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46248637 No.46248637 [Reply] [Original]

Anons' Memories (2017) Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>46156314
Azone Thread: >>>/toy/10871169 (but you can post here, too.)
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/10890761
FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books:
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing

Current Photo Challenge: Rainy Day
Previous Photo Challenge: Try Something New

If your doll is for sex, go to >>>/jp//ona/

>> No.46249117
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thank you for baking!

>> No.46250858
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he's just like me except half of my hair is gray and my phone probably costs one fifth of his and also I have no doll

>> No.46251024

I've been watching some stuff about Smart Doll, not because I'm interested in them but because I like the in-depth stuff that Danny Choo posts about them like how they're made and so on. Outside of his cringeworthy sense of humor and confrontational attitude, does he actually do anything scummy? The picture I'm getting is just that of a massive nerd who's simply passionate about the stuff he's doing. I understand the attitude a bit as well, since customers can very quickly grow entitled if you let them.
The dolls look like they have terrible posing. Single-jointed knees? Really? Are MJDs like Volks also this simple?

>> No.46251464
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Posing is falling behind as companies like Volks and Obitsu iterate on their bodies. As for Danny, he transcends being merely obnoxious into sometimes being out-and-out insufferable with his long-winded rants and insistence that if you have any complaints about his dolls whatsoever, they just aren't for you and you ignored all the warnings on his site about their flaws (that is, you cannot criticize Smart Dolls in any way that is valid in his eyes even if you are discussing the actual mechanical issues with their engineering, like how their first generation's elbows would invariably pop apart given enough time and use.)

He has been known to stalk community spaces and block from his store anyone who criticizes either his business practices or his attitude, as well as to block unrelated third parties who might possibly know (and therefore proxy buy for) them. He has asked new customers if they know "so-and-so, you live in the same area", inadvertently doxxing random strangers to other random strangers in his pursuit to make sure only "approved" people get ahold of his works. He also goes out of his way to make various things almost impossible to get ahold of directly through Smart Doll themselves. If you want replacement parts like frame pieces, you almost have to go to the secondhand market to buy "chaos" pieces, sold in bulk and sometimes with the flash/struts still uncut, from people on ebay -- or else go through his warranty interview process, which I have lied my way through once, and would prefer to not go through again (only dolls bought directly from the SmD store are supported, if you get one secondhand you're SoL -- even if it's a discontinued doll he no longer sells, product support ain't great.) Getting replacement limbs cost me $200 in ransom money (read: I had to spend $200 on the SmD store to get the actual parts I wanted mailed along with them. It was ONE ARM, DANNY.) Compare this to other companies who will simply sell the parts directly to their customers without making them jump through hoops.

Then there is the fact that roughly half his store is inaccessible to new customers and if you buy from that section your order will be cancelled and refunded. He frequently lists (absurdly priced) prototypes of faceups and so on for sale, but if you haven't already bought a flagship model from him, your order will be refused -- and these things sell like hotcakes, so if you miss that one-off you're not getting another opportunity. He has also been criticized for selling $500+ blind boxes with the implication that you will get a random doll, only to send customers boxes of scrap fabric and so on, justified with "I told you you were buying a pebble, you have no right to complain -- it's on you for making assumptions." Which is technically true, but also an insane way to do business.

I like Smart Dolls, I have... a considerable number of them. I still want one of those new pear bodies. But I have also watched Danny go from a genuine community resource in this hobby to the sort of... "yOu JuSt DoN't UnDeRsTaNd My ViSiOn" sort of guy he's become, so I can see why he is such a polarizing individual. On a personal level, his business practices vex the life out of me. I frequently get secondhand dolls, and the inaccessibility of repair parts is a constant thorn in my side. Even if you find 'em, getting them in the right color is its own problem. And don't get me started on the actual flaws in the frames themselves.

Overall SmD are alright if you like them, though his newest frame iteration isn't to my taste, and the way Danny himself does business makes me want to shake him a bit. Some of what he posts is genuinely interesting underneath the layers of insane rambling. Dealing with him directly is not particularly pleasant, in my experience. I have avoided mentioning this for years because I don't want to get banned from the supply of repair parts, which is about as good a summation as I can give on why people dislike Danny Choo as a person.

>> No.46251481

It's more a lot of 'bruh why are you like this' than actual scumminess. Off the top of my head;

Discontinued a whole tone line because people hybridized them with Dolfies.
Doesnt sell spare parts.
Used to sell defective random parts, but only to repeat customers.
Uses excuse of Japanese aesthetics to wave off any defective products.
Bans you if you complain about said defects.

Smart dolls are basically the Apple products of vinyls. Why is a bust piece almost 4 times what Volks makes? A basic jeans/shirt outfit for Smart is 14k, still more than a licensed im@s full set. The 3rd party market is just as inflated.

>> No.46251527
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I will have a puppy coming home in the mail eventually.

>> No.46251898

So how long does it actually take one of those fancy face up artists to paint a face? I know it must take a while, but is it like a matter of 4 hours? 10 hours? Longer? I’m very curious

>> No.46251933

replied in the wrong tab

>> No.46251990
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>Smart dolls are basically the Apple products of vinyls.
I think this encapsulates everything I needed to know

>> No.46252242

it depends more on the weather more than anything, ie: the humidity. If the humidity is insane or it's really wet out, the sealant spray won't spray or set correctly, and can ruin the faceup. One faceup can take three days, another a month in the rainy season.

>> No.46252287
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Happy hinamatsuri!! Girls only.

>> No.46252296
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Hey guys, I am back with more questions regarding doll design. Firstly, I am planning to 3d print them, do you guys have any recommendations for programs? From what I've found on my own, Blender and Z Brush would be the best, one being generalist and the other specializing in organic shapes, but I figured I'd ask anyway.

Second is in regards to pic related, pardon my poor Photoshop skills. I heard strung dolls have a hard time keeping their poses, and looked over to my Transformers and Mcfarlane's, with their ratchet joints, and wondered if I could replicate the same for a BJD.

The beige represents the outer parts of the figure, what every doll has, more or less. The red and blue are the ratchet system. It consists of the red and blue parts being kept in tension by a spring, against the tension of the elastic, and the red bits at the top click in place as you move the joint around. In this case I drew a knee joint.

With resin I assume this would be impossible, it sounds like a material that would break within minutes, but there's many flexible plastics available for 3d printing. Aside from that, there's of course the issue that I have no clue how this would actually work in practice, and I still haven't figured out thigh, shoulder and neck joints. though the latter isn't important as much as interesting to think about.

Why am I even thinking of doing this? The idea came to me the other day and hasn't left my mind since, I figured at the very least I would share it with you guys and offer some food for thought.

>> No.46252677

>Ratchet Joints
An interesting idea in theory, but I can see 1 major issue: Most materials that you'd be printing a doll in (especially resin) are likely to chip from such a joint, as it puts a lot of stress on rather sharp pieces.
I don't have the picture on me, but I remember someone posted a picture of a heavy resin centaur doll and showed it's joints. They worked using a round semi-circle protrusion that slotted into dimples in the body to help it hold a pose. Similar concept, different execution.

>> No.46252701
File: 411 KB, 538x698, Faceup.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good way to learn/practise faceups? I really want to try my hand at making my own custom doll, but I have 0 experience with faceups.

>> No.46252724

That's a fuckin' cute doll you got there anon
Post more pics, if you have them

>> No.46252732
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If you're going for an inner frame with mechanical joints instead of a simple shell-and-elastic design you'll need to mix two completely different approaches to 3d modeling.
For the outer shell you'll want to use digital sculpting tools. Z-Brush and Blender both have great sculting tools, the main difference between them is Z-Brush having significantly better performance when working with ultra high res meshes.
The inner frame on the other hand probably needs CAD-modelling to get the joints to fit perfectly. You can either use a dedicated CAD program like Fusion 360 or Blender with the CAD Sketcher addon.
I've tried Blenders CAD addon before and it honestly was fairly janky compared to Fusion but being able to work on both the shell and frame side by side in the same program seems like a pretty big advantage here, so i'd suggest you check out Blender to get started.
Can't help you with your second question as I've never tried making something like this.

PLA should hold up fine.

>> No.46253182

Study the newest iteration of the SmD frame, I believe they incorporate ratcheting into the joints now. It might give you some ideas. As for materials, resin is definitely out, but various plastics could probably handle the strain. The outer shell would also need to be plastic -- I've heard of vinyl casting at home, but I've never seen it done. Silicone is a very high-maintenance material, and I'm not sure how well it would tolerate the friction of the hard parts inside moving against it over time (as well as being god's greatest lint magnet.) You've got some interesting ideas anon, keep working at 'em.

Sincerely get a cheap head (any blank Dollfie Dream head, Imomodoll, etc,) seal it a few times with the sealant of your choice, and just start following along with some tutorials until you get the idea of how and why you're doing what you're doing. Get the basics of the art-form down, and then you can start experimenting and learning to make something that looks good. Don't worry about sucking at first, either -- you will. Everyone does. That's normal! Sealing the head in advance lets you wipe the face repeatedly to start over, again and again. In time, you'll get the hang of it. Good luck, anon!


>> No.46253225

seconding having to use multiple programs for this
you can also look at FreeCAD, which is well free OSS
what you'll probably want to do is model organic shapes first, them import them as solids into your CAD program, then split/modify/etc. to design the technical parts
you can go the other way around, but once you go from CAD to mesh you can't (easily) go back, you lose all the parametric data
like going from vector art to PNG

>> No.46253277

>resin is definitely out
Isn't resin tough? I assume the tension and rubbing on strung dolls counts for quite a bit of strain

>> No.46253294

Yes. She's sitting on a display shelf right now after spending a few months sitting on a piano.

>> No.46253316

damn, I knew I should have spen time coming up with a more creative name

>> No.46253424

All Yuzus are perfect. I honestly just used the name because I couldn't think of one and was playing a lot of deresute at the time. I also haven't posted her in more than a couple years so it's probably just a few people who have been here a while that remember her.

>> No.46253460

When I first discovered this hobby I didn't know about the character making and worldbuilding aspect of it, and I think it's really cool. I have a couple old characters I'd really like to make into dolls but because I've drawn them for so long (one for almost 10 years now) I have such a clear idea of what they should look like that it's practically impossible I'll ever settle with a sculpt off the market. That and one of them has orange-red skin and sort of inhuman features that would call for hand sculpting. I'd have to do a crazy custom job like anon's Bobobie Sprite - I think the name was Fubuki. That's my endgame but I'm bummed I'm just too green to start off with that.
So the doll I'm getting is just a sculpt I like, but if I think of a character for her my mind is blank. Honestly I can't even settle on a style of dress. Should I be concerned?

>> No.46253651

I see, I think I'll try the addon, it seems simpler than learning two different programs. Good to know Z Brush's main advantage is performance, not some tool Blender lacks. Thank you.
I will give it a look, making a doll with a frame or mechanical joints would be considerably simpler, but the stubborn mule within me wants to see how far a ratcheted BJD can go. It's sure to give me some pointers into making the whole thing smaller, and maybe give me an answer on how the hell I can make a ratcheting hip joint that hinges AND rotates.
So the addon is a no go? I guess I would inevitably have to use a different one before printing to get size, infill, supports and so on right too.
It's too tough, frankly. Keep in mind this is two relatively small parts more or less slamming and rubbing on one another every time the joint moves, it would start chipping and cracking really fast. My experience with it is limited to a few small resin dolls, I could be wrong, but they don't seem like they'd take well to constant impact.

Not really, it'll probably come to you with time. I personally like taking concepts and adapting them, might work for you.

>> No.46253832
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This head swap idea turned out better than I expected. My test subjects were two different Azones -- a 48cm AZO2 and a 45cm Petit. The bigger head on an AZO2 is already proven to look good, see the AP Elle.

The reverse looks even better. The smaller head and trimmer shoulders make the doll look like a 1:4, just very tall compared to others in that scale. Don't think this will be a permanent change

>> No.46254330

I love her, thank you for this update.

>> No.46254346

ResinSoul will do custom color resin if you email them. Their posing isn't the best on the market or whatever, but for customs, weird shit, and hybrids, they absolutely are an oasis in the desert and I enjoy them for what they are. Don't let your dreams be dreams! Even if your ideas evolve and change over time as you work to shell your characters, that's okay. You're learning as you go. The journey is just as fun as the destination.

>> No.46254993
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yeah I get it, it's not like doll names have to be unique anyways
we also have a Yuzuki around these days (yu+月 so "yudzuki", don't remember the kanji her owner uses for for "yu"), super cute wolf(?) girl

>> No.46255628
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Doll joint tattoos good idea or no? For the record I’m a very skinny person so I think it’d work

>> No.46255641

if i see you irl i will definitely expel whatever i am drinking out my nose

>> No.46255701

If it makes you happy, you should do what you like. Only caveat I have are that hand tattoos are kind of a pain in the ass to maintain, and every single place with a joint sucks to get tatted except for the shoulders. Try getting some stockings or gloves with that pattern on them and wear them for a while, see how you like it? It'll give you time to settle on an artist and do your research, and to save up (definitely don't try to get them all done at once, healing one tattoo at a time is enough work for your body and immune system as it is.) If you do get 'em, I'd also make sure your artist does good blackwork and can do proper coverage -- you want the lines in dark and solid, because they will fade over time (especially on the hands) to a more natural look. Good luck anon!

>> No.46255728

If you need to ask, no.

>> No.46255922

Aren’t those literally all tights? I imagine it would be expensive and look considerably worse that the top middle pic

>> No.46255966

Long ago I did this to my gf on a Halloween kek

>> No.46256047

Just make it strung, it's far less complicated and if keeping poses is your concern then you just hot glue suede

>> No.46256147

tattoos? awful idea
like the other person said, tights or gloves
joints will age terribly and it won't look good in my opinion when the pattern lacks depth. sure it looks good in those pictures when they aren't moving, but what happens when they actually bend their knees

>> No.46256791

>I am planning to 3d print them
>do you guys have any recommendations for programs?
anon you seem a little to ambitious for your own good
i know you mean well and all but you dont even have the bare minimum. of all places to go on the internet, you came to the doll thread looking for a good 3d program. at the very least you could've checked out the 3d modeling board. but instead you drew a crude sketch on mspaint and called it your "poor photoshop skills" and dumped it here
but because you dont even have a 3d program, its obvious that you dont even have a 3d printer. or a high quality doll or any sort of expensive anime figure/statue for assuming that...
>resin sounds like a material that would break within minutes
so you dont even know that much. you haven't even handled the material you're so expertly talking about. you probably dont know as to why it's so fragile and only heard it passingly in a thread.
but what gave it away that you're not from around here is the talk of rachet joints, transformers and mcfarlane's toys. what you're making is an action figure, not a doll

im sorry anon but at least give it some meaningful thought as to what you're trying to accomplish before you try and get any of our hopes up. because if you're stupid enough to actually download a program, you'll eventually get tired of doing it with mouse and keyboard then come back and ask for a tablet and pen recs, then ask for youtube tutorials after you get stuck or lost, then ask for more advice after you get burnout/lose motivation. and if by some miracle you do get good enough to use it, you'll only come back to ask for a 3d printer recs, and resin/plasic brand recs, then you'd ask for sanding, paint brand and painting tutorials. then finally where to buy doll clothes because you're "too far invested in 3d now to learn something like sewing"

tl;dr give up because you aren't really ready to give it your all and start this idea you thought up of on a whim of making an action figure that you're trying to pass off as a doll

>> No.46256877

Not him but I wonder how hard it would be to make a strung bjd in polymer clay. I can sculpt a little bit so it's definitely something that I could pull off. What concerns me the most is getting the joints right.

>> No.46257578

This cutie looks interesting, post her some more when she arrives anon

>> No.46257778

Why would it look considerably worse than the top middle photo?

>> No.46258507

>doxxing customers he can't trust
that's some fragile shit right there.

Other that the couple who already reported in you ever wonder where the rest went?

>> No.46258519
File: 195 KB, 1440x1800, turbo1205z_274589964_1092284151616128_2166586135548380341_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was gonna post that 薄荷ちゃん had been bid on, but then someone swooped in and bought her

>> No.46258521

Watch this video on bisque doll sculpting; i'd imagine you'd have a similar time to that. These are typically used to then make the molds and slip cast the real doll parts. there are some details in here about joints. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPLOO3Uh7Kk

He is already 50-70% better than the average /diy/ don't-know-shit-about-fuck poster that starts hopeless threads with:
I want to X
hwo to do it?

He has at least shown some thought and appears to recognize some of what he doesn't know. That said, I do agree with you that he's missing some critical experience in 3d modeling and printing.

As for the ambitious guy: anon you're likely going to need two different programs to design the doll. The frame and the joints should be made in parametric CAD such as solidworks (just pirate it), onshape, fusion 360, etc. Don't bother with FreeCAD as anon suggested it's a joke of a program, unfortunately. And like you identified the body itself in blender or zbrush. I come from the engineering side and am very confident in parametric CAD. Learning to model organic surfaces as would be needed for the body of the doll itself sounds like a huge task. And likewise, I know people can struggle if they are using parametric CAD for the first time. I would suggest you start with just prototyping the joint, and if that

Ask questions about 3d printing in /diy/ /3dpg/ for technical FDM-focused things. Resin printing is more popular in the /tg/ printing thread as they use it for minis; you may have better luck finding resin printed help there. Otherwise, printing is so popular that a few hours reading and watching videos should suffice to answer most questions. Definitely look into the pros/cons of materials used in each process as well.

This is probably a 1-2 year project if you also have a job or other responsibilities, and likely $2-4k in materials and equipment if you want to try doing it right.

>> No.46258749

>Getting replacement limbs cost me $200 in ransom money (read: I had to spend $200 on the SmD store to get the actual parts I wanted mailed along with them. It was ONE ARM, DANNY.)
I would say that does count as "scummy". The doxxing even moreso.

>> No.46258942

How much is a SmD going to compare in terms of price with a DDs or whatever is equivalent from Volks? Including faceup and wig.

>> No.46258973

The making part wouldn't be as hard as trying to keep it from chipping to hell. Polymer clay is easy to work and make things with, but it's not very durable. You'd be best off using the polymer clay version to make molds and cast it in another material.

>> No.46259022

Even with sueding? They made porcelain dolls just fine, but maybe I am underestimating how durable ceramic actually is.
Either way that shouldn't be a concern since my first results would be supbar probably.

>> No.46259208

>the average /diy/ don't-know-shit-about-fuck poster that starts hopeless threads with:
Those always cracked me up. "These are too expensive so I wonder if I can make my own. BTW how do I use clay?"

>> No.46259256

Ceramic is far more durable than polymer clay, porcelain especially.

>> No.46259277

>Don't bother with FreeCAD as anon suggested it's a joke of a program, unfortunately
one who suggested it here and… yeah
figured I'd just mention it anyways for completeness or in case anon wants legit free software

>> No.46259317
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I made one like 5 or 6 years ago out of crayola clay and kinda liveposted it on the old /toy/ bjd thread, I enjoyed it and she was fun to have around but last year I unearthed her from her perch on a shelf and she was disintegrating and kind of degrading inside the joints so I had to let her go. It made me really really sad but I didn't want to watch her rot even more... She actually posed pretty well at first and could stand, I started to make a second version as well but that one had different problems. I think the clay and rough texture gave her enough friction to hold her joints in place.

>> No.46259331

absolute SOUL and that sounds heart-wrenching anon

>> No.46259392

I am so jealous of the EE guys that have KiCad which is surprisingly good from a functionality and usability standpoint. But yeah, you can certainly make FreeCAD work but parametric modeling is still very much a proprietary-dominated software field.

I trailed off switching thoughts;
>I would suggest you start with just prototyping the joint, and if that
works then try to get a full frame done. You could even consider prototyping at a 2x or larger scale for an easier time proving out the concept then try to downsize from there. Don't underestimate how many revisions it may take to get something right.

Aw she was cute. Sad to hear of her deterioration

>> No.46259500

Well for starters, bottom left is a painting and already makes their hand look necrotic. Whoever painted the joints for top middle girl is probably a better artist than a large percentage of tattoo artists already. Assuming cost is not an issue and you find a not shitty, skilled artist, the chances of them willing to do such a tattoo are not very high. Also she is wearing tights that have been painted. Even on a young thin person it smooths out flesh and hides skin texture. Expecting the same results as painted tights in a posed picture is being willfully ignorant. If you want to test it out maybe try henna.

>> No.46259686

dolls truly are the epitome of beauty, blending 2D with 3D and superior to both

>> No.46259699

I remember seeing her around anon, she was very precious. You made something very special, and you can keep the memory of having done that with you for all your days to come.

>> No.46259902

katsucon anons did you get the rest of the pictures I emailed out

>> No.46259986
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christ how come a doll be this fucking cute

>> No.46259995
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>> No.46259996

Comparing standard models? Regular SmD and DD roughly the same. This is the only time thats the case.

Wigs? 1st party SmD wigs were double Volks offerings, and arent sold anymore.
Clothes? What SmD charges for a single piece, like pants or tshirts, you can get a full set from Volks.
Faceups? Typically subpar from artists that work solely on SmD.

Anything 3rd party thats just SmD is going to go for a premium, clothes, wigs, whatever.

>> No.46260005

if these were my girls Id swap their eyes

>> No.46260013

What was the final price?

>> No.46260041

it ended prematurely so that means BIN, which was ¥400,000

>> No.46260065

I hope one of his Japanese friends bought her. If he’s leaving because of financial issues maybe he can buy her back some day.

>> No.46260133

Let's gossip

Do you guys think the average dollfag in Japan is also a richfag or do they go on debt a lot for the hobby? Maybe some of them are programmers (from a peek of a desk setup I saw I think two of the ones I follow are)

>> No.46260261

Its probably just decent jobs and few expenses.

>> No.46260417

From what I've seen, a lot of Japanese dollfags are middle aged salarymen. Not many doll auctions go for that high so it's probably someone with a good chunk of savings and a decent job. And 400,000 yen is super high but not the most outrageous price recently, a custom doll from a popular creator sold for around 4,000,000 yen on yahoo auctions back in December.

>> No.46260471

I noticed a strong correlation between nice cars and dolls in a lot of their pictures.

>> No.46260493

Why would a tattoo artist automatically be shitty & why would they say no? Why are you so opinionated about something you don’t understand?

>> No.46260502

it's the japanese stereotype
way overworked so they have no time to spend on hobbies, so they make up for it by spending money on hobbies instead
what else are they going to do with the money, japan has incredibly high inheritance tax so might as well spend it yourself

>> No.46260632

Thank you, I think I might try to give her new life and recreate her one day as a pureneemo custom or something. I've gotten a lot more into customizing dolls over the last few years so if I can get a good base I'd like to do that.

>> No.46260650

Most tattoo artists are shitty and could not execute on something like the picture you posted, the good ones can afford to be picky about the types of tattoos they want to do and usually go along with something in line with their style. Why are you so opinionated about something you don’t understand?

>> No.46260809
File: 514 KB, 1196x617, ten thousand us dollars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get so much mileage out of this screenshot.

>> No.46260957

You think drawing a line with a notch in it is too difficult for a tattoo artist are you retarded or just a dickhead?

>> No.46261015
File: 69 KB, 686x647, 1709590472319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent the last half an hour taking apart and almost destroying a spare OB24 body to learn how exactly is the torso articulated.
Turns out that even though arms can be easily and safely removed, legs can't. Which in turn stopped me from removing the lower soft vinyl torso because hips too thicc, making this shitty diagram a challenge.

I imagine most vinyl dolls have similar internal frames in how and where they're articulated? Front/back and sideways bending around the navel and right below the torax, and axys rotation on top. DD at least seems to have.

>> No.46261093

I feel that's either a scam or money laundering/marketing scheme

>> No.46261098

Just get the tattoo instead of asking for thoughts then

>> No.46261125

>anon wouldn't mortgage their house for the perfect doll
you'll never experience ultimate cuteness

>> No.46261133

It's definitely not lol. I've been in other similar western-oriented hobbies where people would pay $2000 for much smaller custom art pieces. Most of the buyers were either higher earners or in debt, no in between.

>> No.46261153

NTA, but it's more complex than that. For that to look good you want someone who specializes in blackwork and can pack the pigment into your skin. All tattoos fade and spread out as they age, and if it's done badly and grows patchy, it will become unreadable. Picking your artist is very important.

It's like furries. They either go into debt, they learn to DIY, or they have the disposable income most of us could only dream of.

>> No.46261315
File: 1.79 MB, 2231x2975, 58ilp6ogd0zb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the idea of that, and I am a stubborn mule as previously said. Jokes aside, I am someone that likes trying new things, even if it goes nowhere I want to at least try designing a system like this before giving up.
Also, the intention is for her to be strung AND ratcheted, if she was only one or the other making her would be far simpler. I could copy joints from existing BJDs, or make Revoltech joints attached to an internal frame. If that doesn't work I'll absolutely just make her strung or give her a frame. It's very much something that I will try to make work in theory before going through with.
I also intend to give her articulated and possibly light up eyes, but that was surprisingly simple after an anon here showed me an existing system for that.

I did! I went to them first, chose Blender and Z Brush, and looked over CAD options before coming here. I hoped that as doll enthusiasts you would have insight they might have not, and most of you did.
>high quality doll or any sort of expensive anime figure/statue
Oh so it's a money thing now. I own high quality figures, and I do own 2 BJDs even if they're small, I am not posing as an expert. 3d printing is something I always had interest in, but no reason to pursue, designing my own doll seems like a worthy reason to do it. And with those BJDs, I have handled resin, it does not inspire confidence. I am also admittedly afraid of resin printing.

Those other lines are what I grew up with, understanding as my parents were, I didn't have a lot of opportunities to collect dolls without sacrificing other things I liked more as a child. Now I have the means to indulge myself, and I have many ideas born out of those other things I am already familiar with.

How am I responsible for "getting your hopes up"? I am asking about something I am not even sure I can make, I want to learn how to do it, and I might very well fail. Also, I already have a tablet, a relative knew I liked messing with my computer and bought one for me, one I used IC as a guide to choose btw. My digital drawing isn't impressive but I did get pretty good at removing backgrounds with it. My traditional art is passable.

I also already have a list of possible 3d printers and materials I went to the 3d printing threads first to check the basics, and I am familiar with sanding and painting from customizing toys and from other people who printed dolls. I also know where to buy clothes and I am learning how to make clothing patterns with my mother. I am already working on making a t-shirt, and after that, a dress. After I get the formula right, all I need is apply different values to it.

All your issues are things you assumed, I already have most of them solved and came here for a last opinion before beginning.

TLDR: You're projecting.

I'll look into those programs, and try my hand at them. I did expect this to at the very least take me a year to get results, if not more. I'll take any more questions on it to diy, and see if the pirating sites I like have those. Thanks anon.

>> No.46261350

Do the blender donut tutorial

>> No.46261365

I would suggest studying how existing bjd pieces might look to get a grasp of what already exists in the space and is functional in order to get a good handle on what alterations you might want to make. Try browsing through the bjd tag on thingiverse and see what other independent artists are doing and how they might go about making a 3d printed doll, you might get a good jumping off point.

>> No.46261456

Personally I use onshape and recommend it. It's pretty user-friendly, has good documentation, and is free*. But if the downsides to that you don't like, then pirating solidworks is the only logical solution from there.

*as in free beer; their licensing for hobbyists is that it's free to use but you can only make public documents, and your stuff is stored in the cloud (true for all license levels). I think you're locked out of some of the more advanced collaboration and versioning features but those shouldn't really matter for a one-man scale project. You can export your projects in all the conventional formats you would need. I think they also got bought by PTC who are responsible for the abomination that is Creo, so I unfortunately have to wonder if it is only a matter of time until they start locking down the free licenses even more like Autodesk did with Fusion 360 (which is also very popular but I personally did not like it).

Really hope to see your progress over the years. good luck.

>> No.46261460

I added thin shadow/outlines with my watercolor pencil to the yellow eyebrows, and small yellow lip stick mark. Also broke up the eyebrow blob using the same color some. 100% better, I really like how it came out. Thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.46261679

I thought 4millon yen was 40k kek

>> No.46262198
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>> No.46262312

it was close before, but now? not so much...

>> No.46262393
File: 895 KB, 1582x2400, IMGP7742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the verdict is — success!
as in only one tiny stain in an un-blushed area lol
not sure exactly what caused it, guess I'll wash them again and be more thorough washing the next pair
but now I've stained all my dolls at least once

>> No.46262414 [SPOILER] 
File: 870 KB, 1603x2400, IMGP7697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also please ignore her rotated shin in that pic, I'll fix those eventually

took a few more photos while she was still wearing them because I had no idea if I'd ever put them back on her again
spoilered because well… yeah

>> No.46262430 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.01 MB, 1603x2400, IMGP7703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

generally would not consider myself being that "into" tights but when the photo opportunity presents itself…

>> No.46262441 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46262453
File: 1.16 MB, 2400x2102, IMG_0260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory phone pic of setup
I did some cleanup in my office and reduced the pile of boxes, then realized I no longer had a photo stage and had to un-cleanup a bit

>> No.46262745
File: 95 KB, 600x900, LOL08799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hinamatsuri is over. post boys

>> No.46262939
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>> No.46263152

well, did he buy one?

>> No.46263348

Tiara a cute
Nanase a lewd

>> No.46263499
File: 157 KB, 1068x1600, IMGP1558e 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope anon bought a doll.

It's a new year. I need to take new photos of him. But making him stand is so so scary. If I could get one of those Dollmore stands for their fuckoff-huge Trinity line, that would help, but consider: they are vertically oriented, and his center of mass is decidedly horizontal in nature. The ACBJD stands are great, but they have their limits, and I know he is the limit. I'll figure something out.

(To clarify, he can stand unaided! But it is tenuous, and I'd prefer some insurance on the matter.)

>> No.46263889

Meh. Normies here use their money to buy €1000 iPhones they use for selfies and Facebook, overpriced clothes, clubbing, and other stuff I'm not interested in. I'm poor but I can afford one expensive hobby just fine because it's just that. I don't care about having €300 sweatshop sneakers with a logo on top.

>> No.46263922

That said I think the Japanese have this weird almost religious worship for popular things and a level of parasocial obsession that is out of control. The whole idol culture is deranged and you see that kind of creepiness only from clearly insane individuals in the West

>> No.46264359

As far as I'm concerned, crazy kpop fans in the west are much of the same

>> No.46266290

i for one spend the majority of my money on drugs and alcohol

>> No.46266992

No different than swifties or kai fans over here. Tokyo is such a mega city that it acts like a rule 34 of sorts. If it exists, you can probably find services and fans around it.
And I honestly don't think the bjd industry as a whole is that expensive when compared to other hobbies. If people actually tracked their extra spending, I'm willing to bet it equals out to even the extreme examples of bjd hobbyists.

>> No.46267193

"Why are those Barbies so expensive?"
asked the guy with no camping experience that just bought a $400 tent because a friend invited him to camp next summer

>> No.46267404

Honestly a lot of dudes with no personality put stupid amounts of money into their trucks. I can't tell you how many guys around here have massive pickups with pristine paint jobs and tons of aftermarket mods that are obviously never used as a work truck. I could probably buy and outfit a dozen dolls for less than some of these trucks were bought at, let alone the total after mods.

>> No.46267652

My dad used to roast anyone with a pickup who didn't use it for work. It was a pet peeve of his, bless his heart. I know a lot of hobbyists and we all wind up spending silly money on our serotonin and I think that's not a bad thing. As long as your major bills are taken care of and you sock some away for savings, it's important to do things that are fun now and then, even if it costs a bit. It doesn't even have to be that expensive... it's just the experience of getting a little treat that matters.

>> No.46267683

Now I want a show truck like that for my doll. Too bad that kind of thing doesn't exist in 1/3rd scale

>> No.46267715

If they were doing it for fun, I wouldn't mind roasting them, but they're NPCs who are doing it to flex/compensate. They don't really care about the truck beyond it being a MANLY MAN'S VEHICLE or for "picking up chicks"(their words not mine).

>> No.46267726

How do you know that for the majority?

>> No.46267990

I work with a bunch of them.

>> No.46268056

you work at the Dee Pee Dubbya?

>> No.46268156
File: 142 KB, 1366x2048, nanairotentou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone every bought one of these outfits? this one is like $250 after proxy fees and shipping, he makes cheaper different ones though. are they worth it? or what's the most you've spent on a single outfit for your doll?

>> No.46268702

Yeah I have several Nanairo Tentou outfits. Yuzuki's Cafe Maid outfit was 32900 yen, and Alice's outfit was also over 30k. I don't remember what they converted to in USD at the time, or any proxy/shipping fees associated with those orders, but those two are my most expensive outfits by far.
Are they worth it? That's up to you to decide as a potential buyer, I guess. I mean they are very cute and intricate outfits, and the quality is good. But I believe the "brand name" also plays a large role in the pricing. There are other dealers out there that make outfits that are just as cute and intricate for half the price.

>> No.46268883
File: 732 KB, 750x1125, melodyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, do you own this one? is the brown apron sewn on or is it removable? and did the outfit cause any staining? i'm still debating over here, they do look very well made. i do prefer some of the other designs so i might hold off

also, do you have any suggestions for other japanese dealers? the only other one i actively look at is funyahowa, but i'm under the impression they primarily sell at events. i only got into dolls kind of recently, so i don't know much. i also preordered picrel for my girl, but i think it's a chinese brand

>> No.46269599

Is that a Polaris ? I’m going to print my own soon. I’m wondering how does she wear other clothes?

>> No.46269601
File: 11 KB, 224x224, 1709679772333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't one of these be a relatively good match in size? rig up an rc controller and drive her around

>> No.46270690
File: 203 KB, 1080x1079, 52523342344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, they're the owner of one of my favorite JP dolls

personally I've bought from Purple Dream (South Korea) and MV+Studio (iirc Japanese-presenting Chinese, might have been Taiwanese)
and I thought those were pricy until I read this >>46268702

>> No.46270958

thanks for the suggestions! purple dream is exactly in line with what i'm looking for, and mv studio has a ton of nice pieces too.

i really like when people take photos of their dolls with regular people sized sweets and desserts. the contrast is cute. they can't eat all that

>> No.46272038

On it.
I don't like that my stuff is public, but from what I understand all I need it for is the joints, so I guess it's not the end of the world for people to see a bunch of random ball joints or a rough frame. I have found a way to pirate solidworks, but it's one hell of a process to get it running. Thank you for the heads up.
She is indeed, here https://www.reddit.com/r/Dolls/comments/17q7j7y/update_on_my_3d_printed_bjd_meet_bambi_my_13/
What do you mean by "other clothes"? If you want to see different outfits, I fear these are the only pictures I have on hand of the mold aside from the one in her thingiverse page.

>> No.46272150

>>>/toy/10899808 new azone thread daiyo!

>> No.46272490

arigathanks anon. as always, you and your people are also welcome to post here in my opinion.

Are her measurements listed anywhere? If so, you can look around on sites with large selections of clothes like ACBJD and see what matches that general range of size.

>> No.46276411

height: 64cm 192cm/6' 3.5"

hips: 28.5cm 85.5cm/33.5in

waist: 19cm 57cm/22.4in

bust: 26.5cm 79.5cm/31.3in

feet: 7.0cm 21cm/4.5 US shoe size

>> No.46277513
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>> No.46278441
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>> No.46278725

I'm planning on making a grumpy onee-san type with a similar aesthetic to this and this convinced me that DDH-09 is a viable option

>> No.46279314
File: 244 KB, 600x900, LOL00769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end of 2022

>> No.46279323
File: 181 KB, 600x900, LOL07784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end of 2023

>> No.46280033

Some real garage band vibes here.

>> No.46282473
File: 607 KB, 1500x1500, 7684623552-mountain-pass-terraced-rice-fields.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46282690

DD bros, remember to loosen your shoulder joints a little or you'll feel immense regret.

>> No.46282795

Explain, is there a risk of cracking? Or plastic creep leading to loss of friction and pose retention?

>> No.46282828

Sounds like the peg that attaches into the shoulder ball snapped off inside.

>> No.46282913

What >>46282828 said. It'll seem fine but then it'll get harder to pose and your tard strength will kick in, taking over the higher reasoning portions of your brain, and you'll snap the arm off. I speak from experience.

Loss of friction is also a thing if it's to tight. Abrasion is more of a concern than creep, especially if you pose the shoulders frequently.

>> No.46283265

I find this a bit surprising as my shoulders seem to keep coming lose, it's the elbows I have problems with, and I've already broken one arm as a result

>> No.46283333

I hear frequently that knees and elbows are the most common breaks. Oddly they're the only joints I've had zero issues with. Hips are always a pain in the ass from their design. Shoulders coming loose is common, hence why they're designed to be adjusted and why mine ended up being way too tight. That's just how it goes with friction fit ball joints, though. Wear and abrasion is unavoidable, especially in plastics.

>> No.46283342

None of you buy a Smart Doll. Everything you just described is even more of a problem with them. I'm not saying that to hate on the brand, I have quite a few of them over their history of releases. SmD are the ones I most consistently have parts break on, along with older Obitsu bodies -- the difference being that I can find replacement Obitsu parts more easily than I can replacement SmD parts. I believe the problem of the elbows falling apart over time has been remedied over subsequent reissues of the body -- at least, none of my newer ones have popped apart recently -- but in exchange the tolerances of the joint pegs have become absurd and the material has gotten... less sturdy somehow compared to the older ones. Older releases you can pull the foot off to change clothes no problem... I would not recommend doing that on anything from the last year or so.

The DDf3 hip joint was designed by the devil and I want to have words with whoever it was that okayed the redesign. I know it's supposed to have tactile feedback when you finally get the parts lined up, but I have never gotten it to do that, and the legs come off at the most infuriating moments as a result. I try to buy older bodies just to avoid it entirely.

>> No.46283734

friction joints are stupid ngl

>> No.46283894

Strung joints are too fiddly and require too much maintenance for me personally. I am dreading restringing some of my dolls. It's not so bad with humans (though larger dolls become a logistics problem, the thought of trying to restring a Dollmore Trinity makes me wince) but get a fantasy doll or a critter of some kind and suddenly it becomes a daunting ordeal. I am talking about Doll Chateau Charon in specific but the centaur and some others I have laying around aren't any better off. (And don't get me started on whatever Dream Valley has done to get their elastic that tight, it's like piano wire in there.)

Friction joints wear out, some can be squeaky, and so on, but they're easier to fiddle with in my opinion.

>> No.46283957

My dolls are as squeaky as a Barbie. I find that funny.

>> No.46284048

serious question why does volks make clothes that stain so easily? is it so they can sell more parts?

>> No.46284187

Staintesting takes extra man hours and auditing dyes and materials. It increases the cost of the outfits in the long run.

>> No.46284407

Smoru compani prisu understando

>> No.46284545

That's kind of the whole doll hobby.

>> No.46284589

Seems a lot more prevalent on the anime side t b h

>> No.46284611
File: 281 KB, 900x900, LOL09211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now featuring my extended mtn dewniverse

I never knew I needed a tiny drum kit

>> No.46284778

I think I've said this before but your girl is so cute I like her otome game protagonist energy in this picture

>> No.46284876

I like that the guy in the back with the black hair is secretly suffering that she's holding hands with the other guy
I can almost feel the brooding darkness
Is this what you buy the boys for? To make them suffer?

>> No.46285037
File: 127 KB, 600x900, LOL09235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does look like that! She looks very lucky!

the one with black hair is happily married with children. I'll buy his wife someday.
The couple shown is all according to keikaku

>> No.46285309

They use dyes that are cheap as fuck, it wouldn't surprise me if they had lead in them as well

>> No.46285330

>smart dolls break easily
>Danny refuses to sell individual parts
>you have to buy random bags and hope you get the right part in the right color
>Danny might blacklist and doxx you because he thinks you don't deserve the doll since something broke and it must be your fault
How is that retard still in business

>> No.46285807

Aren't "European" style BJDs the ones this argument is most used for? I have been told many times that the companies that make them are always barely making ends meet, almost entirely when reading arguments over that particular issue we all know about. I can't think of many of those companies I could call large, but on the other hand Volks and Smart Doll immediately come to mind for the other type.

>> No.46286000

Pre-washing their fabrics would do wonders for them. I have no idea why they don't do it.

Most of the clothes I've purchased have come from France and Poland from one person businesses and I've never received clothing that stains. It's really just sewing 101. You wash the fabric before you do anything with it. I really don't have the issue with anyone else actually, just Volks. I haven't bought clothing from them in a few years because of it but that sucks it hasn't got any better. If it makes any anons feel better, stains do have a lot of workarounds and the body is the cheap part if you do have to replace a part.

>> No.46286214

For vinyl, since casting it is such an involved process, most who deal in it are already established in manufacturing. Obitsu does the casting for many other smaller vinyl dolls, Angel Philia included. Volks started as a garage kit company and they still do well in models and other assorted toys. But compared to a mainstream company like Good Smile or Mattel, they're a much smaller team with a more niche business plan, so it's not incorrect as a statement.

Resin, meanwhile, frequently is just An Guy or Some Guys sculpting and assembling things in their basement and selling tiny batches that (hopefully) make just enough to cover costs so they can keep going. A lot of larger doll companies are struggling -- for the issue we are all thinking of, but also general economic trends. Disposable income is thin on the ground these days, unfortunately.

>> No.46286899

Obitsu charged my card immediately for a pre-order. Guess I should have read the fine print better. Didn't need that discretionary income this month anyway.

>> No.46287332
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>> No.46287537

>Disposable income is thin on the ground these days
So is my body... to hell with food, I need to buy shoes for my waifu

>> No.46287900
File: 224 KB, 2048x1365, 1637296036352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be careful... I succumbed to the urge to treat myself the day before yesterday. Yesterday, a pipe burst in my basement. Life is a funny joke, wouldn't you say?

>> No.46287941

I live in an old house... It decided to fall apart in unison right as I bought my first doll. I can't wait for the stress to end

>> No.46287973
File: 200 KB, 1000x667, 1640433194466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah... I also live in an old house. While I am generally an optimistic person, I promise you, it does not get better on this front, and the stress will never end. Godspeed and good luck.

(I am not the anon who owns this doll, but god if this image isn't a mood.)

>> No.46288236

Suigintou my beloved

>> No.46288399

hey, at least you don't have to worry about it later then right? haha...

>> No.46289140

Nothing, other than the proxy fee, shipping charges and customs.

>> No.46291580
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>> No.46291819
File: 12 KB, 474x266, unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to smoosh with a hug

>> No.46294442

I need to figure out how to put doll hairpins in this perfecty

>> No.46295030

Probably tools like tweezers

>> No.46295124

In case anyone was wondering, this is her new home.

>> No.46296501

I had a dream that I went to the Volks store...

>> No.46298109

Thank you anon, I was wondering!

>> No.46299703

Did you meet a life-size living doll and held hands with her?

>> No.46300004

No, and now that you mention it the dolls were smaller than usual...maybe around 35cm for some reason
I remarked to myself:
>Huh they seem really small
Then I had to wait in a line for something I don't remember, then I woke up

>> No.46300811

>when you are 6' in the dream instead of 5'11"

>> No.46302841

is it a normal to not really like the default dollfie faceups? they're not ugly, i just wouldn't go out of my way to buy one

>> No.46302916

Many people seem to prefer getting a custom head, so I don't think it's an uncommon sentiment.

>> No.46303159
File: 727 KB, 2048x1536, 20240310_031555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really wish I was at I Doll right now... Any anons here that are going?

>> No.46303975
File: 389 KB, 1920x1271, 1692121431247238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46305052

This general has become livelier from what I remember it was two years ago.

For the anon making the Shopping directory guide, would you please add @miho34dolls faceup artist, they usually do horror themed faceups with bloody/zombies or other heavy modifications.
Another faceup artist I like is @suzume19871013 they are super cute as well (no horror just cute). These are twitter handlers

>> No.46305096

I can't believe I've come to appreciate other type of dolls. That gang looks so good.
>otome game protagonist energy

>> No.46305762

Thank you anon, I will do just that as soon as I am awake enough. The general has definitely become livelier... I'm happy that so many people have come to enjoy the hobby.

>> No.46307773

I wonder how many people are in for the social comfort side of it (I know I am)

>> No.46308309

>your dolls are so well-loved that you can sell photos of them

>> No.46308310

what is that doll in the blue wig with the bear/animal feet?

>> No.46308333

there are things about the internet I'll never understand
like how someone's random doll can become "famous" is beyond me
same with cats honestly

>> No.46309138

aren't those just examples of the worn clothing?

>> No.46309146

The photos are probably just for decoration.
Pretty sure it's a kumako doll.

>> No.46309184

I have updated the guide, thank you for the suggestion. I had been meaning to add Miho34DOLLS for a while but it slipped my mind. I hope I can own one of their works one day... I love me some weird dolls.

To anyone else, always feel free to suggest a creator or shop who you feel is missing from the list. Though I try to be thorough, there will always be gaps in my knowledge. Even if it's not strictly BJD-related, if it can be used for this hobby (such as the entire Furniture section, which is a jury-rigged hellscape due to the nature of giant doll furniture being niche as hell,) that is sufficient for our purposes. Doll information can be difficult to come by, and I intend to do my part to remedy that situation.

>> No.46309458

I'd suggest adding Dollremi, their doll sized cosplay outfits look really nice.
I also have a list of faceup artists and costume makers on instagram that take commisions. I haven't commisioned any of them so I can't speak on how good they are though.

>> No.46309629

I’m new to the hobby, what’s “the issue we all know about”? I had been considering getting a resin doll, is there something I should know

>> No.46309675


>> No.46310125

Resin dolls have a bootlegging problem. It is a contentious topic to discuss for many, so people tend to not bring up the issue to try and avoid starting shit with people who have strongly differing opinions. Since the BJD hobby is one that is largely small-scale where things are typically made by hand, the bootlegging has a different effect upon artists compared to something like bootleg Mattel dolls -- and thus, those who view it as an issue, and those who do not, tend to clash quite a bit. I personally prefer to support artists where possible, and try to provide information and resources on how others may do so, as I feel the disparate scattering of information in this hobby is a large part of its barrier to entry for many. But if others choose not to go that route, that is their decision at the end of the day.

As far as the dolls themselves go, resin is fine as a material and the dolls tend to be lovely and well-made. While individual creators have strengths and weaknesses in their works (posing versus aesthetics, etcetera,) and problems do arise from time to time (a well-known artist named Dollshe has been lambasted in recent times due to failing to deliver on his orders, for example,) for the most part experiences in this hobby tend to be positive, and the negatives tend to parallel the quibbles of other hobbies.

What doll(s) have your attention anon? Do you prefer more realistic sculpts?

>> No.46310208
File: 1.85 MB, 2734x4096, DSC_0631 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this outfit and I can't wait for flowers and plants to start springing up in the next couple weeks.

>> No.46310213
File: 1.17 MB, 2734x4096, DSC_0627 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46310239

I want to take some pictures with my karin now.

>> No.46310420

>those who view it as an issue, and those who do not, tend to clash quite a bit
Let's be honest, it's people who actually care about the hobby and want good sculptors to keep selling vs. entitled cunts who just want shit for cheap even if it means driving creators out of business. People who support recasts are enemies of the hobby. It's pretty disgusting that there are so many recast shills on YT etc.

>> No.46310462

That dress is super pretty, I love that shade of green. The shoes are really cute too.

>> No.46310779

I think my camera battery may have died after not using it for over a year. I hope the natural light doesn't get worse while I wait for it to charge again.

>> No.46310998
File: 383 KB, 1000x1000, DSC03360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 hours of charging gave me 1.5 minutes of battery life to get things setup, take a picture, and transfer a file to my computer. I may buy a new battery. I don't remember it taking this long to charge the last time I used it.

>> No.46311050
File: 932 KB, 2734x4096, DSC_0639 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more since the lighting was good. I love the sparkle of her eyes when the sun hits them right
Thanks! The boots are my favorite part

>> No.46311493
File: 523 KB, 1100x2400, IMGP7802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess who gets to wear the tights next

>> No.46311573


>> No.46311599

y-you too

>> No.46311886
File: 137 KB, 900x600, LOL09214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are more than a couple dolls I would buy photo books of. a print of a doll I love would be an easy sell


>> No.46312379

CUTE! the one with the angry eyebrows is my favorite

>> No.46312937

Oh, I should have clued in. Sorry to bring up something contentious. The way people were talking I thought it was internal issues with the companies themselves or the dolls.

I’m not necessarily into super realistic sculpts but I am also not as into the super-stylized anime-style dolls that I know are most popular here. They’re definitely growing on me a bit, but I found them a bit off-putting at first and I’m not sure why, because I like anime and have anime figures. My first encounter with BJDs was well over a decade ago though, when the hobby was much more resin focused. I guess I’m in between, I like the Volks Super Dollfie line a lot, so more stylized than some dolls but with more realistic eyes than the Dollfie Dreams. I also like male dolls a lot and those seem more exclusive to the resin side of things. I’ve been checking out the Volks FCS because the idea of picking out the doll from scratch seems really cool and I think I found a good proxy to buy through. I can’t decide between a SDM boy or an SD boy but some of the sculpts I like for the SDM are 30, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40 and 44. For the SD size I like 17, 58, 62, 63, 75 and 81. I can’t decide! There are so many and it can be hard to find good reference pictures with different make-up styles, especially as boys for some sculpts. I have been using instagram a bit to find different examples but the tags seems to have stopped loading for me now.

>> No.46313392
File: 1.62 MB, 2133x1200, 20210623_190308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking a trip in the woods next week, going to bring this girl and try to get some nice pictures.

>> No.46313996

>doll doll doll doll doll
when is she coming

>> No.46314494
File: 198 KB, 1178x1471, IMG_8203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volks announced a new version of the DD body.

>> No.46314883
File: 76 KB, 1080x718, 1574738714569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please please please change the hip joint please.

>> No.46314916
File: 821 KB, 1024x1278, image.translated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can adjust the neck height...? Can anyone better at Japanese than me get more nuance out of this.

>> No.46315128

I like that it mentions you can tilt the head upwards, i run into that limitation a fair amount.
Also lol i like that they added a little bubble to show off the butt specifically

>> No.46315464

Very cute, I love the little mini-beer

>> No.46315758

AFAIK "we are focusing on beauty" means shit mobility in Japanese

>> No.46315797

No guarantees for accuracy and if things feel weird I didn't try to translate into a more readable form mostly. feel free to correct me t. N2 shitter.

DD Base Body 2.0 DD-f3 (F cubed) is created! (patent acquired)

[Main text top]
Following MDD, DD's base body has also evolved. It is called DD Base Body 2.0 (DD-f3(F cubed)).
It inherits the performance of BDD base body 2.0(DD-f3), and the already high level of mobility has been improved even further. In pursuit of 'the beauty of appearance', the connecting parts have been made more natural, allowing for the full body silhouette to be made even more beautiful.

[Top info frame]
Neck frame
The neck frame has the same mobility as MDD Base Body 2.0 (DD-f3). 'upward facing movement' and 'ease of attaching and removing' have been greatly improved.

[Middle info frame]
The neck length can be adjusted with the included O-rings. Adjust the number of O-rings used to match the neck length to the head and clothing as desired.

[Bottom info frame]
The standing profile is pretty, of course, but when twisting and turning 'the posed beauty of appearance' was also a particular concern. Also, even with the large changes to the overall appearance, the size was kept as unchanged as possible. Most existing DD dresses should be usable with the new frame.

I doesn't sound like they changed any of the actual frame joints. Just the body stuff, so any changes in mobility will be coming from the difference in vinyl shells imposing limitations instead of the joints themselves. Not sure.

>> No.46315810

>should be usable with the new frame.
should be usable with the new body
realized I made a mistake after responding to anon there

>> No.46316149
File: 428 KB, 2048x2048, 1628551004306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much anon, that was very helpful! This is an exciting and expensive time with everyone coming out with new doll bodies. I wonder if we can get that new Obitsu body yet, I need a few...

>> No.46316367

I wish they made DD bodies with the more realistic aesthetics of SD

>> No.46316775

I wish they made male DD bodies that were accessible to the general public.

>> No.46316940
File: 596 KB, 2304x4096, 20221024_073111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of dolls you'd buy a photobook of…

>> No.46317876

>Wearing Nanase's tights
At least they were washed

>> No.46317949

The tights showing up on her tummy feel unusual to me. The boots are nice, I think they fit quite well with the style. Putting the hot pants on must have been tricky, you removed the legs right?

>> No.46318474

It's been in style for the past few years. It's usually high waisted fishnets seen visible over the shorts though.

>> No.46318815
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x2400, IMGP7814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse the HOT FUCKING PINK background, one of my lights decided to lock itself in 100% saturation RGB mode again

tried rolling the tights down and then chose a pose where you can hardly tell
the waist of the tights is actually way too big (mis-measured, not stretched) and tucked into the shirt, this works a bit better from that standpoint
undecided though
>Putting the hot pants on must have been tricky, you removed the legs right?
nah they're side-tie, see pic
they're first-party AP, so in typical fashion equal parts sexy factor and cost reduction

uhhhhh I haven't bothered yet

>> No.46318850

That's an awesome side tie though.

>> No.46318978

Can't you hybridize with the male Obitsu bodies (I might be grossly mistaken)

>> No.46319029

Obitsu has basically discontinued producing their 60cm bodies so if you want to do DD hybrids it's a no-go.

>> No.46319087

Added to the folder

>> No.46319181
File: 1.43 MB, 640x480, patrick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 25 cent kiddie rides outside the supermarket are getting rather niche

>> No.46319187
File: 1.09 MB, 2734x4096, DSC_0649 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uhhhhh I haven't bothered yet
ruminate on the aroma
have another from today then. I wanted to find a flower or something springing up but even with the warm weather the plants have not started yet.

>> No.46319447 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.44 MB, 1920x1454, Screen Shot 2024-03-11 at 21.11.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruminate on the aroma
smells like vinyl
also hope you don't mind but I gave your photo a quick edit

>> No.46319564

Did they announce a release date?

>> No.46319785

Editing with my monitor brightness turned all the way down again... Thanks

>> No.46319972

It was already dark so you reflexively made it darker? I can see it being underexposed if you were compensating for an overly bright monitor but not the other way around. Probably should make a habit of checking your histogram like you were checking a rear view mirror. Also helps to check on secondary screens like phones or tables too.

>> No.46320016

I only bumped by +2EV to give room for the tone equalizer to do its thing
sure it was also a bit dark but better underexposed than overexposed, when dealing with JPEGs
no I haven't started writing the photo technical thing yet
also anon what lens did you use for that photo, and was it the same one you used for the seaside photos?

>> No.46320291

No, it has more to do with the minimum brightness that blacks have on my monitor. editing with low brightness setting essentially gives a huge boost to the exposure values for the shadows. The minimum intensity of blacks between low and high brightness setting doesn't change much, while the intensity of whites changes greatly. Contrast set with the minimum brightness setting looks very different compared to full. So editing with low brightness I tend to underexpose the photo and have higher-than-intended contrast if I forget to switch brightness modes. For daily use I tend to favor low intensity displays otherwise I can start to get headaches, so I only end up switching when necessary. Shan't get one of those display calibration things, I'm not that far deep into photo autism yet.
No this is a 50mm 1:1.4 prime shot at f/2.2. It has some chromatic aberration issues at wide apertures that I haven't figured out how to deal with in darktable. The seaside ones on the rock were with the kit lens 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6 shot at 55mm f/5.6.

>> No.46320419

>It has some chromatic aberration issues at wide apertures
exactly what I noticed was different
that's longitudinal CA, basically the focus point varies across the spectrum
it's a bit trickier to fix than lateral CA, which is just image scale varying across the spectrum
the settings I put in the chromatic aberrations module here >>46319447 seem to have fixed the worst areas (pic: magenta fringing on hand, cyan on far torso)
I also had to use it on >>46311493 because my 85mm f1.4 has an uncomfortable amount of lonCA for a lens of its price
>the minimum brightness that blacks have on my monitor
ah yeah, backlight bleed would explain a lot about your tone curves
I have three monitors and can only edit photos on one because of that

>> No.46320424
File: 1.36 MB, 852x948, Screen Shot 2024-03-11 at 23.36.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first firefox eats my post, then my pic

>> No.46320623

ty anon

>> No.46324146
File: 228 KB, 1364x2048, 1624156629726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46324394

It never occurred to me that I can bind books and I could make props for figures and dolls.

>> No.46324402

There's an anon that made scale copies of manga like this in this thread for his doll

>> No.46324407

>it's all boys love
>doll turns into a fujo

>> No.46324426

Extremely pretty friend.

>> No.46324910

>naked feet
>fit loosely in the shoe
>put on socks with 0.3mm of excess material at the seam
>feet no longer fit
Smaller scales can be finicky in unexpected and annoying ways.

>> No.46324934

Does anyone have pictures of a 1/3 scale doll (˜60cm) holding a 1/12 figure like Figma (˜13-15cm) in her hands? I think a 1/12 would look MDD sized in the hands of a 1/3 and that's really cute.

>> No.46324963
File: 725 KB, 483x1000, IMG_4946 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not holding but standing next to, if it helps.

>> No.46324973

Good gracious, the blonde girl near the keyboard is the Figma? I was horribly mistaken, that looks tiny also Suigintou my beloved

>> No.46324981
File: 152 KB, 900x600, LOL09260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DDS, dekahands, revoltech mari

>> No.46325001
File: 365 KB, 682x1024, 1366718948902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shoe deforms but the heel doesn't go in!

Maybe 1/4 are smaller relative to us than we realize.

>> No.46325042

That looks more like a 1/6, Barbie sized. Interesting.
Wait a sec this is boggling my mind. That's a DD holding an MDD which is holding a Figma? The last two is what I was imagining. Holy cow 1/3s are massive

>> No.46325062

That's DD Yui Hirasawa (dressed as madoka) holding RAH madoka (1/6) holding the figma

>> No.46325066

For the record those are a Real Action Heroes (1/6, 275mm) and a figma (1/12, 120mm). Allegedly, because there's no way that the figma is just a little under half the size of the RAH.

>> No.46325130

Figma are (generally) around 13.5cm tall so it checks out. Either way 1/3s are gigantic

>> No.46325233

It's crude but putting a ruler to the screen and measuring top of the head to waist (since the poofy skirt and bent legs aren't reliable) and the RAH is 2.5 times as tall as the figma, rather than just twice (or 2.3 if taking the claimed measurements in mm). The DD and the RAH are closer to that x2 difference despite the different styles and proportions. But I digress.
What this mostly shows is how huge of a difference a tiny variance in scale makes. 1cm will be negligible for a person but huge for something palm-sized, and a difference in the reference will add up fast (the RAH's reference would be a 165cm tall Madoka, while the figma's would be a 145cm tall one).

If we take the scale literally, DDs are like 171cm women (and MDD are either just under 130cm little girls at 1/3 or 175cm little girls at 1/4).
Or in summary, since dollfies are big girls to get that "tall woman holding a MDD" effect you'll need something around... 145mm tall (and I'd round it up rather than down), a 1/10 scale.

>> No.46325281

I also forget that a 1/3 resin doll will weigh about as much as my cat.

>> No.46325404
File: 2.61 MB, 1121x934, dad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old photo of my dad with a 60cm Obitsu hybrid on his shoulder. DDs are indeed large.

>> No.46325791

Apparently not...The average is around 2 kilograms for 60cm sized dolls. By what people were saying about how heavy they are, I thought they were in the 4-5kg ballpark.
I love this photo, I saw it before. And your dad is cool.
Do you still have the doll?

>> No.46326326

Yes, that's Clover! (Named for this site, as a lil callback to this thread in particular.) I haven't taken anyone out for photos in some time due to circumstances, but I'll be sure to post her again when I'm able.

>> No.46326354

Definitely take more camping-with-dolly photos if you can, they're always great to see.

>> No.46326570
File: 1.39 MB, 360x360, 1688555740220818.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fug this I'm out

>> No.46326714

I wish someone made an edit with a little twinkling star effect in the end

>> No.46327002
File: 2.96 MB, 4273x5708, IMG_1744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She seems like she would enjoy BL

>> No.46327458
File: 1.12 MB, 2734x4096, DSC_0673_03 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second half of my initial outfits from when I placed the order for my doll came in (half Volks that came with her, half Alice's Collections). Initially I thought this bow was supposed to be centered and so did Akira, pointing it out here with it as centered as it could get. I guess that the decorations on top are supposed to be asymmetrical by how the seams are laid out though it seems kind of silly.

>> No.46328094

i would think it was supposed to be centered too, but maybe it’s meant to look more like a brooch or something

>> No.46329879
File: 1.70 MB, 4096x2731, 1645220902037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46331816
File: 586 KB, 750x1000, IMG_2302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a remote, but yeah, Suika is a figma, and Suigintou is 1/3. According to my math Suika is 1/5 the size of Suigintou, and a figure 1/4 the size would be just under 6 inches(5.75), and the Godzilla there should be six inches tall. According to the info I'm finding, other Figma's are more in line with that size, but mine are put away or I'd take a picture of Suigintou with Dorothy.
I feel like pictures don't often convey their size well. 2 feet doesn't seem like that much until they're in your hands.
Really nice dress, goes well with the short hair.

>> No.46332048

I have no idea how I saw a keyboard there.
I wonder if and how my attitude toward the smaller figures I own will change once I get a large doll. Because of how fragile they are and how hard it is to get replacements if they break I've mostly relegated my 6" stuff to a cabinet where it just stands there. Every now and then I pick up a figure and pose it a bit, but I don't even take photos anymore and I've lost most of my enthusiasm for them.
I'm not unhappy with them and I like having them, but I always feel like they're not meant to be touched that much. I think dolls lend themselves better to the kind of stuff I want to do with them.

>> No.46332174

I switched from figmas and other buyfag statues to vinyl bjds and couldn't be happier with how durable they are. I haven't had any issues even after dropping them several times. And despite their size, they are still quite light weight.

>> No.46332447

I hope resin is in the same ballpark of durability (falls excluded). Looking at the figures I like the most I think I will enjoy dolls a lot more.

>> No.46332461

Aside from smaller, delicate parts like fingers and noses and so on resin is pretty sturdy in my experience. Treat anything thin with care and delicacy and the rest should be fine. Vinyl stains more easily, resin picks up scuffs more visibly in my experience, but generally speaking they're both pretty solid materials.

>> No.46332503

>resin picks up scuffs more visibly in my experience
huh I'll pay attention to that. The only resin object I own is a fountain pen and I treat it delicately but it's basically as good as new after several years.

>> No.46332546

To be fair I'm rougher with my dolls than I think most people are, and do not hesitate to set them on rough surfaces like rocks I find outside for photoshoots. Melamine sponges are your friend (but baby the face, always treat the face with care and consideration, you don't want to mess that up at any cost!) Despite my shenanigans, things are fine here, I chipped an elbow joint assembling the big centaur, but honestly considering the ordeal of his assembly that's fair to me.

>> No.46332618

(oh you're the Luna anon, say hi to her)
I handle everything 1/12 I own with absolute feather hands. I only had one figure break but it was under particular circumstances and I have been even more paranoid since. Honestly I think I have some form of OCD which prevents me from not being stressed when handling any of this delicate stuff I care about, but paranoia aside I think dolls will be more relaxing to handle.
I am pretty sure that one day I'll get myself a 1/4 vinyl doll like a Tinyfox because I like the idea that I can take her outside for photos and she will be able to take some rough handling or a fall without shattering (and sunlight without yellowing).
But then again I've bought doubles of figures to have one for rough cases and ended up babying it as much as the first.

>> No.46334409

I will tell her you said hello! I feel like I am several differently-associated anons at this point. I should take a group photo of all my dolls one day but I would have to do it outside and right now my yard has a poison ivy problem I'm going to go to war against as soon as the rainy season ends.

If it helps you feel better, the benefit of things like fabric pants, a bodysuit if you use one, and other unintentional padding are great to help cushion them from minor abrasions and so on.

>> No.46334421

What are your thoughts on Ring Doll's knee joints?

>> No.46334448

>right now my yard has a poison ivy problem
Is poison ivy really that bad? Damn
>fabric pants, a bodysuit if you use one, and other unintentional padding are great to help cushion them from minor abrasions
Well that's one of the main functions of clothes IRL after all. I know that resin doesn't stain as badly, but I definitely love black clothes and so I'm thinking I should pick up a bodysuit anyway just to be sure

>> No.46334477

You are "monster doll anon" in my mental file because you go for unusual dolls. I thought heavy centaur boy anon and cyclops girl I have a crush on anon were two different people until a post you made that cleared it up.

>> No.46334548

This is going to sound weird but lately my resin doll has started to smell so...good? It's kinda hard to explain, but it reminds me of a mix between vanilla and new doll smell.

>> No.46334618

Doll pheromones. You're going to fall in love with her soon

>> No.46334646

But I WILL lick the vanilla doll

>> No.46334722

I was immune for most of my life and then last year it got me. It has to die now. The chemical that makes it irritating, urushiol, is a thick oil we can't see, but it's as hard to wash off as motor oil. I have specialty soap that will bind to it and neutralize it in case I'm exposed again, but it is... not cheap. Once I get my yard back from the wilderness, I'll find a picnic blanket sometime on a nice mild day and try to take a proper group photo. (Some people would worry about exposing their dolls to UV like this, but I'm unbothered. They'll age, just as I'm aging. That's part of the fun.)

You have a crush on Luna? Anon that's adorable, I hope one day we both make it to the same meet so you can see her in person.

Some people sincerely enjoy the resin fumes, you're not alone. I am not with you, but I've heard it before.

>> No.46334761

>Some people would worry about exposing their dolls to UV like this, but I'm unbothered. They'll age, just as I'm aging. That's part of the fun
Some people are insane.

>> No.46334810

You shouldn't worry about exposing the dolls to UV for a one-day photo shoot (that's realistically probably a one hour ordeal). It's mainly a concern if you leave the doll in the same position near a window in direct sunlight for days at a time that you should worry about.

>> No.46334846

Coming from the buyfag threads, sometimes those dudes will worry about their figures turning to dust if a single sun ray reaches them.
And some will worry about the conservation of their porn stash like it were the Gioconda.

>> No.46334887

Admirable of them. They should go into museum curation.

>> No.46335274

Overkill for sure but there are plenty examples of discoloration damage caused by just a few years of indirect sun exposure. Probably worse than even damaging a bjd face up.

> conservation of their porn stash
It certainly doesn't help that doujins are mostly a physical japan only affair, and the easily accessible stuff that makes it online are usually low-quality resampled rips, or paywalled.

>> No.46335706

>(that's realistically probably a one hour ordeal)
I think you underestimate how many dolls anon has

>> No.46335742

Depends on how much of the posing you do indoors!

>> No.46336142

I really do, she is super sweet
Doesn't help that I have a thing for monster girls to begin with
what makes me shudder about figure / toy collections is the idea of having to dust off ALL that shit once it's taking entire shelves, unless it's behind glass. Maybe because my house is old but if I kept anime figures on an open bookshelf they'd be covered in a thick blanket of dust in a few days.

>> No.46336169
File: 149 KB, 403x1000, IMG_4871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of a mixed bag. Looks great when standing, and I think it looks better than the kind of double joint my Wei has even when bent. Functionally, the peanut has tendency to stick in the thigh or calf so it can take a little wiggling for it to come out.

>> No.46337029

Do Azone 1/3 clothes fit SD size dolls? For obvious reasons they only give guidelines for Azone dolls, but the bodies are Obitsu, right?
I am eyeing a coat and it says:
50cm S: fits well
50cm M: fits well
50cm L: fits very well
AZ02 C: fits well
AZ02 G: fits very well
AZ02 I: fits, may be tight

>> No.46337303

Looking at the measurements, the coat likely won't close up, the hem will be unnaturally high and the arms too short.

If its that trench coat, Volks has one that will properly fit and is 3k less than the AZO2 one.

>> No.46337536

Yes it's that trench coat! Thanks for the Volks link.

>> No.46338029

I have that coat it's really nice would recommend

>> No.46339133
File: 147 KB, 1280x1112, giotto-rocket-air-blower__36388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an air blower laying around, if there's dust I just puff it out of the way. It's not too dusty in this room. We don't talk about the rest of the house for a variety of reasons. There's a reason all my doll photos happen outside.

Azone and DD are both "1/3" but AZ02 bodies are about 10cm shorter than a DD, I think.

>> No.46339151

>air blower
How did I not think of it in all these years...

>> No.46341792

I use a clean (unused for painting) paintbrush with soft bristles to dust my collection. I'd like to get a dustproof cabinet one day but for now they're all living on the ikea shelves in my bedroom

>> No.46341919

I got figures taking up half my main living area all open shelves. Compressed air was a game changer, even with the occasional makebrush pass when needed, takes very little time. You just have to be ok with dust inbetween cleanings

>> No.46342174

I got one of those metal shelving units from Lowe's. They're ugly but by god they're good for storage. Dolls on the top shelf, other stuff below!

>> No.46343331
File: 330 KB, 1079x1350, IMGP2451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes the Azone coat is meant for 45-50cm dolls, it will not work on a 60cm

>> No.46343997

>Compressed air was a game changer
Maybe for statues, but action figures without a stand would topple over and start a domino chain of falls

>> No.46345087

Is she supposed to be a DDp?

>> No.46345349

The head is bisque. He wins an auction but didn't read it well and gets only the head. He thinks he got scammed but it was actually written in the auction. Then he meets another doll owner who gives him the old body for his own doll as a temporary fix. Turns out that this doll is a OOAK made by a famous doll-maker whose pieces are scattered all over, so the Oji-san goes on a quest to piece her together. That's what I gathered at least. There's a doll cafe where the waitress maid is an actual living doll so maybe something cool will happen when she's all put together, maybe other dolls will show up and there will be doll battles to gather all the Rosa Mysticas.

>> No.46346338

I want to fuck a doll anon

>> No.46346350
File: 794 KB, 1209x1612, 20240315_224440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shopping around for 1/3 dolls, I really like the Azone pre-made ones like the girl in the bottom left. But my retarded pet peeve of not liking the double jointed obitsu limbs is making me lean towards Dollfie despite not liking the default faces as much (I assume mDD is the same size as the short ones in this cabinet?). That and being able to buy articulated hands sounds like fun.

I plan to do a faceup eventually and practice on 3D resin prints until I get good. It can't be that much harder then Gunpla, right?

>> No.46346352
File: 3.18 MB, 2732x4096, 1699826380110432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also want to fuck a doll, anon

>> No.46346902

She's my favorite of your dolls. Here faceup and eye expressions are great. What body is she?

>> No.46347015

>not liking the double jointed obitsu limbs
newfag here, what's the problem with them?
>Dollfie despite not liking the default faces as much
I confess I dislike the Dollfie faces too but I don't say that around because I don't wanna offend anyone (same with Angel Philia's bodies and faces). I think it's the eyes, the irises are way too big and make their eyeballs look like one-color blobs. I like faces like >>46325404 a lot though
>That and being able to buy articulated hands
Oh they sell articulated hands for DD? What do they look like?

>> No.46347644
File: 578 KB, 3508x2480, a6bf24acb834bd89997116a0af425b5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went through my order history to confirm this but Clover is actually a customized DDH-03 on an Obitsu body. The default DD faces have nostalgia for me, but most people enjoy the customized ones, and that's fine too. If you feel eyes are too large, you can always use smaller ones for a different look since the eyes are interchangeable.

They're aftermarket parts made by enthusiasts. I've always wanted to get some, but I haven't yet. There is a link to a creator of them in the Guide, by Gensou Shop (picrel.)

>> No.46347665

Azone's 45s are about 5cm taller than MDD and the same size as DDP.

They're kinda ugly and the elbow bends on an angle. I really hope Obitsu parts out the new body because I'd upgrade my Azone girls in a heartbeat.

>> No.46348442

I want to fuck a doll and the dolls anon

>> No.46348451

>bump limit

>> No.46348589


>> No.46348738

i don't want to fuck a doll anon

>> No.46348745

now we're getting ambitious

>> No.46349078

millions must bake IMMEDIATELY

>> No.46349331

The thread is ready to go, I'm just letting this one age a bit. No worries, anons.

>> No.46349510
File: 348 KB, 1080x1350, IMGP2467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that's not hard, I only have the three and one doesn't even have a face
she's an AP type H2 upper torso, type C lower torso (each variant depending on pose) with type H thighs
Elle Pucchimi Renewal 0.5 https://quarantotto.biz/angelphilia/angel-philia-elle%e3%82%a8%e3%83%ab%e3%81%b7%e3%81%a1%e3%81%a3%e3%83%aa%e3%83%8b%e3%83%a5%e3%83%bc%e3%82%a2%e3%83%ab%e3%82%bf%e3%82%a4%e3%83%970-5-soft-skin%e3%80%90%e5%85%88%e8%a1%8c%e8%b2%a9-7375.html

this raises questions I probably don't want the answers to

>> No.46349751

dollho is OOP. It's over.

>> No.46350087
File: 945 KB, 1125x1132, IMG_2648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s so beautiful, he’s like a prince

>> No.46350119

ty anon. I'll go for a DDp and hope I can make it look as loli as the Azone girls.

>> No.46350215
File: 3 KB, 128x112, 013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you gonna enter for him, anon?

>> No.46350334

was this image unironically taken with a gameboy? (based if so.)

>> No.46350346
File: 110 KB, 900x600, HAT07485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46350396

New Thread
(what did I forget this time)

>> No.46350406

This image fills me with an absurd amount of glee.

>> No.46350492
File: 3 KB, 128x112, 004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm glad to hear that

>> No.46350510

Cute expression thanks.
Don't worry I like your faceless doll too. Is she going to stay faceless?
I like every anon's dolls

Oh that's awesome

>> No.46350686
File: 927 KB, 1241x612, Screen Shot 2024-01-07 at 14.06.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is she going to stay faceless?
no but I haven't exactly been rushing to give her one

>> No.46350740

Anon you've made my day, thank you so much for posting these. I am a dollfag, but I am also a photography nerd, and the resurgence of gameboy photography really genuinely makes me smile.

No-Face-chan also makes me smile!

>> No.46350757

I vote left personally since I think it matches her straight hair better, but they're both great!

>> No.46350885

I will try to post her more then!
I've been neglecting her because I was waiting to buy more eye movers, which I have now

they're both the same, just with & without glue-on eyelashes

>> No.46350929

why non LOL1?

>> No.46350960
File: 476 KB, 2048x1365, DSC_0695 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come back from going to the quarry to get some sunset shots
>see this
She made it to the big leagues bros

>> No.46350980
File: 1.58 MB, 4096x2734, DSC_0687 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately it clouded over right as I set out from home

>> No.46350989
File: 1.31 MB, 2734x4096, DSC_0691_01 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but this one at least I liked

>> No.46351343

Gorgeous shots! Honestly photographing things is easier under cloud cover than full sun imho, it evens out the lighting.

Thank you for providing an image for this thread's OP.

>> No.46351398

This is fantastic

>> No.46351734
File: 3 KB, 112x128, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll take some more then. the gameboy camera lives on my desk but i rarely actually use it

sony decided to leave space for 99999 photos in the filename, but force it to reset to 00000 after 09999. HAT was the first filename I used for the camera. LOL is the second

congrats anon!!!

>> No.46351780

Amazing photo. Is she balancing by herself with those heels? Or did you edit out the stand?

>> No.46351825

This was the first time I tried editing out the stand. The AC stand that came with the latest clothes order made it pretty easy to work with but I find that she's still too heavy for the knee joints to do anything other than basic standing poses. If you look closely near her ankles, the without-doll photo was slightly out of focus compared to the one with her.

>> No.46353975
File: 1.34 MB, 1512x2016, PXL_20240315_233600056 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I forgot this one from my phone

>> No.46358161

super cute outfit
also nice showcase of the coat I wanted to buy lol
