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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 81 KB, 665x800, Rouga Battler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6722875 No.6722875 [Reply] [Original]

These kinds of things usually take a while I guess.
But on the off-chance of it being uploaded any time shortly, I might as well make this thread.

>> No.6722884

tournyfag Ange/EVAtrice reporting in.

>> No.6722891

Why does it take so long for a fucking torrent?

>> No.6722925

People possibly don't leave comiket alltogether the very moment they get their hands on the game.
And when they do, there is nothing that says that they won't play the game(s) and check out their other goods for who knows how long.
And they may also be exhausted afterwards and may tend to get some sleep.

There is nothing that says that they would immeadietly get a torrent up.
It would be swell if they did, but yeah.

Are they still popular?

>> No.6722929

They're too busy playing the fucking game...

I'm watching one guy play it on NicoNico...

>> No.6722954



>> No.6722956


>> No.6722972



>> No.6722974

Just search 黄金夢想曲 on nico live.

>> No.6722982

I'm more interested in the OST to be honest, and that trailer song.

>> No.6722993

Anyone asked them about uploads?
I would figure that fellow Japanese would be interested as well.

>> No.6723009

First person who posts a link whenever it's uploaded gets their dick sucked.

>> No.6723012

Stage BGM's are just songs from the VN.

Aside from the OP, I dunno if there's anything else that's new.

No, don't think anyone's asked..

>> No.6723017



>> No.6723025

You got to agree that the glow in shape of the wolf and the one winged eagle respectively is similair.

Also, the knockback on the punch is the same.

>> No.6723031


The drop kick with aura is so fucking generic that it's out the window.

The punch-across-the-room effect is so fucking generic that it's out of all the windows.

>> No.6723042

>No, don't think anyone's asked..
Shouldn't someone with knowledge of Japanese do so then?
Don't know of anyone other than Hong though, perhaps some skilled anon in the shadow is still around though.

In either case, no need to put them off by spamming the chat logg with atrocious gaijin speak that stands out and that they don't understand.

>> No.6723043

Siesta is going to be the ultimate zoning whore. Group her with a rushdown like Battler or Kanon, and I think that will be the team to beat.

>> No.6723045

I asked, but I don't know moon, so I don't know what they said.

>> No.6723052


I don't think the image was meant to imply that it was ripping BBB off. Just pointing out that the animations were similar.

Chill bro.

>> No.6723060

Think I'm going to go ahead and call it a night, but I'll keep this tab open.

Hopefully by the team I wake up it will be uploaded.

>> No.6723073

So ... no secret characters ?

>> No.6723087

Aren't they spaces for patched in characters?

>> No.6723101

So we have potential uploaders, but we don't know anything about uploads because none of us can speak moon?

>> No.6723111

Seems like there ARE some Chiru characters, just not playable.

>> No.6723115
File: 39 KB, 300x300, 1293712255324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow /jp/ i thought you was better than this

>> No.6723118

I don't mean to imply that you can fight them either...

>> No.6723137

Yes, Furfur and Zepar appear on the versus/network play screen. I think they have voices too - whether those are "official" or not, dunno.

>> No.6723152

It's starting to feel like they did all the fucking typos in their games on purpose.

>> No.6723162

Isn't it usually the Chinese that actually does the ripping for stuff like this?

>> No.6723222

Continued stream from the previous link i posted


Silly 30 min limits

>> No.6723227


>> No.6723237

What was the proxy page again to watch nicovideo bullshit? Lost my account data some months ago.

>> No.6723248

http://www.mmcafe.com/nico.html ?

>> No.6723249

pirating is kind of iffy in japan
lot of people do it
lot of people who are like BURN IN HELL PIRATEFAGS too
much like a lot of places, i guess
some guys just like being super exclusive club no one must enter so til it gets a wide release in doujinshops it might stay that way

>> No.6723256

I think I am going to play this just for Lucifer...

>> No.6723259

Yes that was it. Thanks. Just saying, always backup your bookmarks before updating your Browser, even if it's some minor bullshit update ....

>> No.6723264

Ronove has Genocite Cutter too.

>> No.6723311

Fighting game soundtrack of the year.

>> No.6723351

Speaking of which, where's an upload of Dai/Luck Gankri's soundtrack..


It's meant to have the OP song of the game plus other vocals....

Is there some sort of crazy do-not-upload-umineko thing going on or something?

>> No.6723360

Nobody's uploading anything this time...

>> No.6723382

That guy's already pulling some good shit with Lucifer/410.

>> No.6723396
File: 22 KB, 507x282, Dibujo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6723403

Which one of you faggots is asking for a download?

Are you an idiot? Trolling?

>> No.6723412

Asking for it in english will only put them off from doing it.

>> No.6723434


streaming ougon

>> No.6723450

>Now uploading to #Comiket servers!
So, does that mean...!!!

>> No.6723465

Fuck, I was about to go to sleep.

>> No.6723508

Me too. Ugh.

>> No.6723676


>> No.6723679

So I'm not the only one that forgot to sleep...

>> No.6723700
File: 102 KB, 486x700, asdsdfgsadfAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i literally pee a bit now, let's bathroom cleanup!

>> No.6723777

It's 5AM and I'm stabbing myself to stay awake.

>> No.6723869


>> No.6723905

[16:20:30] <@Wintereise> Saving to: `[#Comiket][C79][07th-Expansion] Ougon Musou Kyoku.iso'
[16:20:30] <@Wintereise> 2% [ ] 53,788,672 14112K/s eta 4m 37s

>> No.6723908

Does anyone have an English explanation of the game system? Such as how cancels work, types of guarding, etc. How complicated is it?

>> No.6723966



>> No.6723974

It's almost here. After it's released you can start getting angry at each other for minor things again. A simple fighting game inducing such negative emotions.

>> No.6723978

It's still incomplete, the size is increasing. It's about ~2.3 GB

>> No.6723997

>After it's released you can start getting angry at each other for minor things again.

Meaning of my life

>> No.6724008

F5'ing at godspeed

>> No.6724010
File: 118 KB, 724x482, 1292111313642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6724017

No need, it's already there
Now I can finally get some fucking sleep.

>> No.6724019

yessssssssss thanks

>> No.6724025

it's on 1 gb now :DDDD

>> No.6724054

I love you.

>> No.6724061

Wait dammit I missed this
> It's about ~2.3 GB
Back to F5-ing.

>> No.6724092
File: 829 KB, 1126x806, 1276636145440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6724095


>> No.6724098

>you can start getting angry at each other for minor things again.

That's half the fun!

>> No.6724111



poor f5 key

>> No.6724131
File: 38 KB, 604x483, 1292012537636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6724146
File: 57 KB, 205x228, geromy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6724154
File: 60 KB, 200x200, 1291761819919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop that.

>> No.6724169

>DL speed: 50 kB/s

>> No.6724175

Typical Uminekofag.

>> No.6724195

i download enigmatic lia 4 from him
i was get above 100

>> No.6724211

I'm currently downloading it at 800 kb/s.

>> No.6724212

download time 4 hours Q_Q forever alone

>> No.6724214

2.3 Gb, over a minute passed without modification.

>> No.6724218
File: 22 KB, 100x100, 24159193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 600-800 kb/s

>> No.6724219 [DELETED] 

5.6 kB/s - 1129 kB of 2.3 GB, 4 days left

>> No.6724230

Currently downloading at the speed of slow as shit, 13 hours, 47 minutes remaining. Hopefully I can speed it up somehow.

>> No.6724232

>31-Dec-2010 12:16

ready to download?

>> No.6724235

reset your router. I'm getting 400 KBps

>> No.6724250


I decided to redownload instead. It went instantly from 500 kbs to 50. God damn.

>> No.6724253

im getting anywhere from 35 to like 200 shits fluctuating hard.

>> No.6724258


no scrubs please

>> No.6724267



>> No.6724268

Wow, it isn't even loading. This is shit.

>> No.6724270


the download is being raped to all hell. wait for a torrent if you actually want to see some progress.

>> No.6724286

Fucking spear spammer.

>> No.6724296

As more/less people start downloading the download speeds should raise on average

Just wait for a bit. There are clearly a lot of people trying to access this file. It may only get worse, so it could be a good idea to wait for a torrent if you don't want to put up with a slow DL.

>> No.6724305

Yeah just stop downloading so i can download it faster!

>> No.6724311

Wow, I stated that terribly...

I meant that as the number of people downloading or attempting to acces the file begins to decline, either by people giving up or finishing, the average dl speeds should raise.

>> No.6724313

Yeah guys you should all stop downloading I'll start a torrent soon I promise. (:

>> No.6724342

100 mb downloaded ;)
I'll torrent it after it is done.

>> No.6724368

I guess I'll stop my download so others who have a better speed can finish sooner. But it would be really appreciated if you guys would upload a torrent and not run off to play it by yourselves.

>> No.6724370


>> No.6724374

Question. Can you use your keyboard to play ir do you need a device?

>> No.6724383

I guess you can play with your keyboard like any PC fighter but don't expect to win any match.

>> No.6724386

It would be retarded if you couldn't use keyboard.

>> No.6724387


Why can't i win any matches?

>> No.6724406


fuck yeah

>> No.6724407

130 mB T_T too slowwwwwwwww

>> No.6724416

...and that's what I was waiting for. Good night.

>> No.6724420

>He thinks you can't be good on a keyboard!


>> No.6724428

>1 seeder
Well, fuck...

>> No.6724429

叩拜 m(_ _)m 叩拜

>> No.6724446


Thank you, good sir.

>> No.6724456

Thanks, I'm getting a good speed. Hopefully that one seeder doesn't leave.

>> No.6724462

600 peers :p

>> No.6724467

Okay tell me a fighter where the top 10 has at least one keyboard player (who never plays with a stick or a pad).

You can be good with a keyboard, even better than some people, but no matter what you say it's a handicap.

>> No.6724478

I'm getting 1mb/s speed almost.

Make sure your torrent client is uploading as it goes, as well, that way we all get nice speeds. I'll be seeding for most of the morning.

>> No.6724481


I actually prefer keyboard. I drop too many inputs with a stick or pad.

>> No.6724486

that has nothing to do with anything. the top people use sticks because the reason they are good is because they play ALL THE TIME VS DIFFERENT OPPONENTS WITHOUT LAG. the only place where you can play ALL THE TIME VS DIFFERENT OPPONENTS WITHOUT LAG is on an arcade, thus they get used to the controls there.

>> No.6724487
File: 56 KB, 400x400, f5cf43a6ef1eefbb7e0ab5e67209c4b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for all your efforts.

>> No.6724490

Just wait until people get their hands on this.


>> No.6724492

I have to ask, any mention of any secret characters? Did we all jump to conclusions in the end?

>> No.6724498

Download speed = 77kb/s
Upload speed = 450 kb/s

Well as long as my /jp/ friends can enjoy it....;_;

>> No.6724500

Well, since it is for the PC, there will not be any 360 or CHARGE inputs, so I guess it will be fine

>> No.6724520


I don't really use characters with those silly inputs anyways. Never been a fan of grapplers or charge characters.

>> No.6724521

Just because it hasn't happened in the current fighting game community doesn't mean it's better or worse as a method of input.

In the first place, anyone seriously looking to play a game is going to use an arcade stick because that's the tournament standard. You can't use a keyboard at SBO, can you? And even if you can, you couldn't use it at the arcades where all the best players play.

And there's no popularized keyboard with proper sensitivity like arcade sticks have. I'm sure a keyboard style of input with an arcade-button level of sensitivity would do just fine(possibly even better than an arcade stick in theory, since a button press=a direction, which is more accurate than the arbitrary use of force required to get directions on arcade sticks).

That being said, using a standard keyboard is obviously an inferior choice to almost any other kind of input.

>> No.6724524

The problem with playing on a keyboard is that whoever can do a BNB without having to use a 623 command instantly shoots to top tier. I guess they could put in a frame buffer to help, but that instantly fucks over anyone with a 236236 as well as a 623 command. God forbid anyone tries to do a 360+ on a keyboard.

During the nico streams you could already see people doing Shannon's ranged shield special instead of her shield detonation by accident and eating metaworld super counters to the face because of it. This never completely goes away as long as you are using a keyboard.

>> No.6724531

I added the torrent to my 10 Gbit seedbox. As soon as I get more bits everyone goes faster. Have fun.

>> No.6724545

Looks interesting, but I still can't get past the fact that the "up" button is below everything else.

>> No.6724546

Sometimes, characters can have a single charge move that completes the moveset (like Terry in some KoFs having down/up rising tackle). Still, keyboard has some extra issues(precision, buffering etc), but taht depeds largely on how the game engine reads inputs, if there are shortcuts etc.
Well, this is a simple doujin fighter, so no worries

>> No.6724554

Mauve in IaMP? Well not saying much since US IaMP only has 10 players dohoho.

>> No.6724571


Yeah, it depends on the fighter. For some reason Soku is extremely responsive for me, partially because of the simple controls, but I tend to screw up inputs in stuff like SFIV or Vanguard Princess. The biggest problem is special moves that require you to press two or more attack buttons at once, I sometimes get the move I wasn't looking for.

>> No.6724575


Thanks for the efforts generous anons

>> No.6724573 [DELETED] 

What? Let's think logically here.

Arcade stick 623 input:
Press 6
Drag to 2(can be considered a 5/3>2 input)
Drag to 3
so, 6523 or 6323

Keyboard 623 input:
Press 6
Let go of 6+press 2
Press 3
6523 or 6323

623's are not difficult on a keyboard. It's a matter of programming muscle memory, just like any kind of input on any kind of device.

If you've seen some of the better people play things like Stepmania where you have to move your fingers fast and accurately, it should be no surprise that people would be able to play fighting games easily on a keyboard.

>> No.6724580

But 623 aren't that hard at all to do on a keyboard.
Now, I am not one of those saying that keyboards are great, or perhaps not even good.
Especially shit keyboards with ghosting problem.

But a 623 is basically just an ordinary half quarter circle 236, only that you press forward prior to the quarter circle 236.
That is, forfard 6, and a quarter circle halfway 23, resulting in 236.
It is not much more dificult than ordinary quarter circles ones you get the feeling down, no matter the controller. Or so I think.

>> No.6724582

rx: 4.62 Mbit/s 2219 p/s tx: 31216.98 Mbit/s


>> No.6724593

What? Let's think logically here.

Arcade stick 623 input:
Press 6
Drag to 2(can be considered a 5/3>2 input)
Drag to 3
so, 6523 or 6323

Keyboard 623 input:
Press 6
Let go of 6+press 2
Press 3
6523 or 6323

623's are not difficult on a keyboard. It's a matter of programming muscle memory, just like any kind of input on any kind of device.

Keep in mind that it is not physically possible for an arcade stick player to input 623 as fast as a keyboard player possibly can due to the fact that it simply requires more physical movement. The distance required for an arcade stick is the physical difference between the inputs, the distance required for a keyboard is literally the distance required for 4 button presses(1 for letting go of 6).

If you've seen some of the better people play things like Stepmania where you have to move your fingers fast and accurately, it should be no surprise that people would be able to play fighting games easily on a keyboard.

>> No.6724598
File: 230 KB, 800x556, elf drinking tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game came out
>iso came out
>still no secret character

So we must wait for the chiru expansion then?

>> No.6724603

except you have to press the button before you let go of down (2). Some games are very picky on that. But yeah, mashing forward-down-forward etc does it most of the time.

>> No.6724618

Aren't those Mexican KOF players crazy on keyboards? Not really sure how good they are, but I've heard they primarily use keyboards.

>> No.6724619

Probably. The extra coffins trolled us.

>> No.6724625

yes but some of them also use macros online

>> No.6724705

Anybody completed the torrent yet? Screenshots?

>> No.6724729

"Seeds 35 (170)"
Damn ungrateful bastards.

>> No.6724731 [DELETED] 

Anybody completed the torrent yet? Installation SS's?

>> No.6724739
File: 56 KB, 641x360, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6724741

i imagine as soon as everyones done downloading and installing they want to try it online

>> No.6724777


>> No.6724783


>> No.6724794

Omg guys, that's obviously fake. XD

>> No.6724802


>> No.6724968

How do I start playing? I laucnhed it, wtached the opening video, then it show some demo play, and there's the label "press any key", but nothing happens when I press enter or space or whatever. I started pressing keys at random and suddenly the opening started again.
All I've figured out is Esc=instant shutdown and F11=Fullscreen/windowed mode

>> No.6724990

You have to press Z. Or X. Or both. I randomly press those and I can access the menu.

So, does anyone know how this game works? I figured that Z, X and C are attacking but how the fuck does the rest work?

>> No.6725003

try Z, X, C or V

>> No.6725035
File: 75 KB, 450x446, 1293054021582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyonw knows if the UMG8 download is out and if yes, link please

>> No.6725039

Goldist-金色の血に染まる前に- soundtrack..
Features OP song to Ougon.


>> No.6725062

Okay, I entereed the training mode. How do I get back to the menu? How do I finish a fight anyway? I've been hitting the opponent, but the hp don't decrease.

>> No.6725092

1)Jezus go play some fighting games than come back
2)All problem solved
I was afraid that ppl who dont know umineko will start interesting because of fighting game...but i never thought of ppl not knowing fighting games...

>> No.6725093

>babby's first doujin game

Enjoy it dude.

>> No.6725095

Gouda's wizard name is Godder Maestro, the Divine Chef

>> No.6725099
File: 54 KB, 229x154, fucked up again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6725100

Yeah, I haven't played a fighting game since like 1998. Back then everything was quite different.

>> No.6725108
File: 160 KB, 500x500, 1278095031472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out, and take your faggotry with you.

>> No.6725120
File: 133 KB, 320x420, 3325346547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6725132

There isn't a menu button that I can find, so I doubt that part is due to 'not playing fighting games'.

Of course, if you've found the mythical menu button, please do share.

>> No.6725133

When Beato wins
Sayaka Ohara is amazing.

>> No.6725142

She says EETS PAEFEKUTO? that is just amazing.

>> No.6725143

Power button

>> No.6725163

Errr... I can't find it, too. I can change window size and restart training, but that's it.

>> No.6725166

I'm amazed that you even managed to start up your compooter

>> No.6725171

He probably found it on and never turned it off

>> No.6725183

ITT: weeaboo faggots feeling superior while they're probably just fat, retarded and alone for new year's eve, except ofcourse for their waifu's.

>> No.6725188


>> No.6725189

ITT: u mad.

>> No.6725192

Ok, wiseguys, it's possible to access menu using gamepad, but how to do it using keyboard?

I am not the only one with this problem, the guy on livestream has also said that he can't change practice options.

>> No.6725194

I didn't really try, I suppose. Still, you know it's true. Have fun eating cake with your drawings.

>> No.6725200

Try F1-F9 , it's usually F5 though

>> No.6725204
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 1293443159837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst, troll, ever.

>> No.6725205

Anyway, does someone have the attack lists?

>> No.6725207

Thanks, I will!

>> No.6725211

It doesn't work. I've played Melty, I thought it would be similar, and believe me, I tried everything, even damn numpad keys.

Ehh, nevermind. Gamepad works, so I don't have a problem anymore.

>> No.6725217

Can you explain why?

No, you can't. But I can. You're calling me the worst troll ever because I hit you where it hurts, and your reply is nothing but proof of your butthurtedness.

>> No.6725220


>> No.6725244


>> No.6725245

Troll butthurt about getting called a bad troll.

>> No.6725253

So, is it impossible to play the game without a gamepad?

>> No.6725260
File: 843 KB, 1899x1082, ujelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6725264

Uhhh... why should I ?

>> No.6725266

Tell me you are sharing that PC.

>> No.6725273

Not "impossible". It seems that you can play using keyboard, but you can't access training menu or pause the game.

I just wonder whether these "How can anyone not find menu, duh" people are trolls or genuinely stupid.

>> No.6725281
File: 61 KB, 400x388, feelsbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why no secret characters? Why would they do that? The game is good, but i feel disappointed somehow. Feels bad man.

>> No.6725285
File: 442 KB, 1920x1082, seedwut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wut?? You mean that if I'm sharing? ye

>> No.6725286

>I just wonder whether these "How can anyone not find menu, duh" people are trolls or genuinely stupid.
They have no idea what the fuck they are talking about but they want to insult people to make themselves feel better.

>> No.6725296

thank you Sir

>> No.6725331
File: 27 KB, 276x405, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tryin' to map the keys to my PS3 controller, but I can't get the directional buttons to work. Any solutions?

>> No.6725334

I was just about to post that. Moving doesn't work for me either.

>> No.6725343

use MotionJoy

>> No.6725344

Whoa, suddenly, it works.
Are you using the DS3 tool?

>> No.6725353

Does anyone have a mediafire/megaupload for this title?

>> No.6725370
File: 363 KB, 1268x1048, DSC02100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I have a 360 controller :p better then playing on keyboard.

>> No.6725378

Why wouldn't they put a menu button for the keyboard? What a bunch of faggots.

>> No.6725385

Lol, in case you haven't noticed they leaked the offical developer drivers. So you don't need DS3 now.

>> No.6725406
File: 157 KB, 470x566, 1282839759010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks a 360 controller is good for fighters.

>> No.6725424

I have no idea. Maybe? I know I use MotioninJoy. In case I don't, where do I get it?

>> No.6725429

I currently don't have any other joysticks.

>> No.6725432


Yeah, it's not like people here don't own Saturn pads or arcade sticks or anything.

>> No.6725442

I got it from here.
I changed some button settings in the DS3 tool and now I can move in Ougon.

>> No.6725489

I still can't figure out how to use those Meta-world attacks. I know how to activate Meta-world, but I don't know how to use the Shoulder Towers from Beatrice.
Does someone know how to?

>> No.6725495


This is technically illegal. But this i the SDK for the PS3.

It's in **\PlayStation 3\cell_sdk_341_001\host-win32\bin

Just connect your DS3 or Sixaxis to your PC. And go and "update drivers" and get this directory.

>> No.6725499


If you want the X64 ones.

>> No.6725500

For me all the meta world attacks are forward down back forward - heavy attack. It has movesets in the pause menu

>> No.6725576

Yeah, now that my PS3 controller finally works I can access the pause menu and check out the combo lists.

>> No.6725633

Is there anyway you connect a regular X360 controller? Or does it need to be of those "for Windows" controllers?

>> No.6725663

got the dualshock3 controller to work fine, but I guess my PC won't accept my arcade stick.

>> No.6725672

well I have dual shock 2 and still my directional buttons doesn't work. Any suggestions? That files for DS3 will help me as well?

>> No.6725674


I thus I beat story mode.

>> No.6725684

regular controller works

>> No.6725690


Needs some separate USB and software support from Microsoft beforehand though.

>> No.6725700

secret character?

>> No.6725730

not really many combo possibilities outside of

weak>mid>2mid>strong>special>super, huh?

seems like lucifer has some juggles(for 1 hit?) but i don't really see much potential for links or longer cancellability chains.

i don't mind fighters without long combos but i'd prefer a more extensive moveset if that's the case.

anyhow, much thanks to those who provided this for us.

>> No.6725742

It's what battler says when he uses his grope attack on a female.

>> No.6725750

I believe he met that if he had completed story mode then who was the secret character that you unlock.

>> No.6725756


YT: _yw4XKKQj9Y
Lucifer doesnt agree

>> No.6725770
File: 593 KB, 800x567, 1882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juggles are really cool =3 Try them!

Any MU/Rapidpoop links for this yet? :<

>> No.6725776

well, using meta you can cancel a strong attack and usually have time to at least dash in and jab to restart, but that's about all i can see.

i'm not sure what some of the "special abilities" in meta are.

>> No.6725793

thanks for that.

>> No.6725858

You activate your 2 character's abilities for the duration of the metaworld. And you can perform the current character's "meta-attack".

>> No.6725882

So is there any kind of lobby? How is the netplay?

>> No.6725912

Anyone know how to use an Xbox controller for this game (or any other game for that matter)? Do I need software or a certain driver?

>> No.6725922


z = weak
x = mid
c = strong

How do I activate my special move?

>> No.6725925

I've seen one of the nico streams show Lucifer do her spinning slap, meta, do a hit, then call in Siesta 410 to continue the combo.

>> No.6725928

Hey. I'm using Motioninjoy too. Was able to get my D-Pad to work, but my analog sticks won't. I know my analog sticks are set to work, as the DS3 Tools are set to let them work and they work in other games. Just not here. Anyone know of any solutions?

If someone could translate the button configuration, that would also be awesome.

>> No.6725935

Anyone tried netplay already?

>> No.6725943

still hosting

>> No.6725963

Anyone had problems with his stick? it recognize my hrap in the launcher but the directions dont work, only the buttons.

>> No.6725991

Is that fucking horrible male voice Zepar/Furfur's?

>> No.6725998
Come at me /jp/

>> No.6726001

I can't even get the D-Pad to work :| I have the buttons, though

>> No.6726011
Hosting, default port, if that was a port, think it was 07700

>> No.6726028


In DS3, select the Analog Gamepad 2 then hit enable. That usually opens up everything, but it only opens up D-Pad for this game. Analog Sticks will be enabled, but they don't work here for some reason.

Unless someone figured out how to make them work.

>> No.6726030

Dunno why but it won't connect keeps just kicking me back to the host or join menu

>> No.6726044

whoever played me, sorry about the lag, forgot i was seeding still

>> No.6726045

POV hat is mapped to the d-pad, but most PC fighters recognize input from the XY axis, most often the analog on pads and LS on HRAP/Madcatz SE/TE.

>> No.6726046

You just kicked my Lucifer/Ange ass. Sorry I suck so much

>> No.6726052

I was lagging a shitload from my own stuff too. Wasn't your fault. I still can't figure out how to use moves properly.

>> No.6726056

I was there when there was one seeder.

Uploaded = 2.27GB

Downloaded = 1.12

Download = 82.8kb/s

What the fuck can I do to get this downloaded.

>> No.6726065

If you're using uTorrent, try right-clicking the icon in the toolbar and setting an upload limit. I set mine at 50 KB and my download speed increased substantially.

>> No.6726069

no one wants to play with me ;_;

>> No.6726074

I personally uploaded it myself to bitgamer, try there if you have an account.

Hosting again.

>> No.6726089

I'll join once I finish installing. I can't promise I'll have be any good at all, though.

>> No.6726090


So it is impossible to use analog stick with this, then? Someone earlier said they did it, though. They trollin?

>> No.6726094

>I can't promise I'll be any good at all, though.
Goddammit, I really need some sleep.

>> No.6726095

I fucking hate Zepar's voice. Why the hell does he have boobs anyway?

>> No.6726098

Anyone know if there is any difference in winning Arcade on Easy, Normal, or Hard? Like, different/more CGs, or something else?

Also, after beating Battler/Beatrice arcade, Battler came up and said something and it felt like I unlocked something but nothing changed. Anyone know what that was about?

>> No.6726102

So how do you activate Meta-World, anyway?

>> No.6726103

Seriously. They're supposed to be androgynous equally and he sounds ridiculously male and not just male--but fucking horrendous male.

>> No.6726107

It keeps stucking on trying to connect message, but doesn't disconnect. Tried to join >>6726074 it connected instantly, though was disconnected moments later.

>> No.6726109

I won Battler's and Beato's easy arcade. Now you got their Narrator voices. You can enable them in the options menu.

>> No.6726113


Was his voice that bad in the Sound Drama thing? I never saw it.

>> No.6726114

All 3 attack buttons at once

>> No.6726121

Would someone mind explaining what exactly you guys are using for netplay?

Even just a name so I can research it myself. I normally don't like online play but I know I will never get anyone to play this with me in real life.

>> No.6726127

Maybe because it's not working.

>> No.6726134

The game itself, hurr. There are 4 options in the main menu, from there, you should be able to figure out what to do.

>> No.6726138


Ah, thanks. Anyone know if there is something different/more for doing it in higher difficulties?

>> No.6726142

I seemed to be able to activate Meta-World with R2. I didn't realize the game is aware of my controller without me having to use Joy2Key.

I don't see what Meta-World does, though.

>> No.6726146


You can do more attacks in it, and your special traits/abilities are activated.

>> No.6726148

Go to Versus, select Network. Then you select the option with IP in it and enter the IP address hosters give.

>> No.6726149

i take back my earlier statement about lucifer's juggle. lucifer can juggle over and over with her 3strong. what the fuck.

>> No.6726154

somebody upload this to MU/MF please!!!!

its gonna be new year after torrent finish ;_;

>> No.6726157

To unlock the secret characters you have to have EP4 installed and completed, EP8 installed and completed with all ends, Tsubasa installed and completed, and then send in a email to R07 explaining the mystery of Umineko.

>> No.6726158

Hurr indeed. I feel like an idiot. Fuck, I am an idiot.

I wish there was something like this for Big Bang Beat.

>> No.6726171

I'll host some games, just not to sure how to do so.

>> No.6726178
File: 105 KB, 400x400, 1282968264849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no airdashes

>> No.6726181

I still don't get the buttons.
z, x and c are for attacking
Esc shutdowns the game
F11 switchs fullscreen/window
s is for switching
shift is for saying something
How do I open menu and how can I activate the meta-world?

>> No.6726183

How do you build up the thing to Meta-World?

>> No.6726186
File: 43 KB, 285x194, 1292855954304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing DDL, on a shitty computer right now. Please. ;_;{/spoiler]

>> No.6726193

Are there secret characters... or not? You can't deny it until you try every mean to unlock it, considering every single key combination in different phases with different characters while beating the game. I, for one, will believe in secret characters. Until you believe they are there...

>> No.6726204

Jesus, people.

>> No.6726205

what's the highest damage combo you've been able to do so far?

i think i am 230 damage away from an instant kill with luci(2770).

>> No.6726226

Guys, you can make the torrent go faster by upping the amount of maximum peers in the preferences menu.

>> No.6726228

In the network menu, you can do two things.
1) Host a game, the numbers are your port number which you can set up. Tell us our IP and your preferred port so we can join
2) Join a game, insert IP:port to which player you wish to join. Furfur and Zephar will inform you if it failed/trying to connect/already someone is playing.
3) Exit network

>> No.6726236

This. Anyone?

>> No.6726239

>Big Bang Beat

Mind fucking blown. I didn't even realize that OP's picture wasn't from BBA. Seriously, how is still Rance without a fighting game after seeing that?

>> No.6726249




>> No.6726290

Unless this game is fucking fantastic, BBB is probably the best/most enjoyable doujin fighter I've played.

That being said, I've only played its training mode...

A Rance would be more than welcome, of course.

>> No.6726301


>> No.6726312

Er, well that and VP.

>> No.6726326

Thank you, but it doesn't seem to work with Jdownloader.

I'll just have to wait for a MF/MU upload.

>> No.6726333


>> No.6726342

Not joking. I really am stuck with a bad computer and slow internet right now.

>> No.6726345

how the hell do i get to menu with a keyboard? only controller I have around is my gamecube one

>> No.6726358

So the blue-haired one is the one with p0n0s huh?

>> No.6726368

is it me or is the netcode shit

>> No.6726369

God damn Virgila is the most fucking annoying character in this game

>> No.6726374 07700

gonna try hosting.

>> No.6726378


Disconnect? I was the one using Lucifer/Siesta team and it just kinda stopped. Was having fun.

>> No.6726390

Well, I like Battler/bunny chick/lucifer, but i cant decide which 2 i want to keep.

>> No.6726391

This netcode doesn't seem to work very well. Everyone that's joined so far has disconnected mid game.

>> No.6726394

wow, really man

>> No.6726415


Ah, I see.

Hopefully they'll patch it or something. I still gotta really work on what team I wanna use anyhow.

>> No.6726416

I hosted and my game lasted for several bouts until i got bored and raged quit. So its ok for me so far.

>> No.6726417

>bunny chick
Not sure if serious.

>> No.6726420

Seems fine for me I just played someone like 10 times in a row and there was little to no lag either.
someone tell me if this works and if it does then I'm hosting now.

>> No.6726421

wow that really sucks, i will suck dick if someone made a netplay with good netplay like mbcaster for this

>> No.6726422

are you sure your still not running your torrent program?

>> No.6726424

>> No.6726427
File: 26 KB, 500x553, OMKsetuperror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Error during install... help?

>> No.6726433

doesnt work

>> No.6726443
File: 932 KB, 895x502, vsmagg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a bugged picture mind you, not shopped, but look at the name at the bottom.

>> No.6726444

sigh.. it only reads analog on my ps2 controller. why dont they just allow direct input for directions?

>> No.6726448

is there a gallery or something or can I only see these pictures during the arcade mode itself?

>> No.6726451
testing the hosting again

I hope it was the port and that it works now. I don't want to have to figure out what's wrong

>> No.6726453

Oh boy, 2B 5B 5C 66 2B 5B 5C ABC 66 2B 5B 5C xx 641236 C (100% stun) 66 2B 5B 5C 641236C for 70-80%! And it's universal for each character pretty much. GGs.

>> No.6726457

It's telling you to...insert disk 1?
Are you sure your download is complete/not corrupted?

>> No.6726459
Hosting again, Midwest here, no euro bros or california bros invited

>> No.6726466
File: 6 KB, 114x114, 1289844007637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6726469


>> No.6726470

Damn, can't seem to get AB AC or ABC to work

>> No.6726478

"Please insert disk 1"

>> No.6726483

any euro bros gonna try hosting?

>> No.6726484
File: 31 KB, 130x193, 1253413274882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6726493

So, what are the Meta and SP2 attacks? Do you need the Break limit meter for those?

I never played Melty Blood so this style of fighter is completely new to me.

>> No.6726497

Trying again
If this doesn't woke then fuck it I can't host ;_;

>> No.6726511

Sooo.... Zepar is the male one right? I mean just listen to those voices.. ugh

>> No.6726516


Voice is nothing.

>> No.6726520

Best be kidding nigga.

>> No.6726576

Hosting again Midwest

Hopefully there won't be any disconnects this time.

>> No.6726594

>Error during install... help?
Ctrl+C Ctrl+V

>> No.6726595

the game show me always a blak screen, but i can hear perfectly the sounds and voices

i updated the last version of Directx, but keep the same

any way to fix this?

>> No.6726616

Jesus Christ, I can't even beat Siesta 410/Lucifer on easy.
I suck so bad.

>> No.6726617

i'll suck a dick for a megaupload ddl

>> No.6726621

Make a new thread, this one reached the bump limit.

>> No.6726622

can someone please help me.. i cant get the directions off analog and joy2key doesnt work... it only lets me use keyboard or gamepad at once

>> No.6726646

Oh god, Ronove's growl after he hits the opponent with his meta super is too goddamn cheesy

>> No.6726736

How does one do this movement on a keyboard? I can't seem to get it.

>> No.6726748

forward back down forward?

>> No.6726789

I guess that was a DC? GG seacats, was fun trying all the characters, Ronove is fucking miserable in this game though i think lol, all these zoning characters and he doesnt have shit to deal with it

>> No.6726791


>> No.6726797


→, ←, ←+↓, ↓, ↓+→, →

>> No.6726825

yeah it was DC.
I can't play Ronove I just turn to utter crap when I'm using him. ;_;
Best part was Round one Kannon/Shannon vs Kannon/Shannon

>> No.6726843

>all these zoning characters and he doesnt have shit to deal with it
Doesn't he have his dodge move? I thought it's enough for him to close the distance under all the spam that's thrown at him.

>> No.6726846

We should get an IRC channel for this game or something

>> No.6726857

Anyone on keyboard having trouble ABC for metaworld?

>> No.6726858

he cant move when hes dodging...and hes slow as fuck when he walks and his run isnt as fast as other characters, and im not sure if he has an overhead yet, I think hes really interesting with his counters though.

>> No.6726880


Good idea.

>> No.6726901

how the fuck do i use a controller, just used a ps2 and ps3 controller and directions do not work on either

>> No.6726931

Yeah, I can't do it without smashing the keyboard like a retard.

>> No.6726942

ok just got this installed. who wants to play online?

>> No.6726944
Hosting again
Shkannon Tier

>> No.6726957

I see, for a moment I thought I was going full retard but it appears it's an input issue then

>> No.6727002


checkmate bitch.


>> No.6727019

rehosting again
more Shkannon Tier

>> No.6727045 [DELETED]

east coast

>> No.6727070

Yeah this game is not meeting up to the hype. :|

>> No.6727091


>> No.6727102

I would like it a lot more if my controller worked. I'm still enjoying myself, though.

>> No.6727130

was there hype? I think the game is pretty fun, I dont know what qualities you find lacking about it, its just a doujin fighter.

>> No.6727186

Thanks for the idea! It's strange, but I changed my MotionJoy to XBOX 360 Controller Emulator, enabled it, and the D-Pad started working.

>> No.6727216

i did that too and nothing happened... do you just press the enable button on the left?

>> No.6727234

Anyone having a black screen problem? Audio is working just fine. Updated Directx. Nothing still.

>> No.6727246


your setup is too weak for the game.

>> No.6727250

it doesnt matter what motionjoy setting i have on it doesnt change the game.. put none for everything and all the buttons still worked. i clicked enable as well. is there anyway to fix this.

>> No.6727255

I've got the same problem.

>> No.6727277

no wonder i was lagging before... steam was downloading at 1MB/s lol...

anyone up for an online match?

>> No.6727295


Eh, guess it depends on the person. I was psyched that Umineko was spawning a fighter, flat-out, but a lot of these characters are lacking even basic combos. Keyboard unfriendliness also isn't helpful.

That said, we're still in Day 1 and there's likely patches coming up.

Relatedly: I want to punch Siesta/Virgilia in the face for this zoning spam nonsense.

>> No.6727297


>> No.6727313

Another Motioninjoy user here having the exact same directional problems. No one have any solutions yet?

>> No.6727349
File: 287 KB, 902x510, BERNKASTEL_APPROACHES[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6727375



>> No.6727473

I want to believe

>> No.6727543

Not a shop from what i heard

>> No.6727547

uh..theres no IRC for this game on mizuumi.

>> No.6727593

Well I don't really have any idea what I'm doing but the character folder for the game has 10 pairs of files that I am assuming are the characters we have.
Then 9 more file that don't belong to a pair that I have no idea what they are.
paired files go from 0-9 and the unpaired ones are 12,22,32,42,52,62,72,82,92
If I knew how to actually find out exactly what these are I would but I don't.

>> No.6727611

Anyone figure out how how to open the menu ingame using the keyboard? I know you can, since the nico streamers used it to check movelists mid game.

>> No.6727635

So is Bern also Battler?

>> No.6727679

herp derp I'm dumb the extra files are the alternate colors. Well now I know how to make me team of Beato and Beato

>> No.6727692 07700
can someone try connecting to this?

>> No.6727705

So that would be irrefutable proof that there are no secret characters? That's a shame. I wanted my playable Jessica. I hope this does well enough that a squeal would be made.

>> No.6727714

no one else is having controller problems?

>> No.6727734

I can't get do any move that needs a 41236 or 632146 input on the key board. And I have trouble hitting all three bottoms for the meta world. I need a game pad.

>> No.6727763

like I said I have no idea what I'm doing so I wouldn't call it irrefutable. I didn't check every file either I'm about to do that though cause something is bugging me about this.

>> No.6727846

Found out what was bugging me and it wasn't worth it.
The files didn't match up cause there wasn't enough 2P color files for all 10 characters ther were only 9 and then I found it.
Battler's 2P Sprite is 002.LDZ so it's just sitting in the middle of all the 1P sprites not with the rest of the 2p Sprites. That's as far as I can look and I found nothing.

>> No.6727957

Really liking the Battler/Siesta combo, although I need to work on some BnBs.

>> No.6727978

how about you faggots just man up and play online?

Im tired of beating the CPU.

>> No.6728001

host then faggot.

>> No.6728006



>> No.6728033

>>6728006 07700

>> No.6728052

Don't think that's working.

>> No.6728080

i cant connect either

>> No.6728122 09000
uh try this instead

>> No.6728245


>> No.6728248


whyd u quit u fucking pussy

>> No.6728251

i didnt quit you faggot, i guess it DC

>> No.6728333

welp looks like games a failure since 90% of people can't use their stick or controller.

>> No.6728359

Really? Works fine with both my shitty Logitech pad, and my HRAP.

>> No.6728409

i tried my hrap 2, ps2 controller and ps3 and none of them worked. ps2 analog only worked. joy2key doesnt work either

>> No.6728471

it dc ggs im gonna wait till i reeceive my stick kb is bs i cant do shit.

>> No.6728674


Is that so?

I plugged in my PS2 dualshock with my USB converter and then just started the game and it worked fine.

>> No.6728696

Ah. Forgot to add that my normal "movement" buttons on the PS2 controller works. Also analog.

>> No.6728741

hosting again motherfuckers!

>> No.6728794

yeah.. its because my ps2 adapter reads the directional as buttons.. and the analog as axis. i have no idea why joy2key/the ps3 controller isnt working though. if it had direct input wouldnt be a issue.

>> No.6728857

I completed arcade twice with my main team (Virgilia/Siesta) and in the first one i got Siesta voice, and the second time i got Leviathan.

Enjoy your possible Kinzo

>> No.6728910

I want sources! Legit sources!

>> No.6728987

396 posts
new thread?

>> No.6729042

Alright gents, I have a SFIV TE arcade stick for my 360 - how do I make it work on my PC for this?

>> No.6729128

I have the SE for 360, I just plugged it in and started the game and it said "STREET FIGHTER FIGHTSTICK" right on the startup screen. It's actually the only game that instantly recognised this stick for me.

>> No.6729312

anyone having problems with pad/ps2/ps3 controllers should check their windows or driver settings.
messing around in game won't be a solution, but at least things like joybox pro have driver menus where you have to enable the pad manually.

>> No.6729322

New thread here: >>6726717
