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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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33955786 No.33955786 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Japanese women do this? Not just in anime, but in games, porn, vtubers, asmr, and ads. They raise their voices and try to sound fluffy, knowing perfectly well that it ruins things. Who actually went to bed with a woman and heard "Anh" and "Nnghh~" every 2 seconds when the clothes were still on? Whose idea was it to fill the ASMR catalogue with bright-eyed genki girls and lolis who speak in inhuman tones? It just worsens the experience. I want to think they're doing this out of spite, but it's so consistent that I'm starting to think every other recording has the same director. I want to listen to Japanese women 24/7, but they actively ruin their own products and it doesn't make any damn sense. I don't even remember if pic is related. Fuck this.

>> No.33955940

I hate vtubers, but I once saw a clip of one with a normal, comparitively deep, voice. It gripped me and she felt so much more real because of it. I was tempted to fall into the trap of watching her videos. There's just something about hearing an organic voice played from slowly vibrating vocal chords. It's so rare for anime characters outside of milfs, villains, or antagonistic onee-chan types.

>> No.33956020

Have sex incel

>> No.33956098

If I do that, I'll lose my ability to enjoy teasing. Being a virginal young man is great.

>> No.33956577

Just be honest with yourself and switch to male voices.

>> No.33957093

That's a definite jump. I like voices like Senjougahara's. Full and feminine. A man's voice can't perform the same role.

>> No.33957269

I always find it funny how a vtuber will accidentally use her real voice and I'll think "wow, that sounded infinitely better"

>> No.33957307
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Towa, please...

>> No.33957628

It's called voice acting and they are playing a cartoon character

>> No.33957806

Didn't know the women in JAVs were cartoons.

>> No.33957876

Imagine watching 3dpd
now get off this board

>> No.33958037

You don't like bright-eyed genki girls and lolis?
What a homo.
And if you want "real" voices, started watching 3D youtubers/vloggers.

I don't like it. It reminds me that she's just a normal 3D woman pretending to be 2D, and that ruins it for me.

>> No.33958388

>And if you want "real" voices, started watching 3D youtubers/vloggers.
That's where I'm headed at this point.
>It reminds me that she's just a normal 3D woman pretending to be 2D, and that ruins it for me.
As opposed to what?

>> No.33958468

If they used their real voices to begin with, it wouldn't break the immersion

>> No.33958575

>As opposed to what?
As opposed to not being reminded of that.
Imagine that you're watching a movie set in 15th century England, and one of the staff appears in the frame wearing modern clothes and carrying modern filming equipment, it would break the immersion, wouldn't it?

But then they wouldn't sound like lolis.

>> No.33958700

>Imagine that you're watching a movie set in 15th century England, and one of the staff appears in the frame wearing modern clothes and carrying modern filming equipment, it would break the immersion, wouldn't it?
Talking in a normal tone doesn't make her any more or less "2D".

>> No.33959503

Wasn't there an anime director saying exactly that in an interview?
About how voice actresses these days can't act with a natural voice, always the exaggerated high voice and it's not even their fault because that's just what is demanded from their profession.

>> No.33963755

I don't hate the exaggerated voices but I agree that there's too much of them and not enough relatively normal ones, I enjoyed zero two, bernkastel and beatrice(I know shes anything but normal but she really stood out) from ps3 umineko were great, tsugumi from ever17, just to list a few examples from the top of my head. I noticed that I tend to like more toned down voices more but it might be also because they just stand out more in the sea of typical high pitched ones

>> No.33964091

Just go for Chinese and Korean voice acting, my dude.
The Japanese has absorbed (((their))) way of thinking and will sell and sell the same voice over again until the destruction of what it was Japan in the old times.
The Korean and the Chinese known this and their voice actors and actress avoid unnatural voices.

>> No.33964159

Kiss Shot/Maya Sakamoto has an amazing feminine voice. Fertile as the crescent.

>> No.33964188

If you like those languages sure, to me korean and chinese sounds like scraping my ears with cheesegrater

>> No.33965999

I never understood this meme

>> No.33966043

To people who don't speak those languages, they sound awful. It's not a meme.

>> No.33967222

I really love japanese language, it just sounds "right" to me, everything about it does. And I don't just mean cute anime girl japanese, I mean the language itself in all forms, I've watched korean, chinese and japanese shows, interviews and heard people speak those languages. I don't like how korean and chinese sound, they're just tiring to listen to and I have no special feelings towards them. Meanwhile japanese is just perfect, I could listen to it for ages. It's just a personal thing, I'm sure there are people who feel the complete opposite

>> No.33967924

>Just go for Chinese and Korean voice acting, my dude.
Chinese is hopeless for drama, since lexical tones interfere with emotional tones.
Korean is just a terrible-sounding language.
Chinese stops being painful to hear when you've listened to it for a while, but it doesn't get all that much better.

>> No.33967943

Kiss-Shot was the complete package, yeah.

>> No.33968137

>lexical tones
People getting filtered by lexical tones is really weird. Do they realise Japanese have tones too? I know books such as genki and minna no nihongo don't tech teach them but, c'mon, Asia loves tones.

>> No.33968236

Pitched accents =/= tones
You can get by without using them and only sounding weird. You can't do that in Chinese or other real tonal languages.

>> No.33968285

>People getting filtered by lexical tones is really weird.
It's not. If you come from a country where tones are used to convey emotion, hearing people throw their tones in a blender to make more words will sound odd. The Chinese language tends to grate because of that (and their insistence on using variations of the same sound as separate sounds).

>> No.33968310
File: 226 KB, 800x800, okina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I don't like it. It reminds me that she's just a normal 3D woman pretending to be 2D, and that ruins it for me."

>> No.33968362
File: 1.45 MB, 1500x1125, 1616325637306-jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like it. It reminds me that she's just a normal 3D woman pretending to be 2D, and that ruins it for me.
I swear, vtubers' fans are one of the stupidest faggots I've ever seen. Holy fucking shit.

>> No.33968449

Why is Terence tao holding that sign?
