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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6620064 No.6620064 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6620072
File: 13 KB, 266x260, juan_evita_peron..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never seen it you gay nigger

>> No.6620075

not true, nice try though, and go back to /a/

>> No.6620077

I watched the first arc. It was entertaining I guess.

>> No.6620097
File: 126 KB, 561x370, Themoreyouknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is older than you think, OP

>> No.6620177
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Actually, I think Naruto used to be good.

>> No.6620185

What? I still think the manga's decent. The anime is shit, however.

>> No.6620197

I still think it's good. In before shitstorm.

>> No.6620237
File: 60 KB, 200x200, get out of jp close.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the drill

>> No.6620238

>/jp/ is older than you think.

A bunch of pretentious 20 year olds...

>> No.6620244

I never watched Naruto.

>> No.6620328

The manga is ok at the beginning, and rather good later on.
The anime has a lot of flaws, although I haven't seen the subbed version. It would still suffer from the filler at least, though.

>> No.6620339

Naruto was good at first season. First episode was solid as fuck too.

>> No.6620345


I remember first hearing of it late in high school and right from the get go thought it was fucking stupid. This was back at a time when I was more open to cliche action shonen, and I STILL thought it was stupid. There's something about some annoying faggot 10 year old in an orange jumpsuit as the MC, that did not fly with me back then, and still does not fly with me today.

>> No.6620348


I played a PS3 demo one time a year or two back... didn't care for it.

>> No.6620350

I read it pre-emo-suke, like everyone else from old /a/. Most of us read the zabuza arc and the chuunin exams, but that's it.

>> No.6620879

Never watched it.
Never read it.
Never looked back.

>> No.6620891

I admit, I was slightly interested before the normals got ahold of it. Now I don't fucking care.

>> No.6620894

Everyone who doesn't accept that it was at least entertaining at the beginning is a hipster faggot, either underage or in denial.

>> No.6620896

I don't like it because I'm not a 12 year old child.

>> No.6620903

Yeah, I liked it for a while. I actually can't believe what it's become.

>> No.6620907

Actually I almost still like it with the way it's going now. Less emo more mass ninja war is always a good thing, well at least it's the best it's been since the chuunin exams

>> No.6620910

Never read it.
Watched one episode raw this one time for laughs. It was strange.
Never thought it was good, ever.

I did once think Index was good though. It really was, but it didn't need to be so long.

>> No.6620911

The first season was ok,I would'nt say it was good though.
It got boring pretty fast.

>> No.6620916

As opposed to all other boards, which are bunches pretentious 15 year olds.

>> No.6620920

First volume of the manga was decent. Dropped that shit when the ninja exams started. Suddenly ANIMEBOOM and all the low-levels think it's god-tier when it really only had one good part.

>> No.6620932

I can't believe there are humans like this:
>>damn thats a fucking culture destroyer right there. As long as one piece, bleach and naruto ok I might be able to accept it. But damn to actually do it I mean some stuff deserves it but to make it so vague is mega issue.
On the bill for protecting Japan's youth which goes to vote tomorrow.

>> No.6620934

Back when I was a kid, we had Dragonball and Ranma 1/2. And loved it. Naruto? If you ever read it, you much literally be underage.

>> No.6620936

I thought it looked interesting before the anime first aired in America, but I never got into it.

>> No.6620941

>people born in the 90s

Oh for christs sake. Disgusting, reported.

>> No.6620942

Thats because Zabusa was a badass motherfucker who fucked little boys and didn't take shit from nobody. Then when he died the series started sucking.

>> No.6620946

This, VERY THIS! Once the exams started it stopped being good.

>> No.6620948

I was born in February 1990, if I was born two months earlier, would I not be reported? You are decadist.

>> No.6620951

>14 year olds who think it's cool to hate
Reported aswell.

>> No.6620959


Samefag. Look up "decadist" and also learn to spell "as well". Reported.

>> No.6620964

People were breeding in the 90's? I thought we had more sense than that back then

>> No.6620968

Naruto WAS good.

its a fact

>> No.6620967

Jesus chirst the report interval is high. Oh well, fuck off 90s kids.

>> No.6620972

Mark me off as another one of those who spent their youth as a Ranma fan and had learned the smell of shitty arc-filled shounen by time Naruto came.

I am genuinely surprised at the amount of people on /jp/ suggesting Naruto was ever good. I suppose the only consolation is that no one is actively defending it, as would be the case on /a/.

>> No.6620974
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>nurutu thread on /jp/

>> No.6620979

>Ranma fan
Those were the days. I feel the same way about Inuyasha.

>> No.6620998
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No, I had a reference point and I didn't even think DBZ was good when it was relatively current.
Top tier gateway anime related.

>> No.6620999

>I feel the same way about Inuyasha.

That's ambiguous. The same way as about Ranma, or the say way as about Naruto?

For me personally, it's the latter; Inuyasha was a huge letdown after UY and Ranma. And I guess the majority of Japan would agree, given how the later volumes sold.

>> No.6621002

Ah, the good old days. Voltes V (aka Voltron) and Macross (aka Robotech) were fond memories, LDs were the ultimate in anime video quality, KOR and Ranma 1/2 threads ruled rec.arts.anime, and Tenchi Muyo was the new hot thing.

I need to dust off my LD player and see if it still works.

>> No.6621012

Same way as Naruto.

>LD player
Motherfucking brofist.

>> No.6621015

Heh, I still have the Animeigo UY laserdisc boxed set. $400 bucks and I don't regret a penny of it.

>> No.6621021

You sound like the guys that got me started.

>> No.6621026

ITT: /a/ lurkers that finally find a thread they can relate to

>> No.6621033

I've only watched the first 3 episodes.
Not enough to form a valid opinion of it.

Also, reported.

>> No.6621034

Fuck that noise, I still have my import End of Evangelion LDs.
Came with massive storyboard book, Unit 1 gunpla (Is it accurate to use the term gunpla when it's not a gundam?), telephone cards, and a motherfucking Mass-produced Eva UFO catcher.

>> No.6621044

Gunpla is gundam. The word you're looking for is プラモ。

>> No.6621056

Naruto still is good, the only reason you're so critical of it is because it's so popular. You probably like Toriko, Touhou, Berserk or some other similar shit.

>> No.6621064

Pfft. Never was a fan of Evangelion. I have plenty of import LDs but the only import LD box set I ever picked up was Aa! Megami-sama.

>> No.6621080

No. I don't give a shit if things are popular or not, I honestly don't. Naruto started to decline in quality around the chuunin exams and took a nosedive around the Sasuke getting kidnapped arc. I stopped following because it simply stopped keeping my attention.

>> No.6621081

Sort of like how Justin Bieber and Twilight are pinnacles of art that only get flack because of how popular they are, right?

>> No.6621101

No, sort of how the only argument you can come up with is a strawman, idiot.

>> No.6621115

You'd be deluding yourself to think that isn't the main reason. It's mob mentality. Just like when I was in grade school, all the kids would at every opportunity brag about how they hated Barney and how it was such shit for babies, like they had to prove that they were mature now. It's the same effect, you have people hating these things to prove that they are not teenagers anymore or that they are above the masses or something. It's a bunch of silly posturing, you know this.

>> No.6621125

Spoke a bit too soon there. The counter-counter-culture of "it must be good even though it's popular, I can't hate it just because it's popular like those hipsters" mentality is really sickening. The masses are the masses, they are average and they aren't special. They don't like good things. Popular things are never good.

>> No.6621130
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Yeah, when I was 15 and it just started.
Also, >>>/a/, I heard they're pretty fond of this shit.

>> No.6621150

Only a colossal faggot babbles about ad hominems and strawmen in normal discussion.

>> No.6621160

Only idiots have the idea that fallacies in logic somehow become acceptable when you move away from a more academic setting.

Idiots who pose as intelligent people, but it's purely a pose, and you're admitting that yourself by implying that pose should be dropped in "standard conversation" because being an idiot is easier.

Nearly all arguments from idiots consist of ad hominem and straw-manning in particular.

>> No.6621176


If you want to go on about fallacies, he's not the only one guilty of them. Ever heard of "Negative Proof"?

Listen, I know you're frustrated that no one likes your favorite manga, but some people have genuine reasons for not liking Naruto or even Shounen as a whole. Like perhaps the rigid formulary. Like perhaps complete failure of innovation. Like perhaps the fact that nearly all of the time, Authors of the genre literally just make up the story as they go, leading to endless plotholes?

Stop trolling /jp/ this late at night.

>> No.6621179

I'm not the original guy he was arguing with. I just don't like it when people are all like "lol strawman what are you a nerd faggot stop taking an argument on the internet seriously"

>> No.6621238

I saw part of one episode when I was flipping through channels and saw toonami had moved to the weekend. it was shit compared to the toonami shows I remembered from when it came on during the week so I played a video game instead. I really don't see how anyone that grew up watching weekdays toonami shit could enjoy it.

>> No.6621260
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I always thought it was a Disney version of earlier Shonen Jump series. So I never really liked it much.

Then again I think the same thing about stuff like Index or the Nasuverse, so yeah.

>> No.6621280

I hate neo-/jp/

>> No.6621288

Agreed, we really need a new place to go that isn't bun or tohnochan, but it would never pick up and would retrieve just as many of the neo users as it would the old users. I'm just about ready to give up on /jp/, and therefore all internet communities.

>> No.6621294

>you have people hating these things to prove that they are not teenagers anymore or that they are above the masses or something. It's a bunch of silly posturing, you know this

I never understood what idiots like you try to accomplish. You think anyone will change their taste because you told them how "immature" they are for having a taste? Or are you just that insecure in your own taste that you have to convince yourself that other people's choices that differ from yours are irrational?

>> No.6621368

set fail for wan piss

>> No.6621762

