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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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34336560 No.34336560 [Reply] [Original]

why do people care for vtubers

>> No.34336589

they like video game streamers but don’t wanna watch men sit on their ass in front of a screen playing games all day for money so they watch roasties with expensive live2D models do it instead

>> No.34336616

it's like those shows where four girls do exactly jack shit except there's only one girl

>> No.34336716

Go, Alice-san!

>> No.34345048

A lot of people are gay nowadays!

>> No.34345113
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>> No.34345193

This guy sounds like a huge normalfag.

>> No.34345307

It's also not clear who he's quoting.
What's ironic is that he's posting on a Thai basketweaving forum where mostly sexually frustrated young men reside.
Other than that, the points are fair.

>> No.34345377


>> No.34346792

When they did it with Tesagure it was amazing. I wonder why they can't duplicate that with vtubers.

>> No.34346861

is he wrong though?

>> No.34346891

A new generations of zoomers retards with nothing better to do, "Chat culture" is utter cancer.

>> No.34346945

He is on two points:
The first is that all do the same thing. This is incorrect, since I know at least one (or two, if you consider Tsugu to be a vtuber) that do things differently from others.
Second, philosophy (at least how I remember it from school) is boring and abstract. I'd much rather spend my time reading loli manga in Japanese.

>> No.34347024

I mean, Tesagure has an actual writer. If you ever listen to seiyuu shoot the shit with each other without a script on a radio program or whatever, it's honestly not that exciting. Shit people come up with extemporaneously is rarely as good as things people have practiced and refined.

Virtual-san wa Miteiru maybe was trying to be that, but according to everyone blew chunks.

Virtual YouTubers all do the same thing in the sense that all comedians do the same thing (crack jokes) or that all VN heroines do the same thing (go through mediocre drama and fuck MC) or all 2hus do the same thing (throw bullets and banter).

The fact that he recommends that you pursue "literature and philosophy" should tip you off that it's an inane shitpost.

>> No.34347038

>delight in the pursuit of literature and philosophy
such a faggot lmao. why do people think they're better than others for reading? god damn bro

>> No.34347381

We ever get any official reasoning as to why mods still allow vtube shit here when they have their own board now?

>> No.34347453

why do people care for seiyuus?

>> No.34347501

Mods straight up it said it was require or forced and that they are free to stay or move if they choose.

>> No.34347518

Seiyuus at least matter in the sense that you might watch something because you like their voice acting or maybe they're a singer on the side. I don't get why people care about the lives of any celebrities beyond that.

>> No.34347523

Even though you're somewhat not wrong, your writing style clearly shows how unacquainted you are with books, at least there aren't any "u"s.

>> No.34347529

They didn't get the memo that 3D is PD.

>> No.34347587

brings some joy in their life, if it's not your thing it's okay
t. also huge 2hu game fag

>> No.34348068
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this is you

>> No.34350887

Pay attention, maybe you could learn something.

>> No.34351124

the same reason people care for lets players, they're retarded/ underage

>> No.34351439

I can't believe I was actually interested in vtubers at first, it was so naive of me. Of course they'd just turn out to be the same braindead lowest-common-denominator youtubers but with an anime avatar. Vtubersfags are literally no better than 12yos watching Pewdiepie, in fact I'm sure most of them are underage even on here.

>> No.34359458

you dont actually read philosophy stop larping

>> No.34359539

Tell me one entertaining vtuber. Just one.

And no, screaming and yelling like a Markiplier Pewdiepie manchild is not entertaining.

>> No.34359686

Beat Mario is pretty funny

>> No.34359824
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, ゆに.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Akatsuki Uni, even though I end up googling lots of words and expressions she uses.

>> No.34364095


>> No.34364241
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>> No.34364441
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It is a mystery

>> No.34364478

It's the twitch streamer culture kids these days love, but "otaku" (read: has anime avatar)

>> No.34364490

None whatsoever. The only thing they ever said was on IRC, when their ERP session got interrupted so they made a quick excuse and told people to use the feedback form, about 3 months ago.

>> No.34365268

Niconico is basically twitch, right? That's where all these whores came from

>> No.34366052

This is beyond autism

>> No.34367330

they should do this more often

>> No.34375793

this is going into my win folder

>> No.34377961

cute and funny
