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48078 No.48078 [Reply] [Original]

Activists 'to arrest Japanese whalers'


AUSTRALIAN activists say they will board Japanese whaling ships, destroy equipment and make citizen's arrests "fairly soon" in the latest attempt to drive the hunters out of the Antarctic.

The captain of the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin, which made international headlines after two crew members were detained by the Japanese last month, says he has a team of 17 specially-trained crew members - nine of them Australian - ready to put their lives on the line.

Paul Watson told NEWS.com.au the group would risk being shot at to stop the killing of whales by "criminals" in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

But the ANU’s Don Rothwell, an expert on international and maritime law, said anyone involved in such action would most likely be prosecuted under Commonwealth law and be regarded as pirates.

Professor Rothwell said the panned “citizen’s arrests” could also be deemed as an act of terrorism under international law.

Cho Seung-Hui: 4chan Appreciation/Tribute Thread

>> No.48578
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Shitheads like these should spend their time on cultivating crop for the poor and starving in Africa instead of mediawhoring themselves over some 'intelligent' fishmammal things.

Pic related.

>> No.48856
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Oh my god, really?

Mind = blown.

>> No.50812
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SPOILER: Whales are regarded as a shit food in Japan, pretty much nobody except old people and unfortunate students at poor schools eat it willingly. The fact that recent reports have shown whale meat contains extreme levels of mercury and heavy metals also puts pretty much everyone else off. The huge amount of frozen or rotting whale meat still sitting in warehouses is proof that there is next to no demand.

Japan doesn't have a "long and deep whaling tradition" like Europe, it was just an emergency measure implemented after WW2 to prevent mass starvation.

The generally apolitical Japanese population doesn't give a shit about whaling at all, just a tiny fringe of batshit insane right-wing nationalist extremists with powerful connections see all this as a Western/Chinese/Korean/Bogyman of the week attack on "Japanese values", food security and protectionism of an uneducated and outdated line of work.

>> No.51133
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>>the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin

Oh god, now all we need is news of Japan developing a giant robotic stingray.

>> No.48094


>> No.48115

Go back to /n/ you faggot! Oh wait, never mind lol!

>> No.48118

By complaining about people who are already likely to be tried as pirates and assraped in prison?

Or is this about the whales?

>> No.48110

Go Aussies go!
Japan is cool and shit because it's animu and eroge but that doesn't mean they can kill whales anywhere they want

>> No.48124

gb2/n/, in the shitcan

>> No.48126

I'm Australian, so I see this shit on the news constantly. I don't actually get why it doesn't occur to these fucked-in-the-head Greenies that arresting the whaling FISHERMEN on the sea isn't going to do shit -- the company in charge of sending the boats out will just continue to send more and more. It's not like the guys in charge of this really give a shit about their employees, they're expendable as long as they can get their delicious whale meat.

>> No.48139

>>Activists 'to arrest Japanese whalers'


AUSTRALIAN activists say they will board Japanese whaling ships, destroy equipment and make citizen's arrests "fairly soon" in the latest attempt to drive the hunters out of the Antarctic.

The captain of the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin

I stopped reading there

>> No.48142

>Japan is cool and shit because it's animu and eroge but that doesn't mean they can kill whales anywhere they want

Under international law, they CAN kill a specific amount of whales as stipulated.

Australia thinks their laws has credibility, but the rest of the world rightly views them as nobodies.

>By complaining about people who are already likely to be tried as pirates and assraped in prison?

so i herd americunts like to fight fire with fire.

Let us blow up some Australian embassies.

>Or is this about the whales?

>> No.48147


>> No.48145

Hey, ISM, already done with your rambligns against Islam as well as the Westerne world as a whole on /n/?

>> No.48153

>Hey, ISM, already done with your rambligns against Islam as well as the Westerne world as a whole on /n/?

/n/ = transportation, because moot = fag.

>> No.48164

I thought I'd never see that infamous green text again...

>> No.48170

>Steve Irwin

>> No.48180


Steve Irwin, back from the dead?

Fuck...what happened fellow Ausfail fags?

>> No.48182

Me neither. All we need now is Sonyfaggot to make this failure complete.

>> No.48173

I'm from australia.

If someone can teach me to make some bombs I'll sink their crappy ship.

>> No.48188

Awesome, hope they win. It's morally wrong to kill anything that can recognize itself in a mirror (other than in self defense), and while it's very difficult to test this in whales, enough cetaceans have passed that at least all toothed whales should be assumed to have the ability, and it wouldn't surprise me if baleen whales do too, so they get the benefit of the doubt.

Attacking whales is morally an act of war, and the Australians are effectively mercenaries acting on behalf of the whales.

Note that I don't approve of animal rights for lesser animals, it's fine to kill cows and cats and dogs and rabbits etc.

>> No.48197

The ship is named after him.

>> No.48204

Fuck whales. What have they ever done for us? Just so long as they don't overfish them to the point of extinction they may as well get some use out of them.

>> No.48289

>Note that I don't approve of animal rights for lesser animals, it's fine to kill cows and cats and dogs and rabbits etc.

It's not okay to kill a few whales, but it's fine to breed masses (hundreds of millions) cows and chickens in concentration camp style (in b4 godwin's law) conditions, suffering just as much as the jews did, if not more. Their genitals are cut off and they get shipped to the Middle Eastern countries while alive stored in cramped ships, where the durka durka sandniggers there use them for sacrificial rituals.

Hypocrisy to the highest degree.

>> No.48388


>> No.48426

fuck the whales,
the whalers should start arming themselves.

>> No.48441

what the hell are you smoking?

>> No.48458

Kill the whales. When the wales are gone, Kill the bald eagles.

Protein and Meat

>> No.48461


Oh, And let's get back into the ivory trade. There's enough goddamn elephants.

>> No.48482

Sharks are practically automatons. They have even more primitive brains than cows.

>> No.48473

so the Chinese take sharks, cut off their fins and throw them back in to drown, and yet this is what these activist are pissed about.
survival of the cutest.

>> No.48475

No, because whales are most likely self aware. Killer whales and bottlenosed dolphins definitely are. I don't give a fuck about factory farming, but I also don't think there's anything special about humans. If you're self aware you should have rights. Otherwise there is no way I can justify not killing humans.

>> No.48491

>>48078 But the ANU’s Don Rothwell, an expert on international and maritime law, said anyone involved in such action would most likely be prosecuted under Commonwealth law and be regarded as pirates.
Set fail for One Piece.

>> No.48519

I, for one, hope they wipe out the whales just to teach those butthurt aussie hippies a lesson.

>> No.48510


Bullshit, whales are animals with primitive animal brains

>> No.48539

Baleen whales maybe, but even then until it's actually certain they get the benefit of the doubt. Just as it is wrong to fire a Russian roulette loaded revolver at an innocent human, if there is a significant chance of doing wrong it is still doing wrong.

>> No.48566

ISM is a faggot and has been repeatedly banned, Now his ability to shit up the old /n/ is gone don't let him shit up /jp/ with his rants and bullshit.

BTW he is Chinese not Japanese.

>> No.48571



wow. just... wow. 8.5/10.

only on /jp/ eh? world's greatest right here.

>> No.48585

using apologetics to justify something that is clearly just survival of the cutest.

>> No.48596

So... chaotic good?

>> No.48600

Have you seen a whale close up? They aren't cute at all. The only water creatures that could possibly count as cute are sea horses, all others are hideous nightmare creatures. Fuck the sea etc.

>> No.48603

>It's morally wrong to kill anything that can recognize itself in a mirror
>it's fine to kill cows and cats and dogs and rabbits etc.
Cats and dogs can recognize themselves in a mirror, you fucking idiot.

>> No.48609

Man, You fuckers ever tasted whale meat?
It does taste like ass.

We should kill em' though. It's dangerous to have creatures larger then ourselves in existance.

>> No.48611

They don't. They think it's another cat or dog.

>> No.48613

unsensitive asshole here.
we ravage your poor whales and dolphins because they taste good.
if they were as intelligent as you pretended them to be, they wouldn't be slaughtered like cattle.
also, you can justify killing a human being.

>> No.48607

You could just as well argue lawful good, or lawful neutral. D&D alignment doesn't even work in the game, let alone real life.

>> No.48624


Morals? on my /jp/? GTFO.

just because some troll starts spewing about morals doesnt mean you can sink to their level.

>> No.48635

sage for ISM

>> No.48670

Whale hunting is metaphorically like UFO abduction to them. Creatures completely unlike anything they have experienced before, teleporting in from another dimension and zapping then with superadvanced technology. It's not something they can easily learn about, because it's like Lovecraft level mindfuck to them. And whales don't even need to be as smart as average humans to have rights, retarded humans have rights too.

>> No.48693

well, if UFO's were starting to beam us up, I think they sure as hell wouldn't give a shit about our rights.

>> No.48690

vid is relevant


>> No.48715


hurray for normative statements! winning internet statements via CAPSLOCK for years.

we can kill them. it is advantageous for us to kill them. so we do. ecological impact? maybe, but nature will shift to compensate somehow; it always has. what's your point here? are you a whale in danger of being harpooned? more likely than you think!

>> No.48718

>>48624 Morals? on my /jp/? GTFO.
lol no. I'm not being a moralfag, I was just pointing out a contradiction.

I'm not saying you shouldn't kill whales or dogs. I'm just saying that if you think you shouldn't kill whales, then you should also think you shouldn't kill dogs. Not one or the other. It has to be neither or both.

>> No.48723

I think claiming that killing whales is cool is for faggots, cause you can't even get off your chair to eat plankton, neither you can kill a whale.

Or save one.


>> No.48756

Not that they exist, but lack of beaming up could show they do believe in human rights. And if they did exist, I'd expect them to. Less moral species would probably kill themselves before reaching that technology level. This is the fate I expect for humanity.

>> No.48788

No, because cats and dogs are absolutely incapable of being self aware, but whales, particularly toothed whales, by analogy to other tested cetaceans, have a strong possibility of being self aware. As there is nothing magical or special about humans as a species, self awareness is the only logical criteria for something having rights. If this is false, then logically I should kill people if they inconvenience me.

>> No.48815


ITT: Weeaboos justifying japanese shit.

>> No.48805

ITT: Trolls and AIDS.

>> No.48831


He's arguing AGAINST the Japanese. The Japanese are the whalers. The Aussies are the anti-whalers.

>> No.48836

ISM is a troll.

>> No.48857

Who is OP? ISM. Have your read his name? JAPAN = SUPERIOR

Also, sage for invisible sky faggot

>> No.48888

I was pointing out that it wasn't relevant what side the OP argued for since OP is just trying to start a shitstorm. It also doesn't help that ISM is arguing for the Japanese where the poster above said that ISM was arguing against them.

>> No.48869

same angry fag coming to /jp/ to cry
I make more money than any of you poor crybabies, and I'll take anything ASIAN over WESTERN GARBAGE anyday.

What are you going to do about it? Hm?

>> No.48877

Fuck the Japanese.

>> No.48899


you're absolutely right. you can and should kill humans if they inconvenience you. unfortunately, what with society being productivity-happy, it is often the case that the yellow tape murder brings around will be more of an inconvenience. so you don't kill the faggot in a wheelchair who poached the parking spot that you've had for like 2 years now at the same goddamn company.

>> No.48900

australia isn't even a real country, why do you guys care so much about whaling anyway

>> No.48895

enjoy being a waiter at denny's.

>> No.48917

Lol, ecofaggots raiding Jappos.

I for one, welcome our new Jappo whailing masters. Driving whales to extinction may be the solution to the camwhore plague on /b/.

>> No.48950

If I'm captain of a ship that's getting boarded, isn't it law I can tell my crew to shoot to kill in case the boarders might be pirates?

>> No.48935

>>by analogy to other tested cetaceans, have a strong possibility of being self aware.

how exactly do you test self-awareness in animals?

>> No.48960

really? holy fuck, why am i going to college then

>> No.48972

ISM GTFO, this board is only for non-tripfag trolls...

>> No.48978

The Life Aquatic comes to mind...

>> No.48988

Mark or sham mark on a part of their body they can't see, expose them to a mirror, watch their reaction. Repeated tests will probably be needed, but avoid being tricked by classical conditioning behavior. This method is tricky for animals for which vision is not their primary sense.

>> No.49030

saging a faggot ISM thread.
ISM the ultimate in shitty posters.

>> No.49061

and what kind of behavior would indicate that they are self aware?

>> No.49076



>> No.49084


>> No.49092

I don't get why it's australia that's all over this

you guys don't own the antarctic do you?

>> No.49102

Why do you keep feeding this Chinese troll ISM. Why don't you let him just shit in your mouth.
He is a terrible poster /jp/ doesn't need him at all he wercked the old /n/.

>> No.49129

Australians should try to mess with the Russians instead. They'll come at them Aussies with AKs and stuff like that.

>> No.49149

Just let it die...

>> No.49171

We do have the largest territories down there so to speak.

>> No.49184


>> No.49191


>> No.49202

didn't Japan once contemplated invading Australia?

>> No.49233

1) We have some of the largest antactic territories, and huge amounts of research going on down there due to our proximity.

2) Greenpeace and environmentalist causes have generally enjoyed a high profile in Australia, which means we get the runts constantly shouting into our ears thanks to our humanitarian media.

3) Japan and Australia have a werid relationship. Where years before we were killing each other in some of the more hate-filled battles of WW2, now we're seeing an influx of Japanese culture and a general push my Aus govermments to inegrate with Asia to allow further exports there.

>> No.49248

They tried.

We held them off in Papua New Guinea as the US fucked their shit up in the pacific.

>> No.49298

gb2/bed/ ISM.

>> No.49303

Forgot my sage.

>> No.49375

ISM = Australian for fat Chinese loser.

>> No.49707

>3) Japan and Australia have a werid relationship. Where years before we were killing each other in some of the more hate-filled battles of WW2, now we're seeing an influx of Japanese culture and a general push my Aus govermments to inegrate with Asia to allow further exports there.

Protip: The anti-whaling people of today are the descendants of the Australian world war 2 veterans who died from the Japanese.

This has nothing to do with whales. They just seek vengeance.

>> No.49720


>> No.49861



>> No.49956

that was pathetic, 0/10

>> No.50238

>that was pathetic, 0/10

That wasn't a troll. That was truth and face.

>> No.50285


8/10 troll at the beginning of the thread, 10/10 reverse-troll at the end. I guess that I let my troll analyzing skills slip a bit when I stopped analyzing every troll I could find on /a/.

>> No.50626

/r/ whale penis porn

>> No.50647

Cho failed because he didn't kill a single Japanese.

>> No.50819


>> No.50930

>Under international law, they CAN kill a specific amount of whales as stipulated.

Which is kind of funny, because according to a ruling in international court the anti-whalers are allowed to forcibly board whaling ships and detain their crew, as long as they do so in international waters.

>> No.50983

so what?
whalers will just hire mercenaries to act as escorts.

>> No.51003

Needs more sage imo.

>> No.51038

>Needs more sage imo.

Needs less o imo.

>> No.51049

>Trolling/shitposting will result in a ban.

>> No.51046

oh wait, you can't.

>> No.51094

loop hole!

and for the fag who keep saying that just because they have self-awarness, they should have rights.

Okay, so what about vegetable humans? Those who are brain dead? They aren't self-aware, does that mean they don't deserve rights?

Fuck up logic and double-standards are shit. Either go for one side, or don't.

>> No.51113

>Fuck up logic and double-standards are shit. Either go for one side, or don't.

It was never about logic or rationality.

It's about emotions.

And racism against the Japanese.

>> No.51139

emotions come from hormones from your brain, and what makes those decisions? Your "common sense," logic, and morals.

>> No.51151

ISM = trolling and shitposting

Trolling/shitposting will result in a ban.

Please Moot permaban his ass before he totally shit up /jp/ with his bullshit.

>> No.51160

Racism? Get fucked.

If the Norwegians fished as many whales from our waters we'd be just the same towards them.

Besides, shouldn't you be clubbing some baby seals after you decided to change from being a self-hating Australian to a Canadian with apparently very deep interests in Australian affairs (Bullshit)?

Hows your shitty blog going anyway? Managed to become an internet celebrity who makes religious figures the world over shake in their boots yet? Maybe you should just become AN HERO?
