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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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31159708 No.31159708 [Reply] [Original]



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Previous thread: >>30846438

>> No.31160332
File: 721 KB, 800x600, otohige_2020-12-23_02-46-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This side character on the left makes me think of a Lalafell, look at this smug fucker

>> No.31161582

This is one of the games with that older teacher/student couple right, how is it?

>> No.31163463
File: 613 KB, 800x600, conokiss_2020-10-19_13-14-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's one of kinshiiku's earlier titles with the ojisan/ponytail JK couple. This one (otohige) is actually a remake of a much shorter free game of a kidnapper and hostage romance, which was fairly nice for what it was.
I'm not too far into it right now, but I'm enjoying what I'm reading so far. It's kinshiiku, so it's pleasant to read as usual and has a good amount of suffering. The game's action doesn't take too long to really "start" compared to some of their other games, shit goes down within the first hour. The free game had plenty of moe scenes with the main couple, so I'm expecting a lot of ojisan moe in this one as well.

>> No.31163847


I didn't think about it before but now I know for sure - I am sick of Kaji's voice

>> No.31167564

The female friends in this one are pretty cute. I'm glad they got rid of rivals.
I've only played TMGS1 and the rival system in that one was the absolute worst. I went from being best friends with a girl to having her bitch me out every Christmas ;_;

>> No.31167763

I don't like yuri at all, but damn I wanted to date Karen at tokimeki...

>> No.31168050

In your opinion, what game has the best female friend character/s?

>> No.31168100

>pokedora only

>> No.31168136

don't wanna grind anki anymore

>> No.31169794

just do less for a bit until you get some motivation back

>> No.31170336

To be fair, she was based.

>> No.31173983

I wish more companies would make plushies of boys

>> No.31176456

Same, and figures too.

>> No.31177956

>no satsukare otome game

>> No.31180627

Just do 15 mins and stop.

>> No.31183569

She's my favorite character in the series. Wish the guys were even half as based as her.

>> No.31183843
File: 688 KB, 697x555, neil merry christmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a merry christmas /blog/!

>> No.31186341

Post the husbando you're celebrating with

>> No.31191634
File: 21 KB, 256x190, 28005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are there so many christmas themed gimmick games

>> No.31191983

>no red nose even in human form
what a waste of a game

>> No.31195198

Ken ga Kimi is suprisingly easy to understand so far with just 2 years of on and off studying

>> No.31195227

Which one would you prefer? Red nose as in clown nose, "fuck, it's so cold" nose or Tumblr style red nose? Are there any other variants?

>> No.31195775

I haven't read it myself but wouldn't be surprised if it's reputation for difficulty comes from it being popular enough for absolute beginners to dive straight into rather than being genuinely hard.

>> No.31196002

There are old timey words and phrases but nothing you can't google.

>> No.31196030

A light-up nose to see through the fog of course.

>> No.31196116

Clown boys are underrated.

>> No.31196672

I can't think of any blog ones though I'm sure there's got to be at least one.

>> No.31198359

There's that jester boy from Laughter Land, though I don't know if we're counting jesters here.

>> No.31199578

Is there a rec list based on reading difficulty? I don't need furigana or stupid bullshit like that, but I'd probably lose my footing in something really complex.

>> No.31200744
File: 305 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180922-195137_100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31200955

I don't think so, but historical japanese settings tend to be the hardest and modern high school ones are usually easy.
Some games have no or very limited narration so most writing will at least be voiced but I don't think there's a tag for it anywhere.

>> No.31202719

Dot Karashi 8bit lovers something is fun and easy

>> No.31203272

old but should do

>> No.31205327

Taisho mebiusline and yoshiwara higanbana are very easy and cute

>> No.31207437

Give me some Christmas games to play, anons

>> No.31211559

>only 2 hours since the last post but we're already on page 9
is this the end, sisters?

>> No.31212321

when the fuck is moot going to make an eceleb board

>> No.31212943


>> No.31213039


>> No.31213309

What the fuck's a moot?

>> No.31214560


>> No.31214915

I won't let /blog/ die!

>> No.31215042

I'm alone on Christmas, so I'll keep /blog/ alive by /blog/posting!

>> No.31215660

My autism won't allow it.

>> No.31217502
File: 36 KB, 1438x305, 1608834648843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it. It's hard to comprehend the absolute state of this board right now. What does the future hold for /blog/.. I wonder.

>> No.31217645

Time to head back to /vg/

>> No.31218484

Keeping /blog/ alive out of spite for vretards shit

>> No.31221887
File: 358 KB, 1058x601, xmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm spending my Christmas day with Seiji again.

>> No.31223463

How did you manage to successfully summon him?

>> No.31223651

But he's spending it with me and we're going to have sex on his piano

>> No.31224814
File: 476 KB, 1356x1920, keyimg_sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it the age of the samurai?

>> No.31229375
File: 654 KB, 800x600, otohige_2020-12-23_22-14-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't die on me, /blog/

>> No.31229832

Well, hakuouki has spanned over a decade of content, so trying to recreate it sounds like the way to go.

>> No.31232091

>Akagi reference

>> No.31235063

2nd boy is best boy

>> No.31238838

>happened years ago
>mcs are still in the same level

>> No.31243091
File: 226 KB, 1000x1000, EqFSQYUU0AAOeT5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure it's a good idea to make one so early.

>> No.31243647

I spent my Christmas with Hikami for the first time in a while.

>> No.31246116
File: 256 KB, 1500x1061, image0-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They must be convinced it's going to be a hit. I don't know how they could fuck it up at this point, honestly.

>> No.31248757

uh that reminds me
I never played that kaiji VN did I

>> No.31249829

What Kaiji VN?

>> No.31250863

Knock on wood holy fuck

>> No.31255616
File: 43 KB, 574x574, 1360823403002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas ya filthy animals

>> No.31256341

Damn, can't believe Kaworu is cheating on Shinji.

>> No.31256708

Weird how there aren't really any blog Kaworu clones, unless I'm being stupid and just forgot someone obvious.

>> No.31258080

Do you mean character-wise or looks-wise? Because if it's on the character front, now that I think about it, you're right. I have no idea why they aren't a thing. Kaworu is plenty popular, but maybe it's because he or someone like him wouldn't be ideal as a love interest? His behavior easily comes off as like, overbearing and almost predatory especially in the manga, and I feel like that would get awfully lost in translation in a game genre where there are plenty of characters that embody that feeling in earnest.

>> No.31259136

I'll forever be perpetually butthurt that taichi was not voiced.

>> No.31261085

Anywhere to download the 18+ patch for Togainu no Chi? Been searching around for a bit

>> No.31261472

Mysterious guy who is actually an angel/alien/robot or gay guy who gets beheaded within 30 mins of being introduced?

>> No.31264318
File: 116 KB, 981x589, 1515940031694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not read dmmd but I do have this image saved.

>> No.31265501

>no king of prism
garbage chart

>> No.31265670

After reading Kaguya's route in taisho alice, I'm convinced you need to be a legit psychopath not to get bad ended without a walkthrough.

>> No.31265708

How did they miss the guy from Mai-HiME?

>> No.31266999
File: 65 KB, 500x707, C8SLaF3UQAEMAKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a problem for her

>> No.31267169

Best boy

>> No.31269747
File: 655 KB, 1280x1134, 1369960999154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did they get the kid from Samflam but not Alcor and Zashunina?

>> No.31271774

Damn, I forgot what's his face from DNAngel was voiced by Ishida.

But Clear doesn't seem like a Kaworu.

>> No.31272097

Did you see the new characters at slow damage? They also posted new cg at the official site.

Btw if you guys have the LIs new cg, they showed at the live, screenprinted, can you post them here? Thanks in advance and happy holidays.
Btw the new ch is also out.

>> No.31272333


>> No.31275841

I'm liking the looks of the new Slow Damage characters. Turtleneck guy and bowlcut boy look promising.
Bad quality, but these are the only screencaps I have. Happy holidays though. https://imgur.com/a/BCftZjH
>implied homosexual

>> No.31277799
File: 87 KB, 960x540, scene_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taku looks pretty vanilla from all the teasers we've gotten about him. I wonder what's his damage. Thanks for the caps anon and Merry Christmas to you too
Also this new guy is cute as fuck probably my second favorite, fuck.
It's criminal how hyped I am, please don't fuck this up N+C

>> No.31278321

>I wonder what's his damage
It's slow.

>> No.31280568


>> No.31281024

I literally cannot stop loving Towa, how did they do it?

>> No.31281083
File: 50 KB, 1024x576, mamoru_and_fiore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atlus has Alcor, Ryoji and DDS for other eva characters. And they have at least 3 characters who are based on Akira.
Several FGO originals even if connections are very loose (Merlin, Dantes, Galahad)
N from Pokemon.
I think Slayers had outright parody character even though they already had Ishida voicing Xelloss.

Now pic related is something you had after Ryo but before Kaworu and considering how much Anno liked Ikuhara he might have been direct inspiration for Kaworu.

>> No.31283781

Honestly, she's carrying the VN super hard for me.
What the fuck is her problem and why can't other heroines learn from her. She's a hilarious, cunning and borderline insane cunt who's also adorable from time to time.

>> No.31292323

I believe JP players hated her for being condescending and having a stupid way of talking so unfortunately I doubt we'll get many imitators.

>> No.31293599

Does anyone know who the seiyuu other than Towa's are?

>> No.31294200

Seems to be a new BL VN seiyuu. He voiced mc of Tokyo 24-ku
First BL VN role, previously had roles in eroge
First BL VN role, previously had roles in eroge
Shitton of roles but mostly side characters and ugly old men; first BL VN role
Except for BL chad Onoyuu, the rest are new to BL games

>> No.31294877

Nah, just face the truth: JP players hated her because she wasn't your usual submissive lifeless boring bitch, they can't self-insert into anything other than that.

>> No.31295426

I mean, it's kinda the same way with male MCs too. They're all lazy passive guys who never do anything of significance and need the heroines to be their mommy. The audience for these games are losers who can't think for themselves, it can't be helped.

>> No.31295463

But I self-inserted both as Yurika and amnesia mc

>> No.31296850

People keep saying this but it is false.
Fans of the game love her.
However, to appease self-insert fags they have to preface with "she might be controversial to some, but..."

>> No.31300030

Girls didn’t watch Mai-Hime

>> No.31303743

Self-insert fags are the true cancer killing genres, what we need are gigachads and ultra-stacies in every game. Or at least someone entertaining.

>> No.31304606
File: 97 KB, 1024x576, Taishou.x.Alice.full.2955221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I'm done with Gretel's route, that was the best cage yandere route I've ever seen.
The world really needs more Yurikas and more literally brainwashing your brother into becoming a yandere and everything basically being just as you planned to make him happy, including your own suicide by fire because you are several tiers above yandere in comparison.
I'll say it again, I'm loving this bitch, this route even had her personality explained in detail and it was awesome how much of a love-related psychopath she can be.

>> No.31306213

Does knowing that gretel is actually much younger change your opinion of him? I thought it does justify the way he acted, not in "the fucking your sister in a cage way", but his immature attitude in general

>> No.31306638

Sexy jester men are a dime a dozen, especially in fantasy. I think some pierrots too for that " happy job but tragically dead inside" contrast. now a sexy mime? Sexy ronald McDonald? That'd be fun. Although at least there the west has them beat.

>> No.31309819

have a bump

>> No.31309964

i'd say that samurai flamenco was more popular on /a/, but that chart is probably dated since zashunina was also somewhat popular

>> No.31311220

I thought Ishida was good at drawing god tier boys, so what happened in Jack Jeanne? The dude in glasses looks ugly as fuck

>> No.31311355

Are you joking? He's literally the only attractive one.

>> No.31311738
File: 25 KB, 200x300, 106438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek help. I recommend to start with a visit to an ophthalmologist

>> No.31312005
File: 35 KB, 790x712, 69-3009-0-308_Blunt-Tip-Scissors_Blue_C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to save this design

>> No.31313138

most of them are pretty cute
i don't really like the redhead though
i don't know if ishida was ever known for making god tier boys though, he's just a really good artist

>> No.31314907

No wonder I couldn't find much on them. Thanks Anon.

>> No.31317348

>playing cafe enchante
>eyeless cg comes up

And dropped

>> No.31326686

looks like a nerd

>> No.31333498
File: 167 KB, 853x1153, 20201227_030851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spending some lovely time with Waka during this gap between Christmas and New Years.

Playing this years later is making me realize how bad the translation is most of the time.

>> No.31334757

How is it anyway?

>> No.31339219

Impeccable taste anon

>> No.31339590

In a couple of years, he'll cheat on you with a next Tokimemo GS mc

>> No.31340926

>next Tokimemo GS mc
but that's also (You)

>> No.31346343

No, she isn't. I wouldn't be in a game with such ugly hairstyles

>> No.31350465
File: 55 KB, 518x372, peak otome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31350717

Unironically Love Revo is peak otome

>> No.31355958

Pretending your life is a stats raising game is the ultimate cheat desu

>> No.31356078

I have maxed "degenerate" but it locked me into the ending where you eventually buy a gun and blow your brains out.

>> No.31357602

But why would I put all that effort in for 3D

>> No.31357874
File: 773 KB, 1109x800, EqP3x8PU0AEMWsZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those interested, kinshiiku's having a 40% off sale on some of their games on DLsite.

>> No.31358384
File: 183 KB, 865x1140, 20201227_152050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I safely got a happy ending with Waka, but of course I couldn't resist seeing him suffer a little bit beforehand. Also, if you think about it, Waka's probably somewhere around 10 years older than the protagonist, right? A 25 year old teacher falling for his 15 year old student is pretty crunchy, in a good way.

This is also kind of a long shot, but does anyone have the archive of the original /v/ threads? I'm in the mood for reminiscing and the links in the old pastebin are dead.

>> No.31358414

Shit, I bought Hebi no Cinderella just a few weeks ago too

>> No.31359356 [DELETED] 

The one I've been eyeing up for a while has been Glass Konpeitou but looks like it's not included, too bad.

>> No.31359382

Such a degenerate monster..He is my second best boy after piano senpai. God like taste, anon

>> No.31359400

The one I've been eyeing up for a while has been Glass Konpeitou but looks like it's not included, too bad.

>> No.31359722

Literally me.

>> No.31367058

Ero scale please...

>> No.31372579
File: 214 KB, 1200x1200, EpgiluyVoAYtNpY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally any moment now.
Also, I just remembered that Aoba not only got one but three fucking figures. What the fuck.
Whoring out Towa already is kinda funny but makes me a bit sad for all the previous games.

>> No.31378721

DMMD's success has made them bolder. Maybe the earliness has to do with the game getting delayed.
Towa deserves to be whored out, though. That much is already clear.

>> No.31379771

I really like the degenerate aoba figure.
I will buy it someday.
Hope they make a perverted one for towa too in the near future.

>> No.31381410

I love this illustration.

>> No.31384507

Cant wait to shove this up my ass.

>> No.31388002

Nothing will ever top sweet pool figure

>> No.31390979

Done with Taisho Alice, after Shirayuki's route you kinda just need to keep reading since the actual plot of the game kicks in super hard.
Fairly happy with the way things turned out since you rarely see a game dealing with DID where the ending isn't just integrating all personalities. Aleister actually refusing to do so and leaving them all to their own worlds was actually really nice. Especially his last scene with Alice where he gives up what's his most precious memory with Yurika so they both get his happy ending too
The couple of twists this game had were crazy too, really wasn't expecting Yurika to just be another personality created by the queen bitch in order to solve all their issues. Talking about Yurika, she's so fucking adorable despite being so fucking CRAZY, the straightforward way she loves, the reason behind the way she speaks like that, how she literally manipulates everyone and everything for her goals, top cute.
Also did the couple of side routes in the fandisk and the after story for the magician, since his ending needed a bit more in general all things considered. I wish the real Aleister had gotten a proper afterstory, but alas, he appears enough in the other two I guess, really liked him too.
All in all, I really liked it, did some really unique things plot wise and was generally satisfying and entertaining to read throughout.

>> No.31397301
File: 96 KB, 800x800, EqT1-ZyUUAAD1Vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>end of anno Domini 2020
>Still no console Tokires otome

>> No.31397692

>ywn have Youji shitting out meat chunks on your shelf
truly it was a masterpiece way too good for this world

>> No.31397817


Only 15% off? Meh, some of those games are older than that. Call me when they do 20%-30% discounts like Koei.

>> No.31403589

>15% off only
bunch of cheapskates

>> No.31407422
File: 42 KB, 580x384, Hscenes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never played this. Does anyone here have thoughts on the H-scenes?

>> No.31407530

fucking madmen

>> No.31409658

I'm not a fan of that animation.

>> No.31410348
File: 149 KB, 693x984, EqQYDWDU0AAFaOH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god, frogdaddy was cute

yeah, I was excited initially but they've managed to ruin the belly punch somehow. pass.

>> No.31411179

Does anyone have the sales chart for otomes?

>> No.31412504

Wow, I don't want this.

>> No.31415504


>> No.31415550

thanks man, just curious

>> No.31415742

no problem

>> No.31416356


>> No.31417496

Thank you
Rape you next week

>> No.31419696

don't threaten me with a good time

>> No.31435049

Fuck otomate, 60% of english localizers and fuck worst boy Minku.

>> No.31441268

Minku kicks the shit out of Aoba, and that's a good thing cuz Aoba is shit and totally deserves it.
I'd say Noiz is worse, he's just really boring and also ugly.

>> No.31442824

Kojax best boy.

>> No.31442982

That's not how you spell Clear

>> No.31443065

It's noizu. The other anon sounds fat and jealous over Aoba's harem

>> No.31445043 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.02 MB, 1271x715, 1609265251138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31445406 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.90 MB, 1267x709, 1609265942618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a moment there I thought I really had fucked up and got the good ending by mistake.

>> No.31446197

How many sales are needed for your average otome/bl VN to be considered successful and not a flop.

>> No.31447252

I have no idea why I played Dmmd, the guys aren't even hot.

>> No.31448830 [SPOILER] 
File: 306 KB, 1280x720, 1609272657452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reverse trap becomes a girl in the end

Stop doing this. STOP

>> No.31449441

That was supposed to be a reverse trap? She looked like a guy as much as Chizuru did

>> No.31451630

Japan will never stop, we can't have cute traps with big dicks wearing dresses, nor we can have tomboys without turning to dresses

>> No.31452028

So with the new official DMMD english release, are the dicks going to be freed? Please respond.

>> No.31452688 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.62 MB, 1273x707, 1609279943593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no gap moe delinquent fanfiction writer bf
might as well kill myself for real

>> No.31455294

I feel like I'm approaching the end of Gretel's route and I'm not particularly attracted to him myself (I don't enjoy being teased in comparison to teasing others/being straightforwardly pampered), but his route is interesting in a lot of ways he's like a combination of Nobukatsu from FGO and Toma from amnesia, his misanthropy towards everyone besides Yurika is kind of amazing to witness, the people he attacks deserve to be punished harshly but he seems to only have two modes 0 or 10000000 and it's quite frankly concerning????? Knowing that the sweets he's been huffing the entire route were anti depressents was something I expected, as well as the "hunters" actually being doctors like I suspected in Red's route (speaking of Red, I was super happy to see him even if he seems more put together here).

Also every route makes me more sure Yurika is insane, the lengths she goes for the love interests were impressive in the first two routes but now they're quite frankly concerning now. I guess because it's showing what the unhealthy side of her self sacrificial devotion looks like. On a side note, only bad end I've gotten so far in this route was the sex one and it was worth it honestly

>> No.31455610

Also, I understand it's probably so that steam won't be anal about provocative content related to minors, but the "community college" thing is kind of distracting because it's so obvious that he's a high schooler just from how they describe school activities

>> No.31455813

He's also only 15, which makes some of his decisions seem more justified or fitting for his age

>> No.31456017

Yeah, I've been told that like 5 times already in this thread

>> No.31456134

Can someone check the age of other guys while we are at it.
Sex in cage with Gretel!

>> No.31456607

Spoilers for the untranslated chapters of Taisho Alice.
Now I think about it, why do the boys have seperate specific ages anyway?

>> No.31456617

I like otomate. I only play translated visual novels. Rape is bad. BL should be wholesome instead of cannibal incest.

>> No.31457581

It's in the order they were created, which is why I asked the Gretel age autist if they changed the rest of the ages to match but they're too buttmad about their interpretation of Gretel to answer me.
Also if I remember right Shirayuki was created before Akazukin, but he's younger than him for some reason I've forgotten the details of. I think it was related to him being the one who took the trauma of finding his mom dead.

>> No.31458862

Oh yeah. I remembered that it wasn't exactly their creation order (because that was a clue in Wizard's route) but I forgot that Shirayuki and Wizard were the only exceptions and the others did follow it. Now I try and think back, Shirayuki's age might have been because he didn't surface again after the mom died and just stayed in the dream world.

>> No.31459563

I know this is a joke but please fuck off, leave the cannibal incest alone.

>> No.31459573

Oh right that was it, thanks. I remembered him being in a coma in his route's story but couldn't remember how it translated to what happened in the real world.
Also I'm guessing this >>31390979 post is yours? If so I'm glad you liked it. I followed Taisho Alice from the start of the original separate volume releases and was hyped for the last one after the volume 3 reveals and then was kind of disappointed by the epilogue essentially just being a summary but I'm still very fond of it. Who was your best boy?

>> No.31459760

Nope, not that anon, I played it last year and was just thinking back on it since the topic came up. My best boy is Akazukin though.

>> No.31459831

Oh well that's embarrassing, ignore me. Excellent taste regardless.

>> No.31459984

Shit taste, Minku is great. The choking CG is the best one in the game. Kojak worst boy.

>> No.31460217

also based

>> No.31462484

The music and backgrounds are good.

>> No.31468134

Just play the game and find out

>> No.31468184

Minku looks like an old ugly woman. It doesn't help that he's literally 3dpd tier

>> No.31475641

Mink is shit.

>> No.31478390

Weak bait

>> No.31490845

Who is going to be the best slow damage boy

>> No.31491265


>> No.31491295


>> No.31492785

Finished Gretel's route in TaiAli after stumbling into 2 bad ends blind and realizing I needed to get a guide to figure out what the hell these people even wanted. I connected to her somewhat in the episode 1 routes, but after Gretel's route I just find Yurika unbelievably horrifying and it's almost amazing how bad an influence she is. The exploration of addiction and crossing lines was interesting, but in the end of it all I was left with a feeling of a lot of stuff still feeling unexplained compared to Red and Cindy's routes.

Knowing Gretel was 15 didn't really change my impression of the route much because Gretel's problem to me wasn't that he was 15. It was that he was crazy, needed therapy and needed a support network that didn't encourage his worse impulses whether on purpose or accidentally. I'm still not quite sure why any of what happened had to happen but at least I can't say that it was all uninteresting.

Time for Kaguya's route, I'll play blind for a bit since I've heard that this route is near impossible to complete without a guide

>> No.31493618

I'm literally praying it's Towa because my body can't handle another bester boy.

>> No.31495881

How many times have you posted about finishing it wtf bro

>> No.31496366

This is my first time posting about finishing it, my last post was about my progress when I was at the halfway point. There seems to be another person who is also playing Gretel's route in the thread though

>> No.31496440

Nearly all of them look promising, so it's difficult to tell. Even a hypothetical vanilla choice would have interesting interactions with Towa. It looks like he might corrupt Fujieda, for example.
I think Rei is my early favorite though.

>> No.31497648

Fujieda. I just know he's going to do some crazy shit.

>> No.31498242

I feel like every blog thread has at least two posts about finishing his route, so a lot of anons seem to be playing it during the holidays

>> No.31498587

>VN in your list has been deleted 4 days ago
thanks for the coal santa
Ouka Otsu obviously

>> No.31498796

That's unfortunate, I used to go visit the page every once in a while in a grave-visiting fashion

>> No.31499365

I just want the majo sequel

>> No.31499384

Did they make Towa TOO sexy?

>> No.31500090

He's too sexy for the LIs we got...

>> No.31501182
File: 151 KB, 1200x839, D-4W2eGU0AA0OgC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just hoping that we live long enough to see it come out, I can't imagine how the people who read Majo when it first released must feel by now

>> No.31505457

Personally I want to fuck that dude in glasses.

>> No.31505733

I want to see him bottom but we still can't have versatile pairings in the year 2021 apparently.

>> No.31506676

But they were more common in 00s games.

>> No.31507530

Only Shingakkou and Kichiku Megane come to mind.

>> No.31508409

Beyond Eden fandisk is actually out on steam.
Also enjoy new year fellas, hope 2021 games won't disappoint us.

>> No.31511970

God same I hope he bottoms

>> No.31518837
File: 676 KB, 1111x1567, sd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best boys.

>> No.31519169

I like the megane dude and the long haired one.
I kinda wonder if there's going to be routes (even if not romantic or porn ones) for NPCs that are tied to that euphoria system. If any other N+C game taught me something is that at least some NPCs do get to be relevant.

>> No.31522334

What's some basic entry level otome with a good plot and at least one well written guy who is a bit sadistic, mean and arrogant
I'm probably going to be too embarassed to play through it so please just give stuff you've played

>> No.31523904

>tribal tattoos in nearly 2021

>> No.31528829

Psychedelica of the black butterfly

>> No.31529486

Alvaro from Wand of Fortune, Hinose from Sweet Clown, Gretel from Taisho Alice.
Alvaro is probably peak execution of the taming the bad boy fantasy. While it indulges in a lot of the usual cliches(sad past/playboy/hard to keep the interest of)MC is fun and good at handling him so it feels like a pleasant tug of war most of the time instead of being frustrating and leaving you wondering why she bothers putting up with him. He's probably the only straight forward guy of that type I've ever liked.
Hinose and Gretel have a lot more going on with them than "sadist asshole" but I'd say they still have that appeal anyway. Hinose is an absolute semen demon and single-handedly made me like Kakki. I can't say Sweet Clown is entry level but the other two fit.

>> No.31531948

I'll check these out thanks
I have a psvita which I think helps?
And I don't mean asshole I guess someone who likes seeing the person he likes squirm a bit and has a really high regard for himself
