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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 505 KB, 1542x870, djt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46404405 No.46404405 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>46395321 (#3814)

Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/

>> No.46404415
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x2299, 1609140358692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated japanese guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

>> No.46404446


>> No.46404466


>> No.46404480


>> No.46404508

Yeah I'd say out of all japanese learning materials tatsumoto helped me the most.

>> No.46404510

for those complaining, you guys know theres a report button right?

>> No.46404533

djt is compromised, people unironically shill a tranny guide. i'll take tatsumoto over that shit any day

>> No.46404536

That’s such a passive-aggressive move.

>> No.46404537

go back to shitditt

>> No.46404543

you guys are right. complaining like a little bitch and doing nothing is the correct answer here

>> No.46404557
File: 134 KB, 700x854, azx78np_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46404558

i agree but you shouldn't have said that out loud

>> No.46404561
File: 720 KB, 1012x914, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46404563

Many people come to DJT and complain about not making it, but have they ever read Tatsumoto? Yes, they have not, and that's why they're miserable.

>> No.46404565

yoruiti hot

>> No.46404571

you forgot to lowercase

>> No.46404588

Lowercase looks retarded.

>> No.46404603


>> No.46404623

He is right though, I'll start to write properly from now.

>> No.46404634

nobody cares

>> No.46404650

>when you still ask for the closest anything with 一番近くの~

>> No.46404688

how many new words a day? i'm set to 15 right now

>> No.46404689

i only lowercase when i reply to lowercasers. i just copy the style of the one i'm replying to.

>> No.46404692

only boring autistic low iq mentally ill freaks still talk about ""cards"" in djt

>> No.46404695

see https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/how-many-new-cards-to-learn-each-day

>> No.46404713
File: 328 KB, 768x1024, 1710971357831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Claude doesn't engage in stereotyping, including the negative stereotyping of majority groups
This is part of their system prompt which is pretty based

>> No.46404714

djt is 100% dead and over

>> No.46404716


>> No.46404728


>> No.46404755

don't even know since I mine 100% of the cards, if I had to guess I make 20 cards a day

>> No.46404787

if anki is helping you it means youre n6

>> No.46404799

what if im using anki to study for kanken 1

>> No.46404805


>> No.46404807

go somewhere with that shit already

>> No.46404810


>> No.46404814

he's going here

>> No.46404817

id gladly sign up for hell in a cell with all the flashtards

>> No.46404820
File: 70 KB, 791x264, learnjap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this advice was given to japanese learners 9 years ago
does it still hold up?

>> No.46404829

not really, rtk is a waste of time

>> No.46404840

正教 based kanji pairings for orthodoxy

>> No.46404852

cringe we all know you havent been in a single fight in your life
post physique

>> No.46404855

the rtk was replaced by kklc in 2013

>> No.46404868

learn antonyms where applicable

>> No.46404869

Tatsumoto says to do the JP1K method.

>> No.46404877

i think i know why the IP counter was removed from 4chan. there isn't any benefit for 4chan itself, it doesn't reduce spam, it doesn't improve the community or post quality, and it doesn't make the site more advertiser friendly. but it allows deep state agents to come in and interfere with public opinion without anyone being able to call them out on samefagging

>> No.46404885

i asked? i don't remember asking

>> No.46404889

>one of the 90 ips in a thread replies to someone
>omg samefag
yeah you couldnt detect samefagging even when ip count was enabled retard

>> No.46404891

nobody is real this all just me talking to myself

>> No.46404899

yeah bro the deep state was desperate to subvert societies by brainwashing worthless insignificant basement dwellers on a dying site that would surely lead to revolution

>> No.46404916

i did jp1k then pulled the ladder up from behind me and recommend the rtk to newcomers

>> No.46404917
File: 137 KB, 560x425, 1629381104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.46404921
File: 158 KB, 1901x1085, rapeno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nigga omoi

like responsibility is too much for niggas.


>> No.46404931

yes because deep state agents couldn't easily host 10000 private proxies

>> No.46404932

lmao do niggers rly believe those are africans

>> No.46404938

egypt is half in africa

>> No.46404940
File: 86 KB, 1513x848, 1703105878740154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46404945

too bad its denizens have never been african

>> No.46404952

caught one >>46404899

>> No.46404954

lil bro egypt is literally in africa

>> No.46404958

they wuz kangs

>> No.46404961

catch these hands

>> No.46404963 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 1200x1600, FOV9i5RaMAY5BHO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you learning japanese?

>> No.46404965

would it be unethical to have sex with her? she is offering herself to the main character after all, even if she has the wrong impression, but thats not the mc's fault

>> No.46404967

not for that thats for sure

>> No.46404985


>> No.46404990


>> No.46405158

Doing one RTK a day. See you guys in 8.2 years when I will be ready to start Core2k

>> No.46405168
File: 2.34 MB, 2150x3036, 1710976439312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one lolige a day

>> No.46405183


>> No.46405243

which should I do today

>> No.46405244

ok its the retard output guy from last thread, i tried to translate some more random sentence, anything that sticks out as a trend across the examples that i need to work on? ( i understand theyre all wrong)

"The cat chased the mouse around the garden."

"Learning a new language can be challenging, but also very rewarding."

"The mountains are covered in snow during the winter months."

"I enjoy listening to music while I study."

"I love spending time with my family during the holidays."

"Reading a good book on a rainy day is very relaxing."

>> No.46405272


>> No.46405279

sorry if this sounds rude but im not too concerned about specific erros, im sure every sentence has multiple, im more trying to find a trend of errors, like im not using の when i should be or some shit like that

>> No.46405294
File: 166 KB, 1300x1154, Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 4.41.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put your translations vs google translate sounds like you are close but still somewhat off

>> No.46405319

whats stopping them from just overpowering her

>> No.46405324

god I'd kill my whole family and eat them just for a chance to rape someone like that

>> No.46405330

disclaimer: this is 4chan, this could all be wrong

this doesnt break down how you think it does
周りのにわ together becomes a noun phrase (phrase that works like a noun), and 追うかける modifies that noun phrase. so what it actually becomes is "the chasing garden of girth" (yes seriously)

needs to be 勉強しているのが難しい and でも in the middle of a sentence is weird, it should be けど

dont think this works as a direct translation. its late for me so the right phrasing isnt coming to mind right now, ill think about it a bit more

needs to be しながら in this case. noun + ながら is a very specific thing and only works for like 涙ながら
聴くのは楽しい or 聴くのが楽しい

better without 私の

wrong word choice, should be 癒やされる or something

tl;dr work on how verbs and nouns tie together, verbs modifying nouns and nominalization
"x verb is y" is often expressed as "x するのは y" or "x するのが y" or "x することは y" or "x することが y"
dont ask me which one to choose though, its difficult and i get it wrong too often to give advice on it

>> No.46405340

you dont know japanese and you dont know how AI works
gambs would cry if he saw your post

>> No.46405342

Current thread: #3815

Previous threads:
>>46395321 (#3814)
>>46382029 (#3813)
>>46366199 (#3812)
>>46354058 (#3811)
>>46336910 (#3810)

>> No.46405358

have we stopped to think for a moment about how long thread number autist has been with us

>> No.46405361

ok will properly review this thank you fren <3

>> No.46405414

honestly the best way to learn Japanese is to use google translate, just type in random words into google translate and try to memorize the output

>> No.46405424


>> No.46405478
File: 3.61 MB, 400x712, u150.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you want to learn Japanese?
For me, it's picrel

>> No.46405491

dassu man

>> No.46405500

das it mane

>> No.46405570

i wanna man

>> No.46405807
File: 10 KB, 365x103, Screenshot 2024-03-20 215602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used an online image to text service and copypasted the result. Why is part of the text thicker than the rest? I thought it either bold text or a different font, but according to notepad it all has the same format settings.

>> No.46405972
File: 301 KB, 825x782, recap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

previous thread recap

>> No.46406034

144cm loliwife is a certified reason for learning jaap

>> No.46406044

which certification authority has certified it

>> No.46406079

this recap ai is problematic lots of alt right speak

>> No.46406092

try ctrl + shift + v to paste it without any potential formatting

>> No.46406100

the MLHW
ministry of loli hentai and welfare

>> No.46406146

The cat chased the mouse around the garden.

Learning a new language can be challenging, but also very rewarding.

The mountains are covered in snow during the winter months.

I enjoy listening to music while I study.

I love spending time with my family during the holidays.

Reading a good book on a rainy day is very relaxing.

>> No.46406166

gambs would cry if you took his pikachu pillowcase

>> No.46406175

i just wanna add that this is not really a good sentence as it means "i specifically enjoy the combination of those activities." when i think you want to go for more of a "when i study, i like to listen to some music on the side" kind of tone.

>> No.46406187

i use duolingo, wanikani, and bunpro
any other good app suggestions besides anki (boring...)

>> No.46406192

oh shit, for text book correctness both these sentences
should finish on だ

>> No.46406222

Whenever I've tried to learn to configure it seems like a huge drag. I just do this manually with a spreadsheet.

>> No.46406227

*to configure anki

>> No.46406328

how are you so autistic that you rep with a spreadsheet, but couldn't figure out the anki config

>> No.46406339

the same way you are low iq

>> No.46406356

>last yoshguy`s post
>3 days ago
another victim of ANKI

>> No.46406373
File: 68 KB, 556x306, 84151236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46406380


>> No.46406395

What model used to make this?

>> No.46406424

I probably could figure it out, it just seems too bothersome to try.

>> No.46406437

suck my fucking dick you absolute peabody rando

>> No.46406438
File: 20 KB, 867x304, 32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets goooooo

>> No.46406442

consider abbreviating your signature

>> No.46406505

how do I make negative te form?
For example, I wanted to say "I thought Chinese people didn't have internet".
Is it 持たなくて or 持たないで?

>> No.46406546

mined 山焼き. we're all gonna make it

>> No.46406570


>> No.46406577
File: 369 KB, 1045x1500, k568agotp05472_0052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46406683

>immerse more

>> No.46406690

she must be done wakarase! :(

>> No.46406692

i thought i knew the te-form

>> No.46406698
File: 29 KB, 470x313, This Nigga Foreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Siri, how do I say "I am a boring person", or "I am an uninteresting person in Japanese", and is it grammatically correct to say 「時々水を見ます」(sometimes I drink water)?

>> No.46406709


>> No.46406726

Can also mean "go by yourself" right or am I crazy?

>> No.46406736
File: 1.26 MB, 742x855, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46406743

I learned a new word today, サンドイッチファック. Ouch.

>> No.46406750

sasaki got fired

>> No.46406764

嬲 or 嫐?

>> No.46406767

Sandwhich fuck?

>> No.46406772


>> No.46406782


>> No.46406791
File: 242 KB, 500x500, IMG_6661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I get over my aversion to reading, and not going the route of mining cards from anime and calling it a day, never coming across the word again in textual form as a result?

>> No.46406797

drop anki. It'll incentivize you to not only read, but to read more deeply, because you can no longer rely on the crutch of anki and must memorize words as you see them while reading.

>> No.46406802

>drop anki
a scary thought but that might just be what I need, I'll set a time limit to finish up some manga volumes and keep that as an "if all else fails" measure. thanks.

>> No.46406834


>> No.46406841

>drop anki
do your reviews but dont add new cards, ez.

>> No.46406849

im new here but im starting to understand why most of you fail at learning japanese

>> No.46406857

if not all of you...

>> No.46406864

sounds like a plan.

>> No.46406878
File: 216 KB, 986x898, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46406953

without condom

>> No.46407027



>> No.46407136

read something good

>> No.46407161

"How do I go about reading a book? Keep in mind that I have an aversion to books and I want to torture myself just because."

>> No.46407207

uuhh bro? moe recently debunked books

>> No.46407217

you can tell native speaker from gaijin apart because gaijin don't know difference between 夕べ and 晩

>> No.46407268


>> No.46407283

Anyone else have their anki ignoring your Windows main volume setting?

>> No.46407323
File: 1.04 MB, 3024x4032, GJKa76TXUAA8H6Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46407390

How many years have you been doing these cards for to be able to answer near instantly?

>> No.46407407

It was my 32nd day today. The sentence cards take a bit longer, but vocab cards are pretty straightforward.

>> No.46407408

But you need the particle と to show it’s a complement of 思う, so the phrase should be written 中国人にはインターネットがないと思った

>> No.46407419

Did you do a 100 new cards a day or something?

>> No.46407452

I do as much as I feel like. There's no hard limit or anything. After I finish the reviews, I learn new words or sentences whenever I go smoking or to the bathroom, etc. Today, it was around 60 cards, if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.46407456

thotty obaachan

>> No.46407554
File: 507 KB, 1967x1832, GJLa3FIa0AA6ReY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46407587
File: 153 KB, 900x600, 6586857475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.46407591

annoyed with tango deck giving me locations in tokyo instead of words that i'll read and remember often

>> No.46407596
File: 91 KB, 299x309, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46407601

>locations aren’t important because you won’t “read and write them forever”
Based retard

>> No.46407607

finally found a japanese lets player that is actually funny
life is good bros

>> No.46407613

man i don't know. locations are important but they're implemented in this deck back to back and it's annoying having 時計 and 札幌市 next to eachother

>> No.46407615


>> No.46407620

does she say Ian as its his name or does she say いやん as in 厭ん

>> No.46407621


>> No.46407633

a little hot raayu which seems hot but not hot

>> No.46407648

I'm just busting your balls. I didn't like learning names and locations when I started either. I imagine Japanese people go through a similar problem when someone mentions the word "Wyoming" to them.

>> No.46407654

Yeah, it sounds like she's saying いや、やめてっ!

>> No.46407661

**but you can hear it's just the way she says "Ian" since she says it clearly earlier

>> No.46407678 [DELETED] 
File: 1.40 MB, 1344x5175, Screenshot_20240321_111041_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46407683 [DELETED] 


>> No.46407684

well written

>> No.46407688

zamn badhop is back

>> No.46407691 [DELETED] 

>noooooooooo my ancestors!!! you have to put the heckin african name on the report card reeeeeeee
>If I spoke Japanese fluently

>> No.46407694

gambs probably changed his name because gambardella sounds african

>> No.46407713

That's literally the most Italian-sounding name I've ever heard.

>> No.46407724


>> No.46407765

why does he wear the bunny ears

>> No.46407858


your time is now femanons

>> No.46407901
File: 39 KB, 500x333, 1710833739136053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46407922

still mad they removed the naked grannies in the remake

>> No.46407937

dame were they removed completely or just wearing clothes?

>> No.46407944
File: 359 KB, 540x829, efc-141160906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46407984


>> No.46408015





>> No.46408043


>> No.46408129





>> No.46408130


>> No.46408137
File: 75 KB, 397x617, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46408182






>> No.46408184
File: 385 KB, 792x594, story_img_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will unmask you! :-[

>> No.46408262
File: 10 KB, 531x173, gay earth arc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46408283


>> No.46408389
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i love being a neet

>> No.46408417

extremely based

>> No.46408430

japan isnt ur people
civility is a front in all societies and japan is no exception
na thats still off their final album its still over
desu bad hop never topped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yirVxFBnp2o

>> No.46408486

>japan isnt ur people
he's not actually here you know

>> No.46408503


>> No.46408522

really envy yung boys going to the onnayu with their moms
i was born in the wrong country

>> No.46408535

its a msg to all
(you) as it were

>> No.46408539

did you not to the female changing rooms for indoor pools with your mom as a kid?

>> No.46408545


>> No.46408559

I thought that was common everywhere. But I don't know what you're jealous about, kids that young don't get it.

>> No.46408560

sad for you

>> No.46408561

>indoor pools
you wanna get aids lol

>> No.46408584

yes but i'm on linux

>> No.46408680
File: 147 KB, 600x600, 1788249636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]








>日本で最も美しい見ものは日本娘である.William Elliot Griffis, 1870


>> No.46408697


>> No.46408705
File: 122 KB, 1295x871, gaijin_hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46408766


>> No.46408788

for you yea cause you dont care about anything but casual fwb shit

>> No.46408791



>> No.46408807

is the other jun maeda stuff worth reading? i only read this and watched ab. yes i'm a zoomer, sorry.

>> No.46408814



>> No.46408825

crazy how the super famicom is over 30 years old but all my games still save

>> No.46408834

関西弁に目覚めたんかワレぇ! ( ゚д゚メ)
どこの組のモンじゃワレぇ! ( ゚д゚ メ)

>> No.46408836


>> No.46408876


>> No.46408880



>> No.46408896
File: 980 KB, 1920x1080, [VCB-Studio] Seitokai Yakuindomo 2 [01][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46408926



>> No.46408928

if they were exposed to extreme temperatures and generally kept in good condition those lil batteries can keep working for like 50+ years

>> No.46408937
File: 562 KB, 960x540, [VCB-Studio] Seitokai Yakuindomo 2 [01][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac]-[04.57.005-05.05.931].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46408939

i mean werent exposed to extreme temperatures*

>> No.46408978

wonder how long the caps in the system have
i own 3 super famicoms and the oldest one (its much heavier than the later ones and very yellow) recently started showing weird lines probably due to a cap or something failing idk

>> No.46408992



>> No.46408996

yeah a cart batt is more likely to outlast the system just as a matter of stuff like that but i imagine most things prone to going bad can be replaced

>> No.46409003

damn epic upload

>> No.46409006




>> No.46409025

ワイが先にそのアングロイド弁ってのをマスターすればええんやな! 知らんけど( ˘ω˘)

>> No.46409033
File: 51 KB, 960x540, [VCB-Studio] Seitokai Yakuindomo 2 [01][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac]-[13.41.695-13.43.656].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46409041


>> No.46409058

>seethed so hard he bought a new mic

>> No.46409078
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, [VCB-Studio] Seitokai Yakuindomo 2 [01][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46409143


>> No.46409153


>> No.46409163
File: 885 KB, 1920x1080, S01E01-The Day Before-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46409205
File: 775 KB, 1920x1080, S01E03-Home Room-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46409234

日本語 is such a rich language.

>> No.46409343
File: 844 KB, 960x540, S01E11-Rain-[02.11.048-02.15.927].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46409349
File: 276 KB, 1030x942, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long will it take to get used to this font? it pretty much halfed my reading speed

>> No.46409370

you can convert the font

>> No.46409373

i made it that font on purpose because i got filtered by it in a game but i'm still getting filtered

>> No.46409376

id rather kms myself than read this ugly ahh font even if it was faster
but probably not long

>> No.46409381

crazy how many fonts dont have 頬

>> No.46409408

dunno seems pretty normal to me

>> No.46409419


>> No.46409434


>> No.46409481
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, 1711031804341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

英語 dekinai バレちゃった(ㆁωㆁ*)

>> No.46409490

I don't mean to be that guy, but this font is actually pretty legible. Play one Square Enix game that uses their "comic sans" font and you'll be begging for this one.

>> No.46409497


>> No.46409502

bwo that is the square enix font

>> No.46409516

It's not. Also, Square Enix doesn't release their fonts to the public.

>> No.46409535


>> No.46409548


>> No.46409569



>> No.46409577

lol he fell for it

>> No.46409604


>> No.46409615

Why are you learning english?

>> No.46409678






>> No.46409707

this is worse than int

>> No.46409734

Agreed. At least /int/ doesn't practice their cringe Kansai-ben.

>> No.46409751
File: 711 KB, 3251x2303, GHttJ4zbIAAiRus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46409839



>> No.46409929

is the Anki IOS app worth getting? or is it as shitty as the regular desktop version?

>> No.46409933

The same jumbled mess, except for $20 because screw you.

>> No.46409938

dissapointing, I guess I'll have to invest in an android tablet.

>> No.46409943

no because you can't use yomichan on ios even if you buy it. just buy an android or become a hikki or give up on japanese or use duolingo or something and pretend you're learning it

>> No.46409948


>> No.46409976

I though real pimp-niggers were using Rikaitan?

>> No.46409998
File: 241 KB, 960x540, Demon Slave S01E12 VOSTFR 1080p WEB x264 AAC -Tsundere-Raws (ADN)-[18.39.973-18.42.392].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46410009
File: 2.74 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i'm fucking pissed why are their textbooks so cheap

>> No.46410088


>> No.46410096

No, it was so expensive that I had no choice but to get it from my senpai!

>> No.46410109
File: 360 KB, 2272x2401, GEW0i4_bIAAlqLJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just use paper cards

>> No.46410110

I use Yomitan because it's more mainstream.

>> No.46410143

god i want to die

>> No.46410166


got this today

>> No.46410169

just say 女

>> No.46410170

no that's just one spammer and his 2 buddies. the rest are either on yomitan or still on yomichan i guess

>> No.46410174

i still don't really know when to read it yameru or tomeru i kind of have a feel for it but i don't know if it's right or not and i couldn't explain the difference except that if i'm being raped id definitely say yamete

>> No.46410179

did he really say sagatte?

>> No.46410191

とめる when stopping something, like a vehicle, your own breath, a person, etc.
やめる when stopping an activity or giving up an action.

>> No.46410194


>> No.46410199

Thanks for loling, but I'm right.

>> No.46410206

what if someone is doing a bad action and there are also third party bystanders who are capable of stopping them how do you know if their telling the bad action guy to stop his bad action or the bystanders to stop him>>46410191

>> No.46410215

how do you tell the difference between their and they're

>> No.46410217

とめる would never be used like that.

>> No.46410227

yes it would

>> No.46410247

No, it wouldn't. There would never be a situation in which an author would write 止めて! and the command was completely ambiguous.

>> No.46410252

>japanese is NEVER ambigues


>> No.46410257

>moving the goalpost for his stupid hypothetical

>> No.46410277

you are the one moving the goalposts. you said tomeru cant be used to say "stop that guy!", which is flat out wrong.

>> No.46410284

What are you talking about? I was the one to tell you that it could be used that way. I'm telling you that its usage would never be ambiguous.

>> No.46410316

how do i learn to speak in kanji? i notice smart characters can speak in kanji and dumb ones in hiragana in manga and vns and stuff. how can you tell the difference just from listening? if i visualize the kanji in my head while i speak will people be able to tell?

>> No.46410317
File: 858 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Sokushi Cheat - 12 (1080p) [C4EB2854]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s2 when

>> No.46410326
File: 144 KB, 1280x1433, 1711041201594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46410348


>> No.46410356

learning a lot of new words playing yakuza


>> No.46410362 [SPOILER] 
File: 788 KB, 1920x1080, [New-raws] Dungeon Meshi - 12 [1080p] [AMZN]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46410374


>> No.46410376
File: 478 KB, 1236x976, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't believe there are "people" who didn't watch bocchi

>> No.46410383

what the actual fuck is that card bro.

>> No.46410389

whats ur problem are you one of the people who spends like 10 hours on css to make it look fancy

>> No.46410413

bro u say that while having that retarded border design surrounding you word. the default css is better than that.

>> No.46410420

oh i have the edit card addon and i clicked it its not usually like that

>> No.46410424

I just use plain text, no styling whatsoever

>> No.46410462

閂 and 姦 are my favorite kanjis what about you guys?

>> No.46410464

djt is just a bunch of bugged npcs now

>> No.46410471

you have to be an npc to learn the language of the npcs

>> No.46410486

it's one of those djt lows, it eventually recovers but it comes back worse than before

>> No.46410603
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>> No.46410622

i dont like when japs say ぜひ

>> No.46410629

是非共 is much nicer, I agree.

>> No.46410631


>> No.46410657

God I want to die

>> No.46410723

plus i stopped posting

>> No.46410731

i'm busy making money, i'll be back next week or so

>> No.46410750

do you ever type out a post but then say "fuck it" and delete it without posting it

>> No.46410762

if i get the captcha wrong the first time i deem it fate and delete the post

>> No.46410764

what? ぜひ is based

>> No.46410765

I don't like it when zaps say 結構 or 違う

>> No.46410775


>> No.46410780

said it before and i'll say it again

>> No.46410841



>> No.46410861


>> No.46410890

i dont bring a shopping list when i go grocery shopping, it enhances my memory skills when i force myself to remember everything i need to buy

>> No.46410900

i even doubt you really understand the meaning

>> No.46410904

weird flex

>> No.46410909

in suikoden 白馬 is translated as unicorn at rakuten mt. the actual item is called 白馬設計図

>> No.46410910

really easy if you only buy meat

>> No.46410917


>> No.46410980
File: 117 KB, 758x288, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schrödingers pantsu

>> No.46410983

why is anki so much harder then i remember it being 5 years ago? nothing should be this complicated. I just want to study shit, not fuck around with options and guides for 3 hours. AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.46410999

youre very welcome to use a version of anki from 5 years ago.

>> No.46411004

>tinkers with anki for hours
>gets a benefit that saves him maybe 1 minute in total

>> No.46411012

i mean you should play a little bit with css so that you can make your card layout sexy for you but after that? no time should be spend in the settings menu. hit play, player ;^)

>> No.46411023

dont hate the game, hate the player

>> No.46411026

h-how do i know if my cards are sexy or not?

>> No.46411030

rule of thirds
golden ratio

>> No.46411037

this is really stressful

>> No.46411049

why are you a faggot loser

>> No.46411065

the same reason why you're a nigger.

>> No.46411141

not your dad bro

>> No.46411201
File: 437 KB, 1500x2300, GJNd8-CWgAAMa3n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46411229

who's that horned bitch? i only know the two dogs because i fantasize about them having lesbian twin sex a lot

>> No.46411237


>> No.46411290
File: 33 KB, 647x293, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well? you studied your 同訓s right?

>> No.46411297

which part is hard?

>> No.46411300

it put the examples in the same order the words are in

>> No.46411307
File: 28 KB, 652x280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry anon, you failed the test

>> No.46411312
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, YOUは何しに日本へ? 裸足が大好き!靴を脱ぐため世界遺産の屋久島へ [6349155823112]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never seen a black haafu before

>> No.46411314

she def reads djt sures regularly

>> No.46411338

youre not a black haafu youre just black. like obama, hes also black.

>> No.46411342

got a job interview tomorrow hope i pass so i can finally focus on finding a wife
went out with a cute girl yesterday but it turned out she's hard-line catholic lmfao

>> No.46411345

whats wrong with that

>> No.46411351

the catholic church should have been dismantled over 400 years ago but somehow its still around. always baffles me

>> No.46411362

i could do it if she didn't *take* it that seriously but she literally did the sign of the cross before starting to eat i had to evoke my lvl 99 pokerface skill to deal with the situation

>> No.46411367

shes not a hardline catholic when she sucks nigger dicks and takes them in the ass. she just said that because youre a faggot lmao

>> No.46411373


>> No.46411386

imagine how efficiently fuwamoco must have learned japanese
since they are twins, they can synergize and accelerate each other's learning processes like japanese super stars

>> No.46411390

>when she sucks nigger dicks and takes them in the ass
dunno about that it didn't come up in our conversation
>she just said that because youre a faggot
she wore a cross on her necklace and for what it's worth contacted me again today
i'll try to get her to friendzone me because she was pretty sweet

>> No.46411395

>dunno about that it didn't come up in our conversation
kek ok that was a good retort, made me laugh

>> No.46411398
File: 167 KB, 1094x608, 1691319387189199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46411405

the reason i dont know japanese is that i dont have a sister

>> No.46411423

you sound insufferable

>> No.46411428

the reason i don't have a sister is because i dont know japanese

>> No.46411435


>> No.46411442

thanks for the input jesus

>> No.46411448
File: 838 KB, 1920x1080, [VCB-Studio] Seitokai Yakuindomo 2 [02][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46411451

i like this anon he's funnier than jamal at least

>> No.46411471
File: 1014 KB, 1920x1080, [VCB-Studio] Seitokai Yakuindomo 2 [02][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46411487

Lost all motivation after one date with a f*male. I can't even remember why I was learning it in the first place. Im still excited for my yearly trip but I don't think I'll ever study it again. You have been warned

>> No.46411488

bro you cant just say that without giving us all the nasty details

>> No.46411491

i've had dates with like 15 jap girls and simply can't agree

>> No.46411494

>I've decided to cook Japanese-style hamburger for breakfast.
i used to look up to mirror moon

>> No.46411495

She was white. Japanese girls don't exist where I live

>> No.46411500

... so what does that have to do with studying japanese then lol

>> No.46411503

he prob just realized he was gay

>> No.46411505

why would you go on a date with a white girl lol
its 2024

>> No.46411522

why would you go on a date with a girl lol

>> No.46411525

to put chinpo in manko

>> No.46411529

It was kind of just a wake up call. I'll never be happy if I moved to japan and I know enough to make any trip there enjoyable

>> No.46411570
File: 211 KB, 1920x1080, 1704651556780790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's get this thread back on track

>> No.46411620


>> No.46411638

>It was kind of just a wake up call. I'll never be happy
first time?

>> No.46411659

acquired オイルフェンス

>> No.46411675


>> No.46411819

why does またあう sound like またおう here

>> No.46411832


>> No.46411898

this shit is fucking dead in the ground

>> No.46411916

we've become /int/

>> No.46411926

with lil j not around to bully there is no reason to post

>> No.46412005


>> No.46412067


>> No.46412070

i prefer バツイチ
mined it five years ago from konosuba

>> No.46412078

prefer a virgin

>> No.46412081

離婚歴あり is the elegant way to put it

>> No.46412087


>> No.46412093

you're mentally ill if you gotta ask why

>> No.46412094

As many as you can get through in 30 mins

>> No.46412105

i dont have to ask i just have a feeling if you put it to words your specific reasoning would sound dumb

>> No.46412108

>study kanji bro, trust me bro
>you also gotta speak a language to learn it
Absolute retard

>> No.46412131

dame gog games is going offline

>> No.46412146

i respect their philosophy but nothing is really going to change

>> No.46412154

archive.org has almost all good old games tho for basically any console too

>> No.46412155

respect isnt real

>> No.46412164



>> No.46412165

good ol games games is going offline

>> No.46412172

when is djt going offline

>> No.46412176

maybe stop bumping and it will

>> No.46412177

gamer grandma hasnt uploaded in 10 months :(

>> No.46412188

djt already went offline if you aint already here you werent invited

>> No.46412192

your ass is inviting my foot

>> No.46412200


>> No.46412206


>> No.46412214

i'm busy playing western vidya, sorry /djt/roons

>> No.46412224

you dont seem to be from around these parts

>> No.46412234

you are a loser stfu

>> No.46412235

give me motivation to read

>> No.46412240

next he'll call us '''''anons''''' lmfao i cant

>> No.46412247

cant what?

>> No.46412248

nobody will be calling you

>> No.46412269

can't CUM

>> No.46412288

look for loli idol on youtube

>> No.46412292

lemme look up lolita on imagefap first

>> No.46412297

chiazu ch

>> No.46412314

dame i forgot that meme

>> No.46412337

funny how lolicons all suck at japanese

>> No.46412353



>> No.46412365

you seem upset where did the lolicon touch you

>> No.46412374

how come it is shameful to talk about sexual topics with japs but they seem to show no shame even godlessness in artistic representation

>> No.46412404

>mined 似たり寄ったり months ago
>know it well
>never saw it again

>> No.46412443

*throws you a kiss*

>> No.46412448

*defenestrates you*

>> No.46412452


>> No.46412453

great now we hat a scatfag too

>> No.46412487


>> No.46412510

uuh ackshually i'm into puking

>> No.46412642

sorry to hear that lil bro

>> No.46412657


>> No.46412675

曲 of the 日

>> No.46412678

who's the white bitch on the right

>> No.46412687

kiara from hololive aka keekihime

>> No.46412719

last wotd

>> No.46412845
File: 42 KB, 630x426, 1670503701928203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Anki actually make a difference in how fast you learn, or is immersion all that counts?

>> No.46412854

Please enlighten us how you plan to learn words and kanji that don't appear during your immersion.

>> No.46412883
File: 20 KB, 868x301, 33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets goooo

>> No.46412889

nah you can go to dekinaiville alone

>> No.46412895

this why im learning jap

>> No.46412905

is she hiding a dick there

>> No.46412929


>> No.46412946

whitenoising anki smhh

>> No.46412985

pretty sure you'll eventually see everything

>> No.46413006

Are you suggesting I should stare at the cards for an extra 2 to 3 seconds just to accommodate someone's arbitrary preferences? Efficiency matters, and I won't compromise that

>> No.46413014

nothing youre doing matters

>> No.46413026

nobody knows

>> No.46413039

Keyword being "eventually".

>> No.46413048

What does this even mean? Can't find shit.

>> No.46413061

"Just who does he/she think I am?"

>> No.46413065
File: 1.93 MB, 1024x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you learning japanese

>> No.46413068
File: 194 KB, 1390x765, Screenshot_20240322_042449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46413075

What sites do Japanese people use to stream Japanese TV? Google-sensei won't tell me anything.

>> No.46413083


>> No.46413085




>> No.46413092

shut up bitch

>> No.46413129

What is this sorcery, AI is scary.
So 彼を誰かと重ねてる would then be something like "seeing someone (else) in him", right?

>> No.46413156

It's a compressed look-up table nerd, no need to get freaked out, it's not magic.

>> No.46413160

more like sourcery

>> No.46413171

to identify oneself with the protagonist of a story
to put oneself in the shoes of the protagonist

when you take all this into consideration
when you put it all together

>> No.46413174

I exaggerated it, but this is a rare case where I genuinely couldn't even find anything on google.

>> No.46413175

*rare case of dekinai

>> No.46413184

don't listen to him the machine just understands japanese

>> No.46413202

重ね合わせる is a little different, no?
Well, I think I get the idea at this point, the rest should be a matter of read-more. Thanks.

>> No.46413245
File: 47 KB, 1024x698, ACADC6CF-31C4-462E-A474-76C9E64CE036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being dekiru is scary
like i am legitimately frightened by how good i was able to get at japanese as a total foreigner
in shocked disbelief at my own power

>> No.46413256
File: 28 KB, 360x360, iwasblownawayhesoundsgreat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46413270

合わせる can attach to the conjuctional form of verbs to add "together"
縫うto sow > 縫い合わせる to sow together
it's also a transitive verb of its own 手を合わせる
popular as an adverbial modifier 合わせて5千円になる
it can also mean to compare 原文と合わせる *ding ding*

>> No.46413280

lol i wrote to sow. twice. whatever. i's no woman right

>> No.46413326

fucking awesome, thanks!

>> No.46413329
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, 1706771449643992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46413548

would you look at that hunk

>> No.46413665


>> No.46413759


>> No.46413808





>> No.46413814

I've been studying for a week and I hit a wall, Japanese is surprisingly tough compared to other languages like English or Chinese

>> No.46413845

Yeah, it’s one of the toughest to learn.

>> No.46413859
File: 83 KB, 854x480, 3824272649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.46413992
File: 535 KB, 1208x1328, itsover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>djt not even reaching 500 posts anymore

>> No.46414072


>> No.46414152

she's doggo

>> No.46414165


>> No.46414257

not even moe returning can save djt

>> No.46414262

Who’s Moe?

>> No.46414316

>the extent of such developments is significant, as English loanwords are pervasive in various domains such as technology, fashion, business, everyday conversation. It's common to encounter English loanwords in Japanese media, advertising and daily communication
Japan is a defeated country..

>> No.46420077

America is literally a plantation run by Jews.
