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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44874438 No.44874438 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.44874502

it's a discord raid
they bump their own threads all the time to give the illusion that touhou is still relevant. it's sad really

>> No.44874548

/jp/ culture

>> No.44874560

This is what holoteens actually believe

>> No.44874607

Its all me

>> No.44875096

>they bump their own threads
Those barbarians...

>> No.44876892

Most of them are Tumblr secondaries.
The real Touhou fans all fucked off from this place to self-made imageboards when the insufferable secondaries invaded.
This board has, overwhelmingly, been dead for over half a decade now. A rotten husk of a former good community of posters.

>> No.44881937

/jp/ culture

>> No.44881951

Is Tumblr even vaguely relevant in the present year? I thought twitter became you mob's bogeyman.

>> No.44881959
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You sound very angry

>> No.44881964

/jp/ is the 2hu containment board that just tolerates the discussion of other things sometimes.

>> No.44884763


>> No.44885923


>> No.44886711

Why isn't it called "/2hu/ - Touhou"?

>> No.44886833

Because you're a newfag.
There, I said it.

>> No.44886901

The board was originally called /2hu/ but many people complained to Hiro about not being able to post pictures of Japanese schoolgirls here so he changed the name to /jp/ - Misunderstood Genuises

>> No.44886993

funny how you can see similar posts like this one on all the other boards as well

>> No.44887009

Anon just really likes thinking he's the only true fan and everyone else is just a poser. This website is seeped in hipster contrarian culture.

>> No.44888170 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44896222

always was

>> No.44901109

/vt/ exists yet hollowlife is rife here, very interesting

>> No.44907938

a (blue) jay took a piss on moot's window while he was making the board

>> No.44911238

>half a decade
you dumbass negro, at latest it died when the monster girl thread cancer was allowed to stay here in like 2014
and depending on who you ask it either died before that or was never good
my point being that its laughable to complain about this shit when the community you talk about was doing 360 degree turns literally every year
