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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 506 KB, 1269x701, 1674217632208907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45779659 No.45779659 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/
Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/
Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXP6tHtNuiQ
Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KSqBahjlTw

Previous thread: >>45772844

>> No.45779757

for a small donation i will choose to keep posting in your thread over the other one that just openen it's doors across the way. what is your welcome offer to me to show some good will towards future cooperation? i will be awaiting your response and reamin respectfully yours


>> No.45780028
File: 110 KB, 1027x828, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok lets get this thread on track

>> No.45780065
File: 657 KB, 2048x1886, GCgGpsEaEAAE_eT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you learning Japanese?

>> No.45780107

Why are we speaking english in this thread?

>> No.45780135


>> No.45780151

watashi wa nihongo o dekinai desu

>> No.45780237

i can speak in japanese to you at any time bro
do you want me to?
itsu demo ii yo

>> No.45780248
File: 403 KB, 1463x1800, FSS_034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45780264

you need to memorize the pitch accent of every word you learn

>> No.45780396

I'm learning it to fuck Korean girls in Kyushu.

>> No.45780475


>> No.45780519

you dont need to say anything to fuck whores

>> No.45780549

Yeah note how I'm not learning Korean

>> No.45780618

wouldnt wanna live in kyuusyuu bc its too far away from the rest of japan
best bit of japan to live in is the bit of osaka above yodagawa and along the coast up to koube

>> No.45780712

i'm not
it's what happens when you become beyond native

>> No.45780720

guide: https://vid2u.net/Hen/

>> No.45780729

File not found.

>> No.45780732

dame they already took the guide down
new guide:

>> No.45780737

not clicking that

>> No.45780740

goofy ahh ip link
aint touchin that shit without 3 vpns and a vm

>> No.45780744


>> No.45780750


>> No.45780759

clicked this link and instantly acquired nihongo and have a harem of 20 jcs

>> No.45780769

thank god i didnt click that link imagine having to please 20 hags all at once

>> No.45780837


>> No.45780895


>> No.45780897

Such is life.

>> No.45780909

i love reading hidden shit like that

>> No.45780914

god i wish that was me

>> No.45780994

Does OCR/texthooking cripple my Japanese? Will the pain of doing radical search make me remember the words/kanji better?

>> No.45781022

new reality check just dropped

>> No.45781053

trying to understand that guy's english is really stressful

>> No.45781060

>learning kanji is a waste of time

>> No.45781065
File: 184 KB, 1755x842, 214124214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45781066

Kyushu is literally the best part of Japan

>> No.45781077

He said learning how to WRITE kanji is le bad.

>> No.45781085

if you know nick you know japanese

>> No.45781088

Learn the kanji first, and then just write the word you don't know in a dictionary. It's not fucking rocket science.

>> No.45781099

The only kanji I think I can reliably draw is 人
Even then, I'll probably get the strokes wrong

>> No.45781126

you can't draw 一?

>> No.45781131


>> No.45781191

No, straight line are impossible for humans to draw

>> No.45781198

ruler: am i a joke to you?

>> No.45781220

I said reliably draw. I don't reliably have a ruler on me. In fact, I haven't owned a ruler since high school

>> No.45781223

Fuck you I won't waste hundreds of hours just learning kanji like a textbookcuck or whatever, I can recognize a lot already just from reading and looking up words, and I was wondering if looking up by radicals will make me remember them even better.

>> No.45781257
File: 1.75 MB, 1366x768, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you supposed to do with the food when i goes bad? eat it?

>> No.45781261

depends on the food, dummy

>> No.45781263

kids are supposed to eat it when no one is looking

>> No.45781265

here we leave it next to the actual grave usually dogs and hobos eat the food

>> No.45781278

based graveyard hobos cleaning up the place

>> No.45781304 [DELETED] 

post 4bans please
i meant to delete cookies and deleted my browser history

>> No.45781312

yep, when aiobahn was still at its peak

>> No.45781324
File: 49 KB, 715x559, pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good game

>> No.45781347


>> No.45781354

in this case an unannounced live stream

>> No.45781357

>Does OCR/texthooking cripple my Japanese?
not if you use them more than necessary to understand the text
>Will the pain of doing radical search make me remember the words/kanji better?
nobody really knows because most of the time spent on manual lookups can be spent on reading instead if you use modern tools. do whichever feels better. you can learn in both ways provided you put in the time, and it's more likely you'll put in the time if the process is more enjoyable

>> No.45781373

bro pls dont speak like a fag

>> No.45781386


>> No.45781417

average djter

>> No.45781422

bro looks like mike myers

>> No.45781430

can't wait for the day where foreign japanese speakers finally radicalize and begin the only hiragana in japanese movement

>> No.45781444

bro thats elitism and racist against people that cant read kana
japs need to switch to romanji to be truly tolerant of other peoples

>> No.45781456

we can't do romaji because that'd overemphasize western imperialism and we can't have that either

>> No.45781458

>only hiragana
might as well go full latin alphabet on dey ass because what the fuck is even the point anymore

>> No.45781460

maybe learning japanese isn't so bad after all

>> No.45781471
File: 9 KB, 441x73, 23432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao @ the reverse image search

>> No.45781506
File: 105 KB, 770x680, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is chatgpt good for you?

>> No.45781515 [DELETED] 

anyone?? >>45781304

>> No.45781533 [DELETED] 

wtf are you talking about

>> No.45781575 [DELETED] 

>he doesnt know 4bans

>> No.45781579 [DELETED] 

i think you’re in the wrong thread, buddy

>> No.45781582

he came here 4bants

>> No.45781588

"All 'right kids are depraved"
How do I say this in Japa

>> No.45781592


>> No.45781606


>> No.45781613

The impact of interacting with AI on mental well-being can vary among individuals. Some find it helpful and engaging, while others may have different reactions. It's important for users to be mindful of their own feelings and preferences. If you have specific concerns or questions, feel free to share them, and I'll do my best to assist.

>> No.45781621


>> No.45781624

that “because” should be “so” in the literal translation

>> No.45781627
File: 10 KB, 300x250, tumblr_nwuko6ZW1W1udwanoo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friends. While i came to you 6 months ago as a beginner, I finally feel ready to 卒業 the English language. I've read quite a few visual novels and regular novels, and I realize that I actually suddenly understand 90% of spoken content on youtube. Based on these observations, I now have enough tools to take with me to transition into a life that is now fully monolingual in Japanese. I will eat Japanese food, read Japanese books, make Japanese friends, and finally begin my Japanese life. Without you guys, I would never have made it this far.

See you on the other side, my 兄弟's.

>> No.45781639

I don't think thats it, here is more context
"We were abominably depraved, weren’t we?”
“All bright kids are depraved."

>> No.45781660

Very ironic that you had to make this post in English.

>> No.45781663


>> No.45781673

good use of まくる, i love that word

>> No.45781676
File: 356 KB, 1993x1464, Screenshot_20240112_192221_AnkiDroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was last year for you? Did you make any good progress?

>> No.45781680

yeah, but outside of anki

>> No.45781681

how about you?

>> No.45781684


>> No.45781685


could someone break this down for me please

>> No.45781686

gf's upset with me bc she asked me why she heard me use her blow drier after i took a shower and i told her i was drying my ass off with it.

>> No.45781689
File: 164 KB, 545x344, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45781700

What do you think this means 自分が注目されてる

>> No.45781701

You let women talk down to you like that?

>> No.45781708

youre being noticed

ive just acquired 為れる

>> No.45781713
File: 803 KB, 850x850, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gf (male)

>> No.45781724

and what does 知ってる mean?

>> No.45781737
File: 6 KB, 270x186, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't my post get (you)'s?

>> No.45781760

cuz it's painfully obvious that you do not belong here

>> No.45781767

it actually does mean that he's acquiring instead of larping speaking when he cannot

>> No.45781801
File: 61 KB, 960x640, vidya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf why did bros tell me vidya are bad for learning

>> No.45781806

wish i could play summon night for the first time again

>> No.45781808

read this as noticed by myself

how the fuck do i learn passive it makes no sense.

>> No.45781838

when passive is used the main verb is “got”.
the subject does the main verb.
the subject is marked with が

>> No.45781842

to know, but why is it shitete?

>> No.45781844

because two actions are taking place.
knowing and doing

>> No.45781845

are older video games like ps1, saturn, ps2, etc. good for immersion? or should i just stick to visual novels and light novels/web novels

>> No.45781846

who said so?

>> No.45781850


>> No.45781852

ok and then the end is just the te form of yaru but thats yatte? wtf is yatteru?

gpt says it means "
It seems like you're aware that you're being noticed, and you're doing it on purpose, right?"

where does the 'on purpose' come from?

>> No.45781854

how much time do you spend in anki per day? is 40 minutes too much?

>> No.45781855

imagine someone walks up to you and asks if they should watch a movie or play a video game, how would you respond

>> No.45781872


>> No.45781874

It’s implied by the knowing.

Like when you see big titty girls in an ad and say “They know exactly what they’re doing”, you don’t need to explicitly say “on purpose “

>> No.45781879

for every minute spent in anki, spend 10 minutes reading

>> No.45781887

my favorite thing about japanese is that you can put descriptors in front of nouns or names and even stack them.
like 泳がない黒人 you can't really express this in english in such an elegant way

>> No.45781888

for every minute spent in anki, spend 10 minutes reading djt

>> No.45781895

japanese doesnt have a passive form

>> No.45781899

> wtf is yatteru?

read tae kim

>> No.45781903

oh im retarded, is like shitteru right? not sure why that slipped my mind

>> No.45781907

japanese doesnt need a passive form

>> No.45781930
File: 17 KB, 590x106, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whys it ma and not aida?

>> No.45781937

its just done like that, for the most part youll see aidani and ma if no connector

>> No.45781940

cheers bro

>> No.45781946

why can I see like a billion sentences with noaida but in this case its noma

>> No.45781966
File: 57 KB, 803x478, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure both readings are valid in this case

>> No.45781967

嗚 鳴

Just why?

>> No.45781992
File: 1.71 MB, 1032x2236, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why im learning japanese

>> No.45781997

video to the full clip?

>> No.45782008

Should I switch to FSRS?

>> No.45782010


>> No.45782017
File: 919 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Majo to Yajuu - 01 (1080p) [95002072]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45782022
File: 600 KB, 674x839, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which is correct?

>> No.45782023

>All property is theft
huh? not even marx believes that so where is that translation coming from

>> No.45782029 [SPOILER] 
File: 1005 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Majo to Yajuu - 01 (1080p) [95002072]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45782033


>> No.45782037


>> No.45782038

How many words should I know before I start reading? I tried for a bit yesterday, but I was having to look up a lot of stuff (300 known words).

>> No.45782040

>Does OCR/texthooking cripple my Japanese?
No, it makes the process of learning much easier and allows Japanese to be treated like a western language. Learning how to radical search is a waste of time and something you’ll learn regardless of you read a lot.

>> No.45782041


>> No.45782046

new fetish acquired

>> No.45782051

in japanese..
i wanted to see what the line before says since it seems to be the wrong half of the sentence on the japanese screenshot

>> No.45782053

like 1k

>> No.45782058

obviously he accuses him of stealing to which the vague japanese response just sorta means "hmm maybe i did ;)"

>> No.45782061


>> No.45782065


>> No.45782067

janny please ban the emoji poster

>> No.45782070

true true :skull:

>> No.45782073
File: 2.39 MB, 2560x1394, 1692828917821900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45782087


it's actually an accurate translation.
words in the west don't mean anything anymore so you can really translate it however you want and it will be correct

>> No.45782088

best vpn? i want to use abematv but they are geolocked

>> No.45782091

based kotoko enjoyer

>> No.45782107

>hmm i want to stream japanese videos over http but i need a japanese ip to do that
>better route my entire internet traffic through a server in japan

>> No.45782114


>> No.45782122

are u stupid. what im asking is for a recommendation. abematv seems to clamp down on ips religiously so i m asking for a reliable one

>> No.45782123

you can route only one application's traffic through good vpns

>> No.45782127

should be playing mahjong..

>> No.45782130

read that as
black person without forever
black person without fountain

>> No.45782134

depends on the weather outside

>> No.45782140

god i want a woman to think that toward me some day

>> No.45782146

learn something new every day

>> No.45782147
File: 10 KB, 80x136, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this sfx supposed to be?
it looks like a ゆ but also not

>> No.45782152

>> No.45782157

>it looks like a ゆ
how do i go back in time to being this innocent?

> you can't really express this in english in such an elegant way
person that can't swim.
can't-swim person.
they look equally "elegant" to me

>> No.45782158

look at what they did to kurapika

>> No.45782160


>> No.45782164


>> No.45782165

remember the first time i ever heard someone say sonota instead of sonohoka

>> No.45782171

ok which one of u is this >>>/v/663517219

>> No.45782174
File: 292 KB, 929x1080, 1689196712971684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n5 transcription challenge

>> No.45782176
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata - 02 (1080p) [E1610EB6]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45782178

you. it's always you.

>> No.45782181

im the guy he is responding to, but i want to hear your 13 years story

>> No.45782183

well i spent 5$ on a jp vpn and it abema detected it, thx

>> No.45782187

lol lmao

>> No.45782189


>> No.45782191

I was using proton vpn for a bit. It let me choose specific applications on both pc and mobile

>> No.45782249


>> No.45782251

If AI ever advances far enough to decipher this, I will give up learning Japanese.

>> No.45782261

damn, I forgot that existed
but the top left is wrong, ね goes horizontal then diagonal, the image just goes down
the left is from the ゆ and the right is from the ね

>> No.45782269
File: 3 KB, 253x210, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe computer fonts dont reflect how humans write, anon

>> No.45782283

that has nothing to do with computer fonts though, even before computers and type writers thats how they printed the letter using printing presses

>> No.45782284


>> No.45782295
File: 785 KB, 1920x1080, 治癒魔法の間違った使い方 E02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45782296

just read wake as wake

>> No.45782299


>> No.45782301

this post >>45782261 is clearly comparing the font he sees on his screen with the font he sees in his manga, try to keep up

>> No.45782309

oheyo gozaimashita

>> No.45782319

she thirsty

>> No.45782321

try to keep up my foot in your ass

>> No.45782331
File: 936 KB, 1920x1080, 治癒魔法の間違った使い方 E02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45782342

you can also see it for わ れ

>> No.45782343

訳 the fuck up samurai

>> No.45782353

Is there like an anki deck for gramatical concepts found in the Tae Kim guide? Just to brush up on what you learned after you learn it?

>> No.45782358

anon you dont want to drill tae kim into your brain, just use it as a foothold to start reading, cuz honestly a lot of his explanations are either weird, wrong, or incomplete

>> No.45782367

how bad is matou seihei no slave

>> No.45782369

Natives don't think about grammar when they speak

>> No.45782371

Fair enough, I'll just reread anything I'm missing as I go so, I just feel like I'm gonna forget some rules as I go along is all.

>> No.45782376
File: 823 KB, 1920x1080, [New-raws] Undead Unluck - 14 [1080p] [AMZN]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45782378

Don't apply English grammar concepts to Japanese

>> No.45782384

a few things to keep in mind:
1. a lot of grammar is in jmdict because a lot of grammar is just a word
2. there is a dojg yomichan dict
3. there is https://core6000.neocities.org/hjgp/
4. there is google

>> No.45782386

Not sure what you mean, there is strictness with the rules right? I mean the reason I wanna make sure I'm actually doing it right is to avoid that.

>> No.45782417

>I wanna make sure I'm actually doing it right
nta but as long as ur reading native materials you dont have to worry about this, everything is written correctly

>> No.45782423
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Sousou no Frieren - 18 (1080p) [288A3C31]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45782444
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Sousou no Frieren - 18 (1080p) [288A3C31]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fully-fledged n5

>> No.45782445


>> No.45782446

wrong thread

>> No.45782450
File: 161 KB, 777x1087, IMG_1203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doujin of the day
[ウソノキ (つくねんど)] 俺のクラスの乳ギャル

>> No.45782461

nyuu gal?
titi gal?

>> No.45782463

do people really get off to monstrosities like that

>> No.45782464

read that first part as wasonki. took a hover to realize it was usonoki

>> No.45782465


>> No.45782466

titi = titty


>> No.45782467
File: 645 KB, 1920x1080, シャングリラ・フロンティア S01E11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45782473

yes and it's a shame women in real life aren't usually built that way

>> No.45782476

yh what kind of freak jerk off to huge breast, beauty mark, cute face gyaru jk

>> No.45782478

nyuu gal city

>> No.45782479
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Sousou no Frieren - 18 (1080p) [288A3C31]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me in the back

>> No.45782480

she looks like jabba the hut

>> No.45782486

turn on ur monitor bro

>> No.45782488

if ur attracted to a big ass then it looks essentially the same

>> No.45782492

i like my hoes small and fit with moderately sized titties and a perky ass

>> No.45782496

wtf is a perky ass

>> No.45782500

I mean what I said. Japanese grammar is Japanese. English rules and explanations aren't Japanese.

>> No.45782504

she got dat dayum bubble butt

>> No.45782511

what if they have slim frames but huge tits

>> No.45782514

Just break it down into chunks if you're ever confused and follow the grammar.
receiving attention
knowing (you'll get it)
(are) doing (this)

>> No.45782519

i like both skinny and plumpy woman. you kinda low t if u cant appreciate both

>> No.45782521
File: 528 KB, 1920x1080, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45782523

>A: なんで、こんなとこに立っているんでしょうねぇ?
>B: お前、どこをどう見ると、ただ立ってるように見えるんだよ!
>A: ご飯食べてるようには、みえませんけどぉ
>B: あのなぁ・・・
I don't get it...

>> No.45782526

i'll accept it

>> No.45782553
File: 55 KB, 184x193, 0158298444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45782555

tld to english it becomes you here but in japanese its person a describing person b's thought patterns from person b's first person perspective

>> No.45782564

>it becomes you here
or he

>> No.45782570

The sentence seems negative, so I assumed the speaker was speaking with respect to someone else.
>tld to english it becomes you here but in japanese
Not sure what this means.
>its person a describing person b's thought patterns from person b's first person perspective
Ah, I see.

>> No.45782573

>I assumed the speaker was speaking with respect to someone else.
but "you" is not the only way to refer to someone else

>> No.45782579

It's not, but it's safer to assume second-person more than third.

>> No.45782581

jibun woooooooo

>> No.45782596


>> No.45782600

nice self-own

>> No.45782602

Think of it this way, how many times is a person speaking in the third person vs. the second person in a show or book?

>> No.45782607

nice 自分-own

what kind of insane question is this, i would say generally third person since 99.99999% of people are NOT the person you're talking to

>> No.45782608

or jibun-own as it were
or i guess if you want to be gay about it jiko-own

>> No.45782609

just admit your mistake bro you know you lost when you start dealing in probabilities lol

>> No.45782635

>i would say generally third person since 99.99999% of people are NOT the person you're talking to
Nah, I'm right on this one lol

>> No.45782638

upper casers are getting uppity

>> No.45782642

Lowercasers need to get their egos' checked.

>> No.45782643

i don't downcase because i'm down...

>> No.45782644

no that's the feeling of my foot wedged in your ass *shoves foot up ass*

>> No.45782650

can't even tell who's supposed to be feeling that

>> No.45782651

how far are you in your japanese learning

>> No.45782653
File: 1 KB, 330x112, press b for cancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45782655

7 years but more like a few months why

>> No.45782662

very far, but not as far as my foot is up your ass

>> No.45782689

That would be キャンサー

>> No.45782711

that would be gan

>> No.45782726

with a thump?

>> No.45782727

if it spells cancel it can easily spell cancer too
(dumb eops)

>> No.45782729

きっと 私は死ぬまで大人のふりを続けるでしょう。子供には 心の支えになる大人の存在が必要ですから。

in 心の支えになる大人 the 支え is not clicking. wtf does this sentence mean

>> No.45782745

as for kodomo
emotional support otona
's existence is needed so

>> No.45782749

why are you not using yomichan

>> No.45782751

>as for kodomo
nope you got lazy there since everything else is right

>> No.45782758

idk anon には scares me :(

>> No.45782762


>> No.45782772


>> No.45782774

>I will continue to be an adult until I die. It's necessary that an adult be the emotional support for a child.
心の支え is an emotional/moral support or literally "the heart/mind's support." になる大人 means "an adult that becomes..."

>> No.45782777

>になる大人 means "an adult that becomes..."
not really

>> No.45782783

Yes really.

>> No.45782785

i thought i was in the intermediate thread but i wasnt in the intermediate thread

>> No.45782792

yeah bozo this is the resolutioners thread we dont like your kind around here

>> No.45782793

the guy was nice to post the previous sentence so the contrast from 大人 in that sentence would be more reflected with the use of には so you could say "kodomo however" to more strongly reflect that
as for isnt wrong generally speaking but its not the right fit here

>> No.45782795

as for me i know the te-form

>> No.45782796

You're thinking of the /v/ localization thread. This is the pre-beginner thread.

>> No.45782801

i feel like some joker's just asking retarded questions on purpose

>> No.45782803

all me
including the answers

>> No.45782804

hey there 2024 resolutioner good luck on your japanese journey! as you improve youll acquire a better understanding of both japanese and their english equivalents that you wont have to use awkward literal translations in english anymore! ganbare!

>> No.45782806

unlucky for him djt is untrollable

>> No.45782808

oh i didnt read the first sentence kek

some things dont have to 'become' they just 'are'

>> No.45782814

Thanks, anon! I start my N5 journey today!
>some things dont have to 'become' they just 'are'
Did you not read my translation?

>> No.45782819

some people seem to alternate between uppercasing and lowercasing at random and i don't get it

>> No.45782822

i ripped the shift and caps lock keys out of my keyboard so it wasnt me

>> No.45782823

you dont choose to lowercase lowercasing chooses you

>> No.45782827

i used to uppercase when i was a teenager
i grew out of it

>> No.45782834

same i used to write like an insufferable faggot
now i write like an insufferable faggot but i dont capitalize or use punctuation and i type stuff like ur and ure to trigger autistic spergs lmao

>> No.45782838

Lowercasers are such an fascinating yet sad group.

>> No.45782840

on my keyboard you can still press the keys even if you rip them off

>> No.45782845

don't worry lil bro you'll understand when you're older

>> No.45782854

using only one case comes naturally if u know japanese u know what im talking about

>> No.45782857

>an fascinating
and uppercasers are esls

>> No.45782867

90% of lowercasers here are esls too and i wish i could cram all of their poopy colored skin faced black haired heads into a trash compactor

>> No.45782868

So are lowercasers

>> No.45782871

>Did you not read my translation?

then why did you write
>になる大人 means "an adult that becomes..."

>> No.45782877

i only lowercase out of peer pressure. i feel ashamed

>> No.45782885

>if you lowercase you're brown skinned
what did he mean by this?
why are americans like this?

>> No.45782889

I only uppercase out of pee pressure, I feel oshikko

>> No.45782890

Because なる literally means "to come to be" rather than simply "to be." It's important that we understand Japanese both literally and figuratively. Obviously, this won't be reflected in translation.

>> No.45782901

My brother in Case Jesus.

>> No.45782902

nice reading comprehension u esl piece of shit i hope an airplane crash lands on u while u sleep tonight

>> No.45782908

lol so when you see 聖なる神 you think god "became" holy at some point and wasn't holy before?

>> No.45782911

trying too hard to be jamel

>> No.45782915

when i see narukami i think of persona 4

>> No.45782918

idk to me it sounds like you're calling lowercasers pajeets

>> No.45782919

brs mostly not jeets

>> No.45782924


>> No.45782932

sigh no thread recap again

>> No.45782934

well you're retarded because
>brazilians are notorious for being black not brown
>there's no poop feasting culture in brazil, which is notorious of pajeets
thanks for coming to my ted talk

>> No.45782936
File: 130 KB, 800x600, syarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45782938

proud of her

>> No.45782940

wow she's just like me

>> No.45782941

read this again >>45782867 and tell me why you wrote anything you just did and then refer once again to >>45782902

>> No.45782947

lol nice

>> No.45782949

no bro you clearly don't know how to describe brazilians

>> No.45782958

they are shitskins, look like shit, have black hair, and should all be exterminated
what did i get wrong?
oh i know ure a br lmaooo

>> No.45782966

i'm not br and neither colorblind

>> No.45782979

oh ok

>> No.45782980

In an archaic sense, they are quite literally saying "god, who is come to be holy," but their intention is to state that he is, rather than to imply he ever wasn't, if that makes sense.

>> No.45782998

picked up

>> No.45783004
File: 30 KB, 460x615, 1705089525829610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45783013

>In an archaic sense, they are quite literally saying "god, who is come to be holy," but their intention is to state that he is, rather than to imply he ever wasn't, if that makes sense.

is this from chatgpt or something? wtf... anon just go look up the imi of naru

>> No.45783035

Answer me this, anon. In Hebrews 5:9, it says
>though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. 9 And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him,
why does the author say "And having been perfected" if Jesus is already perfect? Is he imply he ever wasn't perfect?

>> No.45783044
File: 308 KB, 1408x1954, 1704907704399286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the image that broke djt

>> No.45783048

I don't really care about the eternal battle between uppercasers and lowercasers
I uppercase when phone posting on the shitter because I'm not some try hard loser that's gonna manually lowercase my autocorrect
I lowercase on the computer because why bother hitting the shift key
Simple as

>> No.45783056

Jesus spread the word of God, but even he needed baptized for all men are born with sin.

>> No.45783058

>why bother hitting the shift key

>> No.45783062

not spacing impedes readability
not shifting does not

>> No.45783063

If kanji exists to help you figure out the meaning of a word why do i suck at figuring out the meaning by looking at the squiggles

>> No.45783068

anon why are you randomly bringing up english translated from hebrew, what does this have to do with なる

true true, in fact in their culture only someone more holy than you could baptize you kek

>> No.45783075

if you werent a beta bitchboy you wouldnt have to explain it to us

>> No.45783092

His baptism was not for the forgiveness of sins, but to receive the Holy Spirit, that He may lead by example and be the first of men.
My point isn't that Christ was imperfect, but that, in an archaic way, this verse is showing that Christ both was perfect and has been made perfect by His act on the Cross. In the same way that one who obtains holiness can intrinsically be holy.
>true true, in fact in their culture only someone more holy than you could baptize you kek
It was only John the Baptist at the time who ever baptized men. It wasn't a cultural thing, and even he admits that Christ is greater than himself.
>he it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose.

>> No.45783099

shut the fuck up

>> No.45783152

>lowercaser getting angry

>> No.45783167

yah dude im hulking out over here

>> No.45783168

>not spacing impedes readability
>not shifting does not
I can make an example where it does.
>i recently attended a conference hosted by who. during the event, doctor love delivered a keynote address on the importance of washing your hands.

>> No.45783172

hulk out the first letters of your sentences instead

>> No.45783175

chillax, lil bro
it's just the daily japanese thread doing it's thing

>> No.45783180


>> No.45783181

u wouldnt like me when im angry

>> No.45783188

>not shifting does not
Lowers are cute

>> No.45783193

futuu ni yometa

>> No.45783194

there's studies on lower and upper casing and lowercasing is more efficient to read in code

>> No.45783195


>> No.45783200

long story short if u press the shift key for any reason u probly take it up the rump

>> No.45783209


>> No.45783215

you can easily read what you are used to.
it's really that simple.
all uppercase (capslocked) text is unnatural and we arent used to it, so its slower to read than regular text that we see in books, articles, etc

>> No.45783216

wtf the end of that one is cut off. fixed:

>> No.45783218

>so it’s slower to read
lmao read a book ESL anon

>> No.45783222

he's japanese in the first video and chinese in the second
what happened

>> No.45783229

this season is lacking in isekai
the only solid one is tiyuu mahou

>> No.45783231

i'm sure lowercased words are more common than uppercased words either way (if proper nouns are typed properly)

>> No.45783234

This video is not mine , i only upload stuffs from 4chan /gif/ , Especially YLYL stuff :) .
Source : 4chan - /gif/

>> No.45783236


>As well as coming across with bad manners, the use of All Caps can reduce the readability of your text. Usability expert Jakob Nielsen has found that reading on screen can be around 25% slower than reading from paper1, and reading All Caps can be a further 10% slower2.

>> No.45783237


>> No.45783245

we can finally return to battle harems

>> No.45783274

coulda had an epic 1000+ reply thread

>> No.45783284
File: 817 KB, 1109x603, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

subtitle bros... i don't feel so good... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wF91iArEp0

>> No.45783288

quality over quantity is what u should strive for
if u want 1000+ dumbass comments just scroll up in discord

>> No.45783294

quantity is epic though

>> No.45783301

uh that jitendex dictionary is fucking bloated so i'm going back to jmdict

>> No.45783306

that shit will give u permanent aids

>> No.45783308

plus not like theres any quality in either thread

>> No.45783311

i'm here dude we can have both quality and quantity

>> No.45783318

say the most quality thing u can think of right now

>> No.45783319

dont make me repeat myself bro

>> No.45783321

you could not possibly be bored when your consciousness is filled with cup
there is simply no space in your head for boredom

>> No.45783322
File: 69 KB, 220x205, guardians-of-the-galaxy-djimon-gaston-hounsou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Usability expert Jakob Nielsen

>> No.45783324
File: 215 KB, 1013x1694, 1703580348115863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur brain is a cup

>> No.45783329

no my brain is filled with cunny

>> No.45783333

he's the expert that published those blog articles on his own website lol

>> No.45783332


>> No.45783334

remembered that dream i had about ciaran several years ago
>i had a dream that my country was at war and a refugee was living with my family. somehow i pieced together that that refugee was ciaran. naturally as 4chan posters we were shy and we never exposed ourselves to one another but we posted things on 4chan daily indicating we were aware of each other's existence, though we weren't explicit. i was living in the same house with an invisible man. i twice tried snaking my way quickly and quietly to the front door to see if i could see him before he tried hiding himself but i never found him. sometimes i would see a cute girl sitting on my couch, who i assumed was a family friend. one time she and i almost bumped into each other trying to go to the bathroom, but it was occupied, and she slipped into an empty bedroom before i could talk to her. anyway ciaran posted something on 4chan indicating he was moving out. i panicked and sprinted for the front door to see if he had already left but he was nowhere to be found. i felt defeated and sad. the cute girl popped in for a moment and i struck up a conversation. i don't remember how it was revealed but it turns out ciaran was that cute girl the whole time! i was relieved and we talked a lot. it turns out ciaran was actually a princess whose country was overwhelmed by the war and she was hiding at my place. maybe the war had come to an end and that's why she was moving out but i don't remember the details. i woke up afterwards. now i'm feeling depressed about the whole thing. i hate dreams where it feels like you lived an alternate existence for awhile.

>> No.45783336


>> No.45783343

that is laugh out loud funny

>> No.45783348

it would be にがー
not reading all or any of that

>> No.45783350

i don't get the joke/how this is funny but i'm responding to it to artificially inflate its perceived value

>> No.45783354

last night it came to me in a dream that you can be fluent with less than 1000 words, you just have to over explain everything that you dont know the words for.
for example, if you dont know what the word for "television" is, you have to use your limited vocabulary to describe it.

>> No.45783357


>> No.45783359
File: 42 KB, 595x841, nigai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45783362


>> No.45783365

>i don't get the joke
it wasn't a joke. it's funny because it's true.

>> No.45783366
File: 38 KB, 791x80, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true

>> No.45783368

watasi no yuuchoob channoruuuu he youkoso

>> No.45783373

he didnt even say that much he couldnt make a complete sentence

>> No.45783377

i don't think this is true because there will be advanced concepts based on more basic concepts that can only be described in basic words that are like 2000th or 3000th or 4000th in a frequency rating.

>> No.45783381

iirc he said yokoso watasi no youchuub channeru aru

>> No.45783387

although i hesitated as i typed this and thought about how many mathematical terms you could use to try to describe something. but no one would understand you at that point.

>> No.45783393

i wonder how many mathematical terms could be used to describe my foot going directly into your ass

>> No.45783405
File: 19 KB, 451x335, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i really have to keep my system locale to japanese in order to run this? I was able to unzip it and it showed everything correctly then but when i switched the locale back to english its fucked again. maybe run in a VM?

>> No.45783415

you can use locale emulator for many vns

>> No.45783417

what's the issue with keeping locale japanese at all times

>> No.45783418

idk i dont use windows

>> No.45783420

l o c a l e e m u l a t o r

>> No.45783425


>> No.45783432

it ruins your excel spreadsheets

>> No.45783433

yooo you chose a crazy long vinnie
also theres no negatives to changing your system locale, just fucking do it

>> No.45783434

yes or use textractor to simulate locale with textractor(idk if that works or not). i just keep my pc on jp locale. doesn't change anything i care about.

you can also try this: https://xupefei.github.io/Locale-Emulator/

>> No.45783446


dont do this, just let textractor emulate it for you

>> No.45783451
File: 1.04 MB, 418x454, 1705101305145355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45783454

gambs says you shouldnt texthook

>> No.45783457

i'm not up to date with faggot shit like textractor so yea probably use that if someone says it's better

>> No.45783459

don't think he said that

>> No.45783473

gambs says you shouldn't take this right hook but you're about to

>> No.45783475

i disabled autocorrect and autocapitalisation on my phone
not that i use it for posting but i need to lowercase in sms too

>> No.45783479
File: 14 KB, 287x191, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45783481


>> No.45783484

if u dont have ur pc in japanese ur ngmi simple as

>> No.45783485

*does the dempsey roll*

>> No.45783492

y and how wouldn't that just kneecap my progress wtf

>> No.45783511


>> No.45783512

texthooking is like hovering in that you wont develop an emotional bond to the words you encounter

>> No.45783535

can't bond with a word idk bro

>> No.45783538

can anyone help me with this, i know the words but it doesnt sit right in my head at all specifically the part after the ga, how would you put it in english

>> No.45783563

it would be good if your life's purpose was as a beacon of hope
is the kinda meaning in more words than in the jp dunno how to elegantly translate it otherwise

>> No.45783567

let ur existance be hope

>> No.45783573


>> No.45783598

thats what i was thinking along the lines of, but であればいい just throws me through a loop

>> No.45783613

why do the scrubs tell you to do thousands of kanji flash cards when you come out of it ending up having no idea what the stuff in hiragana says

>> No.45783620

It's the conditional form of the formal copula である + いい. You're suggesting or wishing for something to be by saying that it would be good if [insert condition here] happened.

>> No.45783636

bro dont admit to being a tryhard loser like that rofl

>> No.45783643

Exactly. You might as well uppercase at that point.

>> No.45783651

you do word cards that sometimes have kanji, not kanji cards

>> No.45783655

bro autocorrect is useful, are you seriously typing ' in phone? just turn on the uncorrecting after pressing delete if wrong corrections are an issue

>> No.45783664

thanks i think between the definition yomi was picking up for であれば and the deepl output, it was messing with what i felt it was. one of those, i get it, but i cant really put it right, and they are making things worse

>> No.45783670

kill uppercasers. behead uppercasers. roundhouse kick a uppercaser into the concrete. slam dunk a uppercaser baby into the trashcan. crucify filthy uppercasers. defecate in a uppercasers food. launch uppercasers into the sun. stir fry uppercasers in a wok. toss uppercasers into active volcanoes. urinate into a uppercasers gas tank. judo throw uppercasers into a wood chipper. twist uppercasers heads off. report uppercasers to the irs. karate chop uppercasers in half. curb stomp pregnant uppercasers. trap uppercasers in quicksand. crush uppercasers in the trash compactor. liquefy uppercasers in a vat of acid. eat uppercasers. dissect uppercasers. exterminate uppercasers in the gas chamber. stomp uppercaser skulls with steel toed boots. cremate uppercasers in the oven. lobotomize uppercasers. mandatory abortions for uppercasers. grind uppercaser fetuses in the garbage disposal. drown uppercasers in fried chicken grease. vaporize uppercasers with a ray gun. kick old uppercasers down the stairs. feed uppercasers to alligators. slice uppercasers with a katana. put a bomb in a uppercaser's mouth. throw knives at uppercasers. inflate uppercasers until they pop. send uppercasers into a blackhole. castrate uppercasers. feed uppercasers poisoned food. force uppercasers to walk the plank. push uppercasers into a pit. kneel on a uppercaser's neck. curse uppercasers with a spell. stuff uppercaser babies into the washing machine and turn it on. flatten uppercasers with a tank. pop a uppercaser's car tire. strike uppercaser children with a ruler. make uppercasers swim in the mariana trench. cut off a uppercaser's limbs. airdrop uppercasers into antarctica. throw uppercasers off the boat. pressurize uppercasers into fine crystals. light fireworks in a uppercaser's ass. falcon-punch a uppercaser in the face. make uppercasers into fiction. blow uppercasers heads off with grenade launchers. blow uppercasers brains open with a sniper rifle. lock uppercasers in a cage and drown them underwater. nail uppercasers to a cross and stab them. run over uppercasers with a tank feet-first. crush uppercasers with a press. attack uppercasers with acid. boil uppercasers in a pan. lock uppercasers inside a brazen bull. burn uppercasers alive. drag uppercasers across a wall of spikes. pour molten lava on uppercasers. quarter uppercasers. impale uppercasers on a pike. tenderize uppercasers with a mallet. ionise uppercasers in a mass spectrometer. irradiate uppercasers in a nuclear reactor. spaghettify uppercasers in a black hole. curse uppercasers with the necronomicon. trap uppercasers in purgatory. bang a uppercasers testicles with a spiked bat. throw uppercasers off a twelve story building. freeze dry uppercasers in the vacuum of space. fry uppercasers with power lines. feed uppercasers ricin. kneecap a uppercaser with a twelve gauge. re enslave uppercasers. sell uppercasers organs on the black market. run uppercasers over with an eighteen wheeler. throw uppercasers into the grand canyon. burn uppercasers with jet engine exhaust. beat uppercasers to death with a tire iron. cauterise a uppercasers asshole with a blowtorch. sacrifice uppercasers to the sun god. drop uppercasers out of a plane at fourty thousand feet. feed uppercasers to sharks. load a uppercaser into a cannon and shoot the uppercaser at a concrete wall. keel haul uppercasers under a galleon. disembowel uppercasers with a bayonet. strap a uppercaser to a cruise missile and launch it at a uppercaser neighbourhood. drop uppercasers into chernobyl reactor building number 4.

>> No.45783672

i don't want big daddy google spying on me

>> No.45783677


>> No.45783687

true true

>> No.45783688

It only takes a little more effort to read sentences in hiragana. It's a lot like reading a sentence uppercased.

>> No.45783695

back in my day we had to read sentences katakana-only

>> No.45783697

that's neat but it does not address typing ', so i'mma assume you're just larping

>> No.45783701

starting to think there really are ai chatbots posting on djt

>> No.45783705

im the only real nigga here

>> No.45783715

>uppercase one time. just a teensy bit. just enough to know how it feels living life on the wild side

>> No.45783716
File: 553 KB, 795x615, crab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45783717

do thousands of hiragana flash cards and then come back

>> No.45783724

do you end up fucking these girls in the game?

>> No.45783728

no its a christian game u dolt

>> No.45783734

if you want fucking play a sonohana game

>> No.45783736


>> No.45783738

lame, why do people recommend this

>> No.45783739

you do in the main series, this game is a spin-off

>> No.45783751

vns are the root of all evil in the world

>> No.45783754

if you have the discipline to finish hanahira you have what it takes to learn japanese, otherwise you're ngmi

>> No.45783764

u have to admit even cryin brian was a honorary real nigga to get away with that one

>> No.45783765

no i don't type ' on phone
this, i use an open source keyboard app with no tracking

>> No.45783773

gonna get adderall read till i burn out

>> No.45783787


>> No.45783792

the gone-a here-a?

>> No.45783801
File: 25 KB, 221x155, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daaaamn this game starts off hard

う(諾): 承諾の気持ちを表す語。
ひ(羆): クマ科の哺乳類。ヨーロッパからアジア北部、北アメリカにかけて分布
や(捌): 数値を表す時、「八」の改竄(かいざん)を防ぐ目的で代用する字。

>> No.45783809

daaaamn im gay

>> No.45783810

damn i need to know all this for an n5 game? send me back to the n7 camp, bros...

>> No.45783814

hoovers on suicide watch

>> No.45783815
File: 730 KB, 1920x1080, img009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45783821

how the fuck did you extract the text
im over here trying to figure out how to replay audio cause i dont know the kanji

>> No.45783826

hes memeing but use textextractor or an OCR program, yomininja is pretty solid

>> No.45783829
File: 994 KB, 2086x2044, ez anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is why you watch jp-subbed anime instead

>> No.45783832

yeah still can't tell if this nigga is for real

>> No.45783835

wait did you not set up textractor and stuff?

see https://animecards.site/visualnovels/

>> No.45783837

then how do you extract the text from jp-subbed anime

>> No.45783843

because what better way to acquire a language you dont know than by making sure the audio and subtitles are incomprehensible to you

>> No.45783846

uhm open the subs with npp, anon...

>> No.45783847

the world may never know https://streamable.com/ftcz61

>> No.45783850

here's a script, personally what i use. you can also use mpvacious as well, both will automatically copy whatever subtitle to ur clipboard allowing for ez lookups.

>> No.45783853

mpv copies it to your clipboard and clipboard inserter sends it to your html page

>> No.45783857

same website again... https://animecards.site/minefromanime/

>> No.45783861
File: 1.70 MB, 1275x762, oniichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first vn wish me luck

>> No.45783866

someone needs to make a new site for beginners on how to set this shit up if you don't care about card autism

>> No.45783870

you just do everything exactly the same but whenever it says "anki" you ignore it

>> No.45783875

idk bro i just watch anime with jp subs and very rarely look up a word so i don't need to extract every line

>> No.45783876

>install animecard script or mpvacious for tv show/movie/ani,e
>texthooker/yomininja for games
>mokuro for manga
>ttu reader for books

>> No.45783880

i mean i know that but i think a bloody beginner who doesn't know what this shit is all about will be intimidated and not know what to skip

>> No.45783894

wrong thread lil bro

>> No.45783908

how do i resist the urge to pause every half second to check stuff on yomichan

>> No.45783928

thats the thing. you dont.
well sometimes you do. but if you dont know something, look it up and take it in. dont rush to check if its a word you may know, try to remember as best you can and only check if you really cant remember. do this for a couple hours and you can start being more lax and taking in the language at natural speed for that day. but dont get scared about looking stuff up.

>> No.45783930

in general there's nothing wrong with pausing just don't pause mid-sentence
you have to look up a lot of shit in the beginning there's really no way around it
if it gets too tiring, find another show maybe one that doesn't have jp subs that you just kinda leave running which you can switch too once you don't feel like looking stuff up anymore

>> No.45783948

a new generation of mugen *click* ers being born

>> No.45783954

the thing is nuke would have made it if he spent more than one hour per week doing what he did on his anime streams lol

>> No.45783960

it was all over when he started reading harry potter

>> No.45783967

nuke had dozens and dozens of hours of doing stupid shit on his channel
you dont want to do anything he does and if you do anything even remotely similar, like even breathing, just stop immediately

>> No.45783974

how does nuke breathe
how can i avoid it

>> No.45783976
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>> No.45783979

me after playing persona 5 for 7 hours today

>> No.45783989

me after seeing a word i don't know in my vn

>> No.45783990

me after trying to read an uppercaser post

>> No.45783994

sure 90% of what he did was retarded shit like countless hours of anki and rtk rice field reps and reading the news and other boring garbage
but his anime session were by far the most valuable thing he did and if he had continued them consistently he would be solid now

>> No.45784002


>> No.45784007

mugen clickers will only be solid at mugen clicking

>> No.45784016

having so many anki cards that you're not done after 2 hours

>> No.45784019

is that recent? nuke looks like 60 in that one

>> No.45784020

what's nuke's motivation

>> No.45784023

does he know japanese yet?

>> No.45784024
File: 29 KB, 442x127, 234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"there you go, you're fucked"
also captcha

>> No.45784026

the only people who have ever made it all did core20k

>> No.45784030

>anki is included in the study
now i see why he hasn't made it

>> No.45784032
File: 551 KB, 650x375, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't come to this thread in a few months. Why is it so busy? New Year's resolutioners?

>> No.45784033

he's an expert at avoiding japanese acquisition at all cost

>> No.45784036

just got btfo'd by 田園

>> No.45784038

thats not ta thats rice field

>> No.45784045

the fuck?

>> No.45784048

Learning kanji is quite possibly the biggest waste of time you can possibly fall for.

>> No.45784051

who is this uppercaser
he seems to get it

>> No.45784054

If i've learned anything from tv dramas, it's that if you are anywhere in Japan at any time, and you commit even the slightest offense, a policeman on a bicycle WILL catch you red handed and chase you.

>> No.45784055
File: 650 KB, 1280x720, 2805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch and read stuff you like while looking stuff up is the guaranteed road to success, even if you're low iq
you just gotta keep driving

>> No.45784059
File: 40 KB, 611x228, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get makopi memory?

>> No.45784065

i comprehended this dialogue let's gooooooooooo

>> No.45784066

qrd on makopi?

>> No.45784074

congrats anon. never forget that feeling and let it keep driving u

>> No.45784075

sounds like a tranny all i can tell you

>> No.45784079


>> No.45784084

is this the elusive te-form everyone keeps talking about

>> No.45784086

bro you dont even know her name

>> No.45784090

hey you
blonde girl

>> No.45784092

that's the de-form

>> No.45784094

you cant keep driving if you keep pausing every 5 seconds

>> No.45784096

his english is weird imo

>> No.45784105

nothing wrong with a pit stop there's no need to try and drive the whole way in one go in fact it'll take longer in the end :)

>> No.45784126

it’s aida そのルビーが間違ってる

>> No.45784135


>> No.45784138


>> No.45784139

stop calling women hoes you bitch

>> No.45784144

it's not his native tongue

>> No.45784151


>> No.45784160

ok i can't read japanese that well but now it seems less scary

>> No.45784177

ニガーは俺を嫌わないでくれ 俺は美しいニガーだ もしお前がそのYee Yeeケツヘアーカットをやめたら お前のチンコにビッチがつくだろう ああ もっといいのは タニーシャがお前の犬のケツに電話することだ もし彼女が脳外科医か弁護士とファックするのをやめたら Niiiggggaaaaaa

>> No.45784185


>> No.45784190

read as 芋い

>> No.45784196


why do japan people keep building houses in earthquakes areas then go pikachu face when earthquake hit them?

>> No.45784212

thread be eatin some bitter foods tonight

>> No.45784220

all of japan is an earthquake area

>> No.45784228
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>> No.45784229

i should rewatch to love ru

>> No.45784237

does he think gaijin means american or something

>> No.45784245
File: 482 KB, 1920x1080, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45784253

you stole my joke

>> No.45784255

would be accurate if u spell it 害人

>> No.45784261
File: 65 KB, 633x476, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im guessing the translation is 'to properly forget everything you must first remember everything

but why is 思い出さない in a negative form?

>> No.45784266
File: 208 KB, 1024x438, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who knows lol

>> No.45784268


>> No.45784273

didn't even have to open the pic to know that it'd be 思い出さないと and you should google "ないと grammar"

>> No.45784274

greetings /v/istor, please read tae kim before asking grammar questions. thank you! https://guidetojapanese.org/learn/category/grammar-guide/

>> No.45784283

say about nuke what you will but he's a quote factory

>> No.45784291

based, ty fren

hey just a reminder this is a thread for people learning japanese, so its a good place to ask questions!

>> No.45784296

this is the post-intermediate-pre-advanced thread we only talk about ecelebs here

>> No.45784302
File: 587 KB, 1024x699, langs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey just a reminder this is a thread for people learning japanese, so its a good place to ask questions!

true! welcome fellow /v/edittor, which class are you?

>> No.45784307

well luckily for me ないと is n3 level :)

inputter lol, all i do is read hentai and listen to podcasts, i cant say or type shit but i can read stuff to an okish level, right now im reading through やがて君になる

>> No.45784308

imagine going to the scene of a murder-suicide and finding this suicide note
>"I've been eaten alive. Vladimir. Just remember that I am exist. The davil. [sic]"

>> No.45784312

>the language's Discord
i like this because it implies there's an official discord for languages

>> No.45784313

who makes these and why

>> No.45784314

gmi keep it up anon

>> No.45784321

cheers anon, wagmi

>> No.45784323

gaijin/foreigner is the best insult to throw around on the internet especially if people dont know where youre from
look at how defensive she gets "im not a foreigner im from denmark" like yeah youre a foreigner lmfao

>> No.45784326

>danish person in denmark
>"he's a foreigner!"

>> No.45784328

ah yes Denmark, the famous Japanese colony

>> No.45784334

i should rewatch kakegurui

>> No.45784335

yeah she is a foreigner though because the person calling her a foreigner (probably) isnt in denmark

>> No.45784345

she read his response as
>bad people be like:
so she had to specify that she wasn't one of the bad people because she's from a country that no one even knows exists

>> No.45784359

>he’s not in the official japanese discord


>> No.45784379

i didnt pass the entrance test, though that was 2 years ago and i havent tried again since. if they didnt want me at my lowest, they dont deserve me at my best

>> No.45784382

Don't listen to the angry lowercasers, they're just mad back new friends like you are making based nihongo gains!
ないとダメ or ないといけない means "if one doesn't do it, then it'll be bad" which is their way of saying "one must do it."
Keep on trucking, lil bro!

>> No.45784386

If you have access to it, strongly recommend Modafinil. It powered my 1500 anki reps today.

>> No.45784395

are you the なる guy lol

>> No.45784402

almost there anon now you just need to RATTATA

>> No.45784404
File: 12 KB, 256x349, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know japanese

>> No.45784403
File: 115 KB, 1042x913, 1700486875712419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in terms of vowels, it's probably our us that sound the worst, followed by es

>> No.45784409
File: 12 KB, 238x348, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's not a problem, i can learn it

>> No.45784410

lmao salty lowercaser's still mad

>> No.45784414

How to say nigger in japanese?

>> No.45784415

it's very, very obvious that he's joking. maybe you're an esl so it's hard for you to understand deadpan comedy in english or something? i don't think that makes sense but what else would explain you missing the obvious.

>> No.45784420

Then why does everyone mispronounce anki

>> No.45784430

that's more from people getting confused by the multiple english as

>> No.45784433


>> No.45784439

cute, what are you doing

>> No.45784443

have you considered autism mr kruger

>> No.45784444

> ニガー

>> No.45784447

as for me, oinky

>> No.45784450


>> No.45784451

anyone pleasd has the link to 4bans?? I lost it

>> No.45784455

it's pronounced anki as in how the live action airbender movie pronounces aang.

if you pronounce it anki as in how the cartoon airbender pronounces aang, then you're a retard.

>> No.45784465

Is ニガー an N5ワード?

>> No.45784478

If you pronounce it ānki then you're as good as that polyglot guy

>> No.45784482
File: 4 KB, 287x82, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

avoid yuri or else you'll become like digibro

>> No.45784484

あ is like the a in bra

>> No.45784489

> digibro

Quick rundown?

>> No.45784491


>> No.45784494

Prove it, lil bro

>> No.45784504

autistic anime reviewer became obsessed yuri and cgdct anime. confused his interest for cute girl with wanting to be cute girl then became a tranny

>> No.45784507


>> No.45784509

bros how do i unround my us

>> No.45784522

no it's not like any vowel in english, anglo mouths are permanently crippled

>> No.45784530
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i got too cocky bros...

>> No.45784533
File: 78 KB, 1190x706, 1691618057675640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wikipedia says it is

>> No.45784536

Do you not see the upside down a vs the a with two dots over it?

>> No.45784543

>only californians and canadians can learn perfect japanese

im not gonna make it bros… go on without me…

>> No.45784545
File: 36 KB, 1110x378, 1692324574938673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess
im just more concerned about the u which has no trace of english anywhere on the table

>> No.45784569

i think there’s a good dogen video about this, like how ふ really does sound more like hoo than foo in food

>> No.45784577

lil bro... :skull:

>> No.45784590

b-but she has a cute anime girl profile pic :3

>> No.45784595

what is your imouto doing

>> No.45784599

maybe still recovering from the earthquakes

>> No.45784604

post language

>> No.45784609

nigga jittering like gambs in anticipation to see if my language is in his gay little wikipedia chart

>> No.45784610


>> No.45784611

whats the point of mining if i dont know 60% of the words

>> No.45784617

is she in japan? are you in japan?

>> No.45784619

nice o, lil bru

>> No.45784620

do core 2.3k and then mine, that way you already know roughly 85% of words in any given sentence

>> No.45784623


>> No.45784633

mining helps with giving you words in the type of content you enjoy playing. for example, if you really like murder mystery games, you play ace attorney, and then mine from it, the words you learned from it will help when you play danganronpa. or anything similar genre thing. helpful to learn from what you enjoy doing rather than a list somewhere that albeit give you common words, said words dont show up much in what you do making it harder to stick to memory.

>> No.45784646

I did the genki 1 deck which had 2k cards (1k words) and have ~700 words on wanikani. i guess ill try core 2.3k after i finish genki 2

>> No.45784673

why do retards say japan is a safe country, over 200 people died in an earthquake earlier this month.
having a low crime rate doesnt mean a country is safe.

>> No.45784677

no niggers

>> No.45784680

if your goal is to read native material then it will probably help the most besides knowing basic grammar or how to look up grammar/words you don’t know, see >>45782384

>> No.45784682

>low crime rate
lol lmao even

>> No.45784689

where do you want to die? i mean, you probably want to die of old age, but where do you want to live when it happens?

>> No.45784698
File: 545 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot 2024-01-12 21.11.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I officially implemented the entirety of Genki 1 into my japanese learning game.

The project is officially 33% complete

Now I have to implement the N5 JLPT into the game so players can have -all 150 hours of required study- (that timeframe comes from the officials)

After this is done, the game will officially end the alpha phase and begin the beta phase.

>> No.45784705

just finished core 2.3k, should i be reviewing it every day?

>> No.45784709


>> No.45784710

looks like shit, you should probably give up

>> No.45784714

>So I officially implemented the entirety of Genki 1 into my japanese learning game.
sounds like you got a lawsuit coming your way

>> No.45784716

>looks like shit, you should probably give up

my plan after this version of the game is finished is to take the game's database and port it to rpg maker.

>> No.45784719

if you want to continue using anki, yes. you can also mine new words directly into your core deck if you want

>> No.45784721
File: 1.43 MB, 1024x1024, 1705112551938288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does that say in the speech bubble? i cant read it

>> No.45784731

its a demonic enchantment, not words

>> No.45784736

it's ai slop it's not real characters

>> No.45784740

esls are like "anglos are pema crippled... uh, my language?... y-you wouldn't h-have heard of it. the vowels are p-perfect" :skull"

>> No.45784746

looks cool keep up the good work

>> No.45784752

nice ai slop

>> No.45784754

is there actually no language with the same vowels?

>> No.45784757

a few people in this thread claim it's ai slop. their posts are below yours and above mine. maybe someone else can chime in to confirm.

>> No.45784760

haha named myself poop in the motto haramase VN

>> No.45784761

>sounds like you got a lawsuit coming your way

The Cornucopia of Resources for DJT is still online after being up for years.


>> No.45784764

atleast get them all mature, just start a mining deck along side it

>> No.45784767

is it true that the japs are forced to pay for cable?

>> No.45784769

there's no reason not to do it from 0 even if only for like 15 minutes a day

>> No.45784772

i think it's the same in the uk

>> No.45784778

none of the text is meant to be readable lmao. the AI just wants to give off the aesthetic of japanese

>> No.45784785

in the uk you have to pay for a yearly tv license fee to use your tv lol

>> No.45784788

can i get a skinny 120+ IQ japanese gf if i'm a 100 iq white guy and i'm only 5'9"?

>> No.45784790

always bet on moe

>> No.45784792

i think nowadays people say the ai is hallucinating. i.e. it's the image creation equivalent of a chatbot that makes up fake bullshit

>> No.45784817

always has been, and so are we, maybe we are not so different after all

>> No.45784819

yes that's good, forget the rules and acquire japanese in their place

>> No.45784822

you are hallucinating djt

>> No.45784850

i hate という
i hate 言う
i hate って
i hate 思う

>> No.45784852

just ignore them and feel it out

>> No.45784863

also fuck と

>> No.45784869

if you die of old age then that place will be called the area 11 of china

>> No.45784875

>where do you want to die?
5.5 inches deep inside ur mom

>> No.45784885

feel this out *unzips*

>> No.45784886

oh yeah bang brave bang bravern is gonna take this season by storm

>> No.45784894


>> No.45784934

>5.5 inches

>> No.45784940

baited for this exact response

>> No.45784947

>falling for the small dick trap card

>> No.45784950

how many hours before i understand 付くand 掛かる

>> No.45784952

i dont want kinday to be over

>> No.45784953

i'm 5.5 x 4.5 no woman is ever gonna want this french fry dick

>> No.45784959

well congratulations, you got your penile length exposed
now whats the next step in your master plan?

>> No.45784962

you just wake up one day and realize you got the 墨付き

>> No.45784970

never measured my girth never will sounds like a mega cope

>> No.45784978

why are images i dl from twitter now .jfif

>> No.45784980

girth is what actually matters and if you had to measure one or the other it should be girth

>> No.45784983

measuring at all is mega cope and i have neve done it

>> No.45784984

its more cringe because it takes more effort to measure

>> No.45784999

if you have the shortest fattest cock in the world you aint penetrating anything

>> No.45785008

however if you had to choose for one to be average and the other to be above average it'd be length and girth respectively rather than the other way around

>> No.45785012

ill keep that in mind when i get isekaid

>> No.45785036

but does the size even matter if u never use it

>> No.45785039

unko coping with his small dick again

>> No.45785042

>he doesnt even satisfy his hand

>> No.45785081


>> No.45785116

new thread >>>/v/663508551

>> No.45785137

petition to create /ag/ for djt

>> No.45785145

wtf is /ag/

>> No.45785147

i just farted

>> No.45785148

the /vg/ of /a/

>> No.45785149

am gay

>> No.45785153

am gay rhymes with anime

>> No.45785156


>> No.45785167

great song

>> No.45785173

Can I get sex here?

>> No.45785180


>> No.45785200

you can get fucked if that helps

>> No.45785208

never been fucked before

>> No.45785213

america gay?

>> No.45785217

whats the intended bitch accent on this

>> No.45785222

amelia gay

>> No.45785237
File: 436 KB, 1384x524, IMG_0636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45785244


>> No.45785275

left is so me except i have the n5 30/180 score on the right

>> No.45785276

Higher than your score

>> No.45785303

if you took the jlpt youre a faggot
if it was because it was a work requirement youre a faggot in slightly higher esteem

>> No.45785317

taking it for no reason but a "language learning goal" is way more cringe

>> No.45785321

>all this anger and cope
some day you’ll be able to pass it anon, i believe in you

>> No.45785382

hes a very angry and bitter person
most fragile guy i know in fact

>> No.45785395

i'm way more angry bitter and fragile than anyone in this thread not joking

>> No.45785398

so i see that i have the right goals to learn japanese

>> No.45785438

dno how someone can be angry often seems crazy to me

>> No.45785466

i feel like i need to play through all these 3ds jrpgs before my battery gets fucked and i won't be able to get a replacement because the system has been discontinued...
what is the fastest way to look up kanji?
i've been taking screenshots with rosalina with the intent of going back over them on the weekends to make donkey cards, but this way doesn't give me reinforcement when i see the word again.
today's words are:

>> No.45785469

all n6

>> No.45785502

The Switch Pro Controller uses the same battery as the 3DS if you want a simple way to get a new one

>> No.45785533

Fastest way is to download Citra and play them on your computer. Second fastest way is to use your phone.
>today's words are:

>> No.45785546

nta but if i use my phone or computer i inevitably get distracted with the internet

>> No.45785550

thank you.. got my hopes up, but that's my fault for not mentioning that i have the LL 3ds.
>Switch Pro Controller
3DS LL uses SPR-003
not yet, but i do plan on playing all those.
the words are from 7th dragon iii code vfd.

i'm looking into snickerstream to stream the video to my computer. maybe that's the way to go.

>> No.45785558

Ah, but the convenience, anon. Thank of the convenience.
Nice, the 7th dragon series is on my list of games to play.
>i'm looking into snickerstream to stream
Oh yeah, I forgot you could do that.

>> No.45785573

i forgot so many cards today
am i supposed to not care and let the srs do its job
or care really hard and get mad and study extra hard

>> No.45785574

>the 7th dragon series is on my list of games to play.
this 3rd (technically 4th installment[?]) is pretty fun. i spent the first ~10 hours or so being unaware that you can spend points gained in normal battles to unlock new moves/upgrade existing moves, so i was struggling to beat a handful of bosses and sub bosses.
definitely becomes more fun once you start unlocking additional classes as well.
i haven't played the ds or psp games yet, but will go back to those once i finish the 3ds catalog of games that interest me.

>> No.45785579

not care and let reading/listening do its job.

>> No.45785589

nahhh lil blud did not just say to trust qm and shoui :sob:

>> No.45785593

i trust qm with my life

>> No.45785605

is the way to win to play old jrpgs without furigana or voiceovers and then figure out what words containing new kanji mean via context but not know how to read them because you're too lazy to look it up

>> No.45785611

>play old jrpgs without furigana or voiceovers
Yeah, it's called playing actually old jrpgs
>and then figure out what words containing new kanji mean via context but not know how to read them because you're too lazy to look it up
no lol

>> No.45785616


>> No.45785622

can you guys tell me when there's a /v/ thread as soon as you start it? or maybe put a keyword into the op so i know what to look for
i don't want to join a thread 13 hours late after all the good dekinai banter is over

>> No.45785624

this is a good method, downside is you won't learn big numbers like 万

>> No.45785631

everyone knows man it's just a little awkward to count by 10,000 since we're used to 1,000 or 1,000,000

>> No.45785632

just make your own, i'm sick of coming up with bait OPs

>> No.45785640


>> No.45785647

i've never been able to get a /v/ thread off the ground. people are always too busy talking about the latest fanum tax or debating what's safe horny to pay attention to my posts
the OP in this one just happened to put none of those in it. you'd have to search "language" or catch the japanese image, which isn't always the case

>> No.45785652

listen up chud, i linked the previous thread here and at the end of it i linked the next one thrice

>> No.45785659

any of you catch a ban on /v/ yet for japanese learning banter?

>> No.45785663

/v/ is so fast that only the bait threads survive

>> No.45785668

i got a warning on /g/ once and was told that 'we speak english here'

>> No.45785670

nah mods know about the asmongold drama, they usually let this stuff play out on its own. plus these kinda threads have been on /v/ for years, the mod discord has a djt "thread" under the anime channel anyway

>> No.45785672

>the mod discord has a djt "thread" under the anime channel anyway

>> No.45785683

oh god someone translated 童貞 as incel 6 years ago i'm gonna SNEED

>> No.45785692

anyone use fsrs for a long time? How much better / worse is it than regular anki?

>> No.45785699

once they moved from IRC to Discord they made hobby channels/threads since the moderation stuff could just be isolated in its own channel, rather than literally everything all being in the same IRC chatroom

>> No.45785719

oh were there leaks?

>> No.45785725

yeah and theres a lot more coming
*pisses on you*

>> No.45785781

I’ve been using it for awhile. I haven’t noticed much of a difference.

>> No.45785787

ikr? I switched to fsrs for a month ago, but my retention rate is as shit as it was with SM2.

>> No.45785799

any daikous in the chat

>> No.45785807

uhhhhhh inputsisters our response >>>/v/663576592

>> No.45785813


>> No.45785828

He’s talking about the FPP lil bro

>> No.45785829

self own

>> No.45785834
File: 256 KB, 361x426, 1597728972060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you sing the alphabet backwards?

Can you tell me exactly which letters the letter "m" is between in the alphabet?

The only way you can answer the above questions is by reciting the alphabet in order.

We learn all things in context. Everything has a context.

Words should not be learned in isolation.

Drop anki.

Just read.

>> No.45785843


>> No.45785855

big L for pisscorders

>> No.45785859

anki is for remembering readings of rare words that you don't encounter often.
but, yeah, you're right about learning words and understanding them happens in context while reading and listening or whatever.

>> No.45785874

>Can you sing the alphabet backwards?
>Can you tell me exactly which letters the letter "m" is between in the alphabet?

words != the alphabet

more realistic questions:
>what exactly does truant mean?
>how do you spell illicit?

things you can put on an anki card :)

>> No.45785878

so whos going to make the new /v/ thread
im range banned from thread creation so not me

>> No.45785879

>you can’t recite the alphabet backwards while writing the Gettysburg Address so that means anki is useless
Preach, sis!

>> No.45785882

give me a pic and text

>> No.45785939

>Fuck it, I'm smart enough. I'm going to learn Japanese by the end of this year. For the record, I only know most of the hiragana and some of the katakana. Screencap this post, you'll be hearing back from me soon enough.

>> No.45785956

>you'll be hearing back from me soon enough.
Well, in a year anyway.

>> No.45785964
File: 1.17 MB, 1878x1024, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

immersion time

>> No.45785969

Could you watch literally anything else?

>> No.45785986

her panties will literally be smeared with poop. Is that hot? Is that what most guys want?

>> No.45785992


>> No.45786004
File: 635 KB, 995x565, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why what's wrong with this show?


>> No.45786010

It’s immoral

>> No.45786013

lets gooooo

>> No.45786029

>pooooop poop poop poop poooooo

you're disgusting

>> No.45786039
File: 422 KB, 500x473, 1705129949144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can classical literature be used to learn Japanese?

>> No.45786046

>安眠寝取られ報告 ~お嬢様な妹 東條深雪の場合 ふわふわお嬢様の寝取られ大学生活~

>> No.45786054

picked up

>> No.45786070
File: 29 KB, 736x314, 1592617125983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45786080

ajatt sucks. RTK + Sentence Cards + Passive listening 24/7 is the most painful way to learn a language

>> No.45786082


>> No.45786083

you love to see it

>> No.45786092

passive listening was a stupid meme, imagine filling all your resting moments with gibberish

>> No.45786103

all i want to do is watch raw anime. when can i quit anki?

>> No.45786105

i remember Matt telling Steve Krashen how he learned Japanese and Steve just looking appalled. He said something like "you must have the patience of a saint. I could never stand to do something like that" and Matt was speechless

>> No.45786111

隣の部屋から聴こえる「あ~ん あ~ん」が一番ぬけるネタ

>> No.45786117

did you mean kaufmann? or did you really mean krashen

>> No.45786123


>> No.45786131


>> No.45786141
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>> No.45786144


>> No.45786160

no, krashen. krashen advocates for a pure reading approach, and matto telling him about listening to native level podcasts and picking out a few words every few minutes was pretty funny

>> No.45786168


>> No.45786174

and yet he eventually found a way
good for him i guess

>> No.45786178
File: 616 KB, 1836x2448, 1705130824514641[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you make irl japanese learning friends?

>> No.45786183

>krashen advocates for a pure reading approach

>> No.45786199

you dont

>> No.45786205

I'm gonna put the JP learning on pause for the day, thank for the book rec big bro. Van just kissed his step sis and she sat on his palm after he kissed her crotch after a tumble in the apple tree

>> No.45786210

how do i learn? do i just hope for n+1 with strong context and hope i remember it the next time i hear it?

>> No.45786215

timeless post

>> No.45786222

oh i thought you meant you understood it lol… just use jp subtitles and look up words you don’t know

you don’t need anki to look up words

>> No.45786224

Depends what you mean by that. I've met tons of otaku irl through random encounters and university groups that are "learning japanese", but only ever one guy that was hardcore ajatt and actually decent at the language. If it wasn't for meeting him (looked into ajatt and adjacent methods after he talked about it) I have no idea where I would be right now

>> No.45786227

lil bro met a djter in real life

>> No.45786231


>> No.45786240

Yeah he for sure was a DJT guy but I never let on that I knew about anything like that, because socially it seemed like a very short sighted move that can't be taken back

>> No.45786245
File: 159 KB, 1080x1603, yy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute women

>> No.45786247

being a djter = death sentence

>> No.45786262

It's more the 4chan association rather than djt, even if djt is seen as more than just 4chan these days

>> No.45786266


>> No.45786269

if i ever met someone irl who said they wanted to learn japanese id recommend genki and japanese classes

>> No.45786274

If he was for sure a DJT guy then why would he judge you negatively for being the same thing?

>> No.45786276

lets goooo

>> No.45786282

dunno i think negatively of everyone else in djt

>> No.45786284

should have done the secret djt greeting
you ask if hes played any crazy long vns recently
he replies by calling you based
and then you suck on each others cocks

>> No.45786285

I met him in a wider group and I don't want to talk about 4chan or djt in real life when other normal people are around. Even if they weren't it still just feels kind of weird. Keep the internet on the internet ya know, especially in weird corners like this
also this

>> No.45786291

i don't want to watch with jp subtitles and look up words

>> No.45786290

man how do you come up with dumb translations like this are these people failed authors or something

>> No.45786299

then look up words without using subtitles

>> No.45786306

get adopted by a late 50s japanese woman with no kids and repay her with sexual favours

>> No.45786312

i luv u enough for both of us no homo

>> No.45786350

this season is p good so far

>> No.45786440

holy fuck man i just discovered how amazing is walking outside during a winter storm at 2 am.

>> No.45786448

tryna get isekai'd?

>> No.45786467

its only -7°C bro

>> No.45786477

it's getting carried by frieren still running

>> No.45786494
File: 592 KB, 800x600, tousaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45786503

are my hands supposed to feel good when jerking off? have i been doing it wrong?

>> No.45786520

>Can you sing the alphabet backwards?
>The only way you can answer the above questions is by reciting the alphabet in order.
yeah in reverse order, thats what you just asked me to do
>Can you tell me exactly which letters the letter "m" is between in the alphabet?
yeah k and l i didnt have to recite the whole alphabet for that, retard

>> No.45786524
File: 624 KB, 1276x318, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to expand my view in anilist to fit all the shows
i hope i get to drop some of these by ep 3 though

>> No.45786547

Is there some logic behind what verbs you can turn into nouns and which not?
Why doesnt this work with every worb?

>> No.45786548

This is a dangerous thing and you should not do it, but regional branches of Unification Church often organise trips to South Korea and Japan for its members (and prospects too, at least where I live). If you're a responsible person who is not susceptible to brainwashing, then it's likely you could find at least one dedicated person who is learning JP there. You'll just have to play pretend, both with other members and with your newfound Japanese learning "friend".

>> No.45786610

it does

>> No.45786615

mmmm thats sound like the best and easiest way to find a qt trad jap wife

>> No.45786638

joining the unification church to learn japanese
loving the innovation in these threads

>> No.45786641

frieren, gushing over magical girls, hokkaido gals
thats the only good ones but im not sure about that last one yet, the mc seems annoying but the girl is cute

>> No.45786658

hokkaido gals? im more into okinawa gals myself

>> No.45786683



>> No.45786705

never seen such a perfect method to find the most undesirable friends

>> No.45786711

They sometimes bring a few jap or gook freshmen (girls too, they keep the ratio 1:1) overseas who stay with the group for a while. They are used as a bait for weeb teens and young adults, same goes for whites. Whites often get trafficked, though.
You wouldn't believe me if I said almost half the prospects during 2009-2017 joined for reasons such as that one. UC is no stranger to using deceptive marketing to promote itself as a teatime weeb club where you could meet アジア人 IRL.

>> No.45786730

>be me
>start learning jap
>make jap friends
>end up watching jav
>try to go back to western porn
>can't do it
>only attracted to jap women now
well fuck. guess i've got to go find a nice qt3.14 jap wife now

>> No.45786732

damn. i knew it was too good to be true

>> No.45786740

who are you quoting tho

>> No.45786753

how exactly does befriending japs lead to watching jav

>> No.45786756

my (white) girlfriend is bisexual, she also likes jap bitches so it works out

>> No.45786794

white friends? no
acquaintances? yes

>> No.45786804







>> No.45786809

why do games from even the ps3 era not include jap subtitles even when it's a specific version of the game from japan? they'll do for every other language but the jap version will only have jap dub with no subs. i've noticed this with some tv shows and anime too

>> No.45786822


>> No.45787034

Then why wont たべる become たべり?
Pls help me understand

>> No.45787126

are you using the optimiser? my retention rate went up 20% compared to the v3 scheduler

>> No.45787147

post more i dare you

>> No.45787301

the run

>> No.45787399

the eat, not cummon to say in english but plenty other language have the eat

>> No.45787863

>the exiled virgin
its you. japan is owning you

>> No.45788462

shits fucking dead in here

>> No.45788595

if she rinses her asshole in the shower after every poop there won't be poop smeared on her panties
