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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.31 MB, 1295x922, GUMI.full.1019125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13700093 No.13700093 [Reply] [Original]

Post and discuss vocaloid related songs, albums, producers, pictures, videos, etc. UTAU and utaites also allowed because why not.

Previous thread: >>13451181

General info, essentials and download links in the Miku Monday copypasta:

Crossfades google drive:

Gumi's birthday was just yesterday, so happy birthday to her!

>> No.13700094
File: 224 KB, 966x1078, OYtB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone noticed how dark the Mikunopolis in LA Blu-ray was, I went and did my best to fix it. You can actually see now.


>> No.13700119

I used to check the top 50 or 30 or whatever every week for like 2 years straight and then I kind of lost interest... I need new music so here I am.

>> No.13700191
File: 53 KB, 183x180, gumi's garter thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she insist on wearing this all the time?

Why is GUMI so lewd?

>> No.13700224

I don't know, but my dick is always hard for her. She's too erotic.

>> No.13700844
File: 52 KB, 600x678, CIaoTOZUAAA2nIj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy belated birthday GUMI, makes me feel bad that haven't been listening to her recently.
Have some random GUMI songs:

>> No.13700982
File: 773 KB, 1062x1070, 4880c8624ee60abab8a58c1550f5b638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IA has one too, I think it looks lovely.

>> No.13701050

>otetsu posts something new
>it's bad to mediocre


Has he done anything good in recent years? Was Yokuatsu Sakuran Girl really his last hurrah?

>> No.13701324

GUMI V3 when!?

>> No.13701326

already released

the real question is:
GUMI V4 when!?

>> No.13701379

Lol. I assume that's what he meant. Either that or he's a few years too late...

Internet Co. just released Gakupo back in april so they're probably working on Gumi now.

I really liked that song tbh. It's kind of different from what he's done in the past, a bit slower paced, but his style is still very recognizable and he's only getting better at tuning Luka.

>> No.13701608

yurikago is not new, it's from an EP released last year. It's alright but doesn't really compare to his older works.

I liked Seed from 2013 and Rest from 2014


>> No.13701919

Rest was okay

Wish he'd do more GUMI stuff

>> No.13701928
File: 315 KB, 1280x720, GUMI and Luka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best duet with Gumi?

>> No.13702311 [DELETED] 

That's a tough choice, there are so many good ones...


>> No.13702377
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My vote goes to one of these:


>> No.13703945
File: 299 KB, 425x630, 51087336_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Gumi!

Here's some rarer ones

>> No.13704300
File: 1.31 MB, 1800x1250, GUMI and Miku - Matryoshka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13704410
File: 988 KB, 450x253, PartyxParty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way for me to get my hands on a copy of Party x Party? I've only found the instrumental. I want to resort to video ripping as a last resort, if possible...

>> No.13704505
File: 318 KB, 1248x1920, gumi is olev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's too erotic.

>> No.13705038

You could download the album it's on from mikudb. Yeah it's a big download just for one song but it's usually 320kbps quality and you can keep the whole album as well if you want.

>> No.13706233

That looks more like some sort of sports sweatband

Gumi has a legit lingerie garter

>> No.13707457

does anyone have any abstract utau music

>> No.13708713

I've tried looking, but there's only the video on display. There isn't an album listed on the wiki entry either; it only says that it was a video for an event opening or something.

>> No.13708993

vocadb is your friend

>> No.13709574

CV04 never, because more Meeku

Rin/Len new art soon

>> No.13711351

Thank you. I missed an entire database AND the "x" isn't an x. Or something.

>> No.13712017

In other news, companies like money.
Who would have known?

>> No.13712147
File: 2.83 MB, 1748x2480, 490f5dabe9337bd6897a8bfa60662641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that means that existing cryptonloids' quality goes up, then so be it. There's enough new and upcoming vocaloids from other companies anyway, I'd rather Crypton improve what they have.
Hype, wonder if they'd get a total makeover like luka or just little improvements like meiko.

Can anyone recommend me their favorite buzzG album? I just got into liking him recently and he has a bunch of albums listed, not sure where to start.
Meanwhile, have some nyanyannya, their music makes me hyped up for some reason:

>> No.13712403

I agree 100%. We don't really need more vocaloids, especially not from Crypton since they've already got so much stuff to do.

I'm excited for the Kagamine's new design as well. The appends already look great so I don't imagine they will do something completely different.

As for buzzG, both 251 Anthem and Drama are pretty good IMO.

>> No.13712514
File: 18 KB, 1522x22, 2015-06-30_03-44-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon please, I'd hate to have to beg for an invite. Not like I've got an upload good enough to maintain a good ratio anyway.

>> No.13712535
File: 473 KB, 800x742, camellia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /jp/, first time on board so let me know if this post doesn't belong.

What's the source/origin for the Camellia set?
I'm not extremely familiar with VOCALOIDs, but don't outfits usually originate from the storyboards of a song?
I looked it up and I only got the producer Camellia.

>> No.13712566

Why is /jp/ so full of based newfags who got into the fandom around 2011- 2012 when it started going to shit, and barely know a few meekoo weeb songs?

Why is Mitchie M their sacred god of salvation when there are shiton of people out there that tune the same or even better, let it be utau or let it be vocaloid?

Why fags in here truly think that gumi is top tier vocaloid when she fucking sounded like her BRE parameter was at maximum in her original vb and is pretty much becoming miku 2.0 with more teats since there still are better vocaloids out there?

Please, enlighten me, /jp/.

If i remember well that was a fashion set done by some artist on pixiv years ago. There were few sets like this one around pixiv as well.

Not all outfits come from songs. Just look at bottle!miku.

>> No.13713325

Because people enjoy things in different ways,

>> No.13713525


>> No.13713865

>Why is Mitchie M their sacred god of salvation when there are shiton of people out there that tune the same or even better, let it be utau or let it be vocaloid?

because Mitchie M is good at advertising himself

>> No.13716261
File: 51 KB, 600x270, Mikunopolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's now up on Nyaa.

Feel free to cross-seed it to AB and U2.

>> No.13716275

*link to U2:

>> No.13716387
File: 178 KB, 1024x1024, glory .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any kikou fans? hes pretty good with miku tho he seems to produce a lot of the same content tho :P


>> No.13716556
File: 906 KB, 812x453, miku3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kikuo's the best thing musically I've come along in a long time.

I love how complex some of the melodies are and how everything is arranged and produced to consistently give me goosebumps.


>> No.13716616
File: 493 KB, 848x1200, 678bbc4d451bfb9c6f59c10ea2fd1f8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm actually kind of tired that we get a bunch of vocaloids in such a short time nowdays, and the dominating ones are still the same few we've had since the beginning of vocaloid. Feels pointless.
Thanks for the recs, can't wait to listen. His tuning is eh sometimes but his music is beautiful.

When I went into vocaloid, most of the songs I hear are annoyingly high miku, annoyingly high kagamines, and okay gumi. I wouldn't say she's best vocaloid, but as far as original vb goes, I prefer her and Luka to most others. Most other vocaloids don't have a lot of songs to enjoy, that might also contribute.

Same content? I think he's pretty varied, as far as music goes. Lyrics are often dark but it's usually about different things. His music is complex and great in quality, but my enjoyment of his songs is hit or miss, for some reason. Here's one I enjoy:

>> No.13716759

I personally sympathize with you as someone who got in just before shit hit the fan but that is all kind of subjective. '11-'12 was the time Miku started getting heightened exposure in the West so it's kinda logical to assume that most got in about that time.

I can't remember much about GUMI V2 but I do know that GUMI has ended up pretty strong and very adaptable. The only other Vocaloids with multiple Voicebanks were all Crypton (enough said) until recently. Internet Co. also seem to put effort into making her usable so I'd honestly argue that they are right in saying she is top tier.

>> No.13716774

I'd cross seed it if I knew how. I've only set up my client according to the sticky on /t/.

>> No.13716835

You download the torrent from the other tracker and point it to the directory you saved in. Uncheck "start." Force recheck.
If it doesn't check you have it set for the wrong directory.

>> No.13720414

And that's why I love Gumi, she's the perfect introduction to vocaloid since her voice sounds more natural and she's still great even if you aren't new because of the great amount of talented producers that use her.

>> No.13720498

Because you're a bitter faggot from 2007.

Also, it's subjective to one's own taste. I cannot stand Gumi's voice at all. Does that mean she's terrible? No, it's just my opinion.

>> No.13720965

miku was not very accessible around her conception, and vocaloid is a very niche product in the west. it took time to catch on as anyone can naturally believe.
mitchie m has studied english and musical composition, and is very knowledgeable about promoting himself. he appeals to a very large demographic while most vocaloid producers do not. he is popular because he's smart and he cares, not because he's overhyped and bullshit.
not answering anything about gumi because it's sounds like you dislike her success for selfish reasons. i personally don't care who's successful as long as vocaloid is.

>> No.13721081
File: 67 KB, 443x500, 61as-nr2krL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank You 1826 Days is up.

If you want it in 1080/placebo CRF + placebo FLAC, it's on u2. I dumped that as soon as I finished uploading it. I like 842MB a little better than 2.88GB.

>> No.13723125
File: 1.85 MB, 1600x1200, 37630300_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13724134

New Pinnochio-P! Yesssss

This thread does need some more Yukari:

>> No.13724784

Stupid, sexy Alice cosplaying as Gumi! Anyone familiar with this producer/ song? I swear it sounds like something I know but I can't remember it for the life of me.

>> No.13725228
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x850, 1427167834678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how many times that song is posted, it'll never get old for me. Certainly the best use of Yukari I've heard until now.

I always find Pinnochio-P's tuning adorable, I really need to listen to him more.

More Yukari is always great, she's my Vocaloid goddess.

Anyone have any other nice songs with her append? I'm mostly interested in her Onn voicebank because I haven't seen much of it.

>> No.13726246

What are some good vocaloid blogs/labels to email my music to?

>> No.13726252

your video takes 5 years to buffer

>> No.13726342

recognized it in an instant from the split second that actually buffered.
MARiA - Girls

>> No.13728293
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x815, 1374726086743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a bunch anon, it was really bothering me I couldn't remember that.
Personally, I think it's the slowest loading video site in existence, but it's really fucking hard finding nice MMD's of Alice and it was the only place I could find that had these particular videos.

>> No.13728322

vocallective will seemingly publish anything.

>> No.13731423

This English song is pretty good, u guise.

>> No.13732529
File: 747 KB, 1300x921, 4c7b457c58f631b585eb7326cd8ea2d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is it with Gumi and carrots?

>> No.13732894

pretty sure its cuz of her VA's role in macross frontier

>> No.13732905
File: 65 KB, 550x800, qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting some bittersweet cute stuff~


>> No.13733175

Cause her dress is orange and her hair is green so she kinda looks like a carrot standing up

>> No.13737160

Man, Double Lariat is such a nostalgic song for me. I love the lyrics and it's still one of my favorite Luka songs.

>> No.13739670
File: 12 KB, 194x259, manly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also posting some more songs for best male that the fujoshis ruined with seven deadly sins

>> No.13739705

>Best male

Pick one, Gakupo is a purple nasal goat. His voice is grating to me. It sounds like his words are sometimes swallowed just for no reason.

>> No.13739726

I feel exactly the same. I felt I was the only one who still loved it.

>> No.13740438
File: 18 KB, 700x151, tvm32_logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vomas 32 is on July 12th
Participating circles list


town centre e.p. by Yono

nostalgic diva by Nejishiki

GROOVY! by all these awesome people
(I'm excited)

SCENES by mie

creation ultimate by kasane

不可逆アンソロジー by 0o0 (mitsuo)

イマ、ソラカラ。by Ao

DREAM POP by Inabaryunosuke

Harmonia by nanami

Crystal Melodies by CrystalP

PRIMAL RESTARTER by nijiro planetarium

Rubbish MirroR by 水屑

愛し合い、グッドバイ by TerekaP

Paranormal LEGACY by ナナホシ管弦楽団

O/N/E/A-オネア- by いっさん、橙色のダイ、ねこまた、Y-crist.、牡丹、こうはらりお、ギャル子P

>> No.13741840
File: 293 KB, 768x576, UkhzQEj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best male that the fujoshis ruined
I like Gakupo but I think there's someone else that already holds that title...

>> No.13743297

Why is ナブナ so gud?

>> No.13745074

Some new n-buna:

>> No.13746727

Anyone know of any interesting events/stores I should take a look at/visit while I'm in tokyo? I'm really not knowledgeable about vocaloid at all so there's nothing too obvious you can recommend, I'd like to learn more though.

>> No.13747500
File: 287 KB, 555x700, 1380381397848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can anyone ID this song for me.

>> No.13748192

I already dropped cash on vomas 31, its a damn shame ill have to wait this one out. Im shocked ナナホシ管弦楽団 put out another album when he released one at vomas 31, hopefully i can pick it up at vomas 33,comiket, or online order later

>> No.13748254

Strobe Light

>> No.13748356

Who /keeno/ here? New album coming soon.


>> No.13749921
File: 594 KB, 1027x1229, 1380381112496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you so much anon!

>> No.13750317

such bountiful oppai makes me want to cry out of frustration
i find flat chested miku much more agreeable

>> No.13750333
File: 453 KB, 800x800, d4bbeab60fab1987e7b996a24b306a88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gumi is my favorite. I'm not a crazy oppai guy myself but I like haku.

>> No.13750515
File: 435 KB, 687x754, 649fec5a94921aa102c0862bfbf6c5cc0861bc40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite is Luka, she is so perfect. I wish I could look like her. It makes me want to cry too.
Sorry, everything makes me want to cry.

>> No.13751561

I was watching a project diva f/f2nd stream 2 days ago and the guy played an edit that I can't seem to find anywhere online. The only thing I remember from it was the word "shyarareru". Do any of you have any idea what I'm talking about or is that song long gone?

>> No.13752008

ECHO reached a million views on Nico, which I think is the first English Vocaloid song to do so.

I don't know what to say, honestly.

>> No.13752457
File: 413 KB, 1024x768, 33682187_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be rude to say anything honestly since you are at Vocaloid's funeral.

You can, however, enjoy the music and your favourite memories.


>> No.13752597
File: 377 KB, 1280x720, 19677413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also are my ears playing with me or is that karasuyasabou using Yukari on the Groovy! crossfade?

>male vocaloid ruined by fujoshis
Wouldn't that be Len and Oliver?
Honestly, I'd rather get ruined by fujos than not get any songs or fanart at all. I wish VY2 would get more decent songs:

What funeral?

>> No.13753830
File: 3.09 MB, 343x400, 1434226447955.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>miku trance
it's improper to dance at a funeral but that beat is too groovin

>> No.13753859

I was being snarky about Echo hitting a million, to me it is the moment that I know Vocaloid has fallen off a cliff.

>> No.13754027
File: 1.57 MB, 800x1045, 1426027031611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with Echo hitting a million? Then again I don't really keep up with english Vocaloids or producers so I'm out of my depth. Echo itself is a decent song for me; doesn't leave much impression, but not ear-splittingly bad either.

Talking about the non-japanese Vocaloid scene, anyone know some good non-Japanese producers? The ones I know are from my own country, met them selling their albums in local events, and that's about it really.

>> No.13756095

>What's wrong with Echo hitting a million?
only glorious nippon is allowed to have vocaloid videos that get 1 million hits

>> No.13756452

Subjective, I thought the track was awful. I have no problem with a Western producer finding success, in fact I was quite excited as we have some great artists. I have a problem with it being a talentless hack though.

>> No.13757271

Redoing the Live Party 2013 in Kansai Blurays. Since it also comes with 30 minutes each from Sapporo and Taiwan along with the 3 hour main concert, should I use mkv ordered chapters to link them together so you can navigate through them all from your player?

>> No.13757343
File: 69 KB, 700x546, 20150129230350_XAzZx.thumb.700_0..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it, is ONE a talkloid that can also sing? Is she meant to be used in music?

>> No.13759100

Are there utaite other than Himeringo and Akiakane that are good at yelling?


This kind of shit is music to my ears
but I rarely hear it because both of those girls seem to cover more peaceful songs instead

>> No.13759270

Well that was a waste of two days. The chroma needs more bitrate.

>> No.13759287
File: 138 KB, 450x600, 486411241200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ONE is primarily an extension of IA Project to the CeVIO platform for the purpose of having a talking voice. As the CeVIO Software has both talking and singing modules right next to each other it was just convenient to add both modules to ONE to maximize her capybaras.


>> No.13759604

That is such a great concert. I watch it all the time on youtube but the quality on there is lacking... I think the other two are worth including if the bonus footage is any good.

>> No.13759627

Pretty much this.
There are so many better english songs out there and a song that sounds written by an emo 13 year old getting a million is just disappointing.

>> No.13759628

Do you watch mine?

>> No.13760495

Wow, that 60fps looks really smooth, thanks! I didn't know about this, there's that really popular upload of this concert which is what I had bookmarked but yours is way better.

>> No.13761381

I always had this romantic idea that some little known virtuoso would appear at the height of Vocaloid's popularity and bring us into a golden era.

Instead, we got a 12 year old preset monkey as the first to hit a million on nico and another preset monkey who thinks taking a genre and slowing it down is an original idea as the first mainstream artist to embrace it. Such a let down.

>> No.13761435

Who's the latter preset monkey?

>> No.13761798

why would a virtuoso waste their talent on vocaloid

>> No.13761880

for the hell of it

>> No.13762004

What do you mean by abstract?

>> No.13762047

Porter Robinson. Not like he is an awful producer but his stuff just sounds so bland to me, yet he gets hailed as dynamic and hot shit.

Why wouldn't they? Once you strip away the weeb shit, it is a new musical instrument and a unique challenge to overcome. Guys like Zappa quite happily used a synclavier for a lot of his later albums despite the fact he could of quite easily used session musicians. Similar situation.

>> No.13762183

/jp/ - /mu/

>> No.13762197
File: 13 KB, 259x194, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently listening to 愛×愛ホイッスルを歌ってみた [96猫]


>> No.13762245

maybe abstract isn't the right word but this kind of stuff i mean
doesn't necessarily have to use utau either i guess but it seems like the more popular choice for producers that make the kind of music that doesn't end up at the top of the nico rankings and on exit tunes compilations and is more inspired than just "i wrote a shitty jrock song and i don't know a real cute girl to sing it so i used vocaloid"
i've been finding some good stuff just with related videos on nico but just wondering if anyone has any specific recommendations for stuff in the same vein as these

>> No.13762389

Are you me? I love those last two songs in your list. That Polygon Prompt song is one of my favourite Vocaloid songs full stop. It's been awhile since I've up looked nico but check out ds_8, airbabe, Mus.hiba and m.moriz0. They are a few ambient/dream pop artists I've been appreciating lately.

>> No.13762438

Thanks, I can finally put a name and more songs on one of my favorite genres of vocaloid music.
Those songs kind of remind me of zddn:

Also thanks for expanding my UTAU songs, I don't listen to it much because it always felt too big for me to wade through.

>> No.13762439

Why didn't they just make a Voiceroid?

>> No.13763087
File: 303 KB, 600x488, 501560031200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Voiceroid engine is owned by AHS, which hasn't yet allowed someone else to make a product on their platform. Cevio development resembles more Yamaha's doings of working on the core engine while giving out licenses to voicebank creators.

>> No.13763177


I started messing with Vocaloid two days ago by working on an AVANNA track. I'm probably going to work a little more on the arrangement and mixing, but I think the structure is done.

If you guys have any feedback or tips, I appreciate it.

>> No.13763267

Anyone know what happened to ミズキタカオカ?
He makes amazing covers of anisongs with mainly IA and 結月ゆかり like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfm756OFWBk..
I know he's a part of Team Kamiuta now but it saddens me that there aren't any more vocaloid covers by him.

>> No.13763819

the high parts are excruciating

sounds like the voice bank was meant for lower octaves

>> No.13764836
File: 2.79 MB, 4272x2848, help_button.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does anybody knows the name of the first song in this mix? Or can help me to find it? I don't really know how to get the song name.


Thanks in advance.

>> No.13765358

No problem. UTAU is amazing and is always worth having a look through if you are after some sophisticated Pops. Here is a few bonus tracks


>> No.13765437

Also, I can vouch for this. Keep Avanna low as she starts straining after C4. Sounds amazing in C3 though.

>> No.13766291

have you seen manbo's songs yet?

>> No.13766911

the song style sounds like its by sntb11. Try taking a look through his soundcloud or mylist

>> No.13766913

more specifically his older stuff as hes changed his style recently

>> No.13767702
File: 454 KB, 1122x1122, 20556194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! The last time I wade through UTAU most of the things I find are badly-tuned things, and I guess that put me off. At least I have a solid start now.

The music sounds great, it's just as these two >>13763819 >>13765437 said, it sounds muddy on the high parts.

He's in Team Kamiuta? That's news to me. Just think positively, instead of great covers now we get great originals.
Could someone explain to me what the Kamiuta series is about? I'm somewhat interested.

You mean the one with the long name? He was one of the first VY2 user I listened to because of pic related. I usually find his tuning grating, but now either he's gotten better or I just got used to it.
I just want more regular VY2 users other than him, EZFG and momocashew I guess.
I sometimes see another ManbouP in vocajazz compilations, if that's the one you're talking about then I didn't know that they use VY2, thanks.

>> No.13767752

Really? No one?

Does nobody else enjoy screaming girls?

>> No.13767999

thank you! going to search it now

>> No.13768045


omg I found the song, thank you so much


emo japanesque eclectic girl - 砂粒 de sntb tokyo [砂粒] #np en #SoundCloud

>> No.13768108

Thanks guys!

>> No.13772172

New Neru:

>> No.13774280

I'm an expert on screaming guys, but I can't help with girls.

>> No.13776971

It's been a while since he's last done something, hasn't it? Anyway, that's a great song. Maybe he'll be releasing more now?

>> No.13777269
File: 3.59 MB, 1920x1080, 00000.mpls_snapshot_10.37_[2015.07.15_12.31.51].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking through, it seems the only songs on the Sapporo/Taiwan disk that aren't repeats of Kansai is trick and treat from Taiwan. Though I think I'm going to encode all of Sapporo. It has a different feel to it. I'll cut out the rest of Taiwan since that's pretty much Vocaloids against a black background, but Sapporo has lighting/effects/backgrounds.

>> No.13783447 [SPOILER] 
File: 652 KB, 825x1050, 1437077262120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who went to the Gallery Nuclues exhibit?
I know I did
Pic related was one the best artworks displayed

>> No.13783610
File: 214 KB, 418x330, sf-a2-Miki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miki is love
Miki is life

>> No.13784231
File: 69 KB, 500x629, literally tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do all engloids' artworks look like absolute dog shit?

>> No.13784251

at least it's not meiko&kaito v1 and gumi v2(maybe even v3) level

>> No.13784418
File: 75 KB, 1024x596, Rubinstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your bait is the most uncalled for.

I seriously hope you didn't prefer pic related.

>> No.13784597

Her pre designs look like some SU shit, and the artist basing the design on herself.

>> No.13785386
File: 484 KB, 500x732, 123123345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually went about a week ago - it was kind of underwhelming. Pic-related was my favorite.

>> No.13785596

Ok, the newly redone MikuPa Kansai is up on AB:


God that was a bitch. I really shot myself in the foot by deciding to go back and re-encode Secret Police just to hit the background a little better. First attempt didn't splice in right (open GOP FTL) so spent hours re-re-encoding it for a different keyframe, and then MeGUI decided to set the stream DAR to 32:9 for no reason whatsoever, which I found out a day later that mpv would respect despite the mkv telling it to display 16:9.

But it's all fixed and done now. And I'm happy with the redo.
I have no idea why I had "7GB" so stuck in my head the first time I did this concert. I was adamant on getting in under that target even though there was no logic to it whatsoever. I skimped on the bitrate just to hit an arbitrary target.
Now it's 12GB. That may have been a teensy bit splurgy, but I can't deny it's a heck of a lot crisper, more consistent across the frame, and just nicer to watch.

>> No.13785603
File: 354 KB, 1098x892, 1396582874863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you honestly can't see what's wrong with that drawing, then I don't even know what to tell you.

And no, I don't think anyone preferred the ugly Pink clone. I just find it a shame because I really liked Ruby's concept art and was considering buying her for a long time, but after seeing that retarded face and proportions on the final design I'm not so sure anymore.

>> No.13786325

I'm cool with that as long as some pencil monkey goes over it and makes the dA go away, probably not going to get that though as so much Vocaloid shit has been half arsed lately. I'll buy it but, fuck, between those shitty demoes of the Zero G pair and the 5/10 artwork of this the hype train is slowly derailing.

>> No.13788434

New Pinocchio-P!

>> No.13788557
File: 365 KB, 1010x708, doesitmane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow fuck me.
I didn't make the reality check to confirm that this is now the finished product, it looked too much like bad fan art.

How can they be too poor to afford someone making a decent realization of the base art? In the end, only the right concept matters though for the content producers, one just doesn't want to have that crooked box staring at him. This could almost be a 2hu.

>> No.13788733

A bit off-topic since this will be an original album, but the utaite Reol will be launching a new album on july 29. It seems that there will be a comemoration event with a mini live show going on, but my understanding of moonrunes is too poor to understand how to get entry: http://www.animate.co.jp/event/event_e20150823reol/

Is anyone aware of how this works? I'll be in Tokyo at this date

>> No.13788807

I'm not a moon rune reader either, but after google translating it it looks like you just apply and they choose people at random. At least that's how I understand it.

Reol is awesome btw. Her voice is great and the lyrics she writes for Giga-P's songs are hilarious.

>> No.13789955

Why does her face look like those beginner "draw anime" books. It's so squished in and it makes her look bad.
It is 2hu quality. Maybe some good fanart will save her.

>> No.13790095

Maybe. It did save Gumi...

>> No.13792230

New 150p Shuuen no Shiori PV

>> No.13795940

What I really don't get is this new trend where every song has to be part of a project of some sort. I mean, the songs still sound great, but I miss when the vocaloid characters were actually used in the PVs...

>> No.13796473

Even as someone who enjoys conceptual music I can't stand the projects. It's that section where Vocaloid starts reaching out to the Anime side and it normally results in Vocaloid's worst, both fans and creativity IMO.

>> No.13798360

>Rin/Len new concepts never
>CV04 who?
>Russian Miku never ever

>> No.13798520

Why do all project songs sound so unappealing?
Honeyworks is guilty for making mediocre music with boring OCs. When will they stop milking their series?

>> No.13799116

I really think it depends on the producer. Kagerou project had a few good songs, and kemu's Pandora VOXX had a few OCs as well as vocaloid characters in the PVs and it was great all around.

But yeah, I'd much rather listen to a good song than have to learn about the whole storyline in a mediocre series to enjoy it. Also, often the OCs just look worse than the vocaloids anyway, so why not use the design that's already there for your PV?

>> No.13799910

Can someone recommend me an album similar to "High Gain Street"? I have it on repeat and am afraid that I will eventually play it so much that I get tired of it.

>> No.13800249
File: 2.33 MB, 2798x2770, 5150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried Devilish-P's other album, 5150?

Also, Pandora VOXX Complete, by kemu:

>> No.13800263

Yeah, I have both albums and theyre both great as well. Is this genre classified as just rock or jrock?

>> No.13800323

I think it's j-rock just based off the fact that it comes from Japan. Hmm, I'm running of recs then, lol. I don't listen to rock all that much.

Suzumu has some similar songs to kemu:

Maybe wintermute? Though it's slower and more shoegaze-y:

>> No.13800338

I really liked the Suzumu song you linked, although Im a big Gumi fan. I'll definitely check out more of his stuff.
As for the second song, I think its alright but the first song you linked was more what I was looking for.
Either way thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.13800794

devilishp had a new release "Psyche" at vom@s31 perhaps look around for that.


albums you might like:





>> No.13800840

>IA finally gets a full concert on September 19th
>Have to pay the guts of £1000 just to go and see it
>Trying to convince a friend to go to Tokyo with me so I don't get lost and murdered

What a shitty time to be alive but goddamn it'll be worth it if I can go. Vocaloid obsession is all too dangerous.

>> No.13801584

Thanks anon, Ill check these out

>> No.13802325
File: 173 KB, 600x781, 050826bda7fa0c37a96b578ef50f2961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'll go with you, fellow IAbro.

>> No.13804771

Half of the concert will probably end up being Kagerou Project garbage.

>> No.13805209

Did you mean Kaegpro concert?

>> No.13805401

Well a few of the kagepro songs are pretty good like outer science and kisaragi attention but they always play headphone actor which has gotten so bloody stale now its pretty unappealing just because I've heard it so many times involuntarily.

>> No.13808769

If you really want to go then I think it's worth it since it's unlikely that they will have a full IA concert outside of Japan

>> No.13810216


This was posted on the Hachioji Youtube channel.

Surely they mean Projections Club. Those two pictures look like fine work to me.

>> No.13811692

Does anyone know where I can find this album?

I checked taggleburr's vom@s 28 torrent and can't seem to find it.

>> No.13812647

i never bought that so it wouldnt be in the vom@s28 torrent

>> No.13813562
File: 1.27 MB, 1510x2000, 1507230105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a semen demon

>> No.13814228

Holy fuck, that design is immense. That is the best artwork I've seen in ages.

>> No.13816098

Ah, I see. I'd buy it myself but it seems it's long lost now. The only thing to do is pray an upload becomes available.

Who is this male reproductive organ gorgan?

>> No.13820830

Does Pico have any decent songs? It's probably a given that he's never going to get a v4 update or anything of the sort since Sony seems to have left him dead in the water.

>> No.13821077

>no one knows about Sachiko
What kind of pleb vocaloid thread is this?

>> No.13821458
File: 209 KB, 750x560, 1436799889095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon please. The announcement was only a few days ago, you should let the average /jp/ user have sufficient time to crawl from under his rock. This is not a news forum and lurking uneasy places like twitter aren't seen as self evident activities here.

Have a coincidental Sachiko to calm yourself.

>> No.13822670 [DELETED] 


>> No.13822957

The real queen of V4 has arrived folks

>> No.13822983 [DELETED] 

Please stop impersinating me and bumping the spam tjreads. Its not cool.

>> No.13823358

Found the Project DIVA Arcade opening in a DVD ISO in a philosophy raws pack. Interlaced, so enjoy at 60fps:


>> No.13823495

I don't think I've seen this before. I like the visuals, but that's kind of a weird song choice...

>> No.13824160

Other than a few I want to redo, I'm just about done antialiasing the Project DIVA, 2nd, and Extend music videos. Should I release this in one 14GB torrent or split it into three ~5GB ones?

>> No.13825019

Can you blame them? From what I have learned about Vocaloid lately is that there is pretty much no point in giving a shit about new Vocaloids as you will just get shat on when no one uses them for anything good. I'm still ass ravaged about Anon-Kanon.

>> No.13826610

I'm surprised shu-t kept the Sweet Ann noises in for that opening.

>> No.13826678

Well fuck. Why am I just now noticing that the volume surges on all these videos?
Now to download every torrent in sight trying to find audio for these PVs.
This 18GB torrent with 600 songs seems to have most. First one I checked doesn't sync. If I'm very, very lucky they'll all be off by the same 1337ms.
... and of course not. The second is 1190. So all will need to be checked and manually timed.

>> No.13828166


>> No.13829276

>3 hours of autism
no thank you

>> No.13829419

10/10 I cringed.

>> No.13831083

This is why we shouldn't allow 13 year olds to use Vocaloid.

>> No.13831611

I wonder if uploading the m2ts is going to set off flags


Maybe I should at least convert to mkv if I'm going to upload straight Blu-rays.

>> No.13832924

Siina Mota (Powapowa P) died.

>> No.13833226

Godamn it, that is bullshit. Every Japanese artist I pick up these days is a deadman seemingly. RIP.

>> No.13833233

The same guy who made Astronaut, Strobe Light and Q?

Fucking hell, man. He was so young too and a really talented musician. My condolences to his friends and family.

>> No.13833346

damn he was only 20 years old? anyone know what happened?

>> No.13833358

I was just listening to his songs on youtube yesterday... shit

>> No.13833362

Some people were saying it was suicide, but I don't think there has been any confirmation.

>> No.13833558

His last tweets would say so.

His last song was uploaded 7PM that night.

I snatched it and uploaded it for those who want it full quality.


>> No.13835134

Can you go to 2ch to see if there is any info? I'm really curious about this

>> No.13835427

literally in the middle of listening to one of his albums as i read this. crépey.


>> No.13837422

Who here is hype as fuck for the new Giga album to drop tomorrow?

>> No.13837448

Damn shame. It's this style of Vocaloid music I enjoy the most, maybe I'll start making myself if the producers keep dying

>> No.13837686

Whoa, really? Where is the info on this? I might have just completely missed it but I wasn't aware of this.

>> No.13837692


>> No.13837728

Oh yeah, the Reol one! I like her so I'm definitely looking forward to it.

>> No.13837806

2ch is just a bunch of speculation. There's no confirmation anywhere that it was suicide but since it was so sudden it was either that or some kind of accident. Since everyone around him is being pretty quiet about the circumstances of his death it's just raised the speculation of suicide.

>> No.13838793

Just listened to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46MIgupU8UY

Never heard anon and kanon before this, but I like their voices. Any other good songs with them?

>> No.13838805

I'm looking for a way to download a number of vocaloid songs that I can't find any downloads for, specificly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ldQ5RNBvs4 right now. Anyone have any ideas?

>> No.13839271
File: 218 KB, 640x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you can download from Youtube, right?


Spec looks right for 256k AAC, so it wasn't a low quality upload.

>> No.13839461

Wasn't aware of that
Is it through a third party program?

>> No.13839485

>256k AAC
>wasn't a low quality upload
I laughed so hard I almost spit my tea out on my tube amp.

>> No.13839502

Yeah, I use Jdownloader 2.

They also linked you to the album it's on, and it's on Nyaa. And a seed showed up.

>> No.13839503

I have a 2500 USD sound system and can deal with 256k audio files just fine.

>> No.13839708

The ODDS & ENDS Bluray is telecined? Huh, I've never seen a telecined Bluray before.

>> No.13839883

You know 256 AAC is equivalent to 320 mp3, right? If you want something better, there's pretty much only FLAC.

There are a lot of free programs out there that allow you to download stuff from youtube, you're going to have to find one that can download stuff in a higher quality though or it will just sound really bad when you play it.

>> No.13839907

I like this Kanon cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Rfp52s_Plk

As for original songs, try looking at the vocaloid's page on vocadb, sorting by song rating.

>> No.13839935
File: 3.59 MB, 1920x1080, Tripshots - Nebula feat. Hatsune Miku (PV) [1080p Hi10p AAC] [kuchikirukia] .mkv_snapshot_00.41_[2015.07.28_14.43.16].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tripshots' Nebula is now up on AB in 1080p.
It's also going up on u2 combined with a DVD version of Anger.

>> No.13840039

>You know 256 AAC is equivalent to 320 mp3, right? If you want something better, there's pretty much only FLAC.
I'm so sorry for your hearing loss and mental health issues, because you have to be deaf and retarded to even consider the possibility of that being true.

Read a fucking book, weeb.

>> No.13840102
File: 689 KB, 1912x477, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13840129 [DELETED] 

what do all these colors mean

>> No.13840171
File: 8 KB, 195x191, 1436440997462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally proving AAC compression works by brickwalling shit and killing dynamics in favor of filesize
>thinks he's winning

>> No.13840195

You forgot about the increased susceptibility to rotational velocidensity, too.

>> No.13842873

I found this one the other day. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm25969417

Unfortunately, much like a lot of B-plats Vocaloids they don't seem to get much love. Which is a shame, along with Aoki Lapis and Merli they are pretty much on my top tier.

>> No.13844591

I ordered blue. I had to do a coinflip between it and yellow because that rearrange of magician's operation sounds so much better than the original tho

I am unashamedly in love with reol's voice

>> No.13846422
File: 95 KB, 800x800, 48792738_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New cosMo song, the concept is interesting.


>> No.13847050


I bought this and realized I don't even like Jin all that much. Let's see how it plays when it arrives.

>> No.13847185

I bought it as well, getting slight buyers remorse though, although I really like IA I can't give two shits about Kagerou and after the novelty of getting Project Diva F wore off I found myself unable to give a shit about Rhythm games. I'm looking forward to the bonus stuff more right now.

>> No.13847799

cilia made a cover with Sachiko's trial version:

>> No.13848451

What the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.13849622

Who /camellia/ here


>> No.13849979

Have you seen an upload of it anywhere yet? I want to hear it in full before I buy it.

>> No.13850820
File: 836 KB, 1280x720, Strobe Last.mp4_snapshot_00.36_[2015.07.30_23.12.26].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm sad again. I had a pack of Vocaloid PV DVDs and Blurays and I hit upon Strobe Last.

>> No.13851072
File: 154 KB, 640x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DECO*27, why would you do this to GUMI?
Thankfully I have this in FLAC. 1023ms delay and it should line up with the video.

>> No.13851176
File: 210 KB, 640x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much better. But so much more complicated.

>> No.13851660

Sachiko seems to be pretty popular so far on NND. Pretty popular for a brand new vocaloid, anyway.

>> No.13851835

I noticed that, one or two of those tracks are not bad either. Here is hoping that this one actually goes somewhere.

>> No.13852042

Sweet God, I thought he'd be better than that. What went wrong?

>> No.13852091

I think her design is too complicated to catch enough traction. Nothing really stands much, and I think that counts a lot for popularity of vocaloids.

>> No.13852116

Nothing, they're the same person.

>> No.13852191

Probably wasn't his choice. But whoever put the DVD together made a bad decision, especially given the compressability of these videos. There was easily enough room for better audio.

>> No.13852390


This one has some kind of summer feeling.

>> No.13852958
File: 153 KB, 480x710, O15070606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is snow miku so cute?

>> No.13853211

>london eye
>london bridge
>eiffel tower in foreground
this triggers me

>> No.13853823
File: 550 KB, 1000x1412, 1419071653239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure and innocent.

>> No.13855972

What other good songs are there with fast paced piano+drums combo, a la wowaka's rolling girl or chouchoup's cranberry?

>> No.13856097

here's some

>> No.13856785
File: 183 KB, 1112x230, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is it too much?

>> No.13859566

rerulili makes some stuff like that:

>> No.13860498


Rin & Len V4 delayed until december, apparently. Not surprising, considering how little information they were giving out about them. The release date is probably going to coincide with their birthday, at this point.

>> No.13860843

I can roll with that. Dex, Daina and Ruby are coming out in rapid succession. It'll give my poor wallet time to recover.

>> No.13862907

I hope that means they had enough time to develop their English vbs as well. Although I'd much rather have a good japanese bank than a meh English one.

>> No.13867203
File: 299 KB, 1080x810, IMG_2332[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you get yours?

>> No.13867374
File: 169 KB, 250x250, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added this fascinating little album to the essential crossfades


>> No.13870412

gdi Crypton, it's like, the third time already...

>> No.13871326
File: 25 KB, 404x720, UNI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a new Korean Vocaloid is getting announced either on the 15th of when the Vocaloid Talks facebook post reaches 300 likes. I can't post it here due to spam.

>> No.13871329


>> No.13871439
File: 49 KB, 679x900, 11836695_546479295504083_2272747683561241238_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13871759

Looks nice, does she have any voice samples yet?

>> No.13875598

Not bad, shes nice and simple.

>> No.13875608

Sex: yes please

>> No.13875743
File: 497 KB, 1013x1432, meiko 02 by caffein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you get yours?

I did, jacking off to Meiko like the Fist Of The North Star as much as I did the night I saw her at the concert.

>> No.13878166

I like the design, and I think there's not enough korean vocaloids around to the point where she could be reasonably successful if her voice is any good.

>> No.13881184

I'm trying to find a Miku song for a friend of mine. She said she remembered hearing back around 2006-ish and the only clue she could give me was that it had an 8-bit Miku and Heart as well as the song sounding 8-bit ish. At 1st I thought of Negaposi*Continues, but that wasn't it. Anyone here that may have an idea?

>> No.13881585


there is a very,very large amount of 8 bit miku songs

>> No.13881624

Sift through sasakure.UK's other "8-bit" stuff. My guess would be Hello, Planet.

>Miku song

>> No.13881683

Chill design. Reading the wiki and it seems that they are hinting at multiple languages. I hope it's English, I love Vocaloids with foreign accents.

>> No.13881690
File: 465 KB, 600x844, 48d83d48407576450398619787a5f91d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the guy block the 60FPS 39 Future Tone Video on YouTube?

>> No.13881867
File: 131 KB, 574x565, [46] Metaloud Witches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a huge fan of vocaloid metal. i missed this album when it came out and caught it on mikudb by chance. i really enjoyed it so i figured i'd share.

>> No.13883368

So I just realized that Sachiko's voice provider sang some of my favorite songs from the Pokemon series.

I knew her voice sounded really familiar.

>> No.13883476
File: 77 KB, 370x482, cWOGUes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>around 2006-ish


>> No.13885558
File: 282 KB, 1497x745, 1437343269304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a non-shitty quality version of Plus Boy? I love Giga-P's work and haven't been able to find it anywhere

>> No.13885778

Never mind. Finally using databases rather than haphazardly looking around random places.
It's nice to have resources. Back to lurkan

>> No.13886078

gumi V4 when!!!!?

>> No.13886439

I like how popular Sachiko has become, even if most of her songs are joke covers it's good to see people enjoying themselves.

>> No.13886450

never, gumi isn't making money anymore

>> No.13886530

I wouldn't say never under those circumstances. I don't think Gackpoid was ever particularly massive but they churned out a V4 for him. AHS is updating all of their Vocaloids to V4 despite half of them being after-thoughts. I'd argue the only hope of keeping GUMI relevant is to keep improving her.

>> No.13886833

New hachiojip

>> No.13887141
File: 699 KB, 961x576, adc313d041a1102643154f3d5c1d496f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts about the new vocaloid with fukase as a vp ? i like his voice a lot so im excited

>> No.13887956

Holy shit, what a pleasant surprise. Any guesses as to when it will come out?

>> No.13889152

Great song! He should definitely use the Kagamines more often.

>> No.13889219

in the contest information for his design, the only dates that are mentioned is the 31st of august for the end of the contest, so i would guess at least a couple of months until release, possibly december or early 2016

>> No.13889861
File: 30 KB, 594x604, 1437011079932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here ever put vocaloid to a song they recorded on an instrument? I mean like putting miku over accoustic guitar. Since it's by hand the measures will inevitably drift off and I dislike metronomes

Just make miku sing by three measures at a time and put her in on audacity I guess?

>> No.13890641

Most vocaloid songs are produced from real instruments, not synthesized.

>> No.13890836


New こぬこ.

>> No.13891652

Git gud. The good thing about the production stage is you can take as many times as you need to get it right. Take several attempts and then pick the one that fits best. I would suggest getting the timing down though, things like sloppy timing really piss me off as a producer.

>> No.13892733

She looks cute.

Vocaloid cover art that actually has effort put into it.

Am I in hell?

I don't see how it's Tumblr tier, Unless you talking about the fact that she has tan skin and pink hair.

I don't mind the tan skin, but the pink hair has to go.

What's all of the newer vocaloids having pink in their designs lately?

>> No.13893006
File: 71 KB, 500x375, Luka-megurine-luka-31133974-500-375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaito's one song reminded me of this:

>What's all of the newer vocaloids having pink in their designs lately?

>> No.13893216

This is pretty awesome.

>> No.13893658

Very nice, almost doesn't sound like a vocaloid at certain times... I hope for some enka songs made with her.

>> No.13893663
File: 1.01 MB, 1440x1080, P1010015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing a stream of the Miku Expo from last year in New York City for a personal group of people. Will play footage I recorded while at the Wallplay Vocaloid Art Exhibit which is then followed by the actual concert. If you didn’t get a chance to see it or got nothing better to do then drop on by!

Streaming roughly at 5PM EST


>> No.13895007

Was there ever a better source of that than the poorly deinterlaced WOWOW HDTV stream?

>> No.13895024

Well shit.
>MIKU EXPO in NY Blu-ray released on July 31th!

>> No.13895071


And that's what I was streaming ealier, not counting the Wallplay footage I took.

>> No.13895090

The one on u2 was released 3 days 10 hours ago and everyone is on 44.8%, so it's probably gonna take another 4 days for the seeder to get it out.

>> No.13895101


I bought the actual DVD itself.

>> No.13895104

So... do you have fast internet and a Bluray drive?

>> No.13895119


Yep to both, I streamed it earlier after all. I'm >>13893663

>> No.13895227

Well, the uploader is currently initially seeding 600GB worth of torrents, so he's pretty well maxed.
You, uh, feel like doing a little ripping?

>> No.13895272


No can do, my drive cannot rip.

>> No.13895294

That's because Sachiko Kobayashi is singing with her Vocaloid.

>> No.13895305

Yay, the Bluray's interlaced!
4 more days to download it, then probably 3 days to encode.

>> No.13895341

What's /jp/'s opinion on the combination of Vocaloid and IDM?

>> No.13895717

I enjoy what little there is of it and I enjoy producing it producing myself. Diversity is always good for Vocaloid IMO

>> No.13896963

Forgive my ignorance of music genres, but what's IDM?
I've always enjoyed Vocaloid in most electronic genres, I find them suitable for the genre.

>> No.13897078

It's an acronym for Intelligent Dance Music, it's a really loosely defined genre but the best examples of it are Aphex Twin, Autechre, Squarepusher, and Boards of Canada. There isn't a lot of Vocaloid IDM because there aren't a lot of IDM producers in Japan compared to the rest of the world.

>> No.13897722

special features on miku expo disc are just interviews with ugly weebs talking about why miku makes their cocks hard. literally the kind of junk that belongs on youtube, not in bonus features.

>> No.13899460
File: 1.18 MB, 1185x679, Screen Shot 2015-08-09 at 8.43.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13899554

You know, you can turn on deinterlacing.

>> No.13899697

I was hoping for decent interviews. Oh well.

Was anybody not a cringy weeb? Anyone that they interviewed?

>> No.13899714

Hello planet or Rainbow colored adventure

>> No.13899791

Lol. I don't know if that guy is just accompanying his son or if he's really a fan, but he seems to be having fun with it. I probably wouldn't give a fuck either if I was his age.

Either way though, interviews with random people seems like an odd choice to include in the bluray. Interviews with the crew or production team would be way more interesting.

>> No.13899902

The production isn't location-specific. They've done them before and you can't put the same thing in every Blu-ray. IIRC they did that for Miku no Hi Daikanshasai 2Days.

>> No.13899992
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, 00005.m2ts_snapshot_00.31_[2015.08.09_22.31.15].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And 39's Giving Day 2010 had the noisiest behind the scenes ever.

>> No.13900742

Will there ever be another Miku event in NY?

>> No.13901072


Not the anon you replied to, but are there subtitled videos of those features? From the filename it looks like a personal rip.

>> No.13901136

The 39's Giving Day one has no dialogue. I only have my encode of Miku no Hi Daikanshasai 2Days now, and that doesn't include the special. I really doubt anyone subbed them.

>> No.13901171

Thanks anyways, I'll look for the features online just for the pleasure of seeing how it's all done.

>> No.13901807


I dunno, I hope so but this year the only place where they had a show outside of Japan was in China.

>> No.13903851

The Ia game is pretty trash. Most of the music is shit and most of the difficulty comes from the awful note system.

>> No.13904327

finally got anydvd hd updated so i can open the disc on PC, so i thought why don't i just let you see it for yourself?


>> No.13904442
File: 320 KB, 1920x1080, 00010.m2ts_snapshot_02.33_[2015.08.10_14.50.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13904449
File: 390 KB, 1920x1080, 00010.m2ts_snapshot_02.39_[2015.08.10_14.50.47].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13904456
File: 386 KB, 1920x1080, 00010.m2ts_snapshot_02.37_[2015.08.10_14.50.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13904736

Does anybody know where I can find torrents/DDLs of ねこぼーろ's albums?
I only just found him from the IA game and I can't stop listening to his stuff.

>> No.13904883

maybe OP knows

>> No.13905250

I'm a fan of his as well, most of his stuff should be up on mikudb

New thread is up btw: >>13905219

>> No.13905258

I just can't find graffiti

>> No.13905400

Here you go, anon: http://mikudb.moe/album/graffiti/

>> No.13905765
File: 212 KB, 626x473, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, the audio on the Decorator EP DVD is fucked.
If the album versions don't line up, this may end up with Youtube audio.

>> No.13906037

At First Sight Best Selection From Wakamura P is going up on Youtube now.

I'll have my 720p encode up on u2 and AB shortly. The only other one available looks to be the Philosophy-raws' full size at 2.8GB. Mine's 1.1.
Philosophy-raws cropped their whole thing, but there was 30 seconds of full screen. I left it letterboxed. (I could have done them as separate videos, but meh, that makes it more of a pain to watch.)

>> No.13906278

How did I ever get this many Miku DVDs? They're everywhere.

Next batch of At First Sight:

Uploading raw Blu-ray video takes a while.

>> No.13906442

It's up on AB along with ODDS & ENDS / Sky of Beginning. Though no one will snatch that one since there's also a freeleech 1080p.
