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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, 【C89】東方リアルタイム戦略シミュレーション「幻想戦略譚」PV-sm27826340.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14527832 No.14527832 [Reply] [Original]

Discussion for the latest Comiket goes here!

Dates: 29th-31st

Catalog: https://webcatalog.circle.ms

Webm is from http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27826340

>> No.14527835

I-is that a new Age of Ethanols?

>> No.14527857

what other games are coming out????

>> No.14527929

the trailer itself hasn't been made yet but there's a list of games on the right side of this website

>> No.14527958
File: 171 KB, 538x222, title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder.

>> No.14528093
File: 2.91 MB, 640x360, 【東方ヴォーカルPV】暁Records_星条旗のピエロ【C89】-sm27818337.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New PV from Akatsuki Records:

Two albums for C89:

>Akatsuki Records THE BEST

>WARNING×WARNING×WARNING -to the beginning 05-

>> No.14528151 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 524x70, Capture.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordering person here:

Everything except 「東方バイオリンロック風-KAZE-」 and 「Splarrange!」 have been ordered. Due to a transfer that I cannot due over Christmas, I cannot make any more orders for a few days, but I can note things down. I might be getting a tad more selective from here on out.

>> No.14528158
File: 24 KB, 965x216, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordering person here:

Everything except 「東方バイオリンロック風-KAZE-」 and 「Splarrange!」 have been ordered. Due to a transfer that I cannot due over Christmas, I cannot make any more orders for a few days, but I can note things down. I might be getting a tad more selective from here on out.

>> No.14528266

Just remembered about comiket being next week.

Gonna make this my first one, got the week off work anyway so may as well go along.

Time to start looking up what is when and where.

>> No.14528274
File: 654 KB, 600x579, 1450215213650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pic related coming to comiket?

>> No.14528400

What are your top priorities for each day?

Day 1 - 東シ15a モーモー・スシ・ギャバン (Sushio)
Day 2 - 東A47a カハッ本部 (Kujou Ichiso)
Day 3 - 東A60b セメタリーヒルズ (Imaishi and others)

>> No.14528620

Can't wait for A-ONE and ALST. Hopefully it wont be another POP-CULTURE this time.

>> No.14528639

Day 1 - August booth + waiting for 無料配布.
Day 2 and 3 - to be decided.

>> No.14529138


>> No.14529481
File: 130 KB, 320x320, sdhc_c8902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, this new sound holic album sounds awesome.

Also why hasn't Shibayan announced anything yet? Been waiting since the start of the month.

>> No.14529548

I mean, if you have nothing in mind, I would recommend just taking requests from people who can only order online.

This is, of course, a very self-interested advice.

>> No.14529631
File: 6 KB, 100x100, 54140103_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready for the new


>> No.14529657
File: 522 KB, 955x1338, C89 Electro.muster Ongaku Shoujo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electro.muster PVs are out


>> No.14529842

Maybe he isn't releasing anything this time? I know he always waited till the last moment but the event is next week, so.

>> No.14529853

I know you can order a semi-large (~300) order of CDs to be pressed and they would arrive within 5 days, he still has time.

>> No.14529854



>> No.14529879

candy speed pops hype

>> No.14529963

What proxy service is that?

I seriously hope this gets scanned.

>> No.14529980

In addition to his new Sakuya book Yassy drew a chapter for this >>14528274 as well.

>> No.14530063


>> No.14530090

All c88 shit?

>> No.14530196
File: 12 KB, 645x773, 1439825495065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Sally keeps making remixes from their past albums? C89 release gonna be a Less remix album

>> No.14530232

Holy fuck yes.

Commencing No Fap.

>> No.14530268

So, what happened with Autumn Reitaisai and Kouroumu 11 uploads?, almost nothing got uploaded. Even DoujinStyle threads have a single page.

What the fuck, is touhou really reclining?
I hope we get a lot of uploads this Comiket.

I remember a few years ago, almost 100% of stuff would get uploaded the first and second day.

>> No.14530300

>What the fuck, is touhou really reclining?

Why would you think that?
There was tons of stuff at Reitaisai/Shuuki Reitaisai and Kouroumu this year, probably even more than usual; it's just that none of it ended up getting uploaded.

>I remember a few years ago, almost 100% of stuff would get uploaded the first and second day.

Times change. People don't upload anything anymore.

>> No.14530302

The Western fandom is reclining

>> No.14530326

yo anybody else flying in to narita sunday afternoon?

>> No.14530337

Yeah, I think this is the problem. The western uploaders are drying out.

>> No.14530359

people seem to have gotten jobs and real life stuff

horrifying stuff reallly

>> No.14530384

>people seem to have gotten jobs and real life stuff

They may as well be dead at that point.

>> No.14530385

>What the fuck, is touhou really reclining?
It's the Western fanbase that is dying.

If anything Touhou is technically expanding even more.

Problem is nobody is ever uploading anything anymore except the Chinese who have virtually everything. They like to hoard everything to themselves and on the worst possible storage possible and Chinese connections are configured to flip off all foreigners.

We are basically completely reliant on the few generous anon samaritans amongst us who attend the events in person.

>> No.14530386

I am doing my part, but I can only spend a few hundred every Comiket.

Like last threads I am still taking requests for this Comiket, provided you have a link to buy it.


>> No.14530389

How to fix? can we throw nuclear bombs on China?

>> No.14530394

that seems heavily counterproductive honestly

>> No.14530426

But you don't buy any porn, so what's the point.
That's like going to a bar and only ordering water.

>> No.14530433

...most raws come from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, and increasingly the mainland.

The Touhou Lossless Collection is largely run by Chinese users.

>> No.14530437

Why is the western fanbase dead?

>> No.14530445

Pornography doesn't support the fanbase.

>> No.14530451

It supports my dick though.

>> No.14530488

more like your dick supports pornography

>> No.14530498

The fucking chinks will even upload their translations and refuse to share the raw.

Fucking ching chongs.

I'll join the Uploader army next year if I manage to land a job.

>> No.14530519
File: 67 KB, 500x500, 500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please just let it die, Alstroemeria.

>> No.14530528

What was the last good Als album? All I could remember from recently was Rebirth Dancehall and Double Counterpoint.

>> No.14530532

Pop Culture 2 was good, that's the last one I bothered to keep.

>> No.14530540
File: 180 KB, 900x598, big sight anime 9005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's coming to the big saw afterward for some awkward staring at each other?

>> No.14530554

Is Hatsunemiko's going to be at Comiket?

>> No.14530565
File: 92 KB, 460x100, banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will apparently. Their album isn't up on VGMDB's C89 page though.

>> No.14530568

Oh shit, I am curious what they put out

I only hope for less engrish but Tim Vegas fucking great when it comes to arrangement

>> No.14530572

>The fucking chinks will even upload their translations and refuse to share the raw.
That is usually out of respect of the creator.

Westerners have no such respect, and are much more likely to just sit on raws untranslated.

>> No.14530574


>> No.14530639

In my experience ordering H-doujinshi during a comiket, chances are it may just be scanned anyway while you're waiting for it to be shipped overseas.

>> No.14530696

In my experience there will be zero scans of any H-doujinshi as always.

>> No.14530755

Where the hell do you search for doujinshi?

I mean, really, the amount of H-doujinshi which is uploaded on Sad Panda daily is more than enough to keep me going for a month. I can burn through 10+ doujinshi in a fap session, and I still have not ran out of material in years.

Unless you are into some really niche shit, I think you might just be looking in the wrong place.

Its the safe-for-work doujinshi which is always skipped over, because a large amount of people just like doujinshi for the sake of fap material.

>> No.14530850

>I mean, really, the amount of H-doujinshi which is uploaded on Sad Panda daily

It's mostly shit though.
Nothing good ever gets uploaded.

>> No.14530894

Why is this artist so God-like, /jp/?

It's like, there are tens of thosands of artists in Japan, lots of them with amazing art, but he's the only one that doesn't hold back and has reached such a high level.
Words cannot describe how supreme master Akuten's works are.

Being able to meet him one day is my greatest dream.

>> No.14530975

Fine, post some links of some not-shit which hasn't been scanned for which you have been waiting. I might buy it.

>> No.14531007

There's literally thousands of those.
There's so many chances are if you buy something at random, it will be something not-shit which hasn't been scanned, for which I have been waiting.
I'm talking about Touhou H-doujinshi of course, just to clarify.

>> No.14531018

How does Age of Ethanols compare to say Brood War or The Frozen Throne?

>> No.14531066 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.28 MB, 4128x2322, 1451101943136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's literally thousands of those.
There is a 3,000 character limit. Considering that I have bought 90% of the stuff requested in these threads already, there is no reason not to post any. Like pic related (currently in my scanning queue).

Otherwise, don't complain.

>> No.14531090 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.96 MB, 930x1740, 1451102431594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that guy but here take this

the hype is unbelievable

>> No.14531108

Then there's no point in buying it because like he said,
>ordering H-doujinshi during a comiket, chances are it may just be scanned anyway while you're waiting for it to be shipped overseas

And he's right.

>> No.14531112

This exactly. People rarely provide links/requests beforehand and just bitch and moan after the event is long over. If somebody wants their niche shit which nobody else on the fucking planet cares about (otherwise it would get scanned) then do something about it. There are people in this thread willing to try and help you out if you take the time to provide information before the goddamn event so we aren't trolling around Tokyo trying to locate your crap.

I just end up buying the stuff that interests me since I ask every time and nobody says jack shit - just random crap like, "get stuff nobody scans." How the fuck am I supposed to know what is and isn't going to get scanned? Each event I end up scanning and uploading about 5-10 books because I notice that nobody bothered to scan them in the weeks following comiket, but that is completely random.

>> No.14531115

Eh he's mostly right

the only things I've ever bought were music CDs that hadn't been uploaded

>> No.14531151

Furthermore, it is not available for online sale.
So yeah.

>> No.14531163

I marked it on the web catalog so I'll stop by that booth when I have a chance and see whats available. If the line is out the building then I am likely going to have to skip it though.

>> No.14531175

>People rarely provide links/requests beforehand and just bitch and moan after the event is long over.

Everytime someone says they'll scan something if you post a link, they end up saying they won't do it after you do.
Because, no porn/loli/guro/ryona/this fetish/that fetish/this series/this character/this artist.

>>14530639 is right about buying new h-stuff during the event though.
Some portion of it will get scanned and there's usually no way of telling what, unless it's a well known circle.
So you might be buying something that's already getting scanned, which is kinda a waste of resources if you don't care about owning the physical copy.

>> No.14531228

All the other big name artist's books are probaly gonna end up getting scanned as usual, so I don't worry about those, but other that that this one is probably the one I'm looking forward the most from this Comike,

I have absolutely no idea how likely it is that this is gonna get scanned though.
Might be very likely, or it might not.

Other than that,
This one has probably zero chances, just like all the other 20+ Suika works (which this is a compilation of) from this artist.

And then there's Kogarona vol.3
which just like the previous two volumes has no chance of getting scanned.

>> No.14531291

Like I said here >>14531163, if you want something and provide info, I will try. If the line is crazy, item(s) sold out, or something like that then sorry but that stuff happens. If I can grab the stuff easily then I will get it and scan it. If the book is 100+ pages then don't expect it to get scanned the next day or anything though - it will take a while and will not be my top priority in terms of what gets scanned first.

I usually provide pics of the junk I bought each day so people can chime in and let me know if they are really interested in something getting scanned or not. If there is no interest then I won't waste time scanning it unless I really have a strong feeling that it will be appreciated.

>All the other big name artist's books are probaly gonna end up getting scanned as usual, so I don't worry about those

Not always true. There have been plenty of times when I got home, waited weeks, and never saw some of the stuff I got from some fairly popular artists get scanned and uploaded. In most of those cases I scanned the book myself and uploaded it unless providing a proper scan meant destroying the book. There was only one case where I went out of my way to buy an extra just for scanning purposes.

>> No.14531296

This is kind of a long shot, but would you or someone else be willing to buy a Touhou ero doujinshi from an online auction?

>> No.14531342
File: 96 KB, 792x558, 1450269991454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are basically completely reliant on the few generous anon samaritans amongst us
>ever sharing with thankless mongrels

even the chinks have better manners than /jp/

>> No.14531349

Hence why only a few doujinshi scanners interact directly with /jp/

>> No.14531463

I dunno about an auction but if you provide details I can look for it around town. What price range are we talking about here?

>> No.14531561

>uploading shit to the internet expecting gratitude.
do you even anon, nigger?

>> No.14531833

no it shows the C89 stuff on the right. The video on the left is still the C88 stuff. Reading comprehension!

>> No.14531954

Any European anons willing to be a third party for me?

>> No.14531974

Of course I'm paying you for the trouble just to make it clear.

>> No.14532054

Hi, I'm the guy who a while ago scanned 4-5 happiness milk doujins. So I wanted to ask if you would check out their booth at し-11a.
Judging by http://happinessmilk.x.fc2.com/happinessmilk.html they will have quite a few this time aswell. Next to those 2 new ones, the older Sanae/Suwako one and Episode of religious faith 2 and 3 haven't been scanned. Don't expect you to buy all 5 of them just for me, that would be unreasonably much. But I offer to edit if you scan some, thats the least I can do. Just contact me at https://autismscans.wordpress.com/
I appreciate your willingness to buy stuff for us, but you should generally buy what you enjoy and I'm sure other people will enjoy those books aswell. Since my internet at my parents is very slow I might not be able to check out what else gets released, but I think I saw a few artists on sadpanda recently that have only very few books uploaded and that look promising. So I might ask if you can check out a few more booths.
Have a nice comiket, potentially /jp/ meetup and new year anon.

>> No.14532103

>Use Noppin as a Proxy
>Been worried about finances lately, so wasn't sure if I'd order anything for C89
>Get enough money for Christmas to order a few choice doujins
>Go to order only to find that Noppin has gone offline until January 4

Well. Fuck. Now I'm dreading that by that time, the doujins I want will all be sold out...

>> No.14532274

>look for it around town

It's an older book, I really doubt you'll be able to find it at a store anywhere, this is probably the only chance at getting it.

>What price range are we talking about here?

It's two books actually, both no more than 500 yen.

>> No.14532294

Is this comiket limited or not? If not I could buy it.

>> No.14532296

You mean, if it's sold in stores?
Yeah >>14531228

>> No.14532304
File: 635 KB, 858x1200, 01jjnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by irotoridori. Nothing he makes ever gets scanned which is a fucking travesty.

>> No.14532392

Provide the book titles/circle/something. Some of the bigger stores in Tokyo have fairly large used/old doujin sections so don't write them off unless this circle is so small that nobody has heard of them.

>> No.14532465

I actually realized there's an easier way of obtaining one of the books, so that just leaves the other one.

Can be bought really cheap at this auction, 280yen
Otherwise stores like suruga-ya want 1500+ yen for it.

>> No.14532481
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, 1391990530521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what the fuck to even want from this comiket, so I'll just smile in a dumb way how good Touhou Empire looks like.

>> No.14532484

hey guys just asking
do you think i can convince a author to sell me all his catalogue digitally ? (i already buys those who availableon dlmellonbooks )

>> No.14532490

Which artist?

>> No.14532503




>> No.14532509
File: 353 KB, 700x1000, 1367959546250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about good looking but at least it looks fun.

>> No.14532510

What are the current music trends? Is it still all disco shit and wubstep?

>> No.14532525

So are any anons going to be grabbing Touhou Bakuon Jazz 9 from Tokyo Active NEET's?

Always seems like no good lossless rips ever go up of their stuff even though they're one of the better known groups.

>> No.14532542

I'd say it's worth a try.
Some Anon said he got a few artists to put their works on DL store.

Although he might not have them in digital format anymore.

>> No.14532545

thanks now i got to find is a good moon speaker

>> No.14532579

This one's gonna be good.

Probably no chance of getting scanned either.

>> No.14532584

What circles/artists do you listen to?

>> No.14532590

Same anon who bought music CDs back in M3-36, C88, and Reitaisai fall threads.

I'll be buying music CDs again then just wait for requests what needs to be upped from what I will buy.

>> No.14532620

Can you get
>WARNING×WARNING×WARNING -to the beginning 05-
by Akatsuki Records?


>> No.14532666

There's a new Tokyo Jihen album you pleb.
But I do want another Less-tier album though.

>> No.14532757

It's going to get uploaded like every event. Request for CDs with lesser chances.
I for one request UI-70. I had to buy and upload two albums before since they were never uploaded for a year, despite how popular the circle is.

>> No.14532779

Sorry to seem annoying but you have a list of the M3-36/Reitaisei stuff you own? Slightly curious if there is anything I'm interested in I missed since not a lot of M3/Reitaisei stuff were ripped that I could find.

>> No.14532915
File: 95 KB, 1024x768, CWL-QIfU8AAmyUn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New GoldFish soon?

>> No.14532986

Is it possible to request stuff that didn't get uploaded from M3-36?

Maple Doll from Maple Sugar and Pumpkin Panic EP from pichnopop, please.

Everything I want from C89 is probably going to get uploaded anyway.

>> No.14533498
File: 3.12 MB, 5200x2023, up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really taking requests to buy music CDs since I already have a shopping list.

Not much but this is what I got so far.

Not in my list as I'm partial to vocals.

UI-70 is in already my list.

I don't have that but Pumpkin Panic caught my attention. Will the group participating this Comiket?

>> No.14533511

Ah you have to DDBY from kouroumu 11? I was thinking I'd have to order that myself.

Have you uploaded it anywhere?

>> No.14533513

as >>14532986
Pichopop's coming out with Colorful Palette and Happynation #03 at C89, so yes.

>> No.14533536

Come on, use C++.

>> No.14533545

Not yet. I'm also planning to grab the next DDBY too.

What booth?

>> No.14533569

That joke might have been funny the first 80 Comikets.

>> No.14533571

It probably wouldn't have made sense, since 89 is the first number that would actually produce a C standard.

>> No.14533691

東 "A"-73b from their website

>> No.14534516

>You will never have a fun comiket with a bunch of twink jp qts, go home at the end of the last day and fuck each others boipussies

>> No.14534744
File: 149 KB, 900x1200, Shimakaze_tsuwabuki2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably too late with this, but any good proxies that can do porn too? My usual one isn't going to this Comiket.

>> No.14534799

Take a look at Age of Empires 2, and you will know. It's a direct clone. Imagine every faction tiers up like Zerg/Frozen Throne. Except you have more than two resource types that aren't necessarily next to each other.

>> No.14534861 [DELETED] 

Is there any yukacco

>> No.14534864

Is there any Yukacco coming out?

>> No.14535048
File: 115 KB, 850x469, 2015-12-27_03-07-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does it mean /jp/ ?

>> No.14535056

Random letters make great titles for music. All ``real'' words, in any context that makes sense, are already taken.

>> No.14535077


Please understand

>> No.14535279
File: 58 KB, 700x402, 54271795_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14535356

So if I wanted to just explore around as an EOP with nothing specific to buy, is there anything I need to know. Any particular areas worth checking out?

>> No.14535371
File: 74 KB, 411x600, 1447432617585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 07th Expansion doing anything this year? Its the only thing other than Cosplayers I would be interested in attending for.

Also any general 4chan meetups planned? I am already in Tokyo.

>> No.14535422

Is Min. Electric Design's Trail II a new album or compilation of their previous album?

>> No.14535465

Alright, I'll swing by on the 3rd day on their booth.

Just a compilation. They'll also have a booth this Comiket so I might as well as ask them when's their next album.

>> No.14535626

>is there anything I need to know

It's a bad idea.

>> No.14535774

go in the afternoon, 1pm or after and stay out of people's way. maybe check out the corporate section but otherwise there's not much to 'check out' besides cosplayers

>> No.14535796

Are the corporate sections in a certain hall? And cosplayers are just outside I'm assuming?

>> No.14535923

yes the corporate area will be divided into a different hall. the cosplayers gather during certain times for photoshoots at specific locations. there aren't many casually strolling around like in western cons

>> No.14536308
File: 131 KB, 500x500, artworks-000140534839-dcqod9-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not really taking requests to buy music CDs since I already have a shopping list.
Please tell me for the love of all holy and good this is on your shopping list.


>> No.14536331

Is the new MitchieM album guaranteed to be uploaded?

Also does anyone have bermei.inazawa's すこしのかなた from C88

>> No.14536828
File: 450 KB, 500x500, jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga FELT

>> No.14536833

This looks good.

Lost at poor shinyoumaru running from the tide.

>> No.14536928

Ghost9 Solid looks like somebody's been watching gakkou gurashi, and with that complete release we might finally get a dl for ghost92.
Gotta beat hacker9 first though, fuck I love this stupid ass trudge of a game

>> No.14536964

I've used Treasure Japan multiple times to proxy eromanga and doujins. No problems at all.

>> No.14537017

It is. あ-22 is already marked in my map. I'd be buying their stuff anyway even though their works gets upped pretty fast.

>> No.14537060

Can someone confirm me if Oyari Ashito is in 東シ46a?

Literally the only thing I'm going for.

>> No.14537234
File: 125 KB, 656x700, 1444878650855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What studios are showing up this year?

>> No.14537240
File: 47 KB, 331x286, 1450407395793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be there tomorrow. Only day I can make it because of work. ;_;

>> No.14537251

Sheesh, get a room you two.

>> No.14537257
File: 316 KB, 1339x587, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he will be

>> No.14537269

My GOD I cannot wait for that Asanagi doujin.

>> No.14537307
File: 1.53 MB, 1000x674, 20151228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Ghost9 Solid looks like somebody's been watching gakkou gurashi, and with that complete release we might finally get a dl for ghost92.

>We might finally get a dl for ghost92.


Seems like G9 Complete will be on TnA/MB after. I'm definitely getting a copy (too bad the demo is event-only).

From the full art of Ghost9 Complete's cover, I take is that this is a definitive representation of what Sunou Ayumu (Snort) looks like.

>Gotta beat hacker9 first though, fuck I love this stupid ass trudge of a game

Good luck.

I hope Wahiko finishes Hekatoncheir in time for the next comiket.

>> No.14537403


Holy shit is he right next to fatalpulse?

>> No.14537553
File: 355 KB, 1600x900, pretty much.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14537558


Which leads me to ask: do people like Quizilax show up at conventions?

Like, once you make a doujinshi like Geiger Counter, I feel like someone might not take it very well, and not as much for the loli rape as for the trivialization of the 2013 Tsunami and TEPCO for that specific purpose.

>> No.14537584

I wish some /jp/sie who's going there would take a few pics of these big name artists for us.

I've always wondered how they look like.

>do people like Quizilax show up at conventions?

Why wouldn't he? I mean, I don't know if he's going to be there this time, but usually, yeah.
But that's pretty much what I'm talking about, just quickly snap a photo and show us.

>Like, once you make a doujinshi like Geiger Counter, I feel like someone might not take it very well

Japan isn't some third world feminist run shithole like the US or Europe, dude.
Artists are free to draw whatever they want.

>> No.14537591


I don't think muh dick will be able to handle the close proximity.


I'd love to shake their hands and take a picture with them but I don't know the japanese protocol for it.

>> No.14537607

Hand shakes are fine but taking photos inside the building is generally frowned upon.
You can take one stealthily from a distance though and they won't even know it.

Do it for us, Anon!

>> No.14537659

You'd have to ask them for permission to take a pic of them, otherwise it is considered extremely rude. They typically only take pictures with people they know or maybe another artist because they know that the moment they let a random person take their pic then everybody in the area will want one too, which only slows down the lines and creates more congestion.

>> No.14537702

>Japan isn't some third world feminist run shithole like the US or Europe, dude.

I always hear that, but I must ask:
Why is it that Feminism is not popular among females in the East, to the extent that it is in the West?

Or am I making an incorrect assumption that Feminism isn't popular in the East among females?

>> No.14537715

>considered extremely rude

Who cares.
It's not like anyone there knows you or will remember you, just do it.

>> No.14537726

Because Eastern women are generally more intelligent, and interested in getting important shit done rather than laying around and bitching and moaning all day.

>> No.14537727

How do I get stuff that's being sold there, without being there, or in Japan?

>> No.14537736

Is this your first day on /jp/?

>> No.14537737

Unless you also argue the Eastern men are more intelligent and interesting in getting important shit done, I won't buy that. Intelligence should be expressed regardless of gender, unless Eastern society simultaneously retards males towards the Western standard, or Western society places men on similar intelligence to men of Eastern society.

>> No.14537742

And this is why the doujin community doesn't fucking like foreigners

Exactly this.

>> No.14537747

You must be amerishit. I bet you piss on the fish on the fish market too.

>> No.14537755

mail order if it's available.

Shipping's expensive and what you want will probably be scanned already by the time it gets here in like a month but still worth it if you want a hard copy of something.

>> No.14537760

>Eastern men are more intelligent and interesting in getting important shit done
There's a little bit of this too, but it's mostly that Western culture seems to make women in particular retarded.

>> No.14537778

>When in Rome, do as the Romans do; if elsewhere, do as they do
-St. Ambrose

They figured this shit out nearly two millennia ago: everyone gets along if you all play by the same rules. If you are in their field playing their game, you play by their rules. If you don't know their rules, learn them or stay home.

Yeah sure, you are not breaking any laws, but if you only obey the law and not a single inconvenience more, that actual barbarism.

>> No.14537786

They look like normal Japanese I guess. Can't remember very well because the amount of people made me dizzy.

>> No.14537794

Details, please.

What does Fatalpulse look like?

>> No.14537795

Some of it is available at Toranoana or Melonbooks.

>> No.14537815


>Why wouldn't he?

Some artists don't go in person but have a friend or whoever stand in and sell for them.


which would mean that the person >>14537786
saw could have been anybody really

>> No.14537824

I saw him once. He looked a bit like dracula, but with rape tentacles, and he also held a magic wand in one hand.

>> No.14537828

>Some artists don't go in person but have a friend or whoever stand in and sell for them.

Isn't that usually only if they don't get the spot for themselves in the lottery?

>> No.14537842

Damn! I figured it'd be something like that.

I gotta meet him myself one day.

>> No.14537843

That's true. Most circles have multiple people helping.

>> No.14537847

How are battle preparations going? Just finished my maps and only got 16 items I am interested in 3 of them I consider must buy.. so it'll be a relaxed experience I hope.

I'd offer to look for stuff for people who can't attend, but I have no access to a scanner, so that is a moot point.

>> No.14537894

I am going in blind. I plan to hit up the studios mainly, get some nice merch then bounce until people start congregating at the saw.

>> No.14537898

Depends. Some may be busy with work and can't spend a whole day standing around selling doujins. Others may be spending time with family - new years is a huge deal here with a lot of people traveling across the country to be with family. I've seen a few others that only hang around for short periods of time because they don't want to be a distraction and want to go around to shoot the shit with other artists or friends.

If you take a look at some of their twitter feeds you'll see that they actually go around buying stuff. I've also seen them go to another artist's table and exchange stuff or even get books for free. Some of the younger/lesser known artists really look up to the bigger/older guys and are more than happy to have them take one of their books home.

>> No.14537978

Are the following artists releasing anything new

- kamome sano
- camellia
- calla soiled

>> No.14538019
File: 359 KB, 470x470, j_m_LLMR-052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I hope someone rips this album. The crossfade was really good, and it has an up-and-coming new artist that I know on it

>> No.14538026


>> No.14538044


>> No.14538104

While I didn't have a chance to observe such doujinshi artists yet, I attended some eroge events and I can tell you everyone looks like a normal person.

>> No.14538105


>> No.14538113
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>reply hazy, try again

>> No.14538120

Cametek Crystallized, CTCD-012.

Don't know about the other two.

>> No.14538183
File: 795 KB, 688x416, image (126).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merci beaucoup

>> No.14538199

Is that ZUN, Hiro, and Aniki sharing a toast?

That is pretty much the best picture ever.

>> No.14538315

What's ZUN doing this comiket?

>> No.14538351
File: 516 KB, 714x1000, 7dfa61896dbf0424defa29a678121165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tutti sound where

>> No.14538360

Zun left moot for Hiro?!
Or is it moot who left Zun?

>> No.14538400
File: 69 KB, 500x651, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only code geass doujins are homoshit

>> No.14538700

dont you get new years off? must sucks not to work in a games company...

>> No.14538802

So, comming from Akiba, I figure my best bet to get there by train would be Yamanote till Shimbashi and from there qith the Yurikamome till Kokusai-Tenjijo-Seimon. Are there any faster ways?

>> No.14538914

Yurikamome doesn't seat many people per train so I dunno if you'd have to wait a while to get on board or what - never bothered myself. I always just take the Rinkai line but you'll need to get on at a station back a few stops if you actually want a chance to get on the earlier ones. If you are getting on past Osaki then good luck.

Hyperdia says Akiba to Kokusai-Tenjijo-Seimon is 37 minutes via the route you're planning at 7am tomorrow.. There are a few 29/30 minute routes to Kokusai-Tenjijo but there are more transfers involved so who knows if those routes are slower.

>> No.14538961

Anyone know where I can find UtAGe's Circle of the Far East album or would be kind enough to upload their copy for me? DS only has あの街の時計台-birthday and I can't find it anywhere. It's catalog number is UTGE-02010 and was released at Reitaisai 8 and I don't think the spreadsheet for that exists anymore.

>> No.14539167

I'll see how it goes tomorrow. Won't be super early seeing there isn't much interesting on day 1 for me. Still thanks for the advice!

>> No.14539251

Does anyone know where decent parking is to get to the center by foot? Riding the train from my hotel is going to be retarded compared to driving.

>> No.14539311


Looks like ¥2,000 and below for all day rates, but no clue how quickly/what time these areas fill up. Also you're going to be fighting with Tokyo rush hour traffic in the morning unless you leave exceptionally early, so keep that in mind. If there is an accident or something then you could be stuck for hours.

>> No.14539337

What part of town are you staying in?

>> No.14539339

So my choices are, round trip (to and from)

>up to ¥1400
>up to 80 minutes
>get mobbed by crowds but most guaranteed travel time

>up to ¥2000
>up to 30 minutes
>travel time not guaranteed nor is parking but if done right can be the most convenient and leisurely way

I read somewhere that parking isn't allowed for Comiket because of how difficult parking is to get, but I'm not sure if that holds true.

>> No.14539344

Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku

>> No.14539446

I'm in the exact same area - the New Sanno hotel. Taking the Hibiya line at Hiro-o to Ebisu, then getting on the Saikyo line there will take you all the way to Kokusai-Tenjijo in about 25-30 min. The train stops at Osaki at which pint it becomes the Rinkai line and goes all the way through to our destination. Again the train is fairly crowded especially earlier in the day, but not so bad as people think. Cost is also ¥ 660 one way.

When coming back you can go the "wrong way" towards Shin Kiba and get off at the next stop which is Shinonome and switch tracks. The train is basically empty before it gets to Kokusai-Tenjijo, so you can guarantee yourself a seat this way by spending an extra 5-7 minutes going in the other direction to get one station down the line. I usually have a lot of junk to carry around by the end of the day so it is much more comfortable being able to just sit there for 20+ minutes rather than having to stand.

>> No.14539512

Oh that's cool. I'm staying there too. What time do you leave from the hotel, maybe we could hang out on the train

>> No.14539595

Is it even worth to visit the east halls on the first day? It's all gay shit + some Chino doujins of not too great art quality.

>> No.14539598

W-where's the big saw?

>> No.14539608

I'll probably leave around 6:30 to catch the 6:49 train at Hiro-o. That will put me at Kokusai-Tenjijo by 7:20, which should be early enough I think.

>> No.14539627

Where are the corporate booths tomorrow? I'm having trouble finding them in the catalog.

>> No.14539628
File: 1.50 MB, 1068x677, redsaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is on the main street level and easily visible as you enter the area by going up the long stairway in the front (off to the right if you're going up the stairs).

>> No.14539630

In the separate corporate booth catalog.

>> No.14539639
File: 67 KB, 1064x405, kigyobooths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the tab on the catalog. They're always located in the same place every day each event - West Halls 3-4. They are on the second floor of the west hall, which is the area to the "right" once you enter. Once you get into the main courtyard (if entering from the main area instead of the back parking lot) the line splits - one direction goes into the main hall where it will split again - one line goes to lower West Halls and the other goes through the corridor to that leads to the East halls. The other split outside goes "right" and leads up another flight of stairs on the outside of the building to the second floor of the West Hall area. You will immediately see a ton of lines already formed for the various corporate booths. The person/employee at the end of the line will usually have a large sign designating which booth that line is for, and usually a listing (with pictures) of what is for sale if anything. They periodically update this display to show what items are sold out or unavailable throughout the day, so pay attention to that so you don't end up in line for something that you can't get.

>> No.14539662

That depends entirely on what you're interested in, but there is stuff other than "gay shit" in the East Halls on day 1. Here are some of the circles I'll try to hit on day 1 East Halls - mostly animators and a few artists.

東シ15a - すしお
東シ15b - アニメチックシェーダー
東シ20a - 竹内プロデュース
東シ20b - とれーすぺいんと
東シ29a - 5年目の放課後
東ス08b - ごっきー倶楽部
東ヒ07a - 坂の上のアパートメント

>> No.14539675

Uuu, Kantoku. Yeah, I guess I could go check out him.

>> No.14539679

Just woke up, holy shit this fuck everything up. I still plan on going, even if staying up all night.

>> No.14539684

So many people going this year.

Usually there aren't that many of you.

>> No.14539694

Get there really early and take a nap while waiting in line.

>> No.14539722

I don't feel like freezing my ass off. I will just go around 9AM.

>> No.14539726

Will company booths have enough stock to last all day?

>> No.14539728

Grab the trap doujins while they're in stock!

>> No.14539731

I'm asking about commercial booths. I want the August set and I'm wondering when should I arrive,

>> No.14539772
File: 1.90 MB, 316x213, 1440296435487.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$140 for 6 books and 2 CDs before even getting into proxy and shipping fees
How much are you spending /jp/?

>> No.14539775

Some booths will, but the more popular ones will absolutely not have enough. The hot items are usually gone by noon or 1pm, but in some cases they may restock them each day, or maybe on the third day - don't count on it though, many of them simply sell out and its all gone forever. For example, one of the booths ran out of their big item in 30 minutes last year, and only got 10 more the next day. That is sort of an extreme case, but it illustrates how some of these guys have no intention of bringing enough stock to satisfy even a fraction of the customers here.

August usually has a very long line that stays packed until they start running out of stuff, which is pretty fast. Get there as early as you can in order to be sure you don't waste half the day waiting in line for something that vanishes before you can get it.

>> No.14539778

No idea, I have not planned for this Comiket at all. I am going to the corporate booths mainly.

>> No.14539779

Well, I guess I'll take 始発.

>> No.14539781

Through all three days? Probably close to ¥200,000 ($1650).

>> No.14539835
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>> No.14539843

roughly 60$ for around 6 cds, will most likely be around 120 after all fee's/shipping included.

I spent around 700 on an event last month so i didnt go all out on c89

>> No.14539845

Has anyone form /jp/ actually managed to get with a qt jap cosplayer at comiket?

It seems something that most of us here won't really need to worry about.

>> No.14539856

Is there anything particularly interesting on the first day? It seems to be mostly BL. I'm planning on going to those "corporate" booths and take pictures of cosplayers but am worried I'll be missing something in the artist booths.

>> No.14539859

Do you have something you specifically plan on getting in corporate booths?

>> No.14539861

When is the meeting at the big saw usually?

>> No.14539870

Not exactly, I'm not even sure what to expect. I assume shaft would be selling their key animation books so I might get those

>> No.14539875

Shaft has a booth?

Also there'll be crazy lines and popular stuff will sell out fast.

>> No.14539878

Sorry, that's only my assumption from what my friend told me.

>> No.14539881

It's possible Shaft will be sold at some of the shop booths.

>> No.14539889

What corporate booths will there be?

>> No.14539893

I'm going to day 1 and 2 just for the meetup because there is literally nothing I want. Also day 3 has all my shit lined up in the same row this year... it's going to be a boring comiket.

>> No.14539902
File: 1.27 MB, 2419x1347, bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try looking it up in the catalog.

>> No.14539924

Sorry for the dumb question but is there a way to search by series on the comike web catalog?

Like if I wanted to see only books of コードギアス 亡国のアキト, would it bring up a list of people selling those?

The buttons on the site are all images so I can't google translate them

>> No.14539928

If you can read the site, how would you be able to read the doujins?

>> No.14539936

No, unless it's something stupid popular it's a genre (touhou/kantai)

>> No.14539939

I've once taken one of the earlier Yurikamome. It wasn't as crowded as I expected it to be.

>> No.14539946

What is the best station for the east halls?

>> No.14539950

With a great degree of difficulty

>> No.14539964

Are corporate booths going to be the same all 3 days? Can't make day 1 unfortunately.

>> No.14539965

Usually about 10.000 JPY.

>> No.14539977

Yes. Some just have different 配布 items or times depending on the day.

>> No.14539981

I don't need Japanese to understand them. It's porn.

>> No.14539987

It doesn't really matter. It's the same distance for all stations.

>> No.14540036

Same, I'll see you there fellow permavirg.
I'll be the guy Desperately trying to pick up the one femanon there because he hates his Jap gf

>> No.14540218

Fuck me not being able to sleep. At this rate I'll have to go without any sleep at all.

>> No.14540247

I'll take your jap gf then. What is wrong with her?

>> No.14540262

Went once without sleeping. It was one of the worst days of my life, I was hungry yet felt like I was going to vomit. Luckily it was on day 2, since everything I wanted was sold on day 3.

>> No.14540531

where do you line up to get to the company booths first in the morning?

>> No.14540536

At the west halls.

>> No.14540560

yeah but where exactly? Do I line up directly in front of the building with the large set of stairs?

>> No.14540605

Yes. If you go early there are two lines. One in front of the west halls, and one on a parking lot next to the east halls. On your way from one of the stations you'll find signs guiding you to the line of the east halls or west halls. Later on they close the entrance to the east halls.

>> No.14540618

Shaft does not have a dedicated booth this time around. I guess they're busy with their Madogatari thing or whatever.

>> No.14540663


they did what now
i havent been keeping up with anime

>> No.14540851

Well shit, it looks like Doujincore is down. I wasn't too sure what to do with the order form anyway, do I just copy/paste it into an email and send it off to the webmaster? But the site is down so I can't get to the form.

But are there any other import services who go to events who would take an order this late? I didn't even realize we were this close to Comiket until yesterday. Unless there is someone here who would be okay with buying a cd for me, but I'm sort of scared of someone taking my money and running with it.

>> No.14541088

15:00 I think

>> No.14541108


>> No.14541142

Monogatari and Madoka exhibition because Shaft is becoming 40.

Speaking of Monogatari, if anyone sees any Ougi goods, I'd love to buy some of you.

>> No.14541145

I would assume local time, 15:00 UTC would be at midnight JST.

>> No.14541147
File: 198 KB, 1200x1567, 49153349_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I won't be 狩りed

>> No.14541160

Sounds like a big gangbang orgy this year!!

>> No.14541183

>freezing my ass off waiting for sushi and then Ill line up a couple more hours for comiket

Oh boy I can hardly wait

At least it's swealtering warm in there

>> No.14541184

>you will never penetrate that quivering boypussy

>> No.14541193
File: 102 KB, 450x443, 1444892158421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys stop talking about sex, you're making my virginity look bad. I just want musicm okay? Thank you.

>> No.14541213
File: 50 KB, 930x668, c89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14541224

Anyone? I wish my memory wasn't so awful so I could remember what other good services exist.

>> No.14541279


>> No.14541327

Wait... Is she really a guy?

>> No.14541333

Read his twitter description and his follow the cosplay link in it as well, he states his gender as male.

Who cares really, you'd have to be seriously insane not to conquer that Japanese ass.

>> No.14541376
File: 40 KB, 459x600, 1431761392456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So glad I am not there right now. I'll just go to the resale on the 1st in Akiba.

>> No.14541381

That looks like a lot of [ $$$ ]

>> No.14541384
File: 293 KB, 1073x1080, IMG_20151229_075509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I get out of bed?
It's cold.
Still 2 hours and my back hurts

>> No.14541388

At least you can entertain us with your pictures, friend.

>> No.14541389

>Amount of people this year
Comiket has grown too big for big sight

>> No.14541415

I can't imagine dealing with this

>> No.14541422

Live broadcast,

>> No.14541454

How many trains was this?

>> No.14541483

>Line several blocks long
This is what happens when you pander to mainstream

>> No.14541490

Every night I go to sleep and pray Kancolle will disappear into the abyss.

>> No.14541497

Take touhou along with it.

>> No.14541509

>that fucking midget at 1:43

Holy shit

>> No.14541523

>hundreds of women with those fucking wheely luggage bags

>> No.14541534

Yeah I never got that. It annoys everyone around you and makes it harder to move yourself. They must be buy a fuck ton of yaoi.

>> No.14541550

It's their clothes for the next day, they rather make it a pain for everyone rather than dumping their bags in the hotel, most hotels are happy to take your luggage befoee check-in

>> No.14541553

15:00 is a little early isn't it? Some people like to stick around to cosplay watch

>> No.14541564
File: 5 KB, 240x240, 1451273267582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open backpack
>Comiket catalog isn't there
Oh no

>> No.14541567

We normally wait a little bit before heading out

>> No.14541568

People actually bring the catalog in paper form? Haven't you ever heard of smartphones? There's a catalog app called CC-viewer.

>> No.14541605

Just the sheet is what I wanted.
>Gold account
Fuck off goldberg

Anywhoo, internet is shit out here.
>Fat fucking shit in a plaid shirt cuts in line
Fucking 1 hour

Will C89 be the the year of the first death at comiket?

>> No.14541646
File: 802 KB, 2048x1152, 1451347909795-1911274479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite part.

>> No.14541659

Damn nigger, you'll be lucky to get in by 3pm

>> No.14541672

You can literally just sign up for one month and then cancel. You're spending how much at Comiket, but $5 is too much?

>> No.14541676

Isn't it because komike made that stupid rule you can't go home in cosplay so Hordes of layers gotta get changed after the event?

>> No.14541697

The resale in Akiba is really crowded.

>> No.14541699

I don't mind, I will still be there.

I work the last two days of Comiket

>> No.14541706

What shit, evil type of wage slave job makes you work after the 28th?!

>> No.14541708

the US military

Honestly though, I work in the ER, shift work and all that jazz.

>> No.14541718

Damn, third day is where it's at.

>> No.14541723

I know, I was there last year for all three days. I only met up with a few of you guys at the big saw on the last day. There was a huge group of us, and it was honestly really fun.

>> No.14541733
File: 3.08 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moving desu

>> No.14541750

Since I couldn't fall asleep at all, I gave up.

I'll go there after noon, hope that August set is still on sale and wait from the free 配布.

>> No.14541753

Isn't today fujoshi day? What are you fags even doing in this line?

>> No.14541770

Corporate shit nigga

>> No.14541776

Thats summer

>> No.14541782

>No shibayan

im seriously considering killing myself here

i've been waiting LITERALLY all year

>> No.14541788


Did you bully people? I don't want to get bullied.

>> No.14541797

Speaking of, is Shaft not attending this year? I don't see them in the catalog.

>> No.14541802

Did you walk around comiket as a group of intimidating nip-speaking white gaijins?
Did the japs flee in fear? Were you given free shit?

>> No.14541805

>By the year I can go to comiket it'll be so packed full of people there'll be no point

Just kill me now

>> No.14541810

No. I bought two very large handful of H-manga and doujinshi. At first I stared awkwardly at a group of people by a big red saw and had an inkling of an idea that they might be 4channers.

I walked down there, stood awkwardly and shuffled my feet for a few minutes before someone came up and asked the big question, if I was from /a/ or /jp/.

Then we all congregated when Comiket closed for the final time and we went out to eat and drinking.

>> No.14541814

Sounds like you were living the dream dude.

>> No.14541816

I have a feeling by the time I'll be able to go to Comiket, all of my favourite circles would have disbanded and there would be no reason in going. Miskyworks has been gone for a while so there's one already.

>> No.14541827


>> No.14541839

So is it pretty much settled that he won't be attending now?

>> No.14541842

Turns out everyone is an American.

>> No.14541843
File: 2.33 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not moving desu, why aren't we moving desu

>> No.14541846

>are you from /a/ or /jp/

>> No.14541849

Don't they use a lottery system to see who is able to go to Comiket or something? Maybe he didn't get in this time.

>> No.14541851

>the biggest name in the 2hu scene
>not being able to get in

that would be absolutely fucking retarded

>> No.14541856

It is indeed a lottery system. I don't think they reserve spots for popular circles?

>> No.14541860

Prioritizing "bigger" circles would be discriminatory.

>> No.14541862

In the same group as you desu.

>> No.14541863

They should be, it explains how almost all of the big circles are in every single time.

>> No.14541864

>don't want to subject myself to that
>still, my loot

I keep telling myself the stuff I am looking for isn't very popular and it'll be find if I come just a bit later...

>> No.14541869

Now I'm not too sure. He hasn't said anything about not winning the Comiket lottery so I don't really know what's going on.

>> No.14541873

Try to pinpoint his location in the crowd and check his oil.

>> No.14541889

>it explains how almost all of the big circles are in every single time

Not always.
I remember, I think it was Henreader, tweeted he didn't get in like a Comiket or two ago, so he got his friend who did get in to sell his stuff.

>> No.14541905

>Comiket is so fucked that artists have to go into a lottery

>> No.14541917
File: 2.45 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I get in the wrong line?
Why did I come here?

>> No.14541922

East halls?

>> No.14541925

>anon doesn't even know where he's going

>> No.14541926

It's probably because of the sheer amount of circles who want to participate but they don't have enough space/time to let everyone in. I guess it's to make it fair, and the Japanese really love lottery systems for some reason.

>> No.14541928

I still can't accept that Shibayan won't be doing an album this fuyukomi

fuck my shit up comishit

>> No.14541945

One of you fuckers said the heat from our sweaty otaku bodies would make it warm. I came here in a fucking T-shirt you fucker.

>> No.14541949

keks d

>> No.14541954

Well I think I can say I'll never bother going to comiket i the morning.

Someone at work said if I just want to experience it and don't have a particular thing I want to buy then I should go for 1-2ish, so I'll maybe do that tomorrow.

>> No.14541960

That happens inside

>> No.14542005
File: 31 KB, 384x379, 16463602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated to C89, but do any of you anons have this album downloaded somewhere (It's called アフタースクールダンスエイジ by Voltecks Rec, a dead doujin circle)

I literally can't find it anywhere, even with the gay baidu search engine.

>> No.14542008
File: 644 KB, 1495x673, 20151229_104727-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for the series of smaller lines.‥

>> No.14542009

Ok I'm bored is there anything to do in the corporate booths? So much fujoShit here I'm drinking in Gay porn

>> No.14542013


>> No.14542048

>Kick out Shibayan
>Flood Comiket with fujoshit swordbois and KanColle porn
Why....all of my why.

>> No.14542051

Camellia is releasing an album called "crystallized", he's also in DRILL (Binzokomegane Girls Union)
kamome sano is in candy speed pops (psycho filth records),sensation in the sky (movement on the floor, sold by C.H.S.),and POPOVER+TEATIME (Lillium Records) this Comiket
dunno bout the other person

>> No.14542074

Sorry anon, you went on the wrong day.
Enjoy your homo content.

>> No.14542093

Mosh pits aren't as bad as these fat shits
3rd day worries me

>> No.14542098

It was very fun, unfortunately I had to leave early during the karaoke. Everyone was singing the Evangelion OP in Japanese.

>> No.14542131
File: 3.13 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't enjoy the gay shit, what a bigot

>> No.14542141

Can you take pictures of gaijin at Comiket?

>> No.14542152
File: 35 KB, 499x499, 93yNK1J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am gaijin.

>> No.14542222

Make sure you guys climb the stairs yukkuri

>> No.14542253

There is probably plenty of chinese/korean in >>14542131.

>> No.14542270

pls end yourself :^)

>> No.14542305

But u are gaijin too

>> No.14542311
File: 3.24 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplays time?

>> No.14542322
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>> No.14542327

Are these yours?

>> No.14542340

So, how long till the stuff sold there turns up in shops?

>> No.14542393

I don't even know why I came today, fujo shit

>> No.14542408
File: 6 KB, 133x199, MzBkMTMz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KKK member in background?

>> No.14542417
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>> No.14542424

Why did you do that?

>> No.14542432

>Already preordered everything before Dec 22nd

Its great to be me

>> No.14542439

I just felt like ruining the moment...

>> No.14542440

We had a beautiful thing going and you destroyed it.

>> No.14542449
File: 135 KB, 242x257, image (198).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same could be said about western civilization.

>> No.14542471

But you can't get the small things

>> No.14542485

That's a really good point bro.
Why couldn't we have been born into the superior land of Japan?

>> No.14542496

Is this the 80s?

>> No.14542500

Dude it's 2015

>> No.14542503

What's on the first day in winter then?

>> No.14542519

Dude anime lamo

>> No.14542541
File: 76 KB, 640x480, DSC_0065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's plan In order to avoid the child with Appropriate clothing

>> No.14542562
File: 98 KB, 640x480, DSC_0071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of you is this

>> No.14542581

Me on the left

>> No.14542590
File: 67 KB, 500x500, 368536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When can I expect to see them pop up on auction sites? I suck and can't attend so I have to import.

>> No.14542592

Unfortunately I think you're out of luck, I remember trying to find that one a few years ago and couldn't find anything. It's a damn shame, I'd love to listen to some leggysalad K-On. Your best bet is to email the artists listed here and ask them if they would be willing to let you buy a download, if that's possible.

If you use astost, you could try making a thread in the request district. If you're lucky and it's actually in the hidden section for high ranked users someone might leak it to you or at least let you know it's there. Someone's leaked shit for me before in the past so maybe it'll happen again. I'd search for it there if I could, I don't use that site enough to be such a high rank though.

>> No.14542595

I actually personally messaged Leggysalad on his twitter and his website, but he never answered. I have around 95% of all his music (if you're interested I could upload some his rarer stuff), and the song on that album is probably the only one I'm missing.

However, I did find it on buyee.jp http://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/r130363627/lang/en?rc=yaucc

Is that website reliable? I've heard some weird things about how they charge you multiple times.

>> No.14542598

Buyee is a gaijin proxy for YAJ (that auction ID kind of gives it away), so the listing is probably legit. Don't know if Buyee is trustworthy though.

>> No.14542604

I'm pretty sure Buyee is official sponsored by Yahoo! Auctions, so it's probably legit.

>> No.14542605

I saw this blog post complaining about things, but the person bought a load of shit but since you're only purchasing a single cd shipping shouldn't be an issue at least.
Maybe just place a bids when it gets closer to the end of the auction? I don't know if many people are gonna be looking for this album so you should be alright. You should set an alarm on your phone or something so you don't forget, I left a tab for an ebay auction up for a few days a while back but missed it by an hour since I forgot about it.

I'm really interested in your rarer leggysalad music, what do you have? And if you get this I would absolutely love it if you posted it here. I've always wanted to listen to it.

>> No.14542610

Someone post when its big saw time.

>> No.14542614
File: 730 KB, 1599x600, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The auction ends on December 30th, so that might be an option

Black square is leggysalads and his friends band, Fhana, where he makes drum samples and plays piano for them.

Blue square is where leggysalad has featured tracks on said albums. The Kozsonto one was insanely hard to find, but it was a fun challenge.

Red square is leggysalads individual EP's.

>> No.14542617

Knew it was a Channer.
Why love love though orz

>> No.14542628

I'm all fujoshited out so I'm there already. Gonna go buy som tea an come back in half an hour though

>> No.14542631

Love live *

>> No.14542638

>Zounose doujins still untranslated
>Zounose doujins still unscanned
I just like cute girls eating people is that wrong?

>> No.14542652
File: 728 KB, 1599x600, leggysalad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure I don't have the albums marked here. It's a good number of albums, but I'm really interested in leggysalad's individual EPs marked. Would you be okay with uploading those?

>> No.14542676

maybe if you were earlier in the thread you could've replied to >>14531066

>> No.14542684

Right, I somehow missed him.

If you're still here, if you pick up Zounose's new book, I'm willing to paypal you the cost plus a proxy fee if its reasonable.

>> No.14542685

During comiket, where do you stay? At a hotel?

>> No.14542686

Well no one can help you with that attitude. At least give a Table number or a link or something when you winge

>> No.14542689

My house

>> No.14542714

Lucky man

>> No.14542716

Anyone else at the saw?

>> No.14542720

Yeah I can do that. I'll send you the mega links through a disposable email though

>> No.14542722


>> No.14542723

I'm headed there now. Assuming my legs don't fall off on the way.

>> No.14542726

Someone please post pics from the saw. I wanna know what I'm in for if i decide to go in August.

>> No.14542727

Is that pile of everyone by the pyramid us /jp/?

>> No.14542728

Hey! You're not me!

>> No.14542729
File: 1.16 MB, 2153x2905, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grabbed the Shinibu plush for the anon that requested her.

>> No.14542730

Idk but I'm gone go talk to them now

>> No.14542731

I really appreciate this man, my throwaway email is cowsarecute@gmx.com

>> No.14542732

Shinobu, stupid phone autocorrect.

>> No.14542745


>> No.14542747

Cmon guys upload some good shit for us poorfags who have to work like dirty gainjin in north america

>> No.14542759

not taking the yotsugi one as well

what a waste

>> No.14542768

Do company booths usually restock items the next day? I missed quite a few and won't mind trying again tomorrow.

>> No.14542773

Can you prove that?

>> No.14542776
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1080, image (377).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even prove my existence to my parents..

>> No.14542783
File: 2.21 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Yotsugi for myself; anon only asked for the Shinobu one.

>> No.14542785

That's okay, parents are lame. Listen to the words of this wise man.

>> No.14542788

Some do but many won't. You should ask them to be sure.

>> No.14542789

Damn, that is some fine-tuned subtle smug.

>> No.14542799

Wait how do I ask them that? Just go up to the counter and ask the staff?

>> No.14542804

Ask the circle first hand. You can try to do it in English if you don't speak japanese.

>> No.14542855

Do you guys have a meetup or something before going again tomorrow?

>> No.14542863


>> No.14542962

Someone make a new thread

>> No.14543073
File: 2.08 MB, 3264x2448, 20151229_101226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to the Alison translater. The dude isn't selling any books this comiket .just these

>> No.14543079

Second day is the one with all the 2hu stuff, right?

>> No.14543189

>small c

>> No.14543192

Me too :)

>> No.14543226

About 30 people showed up. Half went to Akiba. The other half went for food/drinking.

Summer meetups are usually way smaller though. Last time there was about 6 I think.

>> No.14543229

k a n c o l l e

>> No.14543233


>> No.14543237

Is the first day the busiest? I might go tomorrow/thursday.

I'm guessing everyone there is a westerner?

>> No.14543257

kanco lie?

>> No.14543259

Not that anon but the third day would be the busiest.

See you guys tomorrow.

>> No.14543268

>>I'm guessing everyone there is a westerner?


>> No.14543274

>I will never be able to go to Comiket and have fun with real human beans from /jp/

Wake me up inside

>> No.14543275

Third day is the day we're going to try to do something all together. The reason we didn't today is because half of us are going to bed early to catch the first train.

>> No.14543278

Living vicariously through the ones who can go is fine, right?

>> No.14543282

>Living vicariously through the ones who can go

How does that work?

>> No.14543283
File: 648 KB, 270x200, image (264).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14543287

Like self-inserting into the characters in h manga.

>> No.14543293

How much time is there between the last train and the first train?

>> No.14543295

Mostly yeah. They are all at west 1 and west 2 hall mostly, and the east halls are dominated by kancolle mostly

>> No.14543300

So day one is fujoshit
Day two is touhou
Day three is super cosplay orgy?

>> No.14543301

Around 5 hours.

>> No.14543304



Best to go on the third day, then. Have only hung out with people outside of work once or twice since coming here, so might be a nice change.

>> No.14543353

I really wonder how big the split between non-h and h stuff for kancolle is. It's largely in favor of non-h for 2hu, but what is it for kancolle? Is it mostly porn? Also how dead is the kancolle music scene?

>> No.14543376

So what are some major circles attending day 2?

>> No.14543381

So uh, when do people meet up? the third day?

>> No.14543394

Man 4chan servers shit themselves for several hours

>> No.14543401


>> No.14543403


>> No.14543406


>> No.14543415


>> No.14543424

Sometimes I see pictures of alleged /jp/ meetups where it's just stereotypically otaku-looking guys hanging about

That's not really you guys right? Where is everyone's 10/10 J-GF

>> No.14543429

Are you bishounen?

>> No.14543433


>> No.14543435

二次裏@ふたURL please?

>> No.14543442


>> No.14543461


>> No.14543470


>> No.14543477

shiiiiit, at the red saw I guess? Do we meet up at the end or like at the start and head out and buy shit together?

>> No.14543478

Was there a /jp/ meet up today? What did people do?

>> No.14543479

I'm not making it to Winter Comiket. I was present for Summer and we all met up at the big red saw.

>> No.14543481

To add on, we met up at the end of the day, and you go your own way. People have different schedules and things they want to buy, so going out together isn't really feasible.

>> No.14543482


ふたばちゃんねる 二次元裏 may で検索


>> No.14543490


I guess there's always Caramel Crunch.

>> No.14543498

we sucked ass and walked around akiba after going to eat at some expensive izakaya instead of buying manga. then we went home without any karaoke.

>> No.14543499

4Chan servers.... kill.... it was.... good run...

>> No.14543516


>> No.14543527

What if I'm a poor fag on a budget ;_;

>> No.14543536

Ahh, alright. I'd like to try and make it for the meet up but I probably won't be able to follow for dinner and karaoke since my parents are over visiting, and I'm a 未成年 here.

>> No.14543543

>I'm a 未成年 here.

Jesus, I'm 24 and I feel super young. How must all you feel.

>> No.14543577

then come with me and we can drink $2 sake and $1 okonomiyaki at my house then go $7 karaoke and sneak in booze

>> No.14543579



>> No.14543583

cya tomorrow at 3 then... now i have something to look forward to since i have no interest in anything not porn of my waifu

>> No.14543589

19 and 11 months probably lel
also that feeling is probably coz youre poor. actually youre not just an adult but an oldfag im 24 too tho

>> No.14543590


>> No.14543593

>also that feeling is probably coz youre poor
How come?

Jesus, I guess it's time I drop all my /jp/-related hobbies. Soon I'll become one of those ossans at eroge stores grabbing games by dozens.

>> No.14543609

When does the cosplay stuff end? Do you fags leave at 3pm or sit there for awhile.

>> No.14543618
File: 364 KB, 500x500, lurk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just came across this and fucking love it, are there any santa anons who would consider buying it? ;_;

>> No.14543626

Is there gonna be another meeting at 3 tomorrow?

>> No.14543628

today we stayed til like 3:40 but cos ends at like 5

you could always come and get contact info and then meet up later

>> No.14543633



>> No.14543719


>> No.14543721

yes no go sleep

>> No.14543722


>> No.14543729


>> No.14543738


>> No.14543743
File: 226 KB, 681x1024, IMG_20151229_093856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14543752
File: 1.01 MB, 547x1600, おしながき.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is in the east hall right? Unless I'm looking at it wrong, it doesn't seem to have which hall written on it.

>> No.14543758

Yes, that's where A is.

>> No.14543765

Are you still here anon? All the links you sent me are down. If you removed them yourself I'm sorry, I was asleep when you sent them.

>> No.14543799

Can I take the Yurikamome if I go late at 10am, or is shit going to be full still?

>> No.14543903
File: 531 KB, 700x786, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any albums you guys are looking forward to? I love ham's music so I can't wait to listen to this.

>> No.14544003


Not looking for any specific albums but I'm hoping for more hip hop.

>> No.14544234

>I'm 24 and I feel super young

I'm 26 and I feel like an old man ready to die.

>> No.14544568

Translation when?

>> No.14544626

As >>14542962 requested

New thread here

>> No.14544656

Thats a thing? I've listened to a lot of doujin music but nothing hiphop. I'd assume its kinda nujabes-esque with a lot of jazzyness then? A lot of jap hiphop seems that way.

>> No.14545127
File: 581 KB, 704x480, kino_no_tabi_01[h264.vorbis][niizk].mkv_snapshot_05.17_[2015.01.18_15.18.27].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the issue is the over-all quality of CDs is simply decreasing. That's what it feels like anyhow

>> No.14545600

This is the first winter comiket in a few years I can't make it to. I hope everyone has a good time and gets everything they're after.

>> No.14547211

on the 1st day some ugly fat bitch in line next to me handed me her twitter and wrote her number on it, if that counts.
