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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4148940 No.4148940 [Reply] [Original] east coast

>> No.4148945

That pic....EYE RAPE

>> No.4148958

reported for no trains

>> No.4148964

You meant to respond to >>4148952, didn't you?

>> No.4149119
File: 139 KB, 708x1000, Duckator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great games, Duckator. Man, your Remilia sure is frustrating to fight, when did you manage to get so fierce with her? Your corner pressure is actually pretty good, and you land so many cross-ups midscreen that I almost feel physical pain. Crossing me up with that alt 22 card is just flat-out mean, and don't even get me started on those psychic DPs. I was going to actually keep track of them for fun, but I lost count after you landed 20 of them.

>> No.4149153

Good games Guy. I got a lot of good Remi practice in.
It'd be nice if my 236s didn't always register as 623s and if my intentional 623s registered at all. Ceiling Fear is pretty good now that I got used to it but Vampire Claw seems more useless than I first thought. Maybe it's because I can't pull of 3 236s in a row without one of them turning into a DP.

>> No.4149215 [DELETED] 

>psychic DPs
Yup, that's Duckator all right. Man, it's irritating when he plays Marisa because he keeps doing them off of 66A and 6A, which are normally minus against block. Not to mention all the time, in general.

>> No.4149444

It was never all that useful in the first place. Even if you hit with all three, it won't do as much damage as your base 236 move in a combo anyway, and getting the move tight enough for the third to work in a combo is rough. ... although if you can get it work at will, you could probably use that delay to catch someone blocking and guard crush into a new combo, but that's gimmicky at best.

>> No.4149478

no hosts?

>> No.4149536

What does DP stand for?

>> No.4149543

double penetration

>> No.4149558

Dragon Punch, used to refer to moves that give immunity to the user.

>> No.4149574

Fantasy Heaven is a DP

>> No.4149604
File: 280 KB, 800x696, 1261173873715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you.

Dragon Punch.

You are already colorful.

>> No.4149624
File: 152 KB, 797x595, hammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantasy Heaven doesn't give you immunity, it gives you a buff that gives you a chance of immunity if your opponent sucks. If your intellect is not up to par, perhaps it should be better stated "An attack that grants temporary immunity to the user on startup".

>> No.4149650
File: 103 KB, 268x235, 1260328520641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying dragon punch moves are always invincible
>He also doesn't know what dragon punch actually refers to!

>> No.4149685

It's what DP has referred to 100% of the time when I've seen it used in context of touhou fightan games. Given that the question was asked in this thread, the answer works in the context. You can look up Dragon Punch on wikipedia or something if you want the history.

>> No.4149741

Don't mind him, he's just some Melty Blood player.

It is true though that DPs don't necessarily have invincibilty frames, and some people use DP to refer to the 623 motion/command moves in general.

>> No.4149800
US Central

Shit controller = Shit tier tier

>> No.4149808

Good games, anonymous. I'm still having quite the hard time with Remilia's cross-ups. I really don't mind getting beaten, I learn that way, but sandbagging sorta hurts my feelings. My apologies if you weren't, but it really did feel that way.


>> No.4149819
File: 533 KB, 712x712, Utsuho30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games Duckator! You're really good.

>> No.4149831
File: 72 KB, 1270x714, 1246782787600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>touhou fightan games

>> No.4149897

Why is spamming firepunch with Suika ok but spamming cradle with Remilia sandbagging?

>> No.4149904


I usually refrain from gloating, but

US Central
Getting to a point where I can't say My Shit controller = Shit tier tier

>> No.4149917

>Triple j.5A j.8A j.C off the airtechs
Didn't think I'd see that.

I can't understand the Remilia player's insistence of using default 22's, but whatever. Playing that unsafe against Guy won't win you many games.

>> No.4149971

Sorry about that, I had a phone call. Good games, ^_^.


I don't have anything against spamming moves. If it works against me, more power to anyone who does it. But the cradle whiffs made it feel like you were throwing the match, since you were getting punished for it and you're just a much better player than that. I don't mean to be offensive, I was just saying.

>> No.4149985

I... I couldn't keep up with all the action going on. You moved too much or I'm tired or something, but I had no idea what was going on when you were playing Meiling. Then when you switched to Cirno, I realized that even if I don't know what's going on, it won't change how I play Suwako.

Somehow my 22 alt didn't show up in those games, or I would have used it. I didn't actually mean to use 22 all that much anyway, it just happened between misinputs and misreads. I'm not used to Meiling.

I will admit that last game when I kept airteching away from Hong was intentional, I wanted to see if Guy would keep it up until I died.

>> No.4150023

Oh, and the cradle spellcard whiffs. My god, those were awful. One of those was meant to be a card change, and one was meant to be a normal 22 but somehow the spellcard activated. And I'm not really a good player, I just managed to avoid a few of the common traps that meiling players use because I was really focused her movement, and then I couldn't even see what spellcards I had because my vision was so narrow. Of course, then when I looked at the spellcards I couldn't see where the characters were and got wiped out.

>> No.4150042

>when I looked at the spellcards I couldn't see where the characters were and got wiped out

That kinda stuff happens to me quite frequently.

>> No.4150166

Dat lag. Good games again.

>> No.4150177
File: 38 KB, 270x321, Alice1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly, lag! Well, you would have probably won that easily enough either way, and I think it's about time to stop playing for tonight. Good games! I had fun.

Pic is Alice's reaction to me trying to play her.

>> No.4150186

Good games E-MAN. Man, we're back to silly mode. Sorry if you wanted something more competitive, but I guess my inexperience with those characters was a fair handicap for your new controller.

BAW Suwacko sucks, this game is unbalanced, etc. Well, it was fun!

>> No.4150190

GGs a.a.

Fun matches as always. Froggies, Gateguards, and no Sluts/Cirno? Hmmm.... Thanks for the matches.

>> No.4150225

>no Sluts/Cirno?
Too serious (srs) for me. Sorry about the Suika game. I mean, I'm sure you weren't anywhere close to 100%, but even when both of us knew it was going to be 6B/j.6B/j.2B, you still kept getting hit. 0 loliballs! A new record!

>> No.4150249

>0 loliballs

Allow me to express my skepticism.

>> No.4150266

Bump for hosts

>> No.4150269

>Sorry if you wanted something more competitive

I play on /jp/ <_<. Don't mind the Reimu/Sakuya ONRY, just have to get back to basics with the weirdness of the controller. Anyway, good lookin' out on holding back though, even though I didn't ask for it.... It DID make my controller seem somewhat adequate, yet ground dashing into bullets/SCs when I'm CLEARLY pressing 6D is still rageworthy!

Side-note: Almost every electronic/gaming store in my city either don't sell USB controllers, or they sell XBOX controllers with USB support for PC. ...I think I'm stuck with my shitfest of a controller, at least I won't have a 100% input drop rate when playing with it.

>> No.4150280

What kind of controller are you looking for E-MAN? Also you should host

>> No.4150288

I can confirm. He didn't LOLIBALL nor LOLIDIVE me once. Not even a spellcard! I got beat on 6B/j.6B ALONE!

What th-... why am I tearing up all of a sudden?

>> No.4150293

You're a gigantic faggot.

>> No.4150303


US Central

>> No.4150305
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hosting, WC, average

>> No.4150326
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>> No.4150328

Haha oh wow. It looks like my wireless connection is acting up, resulting in a desync after 20 seconds. And I was trying a 100% counterpunch strategy for fun too...

>> No.4150331

Meh, maybe next time. It's not like I'm going to try and avoid them anyway...

>> No.4150350

I think I've fixed whatever problem I was having before so I should be able to host now. I haven't tried it out though so I won't know for sure until someone joins.

US Midwest

>> No.4150360

Yeah, guess I'll have to wait till next time. I wanted to try counterpunch for one match to gauge if the controller change made any difference as well as have a chance to see your strings. I noticed while playing Tenshi that you were still pretty good regardless.

>> No.4150377

Good game Duckator. I was just testing out our connections.

>> No.4150378

Yeah! I can host again.
Thanks Rabbit.

>> No.4150443
quick 3-4 games before I call it a night
be warned... it will be a horrible connection

>> No.4150454

east coast, but it probably will not matter very much

>> No.4150583

sadnesss... I could not even beat you once, was still pretty fun though

>> No.4150590


And with that, I'm going to bed as well. Thanks for the matches, especially the STRONGEST match! Hopefully, you didn't take it as me trying to show you up or anything, I just like Cirno mirrors!

>> No.4150605

Don't worry about it. Keep playing, and you'll progressively come to see through all my tricks and kick my ass.

Just like everyone else here a /jp/ do ;_;

>> No.4150606

Nah, I happen to enjoy mirror matches every once in a while, and no man alive can resist the temptation of a duel of the Strongest.

>> No.4150640

also, do you happen to live in South Carolina? I think you are the only person who I've played and had next to no lag.

>> No.4150653


>> No.4150745

Good games Duckator. You're quite the magician, with a full bag of tricks (bizarre use of skillcards) that kept surprising me at every turn (except for Sanae. There's no way you could have won that one.)

Sheesh, I don't know how many times I had to do 5AAA stagger A to convince you to stop dashing up to me. Anyway, thanks for the beatdown. I really wanted a Sakuya mirror, but I have to get some sleep.

>> No.4150753

Good games a.a. I hope you didn't mind my skillcard decks, I've been trying them out all day. I think I should revise some of them after playing you.
