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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6435066 No.6435066 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ play Osu!?

>> No.6435071

Fuck off

>> No.6435082

I do, but I'm not a fag and post a picture just to show my powerlevel

>> No.6435087

pretty much this

>> No.6435090

I play from time to time

Don't mind the trolls and jellers

>> No.6435096

Sup OP

>> No.6435100

I'd play, but I really suck and I'm kinda tired.

>> No.6435107
File: 333 KB, 1024x792, screenshot488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly editing.

>> No.6435132

That's what he said

>> No.6435137

I do but I'm bad at it and can't go beyond normal/hard on any beatmaps.
Also my computer is a piece of shit and for some reason it gets sound driver errors I can't do anything about. Using the latest version, no idea what the fuck it's complaining about. I've dropped countless furu combos because of it.

>> No.6435152

You did not change the clocking of your processor, right?


>> No.6435154

I do. I enjoy it quite a bit.

>> No.6435159

sup egoman

>> No.6435163

No sir. I did format though, and that's when it started. Played like a dream before that. Stopped working right after I got my stuff set back up.
It gets a billion FPS until it decides an error is occurring. I think it just wants me to fail.

>> No.6435166

yes. It is my secret shame (more secret and shameful than yugioh).

>> No.6435172

Oh, okay.
I was saying because when I first started playing, I couldn't send any of my scores because I got an error everytime I started the song saying there was a problem calculating something, and it turns out it was because I was overclocking my processor.

>> No.6435184

That's the same one I'm getting.
Not overclocking though and haven't found any way to fix it.

>> No.6435188

Tried it. Wanted to play some weeaboo music. Only a few of them made that much sense from a rythmic perspective; the nicely timed ones were mostly animu OPs and other normal stuff. Got bored. In summary: just another game I sucked at.

>> No.6435204

I do, but its not like I can play right now with the shitty mouse I have as of late.

Also we had this thread days ago.

>> No.6435384

I play CtB, but I'd like to edit some CtB only maps, sadly I don't have enough time.

>> No.6435410

FYI Osu is much easier to play if you turn off mouse acceleration, I got a lot better at it after I did that.

Haven't played in a while, though.

>> No.6435881

I used to play all the time, got pretty good at it and made it in the top 10 at one point. Got tired of playing shitty songs just for points, however, and I only liked maybe 1% of the songs that got approved so I stopped... I'd still go back and play just the songs I actually like, but I always end up getting obsessive over stupid shit like this so I'd rather not.

I just hate the way scores are calculated, where you have to get a perfect streak the whole song or your score is fucked.

>> No.6435899

Was ranked 360 or so a few years ago.
Broke my arm.
Now I'm ranked as shitty as someone can be.

>> No.6435919
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osu is terrible, I figured /jp/ would play some real superior nippon music games like IIDX or pop'n music.

>> No.6439713

I used to play CTB, I prefer to play osu on my DS... oh wait, I don't have it anymore ;_;

>> No.6440542

I still play it.
Once everyday infact.
Though I suck at making beatmaps.
I'm more of a skinner.

>> No.6440578

I play a lot, too bad majority of the maps and songs suck.

>> No.6440585

I don't really like Osu, but I am a fan of Bemani series and DJMAX.
Osu doesn't really feel like a rhythm game to me. So many low quality beatmaps and the spins are just stupid.

>> No.6440593

use to play but im poor with a shitty computer so the lag is unbearable. now its just there taking up 20 Gb of my shitty 80Gb HDD

>> No.6440626


As they say if Osu lacks a song or a good map.
Then you make one yourself.

>> No.6440670

My only problem with OSU is that it tries to be EBA but it can't because a mouse weights many times more than a DS stylus and you have to drag it across a solid surface instead of just holding it in your hand and tapping it down where the targets are.

To be honest I'm interested, but I've never once played because my regular life has me using the mouse way too much already so playing a mouse-heavy flash game would be suicidal.

>> No.6440673

The approval process is tedious and stupid.

>> No.6440717


Actually it's no different than using a mouse to use your computer normally. It's not like you have to drag your actual mouse all over creation just to get from hitcircle to hitcircle. My mouse barely ever moves from the spot I have it at whenever I'm playing.

But yes, if you play for too long, you can get carpal-tunnel.
Other than that, the game is really fun to play.
Don't let other people sway your opinion about it, because nine times out of ten the only reason they dislike the game and write it off is because they suck at it.

>> No.6440736


>> No.6440742

I've tried Osu once with a few songs and then dropped. Mainly because of 2 things.
1. you start with nothing and have to download every damn song which are thousands.
2. game made for happy owners of spinal cord in place of brain. Seriously, touhou on lunatic is nothing in compare with hardest difficulty songs.

>> No.6440748

And to make it worse, some assholes think it's funny to put 2 beats in opposite sides of the screen in fast songs.

Either that or stacking 10 beats on one spot so you can't tell how many are you even supposed to press.

>> No.6440754

No, most good players play with mouse + keyboard.

>> No.6440756

Oh, this thread is still here.

Just finished my map, might as well share it with /jp/.


>> No.6440768

There are good players which use mouse, but there are more "top" players who are using a tablet.

>> No.6440787

> Seriously, touhou on lunatic is nothing in compare with hardest difficulty songs.


>> No.6440799

World's End isn't even that hard.

>> No.6440811
File: 327 KB, 1024x768, screenshot054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


While we're on the subject of sharing.
I might as well advertise my Skin.


>> No.6440835

Is that a Suika Skin?

>> No.6440838


Well that would be what the name implies...
Yes it is.

>> No.6440840
File: 409 KB, 1600x900, screenshot492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good skin, love the Suika sliderball.

Only complaint is that the numbers on sliders are pretty dark, and I sometimes can't tell which side of the slider to start on.

>> No.6440851


Skin also has an optional animated lifebar as well.

But yeah, it still has a few kinks to be worked out. Which I am going to fix later.

Still trying to decide what else to make a skin out of. So far I'm currently trying to decide between: Matyroshka, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Future theme, Ika Musume, Oreimo, Yukari, Chen, and Irisu Syndrome.

But yeah, thanks for the feedback.

>> No.6440863

Dropped around 1k+ rank ever since i took a break from playing, because my mouse is being shitty atm...;_;

>> No.6440914
File: 20 KB, 436x333, 1248434753094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing with sound effects on

>> No.6440924

i played this like 5 minutes ago
it is really cutting into my touhou time

>> No.6442909

Wow, this thread is still hanging around?

>> No.6442933

How to make a successful osu beatmap:
Shit loads of circles in 1 second
Circles everywhere in no particular rhythm
Spinners every 10 seconds

Somehow people enjoy this shit still.

>> No.6442936

i remember being between 800-900th in the ladders around 2007-08, i was bored because there were too much "kawaii moe uguu" music, the online was full of these kind of music
>lucky star ost
>suzumiya haruhi god bless
>manga opening/ending music
every fucking time

>> No.6442940

Nah man it's all about the 1/2 sliders.

>> No.6442959

True pros play taiko mode.

>> No.6442960

osu is pretty much full of weeaboo stuff only.

>> No.6442967

More people need to make eurobeat songs for this.

>> No.6443054


Not anymore.

>> No.6443080

No. Never cared to practice.

>> No.6443154

my map collection is of the following:
30% anime OP, 50% Touhou, 10% vocaloid, 10% other.

>> No.6443184

Used to, realized most of the beatmaps were horrible and full of fake difficulty, stopped playing, still check it every now and then to see if there's a passable map, etc.

Most of the times, Ouendan/EBA maps are much more fun than anything I find in this game. At least there are some exceptions every now and then, thankfully.

>> No.6443196

I realised that when I first played it.

EBA and ouendan used to have fun beatmaps that flowed really well, osu just has as much shit going on as possible.

Difficulty is not a reason to shove everything you can possibly do everywhere.

>> No.6443474

browsing the new released maps prove you wrong, and what the fuck
>camp rock 2 song
