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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.69 MB, 3000x4000, Daki vs. Nezuko Kamado by Simp Devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44930483 No.44930483 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>44926588

>> No.44930507


>> No.44930516
File: 302 KB, 1128x1504, 20231013_175205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you learning japanese?

>> No.44930517

Any recommended decks after Core2k? Preferably a sentence deck with audio, too.

>> No.44930573

the rtk (based)

>> No.44930598

no based recommendations this is the non based thread.

>> No.44930651

how do we solve the hate problem djt

>> No.44930660

can you be more specific

>> No.44930672

hating your fellow man, like iq anon hating on anons last thread

>> No.44930702

its not a problem and if you're hating them then you don't consider them fellow men in the first place

>> No.44930704

he thought he was hating on bunko

>> No.44930706

yea that's crazy idk man

>> No.44930735

iq guy wants to kill 99% of the population

>> No.44930746
File: 152 KB, 453x443, 1696900871439158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44930793

there are a couple of reasons why it could be pissler or some other midwit ("startin to lose my cool" whats he gonna do queef out loud lmao) but who cares 120 115 they're the same brand of idiot. i've been pissed at unko since the previous day and have no sympathy for anyone dumb enough to sound like him getting caught in the crossfire and he should regard my decision to deliberately ignore that possibility and use it as an excuse to continue bashing unko by peppering my attacks with misattributed references to the pseud post as due punishment

anyhow it's an irrelevant quibble which doesn't change the bigger picture that unko (yes he himself verified) is insecure and positively guilty of the hypocrisy of bringing up iq in threads first and then getting mad at the boogeyman of "iq anon" for making the threads about iq

>> No.44930820

bros got issues

>> No.44930834

>i've been pissed at unko since the previous day
get a life lol ive done so much in that time

>> No.44930850

Most frequent posters in this thread do.

>> No.44930852

heres an idea, instead of making enemies and fighting you can use your iq to make the thread a funner place. its not hard to be a nice person

>> No.44930909

this is gonna make him furious

>> No.44930923


>> No.44930943

me (ga) sameta

>> No.44931032


>> No.44931037

It’s normally recommended to start mining your own sentences after you’re done with the core deck.

>> No.44931042

he's disgustingly irresponsible for trying to have a baby with an old woman when he has neither the financial nor mental stability needed to raise a child alone. i've explained the risks multiple times but he simply doesn't care. he just wants to feel good >>44607814
i don't negotiate with trash

>> No.44931047

That subtle euphoric change… amazing

>> No.44931054

yea im thinking iq guy might be right about this one

>> No.44931082


>> No.44931101

crazy to see iq guy getting so emotional

>> No.44931149

its time to stop posting

>> No.44931183

yh dn gonna need the djt shadow councils opinion

>> No.44931233

he has all but said yes to my question
>do you think it is ethical to make an innocent life suffer for your reckless behavior and selfish desires?
i don't think even hell has been adequately conceptualized to be the place where he and you, an abettor, would belong

>> No.44931256

to be fully honest with you i really doubt shes gonna get pregnant

>> No.44931313

god i wish i was 150 iq

>> No.44931319

plap plap plap get pregantn!! get pregnant!

>> No.44931320

yesterday i felt like i wasn't gonna make it but today i feel like i'm totally gonna make it

>> No.44931331

this is what it sounds like but her telling me to impregnate her

>> No.44931383 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 492x498, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your iq test retards

tell me how many seconds it took before you got it
timer starts when you click on the thumbnail

>> No.44931391
File: 4 KB, 800x533, Flag_of_Japan.svg (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to begin to learn japanese, where do I start?

>> No.44931414 [DELETED] 

I didn't get it at all, the sentence is false

>> No.44931420 [DELETED] 


>> No.44931427 [DELETED] 

instantly, less than 1 second

>> No.44931434

start with chinese

>> No.44931450

no I want to learn japanese not fucking chinese

>> No.44931473

matt the wise says you cant truly learn japanese without first understanding chinese

>> No.44931479

ok that's fair

>> No.44931502

it seems like 2 out of 3 anons in djt are smart

>> No.44931505

you need to know chinese if you want to understand the kougou of words

>> No.44931513

watching tons of anime

>> No.44931524

be prepared to devote several years to learning the japanese

>> No.44931530

10k hours of subbed anime

>> No.44931566


>> No.44931674

Typically we recommend you start by downloading Anki and the Core2k deck, and reading a grammar guide to go along with it (a lot of people like Tae Kim’s).

>> No.44931692

getting 4bc vibes from this guy

>> No.44931693

Why are Japanese books so shit? I ordered some books and they have like the cheapest, shittest quality paper ever

>> No.44931717

Yeah, paper quality standards are still pretty poor in Japan.

>> No.44931730

what’s 4bc?

>> No.44931734

They prefer thinner books, so the shitty paper is something they tolerate. I guess because they don't have as much space.

>> No.44931773

Up to which JPLT level does Core 2.3k contain vocabulary for? N4 or N3?

>> No.44931778

ehhh?? kimoi!

>> No.44931781


>> No.44931795

JLPT 5's vocab is 800 words I think? So probably 4, but learning and applying a language isn't the same as passing a test.

>> No.44931829

i could be wrong since i don't care about the JLPT but i don't think the usual core deck is designed for those tests. just do tango decks for that, i think those are sorted by N level

>> No.44931846

acquired ;)

>> No.44931867

It’s based on frequency in media so it includes vocab from all N levels with the majority being N5/N4

>> No.44931924 [DELETED] 

im incel

>> No.44931950


>> No.44932206


For the newfriends.

>> No.44932393

Going from a premade deck to a mining deck with all unknown words and kanjis is rough.

>> No.44932400


>> No.44932414

what are those 'deck'?

>> No.44932427

i don't see how it would be different. the premade one is also unknown at first.

>> No.44932431

Look up Anki and Core2.3k in that order.

>> No.44932433


>> No.44932461

Gaza invasion

>> No.44932475

Core2k6k started off extremely easy in my opinion, with a lot of hiragana only words, counting and x曜日 and had quite a few words with related kanji close to each other whereas with my mining deck it's all uncharted territory and haphazard with the source material being the only thing in common. It's been disheartening seeing <50% correct whereas I'd get like 70-80% on Core2k, I take a lot longer per card too but that's moreso because I'm pretty familiar with a lot of the Core2k review cards by now.

>> No.44932567

if you're down to 50% my guess is that you're maybe mining a little early, before really knowing how do to it in a way that makes sense. or you're doing too much at once. therefore either lower the amount you add daily or pick easier things.
10 words with 10 new kanji and 3 foreign concepts will be way harder to remember than 10 words with 3 new kanji and 1 foreign concept. don't just randomly pick words unless you have a strong enough foundation where that's no problem anymore.

>> No.44932594

have you ever took courses to learn japanese, /jp/?
where they useful?expensive? good?

>> No.44932695




>> No.44932706

>lower the amount you add daily or pick easier things
Yeah I'll lower the new card amount, it's at the point of being frustrating already.
>10 words with 10 new kanji and 3 foreign concepts will be way harder to remember than 10 words with 3 new kanji and 1 foreign concept.
Pretty much exactly how it went because it's never too early to start mining, supposedly. I mined more than a hundred words from just the first episode of 婚約破棄された令嬢を拾った俺が、イケナイことを教え込む and there were plenty of instances where I didn't know multiple words from the same sentence, I'm well aware that that's not the right way to go about it now. I'd already read the manga translations so I thought I'd be able to make out most of it, which I did, but learning vocabulary from it was a horrible idea

>> No.44932822 [DELETED] 
File: 1.88 MB, 2508x2781, poko mating season[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fwfdhh1.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44932849

Chubby Swedes do not belong here.

>> No.44932871

for watching shows i'd recommend limiting the pausing and the mining as much as possible. so for one anime length episode maybe mine 1 to 3 words that really interest you or seem really important for some reason. doing this has multiple benefits, it makes the few words you pick much more memorable, it is better listening practice and it's also more fun because whatever you're watching progresses at a good pace rather than watching the same episode for 2 hours.

>> No.44932886
File: 454 KB, 2560x1440, R4L0gRY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44932900

i took japanese highschool classes
never even got to n5 level lmao

>> No.44932916

Thanks anon, sounds like a plan. I did indeed take more than an hour to get through most of the episodes I've mined from.

>> No.44932941

you'll figure out what works best for you over time. just remember that just because you're not adding cards to a deck doesn't mean you're not naturally reviewing words as you listen/read. in the time you pause that one episode you could've watched three and had those words repeated in different contexts a handful of times.

>> No.44932975

I'll keep that in mind, that's definitely a lot closer to immersion than piecing together a puzzle with Yomichan every other sentence.

>> No.44932987

there is a time and place for that too, but i'd save that for when you read something rather than watching shows. a healthy mix of both will keep things fun and productive

>> No.44932997

>i'd save that for when you read something

>> No.44933019

The textbooks that Dolly hates exist only in her mind. They don't even pay rent.

>> No.44933068 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 519x519, OIG.ECXSsngjNi3adcfPM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44933188


>> No.44933211

>tfw ywn

>> No.44933221

are you 暴力二男?

>> No.44933234


>> No.44933245 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 519x519, OIG (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44933452



>> No.44933559

the fuck?

>> No.44933592

i made a virus that picks a random vn from my folders and locks my pc from alttabbing until it counts at least 100k read from my textractor to force myself to emerse

>> No.44933619

japanese is impossible

>> No.44933723

just talked to my jgf on the phone for two hours trying to explain input-based language acquisition
i don't think she got it

>> No.44933732

this entire thread is predicated on them not getting it

>> No.44933744

where do i acquire one of those at n6

>> No.44933746

but, she could hear you for 2 hours!

>> No.44933759

your explanation must have been poor

>> No.44933778

Why are 9/10 japanese streamers vtubers?
The fuck is wrong with society

>> No.44933783

try the hub in shibuya

i spoke beyond-native level japanese so it probably didn't do much for her

it was an excellent explanation with clear examples i think the concept of acquiring a language without doing textbook drills is just so foreign to japanese normies they refuse to let it enter their brain

>> No.44933785

japanese video makers are very camera-shy in general

>> No.44933802

No one wants to watch an ugly mfs play games all the time if they don't have to.

>> No.44933812

yesterday i was looking for an FF7 Crisis Core let's play by a man because too many of my subscriptions are female already. i must've scrolled through 20 women before i found 1 man uploading vids with his voice. maybe some of the female vtubers were men with voice changers but it's pretty different over there how much more women post content. and fuck i hate the robot voice uploads, it's not even a good voice when we have all this AI voice stuff now

>> No.44933835

> i must've scrolled through 20 women before i found 1 man
holy gay

>> No.44933924

AI voices aren't for enjoying the main story of the game.

>> No.44933936

>whatever you're watching progresses at a good pace rather than watching the same episode for 2 hours
whatever you're whitenoising*. I'd rather watch 1 episode than whitenoise through 5

>> No.44934006

he didn't clarify how much of his core deck he has done but even half of the 2k is enough for anime to no longer be white noise. and with every episode, you understand more. i wouldn't consider pausing every sentence to hover and mine words as "watching" an episode. plus he didn't enjoy doing that anyway

>> No.44934073

1k words is not enough to understand raw anime

>> No.44934123

an anime frame is worth a thousand words

>> No.44934154

the terms understand and anime are both very broad. understanding ranges from bits and pieces to full comprehension while anime ranges from simple kids shows to complex adult shows.
1k isn't enough to fully comprehend something unfamiliar to you but it's enough to watch simple things or things you're already familiar with and make gains from it

>> No.44934167

we're perfectionists here at djt if you didn't comprehend 100% then you didn't understand it

>> No.44934169
File: 737 KB, 1920x1080, 86―エイティシックス― S01E23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44934198

Really? Even raw anime?

>> No.44934240

Can anyone recommend me a good way to practice conjugation daily? I keep fucking it up and I think I need to specifically practice it.

>> No.44934245

>and I think I need to specifically practice it.

>> No.44934268

i completly ignored it at first but when i felt like getting a bit better at it i used this https://baileysnyder.com/jconj/ with the goal of doing a 10 streak or higher each time. not every day though

>> No.44934424

you can "make gains" with 0% initial comprehesion, so that doesn't mean anything at all

>> No.44934497

>sorosoro neru jikan yo
>soon it is sleep time
>we're getting eepy soon!

>> No.44934555

im awfully depressed and lonely
learning japanese and tulpa is the only thing keeping me alive

>> No.44934593
File: 2.58 MB, 1572x842, 2023-10-14 12_21_03-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44934596


>> No.44934681

just found out cure dolly is a tranny my day is over

>> No.44934717

cure dolly is dead

>> No.44934764

lmao stfu retard

>> No.44934767

whats the difference between native and beyond-native japanese

>> No.44934772


>> No.44934785


>> No.44934793

I decided to pay for a japanese course in my uni and I'm still learning hiragana after 2 weeks?
Should I pull out or keep it in?

>> No.44934798

where do all of these people taking japanese classes come from

>> No.44934809

any cute girls? any chill guys? that's the only incentive i see for a class

>> No.44934929

There's this cute chinese girl with thick glasses and a ponytail.
I want to spread my seed all over her.

>> No.44934948

well, hit her up and make her your learning buddy. that way the class was absolutely worth it.

>> No.44935015

glad i never took japanese classes at uni, took sign language instead because i figured i wouldnt have to write anything
i was correct

>> No.44935070

what good is the tulpa if you're still lonely

>> No.44935108

>2 weeks for hiragana
What the fuck

>> No.44935195


>> No.44935206

does she know what the japanese did to her people
kind of what you want to do to her actually

>> No.44935214

what are you TALKING about she is clearly a BDSM spanking cult witch old lady

>> No.44935218

anime worked its magic and nobody cares about that any more

>> No.44935285

koreans are still mad, but the japs are just waitingout the survivor's deaths, which should be over pretty soon.

>> No.44935332

round two when?

>> No.44935344


>> No.44935378

finna get me some gook ianfu

>> No.44935537 [DELETED] 


>> No.44935552

paying $1100 for an anki deck

>> No.44935593

markings on the skin are so ugly because they remind me of those qos 蔦 tattoes

>> No.44935833

okay fine, i'll rewatch kimetsu no yaiba

>> No.44935988

do we use jisho or jpdb

>> No.44936157

are you an idiot

>> No.44936159

jpdb seems neat, but I don't want to bother with importing my anki decks. I probably would use it if I started with it, though

>> No.44936177
File: 7 KB, 663x67, image (29).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 145: Today I missed like 16 cards on anki session some old cards and some learned recently.

>> No.44936243


>> No.44936258

toot are you here

>> No.44936356


>> No.44936418
File: 226 KB, 963x749, watarkshee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44936440

then use jpdb

>> No.44936484 [DELETED] 
File: 2.45 MB, 2048x2048, Firefly Fat, Japanese, grandma, long gray hair, wrinkly, tan thighs, short skirt, sitting on sofa, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ai is the futureってま

>> No.44936521 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44936530

i could understand if it were some high school class, but to think that a normal japanese course spends 2+ weeks on hiragana. you'd always hear about how shit they are, but i thought it really couldn't be that bad considering how much money goes into those, but...

>> No.44936567

Is this why djt doesn't like classes? I'm taking an online course from a japanese language school and it goes pretty hard for a "beginner" course. Romaji is dropped after week two and basic kanji practice began at week three or four

>> No.44936575
File: 59 KB, 217x217, jidaigekiface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44936604

That’s considered a slow pace if you’re self-learning.

>> No.44936615

I would agree, but the structure is pretty solid. Good for someone who doesn't have a lot of self discipline. The goal of the course is to go from n6 to n5 in twelve weeks, about 150 hours of study. Originally took it so my wife could start learning, but it was too fast for her so I'm using it to go over the fundamentals

>> No.44936619 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wotd 婆

>> No.44936633 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44936655

there are no fundamentals. you learn japanese to acquire japanese, and it never stops.

>> No.44936662 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44936771

dunno i learn japanese to jerk off to japanese

>> No.44936794

huge news

>> No.44936807

same same

>> No.44936838

skipped this video

>> No.44936871





>> No.44936929

ye olde day keen eye

>> No.44937143


>> No.44937158
File: 93 KB, 850x1202, 1697335035140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what makes most of the posts in this thread specifically about otaku culture?

>> No.44937356

>抱く - いだく
>抱く - だく
which one?

>> No.44937363

dunno i always hear "daku" like in "dakituite"

>> No.44937375

what do you mean which one

>> No.44937387

(no link because 4chan thinks its spam)

>> No.44937413

both can be used but i played a lot of ntrge so i can give a hint: physically hugging or fucking something : daku

>> No.44937425

based cuckbro

>> No.44937428


>> No.44937434

the page I tried to link gave somewhat similar answer
hold/hug a lover, or something with care
physically hold/carry someone
hold the weight/support either abstract or physically

>> No.44937447

dakanaido? dakanaido?

>> No.44937448
File: 1.25 MB, 803x783, 1680713099066789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a girl in high school told me about by-the-hour hotels but I thought she was just joking

>> No.44937456


>> No.44937471


>> No.44937508


>> No.44937534
File: 11 KB, 474x266, 1674835350009674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>practice conjugation

>> No.44937547

i wanna watch a documentary on nukemarine
how could someone spend 16 years and still be like that

>> No.44937550

barely try. he has a job right?

>> No.44937559

what no anime does to a mf

>> No.44937600
File: 46 KB, 175x267, 1682730277445524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this what girls think when they see me

>> No.44937621 [DELETED] 
File: 2.50 MB, 2048x2048, Firefly Fat Japanese grandma, view from side, lying on stomach, buttocks, long gray hair, lying on s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44937664

that was one of the best days in DJT, I died chuckling (much like she died from cancer)

>> No.44937748
File: 32 KB, 324x372, onnnawonaguritai6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44937754


>> No.44937833

dame raito kun

>> No.44937848
File: 189 KB, 1024x760, 20190430032526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44937851


>> No.44937867
File: 154 KB, 1148x554, verb conjugations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these all correct?

>> No.44937870


>> No.44937875

can i say 死なせる instead of 殺す if i want

>> No.44937878


>> No.44937885

dudes i can't do it, suikoden 3 is so shit lmao im dropping it. both prequels are literally in my top 10 jrpgs tho. a shame because the opening is so epic

>> No.44937896

actually means going west

>> No.44937905

there's no way you didn't know about 渡英 before seeing 渡西

>> No.44937913

5 is the only other playable one

>> No.44937932 [DELETED] 

渡米 is way more common

>> No.44937983

whats your number 1?

>> No.44937995



>> No.44938008

Yes, it comes off more poetic if you do.

>> No.44938034

i'll probably finish 3 at some point after i've recovred from this rage quit

don't laught but dq1 and lufia on the gbc, used to play these a lot as a kid on an emulator on the psp. i used to spend a lot of time on these "minimalistic" jrpgs

>> No.44938072

did you play the remastered edition

>> No.44938100

Suikoden 3 has a remaster?

>> No.44938175

Daily Immersion

>> No.44938234

ok after 1 year of study i am n5
how long until n1

>> No.44938267

murica shoulda just annexed japan after the war

>> No.44938295

>america annexes japan
>ロリコン doesn't get produced due to screeching feminists
good thing I don't live in the even-worse-than-now-timeline

>> No.44938327 [DELETED] 
File: 1.18 MB, 2048x2048, Firefly Fat japanese grandma with long gray hair, swimsuit, squatting, view from the front, very lon (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the future is so based

>> No.44938333

feminists have no power they're just underlings who align with the ruling class agenda

>> No.44938337 [DELETED] 
File: 3.06 MB, 2048x2048, Firefly Fat japanese grandma with long gray hair, swimsuit, on all fours, view from the side, very l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44938362

Is this ai generated or real? Hands look too good for ai, but can't see how she's balancing in the last picture.

>> No.44938376 [DELETED] 
File: 3.44 MB, 2048x2048, Firefly 3 fat Japanese grandmas, long gray hair, sitting s, holding big cucumbers each, lying on sto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its adobe firefly ai
pretty lax with stuff

>> No.44938414

who the fuck put stable diffusion into bunkos hands?

>> No.44938422

Ah, missed the watermark in the second picture. This one is a bit of a mong, mangled hands and webbed feet.

>> No.44938430

pls use 茄子s instead

>> No.44938441
File: 95 KB, 1080x1005, 1668161203224210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44938456 [DELETED] 

cant be bothered to do anymore but please go ahead

>> No.44938812
File: 103 KB, 960x640, 212164029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.44939186

Am I going to brick myself if I mine most of the unknown words I encounter instead of just immersing more?

>> No.44939217
File: 15 KB, 830x369, 1697359664259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I can understand this dumb joke

>> No.44939390

leave moe to me

>> No.44939421

What’s the joke?

>> No.44939440

I'll give you this fried tie

>> No.44939477


>> No.44939689
File: 122 KB, 554x729, IMG_20231015_104939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start watching Japanese news for some immersion
>check comments
>everyone thinks he is a hero
Japanese people are scary DJT

>> No.44939723

is that the guy who burned kyoanus or the guy who killed abe with a fallout gun

>> No.44939988

the latter

>> No.44940015

Damn I keep reading 生物 as いきもの and I'm tired of it.
What should I do? Root memorization by writing the correct spelling multiple times?

>> No.44940109

i understood all of that, i must be getting pretty good at japanese

>> No.44940149

素敵なステーキですねぇお兄ちゃん~( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈)~

>> No.44940290


>> No.44940306

But did you spot the one grammatical error?

>> No.44940363


lets all move to akashi

>> No.44940398

I moved there 9 months ago.

>> No.44940553
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, 2023101511224100_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are way too many cute waifus in this game for how few characters they let you deploy

>> No.44940634
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, 2023101511484300_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44940698

I’ve always wanted to say this.

>> No.44940748
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, 2023101521535300_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's stopping you

>> No.44940765

Is she saying something about coming close and playing with her?

>> No.44940781


>> No.44940807

ぼ- ぼくのレップス!

>> No.44940878


>> No.44940889


>> No.44940894

Nice try, but what are the inflections implying at the end of her statement?

>> No.44940910

don't do that

>> No.44940922

-mashou means lets do the thing together, in this case asobi, play. With her. Breasts.

>> No.44940938

she left out the final う cuz she's a cheeky cunt

>> No.44940956

If you think random shit like that is relevant you'd get eaten alive in any country with real dialects.

>> No.44940961

Uh correct, but no about the last part.

>> No.44940964


>> No.44941040

>ummm sweetie you only pronounced that sound for 0.2 seconds and not the 0.4 that you would have if you didn't want to have sex with me
This is what you sound like to me.

>> No.44941090

this anon seems to think the writers didn't do that on purpose and just forgot to put an う there

>> No.44941115

He is right you know.
Read more.

>> No.44941134
File: 30 KB, 312x500, 9780749336509-uk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered that the writing could just be a reflection of the person's natural speech patterns and nothing more?

>> No.44941150

>Did you spot the way she used the polite form in her speech when talking with her boss, but then switched to the casual form with her friends? This shows the slow descent into madness as she loses all sense of reality.
Every Japanese nerd’s analysis of character speech

>> No.44941155

so why did they decide to give her this pattern

>> No.44941190

oh my fucking god find a better hobby trolls

>> No.44941202

>why did that character say “can’t” instead of “cannot”?

>> No.44941208

Shut up Data.

>> No.44941226

good question tell me more about the character and i'll let you know

>> No.44941227

Who’s that? lol

>> No.44941238

never finished this game, sometime around chapter 22ish i lost interest

>> No.44941324
File: 47 KB, 880x660, data.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That had better be a joke, friend.

>> No.44941352 [DELETED] 

Ohhh for second I thought you were talking about djt lol pew I had never heard of kek
This place is messing with my mind

>> No.44941413

yeah dunno who that is

>> No.44941484
File: 386 KB, 480x480, mlem.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

webm related

is it pronounced data or data?

>> No.44941632

Pronunciation can differ from person to person based on dialect, though English as a written language doesn't really express dialect unless you're doing it for some comedic purpose such as the "bo'uw o' wow'ah" meme (not actually a meme, Londoners really do say it that way), Mococo. Japanese, being a sound based language, is actually capable of expressing dialect in writing, and it's not uncommon for characters with noteworthy differences to have words written slightly differently.

Fuwawa is better because she has big tits.

>> No.44941664


>> No.44941795

lmao another one fell for the japanese meme. good job guys

>> No.44941808

damn I fucked up the link >>>/lit/22602454

>> No.44941828

japan is the highest iq place on earth

>> No.44941832

Is he right /djt/?

>> No.44941848

んなことないよ(๑´•.̫ • `๑)

>> No.44941877

Because their dogshit writing system forces them to use their brain more than most countries. Same shit with China.

>> No.44941880
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, 2023101512581801_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish this was kuroinu

>> No.44941884

it's genetic

>> No.44941890

i'm over 1/3 into the original Dragon Ball and i went from not understanding anything to understanding more than i don't. it's nice but also feels like fraudulent dunning kruger that will suddenly be taken away from me again

>> No.44941901

How hard is the vocab in this game?

>> No.44941908

If they're so smart why can't they fix their stupid language and have to keep resorting to importing filthy gaijin words using a clearly not fit for purpose Not!Hiragana writing system?
>No filthy gaijin you don't understand how superior it is
Lmao if it's so good why does my language keep bleeding into yours and not the other way round? ;)

>> No.44941915

because they don't care and you're retarded

>> No.44941944

If I'm so retarded why do they want to use my words so much?

>> No.44941986

What is this? Fire Emblem?

>> No.44941998

average i guess?

>> No.44942013

fire emblem engage

>> No.44942058

the language in those FE screenshots is pretty easy but isn't FE overall more difficult?
i consider myself near native level in English and play everything in it (or atleast used to until starting nip) but FE Awakening was one of the few games that had a decent amount of unfamiliar terms.

>> No.44942098

it's a fantasy game for teenagers, there's gonna be some moderately rare chuuni shit here and there but most of it should be smooth sailing if you're of average ability

>> No.44942100

Fantasy and chuuni have some words that will throw you off. Hell even native japs can't read KKK 100%.

>> No.44942165
File: 202 KB, 640x427, 105831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the gba fire emblems are fairly easy
three houses had the highest difficulty in terms of language out of the ones i've played so far, a lot of the random item and ingredient names were some cryptic shit with four kanji you won't find in a dictionary while in engage most of it is just マンゴ or 芋 lol

>> No.44942175

might try learning with Three Houses after a few other games then. Awakening was a bit of a let down for me balance wise and i want to see if other games improved it. fuck blurry kanji on DS/3DS btw, i assume just getting better overall will fix those issues

>> No.44942188

taion lol

>> No.44942190
File: 726 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Spy x Family - 27 (1080p) [5E515814]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. anon

>> No.44942202


>> No.44942372


>> No.44942740

>i wonder if ドンマイ comes from "don't mind it"
>look it up
>it does

>> No.44942779

wow the kanji are so rare and the reading so difficult not to mention i totally didnt instantly guess it means sleep apnea god i love the useful totally not insipid on topic learner posts why cant djt be more like this

>> No.44942780

Katakana is so fucking dumb it's unreal. Sure nips COULD use 天使, but they could also import エンジェル which means the literal same thing.

>> No.44942807

be the change you want to see
use japanese words while talking to japanese people and make them feel insecure about their own language ability

>> No.44942870

I will use MORE English words in conversation. I will start using 's instead of の, I will start using at instead of で. I will turn their language into silly sounding English.

>> No.44942993

the only thing that bothers we about katakana words is how much space they take up (inb4 half-width: better in that one respect but other than that it only looks worse and more out of place)

>> No.44943015

just preordered mario wonder

>> No.44943016

They don't take up any more space than English words take up in English. Sorry you can't type a full sentence in the space of 5 characters in Japanese anymore.

>> No.44943038

ok bro

>> No.44943064
File: 28 KB, 461x336, 2023-10-15_15-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44943075

I think you're under the impression that you've made a relevant point, but you haven't

>> No.44943092

can you niggas chill for a fucking minute damn

>> No.44943103
File: 555 KB, 1030x812, スクリーンショット 2023-10-15 151232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44943109

ignorance is bliss

>> No.44943121

after all theses years(4y) im still n6........
i wanna kms

>> No.44943125

me and my tulpa = niggas plural

>> No.44943126

the only way i plan on making japanese feel insecure is with my dick

>> No.44943147

i just came raw inside an obasan
second time today now my dicks got 筋肉痛

>> No.44943150

Same but ojisan.

>> No.44943168


>> No.44943177

>buy girls in vending machine

now this is something, color me very interested

>> No.44943194

>prostitution, japan

>> No.44943213

i hope my next life is being a male prostitute in japan and fucking several fat busu obasans every day until eventually one of them buys me outright

>> No.44943251

sir, you are in the /jp/ board

>> No.44943392 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.89 MB, 365x263, Japanese Vending Machine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not nearly as lewd as I imagined.

>> No.44943400

had sex with a japanese prostitute
it was okay

>> No.44943560

wonder how much money eiffel tower spent on prostitutes

>> No.44943712

Best vtumers with easy japanese???

>> No.44943778

two weeks of 50 cards a day, retention has now risen to 86% from starting at 82%
on saturday ill see my thousandth card

>> No.44943807


>> No.44944140

okayu maybe

>> No.44944396

For my fellow tachiyomi bros, what extensions are you using to read raws? Bummed that manga1000 stopped working for me, and rawkuma's selection is kinda eh

>> No.44944477

the days fly by and i don't immerse enough, i feel guilty
happy with my progress atleast

>> No.44944493


>> No.44944574

I just finished Genki 1 and am at 525 cards in Core 2.3k, give me crap to read

>> No.44944669

Okayu and Watame.

>> No.44944713

>好きな子がめがねを忘れた 第01-11巻
wow it only took 1.5 years for someone to upload vol 9

>> No.44944715

Anki taught me that 散歩する meant "to stroll". While technically correct, it made me think that it was one entire word and not just する following 散歩 as it was only latered that other sources stressed the importance of する. Thanks for stunting me, Anki.

>> No.44944722

play Wind Waker and explore the wide ocean of japanese

>> No.44944741

shouldn't have skipped basic grammar

>> No.44944744

it's not anki's fault it's your fault for using anki incorrectly

>> No.44944761

that's my favorite 3d Zelda, how did you know

>> No.44944781
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, 2023101500_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love this one

>> No.44944815

read that as まきどじゅうらい

>> No.44944867

My recognition for kanji is practically non existent unless it's using the vocab I learned it with. I thought that learning kanji through vocab was better than individually and you'd be able to piece things together and shit?

>> No.44944918

how many words do you know? once you start knowing 4-5 words instead of 1 word for a kanji it gets a lot better

>> No.44944927

What helped me is learning different vocabulary which uses the same kanji. The issue with learning kanji individually is that most of the kanji that are simple to read/write are rarely used.

>> No.44944954

According to anki more than 1500+ so far. There are quite a lot of intertwining kanji when I look at it in hindsight, but the problem is my recognition for it is relied on the kanji put together, it's like my brain associates each thing as it's own unique word and once I see the kanji broken apart and put elsewhere it's like an entirely new thing for me. I feel as if I've wasted time using the "vocab shortcut"

>> No.44944993

You're aware that kanji have their own individual meanings that you can estimate a combined meaning through though, right? Like 東 meaning "East" and 京 meaning "capital", which when combined is 東京 "toukyou", or Tokyo, the Eastern capital. Right?

>> No.44945025

you are being ridiculous, id say there are around 3k commonly used kanji in novels and you know 1 word for less than 50% of that. when you get to 10k+ words you will see 電 and think "oh its that kanji from:
電話 電車 電気 電子 電池 停電 etc." and you will have no problems with this

>> No.44945030

Something that might help is learning at least a couple of the basic radicals, because a lot of kanji differ by only one or two radicals. For me it's easier if I can associate an new kanji with some other known one which differs only slightly.

If nothing else, you should evaluate whether you actually need to know the kanji for that vocab. There are so many words and phrases that textbooks and premade anki decks give you kanji for, but are not written in kanji 99% of the time in the real world.

>> No.44945054

The hardest part about learning this stupid language is there's so few sounds that all the words just blur into one similar sounding pile.

>> No.44945061


>> No.44945082

I truly am ridiculous. For example I didn't even realize 東 was in 東京 until just now.
I'll try the radical approach I guess.

>> No.44945093

Cute girl aside this game looks pretty shit. The success of Super Mario World mindbroke Nintendo so hard it's insane.

>> No.44945095
File: 1011 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Hyakkano - 02 (1080p) [7963124E]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44945108

yeah dont care about the game

>> No.44945120
File: 794 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Hyakkano - 02 (1080p) [7963124E]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44945169

it does make listening without subs a bitch yea

>> No.44945174

Blame China

>> No.44945182
File: 1.45 MB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Hyakkano - 02 (1080p) [7963124E]-[08.55.494-08.58.579].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44945184

How often do you revise your kanji?

>> No.44945200

Learning radicals makes it easier to learn kanji meanings through mnemonics. It also makes it easier to spot radicals in the same place in kanji with the same reading, letting your brain make a connection it can lean on next time you see it.

>新 - shin
>親 - shin

See that same bunch of stuff on the left? You can use that to cheat remembering the radical. Also sometimes similar meaning kanji share radicals and that can help you cheat too.

>腕 - ude (arm)
>胸 - mune (chest)
>肛門 - koumon (anus) (plot twist, 工 is commonly read as "kou", yet another way to cheat)
>股 - momo (thigh)
>肢体 - shitai (limbs)

See that 月 on the left in these bodyparts? This can help you identify kanji that mean bodyparts and tweak your memory as to the reading.

>> No.44945202

This fuckboi makes Japanese sound so annoying I wanna smack his fucking face

>> No.44945217
File: 879 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Hyakkano - 02 (1080p) [7963124E]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44945219

Me on the right.


>> No.44945238
File: 1.55 MB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Hyakkano - 02 (1080p) [7963124E]-[14.35.959-14.38.545].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44945267

seems like it is trying too hard

>> No.44945277

seems kino
but is it?

>> No.44945302
File: 991 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Hyakkano - 02 (1080p) [7963124E]-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44945323
File: 578 KB, 1280x960, moogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop chugging

>> No.44945326

Sounds like what I need. Any recommended resources for learning radicals? Good decks? All the hundreds of guides out there and it's rare for one to actually give any recommendations on how to go about learning radicals, assuming they even recommend doing them in the first place.

>> No.44945336


>> No.44945346

I'd honestly recommend doing wanikani for a couple of months. Don't stick with it expecting it to make you fluent, but if you're starting to get into radicals and simpler kanji it sounds like exactly what you need. They let you do the first bit of stuff for free as a trial. I did it for 3-4 months then stopped as I finally understood what it was getting at.

>> No.44945355
File: 727 KB, 1920x1080, 英雄教室 第09話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44945358

Uh, no thanks, but thanks.

>> No.44945368

i'd honestly wish you drank bleach

>> No.44945380

>Any recommended resources for learning radicals?
>Uh, no thanks

Well okay faggot. If you wanna be a humongous NGMI rote memorisation gaylord then have at.


>> No.44945383

that was a good chug too

>> No.44945389

ye really liked it

>> No.44945403

beginners shouldn't recommend anything

>> No.44945410

Neither should faggots, though by the fact that you haven't recommended jack shit yet I guess you're already on board with me on that one.

>> No.44945418
File: 14 KB, 644x800, d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>though by the fact that you haven't recommended jack shit yet I guess you're already on board with me on that one.

>> No.44945421

You're a shill and you don't know Japanese.

>> No.44945423

duolingo has a new kanji learning program, that seems more your speed

>> No.44945429


>> No.44945431

when i started i did 2 levels of wanikani then dropped it and moved to anki
no regrets

>> No.44945439

wait is this thread just like 5 people talking to themselves

>> No.44945446

no its just me talking to my different personalities

>> No.44945450

>Unironic wani cunny shills
Yeah /djt/ is slowly turning into redddit.

>> No.44945453

This is what happens when you skip the 10k hours of anime.

>> No.44945455
File: 865 KB, 1920x1080, [MagicStar] Subete Wasurete Shimau Kara EP01 [WEBDL] [1080p]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meya? meya?

>> No.44945457

4bro used to repost reddit content here all the time

>> No.44945468

wanny cunnyy cunnyyyy ooooh カニエロエロ oooooh

>> No.44945474

Imagine getting lit up so fucking hard you have to resort to soijak posting because your ESL ass has nothing.


>> No.44945498
File: 99 KB, 321x268, 16298258600320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44945513


>> No.44945566

oh is someone else posting about IQ now. good guy. i hope he slapped ciaran around on the topic.

>> No.44945591

are there any regulars still here from like 2017?

>> No.44945623

>however, I could find no Nabokov, there was no Moby Dick

there was no nabokov
there was no moby dick

>> No.44945629

i found this place a year ago >:3

>> No.44945634

imagine being here for 6 years and still not knowing japanese

>> No.44945716

i dont have to imagine friend

>> No.44945726

遺る 遣る

Hate these two.

>> No.44945751

lmao @ ur life

>> No.44945771

t. 1 year n3 newfag who thinks hes gonna be any different
you will see friend

>> No.44945826

>t. 1 year n3 newfag who thinks hes gonna be any different
two week 50 cards per day n6 gigachad

>> No.44945859
File: 85 KB, 801x599, 1678282877684842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese administration seems like hell when they have to deal with long ass name like that for everything

>> No.44945872

the hardest part of that screenshot is the name at the end

>> No.44945877

ep 1 taught me yotsuba
i already feel enlightened

>> No.44945887

never said it was hard, just seem like a pain in the ass to write or say out loud

>> No.44946018


>> No.44946030


>> No.44946032


>> No.44946068
File: 159 KB, 399x368, スクリーンショット 2023-10-15 215526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is he? My friend would like to know for.....undisclosed reasons.

>> No.44946074

hes living in japanese

>> No.44946075

deleted himself from the internet after scamming a bunch of people

>> No.44946161

what's wrong with that? i only barely know enough to know when a woman is cumming or is turned on because a guy has a big dick in a doujin. other than that who needs japanese.

>> No.44946314

Post the last 5 words you mined and the rest of us guess where you got them from

>> No.44946327

yep i started getting the youtube anti adblock cancer
fuck youtube

>> No.44946328


>> No.44946334

Can it be considered appropriate to read kana at normal speed (without failing at any time) after two months of learning?

>> No.44946343



>> No.44946344

this right hook to the jaw will be appropriate if you don't stfu

>> No.44946348


>> No.44946354


>> No.44946359

For your own sake, I strongly recommend against trying to adhere to some time line. Everyone learns at their own pace and you'll get there when you get there.

That said, you will find posts online from jps who struggle to read katakana sometimes because of how infrequently some of the characters are used and how similar some of them are. You will never stop making mistakes, they will just happen less often.

>> No.44946391

i will not disable my adblocker to watch youtube no matter what

>> No.44946429


>> No.44946435
File: 6 KB, 638x96, image (30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 146: Kinda slacking off a bit in today session.

>> No.44946456

Genki 2

>> No.44946510

i've been slacking off for years (ditched anki)

>> No.44946676

Youtube adblocker blocker blocker when?

>> No.44946686

i need a djt blocker on my pc

>> No.44946696

Why is everybody seething about AdBlock?

>> No.44946700


>> No.44946706

adblock still works for me. american midwest. but maybe it's because i use a hosts file to block shit first.

>> No.44946715


>> No.44946805
File: 4 KB, 491x64, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how you do it my disabled friend

>> No.44946816
File: 204 KB, 519x608, 1669800841567631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44947172

pirated a manga and the first chapter is just the second chapter again and the remaining chapters are jumbled

>> No.44947190


>> No.44947196

Should I read a VN first or a LN?

>> No.44947217

do what you want man

>> No.44947235


>> No.44947237

vin or lose

>> No.44947281


>> No.44947357

dreamt i didnt have a gf

>> No.44947440


>> No.44947498


>> No.44947799


>> No.44947804


>> No.44947809

dont sign your posts bro

>> No.44947825

yea i dont have any disabled friends lol

>> No.44947854

no surprise there

>> No.44948225


>> No.44948230

djt is being killed as we speak

>> No.44948232

Does this make any sense?

>> No.44948242




>> No.44948244


>> No.44948249
File: 565 KB, 1600x900, 1696865208082942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lil yung grasshopper idomus nihongo, then gets his teeth knocked around. sad!

>> No.44948259

Figures. Thanks.

>> No.44948265

its over

>> No.44948271



>> No.44948313

guess we finally reached the last djt thread

>> No.44948316

djt won't die even if you killed it

>> No.44948320


>> No.44948325
File: 133 KB, 713x528, djtisdead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44948331


>> No.44948334


>> No.44948343


>> No.44948346

dont cry because its over
smile because its over

>> No.44948349

説明してくれて*ありがとう is better

>> No.44948350


>> No.44948352

gomi is backup

>> No.44948355

any JAV decks?

>> No.44948357

i'm glad i was here to witness it

>> No.44948358

Now say it in Japanese

>> No.44948370

people die when they get killed
why cant the same be true of threads?

>> No.44948386

i dont wanna man

>> No.44948387

I'll take learning japanese seriously in 2024 for sure

>> No.44948392


>> No.44948391

yeah man theres always tomorrow
until there isnt

>> No.44948393

djt dies
japanese learning eceleb discussion dies
productivity of japanese learners increases 1000%

>> No.44948399


>> No.44948413


>> No.44948426


>> No.44948443


>> No.44948446

my brain has an aneurysm everytime i see a sentence with long running kana strings please advise

>> No.44948448
File: 64 KB, 719x71, 1679438730487760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uwasa no three king no hitori??

>> No.44948481


>> No.44948489

theoretically speaking if someone made another djt with a normal picture would it get deleted too

>> No.44948499

be brave and show us lil bro

>> No.44948513


>> No.44948524



>> No.44948532

What happened to the copernicus? I just want the resource/mega link back then.

>> No.44948537
File: 202 KB, 1026x795, snskdl_0wAMdN1V2H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44948540

havent all the mega links been dead for years

>> No.44948545


>> No.44948557

today you learnt オチンチン、オッパイ

>> No.44948562


>> No.44948574

I was thinking of cornucopia of resources and some of the links still works.

>> No.44948581

you might find what you want at this mirror

>> No.44948593


>> No.44948646

I actually found a link to a mirror by looking in the previous thread, but thanks.

>> No.44948699
File: 115 KB, 1024x563, nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44948796

> 斜度
oh no its not in the dictionary what am I gonna do jishosisters

>> No.44948800

yep this is why i use the kenkyuusha

>> No.44948844

Well, the combined meaning isn't, but really all you need is Jisho and your brain.
and the suffix
>degree (angle, temperature, scale, etc.)
and you get a diagonal angle.

>> No.44948848

yeah bro nah its degrees of the slant

>> No.44948885

but there's no dict entry and instead of one click send to collection I have to use my fingers for something other than fingerblasting my imouto

>> No.44948931

It's in good dictionaries, even the 和英 ones

>> No.44949030
File: 33 KB, 398x351, q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what dictionary is lil bro using

>> No.44949045

you had to use qolibri

>> No.44949278


>> No.44950107

I'm sick and tired of Japanese Mangas placing
How about you 超ke on my cock instead? We'll see you like them apples.

>> No.44950134

Is that AI generated? How can anyone tell those games apart with such awful character designs.
