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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43581160 No.43581160 [Reply] [Original]

>lookup touhou stuff and find reddit posts
surely this cant be too bad right?
>people are unironically using the word "frick"
do people over the age of 15 like touhou outside of 4chan? its depressing to see this

>> No.43581172

I just don't bother with any communities out of 4chan

>> No.43581215

What were you expecting OP? why are you surprised that the series full of cute anime girls, that has been spammed all over the internet for literal decades, has attracted a huge amount of normies?

>> No.43581246
File: 122 KB, 415x497, bleh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want them to heccin' cuss you sailor mouth? What would those chonkin doggos think?

I hate redditors so much, they are the epitome of all that I hate in the world. Nanogram testosterone levels.

>> No.43581308

Be honest OP, how old were you when you started liking touhou?

>> No.43581320

At least he's not a redditor.
Although this might all be bait for a screencap.
In which case, well played.

>> No.43581333

What the frick are you even talking about, goddamn schizo?

>> No.43581371

Weird thing is I feel like redditors are usually the type to swear too much (like how fucking ESLs constantly fucking swear all the fucking time until it loses all fucking meaning like this fucking shit). Maybe it's just their way of breaking convention.

>> No.43581391

not op but i was 20 iirc

>> No.43581392

Just don’t bother with any community

>> No.43581396

i don't say f*ck anymore because of just how reddit it sounds.

>> No.43581399

Not OP but I was like 11 years old (I found McRoll while browsing memes on YouTube)

>> No.43581400

Shut the heck up your fricking idiot

>> No.43581406

They're either fat mankids who are too sensetive to be called a nigger faggot like the rest of us, or the kind of autist that should have been beaten as a child. You know, the kind of person that legitimately cannot take a joke that comes at anyone's expense, and god forbid you don't like dogs.
Honestly go find a reddit atheist. I became *more* religious just to distance myself from them pretty much. They were but the beginning of the rot that turned the website from a bunch of normies to a gaggle of tumblr kids.

>> No.43581410

Do you want to know an even more terrifying truth? More than half of the anons here are underage and come from reddit. There, I said it.

>> No.43581417

>whining about some random person he never met didn't want to swear
What are you, 10?
This is 18+ website, get the frick out

>> No.43581422

Dear god...
What can be done to excise these tumors from our great, /jp/ society?

>> No.43581430

Kill yourself nigger cocksucker sodomite

>> No.43581431

Say nigger as much as possible

It's their kryptonite

>> No.43581453

>swearing is le... COOL AND ADULT!!!
Grow up kiddo

>> No.43581456

But kids loves to say the n-word cause it's like super forbidden dude!

>> No.43581469

No they don't, kids of the 2000s did but kids of the 2020s don't because there's actual consequences now.

>> No.43581502

My dude, have you been at least 5 minutes in /v/ or at least played any multiplayer game ever? kids love that word, they just pretend to be civilized in front of their parents.

>> No.43581505

you can thank the roblox fumo game for that

>> No.43581511

You're stuck in 2006, kids that say the n-word in online vidya get their accounts permabanned.

>> No.43581567
File: 181 KB, 320x320, 1682009808463010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention to all civilized jaypeers: This is a summerfag thread with summerfag posters, do not to reply to any of the posters here, and if you do make sure to sage.

>> No.43581683

it was about when i was 16 or 17, but only because of 4chan
before that i spammed touhou threads on bant calling people pedos for it, so ironically enough i started liking it over time

>> No.43581700
File: 14 KB, 250x188, 1670864456359778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kuso thread

>> No.43581716

dude even "nigger" feels like a reddit word by this point, so recently ive started taking it a step further saying it like a zoomer, like "i cant afford that nigga!"

>> No.43581734

reported for announcing a sage

>> No.43581760

nice blog faggot

>> No.43581775

downdooted for announcing a report

>> No.43581830

If you don't want to see normies talking about the things you like then get into something that has offensive content like Okegom or something.

>> No.43581873

Nah, you gotta do it with a redneck accent, go real hard on the R, and save it for when someone has a nigger moment.

>> No.43582020
File: 160 KB, 850x638, GTA Gensokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga is THE most reddit word. Maybe you should just stop saying racial slurs if you don want to sound like a redditor
Esls do that because they learnt English through GTA

>> No.43582046

What is there left?

>> No.43582052

Some time ago was searching where to get 2hou stuff, if moriyashrine was safe etc. And the first google result was a reddit thread about where do you get 2hou content, and the very first reply said /jp/.

>> No.43582055

Troon/tranny. Trannies are the scared cow that you're not allowed to touch.

>> No.43582073

The good old faggot too

>> No.43582146

Retard yes
Spazz/spazztic doesn't have a ring to it
Mongiloid is ok
Faggot (but i like fag)
Most of the other racial slurs. The n word thing is probably only funny to them because of their memes about muh n word pass and their unhealthy obsession with negroes and talking like them. Anything else and they will probably shit their pants.
Which reminds me,

>> No.43582254

>(like how fucking ESLs constantly fucking swear all the fucking time until it loses all fucking meaning like this fucking shit).
>Esls do that because they learnt English through GTA
Ackchually they don't even drop a single F-bomb in GTA Vice City

>> No.43582264

sacred* Fuck me

>> No.43582966

it does get a bit excessive, like >>43581430

>> No.43582976
File: 732 KB, 1634x2133, 90A4F89C-32FF-4344-9C4E-92DD849D220F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we must protecc the heckin lolis!!

>> No.43583482
File: 3.37 MB, 1280x640, 1949.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43583810

this isnt tsukasa this is just a normal furry..
