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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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37421973 No.37421973 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>37168816

>> No.37421978

We were close enough I guess...

>> No.37423188

Lapis Re:LiGHTs and Heaven Burns Red discussion will save /mbgg/

>> No.37423213

I'm really looking forward to the latter at least

>> No.37424489

For one week at least. After everyone's done rerolling then we'll be dead again.

>> No.37424954
File: 1.72 MB, 750x1899, 1637749297407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play her game.

>> No.37430226

If you could only pick one, between Revived Witch and Blue Archive, which one would you pick to start today? Please, explain why too.

Friends told me that it's good to start gachas close to the server launch, because of events and etc, so I searched for recent gacha games and those two are the ones that I liked the most.

I only play Lost Word, never played any other gacha/mobage before, and I really liked the experience! But I'm in that point where you clean everything in 10 min and either farm one stage for 1 hour or you come back tomorrow and repeat.
I understand that this is something that happens in all mobages, at least that's what my friends told me, so I decided to start a new one, and start another one after this new one come to the 10 min point.

Thanks in advance :)

>> No.37430387

Play both for a week or two and judge yourself, only you know what you find fun. Picking things up just because is a good way to become like the average /vg/-tier drone who plays 10 different things and enjoys none.
From a subjective angle, I played Revived Witch back when it was in beta in China and it was all looks and no substance. The aesthetic was amazing but it quickly lost it's appeal when the gameplay was just clicking auto in battle or meandering through boring dungeons. The gacha was also AIDS, but maybe they're more generous in a launch state, stranger things have happened.

>> No.37431929

Blue Archive is one of the most generic and bland kusoges I've ever played, so not that one.

>> No.37432041

I will not play your games

>> No.37433141

You're right, I should try it myself.
I asked just in case a lot of people say something like "avoid x company at all costs" or "x has absurdly low rates" and etc, but these are things that I can learn by myself. Thanks, anon!

I don't know of other games to compare, but I believe you, anon. I'll try it for one week, because for unknown reasons I liked Lost Word, the simplest game I've played in my life. Maybe I have shit taste for mobages. Thanks, anon!

>> No.37433148
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Looks like dancer dresses are coming to Manasis, if anyone's still playing that.
As far as I know, no word on when or where they'll come from, though.
I'm hoping they'll be from event grinding like the halloween one, and not some cash shop only thing.

I haven't really been interested in either, myself. But I agree with >>37430387, best way to answer "should I play" questions is always to just try it for yourself for a bit.
Sometimes something is a total kusoge but happens to hit all the right notes for you, and sometimes the big popular game that everyone's talking about doesn't suit your tastes after all.

>> No.37433195

They gave away very cute Halloween Jill, so the dancer should be the same.

>> No.37434107
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Bros how pass quest

>> No.37434181

Wait for more story updates

>> No.37441379
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I hate to say it but cash shop outfits might be a good idea.
The game is extremely bonsai so they do need some kind of buying incentive.

>> No.37442657

>they do need some kind of buying incentive.
I can't really argue, considering how easy it is to get gems and tickets. I just prefer not spending money to spending money.
Though I might still go for at least for the Faruru one if they do end up going that route.

>> No.37446197
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Last season of the year will start on the 2nd - Jeanne gets the crimbo costume this time

>> No.37446370
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>> No.37447003

Being delayed to polish after a beta isn't a bad thing really

>> No.37450372

... we... we still have lapis...

>> No.37450390
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>> No.37452553

What's the latter about? I know Lapis will have a male self-insert being isekai'd into their world and somehow ending up as their sensei, but I know nothing about the other one.

>> No.37454708

That sucks. Dropped in advance.

>> No.37456579

Is there any way to make a Google account without having to verify with mobile these days?

>> No.37456690

It usually asks me and I can skip past it

>> No.37456941

That's a pain, I must be triggering some mystery bot algorithm because it won't let me skip phone verification.

>> No.37457636

Are you making it on your phone or PC? Try the other

>> No.37459737

>start Manasis because it looks cute
>zero (0) freebies on start
man, that is fucking grim
maybe i'm just entitled but getting fuck all just because I started a bit late is an enormous motivation killer

>> No.37459823

You don't get the 7 day login thing?

>> No.37459948

not sure I'd count a week of achievement chasing quests as 'freebies', but sure, that's still there, I was referring to the mail items. i'm just triggered by starting a game with nothing because i was a month behind

>> No.37460534
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I started late and missed whatever launch stuff there was, too.
But that's generally stuff I use to reroll, and the 7 day thing lets you pick your 5*.
So I could just use the tutorial 10 roll to grab any 5*, then use her until I could claim my guaranteed Faruru that I started the game for in the first place.
Sure, sucks to have missed some stuff. But I try to focus more on what I can get, instead of what I can't anymore.

>> No.37464013

This looks terrible

>> No.37464046
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This came out today. Not much of a game to it - collect furniture, make spheres and collect cute fairies.

>> No.37464915

Back to your chink general

>> No.37465062

I dislike genshin and think Taiwan is a country though?

>> No.37466753
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Your call. I'm picking Lapis up because of this.

Though, I thought everyone knew it already since you could extrapolate from both pic related (from the official site) and the unveiled voice lines so far (such as Kaede calling (You) onii-chan).

>> No.37468692

it doesn't matter, if they haven't changed it then you can just infinitely reroll the quests thing for the quests that give you 100 gems. You get an infinite amount as long as you're willing to grind.

>> No.37474524
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I wouldn't do it normally but it's a pretty good autistic fallback if you really want to grind out rolls

>> No.37479149
File: 514 KB, 2048x1300, E-Fzo-QVkAE0YLG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing the Grimms Echoes freeware rerelease for about a month now. It's fun™.
The cash shop was completely removed and the game has no stamina system so it's essentially just a normal action RPG you can play whenever you want.
The beginning of the game is insultingly easy but at the start of chapter 4 they unlock repeatable boss fights that become your main source of summons and the game hits a nice level of challenge.
The combat is solid. It isn't incredibly deep but you can overcome a big level disadvantage by building a well-oiled team and dodging attacks on the battlefield. When I lose, I feel like I lost because I made mistakes and not because my team wasn't high level or rare enough.
I wasn't sure about the whole "melodramatic fairy tale" theme at first, but over time I've grown to like most of the cast. If you like/tolerate other Square Enix storylines I think you'll enjoy it.

Overall, it's a pretty fun ride. The quality and amount of content is impressive, especially for a freeware game.
I think it would be a fantastic first gacha game for someone, especially if they're uneasy about microtransactions or the eventuality of the game shutting down someday.
If you have a couple spare gigs on your phone, I'd give it a download, if for no other reason than to have something to scratch your gacha itch when you don't have internet access (the game is totally offline).

>> No.37479904

How do you reroll?
Deleting data or the apk don't work and i don't like the characters i got.

>> No.37481519

Is it an offline game?

>> No.37481531

>(the game is totally offline).
Oh fuck this is what I get for not reading until the end.

>> No.37481826

You have to wipe the data from the title screen and use guest accounts.

>> No.37485529

Heaven Burns Red is shaping up to be the best game in 2022.
Don't go to its /vmg/ thread though it has legit schizos.

>> No.37485842

/mbgg/ clutching at straws

>> No.37493654

I'm disappointed most offline versions of dead kusoges are just offline gallery without actual gameplay

>> No.37496622

What a nice character design, can I get her if I start Manasis right now?

>> No.37496669
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I 100% agree.
I've been doing research on sunset gacha games for about a year now. The situation is bad but it's been slowly getting better.

So far the only freeware rereleases with reasonably preserved gameplay I'm aware of are just these:
>Tokimeki Idol
Fun rhythm game with dress up & VR.
>Dankira Boys Be Dancing
BL/Otome rhythm game. I haven't tried it.
>Schoolgirl Strikers Twinkle Melodies
Okayish rhythm game, has a long story mode.
>Love Plus Every Kanojo Plus Lite
VR romance VN, sequel to Love Plus on DS/3DS.
>Grimms Echoes

Only having five preserved out of what, like, a thousand? It's horrible.
But out of those five 3 are by Konami and 2 are by Square Enix. Konami seems committed to preserving all of their major releases and Square Enix recently implied they'd do a full freeware rerelease of all their gacha games as long as not too much of the game is server-side.
So we'll probably get a few more Square Enix games over the next several years, plus every Konami gacha going forward. Schoolgirl Strikers and Grimms Echoes both have sequels so I'm optimistic about those.

A Japanese guy started a blog to keep track of news about this stuff a couple months ago; it's a great place to check out if you're interested in this kind of stuff.

>> No.37496889

There was also the Yuzusoft gacha, Kako Tama?
Might be able to find an APK somewhere, was just a super basic puzzle RPG.

>> No.37497920
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You get one of her 4*s automatically.
You can roll her 5* in the gacha at any time. Or pick it with your 7 day ticket, if you want.
I kind of prefer her default 4*, anyway. Has a big heal + revive burst for when things get messy.
You can't get that skin for her yet, though. Apparently it's gonna be part of a new "gacha gacha" they're gonna add.

>> No.37498213

I don't know how a slow board that it attracts trolls.

>> No.37499037

Kusoge don't have gameplay in the first place.
Rhythm games preserve themselves well for offline versions.

>> No.37505326
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Nip gacha is fucking dead

>> No.37506249

that's a nip gacha game though!?

>> No.37506379

You lost, Chink

>> No.37506522
File: 778 KB, 942x1508, FFWUUXJaMAAKDSd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more stuff for Compass anniversary.
First of all, there will be a series of collab re-runs with Konosuba available until the 1st, followed by Nekomiya until the 4th, followed by Danganronpa until the 7th. Each one will have a double UR event gacha for the duration.

A 7-day login campaign and a total of of 16 missions will be available until the 20th and 31st December respectively. You can get a few hero tickets and up to 600BM, among other things.
There will also be a separate hero gacha for each hero class available until the 31st.

New irregular costumes are available for Megumegu and Reiya - obtain them by playing as one of the two and then encountering others with irregular costumes in battles.

There have been some card and hero balances today. Mostly buffs for cards, these involve damage/stat increases or cooldown reductions. Details are in the announcement page.

As for heroes, a number of them have had their attack speed increased for teleport attack cards. These are:
>Justice: +9%
>Noho: +17%
>Luciano: +11%
>Matoi: +6%
>Thomas: +13%
>Sato: +15%
>Noctis: +29%
>Joker: +29%

As for general balancing,
>Damage required to dispel hero skill reduced by 10%
>Hero ability lasts for 2 seconds less
>Defence modifier reduced from 0.65 to 0.60
>Attack speed of the 1st and 2nd normal attacks reduced by 7%
>Health modifier increased from 0.95 to 1.00
>Hero skill requires 5% less to charge
>Attack modifier increased from 1.15 to 1.25
>Attack speed for dash attacks increased by 11%
>Defence modifier reduced from 0.90 to 0.85
>Health modifier reduced from 1.00 to 0.95
>Health modifier increased from 0.80 to 0.85
>Hero skill requires 13% less to charge
>Hero skill requires 13% more to charge
>Hero action healing reduced by 6%
>Defence modifier reduced from 0.80 to 0.75
>Hero skill requires 9% more to charge
>Health modifier reduced from 0.80 to 0.70
>Movement speed decreased by 2%
>Movement speed increased by 1%
>Health modifier reduced from 0.95 to 0.90
>Damage buff of his hero ability reduced by 10%
>Cooldown reduction buff of his hero ability reduced by 50%

That's all for now

>> No.37506742

They still of The Game Awards

>> No.37508714

Nooooo, just checked and Manasis is one of those games that needs a japanese google account. How troublesome

>> No.37508914

Extremely easy to do
>Download Tunnelbear (or any other free VPN) and turn on to Japan
>Open Play Store, click avatar thing top right, click arrow drop down, Add Another Account
>Create account
>Close Play Store, clear data
>Open Play Store, switch to new account, done
Takes like 5 minutes

>> No.37511460

How's gran saga jp pc if anyone played it. Pros n cons if you will

>> No.37512298

Toji offline is nice, unlike the MA2 joke of an offline version so SE is getting better at it. Has that same problem as AG I think it was in that you only get to play dress up with the outfits that you unlocked but the full story is in there still. Of course it isn't useful EOPs who will have to watch subbed vids of it on youtube or read the story one the site that that one anon made. Hopefully others follow/out do SE in the future.

>> No.37513013

>No PTD offline.
I'm still pretty salty about this anon.

>> No.37515813

JP EoS tracker: https://gamebiz.jp/news/category/22

>> No.37515977

Crestoria soon

>> No.37524528

Tfw no more Popolocrois

>> No.37531699


>> No.37533111
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What's the verdict on this game?

>> No.37541587

I feel for you anon. It's a damn shame.

>> No.37548215

RIP /mbgg/

>> No.37548254

Such is life, there's not much new to post about

>> No.37548296
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It's okay, we've got revive skills for that.

>> No.37548974

Holy hell, the prices for the costumes in Manasis are disgusting

>> No.37549087

Cute loli tummy

>> No.37549278

I'd usually agree, but I like the game and hope people buy them since there's not much else to whale on.

>> No.37549375
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Eh, it's about where I was expecting it'd be. Mobage prices are kinda high in general.
Normally I still wouldn't, but I liked this one enough to go for it.
Milly can stick with her default, though.

>> No.37555421
File: 299 KB, 1200x618, FFlqAVYaIAAWuud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

December's season has started in Compass - usual stuff applies.
There will now be a Danmachi rerun from the 8th ~ 10th, right after the Danganronpa one finishes.
Star Park has also received an anniversary makeover, I believe it should replace the original for at least the remainder of the month.
There's also a nice little page available that gives you a breakdown of your performance stats, ranking history, cards etc. Good to know I've played almost 1000 hours.

Should anyone be interested, the Taiwanese version of the game is being restarted. The client will run off of the Japanese servers and will receive updates at the same time, but you must start off with a new account.

24 sleeps until Christmas

>> No.37559970

Is that a paid costume?

>> No.37562825
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That one costs anywhere from 120 to 7200 gems, depending on how lucky you are. But probably towards the higher end of that.
The paid ones are >>37549375 and this one, for thirty bucks each.

>> No.37565146

>30 bucks for 3D costumes
Sounds good, considering that Azur Lane sells 2D ones for at least 10 dollars, and Genshin sells super tame 3D for at least 25 dollars.

>> No.37577006

/mbgg/ EoS when

>> No.37580480
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Has anyone here used an out of region giftcard lately? Like living outside the US and using an US playstore giftcard to buy things for example?

I heard google tightened up their policies again and made it so people outside the US can't use giftcards anymore even if their region is set to the united states so wanted to check.

>> No.37586099

Already happened several times, one schizo just keeps it running

>> No.37587513

There is no point to this general when /vmg/ board is basically this general now

>> No.37588123
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Is Lapis Relights going to be the Uma Musume killer?

>> No.37589427

In my dreams.
The game is pure silence. We would be lucky if they manage to release this month.

>> No.37593179


They had a bunch of magazines make articles on the game already. From the looks of it, it seems to be the japanese gacha with the biggest production values.

>> No.37593967

Hope it flops because of this >>37452553

>> No.37594248


>> No.37596053
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Based game

>> No.37596155

I don't hate my own gender thank you very much.

>> No.37596291

You clearly hate any kind of decent character interaction.

>> No.37596940

I don't simply wish for a game to flop just because it has a male self-insert.

>> No.37598116

>japanese gacha
Lapis is actually outsourced to a Chinese dev company. They have been holding closed beta in CN since last year.
It is part of Klab's Chinese co-operation and expansion strategy.

>> No.37598569

So it'll have good gameplay?

>> No.37599657

Confirmed flop then

>> No.37599790

>idol game
>not a rhythm game with high difficulty charts
Confirmed flop. Might as well wait for Maika Fantasia instead.

>> No.37600242

I bought some japanese google play gift card from a reseller but I cant redeem it no matter what
I tried vpns from vpngate and random proxies online. I even created a new google account and added japanese address. even though it opens the japanese store front and shows my balance and prices in yen and everything, when I try to redeem the code it says you can only redeem it in japan
Anyone knows how to bypass this?

>> No.37600810

Nvm finally found a working vpn
Shit like this always makes me to make a fool of myself before getting fixed

>> No.37601506

I knew it had a chinese version but didn't know it was a chinese company developing it. But I guess you can technically call it a japanese game since Klabs is a JP company.

>> No.37602016

It can't be worse than Love Live SIFAS anyway

>> No.37607904

Seems that although the Ange Vierge mobage is dying this month, the franchise isn't dead just yet and they're even launching a new (sequel?) project for it soon.

>> No.37612709

So the Ange series is not dead, but changing or evolving.

>> No.37614504


>> No.37618940

That's neat. It does have a small but strong fanbase to build off.

>> No.37619749

Why are my rolls so shit lately?

>> No.37620042

They will be godly next month

>> No.37628118

I need godly rolls right now

>> No.37630123

Same here. I had to spark for a 1% chance result.

>> No.37632061

crestoria in copium state then klab new game is here

>> No.37633772

Lapis will save us with cheerleader high kicks

>> No.37636528 [DELETED] 
File: 567 KB, 1915x1298, FGAmu1nacAc3QHf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From now until the 17th there will be a daily free 10 pull - 2% chance for an UR card, the only other rarity you can get is SR.

>> No.37639425 [DELETED] 

Questions for those that played Otogi Frontier
Where is the summon required for daily mission as there are so many banners?
How to access H scene?

>> No.37639668 [DELETED] 

>daily mission
third tab from the left scroll down and do the gold currency summon
>h scene
home page top right click the pink heart for episodes
wrong thread see

>> No.37639815 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the direction anon

>> No.37646508 [DELETED] 

there's a thread on reddit of people who got hit by the blue archive ban wave (despite a bunch of them not even participating in the raid, or not ranking high enough for it to be meaningful). i notice every single one of them so far has used bluestacks 64bit

>> No.37653016

There can only be one blue to rule them all

>> No.37653460

Luminaria is next in the EoS list

>> No.37662971

Let's take a look at the latest kusoge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pfzv5CECgE

>> No.37663041

I see west taiwan has yet to tire of that same aesthetic in every game.

>> No.37667236

I miss the old /mbgg/

I miss having a comfy place to discuss the games I play, I miss being able to actually have discussion, I miss not having to wade through hundreds of shitposts to find the few nuggets of discussion in the shithole called /vg/, I wish this awful site had better moderation so discussion could actually happen and I wish the entire site's culture wasnt based around shitting down others throats for fun because this awful site is the only place I can find a few dudes with my same interests among the underage trolls and NEETs that masturbate to shitting up threads with the same bait every day

Thank you for reading my blog

>> No.37667372

There's been 10 posts in 3 days, you could have discussed whatever you wanted to but you didn't. Do a flip faggot.

>> No.37667379

>There's been 10 posts in 3 days,
threads fucking dead because everyone moved to other places

>> No.37667395

>I miss having a comfy place to discuss the games I play,
That's still around, though. It's just called /vmg/ now.
New /mbgg/ is pretty much redundant, we just still stick around here because why not?

>> No.37667416

>That's still around, though. It's just called /vmg/ now.
No it's not, I still play many of the games that used to be discussed here like Princess connect or Honkai impact but have you been to those generals? It feels like shit knowing that those are the only places I can discuss those games now when discussion of them used to be so nice when it was over here.

>> No.37667439

I haven't, but I imagine at the very least they've gotta be more comfy than the /vg/ versions of their threads.

>> No.37667447

vmg threads for those games dont exist so i'm stuck with the /vg/ versions of those which means its just endless shitposting because a group of people have taken it upon themselves to make the general as bad as they can make it

>> No.37667452

Average EN players you mean?

>> No.37667460

Pretty much but Honkai was always in English so that place only really went to the actual shitter this year when Genshin ruined /vg/ as a whole. Priconne is just the thread turning into eceleb drama general and a chatroom for everything except princess connect,

>> No.37667467

Priconne's got a half year, 500 post thread going there.
Don't see a dedicated main Honkers one at the moment, just a few smaller ones. But I'm pretty sure there have been some bigger threads for it too.
And it a thread for something doesn't exist, you can always just make one.

>> No.37667468

There actually is a priconne thread on /vmg/ but it's about as dead as this one. Still better than the abomination over at /vg/ at least.

>> No.37667474

>And it a thread for something doesn't exist, you can always just make one.
I've tried several times, it doesn't work. JP players either gave up and abandoned the site or really want to stay on /vg/. Same for Honkai with everyone wanting to stay on /vg/ and deal with nonstop genshin shitposting and genshin raids daily.
There's other places to talk about the game like discord servers but it's not the same and it's usually people that dont share my same interests unlike here.

>> No.37667511

It's not everyone else's job to feed you a discussion. If you want to post about something, post about it, people will respond if they have something to contribute. Expecting other people to do all the work carrying a conversation is just whiny kiddie shit.

>> No.37667528

How come no one is making a /vmg/ thread for Lapis?
The girls/cards look pretty good.

>> No.37667580

You gotta do the work yourself if you want a niche thread to take off.

>> No.37667646

I am too busy maintaining a different niche thread there. And somebody else made Heaven Burns Red thread there despite it coming out later than Lapis. Is there really no interest in the game?!

>> No.37667685

I'm so jaded that I can't enjoy the story or characters of any new game

How do you people deal with this?

>> No.37667722

It's really just down to keeping a thread up so people can actually discover the game; it's hard to be interested in something when you don't know it exists, and most people on /vmg/ don't keep up with foreign releases even if they're willing to play them.
Like, some posters kept the HBR thread going despite it being practically dead for long enough that it could snowball and now there are streams and beta that are keeping people engaged going forward without needing quite so much life support.

>> No.37668037

Because there's no Lapis game?

>> No.37668213
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>> No.37668873

They said the game would come out sometime this month but I don't have faith in klab anymore

>> No.37669017
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I simply live with the pain.

>> No.37670303

They are releasing two UR card animations every day now so we might get a date in a week hopefully.

>> No.37679843

Stop playing new games

>> No.37679872

But I can't enjoy the ones im playing right now either

>> No.37680858
File: 1.55 MB, 2480x3508, FGJIAwmaAAAW2uJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As of this post, The pre-regs for the Lapis Re:LiGHTs game has reached 150k.
For pre-registered users, they get 20 Summon Tickets and 1 SSR Ticket, alongside Training, Present and Weapon Enhancement Sets.
Bromides and the Attendance note (pic related) are also released and are free to download.

>> No.37680881

I really like the retard and the ghost!

>> No.37680930

Plus, there is an interview made with Lapis Re:LiGHTs Director and Marketing Leader Shunsuke Endo.
In it, there some tidbits on how LapiLai and the game came to be. Like:
>The original concept was not Magic × Idol, but Beautiful Girl × Military
>The appeal of games with idols as the theme lies in the fun of training, thus the thought of compatibility of RPG and Idols and designing Lapis Re:LiGHTs as an RPG game.

>> No.37681001

>Beautiful Girl × Military
Saturated by the Chinese after Kancolle, SW, GuP. They dodged a bullet going with the current theme.

>> No.37682011

No point in playing Lapis when Idoly Pride exists.

>> No.37682023

Does IP have fighting?

>> No.37682261

Why not both? IP is mostly idle.

>> No.37682312

I am waiting for Selection Project.

>> No.37682418

Just wait until CUE:Revival gets released anon.

>> No.37682487
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Idoly will fear the Orange

>> No.37683891

Aw, shucks. On the bright side, it's going to get creamed by Project Sekai every month, so that's a good thing, I guess?

No game announced. Maybe Pride of Orange instead?

>> No.37683968

I hope they give Yuzuha a lot more Singlish words than "shiok". As a sinkie this irks me to no end.

>> No.37684484

>we don't want to cannibalize SIF
They must really love that game

>> No.37684804

*it's not going to

>> No.37687082
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>Can't convert her to the straight path
When are they planning to include them? I wasn't planning on playing this until I read there would be a male self insert.

>> No.37688571
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I do not know about how will RAY members will include in the game and if they are playable or not. However, they do get to mention (you), like pic related. So there's a possibility?

>> No.37688578

>dude we want the uma musume audience
Cringe and dead on arrival

>> No.37689074

The pic I posted is labeled as her game portrait which adds to the tease

>> No.37692297

>chibi sprites
How are they even going to do winning lives? Hockey idols always sounded like a mistake.

>> No.37692363

Klab needs to renew the gameplay already.

>> No.37692383

I'd imagine they'd all go ara ara on (You) or something.

>> No.37692456

It's isekai so they can just do a time travel event where (you) meet Ray in their prime.

>> No.37693953

Is it confirmed to have an affection system like BGHS? It would'be funny if it did.

>> No.37694116

>Microsoft announces they'll add Android emulation to W11 as a selling point and even announce they partnered with Amazon to bring Android apps to PC
>Google announces they're releasing their own native service separate from Microsoft's and deny google store permissions to microsoft

Microsoft got literally dabbed on but at least we won't have to ever rely on shitty emulators or awful PC ports next year

>> No.37694367

Confirmed. Headpatting, Giving Presents and all. From this preview play:

>> No.37694375

Knowing Google, they'll find a way to ruin and scrap it as usual.

>> No.37694792

Either special new addition to gacha (Fes etc), or OP characters to grind for (Many such cases).

>> No.37696132

Still no release date yet?

>> No.37696413

It's scheduled to be released this month.
However, with pre-regs still ongoing, it might be this or next month.

>> No.37696828

We already knew about the headpats ages ago, and there's also a button for gifts.

The fuck are they doing, not even bothering with giving a release date even on the month it's supposed to be released?

>> No.37696959

It's already mid december. Would they release the game so close to Xmas and NY?

>> No.37697540

Maybe they want to complete the pre-reg goals they have. Right now they are trying to reach the 160k mark. Supposedly there should be three mysterious items to be attained at an unknown goal mark that is probably to be announced soon but it's completely removed.

Google Play and App Store estimates that the scheduled release is on December 31, but maybe it depends on how they can fill up the pre-reg numbers.

>> No.37708474
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Head's up.
There will be a livestream this Sunday at 19:00 JST. They will announce some new information there. So probably they will announce the release date?

>> No.37708553
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Plus, Majo-Tuber Ratura.

>> No.37708561

You mean Saturday right?

>> No.37708593

Oh dang I missed that. Usually they livestream on a Sunday. My bad.

>> No.37711389 [DELETED] 

Eh Lapis is alright availability for download

>> No.37711525

Lapis Re:LiGHTs is available for symbolic preload. In game announcement says 14th launch (Tuesday).

>> No.37711559


>> No.37712014

Well that's a surprise.

>> No.37712044

It's almost Tuesday in Japan so it's like they're announcing the release date on the date itself

>> No.37712209

>announcing the release date the day before release
I knew Klab was staffed with retards but this is on another level.

>> No.37712470

Damn that was too sudden. They really announced the release one day prior?

>> No.37712567

Hold on. There is one question: How about the pre-regs? They are not done with the 160k goal yet and now they are announcing that the release is tomorrow?

>> No.37713906

New Disgaea kusoge

>> No.37714283

They gave up anon. Service closure announcement soon one day after release.

>> No.37714691
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Well, as I found out they are ending the pre-reg campaign as it releases very soon.
200 Stones for the finish. They might as well go pushing for the sudden game release.

>> No.37714715

That don't looks like a new game but an update for Disgaea RPG.

>> No.37715079
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Pride of Orange game coming out in March apparently.

The anime really did a poor job introducing the side characters.

>> No.37715965
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I was surprised when I found my phone automatically downloaded it, I hope they don't take that much as well to bring Ray then

>> No.37717437

If they were going for the 160k goal, I can't find any tweet saying it.

>> No.37717997

Look here.

>> No.37718046

Much thanks.

>> No.37718460

Come to think of it, what happened to Lapis CN? Did Xi's banhammer strike it down?

>> No.37722068

Has anyone started rerolling in Lapis? How long does one reroll take?

>> No.37722517

I need to finish all the dailies in all other gacha first.

>> No.37722748

Takes about 8-10mins of skipping and a resource download at the end.

>> No.37722964

I guess I'll wait until they introduce Ray properly

>> No.37723038
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I guess I'll stop with this.

>> No.37723680

Are you rerolling on emulator? Is it the usual method of deleting shared_prefs if so?

>> No.37723836
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The global Grasma pre-registration is up
>dead in JP
>probably not many players in global
And I will still play it.

>> No.37723999

Any emulator where Lapis works? Didn't work on bluestacks, LDplayer or Memu for me.

>> No.37724220

>Shengqu Games
Lapis Re:China...

>> No.37724509

Why is every Lapis showing off their pits?

>> No.37724580

pits are the new pussies

>> No.37725024


>> No.37725657

Sure its Boltrend. Sure, JP is dead. But this gacha was fun as fuck and I'll play it again without wasting money.

>> No.37733076
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After playing for a day, I found Lapis to be a great side game. It has skip tickets which means you can do all your daily stuff in around 10 mins, so it doesn't consume much time overall. I liked most of the girls, but this isn't a game you should play if you don't know Japanese.

What I wish to see in the game later on:
>Better marketing, Klab barely spent anything on it
>Panties on the girls.
>Fix the annoying bugs like missions not refreshing properly
>Dump the chinese version. That's never coming out since Xi doesn't want any more games.

Overall, I think it's a great gacha, and despite the apparently highest production value for a Japanese gacha game, there is zero P2W because you can fairly easily farm the limit break shards for girls. Don't expect a main game out of this though, it's just something you log in once a day to spend your skip tickets on and read the events.

>> No.37733166

But do they sweat?

>> No.37733186

witches dont sweat

>> No.37736130

I will not play your game.

>> No.37737408

Idoly Pride isn't that popular either bro…

>> No.37737583

>200 Stones for the finish. They might as well go pushing for the sudden game release.
Is that good or not?

>> No.37737603

There's no pantsu in the game? Pretty sure the anime had some pantsu during the dancing sequences.

>> No.37737664

I only saw one panty, which is in the animated cutscene with succubus girl. In-game they all use bloomers or shorts. This may have been due to China regulations, but since this is probably never coming out there they might as well not bother anymore for newer outfits.

>> No.37737710

>I only saw one panty, which is in the animated cutscene with succubus girl.
Pic? Does Tiara also have bloomers/shorts?

>> No.37737753

The anime also had show panties

>> No.37737943

Won't be possible if they want it to be the exact same as CN because China banned panty shots.

>> No.37738040

The panties I saw in the anime didn't look like show panties though. The colors didn't look like such, for one.

>> No.37739022

So could someone post the pantsu from the Lapis cutscene?

>> No.37739171

It was from LiGHTs live scene (the one they failed because retards stepped into multiple districts)

>> No.37739188

Post a screenshot, my phone is a potato so I can't install it

>> No.37739471

Also, I was talking about the game (specifically >>37737664 talking about the succubus girl). I already know about the anime scenes.

>> No.37740364

Does anyone here have the vocal tracks from Heaven Burns Red saved? It's all gone from YT.

>> No.37740575

Someone ripped the soundtrack in the /vmg/ thread

>> No.37741011
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The uma musume killer...

>> No.37741132

Proof how f2p friendly it is...

>> No.37741210

Who would have known that announcing the release one day before the actual day without enough marketing would be a bad idea...

>> No.37741371

Why the poor marketing anyway?

>> No.37741457

Nips get their job through connections instead of competence, unlike the chinese.

>> No.37741528

It's a short fan service. Have you seen the UI? The way the cards are listed for each characters, they won't be able to add much more without it being a clusterfuck. I would say they only planned content to last a year and they will gracefully end it afterwards.

>> No.37741545

Could you post the succubus' pantsu?

>> No.37741567
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What went wrong?

>> No.37741642

>new life
>After dozens of other games outright died when horse pussy finally released
This "journalist" has never touched this market.

>> No.37741662
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bro you can just click an icon to turn it into list mode which is the same as any other gacha.

>> No.37741705

Those can't be called alive in the first place.

>> No.37741745

I like playing dead games.

>> No.37742398

How do the spats/show panties shots look like?

>> No.37743390

That's not her pantsu, it's part of her inner that's like a swimsuit one-piece.

>> No.37744496
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We can have this but not panties? Pandering to China is a mistake. I hope Klabs will realize this.

>> No.37745188

How long will the Lapis game last at this rate?

>> No.37745611

Are 160,000 pre-registrations good or not?

>> No.37746096

A dead vaporware like Uma got 500,000.

>> No.37746133

one year

>> No.37746291

Why so short?

How much did Idoly get again? I forgot.

>> No.37746345

China have banned bikini. I haven't seen a single bikini in Azur Lane since March last year.

>> No.37746357

And uma completely ban porn but china bad :^).

>> No.37746393

Uma changed the TW flag in Top Gun collab so both are bad.

>> No.37747534

That doesn't affect the game, Chang

>> No.37748832
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Why didn't Lapis Re:Lights just slap game codes on their discs?

>> No.37748858

>Why didn't they game the system
Chang moment...

>> No.37748929

Umas won...

>> No.37748938
File: 1.53 MB, 2562x1737, kjac31bnzi581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Umayon artist jumped ship to Blue Archive the year before uma hit it big

>> No.37749469

1. Lapis's anime aired last year
2. Codes are not a guarantee of success: plenty of shows that had game codes still flopped

>> No.37749509

I thought Blue Archive was the new hotness?

>> No.37749555
File: 61 KB, 691x249, 7mos96gsks581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP got mogged by Uma.
Global was doing fine until the censored loli fiasco.

>> No.37749625

It was foolish of us to try and oppose umas

>> No.37749641

Censored loli fiasco?

>> No.37749651

See >>37748938

>> No.37749802

So it all comes down to Uma again huh

>> No.37750312

>literally jumped ship the month before in early Feb
Well maybe she's working on something big in Yostar... maybe...

>> No.37755151

Lapis Re:LiGHTs reached no.1 on both Stores! Take that doomsayers

>> No.37756526
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Why doesn't Lapis have a Fanza version? Does Klabs hate money?

>> No.37757825
File: 483 KB, 2048x1152, FFKYVaWagAI92Jg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass is officially 5 years old today! The celebration event with all the big news is on the 19th.

A co-op mission to capture 10,000,000 portal keys is available until the 31st - rewards include up to two 128GB chips
Until the 31st January, you can get 50 days of prime for just 1BM.
128GB chips will have a chance of dropping in ranked until the 26th.

Rest in peace to all the mobage that didn't make it.

>> No.37757957

Imagine pulling this shit and can't even mog a game that literally ban porn.

>> No.37758390

they just need to make a porn version and it'll be more popular than Uma Musume.

>> No.37759080

It did terrible on the first day because everyone was rerolling? Then it did really well on the second day?

>> No.37759285

More like no one knew the game was out.

>> No.37759306

They knew it was out, they just couldn't start playing right away because they didn't get to prepare for it since the release date was announced only one day before actual release.

>> No.37760063
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>> No.37760666

Horses are too strong...

>> No.37760692

Alternative Girls players, Early January is the end of the online version and the start of its offline version. Hope you have time with the Alternas until then.

>> No.37769523
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Bros? Why did the uma musume killer fall off the ranking right off launch?

>> No.37772373

the copium supply ran out

>> No.37772610

I surrender to Umas

>> No.37772628

uma has its own general in /vg/, stop dabbing on us lapiskek

>> No.37773102

Starting now:

>> No.37773422

I thought you guys loved horses...

>> No.37773876

Like every other game with "legendary" characters, their cards will be available later on as limiteds but you can't interact with them and presumably they don't have any affection levels either.

>prevent Eliza from losing her voice

>> No.37773975
File: 236 KB, 1792x828, FGjR8jzXsAAjSAc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so a la Mari, Itsuki, and Furan and Young Asuha of BGHS. Kind of possible. In fact, it may be imminent that RAY will be coming to the game.

>> No.37774149

Oh yeah, how many similarities are there between these 2 games?
>(You)'re a male sensei teaching the special class in a girls' school
>affection mechanic with gifts and headpats
>has a character in the current roster who was fighting 5 years ago
I'd list more but I can't remember much about BGHS.

>> No.37774284

Let's not forget it has some similarities to Project Tokyo Dolls
>The characters are Idols
>These two idol games are not rhythm games, but RPG games.
>has an expanded Dress-Up mode.

>> No.37774301

Also I forgot.
>has Camera Modes so you can picture your favorite idol.

>> No.37774393

Those honestly aren't anywhere as striking as the ones with BGHS imo

>> No.37774524

Yeah, you got a point. But Lapilai seems to be a hybrid fruit rollup of BGHS and PTD. Maybe you can describe this as BGHS Bubblegum with a sprinkle of the sweet PTD powder.

>> No.37779298

I guess Idoly Pride is truly dead now

>> No.37779814

Meme magic is real. Watch as Saori Hayami dies too. I give it a year.

>> No.37779858

Im sad Sayaka died but for better or worse her character had no weight in Idoly anymore.

>> No.37781125

It's ok, we still have selection project

>> No.37781864

Wait, What happened?

>> No.37781908

Never mind, I read on what happened. Dang.

>> No.37783820

Damn this sucks. RIP

>> No.37784473

I can't believe Lapis Re:LiGHTs killed Idoly Pride...

>> No.37785011

Everyone already dropped Lapis and went back to Umas.

>> No.37785570

I've never touched Uma

>> No.37786365

You're missing out

>> No.37791325
File: 2.26 MB, 1920x6823, News.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summary of the Compass anniversary event from earlier today:

For the main stuff, the next collab is with Sword Art Online - Kirito (Attacker) and Asuna (Sprinter) will be added as new heroes along with 8 new cards (4UR/4SR). New costumes will be available for Adam, Alice, Megumegu, Kirara, Jeanne and Tadaomi. Kirito and Asuna appear to have four alt costumes each. The collab will run from the 28th ~ 16th and one event ticket will be given out to everyone (among other things). Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6wzxgg3Mfw

The first new hero of 2022 will be Bugdoll - it's another Voidoll-type hero who is connected to the Irregular shenanigans, but there's no other info for now. Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4rpfuoVuVs

A season shop will be added which allows you to obtain rewards from previous season, including costumes and icons, along with energy and hero tokens. Not sure if the seasonal cards can be obtained from this. You will be able to obtain the new currency starting from the next season.

As an anniversary gift and stream viewership reward, 2525BM and 10 golden UR tickets will be given to everyone. There will also be a free single-pull UR gacha for each element, so 3 UR cards in total.

As for Live Arena, the rhythm game, it now appears to be aiming for a release in January/February. There's an article here describing it: https://games.app-liv.jp/archives/504434

That's all for now

>> No.37796756

Anyone have experience buying from japanese RMT sites like rmt.club or gameclub? Is it possible for gaijin to buy with just paypal or will it ask for a japanese phone number verification at some point.

>> No.37797894

You need a Japanese phone number, and after a certain amount of money (iirc 6000 yen) spent you need to confirm the account further with a Japanese ID/ID number

>> No.37798277

Damn, sounds annoying. Back to hunting ebay and epicnpc for a FGO account

>> No.37800026

RoB officially stopped getting new story event/gacha.
Another victim of Uma...

>> No.37800039

Dragalia outlives RoB!

>> No.37800298

No? It would have to be up for a decade to outlive it

>> No.37800407

live on after, as in "your children will outlive you"

>> No.37801169

They would have to live past your lifespan

>> No.37801294

No, eslbro.

>> No.37810633

This is a sign.
Gbf's actual death edging ever closer.

>> No.37810679

Cygames could have turned GBrelink into gbf2 instead they now have a "console" game neither console gamers or Genshin mobage fags can into while having to keep gbf alive with fujo money...

>> No.37812059
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Graffiti Smash is out for anyone interested.

>> No.37812579


>> No.37813051


>> No.37814114

How did you get Tokimeki Idol to work?The only download of it I found came in two parts and I think I fucked up the merge somehow or my phone just couldn't boot it up since it was an old model.
