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44939408 No.44939408 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>44731024

>> No.44943079
File: 806 KB, 676x676, SUPER_BUBBLE_JOURNEY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SDVX is a furry game.

>> No.44944010

What kind of mental illness compels you to post the same image on every thread for 5 years?

>> No.44945090

play bms

>> No.44945507

fuck me SDVX is fun
i'm new to rhythm games in general but shit's gotten me hooked

>> No.44945523

Severe autism.

>> No.44946849

Please consider playing Jubeat or Reflec Beat if you have the opportunity!

>> No.44946938
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>> No.44946969
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>play Jubeat
>some buttons just doesn't register when I hit them

>> No.44947092

anyone use these IST 60mm square buttons for SDVX?

I'm probably going to DIY my controller because I'm too fucking cheap to buy a pre-built, and the Sanwas are definitely too fucking expensive for my blood
the rhythm cons wiki says they're better than AliExpress shit but that's all it says, and apparently Samducksa doesn't make a 60mm square button
FX-L/R are going to be Samducksa (and I'm getting buttons for an IIDX controller too, doing it all in one go because shipping sux)

alternatively, anyone end up using the 50mm square buttons? it's 1cm narrower around, which sounds a bit lame, but I would assume they're much higher quality

and as an aside, what the fuck would I do for a home-made turntable other than cardboard and electrical tape like that anon from last thread

>> No.44947975

I stopped playing rhythm games terribly much a few years ago, and SDVX pulled me right back in.
I'm willing to drive almost an hour to R1 to play it on a proper cab (god, I wish there was something closer). If I had the room, I just just build a dedicated setup in my house.

>> No.44948414

play whatever game you want, just make sure you have fun and don't get frustrated over bad scores :)

>> No.44949451

play etterna
play arcaea

>> No.44951890

i want epenis now....................................

>> No.44952786
File: 2.85 MB, 360x640, average_maimai_player.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average maimai player

>> No.44953326

it's true, maimai players love playing chrono circle

>> No.44953741

Weird post, reconsider what got you here. Let the kid play.

>> No.44954584

honestly true, it was unnecessarily mean of me
I just thought it was funny to post here

>> No.44955955

severe OCD most likely.

>> No.44956602

Yeah I play bms the majority of the time, I can't be bothered playing IIDX data it takes way too long to start and you have the correct settings otherwise it doesn't work.

>> No.44957043

>I can't be bothered playing IIDX data it takes way too long to start and you have the correct settings otherwise it doesn't work.
kind of like this with SDVX but like, data plays infinitely better than USC does
but god, it's a pain in the ass to play SDVX data sometimes
probably should just suck up the fact that USC is harder to play

chrono circle blows chunks, it feels like three fucking games haphazardly slapped together
god, I wish I had a maimai cab nearby

>> No.44957339

Why is he so bald and black?

>> No.44958805

Haven't had an issue with mine sonce I bought them 3 years ago. ISTMall buttons used to include an LED for free but apparently that's an extra +$0.80 per button now.

>> No.44958892 [SPOILER] 

Just wanted to share with everyone how much I love Celica and Erika from Beatmania IIDX. Unfortunately Celica is a little semen demon and took most of what I had. I did manage to give Erika a little fun too ;)

>> No.44958897 [SPOILER] 
File: 173 KB, 2592x1944, DSC00741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic

>> No.44964356


>> No.44965300

Not only are you cheating yourself, you're also damaging the encoders.

>> No.44967884


>> No.44968193


>> No.44968285

>it’s still the safari
of course

>> No.44969278

result screen fashion this time is pretty mid

>> No.44970436

There’s probably seasonal ones in the future

>> No.44970441

8dan is even easier than resident’s

Good time to be a safari refugee

>> No.44972345

zaquva pls

>> No.44974015

What's the best way to learn a secondary style for 1048 scratching? Just switch to it completely for a while?

>> No.44974410

nigga just ported over a pop'n chart

>> No.44974595

How does beatoraja calculate score for pms?
From what I can gather it's
20ms window = 100000
50ms window = 70000
117ms window = 40000
183ms window = 0 (?)
Then these normalized to give 100000 for all under 20ms judgements?
Are these ratios kept?
Cause it seems like it's impossible to get 0-50000 basically a miss counter. Where am I misunderstading?
Is this the hit-able window?
-175, 500

>> No.44974599

Also do you lose score for missing/mashing?

>> No.44974812

I can't unsee it now thanks

>> No.44975067

Obscenely cringe that bemani felt financial pressure to put moemoekyun anime horseshit into their games that were never about that.
Punt those deformed freaks into the trash where they belong.

>> No.44975164

>new iidx out
>next to no fanfare
what went wrong

>> No.44975665

>their games that were never about that
Erika has been around since 4th Style
Celica has been around since 3rd Style

>> No.44975994

Nobody cares. Last three styles hasnt been good in the slightest

>> No.44976183

>3rd style
Newfag shit

>> No.44976674

Please respond before I waste time on some inefficient shit.

>> No.44976768

If you are too dumb to figure it out on your own then you are wasting your time trying to get good at iidx. Stick to keyboard lmao

>> No.44976969

I'm at least 66.72% smarter than you, now answer the question, faggot.

>> No.44977421

I do not know what you want us to tell you. I play symmetric style and switch to one-handed for consecutive scratches

>> No.44977435

play more, you'll get a feeling for whatever "proper way" works for you as you hit scratch chords more and more, don't feel restricted to one style as you're learning just do whatever works for hitting note and turntable (usually thats pinky on TT and pointer / thumb on 123)

or just become a wristlet that works too

>> No.44977500

I already have 1048 in my muscle memory, but that's all I have so I can't scratch for shit. So I need 3/5, and ultimately what I'm wondering is if there's a good way to specifically train a secondary style for scratching, or if there's no trick to it and I'm just going to have to do 3/5 for a while.

>> No.44977641

Play doubles.

>> No.44982775

>Cue Cue Rescue staying on top of Resident's most played
>アイドル is on top of Epolis' most played
What do they mean by this?

>> No.44983304

I'm not excited about the new kpop in Phoenix, I hope my local cab delays upgrade as long as possible.

>> No.44983806


>> No.44984061

>cardinal gate devs are too busy jerking themselves off to epolis
>OOC devs are too busy dilating
>omnimix is broken and spicetools doesn't work on the 60fps dll
what went wrong?

>> No.44984531

based af
I used to do this to the candy bunny girls
I don't have shit anymore

Also hi /rhyt/ its been a while for me

>> No.44986485

took the plunge, got everything today (damn, that was fast), built a IIDX controller in a $1.50 plastic tub

ended up slapping together the shittiest turntable with some cardboard, blank CDs and electrical tape similarly to that guy from the last thread -- it does spin reasonably well at least, but it is hyper fucking ghetto
shit looks like I'm playing brokemania instead of beatmania
the turntable is also like 6cm too close or some shit too but there's literally no more room for it to go, it's already off the edge
I think I can just get some lexan or some shit I guess when I build it up properly instead of this prototype-ass looking thing, I just need to see what to use to grip the top surface properly

also, I know I'm going to spend too much on this fucking DIY shit and I kinda wish I saved the effort and bought a prebuilt
but building things is fun and if I wanted to stop, I could stop now and still be able to play

wish I had stiffer springs, the buttons feel just barely too light
shit's also louder than I'd like, although the thin plastic box isn't going to dampen shit from the microswitches unlike a real wooden box

didn't see a container that was a good size for me to hook up all the SDVX parts in, but I'm going to be rebuilding everything for both controllers in wood anyway
probably shouldn't make this my first real woodworking project but whatever, it'll be a learning experience

>> No.44986668

think a moment about where you are

>> No.44986697

IIDX autists play infinitas or bms and no one cares about going out to the arcades anymore just to fail at some autistically difficult song for 4 hours in a row

>> No.44986718
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i wanna see PIX

>> No.44987286
File: 64 KB, 720x431, brokemania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure lol
no bully, this is a genuinely temporary setup

I suspect I'll still say that several months later with it unchanged because I'm a lazy and cheap bastard and there is literally nothing but pride stopping me from blowing $500 today on a prebuilt IIDX and SDVX controller

haven't been to R1 since epolis's launch, probably going in a few days
still wish it was closer though, didn't feel like making the drive this evening, especially just after putting this thing together

>> No.44987330

that looks jank as fuck but i love it lmao

what are the internals/buttons used? curious exactly how cheap you went for this

>> No.44987469

buttons are just samducksa rectangle buttons from istmall
they come with springs and switches -- I feel like I want heavier springs than what they come with, although I might just end up changing the switches if I want something heavier

the turntable encoder is a generic cheapass one I got on amazon, here's a similar one (don't actually use this lmao, these have detents)
at some point I'll buy proper encoders, but that'll be a while, and I'll probably do that for SDVX first since it matters more there

the microcontroller is a pi pico running this firmware:
there's a IIDX version but apparently it's broken; I just only wired up one of the encoders for the SDVX version and hooked up the buttons in order of what was listed in the config header

ultimately, if you had literally no shipping costs, it's like:
>$5 Pi Pico with headers
>some blank/bad CDs for the turntable (less than $1)
>7 buttons at $3.50 each ($24.50 total), comes with springs and everything
>$1.50 plastic container you can get at Target or whatever
>cardboard, tape, wires, etc (let's just pretend you spent less than $5 just to put a number on it, you'll probably have most of this shit laying around the house)
>bag of encoders ($10)
5+1+24.5+1.5+5+10 = $42+tax.

shipping blows for the buttons though
I spent like $30 on shipping alone, but I at least had shit for a sound voltex controller in the order too since that didn't push the shipping price up

>> No.44987551

>still on 60fps
gross dude

>> No.44987596

spice2x works on 60fps
my 120 is extra jank
cant get bemanitools to work either

I'm really excited to play epolis personally
it also means a lot to me to make it thru another year. another mix in my head.

>> No.44987772

you likely could get around shipping costs going even CHEAPER and getting a 9 button set of ali express for 20, switches and all. i'd likely do that for this sort of build.

so how exactly is the TT constructed? you're using a CD as a sort of top frame and just cut some cardboard in a circle underneath, or is the cd underneath to help with friction? or is it cd, cardboard, cd sandwich all taped together?

>> No.44988057

>you likely could get around shipping costs going even CHEAPER and getting a 9 button set of ali express for 20, switches and all. i'd likely do that for this sort of build.
yeah, if this was going to be the entire build, I'd just do that
but I do intend to build a proper housing for the buttons and make things nice

>so how exactly is the TT constructed?

it's centered around the knob that came with the encoder with a CD shoved around it (with tape to fill the spacing, and a piece of cardboard on the bottom to prevent it from sliding off of the knob
the visible bottom piece of cardboard is there because the turntable goes off the edge, over the lip, so it flattens things out (there's cardboard in the dip area to keep things flat)
there's another CD that I cut in half since the hole in it is too small (since I very deliberately set things up so that the knob sits snugly in a CD); after widening the center gap a bit and just spacing the halves out, I glued it to the cardboard and it provides a (relatively) low friction surface to slide against

ultimately, don't do this

>> No.44988242
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lmao if it works for now it works. i'm using a uskoc and i'm desperate to upgrade to literally anything else. I have a DIY constructed arcade stick with sanwas in it, and it makes me realize just how much nicer a good set of buttons can be for something like this. i actually tried playing IIDX on it for shits and it actually works really well, aside from the fucking bat being the turntable. i wish i could figure out a good way to route an enoder to one of those little shit arcade boards they sell off of amazon. would likely just need to be pinned out properly to the 5pin joystick spot, but i don't know enough.

>> No.44989921

anyone else have issues extracting the bms packs?
none of them will extract unless the .rar's opened first and it's taking like 10 minutes to open a 100mb rar

>> No.44991580

im dating a 4k player and he vibro'd in my ass while he was fingering me...

>> No.44991641

i'm hardstuck 10 dan. how to get kaiden?

>> No.44994348

Too busy to do what?

Anyway, here's the SpiceTools I/O fix for 012: https://rentry.org/5p698

>> No.44997645

>tfw IIDX crashed on me (song kept playing, it just completely stopped reacting to input)
>tfw I have it on an HDD because I don't have enough contiguous space for it on any of my SSDs (why the fuck is this shit 90GB)
>tfw IIDX takes like seven actual minutes to boot off of an HDD
would just fucking put in another SSD but I ran out of SATA ports, might just go buy a USB3 adapter
I need to fucking move my shit to one big SSD, but I was being cheap, as usual.

> i wish i could figure out a good way to route an enoder to one of those little shit arcade boards they sell off of amazon
If you intend to hook it up to a PC and aren't looking for PS2 compatibility, you can just use a Pi Pico. If you are looking for PS2 compat... I dunno lol. Might still end up involving a Pi Pico or whatever just to convert the encoder turn signal into a button press, but you'd need to write the code for that yourself/get someone to do it.

>Obscenely cringe that bemani felt financial pressure to put moemoekyun anime horseshit into their games that were never about that.
even though you're shitposting, I do feel like IIDX should have a "cooler" style to it than their other games

>> No.44998185

I hate how much pump it up has made me like kpop
Why does king of sales have to be removed, it's not fair ;_;

>> No.44999267

Any lldx data guides, trying to jump back into it, and dont want to spend a sub fee for infinitas

>> No.44999286

I followed this. https://rentry.org/iidxdump
and no, epolis data isn't available yet, this will set up resident

>> No.44999673

In classic Bemani community fashion, mon didn't actually mention that it's needed in LDJ-012, nor give a heads up to the spice devs. Fascinating.
Thanks for finding out what the problem was.

>> No.44999983

Thanks friend.

>> No.45000518

bah, trying to set up beatoraja with this piece of crap and it hates this turntable, I keep getting ghost spins in analog mode
just figured out that if I switch the firmware to KB+M mode, I can get it to work okayish
but what the fuck is it doing in analog controller mode that it's fucking up so much

shit was annoying enough that threw on two more buttons (just some 30mm fightstick buttons I had lying around)
but like, using that to scratch is lame and they're too close to the keys anyway since there's no more room

also, I really fucking wish you could edit a bunch of this config while the game was running too and not only beforehand, bleh (and not being able to bind keys before actually getting into the game is nuts, who fucking designed this shit)

>> No.45006738

hey uhhh do you think everyone hates the guy who sabotaged Anthony's event with a 4chan post or is he a hero?

>> No.45007408

how bad is it to leave auto offset on

>> No.45009328

What if they split up 12s into like 3-5 difficulty levels and dropped the cope 12s down to 11

>> No.45010832

Why not take the Jubeat route and add decimal ratings for 11s and 12s?

>> No.45011174

probably shouldn't longterm. actually uhhh idk. It usually settles somewhere actually. I like playing with it locked in. Better idea of where you're struggling.like faster, harder songs, ur probably gonna get a lot of slows. autoadjusting for that isn't really helping you. Actually I guess who cares? I just don't want to end up with a -4 offset. But I don't think it fucking matters.

>> No.45011190
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>> No.45011201

Cum on them

>> No.45012184

>see round1 is opening in my city
>get excited and look into it
>it's listed as a "ROUND1 & SPO-CHA"
what the fuck is a spo cha? Does this mean it won't have rhythm games?

>> No.45012495

got to play epolis today
not going to lie, it does feel weird how much iidx updates, 31 releases in like 24 or so years is a lot
sdvx feels like it's due for an update

also, was playing sdvx and doing one-handed A+C/B+D chords is bullshit, god damn
really need to figure out how to practice some of this shit

spo-cha is their sports complex area, my local R1 is the same and has a fairly large rhythm game section
it does mean the arcade floor area is smaller though

honestly, I'm surprised iidx didn't just say fuck it and use the wide-ass pop'n rating scale
it sure needs it, 1-12 really is bullshit

>> No.45012564

Stupid question time.

Let's say I was a good paypig but recently got SDVX data set up and now wanted to cancel my Konasute subscription. If I ever lost my mind and decided to start paying again my previous purchases would still be on the account, right?

>> No.45012573 [DELETED] 

Yeah. I only sub for the eamuse cards nowadays.

>> No.45012583

Yeah. I only sub when I buy a song pack for the eamuse cards nowadays.

>> No.45012666

I went to round1 for the first time, got a card, and loaded it up with credits. Played some SDVX and then some Museca. I saw Museca was "free play" for 60m or something but it still took a credit to run and I'm seeing pics of free play swipers costing $10? How does that work with my credits? I'm so confused. It kicked it off after 1 set of games, too. I saw a leddit post saying swiping on a free play game wipes all your credits so now I'm kind of freaking out I just lost all my credits. I can't just go back to check since it's in another city entirely. Can someone explain how this works

>> No.45012975

You can buy a time play card, then swipe as much as you want during the alotted time, but only on the games that have those colored time-play swipers that you saw, usually green colored. The rainbow colored swipers won't work during your time play (probably what Reddit post misunderstood as 'lost my regular credits'). The credit and card system has changed alot over the years - its entirely possible the issue described on Reddit no longer applies. Also, unless its been changed recently, you can swipe every few seconds and build the machine up to like hundreds of credits, then play all day even after your time play card expires.

Go on then, share with the group.

>> No.45013068

oh ok thank fuck. So because i used a normal card w/ credits it just ate 1 play's worth of credits? But I could go pay the desk dude $10 to get a 60m time card that's a different card?

>> No.45013997

Pretty bad. If you're bad at the game, the offset will be changing constantly and it will make it harder for you to learn timing and consistency, but you'll think it's "helping". If you're good at the game, it's worthless at best since you should be able to manually pick your offset correctly yourself, and drifting for 2 chords somewhere resulting in your offset changing for the rest of the chart is retarded.

>I just don't want to end up with a -4 offset.
With how much latency the game has, somewhere between -3 and -4 is Objectively Correct anyway.

It uses your existing card, which is mostly fine. If you swipe a game that isn't valid for time play, it will just use your credits. If you swipe 3 seconds after your time play expires, it also pulls from your regular credits. I ended up using another card with 0 credits as a dedicated time play card, just to be safe.

>> No.45014928

spice2x just updated, presumably for epolis support

>> No.45016628

>31 releases in like 24 or so years is a lot
Think of it like this, a lot of styles were being released every 6-8 months, then around 11-13 months by the time Lincle came out, and then ever since Heroic Verse a new style would come out every October.

>> No.45016835
File: 20 KB, 432x708, Note.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently moved from osumania to Etterna and in one song I saw pic related and had no idea how to approach it. I also don't really understand how hold notes are judged (what is the OK and NG in the judge counter). Is there a guide to all the gameplay elements somewhere? The wiki is super barren (at least the version I found working on the wayback machine) and there aren't really a lot of resources online from what I can find.

>> No.45017812

ok thanks for the info. I realize I also fucked up because I got a regular card instead of member card but w/e I'll swap next time I go and use the empty card like you do for free time plays.What's the $10 on weekends $8 on weekdays thing about then if you can use an empty card?

>> No.45017877

what game has auto offset?

>> No.45018116

Not familiar with that skin, but that looks like the ghetto jack note. You just have to tap repeatedly. And OK means you held an LN, NG means you didnt. Thats all there is to it. No release timing either.

>> No.45018230

Thanks for the info. Are there any other gameplay elements not found in om!, like the mines?

> No release timing either.
I love this game so much, it's a shame om! has a bigger song selection.

>> No.45018266

does om! really have a bigger song selection? etterna has a zillion packs. But maybe etterna just doesn't have as many charters as it used to.

>> No.45018280

Beatmania Two Deluxe: CastHour introduced an auto adjust feature

>Objectively Correct
literally doesn't matter
can we stop with that shit please god

>> No.45019640

I think today I shall go to the arcade and play HipHopMania 2 Deluxe 31 Epolis

>> No.45020204

Time play uses fresh money, not existing card balance. You pay $8 on M~F or $10 on the weekends to immediately transform a card of your choice into a time play card for 60 minutes if a regular card or 90 minutes if a club card. You can swipe on supported games once every 90 seconds before the time limit expires, at which point it reverts back to a regular card.

What are you afraid of.

>> No.45020702

I always jump up and down and get silly excited when I see Poet on Pop'n Music. What is wrong with me?

>> No.45021181

literally asking for a friend, how many credits for a play is it for the racing and light gun shooting games at round1 usually?

>> No.45021731

i know a bms kaiden that uses auto adjust. he somehow manages to stay decent at timing without it

>> No.45022208

i dont know who poet is but it sounds like u have autism

>> No.45028326

i just tongued some dudes butthole, what's the rhythm game for me?

>> No.45028337

beatboxing music source

>> No.45028688

>epolis leaks
>aixxe changes his epolis patcher to a rick roll
it's so easy to shatter the ego of these people

>> No.45028722

I thought it was funny.

>> No.45028773

That rentry link was real?

>> No.45029049

for me it's rie-chan

>> No.45033795

god, I still can't believe that Konami was that fucking dumb to rename it to something so retarded-
actually no, this is still the Konami who, for an entire decade, ruined their export region releases of all their arcade games (I'm still mad about Metamorphic Force and Xexex, what the absolute fuck were they thinking)

pretty much everyone I've introduced to Beatmania likes it
but Konmai's shitty marketing and then baffling decision to not release arcade IIDX in the west meant that no one had a chance to play it until R1 came around

>$8 for 90m
shit, that is a ridiculously good deal, I need to do this
I spend too much money on SDVX every time I go, especially since they raised their prices.

>> No.45034008

Found my old Guitar Hero in my family's storage locker. Is this the right thread?

>> No.45034735

only specific games (i.e. dead games like museca) get the timeplay option. SDVX is not one of them

>> No.45034970

I could have swore it had a green time play scanner, but maybe I'm just going insane.

>> No.45035349


iidx epenis


>> No.45035992

i am going to suck your penis

>> No.45037211
File: 629 KB, 1080x608, 20231023_7.png.4729caedb11b0e008156f0c94ff3fa38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spice2x just updated, presumably for epolis support

>> No.45040544

What makes Keep On Movin the go-to shitpost/benchmark/jank song in IIDX?

>> No.45042162

Only for getting told to play Gitadora instead.

>> No.45045365

it's the shortest song in the game

>> No.45045520
File: 166 KB, 700x700, 1561761946642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new iidx out
>no dai-chan dancing video for ryu's song

>> No.45045581

*still no dai-chan dancing video for ryu's song

>> No.45049031
File: 23 KB, 250x322, Okina_11_1P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are iidx players all macho faggots?
>I played 4 credits of pop'n, starting from 30s clearing my way to 45, passing every 45 I tried.
No you didn't. retard. You either played for a few months and got stuck at 46 for a few weeks and needed to heal your wounded ego, or you are just completely making up shit on the internet for no reason. (for people that don't play pop'n
35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw4Nu28a6vc (notice all the chords that don't exist in your game; yet for some reason every 2decks player, despite never having played the game, think they can just walk up and mash out a clear. Sure.
40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76DTXfQNWsk
45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLLoexth5wM
These are random songs, not cherry picked
I don't play 2decks, but the crossover is akin to running vs swimming, sure you will improve faster than the average person, sure your physical ability is still there, but it's a different game. Show some respect.

>> No.45052242

who are you quoting

>> No.45052496
File: 44 KB, 500x666, KAosOSO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a IIDX main. When I first tried pop'n, I was immediately able to clear 40s. Within a few weeks, I cleared my first 48 (NIGHTMARE CAROUSEL EX). This had nothing to do with the fact that the two games have extremely similar layouts and I had already been SP kaiden for years at that point. No, it had everything to with me being a furfag with high quality, long lasting erections (5 inches) and a straight married man corruption fetish. You wish you pulled as much 10dan and chuuden boypussy as I do. You wish your prostate were as sensitive as mine. You wish you wanted to fuck dogs as much as I do. Stay in your fucking lane.

>> No.45054044

Konami is putting bare minimum effort /budget into Bemani given that cheap commissioned music is the lifeblood of each game now (Kors K had 10 songs in Bistrover) and their sound staff are more on a supporting role now with 1 song/game.

>> No.45054282

Anyone have particular favourite songs in SDVX? I finally found a cab in my city, trying to work my way through 12's and maybe some of the easier 13s. Yes, I am terrible but I am committed; but I only have so much time (and money) to spend when I do make the hour-long journey and it is evident that not all of these songs are created equal. My favourite so far is probably Dynasty or Fenrir.

>> No.45054312

e-motion is shorter.

>> No.45054550

LegenD. is probably my favourite if I had to pick one

>> No.45054573

You must be retarded? Why link code without explanation? Can you not see that the numbers are the same as my post? Fix your brain.

>> No.45055352

Just by a fucking record ffs

>> No.45055960

It's only 11, but I really love Chakra. Ghost Family Living in Graveyard too

>> No.45056569

e-motion is not in IIDX right now so it doesn't count. but good job relaying incorrect information from remywiki

>> No.45056584

not just "not in IIDX right now" but emotion hasn't been in the game since 4th style, TWENTY THREE years ago

>> No.45056628

any foot game

>> No.45057053

>not using omnimix
good job being konami's bitch

>> No.45057336 [DELETED] 

this is it? this is your best come back?

>> No.45057449

>What makes Keep On Movin the go-to shitpost/benchmark/jank song in IIDX?
>yeah it's this song from 25 years ago called emotion in omnimix thats why

??? voltex player logic

>> No.45057474

keep the retardation on discords

>> No.45057478

Should've specified "currently" then:^)

Imagine being a non-omnimix pleb.

>> No.45057524

Second Heaven Lamaze remix

>> No.45057689

When the topic is japan publicly shitposting on twatter every style, the "currently" is implicit.

Imagine bragging about garbage CS and pre-DJT chart conversions from lossy frame-rounded sources at random volumes with randomly synced videos as if it's some exclusive secret when everyone who has been playing data at any point in the past decade has had access to it.

>> No.45057804
File: 155 KB, 374x470, 1698309394449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the shortest song in iidx
>no it's this
>that one was deleted 23 years ago
>omnimix exists
>hurr bragging and frame timings and daytuh

>> No.45057913
File: 2.24 MB, 1275x1800, 62367_92649348_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it is a bit odd, I swear it was just a few months ago that Konami were doing location testing and I feel like my R1 only just recently updated to Resident and brought in a Lighting model. We've had our SDVX LM for a little over a year now though.

>> No.45058083
File: 266 KB, 1478x1479, F4J698JaQAIe1pf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What makes Keep On Movin the go-to shitpost/benchmark/jank song in IIDX?
>it's the shortest song in the game
>e-motion is shorter.
>e-motion is not relevant to contemporary social media trends.
>lol u mad u don't play omni pleb :^)

>> No.45058179 [DELETED] 

Stop being so mad about a technically:)

>> No.45058192

Stop being so mad about a technicality:)

>> No.45058216

Funny video, funny keysounds, good for trolling earth power monsters in Arena.

>> No.45058533

How come there are dozens of pop'n/pms yt channels that have 50+ and 50 sran AAAs, but <50 subs. Is the game really that niche?

>> No.45058544

With handcam*

>> No.45058817

Rhythm games, especially Bemani, are really niche, unless your channel provide any specific service like song uploads that is broad enough for other players to find or you already very famous in the community for your skill and stream regularity, you're not going anywhere.

>> No.45058838

Ok, but pms isn't bemani and that still has overjoy players at < 200 subs while osu, even mania players have well over 10k

>> No.45058917

Covid killing Bemani funding and soul.

>> No.45059362

Visually appealing and centralized leaderboards probably contribute to visibility a lot. Anyway BMS as a game is less known than BOF is as a creative competition, and PMS is a subset of that.

>> No.45059396

Good, rhythm games have already been pushed to new levels by open source games (see osu(lazer), stepmania(etterna/outfox) )
and touch device games ( deemo, arcea, piano tiles )
While bemani was just milking the same shit from the 90s. "hey what if we make beatmania with 7 buttons", "how about 9", "how about 6 with some nobs", "beatmania but with guitar" "no, drums!" "keyboard!!!"
There last new idea was jubeat in 2008

>> No.45059668

The only level being pushed by osu and its community is degeneracy.

>> No.45059727

I think sdvx has them beat on that front

>> No.45060795

don't bother arguing with remywiki readers, they lost the ability to hold a conversation long ago, they're just responding to the latest post in a thread not understanding what "context" is

>> No.45060809

when people say The Arcade Game they mean The Current Version of the Game In Arcade and not some weird hack that sows people invented to hack in janky old songs into a pirated version

>> No.45061278

I don't know what rhythm game to pick for my PC. On my phone I play Arcaea, at cabs I play SDVX. I just want something I can play comfortably with my keyboard at home. Osu is too inconsistent.

>> No.45062022

The soul left long before that when they started the bemani sound team shit

>> No.45062291
File: 134 KB, 365x608, popn gib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i updated my popn data to unilab and now the japanese is all fucked up. i installed it under japanese locale and tried toggling the unicode settings and my OS language and it's still garbage. anyone know what the issue may be? i made a backup of riddles before i started updating and its nihongo is all fucked too but i don't remember it being like that so i feel like it's a system change of some sort

side note, is there a new 1cc discord I can search for info instead of through the ESLs on emuline

>> No.45062421

i love sdvx cunny

>> No.45063641

How do I unlock alternate BGM for iidx

>> No.45063706

I sure can't wait to go to D&B to play A20 Plus

>> No.45063771

DJMax Respect or EZ2On if you're willing to pay money.

>> No.45063798

>is there a new 1cc discord
Apparently yes
>I can search for info instead of through the ESLs on emuline
No, unless you find the right dick to suck for an invite.

>> No.45064274


>> No.45065451
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back to trying to derust on etterna

>> No.45065659

Rhythmkings, is Taiko no Tatsujin: Chibi Dragon to Fushigi na Orb available in english?

>> No.45065801
File: 515 KB, 128x256, welldonefever.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>referencing a long forgotten blogpost from my first trip to japan for C86 in 2014
Isn't it fun. Despite everything, we're all still here playing music games together. Thank you for the memories. I hope the past 9 years have treated you well, anon.

>> No.45065816

no. people only care about the sequels for some reason.
FWIW beating the story without reading isn't too hard if you aren't retarded. switch orbs if you get stuck, one of them negates enemy abilities like invisible notes and speed changes.

>> No.45065854

how well does it run on emulator?

>> No.45068667

bms is good if u can figure out how to set it up

>> No.45068711

>hardstuck for a year
>finally starting to get into st4s and st5s
i’m coming for you kaiden

>> No.45070263

>fingering my bf
>play bms afterwards
>lube all over my keyboard

>> No.45070370


>> No.45071094

you mean your gf right?

>> No.45071412

neat, thanks

>> No.45072223

why did wacca die

>> No.45072329


>> No.45072631

i like the safari

>> No.45074611

wacca is really fun

>> No.45074841

Asians didn't like it

>> No.45076211

I'm sorry if this isn't the right place for this but I doubt /wsr/ or /mu/ would be able to help. Could anyone please identify the song in this video at the given timestamp (23:50)?

>> No.45076735

nyannurs stream is so awesome everyone should give him a follow for really good bms content and improvement guides


>> No.45077144

Yeah lol no, I struggled to get even a single 44 coming from IIDX after like two 2hr sessions at the arcade, and I was already past kaiden level at that time. Unless the person who said that was like some bms god I couldn't believe they'd cleared 45s in like an hour of playing lol

>> No.45082841

>faucetwos are out of stock

>> No.45083172
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>> No.45083355

I could see it for a dp player but definitely not a 2 hand player. maybe a one hand too

>> No.45084229


>> No.45084273

faucethree incoming. For real though they probably stopped taking order so they can implement the new pcb and new knobs

>> No.45084328

can someone explain to me how hexadiver system works in sdvx? I played the same song twice, the first time it did 1000 points of damage, and the second time it did nothing, it was still on 9000/10000. I don't understand what I'm supposed to do. I had the 5 wall thing selected, too if that matters

>> No.45084900

What are the timings for unilab?

>> No.45084954

I Thinks it's still
+-20, 50, 82, 130

>> No.45085045

you can only "defeat" the song if you play the highest difficulty (MXM), the lower difficulties only go far at a certain point of the HP bar (EXH only goes up to 50% for example). damage to the song depends on the Hexative level too, but the higher the level, the less lenient the lifebar is. Hexa5 instakills the song, but every error takes a HUGE chunk of your life. Hexa1 is very forgiving at the lifebar (150 errors before track crash), but only takes 1/5th of the song's life, so you have to clear it five times to unlock that song.

>> No.45085118

jesus christ that sounds like aids I just want to unlock a fucking song on novice lmao. Is there any way to unlock specific songs? There was one i liked the sound of but it said something about clearing it on novice or 20 times but I don't see it when the hexadriver shit pops up

>> No.45085164

If it's omega dimension songs then you'll unlock it by clearing the chart once. Doing so on higher difficulties unlocks the lower ones as well

>> No.45085176
File: 477 KB, 1074x2048, EVEyuNJWsAEbkTz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some twitterfag claims that a cool is 25ms with no numbers for any other judgement

>> No.45085183

says 25, 50, 100
but they disagree in other places

>> No.45085192

Some /jp/fag says a cool is 2 frames but sometime 3 frames, so +-25 is starting to seem more likely as 3÷60 is 0.05. but he could just be working backwords from that

>> No.45085285

i'm a burger so it doesnt let me do omega dimension

>> No.45085794

kek, based
>ended up slapping together the shittiest turntable with some cardboard, blank CDs and electrical tape similarly to that guy from the last thread
glad my abomination inspired someone to do the same
very probable, my cardboard controller is ~1 year old and has no issues so far. Only the sticky ali buttons, but found out gun oil is great at lubricating them, now they don't stick at all.

>> No.45086446
File: 17 KB, 700x705, popntiming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bms god
Nope, garbage at density, and pop'n doesn't really test density until like 48s anyway, but I had already been kaiden for some 6 years when those posts were made. It's embarrassing that I still don't have SP 全白 another 9 years later. Everyone's progression is different I guess!

I started in an era before static 1048 was the only way to play, which maybe contributed to moving around to hit larger buttons being less of a problem. Of course I struggled with things like 14 and 69 chords and probably missed a ton of them, but you don't need to have every technique down for just clearing some 45s. There's a reason I couldn't clear 46s.

If you guys really find it that unbelievable, you should see how some of the zoomers progress these days. Watched a local kid get kaiden within a year (with plenty of SDVX experience beforehand) then clear his first 45 in pop'n recently having only played maybe a dozen credits or so.

pop'n timing is (usually?) -178, -114, -50, -22, +18, +50, +114, +178, but so many charts have special timing windows that you have to be careful. The COOL window sits slightly early within the GREAT window, which usually isn't too noticeable except when playing spicy judgement charts where the GREAT window is smaller and it's a lot easier to get random early GOODs than on the late side. The problem is that the game only polls once per frame, so the actual windows are constantly wiggling, changing size, or sometimes disappearing altogether, which gives rise to the "2 sometimes 3 frame" COOL window that would nominally be 41ms wide otherwise.

>> No.45087002

What are the points awarded to you after you play in beatmania? DP points or dj points. I lost them all when it updated to Epolis

>> No.45087354

hope so, means I made a good choice of waiting a while

>> No.45088360

Use them to unlock Resident songs you missed or customization options

>> No.45088903

>There last new idea was jubeat in 2008
Beatstream? Dancerush stardom? Nostalgia?

>> No.45090012

yeah i recently got my faucetwo and was a bit annoyed when they announced on twitter that they're making new knobs. I asked them if they planned on selling the new knobs for current faucetwo owners and they said they'll be selling an upgrade kit w/ the knobs and pcb because apparently they need a new pcb so i guess i'm gonna be fucked and have to pay at minimum $150 for just an upgrade after having already spent like $400 on my faucetwo (sanwa 20/100 upgrades + shipping)

>> No.45090954

who the fuck is the target audience of tetote x connect?

>> No.45091049

Nenechi's husbands

>> No.45093122
File: 2.06 MB, 1979x3519, 3A05F348-EF98-4DA8-A279-274E854FBA99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45093191

You lose all of them every time they change versions. Just buy random shit until you run out when a new version is about to drop

>> No.45093211

>you should see how some of the zoomers progress these days
Can confirm. See one go from nothing to 10dan in iidx in half a year. But he was already like 21VF in SDVX and like 16.3k rating in maimai

>> No.45093224
File: 311 KB, 638x713, chris kike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will they have the balls to ban him


>> No.45093297

this seems fake and gay

>> No.45093557

it's real, but those Twitter posts are by the same schizo anon who has been posting here about literally anything Chris does for the past two years

>> No.45094379

Machine translation sure has changed a lot over the past several years, but you can still tell that no actual japanese person wrote this. Doesn't have corean style japanese either. Is indonesia finally getting their revenge?

>> No.45094948


pretty much an open secret that most if not all the pros play on or get spoilers from leaked data, or personally know people that do but don't wanna snitch

would not be surprised in the slightest if he played all the kac songs on his own cab before he played it legit

>> No.45095344



>> No.45096041

i think amazing digital circus theme song for popn would work because they are both silly and cute and pomni as popn character would look sooo silly!!! yes! make it occur konami this is how life will be led in the forthcoming future in america release input synthesis hand object

>> No.45097603

>step up
>(You) went from a DJ at parties to a wagie at a department store
that’s a downgrade

>> No.45097785

It's the Japanese Dream.

>> No.45098033
File: 309 KB, 494x358, Screenshot 2023-10-30 212938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fag

>> No.45098357

>zoomers are so good these days
>cleared 45 after a dozen credits
lol, godly improvement but so still worse than you?
Again. Think of better lies. Clearing a 45 on your first day is like running a 5 minute mile your first time on the track. Believe me guys I can swim a 100m freestyle in 1:10.
And using only 4 credits and clearing multiple 45s then getting hard stuck on every 46s is like a 6:05 minute mile warmup into a 6:10 minute mile run. RETARDED
Please tell me which pattern you would start missing on in https://youtu.be/xIBmI-1aDFY but not the 45 i posted earlier https://youtu.be/LLLoexth5wM

>> No.45098504
File: 320 KB, 355x753, pic-selected-231030-0814-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between djmax and ez2ac?

Speaking of pop'n I almost got banned for cumming on the buttons and screen after I jerked off to disco queen flashing her panties

>> No.45098559

That's the back of her skirt. The legs connect nearer to the belt.

>> No.45098701

>What's the difference between djmax and ez2ac?
Different songs, different charts, different judgement, different modes, different settings... DJMax also went from arcade beatmania clone to PC beatmania clone to PSP beatmania clone to arcade touchscreen game (with a PS Vita spinoff) to PS4 beatmania clone back to PC beatmania clone. EZ2AC is, by definition, arcade beatmania clone only with the EZ2On PC spinoffs.

If you mean specifically EZ2On Reboot: R and DJMax Respect V, see the first line again. DJMax Respect was originally a Playstation game and the charting and 8 key mode still reflect that. V did add charts made for keyboard though. EZ2On was made for keyboard to begin with.

Overall, DJMax is a bit more casual, being much more lenient and it has a lot more production value, fluff and stuff like the mission mode, achievements and unlocks to entice people who arent purely there to hit buttons real fast. EZ2On is harder and focuses more on things experienced players would value more, though it still feels very lacking compared to something like etterna obviously.

>> No.45098703

>catch rhythm gaming autism from Arcaea
>get to 11 ptt inside of a year
>take a break to try valorant
>repeatedly assured that I can make it to gold in a month
>it takes me 6
>rank resets back to silver a week later
>hop back on arcaea
>reach 11.5 ptt in a month

Am I here forever?

>> No.45098723

Valorant is more of a rhythm game than arcaea.

>> No.45098965

My cock says otherwise

>> No.45099942
File: 378 KB, 702x746, sayonara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol, godly improvement but so still worse than you?
Considering he had only just gotten kaiden when he did it, and I had already been kaiden for 6 years when I did it, yes, that outcome shouldn't be too surprising.

>And using only 4 credits and clearing multiple 45s then getting hard stuck on every 46s is like a 6:05 minute mile warmup into a 6:10 minute mile run. RETARDED
It's entirely possibly I got lucky with the 45s and unlucky with the 46s. I'm sure there are plenty of 45s I would have failed, and maybe a 46 I could have passed. Who knows. There were other things I decided to spend my paseli on.

>Please tell me which pattern you would start missing on in https://youtu.be/xIBmI-1aDFY
Pretty much immediately.

>> No.45100012

I don't even understand what they meant by that. Isn't LGBT stuff supposed to be a good thing or whatever? It seems like anything that isn't literally just trans is looked down upon by rhythm gamers. What a joke.

>> No.45100044

probably just because the character is coomer bait

>> No.45100268
File: 185 KB, 1866x1279, 4546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And in case you're not joking and really have no IIDX player perspective and can't imagine why those two charts are nothing alike, pic related highlights things I would expect a seasoned IIDX player who is just getting into the game to struggle with. Spangles on the left has some goofy swing that a IIDX player shouldn't find threatening, and it lets you keep your hands in simple positions, mostly only requiring horizontal movements during gaps. It also rarely has more than 2 or 3 notes in a chord. Sayonara Heaven on the right, on the other hand, constantly requires extremely strange movements and hand positions, on top of having frequent 5 and 6 note chords that could easily overwhelm someone who isn't used to them, especially if they're using a lower speed mod in order to have extra time to plan their movements.

>> No.45102310

These threads have just been getting shittier and shittier. Rhythm games really are a dead genre

>> No.45103577
File: 377 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does beatoraja have a skin where the notes are non-rectangular like pic related or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJkQOlRjg2E

>> No.45104010

These threads were never good, and were arguably way worse about 2 years ago when it was nothing but trans hate and people name dropping community members they don't have the balls to actually confront. Unfortunately though, without social drama, there's basically nothing to talk about online. Like what, you smash buttons to music as well? Who fucking cares?

>> No.45105289

i think im mentally retarded because I can't manage to ever play anything that's above 4 lanes for rhythm games. as soon as there's a 5th my brain shuts off. I can handle 4 lanes + gimmicks like lasers or air notes and shit but actually more than 4 lanes i just can't. halp

>> No.45105554

The BGA showing her ass in full view in submerge serenade didn’t help either

>> No.45105945

galexeon is literally 13 years old, tha'ts why

>> No.45106830
File: 208 KB, 1024x1024, 6D8DF535-9D1A-495A-A982-6CC45B9334A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people simply cannot track 5 moving objects at the same time. The "Hard" difficulty in Guitar Hero filtered millions back in the 2000s

So its not just you

>> No.45106971
File: 2.76 MB, 2337x3406, IMG_4527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIDX is also a furry game

>> No.45107057

lolwut? is that the big fuss? I wouldn't know because I'm not an autist looking up info on imaginary video game characters, but if that's what everyone is butthurt about, you should open your eyes and never enjoy a Japanese piece of media ever again.

>> No.45108832

>see someone handblading in sdvx
>he’s at 20.7 VF
It’s a legit playstyle huh

>> No.45108907

>when he vibros in your ass

>> No.45108918

nope. i'm not into trannies, i'm a real fag.

>> No.45109080
File: 12 KB, 225x225, IMG_3391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AAA failed a 11

>> No.45109179
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>> No.45109845

Didnt that also do the retarded thing of introducing the 5 only on the highest level, meaning you went from easy to medium 4k patterns to hard 5k, with no actual 5k buildup?

>> No.45109899

Anything that rotates the analog knobs works, yes.

>> No.45109907

Someone post the latest A3 leak

I know one of you fuckers have it

>> No.45110214

how do u even AAA fail

>> No.45110332

It was in the sky spa and I managed to finish the song with 78%

>> No.45112882

I think all video games should have more of that

>> No.45114610

galaxeon is the 13 year old idiot who complained about the character, it's not the name of the character...

>> No.45115779

Just play 5 or more lanes games at a lower difficulty and try to push through

>> No.45115930

You needed to move your hand to hold the 5th button that's why it won't even show up on easier difficulties

>> No.45116091

>This 1 part at the very start of the file would make me fail
LOL. So you've never played pop'n; thanks for confirming

>> No.45116558

is there a guide or list of songs for sdvx that are good for beginners/intermediates to work on and help teach certain techniques? I'm getting like 9-9.4m usually on 11s but when I try to play 12s i just get btfo

>> No.45116725

>gets 45s fails cause of 1 (max 2) bads 100 notes into the song

>> No.45117099

Thats stupid though because all it means is that once it shows up everyone is unprepaired and has to now deal with 5 key patterns and whatever else is thrown at you, so its not surprising people struggled with it. Imagine Konami used the same logic:
>you have to move your hand for scratching, so we will only use scratches for 12s

It makes much more sense to include all the buttons in easier, less dense patterns like Gitadora does so you can build up basic muscle memory to hit them before the game expects you to hit them in denser more complex patterns.

>> No.45118534

its not that hard anon. u could probably pick up the basics of iidx/bms dp in a week, it just takes time to get actually good but thats the same for 4k games as well

>> No.45118730 [DELETED] 

You barely use the left pedal in drummania until like 5.5 or so too. Same with the pink note in guitarfreaks

>> No.45118920

Apart from some songs that are laser heavy just play whatever you like I guess

>> No.45120918

>DDR has PUMP gimmicks now

Right, I'm out. Should I main IIDX or SDVX?

>> No.45121731

if i want to give iidx a shot am i better off using keyboard style layout or trying to use a keyboard while positioning my hands in the position you'd use the controller in?

>> No.45122161


>> No.45124135

new 19 has forced sudden gimmicks that are reminiscent of PUMP


>> No.45124199

Why are DDR players mad that the game is toggling the Sudden+ for them. I wish IIDX or pop'n had that.

>> No.45124381

ah, I heard complaining from elsewhere. on that note, why are you following young people? gross freak

>> No.45124409

I just realized you're referring to the sows poster; disregard I suck cocks.

>> No.45125260
File: 403 KB, 613x477, Screenshot 2023-11-02 072511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45125346

Any layout is viable. One hand kaidens exists. Your first concern is probably knowing where the keys are. No shame in playing level 2-3 songs too

>> No.45125977

for iidx anything is fine but if u wanna play bms u should wrist scratch

>> No.45126018

sry i misread. if u get too good with a standard kb layout it can be a pain to transition to bm ya. you could just mimic the iidx layout by doing zsxdcfv or something, or just use the same finger assignments as u would on bm like elahbms does

>> No.45126085
File: 757 KB, 2048x1536, F922Px3WAAAhNaM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Round 1 USA is now disassembling their IIDX cabs for good

RIP to some real ones

>> No.45126325

yeah that's what I was asking about, thanks. Since I make plenty of money so if I like the game enough I can easily afford that gamo2 controller so I don't wanna get used to keyboard layout then fuck myself if I get to the point where im like "yeah this game is cool"
oh well fuck my ass I guess

>> No.45126362

The latter, with the rest of the keycaps removed. And make sure to space them out. You'll still have to relearn scratching once/if you get a controller, but key muscle memory will transfer immediately.

>> No.45126653

Source:my fat nigger ass

>> No.45126670

Hay guize! I own a few round1s up and down the west coast. I'm thinking of replacing those trashy bemani games with etterna and osu. Thoughts?

>> No.45126798

go get a wailing bonus on your cock you fucking weeb

>> No.45126887

lol my r1 has two epolis machines

>> No.45126964

good idea
need to see etterna in the arcade

>> No.45126976

I'm sure labels are going to love their songs playing over dumps spelling out NIGGER and FAGGOT while not getting any money

>> No.45127545

>start hard clearing 11s left and right
>got new AAAs in the process too
hey it wasn’t as scary as I thought

>> No.45128157

>koisuru uchuu sensou celica is now obtainable via gacha
Beats not getting it forever because you didn’t buy the lincle ost back in 2012

>> No.45130854

All of the legacy cabs at my R1 no longer boot. Konami basically bricked them.

>> No.45132159

That is illegal dumbfuck nice try though

>> No.45133043

they were literally 10 to 15 year old unmaintained, unwanted garbage machines that were rotting in a warehouse in rural japan, good riddance

>> No.45133158
File: 21 KB, 405x455, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45134222

There was an upgrade kit that made resident not run at 30fps during menus. That was required for them to upgrade to epolis.

>> No.45135092
File: 78 KB, 540x1199, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao even

>> No.45135594

and just in case you were wondering, I know all about it because my Uncle works at Dance Dance Revolution and knows Chuck E. Cheese personally, and he told me all about it on roblox the other day. I have lots of more inside info too if you want to know.

>> No.45135646

nanahira voice sex

>> No.45135649


>> No.45135775

i missed out unlocking the KAC songs in DDR
when will konami add them back

>> No.45136327

>no online service = doesn't boot
How is life with down syndrome do your parents have to wipe you after you shit your pants?

>> No.45136338

What's more impressive to a girl(female): DP overjoy or playing Bach's invention no. 1
The answer is the reason our forefathers thought women ought not vote.

>> No.45138214

When you guys play Project Diva how often are you alternating the inputs? ie, for a stream of X's, do you alternate down and X or just tap one input? Or do you alternate every input regardless? Or do you only utilize the other buttons when doing holds?

>> No.45138473

Double setup is cheating faggo

>> No.45138512

Understandable thank you. Even on a gamepad?

>> No.45138599

moreso, controllers can vary widely button size. I've seen 4 fingers to a key in some cases

>> No.45139048

>Perfects drain the gauge
It's bistrover

>> No.45139111

Makes sense when they are >100ms

>> No.45139112

If I play some 4 button game on my computer would that be adequate practice so I don't make a fool of myself playing DDR for the first time? Or is the footwork much harder than reading the screen?

>> No.45139134

Try index on etterna or outfox. The skill won't transfer at all but you might learn something.
If you don't want to look like a noob get a pad and play it with itg or outfox. Once you can MFC 200bpm stream and random high difficulty charts from ddr rips you can play in public

>> No.45139494

If you're playing a home version with a normal controller you hold in your hands, you would alternate between the face buttons and d pad(you're a retard if you don't). If you're using an old "arcade" controller like the PS3 one, it's basically the same thing, as that's just a fat controller basically. A true Project Diva arcade controller only has the face buttons, at which point you would not be able to alternate. But on that note, the true arcade version of the game has entirely different charts than the home versions. The series is honestly kind of a joke if you aren't just a coomer.

>> No.45139556

>you would alternate between the face buttons and d pad(you're a retard if you don't)
I get that, but I'm wondering how often/when I guess. I currently only really do it when I need to utilize "holds." Do you alternate between face and d-pad for every note, or only when it gets fast?
>But on that note, the true arcade version of the game has entirely different charts than the home versions.
I didn't know this, I was hoping to play the arcade version next weekend. Hopefully at least some of this carries over.
>The series is honestly kind of a joke if you aren't just a coomer.
What's good that I can play on my computer that is also popular in arcades?

>> No.45140233

The main thing to note about the arcade version is there are notes where you'll have to hold down multiple buttons at once, which you can hold for bonus points(you'll get it when you see it). There is also a touch panel above the buttons, which some charts require you to use, but you don't see a lot of that unless you're playing higher difficulties.

Most Bemani games have PC versions at this point. If you can't do that or don't want to deal with data, Stepmania is a simple way to practice DDR/Pump. BMS is a iidx simulator. None of these games are quick and easy to set up(besides SM) but hey welcome to rhythm games.

>> No.45142738

I was playing USC and the timing on EVERYTHING was fucked up, so I went fucking around with my offsets -- got things dead on for specific songs, but I didn't have a value that'd stick between songs.
I wondered if it was just me or if USC was screwed up, so I decided to boot SDVX proper.
I went to the control panel to set the sample rate and rotate the monitor and whatever, and it turns out that I forgot to switch the system back to 48kHz.

Apparently, USC fucking hates this. USC does a bunch of weird shit at 44.1, some of the song previews are fucked up too.

>> No.45144353

is beatoraja the main iidx sim these days or is there something else?

>> No.45144435


>> No.45144445

Which project diva are you playing, because that'll determine your use of the dpad
>if console native (i.e. pd, 2nd, extend, f, f2nd, x)
you're going to have notes that require you to press the button + corresponding dpad position (double notes). You can also go ahead and use the dpad for overlapping notes or just casually use it instead of the face buttons to build left hand muscle memory if you want, but these aren't required
>if arcade port (i.e. megamix, future tone)
as someone mentioned, the arcade version literally has 4 buttons and the slider, as such double notes cant exist and the charts are different and take that into account. There's still overlapping notes so if you want to use the dpad for that to make it easier, you can. Spoilers, most people playing on console DO. Think about it, try to mash a button as fast as you can with just your thumb. Now compare that to slapping your hand on a table as fast as you can. The latter is going to be faster. But the extra buttons on a controller can make arcade charts much easier, as you've probably realized when using the dpad for hold notes. You can't do that at the actual arcade.

>> No.45144466

stepmania has 7k w/ scratch?

>> No.45144549


>> No.45146033

>console games
Streams are specifically designed around the fact that you can alternate, trying to do them with one thumb will fuck your hands up.
Get an arcade-style con or don't bother. Keyboard also works up to some point, but there's no logical reason to play it on a generic controller.

>> No.45149960

this person is fucking with you
youre less likely to get sdvx data on timing correctly so that may not be a good way to calibrate
