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File: 331 KB, 2324x2324, __amatsuka_uto_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_tyaba_ryuu__b0312c4b58e3c4d850c259100772a3c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31972857 No.31972857 [Reply] [Original]

Purest tenshi in the universe.

>> No.31972874

bun bun cha!

>> No.31972960

Bun Bun Cha!

>> No.31972987

RFA stream when?

>> No.31973103

bun bun cha!

>> No.31973112

bun bun Cha!

>> No.31973495 [DELETED] 


>> No.31973567

Ignore bait, keep the thread clean.

>> No.31973723

For such a pure tenshi she has a lot of skeletons in her closet.

>> No.31973846

such a pure leech

>> No.31973951
File: 696 KB, 2000x2769, hoo1gtwrar661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine leeching off Amelia of all people
Tor anyone claiming it's not true, she literally tags her videos with Amelia and Hololive.

>> No.31973980

Let's see what we've got from last thread
Amatsuka Uto/***z*w*
>had a fallout with her collegue
>had trouble maintaining her façade even when she had 100k followers
>need to find a new outlet
>failed audition to a certain uprising vtuber company in Japan (which is going worldwide)
>joined a Chinese company
>formulate a plan to success (a.k.a. leeching) with the Chinese (at that time Chinese company are trying to chase out hololive from the Chinese market and have their own vtubers going international)
>hunts around for artist that did design for any hololive and found Ame's (paid by using funds she received from the Chinese company, not cheap)
The rest is history as we said it but here it goes
>using hololive tags to get traction
>deleting those video/posts with hololive tags to cover it up once she saw the youtube algorithm kicked in (there is a team behind her helping her to check that)
And then this one artist who was not paid by her actually made people suspicious of her and dig out all the stuff mentioned above. To be honest, there is already a big enough red flag that she used the meta tags and deleted them once they are in effect, but people are dumb enough and starving for new contents that they fell for her.

She is not bad as an entertainer and pretty much still an above average indie if she did not use these underhanded tactics. Such a shame.

>> No.31973993

I want be a boner in her closet.

>> No.31974035

Imagine being this dumb to think tagging do anything.

>> No.31974040

Since you used present tense, you can surely post some proof, right?

>> No.31974048

It's live!
Sadly most people here are EOP who can't understand shit he's talking about.

>> No.31974071

Please rewrite this so she funds the chinese corp. I want to larp her as a true Bond villain.

>> No.31974153

>being this ignorant
Just go and read the last thread if you want the leaks. Repeating "it is not true", "good narrative" won't make it go away.

>> No.31974204

I already done my digging weeks earlier and this reads like a fifteen-year-old's fanfic

>> No.31974233

Who knows, I might tag pewdiepie and I'd get a million subs.

>> No.31974239

Yeah yeah. Shs is not a leecher, she never used hololive meta tag and there is no evidence that she is a fake indie yadda yadda.

>> No.31974252

You sound desperate, chang. We perfectly know half of that is not true, the other half is twisted to your narrative. I start to have a suspicion you are Naeji, that cunt.

>> No.31974262

Sounds more like you want to "repeat it until it becomes true". Typical 4chan tactic.

>> No.31974277

>this reads like a fifteen-year-old's fanfic
Welcome to /jp/. You'll find more of that here.

>> No.31974343

Imagine thinking that it did nothing.
People actually did that. Not for PDP but there is once a Canadian psychology professor that got pretty big on some issues. His channel exploded. Some people actually created channels with similar names to him and got like 50k subs from it. I am not talking about clippers (which the professor also have) but legit people creating their own life advice channels by using some form of his name.

>> No.31974351

She needs to play Doom or some souls game.

>> No.31974353

What's going on with this thread? Why not use the other one? This is a serious question actually. Is the other thread anti general or something?

>> No.31974372

Why would a mainland Chinese post something bad about her? The source literally link her to the Chinese vtbing company.

>> No.31974380

/jp/ getting raided as usual

>> No.31974388

People just wont shut up about the same narrative.

>> No.31974399

Because that is past bump limit.

>> No.31974406

Source for this?

I was expecting Narukami but get the dog instead. Usually the dog is pretty tame about drama. Seems like this is really a big deal.

>> No.31974416

>The source literally link her to the Chinese vtbing company.
My fucking sides, good one Xin.

>> No.31974464

Except that's not the same case as using meta tags at all.

>> No.31974482


>her fans defending her not paying the artist until the artist make the issue big
Now this is some dedicated fanbase. Also calling something a narrative won't make it go away when the evidence is fucking out there. Enjoy your leech while it last.

>> No.31974489

Not to her fanbase apparently.

>> No.31974509

Any torrent for her members karaoke that has just ended?

>> No.31974519

>youtube claims there was no waiting room viewer bug
>youtube is lying, can't trust them
>youtube claims metatags don't do much
>I beleeb this
Imagine falling for the jap version of the trannyshark

>> No.31974525

There was no tag on Youtube back in the days, which is like 4 years ago. Youtube recommend based on different algorithm and it does appear on my feed so it does give him exposure. Leeching works.

>> No.31974558

The artist was a fan, who made fanart for free. She said she would give some reward for a piece of fanart. Then something happened, she didn't follow it through and the guy started to throw an entitled hissyfit that she HAS to pay for the fanart, and that she HAS to acknowledge and apologize to him. And this months after the thing actually happened, when she became big enough, not earlier, nope.

>> No.31974557

Oh damn. I am sure you would find Uto from the sea of indies even if she did not post the pic of her with Ame, and she never use the hololive meta tags!

>> No.31974580

Tags don't do shit, her videos get recommended because her viewers are mostly Hololive fans.

>> No.31974583

Her fanbase are EOPs and have no idea about it.

>> No.31974605

>her viewers are mostly Hololive fans.
>Tags don't do shit
Yeap, average Uto whiteknights.

>> No.31974608

So is there a compilation of evidence for all of these narratives or is it just schizo larping? I don't even watch her but I still hoped she would find success, and I hate when shit like this happens

>> No.31974609

She paid back though
>Until the artist make the issue big
She paid though. The transaction is complete. What is the issue here. His feelings?
>Also calling something a narrative won't make it go away when the evidence is fucking out there.
Maybe people just want to disuss uto but you guy spamming the thread with shit that wont affect her streaming at all.

>> No.31974616

Whenever you ask for source without looking up the past threads, you're either from reddit or a dumbass (usually both)

>> No.31974639

I'm working on it.

>> No.31974642

Its okay though. Hes male. Males always are guilty. Girls get away with all sorts of shit from the virtue to being female.

>> No.31974644

I uploaded videos to yt before the 2010s and there were tags, everyone added all kinds of shit so they are searchable.

>> No.31974655

Not even an Uto fan but you have to come up with better evidence than that. Some artist made what sounds like the most tenuous deal of all time. Sounds like they didn't hash out any timeframes or specific payment and then she eventually forgot. And once he reminded her he got paid. Mildly shitty of her to forget even if it was an accident, but nothing damning.
The only thing anyone can pin her for is the tags, and like three of us actually give a shit about the tags. People say that tags didn't do much for her but her growth slowed with the removal of the tags. Also, if the tags didn't do anything it was really dumb to include those.
Overall there's little indisputable, verifiable evidence that she's a jerk.

>> No.31974656

I watched 5ch for weeks with their cognitive dissonance, cope and seethe.
This is their entire laundry load of schizos narratives dumped onto here.

>> No.31974675

If you want an unbiased view on it >>31966977

>> No.31974689

All the rrats are without source.

>> No.31974703

For real? Just for the record I'm a member and I watched the stream but I'd like to watch it again

>> No.31974708


>> No.31974715

Why would 5ch matter when her fanbase are EOPs?

>> No.31974725

>She paid though. What is the issue here
You literally quoted the issue above your sentence.

>> No.31974770

I was not aware that it can appear on the title before that. Tags appear on titles is a very recent thing. And things is tags work.

>> No.31974776

But she paid?

>> No.31974791

They don't appear on yt, only on that playboard thingie.

>> No.31974792

Seeing one indie suddenly beat holos and nijis in numbers stirs their shit up

>> No.31974810

>People say that tags didn't do much for her but her growth slowed with the removal of the tags
Did you expect her to keep gaining 30k+ subs a day indefinitely? Just because it roughly lined up with her removing the tags doesn't mean that's what caused the slowdown.

>if the tags didn't do anything it was really dumb to include those.
Agreed. Look at people giving her shit for it even though it didn't help much.

>> No.31974823

Can someone give me the link for this? >>31971323

>> No.31974832

uto and delta collab when

>> No.31974841

Don't care she's cute

>> No.31974865

She stop gaining subs because she needs to meme more. The ultimate EOP bait.

>> No.31974866

How to give a link to someone's fever dreamed schizo bullshit? Would Musk's neuralink work?

>> No.31974871

it sounds like 5ch linking separate unrelated things together like a conspiracy

>> No.31974881

Imagine if your mate borrowed 100 bucks and said he will paid you back. You have to make him pay you back after months after you keep pestering him. Also he is not answering your phone sometimes. You mentioned this exchange to your mutual friends, and he replied "Mate, I paid back your money, what is wrong with you?"
Same energy I guess.

>> No.31974929

But the dog won't be so dumb to fall for the unfounded thing. It has more integrity than Narukami.

>> No.31974940

Imagine that it's not what happened. Imagine that you keep giving food to your friend because you like him (no homo). He says one day he will pay you if you make him a dinner. Then the rest as was mentioned.

>> No.31974965

not about the artist thing

>> No.31974966

Why would anyone want to join a company that take huge cut from you when you can be indie and take all of it?

>> No.31975024

Yeah that motherfucker should pay me back when I ask, not after multiple times I pester him. At least a fucking dinner together that he pays or something.

>> No.31975026

B-but anon you need to take in all the rrats and stop enjoying uto in the uto threads. Our resident shiz- I mean fellow anonymous poster said so. And they wouldnt lie to us, right?

>> No.31975048

Self entitled much? Know your place, worm.

>> No.31975089

Because joining hololive give you more money even if Cover takes a huge cut. Gen 5 have 100k subs handed to them on their debut. The exposure from the compmany is very important.
However you can get both the exposure and no cuts from Covers by using their tags if you are shameless enough.

>> No.31975115

Try to realize, I know it's difficult for changs, that you did it because of your good will, you didn't want anything in return because of your good heart. Then suddenly you want to be paid, apologized, and want her to get cancelled. Truly the schizo experience.

>> No.31975116

Asking people to pay back as they promised is self entitled? Ok dude.

>> No.31975117

Does anyone still have the karaoke stream open? What is the stream title?

>> No.31975136

>The exposure from the compmany is very important.
Sure cover shill. Gotta keep the monopoly going.

>> No.31975166

Yes. When youre being an ass bout it and doxxing for muh feelings.

>> No.31975183

>Then suddenly you want to be paid
It is not the artist's idea that he wanted to be paid. Uto commissioned the art that time and didn't hold the end of the bargain until the artist made it an issue.

Namecalling won't make the truth goes away.

>> No.31975205

kek, uto knows a thing or two about doxxing her friends as well.

>> No.31975243

>hololive wannabe
>can only steal the tags to get relevant (people only started watchiing her because of her relation with hololive through the shamless use of the tag and Ame's image)
>now wants to steal an artist's work
Always know that she is up to no good. Once a leech always a bitch.

>> No.31975284

>someone that has no bottom line
>doxx their own friend
What a surprise.

>> No.31975309

She didn't, the other guy did when he brought up the other relevant fact

>> No.31975395

must be a real pain to be involved in so many conflicts and be the victim in all of them. Life must hate this girl.

>> No.31975406

>Went out of her way to hire Ame's artist to do a redesign just to get some kind of tie with holo EN
>used hololive meta tags (all of them) to get her channel rolling then deleted the evidence
>gets big
>people are digging up her bad deeds before the redesign/rebranding

I mean it is as expected. She would not care because some suckers will always defend her no matter what she do. Fans are just that. They can storm the capitol and take a bullet for you and you can just concede the next day and move on to another alias.

>> No.31975414
File: 90 KB, 864x864, 1606802949515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thought I'd finally found a wholesome seiso aidoru to dedicate my life to
>she's a backstabbing whore like all the rest

>> No.31975435

>so many drama when working with other people
No wonder Yagoo didn't pick her up.

>> No.31975467

I know your fingers hurt samefag

>> No.31975564

>so many drama
ESL, are you not tired from last thread?

>> No.31975590

Really? That is all you can come out with?

>> No.31975609

How do I even samefag when I am not replying toj any post?

>> No.31975615

I bet you support Amber Heard.

>> No.31975627

>Why would anyone want to join a company that take huge cut from you when you can be indie and take all of it?
How many indies are there take make it that big, retard?

>> No.31975644

Why do people care about hiring Ame's mama and using the hololive tags? Youtube is not kind to new streamers trying to get noticed, just look at all those indies who have been active for over a year and are still streaming to like 12 viewers. She played the game and she won, props to her.

>> No.31975655

Did anyone get the source about the part with the Chinese company one? It is the only one that I couldn't find from last thread.

>> No.31975656

Look at these bugmen, they know not empathy.

>> No.31975659

This combination of new and ESL is astounding.
Stop embarrassing yourselves any further

>> No.31975695

please understand, these zhangs have no capability of thinking, they can only regurgitate memes, even ones used against them

>> No.31975705

She leeched and get called out, that's it.

>> No.31975747

it's everything else that's coming out about her that paints her as a dishonest bitch of a yab magnet, on top of the leeching, stupid.

>> No.31975766

More like they are trying to make it seem like it is Chinese that are creating the narrative against her so that hololive fans will be siding with Uto (using hololive once again, like vtuber like fans). However all the evidence are originated from 5ch which is famous for being xenophobic against chink so it can't hold any water at all.

>> No.31975774

You serious?

Let's create a random chuuba doing the exact same thing in both situations. As an indie she is streaming to 15 viewers and might get one 500 yen super chat. As a member of hololive she is is streaming to 5,000 viewers while getting tens of thousands of yen per stream possibly more.

>> No.31975810

zhang your ploy's not going to work, your tenshi is literally a chinese knockoff of the hololive brand

>> No.31975817

>name calling
That is when I know I got you, mate.

If she can leech blatantly like that and act like nothing happened, she can do worse stuff. The things that 5ch leaked is not even the tip of the iceberg yet.

>> No.31975821

Ah yes, the totally believable "narratives". You guys are pathetic.

>> No.31975838

Cheng, your English reps

>> No.31975855

can't wait for gen 6 bros

>> No.31975857

Everyone wants to join Hololive. Fact is, she failed and can only leech from outside.

>> No.31975894

>all sorts of yabee
>can't work with other people
>create drama
>known leech
>trend hopper instead of trend creator

>> No.31975897

Do you even know what that word means? Several nijiniggers and indies are on the top superchat list and nothing is stopping you from donating to them. Take your meds schizo.

>> No.31975921

>blatant stilted english and even grammatical errors
>not knowing what samefagging really is
I know you're putting more effort onto your English, but it's too late by now

>> No.31975955

Utofags are EOPs branching out from global, of course they have no idea about nijisanji.

>> No.31975956

stop deflecting zhang you little bitch ass nigga

>> No.31975970

But if your are a fan of someone and they offer to pay for something and they don't then suddenly they are your biggest enemy and you have to go to the world's end to take them down. Because your are a fan who does it for free, right?

>> No.31975984

>leeching is a narrative

>> No.31976029

ogey, resort to your buzzwords because you can't convey your message any other way

>> No.31976046


>> No.31976048

Please learn English before posting here.

>> No.31976051

She didn't doxx anyone, she was threatened by her former boss to get doxxed though.

>> No.31976066

lol, because that's totally not what you're doing, you little rrat

>> No.31976123

Let's do a comparison with twitch. Twitch is also hard on new streamers. You think all the streamers are big when they started up?
Forsen was a small streamer but got big due to his own moment, which is akin to Pikamee when she was getting big.
Athene on the other hand got big by using viewbots to boost his channel. Not to say Uto is the same as Athene but she literally used hololive to boost her, of course she is gonna feel the heat.

>> No.31976127

Good thing the board isn't called /en/, EOPchama.

>> No.31976156

jesus christ, this thread is getting as bad as uto's character

>> No.31976180

Snubbing a dedicated fan is the worst thing you can do to cultivate a fanbase, you retarded chink.

>> No.31976233

It's getting bad because you're in it

>> No.31976234

>Source for this?
Read last thread.

>> No.31976371

In the meantime it's funny seeing Japanese and Taiwanese fighting each other in the comments.

>> No.31976507

actually uto is the one who being doxxed

>> No.31976614

That was not a true fan, that was a leech. Just look what happened to that klaius guy, it's like that but could be worse.

>> No.31976650

>no true scotsman
>thinking anyone was being serious about kalius

>> No.31976784

delet this

>> No.31976920

I watch her because I'm entertained. The unnecessary drama happening around her doesn't really matter.

>> No.31977009

The level of schizo in this post. Anon, she is a chuuba, not a super villain.

>> No.31977017

She's literally a deranged sociopath that is burning bridges at an alarming rate though. Wouldn't be surprised if she gets her ass banned from youtube sooner or later.

>> No.31977094

>not a super villain.
We can make her one.

>> No.31977137

not even meds will save you at this point

>> No.31977261

Only a full lobotomy can save anybody who would believe anything actual antis say.

>> No.31977308
File: 170 KB, 500x374, 1609326230122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31977341

isn't that a pic of Chisato Yoshiki?

>> No.31977413

Alexa, define "deranged sociopath"

>> No.31977937

Man, I really hope those dams break in China. Or some other industrial accident happens that kills thousands of zhangs. Im literally praying for a nuclear meltdown in zhangtown.

>> No.31978042

finally some quiet as the nips sleep

so this must be why the discord "locked down" for much of yesterday
From what it looks like, she probably let them know of what's happening, asked them to stay safe and told them not to join in.

>> No.31978063

> praying
Be the change you want to be. Do not wait for miracles.

>> No.31978178

Im not going to bugland.

>> No.31978184

Why do we have 2 threads

>> No.31978191
File: 358 KB, 3000x1687, featured_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much TNT

>> No.31978236

So why do you care about this psycho cunt again?

>> No.31978253

Because one is over bump limit and someone made a new one.

>> No.31978272

nice narrative, but this is why

>> No.31978292

Bump limit doesn't matter for /jp/

>> No.31978297

Why are you here?

>> No.31978358

This isn't Minecraft, anon.

>> No.31978395

So what happened to that karaoke torrent that anon promised?

>> No.31978427

Zhangs got him.

>> No.31978476

Just wanted to see how long you're able to keep up your little "deny everything" larp like you agreed to. Shifting to chink boogeymanposting is pretty ironic given you're acting just like the CCP when faced with overwhelming evidence of your wrongness.

>> No.31978500

spoken like a true Mainlander

>> No.31978560

Being uploaded to Mega right now.

>> No.31978588

gotta grind for that tenshi pussy

>> No.31978597

>Search youtube if there's some clips from her karaoke a few hours ago
>Only see some Russian clips

I understand Russians and Botan, but I don't understand Russians and Uto.

>> No.31978612

The amount of irony anon...

>> No.31978665

Even Russians like cute.

>> No.31978699

ESL-friendliness + something to ease their suffering

>> No.31978715

Putin is helping her dominate vtubing just like how he helped Trump become president. She's their mole.

>> No.31978745
File: 39 KB, 678x452, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you calling me short?

>> No.31978878

Short things are not necessary cute.

>> No.31979025

Today's member only karaoke.

mp4 ~5GB

AAC ~150MB (unsplit)

>> No.31979200

Thank you very much. Im a member but I missed the first half. Also I hate that these can't be archived, I mean if someone becomes a member later, what do they get? Just a comment to a stream that's not up anymore.

>> No.31979232

Thank you anon. You're doing God's work.

>> No.31979668

There's a bit of skipping in Homura but I compared my rip to the one in the Discord membership channel and it's glitched there as well. Probably just her internet unfortunately.

>> No.31980261

Found concrete evidence that she is a guy


>> No.31980574

Still a girl's voice, have you heard Towa's real voice?

>> No.31980790

wtf I'm gay now

>> No.31980982

joke's on you i'm into that shit

>> No.31981193

Its not how low her voice can go but how she uses it. Like Ina who can suddenly go suave at a drop of a dime

>> No.31984151

Lulz, I knew something like this was going to happen the moment she reached 300k. Hell, even a retard could easily tell shit like this was going to happen in one way or another.
It's a given that most of the ones going after her are Hololive fans since there was no way that they would take it sitting down watching some "indie" surpass actual Holos (getting close to even the new IDs was already a huge sin) and it is only get worse from here on out because right now she is only skimming the edge with it only being a matter of time when she reaches actual members like Nene. The other ones are most likely pissed off JPs who find themselves being a "minority" in her chat and that she's pandering to the overseas. Even without Holos that's already a big no-no from their point of view and the rest are most likely those in for the ride for laughs.
It was obvious the whole tag thing was going to be the main ammo used against her because it really is the only thing that CAN be used, cause every other yab right now somehow reverses as if it was almost planned.
The real fun starts now. It isn't even about any of the yabs or rrats or whatever but its seeing how she's going to handle this. This entire month is going to be hell for her, whether she wants to or not and the only to see is if she will continue on this razor edge of the entertainment industry or break down like a certain pathetic Succubus after getting doxx to hell. Heck, we haven't even gotten to the roommates and "friends" yet. You know they're saving the big ones for a special occasion.
People call her underhanded or cutthroat but they're retarded to think that weak ones can ever survive in works that is nothing but cutthroat where only the strongest can survive. This isn't her first time, no doubt, but it will be the quite test for her to see how she will get through and even after she does it will continue to pile up. There is no other path but up, cause its not like apologizes or hell even graduating and closing down her entire channel will work since they probably already got her phone number and address.
I'm very excited for all this.

>> No.31984259

She's a 19 year old just entering a new phase in her life, handling a million things at one time. Give her a break jeez

>> No.31984364

Holofags are irrelevant. It's the autists from 5ch that are rising in full force.

>> No.31984430

I could give a shit. I'm not defending her nor am I against. I'm simply having fun watching the chaos unfold cause its entertaining.

>> No.31984592

>She played the game and she won, props to her.
That's just it. She played the game and won, but you do have to live with the consequences of how you played the game for better or worse. You do indeed have to take the bad with the good.

>> No.31984727

It's more than that. I wonder if she is still playing the game somehow. Don't you find it interesting that all the narratives and information given about her always does a u-turn in the end?
Even this shit with the artist somehow ends up more of a gain then loss. I've seen the artist twitter a few days ago and for strange reason, he private it and only now has he started to open it again. Another interesting thing is that his entire statement in the end turns against him cause he admits to being mad and not forgiving despite stating that she apologized over and over again and that she has paid.
Here's another interesting thing. Have you notice how her recent stream from the week was all shit hard games? As if she was trying to build up a different image of herself?

>> No.31984841

I don't know how intentional it was, but she's one to never back down on a challenge be it spicy noodles, GOI, or singing as long as possible

>> No.31984959

I like this Vtuber cause I don't like Amelia content. But holy shit her chat is fucking awful with the shitty and dumb super chats.

>> No.31985083

Yeah most of the moves she made earlier were very clearly to build up her audience. Now that her growth is stabilizing down from crazy to just exceptional she seems like she's shifting to acclimating that audience to the things she's more interested in, as well as expanding the content she's associated with, instead of being pigeonholed into the same three things.

>> No.31985167

This is what makes me laugh hard. If that's how you think of her, what do you think of the casuals that cling to her?
There's a fun difference between JPs and EN viewers. While JPs are the biggest cucks in the world, they're also the most petty and autistic where little shit tend to have them break off cause they never want to be involved. EN on the otherhand are frankly the opposite. They are retarded and extremely easy to manipulate especially in the case of "pity". Even now you have dumbass talking about that idiot who got doxxed, spewing shit about how they love her and miss her despite her never even done anything but those same dumbass don't really bother to check her real account.
Even if its not intentional, if you are able to "build" up a character based entirely not just on cuteness and innocent, but also "determined" it becomes something fun when controversy hits and you have an entire audience consisting of english speaking snowflakes and faggots.

>> No.31985187

Probably. A lot of people follow Ame's mom and she can only draw one (1) face.
If Gura's Kana had come out months after Gura she'd have 600k subs aswell. People follow trends.

>> No.31985273

Yea I get what you mean, and I don't exactly like that feeling. I'm gonna be keeping my distance from this.

>> No.31985281

You should take your meds.

>> No.31985589

>"Omg she's doing 11D chess by manipulating people to cause yabs that on the end will benefit her!"
You guys sound like Alex Jones on a bad day.

>> No.31985704
File: 110 KB, 1277x718, AxelVSuimitsuMomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's with all the hate towards Uto? The streams don't seem bad at all aside from the godawful chat (like with Meiro). Is she ACTUALLY a leech like Troontemis and/or scamming like HoloCN? I personally like that an indie vtuber's able to get popular to the point of having a decent-sized fanbase now that Hololive and Nijisanji get all the attention.

>> No.31985739

At the very least this is another test that will show how shrewd and capable she really is.
I know she was well aware of the tag issue quite early on, even alluding to how it began on /hlgg/ specifically. She prepared for it enough to mistake another's question on twitter tags for youtube metatags

>> No.31985782

JPs. She's getting too close to competing with the main companies without ever having to rely on collabs and was successful in riding the trends and still continuing. As if that would ever be allowed.

>> No.31985880

She easily carries her own streams unlike actual leeches and her success caused widespread seethe among the established players

>> No.31986051

She doesn't leech at all, she doesn't mention other vtubers unless chat asks about them. She was always respectful of them and she's basically a hololive fan, that's why she started this career.

>> No.31986071

It'll also test to see how strong she really is. While seeing her breaking down will be fun, if she breaks from stuff like this so early on then she doesn't deserve any of this she's built up so far.

>> No.31986226

Most of the hate is from nips. EOP's are too retarded to give a shit, which is a good thing.

She's much more subtle and smart compared to the tranny shark. Uto undoubtedly gained popularity from her connection to Amelia, but was able to keep a lot of her new viewers by actually being entertaining. She doesn't talk about Hololive unless it's brought up and has never resorted to showing up in a Hololive member's livestream or thrown a sc for attention.

>> No.31986293

Jesus. Well, hopefully the situation doesn't turn into another Aloe/Deluta (glad she's back and singing). Those Duolingo streams of hers are rather educational for a dumb EOP like myself and Duolingo going full "facebook game".
Thank you for answering, anons! Also check out that vtuber I posted the pic of. beautiful laughter that heals all wounds.

>> No.31986453

>EOP's are too retarded to give a shit, which is a good thing.
She might actually gain more EOPs in the long run if stuff like this keeps up. They lap shit like this up and rather than hate they love it. Why did you think the Dragon and the Shark are one of the most popular ones with them? Hell, Hololive's main biggest boost came because shit hit the fan hard enough that it was brought to even the attention to normies and people who hate commies.

>> No.31986794

when you think you got a Coco but all you got is an Artia..

>> No.31987597

>She might actually gain more EOPs in the long run if stuff like this keeps up
Yeah whiteknights will come out and pitywatch her.
>Dragon and the Shark are one of the most popular ones with them
You actually think because of the antis? Coco has lots of EOPs before any antis came out as she was the only holoJP that can speak any semblance of English and Shark got the most subs among holoEN since day 1.
I am sure you are the one that think Uto's antis are holofags too with how shit your logic is.

>> No.31987665

>Kagura Nana: Uto's stream is not for a while
we got a ride ahead, buckle up

>> No.31987833

Seems the JPs are raiding all her videos and mass disliking with most of them telling her to pay the artist. She's going to have to either lay low or moderate if she streams.

>> No.31988052

This raid is 1% of what Sio got, embarrassingly small

>> No.31988121

But she already paid? Fucking retards.

>> No.31988160

She really is lucky her audience are EOPs. Half the people raiding her aren't even mentioning that she has paid. Either way as a growing vtuber it'll prove interesting how this pays out.

>> No.31988248

The artist in his Japanese statement didn't mention it and most people came from the dog who probably also didn't mention it. Also most of them are there to slander cause it is a raid from 5ch. Expecting sense would be stupid.
But once again, since most of her viewers and fans are EOPs it kinda flies over but we'll see.

>> No.31988294

Can we doxx the artist? Eye for eye.

>> No.31988331

Don't be stupid. You do that and it'll cause even more shit since the fire just started. Doxxing the artist will lost his statement about her having paid.

>> No.31988413

Why not dox the raiders. Serious question

>> No.31988484

Because causing a mess is what they want. They this to escalate more than it will. Half of the people raiding even admit they know nothing but only heard from the dog. But once again, we'll see. Wouldn't be surprise if there will be spambots and raids on her live chat during stream.

>> No.31988532

What is this twitter now? Goddamn.

>> No.31988599

Don't bring up Delta faggot, they already compared them in the last thread and it only made Uto look worse.

>> No.31988635

better* cuz she didn't pussy out

>> No.31988642

What if uto is addicted to getting dicked too?

>> No.31988855

I learned of the dog from this thread. It was a good find. Short and subtitled too. Is he accurate tho

>> No.31988877

They fuck each other. Convince me otherwise.

>> No.31988910

>didn't mention the artist got paid already before he threw a tantrum
What do you think?

>> No.31989068

The artist also seem to be putting the english statement pretty low on his tweet, not adding it along with the rest and disabled comments on it.

>> No.31989119

Pls translate

>> No.31989167

The English translation of his original tweet is dogshit. EOP's probably don't care because they can't understand his garbage ESL translation.

>> No.31989219

they'd care because it amounts to whining, entitlement and lying from the artist's behalf

>> No.31989301

But it seems he did mention that she has already paid there and its him posting it as a “warning”. The best thing Uto should probably do is put out a statement and do a public apology to him, make it so she’s the bigger person in both JP and especially EN cause it would at least salvage her base. 5ch will probably be raiding her for a while now however.

>> No.31989387

How is he lying? She ghosted him and then only paid up after being pestered by him. He said she paid but is still pissed off by what she did and wants to warn others.

>> No.31989409

>5ch raid
So it's that 400 dislikes on her latest video? Lmao.

>> No.31989554

“Warn the other” but I doubt that's just what he really wants. Its no doubt revenge is part of his plan too. Even if she is to apologize to him privately he said he don’t plan on letting it go. The only thing possible now is to pull it into full public since she’s already righted on her end. The longer she waits the worse it might get. If she give him an official apology and all that bullshit it will at least stop her fanbase from igniting in the process. Won’t stop the raids but its cutting off a wound before it fester too great.

>> No.31989635

Most of her EOP viewers aren't even aware of what's happening or care. Posting a public apology would mean kneeling to those autistic nip faggots.

>> No.31989703

Saying she hasn't paid on the original transcript?
Regardless, Uto's justification was that "she hasn't used the illustration yet", and I'm pretty sure Yoru ni kakeru wasn't the commission.

While there doesn't seem to be a formal contract, if her terms were that she'd pay upon actually using the artwork, it actually makes him seem the petty aggressor here.
From that viewpoint, he prematurely begged for his payment after rousing shit up and she would be justified in seeming disgruntled towards him.

>> No.31989775

Never apologize. Embrace the EOP. No joke though, I think she should seriously learn english hardcore and throw the nips out.

>> No.31989789

That’s why its important. In the end, while she was wrong, she is already righted it by having paid him. However the artist is hoping it would spread further and wants it to still be seen that she is still unforgivable.
By doing a public apology early on, admitting that she was wrong why also showing his statement it will at least stop future problems once the EOPs do find out. It’s not even about right it wrong but more about making a show she is regretful and that the artist will be a total asshole if he doesn’t still accept the apology, which he doesn’t plan to privately.

>> No.31989859

>he doesn’t still accept the apology, which he doesn’t plan to privately
Source on this

>> No.31989898

Of course she didn't pussy out. She failed the audition.

>> No.31989930

Meds failed to treat your schizo head, dear lord

>> No.31989953

It's in his statement
>Now, that I have received a reward from her but she said same things over and over as if thinking that a simple apology would be the end of it
Even if it was shitty translation he has himself admitted that she tried to apologize but is saying he is not going to let it go which is why he's doing this.

>> No.31990099

>No joke though, I think she should seriously learn english hardcore and throw the nips out.
Of course you are a groomer.

>> No.31990100

it doesn't sound like the things she said over and over was the apology though, more like the apology/payment was the result after that.

>> No.31990154

Then why would a public apology be any different? All it would do is feed that shitter's ego. It would be better if she came up with something more discrete, like a set of rules regarding fanart use or commissions. There's no need to validate the artfag and give him the attention that he's seeking.

>> No.31990181

Then all the more reason to just solidify it. She’ll be stupid if she don’t at least take control of the situation. Its not even about the antis or 5ch but more for dosing the flames for her current simps and her coming ones.

>> No.31990209
File: 2.80 MB, 246x264, amauto.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uto love.

>> No.31990245

Because that’s probably what he wants. He wants to make her look evil and that he is in the right, that despite she having paid him that SHE is the petty one because she blocked or unfollowed him. He doesn’t care about the apology but the point is that she can make it look like she did wrong and will take the high road, thus so that if he still try to make a big stink it will instead make him look like a total douchebag.

>> No.31990327

>it doesn't sound like the things she said over and over was the apology though
But the one who defend her would say it is because they can't understand Engliah.

>> No.31990535

He also included their conversation on line. Moonrune was pretty formal, closer to an actual business transection and she did apologize and paid the 1500yen.

>> No.31990538

Take your meds. You can't read people's mind.

>> No.31990621

That is my point though. She didn't apologise over and over.

>> No.31990663

Its not hard to understand the mentality of idiots. This is corporate move 101. You don’t need a degree to figure this stuff out.
Why do you think companies tend to make a apologizes and say that they will change? Even if they don’t mean it, it is to prevent shit from spreading more than it can or should. Also, Japanese culture is all about stuff like this too. If she wants to still work in this industry in the long run she has to bury hatchets the best as she can because JPs are still important to her for future things like collabs or other stuff like works and commissions.

>> No.31990732


>> No.31990779

>I’m sorry
>I understand
>I understand
>I understand
>I understand

>> No.31990828

the point is that she already apologized seen in both transcripts and in the messages
and that he didn't think it was enough

>> No.31990862

The only thing to be concerned about the JP audience is that once they're pissed enough its just a train ticket away to her house.

>> No.31991025

Yes, but understand that this guy is also not well known. Because he is not known, only the rumor that she “scammed” him will circulate. Nobody is really going to search for his statements or read his transscript. So what she has to do is make an announcement that will permanently kill it off, if smart she will include his statement as well as proof. She’s not doing it for him, fuck him, but instead to save image of herself and to show the people who do come look at her only knowing the rumors to confirm that she is in the right.
You never, ever, ever want to be caught by negative rumors on its own. Also by doing this she can also play her image of “cute” and “innocent”, as well as prevent further future trouble that may happen with commission and borrowing artwork.
Do you know that 5ch is also using the fact that she used fanworks edited by other people based on Hololives against her to keep alive the narrative she’s leeching. The guy himself retweeted it so its easy to tell what he’s hoping to do.

>> No.31991255

Uto is not leeching, its just a n-narrative.


>> No.31991708

from what I know, as with many things this stems from poor communication, assumptions and misunderstanding
the most ideal way would be to communicate (like actually communicate) with him in private as a way to make up and bury the hatchet
getting him back onto her side would just about reverse everything happening as it is

>> No.31991752

How well did Cover kissing China's ass work out for them? The whole Aloe fiasco? At this point, most people who even care about this issue have already formed their own opinions. There is no way to appease autistic anti's and it's stupid to think that apologizing to save face will change anything.

>> No.31991873

Maybe some infoslut (like Hero Hei) could make things better by outlining the whole situation for EOP audience? It seems that now only information from that whiny faggot >>31989953 is spreading across the internet.

>> No.31992144

Private and a public apology would be best cause once again, it isn't about him but to save face for herself. By not saying anything she is allowing those that don't know her get swallowed up by the narrative and not just a narrative but narrative with proof. The worse kind. It's not as bad as the tags but it will get worse especially if it starts to get more known. the point of the matter is that she can make the normalfags that will find her be the ones to see that she is still in the right because that guy was being pretty shitty by putting all of this up in an attempt to retaliate. Even if she bury the hatchet with him privately he can still try to say that she didn't do it or not accept. The idea is beat him at his own game, where he is trying to us public outcry to defame her by spinning it so that he really is the douchebag. Japanese people do take apologies and repenting quite seriously, and especially if she shows that she understand that she did wrong and won't do it again this will at least let her keep the normalfags. The antis, they don't fucking matter. You never think about antis or shitholes like this. It's always the normalfags you have to have on your side in situations like this.
The difference is that this is still small. The two situation is different because Aloe was technically part of a company and it was Cover being incompetent twats that allowed it to escalate. The same with both situations.
The China situation was Cover being retarded and not cutting the bud when they could, instead just thinking it would blow over and allowed the antis further power.
Uto still isn't big so the faster she acts, the easier it will be to salvage herself.

>> No.31992193

shut up and go take your meds schizo

>> No.31992262

>Hero Hei
That faggot is the worse to ask. He'll do what the dog did but spin it even worse, making it into an actual problem. In fact, it would be best to stop this before infoslut like him get whiff of this like vultures to a dead carcass.

>> No.31992267

whatever schizo

>> No.31992396

just your typical 4chin schizoids,nothing but a side effect of never getting out of home for them lol

>> No.31992423

She wakes up around now in Japan, often later though

>> No.31992440

>Hero hei
lmao sure add more fuel to tribal wars
Why cant vtubers just stream in peace

>> No.31992802
File: 57 KB, 767x630, ErACOFxXUAEfre3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You on the left.

>> No.31992910

>no clips of the getting over it stream

>> No.31992951

Are you retarded? Or just pretending to be one?

>> No.31993006


>> No.31993067

Cause I search for amatsuki uto instead of amatsuka uto and it fucked up my search result lol

>> No.31993130

amatsuki these balls nerd

>> No.31993183
File: 190 KB, 1490x1667, Eq-GyKkVoAAzWMm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31993196
File: 72 KB, 1024x512, utadude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the money, Uto?

>> No.31993217
File: 2.92 MB, 2720x1800, 1610156870119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31993245


>> No.31993511

>that Ina face

>> No.31993574

Make an edit of the one from the Room with that little faggot and Chris R.

>> No.31993790


>> No.31993932

El Mao

>> No.31994779

Is she really an indie or not? Anyone tried asking her that directly?

>> No.31994870

She's an indie. It's just that she has people helping her like with her twitter so she probably has a small team.

>> No.31995129

Then all the allegations against her were false then. Damn, scared me for a second there.

>> No.31995493

She's probably not a virgin though.

>> No.31995849

As long as her butt is still tight, it's fine by me.

>> No.31996109

I bet it's so tight an average anon couldn't even do her in the ass, several occasions of dilation would be needed before any real anal sex could be done without hurting her.

>> No.31996235

Probably, from the JP transcripts regarding her drama back during her time in the esports group, she supposedly has a boyfriend.

>> No.31996463

That guy who threatened made it sound like a hypothetical situation.
Since there was no major scrutiny on whether she had one unlike her sister I'm inclined to believe so.

>> No.31997274

why faggots obsessed when a holo is a virgin or not

>> No.31997312

t. cuck

>> No.31997320

>a holo
Oh anon...

>> No.31997475

Just a matter of time.

>> No.31997538

Avatar is always a virgin though. Need to wait for VR for the deflowering.

>> No.31998344

Or AR. There's that Hatsune Miku AR phone app, I used that to sit her on my cock. Good times.

>> No.32000641

You seem upset, chink. Is your dick shrinking as you get fatter or something?

>> No.32000964

dog? is that domoarigato or someone else? domo's fucking unbearable, by the way.

>> No.32001108

He means >>31974048

>> No.32001118

Is this constant amount of apologizing normal in Japan? it's to the point of being really annoying.

>> No.32001175

This the equivalent of thots being mad at Melody because she got popular without"paying dues".

>> No.32001529

For corporate stuff yes, its meant to make it so shit won’t escalate and can be contained. Japan is really big on accepting blame and repenting for it, being humble and modest and knowing that you did wrong.
The reason why she should do a public statement about it isn’t so much for him, but because it will also make it so that she can show she understand and even force him to accept the apologies that he definitely won’t accept in private because otherwise it would just make him look like a petty piece of shit especially with all is said and done.
Her problem right now for normalfags is that they’re being fed she “scammed” him and that he’s still the victim despite what’s she’s already done. As long as he can be the victim, he have control over her and it becomes more ammo and it’ll impact her greatly in the future with other artist and people that she might need help from. Nobody ever wants that cause its public suicide.

>> No.32001761

I looked at the kuroh artist's twitter. Here's how I see it: she forgot to pay him, then she did, and she already apologized, but the artist wants to be a little bitch so he is dragging out the drama, when everything was already resolved in private.
This shows that many online strangers are just unpleasant, vindictive hacks to deal with.

>> No.32001786

I'm interested in seeing what happens if the antis come after her hard since she has such a large EOP audience. It's a unique situation and EOPs (especially burgers and straylans) are anything but polite online. Anti crusades are nothing new in this industry but I can't remember or think of a situation close to this. The closest I guess would be what happened to Towa and in the end the EOPs beat the Antis by keeping her relevant. Will be intriguing to see the Antis vs. Uto's shield of angry EOPs.

>> No.32001943

Because it also gives him exposure don’t forget. His other reason he’s so vindictive is that he didn’t get as famous as some of the others that is also benefiting from Uto’s success like her rigger and most likely Nabi. He’s probably pissed off that she hasn’t used his artwork, which you can see from his phrase about hoe she has more fan artist now and why on his twitter he’s talking about no longer doing art for free. The lnger he drags out this drama, the more popular he can get especially if he’s the “victim”.

>> No.32002027

Would you say you like Amelia herself more than her content? I think I do because I'm not into watchalongs or APEX but Amelia is the most entertaining to me of the ENs.

>> No.32002061

Amelia is the content for you

>> No.32002171

I suppose but I dislike Kiara's personality and demeanor on stream but I can watch her play minecraft for at least half an hour straight. It's weird.

>> No.32002241

It’ll be different this time around since Uto has already established an EOP base. Towa only gained her white knight EOP’s after the incident. You have to remember that the japs are a bunch of spineless vaginas who’re too scared to type into an all English chat.

>> No.32002309

It either leads to her gaining more sympathy cause EOPs are all about protecting and when their is controversially it can help quite a bit if it is something stupid like this. But it can also be a bad thing cause the JP antis are betting that her EOPs will fight with only half the idea she’s in the right. No doubt she’s going to get a bunch of message that will ask her to pay. お金持ち or something like that is going to be spammed in her chats and there will be them trying to incite a fight from the EOP, which unfortunately her chat will follow suit due to how simple they are.
Another problem is that she’s not exactly in the same league as Towa who has backup from Cover, even if little, and stuff. Its also unfortunate but Uto’s JP might be too small and too easy for the antis to also weaponize.
But yes, we’ll see. Hopefully she will be able to handle this.

>> No.32002347

Uto didn't even use that artist's art because the relaunch happened. Did I get it right?

>> No.32002399

I have heard people calling for her leech and doom since day 1. This new thing is a nothingburger. So she forgot to pay and did, and apologized. What's there to be outraged at? Nothing.

>> No.32002424

Yeah. He mention having drawn emotes for her and the main picture of his was from her Yoru ni Kakeru where she did credit him.

>> No.32002546

Its more of their idea of her being further strengthened and gathering ammo. Its little right now but make no mistake it is anything but a nothingburger since it is defamation and attempts to paint her as untrustworthy or scummy to even normalfags. Never worry about the antis but always worry how it will affect your current fans or even newfags that might come in knowing nothing.

>> No.32002852

Wait, she leeched? I thought she only used some meta tags that don't even work...

>> No.32002891

zhang shill tactic

>> No.32003157

The narrative is that she’s leeching from Hololive. The metatag is true but she removed it and, while alot of people might not know, she did an apology for it and said it was because her “friend” did it. It was the best possible way because it was nothing and she didn’t have to fully admit that she have played the youtube system but it’ll always be the strongest narrative to use against her for now.
Many of the antis are also taking clips of her out of context to spread around, like when she did impressions and certain memes and also her thumbnails where she used works of fans who edit Hololive stuff for her. For example, one of them is the Walfie art but the guy who did it was a random no name on twitter and he himself admitted that he used Fubuki’s edit on purpose.
Even if it isn’t a big deal the idea is to spin it into a big deal. That’s how it works.

The only other thing that you could call “leeching” is that she is able to draw away the same crowds that are fans of EN which is suppose to be her target audience as you see her biggest simps are deadbeaters or chummbuds.

>> No.32003387

Don't think the zhangs have gotten wind of her yet, best that they stay the fuck away.

>> No.32003671

>Still 324K since 5 hours ago


>> No.32003710

Well spent supacha money. Hopes she plays more games in the future.

>> No.32003777


>> No.32003821

Yeah, its disheartening. I always knew that her popularity was also due to JPs as well as overseas. I really hope she will be able to at least address and salvage this soon as possible. But even if she somehow become irrelevant or hell, go back to 32 viewers I’ll still continue to support her. I only want her to be happy, that’s all.

>> No.32003940

Yay for antis, now they can stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.32004624

uto thread was fine before, now it's all a mess. where were you guys before? why do you decide to fling shit now?

>> No.32004769

It actually died down quite a bit. Besides that, half the post here aren’t even people flinging shit but just discussions and hoping everything will go back to normal. Also, dead hour.

>> No.32005639

it was a mess when 5ch raided
they might raid again on peak hours

>> No.32006247

So is uto not streaming for a while? Curious to see what the chat will look like

>> No.32006364

She’s probably trying to straighten out everything, I hope. Even if she stream right now it’ll only work against her and probably even allow the anti potential to further slander. Hopefully she will address this, or at the very least the people who work with her already let her know. It feels so lonely without her. Having to wait just sucks.

>> No.32006421

Fucking whores are getting closer to holo-live JP because of the stupid gringos on 4chan. Give me a break. Do you have any idea how many people this guy has hurt in the past?

He's hurting the hololive brand in Japan.

Shion and Ollie, who know nothing, are being taken advantage of, as was Watson. This guy is a criminal who has learned to free-ride on the holo-live brand. You have to understand.

>> No.32006470

Based 5ch anti, all you gotta do is kill off her potential JP fanbase.

>> No.32006473

Here comes the Engrish brigade

>> No.32006496

dig me up some more 5ch stuff pls

>> No.32006556

"he's hurting"
Here's how we know you're a JOP fag.

>> No.32006567

Some people have been forced to retire as Vtubers due to the slander of UTO. So ignorant...

Before wishing UTO happiness, please imagine a little bit of the lives of those who were hurt by UTO!

>> No.32006599

Not like her graduating or even reincarnating would matter. You would just go after her again and you probably have her phone and address. Even if she kills herself I doubt it will be enough. Have your fun. Until you get bored and move on to the next target.

>> No.32006617

more, more..

>> No.32006628

Here's correct though. The artist is a fucking leech, you have no idea how many he hurt the same way, and he wants to ride the coattail if someone else.

>> No.32006655

It was also her deed: after UTO was fired from a company as a Vtuber, she revealed the age of her colleague, which had been kept secret, and continued to slander him.

>> No.32006657

>forced to retire as Vtubers
based Uto, sasuga ruthless businesswoman tenshi

>> No.32006707

Narrative getting a little rusty. But keep going. Best to keep a consistent though.

>> No.32006711


>> No.32006720

I was referring to the fact that the machine translator got the gender wrong. But you don't even understand what I am saying do you?

>> No.32006739
File: 60 KB, 660x664, Imperius-SoL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uto killed Aloe

>> No.32006745

based post

>> No.32006795

Are you an ESL? How can you not even notice a sarcastic joke?

>> No.32006826

Retard couldn't even infer that the poster was a jop and his translation fucked up the gender.

>> No.32006869

Now that’s a narrative I can get behind. How do we make it real kek

>> No.32006981

Does she even have a thread over at 5ch anymore. She has an anti one no doubt but Does she even have an actual one. I want to see it.

>> No.32007010


>> No.32007013

What's the joke? Can JOP's prease use some better translations and learn to read engrish so we can andastand?

>> No.32007089

right here

>> No.32007112 [DELETED] 

her colleagues is a girl.

>> No.32007114

I see. You are a 5ch tourist who tries to fuck up our threads with your schizo posting. And you don't realize that because of the wrong gender I made a joke on the artist being a leech and hurting Uto. Well, actually, it's not a joke, it's real. I wish him a slow and painful death.

>> No.32007119

5ch's OTAKU is wary of UTOs with criminal records coming into contact with JP holo-live members. Several holo-live members have been hurt by a criminal known as "Salt" in the past.

Salt is a Vtuber who has been found to be slandering people on message boards. Hololive members who have interacted with her have also come under suspicion.
The company banned "Salt" from the industry. However, TOWA-sama, who collaborated with her, is still under suspicion. The stigma is hard to recover from, and UTO is just like this "salt.

>> No.32007152


>> No.32007206

speak proper english you fucking retard

>> No.32007240

Lmao, compare that to your own posts, you ETL retard.

>> No.32007281

my sides

>> No.32007326

That seems to be the old one. But I guess I'll search for the new one.

>> No.32007328

where did she say that she will take a break?

>> No.32007380

She didn't say but its obvious. She hasn't stream or put up any stream. I wouldn't be surprise if it was because she had to go through troll spam in her email.

>> No.32007551 [DELETED] 

I thought her anti thread will be bigger. Slow day or everyone is still asleep?

>> No.32007561

Well, the members of the holo-live may already be banned from contacting the UTO.
Watson, she's not touching UTO anymore, is she?

>> No.32007592

I thought her anti thread at 5ch would be bigger. Slow day or everyone is still asleep?

>> No.32007828

She is not popular in Japan.
She is only talked about as "a nuisance to the holololive", "an imitator of the holololive" or "an ex-convict".

>> No.32007856

basically her only notable exposure is to the anti crowd

>> No.32007875

Seems about right. I expected nothing less and it would make sense they're going after her right now since she is reaching Hololive sub-levels.

>> No.32007949

>"an ex-convict"

>> No.32008002

As far as 5ch is concerned, as long as she isn't spoken of as a member of the holololive, or gaijin on 4chan doesn't treat her like a holololive member, there is no problem.

As long as no holo-live member is harmed by her bad publicity.

That's why her disguise is so vicious.

>> No.32008009

>an ex-convict
I do love the irony of them hating on her cause she "supposedly" doxxed someone, thus is a criminal and must be doxxed. 5ch mentality is always enjoyable.

>> No.32008066

But even if she change her avatar now, I doubt they would care. Nothing less than her suicide would matter and even then, doubt it would be enough.
Well, let's see how it goes.

>> No.32008081

But Uto-chan is my favorite Hololive member!

>> No.32008097

I can't wait for the day Hololive begins leeching on her

>> No.32008145

The slanderous behavior by the UTO is a fact and is clearly mentioned in the video where she talks about the reasons for her termination by her employer.

However, if you are not a native Japanese speaker, it may be difficult to listen. Do a search.

>> No.32008152

Already started, just look at Ollie.

>> No.32008208

From what I heard, the other girl and the employer were kind of a assholes anyway.

>> No.32008250

Hololive will burn for this

>> No.32008416

Ollie is probably innocent and insensitive to malice. People like her are taken advantage of. Sad.

>> No.32008495

What? She's shown up in Uto's streams multiple times on her own accord. No one is forcing her to be a leech, anon.

>> No.32008581

He's trying to say Ollie doesn't know any better like Kiara. I guess Uto attracting her is a crime. Whatever.

>> No.32008593

Regardless of Ollie's intentions, it would be an act that would cause trouble for the holo. Like a child who unlocks his house against a thief.

>> No.32008679

I’m surprise you guys aren’t more mad at Ollie then. Unless you tell her she’s probably not going to stop since most vtubers don’t tend to care about each others past unless explicated told by their company that vtuber is yab.

>> No.32008803

How is that Uto’s fault? I’m not understanding the mental gymnastics here. If Ollie is being retarded, then that’s on her. She’s not a child.

>> No.32008836

You can't reason with that guy, he's a psycho bug anti, straight from 5ch. Not even meds could help him.

>> No.32008844

I’m guessing the fact of the matter is that they believe Ollie going to Uto is because she got lured in or something in their mind. So it would still be Uto’s fault.
So the only thing possible would be having her chat completely ban any Hololive members but I’m sure that’ll become another can of worms. Not really much to win here.

>> No.32008867


>> No.32008921

>I don't understand English, so I'll write in Japanese.
>The main battleground for social networking in Japan right now is Twitter, and 5ch, although it has a lot of voices, is not the epicenter of flames because topics flow quickly.
>So, if you want to stop the flames of V, you should stop the gossip accounts.
>For example, if you're on youtube, you can report them and strip them of their monetization, or you can motivate them by bombarding them with low ratings and trolling their comments.
>If you're on Twitter, report tweets that are offensive or slanderous and put them on shadow ban.
>Most users will monitor gossip sites, but not register them, so you can push them with numbers.

>> No.32008947

The thing is, westerns don’t care enough about the situation. The only flame comes from the JPs who still think Uto hasn’t paid because the artist didn’t mention it in his docs.
We too hope that Uto will just settle the deal with the artist about this, make an announcement and apologize.

>> No.32009014

This whole issue isn’t even on the radar for EOP’s. No one is really talking about this outside of 4chan. 99% of the gossip and hate are coming from JOP’s.

>> No.32009071

It's spilling on her last youtube video comments

>> No.32009104

The people already know about the situation but doesn't care because it won't really do anything. It's ultimately Uto's job to settle this with the artist.
We've been waiting all day for information from her infact.

>> No.32009142

It’s her job to deal with those comments then.

>> No.32009172

And even then it will just be seen as her trying to sweep it under the rug. She herself need to deal with the artist.

>> No.32009321

If she’s going to be antagonized regardless of what she does, why not do whatever she can to minimize the spread of this issue to the normies?

>> No.32009347

うとも早く謝罪なり声明出せって言ってるのかな? それはそう。


>> No.32009374

Yes. And the first thing would be if she and the artist can settle the deal. Then afterwords she should worry about the comments and other stuff.
However she’ll still probably raided for the next few streams but important thing is she address the main problem.

>> No.32009451

>Are you saying that you should apologize or make a statement as soon as possible? That's right.
Yes. That’s what we’ve been talking about and waiting for all day from her.

>> No.32009453

Did you miss the number on the chan, dogeater?

>> No.32009577

Is Japan going to follow China in restricting donations then?

>> No.32009749

Ugly ass bugs with no normal job or career, GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. of our forums!

>> No.32010140



>> No.32010275

>You wouldn't do it under the initiative of the government like China.

>Personally, I think I should throw money and buy something rather than the end and prepare something that remains at hand.
>The larger the V company, the smaller the number of goods that are being developed for the scale.
>What do overseas Niki think about that?

Bold to assume the people here gives money. Only normalfags SC or buy merch. People don’t care.

あなたは4chanがお金を与えすぎると思います。 normalfagsだけがお金を与えます。 しかし、外人は気にしません。

>> No.32010495



>> No.32010734

>Roughly summarize and ask for correction
Probably renewed and re-debuted last December
>The same artist as Holo EN Amelia, the meta tag of hololive (early activity), and the thumbnail copy of holo made foreigners mistaken for holo, and buzzed and studied English thoroughly, and it grew to 300,000 in a few weeks.
>At this point, some of the meta tags and thumbnails were frowned upon, but they did not catch fire.
>Yesterday, an attempted unpaid reward for the enclosure painter was leaked and burned
>In response to that, the previous life and the pre-buzzing stuff are beginning to be dug up now.

>The case of the enclosure painter
>Bring a rewarded request to a fence painter who has been providing fan art for a long time, which seems to be related to a contract with some company
>The painter submitted the painting in November, and after that he exchanged several times, but there was no talk of reward.
>After that, the painter eats a bro solution from the end of the year to the beginning of the year, probably when he buzzes.
>In January, when I sent a DM requesting explanations for the unpaid case and the bro solution case, it was explained that the contract case had disappeared, and although I finally received the reward, the painter responded as if it was troublesome. Was cut off and the exchange was exposed

>Perhaps the visible painter's fault was exposed, and the reward amount was not set in the first place.
>There is also the possibility that a strange enclosure was moved behind the scenes, but I don't know because it's not on the front.

>To be honest, it's not a professional-level painting, and you know what you were doing before you buzzed.
>I guess I wanted to cut the edge for some reason, but I was too bad
>It's pity to see the temperature difference between the request part in the first half and the office tone part in the second half.

Pretty much just bad communication on both party. It might have been possible the whole payment thing just slipped her mind and was why she spoke as if she didn’t know. Artist was just not please because he thought Uto or whoever he might have talked to was just trying to shoo him away which led to his anger. Regardless both are at fault but more fault as in miscommunication and irresponsibility.

Hopefully they just sort this shit out soon.

>> No.32010844 [DELETED] 

>So that's it. Thank you.

>I was a little derailed, but I'm about to have some free time. I'm sorry for making it dirty.
If the flames get noisy, please try >> 32008867 #. Even legitimate V fans in Japan are tired of gossip shops.

こちらこそありがとう。Uto love

>> No.32010870

UTO treated the illustrator who complained about unpaid remuneration as if she were a beggar. This kind of character of hers has been the cause of many troubles.

If we take the nuance of the Japanese language correctly, UTO looks like the worst kind of bitch

>> No.32010879

>>32010495 #
>So that's it. Thank you.

>I was a little derailed, but I'm about to have some free time. I'm sorry for making it dirty.
>If the flames get noisy, please try >> 32008867 #.
>Even legitimate V fans in Japan are tired of gossip shops.

こちらこそありがとう。Uto love

>> No.32011034

Not excusing her but since it was through line its not as if knowing the tone was possible or deliberate. Still seems to be more of a misunderstanding from a kid than anything. It really seemed as if she might have not known about it or having it slipped her mind. It could have been possible that the one who commissioned it might have been someone else too, since her twitter is handled by another person. She could have definitely word it better and her going into more formal dialogue in the end of their conversation. Either way, such a thing should not be allowed to cause more trouble than it did and its better that its just settled peacefully and probably open a public apology still.

>> No.32011042

Fucking artists everywhere can never stop fucking crying about something or other. Any retarded artist doing ANY art for anyone without a legal contract deserves any shit that happens to them, welcome to real life sweeties. Don't like it, delete you accounts and quit the scene plenty of others will take your place in an instant.

>> No.32011065

i fucking hate artfags

>> No.32011078

Does anyone still have her discord? Has anyone heard anything from her yet?

>> No.32011086

It's a shame the metaphor didn't come across; it's one thing for an ID member to be unfamiliar with the inner workings of a holo-live.

She probably doesn't know about the ban on contact between holostars and holololives (which has been revoked, but most of it is still in effect).

>> No.32011134

Didn't that Mel*dy have the same problem?

>> No.32011170

We should stop trying to affirm her through various fantasies.

The UTO slandered her colleagues and the illustrator who worked for her. The UTO is disguised as if it were a holo-live member. Those are the only facts.

>> No.32011180

She had literally all the records of the contract she had with him and he got blow the fuck out and literally stopped tweeting for months after Melody dumpster him with those records.

>> No.32011217

I don’t think there has ever been an actual ban between Hololives and Holostars. Just that many of the girl do no interact due to fans being mad since they are “idols”. The effect only comes from fans and stigma but there isn’t really a real ban.

ID are often collabing, encouraged even, with outsides because it help boost their popularity since ID is not well known as JP and its more important for them to be able to be known.

>> No.32011355

To be fair I haven't given Hololive EN a shot, Since most of their times are still wack for me to watch.

I've watched chicken a few times mostly cause she does quite a lot of cross overs with the JP branch

Really 2nd Gen should have girls from Europe. Cause so far US has 2 CAN 1 and Cali in Japan.
Chicken I heard is going back home. but meh I'll see if her times do change. Plus I feel they should get another girl from Canada to balance things imo

>> No.32011482
File: 251 KB, 590x550, sqdify5ljq161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The person who writes uto in all caps is a schizo trollfag trying to shit up the thread. Don't feed the losers. They are brigading hard.

>> No.32011490

Not looking at it through fantasy. But yes, she did do wrong in some parts that should be viewed as apprehensive but to call it sin is quite far.

From the records I heard, it would seem that Uto was also being bully by her employer and the other girl as well. True or not, that’s to be found out but it seem she did have complaints that were not attended to in her group. I don’t see any slander from the illustrator more of just poor wordings that she should definitely address. In the end, that’s all on her.

The fans and people who watch her watch her for her entertainment value, what she brings on screen not her personal life or past. Most westerners are like that, even with Hololive. Most don’t want to see any conflict and all this stuff is just a nuisance. They see more as just the character and the person behind as a seiyuu.

Whatever the facts are, hopefully she will deal with it herself because it is her responsibility. We only watch for fun.

>> No.32011614

You are responding seriously to a troll. Scroll up to see the other things he wrote.

>> No.32011626

No, it was really forbidden. The cover company made a statement. I think you'll find that holo-live JPs who can actively work with holo-stars are still limited to a few.

ID is detached from these contexts. They are exceptional. I'm not sure if the covers are simply laissez-faire about IDs or if they don't know about the circumstances on the JP side.

So when Watson spoke to Astel, the Japanese praised Watson as a woman who steps into taboos, LOL.
Watson seems to be loved.

>> No.32011691

Is her discord gone or something? Are they still people who are there or is it closed forever?

>> No.32011819

Do you mean the "official" Utopia discord? I'm still there wtih everyone. Uto is not on there (or a lurker). Kagura Nana is currently chatting.

>> No.32011826

Bullying was not a fact of life. You have probably seen the perpetrator girl acting as a victim. She's at a significant disadvantage when it comes to openly smearing people.

The CEO who fired her explains the situation. Check it out.

>> No.32011874

Whats it like over there? Is there still a link or invite? Have any of the mods contacted her about any of this?

>> No.32011886

Look, I know we're all bored and shit, but replying to that one poster with the most obvious bait posts is going a bit too far.

>> No.32011934

For the most part there’s nothing to do but wait. Even 5ch they’re pretty much just dead and talking about the same thing.

>> No.32012013

Despite her usual whiteknights brigade, at least some of the allegations seem to hold true. Time for me to jump ship.

>> No.32012028

The mods are recommending a neutral stance instead of encouraging crusades or white knights.

>> No.32012066

That’s good. Wait and see. Sucks but that’s the best thing for her fans to do right now.

>> No.32012207

no one cares.

>> No.32012292

What’s Nana talking about.

>> No.32012364

This shit happens all the time
>Art fag makes art about or for someone
>Says it's ok to use with little no compensation (that's their fucking fault)
>Person uses it and gets BIG or lots of money
>Artist is like "wait that's illegal! I want money too!!" and spergs out
Make a signed agreement you stupid art faggots. Jesus. Now Eizouken anime makes sense. Creative people have zero fucking business sense.

>> No.32012989

Her problem seem to be that it wasn’t just a fan art but was a commission, so its something that she was suppose to pay for. However, the guy seemed to have agreed to accept a reward although neither of them seems to have any idea on what the reward is. For the two month, she pretty much forgot since December was her debut. When he finally got to her she told him that she did not remember but was willing to pay him anyway and he took offense to that thinking she was treating him like some begger for money. Things get screwy over there and both of them probably thought the other two was being shitheads about the whole thing and while Uto apologized she spoke in a way that he thought was condescending and got pissed off so that’s why he did what he did.
It also seem to be that there were other people involved with the deal that while it was commissioned that the whole thing got lost somewhere. Either way, this is all stupid and both of them are idiots for letting something like this happen.

>> No.32014163

With how good her rigging is, I'd say she took a loan to pay nabi and Fungi and is supposed to slowly pay back the loan. Which would put art commissions on the backseat.

But with how much her popularity grew overnight, it won't be surprising if she used the superchats to pay back her loan, pay some other stuff like art commissions and take another loan to buy a streaming PC.

Then this happens, I'd say she is neck deep in debt.

>> No.32014437

I was only here when she was leeching on hololive, deleted the evidence and said it is "her friend" that did it, which if you have 2 brain cells to rub together you know it is an excuse as old as time. Not only was she leeching she was not owning up to it which to my estimation is always a sign that it is not a good person.

The fact that she only pay an artist after she promised 报酬, which directly translated as "reward" but for transaction wise the word always indicate monetary compensation, random rewards the Japs would use the term ご褒美. She only paid the artist back once they made it a big issue means that she doesn't care until it would potentially affect her name. It is also not surprised that she can make an underhanded tactic of faking Indie and working with a Chink company while decieving her fans.

>> No.32014572
File: 60 KB, 675x675, 0d059f6391780617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nana is drawing Uto. Judge her art yourself.

>> No.32014723

>she is not a good person
You would know that already when she failed the audition. Lots of girls in hololive have mental problems but they are kind deep down their hearts. Yagoo knows how to choose people.

>> No.32014964

>Then this happens, I'd say she is neck deep in debt.
It wasn’t even about money at this point because the guy didn’t care. His fee was only about 20$ in gift cards that he himself asked for. His problem was that he thinks that he’s a victim in all this and that she was being a bitch to him which from the text seems half true at best. The way she talked to him like he was a nobody, in his mind, because she has more fan arts now is what pissed him off. He pretty much thought he was used and thrown away, fucking artist entitlement. And then she using the formal talk at the end of their conversation was stupid because it did make it look like she just want to be done and over with cause you see that at first she was speaking to him as a friend but then went business.

This full thing is just so full of shit. Even if people try to say it is a nothingburger, how she’s going to deal with it is going to make or break her. She can’t just ignore this like nothing happen cause while it is not worse than the metatag bullshit it is definitely dumb enough that people who know about it might just want to jump ship. Hate the JPs all you want but they are still a more important part because she lives there and the community depends way more on trust. If she fuck up, there will be no way she’ll be able to work with anyone ever again.

>> No.32015147

>if you have 2 brain cells to rub together you know it is an excuse as old as time
All her contents including games imitate the holos even if she dropped the tags after that. She clearly knows what she is doing. People will eat her shit up anyway, some of them even think she is unofficial hololive when her personality just doesn't fit in.

>> No.32015265

Nah he's a lil' bitch faggot. She paid like a few bucks, apologized and resolved it. The fag then publicized their private conversation because he wants the drama and attention.

I have owed more money to my aunt for transportation and forgotten to pay for a week because it is so small and inconsequential. But she didn't write a letter to the New York Times to publicly complain about me. It is a nothing burger.

>> No.32015402

>I have owed more money to my aunt for transportation and forgotten to pay for a week because it is so small and inconsequential. But she didn't write a letter to the New York Times to publicly complain about me.
yes, it's the exact same thing

>> No.32015446

This shit is basically nijisanji level stupidity. The kind of drama you see idiots over there always seem to be having.
Fuck Hololive, she have hell of a lot more chance joining them with all this dumbshit.

>> No.32015510

>I was expecting Narukami but get the dog instead

>> No.32015571

Cover could be stupid enough to let her in, but Niji knows better

>> No.32015585

Ah fuck. Here it is. That faggot Narukami’s jumped on board this bullshit and now shit really is going to hit the fucking fan. If she really doesn’t solve this shit by today or something she really is going to be fucked.

>> No.32015786


Can someone translate what the general sentiment there is?

>> No.32015967

Same shit. His title is literally if you go Amatsuka Uto you will not be guaranteed reward/paid.
Its basically the same as reading it out and leaving parts out while also criticizing. Fuck, what the hell is she even doing and there’s no way she could be just sleeping or some shit. The dog, people might not know but this faggot actually have a rabid base and they will fuck her up if seriously don’t do something.

>> No.32016066

New thread

>> No.32016310

Is he japanese pewdiepie or something?

>> No.32016324

Are y'all really like this? Like she didn't make the associations herself?

>> No.32016448

KEK. I was thinking about the same thing when I saw the Amazon gift. Narukami sometimes is alright.

>> No.32025100

>She is not bad as an entertainer
she is actually pretty boring

>> No.32027821

ZERO proof for any of these claims.

>> No.32028268

Good evening, I'm a DeepL devotee.
Looks like she's still having problems.


・voice : I lost my collaboration with AMATSUKA UTO LOL


・I have no idea why I suddenly have to be stopped from uploading when I've paid all the fees for MV and MIX and asked for it and solved all the conditions and such that don't seem to pass by various means.

Perhaps she's trying to end her relationship with someone who is no longer of use to her because her mimicry of a hololive has been successful.

>> No.32029577

I don't get it

>> No.32030277

She ghosted this guy too?

>> No.32032559

no, she told him to not upload it for some reason

>> No.32034453

>artists offer her to make an kinds of stuff
>after she takes the offers they throw a public hissy fit to destroy her career
Yeah, she's doing good with that. Fuck those leeches.

>> No.32038813

I'm super confused, is she working in her capacity as Amatsuka Uto for a chinese company? Or that stuff is all in the past and no longer happening?

>> No.32038974

bs made by 5ch cause she got a friend helping, they literally got no proof

>> No.32038988

>is she working in her capacity as Amatsuka Uto for a chinese company?
Yes that's what the 5ch schizos are saying. There's no proof.
