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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 135 KB, 600x600, 1303280479435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7416189 No.7416189 [Reply] [Original]

I'm strongly considering getting a dakimakura.

How many people in /jp/ have one--more importantly how satisfied are they with her and what problems arouse from having her around?

>> No.7416197

No problems so far. Nothing beats waking up to your favorite girl's smiling face after a long night of cuddling.

>> No.7416199
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We can also talk about large fumos taken to bed with similar purpose.

I have two, they're very soft and warm, but I fear for their physical state. I want to be with them, but not if it's going to bring harm to them.

>> No.7416201

Ahahaha, you've reached new levels of pathetic.

>> No.7416205


I still really really really really really want that Remilia.

>> No.7416206

I'd purchase one, the money is set (the hell I'm gonna spend it on some dumb 3D whore rather than my cuddly waifu).

Only problem is I fear it might dissapoint my folks who I live with.

>> No.7416210

Pot calling the kettle black

>> No.7416227


>> No.7416229

That is always the killer for those who don't live on their own. It was a wise investment in my honest opinion. Reisen is really cuddly and soft. It also feels weird when I'm not sleeping near her.

>> No.7416246

But it feels that much nicer when you are

I remember the first time mine fell out of the bed, I instantly snapped awake picked her up and cuddled her warmly, tightly against my chest, drifting back to sleep.

>> No.7416252

It's a toss up between giving birth to a child out of wedlock to someone you may not even marry because you were too much of a dipshit to use protection while fucking--or in this case cuddling a security object.

I think your parents will prefer the latter.

>> No.7416263

I'm anal about the cleanliness of mine. I always make sure that she gets her monthly bath.

I also have a RemiliaxFlandre one. Mostly they keep Reisen company when I have to leave my room.

>> No.7416266

This will make your path to non-virginity forever sealed. Don't do it if you want to prove that you are a man someday.

>> No.7416268

I had a look around Akiba but couldn't find anything I liked. Too much mainstream otaku pandering shit.

>> No.7416277

Is it wrong to buy a cheap Chinese knock-off dakimakura of the girl you're interested in because you're not sure if you'll be interested in her long enough to justify buying the original for 10 000 yen?

This monogamy stuff is tough.

>> No.7416281


If, somehow, you still can't find your waifu/wife then you can always make your own. It's preferable to produce your own both for cost and customizability.

>> No.7416286
File: 505 KB, 1000x1500, 62c721a7783252e4699fc3e1a0d0a24d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should already know who your waifu is--the one character you still feel attracted strongest to after at least three years of having first been introduced to her.

Pic related for me

>> No.7416290

Got a Kudo one. Love it.

But I'm always worried that I might treat her to harshly so I usually refrain from actually hugging her most of the time, just waking up next to her is more than enough.

>> No.7416294

Problem is that my feelings fade way too fast, no matter how much I want them to stay. And if it happens this time too, there's no way I'll ever find a girl who inspires lasting feelings in me.

>> No.7416296


I felt terrible for leaving Reisen alone in my room for even ten minutes. Now that she has the Scarlet Sisters she can experience the warmth that I'm unable to bring her.
I can dig it. Only the faithful get into Gensokyo.

>> No.7416299

>after at least three years

Oh dear fucking god.

>> No.7416314

If you can't protect your virginity, how can you protect your waifu?

>> No.7416329
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How can you say you love her if you aren't willing to eat her poo?

Souseiseki daisuke

>> No.7416405
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>Reisen is really cuddly and soft.

I am so jealous of you. Not only do I live in the middle of nowhere where getting a dakimakura is difficult and probably very expensive, my parents would probably throw me out or never talk to me again.

I can never hug Reisen.

>> No.7416456

If you were fucking alpha enough to confront your parents with a dakimakura then you're probably too fucking alpha to realize the worth of 2D.

>> No.7416462

Where can one find a dakimakura that doesn't look like an anime, moeblob stereotype?

It's like these pillows don't treat my toehoes with respect.

>> No.7416470

You will most likely have to get them custom made. By getting it custom made, you will also be able to leave out the "I am about to get raped" face that often comes with the dakimakuras.

>> No.7416482

>you will also be able to leave out the "I am about to get raped" face that often comes with the dakimakuras.
ah, good, I am also a gigantic faggot that doesn't want that

>> No.7416491

I can't remember the resolution that it has to be, but I recall it is somewhere in the 10000-20000 area. I'll check my email to see if I still have it.

>> No.7416502

I suppose that if you were a Jap you could get some sort of doujin cover from the local folks, as well.

>> No.7416509

I suppose that could work.
is the email of the person I got dakimakuras from. I do not have the resolutions after all.

>> No.7416543
File: 55 KB, 380x577, qb_dakimakura_what_the_fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Hakurei Reimu dakimakura from dakEmakura.com is my most prized possession. It is the best money I have ever spent.

There are no drawbacks for me in owning one. The only people I let into my room are my parents (who just chalk it up to me being an otaku), my brother (an otaku) and my friend who is a TRU BRO and also an otaku.

Even speaking from a purely chiropractic standpoint they are a worthwhile investment. Seriously.

>> No.7416561

>Hakurei Reimu dakimakura from dakEmakura.com
Which one? I don't remember liking any of their Reimu's that much.

>> No.7417022

I really enjoy reading about anons and their dakis.


>> No.7417042

I've been tempted several times to buy one of these. My roommate now probably wouldn't care, and I intend to live by myself in a few months.

So far my problem has been finding the right one. Is it weird to not want one that is lewd, but rather just pleasant to look at and cuddle with? All the ones I can find are very unlike that.

>> No.7417049

Not weird at all. The only official dakimakura of my waifu has her fully undressed on one side and a fully dressed but with seductive look on the other.

>> No.7417055

That sounds awesome. Where did you get that?

>> No.7417056
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My only concern is that the package will be intercepted by those shit-heads at package import, and subsequently seized on the grounds of "sexual goods that bear resemblance to minors" or some such horsefeathers.

Does /jp/ have any experience importing sexual goods of this (seemingly underage) nature from Japan to the United States?

>> No.7417224

Yep, I have experience with that. I ordered a couple of loli onaholes from Japan. Very obviously loli onaholes. They were opened by customs, and the black plastic inside the box was cut open. There is no way they weren't seen for what they are. Everything got here without any trouble.

All anons should get a dakimakura. When I wake up a 3am, I always remember that I have a few more hours of cuddle time left, and then I'm happy. So, so good.

>> No.7417231

When you say it like that, it makes me want one even more. Now to find the right one...

Any suggestions on where to look?

>> No.7417235


Packages are open in the United States?

>> No.7417241


That sounds kind of nice actually now that I hear it. But I sleep in a weird position as well as moving around a lot, so I'm not sure if it would be a good idea.

>> No.7417264

After looking around a bit, I found this site:


It looks pretty good, has a handful of non-lewd covers as well, and a pretty decent selection I think. Looks like they do custom ones too.

>> No.7417273

I received my morishima daki cover a week ago, but haven't opened it yet. I need the stuffing, but I'm broke. For now I just sleep with a large 45x45 pillow of her.

>> No.7417291

Also OP check out http://janelee922.ecrater.com/

Free EMS shipping. She won't reply to your emails, but she has sent it usually.

>> No.7417327

I got mine (knockoff) on ebay. I've heard lots of good things about dakemakura.com. I like quite a few of their covers.

I used to sleep in strange positions too. Mostly on my stomach as I fell asleep, then switched to my back after falling asleep. After I got Mio, I quickly learned to sleep about 3/4 on my back, leaning a bit to one side to cuddle better. I sometimes switch to half on my side so that I can cuddle better. It is pretty rare that I toss about these days.

You won't tear her apart.

>> No.7417333

I bought some knockoffs from ebay. They're alright, but I always sleep on my back, so there's not much hugging involved.

Still looking for a Hisui one.

>> No.7417344


I see. I'll think about it then. I usually sleep on my side, one pillow on my head, one below, arms above and below as well with legs kind of like a runner, and when I wake up I don't know where I'll end up. Usually ends with at least one pillow on the floor. I dunno, just don't want to keep dropping her, you know?

>> No.7417358
File: 1.47 MB, 1000x1396, e288661dda909977f1770a640c8ed7c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about making my own one of these? Mai waifu is not poplar enough to get one.

>> No.7417392

Thats what you get for having a waifu from a shit game.

But seriously, you could get one custom made, if you can get something HQ enough

>> No.7417461

I can't read that stuff :<

>> No.7417484
File: 425 KB, 350x1050, reimudakEmakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one.

>> No.7417669

Do it.
So worth it.
And if you're worried what people will think, don't. It's really not that big of a deal anyways.

>> No.7417891

If you want one custom made, check out the site I posted earlier.


You can send them large images, and they'll print em on the cover for you.

>> No.7417907

>packaging: transparent plastic bag

Maximum shame.

>> No.7417922

haha I didn't even read that...

>> No.7417931


>> No.7417935


I actually haven't hit it yet, I'm considering it though...

>> No.7417939

where are these sold?

>> No.7417965


You'll have to ask the /jp/edo who got an EX-Reimu.

>> No.7417971

I'm going to go to the train yard, then board the plane on June 1st in the morning.

Then I'm going to travel across the Atlantic (westward) and when I get home I'm going to check for this thread.

If it's still here I'm going to purchase my dakimakura waifu and post pics of us.

>> No.7417983

Why a dakimakura instead of say a real doll that looks like your waifu?

>> No.7418007

Why are you leaving your basement...

>> No.7418083
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Honestly they are great. I have one and several covers for it. Even without the emotional attachment, it helps you sleep and with back issues.

Why wouldn't you want to fall asleep holding your wiafu? It really is nice, and she feels so soft.

The only problem, of course, is someone who wouldn't understand finding out. You might find yourself dependent on her, but that depends on how strongly you feel about her and your personality.

It is still worth it.

>> No.7418169
File: 181 KB, 334x500, Touhou Dakimakura Hugging Body Pillow Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the artist who drew this? There's a few others, pairs of Touhous, but I really like the art.
Would definitely consider getting one by this guy.

>> No.7418171

Maybe its just me, but I hate dakis where they don't look like they're lying on a bed. Am I strange?

>> No.7418173

[NEKO WORKs (sayori)] Eastern Garden
there's three of them

>> No.7418189
File: 911 KB, 1920x1200, SDM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah thanks. Turns out I actually have a picture by this artist, with the name on it... I completely forgot about it until you said this.

>> No.7418193


Meiling looking so serious makes me want to fuck her.

>> No.7418220 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 400x400, meilingshock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7418279

I agree. It looks weird to me when they're just standing up when they're supposed to be lying in your bed.

>> No.7418322

Another thing that bothers me is that these pillows don't match my black sheets so the effect doesn't really work to well.

I'm probably alone on this though.

>> No.7418367

Man, this one really has personality. I hope it will still be in stock when i can buy it.


>> No.7418374

They make them after you order I think.

>> No.7420375

Still waiting.

>> No.7420388

OPs picture is so cute and heartwarming. I love seeing it pop up on the front page whenever this gets bumped.

>> No.7420497

Bitch I'm still at the airport waiting for that plane to come it. It's 1 am and the plane departs for munich at 6:55 am.

Then I go there to the US then board a final plane to go home, landing at 6:00 pm or so in my perspective (that's 21 hours taking into account that I'm traveling with the sun).

I didn't get shit for sleep in the fast few days, sucks.

hence I'm bumping the thread to strengthen my chances of dakimakura get

>> No.7420511

So, I recently bought one, but I can't for the life of me find a place that sells the actual pillow.

Any good sites?

>> No.7420545

Ganbatte, dakichi

>> No.7423805

bed bath and beyond

>> No.7423810

Bed Bath and Beyond, Walmart, and I've seen some at Target.

>> No.7424984

Probably should have said I live in Europe.

My bad.

>> No.7427771


>> No.7430136

They don't make real dolls with toon proportions. Hence the 'real'.

>> No.7430259
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I am also considering purchasing one. I have the pillow but no cover.

>> No.7430330
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>> No.7430418

>wearing shoes in bed

I seriously hope you guys dont do this

>> No.7430438
File: 156 KB, 850x1365, lafiel33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been looking for a while but I can find neither a high enough quality image that I like in the correct aspect ratio or (of course) any premade dakimakura.

Woe is me.

>> No.7430462


This is a better link.

>> No.7430466

I sometimes wear slippers.

>> No.7430471

I guess the main question is: what state are you in?

>> No.7430487
File: 403 KB, 1124x719, 1304321837027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why are you niggas so fucking lame lol fucking forever alone all up in this lmbo

weeaboo faggots btw your idols are all ugly asian swamp rats.

>> No.7430516

Do you happen to have a store that sells bedware? Blankets, pillows and all along that line?

>> No.7431461

bumping for the traveling anon to get a daki

>> No.7431474

Not that I know of. I'm sure there's one in the big cities, though.

But the size 50 x 150cm just seems to not exist over here.

>> No.7431497

I know what you mean. Ausfag here, they only sell 152 x 48cm. Gonna get one off janelee.

>> No.7433672

Who's the wife?

>> No.7436154

If you don't want to pay overpriced for a daki-sized pillow, you'll have to trim it yourself.

>> No.7436166

> janelee

> In order to recover the Japan anime industry after the catastrophe, we now offer promotions of buy 4 get 1 free in a time.

And what better way to help than buy cheap knock-offs from China!

>> No.7436224


can't endorse the racial sentiment but yeah basically this

you are looking for companionship in an inanimate object, this is by no mental health rubric on earth a healthy thing to do and more than pathetic it actually makes me very concerned for your collective mental health

>> No.7436357

nigga please, ever hugged a pillow before? better than sex....

>> No.7436442

I heard she is going to make a Flandre or a Remilia dakimakura for the next comiket this summer.
If you are interested.

>> No.7436454

Well I wouldn't want my mental health to fall from its perfect state, no sir.

>> No.7436666

Wait, are these just body length pillows with covered with your favorite anime character?
There are no other added benefits? What's so special about a pillow?

>> No.7436674

It gives the illusion you're sleeping with them.

>> No.7436695

Well that's nice but when the lights are off it's just a soft pillow...

>> No.7436707


When the lights are off, people are just stinky furnaces made out of meat.

>> No.7436745
File: 262 KB, 1280x720, 1305764049507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well its a combination of physical and psychological benefits. The pillow itself provides better sleep by altering the sleeping position slightly (it is often recommended to sleep with a pillow between your legs). The character cover creates the feeling of companionship, which eases tension and loneliness. This reduces stress and also allows for better sleep.

>> No.7436753

Don't get me wrong I'm not just bashing I'm curious. I think it would be really nice to fall asleep hugging a soft pillow and pretend it's my waifu.

I would love one of these but I don't live alone and I'm not as brave as some of you

>> No.7436758

Well, I've heard it's good for your back too.

>> No.7436873

I can't find a good Yuki Nagato dakimakura

Or even a large-res image so i could get a custom one made

>> No.7436894

How much do they go for? I'm considering getting one from a convention because ebay seems like bullshit.

>> No.7436944

>because ebay seems like bullshit
How so?

>> No.7437036

I don't exactly want one that looks to be pre-owned or shit quality.

>> No.7437050

They don't look pre-owned and they're not shit quality, though. The only difference is that the material is synthetic, and thus doesn't feel as soft.

>> No.7437065

Ebay is bad most of the time(Only buy from there if it's cheap and you don't care about who you sleep with), conventions might be the same.

What are the best materials to get a dakimakura made of, again?

>> No.7437075

Thank you for clarifying that.

>> No.7439065


>> No.7439098

I bought 6 from janelee a little more than a year ago. Yep, they're knockoffs. The price was great for my first purchase. I only sleep with one of them, the rest just don't suit me in the same way as Mio-chan.

My dakimakura have really helped with my depression. It is so great to cuddle all night long, and then wake up to that smiling face in the morning.

PS - the non-lewd side is the best. Don't choose your daki based on the lewd side. The cuddling is worth much more than the sex.

>> No.7439129

Are there any non-lewd dakimakuras?

I only want to sleep with a pure girl who has no lewd thoughts.

>> No.7439139
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>> No.7439195
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I just use a regular $5 body pillow...

>> No.7439200

But that's not a girl...

>> No.7439206

thats pretty gar of you

>> No.7439242

really meta.

>> No.7439684


>> No.7439754


>> No.7439862

I see what you did there.

>> No.7439907

So how many of you guys with dakimakuras live with your parents? Do you hide them? How did you order them without them noticing? Or do you just not give a fuck?

>> No.7439932

It kinda just matches with my figures and other stuff so they don't see it as anything unusual.

They haven't seen any of my ero covers though.

>> No.7439940

When ordering from dakemakura do they include the pillow or is it just the cover?

>> No.7439986

just the cover

>> No.7440051

I only really like my mori daki. None of the others look worthy of purchase.

>> No.7440304

Mori Motonari?

>> No.7440481
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>> No.7440484

I do feel kinda bad for them, dakimakuras looked pretty shitty back then.

>> No.7440491

How good is the quality of their products?

>> No.7440493
File: 262 KB, 350x1050, 481A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

Although the Moshidora one looks pretty good, its lewd side is really on the verge of being too lewd


>> No.7440500

A couple of pathetic virgin faggots missing the point

>> No.7440504

You could find image you like and vector it, it's not that hard, even without artistic skills.

>> No.7440512

All people who have shared their experiences here, as far as I've seen, say it's the best daki they've ever bought.

>> No.7440514

Seems extremely time consuming if you don't have the experience.

>> No.7440520

I think its like 3000 x 4000 px for a custom daki, check janelee

>> No.7440523

How much better is it than a knockoff?

>> No.7440533

From my experience vectoring should take you less than 24 hours of straight work, unless you are doing something really complex, with easiest projects taking around 3-5 hours.

And I think it would take like 3-4 vectors to get enough experience to be able to vector a satysfying picture suitable for dakimakura, provided you follow this guide: http://sites.google.com/site/jjaaba/main and use common sense.

>> No.7440549

I only have a knock-off myself, so I can't really offer an opinion. But the main difference is that knock-offs use synthetic material, while original ones and doujin ones use actual fabric. See if you can find some synthetic fabric somewhere in your house and compare it to the softness of the pillow cover for your normal pillow. Synthetic material should feel kinda like a shower curtain (though not quite as stiff in the case of a dakimakura), while normal fabric is a lot softer and much less stiff.

>> No.7441439

That's neat. My guess is that it would have both Remilia and Flandre, since all the other ones she has contain two characters.
But for some reason, I'm finding myself strangely attracted to Shikieiki, so so far I'm really liking the Shiki/Komachi one.

>> No.7443745

Komachi would just have one breast on each side of the pillow. No one wants to draw her with an even slightly human proportion.

>> No.7444053

I think the one done by Sayori I posted up there was a pretty nice attempt though. The legs may seem a little out of proportion, but the artist seems to really like legs... and I can't fault her for that
Now if only Shikieiki was wearing higher socks.

>> No.7446199

There aren't even any fluids on her lewd side. You should check out some of the others on that site.

>> No.7446274

I've actually managed to save up a bit of money and really wish to buy a Reisen dakimakura.
Which english sites are trustworthy? Preferably ones that sell the pillow itself aswell, since where I live, such a pillow is probably impossible to find.

>> No.7447374

bumping for this guy

>> No.7450934
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