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File: 2.97 MB, 1878x1056, 12464541524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46603900 No.46603900 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>46571168

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.46604382
File: 100 KB, 375x410, atri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you heard of the Atri anime?
I never read Atri but I am considering doing so, so I can end up watching the anime as it is aired without being a filthy anime-first.

>> No.46604451

I'm not going to read a generic crying robot story with no sex and I'm not going to watch its adaption.

>> No.46604474

Literally who?

>> No.46604509
File: 1.86 MB, 1280x720, ジュエリー・ハーツ・アカデミア_2024-04-15_03-21-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK is her problem?

>> No.46605441

Another anime adapting a short vn to show how bad anime adaptions are
If they couldn't adapt planetarian properly which is really short then they can't adapt nothing
They did the 3d for aldnoah zero

>> No.46605504

they did 2d in Aldnoah Zero, not 3d.

>> No.46605713

Look at the publisher
The VN is written with anime adaptation planned from the very start of the development

>> No.46606046

I would read if it had sex. Romance without sex is just no.

>> No.46606646

It's fine, you won't care about porn once you grow up.

>> No.46606657

Asking again >>46600155
Are the added CGs of the ef PS2 port in the 天使の日曜日 fandisc or available anywhere else or do I actually need to slog through an emulator to get them?

>> No.46606670

You're in the eroge thread.

>> No.46606692

it's the opposite, i didn't care about it back then now i can't take anything seriously without it

>> No.46606768

The older you get, the more you start to understand that two people in love that don't fuck are just unnatural

>> No.46606785

Ever since I read my first romance eroge I never saw anime romcom the same

>> No.46606907

Opposite for me too. Mostly read plotge during teens and early twenties, then gradually switched to moege until my brain completely stopped digesting titles without cute girls and sex.

>> No.46607046

Are the other two girls in Amakano 2 besides Yuuhi any good?

>> No.46607096

skip ahead to + for sara

>> No.46607128

If you have read the past two works you can read Sara route which has fanservice for those, otherwise is matter of tastes if you like a severely autistic girl or mommy gf

>> No.46607139

Any eroge suggestions with good おほほほですわ ojousama main heroines? Already read tsuriotsu and sorceress alive.

>> No.46607168

i wish i knew because there aren't a lot of good ones
the true smug haughty ojou is a dying breed, relegated to such ignominies as being subcharas in gameplay eroge as rapebait or a one and done

>> No.46607200

Pretty much.
I can do without explicit scenes, a fade to black and skip to the aftermath is perfectly fine and can cut filler if there's actual plot going on and not a CG collection, but at least throw a hint or implication the romance plots go to their natural conclusion. I just hate 'will they wont they' shit where they beat around the bush forever, you see it all the time in typical harem isekai slop.

>> No.46607203
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, photo_2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Routlet in unravel trigger makes me want to read something with main heroine like this.
Looking at https://vndb.org/c17126 and https://vndb.org/c1571 (no idea if she goes ohohoho)

>> No.46607243
File: 37 KB, 250x300, 37280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't read it, but there's no fucking way she goes ohohohoho
i get the vibe from the sharp tongued tsundere that beats the shit out of you every chance she gets

>> No.46607263
File: 2.03 MB, 1376x805, motokare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you hadn't said tsuriotsu i would have nominated yuruushuuruu furuuruu jean-maruuruu as the peak of the genre, but you did, so i've got nothing

>> No.46607275
File: 246 KB, 998x766, vndb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

search tags on vndb and check out girl portraits

>> No.46607359

Rei was mildly entertaining to read but I found Yuuhis more engaging overall. I dont read senpai/nee-san character routes so I dont know about the 3rd girl.
Im currently finishing up Honami's route in Second Season in prep for Sara.

>> No.46607436

>Genitals are uncensored
>"Redbull" gets a beep censor
Weird, they usually just change the names of IRL products, maybe to Radbull or something

>> No.46607447

It's funniest when the censored brand name or whatever gets mentioned twice and each one has a different character censored

>> No.46607485

someday i hope to pilot a goddamn

>> No.46607599

Walkure FD

>> No.46607614
File: 515 KB, 575x522, hajiron_pXbFh4NusC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this new whirlpoolge is breaking my dick. literally every h-scene is fappable. i love when h-scenes have tons of kisses in them. and fat nipples.

>> No.46607749
File: 1.31 MB, 1600x900, mpreg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46607790

i do not have a good opinion of the latest whirlpoolge however i applaud their efforts to make the world more accepting of fat nips

>> No.46607824

I was a little disappointed in Haruka's H-scenes. They should have used the book to spice things up.

>> No.46608119

Sadly the ending sucks, maybe the anime can fix it but it is a big [X] DOUBT

>> No.46608640

>>Genitals are uncensored
Wait, what game?

>> No.46608800

would preg the hag

>> No.46609048

Hey guys, anyone up for some short reading together? I want to read something but can't think of anything

>> No.46609066

what is some easy VN but with plot
i am not really into the "cute girls doing cute things" bullshit

>> No.46609073

Try Asairo, it’s linear with no routes, as easy as it gets.

>> No.46609128
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>> No.46609220

The ending was literally the only good part of the game

>> No.46609225


>> No.46609481


>> No.46609962

Pink is best girl and the only true heroine. I'm not gonna bother reading the others.

>> No.46610071
File: 2.51 MB, 1793x1078, 123718941842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of them please.

>> No.46610180
File: 93 KB, 313x900, ルートあるよね.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife is so cute, i hope she has a route

>> No.46610370

I love that early 00s font rendering

>> No.46610436

Would anyone happen to have 花の葬列 and be willing to upload it? I can't find a working download link anywhere.

>> No.46610473

>i am not really into the "cute girls doing cute things" bullshit
You're in the wrong medium bud.
I recommend you some w*stoid literature.

>> No.46610486

western literature doesn't have detailed drawings of cute girls getting beat up and raped

>> No.46610498

You are a subhuman and suffer from cute aggression.

>> No.46610584

i mean i dont mind the cute girls but SoL gets boring

>> No.46610600

You just need to read SoL written by an actual good writer.

>> No.46610626

I'm sorry that your brain has been fried by t*kt*k and you can't appreciate the beauty and serenity in an idealized, comfortable everyday life.

>> No.46610655


>> No.46610858

Romeo is the only writer capable of writing good sol

>> No.46610914
File: 280 KB, 1277x717, ascertain circumference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "sit impatiently through a long common route so you can finally pick the romantically aggressive girl that (You) liked from the start and has been hitting on (You) for the last 10 hours" episode
there's been a lot of reruns of this one lately
what's something with the option to jump on a heroine route really quickly? ideally if it's uneven, as in only works for this one girl. as a certified eroge expert with over 300 confirmed kills i no longer need time to decide.

closest example i can think of is one of the loop endings in tori colony, where you can confess to the girl as soon as she transfers in and it escalates immediately to marriage. but that's basically a joke ending and only available if you've already done her route.

>> No.46611010


>> No.46611118
File: 17 KB, 568x247, 1704575982951809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened?

>> No.46611268

dead medium

>> No.46611314
File: 3.91 MB, 1920x1080, 1687182613296085.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's such a waste for our favorite eroge vn VAs to voice LNslop anime adaptations without panservice and h scenes.
I still miss sawasawasawa / atsumi tanezaki

>> No.46611326

that looks better than the shit I'm reading right now

>> No.46611339

Haruna Ren better anyway

>> No.46611345

It has uncensored gore though
When did Japan become so Westernized they aren't fine showing her panties but are okay with disgusting violent scenes?

>> No.46611463

i thought she was pretty overrated. Kanako on the other hand lives up to the hype.

>> No.46611487

>still does h vns
Pretty based honestly
No reason to complain against her

>> No.46611488

If anyone's played 腐り姫, is 夏生 supposed to be voiced? I thought the VNDB/EGS page said she was, or is it only in H-scenes or some weird shit like that?

>> No.46611581

Baldr Sky, Baldr Heart, Eustia

>> No.46611708

Ok but unamed memories is a good ln

>> No.46611743


>> No.46611747

Well it's not like Kanako gets any other big non-eroge work, if anything it was backwards, had a protagonist role on Eromanga sensei first and then had to start doing eroge after.

>> No.46611923

better than your favourite vn

>> No.46612029

Is Eustia good enough to be a kamige? I've played some and it felt like some 2d4u shit.

>> No.46612063

LNs are the biggest scam ever on principle, it's like gacha, they are purposefully designed to run on forever and milk as much money as possible.

>> No.46612084

Prolog good routed mediocre true route pure kusoge

>> No.46612095

I wonder what that number will be in 2030. Maybe it will already have died by then with only a few dozens of works being published. I'm honestly surprised titles like Hentai Prison still come out. Decent writers seem to jump ship the moment they can.

>> No.46612103

People who dedicated their whole lives to eroge not going to just stop just because it's not profitable

>> No.46612105

lns having no actual sex scenes make them inferior to vns portraying true romance just as anons have said >>46606046 >>46606692 >>46606768 >>46606907
you can't be truly in love if there's no intercourse involved
if she doesn't let you copulate while in a relationshit with her you're worse than a cuck

>> No.46612130

They may dedicate a great deal of effort to visual novels, but it's hard to escape the bitter feeling you get when you put a lot of effort into something and are proud of what you've created but no one recognizes it.

>> No.46612145
File: 1.95 MB, 1280x720, ジュエリー・ハーツ・アカデミア_2024-04-16_22-12-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fuck I'm 99% sure what this is supposed to mean now

>> No.46612151

>I'm honestly surprised titles like Hentai Prison still come out
What was so surprising about Hentai Prison? It wasn't really that innovative.

>> No.46612152

Google says it should be here but it asks for a reason for registration in chink and I'm too lazy to come with anything http://www.otomedream.com/forum.php?jumpfrom=root

>> No.46612193

there is a lot of good LN's with endings, just stop reading slop

>> No.46612216

境界線上のホライゾン has sex scenes for example, and it's not the only one ln that has them, but most sex scenes are implied to happen without descriptions of chinko going into manko and aahahaha moans

>> No.46612220

at that point i'd rather read a book or an eroge where i know the writer is not motivated to prolong it for money

>> No.46612232

>an eroge where i know the writer is not motivated to prolong it for money
lol, you know that most eroge writers get paid by word count, right?

>> No.46612241

In a better world they would be paid by the amount of h scenes they put into the story.

>> No.46612248

faggot tier
if it doesn't stimulate you both audiovisual wise
but lns are literally words words words with the occasinal cover artwork

>> No.46612490


>> No.46612646

A VN doesn't need to be "innovative" to be good and that anon's surprise was probably just that, it being a great VN despite coming out in the 2020s.

>> No.46612657
File: 1.75 MB, 1600x896, Something breaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, Sanafag. Im going to start her game now. I did Airi's route a couple months back first and thoroughly enjoyed how much she develops throughout the common and individual route with it all culminating near the end.
The ichaicha was not lacking at all either, all in all its what I wanted ever since I watched the anime back in 2011. Cant believe its been 13 years since then. I hope Sana's route will be just as enjoyable.
Surprised how much I like the OP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j19Ykiee8jQ

>> No.46612660

wtf is that art

>> No.46612678
File: 713 KB, 677x708, 890346346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsubasu sucked at drawing hands. The proportions seem off, its honestly going to be jarring going into Sana's route because of the new CG they added.

>> No.46612696

>because of the new CG they added.
They also drew some new sprites which are extremely jarring.

>> No.46612703

>its honestly going to be jarring going into Sana's route because of the new CG they added.
it honestly was, her art has changed much since then but what do you expect? piromizu used to draw weird hair for some of the characters in the early amakano games. You never see that anymore though

>> No.46612729
File: 675 KB, 640x848, 1707368658181369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've only read 3LNs in my life and i hate LNs as much as you do but i will always talk good about sukasuka because one of the reasons i read it was because it was just 5 volumes long

>> No.46612745

Good taste. Sukasuka has a sequel though which I'm somewhat interested in reading. I hear it's not very long.

>> No.46612753
File: 175 KB, 638x1076, 0663463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking back at it now adapting the miu route was such a good advertisement for the psp game. I still have this saved.

>> No.46612765

What VN do you use to decide if someone has a good taste?

>> No.46612797

For anyone who's played Minato Carnival FD, is it worth playing Anekouji before it? Heard it was shit. After playing virgin road i was thinking of just doing the tsujidou section of the fan disc, but if the Anekouji section is good i might read it as well

>> No.46612799
File: 220 KB, 1024x768, 1700653119082377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with mizuki?

>> No.46612805

Not a fan of reverse NTR and abandonment, sorry. Even the "bad" ending was better.

>> No.46612818

Cute Kaede

>> No.46612843

>Not a fan of reverse NTR
your loss

>> No.46613178

Ignore the extra CGs and go for the full game (with h scenes)

>> No.46613192
File: 235 KB, 1519x885, john madden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here comes another chinese earthquake

>> No.46613240


>> No.46613244
File: 61 KB, 1032x435, yng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are fujos like this

>> No.46613306

Sakutoki and Sakura Moyu. if someone rates these high I know to ignore them.

>> No.46613314
File: 1.49 MB, 825x968, 8934690346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piromizu even fucks up with hands

>> No.46613322

This is a normal hand.

>> No.46613331

None in particular but if I ask them to list their Top 10 and not a single VN originally made before 2000 is in it then their taste is undeniably garbage.

>> No.46613335


>> No.46613352

>before 2000
Why that cutoff year? Sure there's some good 90s games, but I'm not sure any of them would make my top 10.

>> No.46613355

Yuuhi my beloved six fingered goddess.

>> No.46613369

And this is why AI sucks at hands
It's trained on hacks

>> No.46613381
File: 965 KB, 1920x1110, 1707221910506443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 5 fingers though.

>> No.46613389

Just admit you fucked up Piromizu.

>> No.46613413
File: 180 KB, 487x486, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's supposed to be like this but he added a bit of a weird dent at the proximal of the index

>> No.46613444

Even back in the first amakano there is a cg where the protagonist has the legs detached from his torso, I wonder how these things happen, does no one in the entire team notice something is wrong?

>> No.46613463

gomen, i can't see anything in this pic except sara, my beloved

>> No.46613556

I remember watching artist trying to explain how to use 3D mannequin for as helping tools for drawing
And the first thing she did was cutting the mannequin image into parts and bend the body parts further than she can pose it in 3D, kek

>> No.46613591
File: 23 KB, 256x300, 100904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-b-but :(

>> No.46613760

That's just what making games is like.
To even get to the point where you have the luxury of checking for errors you have to fight tooth and nail, day in, day out, sometimes for weeks.
You're mentally exhausted, physically exhausted, spiritually exhausted. Your brain is like a big ball of Play-Doh being sat on by a Sumo wrestler.
You are a trembling, quivering parody of the man you were when you started. A cyclone of stymieing failure has abused your confidence to the point where even the simplest of decisions are to you each a throttling dilemma.
Whatever dreams you had of making a perfect game have been shattered into tiny shards of hoping that the numerous flaws your project will doubtlessly have are not so serious that they completely ruin it.

That is the position from which you check for errors. You're in that position, and you STILL wring out your soul, wring it out even more to fix everything you can, knowing you won't ever catch it all, hoping against hope you can catch enough.
In the end, you release your game, to success or failure (whichever the fates decree) and swear you'll never put yourself through that again.
A week later, you're already planning your next project.

>> No.46613855
File: 1.69 MB, 1920x1080, 1713279021293133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And i thought Unravel Trigger was some random engrish gibberish title

>> No.46613857
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>> No.46613945
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x720, ジュエリー・ハーツ・アカデミア_2024-04-17_09-45-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no wonder you people keep calling Unravel Trigger a Jeweha ripoff

>> No.46614289

another high school swapping game from anim would be nice, preferably without the shitty nts
too bad they really like to stick to their wife games instead, I'm guessing this wasn't that popular

>> No.46614291

I don't want no Suzakuin bimbo, let me date Uino.

>> No.46614302


>> No.46614390
File: 116 KB, 809x546, 356431960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever wondered why they always made the vamps as the bad guys ?

>> No.46614403

i wonder what epic twist Tom will do in jeweha 2. jeweha's twist is hard to top.

>> No.46614455
File: 787 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're both copying the master.

>> No.46614513
File: 156 KB, 574x963, アンラベル・トリガーアンラベル・トリガー (69) - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much longer is Milly's route than the others? The chapters feel way longer than the chapters on every other route.

>> No.46614533

Should've skipped Reiri route since all of her mystery revealed on Milly route

>> No.46614539

Milly's route is locked behind both the routes bro

>> No.46614544


>> No.46614840
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, 321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'm hopeful too. i was surprised they did something with children to begin with and their next game will have kids again so another high school game probably isn't out of the question

>> No.46614861
File: 923 KB, 648x748, kabe tsuma 2 size-changing couch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of Anim's swapping games suck, their only good games are their ntr stuff.

>> No.46614946

I'm so weak to lolige..

>> No.46614977
File: 3.69 MB, 1861x1047, 124342124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you pick the "mother" choice she'll burst into tear because she has no idea how to be a good mom.

>> No.46615067

VNs are sold as complete deals though with the occasional fandiscs (official bonus merch not tumblrina fan made despite what they call it).
You purchase an LN and 20 years later it's still not complete while you're on your deathbed as a grandpa.
No h no buy simple as.
The worst part about this is she went from being voiced by a hag to a literal granny wasting a decade before they let Sana be plapped.
Still though VN anime adaptation chads always win, even if you had to wait for a lifetime, you receive full routes instead of a forced winner in LNs like IS.

>> No.46615152

depends on what you go in expecting
for instance, don't expect real routes or even real romance

>> No.46615380

Kazokei and CC, they also double as an EOP filter.

>> No.46615385

anyone who played melty*lovers?
How is her route, she has the biggest tits.

>> No.46615396
File: 447 KB, 640x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, retard.

>> No.46615410

A shame we are still missing the tomboy Miko from the psp game. Maybe we'll get a Yutsuki edition someday but there probably isnt as much of a demand as Sana was since she gets completely and utterly destroyed in Miu's route.

>> No.46615423

I never played it but I remember fapping a ton to the cg of the brown haired girl because she reminded me of hinata from lovely cation. God, I love petite girls so much.

>> No.46615450

might as well fuck a man

>> No.46615457

Nah, you just dont get it.

>> No.46615489

Tenioha 2 has a good one

>> No.46615498

Make way for the new kamige:

>> No.46615507

She's an astronaut?

>> No.46615554

>Sakura Moyu
Is irosekai better?

>> No.46615789

sakumoyu is considered urushibara's magnum opus, so...

>> No.46616695
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, average japanese salary man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like variety, most of their games have multiple routes and endings anyway

>> No.46616767

ironically she was the only route I didn't read, not because I didn't like her or anything, but because I wanted to play some other game at the time. Frey>Sefi>Lil as far as routes I have read goes.

>> No.46617124

>kuudere is best girl
many such cases

>> No.46617362

0 such cases

>> No.46617993

Many such cases to help people sleep, yeah.

>> No.46618218
File: 1.79 MB, 1280x720, ジュエリー・ハーツ・アカデミア_2024-04-18_00-05-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the point of this entire arc?

>> No.46618356

So I'm reading unravel kuso but I really lost interest once I found out MC's a non-virgin. Reiri is damn cute but I'm really just doing her route on autopilot since it was revealed, not even caring about her H or sweet nothings.
Is the pay-off in the true route real good or can I just drop this?

>> No.46618369

to annoy me probably

>> No.46618860

>mature-looking shit skin hag with huge balloons
Both the developers and the players are mentally disabled and miss the point of eroge and Japanese 2D media (moe and beauty).

>> No.46618878
File: 925 KB, 2560x1811, otome sekai no arukikata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>josou in the context of being a rebel in a hyperfeminist world
>gorgeous art by my favorite artist, mignon
You mean this: https://vndb.org/v48125 , right?

>> No.46618924

not reading josou shit
ill jack off to the CG gallery since it's mignon though

>> No.46618939

hags can be moe, mister.

>> No.46618957

Moving the goalpost? Specifically the one on the picture gives me 吐き気.

>> No.46618978


>> No.46618987


>> No.46619010

Dont be too harsh on him he just hates how average sized breasts are disappearing, and by average i mean what was considered average 14 years ago, not the new average

>> No.46619014

>not reading josou shit
I'm not a josoufag either, but this one is not going to be normal josouslop because josou is actually a fundamental aspect of the unique and interesting story.

>> No.46619037

its the zwei trigger developer so no reason to expect the story to be executed well

>> No.46619049

there are tons of great VNs that came out in the 2020s and hentai prison was not one of them

>> No.46619051


I need to know which ones are kamige and which ones aren't. Thanks bras.

>> No.46619056

It was the second best one though.

>> No.46619068

Please don't say SakuToki was the best. Just please don't.

>> No.46619075

My favourite so far is BST

>> No.46619081

Good answer. Setoguchi still manages to pump out kino after all these years.

>> No.46619097

Friendly reminder eroge has the best average quality out of all the otaku anime medium
Modern anime is pure garbage adaption galore
Manga is ruled ruled by shonen
LN is Isekai galore and never-ending stories
And all of them literally support each other because they are linked by adaptations
Even if you say modern eroge is dead, those 3 are way more dead

>> No.46619101

I see, i can understand that.

>> No.46619106

what about soshage? doesn't blue archive have a good story or something?

>> No.46619122

Don't care

>> No.46619134

There's actually so much good manga and anime out there, especially if you don't care about how recent it is. If you're looking for one I recommend kiba no tabi-shounin, sakamoto days, or kemono jihen
As for LNs the neverending story thing for so many of them being a dealbreaker is completely understandable so I won't try to push them on you, but I've found them very enjoyable despite that issue. For what it's worth, many series have satisfying conclusions with each volume, merely leaving a plot thread open to be followed up on in following volumes.
Not that you need to be convinced, just like other mediums eroge has such an insanely huge repertoire it's not like you're going to exhaust it and need to explore the other mediums for lack of content.

>> No.46619150

Please keep your korean garbage out of the /jp/ board

>> No.46619158

why are we racist against koreans again? i feel like since we all like eroge we should like asians?

>> No.46619171

japanese names
japanese seiyuu
heavily localized when translated to japanese
japanese have 6 months headstart before gooks and eops
japanese game

>> No.46619173

I'm not. Koreans are pretty cool. Just not the southern ones.

>> No.46619184

>when translated to Japanese
so all the ideas come from some korean writer
non-Japanese game

>> No.46619193

Good to know that yasuke cartoon is anime now
Please no one like your kind, keep the no japanese stuff out of the japanese culture board

>> No.46619196

feels weird to learn japanese and then start reading translations in japanese instead of japanese original works. I did it myself with star rail for like a month, I was always curious if every line was off like when I look at english subbed anime, I'll never know cause I'm never gonna bother learning another language after japanese

>> No.46619225

It's way more japanese than any westaboo shit fags here read. if a nationalistic gook read blue archive he'd go insane from japanese propaganda

>> No.46619232

I don't care if your korean writer is self-hating or not, the shit he writes is not Japanese media.

>> No.46619253

My post didn't mean to say they suck completely, it was aimed to the people thinking modern eroge is dead compared to old eroge when those 3 mediums are in an even worse condition as far as quality is concerned, but people use the quantity over quality argument to claim modern eroge is dead

>> No.46619263

wake me up when an actually good VN gets released this year

>> No.46619272

Oh yeah I think those people are just allergic to downloading something that's more than 5 years old

>> No.46619305

You're being racist against the Japanese because you're grouping them with other asians as if they're all the same thing.

>> No.46619321

This medium is dead. Last great VN was Musicus and that was written by some oldnigger.

>> No.46619342

waking up from the coma must have been a hard experience

>> No.46619343
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2 months

>> No.46619346

gayshit can't be good

>> No.46619347

>Manga is ruled by shonen
Is this even true? Manga seems to be in a very great position. There's so many series all going on that it can't even be catalogued. Even its current situation can be said to be far from being ruled by shonen. There's plenty non shone magazine still running, and what's more the works appearing in shonen magazines now are increasingly less "shonen".
As far as overall goes, with its popularity being higher than eroge at all times, along with a history that predates VNs by decades, there's far more of it than vns in total volume.

>> No.46619368

Moving the goal posts again? My main problem is not that the thing on the picture has big breasts, it's that it looks like some kimoi shit skin hag I would find on the train in real life or something due to various elements, and the big breasts are just one of the elements.
While I think it's sad that eroge are losing breast size variety, that's irrelevant (and I don't think that huge breasts by themselves can ruin a heroine design). Otherwise, I would negatively reply to literally every single picture of a big-breasted heroine.

>> No.46619374

Don't put Yuri in the same basket as B"""L""".

>> No.46619381

huge breasts is boring
where my
>small breasts(or even better, flat!) big ass
heroines at??

>> No.46619386

Boys love is better than yuri

>> No.46619391
File: 256 KB, 1000x800, boobs-vs-butts-statistics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese culture and media is not for you.

>> No.46619407

By what metric, fag?

>> No.46619419

Calm down ameribro, you already got a 優勝 with the latest crystalia protagonist, no need to be greedy.

>> No.46619422

B"""L""" is filthy degenerate shit, Yuri is pure and beautiful.

>> No.46619428

Why are sprite making all ages yurishit instead of zwei? Are they stupid? They went bankrupt last time they went all age.

>> No.46619442

Reply "kudasai". I know you read it.

>> No.46619449

She's a proud member of the noble dragon race not a shitskin.
Don't call her that.

>> No.46619471

>get shitskin protag
>dont get big ass heroine
what is the point
anyway why you niggas so obsessed with breasts, you dont fuck breasts
but a nice bubble butt is godly when fuckin' some bitch

>> No.46619473

Women are inferior life forms lacking in self-awareness. Men are more beautiful, elegant, charismatic, intelligent and sensitive creatures.

Yuri has two women.
Boys love has two men.

Go figure.

>> No.46619480

I didn't specify any races or ethnicities. I just stated the fact that her skin is the color of shit, which is undeniable if you're not a blindfag or a colorblindfag.
On the topic of blindfags though, are there good VNs with blind heroines?

>> No.46619488

Reading BL is just gay, yuri means you have no self respect as a man

>> No.46619492

Sorry, but we are not talking about 3DPD pigs here.
Here, we are talking about Japanese Media containing Idealized Females.

>> No.46619496

They went bankrupt after they made a hentai mobage with like 100 different h scenes and no one bought it

>> No.46619500

Both utterly disgusting but at least fujos can be good writers. Yuri is irredeemable and has no good writers. You'll never be a woman kek

>> No.46619501

Honestly, I want to learn Korean, but I remember words the best via sounds, and all those aspirated sounds just filtered me.

>> No.46619503
File: 482 KB, 1802x1010, アンラベル・トリガー93497234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until you are done with Reiri's route at least, and drop if you didn't like it. It will be more of the same even in the true route, but longer.

>> No.46619505

Milk comes out of the Breasts, shit comes out of the ass.
And you can't fuck an ass either (anal """sex""" is not Real Sex).

>> No.46619506

Meidos the fujoshits are leaking out of /blog/ again

>> No.46619507

t. ugly fat fujo

>> No.46619515

This is as wrong as saying "eroges" or "animes"

>> No.46619521

after witnessing her nympho form in the extra story, kai made the right choice.

>> No.46619528

Every time you cry about shitposters and openly report to ""meidos"", you sound like you have permanent brain damage. Seek help.

>> No.46619534

>Both utterly disgusting
1 girl is cute. 1 other girl is cute.
1 girl + 1 girl should be 2 cute.
How hard is this to understand?
>but at least fujos can be good writers
<xitter trauma dump is good writing
>You'll never be a woman
And you will never be a human if you can't emphatize with someone without self-inserting.
We are on /jp/, not on /kr/

>> No.46619708

Anime is now an english word thoughever

>> No.46619742

>xitter trauma dump is good writing
Excuse me??? Stop being a fucking BIGOT and read some BL. You have the inability to empathize if you don't try out a little bit of everything.

>> No.46619825

How is shingakkou? Is it good shit or do gays overrate it?

>> No.46619839

Even if I wanted to learn Chinese the phonetics seeming so insanely difficult would scare me away

>> No.46619924
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They exist,many of them, the detail lies in what americans consider big is on africa tier territory, they are only found in ntrge like stuff from orcsoft

>> No.46619956

if it's big enough to make you unable to see the thong in the beach it's good enough for me

>> No.46620193 [DELETED] 
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my nigga!

>> No.46620296
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>> No.46620306 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46620416

I look like the guy on the left.

>> No.46620456

Do you also have a weird left thigh?

>> No.46620472

Yes because I was created by AI

>> No.46620509

Bro, are you seriously insulting mignon and saying he uses A.I.?

>> No.46620518

it's not ai

>> No.46620525

It do be kinda A.I althoughbeit.

>> No.46620528

A.I posts

>> No.46620530

kek, mignonfags on suicide watch. Art looking ai-generated and MC being a girly faggot are enough reasons to skip.

>> No.46620563

not going to lie, I would suck left guy's dick.

>> No.46620627

I sometimes can't tell what is ai and what is not, I just checked mignon's art from 4 years ago and those don't look like ai, so either he got worse, which is not that unusual for artists, or he's using AI, and there is literally nothing stopping artists from feeding his entire portfolio of works so ai can output the same shit they would do but faster
Fuck technology, this is what actually has the power to kill eroge

>> No.46620713

>Fuck technology
This, we should become cavemen again but with eroge.

>> No.46620729
File: 3.45 MB, 1920x1080, はじめるセカイの理想論_-goodbye_world_index-_(ver1.01)_2024-03-26_21-37-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46621389

>better than vn
Why are you here? Get out. Are we getting raided? Vns are superior and will always be superior and we will love them.

>> No.46621660

From what I read on the website I'm looking forward to it.
I think manga also has the same problems as LNs. Infinite neverending shit into axe or bs ending.

>> No.46621677

Just drop it. With that mentality nothing you see will impress your high ass.

>> No.46622044

Who unironically excited for this garbage? The secret discord club?

>> No.46622076

I miss eroge anime adaptations so much
What the fuck happened to them
I'm so fucking tired of LNs gacha and (shounen) manga

>> No.46622176

>What the fuck happened to them
VNs died as a medium. Anime only get maid to shill the source material, and companies noticed the sales of VNs doesn't go up enough. And so nobody wastes money on them anymore.

>> No.46622194


>> No.46622222

Why do you want eroge adaptations? they are fundamentally flawed since the route aspect gets removed, on top of that all of them are bad since they remove one of the things that make them special in the first place which is the sex, even all ages are bad adapted.
The best thing that could have happened to eroge was getting separated from anime and manga since now retarded directors don't need to write their shit while taking into account a censored anime adaptation, we already have it bad enough when they do that with the all ages version.

>> No.46622236

don't care if they're bad they're still fun to watch

>> No.46622260

Why do anime adaptations increase LN and manga sales but not VN sales

>> No.46622265

So you want to be the ironic weeb type who waste their time with things he recognize as trash because "anime is trash and so i am"
Please get out and take the gooks shilling the gook mobage along with you

>> No.46622268

VNs are too niche for todays market to justify the cost to get adaptations made. Although they will almost always be inferior products to the source material I still appreciate their existence since you get to see your favorite characters get animated and they can act as a sort of gateway for people unaware of the existence of eroge.
I remember borrowing my friends dvd copy of Shuffle! back in the day and asking what the fuck is an eroge when he mentioned what it was based on. The rest was history, Yosuga no Sora is still one of my favorite adaptations, the music in that anime is kami.

>> No.46622296

Why are you putting words I didn't say anything close to into my mouth, schizo?

>> No.46622322

>since the route aspect gets removed
>they remove one of the things that make them special
YnS and many others invalidate your argument where they adapt each route
As if LNs/gacha are any better
>buy the LNs!
Still no graphic sex paired with audio
>whale for gacha!
Coombait without the cum
Compared to
>buy the VNs!
Get the sex in addition to routelets

>> No.46622326

Didn't AliceSoft's new hag game get an anime?

>> No.46622345

Mashifoni has a great ost for the anime too, lots of orchestrial tracks. Even imported the ost because I loved it so much.

>> No.46622369

>YnS and many others invalidate your argument where they adapt each route
They are shit though, although i must admit YnS actually adapting the sex scenes is laudable specially for a tv format, but that is a relic of the past and not possible anymore now that anime is mainstream
>As if LNs/gacha are any better
Those are shit as well though, i never claimed otherwise, specially since they are shit is why they are so popular in the first place

>> No.46622389

>now that anime is mainstream
Anime was mainstream when YnS came out, my friend.

>> No.46622393
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>companies noticed the sales of VNs doesn't go up enough
More forced censorship and top gacha trash dwarves their sales so everyone wants to make their own failed gacha now.
There's a reason why the catalog every season in the past's filled with eroge adaptations.
>aqua/nitro plus gacha
>key gacha
I'm so happy when they all fail
>d-dude jun maeda worked on it throw your life savings on our shitty gacha
>your favorite utawarerumono girls but on your mobile phones!
Their series were long dead since they abandoned the ero in eroge. Same with anything by Key when they started to larp as this wholesome sfw corpo.
>not possible anymore now that anime is mainstream
Not possible anymore because of censorship. Post YnS and AkiSora Japan and their stupid save the fictional people made everything worse.

>> No.46622400

25 minute shitty ova of an ntr eroge, if you want to count that

>> No.46622408

What is MahoAko and Futoku no Guild?
Mind you the former added nipples to the tv broadcast when there weren't any in the source
Do I want to count an anime as an anime? Sure, I guess.

>> No.46622416

dykeshit lgbt
westoid approved

>> No.46622433
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Painfully wrong, ignoring the west because it was niche around that time and "weebs" were made fun of, even around that time in japan the average リア充 had an stigma against anime otaku because of how autistic they were, and im talking about actual otaku watching seasonal anime and parading through akiba and not pokemon airing all mornings for your kids to watch. i like using the example of this oreimo(which btw got their incest ending denying thanks to its popularity) character when it comes to how the average リア充 saw anime.

>> No.46622436

Ishuzoku Reviewers, Peter Grill, Kafukujutsushi

>> No.46622448

>t. was not in Akiba in 2010
That's not the average riajuu, that's the average JC. The fact that you can't tell the difference is disappointing.

>> No.46622467

How good is Aoi Tori? Where does it rank on the purplesoft tier list?

>> No.46622475

Shit because of the garbage art

>> No.46622476

>this is what actually has the power to kill eroge
Lol, no. People really like to argue about the same thing every time new tech comes out (photography is not true art, movies are not true art, digital art is inferior, etc).
>Infinite neverending shit into axe or bs ending.
Axed manga can be pretty fun https://youtube.com/watch?v=1csqp1epJ98

>> No.46622506

>photography is not true art
>movies are not true art
>digital art is inferior
all true

>> No.46622513

photography unironically is not art.
You 'make' art.
You 'take' photos.

>> No.46622514

Imagine thinking dirty apes could create something more worthy of being called art than the master craftsman and canvas that is this old and true universe

>> No.46622515

>People really like to argue about the same thing every time new tech comes out
Good thing social media, how phones and internet didn't completely destroy social relationships and didn't fry people's attention span right or how the youth is more retarded than they have ever been right? oh wait...

>> No.46622524

Most eroge arts are digital while a lot of manga arts are hand drawn though.

>> No.46622532

and can you identify which are which?

>> No.46622542


>> No.46622555


>> No.46622660

Much worse than aoi tori, decent prologue and imouto route, true route is a mixed bag
hotaru >>>>>> akane

>> No.46622665

I'm going to assume you meant amatsutsumi?

>> No.46622698

Yes. Embarrassing, I know.

>> No.46622835

I don't understand the appeal of maids
They're might as well be onaholes

>> No.46622839

Just play SiliconMagic and split the difference?

>> No.46622854

It is one of those deeply ingrained japanese fetishes. I think the same about school swimsuits and when a loli/slender heroine has to wear one instead of a proper swimsuit makes me cringe.

>> No.46622855

Your onahole cooks and cleans?

>> No.46622862

school swimsuits look good unlike maid uniforms

>> No.46622909

>return to m*nke
What are w*stoid memes doing in my eroge?

>> No.46622913

Women are onaholes, yes.

>> No.46622917

Fuck off djt subhuman

>> No.46622931

>dykeshit lgbt
Does Mahoako really support westoid identitarian political movements at any point, isn't it just lesbianism for the purpose of fetishism?

>> No.46623033

Fuck off literal subhuman (return to m*nke supporter).

>> No.46623039

>dirty apes
Speak for yourself. You Humanity-hating irony weeb may be one, but not everyone else is.

>> No.46623060

Compared to the ulimited and unimaginable awe and grandeur of that art which paints itself we humans must be nothing more than a mote of dust, but rejoice, for us dirty apes are another one of it's beautiful works and the only one capable of recognizing how truly sophisticated they are - the techniques of our progenitor.

>> No.46623080

MonkeyGODS won. Humcucks go extinct.

>> No.46623092
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>> No.46623115

Monkeys! look like THAT!?

>> No.46623212

How did you get this picture of me?

>> No.46623227

Eroge are a Human medium and hobby. Back to hunting animals and climbing trees or something.

>> No.46623266

I'm more impressed that the universe created humans who could create eroge

>> No.46623274

Universe created humans who can create eroge, but universe never created humans who could translate eroge. Really makes you think.

>> No.46623277

That language bullshit is man's fault, did not come pre-installed.

>> No.46623284
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Just the way God intended.

>> No.46623516

We should have never built that damn tower.

>> No.46623629
File: 15 KB, 976x1000, disabled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>school swimsuit looks bad
>maid uniform looks bad
Are you disabled?

>> No.46623928

I need a VN where I lead the war against the feminists

>> No.46624054


>> No.46624829

>look up vn cg gallery
>lose any and all interest of reading it

>> No.46624887

What are some heroines that use an excessive amount of 漢語 compared to やまとことば or vice-versa, in a normal setting (modern Japan, etc).

>> No.46625005
File: 743 KB, 1072x603, mh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please give me games with similar mood bros.

>> No.46625019

Aside from the other Type-Moon VNs at times, it doesn't exist.

>> No.46625074

There's a bunch of kusoge out there, not hard to find more.

>> No.46625081

Any moege. Mahoyo is literally 95% sol and 5% lame fights.

>> No.46625098

God I wish your average moege had sol on the level of Mahoyo

>> No.46625113

So you want the average moege to be even worse than it already is?

>> No.46625138

>Look up VN gallery for moege
>Protagonist has eyes in the CGs with the heroines
I will now read your eroge

>> No.46625147

When Nasu gives a fuck, he's capable of writing very enjoyable and entertaining character dynamics with the whole cast. I find that moege usually tends to struggle with interactions between secondary characters and heroines.

>> No.46625470


>> No.46625506

Can I just read that after watching the anime? I don't want to put up with 100 hours of some mid action VN.

>> No.46625540

technically you can do anything you want, there's no vn police thats going to stop you from reading it

>> No.46625647

Upon what?

>> No.46625654

What is this manner of speech? Seems to be from another site. You don’t belong here.

>> No.46625664

And that’s the problem…

>> No.46625673

Manga lack a soul and completeness which makes them inferior. But I agree drawn is superior to digital in principle.

>> No.46625953
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>> No.46626024


>> No.46626229

does anyone have the softdenchi script that work with newer release?

>> No.46626285

Care to elaborate? I thought manga had soul because being a mangaka is a very shitty job that literally shortens your lifespan (and you spend your existing span almost 24/7 working with few breaks) but doesn't pay too much, so the people that do it do it because of passion, which gives manga soul.
Though they don't have music and voicing, most don't have colors, and they tend to have less internal monologue and narration, which is crippling. Is that what you meant by completeness?

>> No.46626347

I meant that most stories and characters in manga lack the soul as compared to VNs. They are better than LNs but can't catch up to VNs because the format is too limiting and tends to draw out stories and make them more suited to be digestible in chunks. The passion of mangaka is admirable, but passion and effort (or novelty) alone do not generate superior soul. Also it's a loss for us because those artists could be creating great art for VNs instead.
Generally I see the ranking as:
>VN >>>>>>>> (original) anime > (manga) anime = manga >>>>>>> (LN) anime >>>> LN
with some rare exceptions from the other mediums that can catch up to at least 50% of VN greatness. There will never be an anime adaption of a VN that is better than the original but there are many such cases with manga.

>> No.46626355

>Is that what you meant by completeness?
Yeah. Our favorite medium is a complete art form because it involves all aspects of art. Manga is just a VN with things removed, but VN is inherently a different thing, not just manga with voices/music/etc added.

>> No.46626414

What anime/manga/LN do you think have soul as much as the most soulful VNs? On the other hand, what VNs do you consider to be most soulful?

>> No.46626435 [DELETED] 

Every one that isn't w*stoid pandering.

>> No.46626439 [DELETED] 

you don't read VNs though

>> No.46626518 [DELETED] 

I do, it's just that unlike you I don't speed read them with MTL and build up big vndb numbers to brag on the internet.

>> No.46626536 [DELETED] 

Weird thing to brag about.

>> No.46626543 [DELETED] 

Very much agreed, sis. Are they even worth reading besides Umi and Suba?

>> No.46626553 [DELETED] 

Forgetting about Danganronpa series and Oreimo VNs huh.

>> No.46626554 [DELETED] 

If you did you would've responded with a VN to his question. But you don't read any VNs at all and definitely don't know Japanese. Kill yourself.

>> No.46626568

I totally understand not wanting to read some 20+ LN series that goes on forever, but you can always just read a shorter series that's a few volumes. Also LN adaptions are usually quite bad on average. I would definitely not put them over the source material.

>> No.46626577 [DELETED] 

>implying "personalities" and "vndb lists" matter and not the principles of VN > LN
Why are you obsessed with personalities?
>don't know Japanese

>> No.46626584

That's why I said there might be a couple of outliers but even they don't come close to the greatness of soulful otaku culture that we love in our medium.

>> No.46626586 [DELETED] 

Your post has nothing to do with any of mine. You can stay on /djt/ with your mtler friends by yourself, westoid faggot.

>> No.46626588 [DELETED] 

What's that? Is that where they discuss "vndb lists"? I don't use it.

>> No.46626597

How many games do you guys have on your vndb? I have quite a lot already (some of them MTLed from when I didn't know Japanese) so I want to ask - what is a good way to promote my list on the internet?

>> No.46626601

Recs for a good plotge with a young adult protagonist? Kinda like kara no shoujo and the like

>> No.46626627

Can we have a thread without bringing up LN garbage? It's literally off topic.

>> No.46626631

I go on hunts on VNDB all the time. I also have keep an archive of the database dumps so that I can find underrated VNs. If you have good taste and your profile is public then I most likely have looked up your list at least 5 times.

>> No.46626638

Is it possible to make your profile private only for those that have a certain game rated highly? I don't want to accidentally show good underrated VNs to them but I would like to share with the bros.

>> No.46626645

If you read a good obscure doujinge, I probably have stalked your profile a few times to get recs

>> No.46626660

No but I'm curious which game you would use as your measuring stick.

>> No.46626708

>Having a vndb account in the first place
Couldn't be me

>> No.46626712

One by SCA-自.

>> No.46626721
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茸雪. Isn't it obvious?

>> No.46626724

He is a fraud through and through.

>> No.46626729

The biggest blow to manga and LN is their release schedule allows the author to get influenced by opinions and reactions on Twitroon. It also allows the writer to make a story that you get invested in only for a later chapter to reveal that a girl is actually a free woman with "experience".

>> No.46626750

>actually 「幸福に生きよ!」 wasn't the message it was something deeper!
I love how he contradicted himself and his work with those posts.

>> No.46626810

It is pitiful. It took one little rebuke for his clown mask to come off, revealing the narcissist. Pompous types are always the same. They will project and virtue signal until they can't.

>> No.46626916

>basically saying it needs to have bing bing wahoo to have soul
Terminal zoomer brain, opinion discarded

>> No.46626922

Who are you quoting?

>> No.46626925

>Who are you quoting?

>> No.46626962 [DELETED] 

Only people with low media literacy keep raving about "soul." Soul doesn't matter as much as technical proficiency and artistic self-consciousness. How many of you prefer Parfait to WA2?

>> No.46626968 [DELETED] 

>Soul doesn't matter
>artistic self-consciousness
So much true, especially what matters is how meta the work is and how it shows us how VNs are actually bad and evil.

>> No.46626975 [DELETED] 

>low media literacy
That's a virtue. I'm completely illiterate in w*stoid trash and want to remain that way forever.
>technical proficient
Completely worthless w*stoid metric, just like contrived novelty.

>> No.46626993 [DELETED] 

>Soul doesn't matter

>> No.46627008 [DELETED] 

wa2 is garbage

>> No.46627012 [DELETED] 

>media literacy

>> No.46627017 [DELETED] 

>How many of you prefer Parfait to WA2?
I'm otaku. So... me?

>> No.46627023 [DELETED] 

It's how many w*stoid books about "subversion" and "deconstruction" of art you've read.

>> No.46627052 [DELETED] 

Not what media literacy means lol

>> No.46627060

it would be easier if there was a favorites option like on egs
there are some users with quite interesting tastes

>> No.46627065 [DELETED] 

What does it mean, then? Link us to the YouTube video or CNN article where you learned this word.

>> No.46627105 [DELETED] 

Do you not have basic schooling or google in your shithole third world country or something?

>> No.46627131

It looks like I'll start to go on EGS hunts soon. VNDB doesn't seem to have many users with interesting tastes.

>Gunjou no Sora
>Iriya no Sora
>Rance X
>Saihate no Ima
"Unique taste" alright

>> No.46627150 [DELETED] 

The person you're replying to is a rabid shitposter that spams incoherent nonsense while never reading VNs. Don't bother replying.

>> No.46627168

it's going to be fun when you find out that those games are repeated on egs as well

>> No.46627203 [DELETED] 

>technical proficiency
What does this mean in the context of eroge?
If you put a soulless boring story together well technically, you deserve praise by default?

>> No.46627227 [DELETED] 

Reminder that if you have read a w*stoid book released in the last 150 years you are not welcome here.

>> No.46627236 [DELETED] 

>Soul doesn't matter as much
I can't even imagine what makes someone think this if they are not a coping content maker themselves trying to deal with the reality that only soulful art matters.

>> No.46627288 [DELETED] 

What would even lead anyone to think that they are soulless but just competent at what they do?

>> No.46627292 [DELETED] 

>What are you looking forward to?
Which game will help me understand the idealised 女心?

>> No.46627325 [DELETED] 

They don't think it openly but just play it off in the self-hating ironic weeb type of way. Like "soul doesn't even exist so please don't judge me based on it, I know my art is garbage but it's okay because it's self-aware!".

>> No.46627354

thank you

>> No.46627362

Jannie, I just want to say I appreciate you always deleting these retarded slapfights

>> No.46627384 [DELETED] 

That took about 10 minutes between me reporting it and the meido taking action. Remember to always report these posts as soon as they show up. The meido-tachi don't patrol threads; they rely on reports to function. This didn't need to go on for an entire day.

>> No.46627388

>thank you

>> No.46627427

Any good owl VNs?

>> No.46627434


>> No.46627455

We have the best meido. on other boards they don't give a shit

>> No.46627498

>sucking yourself off

>> No.46627548 [DELETED] 

Keep crying about your deleted shit faggot wwwww
This post will be deleted in seconds

>> No.46627557 [DELETED] 

You will never be Japanese.

>> No.46627565 [DELETED] 

>off topic shitposting
>outing yourself as a MTLer

>> No.46627757

>SCA-Ji Art director, planning assistant, material
It is worthless to me.

>> No.46627942

What's the point on playing an all-ages SCA-Ji game? Go play something good like Moekan instead.

>> No.46628021 [DELETED] 

Is it more of art has no meaning or did he follow in Wittgenstein's steps and change his philosophy in it?

>> No.46628098 [DELETED] 

What does that say about someone's art when they repeatedly insist, over and over again, that art is entirely subjective with zero inherent meaning or quality?

>> No.46628109 [DELETED] 

It reminds me of those trying to debate that free will doesn't exist with extreme fervour.

>> No.46628143 [DELETED] 

Ah, human psychology. Shrewd in the hindbrain, stupid in the forebrain, trying to say "I would do anything if I'm not given what I want and I would feel zero guilt over it." The rotten apple once again reveals itself with its smell.

>> No.46628154 [DELETED] 
File: 3.09 MB, 2700x2250, objective girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever read games in other languages after learning Japanese? I might do it with Sakuuta when it's translated into my language. I don't want to give it the full respect of reading in Japanese but am intrigued by this girl and her views on art.

>> No.46628232

>you know that most eroge writers get paid by word count, right?
Director might make you cut scenario if it's too long.
Romeo cut Akane's route in rewrite from 800kb(first version) to 450kb(release). Almost in half.

>> No.46628268

We were so close to having the first thread of the year without shitposting...

>> No.46628288

and yet by far the best route
imagine what the whole experience would have been like

>> No.46628306

Terra route was indeed shit.

>> No.46628347

do you think so? I thought it was interesting
i could see some similarities with ima

>> No.46628394 [DELETED] 


right now

post a fucking vocaroo


>> No.46628398 [DELETED] 

unfortunately this thread has been claimed by djt u will not survive make ur time

>> No.46628405 [DELETED] 

no vocaroo? you can't don't know japanese

and no, reading english hoover text doesn't count

>> No.46628646

I wish authors could release their first drafts or at least share what they planned. Most of the time, cuts are due to budget limitations, since more text means more CGs, more voice acting, and more scripting, so more time without releasing anything. Writers are paid based on word count, but they aren't always free to write as much as they would like.
Like, last month, Unravel Trigger had 4 routes planned, but 1 got cut bc budget.

>> No.46628732

People that whine about shitposters are worse than the shitposters themselves. Be the change you want to see and post "discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels".

>> No.46628813

>4 routes
When did they this?

>> No.46628953

I don't rate games, or even leave reviews. The precious moments we spend together don't fit neatly into the shapes words take, they're irreplaceable fragments of two people desperately reaching out in the darkness, proof that the creator and the player lived, tried to feel.

>> No.46629002

I only rate 10 or 1 and the only reviews are discussions with others who rated the game 10 or 1 in these threads.

>> No.46629298

Do you read out 主人公 lines out loud to self-insert and immerse better?

>> No.46629318

I only read games with voiced protagonists.

>> No.46629319

How is it different if you voice him?

>> No.46629321

I also only read VNs with Japanese protagonists.

>> No.46629330

But you are Japanese for the time you self-insert.

>> No.46629339

>僕 when in his thoughts
>俺 when with others
What does this mean?

>> No.46629460

I read 4chan posts out loud sometimes

>> No.46629700

A tryhard, methinks. Timid inside but try to appear to be a tough guy.

>> No.46629719 [DELETED] 

should an obese foreigner use boku or ore

>> No.46629736 [DELETED] 


>> No.46629737 [DELETED] 

if he doesn't use 俺様 then he's a massive faggot. Westerners, especially AMERICANS, should show their dominance

>> No.46630076

>open seiyuu's page on vndb
>one entry

>> No.46630257
File: 130 KB, 1359x458, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46630261

cute Saya

>> No.46630263

If a seiyuu does theiir only role in a big release that almost certainly means they're an alias. You don't just get your first role in a big VN.

>> No.46630275

is noa's VA in henpri still unknown?

>> No.46630281

how many more years until we lose https://vndb.org/s8737
place your bets

>> No.46630307


>> No.46630322
File: 189 KB, 642x507, tips fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished OtoZ recently.
not entirely sure this goes here but it's on vndb along with the rest of TS's games so what the hell, thread's not long for the world anyway. it's basically a vn with battles.

i liked it more than i expected to, especially coming off of erumani. dev got over the crutch of goofy joke story and did a serious plot and it came out quite well. i continue to enjoy his characters and their banter, shit's really fun and feels like the guy has had a lot of experience with big friend groups. not everyone gets along but they still bounce off each other in amusing ways. also, it rarely shows up in regular eroge for obvious reasons but i do occasionally miss the interactions that come from a large bunch of both guys and girls, with couples forming or falling apart or failed seduction attempts or sad bitter jealousy. there was a fair bit here, so that was fun.

interesting choice to have the real main characters be the antagonists for the better part of half the story, 虎天 and his gang were just plain cooler, better, more interesting, more plot-driving, got all the flashbacks, and when they joined your army they outclassed every one of your units by a country mile, even the previously broken secret erumani units. really felt like they just waltzed in and hijacked the story, while your gang of retards (plus one non-retarded schemer) bumbled around from one battlefield to the next, accomplishing nothing whatsoever except furthering his plans. dude even had a harem plus imouto, he was simply built different. i did like chako a fair bit though, despite her utter incompetence as a person and a unit.

but yeah. surprisingly solid tale with interesting characters. kinda light on the lore but it had all it needed. last couple battles were a tremendous pain but at this point i'm considering it par for the course. units reviving/reinforcements showing up and then acting on the same turn should be a cardinal fucking sin in FE-like games.

either way, it's cool seeing the evolution of the art over time but christ i was sick of SRPG studio '95 about one and a half games ago and it looks like i still have two more to go. even thinking about jumping into knights of subaru right now is making me nauseous.

>> No.46630334

How is the gameplay? Is it just FE-lite?

>> No.46630350

it's a lot more FE-lite than mahou shoujo, but it's still the same grid based, turn based, stats roughly the same, combat virtually identical, etc. as FE.
on one hand you have unit skills that cost MP instead of weapons/durability but on the other hand there's a very small core cast of plot characters and a much bigger cast of mercenaries that you can hire at your discretion. those ones just plain die if they get killed in combat, unlike the plot ones who game over you. that said they're not generic and they have their own hidden bonus maps with backstory and plot and all that if you shove the right people into the right practice maps together.

>> No.46630356

Wait, am I looking at the wrong download or is the whole game really 12mb?

>> No.46630364

nope, you got it, it really is that small
damn my saves managed to balloon it out to 100+ mb

>> No.46631261

I just thought that while the chest tumor trend in eroge sucks, we will look back to it and miss it when the ASS tumor era comes (I hope it never does, though).

>> No.46631364

i blame that korean gacha

>> No.46631387

I'm not sure how "big" they are but Cabbage Soft do feel like they always get genuine no name newbies for some of their main heroines.

>> No.46631394

I don't see her having a reason to stop, she already had her go at anime and still stuck with eroge, maybe she enjoys it.

>> No.46631852
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1687979037764445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chest tumor good.

>> No.46631866

too small

>> No.46632181

Everything in otaku media keeps getting worse so maybe you are right

>> No.46632832

Will noting down what happened after each scene in a VN help me understand the story, characters, and themes better?
Is it fine if I do it in English (or a mix of English and Japanese) if I'm not good enough at Japanese production yet, or will that corrupt the meaning?

>> No.46632884

Do you not understand what's happening on screen? is that your problem?
just reread the damn thing instead.

>> No.46632904

He's trying to bait out cringe responses. The "joke" among those types is that anyone who reads eroge in Japanese is a pompous wanker who takes it way too seriously.

>> No.46632913

Note every scene down only if you're an anime scriptwriter who's already read the work once before and is now trying to adapt it to screen. Meaning: don't do it. It will interrupt your immersion. Just ask "why?" Anything that catches your interest, ask why the author may have placed it there.
Why does she act that way? Because she's arrogant. Why is she arrogant? Basically chase down the rabbit hole until you have a good rational understanding of the work. Assume everything is consciously placed.
Nothing wrong with letting it all wash over you and then thinking about it after you're done with the game. If a game wants you to think about something it will emphasize it anyway.

>> No.46632964

I think that by writing things down I would be forced to think about what happened and process it better.
I don't know what you're talking about, schizo.
I guess just trying to think about it without writing down could be enough. Though I had that idea in the first place because I thought that writing down makes it more 'thorough' and 'firm' and less 'fuzzy', in a way.

>> No.46633034

Honestly this "understanding media" stuff is quite overrated. People who keep talking about it tend to be shallow people who have intellectual pretensions and there aren't many pieces out there worth understanding in the first place anyway. Enjoyment stays king.

>> No.46633484

I was not able to find even one non-nukige niece eroge. Just want a comfy moege with an oji-san and jk heroines, one of which is his niece

>> No.46633509
File: 163 KB, 1000x700, C07GaL3UQAE9slQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here played this game before?
I am currently playing this game myself, and is trying to finish a route or two.
I am trying to save my favorite girls for a second second playthrough after my japanese has improved further, but the game forced you to goes through all of the girls, so it progress slower than I intended as I am forced to rush through the scene I am saving for later.

For those that have played this game, I am curious on how you feels about it? Which girl is your favorite?

>> No.46633614

Have you considered that this is how some people enjoy things? No one is saying you need to do it, you can enjoy things however you want. Saying everyone who likes autistically analysing scenes is pretentious is just projection of your own insecurities and certified schizo behaviour.

>> No.46633619

then just look for stuff with pure love like https://vndb.org/v12933
futari gurashi also fits

>> No.46633693

>makes it more 'thorough' and 'firm' and less 'fuzzy'
The fuzzy parts are the most interesting ones and can't be captured in writing anyway. You can discuss it here and that will help you understand it better, but just having a text file adds nothing. Just read any cringe reviews of VNs that never go beyond the surface level.

>> No.46633722

I checked this one out earlier and I was mad just reading the descriptions. I think I'm gonna give Futari Gurashi a try, though she's a bit younger than I wanted for this particular scenario.

>> No.46633798
File: 53 KB, 800x599, ふたりぐらしの事情 ~芽衣の日常編~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was mad just reading the descriptions
why? all the dumb drama involves their mother which you can ignore, 1 niece hates MC but that's just a misunderstanding and the other literally thinks she was born to be MC's wife so she should be right up your alley. and futari gurashi might hit you in the feels so the age might be a little deceiving

>> No.46633838


>> No.46633875

I honestly can't imagine ever doing it. I value emotional connection most. It's better if I don't understand some scenes, some characters, how the world completely works. Once I get it, it becomes something rational and loses its magic. That's why I rarely revisit things to analyze them and instead leave the further details to rewatches. I mean, come on, if you analyze some random moege or shonen anime you're the odd one here. Analyzing shonen anime feels so miserable to me.

>> No.46633955

I like thinking about it, but for me it's more thinking about the characters and their emotions and way of thinking. I feel it is not something you can fully write down or analyse if it's done well.

>> No.46634603

not really, VNs never go into opera level with the music
anime opera is still the highest ideal which has never been reached

>> No.46634630

Do you mean a VN that's essentially an opera from start to finish? That might be cool.

>> No.46634633


>> No.46634650

>anime opera
What comes closest to it in your view?

>> No.46634757

tf is this autism
