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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 79 KB, 800x1200, 1649445324144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39824591 No.39824591 [Reply] [Original]

Cute Boy Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>39580982
Resin Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/9774983 (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/9782177

FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Sewing pattern books:
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing

Current Photo Challenge: Light and Shadow | Anon's Doll Calendar
Previous Photo Challenge: Free Choice
If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/:

>> No.39824622

first for sewing your own doll clothes is based

>> No.39824657
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Very based indeed. Sewing on that scale can be quite tricky as well. I really respect it, honestly.

>> No.39827121
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>> No.39827663

wow, lewdposting this early in the thread

>> No.39827998
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>> No.39828224
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This thread needs more pictures of dolls in normal sized environments interacting with normal sized objects or people. Anything that shows how small and cute they are.

>> No.39828234
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>> No.39828239
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>> No.39828486
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>> No.39828682
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>> No.39828700

I wonder if anon plans to "finish" her
because I kind of like the aesthetic

>> No.39830552
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>> No.39830573
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>> No.39831026

faceless-chan :DDDDDDDD cute as always

>> No.39832377
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what do you even do with a camera lens like that? bludgeon someone to death?

>> No.39835543

you spy on other people’s dolls

>> No.39837149
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demoralizing post but it makes me kinda sad how 95% of the ppl interacting on social media with dolls are japanese, they compliment each other's doll pics in jp, interact in jp and they're all friends and even hang out irl and you're totally excluded lel

>> No.39837648
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I think part of the IRL stuff is because Japanese people are in a geographically close area compared to a fuckhuge country like the US. I'd gladly go to doll meetups if one existed near me, and I do try to interact on social media, but I also sometimes wonder if I'm the only doll collector in my entire geographic region.

>> No.39837657

why does that demoralise you

>> No.39837791

I've only been to one local bjd meetup and it was a negative one. Never again. Its probably better in Japan.

>> No.39837849

lel I'm not even in the US so it's even worse for me, at least in America there's a ton of people with dolls and meetups or so I've seen in some forums. Still the English community is barely present online or maybe it's the overwhelming majority of japanese users that makes it seem that way but it makes me feel so excluded, idk kinda sad but anyway

what happened?

>> No.39838202
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Reporting: Just got this stand from ebay. I didn't notice it on the thumbnail, but the strap is just a regular cable tie. So of course it looks terrible, and it's difficult to undo. The idea seemed interesting though. Would be nice if there was something like this with good quality.

>> No.39838258

I guess never again with this specific group. My partner and I went to a meet we got greeted and what not, but once they found out we were a together they just cut all communication with us except one dude with a Yayoi DD. Another member asked my partner "which one is your doll" and they replied "These dolls, I share dolls with my partner", the member's face just soured in disgust and walked away. There was number of things that put me off. You know that sense that your unwelcomed, your not part of their click and it was kinda obvious that they had ulterior motives.

>> No.39838330

What? wtf? why would they do that? holy shit you have to tell me more about it now. Was it like, a DD meetup or BJD w resin dolls too? Were they all fat virgin dudes in their 40s in order to react like that or what? How long until you left the meetup? Was it hosted in dolldreaming or what?

>> No.39838530

It was a everything doll meet, Dollfie, bjds and what not. It was hosted by a local FB group. There was only like 10ish members there's there, not surprising since i had to make my way up there in Canadian snow storm. Of the members there was like 2 guys, one desperate asian mother fucker who had the sour face and the nice 40 year old guy with the Yayoi DD. The rest were fat greasy girls eating potato chips. We were probably there less then an hour.

>> No.39838785

>local FB group
maybe that was a redflag. The facebook groups I´ve been into for anime n related stuff were all made up by normal/casual people in the hobby but not necessarily bad or mean people or anything, it sucks what happened to you. What kind of dolls did these women had?

>> No.39839151 [SPOILER] 
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what, like the ACBJD one?

>> No.39839222
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I believe they were all Bjd's (its been like 3 years).
I use to post and browse these threads quite often, till that happened. Guess it put a sour taste in my mouth. I only came back last thread.

>> No.39839272

anon your girl a mdd right?

>> No.39839469

nope, Angel Philia, so 48cm Obitsu base
that outfit is for an MDD so it's a tight fit, but it works

>> No.39839940

does anyone have experience with pre-owned amiami dolls? can a A,A- condition be trusted or is not worth the risk? most of the pics are stock, so can't really check the conditions

>> No.39840963

I've had B rated stuff from amiami that's basically flawless. Unless it's C or is noted as being an issue, what you're getting it's generally fine.

>> No.39841294
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Have you run into the hip joint completely disintegrated? I've gone through 2 of them.

>> No.39841326
File: 458 KB, 1600x1066, sony_dollfiedream_rx1r_dscrx1r_dd-843613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ I'm so sorry anon, you both deserved better than that. What a nightmare.

>> No.39841350


>> No.39841922

All the secondhand retailers (amiami/mandarake/hobby off), seem to use a similar grading scale where a mere dent on the packaging instantly puts it down a grade from A to A-.

>> No.39842572

I'll become billionaire and make lobby for doll's rights

>> No.39848368


>> No.39849324

Thanks for the tip, this looks just like what I was looking for.

>> No.39851003

no, and that's one of the spare parts I don't currently have
luckily I think that's one of the ones that doesn't need to be color-matched

>> No.39851821

motorcycle trip to Ushuaia with a cute doll and taking pics of her on top of a mountain. the view must be amazing

>> No.39851895
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>> No.39852754
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Potato phone picture for opposite opinion that these dolls are huge.

>> No.39853127


>> No.39856734

I also have those stick-on stars.

>> No.39858806
File: 3.03 MB, 1050x1574, 28d43e_578caa08c2ba4607a29fe722cf489fcf_mv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like TinyFox dolls are a great way to get into the hobby at a lower price point.

>> No.39861496
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>> No.39862670 [DELETED] 

is every dildo safe? thinking of buying a super cheap chinese made dildo from Amazon for 8 bucks just to have a cock to suck on. but I hear the materials dildos are made out of can be dangerous

>> No.39862687

>is every dildo safe? thinking of buying a super cheap chinese made dildo from Amazon for 8 bucks just to have a cock to suck on. but I hear the materials dildos are made out of can be dangerous
Anonymous, 2022.05.19.

>> No.39863995

cute dolls being cute

>> No.39868094
File: 281 KB, 1080x1616, 1637351509835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're cute, anon.

>> No.39868420

Where do you guys get custom MDD hands with all the cute poses? Booth?

>> No.39868983

Both and Y!JA are where I usually see them, but I'm sure there are also people who make and sell them as one-offs on their personal webpages... which are unfortunately harder to track down.

>> No.39869347
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Double the Hibikis.

>> No.39871867
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>> No.39872490

I've managed to make a lot of doll friends, some I'd even call actual friends dolls or no dolls. It does require you to be really active on Instagram, though. That's where the fun is these days, unfortunately.

I'm sorry you had that experience, anon. I have a really great local group but I've been to meets in out of town groups and the quality is really all over the place. I've noticed FB groups led by old ladies tend to be the best. Plus you get awesome old people stories while hanging out with dolls.

Unrelated question: What non-Azone dolls to the 48/50cm size clothes fit? Would the underwear fit MDD?

>> No.39872596

The measurements are tricky with Azones, right? They have wider hips, if I recall. Maybe DDP could be a good fit? Possibly Angel Philia girls? 48/50cm is such an odd size.

>> No.39873339

I've found that some of the 45cm Azone sets fit MDD (especially dresses) but they can be a little long in the sleeves.

>> No.39877486
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>> No.39879621

Ddp are a size match for whatever body azone 45 uses, so it's good for a lot of options. DD and smart are limited to some of the azo2 items such as skirts and jackets, and assuming they fit, are going to look small due to scale difference.

>> No.39879871

It's a shame that it's hard to find clothes for 50cm dolls because it's my favorite size of doll.

>> No.39880167
File: 681 KB, 2000x2000, Tiara_album_cover_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to reproduce the Tiara album cover that my girl Tiara was inspired by, and I've finally gotten some props to do that.
Sorry for deleting and reposting, I thought after I uploaded it that it would look better if I lightened it up a bit.

>> No.39881217

I really like this anon, I'm not familiar with the album but it's a great pic on it's own.

>> No.39881711

This is really beautiful anon, you did a great job.

>> No.39882542
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>> No.39883279

Ooh, I like this a lot

>> No.39883547

it looks really nice anon, if you feel like you can tinker around in photoshop and add that bluish and pink wave like the original has

>> No.39883566

plus a bit more of transparency in the upper head perhaps

>> No.39885549


>> No.39887266
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Thanks anon, I was asleep.

>> No.39890993
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>> No.39891231

i now have a severe urge to learn how to make chain mail for all my girls. this looks amazing!

>> No.39891266

Right? I love the detail in this, I can't imagine making something so intricate but I appreciate the work!

>> No.39891460

it looks amazing
I´ve seen some auctions and a website that sold armor like that for dolls

>> No.39893114
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>> No.39893839

So I wanna get into the hobby and am struggling to find resources and buying sites for BJD dolls with anime aesthetics.

Most of the ones i find are those more realistic dolls... what are like the main brands beside Azone and Dollfie? And sites you recommend i mostly been looking at its newclover

>> No.39894253

read the new guide in the op should answer those things

>> No.39894616

I wont load for me and i have tried on 2 phones and my laptop... its probably my internet but i dunno, hence why i asked

>> No.39894967

if it doesn't load then idk, delete cookies or something.

>> No.39895805

I think the guide might actually be a little outdated, so I'll have pity on you.

Big three you'll find on these threads
>Smart Doll

Smart Doll's owner is kind of wacky, but I honestly don't give a fuck what anyone who runs a company is like as long as they aren't objectively evil. Just thought I'd warn you if you cared.

Other Japanese brands:

Other not Japanese brands
>TinyFox: Chinese, cute nu-anime aesthetic (don't know how else to describe it sorry), very affordable, can buy on their site or Clover-Singing (Chinese doll dealer)
>Sio2 Doll: Another Chinese brand, makes resin (as opposed to vinyl) dolls, can be bought on their Etsy store

Hope this helps!

>> No.39896563

Thank you that worked dunno what was happening on my end

>> No.39896575

Thank you

>> No.39896699

Happens to everyone anon, don't worry about it. I think the first questions to figure out for yourself is what size of doll interests you? They range from smaller than a barbie to roughly 2ft tall, so there's quite a bit of variety.

>> No.39899939

>Smart Doll's owner is kind of wacky,
I don't give a fuck what anyone who runs a business is like either, but Choo isn't "wacky," he's fucking paranoid and overly sensitive, and anyone who will cancel an order on a whim because he decides he doesn't like you for real or imagined reasons is just a bad businessman

>> No.39903652
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>> No.39904408
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>> No.39904865 [SPOILER] 
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playing around with lighting, spoilered for minor nsfw (again)

on a side note, about how much time do you all spend doing doll stuff?
in two hours today I managed to swap some parts, change her outfit, ans snap a handful of photos
but that was it for this entire week

>> No.39904921

It can vary a lot for me, depending on what's going on in my life. Sometimes I don't touch them for days or weeks, other times I do things with them multiple times in a week. I like that about dolls, though -- they will wait for you. It's something I appreciate, you know?

These are good photos, anon. You have a good eye for posing the hands naturally.

>> No.39904941

cutest one in this thread, i hate all the others.

>> No.39905507
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>> No.39905918

she a cute
I'm a doll I hate you too

>> No.39906500
File: 270 KB, 1416x2048, 1625597989682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your preferences, anon? When it comes to dolls, I mean.

>> No.39907201

can filthy non-asians get into faceups?

>> No.39912861
File: 223 KB, 1600x1063, _IGP7247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I suppose it's the same for me, more or less
I do try to change her outfit or pose at least once a week

>> No.39914109

That pic reminds me of the old EC horror comics. Nice shot.

>> No.39914176

Yeah, there are several reputable faceup artists outside of SEA, lovelydollie does great work if you don't mind shipping to Australia and back.

>> No.39916316
File: 190 KB, 1200x980, E-hEJhTVkAQKdfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petsmart has dog tents in multiple sizes, guys. They're overpriced but they're a good size for dolls and they look better than the ones for 18" dolls.

>> No.39916514

I need acute maid doll to ride a roomba.

>> No.39916584

Don't let your dreams be dreams anon.

>> No.39916672


>> No.39917312
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>> No.39918082
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she's a clown
tying things on a doll is a pain

>> No.39918214

I love that outfit anon, she's adorable!

>> No.39918495
File: 496 KB, 1000x1333, 20210111_043952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to bad I dont have a roomba

>> No.39918872

cute !

>> No.39918922

imagine her drinking all that glass alone she cannot even fit it in her belly

>> No.39918932
File: 1.48 MB, 2133x1200, 20210623_191006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldnt underestimate her, shes can get pretty wild

>> No.39919282

nice hat

>> No.39919541

she looks dangerous I wouldn’t want to get involved w her

>> No.39921320
File: 446 KB, 1000x1333, 20210304_051541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she looks dangerous
you might be right

>> No.39922473

I thought about getting a dedicated camera for dolls and little trips I make but perhaps the latest iphone or something is just more convenient, after all I still have to change my old iphone6 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.39924534

I dont have a lot of space as i collect other dolls, figures and plushies ans my room isnt too big to begin with so i would prefer medium to smaller dolls, plus a lot of the big ones are way out of my budget just from a quick glance... as i like to be able to afford my other toys too

>> No.39924577

try looking at the parabox ones. the custom basic set is a pretty nice starting point. that's what >>39918495 is from, I believe it was the 24cm body.

>> No.39924809

I'm thinking of necking so i wanna know what i should do with my dolls.
i have around 40 and a lot of them are limited edition ones.

I think it would be better to sell so it's not a burden for people to deal with them after i'm gone but part of me thinks of just giving them away for someone to actually enjoy them instead of an insane hoarder like me

what are your guy's plans for your plastic shit after you're dead?

>> No.39925028

Anon I also went through tough times. I also had a hoarding problem but with figures. As cliche as it sounds it gets better.

Get out of the hobby if hoarding is a problem. Use the funds to get your finances in order. You can always try a second time. I did and dolls turned out to be a lot healthier for me. Go for a run in the sun every day. A healthy body is a healthy mind.

Go talk to someone about how you feel. The more people the better. Even strangers. Just try opening up first and you'd be surprised at how many people do the same. Ignore the assholes

I also don't want to be a burden after I am gone, so I would sell all my shit when I get too old. At the very least my dolls would hopefully go to good homes and not be auctioned off or trashed, and then donate or pass on the proceeds.

>> No.39925068
File: 263 KB, 1024x683, 1621413736535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a DSLRfag, you can take great photos with just a phone camera, and a new phone will have more use. You can always get a camera later, if you decide you want to.

If you wanna talk anon, my email is one1crab@gmail.com. As for your dolls, a lot of them end up in thrift stores after people pass away, and the hobby finds them again. You could give them away, and I'm sure a lot of people would be happy to have a doll. I plan to disseminate my shit amongst the people I know whenever I tap out, but... despite everything, I try to find reasons to keep going in each day. Even if it's just something small, like an update to a manga I'm reading, something stupid and self-indulgent, that's okay. We have to take our serotonin where we can get it -- and if your brain won't let you feel anything but alexithymia and discontent, that's when it's time to explore other options. There's no shame in getting therapy, medication, or reaching out for help -- especially in America, we're taught that we're less of a person if we can't handle our shit all on our own- but no one can do that. Young, old, gender irrelevant, an island is always lonely, even if you're a hikki neet like I am. I'm glad you're talking about this, anon, even if it's here in this anonymous space. And I'm more than willing to listen to whatever you want to talk about. My inbox is always open.

This anon has the right ideas. It's okay to try something new. Maybe you'll enjoy it. Maybe you won't, but you won't know if you don't try -- and there's nothing to lose from trying. I believe in you, too -- because I've been in a similar space, and if someone like me can find a way to keep going, there's hope for anyone.

>> No.39925627
File: 1.15 MB, 1959x3760, 20211224_131142 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of us here have gone thru tough times just like the previous two said. i for sure know i have. lost my family and everything connected to it. im sorry your dolls dont seem to have the same effect for you that mine did. anytime i felt close to doing something, they always seemed to be within my eye sight and caught my attention. i have 30 of them myself. they really did bring me joy along with coming here and seeing all the other friendly anons posting their dolls or pictures of beautiful dolls they found. really hope you have had second thoughts about leaving us. i especially would love to see some of your dolls!
just like these anons said, if you need someone to talk to, you can always anon us here. if you want more direct, im sure more of us would open a branch to speak with you. good doll anons are hard to come by. even tho i may never get to meet any of you, i always look forward to seeing you all here.

>> No.39927172

I would sell all my stuff, when it comes to really really personal things maybe I would burn them or take them with me as in for example I would climb a really high mountain and die in a blizzard through my way to the top.

But that’s sort of poetic in a way right? Having a beautiful death in a mountain. When I told someone something like that years ago they told me that I, in fact, liked living a lot, because no one that would really intended to kill themselves would do it in a nice planned and poetic way and that changed my perspective a lot because it’s true when you think about it.

People that actually want to kill themselves they just go and do it, nothing pretty or planned in between, that’s why it’s a mental issue, some people do it on a whim in a train station or with a kitchen knife or a shotgun they had lying around, it takes a couple of seconds to end your entire life.

If I were to climb a mountain with that in mind I would realize how much I like living half way through it. That’s the point

If you were a hopeless suicidal person I think you would not care about what happened to your stuff/dolls whatever, you would just do it, that means there’s hope for you anon

Man there’s so much to do in life, killing yourself is just dumb (unless you’re crippled hard and your life is shit then it’s acceptable) but if your body kinda works then it’s worth to keep on living because you can do anything, if your life is shit might as well sell everything and go on a trip or whatever, anything is better than killing yourself

Also don’t neck yourself as if you fail and survive you’re going to be crippled for life, same with train shit.

>> No.39927559
File: 61 KB, 682x1024, 1626516626375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chipping in with don't die anon, but if I was gonna go out I'd organize an elaborate doll hunt in which I hide them in various locations, post coordinates and send the hobby on a scavenger hunt. To the victor goes the spoils.

>> No.39927964

sell them and use the money to do something crazy and fun. something completely different. what if you find something you can actually enjoy again?

>> No.39928063

AOTD hasn’t aired yet and you want to kys?

>> No.39928184

whats AOTD to you anon? lucifer and the biscuit hammer? chainsaw man?

>> No.39928484

Well idk but it sure hasn’t aired yet

>> No.39928897

It aired for me that's why I stopped watching anime. Nothing in it for me anymore.

>> No.39931586

>It aired for me
Nope, fake statement, boo wronggg.
There's a chance for a show to steal AOTD in the last quarter of 2029
AOTD is still dormant

>> No.39932203

AOTC actually, so I don't care about this decade.

>> No.39937565
File: 79 KB, 1200x801, 1617546094929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39938235

I remember finding a bjd twitter where the guy would take it to school and take photos of her at their own little desk, but I can't remember what his handle was, does anyone know?

>> No.39938921
File: 314 KB, 2048x1250, 1179282411655438337_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?

>> No.39939230

YES! thank you anon

>> No.39939864

it's DIZCO_san_doll on twitter

>> No.39940862
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>> No.39945151
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>> No.39945159
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>> No.39946341
File: 112 KB, 683x1024, 5803572665-portrait-in-tsujidoh-beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the bumps while i was asleep.

>> No.39947412
File: 1.12 MB, 1080x1080, 216734523423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have another

>> No.39949419

Why are all cool and interesting hobbies always so expensive

>> No.39949612
File: 333 KB, 1250x1000, 1614997296633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

joy comes at a premium because society prioritizes basically everything above our personal happiness. it sucks.

>> No.39949648

The reason I complain is because I recently saw someone posts these dolls in another thread and since then I became interested. But looking at the prices there is no way I could reasonably afford one since I don't have any real disposable income.

>> No.39949680

There are smaller and/or cheaper options. Parabox/Obitsu's small (1/6-scale, around the size of a Barbie) dolls can be quite affordable to put together. I used to think there'd be no way on earth I'll be able to participate in this hobby, but I've managed to find a way. What do you like about dolls, anon? We can try to help you find something.

>> No.39949829

I mainly like how cute some of them look and posing and taking photographs seem very fun. I only have like 300 euros to my name and I wouldn't want to spend all of it. And while my parent wouldn't complain about it I am sure they would not like me spending the little money I have on dolls.

>> No.39949850

read the guide there are cheaper options explained you can get yourself a 1/6 from Azone for $150 or make a custom from obitsu for $300

>> No.39949908

You might not be able to participate right now, but things can always change. I hope your situation improves in the future, anon, genuinely. Dolls have been positive for me, but I also remember when I didn't think I'd ever be able to join in this hobby. We never know what the future will hold.

>> No.39949936

desu one could say looking at other people´s dolls is part of the hobby so he might as well b participating already

>> No.39950102

I was going to comment about how that picture is of one of my cheaper dolls, but then I remembered that the cost of everything that went into that picture.
I'd probably estimate it to be at least $1600 including the camera/lens and the espresso machine I primarily bought because I figured those drinks would look cute with a doll.

>> No.39950118

is the coffee good

>> No.39950154
File: 874 KB, 1600x1000, DSC03142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've developed a taste for it since then, but I didn't particularly like it at the time.

>> No.39952098
File: 49 KB, 474x715, e66d677311896c2702378c0fb724a121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39953990
File: 1.13 MB, 1600x1068, doll_dream_mini_custom_dd_dollfie_volks-626436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys prefer more moe/kawaii aesthetics, or more mature/sophisticated looks?

>> No.39954309

>Had a dream that a Kaito Dollfie was announced
>Woke up

>> No.39955168


>> No.39956296

Anon your dolls are very cute !

>> No.39956902

It has been announced, we just haven't heard anything since.

>> No.39957541

everything and I'm not even joking. Some mature ones like the DDS playing the violin that was posted recently are just extremely gorgeous I can't even comprehend how can such beauty and cuteness exist I'm just glad it does

>> No.39957580

>I figured those drinks would look cute with a doll
They absolutely do

>> No.39957609
File: 620 KB, 4096x2732, FTv9AeragAAItGa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doll religion

>> No.39957642
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>> No.39957839
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>> No.39957880
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>> No.39962139
File: 151 KB, 1440x1440, raimuneca_280774450_749633129815136_7910092889361964612_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39962294

these dolls are so cute!
and your photography is really good too

>> No.39962887


>> No.39963398
File: 125 KB, 682x1023, 5983586284_ca4f52fa9b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39964530
File: 1.40 MB, 3024x4032, B4E900EF-17AF-453D-8C0C-A4887BFC8F7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39964742 [DELETED] 
File: 1.43 MB, 2000x3000, DSC_0341 shop edit 2 small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90s nostalgia photo shoot

>> No.39964751 [DELETED] 
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>> No.39964759 [DELETED] 
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last one

>> No.39964796

Wait, for real? What the fuck? I thought I got bernsteined but that's awesome, thanks sister

>> No.39964854


>> No.39965289

I genuinely love this, and all the props are fantastic. Excellent pants on Samus as well. Your shoots are always so fun, anon, thanks for sharing!

>> No.39965495
File: 1.43 MB, 2000x3000, DSC_0341 shop edit 2 small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, I don't know why they got deleted, so I'll post them again.

>> No.39965503
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>> No.39965519
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90s Nostalgia Shoot take 2 end

>> No.39966811
File: 396 KB, 1600x1066, 13377679333_ce9c7ab416_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39967516

I remember that doll from a banner in the forum, she's so cute

>> No.39971936
File: 115 KB, 1080x1080, 14676749_1870921963135561_2896035738330071040_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39975434
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>> No.39978200

well, this is the sewing machine I got

>> No.39978220
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>> No.39978376
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embroidery is cool but haven't finished any custom designs yet

>> No.39978643

I don't like this doll, Anon
It's smug aura mocks me

>> No.39978670

What is she holding on her thigh, hmm?

>> No.39978710
File: 2.22 MB, 1232x986, Screen Shot 2022-05-28 at 8.37.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the sudden idea to stick it there, even though yeah it'd be super uncomfortable for an actual person

>> No.39980067

Anyone go for Anthy or Utena today? Did you manage to get them before they sold out?

>> No.39981745

looks cool and high tech

>> No.39983338
File: 2.17 MB, 1600x2400, FTwdBR0aIAAh1fK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wtf is that guy over there doing with a doll in the middle of a train?
>He's taking pictures of it or something, let's call the police

>> No.39986047

I didn't get them but did purchase so new dollfits.

>> No.39986406
File: 1.04 MB, 4096x2732, 1635204237844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doll supremacy
>drops cash for espresso machine purely for doll aesthetic
fucking legend.
i love you anon
try to put back little funds solely for a doll if you can. wish i knew a better way. keep an eye on mandarake as i have seen some really good deals on body/head/whole dolls there before. good luck anon.
are the mods conspiring against us?>>39978220
nice! we expect great things anon!
my doll budget has been completely btfo for the year and possibly next year at the rate i went the first two months. i am a sad yet happy anon.

>> No.39986582

I'm ready to serve my doll overlords, but will they sit on my face?

>> No.39987206

I was half sleep around 4am (I usually wake up at 5) and started thinking that I wanted to buy two dolls and a drawing tablet and so that I could make drawings of them and portray one of the dolls as a futanari and make it fuck the other doll. I bought a drawing tablet I just need th dolls and learning to draw now

>> No.39987347

Damn, anon, that Teto is super cute.

>> No.39987708

She looks so disappointed.

>> No.39987837

How does the embroidery function work? Can I hook it up to a computer and have it spit out complex images?

>> No.39988356

Any more pics of this doll? She's super cute! Anybody know what head base she has?

>> No.39988544
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>> No.39988548
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>> No.39989256

Thank you anon! Got a twitter or instagram?

>> No.39989500

yep, that's what I was going for

there's a bunch of generic built-in designs (and letters for custom text), and you can upload additional/custom designs with a USB drive
it came with design software that I probably won't end up using, my plan is Ink/Stitch since I already use Inkscape for all my graphic art purposes
once uploaded to the machine you can schedule parts of the design for different thread colors etc. and scale up/down a little
you can't change the size too much because the files are CNC stitch commands, so e.g. if you rescale too small you'll just end up with a mess

>> No.39991063

Fuck that was today??? Is it too late?

>> No.39992576
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>> No.39992750


>> No.39993262
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>> No.39994872
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>> No.39997343

Sorry, anon. They might pop up on YJA soon. Saw a few there with not too bad of a markup a few days ago. Or you can do the lottery if you're in the US.

>> No.39999787
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>> No.40001843
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>> No.40002014

Bratty mdd teases are one of my favorite things.

>> No.40002136

Who's a good proxy for Y!JA? I tried using Buyee (I know, I know) but I just keep getting an error. It might be because the item price is high... I'm not sure.

>> No.40003032

I've used fromjapan several times and never had a problem.

>> No.40003380

Azur Lane dolls...

>> No.40003573

Thanks anon, and to the others. I paid a little more, but I got Anthy. You're all great.

>> No.40003613

Congrats. Post pics when you get her.

>> No.40003777
File: 265 KB, 1462x2048, 1624704829995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be sure to do that. Thanks again anons, I hope all of you can get the dolls you want this year, too.

>> No.40006606
File: 3.16 MB, 2879x1920, expoitable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I'll learn how to use the pen tool

>> No.40008265
File: 985 KB, 2879x1920, 1654003783745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it could be better.

>> No.40010723
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>> No.40012212

Does anyone know much about the Lost Angel Story dolls? I see them around but I don't know much.

>> No.40012601 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.79 MB, 2000x1334, bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this any better?

>> No.40012836

the cuts around the arm are very unnatural

>> No.40014111
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>> No.40015220

it will do

>> No.40015963

They were a line of mostly 1/6 dolls produced by Volks in the early 2000s. I believe there were two 1/3 dolls as well, Sanjie and Lagla. I THINK these were the predecessor of DD but I'm not certain. The 1/6 dolls had many different body types - some jointed, and a seamless rubbery type too. They don't seem so popular anymore so you can find them for cheap, Myfigurecollection has a good database.

>> No.40017762

I have a few of them I’ve collected over the years, they’re kind of primitive body wise and tend to fall apart at the joints pretty easily. The later dolls have nice clothing pieces but older models clothing can be roughly made. I see them pop up for sale on mandarake pretty often. Unless it’s a character you really want I think getting an Azone PureNeemo is a better choice.

>> No.40018991

I'm looking to pick up a saber alter, but I see that she has been released multiple times. Other than the outfits, are there any differences between them?

>> No.40019045

The bodies for sure, some are the older bodies before the F3. I don't follow fate stuff, so I don't know which is which though. Check the head list on JadePixels website to see if there are sculpt or face-up differences.

>> No.40019093

Oops, the list is on orchiddolls, not Jadepixels. https://orchiddolls.com/list-of-dollfie-dream-heads

>> No.40020876
File: 43 KB, 640x563, shipping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shipping is so expensive these days, ugh.

>> No.40020924

blame uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gas prices yeah that they new excuse to milk your money

>> No.40020944

do not choose ECMS whatever you do. they bring it over the ocean at an expedited pace but hand it to fedex who won't do shit with it for three weeks.

>> No.40020957

From what I've read the restricted airspace over a certain country has fucked up shipping routes globally and made everything cost more because they have to take the long way around the arctic.

That's what I've read, thank you anon. I'll probably just go EMS or shell out for DHL. Never thought I'd miss 2019 but I certainly miss 2019 shipping prices.

>> No.40021014

At least the yen has dropped a lot so that sort of makes up for it some.

>> No.40021043

I don't know about EMS specifically but I thought Japan post was doing surface(sea) only. At least with DHL you know it's going by air. Don't want to risk your doll sitting in a container baking to 50c out at sea

>> No.40021659

I saw tinyfox mentioned before, is their international shop a good place to buy from? saw some posts about it being marked up from their other shops but i'm a newbie to doll stuff. their fox girl is looking real cute....

>> No.40022768

nvm I caved and she'll be on her way in a few months, got her from a different seller for a bit less at least. excited for my first doll, i'll report back when she gets here

>> No.40022787

I love when I come in this thread and see back to back posts like this.
>Where can/should I get this doll I fell in love with
>I got the doll
Can't wait to see her anon!

>> No.40023065

I love her!
How did you make her? I see you post sometimes and I've always wanted to know more about her, anon.

>> No.40023264

if only it were always that easy, I would have spent a lot more so far

>> No.40023375
File: 107 KB, 750x546, 4713ACDD-121B-42CD-A744-0A0EE1A322C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what brand this doll head is?

>> No.40024270
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>> No.40027158


>> No.40030208
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>> No.40030311

>when you recognize all the dolls
I need to get off twitter

>> No.40030710

She's a Snow Miku with custom wig from Etsy. I really love the Miku sculpt and fell in love with her the moment I saw her back in 2012.

>> No.40031773
File: 1.47 MB, 3072x4096, FUJN3hAaAAEqssl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn so fucking cute

>> No.40032235
File: 1.82 MB, 2000x4551, 20220602_155313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is a nasty surprise. This pleather corset and boots are disintegrating despite being stored in a cool dark place.

Has anyone tried restoring pleather? Is it worth the effort? I also have a lot of other items, especially shoes, should I be oiling them?

>> No.40032283

Genuinely hate to be the one to tell you this, but pleather is the devil's material and it all turns to shit in the end. Why people keep using it, I will never know. Genuinely, I'm not sure what, if anything, can be done to salvage it. Goo luck, non.

>> No.40032432

It'll be less hassle to just get a commission made with real leather.

>> No.40033073

Not on clothing, but I've tried on furniture, it is NOT worth the effort, ends up looking like shit and will fail again soon after. Here's a video so you don't have to just trust some random anon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTytjGmW3Q4

>> No.40034212

Dang anon is that Rin’s fullset? I have a few Volks pleather things that have turned to dust. Those silica gel packets seem to keep the decay somewhat at bay.

>> No.40034621 [DELETED] 

You can find it on Aliexpress

>> No.40034638

Not sure if it's based on a legit doll or not, but you can find it on Aliexpress.

>> No.40035449
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x795, 1615114141623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40035551

>Why people keep using it
Real leather is not easy to use, and it's an actual profession. I'm not even sure you could make doll sized clothes out of it.

>> No.40035580

>will fail again soon after
Thanks. I actually skimmed that exact video and didn't listen to the conclusion.

Unfortunately, yes. I live in a humid place so it was probably a bad idea to store everything in 1 bag since they were all sticking to one another.

> I'm not even sure you could make doll sized clothes out of it.
Is this true? If so I guess I might as well try to salvage it.

>> No.40035687

>I'm not even sure you could make doll sized clothes out of it.
I've got some very thin sheepskin that would probably work well for it, and at the very least could be used to make shoes.

>> No.40040084

I'm so anxious that something will go wrong but for now I'm looking at clothes for her, I can't wait

>> No.40041809

There are people who make real leather doll stuff but it's pretty niche and understandably expensive.

>> No.40042933


>> No.40042972
File: 157 KB, 750x1125, 1636570929780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love to wake up to a flooded basement. There goes my doll plans for a while...

>> No.40045643

Doesn't Danny do real leather shoes? It's about the only thing that tempts me to buy from him. Pleather is the devil.

>> No.40046325

yes, for 150k yen. There are some taobao makers who do real leather too for a fraction of the price, but you'll be waiting a while to have them made.
I've bought from them several times and have always received excellent shoes.

>> No.40047478
File: 78 KB, 1200x800, FUYTMjcaMAEe1ng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found one

>> No.40047679


>> No.40047689

she's simply using the tools given to maximize her efficiency

>> No.40047706

She's being replaced by a robot and she just sits there.

>> No.40047735

she's there to operate the kill switch incase it runs over pet poo and smears it all over the floor

>> No.40054866


>> No.40055219
File: 2.49 MB, 2560x1707, 1630022024274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For whatever reason this is deeply satisfying to me.

>> No.40056394
File: 1.18 MB, 1200x1800, E7DGkz8XIAks0OV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40056937

This is an interesting color palette that I feel like I rarely see on dolls.
Muted, earthy colors. I like it.

>> No.40058326
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>> No.40064448
File: 908 KB, 4096x3072, 1620755689080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40065838

Fox doll...

>> No.40065903

What's up with these anime dolls at Aliexpress? 100 bucks and under, 1/3 and 1/4 size. They kinda popped out of nowhere, are the dollie overlords taking over? Two weeks from now and I'm gonna start some papercraft project, 1/12 scale here we go!
Anon, could I have a minute? That line shows you still have some kindness for other people, but sometimes putting that bit of kindness on yourself is really tough, right?

Lately, I've been thinking about how we are raised on this mindset, there are worthy people, and then there are unworthy folks, the haves, the have nots... You're either born lucky, or you never make it. Sounds like a bad system, does anybody ever goes through life with no problems at all? We all would end up unworthy, sooner than later.
So, it got me thinking, is there a better way to face things? My life now is more about skills than lucking out. The good thing is that skills can be taught, learned, practiced and whatnot. Sure, some may have a better start, but looking for skills is much easier than looking for the worthy unicorns. May you find peace someday.

>> No.40066027

>companies brought the manufacturing to China for cheap
>chinks had to develop all the tools and know-how to make dolls
>they did it because they thought it's a big market
>dolls are still niche
>chinks now can make dolls like the big brands but on the side in off hours, and they try to sell them

>> No.40066192

Always be careful buying from aliexpress anon, it's never been a bastion of quality and I wouldn't expect it to any time soon. That being said you could still find some gems but check reviews and all the other stuff you usually would

>> No.40066537

They're ABS bodied, so keep that in mind--- I have one of those plastic-bodied smartdolls (it was cheap on the secondhand market) and honestly they get scuffed/scratched up way more easily than vinyl or even resin, plus the posability isn't great. Some also think the ABS dolls on aliexpress are bootlegs, but I'm not sure there... it's kind of hard to tell for me personally, but I will say that Aliexpress is half Amazon, half Wish- sometimes you get exactly what you ordered, but other times you get exactly what you paid for lmao.

>> No.40066632

That makes sense, thanks for the summary.
I know anon, so far every purchase was ok for what it's worth. Thanks!

>> No.40067430
File: 91 KB, 1200x1200, hirsutism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y!ja is wild today.

>> No.40067609

I'm almost tempted to bid on that desu

>> No.40068679
File: 19 KB, 400x600, uwu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it I'd love to see this head stick around. I love cursed dolls.

Pic related is what I just decided to purchase.

>> No.40068691

is the forehead blushing meant to be a shadow for a center part wig? i don't understand the artist's choices but i'm sure you'll love her, oddly cute

>> No.40068712
File: 775 KB, 5455x3631, doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a blaze, like the markings on this dog. I'm going to make a very weird doll hybrid out of this.

>> No.40068723

oh that's interesting, looking forward to seeing what you do

>> No.40068728

Thanks anon, I'll take photos whenever this makes it through shipping.

>> No.40070553
File: 1.40 MB, 3840x2880, 1629409565088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40075789
File: 123 KB, 476x357, Anatatakeniīto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40077851

What on earth is this from?

>> No.40078631

Those clearly aren't dolls, they don't even have joints. That man is just a regular pervert.

>> No.40079081

how new

>> No.40079097
File: 348 KB, 1318x2048, usaribo-1233002031431868416-20200227_201247-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was pretty clearly being facetious, Anonymous.

>> No.40081206
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>> No.40082880
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>> No.40083371
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>> No.40085170

unfortunately, it's completely fucked. I have some volks shoes that have turned to shit over the years.
Also, a lot of people make shoes without archival grade glue, so they can turn yellow around glued spots if you choose fabric ones.
Since I've been in the hobby for a very long time, I have shelled out twice now for actual leather shoes for them. Some plastic shoes may be a better choice if you are a serious collector. However, I wouldn't recommend it unless you're in deep.

>> No.40085725

I’ve just been buying doll shoes made with satin or velvet. I have a few from almost 10 years ago and they still look great.

>> No.40086418

kinda curious about those anime dolls, there any cheap kit brand for newbies?

>> No.40087132

What size you want, chief? Parabox has cheap-ish 1/6 animu dolls but most dolls posted here are 1/3 and 20k+ anime dollars.

>> No.40087505
File: 583 KB, 1892x1500, IMG_20210910_230028-4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want something that resembles the stuff posted in these threads, Azone's PureNeemo are the cheapest safe bet.
If you want even cheaper, you're down to more chibified stuff like Nendoroid Doll or Picco Neemo.

>> No.40087689

Like the other anon said Parabox is a good option for cheaper dolls - they offer reasonable prices for doll sizes from 11cm - 50cm - the prices go up as the size increases. Most wouldn't really be considered cheap depending on what hobby you're coming from but they're good quality and comparably less expensive than brands like Dollfie Dream, and easy to get replacement parts for, or blank parts to customize.

>> No.40090109
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>> No.40092106

Thank you for sharing this photo, anon. I like it. Should try this POV with my doll.

>> No.40092604
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>> No.40093431
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I'm super new to BJDs and want to get my first doll. I want to get a cute girl with thick thighs and wide hips. I like the loli body v0.1 by dollpamm (and v0.2 minus the head) but it seems to be sold out. If anyone can recommend an available body on a smaller scale it would be greatly appreciated. I don't mind building or putting together a kit.
>Lewd faces/parts/clothing is a plus

For reference

>> No.40093474

Maybe Angel Philia Elle or an MDD Mochi-Ashi with a custom head from Yahoo Japan Auctions?

>> No.40093554

I definitely want to get an angel philia doll at some point. But they seem to be a bit expensive and big for me currently. I don't know what constitutes small in this hobby but if you know some dolls smaller than angel philia that would be great.

>> No.40093567
File: 237 KB, 860x860, mochiashi_en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll probably be wanting an MDD then, they're smaller than AP. The Mochi-Ashi body has thicker legs, so it's more the style you expressed interest in. Then just find a head you like on Y!JA and you've got your little loli. Good luck, anon!

>> No.40093641
File: 529 KB, 1080x1651, Screenshot_20220608-012509~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the info. And on that note, do you have any experience with dolls from aliexpress? Pic related is probably a bootleg but I don't mind if it's good quality as it's only 60$

>> No.40094057

Who are those Mochi-Ashi lower legs for? Classic Mega Man fans?

>> No.40095155

>elin dolls
Here I come!

>> No.40098020

Shit, you're right. That would make for a really nice Roll doll.

>> No.40101312
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Anthy's here, pic unrelated. Not sure if I'll actually put the outfit on her -- I enjoy Utena, but I mostly just wanted a doll in this color. I'll think it over. I'll also find time to take a comparison between all the tans when I can -- I think I have them all now.

>> No.40101488

excited to see pics of her soon anon!

>> No.40102906

I am sorry but I have to say this. That is an absolutely hideous face.

>> No.40107580

For me

>> No.40108625

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