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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 121 KB, 948x528, kaufmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45603557 No.45603557 [Reply] [Original]

it's up

>> No.45603571

wotd クリぼっち

>> No.45603574 [DELETED] 
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>> No.45603581

What's your favorite 忠臣蔵 adaptation?

>> No.45603588


>> No.45603612

kek, not what i was expecting but i should have
i'd check it if it wasn't 70 hours

>> No.45603722

legend of the galactic homos is good but it's not that good. it is a very dry story for example.

>> No.45603774
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>> No.45603945
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fuuka is so sexy its insane

>> No.45603984

yep this emmersion material is ultrabeginner friendly

>> No.45603995

n1 post

>> No.45603997
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>> No.45604239

>it hallucinated, so that makes it wrong

>> No.45604245


>> No.45604263

i always thought akatsuki meant red moon

>> No.45604341

if your not gay you are a virgin
thanks google

>> No.45604350

fuck off pedo

>> No.45604356

Current thread: #3719

Previous thread: >>45584108 (#3718)

>> No.45604385
File: 15 KB, 702x194, png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the japs are laughing at us

>> No.45604402

I'm cerebrally overstimulated from all these hats and dark mode and I can't make heads or tails out of the catalog

>> No.45604412
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christmas bocchi

>> No.45604443

this makes me want to go for a walk and get some McDonalds

>> No.45604602

it's too warm here for it to be christmas eve

>> No.45604662

i will never forget 繋ぎ because it always reminds me of fsn

>> No.45604677

my sister just unloaded the dishwasher I filled up and re loaded it slightly differently because the way I did it "wasn't efficient"

then she ran the tap for 5 minutes wasting 20x more water than would have been used doing two loads

i thought the whole point of a dishwasher was that you don't have to be efficient cause it's already way more efficient than hand washing

>> No.45604688

this guy still didn't figure out women have room temp iq

>> No.45604721

but was her way better or yours

>> No.45604731

mine was better because it took 5 minutes to load it
sure i left 2 plates out for the next load but thats no big deal

>> No.45604738

after all we're going to have more dishes in a few hours anways!

>> No.45604755
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6k kanji cards is too much I'm ngmi

>> No.45604794

I can't handle 1000, I forget the ones I used to know all the time, and even worse when seeing kanji in the wild I know I've seen it and it looks familiar but I can mix it up with dozens that look similar as well

>> No.45604816

you need to input more, specifically, you need to read.

>> No.45604847

i read flashcards only, now and forever

>> No.45604849

it takes forever to parse through sentences and actually try to figure out ridiculous Japanese grammar

>> No.45604880

it's her biological imperative to be in charge of domestic matters and feels threatened by your encroachment upon her role

>> No.45604905

remember that you don't even have to rinse dishes before putting them in the water (yes a lot of people do this). in most modern dishwashers there's a prewash compartment. put powder or liquid detergent in the prewash compartment. a nerdy guy on youtube said it makes the entire cycle more efficient and it's true from my experience.

>> No.45604910

she complains that i never do anything but when i do stuff she has to "fix" it by making twice as much work for nothing

>> No.45604913

many such cases

>> No.45604915

yeah just scrape solids off

>> No.45604936

yes, she actually doesn't want you to do anything domestic but to make it seem like what she does is important so you repay her with acts that she cannot or doesn't want to do
this is woman 101

>> No.45604941

the problem is the house is in rough shape... even i cant stand filth...

>> No.45604951
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too soon to repost? i still like it

>> No.45605042

eh i dunno

>> No.45605060 [DELETED] 


>> No.45605069

my gosh i posted in the wrong thread

>> No.45605087


>> No.45605211


>> No.45605429

imagine the blowjobs these lips can give hnnng

>> No.45605510
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>spent my Christmas eve jerking off to eroge
what did you guys do?

>> No.45605518

watched home alone and did advent of code

>> No.45605529
File: 1.33 MB, 1024x1024, 2ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spent my Christmas eve jerking off to ntrge

>> No.45605566

turned on the roomba and my sister came downstairs and freaked out about me doing things half assed cause i didnt pick up a scarf she left on the floor yet

>> No.45605587

How can I say something like: "You are a good guy and deserve all the best?"

>> No.45605588

and so what if it gets stuck its a robot for petes sake

>> No.45605625

fu ta tu to mo e

>> No.45605643
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>> No.45605664
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>> No.45605676

haven't found another 癒し系 manga yet that tops yotsubato

>> No.45605705

i'm surprised by how good it is at teaching vocab

>> No.45605721

what is the nomo referencing?

>> No.45605742
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it wasn't the first crime

>> No.45605764

all the clickbait titles mean I will never click or give a single view to that, fuck this shit

>> No.45605790

sora is making fun of dogen for bowing on discord calls kek

>> No.45605933
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>> No.45605941

only sora i know is yosuga no sora

>> No.45606052
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>> No.45606071



>> No.45606083


>> No.45606213

青空に真っ白 な新春の__です

>> No.45606292


>> No.45606296

never liked that whore

>> No.45606360

does anyone have any good resources for ainu?

>> No.45606391

>watch anime, low to moderate excitement
>watch tranime, high excitement
What did god intend for me?

>> No.45606460

merry christmas bros

>> No.45606480

back to /v/ with you

>> No.45606489

>is not a short

>> No.45606493

i do mean literal tranime

>> No.45606502

like what lil sis

>> No.45606504

any short has a regular video counterpart or it gets interpreted as such

>> No.45606505

i like illiterate tranime

>> No.45606518

the opposite of literal is figurative
english FAIL

>> No.45606523


>> No.45606529


>> No.45606541

imma be the first one to say this
agp = totally fine
medical or social transitioning = not fine

the fact that people conflate the two (on both sides of the political aisle) has caused a lot of confusion to people who have agp

>> No.45606552

there's unfortunately a very good troonimai porn video. i just pretend it's a normal girl. i want to make a similar one with riko's pictures from the same artist, but i don't know how it was made.

>> No.45606572

daily japanese thread?

>> No.45606584
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>> No.45606588

dude just transition

>> No.45606590
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>> No.45606599


>> No.45606605

>any imageboard

>> No.45606675


>> No.45606713


>> No.45606717
File: 165 KB, 720x480, 2278277156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.45606748


>> No.45606767

now you know how us gays feel when 99% of hentai is dedicated to heterosexuals

>> No.45606776

nah i have no idea what fags feel never will

>> No.45606793

uhm are japanese "conjugations" just bunching up things together?

>> No.45606809

i don't know what you mean, just watch cure dolly and feel it out

>> No.45606979
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, GCLBIfsa8AAHeIc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

merikuri djt

>> No.45606997

immersion schedule



>> No.45607010

my christmas just can't be merry like that

>> No.45607113
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, [20231224] Hololive Xmas AR live Sweet happy holidays-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they got bocchi as a live band for the holo xmas

>> No.45607503

:skull: yall og mfs rather spend time with a female streamer than ong yalls family this shit wildin fr

>> No.45607511


>> No.45607535


>> No.45607691




>> No.45607913

incel seethe looool

>> No.45608057

not clickbait, it's literally what he says

>> No.45608252

doesn't mean it's not bait

>> No.45608273

you didnt know what clickbait meant
just accept the L

>> No.45608528


>> No.45608637


>> No.45608750





>> No.45608757


>> No.45608992 [SPOILER] 

I read the best I can, then Google lens time. It's reasonably accurate.
What's the point of blocking images in incognito mode? What does that accomplish?

>> No.45609143

lol this dude thinks incognito mode protects him from anything

>> No.45609172

Then why block it? Hm?

>> No.45609185

it protects you from illegal images people post sometimes being saved into your browser's disk cache

>> No.45609202

if the government wants to set you up, they have better ways than that

>> No.45609225

so what? that doesn't suddenly make doing illegal shit reasonable

>> No.45609302

it is always morally ethical to not be constrained by society

>> No.45609307


>> No.45609781
File: 169 KB, 1065x1600, H8rzLFgWKnOJYamvCQTxklawEBoh0Juv3cnpdPR3iaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you learning japanese?
for me vidya, jyukujos and owarai

>> No.45609845

買う = kaufen (german for "to buy")

>> No.45609861

the feds owned and operated the biggest csam website for nearly a decade, they are evil
they probably run 4chan

>> No.45609895

>illegal images
do soicuck first worlders really

>> No.45609917

point of incognito mode is you want to hide what you're doing (from other people looking at your device), so it makes sense to blank the screen in the app switch menu

>> No.45609932
File: 172 KB, 471x231, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still dont get it is bridget a boy or a girl now?

>> No.45609943

incognito mode blocking both taking images and and clipboarding anything is extremely annoying, but perhaps that's the kind of caring phonefags need

>> No.45609950 [SPOILER] 
File: 175 KB, 1600x1065, DkdUPBN-LP_mPlxAEUr7BCi323oLDNoQeiE4WcZXKyI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45609953


>> No.45609959

boy raised as a girl

>> No.45609972

boy finally transitioned due to peer pressure

>> No.45609993

their voices are like sex to my ears

>> No.45610031

Bridget was an edgy “I drew a girl, but I called it a boy, this’ll get people offended lol” joke. Then she became the “I drew a girl, and I called it a girl, but originally I called it a boy, this’ll get the chudcels mad lol” joke
I think it’s funny because back in the day people would make fun if you got tricked and called Bridget a girl, but now you’re legally required by Twitter to do that.

>> No.45610034

i don't like this, they keep saying onions for no reason

>> No.45610055

it's simple
if you want to have sex with bridget you are gay

>> No.45610060

bro your filters??

>> No.45610073

i wanna man

>> No.45610095

why would i filter bridget

>> No.45610098

What filters?

>> No.45610143


>> No.45610165

thought the onion filter was just pol

>> No.45610175

The s oy filter is universal, because big s oy paid 4chan 6 gorillion dollars to stop people from using it as an insult

>> No.45610205

the filter doesn't apply to /ck/ for obvious reasons

>> No.45610214

fucking up all their recipes by adding onion sauce to it instead

>> No.45610278

>new goatis kino just dropped
yep, time to pause my AJATT sesh to hear "plants dont have over 15 micronutrients" for the 32591812509th time

>> No.45610293

if you don't listen he'll get someone to acid attack you

>> No.45610356

guy's rly an npc

>> No.45610387

i can't want to have sex with bridget cuz two males can't have sex

>> No.45610395


>> No.45610437

he's more a main character tbqh

>> No.45610453

of a cautionary tale

>> No.45610459

Immerse into reading and grammar learning where the words are used
Jap subs for jap audio is ok too

>> No.45610461


>> No.45610490

someone should ask goatis what the best way to learn japanese is

>> No.45610493

languages are man made so don't

>> No.45610497

i hope you find peace one day

>> No.45610505

he would probably advise you to do AJATT because thats the "natural" way to learn a language, while no human in nature would use flashcards

>> No.45610591

is writing "おなかすいた" as "お中水た" the japanese equivalent of a dad joke?

>> No.45610642


>> No.45610652

pretty sure god invented language, lil bro

>> No.45610658

happy merry christmas, omedetou

>> No.45610670

the baader meinhof phenomenon is actually real and proof god is of a linguistic nature

>> No.45610672

god told me that you are gay

>> No.45610679

dont look that up

>> No.45610705
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>> No.45610715

>hag imitating loli
*dies of cringe*

>> No.45610726

that's the spirit of japan as a country though
they're all old

>> No.45610738

thinking about quitting it for that very reason

>> No.45610746

the sixth great extinction event of the phanerozoic eon will be that of nippon

>> No.45610775

how many ex boyfriends does the average 20 year old japanese girl have?

>> No.45610781
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about 2 or 3

>> No.45610791

nah too low, its probably like 10

>> No.45610806

depends if you count 援助交際

>> No.45610809

they are pure virgins waiting for me

>> No.45610812

>japanese barely have sex
>"brooo women have so many bfs they are basically sluts"
yeah no ill believe it when i see it

i will employ advanced western pickup artist techniques to get a nipponese woman to fall in love with me
she is going to absolutely enjoy my american grunts as she squeals profanities in broken engrish

>> No.45610819

rooky mistake
they have sex but they don't have kids

>> No.45610823

they barely have children, nobody ever said they barely have sex. thats just your head canon

>> No.45610861

it's a minority of chads getting most of the attractive women, just like in the rest of the world except it's worse in japan because of the whole 草食系男子 cultural thing

>> No.45610873

dont hit me with that 5 kanji combo

>> No.45610908

4 out of the 5 are really easy tho

>> No.45610924


>> No.45610929

what is he doing with those n5 kanji

>> No.45610933


>> No.45610940

acquired ディープキス

>> No.45611014

overall, people are having less sex in developed countries but the impact is much greater on men than women

>> No.45611020

compared to 100 years ago, people are having less sex but they're having it with more people

>> No.45611026

this is me, it happens all the time

>> No.45611061

you mean 5 out of the 5 right? right??

>> No.45611461


>> No.45611465

miss me w that holoslop

>> No.45611483

i don't exercise.
i eat raw butter.
healthy bmi.
12 vocabs per day.

simple as.

>> No.45611488


>> No.45611513


>> No.45611519

dont hit me with that hiragana-only slop

>> No.45611525


>> No.45611534

i'd hit you with my cock but i keep missing

>> No.45611541

my ass dodgy af :skull:

>> No.45611542

boring losers

>> No.45611547


>> No.45611556

soukan should be an n5 word

>> No.45611572

exciting winners

>> No.45611574

even rep on christmas yosh

>> No.45611578

I may never learn japanese.
But damn.
No one will be able to claim that I didn't go down trying.

>> No.45611584

lil pups are on djt on christmas aint no way

>> No.45611597

bro thinks normal people spend their entire day with their family on christmas day

>> No.45611602

as for me i memorized a lot of information today

>> No.45611606

djt is my family

>> No.45611609

djt is my niece

>> No.45611611

had i gotten matto as my dad I would already know japanese

>> No.45611615

anitrannies can't be nieces

>> No.45611618


>> No.45611623


>> No.45611637

not worth decrypting those kanji for
thanks for the romaji warning

>> No.45611641


>> No.45611680

Japanese is such a whipped language that they excuse themselves to things they curse. You can literally say "I'm fed up with this thing." using "ごめんだ" or "もうごめんだ". Can't make this shit up.

>> No.45611695

thanks for the input mr kruger

>> No.45611706


>> No.45611717

>be straight
>want to watch guys railing onahole torsos on xhamster
>since im in the gay section, the fucking website keeps giving me extremely gay ads of gay men looking me in the eye and moaning loudly while jerking off
kanji to describe this situation?

>> No.45611723

We do that a little bit in English. Sometimes we'll flippantly say "Yeah, I'm sorry, but this sucks."

>> No.45611724

bro your adblocker?

>> No.45611753

yeah, the japanese "equivalent" doesn't contain the "it sucks part" though. it's just ほにゃららはごめん. i guess you just politely excuse / distance yourself from something you dislike. like with so many things, the rest is implied.



>> No.45611790

is the original urusei yatura any good?
remember jamal saying it was good

>> No.45611835

its from the 80s and it got a remake which is trash so thats a certified banger

>> No.45611844

i already told you imma certifiedly bang that bussy

>> No.45611855

just discovered a study with 20k+ participants that says exercising is useless
i dont wanna go "i told you so" on yalls asses, but i told you so


>> No.45611859

watasi no katu

>> No.45611864

dunno i wouldnt have a 6 pack and nice arms if i didnt exercise

>> No.45611872

alr ill take longevity and extra time in my day over pretty muscles for attracting homosexual partners

>> No.45611875

dno i have that naturally just by existing and eating butter

>> No.45611881


>> No.45611917


>> No.45611920

moe is the chuck norris of djt

>> No.45611922

>want to speak better
>read more
is this guy supposed to be intelligent? how can he dumb down such a complex issue to only a two-word phrase?
here's what happens when you only read.

>> No.45611933

if you want to speak better eat butter

>> No.45611935

big vegetable wont like this thread...

>> No.45611938

yeah his advice is based on the assumption that you already listen and speak, that's why he's saying to read to improve speaking rather than 'read until you can speak' or something

>> No.45611941

when someone tells you to read more to speak better they're referring to eloquency

>> No.45611947

the only reason to learn how to speak is to impress people for youtube money

there, ive said whats on everyones mind
yeah i know you dont like me seeing the truth and you want to live in this lala land where you think being able to talk japanese is going to be a huge milestone in your life
but it aint.

>> No.45611952

normally yes but not in the context of learning a second language

>> No.45611958

>secondary language
do eops really

>> No.45611964

pan piano

>> No.45611973

it should make you a better writer and speaker in the target language, just not in the form of speech

>> No.45611983


>> No.45612004


>> No.45612007

"well read" people talk like fags

>> No.45612012

The creators seem to have forgotten that space is 3 dimensional. So when they show their battle tactics preparation, and they have a little 2d map as if their space ships are just boats floating on water - it just sounds absurd because there's a whole other axis of movement they're forgetting about.

"We'll attack from the right hand side" lmao

>> No.45612029

It's shocking how bad his spoken japanese is, and japanese is the language he's best at because he actually lived there for years.
I could even notice it when i was about 2 years into learning japanese, so if i can notice how bad it is - it must sound like nails down a chalkboard to a native.

>> No.45612034

all polyglots are frauds

>> No.45612058
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, 探偵!ナイトスクープ 元探偵のジミー大西VS山本香料の山本社長による嗅覚王決定戦は両者譲らず、驚愕の展開に!! [ref:knight-scoop_episode_code_17856]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45612083

where im from, being fat is seen as a low status symbol, a sign that youre probably poor and uneducated.
i wonder if its the same in japan

>> No.45612087

in poor and uneducated cultures being fat is seen as a status symbol cuz you must be rich to get fat

>> No.45612088

maybe 1000 years ago

>> No.45612094
File: 56 KB, 1024x937, 1681410423217845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im moving to japan

>> No.45612102

unless you look like ryan gosling youre not going to be very popular

>> No.45612109

drunk women are the most unsightly thing

>> No.45612110

Tip: you can pretend that you're actually literate if you install yomichan

>> No.45612115
File: 112 KB, 1172x549, 1687688638557551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get with the times grandpa

>> No.45612121

why would i pretend to be literate? i dont want to look like one of those losers they make commercials about. i can read and im proud of it

>> No.45612124

funny story, but multiple stranger women have claimed i look like ryan gosling when i very rarely leave my house (im a neet) they were both old though

>> No.45612126

ughh works on my machine

>> No.45612132

yeaah, suure

>> No.45612134

why do people get mad when ugly nerds brag about getting pussy easily in japan?

>> No.45612147

i watched a hentai and now i feel sick

>> No.45612151

I unno
if youre 6 at home and theyre 6 at home, but you're 8 in JP and they're 8 away then I don't see the problem. Everyone's getting a better deal

>> No.45612156

xcept for the japanese genepool

>> No.45612158

did you pee out some white liquid
it's ok it's a normal part of growing up, congrats on the 精通

>> No.45612163

as a white guy you get the foreigner bonus in any country, not just japan, and not just non-white countries. even if youre a swedish guy going to france or something, you'll get women lusting after you. it's just how the world works.

>> No.45612169

passport broing is good コスパ for appearance to pussy

>> No.45612171

ok but do you really want a french uggo

>> No.45612172

finna pretend im white from now on

>> No.45612174

literally all males get teh foreigner bonus as long as they're not short, especially not brown-short
but even brown ones get the foreigner bonus if they're tall

>> No.45612180

which is more hairy, jap or french

>> No.45612186

gonna need eiffeltower loser's take on that

>> No.45612192

should I read planetaryan or meintetsu?

>> No.45612217

no it was the genre. it was about rape and mind breaking, and it made me sick

>> No.45612231

ok now go consume a few hours of plot heavy stuff to forget about it then iyashi with some moe after. all better

>> No.45612239

wait i've been immersing in english every day of my life

>> No.45612353

what happened to djt thread??

>> No.45612356

it's still here

>> No.45612357

ヤツらtoday marks my 5th year

>> No.45612439
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>> No.45612445

this is me with every meal
the secret to my immense nihongo power

>> No.45612502
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45612533


>> No.45612596

a lot of people have some kind of magical thinking about Japanese women. When I lived in Japan. A number of my coworkers/friends married Japanese women. I dated 10 or so myself.

Women are women. They act the same as Western women in most areas, except maybe, they can cook and enjoy cleaning a little more. In the end, it doesn't matter, most of my friends are still miserable just like most husbands in the 21st century.

>> No.45612611

nah bro they don't act westoids trust me i've seen it in anime

>> No.45612749

how much loli content do i need to consume before i can move onto chuuni content

>> No.45612762

starting to get overwhelmed with the amount of anki review i have to do...

>> No.45612774

if anki takes you longer than 45min a day, lower the amount of new cards.

>> No.45612775

reduce new cards, start immersing

>> No.45612778

ur thinking about this the wrong way

>> No.45612787

had a lot more fun dating in japan than anywhere else

>> No.45612874

i would say loli is from about 6 years old, and 中2 is 12-13 right? so about 6-7 years worth of content

>> No.45612879


>> No.45612881

esl self-own

>> No.45612953

is there a japanese translation of a christmas carol by dickens?

>> No.45612955
File: 606 KB, 1920x1080, ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか S01E07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45612964


>> No.45613206

i want to do 特訓 for something else if you catch my drift

>> No.45613224

assertion: some manga series simply don't work as anime

>> No.45613228

you might wanna mine this one

>> No.45613232

yeah if youre studying biology

>> No.45613246

you might wanna mine this *unzips*

>> No.45613252

i dont study microbiology

>> No.45613269

chinkoids do not act the same as white women. shut the fuck up.

>> No.45613276


>> No.45613296

i'm tiiired

>> No.45613342 [DELETED] 


>> No.45613351 [DELETED] 


>> No.45613366


>> No.45613372

I stopped learning Japanese in march this year and feel really bad about it.. haven't retained much easier except for my vocab.

>> No.45613404

could have been N3 by now
and known 3000+ more words

>> No.45613414

Going from NEET to working for the first time in a decade made it too hard to keep up with my reps, I'm weak.

>> No.45613426

danmachi sword oratoria has the official djt ost https://youtu.be/ahyrZ2zGXkc?feature=shared

>> No.45613432

stopped learning japanese years ago and im still able to read linnies

>> No.45613434

retardo post above

>> No.45613455


>> No.45613465
File: 188 KB, 1000x750, 20190327-OHT1I50102-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started learning japanese today

>> No.45613469

bro mad cuz i dont even have to try

>> No.45613477

nice one

>> No.45613478

is that a japanese creature?

>> No.45613481

you are trying to look cool tho

>> No.45613486
File: 104 KB, 1600x900, x5g9mGxB17cFiCR5T64Ty3vrA7lqTS-F4BuT0ZCoLvA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes ゆりやん

>> No.45613491

he has to try to look cool tho, understandable

>> No.45613495
File: 1.49 MB, 2480x3508, 1677680559214413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45613496

that looks like the jap version of my tia maria

>> No.45613498


>> No.45613508


>> No.45613518


>> No.45613522
File: 256 KB, 800x720, Pocket Monsters - Pikachu (Japan) (Rev 3) (SGB Enhanced).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't remember this line at all
>english version said "That is one magnificent fossil!"
what a copout

>> No.45613577

who are you quoting bro

>> No.45613585

i was thinking that too but shouldnt it be contrastive は anyway?

>> No.45613587

idk what any of those words are

>> No.45613589


>> No.45613604
File: 249 KB, 800x720, Pocket Monsters - Pikachu (Japan) (Rev 3) (SGB Enhanced).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a videogame

ちなみに i too am known as the つよくてかたいいしのおとこ but it has nothing to do with pokemon

>> No.45613616

is it
つよくて 硬い石の男
or つよくて硬い 石の男
or つよくて 固い意志の男

>> No.45613622

all three

>> No.45613641


>> No.45613685

Da Godfather
I'll say it, interspecies reviewers needs a new season!

>> No.45613761

im gonna start learning 2024-01-01 then give up on 2024-01-21

>> No.45613850
File: 3.15 MB, 2560x1600, 534234324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no mai gf

>> No.45614014

i'm at 1 year now and my comprehension has improved a lot with little effort but i still chat with my japanese friend in english because i feel too embarassed to make him deal with my shit sentences. what if he's like man i wish that dekinai would just stick to eigo without telling me?

>> No.45614084

made it too hard to spare 30-45mins a day?

>> No.45614087

mom says to be yourself and that if he's you're real friend he'll be patient with you

>> No.45614112

thanks mom

>> No.45614125

switch to chatting with them in japanese immediately. you have the opportunity to have a native correct you errors and ask them questions and you're wasting it. you need to think about how you're gonna get ahead and capitalize on this setup.

>> No.45614147


>> No.45614181

you gotta go the ciaran route and get a job that pays well so you can hire a tutor who will be forced to speak with you for 2 hours a week minimum.

>> No.45614194


>> No.45614201

speedrun event without trannies? based!

>> No.45614209

the real ciaran route is travel to japan and suck many tanakas as u can

>> No.45614216

how is it possible to have a speedrunning event without 5000 trannies in it?

>> No.45614221

man i aint even ngl. i had a japanese co-worker and we did talk in japanese from time to time but like 90% of our conversations were in eigo. it was hella 悔しい but it was one of those things were, a. im just a faggot socially inept person and doubled so when in japanese, and b. we had nothing in common, like at all. i wish i talked more but it always made my anxiety flare.

>> No.45614233

damn looks at those cute japs at the back
if i ever go to japan now i know where i will be doing nanpa

>> No.45614237


>> No.45614238


>> No.45614253


>> No.45614258


>> No.45614261

i paused my butter eating sesh to watch these videos
they better be good

>> No.45614268

paused my 4th hole sunning session

>> No.45614289


>> No.45614299

italki is cheap as crap bro you can do it as a combini monkey

>> No.45614387

wanna eat og freshly sunned anus so bad

>> No.45614419

if i liked white women i wouldnt be learning japanese

>> No.45614476

china/korea/Indonesia are better for sexual tourism though

>> No.45614485

sure if you just want to pay for sex

>> No.45614494

as if a japanese woman would date/marry a random fat gaijin incel like you

>> No.45614501

i have had sex with a japanese woman every single day for months tho but ok

>> No.45614513

yeah, you're here on christmas for the lulz. you're not a virgin failed normalfag. I believe you

>> No.45614520

>failed normalfag
name a bigger loser in life
at least cumming inside of my hyperrealistic loli tulpa feels fulfilling

>> No.45614524

yeah i forgot people stop using the internet after having sex

>> No.45614525

what about NTR enjoyers

>> No.45614540

people who have truly had sex don't try so hard to prove they are not virgins
at least not here of all places

>> No.45614542

anons its almost midnight and i still havent done my new cards

>> No.45614543

you brought it up
i just said i dont like white women and you started projecting that nobody would ever want to fuck me unless i pay

>> No.45614544

>lil bro missing his anki on the day jesus was born or died or whatever the imaginary skydaddy wanted us to remember

>> No.45614547

its the holidays man just do it tmrw

>> No.45614550

reddit detected

>> No.45614552

just finished at 5 40am
no problem bro

>> No.45614566

who are these guys quoting

>> No.45614573

god isnt real and neither is santa. if i am going to choose some fake beings to make myself happy it will be my waifus, and they are worth the srs grind

>> No.45614579

who are you talking about?

>> No.45614587
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>> No.45614612

>skydaddy is le reddit
>*proceeds to eat a high-carb diet and worship someone or something because a book told him to do so*
absolute slave, deprogram yourself with a daily walk in the sun, preferably naked

>> No.45614614

gains goblin

>> No.45614645

if missing anki makes you fail it was never meant to happen

>> No.45614647


>> No.45614658

i have the ultimate proof why anki is bad but will only post in next thread

>> No.45614669

missing any of my studies sets a bad precedent. even a small crack in the window weakens the whole thing

>> No.45614670

12 midnight starting my reps soon yosh

>> No.45614672

i have the ultimate proof why tae kim is bad but will only post in next thread

>> No.45614679

saying studies is already a bad precedent

>> No.45614681

when does your anki reset? for me it's 11am, neet schedule

>> No.45614683

and by reps I mean immersion with sentence mining

>> No.45614682

i've been studying for over 4 years and i'm still bad at japanese

>> No.45614691

what is your anki/immersion %/% ?

>> No.45614695

my mistake i didnt realize i was just talking to a brown person. i will save my effort from here on

>> No.45614704

im better than you though

>> No.45614711
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>> No.45614717

/djt/ - my 居場所
(no not really, i wish)

>> No.45614718

probably like 30/70 but on average i probably do like 30 minutes a day of anki reviews and around an hour of immersion

>> No.45614726

well maybe ur bad is what an aspirant here would consider good

>> No.45614744

selfmade anki (as opposed to premade) is good for you the same way masturbation is good but porn is not good for you (unless its someone you have a deep connection with like your waifu)

>> No.45614749

seems pretty normal for the srs/immersion ratio to start heavy on reviews and slowly tip towards immersion until its just 100% immersing and you basically just know the language. i only watch 1 episode of anime per day though so maybe dont listen to me

>> No.45614762

>i only watch 1 episode of anime per day though so maybe dont listen to me
normal speed without pause or slowed down/pausing?

>> No.45614766

why do you need anki lol just make a list and scroll through it twice

>> No.45614767

mostly just watching moe type stuff at this phase so i just watch it normal speed unless like a smartypants type character starts talking

>> No.45614785

anki is fine for jouyou kanji readings but after that just learn naturally

>> No.45614794
File: 2.42 MB, 1024x1024, 1682802442353565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

積み木 折り紙 粘土 絵の具
持っているんだ ずっと
こどもの君と 僕が

>> No.45614807

t. santa claus

>> No.45614808

pretty good ai art ignoring the details

>> No.45614811

thatll probably take like 10000 cards already

>> No.45614817

just do the core5 then move on

>> No.45614818

why do you need anki lol just open nhentai and read a doujin

>> No.45614822
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>> No.45614823


>> No.45614850

it was pretty easy to do immersion, my family likes to get together and cant think of more to do than watch movies so usually I slip away and immerse+mine cause its more fun

>> No.45614858

it was pretty easy to do immersion, i dont have a family

>> No.45614872

im sorry bro

>> No.45614873

low iqs with half knowledge are more dangerous than clueless low iqs
anki upset the natural balance its terrible

>> No.45614879

religion in a nutshell.

>> No.45614880

how many years until AI won't get filtered by kanji anymore?

>> No.45614882
File: 414 KB, 868x580, 1693129282668927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets a sailor job with no qualifications except being annoying
>fs 10000 german girls and learns the language

>> No.45614887

oh boy i cant wait to spend christmas day secluded in my bedroom reading nukige! my pals on /djt/ will be so impressed by my immersion! no mom i dont want to watch the grinch... what do you mean its my favorite christmas movie not since i was 8 mom i need to learn some random island country's language so i can watch cartoons well into my adulthood youre embarassing me

>> No.45614897

gpt4 already knows kanji as long as u use text and dont ask it to recognize in an image

>> No.45614902

reframed w/ your insecurities, yours truly

>> No.45614904

this but unironically

>> No.45614906

the kanji im looking for isnt in unicode

>> No.45614907

this nigga so based

>> No.45614909

is gpt4 the free one? whatever the free one is gets filtered by kanji readings like 90% of the time

>> No.45614911

no, free = 3.5 paid = 4.0. i have 4 if u wanna ask it something

>> No.45614926

perfect example >>45614911

>> No.45614958

id rather spend time with my sexy underaged tulpa

>> No.45614962

whats the quickest way to get akakippu'd in tokyo?

>> No.45614972

what is an "interjection" on jisho

>> No.45614974

give up

>> No.45614975

watch schoolhouse rock

>> No.45614977

interjections in english are words like Wow! Ouch! Jesus! Holy shit! Excuse me... etc.

>> No.45614984


~~ thank you kind stranger ~~

>> No.45615065

time to watch some anime with my pet rats. going to be some cozy immmersion

>> No.45615070

installed offline OCR app from f-droid, set Tesseract quality to Best. Werks

>> No.45615074
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, call-of-the-night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call of the night will have s2 yes?

>> No.45615123

holy cute

>> No.45615134

>inst KKK_KKK
silly Japs

>> No.45615165

>no good animes in 2023
how was i supposed to immerse

>> No.45615171
File: 282 KB, 1735x974, 日向千尋は仕事が続かない_xmnG1rc4EL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im still waiting for my niggas around kammeido or kinshicho
its lonely staying up at my dorm

>> No.45615172

in the sentence そのダンボールゴミに出す分ですか?, what is the に particle doing with ゴミ

>> No.45615223
File: 338 KB, 1536x2048, 1684833439313567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me please
field + ball = baseball 野球
but now there's a kanji that looks like garden but with say next to it? wat mean

>> No.45615224




>> No.45615256

type all the kanji and look up the words its good practice

>> No.45615270

i dunno how to type the say+garden kanji and yakyuu* in jisho doesn't show it

>> No.45615274





>> No.45615276

it reminds me of my first gf, but i dunno if this feeling will be universal.

>> No.45615291
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>> No.45615297

>why are you learning japanese?

>> No.45615307
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>> No.45615310
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>> No.45615312

shes korean and her instagram is pathetic https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0ToA0MOG9U/?igsh=c3JwazZhMnFvcnR5

>> No.45615314

true true

>> No.45615347
File: 443 KB, 735x498, 1680969118073597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thankfully after doing all those anki cards i can understand native material

>> No.45615349

I do not like this

>> No.45615356

what actually happens
>hey I've been 2 years on Anki and I still can't watch anime without pausing, any tips?

>> No.45615375

i was trying to make a joke about the low level jp i encountered in the wild

>> No.45615376

that's not even possible unless you only input like 30 minutes a day like a casual

>> No.45615392

I've been on anki for 4 years and I'm in the same situation, I forget a lot of what I learned 3 years ago even

>> No.45615444

That's because anki isn't learning, nor is it a substitute to learning, it's only an aid

>> No.45615461

i understand mushoku tensei (audiobook version) 15 months in, just eat more japanese

>> No.45615481
File: 548 KB, 220x197, 5432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banger of the night: https://youtu.be/DV9yD_FfG1E?si=9STth2BcclXHSTI2

>> No.45615487



>> No.45615499

i tried watching love is war 6 months ago but the language was too tough.. maybe i try again?

>> No.45615500

thats n5 bro

>> No.45615506

mayb i n6 6 months ago

>> No.45615545
File: 493 KB, 940x454, 1689445324702039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i did all this studying for... kimi tachi no bad habit ...

>> No.45615593

nobody is forcing you to attempt to learn japanese

>> No.45615652

>listening to japanese music
>it has church bells
holy fkn kino

>> No.45615663



>> No.45615703

kek what a bunch of self-destructive losers
they won't make it to 40 without brain damage

>> No.45615816
File: 339 KB, 540x450, 1681726580117722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how i feel when a weeb tries to speak japanese behind my back

>> No.45615956

you feel like you’re a woman?

>> No.45615960

yeah but that wasnt my point

>> No.45615993

i don't get reaction images that are being used nowadays

>> No.45616005
File: 937 KB, 1920x1080, 1672067681970295.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, people post this reaction, but idk what it means

>> No.45616069



>> No.45616085
File: 26 KB, 600x399, 1698359048443487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more anki and i will understand everything

>> No.45616089


>> No.45616097

im probably about half way through the cd route in nier automata but man im thinking about quitting

>> No.45616107 [DELETED] 
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^◌⑅ 𖡼 .𖤣𖥧◌ހ𖡼⑅^



>> No.45616122

yh just drop that boring ahh tranny game

>> No.45616147



>> No.45616167


>> No.45616201

neir is kino though

>> No.45616218

first reply decides if i nuke my 2tb of rezu jav

>> No.45616223

dont do it lil bro

>> No.45616241
File: 399 KB, 1000x338, 1690305859568178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously tho ending e in english made me cry though, maybe just because of my job aty the time but...

>> No.45616268

glad nier secondaries made automata possible

>> No.45616305
File: 261 KB, 364x457, え.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45616308

idk bro the story is entertaining but nothing special so far
the gameplay is not great either

>> No.45616327

talking about ending e, when i literally felt the entire world was against me irl and then the gameplay and song came together

>> No.45616335

if the game is only good if you are depressed and only gets good after 30 hours its not a good game

>> No.45616342

it's the only game i was really hyped up for since 2015 (well except for a few eroges that were really good that got released in between then and now)

>> No.45616351
File: 865 KB, 1920x1080, [Erai-raws] Zom 100 - Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto - 11 [1080p][HEVC][Multiple Subtitle][233A466D]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45616360

>if the game is only good if you are depressed and only gets good after 30 hours its not a good game
maybe it's good for depressed neets or employedcels tho

>> No.45616373

really enjoyed watching other people react to ending e after completing my playthrough

>> No.45616374


>> No.45616387

cant sleep thinking about how much is moe gonna rate frieren

>> No.45616395

stop posting borderline lolicon pornography

>> No.45616396
File: 417 KB, 1000x338, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed for u

>> No.45616400

thanks for ur contribution
hope ur vaccinated

>> No.45616410

i dont need a vaccine my dna isnt targeted for the purge

>> No.45616438


>> No.45616446


>> No.45616457

is onimai n5 friendly? asking for some female friends

>> No.45616459


>> No.45616467

n5+ yes, n5- no

>> No.45616524

lil bro played the game with his monitor turned off

>> No.45616542

we arent in your discord so we dont know what ur referring to

>> No.45616555


your average djter

>> No.45616557

sub 110

>> No.45616559





>> No.45616567

>his go-to insult is sub 110
sub 130 moment

>> No.45616572
File: 516 KB, 1920x1080, ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか S01E09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45616580

130 is quite low tbqh

>> No.45616581

bwhahahahaha, ur iq low lmao

>> No.45616588

i mean weve already established that sub 145s cant even count

>> No.45616590

famous last words

>> No.45616591

why are there so many sub 140s here lately

>> No.45616601

one things for sure, everyone here is a sub 160

>> No.45616605

oof we are reaching jamal-levels of self owns

>> No.45616607

remember than 4chan is iq gated and /jp/ is doubly iq gated

>> No.45616610

no u have to h-high iq to watch animu!!!

>> No.45616611

that explains why v is filled with intellectual discussion huh

>> No.45616617

id say the 4chan avg is 115

>> No.45616621

more like 105

>> No.45616629

yes because /v/ posters are the same as /jp/ posters are the same as fast food ianitors

>> No.45616632

did jamal really quit the thread in shame after getting wrecked by lil conan

>> No.45616638

he will recover... eventually...

>> No.45616639

/jp/ > /v/ > /djt/

>> No.45616650

nah lil bro did not just confuse > for <

>> No.45616656


>> No.45616658
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>> No.45616662

someone needs to stop those abusive parents

>> No.45616671

[a/jp] belongs to [s4s]

>> No.45616678

s4s should be removed for being irrelevant to be quite tbqh

>> No.45616680

曲s of the day

>> No.45616685

>did jamal really quit the thread in shame after (inane schizo babble)
sure if that helps you sleep at night lol

>> No.45616694

ayo he back

>> No.45616715

ntr enjoyers can make a second tulpa to cuck them with their first tulpa
as for the biggest losers, it's still failed normalfags

>> No.45616763
File: 795 KB, 2480x3508, gz9v8iwj1h8c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

イルイル bros

>> No.45616766
File: 189 KB, 1065x1600, XWwN5B9sI6A3d4AsKJ_0zL-WHoRN1TWItJXjZKm_xR0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just creampie fat bbas cause im a sigma

>> No.45616770

sigma just means slightly autistic

>> No.45616779

cupboard mode achievement unlocked [x]

>> No.45616795
File: 86 KB, 640x784, 懺悔.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confess your japanese sins

>> No.45616809

i can read that :D

>> No.45616812

i cant read the first kanji

>> No.45616849

kyokon shota

>> No.45616861


>> No.45616865

tbf its insane schizo babble all the way through

>> No.45616870

he said inane tho

>> No.45616896

nothing schizo about it calm your tits

>> No.45616936

穴 = あな = anna

anna has a huge hole
the curves on the bottom are her butt cheeks transitioning into her genitals
the "hat" above is someone's balls and cock pressing against her butt

>> No.45616938

have to eat slowly using my right side only because i scratched the left side of the roof while sucking on candy (lmao)

>> No.45616941

dont know that feeling since I only eat meat, butter and the occasional fruit

>> No.45616943

suck on this candy bitch!!!! *unzip*

>> No.45616946

but only with your right side

>> No.45616955

i swear i saw a japanese tag for exactly this type of stuff

>> No.45616959

how do you remember which is which

>> No.45616972

i learned both while doing kyouiku kanji so i can easily tell which is which intuitively

>> No.45616975

you gotta admit im blessed though
my taste in women is easy mode compared to having to put up with young women just to get to have condom sex every few days lol

>> No.45617003

drop the act david

>> No.45617004


>> No.45617022


>> No.45617060


>> No.45617075

i will never understand stuff like 甲斐 intuitively

>> No.45617077

we are the intellectual pinnacle of 4 billion years of evolution

>> No.45617082

evolution was on pause for like 3 of those 4 tho

>> No.45617090

bro your paleontology...

>> No.45617105

imagine not having all the geological period names, start and end years and characterizing events memorized

>> No.45617115

hold on imma make a anki deck for that

>> No.45617138

qm type nigga

>> No.45617140

just stare at a diagram for 20 seconds bro

>> No.45617142

i will fuck up words even simple ones if i don't make cards for them

>> No.45617145

katite? katite?

>> No.45617188

女子 じょし
男子 だんし

混ぜる まぜる

正しい ただしい

最高 さいこう
最初 さいしょ
最後 さいご


my anki

>> No.45617193
File: 9 KB, 948x422, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45617210

what's the difference between using ototoi and issakujitsu? i'm guessing the latter is more formal

>> No.45617244

why do you want there to be a difference

>> No.45617253

why not

>> No.45617257

i didn't want it, but it exists

>> No.45617268

you can't want what you want

>> No.45617280

i want a man

>> No.45617301


>> No.45617460
File: 1.46 MB, 858x1080, 1684445803036639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45617563


>> No.45617584

*beats all lolicons in the vicinity to a pulp*

>> No.45617589

with my dick if you catch my drift

>> No.45617591

and thats why i support trans kids.

>> No.45617675

Yeah, the latter reading is the formal form that came later.

>> No.45617683
File: 1.53 MB, 828x1792, IMG_5730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Google and I wish they would get wiped off the map

>> No.45618034


>> No.45618097

yosh this is why im learning Jap

>> No.45618156


>> No.45618808

shits fucking dead in here
