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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 36 KB, 804x478, Chuuren kan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18447962 No.18447962 [Reply] [Original]


Show some stupid play. Go!

>> No.18448086
File: 80 KB, 223x223, 1508750590284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people dealing 7m when the dora is 9m and I'm in riichi waiting for 7m
Why would you do this? I thought I could only tsumo this

>> No.18448628 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 658x563, oh fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never get that daisangen.

Does /jp/ still have a Tenhou room?

>> No.18448652
File: 98 KB, 658x563, oh fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never get that daisangen.

Anybody up to play on Tenhou?

>> No.18448794


>> No.18448806

We could just play 3P

>> No.18448825

delete this

>> No.18449207
File: 285 KB, 786x664, Mahjong3P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18449401

>stuck in third place
>riichi on a 3 way wait with 11 possible tiles to win off of
>guy in last place deals into first places closed wait, ending the game

>> No.18449666

>toimen called like 3 closed kans in earlier rounds
>possible 234 sanshoku and only 2 shanten, so I might finish before some faggot finishes his 1han hand
>of course I get into tenpai with a closed wait for the 3s (dora) but whatever
>toimen fucking calls a closed kan on it

This is just recent stuff. SegaMJ is full of fucking bullshit

>> No.18449807

what's wrong with sanma?

>> No.18449813

He's last place for a reason. And maybe he's tilted.

>> No.18450017

Playing with 2 suits (plus 1/9m which are effectively just another valueless wind) drastically changes the game and how things are built. Shanpon are much stronger and scores are inflated to absurd amounts because of how simple it is to make hon/chin itsu and that's before things like nuki. Plus only dealing with two people means that your hand building get interrupted less and push/fold are drastically different. Defense is less important until higher level play largely because normal techniques don't work.

It also makes people overconfident about big scores that are due to the ruleset, rather than skill.

>> No.18450058
File: 231 KB, 1200x863, htobaku-datenroku-kaiji-3195411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18450079

Sanma is whacky party mode mahjong that you just play while drunk

>> No.18450098
File: 658 KB, 1452x1044, img001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least use a version without watermarks.

>> No.18450126

>a fucking piece of tape

>> No.18450971

Is there any way of telling a not hon/chinitsu tanki wait other than being able to see all 4 tiles on the table?

>> No.18450988

Nope. That's the benefit of tanki. Any tile that's not genbutsu is potentially dangerous.

>> No.18451001
File: 123 KB, 424x473, 1518967246352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18451004

Haven't heard this since long time ago. Is Kirinji scanlation still alive?

>> No.18451010

Last one was in October I think. I'll ask one of them for you.

>> No.18451024 [DELETED] 

> Daddy Cool
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>> No.18451060

"It's a secret".

>> No.18451199
File: 79 KB, 807x601, Bamboo Cheater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing worse than sanma is this one-suited shit.

>> No.18451265

I don't get you, wasn't part 3 about Uno?

>> No.18451279

It's a helpful trainer for I-can't-count-to-potato'es.

>> No.18451336

It's uno using tiles. Kaiji just used two draw 2s consecutively, and the president drew a couple of skips so he's debating how to use them.

>> No.18451444


>> No.18451579

guess i'll die then

>> No.18451808
File: 225 KB, 474x428, Cromartie High School v04 080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chickened out of kokushi

>> No.18452174


>> No.18452269


>> No.18452310
File: 74 KB, 1200x675, Bang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starting hand is isshanten for kokushi
>one of the terminal you need is a dora and the other three discard all of the other copies of that tile

>> No.18452674

Did you mean dora indicator? Even if it's a terminal, everyone throwing out dora seems pretty silly.

>> No.18452727

Is it a good idea to riichi on a closed wait if it's still very early in the hand? Normally I'd avoid it like the plague.

>> No.18452745

Given tiles of equal value and maximum tiles, which is a generally better wait between a kanchan and a shanpon?

>> No.18452817

Maybe they didn't expect you to riichi on a penchan.

>> No.18452951

Dynaman's riichi book has a riichi guideline which I thought was quite good for a start.
1) You're the dealer
2) You have a good wait
3) Your hand is 5200 or higher
If you meet at least 2 of these conditions, riichi.

>> No.18453009

I'd say a kanchan is less likely to be blocked by others keeping a toitsu of your winning tiles.

>> No.18454038


>> No.18454096

Why are you lying?

>> No.18454110

Did you read it ? The guideline is actually riichi over dama if you meet ONE of these conditions :
1) You're the dealer
2) You have a good wait
3) You have at least one han other than riichi

>> No.18454315

What a clusterfuck of a game. Good fun though.

>> No.18454320

You were about 8 minutes too late.

>> No.18454341
File: 401 KB, 500x665, 112897282712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somehow never dealt into anyone's hand this game
I feel a little proud of myself.

>> No.18454405
File: 201 KB, 787x1140, minefield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two people call riichi at the same time
>third calls riichi the next turn
>need to finish in tenpai to avoid 4th place
>only dangerous tiles in hand

>> No.18455300


>> No.18455325
File: 373 KB, 513x384, road to yakuman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 (three):0

>> No.18455405
File: 63 KB, 278x263, zaista.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have maybe a bit of a vague and lame question, but I hope it's acceptable.
I'm a relative newfag, I got acquaintanced with mahjong about a year ago, but I haven't played that much at all, especially on tenhou played around 60 games,,, I was wondering if you could tell me something like how many games have you played before reaching a certain milestone, or where you are at now? I kind of want to not have unrealistic expectations about progress(whether they be too harsh or too mild.) And I will practice/study of course.

Though I have to admit, I'm a little more scared of embarrassing myself in 7447 than in front of japs.

>> No.18455420
File: 1.36 MB, 320x240, 7447 in a nutshell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Though I have to admit, I'm a little more scared of embarrassing myself in 7447 than in front of japs.
Why? Playing in L0 changes your rating, 7447 is just for fun. Plenty of people go into 7447 without taking it seriously.

>> No.18455495

I'm a newfag also, kyuuus are rpg so far because there is no deranking.

>> No.18455556

It's probably a thing of actually seeing the same names over and again in unranked.

>> No.18455643

Yeah, >>18455556 is right, kind of. I really wouldn't like to evoke 'lol here's this idiot again' if I start to frequent L7447. I should probably just learn how to have fun or something.

>> No.18455682
File: 13 KB, 133x98, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol here's this idiot again. I can't figure out these sometimes red numbers. What is this?

>> No.18455686

>'lol here's this idiot again'
7447 is mostly /jp/ a lot of the time, thinking that is a given regardless of how good the people you're playing against actually are.

>> No.18455696


>> No.18455711
File: 68 KB, 640x480, sorry i have daisangen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahah good to know, then. Thanks anons, you've encouraged me a little bit. I'll see you around then.

>> No.18455727

I see. Good thing people don't pull the plug in this game, at least in the beginner sections so far.

>> No.18455809

I'm doing something terribly wrong it seems. I rarely get into tenpai today

>> No.18455868

If they do, they just tsumogiri every tile until the game ends.

>> No.18455935

Everyone is a fucking dumbass though, so don't worry about that, sometimes the right decision is the weirdest one. Of course you'll improve with studying but unless you deal doras in other people's riichis, you're not much more of an idiot than anybody else.

>> No.18456044


>> No.18456185 [DELETED] 

what's some iron patience, anons

>> No.18456196 [DELETED] 


>> No.18456598

>This should be safe, the 6s is already genbutsu, and no one is stupid enough to riichi a dora tanki.

>> No.18457165 [DELETED] 

i personally think it would have been infinitely funnier if i had just busted out right away, but thanks for a good game

>> No.18458007

Forgetting that it was "one han other than riichi" was a slip of the tongue but wow, all this time I had been thinking it was meeting two of the conditions. Pinfu in every hand so I never found it hard to meet two conditions. There's probably something else that needs to meet two conditions that I'm mixing together. Time to flip through the book again.
Thanks for pointing out my mistake anon.

>> No.18458037

Chasing someone else's riichi, you're thinking of.

>> No.18458312

>it's a you're the first dealer episode
Thanks for the loss I guess.

>> No.18458338
File: 407 KB, 741x629, Deliciously sexy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not riichi this one, because it is devastating enough as it is. However, kamicha's kan call three turns later just told me: "Oh fuck it, call it anyways".

>> No.18458344
File: 249 KB, 720x404, xcom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it that distractions always occur at the worst fucking time? it's never on the second round of E1 that a family member comes jumping up and down in my vicinity, or a call I can't ignore as I'm already in riichi, it's always when some motherfucker is setting up a devious mangan tenpai

also, I dunno about you, but that panicked voice on the inside warning you of a dangerous discard always chimes up AFTER I put the goddamn tile down

just bitching since I'm once again on the fast track to down-ranking

>> No.18458766


>> No.18459048

Am I the only one who doesn't like to stay dealer? I hardly ever win and when I do some faggot always gets a mangan tsumo the next honba.

>> No.18459078

Being the dealer is a good chance to catch up since you can fanpai tanyao and ryuukyoku as many times as you like to close the gap with third.

>> No.18461688
File: 1.15 MB, 1026x795, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fucking do?

>> No.18461707

Oh, I thought you're in tenpai for chii toitsu, but you aren't. In that case I would've discarded 6m since it's relatively save and wait for either 5p or 7p, which would've probably resulted in me playing into shimocha's hand

>> No.18461785

I would deal 8p. If I draw a 69p, cut 4p and dama. If I draw a 5p, cut 6m and dama.
I forgot, does west end when someone crosses 30k or does it play out until west4?

>> No.18461797

Oh shit, didn't notice it was west too. And yeah west ends as soon as someone crosses 30k

>> No.18461823

You only need tanyao to win the game. So, be prepared to call. Thus, you set yourself up to call.

With that said, drop 7pin.

You can pon 8pin, chii 6man, pon 4pin, or chii 3-6 pin. Viola. Tenpai.

>> No.18461914

>Back at 30/400
Fuck February.

>> No.18461960
File: 64 KB, 700x560, IMG_0954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hell-wait 9 pin in kokushi tenpai

>> No.18462221
File: 443 KB, 733x621, WWYD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till you see the answer.

>> No.18462242

13-wait kokushi shimocha. What do I win?

>> No.18462248

It's the last discard and you're not tenpai, so just follow toimen with 8m.

>> No.18462259

I'd discard 8m as toimen just dealt it. The only risk is kamicha having discarded 0p to change his wait but at this point he would deserve the win.

>> No.18462265

Kamicha has discarded 8m already so it's 100% safe.

>> No.18462291

My bad. Now waiting to see how badly anon fucked up.

>> No.18462364

He'd be in furiten so it can't be the rising sun, but probably a kokushi tenpai waiting for the xia or birb.

>> No.18462367

Fuck it, 1s. I just know there's bullshit waiting at the end for me so I'll just wait for the reveal.
You win a furiten.

>> No.18462391

8m or 8p. I'm probably wrong.

>> No.18462410 [DELETED] 

8m and get hit by kamicha's yamagoshi.

>> No.18464182

You're not tempai so there's no point in discarding a tile that's not genbutsu even without accounting for what the other hands may be.
So either 8m or 7p or 8p.

>> No.18464330


>> No.18464342


>> No.18464500

8 man, but if you're akagi you will have discarded a 1 sou

>> No.18464815
File: 100 KB, 516x263, hero 2 174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a strong player is to the left but still trying to pull some open chin itsuu crap

>> No.18464852

Chin itsu is almost always open, anon.

>> No.18464875

Please don't bully me.
What do all the posts that say 2:0 3:0 etc mean?

>> No.18464883

People in queue:People in game.

>> No.18464889

So they're just trying to get people to join a game in the 7447 lobby?

>> No.18464917


>> No.18464943

I also thought it is logical for a kamicha to feed it just for it to blow up in someone else's face if dora is another suit and all but now I think it can become ugly as a tsumo even without any dora.

>> No.18465435


>> No.18465562

Answer asshole

>> No.18466174

I got a double yakuman today. I wish tenhou counted multiple yakuman

>> No.18466649

And here I was excited I got my first rinshan kaihou.

>> No.18466695

I still remember my first yakuman few years ago. In L0 ippan as NoName ;_;

>> No.18467001

It's been twelve hours now.

>> No.18467419

Inb4 there's no answer because everyone's in noten.

>> No.18467701

Let's play a game!

>> No.18467739

washizu mahjong?

>> No.18467761

Washizu doesn't seem like it would be too fun in real life though.

>> No.18467783

it's fun but time consuming as no one deals in

>> No.18467862
File: 188 KB, 878x819, WWYD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18467937

4 pin

>> No.18467940


>> No.18467961

With all the 6p out, I'd play the 4p and pray. I don't know if it's right, but I have a habit of favoring shanpon over closed/edge waits, which is basically what this is, and picking one over the other is basically just flipping a coin.

Or just take the coward's way out with the manzu (3 -> 1 -> 2) and let somebody else deal in.

>> No.18468107

My problem was that I didn't have any planning or reasoning and just discarded, I have no idea what to make of this board. Any perspective or reasoning is appreciated, I want to know how others see this board and why. I'll reveal the ans later.

Why do you say 312m is a coward's way out? I was pretty caught up with toimen's manzu. Having 12455, calling a 3m then discarding 5m to reach tenpai is possible, right?

>> No.18468349

4p, since you get better waits with that discard. Shimocha might be waiting on that, though.

>> No.18469383

Fold. You don't push against a dealer riichi with a 2000 point hand.

>> No.18469518
File: 11 KB, 131x90, reds bad surely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellas what do these lines mean? I think I have an idea, but I don't really know.

>> No.18469541

It means you're doomed to lose, give up now.
I dunno, it looks like decoration.

>> No.18469664

Blue means you're male. Red means you chose to play pretend.

>> No.18469848

Wait, really? I thought it had smth to do with R.... I wonder why it's in gradient sometimes then.

>> No.18470037

girls play mahjong too

>> No.18470077
File: 156 KB, 837x1210, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure do. But obviously, there are no girls on the internet.

>> No.18470191

It does, it just doesn't count double variants of any given yakuman. A suuankou daisangen is a double yakuman in tenhou, a tanki wait suuankou is not.

>> No.18470249

>double yakuman today
Show it!

>> No.18470257
File: 96 KB, 267x347, e942396bca8b3c06325a439210c5f222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18470266
File: 472 KB, 739x627, Answer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this should be safe

>> No.18470291


>> No.18470383

I fucking knew it.
You deserved it.

>> No.18470392
File: 32 KB, 640x279, IMG_0970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't save it, but the other anon who responded with
>suuankou tanki
wait was right.
This was the hand scoring when I recreated it on some website.

>> No.18470484
File: 26 KB, 480x160, 1518713527357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b u d d y

>> No.18470501

>discarding your wind tile
never do this

>> No.18470506

Knowing there's a bullshit kokushi around, it's easy to say "discard 1s" since West looks too safe to be true, but you couldn't have known at the time.

You fucked up by not discarding the 8m though.

>> No.18470539

The silver lining is, you gave shimocha once-in-a-lifetime event of having houtei yakuman.
But damn, you fucked up bad.

>> No.18470675
File: 133 KB, 728x620, Acti Chuuren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Acti playing in 7447 now
Welcome back, you fuck

>> No.18470743

Holy shit, what's next, Anony/a/ comes back too?

>> No.18470936

Are people on Tenhou really satisfied with making some guy go bust and finishing 600 points behind 1st place? Is everyone really just a ratebabby?

>> No.18471097

i purposefully target a player for the entire game, i dont care about winning

>> No.18471155

What do you do? Go for waits that look like they'd deal into?

>> No.18472899

Tell me where I fucked up so I can pretend to get better

If your hand can't get better, securing 2nd place is the next best thing to do I guess

>> No.18473015

No one will remember me because I was too shy to speak much on irc but I'm back too.

>> No.18473016

Predictable. You aren't tenpai so 8m is the only option as it is 100% safe.

>> No.18473122

>first round
You threw out a 5p against a riichi (it turned out to be alright) and then a red 5s that was ronned by somebody else for a mere 3 han hand. You can sometimes get away with one or two dangerous discards but I think it'd have been better to play the two 8s to avoid dealing the 5s. It was another winning tile but the price would have been lesser.

>second round
Nothing wrong but why deal 6m from 689 instead of 9m? 68m can grow into 56m for a better wait, and 9m was furiten while 6m could have been dangerous

>third round
Guy in front called twice, is obviously going for Pinzu Hon Itsu and has discarded a 2p for the first time, making him likely to be in tenpai (unless he has scattered pinzu tiles). I'd have dealt the 9p too since it's early in the game, so it's not too bad.

But why did you deal the red 5p instead of the 9p from the 579p? 57 can grow, 79 can't. And dealing 9p before would have avoided you dealing in

>fourth round
Should have kept the honors and threw the numbered tiles if you were going for Hon / Chin Itsu. Maybe pon on the 1s. But it's not too bad, what you did wrong was throwing the 5m (a dangerous middle tile) against the guy's riichi on the first turn. He was furiten for the dora 3p that you could have thrown, and the 7p seemed pretty safe too since he threw 8, 3 and 5p.
I'd have discarded the two 7p.

>south 2
Maybe keep more honors for hon itsu

So a few mistakes but overall just bad luck because of tsumos. Just don't deal in riichi ippatsu for small hands again.

>> No.18473147


>> No.18473160

Make it 3:0

>> No.18473183

Securing second is perfectly legitimate.

>> No.18473209

This used to be a legitimate complaint in ippan since it was 0 or for 2nd. All rooms award points for second now, and higher rooms have quite a bit. Anyone pushing for Tokujou should be fine with the R and anyone in Tokujou or Houou get plenty from second.

>> No.18473243

It's definitely cruel to punish last so harshly that people hesitate to play aggressively enough to push for first, but also make nothing but first place worth anything. Even if it's ippan.

>> No.18473405

I feel haunted by bad luck, convince me otherwise please. Still went 2nd, but kamicha disconnect, so that's not saying much


>> No.18473524

yesterday I got hit by a dama kanchan mangan on the 5th fucking turn

the day before it was a 13 sided kokushi


>> No.18473572

Not really since you can't derank past 1kyuu at which point you should be in Joukyuu anyway. I am for heavy punishment for people dropping down to rooms they don't belong in.

>> No.18474181


>> No.18475327

Should pon the haku and go for haku dora dora. After the riichi you can't push iishanten for such a cheap hand so you should fold by breaking the haku pair and following up with 89m. Even if you were to push this hand you wouldn't discard the 45s ryanmen in favour of keeping the 89p penchan.

Discard east before haku. They're worth the same to you, but east is worth more to the dealer so you should discard it earlier to lower the chance that he can call it. 1s was bad, break 89m or 89p instead. 2m was very bad, locking in 5s as your pair means losing both the 47s ryanmen and the 135s ryankan. No reason to discard 6m rather than 9m since you're not adding chanta or junchan and the 9m is safe.

Discard south before west. Akadora 5p tsumogiri what? 9s tsumogiri loses the chance for both sanshoku and ittsuu. 1s all of a sudden followed by 9p, I've got no idea what you're trying to accomplish.

5m is bad. Honitsu is too far, just discard your terminals and honours and play it normal. There's not usually any reason to be paranoid of dealing into daisangen, but 6p was bad and neuters any hope of winning the hand. Should discard 7p instead. 1p after that makes no sense, if you're folding you should discard 1s. 5m was live against the riichi, should follow with 5s instead.

8s was bad, 7m or 6s are more efficient.

6s was bad, it locks in the 7p pair and loses the 69p ryanmen. You have too many blocks so you should discard the 12p penchan instead.

I think I've seen enough. Work on your tile efficiency and hand building, and learn when and how to defend. This loss was entirely your own fault and was easily avoidable.

>> No.18475331

not in 7447, fucking bullshit every fucking hanchan

>> No.18475335

Oh, and you should be playing in joukyuu rather than ippan. You won't improve if you only ever play with scrubs.

>> No.18475635

Start with east, not 2s. You want to be able to incorporate the dora. Discarding 1m loses the 2m ukeire. Discarding 3p to lock in 2p as your pair is bad, it means 5678s no longer functions as a nobetan. 8m still isn't contributing anything to your hand and even if 2p became your pair, 3p is still a stronger floating tile to hold onto than 8m. Don't push live tiles against a riichi when you have a yakuless bad wait, just fold.

Toitoi with hatsu is worth more than chiitoitsu nomi and will likely be faster. This was a wasted opportunity.

Standard call theory says not to open your hand here. Your hand is only 2000 points, and you're left with a bad wait and zero defense after three calls.

Live 2p against dealer ippatsu is bad. 4m is also completely live, east is safer and you can add pinfu.

Why break the north pair? Just discard your other honours normally.

It's literally just you and toimen now. Discard west before east. Dora 8m discard was bad, you don't need to lock in the 7m pair with the rest of your hand as it is. Now that you've done that you should discard 8p instead of the floating 5s, and again instead of the 6s later on.

1s should go before hatsu. When you draw the second 4p you've got six blocks - you should discard 2p and follow up with the 1s pair for tanyao pinfu.

Discard 8m instead of east. Tanyao is too far away and isn't guaranteed, and you lose the 7m ukeire.

The other two players are gone and toimen wins even if you get a direct hit mangan. Under normal circumstances, you don't want to riichi since the riichi stick would drop you into third, so you should build your hand to secure second by calling or by dama. 1s loses the chance for sanshoku, 2m loses tanyao.

This game was two player mahjong for half the match so it doesn't really reveal how you fare with other aspects of the game, but you should definitely work on your tile efficiency.

>> No.18476234

Not worth looking at

>> No.18476520
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Unironically considering buying xkime's book because I can't find a glossary with beginner mahjong terms in Spanish.

Maybe I could make my own.

>> No.18476560


>> No.18476571

Already dc, for fucks sake

>> No.18476780
File: 75 KB, 800x822, Alice cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.18477165

Thanks I'll keep it in mind. Though

I kinda had a chii toitsu in the back of my head, so I discarded 5s thinking I could go either a pinfu ippeikou hand if I draw 7s or towards chii toitsu with something else.

I only needed 3 tiles for an ittsuu, so I left that option open over the hatsu

>> No.18477339


>> No.18478012

What is wrong with the book or xkime?

>> No.18479813

With xkime? Nothing, but I don't know if his book is actually going to help me. Also, it's an e-book. I might just take some terms from rummy so I can explain newbies how to make a hand.

>> No.18479827
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forgot pic related

>> No.18479841

this isn't supposed to come off as accusatory, i'm a newfag, but what are e.g. 2nd dan players doing in ippan? I thought they could move on to a better lobby?
I was under the impression that when people become better players, they don't really like to play in ippan anymore, or something.

>> No.18479939

In general, ippan players have lower average skills compared to joukyuu, so fighting them can be preferable even if it gives lower R/rate gain.
But then some tokujou or even houou players can hide as NoName and punish them for being stubborn assholes. How naive they are.

>> No.18480190

You aren't even tenpai what did you think you were accomplishing by discarding west wind.
I don't understand kamicha's discards too.

>> No.18480260

Well we gotta bail so of course the 3m.
But toimen is probably in chinitsu tenpai seeing his last discard.
So I'd consider 8p since ryanmen wait is impossible (four 6p visible), kanchan wait unlikely (who would discard 6p from 679p) and tanki even less.

>> No.18480444


>> No.18481237

What did he mean by this?

>> No.18481247

Does Tenhou punish for disconnects?

>> No.18482687

I actually got scared.

>> No.18483147

Why do normalfags all think that Mahjong is the matching game from Windows 7? Where did things go so wrong?

>> No.18483515

No. Feel free to quit when you think it's impossible to lose.

>> No.18485412

You should never, ever disrespect the table. Your ID will be tagged to be put into eternal slump of 3rd position and no-tenpai hell.

>> No.18485646
File: 9 KB, 183x205, 175279542738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch replay
>your winning tile in the wall swaps places with another tile to give someone else a mangan tsumo

>> No.18485898

I was asking because so many people seem to just disconnect, at least in the early ranks I'm in now.

>> No.18485932

That's common issue, even in dan lobby. Some people are just too easy to give up.

>> No.18487627
File: 1.39 MB, 3000x2400, Yaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody posted this Yaku chart last thread, I split it in half and made an easily printable two-page PDF out of it: https://a.pomf.space/duayoauvbzyo.pdf
Sorry for the large file size (8MB), I didn't want to bother with tinkering until it looked good and was a small file size so I just kept each page as a big, uncompressed PNG.

>> No.18487986

>red 5p
No idea honestly. I just thought "edge wait, fuck it" and didn't notice it can grow into sanshoku
I should really look at what my hand can be.

>E2: I've got no idea what you're trying to accomplish
I thought toimen was in tenpai but I didn't see the 3s was safe
I wanted to discard the 4s but after the riichi, I wasn't sure what to deal. 3p was dora too, so I just threw away the 5m
> There's not usually any reason to be paranoid of dealing into daisangen
I don't know, it seems risky to deal that tile after someone called the other two and I don't want to be that ass that makes the daisangen an active threat

> This loss was entirely your own fault and was easily avoidable.
Yeah, I'm not pretending otherwise. The "tell me where I fucked up" was honest.

But thanks, I'll try to make use of your tips.

I got into Dan and got out twice already I think. So I thought I'd just get stomped.

>> No.18488103


>> No.18488144


>> No.18488373
File: 88 KB, 419x580, PopukoNotForgive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Connection lost
>Just when I drew an important tile

>> No.18488530

Fuming right now, boys.
>4 game third and forth streak
>Have pretty good game
>Get to s4 with a comfortable 10k lead over second
>Start with exactly eight kokushi tiles
>Second gets third turn riichi with seventh turn baiman tsumo.

>> No.18488600
File: 249 KB, 500x347, a wise lookin indian man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not an anon dealing in obvious one suite hands
>not an anon dropping doras everywhere while there's riichi
>not someone fighting dealer riichi without any tenpai

>> No.18488859
File: 317 KB, 500x375, laughingchar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not looking to win the hand, just trying to avoid noten payments at the end
>call a few times without any regards to yaku
>end up winnning off of houtei anyway with 4 doras

>> No.18489477
File: 100 KB, 1280x960, 1498639405025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first round, call riichi on a 5,8s wait
>deal into a dealer haneman on a dual pon wait the next turn with a red 5p (dora)

I even managed to integrate that lone dora tile I got in the beginning into my hand.

Anyways, I'm this retard
I noticed that I threw away some potential better hands/waits but in some situations I don't really know what to throw away (especially in East 2-2 I didn't know what to do)
The one round I dealt into a hand, I thought toimen would be a simple tile wait for tanyao. 4p would've been safer I guess.
That riichi in East 2-1 was totally meant as a bluff so let's ignore it. Not so sure if I actually played better and not if the others just played much worse

>> No.18490140

So I'm only 3d so if I say anything wrong hopefully some higher ranked guy can correct.

E1: You have 3 pairs, I'd discard the 1m pair before the 89m penchan.

E1-1: I'd keep the 5m instead of 8m.
Also personally I'd discard East there instead of 6s but I don't know if I'm right. Discarding East means you're iishanten and keeping it means you stay 2-shanten. It's very unlikely you're gonna get a 2nd East so you're only keeping it to prevent others from getting it but you're slowing your hand down in the process, I don't think it's worth it. Just defend if it gets pon'd.

E1-2: Don't discard 2s. Discard 1m or East wind first.
Don't discard 4s, 445s can give you 345s/456s or 44s pair. It's a very good shape. You should always try to see what will be the 5 groups you'll try to complete. Here that 9m is kinda useless, even if you get 8m, you don't need the 9m since you'll still have 67778m which is a run and a pair. Plus discarding 9m gives you tanyao.
Same thing with 4p later.
Lad, don't discard 4m, just discard 9m and get your tanyao dora1.

E1-3: I'd just pon the East and get to tenpai. Gotta end his dealer repeats.
Don't discard 1m against that riichi since it's not 100% safe, discard your East pair instead. You shouldn't think about attacking anymore here since you missed your opportunity earlier and it's only 2k pts hand that's not even tenpai. Just defend.
And certainly don't pursuit riichi with a closed wait.

E2: Don't discard 7p, just continue discarding your honors.
Discard your East already. That 3p could have been useful.
I'd have called that 4m to get tenpai for ittsu dora1.

E2-1: Why would you get rid of your pair? Just discard the 3m you drew.
Don't discard 5m. 556m is strong, your 3m is useless there.
If you had kept your 2s pair you could have gone on a pursuit riichi there.
Yeah nice bluff riichi there.

E2-2: Don't discard 3s, discard 9p instead.
Again, you discard the 7m from a 677m shape. Try to remember this shape. It combines a pair and a ryanmen into one shape so it's very strong. So you should have discarded the souzu penchan here.
Keep 4m and discard 89s. Both wait on 1 tile, but no 3m has been discarded yet, meanwhile 7s already got discarded once. Plus you'll need a pair since you don't have one, and 24m has more chances to become a pair because only one 2m was discarded, meanwhile two 9s and one 8s were discarded.
Nooo, don't discard 2p, your hand is shit, just defend, too bad about your dealership turn. Plus 2p is right next to the dora so it's even more dangerous. Discard 2m instead.
That haku discard was very wrong, it's a fanpai tile that's still live.

E3: Discard 1s before 8p
Discard that 2p instead of 9s. Three 3p and two 2p are already visible, you're not going far with that 2p. Meanwhile all 8s are still present.
Again, discard 2p instead of 4s. You don't have a pair so if you draw 5s, you have a nobetan (4567s accepts 4s or 7s as a pair for your hand).

E4: Dealer riichi, gotta defend, kinda hard to defend against him with what he discarded but left played just discarded a 8m and you have one in your hand. Just discard this and save yourself from a potential dealer ippatsu riichi.
Again, left player discarded a 6m and you have one, just discard it. Your hand is like 1000pts and far from tenpai do you think it's worth against two riichi?

E4-1: Don't discard 7p. 7888p is a strong shape because it can become a pair AND a shuntsu by itself (678p 88p/789p 88p) OR a pair AND a koutsu (77p 888p). Your least efficient group here is 12p, so discard 1p here.
I wouldn't riichi here. Your chances of tsumo are pretty low with a closed wait, and no one is gonna throw 8m which is close to the dora. Just stay dama and win or if you draw 6m you'll have a ryanmen, then you can riichi.

Alright did the East wind, that was pretty long already.

>> No.18491360
File: 157 KB, 1400x1050, [Taedium]_Akagi_-_22_[480p_DVD][Hi10p_H264_AC3][E08AC427].mkv_20180224_220504.741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck it's PACKED in here.

>> No.18491418
File: 19 KB, 480x270, KaijiDespair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you have to study

>> No.18491488
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, kaiji alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you just came back from work

>> No.18491644

>I kinda had a chii toitsu in the back of my head, so I discarded 5s thinking I could go either a pinfu ippeikou hand if I draw 7s or towards chii toitsu with something else.
Chiitoitsu is slow and cheap, don't go for it if you've got a regular pinfu-shape hand.
>I only needed 3 tiles for an ittsuu, so I left that option open over the hatsu
Needing "only" three specific tiles for an ittsuu is less likely than drawing any random three tiles and having them form a set. You've got better odds with hatsu. More importantly, you're 4-shanten for ittsuu, and even if you open up then ittsuu and hatsu are both worth one han. You'd mostly likely end up discarding hatsu soon anyway, but at this point it's still more useful than 1s.

>I thought toimen was in tenpai but I didn't see the 3s was safe
If you're going to defend, you need to defend carefully. Don't miss safe tiles. That said, in ippan and joukyuu you can largely get away with not paying any attention to other players until they reach or unless they call a dora pon or something obviously dangerous like that. Just focus on your own hand, riichi if no one else has, and fold right away if someone else calls riichi first.
>I wanted to discard the 4s but after the riichi, I wasn't sure what to deal. 3p was dora too, so I just threw away the 5m
Again, don't miss obvious safe tiles. 1s and 5s were safe against both toimen and kamicha. Even if it's the dora, 3p was safe against toimen and suji against kamicha. "I don't know what to do so I'll just discard whatever" is a bad way to think - always look for a better choice.
>I don't know, it seems risky to deal that tile after someone called the other two and I don't want to be that ass that makes the daisangen an active threat
It's completely understandable but statistically you're better off in the long run if you ignore (or at least are less paranoid about) the possibility of hands like daisangen or kokushi.
>I got into Dan and got out twice already I think. So I thought I'd just get stomped.
It's perfectly fine to get stomped. Take your licks, learn your lessons and keep moving forward. You won't improve if you run away from the challenge ahead of you.

I don't have much time right now so I'm going to skip to S1.
West -> north -> chun. 7p is too useful to discard that early. 4p is also far more valuable than chun, especially considering it's next to the dora and can also accept akadora. By the time you drop the chun you've got a late ryanshanten with no value and the chun itself isn't very safe anymore, especially against shimocha's honitsu.

West -> 1p -> 9s -> hatsu. It's too early to discard 5s, you only had the one pair in your hand.

East -> west -> hatsu -> north. At the first 3p discard you've got a choice between ittsuu and sanshoku but neither option looks particularly good, especially with three 9s out and the weak 7p penchan. You're better off discarding 9p here and keeping the 3p as a floating tile to go for pinfu. 5s tsumogiri was bad, why are you keeping the 2m when there are three 3m visible? Same issue with the 1s tsumogiri. Hatsu (and even east) were somewhat dangerous against kamicha's honitsu, you can't push like that when you're 3-shanten with nothing but weak shapes. That last 3p was also dangerous the honitsu, to say nothing of the kandora 6m.

Read this to learn how you should handle honors and terminals in your starting hand.
I also recommend reading Daina's book and learning about block theory if you haven't already.

>> No.18491939
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>> No.18491945
File: 491 KB, 1680x1010, NOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, I'm an idiot.

>> No.18491958

That is not how you do daisangen. Try again.

>> No.18491990

It's fine in ippan, where no one cares anyways.

>> No.18492016

It's fun when 2 people disconnect and it's just a race between the 2 left to collect the most points from their zombie remains.

>> No.18492019

>It's fun when 2 people disconnect
No, that's a waste of time

>> No.18492347

Those are legit the most unfun games there are.

>> No.18492694

>guy riichis on his second last turn
>got an ippatsu houtei tsumo
What the fuck?

>> No.18492707
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>> No.18493236

Not him, and I agree it's absolutely the most unfun, but I'll be damned if I don't take the basically free points and R from disconectee matches.

>> No.18493434

End of the month is coming up, how did you do?

>> No.18493488


I'm more pissed that I lost rank than losing my job

>> No.18493556

I'm new, is there a monthly report or something on Tenhou?

>> No.18493882
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3+6+3+10 = 22
Also dropped back to 9-kyuu from 1d.

>> No.18493933

It shows up in your stats after every game, although you can also navigate to it within the menus. There is a 7447 monthly rankings page as well, but that is dying off later today apparently.

>> No.18494149


>> No.18494178

make it 3.0

>> No.18494388

3:0 again

>> No.18494409
File: 210 KB, 1080x398, Screenshot_20180226-172415~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a lot of work to do after having a terrible January.

>> No.18494568
File: 177 KB, 735x414, Phonejong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokujou in 136 games.
This month:
16+11+10+5 = 42戦

My tokujou account:
14+8+6+6 = 34戦

Feelin' pretty good.

>> No.18494751


>> No.18495015
File: 19 KB, 525x295, 1337393671506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know that pain, man.

>> No.18495019

Last 85:


>> No.18495032

At least I didn't derank or fall under 1500.
At my worst point I was on a really bad tilt and fell to 10/800.

>> No.18495412

Do you ever feel like the Japanese on tenhou see the gaijin name and start collectively colluding against you?

>> No.18495664

Just beat them.

>> No.18496950

You should be using a japanese-like name so you don't attract attention. It's not so much avoiding a gaijin name than that you try not to give anyone a reason to bully you.
Throw some kana or ALLCAPS together and no one can tell the difference.

>> No.18496974

22+9+17+14 in Tokujou. This managed to cancel out an absolutely terrible January.

>> No.18497932

Will people deal into me more often if I pretend I'm a girl?

>> No.18498326

You have to call often so they get charmed by your voice and deal into your hand.

>> No.18499850

sore wa amae koromo

>> No.18500327
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>tfw you get tsumo'd as dealer literally every time today
What did I do to deserve such misfortune?

>> No.18500718
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>> No.18500888


>> No.18501179

I raise to 2:8

>> No.18501368
File: 11 KB, 233x154, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2:2:2:2, meh. Gotta grind some games while focusing and I'll be 4 dan next month.

>> No.18501392

My tiles come in the mail today!

>> No.18501659

Now get out there and find some lesbians

>> No.18501730

>try out tenhou app
>msclick 3 times
>put myself into furiten once
>discard riichi twice

>> No.18501813

>msclick 3 times

How? Unlike the flash version, you're supposed to double tap on discards.

>> No.18501843

sentences wrong

>> No.18501915
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>> No.18502395
File: 427 B, 92x25, tenhou_2018-02-28_00-59-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy kek.

Sorry for being a shitter I got -100 rate today

>> No.18502451
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>> No.18502641
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That really hurts to look at.

>> No.18502985
File: 240 KB, 662x540, 1475417084125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it on purpose or did you fuck up calling reach?

>> No.18503355


>> No.18503369

Wait, did someone actually do that?

>> No.18503477
File: 44 KB, 585x433, green is not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18504914

Sorry for being dumb. What’s the messup?

>> No.18505006

It's a haitei ippatsu tsumo, you should never attempt it unless you're a lesbian.

>> No.18505104


>> No.18507085

How is 2nd and 3rd place decided when they have the same score? I got 3rd having the same score and winning the last hand.

>> No.18507111

Wind order.

>> No.18507137

Well, I suppose today is my unlucky day. Thanks.

>> No.18507239
File: 397 KB, 728x621, no ura-dora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy what a way to start the new month.

>E1: Deal into hell wait mangan with a non-yaku wind tile
>E2: Deal into toimens damaten while defending against shimochas riichi
>E3: Call riichi. Toimen keeps pushing and melds, of course I deal in later
S1-2: Call riichi. Deal into motherfucking damaten double ron later
S2: Call riichi with with chitoitsu + 2 dora, deal into kamichas open yakuhai later
S4: I actually get this beauty but of course I miss out on the one ura-dora needed to at least get 3rd place

Why do I play this piece of shit game again?

>> No.18507338
File: 1.16 MB, 4455x3000, 49434000_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That saki feel.

>> No.18507359
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>> No.18507368


>> No.18507415

>Not going for the ryuuiisou san kantsu double yakuman

>> No.18507714

What's the sexiest yaku? I think it'd be closed Itsu or San Ankou.

Hard mode: no Yakuman.

>> No.18507747

Ryanpeikou makes my dick hard.

>> No.18507773
File: 155 KB, 728x600, BigBrainKan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18507792

Not yaku but kans which are suddenly 4 doras. It's fun to observe all the people at the table suddenly feeling extra alive because of such announcement.

>> No.18508064

Manzu honitsu with Chun triplet.

>> No.18508260

Sakisan I thought you suck online.

>> No.18508284

Ryanpeikou for closed hand sankantsu for open hand.

>> No.18508479

Can someone explain to me how to play mahjong? (Keep in mind that I'm shit and chess and that I have no idea how poker or blackjack or other card games are played so I'm slightly retarded)

>> No.18508555

Check the paste bin.

If reading shit doesn't strike your fancy (as the case for most people), then here is your starting point:


Diddle around with that and come back with some questions.

>> No.18508568

Closed sanshoku doukou

>> No.18508591
File: 80 KB, 995x480, 1510751320015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your hand contains 13 tiles. A winning hand is made of 4 triplets (consecutive numbered tiles, eg 123, 789, or same tiles, eg 222, or three red dragons) and 1 pair (two same tiles).

Each turn you draw a tile and discard one from your hand, trying to build this winning hand. When you're one tile away from winning (tenpai), you can win by drawing the last 14th tile you need to complete the last triplet or pair (win by tsumo), or if someone else discards the last tile you need (win by ron).

If you win by ron, the guy you ronned will pay everything, otherwise it's split between everyone.

The value of your hands is counted in han (and fu, aka minipoints, but you don't need to bother with those). To get han, you need to fulfill conditions (yaku), eg using only one numbered suit. That's the meat of the game: here's a list of all the yaku http://mahjong-ny.com/files/YakuSheet.jpg
You can stack multiple yaku. Most of the time you'll be aiming for Pinfu Tanyao with a Riichi (announcing your tenpai). You ALWAYS need a yaku to win by tsumo or ron. You can call tiles other people throw to complete a triplet (Pon/Chi) but it opens your hand, which can prevent you from having a yaku like riichi (and winning the hand). So only call if you're aiming for a specific yaku in there.

The tile at the middle is the dora indicator. The tile after is the dora, a bonus tile worth 1 han for each you have in your hand.

play http://gamedesign.jp/flash/mahjong/mahjong_e.html

>> No.18509038

Ryanpeiko, or just Chiitoitsu in general. Also not a single yaku, but Junchan Sanshoku Iipeiko for sexiest overall hand

>> No.18509443

Chiitoitsu is the cutest yaku. It's like a harem of 7 girls.

>> No.18509558

Riichi pinfu is sexy, ryanmen waits feel good.
Houtei dora4 is also pretty cool.

>> No.18509588
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>Houtei dora4 is also pretty cool.

>> No.18509835
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>> No.18509839
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>> No.18510049
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>> No.18510155

They put the pop-up buttons in different orders on the mobile app. Instead of pass being the rightmost one, it's on the left.

>> No.18510308

I played this game after a night of drinking, I didn't realize it was the last turn until I got the haitei.

>> No.18511459

I just realised they typed the kanji for chinitsu wrong, but it's not like anyone can read nip anyway.

>> No.18511987
File: 136 KB, 582x818, zzzz1204351259804_OMGLOL_anonib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn lesbians

>> No.18512039
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Truly, I am the ultimate survivor

>> No.18512045
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>> No.18512638

Thanks for a good laugh Kaiji.

>> No.18512667
File: 443 KB, 649x503, all is well.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold my sake cup.

>> No.18512866

Have you tried maybe not dealing in?

>> No.18515160

2:0 get in here niggers

>> No.18515504
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I know that feel too well, it never came

>> No.18515665

>E1: You have 3 pairs, I'd discard the 1m pair before the 89m penchan.
I thought it would be better to keep the 3-4 tiles because I can wait for 2-5. Also because my hand might get into 7 pairs.
But I guess it would've been smarter to discard the 1m/1p and keep the 4s for a potential 345 sanshoku
I thought I could keep it for the pair
Yeah, I don't see what I was trying to get there either.
I guess but I didn't really see that 1m as dangerous because it couldn't be a 1-4 wait because the 4m was already in the pond and a single wait for the 1m didn't seem likely..
Of course the east tile was 100%.
Triplets always make riichi "attractive" to me because of the ura-dora.

Yeah, that would've been smart I guess. I probably didn't pay proper attention and thought it would be like having an opened hand waiting to get ittsu for the middle part (4-5-6) where a 3/7 discard would put you into temporary furiten. In this hand it would only be 7p so I fucked up.
>E 2-1/2-2
Yeah, not sure what I was thinking. It clearly bit me in the ass when I got into tenpai in 2-1
I think I was trying to be clever there. 3p was out so I thought the 2p will most likely be discarded. Not really sure how that is a nobetan. Also the wait for 4s would've been empty.
I didn't realize the 8m was safe. I thought "shit, gotta discard something" and chose the 1m in panic because I already discarded it twice.
Again with the triplet/uradora chance thing. Since no 8m was discarded I thought it wouldn't be so unlikely to draw it myself, also my discards were only honors and terminals except for that one 7p.
I guess discarding the 9m/1p would be better but aren't both 79m and 12p waiting on one tile?
But there was only one 2s left and I thought since the south tile wasn't discarded yet and is the dora it would've been better to wait on that
I probably was too focused to trying to get my hand into tenpai and didn't pay much attention

Yeah, I'll work on the safe tile thing.
Still it seems dangerous to discard the third dragon tile. I think in the european riichi rules you are liable for the complete payment when you give away the third dragon (or fourth south tile) and that player gets a tsumo. If someone else gets ron'd you split the payment. Is it the same in japanese/tenhou.net?

> You won't improve if you run away from the challenge ahead of you.
It's more like I think I'm not good enough yet.

I'll read those guides, thanks to both of you.

>> No.18516052

Some other guy here.
I would keep 1m/1p over 89m. Having four tiles this early makes 7 pairs a viable option and you didn't massively decrease your tile eficiency that way because 89m is a shitty shape anyway. Also 4 pairs > 3 pairs. Plus you had a viable chance for sanshoku so keeping pairs is a good idea, because if you can open your hand you can meld them.

What pair? A single wind tile even if it's round wind is shit and should usually go before any middle tile. In this case it was dora, though, so it's okay to keep it longer. You should've definietly kept the 6s, though. Going down from iishanten to 2-shanten for a single wind tile slows you down way too much.

But 4m wasn't in the pond?

2p only gives you one option to improve your hand in one step: Get another 2p. With 4s you can get either another 4s or a 5s for a 4567 shape. Discard 5m and you're in tenpai with 4567 nobetan. The 3p being discarded says only a little bit about 2ps likelihood of being discarded. On the other hand there was a pretty good chance kamicha was going for honitsu and collects the 2 pin. Also 4s wasn't empty there were two left.

I think it was okay to call riichi here. You had another yaku and it wa still relatively early in the round. The crucial mistake however was to discard 7p. Like the other anon explained 7888p is a MUCH better shape then 79m.

But the anon did not suggest to discard south? Also 1p needs to leave earlier, especialy before the 5s. Why woudl you keet it at that point?

>> No.18516157

does anyone play sega mj here

>> No.18516424
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Open tanyao!

>> No.18516506
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>But 4m wasn't in the pond?
Maybe we're talking about different rounds?
I was looking at the hand when I already called chi for 678, so I was on a single wait
Yeah it makes sense.
>But the anon did not suggest to discard south?
My mistake.
>Why woudl you keet it at that point?
Well, I thought "this tile is useless" and since I was going to discard both anyways I just ditched the 5s. Not saying what I thought was better just explainig what I was thinking at that moment.

>> No.18516696

>Maybe we're talking about different rounds?
Yeah, no idea what I was looking at, 4m is obviously there. Discarding 1m seems okay then.

>I was looking at the hand when I already called chi for 678, so I was on a single wait
Ah okay the other guy and I were talking about plays before that call, because you could've tried preventing getting to a single wait that way.
Even then I'd discard 2p, though, double hand value for same amount of winning tiles. Well, looking at the whole picture I probably would've started defending after kamichas 9p call anyway. That hand looked scary. Chinitsu/honitsu, chanta/junchan, south triplet were all possible.

>> No.18516706

Pure Chuuren Poutou by a huge margain.
As for non yakuman hands: Ryanpeikou.

>> No.18516726


>> No.18517898

Oh my bad I was seeing 3 pairs not 4.

>> No.18518634
File: 798 KB, 931x807, hey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whole table of cheap tanyao yakuhai sluts including me
>South because we are this cheap
>OhhhhhOHH time to-

>> No.18518646

I mean, west. Well

>> No.18518754
File: 239 KB, 1026x795, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling sour, bitter and dread from winning. Not sure why.

>> No.18519162

it's because you are on ippan

>> No.18519328
File: 170 KB, 915x787, rinshan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good man

>> No.18520259

wait a second, you don't get kandora off a rinshan win?

>> No.18520268

>Still it seems dangerous to discard the third dragon tile. I think in the european riichi rules you are liable for the complete payment when you give away the third dragon (or fourth south tile) and that player gets a tsumo. If someone else gets ron'd you split the payment. Is it the same in japanese/tenhou.net?
Yes, Tenhou has daisangen pao, but statistically it's unlikely that someone will have the third pair of dragons (unless it's really late in the round and you can't see any others discarded yet). Usually these situations happen earlier in the round. If you hold onto the third dragon they you end up killing your own hand while giving your opponent time to progress, which is why you're often better off just discarding it as soon as possible to kill off the chance and keep progressing your hand. Even if you end up losing one in a thousand games by doing this, your long term results will be better by ignoring the possibility of yakuman.

In the end, dealing into a single yakuman costs as many points as dealing into four mangan, but while the former only loses you one game, the latter can cost you four.

On Tenhou (and as far as I know, only on Tenhou) the kandora for an open kan is flipped after the discard. For closed kans, the kandora is flipped before the discard.

>> No.18520700

>Calling riichi with a hand that guarantees you first place even without riichi
This almost as bad as the kan call in OP.

>> No.18520854
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>> No.18521539

Who is that dumb slut when playing against CPUs?

>> No.18521833

Are the dice used for anything other than determining the break in the wall?

>> No.18522243

I have never played online, let alone with tenhou, is there someone that would like to play some laid back games?

>> No.18522443

I sure do, but I have no idea where you can do that. Tenhou has a time limit so you can't really play relaxed friendly games.

>> No.18522451

How much is the time limit? i i can go for a 45 minutes game

>> No.18522523

Get in 7447 buddy

>> No.18522553

>time limit
I think 14 seconds to discard and something less to call. It's not that bad.

>> No.18522564

i have no clue how it works hahahah, it might take a while to figure it out

>> No.18522578
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I cannot find 1:0

>> No.18522597

i wish i could have steam or discord friends to easily connect and play mahjong together

>> No.18522620

Go here
Click the lobby that says 1:0

>> No.18522637

Never played 3P. Is it actually good or is it a meme?

>> No.18522660
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it says this T_T

>> No.18522664

3p is crazy whacky mahjong

>> No.18522667

no wait, i'm retarded, i'm in

>> No.18522685
File: 113 KB, 640x480, 1274342425922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two suits, no sexy manzu
>free doras you don't need to pon/ankou (norths)
>super fast

>> No.18522885

There is an english discord Riichi community but it's from r*ddit, link is over there.

>> No.18523388


>> No.18523849


Then get in here. We readily ping for 7447 games.

>> No.18523854

Also, hands less than baiman are considered small. In other words, that shit happens a lot.

>> No.18525413


>> No.18525546

again 2:0 hanchan in 7447

>> No.18525613

Could it be sanmafags invented the word bakahon I wonder.

>> No.18525631

I doubt it. Bakahon is by far the dumbest form of honitsu.

>> No.18525786


hi noselet

I am going to bend you over the table and rape you in the ass until you enjoy the sensation of cum dripping out of your ass.

>> No.18525892
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You bully the filler winds but next time who is gonna save your sorry tanki ass HUH

>> No.18525998
File: 1.01 MB, 1047x946, this is my chance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

respect the table please

>> No.18526552

>American mahjong tiles

What the fuck?

>> No.18526567

Tenhou English UI has an option to use them.

>> No.18526723


>> No.18531289


>> No.18531484


>> No.18532677

5 people in and nobody wants to play?

>> No.18532757


>> No.18535154
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This one's for you, Billy.

>> No.18535359


>> No.18535568

>queuing up for ton nomi

>> No.18537317

What is today's moon phase?
