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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 164 KB, 1280x720, 1686037384338391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45326682 No.45326682 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>45303242
This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.
What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.45326688

>no torrent
We are born just to suffer.

>> No.45326691

reminder that discussions about hooking and translations go in the appropriate thread >>45271917

>> No.45326694

Geminism waiting room? Geminism waiting room. I'd seriously consider buying it if DMM wasn't a bitch nowadays.

>> No.45326696

still no download
my day is fucking ruined

>> No.45326700
File: 313 KB, 555x711, 1683235514344486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both downloads are being held hostage behind a paywall.

>> No.45326702

I guess it would be a good time to finish Hihiru while I wait.

>> No.45326707

Wtf is a G線上 anyway?

>> No.45326708

Reminder to update your textractor if you want to hook geminism: https://github.com/Artikash/Textractor/issues/868#issuecomment-1249146885
Reminder you use only good modern dictionary tool: https://github.com/rampaa/JL
Compatible with magpie and fullscreen, can be hidden unless you hover over dictionary window with your mouse.
Remember to use hook search function if there is no hooks.

>> No.45326718

One of the strings in a string instrument. For example, the 3rd string of a guitar in standard tuning.

>> No.45326720

May as well have the same meaning as not having a download at all, I'd rather actually buy the game than pay those faggots
Still won't though

>> No.45326726

The hilarious thing is that they're actually charging more than Purplesoft is for their game. If I had a way to make DMM take my filthy Westerner money, I'd be paying 20% less than those faggots are asking for.

>> No.45326733

So why is he called the demon king of the G-string? Did the author not realize the sexual meaning of G-string in English?

>> No.45326737

How much of a gayjean is this one?

>> No.45326743


>> No.45326755

Reminder to use japanese dictionary like 旺文社国語辞典 第十一版 画像無し and 三省堂国語辞典

>> No.45326770

Wasn't aware of this. How is it compared to using a clipboard inserter webpage + yomichan?

>> No.45326791

Better because you don't have to run browser and keep huge window just for dictionary.
You can install all the same dictionaries for yomichan, including converted jp-jp epwings

>> No.45326799

Where's the BORDER?

>> No.45326851

Just finished Ikusa Megami Zero now. Is the append any good, or story important? Not really looking to do 8 hours of side content if it's not.

>> No.45326853


>> No.45326861

never used that guys program but hovering over something you forget to see the reading should be fine for people

>> No.45326865

my backlogs prevent me to read new games

>> No.45326870

I use those tools and discuss the games here though, since this thread is not and will never be djt

>> No.45326897

Furigana is often wrong and makes you learn slower.

>> No.45326936


>> No.45326940

Blame >>45326691

>> No.45326964

You can hang yourself, shoot yourself or drink bleach for all I care. I'm not interested in you, I only come here to talk about eroges

>> No.45326971

Your anger and your attention makes me happy, please keep going.

>> No.45326972

Geminism doko...

>> No.45326977

And yet you bring attention to what isn't on topic and encourage others to shitpost because you're triggered. Your IQ is rock bottom.

>> No.45326989

>I only come here to talk about eroges
Which you ironically hinder by screeching about hooking, spawning dozens of posts that (in your mind) have nothing to do with eroge

>> No.45326991

Pretty good episode, can't wait for the 4th Border.

>> No.45326993

Sometimes it is necessary to make happy the failed wastes of human beings with no future who receive serotonin for a (you)

>> No.45327002

that's a false flag thread made by seething JOP.

>> No.45327012

So, the last episode should be released in May?

>> No.45327028

is this you?

>> No.45327036


>> No.45327052

Just remembered that I have to read jingai

>> No.45327060
File: 145 KB, 1020x704, RE:D_Cherish!red_cherish (3) - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's Rouge and Des One Operaation? Worth reading both or should I just read Des? Is there a scene where you and Brutus DP Des together?

>> No.45327109

Bros, life sure gets in the way. I'd like to finish Sakura Moyu this evening, but I'll be too tired from work.

>> No.45327116

Drink some coffee.

>> No.45327120

I can understand the feeling, sometimes I try to force myself but with the accumulated fatigue I can't even see the screen properly

>> No.45327125

Unironically exercise and improve your diet. The brain fog is real if you aren't taking care of yourself. It's the reason why Americans are fucking stupid and always angry. They all eat fast food and sit on their asses.

>> No.45327152

Stopped drinking coffee and all caffein drinks and it had a good effect. Previously I was overcaffeinated.

Overall this week was busy. And I really want enjoy Kuro end when I'm rested.

>> No.45327156

Salaryman here, I eat well and exercise, but the cause of my anger is some incompetents at my work. I just want to rest and read my eroges...

>> No.45327245

Best fast food for eating while reading vn kino?

>> No.45327263
File: 429 KB, 1920x1080, Bst_ujUpDI8KCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga タイ人

>> No.45327266

more like guy人

>> No.45327286
File: 479 KB, 1920x1080, Bst_EOOmBLvceP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This district full of gaijin

>> No.45327381
File: 1012 KB, 1280x720, RE:D_Cherish!_SS_デスのワンオペレーションdes_oneope_ (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, she's literally me.
Did they really not get Unica's VA back for this or give Rouge any lines in Des's mini-fandisc? That's kinda lame.
This feels like something that should've been in EB and not sold separately a year later.

>> No.45327427
File: 22 KB, 256x256, 15308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows where I can download this? https://vndb.org/v12032 I need to play some of the more obscure moege

>> No.45327434

Does vndb have filter for furigana or japanese beginner?

>> No.45327447


>> No.45327448

Yeah, the platform filter. Consoles have some games made for children/younger audiences.

>> No.45327449


>> No.45327463

become a hookchad and you can put furigana on every game

>> No.45327467
File: 229 KB, 653x900, Enjou-Gakuen-Enjou-Joshi-o-Shidou-Seyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

midwitism? midwit border? No thanks, will be busy reading something good with fappable porn too.

>> No.45327474

Dunno about PC version but you can easily find the console version by searching the catalog code, eg. SLPM-86972 for the PS one

>> No.45327479

Thank god it's not a doujinge and is actually available on AB and not in immediate danger of becoming lost media: https://mega.nz/file/iqYEVA6Y#mLniETKo306Jn3_YKD5dM5-JsUJyhZXyInPQU5gM74c

>> No.45327481
File: 332 KB, 1600x900, KKC2KKC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.
(jesus this game runs like shit, is it just unity?)

>> No.45327540

Can someone who's read Kara no Shoujo tell me what happened to Touko? Why did she get all fucked up and become a nugget?

>> No.45327555

why don't you read it yourself?

>> No.45327561

Because I already spoiled the ending accidentally. I just don't know how or why exactly it happens

>> No.45327563

doesnt she get kidnapped by a serial killer who chops off all her limbs?

>> No.45327570

Thank you.

>> No.45327576
File: 168 KB, 1200x675, EQn-H8mUYAAXCKt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is the only one I know with full native furigana: https://vndb.org/v27068
You'll have better luck combing through https://vndb.org/g135 or https://vndb.org/g836..
Or you could also go for lolige. They often enough have rather easy language for obvious reasons.

>> No.45327581

This is painful to see

>> No.45327588
File: 1.92 MB, 1440x810, LOVE・デスティネーション_《プロローグ》LOVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly reading it kind of gave me a headache.
I don't know why an 18+ eroge had full furigana with no option to turn it off in the menu.

>> No.45327631

It's kind of puzzling why its developers decided to pour so much effort into it.

>> No.45327633

I love teacher protagonists. They're usually in control and get to have fun with their sexy students however they wish.

>> No.45327634

They can't have typed it out manually for each kanji, there has to be a program in word or something to automatically add furigana, right?

>> No.45327638

As an ex-corporate slave, I could add furigana manually into a 30 hour VN in a day.

>> No.45327644

Are you talking moege or nukige here?
There's tons of teacher rape nukige, but very few teacher love moege.

>> No.45327655

There is no automated tool which will furiganaize その他大勢 as モブ. And there are a lot of mistakes automated tools make so there is a need to go through it manually even if some tool is used.

>> No.45327665
File: 8 KB, 639x74, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45327667

What are you talking about? Even Yuzusoft has released a teacher moege.

>> No.45327682

>18 hours already
pirate bros... we lost

>> No.45327688

I wanted to get recommendations for good teacher/student pure love moege and thought the best way to get them would be to say there weren't any so people would post them to prove me wrong.

>> No.45327699

That's a terribly convoluted way to get recommendations.

>> No.45327702

Sure. Take these:

>> No.45327721

In general. I simply like the dynamic. If I have to pick a game that exemplify this, it'd have to be 特別授業3

>> No.45327728

Not a moege but don't worry, there are none of those things that live rent free in moebuta heads either so should be safe to read as "pure love"

>> No.45327729

>there are none of those things that live rent free in moebuta heads either
H-scenes where they talk about impregnation but the VN ends without a pregnant cg or h-scene?

>> No.45327768
File: 150 KB, 800x600, Canvas.2_.Akane.Iro.no.Palette.full.206587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instruction unclear, getting into childhood friend route instead

>> No.45327771

I don't understand the retarded rule of "no doujinge" on AB. Almost all the big companies started as doujin circles. Hell, some of their early work were made before they went official and could be considered doujinge as well. I uploaded quite a number of doujinge to AB before including ゆくひとのプレーローマ and now they removed all of it. I don't have any of the original files anymore so it's a really good thing that you have ゆくひとのプレーローマ and some of the others on your list, but otherwise, good fucking luck getting any of those. What a bunch of petty small-minded people.

>> No.45327778

Post the list of games that were deleted so we can see if anyone has them.

>> No.45327795

Can anyone explain, why Japanese eroge companies love to spawn ton of subbrands of subbrands?
Like, why instead of creating 2nd title of Aino+Links, they need to create NEW MONO EROGE BRAND?! With absolutely same staff? I don't see any sense.

Brands for mono eroge seems VERY strange.

>> No.45327797

It's RenPy, babe. First time in my life I see commercial Japanese eroge on FUCKING RENPY ENGINE

>> No.45327802

実用日本語表現辞典 is the only one that matters

>> No.45327806

if put off reading hello lady for almost a decade and have been in the mood for some revenge story
is it decent?

>> No.45327821

When you think the end is close it's usually not even close so better to pace that shit out

>> No.45327823

Read 2 then after getting it's true ending it will become clear.

>> No.45327841

What's a nice short-but-sweet VN to read while waiting for Geminism? I thought of reading Sadistic Blood or Shiniyuki Kimi, but I feel like it's a good idea to keep ryonage feeling fresh since I imagine that's like half of what Geminism is.

>> No.45327847

Sayooshi, duh.

>> No.45327851

They are just stoopid animeonly ngmi eops
I think they even added some bullshit rule that djge with english translations are kept as an exception or something like that

>> No.45327861

It's a subsidiery of a different company. Basically they left their boss.

>> No.45327868

Unfortunately, I already played Sayooshi last year sometime, and For Elise this March, otherwise I'd probably think of going with that.

>> No.45327891


>> No.45327906

Is that a fact? I like how the rules are completely arbitrary. One time a few years ago I uploaded a bunch of manga that showed up on Nyaa and the newest volumes had a (pre-release) tag. A few hours later they get removed and I get a "Rules Broken - Leaked/pre-release content are not allowed" (yeah, they can't even use grammar correctly in their messages) message. So I contacted them and asked how the hell that makes sense and where the hell is that in the rules. Got no real answer for the first part ("they are only allowed to be uploaded on the site after they are released officially") and a literal "rules are being written and will be updated soon" for the second. It has been two years, and guess what? It's still not on the rules.
It's still the best place to get anything JP-related, but holy shit get your shit together people.

>> No.45327926
File: 50 KB, 1369x358, firefox_24-11-2023 12-02-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45327953

Damn... that's just dumb. Oh well, I should be thankful for all the other stuff you can only get there.

>> No.45327955

New company to go bankrupt and take the debt if the game flops

>> No.45327964

Probably some business or tax-related fuckery.

>> No.45327975

At least obsessed chinks seem to have activated a lot on as recently and keep this medium alive, i wonder what keeps them going. How much can you even earn from all those rapidgator premium links anyway?

>> No.45328175

Chinks love to read.

>> No.45328258

It would be so much simpler to just make one big collection torrent and call it a day, i would go insane if i had to separate everything into different parts, upload to 4 different links and update all that shit whenever it broke literally thousands of times
They really need to make some decent buck to keep with that shit

>> No.45328334

Chinks are the future, unironically

>> No.45328402

you know its bad when you start ctrling through a vn 50 hours in

>> No.45328416

Your fault for being fucking zoomer.

>> No.45328445
File: 286 KB, 1920x1080, Bst_pElXO0XVoP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of the protagonist girlfriend work as prostitute

>> No.45328574

Girls are really cute when they want it. (Provided they're cute.)

>> No.45328988
File: 560 KB, 2000x1415, 14986Y1895615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Orthrosge

>> No.45329021

Looks like Border got an engine update or something. Different directory structure, riced-up setup tool, installer is gone. Uninstaller still there, though, lol.
Audacious of them. I'd never dare change tooling mid-project.

>> No.45329038

So it's not kirikiri?

>> No.45329052

Hope it's easy to hook.

>> No.45329072

It's still KiriKiri alright.
No idea, sorry.

>> No.45329094

That's surprising. I thought they were going to be a one and done after ZT.

>> No.45329116

>It's still KiriKiri alright.
Then should be easy.

>> No.45329233

I don't remember there is anything important in the Zero append. If you only care about canon story events then appends are probably not necessary but in Verita and Memoria they give you extra content for some characters (and Hscenes too). The appends also update the game to the newest version and add a bunch of optional gameplay content to the base game.

>> No.45329254

I'm now convinced that all the faggots who hold up the upload are on the ryuugames payroll

>> No.45329267


>> No.45329269
File: 105 KB, 299x226, 1682603429652417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When should we worry about eroge starting to use AI?

>> No.45329273

What do you mean? Don't Girlcelly and Mikocon get their DL版 versions from ryuu nowadays?

>> No.45329276


>> No.45329286

You just can't make this up for the most anticipated game of the year to take the longest

>> No.45329304

I don't see anything wrong with your pic, and mignon is an extremely popular artist.

>> No.45329322

>the most anticipated game of the year
Tenshi souzou came out months ago, we even had like 8 OPs images in a row about it.

>> No.45329332

It might be their last one if it doesn't work I guess. I don't have much hope, seeing the writer

>> No.45329337

>the most anticipated game of the year
Why do SayoOshi fags act like their game isn't some niche shit?

>> No.45329346

how do you know he's talking about geminism? oh yeah, because you let denpachads live in your head rent free

>> No.45329361

Well he's either talking about the new Atelier Sakura or Geminism since CB3 is already uploaded.

>> No.45329366

Because there are at least three geministers in this thread right now and our collected hype for this game exceeds the amount of hype that can be produced by the fans of any other unreleased work. Any questions?

>> No.45329374

There are at least four borderbros in this thread right now, myself included.

>> No.45329380

That's cool. We don't need a brother war.

>> No.45329386


>> No.45329387
File: 566 KB, 980x460, 1679190020763513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New kamige. Madohaters need not reply.

>> No.45329398

ryuuchads won... they already finished the game and are laughing at us while we wait...

>> No.45329404

>no twintails
Into the garbage it goes.

>> No.45329405

it hurts

>> No.45329408
File: 603 KB, 980x460, 1691877953134753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shall we play "Guess the hair color"?

>> No.45329419

Ryuuchads play with MTL so they can die

>> No.45329424
File: 714 KB, 960x720, SiglusEngine_24-11-2023 15-00-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh they keep typing the text in this retarded fake tategaki but when you open the backlog half of that text is gone, i wonder if it is a bug or a feature

>> No.45329428

It's a giga bug.

>> No.45329436

Is this For Elise? I wanted to play it but the only version I could find had this bug so I gave up.

>> No.45329438

Guess it's finally time to move on. Hamidashi is a tough act to follow.

>> No.45329440

It's a bug. I think you're gonna have to find a different install.

>> No.45329455 [DELETED] 


>> No.45329456

Buy it.

>> No.45329458

Which of them will be the vtumor you mean

>> No.45329459

new Atelier Sakura doko

>> No.45329460

Well shit
Which version of Elise did you play?

>> No.45329469

desu I think I'm just gonna get ryuugames premium, it feels so humiliating waiting like a cuck for their used goods

>> No.45329468

You're supposed to buy your NTRge for the ultimate NTR experience. Not only are you getting NTRed, you PAID to be NTRed.
There's nothing more hot in the world than that.

>> No.45329479

Is 5000 yen too much for you?

>> No.45329481

Get it and secretly upload all their "exclusives" to fuck those faggots up

>> No.45329493

It's enough to live for a month for me.

>> No.45329496

If you're having problems with Elise, you should try installing the original old ass version of the game, preferably from a torrent that has the game's image itself. There's a 2011 torrent in the usual place but if you can't get any sneeds then you should look for DDLs. Odds are it's going to have fucked up audio but that's something you can fix with inmm.

>> No.45329510

they're hookchads too? holy based

>> No.45329512
File: 556 KB, 1654x2048, 1689150695128307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45329517

Does anyone have some of those 2dfan or baidu or whatever other chink shit accounts? Like there is no way they didn't share it at least somewhere

>> No.45329519

It's on AB

>> No.45329526

I was referring to Geminism

>> No.45329531

big if true

>> No.45329532

No Pajeets are.

>> No.45329584


>> No.45329603

I have ryuu vip, but I won't leak releases because you guys being racist jerks.

>> No.45329610


>> No.45329613

fake and gay

>> No.45329614
File: 116 KB, 675x867, 1680164106404426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have ryuu vip, but I won't leak releases because you guys being transphobic jerks.

>> No.45329619

Have you even visited dlsite? It's flooded with AIslop selling at full price. Otaku are suckers who will buy anything if it was tits on it.

>> No.45329621

If it's not out by then, I'll probably get Geminism few months from now when it's on sale. There's no need to rush. I'll share it then, if needed. So for now rest easy knowing I'm here for you, as the last resort.

>> No.45329626

we kneel
please don't abandon us

>> No.45329627 [DELETED] 


>> No.45329635
File: 1.02 MB, 1819x1185, AVG3216M_24-11-2023 15-32-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is some wacky shit, the game starts in fullscreen and can't even be normally windowed
the WAV folder is also empty where audio files are supposed to be (?)

>> No.45329641

The CD. As tracks 2 and so on.

>> No.45329642

>few months from now
it's so fucking over

>> No.45329670

Be on a look out for a sale, maybe on Christmas etc., and give me a heads up.

>> No.45329700

Who fucking cares about the chuuni garbage? I want the new lump of sugar with BR imouto but ryuugames doesn't even have it yet.

>> No.45329704
File: 26 KB, 489x503, 1674434497801222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the same experience, yeah. If you have some free time on your hands, what I'd advise you to do is, first of all, get the soundtrack from somewhere else. I think the music should actually be on the disk itself in .nwa, but I'm not completely sure. If that fails, you can always find the music on YouTube and get it that way in mp3. You'd probably have to convert it to .wav, though. Then you can use inmm to get it running. To solve your screen issues, use dxwnd. It's an old ass application for 3D games on Windows but you can use it here as well. Set it up so the game starts in windowed + crops out the black space.

>> No.45329717

Unrelated but the whole concept of sales is so stupid
The only point of buying shit is if you want to support the maker, you aren't supporting shit when you buy it for pocket change so practically it is no different from piracy

>> No.45329749

There was this slayer's artist that was selling AIshit on comiket, and apparently it wasn't AI but he did as much as possible to make it look as AI. He sold out btw
It's so over

>> No.45329782

Which dxwnd profile did you choose for it? Or did you create your own?

>> No.45329811

It has only been a day calm your fucking tits

>> No.45329852

I only now found out that Little Witch Parfait Complete Pack has been finally up on as. Can't wait to self-insert as a 5yo girl

>> No.45329906
File: 180 KB, 1274x716, Shiniyuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would suggest playing Shiniyuku Kimi. The game has a good balance of sweet and scary moments, so it isn't just a violence galore.
Plus the artstyle is really cute.
But Sadistic Blood is also a good novel

>> No.45329956


>> No.45329961
File: 487 KB, 508x879, 1700793825349924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything about this VN is so retarded, but the gyaru is pure sex.
I will never doubt M&M ever again.

>> No.45329993

Now that Magpie exists, I can play these old games without my eyes bleeding.

>> No.45330082

On violin there's an epic chuuni technique where you play everything on the G string.

>> No.45330087

I created it and configured it like it says in the screenshot. There's a few other toggles you'll have to do, though, like "run in windowed" in the first tab.

>> No.45330136

almost certain this engine has its own windowed option if you right click

>> No.45330155

can anyone explain the hype behind geminism

>> No.45330164

Didn't play Sayooshi I can tell.

>> No.45330165

This is true. The problem, though, is that the game never really treats this as a setting to save, so every time you launch the game, it's fullscreen, and if you have any other windows open at that time, they all get shrunk to fuck. Minor annoyance.

>> No.45330173
File: 950 KB, 1209x955, AVG3216M_24-11-2023 16-37-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice seems to work fine now, still couldn't get rid of the black bars no matter which resolutions i tried to put in dxwnd so i just used the custom cropping feature in magpie and cut 210px from the bottom and the right
If anyone else wants to read some old kino while waiting for Geminism here are the original game and bgm files i got from the bugged version
pixeldrain com l/j5YtyiPD

>> No.45330188

Im 99% sure is the same spammer that was behind the hasshaku spam

>> No.45330189
File: 12 KB, 467x294, 1675316525867544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's fucking weird. Is this how your 'main' tab looks like? Pretty sure the position coordinates is what makes the game look not like shit. I don't think there are any other changes I've made, so while I don't want to say "works on my machine" in a scenario where things work the way the user configured them, if this doesn't work, then I'm out of ideas.

>> No.45330195

Do you have High DPI settings or some kind of magnification setup in your Windows settings?
That's the usual culprit behind this type of problems.

>> No.45330202

Yeah, but the sayooshi writer is only an "assistant" and it's been so many years everyone is prolly different people than they were. They're basically cosplaying the company that released sayooshi and retards are falling for it. You shouldn't have any expectations one way or the other.

>> No.45330224

indeed. what is the history behind the writer? from what i've checked sayooshi was released in the early 2000s but he stopped writing vn after that. did he write anything noteworthy outside of sayooshi?

>> No.45330239

That's because it's not even the writer that's creating the hype, but the fact that a guy who came up with so much fucked up but beautiful imagery for Elise or Sayooshi is at the helm of this new game. And we're hoping that some of the Sayooshi writer's schizo magic rubbed off on the artist.

>> No.45330248

the main guy unironically fucked off to write for a suwa faith magazine. there have been multiple sayooshi 'reunions' over the years and he has not attended a single one

>> No.45330253
File: 13 KB, 540x88, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's one of discord subhumans.

>> No.45330282

Based discord spy but you should fuck off too

>> No.45330297

What discord?
Our general has discord?

>> No.45330301

This is why borderbros are superior

>> No.45330318
File: 3.51 MB, 1918x1439, Magpie_24-11-2023 17-01-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently we have different versions of that, mine has a lot of other random settings enabled by default
When i put everything like yours it's mostly fine now, though there are still some micro bars on the sides anyway
Also now when i try to screenshot it with sharex, whenever i try to choose the game with region capture it turns into black screen and i have to restart the game for whatever reason
Well it still works with my custom 4:3 region button in magpie so whatever

>> No.45330406 [DELETED] 

I uploaded my config to pixeldrain dot com(slash)u(slash)4EejMiq9 (just replace the slashes with /, the link is triggering 4chan's autism). I think all you have to do is file > import. It's going to create a new version of the game inside dxwnd, though you'll probably have to adjust the .exe it points to because our games paths are different.
I'm not sure if it's going to work if we really are on different versions, but the one I'm running is 2.05.82.

>> No.45330520
File: 811 KB, 961x760, AVG3216M_24-11-2023 17-32-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea mine was 2.06 and it didn't want to work at all with your file
got the 2.05 version and the bars are finally gone, thx
That aside though, how the fuck are you supposed to save here?

>> No.45330602

Please have imouto please...

>> No.45330687

Auto save or something? Some games use that ridiculous shit. I don't know anything about your one though.

>> No.45330713

respect mignon

>> No.45330721

The bugged version seems to have a normal save button so doesn't look like that
Maybe there are supposed to be some hotkeys, but not a single keyboard button is working, even enter. Can't open the backlog either and can only proceed the text with the mouse

>> No.45330745

Actually not entirely accurate, ctrl is the only button that is somehow working lol, well this is something at least

>> No.45330749

Reviews on erogamescape actually do mention that saving isn't free and there is no backlog. All I can say is that I still have a bunch of random saves but I think these might be auto or something. Prepare to skip a lot.

>> No.45330782

Oh so that was intentional then i guess
Enter not working is much more of a pain though, probably should figure out some macro to convert space into click button

>> No.45331331

>A discord subhuman snitching on another discord subhuman
fuck off

>> No.45331355
File: 3.59 MB, 1918x1439, Magpie_24-11-2023 19-17-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently watching a video was considered something really weird back then...

>> No.45331415

I just read a huge spoiler for Criminal Border 3. It's over.
Also holy fucking shit

>> No.45331419

Scared, buddy? https://vndb.org/u191203

>> No.45331442

link me the discord please, i want friends

>> No.45331447

yeaah i'm shitting, pissing and cumming simultaneously so hard rn, but sadly that fag ain't me

>> No.45331455

And here I thought that we were friends all this time...

>> No.45331466

Adding on this. If anyone is playing Criminal Border 3 here, make sure to not visit any place it can be spoiled until you're done reading it.

>> No.45331478

just fucking spoil me

>> No.45331487

How did you even mount the .cdi file? Virtual Clone Drive (5.5.2) won't recognize the format.

>> No.45331508
File: 1.47 MB, 1027x767, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45331509

I just opened it with the ultraiso as usual and had no issues

>> No.45331515

I saw people mentioning this but it's not going to be so shocking if we're prepared for something shocking. I imagine an important character dies or something from how everyone's reacting.

>> No.45331525

Isn't the top from next month?

>> No.45331546

yeah these are just ad flyers

>> No.45331623

It's just the PSP version though. Wouldn't be the PC version be better?

>> No.45331624

the only thing that would shock me is surprise NTR, but purplesoft is not based enough to do that

>> No.45331644


>> No.45331645

>Our general has discord?
Would it be a good idea for our general to have a discord server? Because it seems like everyone and their mother secretly has an account already made.
I've never used discord so I'm genuinely asking out of curiosity.

>> No.45331646
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x720, 1243645454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally found a a good kunoichige, but i hope there's a good ending for suzaku she's cute.

>> No.45331657

Nothing good comes out of personification and djt discord has proven it

>> No.45331660

The PC remake version is also on the same site, available on Rapidgater non-premium for once

>> No.45331670

Fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off

>> No.45331678

on the off chance you're serious, the way you've phrased your post just makes it sound even more like bait

>> No.45331688
File: 286 KB, 400x591, 1689697929757570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck outta here

>> No.45331689

Wait there was a remake?
>All-ages version on PC (Windows XP/Vista/7)
The hell all-aged version even supposed to mean here? Are there any significant changes?

>> No.45331721

I don't suppose anyone's played the Ai Shimai series. If so are 1&2 worth it or am I good to skip them?

>> No.45331744

Yeah, please make /vn/ discord server.

>> No.45331779

New kaguya,it's not bare and bunny...
Apparently the mc is a "rental boyfriend"?

>> No.45331781

Mignon eroge!? I kneel.

>> No.45331784

Tfw this is considered a company and thus is allowed on ab but not JQV

>> No.45331798

wasn't there an asapro game that did that

>> No.45331889

I love SayoOshi but feminism looks like garbage

>> No.45331928

>feminism looks like garbage

>> No.45331954

People here keep crying every day that the medium is dead and yet whenever something even relatively interesting gets released they will be the first in the row to insta call it garbage just for the contrarian sake.

>> No.45331970

Can you tell me what's interesting about Geminism?

>> No.45331976

koikari and it was shit

>> No.45331982

Schizo author

>> No.45331995
File: 85 KB, 1192x411, 1687055933924649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally who?

>> No.45331996

It is not uploaded yet, how can I know???

>> No.45332016

Alright, thanks. Binged the whole thing so burnt out a bit, might come back and read the append later.

>> No.45332028

It's just a couple of moebutas seething because they can't read anything that's a little harder than their usual VNs.

>> No.45332039

enjou gakuen will save the medium

>> No.45332046

I dont like ryonashit so by default geminism SUCKS

>> No.45332067


>> No.45332097
File: 25 KB, 248x350, img_tokuten_melonbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and M&M-pilled.

>> No.45332104

I like ryona but I still won't read geminism for a while

>> No.45332130

i'm gonna try not to rape her and see how it goes.

>> No.45332144

How did ryuugames get a copy of geminism so fucking fast???

>> No.45332150

they bought it which you didn't do duh

>> No.45332160

i only buy gyaruge

>> No.45332163
File: 613 KB, 1920x1440, EPCI-TgUwAAAUnY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, this will.

>> No.45332170

The real question is why everyone else is so fucking slow?? I don't remember the last time we had to way more than a day for something that big

>> No.45332179

Everyone just rips their shit from ryuu nowadays.

>> No.45332181

really hope it's shit so it'll piss off all the beggers here

>> No.45332183

It's only "big" amongst a small sub-section of people.

>> No.45332210

if japan made their eroge easier to buy for gaijin i would not pirate at all

>> No.45332213
File: 59 KB, 579x346, 1691277499188546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45332227

The discussion was about geminism, retard

>> No.45332233

Did Ryuugames always do this scumbag practice of making us wait so they can fill their fucking greedy pockets or is this something new?

>> No.45332253

buying them is easy, like three clicks on amazon jp, the real problem is that some countries have fucked up customs.

>> No.45332256

They started doing it a few months ago. Although it was usually only for a few hours.

>> No.45332271

flop border shill sure projected hard there lmao

>> No.45332288

>flop border
If it's trending and there's not torrent then isn't it the opposite?

>> No.45332309

I will never (ever) read it because of its art. Just like Henpri.

>> No.45332324

From what i get there is some shock content or epic twist bait in it so people are reacting hard on twitter

>> No.45332339

I'm talking about Nagaoka. Not only scenario writer counts as author. Original idea belongs to Nagaoka too.
Btw, Sapporo Momoko is kinda schizo too. She left idol industry in 80s to became an eroge composer. What a girl.

>> No.45332354

hasshaku 2

>> No.45332371

need more pubes

>> No.45332377

So what's interesting is that it's a cool idea written by some shitty scenarioist? What a sell!

>> No.45332423

no one really cares if you're sold on it or not because everyone knows no one in this thread is actually physically buying it, and atm this is the only thing that matters

>> No.45332431


>> No.45332436

It kind of show how nobody in this thread buy their eroge digitally, if at all, at least not the big releases of the month

>> No.45332442

Who let the ESLs out?

>> No.45332451

This is not really the board to be doing the lol ESL song and dance because everyone here is obsessed with learning Japanese to cope with the inability to be Japanese.

>> No.45332470

It's one thing when greedy faggots gatekeeping shit to sell their VIP, but the fact that no one bothered to reupload it from them just to fuck those faggots over yet is what makes me lose faith in humanity

>> No.45332476
File: 277 KB, 900x639, Amairo-Chocolata-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamige just got uploaded

>> No.45332477

Based ESL that doesn't even know what ESL means.

>> No.45332512

I still have faith that a hero will come to save us.

>> No.45332522

You're part of the problem for expecting anyone to upload anything for free. Kill yourself.

>> No.45332531

Absolutely funny how zoomers have fallen so low now they are entitled to be beggars

>> No.45332539

how hard is it for someone to just buy it and upload it?

>> No.45332542

Anyone follow any interesting doujin projects on ci-en that they want to shill. Preferably ones with non-paid updates.

>> No.45332543

Paying for piracy is literally an oxymoron

>> No.45332551

yes but it's some very nasty stuff so i won't post it.

>> No.45332561

>my faith in humanity is lost!
>proceeds to shit up the thread and not talk about anything on topic besides malding no one gives them something for free
Absolute state kek

>> No.45332564

Don't be so hard on ryuuSEAnegros, they need the money to feed their villages.

>> No.45332577

You're replying to seanogs, anon. Ryuuchads have tons of money to buy games and jew up everything to exploit them.

>> No.45332581

*the money they get by putting 100 ads in each dl link

>> No.45332595

What's the problem with adfly? Just use a bypasser.

>> No.45332607

Not everyone is as smart as you, hell the majority of people don't even know that adblocker is a thing so they are still going to make a ton of money out of it alone

>> No.45332649

Zoomers dont know how to use adblock

>> No.45332702

Putting aside the discussion about Geminism and Criminal Border, how do sites like Ryuu and Hsuki avoid getting sued after adding that trashy VIP/Member system to their sites?
Any eroge lawyer here who can explain this to me?

>> No.45332725

>getting sued
By who? I'm pretty sure they ain't in eu or murica so they can just bribe that shit out

>> No.45332744

It doesn't help the "buy it" proposition that trying to access the DMM page for Geminism from europe (and maybe other places) just asks you to log in. I don't even know if it would let me if I *did* make an account. Admittedly I was never actually going to buy it but this shit isn't going to make anyone want to do so.

>> No.45332752

I was under the impression those guys have all their stuff and site operations located in some random third world shithole so nothing ever happens. They can just hire a gang of monkeys to tell people to shut up. It costs less than a cent to do so.

>> No.45332771

The one time i wish they actually released it together with english version

>> No.45332793

DMM blocked foreign IPs after americans were trying to make them ban loli, incest and other shit, so they are completely fine with not getting money from westoid hands.

>> No.45332801

I can't believe the ryuuchads won. It's so fucking over bros. From now on we won't be able to play any games on release unless we get ryuugames premium.

>> No.45332807

Where are chink bros anyway? I refuse to believe they get their shit from ryuu too

>> No.45332823
File: 1.47 MB, 1024x576, 1686846029233911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45332837

Ryuuchads won so hard it's literally mindbreaking me

>> No.45332847

>Xchads Xchads Ysisters Xchads Ysisters
Why are SEAnigger /vn/posters like this?

>> No.45332854


>> No.45332867

Just have to be VIP ($5) to get geminism? We're not that poor, are we?

>> No.45332869

AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE fucking can't take it anymore!!! Why those ryuuniggas doin dis shit to us, bros????? ain't fair

>> No.45332874

This seems interesting https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/18312/article/933183

>> No.45332876
File: 1.19 MB, 1918x1439, Magpie_24-11-2023 23-04-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes mc to the hotel
>makes fun of him being doutei in 24
>does him a bj and he cums in like 3 seconds
>gets a call from her bf
Now that's some true sovl right here

>> No.45332882

do cucks really...?

>> No.45332887

>fellatio before kiss
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.45332900

Learn English

>> No.45332915

Where was the mistake?

>> No.45332916

I like getting new stuff, Geminism in particular just repulses me. The fujobait guys and wacky extreme facial expressions make me cringe, and what little they've shared about the plot doesn't sound very interesting at all.

>> No.45332923

Calm the fuck down you aspies.

>> No.45332928

Someone mentioned hentai prison earlier, is it actually good? Art looks bad and plot sounds mediocre but it has good reviews.

>> No.45332932

Scaji said it's the best thing he read in decade

>> No.45332934


>> No.45332944

related to G愛情

>> No.45332947

it's le funny slop only that only the biggest weebs get and has Danganronpa tier art.

>> No.45332948

It's funny and the plot is entertaining.

>> No.45332951
File: 268 KB, 1199x781, 1688125432563814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45332952

I love Nagaoka's art and anyone who says otherwise has rotted their brain from just reading moege and nukige

>> No.45332963

Why would anyone say you don't love Nagaoka's art?

>> No.45332964

I love Nagaoka's old art

>> No.45332968

Well he wrote Subahibi (dogshit) so that's a good warning sign.

If the comedy is decent at least might be worth a shot.

>> No.45332969

For 1996 it looks just insanely good compared to anything else from that time

>> No.45332990

It's kami, unfortunately, you have to read nukitashi 1 first

>> No.45332997

What eroge do you like?

>> No.45332998

Is there even a VN that is majority liked here?

>> No.45333011

Haven't seen anyone who would hate Little busters

>> No.45333013

Saya no Uta

>> No.45333015

netorare otoko no ko

>> No.45333026


>> No.45333033

Modern yuzu art is too ugly

>> No.45333034
File: 948 KB, 1918x1439, Magpie_24-11-2023 23-27-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they really use クレーム back then in corporations? I thought it was more of a new thing to say it instead of 請求 or 要求

>> No.45333037
File: 67 KB, 800x600, AyuLABO_0266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too many opposing camps in one thread just wanting to insult the others. Imagine if shonenshit or gacha generals were forced to use a single thread

>> No.45333040

How many cocks do you have to suck in your life to consider that ugly?

>> No.45333091

>『girlcelly』 [231124] [CRAFTWORK] Geminism 〜げみにずむ〜

>> No.45333097

Geminism is an otomege

>> No.45333107

It wasn’t that long ago

>> No.45333108


>> No.45333111

Nice try

>> No.45333117

No wonder why people complaining about it are retarded. They're all women

>> No.45333119

So Ryuugames is confirmed to be a money laundering scheme, yes?

>> No.45333124

Somehow seeing funky katakana words being said by old ass boomers feels extremely uncanny

>> No.45333129

>he can't afford $5 for vip

>> No.45333145

There are no women on the internet

>> No.45333147

I always knew that their pr are monitoring this place

>> No.45333156

5bux is LITERALLY a month worth rent. You don't understand.

>> No.45333159

They need money to pay for the servers, buy games and provide them for free. Unlike h-suki their VIP is only for early access so they are good in my book.

>> No.45333168
File: 61 KB, 800x600, 1301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a fan of cardboard boxes noresu?

>> No.45333172

It's amazing that they gave you a little break from sucking penis for a little while. It seems they are not as evil as they say they are

>> No.45333182

You really think that putting 100 ads in every single dl link won't get them enough money to pay some 100$ for servers and another 30$ for a game? They easily make thousands if not more by doing pretty much nothing

>> No.45333195

I refuse to believe we have actual third world retards posting here
How did you manage to learn japanese? How about you use that high IQ of yours to scam people and make money to pay your shit?

>> No.45333204

Thanks but i prefer to spend my time on reading eroge instead

>> No.45333223

>it's a scam to provide goods and services in exchange for money

>> No.45333243

tfw my rent is $460

>> No.45333249

That's cheap.

>> No.45333259

my rent is triple that...

>> No.45333261

they already make thousands just from donation alone
the owner is just a greedy jew

>> No.45333264

l physically bought it thoughever.

>> No.45333281

Upload it here as proof or not happened.

>> No.45333283

Except they didn't.

>> No.45333296

Not that anon but with retards like you it's no mystery that these people are getting rich.
But what really infuriates me is that I didn't come up with this business before these fuckers did

>> No.45333304

Yeah, fortunately I found a really good place

>> No.45333323

Now that's the rub, see? Won't actually arrive until sometime next week.

>> No.45333402

>thread reached bump limit in less than 24 hours even without the torrent
So this is the power of the border...

>> No.45333409

We had something like 200+ posts with the old thread still up, too. People make new threads way too early -- wait until the old thread is 1-2 posts from being taken off the board.

>> No.45333416
File: 1.07 MB, 715x599, 1674969684370102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's my moege set in the edojidai where i can legally own women but the MC would treat her as equal because is a story about true love? Every moege is set on modern times with special focus on highschool.

>> No.45333467
File: 16 KB, 739x213, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45333506


>> No.45333535

Wow I come back to the thread hours later and ryuu still has the links held hostage.
I guess I'll keep reading until they are uploaded.

>> No.45333546

they are probably going to release it only on monday, to dab on wagecucks

>> No.45333567

According to their policy they make it public when some other site makes it public. So it might not even be out by then

>> No.45333588

No way they really still got the nerve to beg for donations on top of it...

>> No.45333597

feed the village sir

>> No.45333611

Grateful to my past self for studying japanese and allowing me to have an extremely well paid job so I don't have to cry and beg for shit

>> No.45333628

Not giving a cent to funding your electricity.

>> No.45333639

With all that eroge money you must be the leader of your tribe by now, right?

>> No.45333644

Do the servers actually cost that much or are they bullshitting?

>> No.45333651

what does knowing japanese have to do with high paying jobs?

>> No.45333659

what's the lore on JQV and Romeo? haven't touched either.

>> No.45333660
File: 244 KB, 1280x720, 1680103627601241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does eroge need this functionality?

>> No.45333661

Dangerously based

>> No.45333663

>phd in japanology
>any job i want
>300k starting

>> No.45333665


>> No.45333678

Moe is only possible in an age of liberated women

>> No.45333683

I hate when the hand is cut off, same with pp

>> No.45333699

>over 30 hours already
>Geminism still not up
Fujosisters... we got too cocky...

>> No.45333709

At this rate 八剱伝 is going to take a month to compensate its prise

>> No.45333718
File: 99 KB, 208x242, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberated women
>one of the stock phrases in moege is the heroine saying 「貴方だけのものにして」

>> No.45333724

Pretty sure that whore said the very same thing to me, bro...

>> No.45333726

i'll actually buy that one

>> No.45333753

Moe girls exist as beacons of purity in contrast against the modern war. When women aren't liberated, all women have to act pure due to social pressure, or otherwise be an actual whore or outcast. When women are liberated, a moe girl isn't pure because she has to be, she's pure in spite of the sick nature of the world, because it's the core of her being.

>> No.45333866

For Dies Irae I should play the Amantes amentes version right? Should I use a 攻略?

>> No.45333894
File: 10 KB, 218x247, File.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45333897 [DELETED] 

It's understandable considering they (big spoilers) killed a heroine off

>> No.45333900

But personally i would just drop AeF after Rea last h scene because her first ending makes a lot more sense with additional scenes in AA

>> No.45333906

oh wrong ge lol

>> No.45333913

you have to go back

>> No.45333915

Ok bros, voting begins. Is this the most cursed post of the last 10 years?

>> No.45333918

you need to stay here

>> No.45333923

? This is literally the only comprehensible Dies guide i was able to find

>> No.45333926

I don't have the steam version since it doesn't have Japanese so I don't think this would work for me

>> No.45333933

What steam has to do with it? There are 2 versions AA and AeF

>> No.45333941

bruh momento

>> No.45333961

Literally the first line of the guide says it's for the steam version, and the steam version appears to be EOP only and different than the Japanese version(s)

>> No.45333996

I played with that guide and it's all the same
Though there is really nothing to follow until the Rea route, you just read the route in AeF - skip in AA - read extra stories
It's only after Rea that the real confusion starts but you honestly can just move to AA after the h scenes and call it a day

>> No.45334005

Would rather pay ryugames pro than use reddit.

>> No.45334021

Based and same. $5 is better than selling your soul

>> No.45334034

In addition, those 5$ will feed the village for months. So it's practically an act of charity.

>> No.45334049

I downloaded the Miel game chasing that Roleplayer high.

>> No.45334054

Unrelated, but after Google became a shithole filled with ai generated ceo garbage, adding reddit to the end of the search tends to be the only available way to find any actual info I need. Dark times.

>> No.45334080
File: 61 KB, 256x349, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody here read it?

>> No.45334150

The premise with sister protagonists against each other + ryona reminded me a little of this https://vndb.org/v12852 one actually.

>> No.45334189

r*ddit is more useful than the average anon who constantly seethes about it rent-free aka you

>> No.45334201

return from whence you came

>> No.45334270

Read a bit of one route so far. The atmosphere is comfy and the girls have a nice friendship where it really feels like they care about each other, but the MC feels like a non-entity since most of the game is told from other perspectives and many scenes don't involve him. So now that there's romance, it kind of feels like nothing because he feels like he's barely there and not even in a self-insert kind of way. It's more like a CGDCT where one girl also happens to have sex. The drama is also kind of over-the-top. Everyone is a good and nice person so their drama comes from misunderstandings or miscommunication rather than any ill will from anyone, so they could've just talked about things sooner.

>> No.45334286

Same but wont pay because I dont care for midism or mid border.

>> No.45334293

This has been nagging me the last several days.

Isn't there a VN with the tagline:
>This is the story of two weeks(?) or so
Not sure if that's the right length of time, but it's something like that.

>> No.45334347

This was actually pretty hot though too short
Are there even any decent animated interactive games like that? Does anyone keep track of those?

>> No.45334363
File: 115 KB, 512x650, unknown5a4fba3a57a42b3b600c131bcff8b3de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Ryuu ga Gotoku Kenzan the heroines are all debt slaves.The main reason to save up money is being able to pay off their debts. You can only purchase/marry the main heroine but you can have sex with all of them except for the child slave. That being said it's Cero-D so the sex is all offscreen, and it isn't a moege.

>> No.45334367

I'm bored enough to look for it, do you have any other info though? That's pretty vague. Do you remember if it was popular at all, genre, etc?

>> No.45334424

I want to read geminism bros...

>> No.45334428


>> No.45334432

At least a decade old. Maybe popular back then. Likely romantic drama.
Sorry, can't remember anything more.

>> No.45334441

Oh shit that's what it was. Thank you anon.

>> No.45334455

Also now I feel like a goofy goose, because I would've found it if I just searched that second part, but I kept getting the time mixed up and searched for months or days.

>> No.45334502
File: 1.19 MB, 1918x1439, Magpie_25-11-2023 01-01-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the origins with me so you can be mentally prepared

>> No.45334511

Nta but if only you had said it a little earlier I would have actually read it with you.

>> No.45334611
File: 3.14 MB, 1918x1439, Magpie_25-11-2023 03-59-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also i finally figured out how to save, you get 1 chance to do it at the end of each day, but it is very easy to skip because if you click anywhere when the micro window appears it insta disappears (i only now finally noticed it)
Basically whenever you see the cg from the poster at the end of the day don't click anywhere and wait for the window to appear

>> No.45334781
File: 11 KB, 433x171, 1700879811059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to fix this? I got the game here and applied the crack in the comments https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2406224

>> No.45334807

It does indeed look quite innocent. I'll add it to the list.
As for similar games I have no idea. 99% of these games are just headpatting or moving around a vibrator on your cursor.

>> No.45334891

Try this

>> No.45334896

And 2222-2222-2222-2222 as serial key, or any key without 1s and 0s.

>> No.45334997

Two more weeks until I can finally play geminism

>> No.45335001

TY, that worked. Now just to figure out where to get Acta est Fabula and how to synchronize the saves for the H. Why do puritanical jews have to ruin everything

>> No.45335017

Is that when it's getting uploaded, time traveller-kun?

>> No.45335080

We can only hope

>> No.45335110

I thought the main guy in those games was a permanent 童貞...

>> No.45335530

Bros, I have a request. Could you mention some eroges where there are a lot of heroines POVs?

>> No.45335535 [SPOILER] 
File: 160 KB, 309x310, yureaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this 立ち絵 is exquisite
i'm barely an hour in and it's already beating the shit out of mekurabe

>> No.45335572


>> No.45335641

Are there eroge with a female protagonist but that aren't otomege or yuri?

>> No.45335647

I think Extravaganza, Mugen Renkan are like that

>> No.45335652

>where to get Acta est Fabula
Wasn't it uploaded here too? Anyway, I got both the HD and non-HD versions, so as the last option...

>> No.45335689

Artemis Blue, but I'd recommend dropping it before the final chapter.

>> No.45335704

Post activity reminds me of /jav/

>> No.45335741

i did not think the final chapter was that bad honestly

>> No.45335752

Remember11. Though it has a male protagonist too.

>> No.45335767
File: 1 KB, 229x28, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45335808

Yeah, it's hard to believe, but usually women in their 30s have already had sex

>> No.45335815

Sure but they shouldn't be eroge heroines

>> No.45335816

And why would anyone want 2D girls to act 3D?

>> No.45335819

Worked for WA2.

>> No.45335825

They didn't act like 3D at all

>> No.45335844

A normal guy, without any kind of charm or talent and average looks shouldn't be the protagonist of an eroge either, but hey, here we are

>> No.45335846
File: 538 KB, 799x600, AI6WIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see any problem

>> No.45335854

Did he get her pregnant and the husband is a cuck?

>> No.45335858

I disagree, me being an eroge protagonist is generally a good thing.

>> No.45335861

nta but read it and find out coward, it's really good

>> No.45335869

You suck bro, just like the great majority of eroge MCs

>> No.45335897

Honestly think the average person would be a more interesting protagonist than most vn protagonists

>> No.45336111

I don't find you that interesting.

>> No.45336129 [SPOILER] 
File: 200 KB, 470x595, 1695156577727488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45336151
File: 1.78 MB, 1602x932, 2022-02-02_06-40-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45336238

Main character is a blonde girl.

>> No.45336267

should we ddos ryuu?

>> No.45336310

>ddosing over $5

>> No.45336313

Went to sleep woke up and the ryufags still holding geminism bros, how can this be happening

>> No.45336379

I uploaded it here last week
But the anon said that he got some error after the prologue even though it works fine for me so idk
Also you can't hook hd version if you need it

>> No.45336387


>> No.45336407

>ddosing greedy faggots over sucking their dicks and asking for more
Literally any day

>> No.45336423

Now this is actually smart, chink overlords i believe in you

>> No.45336599

H-suki admin is a frog. He would absolutely get v& if someone bothered to report him to frog gestapo but he gets away with not getting v& by keeping loli and shota games behind the paywall and japs generally not giving a shit about gaijin pirates.

>> No.45336679
File: 464 KB, 1280x720, 85631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the sameface

>> No.45337057

You cant provide the games they do, so no. But you should kys for being such a pretentious fucking retard. No one here is your legion, piece of shit.

>> No.45337112

Fuck off from here Mr. Ryuu, we aren't buying your VIP

>> No.45337336

So I just started Rewrite+
Do I need the full save data to skip non Romeo routes?

>> No.45337380

How's Shinsou Noise? I like detective fiction, and the art & liar-soft writers seems pretty appealing.

>> No.45337388

non Romeo routes are the best ones

>> No.45337394

You should skip Romeo routes as well. Just read common and then drop it.

>> No.45337416

But Romeo wrote a part of the common route too

>> No.45337417

I am no way in hell reading Ryushiki route that I heard it’s as long as full game

>> No.45337432

I unironically liked his route the most, it had the best romance moments from the whole game
For me it was Lucia -> Shiuru -> Akane -> Chihaya -> Kotori

>> No.45337473

Yeah, but he did a good job there, unlike in the routes.

>> No.45337491

Bros, I can't believe you have such shit taste

>> No.45337539
File: 1.14 MB, 1918x1439, Magpie_25-11-2023 14-23-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally never mentioned that she has a sister
>mc somehow knows it out of nowhere
Oh yes love the good oldge logic

>> No.45337965

I've never seen such shit taste before
Without talking about fucking lucia, even liking shizuru above akane, holy fuck

>> No.45337999

there is nothing wrong as long as he put kotori and chihaya at the bottom

>> No.45338006

Akane is cute and all but the whole route was just really stupid and it was hard to take it seriously

>> No.45338046

>but the whole route was just really stupid and it was hard to take it seriously
I think you got Akane and Lucia mixed up

>> No.45338069
File: 3.24 MB, 1918x1439, Magpie_25-11-2023 15-11-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can actually say it about the majority of the game, but even though i already forgot most of the stuff, that rain scene and roof scene with Lucia are some of the few moments i still clearly remember even years after

>> No.45338127
File: 3.24 MB, 1918x1439, Magpie_25-11-2023 15-11-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to remove the file while making another post but anyway, that was some weird ass ending
There was barely any denpa in it, for the most part it was just about hetarte salary man being bullied at work and deceived by sluts
The only similarity with Sayooshi is that after he got hit with the ball, he started recollection of all the bad stuff the characters said to him before sleep and had some fucked up dreams with them
And near the end, he goes mad and does a shikaeshi to the worst ones
I guess the goal of the game is to secure Chitose from being ntr'd, but even though this ending looked like a completely bad one, he still kokuhaku'ed to her, slept with her, and then the ending rolled? What the heck it was
There is no gallery so idk how much i even got on the first go, is there even any guide? I can't really find anything

>> No.45338179

Actually nvm just found it in a random egs post

>> No.45338278

>roof scene with Lucia
You mean the scene where kotarou just goes "think about the kids in africa who are more pitiful than you", incredible writing
I bet your favorite game is umineko

>> No.45338354

I have such a strong aversion for 07 that it is impossible for me to evaluate his works objectively. Anyway, Akane route was kami

>> No.45338372

But higurashi was great.

>> No.45338386

nta but I actually have never read Higurashi, I feel like the anime ruined it for me

>> No.45338440

8 chapter suck for sure but the first 5 were really kami
i read it back then when voice patch wasn't a thing and that shit was creepy as hell, especially the different tones of cicadas screeching are still in my head to this day
i remember how i read it for like 15 hours in a row and then couldn't sleep all night, good times

>> No.45338457 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I'll finish Sakura Moyu. And the twists in Kuro's route don't stop coming.

Though perhaps this isn't really a twist at all.

>> No.45338460

recently realized that voices greatly destroy the immersion in these kinds of stories

>> No.45338504
File: 3.72 MB, 1848x1418, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea i actually agree, i tried to watch the jikkou of the ps version and it just wasn't the same man, most of the creepiness is gone
rena silently staring into your soul while cicadas are destroying your ears under the sick ambient music is where it's all

>> No.45338569

What is the best way to read that? with the original sprites?

>> No.45338591

I personally like the original sprites better as they are the most expressive ones but at the end of the day it's a matter of taste.

>> No.45338627

i find the original sprites much more comical than scary, the ps ones really fit the best because there is a clear transition from moe sol to crazy shit through the facial expression of the characters, like even a light change of tone of the eyes already indicates that something is off
backgrounds are questionable, i find both variants fit well enough but the original ones are way too blurry so i would still go with ps ones
can't really remember if which music was better though, i remember there were many debates

>> No.45338749 [DELETED] 

Apologize to 16bit right now

>> No.45338774

Apologize to 16bit right now

>> No.45338799

sorry it's my dynamic ip...

>> No.45338812

The thread is 80% begging from some tourist.

>> No.45338844

I bet someone posted a link to the ryuugames discord and they came to laugh at us crying for a whole day

>> No.45338904

Yeah there were several Ryuu apologists here but at least those village posts were pretty funny.

>> No.45338930

It's literally people who don't belong here seething about not being given something for free. I'm pretty sure they don't know Japanese at all and will probably screech again once they find out it isn't the English version

>> No.45338934

>Apologize to modern anime

>> No.45338935

any good horror games?

>> No.45338939
File: 1.72 MB, 740x1000, 1689246280593888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The VN I'm playing got uploaded, get fucked nerds.

>> No.45338948

what about horror nukige?

>> No.45338958

I'm down, as long as the art & plot is good

>> No.45338964

Extravaganza without a guide

>> No.45338983

soap land no hasshaku sama.

>> No.45338987

Now you're just projecting

>> No.45339000

Extra thicc girls from Atelier Honky doko

>> No.45339086

oh sry, I meant they'll hookcuck and MTL the entire thing lol

>> No.45339120

See >>45338987

>> No.45339218

They acted fairly PD though.

>> No.45339234

Average is best. Cope and seethe.

>> No.45339257

Average eroge mc is way belove average though

>> No.45339270

You will.

>> No.45339285

I was going to play it after Geminism and Border...

>> No.45339289

That's something a girl would say before being AVERAGE'd.

>> No.45339359
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, Geminism_Im0PsBijui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it from DMM so you need to remove Soft Denchi. Fuck Ryuugames

>> No.45339381

thank you very much sir

>> No.45339382


>> No.45339407

Should I suck your cock?

>> No.45339409
File: 3.54 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's done. Finished Sakura Moyu.

10/10. True masterpiece. All small criticisms I had until now or the new ones I could post now are meaningless compared to how good the game is overall.

>> No.45339421
File: 19 KB, 887x176, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now do border, I'm not playing a sub 80 game.

>> No.45339434

Time to play the new 神楽黎明記, it's obviously a masterpiece.

>> No.45339442

ryuufags in shambles right now. Thanks anon.

>> No.45339447

Thank you.

>> No.45339456


>> No.45339457

how do you remove soft denchi? denchi unwrap doesn't work

>> No.45339458
File: 17 KB, 862x123, 1676232095134462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45339489

The usual python script we have been using for years.

>> No.45339503

Sir please, think about Mr. Ryuu's village sir.

>> No.45339507

i never had a need to use it

>> No.45339516

First time for everything.

>> No.45339527

People were that desperate to read a game with less score than fucking riddle joker?

>> No.45339548

I'm too stupid so I will just have to wait until someone reuploads it without DRM.

>> No.45339556

Knowing how to do basic PC operations will help you in the future.


>> No.45339561

Thanks hacker bro.

>> No.45339567


>> No.45339576

DRM free exe for any retards like me who spent 20 minutes frantically googling what to do.

>> No.45339581

Thank you anon holy based

>> No.45339585

Welcome to the FD waiting room. At least you still have Iroseka

>> No.45339598

Unfortunately there is nothing average about me, I am superior in everything

>> No.45339599

Do you think FD will happen?
And yeah, I very much want to read Iroseka, but not soon. Want to put in at least few games in between, to let Sakura Moyu settle inside me.

>> No.45339607

>Do you think FD will happen?
Probably not tbqh but Urushibara wrote on twitter that he wants to make it happen in some form, even if it's a web novel

>> No.45339617

ryuubros... our response???

>> No.45339623

He left favorite so aint happening

>> No.45339629

Hope he does.

Hopefully they parted amicably. Maybe he was 外注 to begin with.

>> No.45339634

Well you got me to start reading it. Hopefully it'll tide me over after reading Sakuuta and Toki back to back

>> No.45339639

I have both on my backlog so would you recommend reading Sakura Moyu or Iroseka first? There's someone on EGS saying you need to read all the other Favorite games first but they seem to be an actual schizo coming up with very strange interpretations of games.

>> No.45339644

Thank you for the .exe anon. I've tried looking into removing soft denchi but most of the websites that seem to have good sites about that, fuwanovel, don't really load sometimes. When they do, it's some gay shit like you have to log-in to see this link. Can you spoonfeed a retard and tell us how you crack DRM like this?

>> No.45339661


>> No.45339682

So you're telling me that this man single-handedly destroyed the future of an entire village, and you guys are praising him??? wtf

>> No.45339694

I used the Python script. So basically look up how to run a Python script and then run it with the exe as the argument.

The script is trivial cause SoftDenchi is a really easy DRM to remove. It doesn't encrypt, change or does anything to the game exe. It's just placed as code before the game code. So the script cuts it out. When I first saw it, it took me some time to get it, cause I wasn't expecting something so trivial. And cause I didn't have too much experience with reading Python.


>> No.45339700

Thank you anon. A python script is definitely something most people should be able to run. Praying for you and your lineage all the way down down to your 62nd son.

>> No.45339705

I'll take a screenshot of this epic moment

>> No.45339706

I hope you enjoy it. It's a game that rewards getting into it.

>> No.45339708

Nta but i have seen this script on fuwanovel, but still couldn't figure out how to run it
They said to drag and drop exe on it but it didn't work

>> No.45339707

Isn't soft-denchi dead?
why are the devs still using this absolute meme of a drm?

>> No.45339713

Do you want them to use better DRM or something?

>> No.45339718

You need to have Python installed and py files associated with it etc. Or you can run it from command line (again, after installing Python).

>> No.45339720

>would you recommend reading Sakura Moyu or Iroseka first
It doesn't matter. Iroseka is overall easier to digest and doesn't have weird prose, but Sakumoyu is a big step up plotwise
>There's someone on EGS saying you need to read all the other Favorite games first
Yeah, that's a schizo

>> No.45339726

I guess i didn't check the associate files when installing or something then

>> No.45339736

I remember when akabei soft was looking into using denuvo

>> No.45339743

Are you white?

>> No.45339746

wasn't soft denchi shilled as the best drm?

>> No.45339749

You probably mean PlayDRM. Or >>45339736

>> No.45339751


>> No.45339759

Based. Thanks.

>> No.45339760

Thanks. I don't even care about this, but I like seeing Chinese/SEA premum hoarders dabbed on.

>> No.45339766

Time to reupload it everywhere to fuck them even more

>> No.45339774

PM Girlcelly.

>> No.45339793

Someone make a torrent and send greetings on behalf of the thread

>> No.45339799

>send greetings on behalf of the thread
These threads are bad enough right now. Why would you invite more outsiders?

>> No.45339812


>> No.45339815


>> No.45339816

Waiting room for the new atelier kaguya nukige which haven't been uploaded yet

>> No.45339834
File: 38 KB, 1456x869, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help please

>> No.45339838

Rename the exe to remove the -nodrm

>> No.45339841

unity games cannot be hooked

>> No.45339844

good on you man, not everyone is able to look it up on their own

>> No.45339847

And if that alone doesn't help, it'll need a more thorough crack that removes further protection. Someone on A-S could to it, I guess.

>> No.45339849

ryuubros... i wouldn't be surprised if the village goes back to the stone age after this one...

>> No.45339850


>> No.45339853

It worked thanks.

>> No.45339893

Ok i finally learned how to use that shit
If anyone needs criminal border exe:
pixeldrain /u/KVEyC4kB

>> No.45339898

Ngl it's sad seeing you guys act like this is a W, you realize ryuuchads already finished both games while you were sitting here crying and waiting like cucks?

>> No.45339902

Are these guys the only ones still making lolige?

>> No.45339903

>already finished
Imagine the smell.

>> No.45339904

Nice try mr. Ryuu, now you can go back to your village

>> No.45339906

Why do you talk like an underage?

>> No.45339907

It's ok anon, you only lost $5

>> No.45339918

This is going to be the best thread of the year for sure

>> No.45339920

now it is time to leave 4chan until I finish the new release so i don't get spoiled (if only by accident)

>> No.45339921


>> No.45339956

How do you add images on nyaa?

>> No.45339962

I see the SEApe brigade has arrived in full force. Does whichever jungle asian owns Ryuugames even know about this place? What is all this faggotry?

>> No.45340012

Let this thread die before making the new one.

>> No.45340099

I'm so sorry seanog anon, I promise we won't let you down next time

>> No.45340124

Now we just need to upload 八剱伝 before them and they are basically over

>> No.45340130

Are we seriously gonna do this every month now? Waiting for someone here to buy the VNs? I get it's fun to do this once in a while to fuck over the cartel, but every month? It's not the first time they do this, it's been a while, and it won't stop anytime soon

>> No.45340146

At least for the most anticipated releases they for fucking sure going to do this again so i guess the dark times wait for us ahead

>> No.45340151

Depends on what they hold hostage.

>> No.45340153

What other eroge is still held hostage?

>> No.45340167

Nothing right now i believe. It was only CB and Geminism.

>> No.45340168

Atelier Kaguya's one but thats nowhere, neither ryuu nor mikocon has it.

>> No.45340169

some nukige garbo

>> No.45340183

It's more amazing to me that out of 100+ posters it took this long for someone to just buy it. Don't you have jobs? Are you all NEETs?

>> No.45340198

Buying from dmm is too much of a pain to bother for 90% of people
If it was shit like dlsite it would be instantly here

>> No.45340199

I was in the middle of another VN when the games were released so I didn't care to buy something new instantly. I only bought one now because I finished that VN and the download still wasn't out. And yes, NEET god.

>> No.45340209

What the fuck, the guy who uploaded it quit the swarm, there are dozens of peers stuck at 99.9%. Please stop, this isn't funny.

>> No.45340213

DL the Gofile and seed from that.

>> No.45340217


>> No.45340220

oh no no no bros was it a falseflag by ryuuchads all along???

>> No.45340230
File: 9 KB, 1224x77, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't but I think I fucked up uploading the folder instead of a zip and then playing the game, my own upload is not complete now, can I fix it?
It should be playable anyway no?

>> No.45340236

1. It is kinda funny
2. You have the dl right here

>> No.45340247

haven't laughed like this in a long while

>> No.45340249

I love you bros, I've been laughing really hard for a while now

>> No.45340255

Dumb jungle asian.

>> No.45340265

1. Copy the folder that you played already somewhere
2. Copy all the files from achieve again into it and replace shit

>> No.45340280

It's fixed now, thanks.

>> No.45340298

Lmao get wrecked seaNOGs. Buy your games like ryuuchads do

>> No.45340333

Ryuubots can't even bother to read the literal 2 posts above, they ain't even trying anymore

>> No.45340342

I'm reading something else, but enjoy your eroges bros

>> No.45340359

I just had a "server not responding" error for like 10 sec while loading nyaa, are those monkeys really going to ddos it now?

>> No.45340381

See? after all our passive aggressive remarks we are always happy to help. Now I'm going to fuck off to read my ge, bye too bros.

>> No.45340386

Wow, Geminism fucking sucks. So much begging for this overhyped piece of shit.

>> No.45340389

Surely it's going to suck if you managed to finish it in an hour

>> No.45340392

Wow, Geminism fucking rocks. So much begging when I could've just paid $5

>> No.45340394

Why would you even reply to that?

>> No.45340402

you can clear the game in 4 hours

>> No.45340413

>unironically skipping Sugita voice lines
You aren't even trying

>> No.45340418

Ryuusisters I don't feel so good...

>> No.45340420
File: 18 KB, 1109x98, 1677907389159733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45340430

>kumiko talking about voice acting
I bet dude didn't fully listen to a single voice line in his life

>> No.45340440

Anon... I...

>> No.45340462

Nice falseflagging turd, had a lot of fun with your crying yesterday. And still didn't get uploaded, a retard had to kneel to dmm lol

>> No.45340470
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, ev309g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45340474

>fake flat
Right into the garbage can it goes

>> No.45340489

Thank you for blogging about the game, it was a delight hearing your thoughts about it.

>> No.45340493

>its just a 良ゲー 

>> No.45340503

I don't know why people had such high expectations considering the writer is some literal who.

>> No.45340521

I can confirm the original White Album plays music fine with https://github.com/adambiser/ogg-winmm/releases

Unlike inmm.dll, you don't need to install this or patch the exe.

>> No.45340524

geminism is out

>> No.45340530


>> No.45340539


>> No.45340550

Alright, I'll see which one I feel like reading first when I get to it.

>> No.45340564

Who's going to show us the IPs connected this time? My image posting privileges have been revoked.

>> No.45340574

The time spent begging for flopminism is longer than flopminism actual length, kek

>> No.45340583

dont think anyone expected a long game in the first place

>> No.45340595

Is it fun?

>> No.45340624

Eh, seems like the intro video doesn't play on Windows 10. It was almost perfect. I guess I'll get a Win XP virtual machine.

>> No.45340627

What's so good about it?

>> No.45340646

Oh wow, the intro plays without ogg-winmm. I guess I'll try inmm.dll

>> No.45340661

>voiced by 50 years old hag
Literally fucking why. I usually don't care about seiyuu but this one really shows that her age isn't fit anymore for voicing this kind of character.

>> No.45340667

Sometimes old VAs do a good job with "young" voices. Sometimes they don't. It tends to feel more appropriate when they do lolibabas

>> No.45340685

one i think big advantage of the 'normal' inmm is that if there is no volume slider ingame, you can still adjust the bgm volume separately from the voices

>> No.45340694

Okay, confirmed.
inmm.dll > ogg-winmm for White Album.
inmm.dll shows intro just fine.

Yeah, that's nice too.

>> No.45340699

BR Imouto

>> No.45340701

What's so special about your imouto being from Brazil?

>> No.45340728
File: 90 KB, 1158x244, Ryuuniggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be the next thread's OP

>> No.45340732

imouto with 5 world cups

>> No.45340768

paypig shameful display? Sounds perfect for this shithole, ryuu is still the best sharing site and you are still seething over their success

>> No.45340778

Your $5 will be remembered

>> No.45340780

Eat pagpag.

>> No.45340785

The village won't be able to afford supplies for the rest of the year. How could you?

>> No.45340789

Does anyone here actually like 幼馴染? Almost always if they're good it's despite that, not because of it.

>> No.45340795

I do feel a little bad for them, I'm not going to lie.

>> No.45340796

>poorfags celebrating their poorness every time
>allergic to talking about anything constructive or on-topic
Why are you fags like this?

>> No.45340798

Can you spammers fuck off now instead of repeating the same jokes over and over again?

>> No.45340806

No. Never seen a good one and never will.

>> No.45340821

Why Ameritards are so obsessed with calculating other people's money?

>> No.45340822

I'm sure they have enough subscribers to feed whoever just fine.

>> No.45340838

Being American is better than being Japanese. You're just jealous you aren't one of them lol

>> No.45340844


>> No.45340846
File: 97 KB, 806x652, 2009081119551514a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blocks your path

>> No.45340850

I'm fine without having to sell my kidney to be able to afford an ambulance, thanks

>> No.45340851

You should probably spoiler that

>> No.45340858 [SPOILER] 
File: 265 KB, 620x538, flan reimu sit1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45340860

It's almost all Japan with a few from China, US and Russia, and one or two from random countries, just like every other torrent for untranslated content.

>> No.45340863

not a spoiler?

>> No.45340873

Noticed one Mongolian.

>> No.45340876

Flags on torrents don't meant shit.

>> No.45340898

7-1 her BR holes

>> No.45340953

>700+ posts
>120+ ips
I'll wait for your apology letters towards 16bit for doubting it wouldn't revive eroge as a whole

>> No.45340967

>revive eroge
Just bunch of eops baiting. They will get bored eventually.

>> No.45340970

16-shit lol, still not watching shilled samefagged trash

>> No.45340975

it's all thanks to enjou gakuen

>> No.45340980

Don't forget to bump your MTL thread, bro

>> No.45340984

Ryuuniggers managed to generate more posts than 16bit fags managed to do in total

>> No.45341001
File: 121 KB, 167x301, 1678917824325993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel /a/CHAD

>> No.45341012

>Apology letter towards modern anime
For bringing cancer to the medium?

>> No.45341083

This felt so fucking good after everything you go through before it.
Congrats anon. Sakura Moyu really was a special experience, I enjoyed hearing your thoughts about it.
Sure do wish there was an FD to wrap up the loose plot threads though

>> No.45341100

I wonder what's wrong with Ryuu?

>> No.45341109

I can't access DMM without JP proxy (it shows only my game library). I don't know where I can get proxies specially for DMM/Net-Ride Download Links and WillPlus Patch Support site ;(

>> No.45341116

I guess them all getting along, is kind of a spoiler, albeit barely

>> No.45341122

normal vpn works for me

>> No.45341128

there are virtually zero difference between an "old" anime vs modern ones

>> No.45341132

I think it was more about the seifuku part

>> No.45341144

waiting for your reviews!!! amano is proud of his game, so, let's see

>> No.45341154

I do but physical only
Gotta catch all their 特典

>> No.45341182

just haruka sora sings op song~

>> No.45341187

wha, people in Japan here, leaking games especially for us???

>> No.45341202

it became so difficult to buy eroge or what? I wonder what happened. No AS physical editions with scans anymore, no Tailon version, etc. No any DLC, soundtracks, bonuses... geez.

>> No.45341223

how is it??? mina the best? or momo milf??

>> No.45341242


>> No.45341252


>> No.45341263

waiting a couple days for new releases is nothing new at all, no clue why people here are acting like its the end of the world...considering the post quality its probably a discord raid

>> No.45341287

These days everyone gets their games from ryuu, and this is the first time they went as far as refusing to give access to it until someone else uploads it
But there is no one else to do it now so it's a closed scummy circle and if not anon here it could still be unavailable for weeks at this rate
You fags are really underestimating the seriousness of the whole situation, i will see how much you all gonna cry for the future release you are waiting now

>> No.45341290

Shiratama art is nice! I wonder if it's all pros for this game series...

>> No.45341296

For example, I save all new eroge in my "Favorites" Telegram dialog

>> No.45341309

Zoomers feel they are entitled to free shit as soon as possible

>> No.45341312

Instant gratification bricked their brains. Basically "I want this new toy! I want it nooooow!". Meanwhile everyone else is playing something from their backlog.
Combine that with fomo and they go crazy. Bunch of easily manipulated logic circuits.

>> No.45341313

Zoomers don't know how to torrent and buy their shit because they are afraid of viruses, retard

>> No.45341316

I am confused with ton of Kaguya subbrands. Can anyone explain?

>> No.45341317

I am.

>> No.45341323

I wonder why... You still can call yourself, like, moebuta001?

>> No.45341335

Those are just zoomer EOPs planning to MTL and hookcuck. People who went through the trouble to learn JP correctly knows how to be patient and play read other VNs like that one cool anon blogging about For Elise.

>> No.45341340

EOPbros and MTLbros... let's just migrate to our own thread, these guys don't deserve us: >>45271917

>> No.45341343

Why are you describing yourself again?

>> No.45341347

Cope FOMO monkey

>> No.45341348

we are not going anywhere. this is our thread and we are the majority here.

>> No.45341349

I put all my affairs aside and didn't start anything new to be able to enjoy the release i was waiting for on the weekends because i won't have any fucking time next week

>> No.45341354

At this rate ryuugames is going to become hsuki2.0 and these retards seem to be okay with that.

>> No.45341355

if i was i'd buy it on the release day, not 2 days later
stop describing yourself here bro

>> No.45341357

concept of sales? it means that only free version available is trial (taikenban) version, and full version is "iforgothowtheycallit". I don't know how Japanese can get full game without buying it on DMM/in eroge shops.

>> No.45341364

I don't know how to download from Baidu without that stupid slow BaiduNetDisk...

>> No.45341377

Listen bro. Malding doesn't get you anywhere. Just go back to hookcucking and MTL that shit you were begging all day yesterday lol

>> No.45341387

Thanks for your report on what you're going to do for the rest of the day, but I don't care.

>> No.45341391

Don't lose all your hair, bro.

>> No.45341397

Thats the tech support thread though, discussion goes here. Cant wait for play Enjo Gakuen with the new dll that hooks unity, feels like discovering a treasure trove.

>> No.45341398

If you're young enough to have all your hair, you don't belong here.

>> No.45341410

standard blonde, silver, pink and black?

>> No.45341431

>already balding before 30
Damn I guess this is what happens when you're a westoid who MTL/hookcucks all day...

>> No.45341454
File: 6 KB, 290x106, inverted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bizarro madosoft

>> No.45341466

>before 30
Cute zoomer.

>> No.45341476

>he already has 加齢臭
lol lmao

>> No.45341505
File: 218 KB, 250x900, 立ち小夏_xのコピー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor girl

>> No.45341529

Getting the bald genes is losing the genetic lottery in any case, but having it happen before your 30s is a catastrophe.

>> No.45341545

What's wrong with it though? You can save a decent buck on hairdressers

>> No.45341553

I literally don't give a shit about your slippery slope logic about a bunch of monkeys on an island gatekeeping shitty powerpoints from (You). I can just support the developers directly, which is something people ought to do but don't.
You fags virtue signal those nogs are greedy but you do the same shit by not paying a single cent kek

>> No.45341558

>and this is the first time they went as far as refusing to give access to it until someone else uploads it
No it's not. They've been doing it for months now, it's just the other uploaders were slow this time.

>> No.45341570

They have been doing it for a few hours only regardless if there were other uploads or not
The fact that there were no other uploaders is THE issue

>> No.45341574
File: 18 KB, 762x99, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45341577

So uh how is Geminism so far

>> No.45341578

Music is kami

>> No.45341580

pretty bad honestly

>> No.45341582

>The fact that there were no other uploaders is THE issue
Be our next uploader, you fucking useless faggot

>> No.45341587

Fujoshit. proof all the begging is from actual FAGGOTS

>> No.45341592

Yep, I'm thinking 2023 kamige

>> No.45341597

If your IQ is high enough to learn japanese you are intelligent enough to know how to make money in this era

>> No.45341603

Westoids really just can't stop sucking seamonkeys dicks aren't they
If this was an old 4chan those shitters would be already ddosed long ago for that shit

>> No.45341607

That’s the only thing I’m looking forward too desu

>> No.45341613

>If this was an old 4chan

>> No.45341625

Does it have eigo? Asking for a friend.

>> No.45341637

Why do you make it so obvious you're not from around here? At least try and fit in.

>> No.45341639

So people here could have waited 2 days for girlcelly but it was too much I guess

>> No.45341657

Isn't that one of the ryuufags anyway?

>> No.45341659

girlcelly just uploads stuff, pretty likely it's the same rips that were posted here

>> No.45341680

Chinks have been holding games hostage since the actual Japanese uploaders get arrested years ago newfags....
These SEAniggers probably use them as example to do the same
The days of whole batch on day 1 have long gone
I don't understand why these Geminism and Criminal Border faggots act like it's the first time games didn't get uploaded on release day

>> No.45341695

It's literally crossboarders and Discordniggers shitstirring. Just look at the IP count.

>> No.45341700

You don't need japanese to upload dl version retartd

>> No.45341709

People literally don't know the situation in exhentai where chinks hold doujin manga for 1 month before releasing it, or just never release it and only the chinese translation is available

>> No.45341710

People were going to ddos one of the few reliable source of uploads because two kusoge didnt get uploaded on day 1, sure thing lol

>> No.45341714

It's what happens when EOP /vn/iggers, zoomers, discordtrannies come here to squat. Craftwork shit attracts the mentally ill and women if it's wasn't obvious.

>> No.45341718

Why do you keep replying to yourself?

>> No.45341723

>cry that the hobby is dead
>do absolutely nothing to support it
You deserve this

>> No.45341726

i do the opposite of both of these

>> No.45341743

is /vn/ always like this?

>> No.45341748

If you turn yourself into a moebuta the medium is more alive than it has ever been

>> No.45341754

I'd rather kill myself and be reborn as a fujoshit than turn myself into a moebuta

>> No.45341756

by standards for moege are higher than my standards for plotge, so not true

>> No.45341764

The highest rated moege of all time just came out this year though.

>> No.45341775

For Dies Irae, as far as I understand, is the only difference between the 18+ and all-ages version the additional side stories and ending in the all-ages version? If so, does that mean I can just read the 18+ version through to the end and then read the side stories and alternate ending?

>> No.45341776

If you melt your brain and lower your standards into nothing then sure. Better than being a gachanigger or an EOP begging all day for releases.

>> No.45341781

Surely you don't mean Tenshi Souzou?

>> No.45341787

agreed it is better than being you

>> No.45341793

That's rated lower than most other yuzusoft games, so obviously not.

>> No.45341794

Nah, you only wish you were me.

>> No.45341796

We have this conversation literally every thread

>> No.45341809

You still have a few plotge coming out, if you take the two from this month, that makes it 7 until March

>> No.45341810

Extra2 came out on december and amakano 2+ on april and both were perfect, both rated 88 in egs

>> No.45341813

fuck off and die

>> No.45341821

Extra2 isn't really a moege. It's more of sportsge.

>> No.45341823

none of those have heroines i like so they may as well be rated 0

>> No.45341826

Aokana is not moege, retard

>> No.45341839

sorry, next time I'll make a pastebin with the same content to avoid offending your sensibilities

>> No.45341844

1. Extra stories are important to read right after you finish each route
2. The AeF Rea is a Rusalka route in AA so there are clear differences (you get several Rea scenes being swapped with Rusalkas) and there is a very important new scene before the ending that adds a lot of context to it, finishing it in AeF will have much lesser impact than finishing it in AA

>> No.45341850

>rated lower
by who? your discord mod?

>> No.45341859

By the japanese rating site everyone in this thread knows of.

>> No.45341869

An anon said it was fine to swap from AeF to AA after the last H-scene in the Rea route, but you're saying there are earlier scenes that are different? So should I just read the entirety of Rea's route in AA?

>> No.45341874

Amakano? Isn't it like the 5th sequel? That doesn't count

>> No.45341875

we are being raided by the djt discord.

>> No.45341887

Each amakano game is its own game not counting the FDs.

>> No.45341891

Rancebros... we don't count...

>> No.45341907

For some reason this thread has a lot of dedicated shitposters. Gets worse at active times like this

>> No.45341919

Because it's impossible to find the correct answer
Even in your link people disagree in the comments

>> No.45341931

No, it's worse

>> No.45341932

It has all the elements of a moege with the addition of the sport element, you can cope all you want but it is a moege.

>> No.45341935

we are almost at world war 3 and you niggers are still talking about meme irae

>> No.45341941

Like 1/3 of it is dedicated to a male support character.

>> No.45341942

don't care, I'm American

>> No.45341978

dont give a shit

>> No.45341979 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.05 MB, 1440x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get 幼馴染 like these?

>> No.45341990

Go check it yourself, those guys should be rulling /vg/ easily because they should be the highest IQ thread since they spend all their free time reading books compared to gachatards, vtumors and mmofags, yet somehow is a den of mental illness and are perhaps the worst thread in the entire board.

>> No.45341998

I will never forgive shumon

>> No.45342011

It's so unfair. I liked Mememe and Araragi much, much more than the respective main heroines of each game, and I thought both had better chemistry with the MC. Mememe's treatment in particular was cruel.

>> No.45342016

Ok i'm tired of this shit so listen here, i'm going to write that shit in detail once and for all
Here are the 2 guides:

The first 3 routes are exactly the same minus h scenes, you read them in order: Kasumi -> Kei -> Mari, you read all the extra stories that are getting opened after finishing each route in AA
As you can see in the guide, AeF has an additional Rusalka side route, which is exactly the same as Rea, but adds several different scenes with her, and an important scene after the Rea ending
BUT, AA has combined Rea + Rusalka in 1 (in favor of Rusalka) and it overall makes much more sense than AeF. But on the contrary, it removes several important Rea scenes which makes their romance much less impactful in AA

So here is what I THINK is the best possible way to get the most out of it:
1. You start Rea in AeF and read it up until the last choice in the AeF guide
2. You put it on hold and read the Rusalka side in AeF and collect all the h scenes, skip to the moment where you stopped previously, and close the game
3. You swap to AA and start reading it while following the AA guide
WARNING: Where there is supposed to be a 2nd Rusalka h scene in AeF, it is replaced by a different scene in AA so make sure not to skip it
4. Continue reading and finish the routes in order (Rea1 -> Rea2 in a guide). This way you will get all Rea scenes, all Rusalka scenes, and everything in a logical order
Here, save it out somewhere and refer to it once you get to the Rea route
One more thing to note: Bei sprite is being fucked up in AeF in 4:3 resolution which is a minor annoyance (you can swap the aspect ratio with F3 in the HD version)

>> No.45342018

If they were gonna rewind time anyway we could have at least gotten a full H with araragi first...

>> No.45342028

>those guys should be rulling /vg/ easily because they should be the highest IQ thread since they spend all their free time reading
that's like saying /lit/ would have the highest IQ out of all boards

>> No.45342031

Saved, thanks for your service anon

>> No.45342071
File: 717 KB, 800x600, 2023_07_03_446_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came to answer

>> No.45342090

An abundance of posts is not necessarily a good thing and doesn't necessarily signify interest in eroge. If you are confused about what the hell does that mean pay a visit to the VN general on /vg/. Lots of activity, most of which has nothing to do with reading VNs and everything to do with shitposting trannies and the worst inside jokes I have ever seen in my life. A bunch of high-profile titles just got a translation and no one is even pretending to read them or blog posting about it. The shit-flinging going on here seems like an intelligent discussion by comparison. If that is what a revival looks like I'd rather like for the medium to stay dead.

>> No.45342100

Actually here is an eddit:
I just went to recheck it out and the last Rea h scene is AFTER the last AeF choice, so change it instead of stopping after the last choice to stopping after that h scene

>> No.45342125

Any moege with a teacher heroine who ISN'T an 幼なじみ or something like that? Most of the ones I've seen like in Tenshi Souzou she already knows the protagonist from the past. I want them to bond and develop their relationship naturally, like complete strangers

>> No.45342126

It's the opposite for me. I like Konome and Hiyo the most. Though the girls are all really cute so I can see why people got mad.
It's a loop rather than actual time rewinding so it would be awkward if he actually did it with Araragi.

>> No.45342140

Best girl literally functions as Saku's heart, my dude. Compared to her, miss passive autist is utterly lame.

>> No.45342142


>> No.45342178

These all seem to be the opposite of what I'm looking for, a romance between the student protagonist and a teacher heroine

>> No.45342185

Tenshi Souzou is the best yuzusoft

>> No.45342201

- if you ignore 60% of the game.

>> No.45342211

If you ignore the worst route amaneshit. Their actual best is Dracu-riot(ignoring azusashit route)

>> No.45342226

Imagine having this much of shit taste.
Kill yourself

>> No.45342268

Bump ですよ

>> No.45342274

Stupid fucking EOP. Why can't you like, kill yourself, ok?

>> No.45342306 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.26 MB, 1438x1080, asairo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45342323

Other anon here. You're awesome. Thanks.

>> No.45342368


>> No.45342389

heh, just noticed geminism doesn't have chinese either. chinks also got dabbed.

>> No.45342415

Bros i enjoy geminism so much... the presentation style is just way too cool, and the voices are asmr tier

>> No.45342417
File: 743 KB, 489x697, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this thing doesnt have an harem ending despite the name, man what a bummer.
Is there any VN with a similarish premise but with a proper harem ending?

>> No.45342420

Did based EOP bros get dabbed on? It's a win in our book!

>> No.45342433

Geminism is fucking goddamn gay and garbage. Man, is this what I get from fucking trying my hardest to beg on Black Friday yesterday!?

>> No.45342436

>cant hook

>> No.45342438

Anon, most of these girls would literally die for MC's sake. Every girl is best girl but the one you like the most will always be special.

>> No.45342444

It has a furigana on all the autistic words

>> No.45342466

>Can't read the title because of the weird stilized kanji
>It's that 詰 ..?
Actually more cancerous than 書道

>> No.45342468

Go back to yuzuge don't torture yourself

>> No.45342483

And people made fun of me for using the autistic fonts, you never know when those skills get in handy...

>> No.45342491

So if a story has male sprites it stops being moege?

>> No.45342501

Textractor can hook unity now, with the recent update all the relevant engines are now supported.

>> No.45342509

It's fucking over, bro. I shouldn't have listened to the hype.

>> No.45342511

Idk i tried it out of curiosity but it asks for x64 version and doesn't work even with that dll

>> No.45342523

I can't even open EGS anymore...

>> No.45342527

If 2/3 of your 10 hour vn is dedicated to sports and 1 of those 2/3 is dedicated to a male support character it stops being a moege, yes.

>> No.45342528

did they lock the burgers again? i remember someone made a bypass link years ago but then they lifted the ban for the most countries

>> No.45342531

try http instead of https

>> No.45342537

It's 100% cuckge if another male character even comes close to your girl for a second.

>> No.45342545

Astronaut games need x64 too, tried it with Extreme Molester 2. Use the x64 version with the updated dll.

>> No.45342558

Don't care. Tenshi Souzou is the best eroge in the last decade for me.

>> No.45342566

tenshi souzo was okay but very flawed
cafe stella was better

>> No.45342584

It's the texthook.dll only right?
It just doesn't give me any hooks at all, and when I try to search for hooks the game freezes and crashes

>> No.45342590

who are /vn/ worst posters?

>> No.45342595


>> No.45342596

Go ask them.

>> No.45342600

use tor browser

>> No.45342601

People who keep discussing garbage like Muramasa and Dies Irae.
Verification not required

>> No.45342626

Can this thread die already, i keep getting distracted by you faggots here instead of reading.

>> No.45342629

hi anon

>> No.45342637

I can see it.

>> No.45342643

According to my tracker, I have spent 13 hours here this month

>> No.45342664
File: 7 KB, 1125x104, Fuck you faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is over...

>> No.45342685

post the hours you've read

>> No.45342686

If the x64 Textractor with the new dll doesnt work report it in the github. Nothing else should be needed other than the basics like setting display speed to max, making the game display text before trying to find hooks and such

>> No.45342694

Stop shitposting and read more, anons. It's no different from doing drugs.

>> No.45342697

consider using your brain instead of buggy software. Dealing with badly programmed games is more than enough work.

>> No.45342704

I have 90 hours of reading this month, 13 is nothing

>> No.45342708

But then i will forget how to talk with people

>> No.45342709

You could've finished multiple eroge in that time.

>> No.45342720

At least i got my English gains right...

>> No.45342763

not sure what anon is talking about but it's working just fine. finding a good h code is a different matter though.

>> No.45342891

What's the greatest battle royale VN?

>> No.45342896

Nobody likes premature "old" men.

>> No.45342903

You guys are funny. Mikocon had geminism 1 hour after release behind their vip all along.

>> No.45342915

Why do you need anyone to like you? Not like you are looking for gf (lol)

>> No.45342921

はげnegro getting uppity

>> No.45342934

I haven't cut my hair in years.

>> No.45342944

Fate stay night

>> No.45342948

just make the new thread already

>> No.45342965

Not everyone has a neglectful family anon.

>> No.45342969

nice twist in criminal border
Thought fumi would be too much of a coward to pull off something like that

>> No.45342971

>900 posts
This has to be a new record

>> No.45342972

I am glad to be posting at a 900 post thread.

>> No.45342989

Good job fags. You guys were more cancer than the average /vg/ thread this time. Don't do it again.

>> No.45342992

