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46350390 No.46350390 [Reply] [Original]

Looking Forward to the Future Edition (ft Anon's Doll)

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>46248637
Azone Thread: >>>/toy/10899808 (but you can post here, too.)
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/10910126
FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books:
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing

Current Photo Challenge: Rainy Day
Previous Photo Challenge: Try Something New

If your doll is for sex, go to >>>/jp//ona/

>> No.46350432

I want a blue doll

>> No.46350619
File: 1.77 MB, 1515x1922, IMGP9028 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart Doll made one for a time, you can find them on the aftermarket. Usually marked up to hell, but keep an ear to the ground and you'll find one at a reasonable price. Dollfie Icons are another option -- they have a more realistic face sculpt and come in some lovely colors, blue included. They are a nightmare on the aftermarket, but Volks tends to do one run of a new version of them each year, so keep an eye out and you may be able to get one directly.

Failing that, RIT Dyemore or i-Dye Poly are options. It will be imperfect, but it will be blue! Dye darker than you want, they lighten considerably over time. Another option is paint -- I believe Fubuki's owner used Krylon Fusion, but decant some into an airbrush if you have access to one and spray it on that way, it provides a far better texture for faceups than spraying it straight outta the can. In all cases except getting a doll cast in blue vinyl, there may be maintenance involved, but that's fine! Follow your dreams, anon!

>> No.46350949

>(what did I forget this time)
to change the current photo challenge
which is good because I was intending to do something for the last one and hadn't yet

>> No.46351269
File: 2.12 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20240315_144444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is a versatile coat. Just long enough to work for 50cm and accommodates even the largest bust size.

>> No.46351272
File: 342 KB, 1366x1820, 1761939503034536162_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks you for baking!

>> No.46351309

This image makes her look massive like she's standing next to a normal size dresser

>> No.46351331
File: 1.74 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20240315_201457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And buttoned up. They add a nice touch to the coat, even if they were a pain to work with.

>> No.46351375

Do you mind if I ask where you got that lovely wig?

My pleasure! Thank you for cute doll posting!

>> No.46351419
File: 2.42 MB, 3024x3332, IMG_2153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about a purple one

>> No.46351607

NTA but you have my interest if you're offering, anon. I don't have a purple one yet.

>> No.46351874

I'm only going to make one post about this unless it sparks discussion so as to not constantly muck up the thread with meet stuff, especially for only my area.

Zenkaicon in Lancaster, PA is a week away. I plan on being there with my doll and would like to gauge interest in a meet at that con. I don't expect anyone on such short notice. I'll be by the large windows across the hall from Freedom Hall B (Main Exhibition Hall) at noon on Saturday of the con. If you'll be at the con and want to join the meet, email me at dollsarecool@tfwno.gf or just show up. I'll also be walking around with my doll all weekend again so feel free to say hi.

>> No.46351877

What is your dolls name

>> No.46351947

I can't make it to Lancaster, but I hope you are able to meet up with others, anon. Don't worry about posting, I don't think anyone minds. This, too, is just an extension of appreciation for dolls.

>> No.46351993

seconding, feel free to post as much as you'd like about meetups and such. i'm not someone who can make it places but i appreciate seeing people gathering like last time, i like it

>> No.46352067

I don't have her anywhere close to done yet, and she wouldnt be for sell, sorry if I got your hopes up. I just did the hands today to test out dyeing vinyl and see how hard color matching the joints would be.

>> No.46352291

Vinyl Dyeing tips:

- Note down the recipe you used for your dye if you didn't use just one pouch of something so you can recreate it later. You will want both the amounts of each dye used, and the amount of time submerged, in those notes.
- More water is better than less water, you will not concentrate the dye with less water, you will only increase the risk of getting weird dye marks on the body.
- Having test pieces to dye is always good, so good work on that front!
- Dye darker than the color you want, they tend to lighten over the coming weeks.
- Clothes can stain even a dyed doll, but in a fun twist a dyed doll can stain light-colored clothes. I haven't personally had it happen, but I've heard stories.
- Frame parts are always a dye wildcard, and it's about 50/50 whether they dye dark quickly or refuse to take the dye at all.
- Steel stock pots are your friend, never use copper, it can react with the dye and do weird shit.
- Do not let the pieces settle on the bottom, they can warp and get marks from being against the metal. Hot vinyl is about as fragile as vinyl gets. Keep stirring.
- Frame parts are plastic and subject to the same concerns. Parts can warp under the heat and microfractures may develop. That's just the nature of a dye bath. Hasn't caused me problems yet, but this is a very intensive mod, so it's something to keep in mind.
- You want a simmer, not a hard boil. Use a thermometer, or if you're using a gas range, use the lowest flame on the smallest burner of your stove and watch the motherfucker.
- Make sure you're using a synthetic dye! i-Dye Poly or RIT Dyemore are the ones to go for. Natural dyes won't do anything noteworthy.
- At the end of the day, this is still a surface-level treatment and things will fade/change over time. There will be imperfections, faint differences in color depth, spots and blotches here and there. Learn to love these imperfections.
- For the love of god wear gloves and keep a towel handy that you don't mind sacrificing. All the best efforts in the world won't entirely spare you from accidentally changing the color of something you did not want in a different color.
- Wipe any existing faceup before dyeing or the head will wind up weird. This should go without saying, but for posterity's sake.

Happy dyeing anon! Please feel free to detail us on your progress!

>> No.46353286

Great write up anon, feel this should be added to the guide, its pretty concise.

>Dye darker than the color you want, they tend to lighten over the coming weeks.
Haven't seen this tip before, thanks for the heads up. Definitely will keep that in mind.

After tightening the shoulder joints on my other mdd tonight, I gotta say I'm not looking forward to the disassembly process for this project. But dyeing was a lot of fun. I have a large pan, that I hope, can fit all outer vinyl pieces and do one dip to get as uniform as possible. I did a small wire rig for the hands but it needs some work if I'm doing multiple. But she's gonna be a monster girl so imperfections/;not being uniform isn't the end of the world.

>> No.46356650

I'll make a section for it and other tips in the morning, cheers.

>> No.46360218
File: 519 KB, 1209x1612, 20240316_205138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Base MDD is $308.63 directly from Volks
>Same base is $506 before taxes from Volks USA, coming out to $557 in my state
Maybe dolls aren't that expensive, it's just the cost of not being in Japan that brings things up.

Also, what bags do you use for carrying your dolls? Should I be worried about using a normal backpack?

>> No.46361341

>it's just the cost of not being in Japan
You Americans don't even pay taxes on toys... here in Europe you'll get taxed an additional third of whatever you paid

>> No.46361788
File: 700 KB, 1906x1284, doll prison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A normal backpack should be fine. I wrap my dolls in a towel for protection. For longer trips, I detach the head and put it in a small box for extra protection with the face. If you want to display your doll, you can find clear bags like this on Amazon. I find the Volks clear bag to be too expensive.

>> No.46361845

This anon >>46361788 has the right idea, but I personally just let 'em peek out of my backpack when I'm out and it's fine. I will one day find a clear doll bag big enough to hold a pair of DDs.

>> No.46362106
File: 1.38 MB, 2723x4096, 20240315_155142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless the world, and most people in it.

>> No.46362140

Mind sharing the source for that wig? Its absolutely gorgeous!

>> No.46362319

>paying the volksusa tax and not ordering from Volks int

>> No.46362808

Volks USA just directly does (or has done) 100y = 1USD, which kind of made sense at some point but very much no longer does

>> No.46362923

Yeah at one point the conversion really was close to that simple and now the JPY has devalued by like 30-40% which is... great for importing but I worry about the people over there.

>> No.46362935

god she's fucking precious

>> No.46362969

this is kind of hot...

>> No.46363151

Seal it after wards, it helps with fading and transfer
msc is recommended

>> No.46363633

I'll be sure to post more pictures of her. She recently got a new outfit in the mail.

You may be pleased to know that she doesn't wear underwear.

>> No.46363927

I love how distressed she looks

>> No.46363991

Could be worse, anon could be living in my shithole and have to pay 20% on everything + 78% for anything above 50 bucks.

>> No.46364018

Oi, anon who wanted a bunny suit. Seller has two, they are... regretfully shiny but here you go.

>> No.46364395
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>> No.46364419

*explosive nosebleed*

>> No.46364552

Is she huge or is that just me?

>> No.46364595

She's about 80cm tall. If resin wasn't so hard she'd be perfect for cuddling.

>> No.46364660
File: 2.92 MB, 4250x5708, IMG_2157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its obviously unpainted still, just has a primer coat on it. I have a few “learn how to sew” projects still to tackle with it but the overall build of the bed is done.

>> No.46364669

i wonder if there’s any like this for dd as well.

>> No.46364702
File: 58 KB, 600x600, 1053888-94eec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anybody know if azone 45 cm clothes can fit on MDD? eyeing this in particular but it looks like MDD bodies have larger waists than azone dolls

>> No.46364718

Neat bed. I also like those kneesocks, they're very cute.

>> No.46364758
File: 2.07 MB, 2000x3000, Akira-CherryBlossoms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good. Just missing a nice pillow and sheets
Those shoes also look like they're of good quality
cute! I want to see her new outfit

>> No.46364908

Ah I'm jealous, it'll be weeks before blossom season hits my elevation. Looking lovely as always!

Great work anon! What color are you thinking of painting this?

>> No.46364919

>not imagining how soft you must feel to the doll

>> No.46364945

I thought so! Weirdly the hands were what clued me in to her size for some reason. Congratulations anon, I'm glad she made it home safely! Is she able to stand? (No worries if you haven't tried, I'd be nervous too.)

>> No.46364975

No, no. I always make sure to wear a full set of plate armor before cuddling my doll.
Thanks! Supposedly she should be able to stand by herself, but I haven't tried. I'm too scared of her faceplanting.

>> No.46365043

This is looking great. It must be nice being able to make your own furniture when doll furniture is always so expensive. Looking forward to your future DIY projects! Your doll is very cute, as always. I want to pinch her cheeks.

I have an Azone 45cm outfit and it fits my MDD. I don't think the waists are that different in size. I'm thinking that outfit should definitely fit an MDD seeing that the picture shows it is also compatible with a 50cm body.

Very elegant. This perfectly fits the spring season. I'm in love.

>> No.46365056
File: 2.17 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20240316_165710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MDD waists are 5mm smaller if my measurements on my Azone 45 are correct. I have that outfit in question and it fits medium busts, just without a bra. With is almost snug and large busts might not fit.

>> No.46365079

Put down a big pillow or a bigass folded comforter and she'll be ok even if she falls down.

Can we get that new Obitsu body yet, anons? I have a pair of floating heads I'm gonna use to make a cute pair of dolls.

>> No.46365110

It's still 3-5 weeks away here too, these are early because they were in a greenhouse. Azone thread has a picture of the even smaller cherry blossoms that flowered a couple weeks earlier with Reimu and Marisa. But the actual full size trees outside my house are still very much shut up for the winter

>> No.46365267

Theyre my favorite pair of shoes I have actually, theyre from dollhearts.

I'm gonna do a pale lavender, maybe a darker purple on the two corner posts and on the header board.

>> No.46365446

thanks dollanons! i appreciate it! and your girl looks very cute

>> No.46365499

there's an anon trying to leave humanity behind on /g/

>> No.46365574

That's strange, I don't remember visiting /g/ in a while

>> No.46366044

I checked the catalog but didn't catch it, what thread anon?

>> No.46366246


>> No.46366341


>> No.46366420

I don't know what I expected but that's not it.

>> No.46366432
File: 953 KB, 1920x2400, IMGP7875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey I went outside, took Elle with me

got too much other stuff going on this month, sorry
whoa that's pretty sweet
your photos keep getting better & better
oh I assumed the HAT was newer since you were getting close to 9999
yeah my K-1 is like that as well, getting close to it myself but I'll probably just swap IMGP for IMG1 because I'm boring
gonna have to deal with name conflicts between my older K-r/K-x photos one of these days as well

>> No.46366448
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x2400, IMGP7891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed a grand total of two poses in just under two hours
very efficient

>> No.46366454
File: 3.69 MB, 1919x2400, IMG_0273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to bring a doll stand (again)
thankfully a stick of about the right size was laying around

>> No.46366459
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packing up, maybe counts as a third pose

>> No.46366467
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another setup shot

>> No.46366481
File: 1.09 MB, 2400x1919, IMGP7900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alt angle of the second pose

>she doesn't wear underwear
you should fix that
cute underwear > no underwear

>> No.46366551

How was it out there? Looks like a lovely place for photography.

Improvise adapt overcome.

>> No.46366581

This is a very funny behind the scenes photo, great photoshoot anon

>> No.46366714
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x899, IMG_0270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How was it out there? Looks like a lovely place for photography.
it's an elevated area on the side of a major road in the suburban sprawl I live in
I've been eyeing it for a while because everything else out here is rowhouses with pockets of dense woods
I'll probably go back once the grass isn't in seed anymore, not quite the look I was going for
thankfully the lighting was more or less what I was imagining, for once glad I waited until later in the day
I try to take some pics like that for every shoot, might be educational for someone

>> No.46368062

>your photos keep getting better & better
Thanks! I'm getting happier with them myself as I learn more about the photography side of this.
Those new boots are great! Elle a cute, great set I can't wait for things to actually start turning green here too. I appreciate the setup shots as well

>> No.46368252
File: 100 KB, 600x900, LOL09279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep forgetting how light vinyl is. I'm glad an appropriate sized stick was around

I like this one most >>46366448

I was keeping all the images on my website in one folder so using HAT twice became a big mess sooner than I expected. You can use LOL when you hit 9999. I'll be done with it soon.

>> No.46376512
File: 263 KB, 1294x1942, 20240317_094917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want some matcha

>> No.46377083
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I hope you can make or obtain some matcha.

>> No.46377124
File: 276 KB, 1366x2048, 20240317_105014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46377388

Great pictures! This pose is so cute with her expression.

When she wears underwear it gets sucked into this space between her hip and her thigh. Unfortunately it gets in the way when doing certain poses. At this point, I just consider it part of her personality to be too lazy or annoyed when asked to put on underwear.

>> No.46377947

Cute pictures! You've got the matcha, do you have the chasen to whisk it with?
>part of her personality to be too lazy or annoyed when asked to put on underwear.
Your doll's face gives that impression already so I guess it fits

>> No.46378017

I just have some cheap stuff at the moment but it's gone a bit bad tasting now, just ran out of asamushicha so I'm tempted to put a tea order in but also considering waiting for tea season to start...
I wish that were my doll and matcha! Alas, they are not... I still need to get better tools for matcha, I've just been making it the bootleg way with an electric milk frother. I'll get some in my next order of course!

>> No.46378031

Oh also I love chocominto aisu girl she is the best

>> No.46378119

I'm in the same boat waiting to order some of the first flush teas for this year, holding out on the last of my houjicha until that arrives.
I remember a video of some tea expert trying to match an electric frother. try as he may, the frother came out with smaller bubbles and a finer froth on top compared to hand whisked. At that point the cope becomes 'personal preference' for taste/texture, but I just like doing it by hand with a chasen because i'm a weeb and I think specialized tools are neat
I should get or make a tea bowl for my girl

>> No.46378265

I'm just about in the same boat, I really only have kyobancha left. Luckily I have probably 150g of it.
I agree though, I have had properly whisked matcha and the electric frother just isn't as good as far as I can tell. I also just appreciate the experience of tea so I look forward to being able to being able to make it properly.
>get or make a tea bowl for my girl
That sounds lovely, if you do then post photos, I would love to see! Especially with a bit of matcha in it would be amusing.

>> No.46378561

The folder is eating well today

>> No.46379332

I'm overdue for a tea order as well. /tea/ says some of the first flushes are starting to get listed in various places, but we'll be waiting a bit longer for things like hojicha and so on. And honestly, if making it with a milk frother works for you, that's good enough. If you want to get special tools, that's also fine. Often, the joy of a thing is in doing it, with the result of that thing as more of a happy consequence.

>> No.46379426
File: 652 KB, 1775x1225, DSC_0788 edit shop small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St. Patrick's Day, also the day Katie got her name because I was watching Darby O'Gill and the Little People when I finished putting her together and she didn't have a name yet. I started a sewing course, so I don't have as many photos as I usually do, I'll have one more on Tuesday for the Equinox though. I hope.

>> No.46379721

Cute! What are you planning on sewing for your dolls (assuming of course that one of the reasons you started a sewing course was to make things for them)?

>> No.46379860

Sewing for them is a big part of the reason for the classes. So many dresses, the idea of being able to make exactly what I am looking for, for a shoot, is very exciting!

>> No.46381925
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>> No.46382261
File: 2.63 MB, 3292x2994, IMG_6166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers, anon! happy St. Patrick's Day, and best of luck with your sewing projects

>> No.46383356
File: 168 KB, 1366x2048, 1640411825656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46383440

Aw beautiful

>> No.46383895
File: 8 KB, 299x67, Screen Shot 2024-03-18 at 05.29.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys i've finally made it

>> No.46383922

Post the photo in that profile pic anon

>> No.46383965

So I'm in Europe and I want to order a bunch of stuff like a stand and shoes and other things for SD size dolls. I have decided that ordering from Aliexpress or Taobao with a proxy is too much of a pain because everything I see is listes with the same pics 200 times and I assume it's not legit.
Where do I order from that has a decent catalog and doesn't mark shit up to hell?

>> No.46384742

Congratulations anon!

I'm unsure, but whatever the answer is, I'll add it to the guide. On that note, if anyone has regional specialty shops for a given country/region to recommend, I would appreciate them for a similar reason.

>> No.46385491
File: 67 KB, 864x1152, 20240318_081405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up my first doll in Akiba. I am stupid for not doing Dollfie Dream Choice given I was in the spot, so this is just the standard Koume mdd face with some Volks clothes. I'm hoping to get my friend to sew me more clothes and to get shoes somehow. I want to try my hand at making some mdd sized heels in Zbrush and 3D printing them once I have the measurements down.

>> No.46386071

Maybe Dolk?

>> No.46386227

This makes me really want 2B and 9S. Especially 9S.

Congrats on your first doll! Nothing wrong with getting a standard doll. Koume has very cute cheeks.

>> No.46386250

If you're still in Japan, go to your nearest Mandarake. They all have doll sections, you will invariably find something there.

>> No.46386269

She's cute! Did you name her?

>> No.46386361

Thanks anon.

I'm already out of Japan, but I checked out Mandarake 1 and 2 which had some cool dolls on display including some spendy old Dollfies. 2 with all of the BL smells kind of strange though. Ikebukuro had another used doll shop, and both Azone stores in Tokyo had super cute clothes too. I didn't end up getting anything else, but I'll have to when I go back. With the conversion rate right now doll clothes are a steal.

I'm thinking Doria like the Italian name or the food.

>> No.46386432
File: 330 KB, 1823x1157, top-cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time working with stretchy fabrics and well at least I have some ideas on what not to do when I remake this

That'd be a good name! I like the wig choice too

>> No.46386554
File: 2.22 MB, 2825x4096, 20240317_211011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46386556

Don't feel bad, stretchy fabrics are notorious to work with and you need to use a special setting or something on your sewing machine, I've been told. It looks good for a first try anon!

When you go back you can get her a sister (or even a brother) by doing Dream Choice. I hope you find some good stuff when you go!

>> No.46387411

>classy AND hot
my favorite

>> No.46388169

from the photo, i think this still looks quite cute! is it seam puckering or skipped stitches that are bothering you? are you having functional issues when worn? what kind of fabric is it? woven fabrics with some built in stretch are more forgiving than say a 4-way stretch knit, which will often require specific needles, stitch patterns (like zig zag), and in my case thoroughly testing your tension settings

>> No.46388449
File: 3.29 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy spring my dudes

>> No.46388476

I forget how to fix the rotate

>> No.46388776

Ready to spring into action!
Rotate through the crop tool instead of any sorta quick action
Now that you mentioned it I checked and preorders should open soon so on yunomi.life I guess I'll do that. The estimated time frame was May if I remember what I read correctly, I'll just be patient...
Nono the milk frother is barely working, and I'm someone who much prefers delayed gratification so every part of the experience seems like a plus to me! Plus I'm also a weeb

>> No.46388781

Open it in any image editor and rotate it into the position you want (if it opens automatically in the "right" orientation, flip it around a few times anyway) then save it anew and it should then display properly. I love your doll, anon! Her coloration is so vibrant.

>> No.46388924
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>> No.46388930

I love the way you photographed this, the trees up there look like clouds right now.

>> No.46388958
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>> No.46388967
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>> No.46389129

The sleeves are a bit too tight which restrict movement. They can't be much larger without just falling off, but they're stretched to their limit in this picture to fit around her arm. Couldn't tell you exactly what fabric it is, just leftover from what my mom had used in a prior project. But it was lightweight and stretchy enough for this. I think it's poly and it doesn't seem to be knit. The pattern calls for a zigzag stitch on the top hem to allow it to stretch which it does, but I want to increase the length of the sleeves slightly and extend the bottom down so I'll be remaking this anyway.
Also not pictured: I screwed up the orientation of the back panel at first and had to get the seam ripper out which screwed up the back left side. Don't do that.

Cute. I like her eyes.

>> No.46389277

off-shoulder tops are kind of a pain to wear irl, so best of luck troubleshooting this, anon! if the fabric feels like it could give more, but it is the seam itself that is limiting movement, a wider zig zag stitch width may help if you don’t mind how it looks. it’s kind of cheating, but alternatively if you want to maximize range of motion, i’ve seen some tops where the sleeves are totally separate pieces from the bodice but still manage to look the part from most angles.

>> No.46389606

When sewing a seam ripper is your best friend

>> No.46390033

Cute photo, is that a dress you made?

>> No.46390184
File: 389 KB, 4256x2976, DDH-06 Scan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some heads today so here's some hopefully not garage scans of the templates.

>> No.46390200
File: 469 KB, 4256x2992, DDH-29 Scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46390214
File: 53 KB, 720x720, 44347260_326106634787277_5942841052801877988_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's an official promo pic, looks like from before he started destroying his photos with shitty filters
>Congratulations anon!
I mean it was bound to happen, the Instagram AP community is tiny
looks good to me
stretchy fabric can be very forgiving of shape, if you get the hems right (ie make them stretch too)
can't remember if you said you were hand or machine sewing, but if the latter then water-soluble stabilizer really helps (also available as tape)
also try stretching it as you sew the hem (if using a machine)
don't think I'm going to find the time to get into DC for a sakura shoot, going to have to hunt down a tree around here

>> No.46390223
File: 802 KB, 4912x6544, DDH-10 Template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how bad this one will come out, to the anon like 3 threads ago asking about ddh-10 template. I did finally find my old one but its on different paper oddly enough and I'm having a hard time getting a clear image.

>> No.46390375
File: 372 KB, 3078x4363, edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I quickly darkened it so it's easier to use! I'm not the one who asked but I might try it myself, thank you for scanning it!

>> No.46390585
File: 178 KB, 1079x1296, eodz14zfrbpa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, this is great!

>> No.46390649

Yep, it’s a bow tie back

>> No.46390939
File: 399 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_2873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on this one

>> No.46390973

these three are so cute <3

thanks, anon!!

>> No.46391496

That looked a lot better as a thumbnail unfortunately

>> No.46393881
File: 2.66 MB, 2723x4096, 20240315_224625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46394024
File: 2.27 MB, 2000x1333, IMG_8468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should give nines more attention. i haven’t changed his outfit in a looong time…!

thank you, anon!

>> No.46394167

This picture is so memorizing to me. Funny enough Mandarake just updated with a 9S (with a few stains). Unfortunately I can't afford him right now. Please post more Nines so I can live vicariously through your pics.

>> No.46394265

What is this? Cute

>> No.46394887


>> No.46394989

I mean what doll
I don't have a twitter account it blocks me from browsing

>> No.46394999

I have no idea, sorry. I'm just a saver of photos.

>> No.46395020

I hope one day I can have one of my own, he's so cute

>> No.46395046

Pretty sure that's a Luts Phoebe with a custom faceup from salt_desert_ on instagram.

>> No.46396671

Thank you anon!

>> No.46396672
File: 231 KB, 1365x2048, 1617046894367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46397163


>> No.46397243

Unfortunately I am unsure, I believe my copy of this image originates from the old resin thread on /toy/.

>> No.46397323

It's a beautiful image nonetheless.

>> No.46397423
File: 219 KB, 1200x871, PXL_20240319_221021415~2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few threads ago, someone posted an amazon link for handcuff keychains that were basically doll-sized handcuffs. I looked at them briefly but didn't end up buying any. I went on there the other day and it had those on the front page for me, alongside some gun keychains. I thought those could potentially also be good doll-sized guns, so I browsed them a bit. I found these ones made by Blade-Tech, which primarily makes holsters I think. They have four models available - 1911, "Revolver" (not sure if it's any specific one or just generic), Sig 226, and Sig 320c. They are $12.99 on amazon, but only $5.09 on their own website, so of course I ordered them directly. I ordered the first three of the four models I listed above. To my surprise, they were delivered 4 days later (I didn't get any shipping notification or anything).
The 1911 and the revolver seem to be perfectly sized for a MDD's hands, but the 226 is a little big. It may be good for a 1/3 doll, but I don't have any regular DDs to test with unfortunately.
The guns are made of a single solid piece of black plastic, so there are no moving or separate parts (unless you count the holster they come with). There's also no muzzle hole, but maybe you could drill one yourself if that's important. And speaking of holes, there is of course a hole through the bottom of the grip where the keyring attaches, which may be visible in photos from certain angles. You could probably position the gun at an angle so the hole isn't really noticeable; or just edit it out in post; or even just fill it in with something and paint or color it black with a sharpie.
All in all, I think it's a pretty good option for a budget doll handgun as long as you don't expect goatguns quality (and weight). It might not show that well in the photo, but the fine details up close are pretty good, such as the texture on the grip and any engraved text ("1911" on the ejection port which is on the other side)

>> No.46397463
File: 249 KB, 800x1063, PXL_20240319_224528774~2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture of her holding the Sig P226. You can see it's a bit bigger than the other two, and her fingers don't reach around the grip or to the trigger. Again, it doesn't show well in the picture, but in person you can clearly see the text on the slide "SIG SAUER P226". For some reason, this model doesn't have a textured grip (I don't know if real ones come like that) - it's smooth and says "Sig Sauer" on one side and "P226" on the other.
And that's the holster in her right hand. It's meant to be clipped onto a human belt, but if you're crafty, you might be able to remove that clip and somehow integrate it into your doll's outfit or something.

>> No.46397566

Thanks for the research anon!

>> No.46397576

CUTE! i posted the handcuffs lol, and i’ve been considering ordering this https://a.co/d/gCCdqdS one. nice finds anon!

>> No.46397593

I'm gonna give that one a try

>> No.46397713

You're my fucking hero, for the 2nd time now.

>> No.46398002

post pics when you get it!

>> No.46398604
File: 428 KB, 1115x1672, DSC_0809 edit small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to get one almost in time. Here's Lydia with her new short hair for the Spring and Summer. I went with a bob style for her for this time around.

>> No.46399048

she looks great as always
what did you use for a back light?

>> No.46399403
File: 156 KB, 1289x1220, 71IXkF0nAbL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of these. I bought them about 4 years ago, and use them almost every single month. They're really versatile. In my other photo, that's what is making the pot of gold glow.
Amazon: amazon.com/gp/product/B01KWXCI3Q

>> No.46400056
File: 651 KB, 1440x1920, 20240316_191533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put her on snow removal duty

>> No.46400104

long ago I found diecast 1/2.5 guns at a thrift shop for like 2$ each
I have a bunch of them and I hope they'll work with the doll

>> No.46401326

how do i prevent dollfie head from cracking? i keep seeing heads with neck cracks sold and it makes me nervous

>> No.46401346


>> No.46401584

If you heat up the neck area with a hairdryer before removing it can help the vinyl stay flexible! Generally they're ok even if they crack, a few of mine came to me second-hand with cracks and they're a-okay (or at least, the neck is the least of their problems in the case of older bodies. Of course, my standards are probably weirder than the average doll anon's, so please keep that in mind.)

>> No.46402982

Just picked these up, can't wait to play with them. Thank you anon.

>> No.46403086
File: 253 KB, 888x1250, Camera_XHS_17109544006911040g2sg30tj8v2j64k6g5oooktc8shnrkqot74o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are Chinese bjds allowed?

>> No.46403382

I hope they work for you, they've been good for me. Just a heads up, you only need one remote for all four, I don't know why they give you four remotes. But it's nice to have backups, just make sure to take the coin batteries out of the ones you're not using.

>> No.46403779

I don't see why not. Cute doll anon, tell me about her!

>> No.46404750
File: 3.60 MB, 1280x720, チェリーちゃん運転上手い❤️#tinyfox #タミヤRC #FIAT500 #CR01.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46404753
File: 321 KB, 2048x1536, [twitter] LIMEGARAGE—2024.03.20—1770325254801342886—GJF1YjlaMAAGSJk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46404914

She's cruising

>> No.46405053

the other day I had a dream about a cute doll (which in my dream was like a fusion of two dolls I know) taking part in a bubblegum commercial. It was short but had like flashy motion graphics and everything. Is my mental health reclining again

>> No.46405058

I love when owners do this

>> No.46405061

Is the cabin in the back for the dolls or the people you kidnap

>> No.46405122

Is that the normal MDD body or is it the one with the wider hips? (Was there even a third one? I don't remember) anyway your doll looks great

>> No.46405187

the face made me actually laugh

>> No.46405201

I wish I had a dream where one of my characters was a doll and I actually held her

>> No.46405550

it's for the people the dolls kidnap

>> No.46405804
File: 3.35 MB, 4284x5609, IMG_2171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick bed update. Main coats pf paint are done, just some touch up work left. I did the sheet, with some really baby’s first sewing underneath but was pretty fun.

>> No.46405956

i sewed some bloomers for my doll and learned hand sewing instead of using a machine is a good way to turn a 1 hour project into a 10 hour project

>> No.46405996
File: 87 KB, 600x900, LOL09298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46406026
File: 956 KB, 2731x4096, koenig320a-1767703418616054046-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep that's going in my BJD complication

>> No.46406338
File: 939 KB, 2153x1433, IMGP0412.darktable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait so this is a thing that's happened to more than just me?
TIL there is indeed such a thing as too narrow DoF
wonder what lens that was taken with
I sure hope it wasn't a Noct, jp dollfags are not okay

>> No.46406410

>Is my mental health reclining again
Reclining? Yes, chilling out maxing relaxing all cool

>> No.46406483

How fun! Well done! What did you use for the mattress?

>> No.46407080
File: 289 KB, 1080x1646, bonniegreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonnie is a line of blind boxes created by the toy company COME4ART. Their other toys have all been mechanically jointed, with a more masculine style. They are cool too, but Bonnie's success has encouraged them to pursue even more kawaii BJD style dolls.

>> No.46407352
File: 1.26 MB, 1800x1458, 02b_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went outside to take some pics. Weather was probably too warm for the coat, but oh well.

>> No.46407359
File: 1.82 MB, 1677x1800, 07b_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46407450

She's so cute, my heart truly is melting. I love her hair so very much and her outfit complements it well. It's interesting to see that the flowers are blooming there and >>46388967 there, my weeping cherry seems far off from blossoming and there's currently snow piling up! But I'm grateful for more snow.
Thank you for sharing, I was greatly looking forward to this. Now this is a range officer I'd love to have, she cleans up brass very well! The question is, will she let you bump fire?

>> No.46407501
File: 542 KB, 1440x1920, 20240316_191718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will she let you bump fire?
she let me slam fire.
its a sauna

>> No.46407738

There is a very nice posing guide for Figma somewhere (I think you can find it in the /toy/ general). I wonder how much of it is applicable to dolls?

>> No.46409354

I am getting the feeling I'll see her in April...

>> No.46409363

I used sponges and a metric ton of hot glue. The mattress is 19.5 x 10 x 3 inches, which is 1/4 scaled twin mattress. Theres three layers of sponges on a thick cardboard underneath. I just hotglued the cotton layer on the underside. If I remember right, I double folded to hide the yellow better. I got the idea from a youtube video doing a 1/12 scale doll house. It probably wouldve been better to do more cardboard less sponge layers and I have some hotglue ridges you can feel if you press down on the top.
I’ll probably continue doing sponges for semi rigid easy furniture cushions. I dont know how practical it would be for 1/3+ scales.

>> No.46409449

(Resin) has anyone ever spliced a male head on a female body? Can that actually look good? I am a bit disappointed in how female heads are always so, well... doll-like and I have seen a couple sculpts for male heads that might actually work for a more mature and sharp-featured female. Is this not going to work and I'm gonna get some weird trap looking thing? Does anyone have examples to show me?

>> No.46409950

You'll get faster with experience but it does inevitably take way longer...I've been handsewing all my doll clothes since I no longer have a machine and I find it pretty relaxing but it's definitely more involved. Good luck learning anon, it's a good skill to have!
Dolls in a lot of cases have a different (usually bigger and more organic) range of motion, but some strung bjd might struggle to hold some angles depending on how they're engineered. However the principles of natural looking poses will overlap a lot, if I'm thinking of the same guide, so I'm sure it'd still be helpful.
With doll items it's usually better to focus on form over function so I think the bed looks really nice! Your doll won't notice the hot glue feeling but she'll appreciate the cute bed
I don't have any examples but that's definitely doable as long as you check the head size is appropriate for the body and get a decent skin match. A lot of male BJD sculpts are pretty androgynous if you don't give them too strong of a brow, and styling (clothes, wig) will go a long way to how the dolls gender is perceived

>> No.46410799
File: 860 KB, 3096x4128, 20240206_134916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46411068

>A lot of male BJD sculpts are pretty androgynous if you don't give them too strong of a brow
Yeah I was thinking about the fact that face-ups can dramatically change what a doll will look like. The head size issue is probably the likeliest.
I seriously wish sometimes that it was easier to find female head sculpts that didn't look so childish.

>> No.46411191
File: 155 KB, 900x600, LOL09332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looked a lot bigger from the photos!! what in to heck!!!!

you can do it depending on both neck opening and neck circumference. seasoned collectors will be constantly mistaking your doll for a boy though. normies probably won't be able to tell it was ever a boy, but they can't tell the boys are boys either.

>> No.46411325

>showing my dolls to normies
how horrifying. I mistake the boys for girls sometimes but my eye is getting keener. That's also something I'm getting wary of, I am starting to internalize what a boy doll looks like. It's the subtle things like the width of the mouth and the curve of the jaw that are just there enough to tell me it's a dude

>> No.46411379
File: 160 KB, 600x900, LOL08698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't even show your mom your dolls? if I show my dolls to normies, I never say any of them are boys. only ONE person has said "you have boy dolls!?" from seeing a photo. I asked her which ones were male and she got all correct, but missed one.

>> No.46411472

No way. I'm a dude. If my direct family saw dolls I would get estranged.

>> No.46411593

I'm sorry you're in that position anon.

>> No.46411699

Over time I realized it's not that tragic to keep a secret or two and my family has many good sides when you look past that.
In any case it's probably going to be a very long time before I can even think about making custom dolls anyway. I'm aiming to afford another doll this year (I never wished I was richer until I got into this hobby... so expensive...)

>> No.46411839

I am thinking about getting a doll but I do not think it will fill the gaping hole in my soul. Has anyone here gotten a doll for such a reason? Did it work?

>> No.46411867

it will not fill any hole in your soul and will only create a hole in your wallet. find another way to fix your misery and buy a doll when you feel better.

>> No.46411872

I have shown my dolls to one of my friends that came to visit me. Most of my friends are out of town and it's very rare that i have visitors. I knew she would enjoy them and was very comfortable with showing her, but with my other friends they know i have a secret hobby but don't know what it is yet. With them it's more of a bit and I wouldn't hide them when they come to visit, but I'm also not going out of my way to tell them about it. I think i would hide them from my family as I don't even want to discuss it with them. They just want me to find a girl and have kids and i doubt Mom and Dad would see my dolls as a good use of my time and money (which to some extent i would agree but hey it's my money, I'm not hurting financially at all and they make me happy). I have once shown a single picture of two of my dolls at work since the topic came up with my coworkers. But I generally prefer to keep things to myself unless i know the other part has a shared interest in a topic. I have no qualms being out in public taking photos of my dolls and I very rarely have anyone comment on them but each time it has been to remark how cute they are. Obviously your comfort level in sharing your hobby will vary based on your circumstances; these are just my experiences.

Doubt that a doll will fix that. It can help sure but for as much as I love mine, they are just vinyl and ABS at their core. You need to address the root of your issue whatever it is.

>> No.46411882

The other party*

>> No.46411924

>Has anyone here gotten a doll for such a reason?
Yes but whether you manage to fill the void or not depends more upon your character, how imaginative you are and other things like that than just the doll. The doll itself is (sadly) just an object that is made by workers and sold to you, it doesn't have any magical healing properties.

>> No.46412289

well that's unfortunate
thanks i guess

>> No.46412593

Find a female doll enjoyers to have kids with

>> No.46412617

surprisingly good advice on 4chan today

>> No.46412631

>normal woman
>I have too many dolls
>doll enjoying woman
>Not enough dolls
It's over...

>> No.46412710

>to have kids
This is how you ruin your hobby

>> No.46412781
File: 2.20 MB, 3234x5128, IMG_1422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't intend on using the jewellery box, but I couldn't get a free standing between the slippy plastic heels and a loose left foot. Also please have a better picture than a crappy phone snap.

Also all three of my Azone girls have a floppy left foot to some degree and it annoys me. Maybe find some contrathreaded screws.

It's a jellyfish wig. I got it a few years ago from an Etsy dropseller, but its not listed on the store anymore. Likely just got it off AliExpress.

Her name is Silvia. Hard to think its over 5 years since she arrived.

>> No.46412819

Cute. CUTE!

>> No.46413200

If that's something you want for your life, sincerely, I think that's great. But I've seen too many people lose everything that gave their life meaning in order to become parents, and while I'm happy they're fulfilled in that role, I could never find that same happiness in sacrificing my autonomy for the benefit of another. If someone is happy on their own, there's nothing wrong with that, either. If anything... I think society puts way too much burden and emphasis on finding a companion over learning to be content with ourselves first and foremost.

>> No.46413240

i just want a motorcycle, a small cabin in alaska and regular access to liquor

>> No.46413699

Your question is similar to "will I be happy if I buy a guitar", well of course the act of buying a guitar is meaningless, but the things you do with the guitar can give a lot of satisfaction if you have a passion for music.
One thing for sure is that this is a rather isolationist hobby.

>> No.46413865

the hole cannot be filled
but if you can fill your days with distractions, it's easier to ignore the agony

>> No.46413995

Do you know what the cause of this feeling is, anon? Do you want to talk about it?

>> No.46414038
File: 623 KB, 1440x1920, 20240319_173902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasnt paying attention when taking these 2 pics because I was pretty drunk so they didnt turn out that well. but at least the idea was fun. she was spitting some firewood for us

>> No.46414042
File: 630 KB, 1440x1920, 20240319_173818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46414103

Might just be the perspective, but the bed looks too short although I'm sure you made it the right size. Good work.

Strong maid! Her pose is great.

>> No.46414113
File: 621 KB, 1440x1920, 20240316_201552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is a deadly warrior who protects me

>> No.46414499

Kek I would do this stuff all the time

>> No.46414539

>Do you know what the cause of this feeling is, anon?
It's the year 2024, is there even anyone who doesn't feel like this and isn't a sheltered billionaire?

>> No.46416565

Ah, DC. Where the train station is surrounded by a perimeter of sketchy af people and every other block smells like weed
Although the national mall might be a bit better

>> No.46416830

we're reaching comfy levels that shouldn't be possible

>> No.46417090

As a non-American I associated DC with agents in dark sunglasses and car chases with explosions

>> No.46417307

I lost two brothers, a parent, a best friend and a nephew in the span of 3 months. Then my girlfriend of 2 years left me because she said I was handling it like a sissy.

>> No.46417417
File: 176 KB, 1000x1057, 1490470085413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes I feel lonely, then I remember women are vile
Good luck anon, I hope it gets better (I'm sure it will)

>> No.46418043

I'm sorry anon. That's really rough. Please spend some time with your family. You all have it tough right now. A doll will not help with this unfortunately. Also please ignore dudes like this >>46417417

>> No.46418089

nta but i’m sorry anon, that’s horrific. though a doll won’t itself resolve anything, if you think having one around will help remind you to be kind to yourself while you take the time to process all of that, or even just give you somewhere to focus your feelings and energy, maybe it’s not a bad idea?

replying just in case you’re being serious, it’s really unfortunate that your experiences have led you to this point of view. fwiw from my perspective, thinking in such extremes (on any topic, not just women) isn’t going to serve you well in the long run. that mindset might feel like it gives you some direction or affirmation or whatever you need to get by in the moment, but you’re effectively painting yourself into a corner the deeper you lean into it. people of all kinds are vile, and people of all kinds are not. you’re quite possibly limiting your own potential for greater future happiness as a means of protecting your feelings in the present.

best of luck to the both of you…

>> No.46418382
File: 255 KB, 1200x798, IMG_0344.jpeg.8d7af51919ed9affe9693ab5ea12478d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New clothing collection and finally some new hands from Volks

>> No.46418955

How much for her to protect me?

Sorry for your losses anon
The grieving process will not be fast. Its important to take the time to grieve in a healthy way. The "loss" of the girlfriend will not be a loss in due time. Consult a doctor for prescriptions if things dont improve in a reasonable time frame or your lows get more extreme, they can be a temporary life saver as you weather this.

>> No.46419215
File: 2.61 MB, 1121x934, dad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That person is shallow and emotionally stunted for her hurtful and heartless comments, and I'm sorry that someone who should be supporting you in your time of need instead rejected you due to her own flawed interpretation of what humanity looks like. Anyone would be struggling right now, anon. You are not a sissy -- and even if you were, who gives a shit, really? There's no shame in having emotions, in feeling them. If anything, it takes strength to be able to let yourself be vulnerable and hurt. No matter what anyone tells you, real men feel deeply, hurt honestly, and cry openly.

My father, who I've posted here before with a doll on his shoulder, served in Vietnam, was in the military for over 20 years, then retired and worked for the state to help other veterans get jobs for the next 20 years. He was brought up that men don't cry, taught by the military to lock away those feelings, and he struggled greatly for it. In his old age... he was not afraid to cry, anon. He was not afraid to admit to his feelings. It was not an easy journey for him to be able to be honest with himself about that, and that journey included about 20 years of deadening his feelings with alcohol. He was not a saint, he was a human being as broken and flawed as the rest of us -- and that's why I'm telling you this. He was not perfect (far from it), but his feelings were one of his greatest strengths.

Don't be afraid to embrace the side of you that cares deeply, anon -- that goes for anyone reading this. Don't be afraid to live your life with authenticity and honesty however that might manifest for you. Life is too short to limit yourself to what you think you "should" be -- embrace who and what you are. And if you find you aren't happy with that... that's okay. You can change, too. You will, even -- the passage of time shapes us like the erosion of wind and rain against the mountains, and our weathered faces will become unrecognizable to the mirrors of our youth; yet all the richer for their crags and the signs that we have lived. Be kind to yourself, and remember that for all the things you do, the people who matter won't mind: and the people who mind? Don't matter.

I'm sorry you're going through so much right now, anon. But it gets easier, even if right now it might feel like your heart has been ripped out of your chest and you're left to bleed out from the gaping hole in its wake. I have... buried most of my relatives at this point, and it is never easy, or peaceful, or simple. But that pain will dull with time, and the memories you shared will fall into that void and help smooth over the rough edges. You will learn to go on living again... just give yourself the time right now to grieve.

And if things feel overwhelming, if it feels like there's nowhere to turn, don't be afraid to reach out to a professional. It's not a sign of weakness to need help. It's a sign of strength, because it means you still have the will to go on living despite the pain you're enduring in this moment. I have been in therapy for many years, and I take a few medications for various reasons (not all of them mental health, sometimes ya body just don't work right.) If someone needs blood pressure medication so they don't pass out when standing up, we understand that, and they don't get shit for it. The brain is just another slab of electrified meat, and sometimes it needs treatment just like any other body part would. Don't overthink it and buy into the guilt. Other things can help, as well, of course -- getting a hobby, exercise, diet and all that -- but if that isn't enough, that's okay. Do what you need to be able to find contentment in your life and to hell with anyone who dares to detract from your experiences with their own callous judgments.

It's going to be okay, anon. Even if it doesn't seem that way right now. Even if it the future takes a form you didn't anticipate. Happiness is in the small things and contentment is found in quiet moments. You are in my thoughts, and I hope your future is kind.

Oh fuck yeah new hands?? It's been 84 years, I can't wait.

>> No.46419534

I feel ya. I got left a couple times (different people) when I felt very ill. Instead of coming to see you at the hospital they leave you with a message lol. I don't think it's women though, a lot of people in general act like this.

>> No.46419666

Wew in that case yes a doll would be a better support for you than your ex gf. I know i said they are just vinyl and ABS but at least they don't leave you when going through a rough time. I'm sorry to hear that anon, I can't imagine what you're going through.

>> No.46419858

There's a guy who became popular for marrying a sex doll (no comment) that however said something very true: dolls mirror the love you give them.

>> No.46420291
File: 222 KB, 900x1125, New outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doll holding a doll

It's a Dollbot body. You might be thinking of the MDD Mochi-Ashi body. And thanks!

>> No.46420304
File: 808 KB, 2000x3000, Akira-Theater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Current Photo Challenge: Rainy Day
Alternatively snowy day. The smaller aperture shot is better but would reveal my location so you get blurred to shit version instead sorry

>> No.46420352

God damn thats cute.

>> No.46420602

This doll is so cute

>> No.46420782

you should get her an umbrella!

>> No.46420939

I am starting to lose my patience...

>> No.46421020

what do you have on order?

>> No.46421348

Dollmore has them I think, for anyone wondering. I will double-check that and add it to the list as soon as I have a free moment.

Very pretty anon! inb4 it's West Virginia again, I've never seen so many of them in one place.

>> No.46421761
File: 247 KB, 336x450, Kurhn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know anything of Kurnh's Vitality Girls? I recently found them while hunting for cheaper alternatives, she looks adorable, and from what I heard of the company doesn't seem to be a recast. Or would it be better to ask over at the Fashion Doll thread? I am not quite sure myself where this doll falls.

>> No.46421767

I've never heard of them before, but I'll look into them. Good find anon, they seem quite cute whatever they are.

>> No.46421787
File: 347 KB, 750x1000, Function Check Mizuka (Corrected) Resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The keychain came and I had fun. Attempted some basic editing to clean up the image but learning incrementally

>> No.46421801

lol where did you get that miku sweatshirt that's awesome

>> No.46421815
File: 328 KB, 733x1000, Mizuka&#039;s First Gun (Corrected) Resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arm the dolls with training and hollow points

Doll Delights. I wish he stocked more of the graphic tees there's some really cute ones

>> No.46422206

i love you dolls

>> No.46422460
File: 150 KB, 747x747, 4518992447612_f_747x747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did Volks release new MDD standards? Somehow I slept through this. The US volks store has restocked if anyone wants something from there.

>> No.46422498

I had a nightmare where I got the doll but it was a doll I didn't order, and completely shattered...

>> No.46422722
File: 1.72 MB, 2026x3545, 0076vI7mgy1hnqqr8owm0j31ka2qhkjl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46422733
File: 3.21 MB, 2048x1920, 008rFmVtgy1hnwom10wfaj33b42hcnpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46424497

Why buy from the US Volks store and not directly from their direct website? See >>46360218

>> No.46424957

Some things are available at one and not the other. That and the shipping on small/inexpensive items isn't worth it.

>> No.46425018
File: 3.92 MB, 1422x800, PXL_20240323_160628106.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verdict: it's fuckin' cool
And it's scaled almost perfect for my DDS. I have the DD2-H-06 as my closest usable gripping hand (持ち手 in JP, sword holding hands in EN store) and it's proportionate but just a little too off in the hand pose to hold it properly.

Its internals are also oiled so just be careful to not have the slide come in contact with the doll or clothes due to staining risk.

>> No.46425029
File: 1.22 MB, 2734x4096, DSC_0770 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46425206

oh nice!! thank you very much for sharing the video and CUTE photo! i love her outfit btw

>> No.46425256

Aw my diecast ones are a little bit bigger than that, they're probably out of scale

>> No.46425291

It can vary! My one Ruger is fucking huge for a handgun, so maybe your dolls just want a higher caliber of gun.

Pretty much what >>46424957 said. For little things like restocking on water wax it's just cheaper from shipping to go with Volks US for those in NA.

>> No.46425308
File: 928 KB, 1418x592, gunz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're in 1:2.5 scale and I think they'd be a bit big. Ruler in inches

>> No.46425314

It has tiny bullets, that's so cute... time to arm my girls.

Ah, might be a bit big then yeah. But that's fine honestly, it can be funny to give a doll a comically oversized gun.

>> No.46425350

Mine have moving parts, you can open the barrel on revolvers, they have removable magazines, working hammers etc. But another concern is that being diecast they're really heavy and tiny doll hands might not hold them

>> No.46425383

Where there's a will there's eye putty, fishing line, and or magnets. I will find a way.

I have two 75cm Imomodoll boys I'm slowly getting parts for and those would be perfect for their bigass hands I think. Mind if I ask where you picked them up?

>> No.46425398

>For little things like restocking on water wax
Can someone give me a list of must-have products for dolls? Do I strictly need them, and need them right away? I only have a toothbrush so far... my poor doll will experience neglect right away...

>> No.46425430

>Mind if I ask where you picked them up?
They were part of a monthly mail-order collection, I found them at a thrift store for like $2 or $1 each. That said they're not nearly as cool as anon's gun, the bullets are fixed in the magazines. I think the Python had bullets you could load into the barrel but mine came without. I got them many years ago as drawing reference before I was even aware of dolls so it's no biggie if they don't fit.

>> No.46425552
File: 2.87 MB, 4032x3024, c042fe04-ae36-45a3-bcdc-1b0c55aa219c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is dumb and I'm considering ordering one.

>> No.46425567


>> No.46426004

Does it have a seatbelt?

>> No.46426181

No stop this is so good actually, I'm adding this to the guide, phenomenal find anon holy shit.

>> No.46426187
File: 965 KB, 2000x3000, Reimu-StrawberryYukata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu finally had her strawberry yukata finished!

>> No.46426281

>it breaks down...?
>it cycles?
>don't tell me the slide locks back
>tiny bullets? the magazine locks in?
>no way the slide release works
>ok...it does, wow
>no way it chambers and ejects bullets
Wow, okay, I've never looked into these kinds of scale replicas so I didn't expect anywhere near that much from it. Thanks for sharing the video, very cool

>> No.46426403

Yeah I was surprised with how detailed it is too. The trigger works but there's no hole for the firing pin to strike anything. The barrel also isn't bored all the way through (possibly due to actual legal definitions of 'this is a firearm', but since the ATF considers the receiver the firearm, well... is this legally a gun at this point?). It's been a while since I've seen an actual G17 inside so I couldn't tell you what's significantly different but overall it's pretty damn close to functional.
The mag release is pretty touchy, the slightest bump drops the magazine. Wouldn't recommend keeping the mag with it for use as an actual keychain ornament like it's marketed.

>> No.46426417

That's adorable!

>> No.46426510
File: 238 KB, 1200x1600, tan mdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's very well-done anon, good work!

Tan MDD on ebay right now for a decent price if anyone wants to bite, picrel.

>> No.46426655

That face and tan are built for gyarufication.
>She will be shipped in parts in a smaller box to save on shipping.
lol based ebay seller. Shipping within the US only and something that's less than 5 pounds. But go on save that $0.50 also in theory it should be easier to protect the doll from damage when disassembled for shipping

>> No.46426683
File: 1.19 MB, 2346x1014, 2024-03-23-161426-chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also on the topic of ebay
fucking what
I get that they're scalping but shouldn't you wait until things are out of stock on the main site to 3x the price. And even then that markup is insane.

>> No.46426734

Those listings aren't for you, they're for people in countries and areas that Volks won't ship to.

>> No.46426750

third worlders... I'm sorry it's like this...

>> No.46426810

I know this is only marginally related to your post but you just reminded me how incredibly comfy is it to have dolls on a catalog that are made to order and I will never have to deal with scalpers and preorders getting hogged by bots in 1 nanosecond and the "late tax" and all that bullshit ever again. I know you still have limited dolls and other things like that but if you don't care about getting specific anime characters it's never that bad. I have seen "limted" sets on sale that you can still order like months after they opened preorders

>> No.46426945

What are some color matching paints for semiwhite? Better yet, what 3D printer resin options are there for semiwhite?
Either is fine. I plan on 3D printing extra body parts, and/or resin casting them, but I have a lot of 3Dprint resin and cast resin of random colors.

>> No.46427030

A doll thread on /jp/ is the last place I expected to see people unironically defend 3DPD. This website has really gone down the shitter.

>> No.46427066

How do we classify dolls on the 2D - 3DPD spectrum? 3D with no PD?

>> No.46427300


>> No.46427436

dolls are a female dominated hobby, what did you expect?

>> No.46427721

Dolls are three dimensional, anon.

>> No.46428081

I'd buy that in a heartbeat if they shipped outside of the US.

>> No.46428166

> water wax
I've heard you can use watered down revlon hair spray for the same result. And just FYI their toothbrush is literally just a normal toothbrush.

I'd go for a wig cap as having one might have prevented a volks wig from staining a faceup recently. Their wig tape is convenient as well.

>> No.46428219

That goes for their wig mist, and it's probably Aquanet from the smell. But the wig wax is more like a styling pomade and I have still yet to find a good dupe for it.

Message 'em, you never know!

>> No.46428381
File: 1.24 MB, 4096x2732, FtonMkmaIAA02Ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete beginner here. How would I go about making a 1/3 scale backpack like this? Where would I source the materials? Would an arts and craft store like micheals carry it? Straps? Should I try to find an existing human sized pattern to modify or just make measurements and trial and error sewing?

>> No.46428541

Michaels doesn't really sell fabrics, also their business fell off. They'll now try to push the absolutely worst ranked credit card in the USA to you. Joann is the better USA craft box store in my opinion, and they have plenty of fabrics to choose from, but I heard they just filed for bankruptcy so not sure how long that will last. That's all I can help with though.
t. ex Michaels employee
That's funny to think about, I think if the barrel was clear through then it really would legally be a firearm. I'm curious, how does the ejection work and such? Is there actually a bolt with an ejector spring and such? Or is there some other way it does it? A shame that the mag latch is touchy, I wonder if there's some sort of modifaction that could be done to improve it. Is the spring just too weak?

>> No.46428664

Check outdoors supply stores, you might find one that looks like this as a keychain and is accidentally perfect for your needs.

>> No.46428679
File: 125 KB, 600x853, mr_model_af_shopper_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that's not 1/3, it's 1/6 with forced perspective. I googled the name on the backpack and found some reviews for it, as well as a website that sells 1/6 scale backpacks. It was released in 2019, so you're up to the mercy of secondhand sites if you want to find it. This website has other 1/6 packs so you could look there. https://www.blackopstoys.com/

I dunno if you can get the 1/6 backpacks on a 1/3 doll, but adults can wear children's backpacks so it might fit but look really small. Should work for photos though.

>> No.46428762
File: 151 KB, 600x870, mr_model_af_shopper_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I'm not 100% positive, but the doll you posted might be a DDP body which is a lot smaller than regular dollfie bodies. The backpack is pretty big though, so the scale might be throwing things off.

There's one on mercari right now for 20,000 yen. It looks like they sell regularly around that price.

>> No.46428836
File: 267 KB, 1023x1014, volks sizes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DDP aren't that much smaller, they're bigger than MDDs.

>> No.46428861

I would still consider that a lot smaller, but the image is helpful.

>> No.46428867

>Weather was probably too warm for the coat
shh no one needs to know
that's the great thing about doll photography

funny enough, just told some of my coworkers last week I'm into dolls
though to be fair they're hardly normies, they're the openly weeb group (also all ~10y younger than me ugh)
they all thought it was cool, one said they're into dolls too but down own any (yet)

>It's a Dollbot body
nta but how did I not realize this lol

the way you have this set up she looks disappointed and speechless at the size difference

>> No.46428912
File: 522 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_6267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this prada keychain might be approximately 1/3 scale https://www.grailed.com/listings/42453645

otherwise if you plan to sew, this etsy shop has all kinds of tiny notions https://www.etsy.com/shop/ISewForDoll

>> No.46429079

>(also all ~10y younger than me ugh)
Still can't decide if them being so open about their weeaboo-ism is a good thing or not
That being said I'm unapologetically upset that nowadays liking things like Lucky Star is a trend meanwhile so so many years ago I almost made the mistake of publicising that I loved it and almost paid the price

>> No.46429221

I actually just bought one of those clear bubble backpacks (for pets) for my dolls, she has to sit down, but it fits her pretty well!

>> No.46429323

I only pop into these threads once in a while, but the feeling of being shunned and shamed over your hobby is unfortunately not uncommon. I’ve chosen to end a friendship because they were so cruel when they found out about my interests/hobby. It hurts honestly, but you aren’t alone. I may have “lost” that friend, but I’ve also made a few friends through this hobby. So please don’t be ashamed of what makes you happy, I think life is far too short for that. You will find your people, and when you do, they’ll love you for who you really are. I love you anons <3

>> No.46429383

More than anything, I have found that the adage "the people who matter won't mind, and the people who mind don't matter" holds true again and again in life.

>> No.46429414

Ah I should have known to try googling it. Yikes that price is way too high, especially if I want to start making a bunch of other similar props.

>> No.46429485

My ex had one of thes backpacks I wore around with our cat in, it was in the ""ghetto"" and it was heartwarming how many people there had such positive reactions to it despite such a generally negative area. I wonder how they would react to a doll instead. It's a funny thought to say the least

>> No.46429529

>mystery ranch
those backpacks (the real ones) are astonishingly good quality. I have two. they're not the giga-expensive military ones but I love them so much. I think if you know a bit about outdoors it's gonna look really off out if scale >>46428381 these are large 40-60+ liter packs for camping and they're supposed to rest on your whole back. That belt at the bottom goes over your hips

>> No.46429743
File: 714 KB, 1440x1920, 20231112_002634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need a luger for my girl, a war trophy for her

>> No.46429796

> https://www.blackopstoys.com/
These are for gi joes right? Wow they have so variety its making me jealous. I guess it goes to show how niche bjds are

>> No.46431753

There are BJDs in a scale that can use these, it just varies a ton. Playline stuff is mass-market (not a bad thing!) and just way more accessible, but you can still get high-end bespoke bullshit for them, like The Queen's Treasures furniture for American Girls, which can work surprisingly well for 1/4 and some 1/3 BJDs in tandem. (Other random things- jewelry boxes, plant stands, novelty fishing pole lighters) can also work -- always try to think outside of the box.)

>> No.46432253

Don't wanna blame you or anything but I think a fundamental life skill is knowing when to reveal your hand. There are good people who can't take certain things about you, but that doesn't mean they're bad people, nor that means you're bad for omitting those details. I think this idea that people have to accept everything about you and you need to have no secrets to deem someone worthy of your life is wrong (unless that person is your spouse) and it's part of a push to atomize people as much as possible. It's absolutely OK to have secrets in my book. But maybe I think this way because I'm not very social and I only wish I could blend in some more for comfort.

>> No.46432546

Anon, this is a hobby about getting and dressing up some harmless toys. Someone who could get so triggered over something so inocuous is someone I'd rather not spend much time with.

>> No.46432667

That's sort of true but part of accepting others is also accepting how unreasonable they can be at times. I have my own weird preconceptions after all. This is coming from someone who's definitely unorthodox in very controversial ways sometimes. I have burnt bridges before because I didn't know how to just keep those things to myself.
It's all personal but I think there's nothing wrong with picking and choosing and having a completely private sphere.

>> No.46434024

No one came to my doll meet :( (expected)

Maybe at the con in May

>> No.46434065

Dang. I don't remember seeing anyone confirm they were going to meet up with you in a reply, so I guess that's to be expected.

>> No.46434088

No one confirmed but there were some that showed up to the last one without confirming before hand so I held out hope.

>> No.46434282

Sorry to hear that anon. Hope you enjoyed your con anyway. Did you get any comments on your doll?

>> No.46434372

I had quite a few people ask about her and call her pretty and cute. It was pretty nice.

>> No.46434567

Not exactly, BJDs are niche in the very specific realm of "1/10-1/1 doll made of resin strung with elastics with clear eyes and a wig", but the overall niche of dolls from 1/6-1/3 is very large. To this day there's people collecting GI.Joe, Action Man and Hot Toys. You can find essentially any accessory for roughly those scales, and most can be made yourself with only a bit of learning.

Someone that can't accept liking dolls is not a good person, they are incapable of accepting something harmless, and instead give in to childish voices in their head telling them to be disgusted. I base the majority of my belief in direct consequences, if it isn't morally disgusting, I don't care, and if it is but it causes not harm, I don't want anything with it but still don't care.

If I can't tell someone about these hobbies, they are not my friend, they are just another person I wear a mask around and who cannot be trusted to have my back, and I sure as hell won't have theirs.

>> No.46434787

I was able to get some photos of my doll in her newest outfit dispite the lack of a meet. I'll post them once they're edited which could be a week or two due to life being what it is.

>> No.46435280


>> No.46435634
File: 567 KB, 1000x667, IMG_5054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a bench at a flea market. Theoretically it could fit multiple dolls...

>> No.46435646

Such a pretty face

>> No.46436119
File: 434 KB, 1367x2048, DSC_0791 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time I splurge on bjd related stuff it's going to be furniture or other scale things. She needs her own kyuusu and yunomi for tea instead of just the smallest teacup I have.

On a more practical note, it's quite hard to make her sit in a natural pose. The DDS body's upper legs can't bend forward enough to make her torso perpendicular to the ground, and she usually ends up leaning backward more than a natural pose would be without adding some sort of shim under her butt to keep her torso in the right position.

>> No.46436927

Suigintou my beloved...

>> No.46436940

I have no idea, but if the body has a thigh swivel you could try tilting the legs to one side. It should help with sitting upright.

>> No.46437113

I want to fuck a doll anon

>> No.46437149

I want to doll a fuck anon

>> No.46437200


>> No.46437223

New Thread

>> No.46437226

I want to fuck a doll and her anon

>> No.46437235

how do you feel about pegging

>> No.46437276
File: 284 KB, 960x1280, IMG_6287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the 9S enjoyers :)

>> No.46437299

I'm more of a 2B enjoyer...

>> No.46438797

now we're getting somewhere


>> No.46438839

Looks comfy! I forgot he comes with the pod. Keep sharing more Nines.

>> No.46438891

hot damn that's comfy
she needs a ryokan yukata though for peak comfiness
and yeah in general vinyl dolls suck at sitting, even APs
I think the new Volks bodies are supposed to address that though, you might be able to upgrade Akira when they release the right parts
now, if only the vinyl companies would make a doll who could bend her back forwards, so many poses I'd like to do…
