely due in part to Tumblr's increasing popularity. Of course feminists and leftists have always existed, but this particular brand of underaged, ignorant-but-judgmental, holier-than-thou, buzzword-slinging SJW shit is tumblr.

>> No.13360355

I grant you those points, but a lot of people are willing to trade resolution quality for seamlessness. With mobile devices promoting swipe and tap browsing habits, having to load an entire page just to view a separate picture becomes annoying for casuals.

>> No.13360358

It's actually surprising how little I've changed given how much /jp/ has changed. It's like the train is leaving the station without me, but I somehow still think that I am aboard the train.

>> No.13360363

How old are you? Serious question.

>> No.13360364

Reblogging is one of the worst things about tumblr. I have seen many "blogs" where nearly all the content is reblogs of reblogs of reblogs and nothing of their own or nothing they found on their own.
The other thing about it is the way the dashboard works. It's difficult to catch up on everything you miss, and if your computer is of a certain age the flood of gifs is going to slow it down. Tumblr would be a shitty website even without its shitty userbase.

Sorry, end of rant.

>> No.13360371

Oh, yeah that's true. I've heard that it's just a place to casually showcase work. Artists who actually do art have separate portfolios linked. Shame they're moving from pixiv though. I liked it.

>> No.13360375
File: 198 KB, 1028x1513, trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: I've been on Tumblr since 2009, a few months after it started, and everyone there stole content from 4chan (which is what caused tumblr to get ddos'd by /b/ back then). Hell, it was pretty much like /b/ with usernames and microblogging bullshit.

Funnier fact: I quit Tumblr and many other places around 2010 and when I came back two years later Tumblr had turned into this place full of radical feminists and actual 12-year-old children. A shame I missed the transition because I still can't figure out how it even happened.

>> No.13360376
File: 143 KB, 500x495, 1101772100448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Old 4chan" was mostly liberal know it all high school and college kids mocking the right wing via irony. I don't know if this describes /pol/ today, since I don't use /pol/.

>> No.13360380


>> No.13360382

The older 4chan lefts were different: they were atheist, some were anti-war/anti-Bush, but they engage in discussion with christians on daily basis but they didn't bother calling everyone sexist or racist because those words are taken for granted on 4chan. Some of the old left even praise Japan before America because it's cultural homogenous.

Nowadays, the new leftists on 4chan just scream any -ism they can and celebrate "diversity".

>> No.13360388

Y'know, every time I look far back into the archives, I think: has this place really gotten worse? In some of those posts I see the same shit that happens today. The quoting abuse, the crossboarder/normalfag invaders are still there.

>> No.13360390

>The other thing about it is the way the dashboard works. It's difficult to catch up on everything you miss, and if your computer is of a certain age the flood of gifs is going to slow it down. Tumblr would be a shitty website even without its shitty userbase.
View all of this from the wants of a casual and all these negatives become plusses.

The casual does not need to catch up on every damn thing, they just want a few gifs and macros to laugh at while waiting on the bus.

The casual usually replaces her phone when it slows down. Yes, I said phone.

The reason why tumblr's interface isn't wroking well for you is because it's NOT MADE FOR YOU

>> No.13360395

I never felt it was "irony".

Or, perhaps, irony back then was a lot more subtle.
To quote the older /jp/rules, which weren't all that accurate, especially the "tolerant" part.
>Rule 5: Irony is art - Sarcasm and irony are funny, however "LOL I DONT LIKE THIS SO I HAVE TO ACT LIKE A RETARD XD" isn't accepted. Acting like a retard to "mock" something you dislike only makes you worse than the people you are trying to mock. Neither is spamming the board with stupid shit just to be funny.

>> No.13360399

>Reblogging is one of the worst things about tumblr.
Wholeheartedly agree. Reblogging is the absolute worst since it decontextualizes everything into meaninglessness. If that wasn't already enough, obscuring the "history" of a work, the system is completely ego-driven, meaning that when a person reblogs, they are appropriating what they value in that work as a part of their identity. This is why you have blogs that are completely made up of reblogs. This is why you have blogs that are some finely constructed so that every reblog fits the "aesthetic" of their blog. It's a way of constantly saying "LOOK AT WHAT I LIKE. LOOK AT HOW DEEP, SMART, ARTISTIC, AND INTERESTING I AM BECAUSE I LIKE THESE THINGS." It is a most disgusting masturbatory exercise.


>> No.13360401

People were just simpler back then, it was all sincere.

>> No.13360405

The most surprising thing to me is how quickly they've grown. The "tumblr brand SJW" isn't that old of an archetype, but they've proliferated unbelievably fast in the past few years. Or is it just that people like them tend to be especially vocal, giving the illusion that there are more of them than there really are? I'm not sure but either way they're really annoying.

>> No.13360406

God, if you want to talk about tumblr, go to tumblr.

I don't even browse tumblr so I have no idea what you are even talking about.

>> No.13360411

When did you start paying deep attention to politics?

You have to understand how much of a pressure not being in power was on the American left. You had an idiot fundamentalist in the White House, two pointless wars being waged across the globe with kids getting IED'd every day, and christian doctrine used to justify denying kids food stamps and the like. Everyone was concentrated on kicking out the white chimpanzee and installing him with anyone else.

Now that we've been in power for a while and it hasn't really affected any change, a lot of younger leftists who can't remember the Bush era have taken to CULTURE WARS 2.0 because they provide more instantaneous gratification in the form of self-righteousness. No need for months of election campaigning when you can just scream at people and then act hurt when they scream back.

>> No.13360423

>is it just that people like them tend to be especially vocal, giving the illusion that there are more of them than there really are?
No, it's definitely "in" right now. You see more of the archetype because these kids actually have no clue about what they're talking about and are just regurgitating what they've seen everyone else regurgitate. Kids that need to pretend to be some "non-binary" gender in order to feel special and to judge others who don't care.

>God, if you want to talk about tumblr, go to tumblr.
That's not how it works, but I'm really sorry. It's just the limited exposure I've had of it has made me very, very angry. Just trying to illustrate just how cancerous that place actually is.

>> No.13360429

See my post >>13360411 but for whatever reason, economic policy has been superseded by identity politics which involves more opinions and feelings over debate over facts and figures. Identity politics provides ready-made narratives that are -easy to understand- and therefore -easy to get angry about-.

When's the last time you've seen someone get angry about credit default swaps?

>> No.13360430

So you thought we were really hardcore homophobic racists when we went around calling everything a nigger faggot?
That stuff was done precisely because it was so outrageous.

>> No.13360434
File: 59 KB, 760x340, 1421489373172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/co/ wasn't as elitist as the rest of the boards.

/co/ considered itself superior for the sole fact that they were "nice, THOUGHTFUL nerds", who actually prided themselves on having alot of femanons, whereas boards didn't give a fuck. You act like /co/ going tumblr just happened out of nowhere when it was a breeding grounds for those types to begin with.

>> No.13360441

Yeah, perhaps I word it wrong, /co/ is prideful for the opposite reason (instead of isolation and hispter-dom, they celebrate normalization), which is why their board becomes a gateway for normalfags and the like.

>> No.13360442
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>You see more of the archetype because these kids actually have no clue about what they're talking about and are just regurgitating what they've seen everyone else regurgitate.
To be fair, I'm seeing an entire generation of right-wingers not knowing anything about fiscal policy because it's more fun to complain about feminists and advocate dark enligtenment or nationalist populism.

Social policy isn't everything folks. You can't have a civilization to protect if that civilization is absolutely bankrupt and indebted.

>> No.13360444

>When did you start paying deep attention to politics?
Never. Didn't bother with it until around college time. Even now I still don't really care. American politics is all fucked anyway. It seems to be completely backwards from the rest of the world.

I get what you're saying about a shift to identity politics but I never noticed any sudden changes. It coincides with the popularization of the internet and social media too.

>> No.13360446

All in all, I thought we were hipsters trying to be different.

But nowadays modern hipsters are different than ours, to the point where I try to stay away from them.

>> No.13360446,1 [INTERNAL] 

alot of these supposed oldfags are pretty retarded

>> No.13360458

Well, I didn't pay that much attention to politics until like 2012-2013 until I feel there's some sort of social pressure on 4chan, that didn't feel natural.

Nowadays I follow the American "right"/libertadians most of the times, free-market, pro-gun, no welfare, stuff like that. I feel it's like the only ideology where you can be an individual and not be influenced by either the government or the mass, which was the spirit of 4chan.

>> No.13360467

While athens was amusing, he was not a good poster by any means. The last time he visited he casually mentioned that he used to be an awful poster.

He went right back to posting the way he used to but that's neither here nor there.

>> No.13360476

Yeah this is actually weird for me. I remember being in the old NEET/Hikki threads, and how we used to plan out how we can dick around the system for,get ready for some nostalgia, "autismbux". If anything, I expected most old /jp/sies to be leftists.

Or maybe they did do well on their word to go to Gensokyo...

>> No.13360477

>Didn't bother with it until around college time. Even now I still don't really care. American politics is all fucked anyway. It seems to be completely backwards from the rest of the world.
Oh wow, it's like I've gone back in time to the 2004 election. You getting ready to vote for Nader?

I kid, I kid - but I'm making a point here. Identity politics appeals to alientated voters. With it you don't need to read up on complex budgetary issues or follow international events on a regular basis. It's politics a la Brothers Grimm; there's a good guy, there's an evil dragon, and every day the good guy fights the dragon to save the princess on your computer screen or cell phone or TV.

The dragon could be racist white people or shrill feminists and niggers depending on your persuasion. It doesn't take much work to change around some words.

>I get what you're saying about a shift to identity politics but I never noticed any sudden changes
These types of changes are never sudden. They happen over years.

>> No.13360486

Why is it that you care so much about 4chan? Why don't you seek greater things like this?

>> No.13360488

you forget that NEET were meant to be something you were ashamed of posting in

>> No.13360489

NEET is a way to play the system against itself.

It didn't respect the system. In a way, NEET fights the system by leeching from it but give nothing in return, accelerating the day till it's collapsed.

>> No.13360491

*NEET threads

>> No.13360492

Athens was an older /jp/ crew, I don't feel the need to consider him a good or bad guy.

>> No.13360493
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This is a shit thread.

>> No.13360499

I've been here a while, not oldfag by oldfag standards but a good 5+ years, maybe longer. Mostly just lurk and chuckle at you guys fighting or go to the fumo threads and wish I had all of em. /jp/ is where I just take it easy and I like it that way.

>> No.13360500

OP specifically asked for idiots.

>> No.13360504
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Most low-info people are left-wing when there's a republican in the white house cutting education funding and waging wars on the public dime.

Most low-info people are right-wing when there's a democrat in the white house raising your taxes and spending them on niggers and immigrants.

The cycle never ends. There's no fault in tuning out.

>> No.13360505

>If anything, I expected most old /jp/sies to be leftists.
I actually consider myself a leftist (was also a NEET!), but that doesn't really matter cause I don't get involved politically. 4chan has always struck me as an anarchist/communist kind of community. Completely decentralized, emphasis on community, culture, creating "OC," sharing, being stupid sometimes and really decent other times. Even consider the concept of "Anonymous." It is the ambiguous mass.

>> No.13360509

I've spent almost half my life here

I love this place more than I love my life

>> No.13360510

like? don't leave me hanging here you might just be my salvation bro

really? When over-analyzed, maybe. I remember full well that we were just lazy, insane people who didn't want to work and just wanted to browse /jp/ all day every day.

>> No.13360513
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>/jp/ is where I just take it easy and I like it that way.
Atta boy
If only I could dispose of this board altogether...

>> No.13360518

To be fair, if I bring the me now to the past, I would still be "right", I would be anti-Bush sure, but would still be pro-free market and gun.

>> No.13360522

I've been a socialist for the six years I've been browsing 4chan and for more years before that. It's pretty much never fucking relevant so who cares?

>be influenced by either the government or the mass,
/jp/ is a mass that influences people, too. You get used to it.

>> No.13360524

True, NEET way isn't political in itself.

Just that it's anti both systems.

It wants shit for free, even the lefts hate that.

>> No.13360528

/jp/ is not a majority though.

And even then if /jp/ suddenly turns to disagree on some issue, like free-market or guns, I would be sure I wouldn't be influenced by /jp/.

>> No.13360540

>Identity politics appeals to alientated voters.
It's certainly an easy way to win votes and you definitely see that play out with shit like "GOOD WHOLESOME FAMILY VALUES" (slay the gay).

somehow, though, i get the feeling most of the people who keep spouting that dumb political shit aren't even old enough to vote. Most of the "political" people I know do care about social policy, but also foreign policy, budgetary issues, etc. They also happen to be educated (surprise).

I know a bit about all of that stuff, but probably not enough and not motivated enough to check candidates and all that shit. You mentioned Nader It's funny because even if it's a wasted vote, I probably would've given it to him just cause he seems like such a nice guy.

>> No.13360543

reminder that politics goes in /pol/ even if you're not being a raving tard about it

the only thing /jp/ should actually agree on is that the new culture of "being offended" is garbage and leave it at that

>> No.13360543,1 [INTERNAL] 

should i post here i dont really visit /jp/ anymore

>> No.13360551
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>It's pretty much never fucking relevant so who cares?
I've read somewhere a description of modern politics on and off the internet as something akin to kabuki theatre: a lot of stomping around, dramatic gesturing and posturing, and loud noises, but at the end it's all just a fiction put on for people's entertainment.

I consider myself far-left but even I've come to despise most of the people I'm supposed to consider my comrades.

Shit never changes so why bother when you could just take it easy


I really hate how politics has become "fantasy football for nerds". As in, knowing what's in the upcoming federal budget makes you some loser

Who fiscal policy otaku here?

>> No.13360558

We'd rant, muse, philosophize and come up with hundreds of reasons as to why we were right and the system was wrong but I guess at the end of the day we really might just have been lazy and insane. Hahaha.

>> No.13360560
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...you're right, sorry. I'll stop.

>> No.13360568

hello im an oldfag let me talk about economics, my retarded political views and shit that i have no comprehension of

>> No.13360571
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>> No.13360581

I'm all ears, my friend!

>> No.13360582

>at the end it's all just a fiction put on for people's entertainment
Well, there you go. In the end, it's just something to give the impression of political efficacy.

It always ends up as a dumb deathmatch between two heavyweight champions or something. Media always plays it up like they're on even footing. It's always such a close call! Even when one guy has no chance of winning! Very exciting.

>> No.13360601
File: 166 KB, 600x811, 1371315325477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's post old stuff.

>> No.13360582,1 [INTERNAL] 

are a stupid nerd like all the trash (barring >>13360493) in this thread? then hop in

>> No.13360601,1 [INTERNAL] 

i dont know some guy said he hopes i never leave but ive been banned a lot over the years

>> No.13360606

literally everyone posts that once in a while after being called a weeb

>> No.13360614

Someone post bawson pls

>> No.13360616
File: 1.96 MB, 1200x1200, b31cda508dfa8cb842ed457fb1d6ddf4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah, aren't you funny.

You must look at this in a long term, a short while spent in ignorance might be fine, but do you honestly think that in long term you can achieve anything meaningful by staying here?

Regret, waste and hatred, that is what awaits those who dwell in nothingness, laugh now, but cry later, you are taking a loan, and it must be paid at some point.

You cannot deceive yourself, even if you think you can, your subconcious will betray you, your dreams will betray you, you yourself betray you, the illusion won't last forever, and then you weep, for all that you did not have.

Your inner self needs sustenance, and if it does not have it, it will scream for it, in day, and in night, and the more you deny yourself for it, the more you lose yourself and sink deeper, untill there is nothing left, only the cries inside and a empty shell.

>> No.13360631

shut the fuck up you retard

>> No.13360632

>it must be paid at some point.
jokes on you i don't have to pay once i'm dead

>> No.13360633
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>> No.13360640

Well, I feel if everyone give up on politics, the other side (the nanny state, professional victim) would win, so I'd keep on fighting I guess.

How to fight is easy enough: vote with your money.

>> No.13360646
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feeling it

>> No.13360655
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>> No.13360664
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>> No.13360668
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consumer activism is the laziest and most ineffective form of activism


>> No.13360675

I didn't know Urobuchi lurked /jp/...

Yeah, it would certainly seem that way. Still, I feel I feel a slight longing to see those old threads. It was like a hugbox for the untouchables. I wonder if the truNEET (tm) of old are still lurking or have passed on?

>> No.13360683


>> No.13360685

It's actually the most effective one in a fee/semi-free market.

If you all stop buying something, people will stop making it.

>> No.13360692

Your payment starts where your physical life ends.

When you do not have your physical body anymore to keep your emotions in bay, then you scream for all that you couldn't while alive, and wander in the afterlife seeking desperately for what you didn't have.

You become a classic ghost, a desperate being clinging for mortal realm, even if you are not part of it anymore, hating those who have, causing hatred just because you yourself are misreable, unless you see the error of your ways.

>> No.13360692,1 [INTERNAL] 

>I've spent almost half my life here

>> No.13360697

jokes on you i already hate everyone

i'm ahead of the curve

>> No.13360698

"Everyone" won't actually stop buying anything. If the product itself is still advantageous in any way, it will still be bought.

who scooby doo here?

>> No.13360707
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>I wonder if the truNEET (tm) of old are still lurking or have passed on?
I was forced to get a job.

I probably won't kill myself.

I come here less and less, though, so that part of me is dying bit by bit. But I guess it's predictable that I wouldn't enjoy 4chan after my seventh year wasted here.

Goodbye. We might meet each other, unknowingly, in the future when we're all midle-aged salarymen with cubicles and deadlines and mortgages. Hopefully I'll still decorate my desktop with best 2hu.

>> No.13360720
File: 288 KB, 1400x739, 1300860118439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so shitty post-2010 memes qualify as old memes these days


>> No.13360722

Well, that's not correct. Of course the product would still be bought, but not in any number to justify making more of it, so if that runs out, it's just gonna be trading back and forth.

>> No.13360733

>If you all stop buying something, people will stop making it.
Not if demand is constructed, which in many cases it certainly is. Fashion is a good example. The entire advertising industry exists in order to do this.

>> No.13360735
File: 869 KB, 474x600, 6676929_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It forces you into a politics that is merely reactive. You aren't to advance, you're just working to defend against constant attacks. And you require a critical mass of consumers to overcome any countermovement and be successful.

This politics discussion is quickly reaching the point of diminishing returns.

>> No.13360736

>not died in Iraq

>> No.13360746

I never figured if that was a true story or not. I mean zunBar was really different when he "came back".

>> No.13360751
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>> No.13360756

Well, I never pay attention to fashion so you might be right.
You both advance and defend in that stance though, you support people to advance into the way you like, and weed out parts you don't like.

And of course, this requires the mass of consumers, it's just how it works.

>> No.13360761
File: 43 KB, 500x500, Remilia cower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday I'll start doing my reps every day and then I'll be able to understand what gibberish Sakuya is spouting here.

>> No.13360770

I-is this OC?

>> No.13360773

Oh don't get me wrong, those threads are very dear to me. As sappy as it sounds I felt like we were a family, albeit a strange one. It was a great community.

Many of them must have moved on but I'm sure some are still here, although I'm not sure if they're still NEETs. It's a short-lived status. Unless your parents are oil tycoons or you win the lottery, we need a source of income. I just hope that they haven't killed themselves.

>> No.13360777

You could probably guess by the context of the picture.

Sakuya's brain is getting fried from drinking max coffee

>> No.13360785 [DELETED] 

Why are there so many feminists (or "feminist-allies" since they're men) on /jp/?

This used to be a cool and comfy board 2 years ago.

Now it's all rampant "uhm, u triggered me, go bak to /pol/!!!!" fatty respectful nodders everywhere and the entire board is dead.

>> No.13360787

Yeah, I sort of feel bad about that now, because I used to egg people on when they suggested they were going to Gensokyo. I was always sure they wouldn't have the balls to do so. But now that the trend has died, I can't help but think that some people really died along with it.

>> No.13360792

We'll probably stop coming here altogether in a few years, or we might even pass each other without so much as a thought. That's okay though, we were all friends at some point.

>> No.13360798

These guys are still the minority, some are even "ironic".

Just ignore any redirect to /pol/, they can't do anything to you.

When you give them your attention, they win.

>> No.13360799

>This used to be a cool and comfy board 2 years ago.
>Now it's all rampant "uhm, u triggered me, go bak to /pol/!!!!" fatty respectful nodders everywhere and the entire board is dead.
i can't take it easy with all this funposting.

>> No.13360803

Are you trying to imply that everyone who dislikes /pol/ is undoubtedly a feminist?

>> No.13360809

I've always thought of /jp/ as my home. It was the first board I visited so many years ago, and at this point, I'll probably be on it until either it or I die/s.

>> No.13360815

Everyone who does that is funposting.

Even the real-deal radfem who stumbled into /jp/ a few days back spent more time arguing political crap in /jp/ itself than whining.

>> No.13360816

Eh, everything good has to end some day, you know? Doesn't mean I won't at least try to keep enjoying it.

There'll always be cool people out there. Don't forget that.

That guy's obviously trolling or simply isn't actually a /jp/ regular. Ignore him.

>> No.13360820

I'd say the vast majority of them are cuteposters since feminism is a great way to derail a thread.

>> No.13360823

Well yeah, no matter how you look at it there must have been /jp/sies who've killed themselves. If there are people here who contemplate suicide, it's not because they want attention or something trivial like that. They're most likely very serious about it.

Maybe you pushed a couple of people over the edge, maybe not. Not like it matters anyway, you can tell them that they're wonderful human beings and that they shouldn't do it and they might feel a little better that day, but it's not like their problems disappear because of it. Anyway this is getting a bit depressing so I'll stop. w

>> No.13360824

Hence "ironic".

Then again, I don't do much irony.

>> No.13360827

I know who you're talking about and even he was a dedicated troll, albeit a more sophisticated one.

I'm a leftist and I know my god damn left-wing talking points as much as the next man. That person didn't know two things about progressive politics.

>> No.13360828

>Doesn't mean I won't at least try to keep enjoying it.
I still like /jp/! It's my easy place. Not much happens and there's a lot of shit, but it's still very quiet relative to the rest of the internet. i like that.

>> No.13360832
File: 312 KB, 500x500, cirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are cool people... AND THEN THERE ARE /jp/ERS

>> No.13360833
File: 3.34 MB, 2800x3733, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i count

>> No.13360835

I'm also leftist, but our friend could have just been outright stupid. One of those people who thinks he's hot shit after having picked up a book or two.

>> No.13360839

When I was a teenager and I came here back in 2008 I used to carry a pocketknife with me.

I was abusing hard drugs and wanted to end it by charging a cop so that I'd force him to send me to Gensokyo.

I'm clean now and a lot more sane, but to think that if I was that far gone that I'd carry around a weapon just for that purpose...who knows how many of our former friends/hated enemies are now frolicking with the faeries.

>> No.13360840

All those gallon-sized piss jugs must be a nightmare to wash out.

>> No.13360842

and here we have someone who memed so hard he became a meme himself

the hero of our time

>> No.13360846 [DELETED] 

>That guy's obviously trolling or simply isn't actually a /jp/ regular. Ignore him.
Said the crossie.

The point is that you get called "uhm...u triggr'd me, back to /pol/" if you say stuff like "I like [anime girl] because she's such a pure shy girl!". You get instantly attacked by the respectful nodder manginas for implying that a woman's sexual history decreases her value (it does).

Two years ago, this would never happen on /jp/.

>Everyone who does that is funposting.
No they're not. They're actually serious. Just search the archives. One of them posted his "study" of Dworkin's book (that's a man hating ugly feminist woman from the 80s in case you don't know). It wasn't copypasta, it was OC.

A person who reads the works by that Jabba the Hutt is clearly not being ironic.

It's like being a hipster ironic Nazi in Auschwitz - "Oh, I was just being ironic when I shoved those Juden into the oven! It was just funposting!!".

>> No.13360847

...there's nothing wrong with carrying a pocketknife with you.

That shit is much more useful as a tool than a weapon.

>> No.13360850

I remember your room, I think you had some weird shit in your closet. Or was it tea? I forget.

>> No.13360853
File: 775 KB, 1000x783, 18001847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a point.

Why would you have a fan blowing air from the piss jugs TO your computer?

>> No.13360854

That radfem has a rose-tinted glass on the world works, and he/she/it lives in Germany, just don't pay him/her/it any thoughts.

>> No.13360857

>You get instantly attacked by the respectful nodder manginas for implying that a woman's sexual history decreases her value (it does).
The backlash against jun'ai autists in the VN thread was perfectly justified. That shit was fucking dumb.

>One of them posted his "study" of Dworkin's book
... yes, he's the person I mentioned in the very next sentence.

>not ironically roasting jews

>> No.13360862

No, you don't get it - my plan was to pull the knife on a cop and force him to shoot me by pretending that I was going to stab him.

I'm glad I was too much of a coward to seriously follow through with it...

>> No.13360863
File: 1.03 MB, 2259x1600, 1306602868437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting.

>>not ironically roasting jews
Who are you quoting?

>> No.13360864

tea and onaholes and cameras and stuff

>> No.13360866

the ghost of ironic hitlers past

>> No.13360868

Wow, suicide by cop.

That's not edgy, that's just stupid.

>> No.13360874

That never happened to me and I have never seen that happening. People might have done that to you, but I don't care about your personal angst against these individuals.

>> No.13360880

And then there's people like this faggot who takes the bait and perpetuates political funposting for everyone else's frustration.

>> No.13360881 [DELETED] 

Let's make one thing clear, you shitlords, real men are feminists. If you're not a feminist, you are just a toxic little boy who cannot handle the fact that his kind used to rule the world (and it sucked - look at World Wars, etc.) and now they don't anymore.

The future is in hands of progressives. I mean, how idiotic do you have to be to be against that?

There is a reason why you can't spell progressive without "progress".

Not that I view any of you as a threat, since you are willingly & quietly removing yourself from society and the gene pool. Nature itself doesn't want you.

The future ahead of us (the world, not you) is bright.

Just make sure not to go on a spree shooting when you inevitably kill yourself, ok?

>> No.13360884

>The backlash against jun'ai autists in the VN thread was perfectly justified. That shit was fucking dumb.
I would still defend these guys because they basically try to protect their own side of porn, and what they do is perfectly legit, they don't ask for any sort of banning, they just refuse to buy shit they don't like.

>> No.13360886

People were complaining about others wanting pure girls in the VN thread of all places? That seems ridiculous

>> No.13360887 [DELETED] 

>Stop posting.
Why, are you frustrated, SJW cunt?

>> No.13360892

I was pretty stupid back then. Even if it was more of a fantasy then an actual set in stone plan.

>> No.13360893

Hey, that's really great for you. Glad to hear it.

Yeah, I wonder that myself. It's crazy that someone you talked to in a thread one day could be dead the next and you wouldn't even know it.

I don't think it's the pocketknife part so much as it is the charging a cop with a pocketknife to commit Gensokyo part.

>> No.13360896 [DELETED] 

You can literally find it in the fucking archive, you autistic CUCKOLD.

>> No.13360899

It's actually a pretty popular discussion.

We are still doing that now.

>> No.13360900
File: 631 KB, 1050x1280, 28499999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13360901

Anyways, >>13360881, please listen to me. That it's really related to this thread.
I went to /jp/ a while ago; you know, /jp/?
Well anyways there was an insane number of people posting there, and I couldn't get in.
Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "Otaku Culture" written on it.
Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.
You, don't come to /jp/ just because it's Otaku Culture, fool.
It's only Otaku Culture, O-T-A-K-U CULTURE for crying out loud.
There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some /jp/, huh? How fucking nice.
"Alright, daddy's gonna reply to this troll." God I can't bear to watch.
You people, I'll give you Otaku Culture if you get out of those seats.
Yosinoya should be a TRU NEET place.
That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the computer screen can start an e-fight at any time,
the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place.
Women and children should screw off and stay home.
Anyways, I was about to start posting, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-shitty, with currybutt."
Who in the world orders currybutt nowadays, you moron?
I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with currybutt?"
I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour.
Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "currybutt"?
Coming from a /jp/ TRU NEET such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra hoop-dog.
That's right, extra hoop-dog. This is the vet's way of eating.
Extra hoop-dog means more hoop-dog than currybutt. But on the other hand the quality is a tad higher. This is the key.
And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable.
However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by Suigin from next time on; it's a double-edged sword.
I can't recommend it to normalfags.
What this all really means, though, is that you, >>13360881, should just stick with today's 2hu thread.

>> No.13360904

If she cheated that would be one thing, but apparently even having a heroine mention cheating makes her mental used goods these days.

>> No.13360907 [DELETED] 

Wow, you replied to me not only once but twice. Don't touch me you filthy misogynist.

>> No.13360909

What makes that stupid as opposed to some other method of suicide? Is it about the morals of having someone else kill you? Aside from that it seems like a fairly viable plan to me, ignoring the implications of suicide itself.

>> No.13360912

>you autistic CUCKOLD
You guys were right, /pol/ is leaking everywhere.

>> No.13360915


>> No.13360919 [DELETED] 

You are a
Fedora Tipper
Respectful Nodder
Zoe Quinn Lover
with a tiny dick.

>> No.13360920

It's actually not guaranteed to kill you.

If you live, you would be in prison.

>> No.13360922

>Hey, that's really great for you. Glad to hear it.
Thanks man.

Is what I want to say, but being here for so long has eliminated my ability to properly distinguish between genuine sincerity and sarcasm

Sorry for abusing spoilers

>> No.13360923

I think that might have been the first Touhou video I saw.


>> No.13360927

Wow, calm down. As I said before, I do not care if someone on an anonymous imageboard does not have the same opinions as you. Perhaps you could try to accept the fact that maybe not everyone have the same teenage-tier ideologies as you, and not get irrationally angry at them, like a child would.

>> No.13360932

Because obviously those are terms you hear on /jp/ everyday, too.

>> No.13360933

I like it.

>> No.13360934 [DELETED] 

et's make one thing clear, you shitlords, real men are feminists. If you're not a feminist, you are just a toxic little boy who cannot handle the fact that his kind used to rule the world (and it sucked - look at World Wars, etc.) and now they don't anymore.

The future is in hands of progressives. I mean, how idiotic do you have to be to be against that?

There is a reason why you can't spell progressive without "progress".

Not that I view any of you as a threat, since you are willingly & quietly removing yourself from society and the gene pool. Nature itself doesn't want you.

The future ahead of us (the world, not you) is bright.

Just make sure not to go on a spree shooting when you inevitably kill yourself, ok?

>> No.13360935

I was being sarcastic.

Not really, I meant it.

I'm sorry too

>> No.13360937

Evidently, the outrage is not even that bad considering people still make these games where cheating is mentioned, and nowadays when NTR is the rage.

Both sides just blow off too steam and even go extremes, the guy I was arguing want to ban the virgin game wiki and think the VN scene is planning some sort of revolution to purge the virgin losers or something.

>> No.13360940

Mine was the McRoll. What black history we all have.

>> No.13360942 [DELETED] 

Let's make one thing clear, you shitlords, real men are feminists. If you're not a feminist, you are just a toxic little boy who cannot handle the fact that his kind used to rule the world (and it sucked - look at World Wars, etc.) and now they don't anymore.

The future is in hands of progressives. I mean, how idiotic do you have to be to be against that?

There is a reason why you can't spell progressive without "progress".

Not that I view any of you as a threat, since you are willingly & quietly removing yourself from society and the gene pool. Nature itself doesn't want you.

The future ahead of us (the world, not you) is bright.

Just make sure not to go on a spree shooting when you inevitably kill yourself, ok?

>> No.13360947

Pasta is funny, but not when you're spamming the thread with the same fucking piece over and over again. People keep banks for a reason.

>> No.13360949 [DELETED] 

Underrated post.


>> No.13360954

Well, you just need to not fuck around and properly scare that cop into annihilating you.

Actually now that you mention it, it sounds like a pretty bad plan.

>> No.13360961

Heh yeah, that is pretty bad.

>> No.13360968

Pocketknife is an awful weapon.

What you want to do is buying a realistic toy gun and point it at the cop, the cop would instantly try to shoot you.

Even then cops usually carry 9mm so it's not a sure bet either.

>> No.13360969 [DELETED] 

Pic related (what you posted) is what I will do to every single one of you human worms who refuse to identify as feminists.

>> No.13360978

I feel bad for the single /jp/ janitor left.

>> No.13360983
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>> No.13360984

Isn't that the song ZUN plagiarized in EoSD?

>> No.13360988

Both sides are just ironically shitposting now, please don't respond.

I never think these are cute...or fun.

it's just trying to get a rise out of me, and I say this as a /pol/ack supporter.

>> No.13360989

Most suicidal impulses, especially those arising from drug abuse, are going to be irrational.

>> No.13361000

can you sign up to be one in that case?

>> No.13361002

Well, they should properly consult me or any military/firearm otaku next time.

I'm gonna give them out the ol' painless.

>> No.13361009 [DELETED] 

Let's make one thing clear, you shitlords, real men are feminists. If you're not a feminist, you are just a toxic little boy who cannot handle the fact that his kind used to rule the world (and it sucked - look at World Wars, etc.) and now they don't anymore.

The future is in hands of progressives. I mean, how idiotic do you have to be to be against that?

There is a reason why you can't spell progressive without "progress".

Not that I view any of you as a threat, since you are willingly & quietly removing yourself from society and the gene pool. Nature itself doesn't want you.

The future ahead of us (the world, not you) is bright.

Just make sure not to go on a spree shooting when you inevitably kill yourself, ok?

>> No.13361012

It's not that bad.

/jp/sies should just not respond to baits, except people still do that here.

>> No.13361015

4chan is sitting on a wagon cart full of applications for that position. If he doesn't want the job there's people lined up to take it from him.

>> No.13361019
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1250245757376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're two months late.

Also, I would've applied if moot hadn't pulled this shit right before leaving:


>> No.13361020


>> No.13361029

It's so obvious he set up 4chan to be sellable.

>> No.13361040

It was from a different board but I actually quit because of that. I don't know how many janitors /jp/ has now but if there's really only one he deserves it for agreeing to something ridiculous like that. So much for anonymity.

>> No.13361045

Who do you honestly think owns 4chan now?

Rupert Murdoch? Some hedge fund? A silicon valley consortium?

>> No.13361053

Three guys from the old 4chan crew. I only know two of them.

>So much for anonymity.
Exactly. You're basically giving up something as basic as your right to vanish on an imageboard of all places AND doing it for free (apologies if it sounds like that meme).

>> No.13361054 [DELETED] 

The FBI.

They're using this as a honeypot to track terrorists (GGers), misogynists and pedophiles.

>> No.13361055
File: 196 KB, 512x512, 17897955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this makes me feel warm inside, remind me of simpler times, when I could go to the library after my uni classes and always see my favourite tripfriends rolling in their own proverbial faeces like filthy pigs.

>> No.13361080

No need to apologize, that's exactly what it is. That policy basically equates to you making yourself a hostage to the site while receiving virtually nothing in compensation. It spits in the face of one of the site's core values and you'd have to be a moron to sign up now. It really bothers me that moot did this right before leaving too.

>> No.13361107

Another thing I miss is the old hatred for metathreads, like this one.

Lots of funposting to be had whenever it started.

>> No.13361118

We hate you now instead.

>> No.13361128

If you were even given the opportunity to contract with a third-party law firm who would hold onto your identity and disclose it if presented with evidence of wrongdoing that would have been more palatable. When it comes to security and identity 4chan has historically been an awful piece of shit.

I applied anyway because I'm a consummate shit eater.

>> No.13361143

Well, knowing /jp/ this thread is gonna be here for a while but I just want to say thanks for a pleasant thread. I know no one cares but it was cathartic to talk to some /jp/sies for the first time in months. Wish you all the best.

>> No.13361150

It reaches its limit, it's dying son.

>> No.13361161

It was quite fun, actually. I like the random discussions found in threads like these.

>> No.13361167

Well... I don't support your choice but if it's what you want I hope you get chosen. Just warning you though, you burn out fast unless you're batshit insane like AoC. If you weren't tired of the site already, it turns the site into a total chore. But it's nice for a while.

>> No.13361171
File: 14 KB, 358x268, 1398799784900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, over 300 replies already, without counting the spam. Nice.

Yeah, thank you guys for the nice conversation. I'm off to sleep.

>> No.13361175

We're 77 posts past bump limit and it's still on page 2. It's /jp/ after all, the thread still has a bit of life left.

>> No.13361180 [DELETED] 

Goodnight anon, rest well.

>> No.13361183
File: 76 KB, 840x720, 2b8866f7d2c5cf621db7e2515832f71d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you too.

Goodnight, and goodbye to any /jp/edos that I won't be talking to again...may we meet again in the heavenly garden of frolicking lolis.

>> No.13361204

Good night dude. I'm going to bed, too. This was a really nice thread. Felt a lot of the old 4chan spirit.

>> No.13363556

if only gigsbar was here......

>> No.13366025

Honestly, I think the only reason I still browse 4chan is because I'm scared. I have nothing, and I have nowhere to go. Hell, I can't even browse 4chan properly. I missed this thread, after all. It really would be convenient if, maybe, I could start over from the beginning. Well, neither of us will get something as easy as that, so good night, /jp/. I hope the sun shines through one of these days.

>> No.13368056

yo wassup im still here
what do you need son?

>> No.13369230
File: 114 KB, 698x829, 1318141823626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post old stuff you got from /jp/

I'll post mine

>> No.13369252
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>> No.13369285
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>> No.13369298
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>> No.13369346

tragic end
