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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6358354 No.6358354 [Reply] [Original]

what up /jp/. I am thinking of studying abroad through the JSP program. This would have me live with a host family for a semester and such.

My question is this: What are the advantages to studying abroad in general?

In addition, anyone who has studied abroad in Japan or through this particular program, can you let me know more about how it works, and whether or not it was a good experience?

>> No.6358373

What program

>> No.6358372

This isn't the right board to ask a question like that.

>> No.6358376

>host family for a semester
I stayed with a host family for a weekend, couldn't imagine it for an entire semester thatd be hardcore.

The advantages are that it is fun and gives you unlimited language practice works.

>> No.6358390

how did you manage it for just a weekend. Really i was just going to use this as an extended vacation to japan while doing some courses in college.

Are you saying it is possible to do this otherwise?

>> No.6358392

building upon this

It was a great experience in general, you get go tons of places/do tons of things in your freetime (depending on the program you may have alot or almost no freetime, I had a decent amount). My only bad memory was waking up drunk in a park in the middle of the night without a shirt on and a phone number written on my hand.

>> No.6358394

Oh, I went for a semester too, but only stayed with a host family for a weekend as part of a course, the rest of the time was at some sort of student hotel where we lived with japanese girls who were learning english.

>> No.6358400
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>> No.6358409


>student hotel

>Japanese girls learning english

>potential for unlimited laid works

More info on the program you took. I need details, name, major, cost, everything. Now.

Plus, academically, is there any pros or cons to study abroad programs (as in, is it bad to do if i am only planning on majoring in Computer Science, or is it a waste of time and money>)

>> No.6358437

>is it bad to do if i am only planning on majoring in Computer Science

Yes. Why would you spend so much for it, minor in it or something.

About the girls, everyone got their own language partner who served as *guides* and *friends*, so they would take you places and stuff if you wanted. For some reason Japanese girls like the zoo...alot.

>> No.6358442


I cant help you dude, im not that guy, but i would be interested too.

>> No.6358452


So what was the name of the program you used?

And for corrections, Minor in Japanese langauge, or minor in Computer Science (i am going to major in CS, regardless, so this is the deal breaker)

And last, how much did this cost.

>> No.6358454

>student hotel

>Japanese girls learning english

>potential for unlimited laid works

maybe, but they won't be interested in you

>> No.6358479

Why so cynical?

>> No.6358491
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??? You have no idea how japanese girl's work, they are even less sexually conserved then American girls. They want to sleep with white, black, mexican, whatever guys just because they can. Almost none will ever want an actually relationship though, that can be hard for some people to understand.

Unless you are talking about average /jp/ers, Probably so then.

>> No.6358508


So anyone know how much this would cost and its advantages other than scoring some free sex and a trip to japan?

>> No.6358513


I stayed in Tokyo for 2 months this last summer. And you?

>> No.6358509

Usually the quality of education you get in study abroad is not as good unless you are majoring in international business, the language, or are already very proficient in the language. Especially in CS, unless the uni specializes in your chosen field. For Japan I think most of their projects are embedded machines and ubiquitous computing.

I did a study abroad in Switzerland as a CS major, and the real benefit was the international experience and connections (I got a 1yr apprentice job where everything was paid for me and an awesome salary).

The cost is usually about the same as your uni fees + the cost of living there, so probably around 20k a year.

I can't say I really cared about getting laid or a girlfriend, but it is probably easier since you are the foreign guy.

>> No.6358539

I see, so no real purpose for someone like me who is just in it for a trip to japan. Would it be smarter to just go on a vacation there during the summer?

And if so, what is everyones recommendations for the best way to go about that?

>> No.6358541

I forgot to mention:

CS courses might be taught in English - your should check on that.

If they are going to be taught in Japanese and yours isn't great, try to save some easy courses for the first semester at least.

I was lucky since EFPL (and all the universities around) taught all their CS courses in English.

>> No.6358560

Thanks for all your help.

>> No.6358736

This Anon lives in Tokyo and trust me, it gets old really quick.

There's not a Japanese girl alive who is actually interested in western guys who isn't insane in some way.

Well, until you realise what the score is, enjoy your mediocre unshaven sex.

>> No.6358768

I was there for a year. I didn't do a homestay. Lived in a private dorm with about ~10 other American students and ~90 Japanese students/salarymen. Your language will improve greatly in a homestay, but honestly, dorming is more fun. All the homestay kids, uh... stayed at home, while I became pretty close with the people in my dorm and got into all kinds of great trouble. You don't want to travel to the other side of the world just to do nothing all day.

You shouldn't expect any uniform treatment from Japanese citizens either. Some will think you're weird, scary, interesting, annoying, funny, cute whatever. Being foreign gives you a certain advantage in that you stand out from 99.5% of the population, but it's not like some kind of blank check to fuck any girl you want. Be confident and dress sharp and you can probably bag something.

More than anything else: do stuff. Time flies by so quickly. Travel, talk to people who aren't exchange students, spend money.

>> No.6359232
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>spend money.
My greatest downfall

Honestly I do recommended homestaying atleast for a little bit, it is an experience you won't get anywhere else and is well worth the time spent. Funny story, when I first met the family they had a daughter aged 8 and when she saw me she more or less said "Who is this weird person, he is kind of scary" but she eventually warmed up to me and called me oniisan once, I couldn't ask her to add chan because then I'd feel like a pervert, but it was still worth it.

>> No.6359237


>> No.6359286

Im so glad I'm not american. Here in my country we have exchange course between Japan and it's awsome for poor people like me. They accepted me into their course and pay me for whole uni in Japan. it's 1 year of intensive japanese course+4 years in major I picked (CS) also my goverment is paying for my living expenses and I got montlhy allowance 125K ¥ to spend on food and things I want. Bad thing is I got really small room but I don't mind as I was sharing my room with my brother so it's about same space as I got home.

>> No.6359309


I'm assuming you're from a nearby asian country? Where are you from, you lucky devil?

>> No.6359323

Nope, I'm from central Europe.

>> No.6359343

Oh, I'm sorry.
