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13900543 No.13900543 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>13879089

The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

Please avoid shitposting and being off topic - follow global and local rules. Instead of replying, report and ignore!

If you have a question about a certain item, please provide as much information as possible so that we can help. Usually, your measurements, equipment and habits are our best indicators.

Please limit your own posting so that the thread can live longer - ideally 4 days or more.

Don't forget to take it easy!

>> No.13900656

Not the same guy, but reposting from previous thread in case people ask:

>Just posting this link here to pre-empt any questions about where to get Ona Tsuyu lube on Amazon.com


>On NLS: http://en-nls.com/pict1-40767?c2=9999

Pictures of onaholes, collection of lubes, unboxing new holes, and any onahole-related stuff are also welcome.

>> No.13900754

While the guide has the NLS link, it does not have the Amazon link and can lead to confusion for the first time buyers. I'll be sure to include that when I get the time to write up small updates on the guide when I contact Rjob(unless he sees this before my email). We might even need a small section on first time buyers, too.

Just for personal use, here's the sections I intend on updating and redoing in case I forget:
-First time buyers
-drying & care

>> No.13901008

Beginner here. How should I apply lube? A dime sized into the onahole itself and a little bit to cover my whole dick?

>> No.13901034


you can put a little bit on the tip but I prefer to put a small amount in the onahole, stroke a few times to see if it is enough then work from there.

>> No.13901037

I've always just drizzled an adequate amount into the hole making sure to coat the entrance, then just slowly push myself in with a few strokes.

>> No.13901051

If preheating with USB warmer, I put a thumbnail sized drop in the entrance and spread it inside with the warmer, then plug it in. When it's ready, I remove the warmer and wipe the lube from it on my dick for easier entrance.

When I wasn't using the heater I would just put the drop of lube on my glans and spread it inside by stroking / thrusting.

>> No.13901098

>But is squirting healthy? Will I significantly dehydrate myself by squirting? Does the liquid contain any significant amount of nutrition that would have otherwise been used by my body had I not squirted it out? Does it increase the risk of any sort of defect/disease, whether it be neurological, urinal, or anything else?

Currently, there is very little documented information as to where all that fluid comes from, however I have a theory. I used to masturbate very frequently(still do) and that led to having a low sperm count, and I would often squirt with milky or clear fluid.

My theory is that squirting is caused by the stimulation of the various glands producing seminal fluid without stimulating an ejaculatory response where sperm is released. Seminal fluid is a natural lubricant and is used as a sperm carrying fluid, almost equivalent to female lubrication. Akane Hotaru once said that she can go through bottles of water when filming(citation needed), so it does drain a lot of water. Depending on your body, seminal fluid properties such as viscosity can be affected by hydration and other factors.

As for risks of damage, disease or injury, there SHOULD be little risk as this is a normal bodily function, but overstimulating it can be a risk. While I highly doubt the risks of doing so are significant, but because of the lack of documentation, it's difficult to assess the nature of the process.

As long as all points of contact are covered in lube, you should be fine. Spread it on your dick with your hands, do whatever it takes to get enough lube on. Too much lube and it'll pool up somewhere. I put a glop on the glans, spread it around the glans with the labia of the hole and insert, usually resulting in a complete coverage. I just add lube when needed.

>> No.13901177

Why is there such a lack of documentation? You'd think the human race would be on this already. Thanks for the response though.

>> No.13901246

One of the posts in the previous thread somewhat summed it up in two words - "ethical inflexibility".

As of now, there isn't any dire need to do any research on it as there are no life-threatening concerns as far as it's been relevant to our interests, unlike Prostate Cancer where people begin to study the prostate because of the links they find in cancer. While there have been cases of cancer of the Bartholin's and Cowper's glands, it's so rare that they simply don't need to give a damn. Should there be an existing solution(I think there is, but I'm not exactly sure what treatment), the treatment is good enough to produce favorable results. The rarity of the events make it much harder to study.


>When the patient initially presented for treatment, we faced the quandary posed by the lack of clinical trial data on this very rare disease.
>At every step in the course of the treatment outlined, decisions were solely based on the treatment options that seemed to offer the patient the best balance between cancer control and quality of life.

Some would argue on this, but there's a lot of taboo and air surrounding eroticism and sex in the modern world. Pair these two up and there's not much to go around. I haven't found a researching doctor open enough to discuss such taboos, practices and such, and a lot of them simply do not have enough interest in their already busy lives to start such documentation. People would just say that there are more pressing matters to go into, such as the battle with cancer, that while interest for a certain field is present, it is not high enough of a priority to delve into.

On that note, cases of metastatic cancer have been reported with extreme prostate agitation. Get yourself checked!

Reaching the character limit now, but there isn't much more to say.

>> No.13901265

You're the best anon.

That post was by me.

>> No.13901307

Kentucky dawn of the final day.

>> No.13901329

>Currently, there is very little documented information as to where all that fluid comes from
Its piss m8

>> No.13901444

Got the Meiki ZXY last week, my first onahole. Really impressed by it and basically I felt like I had just rediscovered masturbating when I used it. I'll definitely buy another onahole in the future.

>> No.13901447

Fuck sake, some items on NLS only come back into stock for about an hour and then sell out for like a month. Frustrating. What's even more frustrating is the fact that I signed up for a stock notice email and didn't get one.

>> No.13901477

It was probably somebody cancelling an existing order, so technically they didn't get stock

>> No.13901484

I'm >>13899876 on the previous thread. It's not piss. I peed before I squirted and the squirting fluid was clear, not piss-coloured.

>> No.13901530


Anyone tried this before? Looking for something to just jerk me off a bit while I sit there that won't break the bank and this seems like the most ideal thing

>> No.13901546

Hey anon, have you tried tasting it? If anything, please do not taste the initial/mid squirt as it may have urethral residue. What's your diet like? How much water(relative to food) do you drink a day? Do you think you can keep squirting all day every day, or do you think training affects it? Do you think there's a limit, and overdoing it can have adverse effects? Do you think that supplements can affect it?

Do you do anal play? Because if you do, I'm really interested in the effects of prostate stimulation while squirting! It may or may not have any effect, but who am I to say anything on such a topic?

I know I'm asking someone who has just tried it(is that correct?), but I'm curious as to what you think. Thank you for your response. I am looking into taking supplements in the near future so I can, in the words of another anon, drown in my cum.

>> No.13901563

>Hey anon, have you tried tasting it? If anything, please do not taste the initial/mid squirt as it may have urethral residue.
I didn't try tasting it.

>What's your diet like? How much water(relative to food) do you drink a day?
I'm trying to do a keto diet at the moment, so meats, eggs, vegetables, no carbs. I get quite a bit of fluids, but I think I'd be able to squirt more if I hydrated even more.

>Do you think you can keep squirting all day every day, or do you think training affects it?
I don't think I could do it all day erry day, I think the glands can't produce it that quickly.

>Do you think there's a limit, and overdoing it can have adverse effects?
I mean, probably, but if your hormones and sex drive are normal, you aren't going to want to do it all day. When you squirt and cum more than ten times a day, you might have a problem.

>Do you think that supplements can affect it?
Perhaps, I'm going to try supplements when I have money to spend on it.

>> No.13901576

oh maybe, I still shot them an email to ask when they'd be getting stock again.

>> No.13901579

Thank you for your response! I hope you have a good day ahead of you, anonymous!

>> No.13901643

I still haven't received the in-stock notice for the Nippori ver. Gokujo Namagoshi that I ordered last Thursday, after noticing that it wasn't out of stock, and should receive tomorrow. It's out of stock again now...

Fortunately they are pretty helpful from that perspective

>> No.13901781

Purchased mouth of truth and lilith uterus soft. I dont know if i should have gotten the hard version.

Also, my lolinco has a rip from the opening down to about four inches horizontally and a little down. Would i be able to solder it shut or is she ded;_;

>> No.13901855

What are obscenity charges? Sorry for being retarded.

>> No.13901938

Before you all go maximum panic mode because someone is "going to trial" over loli holes..

Consider the following:

-This was not a loli issue.
-This was not a customs issue.
-The onaholes were reported to the police by some shitty maintenance crew in the dude's apartment.
-Nothing is confirmed yet besides the police were there. (If this report is even true)

Until we have more information there's no point in getting all upset. The guide will be updated on this topic.

Kentucky anon if you get a letter link it here.

I see it. That sounds good. Email me.

>> No.13901947

forgot to say it was obscenity, not loli, that the police mentioned

>> No.13901966

Whats the best place to order the new Lolinco if you're from Europe? It's so heavy the shipping price is insane on NLS.

>> No.13902056

>-This was not a loli issue.
But the maint guy freaked out because there was lolishit, even anon said it himself the Rina box was left out and he never used it.

>> No.13902242

What's an obscenity charge?

>> No.13902441

>south state
>muh childin

>> No.13902503

Guess i should have been more specific

It wasn't a "We know you're getting loli package so we're going to let you open the box then arrest you" move from the police.


>> No.13902627

What's the best place to buy supplements? Preferably based in Europe

>> No.13902832

Can you finally add some EU sellers to the list for people who dont want to deal with costums while your at it like omochadreams.de, amazon.de, mytenga.nl, wanta.co.uk, etc

>> No.13903305
File: 114 KB, 600x782, e9dcf0287d88fcd54ace2ad6ab4499af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best flippable, easier to wash, very loose and soft ona?
I'm reeducating my DGS dick. Today after two weeks I fapped and it was fantastic, hardest erection I've gotten in a very long time, and it didn't start dropping as soon as let go of it like before, it stood in place. Also, the orgasm made me bend forward with my eyes almost rolling and I had to try really really hard not to let out a very loud moan. One of the best dick orgasms I've had.
I used a very oily lube and just grazed it for a good while with 0 grip pressure, not even using all my fingers.
I want something super light that will not bully my dick and which is also safe (infections suck). Quality of sensation is secondary to my other needs (though I have money to burn so no need to diregard something high grade).
I just want to train my big dick to make it wreck cute boypussy.

>> No.13903613

The obvious answer here is the Venus Real in soft, with the obligatory caveat that even though they can be flipped you should try to avoid doing so and it's really not necessary. Other options are the Lilith Uterus soft, Kunoichi soft or normal, or maybe a nice Mi Nyan if you decide you want higher stim instead.

>> No.13903784

How should I change my diet if I want the best results with supplements?

>> No.13903866

Has anyone tried using CoolMaleSexToy's reward points system? Do you guys think it's worth buying their expensive stuff in exchange for points that can be used to buy other things in the future? Here's how it works:
>You earn 3 points for each $1 spent. For example, a $100 item will get you 300 points (1pt =$0.01), which is redeemable for $3 for your next purchase.
I'm not sure if you get 9 points from $3 you redeemed on the next purchase

It seems like their point system may become useful in long term vs buying cheap at nls or some other place. What do you guys think?

>> No.13903912

>It seems like their point system may become useful in long term vs buying cheap at nls or some other place. What do you guys think?
I doubt it. Prices at NLS are usually better, so you're gonna have to buy thousands worth of onaholes before you're gonna make any 'profit' over buying from NLS.

>> No.13903927

This isn't helpful at all unless their prices (with shipping, I guess) are no more than three percent higher than their competitors, otherwise you're just spending more money to get some small fraction of that extra money spent back. You're not profiting, they're just making your loss seem less painful.

>> No.13903932


>> No.13903990

Wouldn't the "very soft" version be better? Also, I want softness, but more importantly, the less grip possible. A really loose ona (I have quite a bit of girth too)?

>> No.13904030

Very soft is for people that know they want crazy soft holes, very soft generally isn't recommended, especially not as a first. Also keep in mind that you're going to have this long past the point where your DGS is cured, you should be thinking a bit more long term here.

As far as your girth is concerned the Real is pretty loose, but the Kunoichi mentioned is even moreso.

Also, it's interesting to note that you're leaping from one extreme to another.

>> No.13904362
File: 368 KB, 1500x1500, 810NMZyddOL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the suggestions! I'm not a begginer since I own a few onaholes, they're just normal (Rina, 17...).
I'm confused about the kunoichi. I see one with strange ridges that looks new, then 3 version soft normal and hard. Do you know what's the difference between those three and the one with the more "organic" ridges?

>> No.13904390

I was actually waiting on the Nippori ver. Gokujo Namagoshi too! When I emailed they told me that they don't know when they'll have more stock :(

Good snag anon, the original namagoshi is supposedly the best hip on the market and this one is meant to be an improvement! Let us know how you like it.

>> No.13904413

I think the new more organic one just has a slightly different texture as you said, I'll be looking to check that out myself later. I don't see it up on NLS yet and I can't be bothered to dig any farther though.

As for the other three, it's just firmness. I can tell you from experience that the normal is still pretty damn soft, softer than Tomax's soft. I guess it could be lower stim than it is, but you'll probably be fine with either normal or soft.

>> No.13904869

Not a lawyer.

While the Supreme Court has ruled lolicon material as not child pornography, it is still very possible for it to be ruled as obscene.

It's ambiguous and often contested, but historically, federal and states courts often use the Miller test to determine obscenity.
The three requirements to pass the Miller test are as follows:

1. The "average" person would perceive the material as appealing to prurient interest (a morbid, degrading and unhealthy interest in sex).
2. The material is sexual in nature and obviously ("patently") offensive as defined by law.
3. The work lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

So unfortunately, yes, it's ambiguous and subjective and nearly every legal text I've read has reinforced these points.
Knowing this, it's likely that lolicon material could easily be obscene.

In the few cases I've discovered in the past regarding individuals owning visual depictions of underaged children engaged in
suggestive conditions, either the charges were dropped or the defendant admitted guilty in a plea bargain, often accepting a
less severe obscenity charge. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_status_of_cartoon_pornography_depicting_minors#United_States

However, the poster from the previous thread hasn't been entirely specific for the exact nature of what he is being charged for, but
if the situation is indeed real, his fatalistic attitude isn't going to help his circumstances. He also may not be being charged for the
underage nature of the art.

Assuming he is being charged for obscenity, I think there may be grounds for getting the charges dropped provided he only possesses
a small amount of material and given the nature of the product as packaging that can be purchased via Amazon and American retailers,
although his legal representation (which he should definitely attempt to receive) may advise him to follow a similar plea bargain as the
packaging might not sit well with a jury.

>> No.13904939

> :(
Jump in a hole.

>> No.13905007

Anybody has bought the Kunoichi black? How is it in terms of hartdness? The one review of the normal variant in the pastebin makes it sound way too soft

>> No.13905018

>Le normies use smilies. Leave muh otaku domain normie REEEEE!

You're a meme. Embarrassment.

>> No.13905028

Can't even find Pygeum and Saw Palmetto in stores anymore. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right sections, but I have a feeling if I asked an attendant she's know whats up.

>> No.13905038

Just fuck off if you can't adapt to the environment you've come to.

>> No.13905045

You're admitting to adapting to memes, gg anon.
You: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1gxb2Hr0OkU

>> No.13905051

Get in the damn hole.

>> No.13905058

The onahole, am I right?

>> No.13905060

Yes, people that work at stores are supposed to know where to find things in them. It's also they're job to help you find them so there's no harm in asking.

If you're going to insist on being a dweeb though you'd normally expect to find that in either the men's health section or in the herbal section, hopefully sorted alphabetically.

>> No.13905092
File: 63 KB, 1170x573, watdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already got the lilith uterus, lilith spiral wave, venus real, lolinco. Got me some best soup.

Which onaholes would you recommend on this list?

Should I purchase all my onaholes from NLS and get DHL for shipping?

Is DHL cheaper and a one time thing? The other two options looked like a joke.

Does it matter how heavy all the onaholes are if I use DHL? It didn't really say.

Red is the absolute cheapest price before shipping costs. However, amazon does free shipping; some onaholes are cheaper w/ shipping (green) [anything that cost less than 10 dollars compared to NLS]

How are the bank currency conversion rates? I heard they were usually better than NLS. If you order in JPY, you save ~20% in USD before bank charges.

I need some game plan. Help me out /jp/sies

>> No.13905108

Since we're talking about legality, I may as well update the status of my case. For those who don't know, I was arrested when importing the Cocolo into canada. The RCMP believed the packaging to be illegal, and used the hole itself to justify their age determination (they may also argue the hole itself is illegal). The case hasn't progressed at all for a while though, but I'll let you guys know if anything changes.

>> No.13905118

oh forgot to mention budget is around 200, but I can stretch it. Just want the best *bang* for my buck. <3 excel.

I looked at online onahole blogs so that is how I chose the list.

>> No.13905266

to whoever said don't take maca and take muira puama and catuaba bark you are awesome. I received both and decided on my one hour break to take them along with a dose of pygeum, lecithin and my optimen supplements. the first fifteen minutes were kinda rough but driving back to work in on break I had such a burning in my loins. it was so intense that I almost orgasmed just by the simple act of driving. after that feeling subsided a little I put my hand down my pants and my dick was soaking wet. I don't know which of the two new pills did that but man it was intense.

>> No.13905272

Shipping via DHL can become cheaper than NLS if you look at their shipping rates to your area. Please look at the "How to Order" section on NLS and see where it becomes cheaper than EMS(if you can wait).

I hope all the holes you have chosen are appropriate for your penis. If not, please reconsider. Product weight will be stated in your cart once the item is entered. Do not forget about the box weight(200g).

Because most transactions people go through are with paypal via credit card without JPY currencies, please look at the current conversion rate google says(without fees) and subtract a few yen off the conversion rate(ie, 100JPY=1Currency becomes 96=1Currency) and you can set yourself a baseline. I am not sure of paypal's rates. That noted, credit card conversions are often much better than Paypal's, so services offering payment via CC without paypal are often a good option. International bank transfer fees vary from bank to bank, so check it. AFAIK, NLS doesn't accept intl. bank transfer.

Please do not use USD whenever ordering from NLS, as price via JPY is simply converted into USD on their site by dividing by 100, where USD/JPY is >100. Please use JPY.

Shipments will be carried out once payment is confirmed and all items are gathered before 1230 Japan Time. International shipping itself will depend on your location, time of shipment and method of shipping. DHL offers a 3 day service, where EMS can vary from location to location. I have once received an EMS parcel in 4 days, another in two weeks, another in one week. You will be provided with a tracking number upon shipment.

>EU sellers
Can you post a detailed list/short paste? I don't know much about EU sellers and laws regarding tax and whatnot. Excuse me for being rather uninformed about the topic.

I'll email you when I get the time to write it all up. You know who it is.

>> No.13905354

>I don't know which of the two new pills did that but man it was intense.
Those two areone-two punch. Neither one is as good by itself, but when you combine them, ho boy.

>> No.13905415

Do I jizz inside it and clean it out or do I pull out?

>> No.13905472

Whatever you feel more comfortable with.
Cumming outside defeats the purpose of a hole in many cases though, but makes the cleaning easier.

>> No.13905480

Jizz inside, then clean it with anti-bacterial hand soap and lots of water. Be sure to dry thoroughly afterwards as any water left inside will cause mold to grow and you don't want that.

>> No.13905484

I mean right now at work I'm waiting for an hour to close but man my balls are aching. I don't know how often I should take these pills because all I want to do is just thrust my dick in something and relieve the pressure.

>> No.13905538

The ones i'm aware of:

Based in Germany
-amazon.de / amazon.co.uk
Germany / UK
Based in the Netherlands
Based in the UK

From what i gathered most EU countries have a lousy €22 tax free limit for goods imported outside the Eurozone. Anything above that and you get raped with Sales tax, Tariff and Administration costs.

In Holland where i live the Administration costs are €13 on top of the 21% sales tax. Not sure about tariff though. You only pay tariff here for goods with a value higher than €150 and i never ordered something that expensive.

Also in holland they charge extra administration costs for EMS packages: €17.50 instead of €13,-
Its also worth noting DHL on the other hand only charges €10,- administration costs.

Over here DHL also handles costums stuff MUCH better than the regular mail by way. They text you with a code you can use to access their website to pay the costums charges in advance so you dont have to wait 2 to 3 weeks for them to calculate taxes and pay them with cash at the door like with EMS/E-Packet/SAL

Hope that helps. Maybe some anons from other EU countries could chip in as well.

>> No.13905642

Thank you, anon. We'll pool this info up somewhere on a paste. Because of the nature of taxes and fees varying from country to country, it'll be difficult to write an accurate document that stays true for a long period, but will stay generally true. If other anons from the EU can give some more info on their country's taxes, tariffs and fees, it would be great!

>> No.13905688

anyone have any experience with wanta?

>> No.13905699

is there a reason why some stores stock tomax holes?

>> No.13905831


The €22 tax free limit has been kept for as long as i know.
The limit is €45 for gifts by the way.

I dont want to scare my fellow eurobros but i once had a package marked as gift and undervalued from Mandarake and customs called bullshit, opened up the package and asked me to send them the invoice and got taxed anyway + the whole thing took 6 fucking weeks.
This happened only once to me in more than 10 years of online shopping but if you really dont want to risk something like this dont mark your stuff as gift and undervalue.

I also just read on the customs website that the €150 tariff free limit counts for the whole of the EU by the way.

>> No.13905962


>> No.13906105

I wanna buy a liplop since I saw one dressed as Atago get the mating press applied to it (http://wiassplus.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-24.html#more)) but IDK what you can slot into them insert wise, and I am too attached to my Venus Real and Clone to ever buy something I can't jam them into. What sort of fabric and air dolls can fit these behemoths?

>> No.13906237

Flandersfag here. When you use DHL and pay the customs stuff in advance, is it possible they still charge something at your door, even if it's a few euros? I want to get a package delivered to my dorm, but if it would arrive when I'm not around, the housing people obviously won't be able to pay the taxes.

Also, have you had any problems with shipping with packaging? I don't know about the legality here, but I kinda want the packaging. I've yet to send an e-mail to customs.

>> No.13906354

No, you pay everything online while the package is still in transit. Often the next day after its shipped from Japan.
And you still have to sign so your housing people would technically not even be able to accept the package.

I never had a package with onaholes opened so no. Closest thing they inspected was a lewd PVC figure but they just closed the box again and released the package.

>> No.13906464

Not to make light of your very serious situation, anon, but the mental image of a bunch of mounties standing around in an evidence locker evaluating the relative obscenity of a rubber loli torso is quite humorous. It's the red uniforms and the hats that really get me.

>> No.13906467
File: 94 KB, 475x880, 1438992748519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mind being more specific on your supplements in details?
And here's the "holy grail supplements" from last thread if anyone missed it

>> No.13906476

Meiki plush accommodates Venus holes no problem but that's not a full doll with limbs etc.

>> No.13906483

You're missing a good third of the humor if you don't imagine them on horses while this is going down. Bonus points if theyscream "EH" at each other.

>> No.13906573

Tomax contacts with a single distributor per territory - Queen Cat in NA, Omochadreams in EU, and Daimaoh in JP. They don't just wholesale their holes to any retailer who wishes to get in on the action.

>> No.13906623

Yeah, but the lack of head and limbs means I can't dress it up as Tamaki, slam fuck her silly, and then pour my thick seed directly into her Tomax brand womb knocking her up with rubber babies in front of a picture of takabou.

>> No.13906689
File: 1.19 MB, 665x1182, 1438905196996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pay ~260 USD for torso+hip or pay +~1k for full body. hmmm

>> No.13906699

Just got the Lilith Uterus soft in today, along with some PePe and Ona Tsuyu. It's my first JP hole, and I must say that it was worth it, although it is significantly more difficult to clean/dry out than my FL sleeve.

That said, what really impressed me was the lube.

I wasn't using some mainstream KY shit or anything, but it's crazy how different the JP stuff is. PePe in particular has a crazy viscosity.

>> No.13906716

Look m8, I'm a petroleum engineer, I got more money then sense or morality.

>> No.13906816

Optimen multivitamin. 1-2 daily. Pygeum, about 1000-1500 mg daily. Lecithin 1200-2400 daily. I just got the two other pills I mentioned earlier today and well I'll be trying them out where I can actually cum in about an hour. My balls have been aching for about 6 hours now. Apparently my neon piss is due to too much vitamin B6 which just gets flushed out. I am drinking a little but the two new pills should still take a nice effect especially if just driving 35 down a road made me close to cumming. Also I have switched to a mostly bean, nut, veggie diet with celery and asparagus.

>> No.13906970

Tried doing the male squirting technique. I only ended up ejaculating, but to be fair it was the most intense orgasm I've had it years.

Must have shot up at least 4 feet.

>> No.13907139

Anyone want to watch me cum 3 weeks of backup?

>> No.13907257

Will there be glopping noises? Are you at least going to do it onto a fig?

>> No.13907266

All of my figs are backed up. I was going to do it in that very famous loli hip that I forgot the name of.

>> No.13907279

>PePe in particular has a crazy viscosity.
This might sound silly but in what way? Is it a lot thicker or watery? Only non jp-lube I used briefly was id glide or something and it was pretty watery and less stringy and i want to know about those non-jp ones

>> No.13907320
File: 34 KB, 383x384, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the letter cucktucky anon?

>> No.13907644

Please do anon, all content is appreciated.

>> No.13907646

My dick started bleeding and it was terrible. I'm going to bed.

>> No.13907744
File: 76 KB, 422x415, 1404728658331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy Meiki ZXY
>start to use it
>eh it probably isn't anything spe-

That was less than a month ago and it's torn to shreds. Fun while it lasted.

>> No.13907780
File: 203 KB, 532x800, ur purdy gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh that's like a dream career got'dam. Go buy yourself whatever. I'm super jelly. What field should I join if I am studying chem?

>> No.13907789
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Muv-Luv Alternative - Total Eclipse - 15 [F8C4F4A2].mkv_snapshot_11.49_[2012.10.22_12.35.27].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That was less than a month ago
I hate when things I buy don't stay bought. Those aren't even cheap, what gives?

>> No.13907803
File: 153 KB, 1024x683, gimme ur rashunz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, ingesting too much vitamins will increase your chance of getting cancer. I'm serious.



hope you don't OD on those.

>> No.13907814
File: 42 KB, 960x640, flat tumtum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get well anon

>> No.13907835
File: 231 KB, 512x512, 1438903162064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13907875


Most the Meiki onaholes only last so long, but realistically they last much more than a month if you're not fugging it all the time.

>> No.13907901
File: 298 KB, 1004x1500, Tamaki (008b).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dead on the inside, my job is to come up with ways to ruin things for people that like gas powered things by making shittier gasoline for their vehicles to run on, while simultaneously being despised by the world for trying to squeeze every last drop of black blood from the earth as I belch poisonous fumes into the skies. Think I might change fields and go into materials, I only went into petro because the money was insane and I thought I already knew what being dead inside was like.

Basically if you're good at chemical or material centric engineering then you can just decide how much you're willing to be hated and scale your salary based on that.

I still want a cosplayable fuckdoll that fits a Venus though.

>> No.13908221
File: 196 KB, 500x500, 1439124743322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that your doll? Would dressing up your gf in cosplay work or is it too3dpd4u?

>> No.13908411

It's a pretty broad field, man. Do whatever suits your interest. The jobs and opportunities will depend on your country's/area's interests. Biochem is a huge thing because of Pfizer and all that, but I've never met anyone in the biochem field.


It's a pretty cool field. Which subfield are you looking into? The ones I know are mainly polymeric and metallurgic. You could possibly branch off into polymeric with your knowledge of petroleum and the entire distillation process. Polymeric is fun because of the wide applications it has. Metallurgic will deal with corrosion, crystallization, alloys and metal stuff. There's ceramic, too, but I haven't delved too much into that area apart from the basic crystals, plane faces and other things I forgot since I don't use that knowledge much. All areas will deal with mechanical things like stress and strain, shear, etc.

On a different note, have you tried looking at full sized dolls? The only sites I've found are 4woods and dsdoll. In Japan, there's orient-doll.com and artetokio.com, orientdoll being in the 600k range, and artetokio being in the 350k+ range. They don't fit venuses, however. Have you tried contacting a custom textiles/clothing company that can make things for you? There aren't any silicone dolls I know of that have big holes for onahole inserts, but the ones that do are either inflatable or textile. The problem with textile ones is that the majority of them don't have nice joints. You can get a steel skeleton with fixed torque joints that provide ample stability without limping, and move on from there.

>> No.13908432
File: 82 KB, 400x300, 1_1395112582_m_tZooj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13908477
File: 208 KB, 1100x1560, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fbde67d2fb30e00c9dcf5e80a10b9ee60%2Ftumblr_no62llFhuR1qheuo8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13908531

i got a lolinco a while back as my first hole of this nature (though i've had much better luck w/ tenga eggs than most people seem to report)

and the feeling of insertion is fucking fantastic, it's great, i understand now
but i was kinda hoping that it would be a bit tighter??
how tight is the virgin age admission or satori relative to it

>> No.13908542

>On a different note, have you tried looking at full sized dolls?
Not that anon, but are there any dolls with faces that aren't creepy, and don't cost 5000$?

>> No.13908573
File: 75 KB, 850x1280, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F62bea29fb0923f5f9d2f1f4e107e7df5%2Ftumblr_nodd7wYGoM1qheuo8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apart from cheap whores, there's not much you can find.

>> No.13908580

You might be doing something wrong. If you accidentally touch *any* part of your shaft, immediately move up, stop for a second, and work on the head again. It will take a while, or it does for me at least, and you might have to twist the head a bit.

I just did it a second time, still pretty intense. I should probably try not fapping for a few days to see if the amount of fluid changes.

>> No.13908587

What about ones that aren't full sized? Because goddamn those faces are a real turn-off for me.

>> No.13908590

Most doll companies attempt to do a "realistic" face. One very old company I just saw and regret seeing basically had a face that had the sharp characteristics of a Hannya and the smooth cheeks of the Ko Omote. DSDoll has an anime-esque face, and I'm sure I saw another company that did the same effect with a head. It's subject to opinions, so I can't say much on it. I like maybe one or two faces, but only if the hair is right.

Unfortunately, silicone molding, skeletal framing, flash trimming, dyes and the amount of work and delicacy around it will make the price go up. I don't mean to shill, but here's a good look at their processes. I found a video on their processes involving flash trimming and everything else, but I can't seem to find it.


If you want something cheaper, you will have to go with textile, or a torso. Mysiliconelovedoll has a torso for sale, but looks rather creepy with just the head - I prefer having it without the head, to be honest. Mysiliconelovedoll has yet to respond to my emails about one of their products, and it's been a week. If you don't care about the limbs, go for a torso such as Mao or Aya.

>> No.13908593

>I should probably try not fapping for a few days to see if the amount of fluid changes.
Please report back your findings if you do. Thanks.

>> No.13908606

I found the video with their processes. Again, I don't mean to shill. The first three quarters of the video pretty much shows manufacturing, while the last part are just photo shoots.


>> No.13908633

No, but I don't trust their address listed. It's just a random house in a housing estate in Belfast.

>> No.13908639

Any idea why only Daimaoh got the updated Venus Real and not the others?

>> No.13908702
File: 60 KB, 998x664, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F8b45add2a09c7f87dfd4e8022375abb0%2Ftumblr_noaqc2Q2a21qheuo8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because the others haven't sold all their stock yet

>> No.13908728

>got the updated Venus Real
whats the difference between the new and old one?

>> No.13908739 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 640x350, 1439286461357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-do bathmates work?
I just want to feel deeper into my onahole

>> No.13908793
File: 206 KB, 904x1280, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F9fb4bb4462f287a0138bff512d742a91%2Ftumblr_nohyz8EGA31qheuo8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you looking for articulated joints or fuck pillows? Don't even consider the shitty balloons though; heard a lot of disappointment there.

>> No.13908857

I'm looking for something with a head (with a face that isn't creepy), and a bit more shape than just a pillow. I don't care about joints or anything, I just don't want to fuck a square.

I was looking at the balloons actually. Are they really that bad, aside from the faces?

>> No.13908866

Strengthening of the base and a slight tunnel lip design change to help stop lube from leaking. Nothing too major.

Balloons can squeak and are compressible without much force. Some cheap models can give you chafes or even cuts on bad seamlines and joins. The best part about them is that they're foldable and easily stored. The bad part is that they're light. You can try filling them with water, it might work, but leakage can become a problem.

If you want an air doll with a head, look into A-One's air Usahane.

>> No.13908944
File: 412 KB, 880x1340, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F8222fe3f9392d5fa4dce0ec419cf4dbc%2Ftumblr_nowx06hnB91qheuo8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a cheap mofo, so while I refuse to buy a 5k doll, I didn't want to fuck a balloon. I use the meiki plush by jewdemon. I bought it for full price. When I got it, it was a bit smaller than I expected and I really wish it was a bit heavier so I could pound it. Well worth the price if you have a few onaholes. It fits my Venus real but I have to put it in a sock to make it easier to go in. If you can wait, but it on black friday

>> No.13908963

are you and idiot

>> No.13908964

*buy not but. Also the plush feels great when you place it on a surface and pound or if you are sitting and grinding. Didn't really care that it didn't have arms or a head but that's personal preference.

Somebody please suggest which onaholes to buy on the list. Question: how long does dhl take delivering. Does it correspond with the seller and their promptness?

>> No.13909019

Recommendations for clear/see-through onaholes? I've found a couple, but they seem pretty cheap:

>> No.13909022
File: 218 KB, 750x700, AI Manami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full sized dolls
>isn't creepy
It's true there are a lot of dolls with hideous faces, that's for sure, but there are some that look amazing. A.I. dolls (4woods) are in the latter category (pic related) and there are others.

There are some good sites that you can see many different dolls, such as:
http://www.dolldataroom.org/main.html (Japanese, hasn't been updated since October 2010)
http://www.love-doll.info/main.html (Japanese, similar to above but updated)
And the active manufacturers thread at TDF:

If you're in Australia, you can get the A.I. dolls locally from http://www.fantasydoll.com.au, so you don't need to worry about importing and getting it through customs yourself. I'm confident that you'll pay a premium for that convenience but at least you know that you'll receive it without any issue.

From my research and as >>13908590 implied, with regards to quality, it definitely looks like you get what you paid for.

>> No.13909348

Takes about 1-2 days from Japan depending on if they mail same day

I added the European Shopping section.

>> No.13909456

I'm torn between Puni Hole, Cocolo, or Real... Fuck, why is this so difficult...

>> No.13909544

If you do get the Puni Hole DX, get the hard edition for a much more realistic ass.
I believe this has been discussed in the past few threads.

>> No.13909605

Are you the guy who planned to order an 160 kayla dsdoll? Did you dare do it yet? My 168+ body is complete, only the head is still stuck in make-up atm. Seems like they have a lot of orders right now. I've been waiting a month, I hate waiting, hngh.

>> No.13909634

I would have enjoyed puni a lot more if i was cut.

>> No.13909682

What's the expected life time for Sujiman Roa Kupa before the ribs and all start to wear out? I've been using it two times a week on average for four months and found that my latest fap session wasn't really great. Maybe it's because I'm wasn't horny enough but it got me looking for more stimulating holes. Currently have an unopened neko mi nyan which I bought at the same time as well.

>> No.13909803

Thicker, very stringy. I'll post a video later.

>> No.13909891

R20 puni or is it something different? Venus real is really something mmmm. Haven't really thought about the DX since I have a plush.

>> No.13909952

How did this progress for you so far?

>> No.13909962

I found it dries out fast though.

>> No.13910054

While I'm certain that's not how it went down... it does make me smile imagining it happening like that. Thanks anon.

>(The investigators) believes the "Cocolo" product page and the "Cocolo" box and masturbation aid represent a female child of 5 to 10 years of age due to the fact that there is minimal breast development and hip development depicted as well as no pubic hair depicted.

This is the legal argument used in the case... which sounds pretty flimsy to me.

>> No.13910097

>This is the legal argument used in the case... which sounds pretty flimsy to me.
Doesn't sound flimsy to me at all. Some countries use breast size to determine legality of pornography. It's a stupid argument, but it sadly works.

>> No.13910113
File: 260 KB, 803x790, 1437529271457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what's up with my dick? It looks kinda like a fungal infection with white patches, but none of the other symptoms like redness, swelling, soreness, irritation, itchiness or inflammation. My dick works perfectly, it's just these white patches of what seem like dead skin. I can get it off but it's not loose like smegma.

Pls I don't want to go to my family physician over this.

>> No.13910132

At least in the cocolo box, the breasts aren't even fully visible though.

>> No.13910146

Yeah, I've been reading the archive to see what people think and this came up a lot.

The Puni Hole DX. The Venus holes look interesting, but right now I'm looking for a hip.

>> No.13910158

If you aren't cleaning up well enough you could cause all kinds of problems. I remember way back when I fapped with hand sanitizer (it was a dark, dark age) and I didn't clean up well enough afterwards, the next day the outer layer of skin started to crust up and flake off. It scared the shit out of me. So clean up properly after fapping, or you're inviting all kinds of problems.

>> No.13910162

Did you guys see the wireless onahole for custom maid that just dropped on NLS?

>> No.13910184

This has been ongoing for many months, quite a while actually with no big changes. It happened first when I didn't clean my dick (The section right before "God damn." in the guide was added shortly after I asked about it in the thread), it continued when I began cleaning my dick, and it continues to this day.

I'm pretty sure it's dead skin but I lack the willpower to stop using my onaholes for the 1+ month needed to see what happens.

>> No.13910208

I stole it from the watermarked blog. I'd dress up my GF in cosplay, if I had one right now. I've gotten an escort to wear cosplay outfits before, but they don't really know how to play the character and it kind of ruins the illusion a bit.

Polymeric, it's an easier transfer and I don't really want to throw away six years of study. One of my classmates from core studies back in uni went into materials and says they see a lot of people move from petro into materials, he can probably hook me up with something. My advice for students is to get in good with as many people as you can and try and do 8-month+ work experiences at good companies.

I'm not a fan of realistic silicon dolls, too much uncanny valley going on there.

I think that liplop is a Jp distributor and custom shop of dolls from this company: http://www.beautiful-dolls.com there also seem to be a bunch of sellers on aliexpress that carry either their products or knockoffs on the cheap.

>> No.13910218

I assure you that the expletive was not added because of you. Those are only added to the guide because its asked a million times or if the author wanted to emphasize something

>> No.13910230
File: 171 KB, 374x347, 1437732005622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I realize not entirely because of me, but it was added very shortly after I asked so I like to imagine I had an impact. Don't take this from me.

More importantly, what the fuck is going on with my cock?

>> No.13910257
File: 465 KB, 1024x768, c2fd2d70b0492eaf6e9d7c78c93f38e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for all the information.
I ended up ordering kunoichi in soft. I will report back with how it feels to fuck air / a ghost kunoichi girl.
I motivated myself thinking it's like the really loose and sloppy butthole of a /jp/sie in heat.

>> No.13910276

Probably a fungal infection. Try using vinegar or getting some over the counter stuff.

>> No.13910290

If it was fungal I'd expect some more telling symptoms, like discomfort or itchiness. Guess I'll try some home remedies and OTC and see if anything happens.

>> No.13910306

I've had spots on me like what you describe and had no symptoms either. They werent on my dick so i went to a dermatologist. He said they were fungal and he was right. The cream made them go away and all was well.

tldr - it might be fungal anyways

>> No.13910325

Alright, I'll grab some organic coconut oil and slather that cocksucker on my dick tomorrow.

>> No.13910338

I once got a similar thing from my ona (but it itched at some stage). I got rid of it by eating a lot of raw garlic. I chopped cloves up and gulped them down with a glass of water, two or three big and fresh ones per day or so. It's a mild antibiotic, but be warned you will stink, specially if you sweat. Tip: wash your hands only with a stream of water and don't rub them to dry, or the garlic odor will stay. You can try it if it's a similar infection.

>> No.13910351

Sounds unpleasant but I'm willing to do it. Will add to my regimen.

>> No.13910489


Any guy here uses/used an onahole and is not a virgin? Serious question. I want to know if it really feels like the real thing.

>> No.13910574

Not a virgin. Can confirm warmed and properly lubricated certain holes feel like the real thing

>> No.13910672
File: 47 KB, 1919x554, nls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a bunch. Paypal is greedy as fuck :/

Thankfully, my bank had a 3% currency exchange charge so basically, I saved about 17%.

Strangely, when I tried to cancel payment (panic) when it was in yen, I got an error page. Everything worked out in the end. Does NLS email me the DHL tracking numbers? I ordered 8 items. Do they come together in a box?

>> No.13910688


Do you think an onahole can be used as a "training" device for real sex? I want to last longer when not using a condom.

>> No.13910700
File: 39 KB, 689x650, order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh.. I guess I check my account and get the tracking number when they're finished packing.

How'd I do guys?

>> No.13910783

I think it could. Most are more stimulating than real sex. So practicing on that might even be better than an on par experience.

>> No.13910810


Different anon here, also not a virgin and can confirm that some holes are very similar to the real thing, however whenever I had sex with a girl I would usually last for half an hour minimum- (with a condom), and she would usually have to finish me by hand anyway (I'm a cutfag). However with my "realistic" holes I seldom last longer than 5 minutes, 10 minutes tops. It probably has something to do with pressure and expectations from the other person, but take from that what you will.

>> No.13910931

I can't go 5 minutes in my Puni without cumming my brains out.

>all dat preparation
>all dat cleanup
>all for 5 minutes

Regular onas I can edge for as long as I want.

>> No.13911019

Although I've enjoyed Rina, I've been finding it too small lately, especially if I'm fucking it in a pillow. Hitting the "womb" is pretty hot but it's gotten old.

What should I get next?

I'm not even big at all, dick is like 5.75in.

>> No.13911087

> :/
Climb in your mother's ass and go back to where you were born.

>> No.13911134

are you the same guy every time?

>> No.13911155

I hope you enjoy transfering, learning a bit more and I hope you have fun to wherever you go, anon. I personally enjoy polymeric sciences despite it being outside the scope of my studies. Hopefully I can merge my interests one day.

You can always get Big Rina!

>> No.13911170

I hope he is

>> No.13911229

>a /jp/sie in heat.
Isn't that redundant?

>> No.13911236

For my first onahole I bought a lolinco and it should be here early next week. I might post a video/review for it

>> No.13911422

Different guy


>> No.13911440

Good idea actually. Will I be able to at least reach the womb?

>> No.13911468


>> No.13911499

Well, thanks a bunch for awakening a new kink there pal. Where the fuck am I going to find doll netori porn?

>> No.13911511

With a little compression, yes. The tunnel length is 15.5cm, roughly 6", but that includes the labia. You might not be able to reach the end if you get the tiniest bit flaccid.

>> No.13911661

How long does it usually take a package to leave the LA ISC? Shipped from NLS with e-Packet if it matters.

>> No.13911813

I said I would make a video, but I'm not actually sure how to best showcase the properties of each one. Any ideas that aren't extremely lewd?

>> No.13911908

No, I'm a different anon. I was looking at dolls ~18 months ago but never pulled the trigger...

>> No.13912061

Strap a Busty Ai-Chan to your Meiki plush with a nursing bra. The tits give the doll much better weight and stability. I've posted mine before. The bra is http://www.walmart.com/ip/Loving-Moments-by-Leading-Lady-Maternity-Wirefree-Softcup-Nursing-Bra-with-Full-Sling-2-Pack/37796750 in size 34B.

Can watch me fuck my doll with tits (before I added the bra) at http://xhamster.com/movies/4012709/onahole_busty_ai_chan_and_plush_doll.html

I'm overdue to make a better vid.

>> No.13912113

Yes, NLS will send an email with the tracking number when they have prepared your order. Given that you've ordered before 1200 JST (I think is the cutoff) your order should be shipped today (Wednesday), presuming no back-ordered items.
The two large orders I've received so far were both single-box deliveries.

Missed delivery attempt yesterday, because I was at work, so I need to arrange for a redelivery or collection from their distribution centre.

>> No.13912350

Have you seen the picture demonstration of lubes in nls? You can do something like that except in video; squeeze some out (in black background for contrast), rub on hand and spread out, etc...

>> No.13912425


thanks for the info bros, I'm now considering buying one as a training device.

>> No.13913138

Ok a newbie here
(ordered my first one half a year ago, it's getting broken and I want a new one)
These are the ones i'm interested in:

These are interesting because of the monster-girl look, but is either good?

This looks interesting too, but does it work? Can the tongue reach your ass?

People suggested this before, but it's out of stock.. worth getting from somewhere else?

Any opinions and hints welcome ;_; I like anal but there's so few of those holes, especially at nls. If there's stores simliarly easy and fast, feel free to suggest

>> No.13913183

forgot this

>> No.13913245

Do trap/femboy-type toys exist? Are any of them good?

>> No.13913540

It's not when there are just as many of us in that post-orgasm sage mode as there are those who are still browsing danbooru for a lewd 2hu fanart to fap to.

>> No.13913814

i just checked and its shit. why do people ever buy from foreign stores, the japanese ones are objectively so much cheaper even including shipping.

>> No.13913833

just use grindr

>> No.13913942
File: 266 KB, 800x800, 1-1002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please check if your measurements are appropriate for the holes. If you are unable to see measurements on NLS, please take out the "n" at the url as this will take you to the Japanese version of the site, and copy paste the item name into M's, linked in the pastebin. The choices are yours, as we do not know what your penis feels or how you like to pound them. This information will be added to the paste when I get to write it all up, along with >>13900754.
New items!

Hot Powers' new holes have come into NLS. Expect these up in a few hours in the english site.


If M's is correct, Hot Powers really has a lot of wasted material in their new Kunoichi, around 2.5cm/1" at the rear. That could be used for a longer tunnel, but I do hope they have a good reason as to why they put so much material at the back instead of using it as part of the tunnel.


>> No.13913991


Absolutely no way in hell those screw/barrel looking things will stay on for very long. I'm betting after ~2 weeks they start to come off in the drying process.

>> No.13914115

I don't know if this is relevant, but I'm at SIGGRAPH for a while. Anything you would want checked out?

>> No.13914246

Hey, after I finished ordering on NLS, they gave Mr a link to PayPal for my payment. How do I pay with my debit carf using bank of Americas rate instead of PayPal's rate?

>> No.13914722

Learn how to PayPal.

>> No.13914782
File: 394 KB, 650x669, talking onahole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Japanese vaginas really speak Japanese or is it just onaholes that can?

>> No.13914784
File: 157 KB, 960x1280, https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F89b65e45aa1ec0abc9e57af27847ce36%2Ftumblr_np886qyJWA1qheuo8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to this ignoramus>>13914722

You can pay with your debit card. The option pops up after they send you an email asking for your money. They have two options: paypal or credit card. Either way, you are paying through paypal, but currency exchange policies will differ. Paypal's a jew with conversion rates. Check your bank rate for currency exchange. You'll probably save by paying in JPY through BoA. My bank charged me 3% so yours should be around that. Make sure to pay in JPY instead of USD.

>> No.13914855

I did get an email that says pay now and leads me to two options. And I did changed currency to JPY on NLS, but how do I know if my using BoA rate or PayPal rate? Or is it self-explanatory after I fill out my card information? I plan on paying NLS on Sunday, just wanted to make sure the payment will be smooth on that day. Thanks.

>> No.13914883

A bit after managing to fully retract my foreskin relatively easily, I gave the Lolinco a shot. This may have ruined me for normal masturbation. I've never, ever moaned like that, and have never shuddered outside orgasm itself, until now. I wasn't really that loud, but considering how quiet I usually am I may as well have been screaming, goddamn. There was even something like afterglow.

I don't think I can go back to how I once was. Not that I really want to, at this point.

>> No.13915022
File: 540 KB, 1536x2048, dat tummy doe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you use your debit card, check your BoA rate.

They will charge a small percent, but it beats paying full USD or paying jewpal. I don't know your total and/or personal info nor would I want to. At worst, if BoA charges you 10%, you'd still have paid 10% less than if you were to pay flat in USD (~20% saved from USD->JPY conversion minus 10% bank toll = 10% saved). Good luck and have fun.

>> No.13915026
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yea, lolinco is gud. welcome to the /ona/ club m8.

>> No.13915289

There was some discussion a few threads back about how the Lolinco is the closest to a real vagina.

>> No.13915389
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not all vaginas feel the same bruh

>> No.13915598
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Great find today, a new Onahole supplier has started up in Australia, aligned with Japanese supplier Merci. I've already got an order in for one of these. http://lovemerci.com.au/male-masturbators.html?limit=all

>> No.13915645

>>13901447 What's the product you're looking for that's always out of stock?

>> No.13915648

Nah, I want a toy. Are there no good ones?

>> No.13915657

So what are you looking for exactly? An anal trap ona, or a dildo?

>> No.13915693


>> No.13915716

The prices seem significantly more reasonable than this one

>> No.13915734

More incentive to try as many as I can.

>> No.13915743

NLS has this: http://en-nls.com/pict1-27542?c2=9999
Pretty cute shota dick

>> No.13915806

Well, I guess South Australia is fucked now as well.
>An Adelaide father has been given a suspended jail sentence for having more than 300 anime images that were classed as child pornography.

>The 52-year-old man pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography after police raided his home in April 2012.

>Sentencing judge, Paul Muscat, said although no actual children were exploited in the anime or cartoon images he was concerned that people who accessed those sexualised cartoon images of children may easily progress to other child exploitation material.

>"[The psychologist] has expressed a view that you considered what you were doing was similar to reading or taking part in a fantasy rather than contributing to the production of child exploitation material, and thereby fostering a market devoted to enhancing or increasing the risk of actual children being exploited within society," the judge said.

>"I can understand that view but it is not that great a step to then move on to viewing material of actual children.

>Judge Muscat imposed a prison sentence of four months, which he suspended.

>He placed the man on a 12-month good behaviour bond, which will require him to undergo treatment.

>> No.13915832

How do people like this get their stuff found, anyway?

>> No.13915932

They have maitenence workers in their apartment :^)

>> No.13915944

Never bring your PC to a technician.
Never leave your PC unlocked when leaving your chair.
Never sell used harddrives unless you securely wiped them first.

>> No.13915967

Never download loli (or CP) without a VPN.

>> No.13915987

If people want to trace you by your IP, they can do so if you're connected directly or via VPN just as well. Unless you don't legally access said VPN, which most /jp/s probably don't have the skills for.

That being said, I personally don't believe authorities would bother to trace some random people downloading loli from the interbutt. Not to mention that sites hosting loli usually aren't in the jurisdiction of fascist nations like USA, Canada and England, so they don't even have a reason to do so.

>> No.13916012

>If people want to trace you by your IP, they can do so if you're connected directly or via VPN just as well.
There are a bunch of cheap VPNs that don't keep logs. The connection between you and the VPN service is encrypted, or it should be, that's largely the point of using a VPN, so your ISP or government won't know what you're downloading.

>> No.13916180

Before I gulp down all that garlic, what do you mean about washing hands only with a stream and not rubbing them? What's that about?

>> No.13916290

I use a VPN and Tor for all my CP needs. I am of course assuming Tor isn't completely compromised by this point.

>> No.13916294

peeling off the garlic will make your hands stink, the best way to wash them is using water without rubbing your hands together and let them dry naturally, or you can rub them against a stainless steel thing (spoon)

>> No.13916307

Eh, I'll just wear disposable gloves. I thought it made your hands stink similar to what happens when you sweat.

Fucking hope this works. How long did it take to see effects?

>> No.13916705

Man I'm getting really tired of cleaning

Are there any holes with plugs on the end that you can remove? So after you're done you just remove the plug and let run water through it

>> No.13916827

Clean your shit if you don't want fungus on your dick like me

*sips garlic*

>> No.13916908

Thank you. But i got one more question. My order is about 180 USD in terms of JPY and I will be using DHL method. I bought two R20 for my friends and Lolinco plus other onaholes are for myself. My concern is that if my package was inspected by the custom and they see my Lolinco, will I get in trouble? How likely will packages get inspected by customs? I heard orders over 100 USD have higher chance of getting checked...

>> No.13916959

Even canada customs have stated the Lolinco is legal, so you're probably safe on that one. The box doesn't have any nudity either.

>> No.13916995
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Alright, thank you.

>> No.13917015

Any of you guys read doujin or eromanga while using your holes?
What setup do you use?, I've rarely do this because my favorite holes are either hips (cocolo and Alice) or just better used hands free like the venus, and getting I'm a position to read and hump comfortably is very hard.

>> No.13917099
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>he needs help masturbating

>> No.13917135

Is there a list anywhere of packaging with/without nudity? Might be pretty useful

>> No.13917207

Isn't it why all of us are here? To help each other masturbate?

>> No.13917215

I find it impossible to use a hip and do anything but fuck it with reckless abandon. Can't fuck a hip and browse at the same time. I fap normally with my holes looking at ALL the ero doujins.

>> No.13917226

Can I pour isopropyl alochol in my holes to sterilize the son of a bitch?

>> No.13917238

What are your favorite one-handed holes? I need to buy something I can use while reading and doesn't make you cum too fast.

>> No.13917253

Wet Meiki -SHIN- and [AGM] ALICE IN THE HEAVEN are my favorites. I see no need to try anything else.

Wet Meiki is long enough to go balls deep and Alice has a unique texture

>> No.13917265

I heard alcohol solutions can damage the holes, it's best to use hydrogen peroxide to sterilize it

>> No.13917273

Guess I'll try one of those two, getting a hold on Alice products is hard though, it took me three months to catch an AGM Alice dayo in stock.

>> No.13917292

Yes, they are quite difficult to catch in stock. I would like to know the reason why.

They're top quality though, hard to beat.

>> No.13917656

I've only been able to fap with a doujin or something. That's with my hand, anyway.

>> No.13917679

What the hell is a "cavalier penis"?

>> No.13917745

Took a look at the japanese page, and the japanese page mentions small phimosis penis. Somehow phimosis translated to cavalier? Lol.

>> No.13917786

That looks just like my penis.

>> No.13917788

Probably some fancy translation for shota dick

>> No.13918610

Just let us know how good the VR demos are, please! Are you there for work?

>> No.13919076
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Wonder what this could be

>> No.13919256

God damn, I put yogurt on my cock for 30 minutes then washed it off with a mixture of water, apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil. My dick looks better but I've got a loss of sensation. Hopefully it returns after some healing.

>> No.13919274


>> No.13919285

Something from Queen Cat?

>> No.13919295

Sweep, damn you.

>> No.13919362

I haven't used my onahole in about 2 weeks and the area around the entrance has stated to "bruise" or become purplish. Whats going on, and is it still alright to use?

>> No.13919374

You have to take responsibility.

>> No.13919402

Evil spirits have inhabited your onahole, anon.
But seriously, I have no idea. And it is only the entrance?

>> No.13919412

You went too rough on her, onii-chan. You're supposed to be more gentle and loving.

>> No.13919862

Anybody knows how long does it take for NLS with DHL to ship from Japan to California? The estimated delivery date from today is on August 16th. I thought it only take them 2~3 days to ship?

>> No.13919906
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dilute, wash, flush, dry, pat, store, reuse.

o im laffin. does it make you last longer?


>> No.13919910


It depends how far away you are from a distribution hub and what day you ordered. Also keep in mind if you ordered it just recently, it's Thursday in Japan already. DHL doesn't deliver on the weekends in most areas. Last time I ordered on a Wednesday I didn't get my package til Monday morning because it took forever to clear customs.

>> No.13919948
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can someone describe the R-20 puni/R20, SLUT announcer, and cocolo? I'm interested.

bought 7 onaholes early Tuesday on nls, getting them tomorrow. Chicago area. I'm kind of surprised at how quick DHL is; I'm used to USPS.

open the box please. Do it fast. I don't like waiting.

>> No.13919968

Didn't see it in the guide so I'll ask.

Long term storage is no biggie right? With my current living situation, fapping with my hand into the toilet is questionable on the best of occasions. Fapping with a toy that needs to be cleaned after, and washing lube and whatnot off of my dick/crotch area is even more questionable. I'll need to save any onahole I get for rare special occasions (every other month or so).

>> No.13919970
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are you living in a muslim country or something? goddamn

>> No.13919980

Nah I just have almost zero privacy. I only fap after midnight when everyone else is asleep. Going and running a bunch of water to wash it out would just wake up the whole house because shitty pipes.

>> No.13919986
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college campus 4 man apartment? you should carry a sentrysafe with everything in it if you need privacy.

>> No.13920006

Sounds like you should probably go elsewhere to masturbate, like a school restroom or something.

>> No.13920018

can I use baby powder instead of talcum or cornstarch?

>> No.13920024

I will bide my time for now. A will of iron will come!

>> No.13920031

>baby powder

W-what.....Baby Powder is made from either talc or cornstarch.... but use cornstarch baby powder, less likely to harm you if you breathe it in.

>> No.13920036

Masturbating in a school restroom...sounds like something everyone should do at least once.

>> No.13920049

I live in the South Bay. Ordering via e-packet takes 6 days, ordering via EMS takes 2 days.

>> No.13920053

Oh, wait, you asked for DHL. Sorry, I don't know.

>> No.13920065

What should I get next if I already have 17 Bordeaux, old lolinco, Busty Ai-chan, and Puni Hole Dx?

>> No.13920078

A Venus Real, clearly. Complete the trifecta.

>> No.13920100


Venus Real or Mouth of Truth

>> No.13920106

Soft is the best firmness right?

>> No.13920112

Soft or Very soft. Depends on just how low you want to go in terms of stimulation.

>> No.13920124
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oh wow. I feel dumb. Thanks for clearing things up

>> No.13920129

I haven't order but I don't want the package come too early nor too late. If I want DHL to deliver on Sunday or Monday, would it be the best to order today or tomorrow to be safe?

>> No.13920130
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I need a new loli hole. I've owned STT Kana, Roa hard, and GitB. Kana was probably by favorite, followed by GitB, so I think it'd be fair to say I like holes that are medium stimulation and tightness. Also, I have a below average dick (~4in).

I'm thinking about getting a second Kana (sadly, my old one is no longer with us) or a Lolinco. Thoughts? I'd also really like general reqs from people with a similar size and tastes, loli hole or not.

>> No.13920142


I'd recommend either the lolinco or Virgin Age Admission

>> No.13920201

What would be the best lube for a blowjob hole?

>> No.13920254

Anything you are comfortable with. Some lubes are specifically made for oral holes, and the one A-One has smells a teensy bit chemically, but it does end up foaming up rather well. I can't vouch for the sweet drool one since I've never had it, but people say it really does taste sweet.

It's up to you if you want to switch up lubes. I'm still using my small collection of lube that's included with the holes themselves, so I just use whatever is nice to me.

>> No.13920260

you can pick it up at a DHL place, or schedule the delivery so that you can pick it up later. They text message you the day before delivery so that you can choose.

>> No.13920291

when a package goes through custom, do they actually open the package and inspect it?

>> No.13920316

Not usually. It's random unless they have good reason to believe it's something dangerous or illegal.

>> No.13920318

Depends on where you live. Where I live they usually don't do it but sometimes you will get a sticker on your package that says it was "searched".

>> No.13920333

How would you type "sex doll" into TaoBao?

>> No.13920335

thanks, i hope that mine doesn't get actually get searched since the loli hole i ordered has rather really questionable box art cover, and the kentucky anon incident is making me worried although i shouldn't since it's not technically illegal in US. Customs can't do shit about it anyways, r-right?

>> No.13920344


>> No.13920349

Customs differ from country to country, and each country will have varying laws and regulations around certain objects. They are on alert for materials such as uneven solids, granules and suspicious objects that don't match package descrips.

The package is passed through an x-ray machine to scan for material unevenness, pockets, granulated solids, funny material properties and to have a general outline of the item. If a customs officer deems it suspicious(or just on a whim, which is done randomly), they will open the box to inspect and run tests on. If the package is benign and is deemed of no danger, then they will tape it back up and move on. If the package contains malicious things such as chemical traces of drugs and material to make paraphernalia, they will either seize it or let it through and track further packages to the destination and from the originating country.

Customs may or may not put a sticker or tape that says "Searched by customs", depending on your country's laws and regulations regarding customs.

One Canadian(?) anon on /a/(or was it on these threads? I can't remember) who works at customs says that the searches are random, and tough luck for those that got things seized because of funny reasons.

Go watch tv shows about customs. The ones from Australia even goes so far to go for a house raid when they saw an incoming package with drug traces with the address having a track record of drug paraphernalia. Shit gets good.

>> No.13920370


Remember Kentucky anon got in trouble because someone came into his apartment and saw it and reported it. Had nothing to do with customs. I've never heard of loli holes in the US being intercepted and getting anyone in trouble, that's usually a Canadian/Australian thing.

>> No.13920401

>Remember Kentucky anon got in trouble because someone came into his apartment and saw it and reported it
yep i should have mentioned that, it just that i dont know what the customs would do if they saw it by any chance.
anyways, i also did some search about how long it's in the custom and that it is entirely up to them; from couple days to few weeks which i hope it be former without any suspicion.
ill post pics if it arrives + other package i ordered which may arrive day or two after this one.
funny thing is, my previous 2 packages (recently got into onaholes) just made final delivery without any mention of arriving at customs and this one sort of threw me off. Those were shipped via dhl and e-packet, this using ems but i heard all packages coming in from other countries go through customs anyways.

>> No.13920406

good to hear, thanks for the info.

>> No.13920420

Didn't someone in another thread get doujinshi seized? The box art might draw attention if it's lewd enough.
Has anyone in these threads confirmed that customs rummaged through their onahole order but it still came without any problem? None of mine ever were so I can't help but feel I'm pressing my luck.

>> No.13920463

So far I've checked out almost every VR thing there, even the backdoor things because I got connections.

It is truly the future. Can't believe how many times I've felt like I was in some other place or that some virtual object was actually a real object. It's insane because I own a DK2 and have never felt those things this on it. Apparently my brain is pretty hard to trick relative to other people.

>> No.13920540

The look much better, i'd read that on Infernal Monkey too .... he did a price comparison and for Australia buyers it's much cheaper, and quicker!

>> No.13920572
File: 99 KB, 800x800, H0988-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouth of Truth without a doubt. http://lovemerci.com.au/male-masturbators/la-bocca-della-verita-the-mouth-of-truth.html

>> No.13920586

Is it possible to save onaholes from death after fungus strikes? I don't want to lose 3 holes to this ;_;

>> No.13920784

I boiled mine and still caught it afterwards. Maybe bleach but I am nit going to risk it, you can't rebuy your dick.

>> No.13920947

Oi, glad I'm not the only one contending with this. Had a sudden onset of red splotches on my dick, which would periodically peel, the head got super sensitive, and it burned in the shower. Really it behaved more like a burn than what I envision a fungus to be like. The red shit is still there, I went through three bottles of Lotramine to no effect and am now on a Repara regime with antifungal soap at shower times. This shit is fucking horrible. If I manage to get rid of it I'm throwing away my onaholes, I'm 100% certain this was somehow caused by them.

>> No.13920996

Except not from Love Merci, if you're in Australia, because it's about twice what you'll pay from NLS. Ha, I just saw that they're based in Gumeracha, South Australia, which is about a 40 minute drive through the hills from me.

I checked out their website a bit last night and the pricing is all over the place, compared to NLS. Some are similar (Nippori ver. Gokujo Namagoshi) and some are nearly double (MoT, Daisyuki Hold).
Definitely worth comparing for future orders, though. Hopefully they'll pickup Tomax, so I don't have to bother with a proxy to get Lilith and Venus holes.

>> No.13921148

I want this, why wont NLS sell it.

>> No.13921186

Don't waste your time and worries and go see a dermatologist.

>> No.13921770

I thought the prices were pretty good, considering its local to AU, take Sujiman Kupa for instance, much cheaper.

>> No.13921829
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Please respond with some feedback!
First time used, amazing of course.
I cleaned it out good using a recommended cleaner too, and dryed it out the best I could.
for putting it away I surrounded it in a microfiber, putting some in its mouth to keep it open, put it in a dry sweater in a clothing cabinet. Nicely well hidden.
Also I put a tiny fan facing it, so it will be constantly blown on to get dry.
Did I do enough to guarantee avoiding bacteria or whatever else? Is there as anything I might be doing wrong?

>> No.13922030

Okay Lolinco Virgo was a small disappointment, i thought i was gonna get same or even better version of Lolinco but all i got was a lot softer and less tighter one, might order normal version again at some point.

>> No.13922094

Your mom was a small disapointment

>> No.13922103

Go troll somewhere else, faggot

>> No.13922107

I'm drunk. Heh

>> No.13922273

Yeah the Kaitai Shinsho and that new hip they released are pretty good value on that merci site for Aus buyers... especially after shipping fees are factored in...

>> No.13922308

It's really cute how it's safely tucked in the microfiber towel. From what you described, I think it's safe against mold. Hopefully your fan won't blow textile dust on the surface: toy becoming all red like the sweater.

>> No.13922314

what was dissapointing about it compared to the original?
Wondering so I know which one to choose, the Virgo has a cervix wasn't that nice.
Also i have a 5.3incher, will that be factor on which one is better?

>> No.13922320

So iso alcohol is okay? I've got peroxide on hand so it doesn't really matter what I use.

>> No.13922366

I got same feelings too, Virgo doesn't feel as great as original.

>> No.13922459

Well the womb isn't all that special, but it is pretty nice. I have a feeling it isn't as hard as the normal version, also rings aren't as tight, and the hole itself isn't so tight as normal.

>> No.13922991

Your onahole looks comfy in that towel but I have a feeling that fan is also going to cover your hole with dust
Apply corn starch/baby powder and maybe put some desiccant so that it stays dry without the fan
Hope you actually stuck a towel or paper towel to actually dry the insides and not just air dry it

>> No.13923051

Some anon says the alcohol reacts with rubber material which makes them "age" faster, damaging them and others has use it for years without problems so there's that; I'd probably dilute it first and use it

>> No.13923055

If hydrogen peroxide is a safer alternative I'll just use that. I've got both on hand.

>> No.13924177

I would go out on a limb and say that it'll only affect it during long term exposure and absorption, but the problem is that each onahole will have a different composition(we don't know what, to be exact) so we can't tell. I have very little knowledge of chemical reactions and how bacteria/fungi actually get killed with various chemicals, so I can't say much chemical-wise. Widely available 70% isopropyl alcohol shouldn't be used to soak onaholes in for long periods, anyway.

I would only use Isopropyl Alcohol (70% or less) as a mild disinfectant and mainly as a drying aid with short term exposure, and hydrogen peroxide for peace of mind. While you'll see people in forums and whatnot saying that polymeric substances are porous, technically they are right. However, porous to what, is the question. Fungal growths go deep into whatever it's growing into, so surface disinfection really won't work.

Most of our problems involve the surface, such as cleaning, mild staining, initial fungal and bacterial growth, and can be solved with superficial treatment with disinfectants, bleaches and soaps. However, once it goes deep into the material, we can't do anything about it.

You're not going to soak onaholes into isopropyl alcohol or hydrogen peroxide baths for hours. If you do end up doing so, take photos as evidence and post. I'll be interested in what happens at a chemical standpoint. Bond breakdown is what I can imagine - having flakes of stuff start to fall and peel, but I can't be sure.

tl;dr: 70% Isopropyl alcohol is safe if used for short periods on most items. Should there be damage, report back with your findings.

>> No.13924544

Holy shit. Virgin Age Admission is literally a cock strangler. DO NOT BUY. I swear to god it will snap your dick. Gorgeous box, though. Quality material.

>> No.13924608

People have warned about that many times, it's even in the pastebin.

>> No.13924624

You're right. I thought I would like it since I liked other loli holes like Lolinco, but nope. Admission is a whole nother level.

>> No.13924781


You would think it would be obvious just looking at the cross section of it. There's just no room in there

I still want one though

>> No.13924919

Actually, this would be an interesting experiment. Next time one of my holes dies I'll have to try soaking it in some disinfectants before it gets binned.

>> No.13924971

If you do end up doing it, please record the name of the product, manufacturer, date of purchase(might have had updates with a newer version, who knows), periodic pictures of the hole, times, observations, chemical concentrate used(such as 70% isopropyl alcohol) and physical effects post-experiment. Note anything else that you think is related, even if it doesn't seem related at all.

To avoid evaporation, try to do it in a closed, glass container such as pyrex(even the lid might be affected!). Be aware of the dangers associated with chemicals used such as vapor, caustic effects, nauseating gases and such, so take safety precautions such as operating in a well ventilated area and wearing appropriate protection. Signs of damage might include precipitates at the bottom, cloudiness of the liquid, brittleness and cracking.

Alternatively, you can take a snippet of each material and test separately in different mixtures in small containers, saving time and holes to test on.

>> No.13925073

How do you know if there is fungal growth in your ona?

>> No.13925115

Usually by dark or discolored spots on areas with prolonged water exposure, such as in the tunnel. Good examples are those dark spots in old silicone caulking in shower or bath areas.


Be sure to inspect your holes inside and out, and be sure to clean, dry and store them properly.

>> No.13925137

If I think a hole gave my dick fungus should I throw it out or can I sterilize and reuse it?

>> No.13925171

As previously stated, fungal growths can grow deep into the material and, in the right circumstances, grow right back when superficially cleaned. It's up to you if you want to attempt to clean it and use it again.

You can buy another hole for less than 100 bucks, but you can't buy yourself another dick for that price. If you have any concerns about your skin or possibly about an infection, please see a dermatologist.

I'll pop another thread up in a while, seeing how this thread is still rather active.

>> No.13925191

>Alternatively, you can take a snippet of each material and test separately in different mixtures in small containers, saving time and holes to test on.
That was the plan. I'm not made of onaholes, after all. In fact, the only ones I'm eyeing for replacement right now are a Uterus Normal and my Mi Nyan. We'll see what happens when.

>> No.13925606

Any tips lubing? I suck at it. I always end up putting too much and can't feel anything or too little and have trouble entering...

>> No.13925622

If you have great difficulty figuring that out then perhaps you shouldn't be using onaholes.

>> No.13925624

Anything else similar to this?

>> No.13925658

penis dimensions pls. did you try VA graduation though?

>> No.13925660

How about you stop hoarding the onahole secrets illuminati fuckboy?

>> No.13925676

There is no secret you autist. It varies from person to person and there is no set answer for how much lube should one use in an onahole. There's so many factors and variables that there is no right or wrong answer.

>> No.13925681
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need more info.

lube(s) used?
penis dimensions?
surface area of onahole + dick?
duration of fapathon?
temperature and humidity of sexbang location?
can i get a free onahole for my services? :DD

>> No.13925685

If you're not too big and can handle the punishment go for it.
I couldn't last more than a minute or two in it but I still enjoyed it. Unfortunately mine started tearing from inside after a few months of use.

>> No.13925693

What's your method for lubing?

>> No.13925714

I was under the impression that the original didn't have a cervix

>> No.13925729

I squeeze the onahole with my hand, put a small dime sized drop of lube into the entrance (not so far out) and then release my grip on the onahole so the suction sucks the lube into the canal. If I decide to water my lube down a bit I usually add a few drops of warm water into the canal (make sure it isn't too much otherwise it will get messy)
Then I give the onahole a few more squeezes so the lube is properly applied all over the insides.
I add some lube to the lips (vulva) if necessary, and then some lube on my dick head and shaft just to aid with the first entrance.
Its simple as that. The amount of lube you use will vary depending on the onahole, how dry your dick skin is, and how dry/humid your room conditions are. You will have to experiment to determine the right method and amount that suits you.

>> No.13925751

Thank you...I appreciate it...and I'm sorry I called you an illuminati.....you're a lovely person

>> No.13925767
File: 591 KB, 2246x1339, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two months stored without using it and now I saw that it has blueish stains in one side (I suppose it's mold or something like that).

Rip MoT.

>> No.13925792

Now I'm scared to check on my onahole. It's been two months as well.

>> No.13925895
File: 28 KB, 419x296, 1439181096299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u nasty bish

>> No.13926009

Looks like staining. What was the container you stored it in? Did the bag get pressed on it? How well did you store it?

>> No.13926421

Differences between Venus real/clone?

From my observations from people's comments, they seem to be you either get one or the other, and no one really said any major differences between them.

>> No.13926437

question for /jp/sies with 4+ onaholes. Do you fuck them in rotation or do you have favorites? What do you do with old onaholes? Would you throw away old and used onaholes or would you donate them? How do you store your onaholes?

>> No.13926703


I have 6. I have a favorite (Venus Real) that's my go-to hole on any given occasion, but I also try to give the others a round at least once a week or so, just so they can be thoroughly washed and maintained.

For old ones I just throw them away. I can't imagine who I would even donate them to.

I powder them and store mine in the clothe bags from NLS, inside a cabinet with a small dehumidifier in it. I want my holes to last as long as possible and don't want to catch a dickfungus. I want to upgrade to a fireproof safe or lockbox at some point.

>> No.13926979

I have seven. While I have no favorites, I have preferences. Some are for 2h+ sessions, some are for 4h+ sessions, some are for <1h sessions, and one oral for whenever I feel like oral. I use whatever hole I can use with my time restraints. I haven't used my hip in a while, and I am craving that butt really badly. I try to rotate through them to keep the wear and tear minimal. I vary the material in my orders so I can have a range of onaholes ranging from a dick destroyer to the warm and soft.

I have kept my old onaholes and ran a few botched experiments with them. While I have yet to donate, I am okay with donating as I have kept them and myself clean. I store my onaholes inside an airtight container with dessicant scattered in small packs. I store the onaholes inside the original plastic bag, inside the toy bag from NLS. Powdered, of course.

>> No.13927215

We have hit page 9.

Here is the new thread: >>13927198

>> No.13928974

It's also brilliant value for the U.S. Buyers, the $USD is kicking the $AU arse at the moment, a product plus shipping is cheap as it gets for you blokes! Get on lovemerci.com.au i say.
