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8063184 No.8063184 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you stop drinking? You know perfectly well that it doesn't solve anything.

>> No.8063190

I don't drink. Alcohol kills gains, brah.

>> No.8063192
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>> No.8063199

Why shouldn't I? You drink, and you're the strongest person alive.

>> No.8063200

Not enough money to drink and I can't mooch that off my parents, since they don't.

It's sad really... I would definitely enjoy being a drunk on top of being neet, hikki and addicted to smoking

>> No.8063205

I feel sorry for Americans who can't buy alcohol before they are 21. It must suck to be you.

>> No.8063210

Alcohol is fucking disgusting and only legal because it makes people retarded like the government wants. Marijuana is much harmless and the benefits its legalization would grant society are immeasurable but it isn't legal because corporations would lose too much money so the lobbyists won't allow it.

>> No.8063213

>that feel when you're 22 but look like you're 15 and can't buy alcohol without everyone treating you like a criminal

>> No.8063221

What you probably mean is that you don't like alcohol. Plenty of people use it responsibly, and plenty of people who use marijuana do so responsibly.

To cherry pick fools from one camp and the responsible from the other camp says something telling about what kind of person you are.

>> No.8063226

I know that feel. I get mistaken for a junior highschool girl very often.

>> No.8063228

I thought the entire point of 4chan was to circlejerk with people who have the same taste and look down on people who like different things.

>> No.8063230

What the fuck dude? Cannabinoids store in your fat and will hardly never go away. Regular use will make you retarded and unmotivated plus chance of schizophrenia. Short term memory loss... etc
Take you government mind control hippie shit somewhere else.

Alcohol is quick, clean efficent way to harm your central nervous system and body. Make you behave like idiot. Quick recovery but permanent damage in very high doses.

>> No.8063233

Your curse is our gift. Thank you for bearing our burdens for us.

>> No.8063236

Less neurons, less suffering.

>> No.8063247


And it only makes you unmotivated because there often isn't anything better to do than smoke.

>> No.8063260

It solves everything gtemporarely, which is enough for me.

>> No.8063266

okay, you caught me off-guard there but I don't usually drink much because it costs too much money.

>> No.8063275

Too much effort to drink and not get hung over. By the time I get a buzz via beer, I'm too full to keep drinking.
Hard alcohol works, but then I have to constantly be drinking water, and I get nauseous before I get drunk at any rate.
The midway point offered by fortified wines are least punishing, but they taste miserable.

I still drink every once in awhile, but fuck if isn't an effort.

>> No.8063278
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YOU find alcohol "fucking disgusting".
I love the taste of it, and so do many, many more. And in my opinion, weed makes you a whole lot more retarded than alcohol, if you know your limits.

"Everything's fine I love you" is a lot better than "dude, like, why do we have five fingers? it could have been, like, seven, but we like got five man so we gotta make do with what we got yknow man" in my opinion.

I mean, I do both. But alcohol is deiniftely my favourite because it puts everything into perspective. Depends on the drinker though, I suppose.

>> No.8063292

it solves my unnecessary anxiety, over upcoming events, pretty well actually

>> No.8063294
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>"Everything's fine I love you" is a lot better than "dude, like, why do we have five fingers? it could have been, like, seven, but we like got five man so we gotta make do with what we got yknow man" in my opinion.
>implying it's better to just blindly agree with everything instead of asking deep philosophical questions about life

Having fun being a government drone, buddy? Just keep on drinking, don't question anything!

>> No.8063302

I don't have enough money to drink. Hell, I don't have any money.

>> No.8063304

Using implying and /b/ reaction images?

We don't like your kind here, please go back to whatever board you came from.

>> No.8063305

Look, I'm with you on the weed thing, but you literally sound fucking retarded. Letting politics choose your chemical of choice is stupid, even if it's the reactionary choice. You're not helping the case of smokers at all.

>> No.8063308

Alcohol makes me feel like a human being. Otherwise I'm just an empty shell.

>> No.8063316

Recovering alcoholic here.

Man, I miss the demon alcohol sometimes but as the saying goes, my coke dealer's number lies at the bottom of my second drink.

And we can't have that.

>> No.8063324
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Now that's not always true. For me it was the opposite. Before I started smoking cannabis I was a unmotivated piece of shit and spent all my day browsing /jp/ and fapping finding only enjoyment in discovering the latest doujins.

Since I started smoking it feels like I've reverted back to being a child again and can now enjoy everything the way I used to. Even anime has become less of a colossal bore.

I advise any depressed or curious anons to at least try cannabis once. It could make all your days joyous as it has for me.

>> No.8063330

Yes, because questioning how many fingers we should have is deeply philosophical.

Also, get out of /jp/.

>> No.8063332

Aaaaah-- shut the fuck up.

>> No.8063340
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i avoid drinking like HELL [or anything else that alters your mind], cuz it's the truth serum

>> No.8063341

why is it that every cannabis smoker is so keen on showing you their weed and their experiences with it? i don't care, fuck off.

>> No.8063347
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Sorry /jp/, I need to blog just a bit.

My mother (a chronic drinker) called me today and in a fit of alcohol induced rage proclaimed me a doormat for my older sister. I do have way better relationship with her than with my mom, but this shit looks like plain jealousy. Fuck drugs, I am never touching them.

>> No.8063344

Nah, I agree. Marijuana can be a very good experience, especially for socially inept people like the average /jp/er.
Still, it's not for everyone, I respect that.

>> No.8063352
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Eh? but i have never had a drink in my entire life?
My parents were alcoholics Reimu, i will not go down the same route!

>> No.8063355

They're just happy people wanting other people to be happy but don't realise not everyone wants to be happy.

>> No.8063357

I also agree.

>> No.8063358

Alcoholic here, haven't missed a day in 2,5 years.
Embrace the booze. It helps, even if it's only temporarily.

>> No.8063363

I'm interested in knowing what you drink and how much it costs.

>> No.8063395

Because I can't use drugs as I'm subjected to regular urine tests.

Not that I drank in excess everyday...

>> No.8063394
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Who cares as long as it feels good?

>> No.8063397

Invest in synthetic urine.

>> No.8063404

Why don't you store some clean piss of yours?

>> No.8063406
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I'm straight edge.

>> No.8063412

My dad was (and is) an alcoholic too. When I was a child I swore I would never even touch alcohol but look at me now.

>> No.8063413

I used to be a stoner. I used to be very "pro-weed" but its all bullshit. Its a fucking drug like any other, take it if you want but don't pretend it is harmless, beneficial, "spiritual", healing or something wonderous. It isn't. You just like it that much because you are a drug addict. And yes, it can be addictive. Only on the internet to people say otherwise. And delusional idiots. I was smoking/vaping 1/2 oz a week and I couldn't eat until I was stoned. My "friends" were the same way and they all admitted they were/are addicted to it.

Having said that, I'm not anti-pot. Just don't pretend pro-weed sentiments are any different that anti-weed sentiments. They are both agenda driven propaganda when at the end of the day a drug is a drug. You take it to get fucked up and for no other reason. Don't fool yourself. Thats a good enough reason to do something anyway in my opinion.

I drink and occasionally take amphetimines, cocaine, benzos and oxy. Also, mushrooms and DMT. Usually on my own.

>> No.8063418

At least you aren't going to ruin anyone's life.

>> No.8063424

>You take it to get fucked up and for no other reason.
True. I'm surprised anybody can say they're doing a drug for any other reason with a straight face...
THough I do feel that weed is the safest of the options. Well, legal issues aside, anyway.

>> No.8063431

Usually beer, and I go for 10% beers often as well. It costst me one euro for half a litre of that stuff, it's delicious and it gets you fucked up after four or five.
I also usually have a bottle of cheap vodka in the hosue to drink shots of, or mix with cola.

It's not all that impressive really. If you drink daily for almost 3 years, you don't really care about taste and quality anymore. Just cheap booze that gets you the desired effect.

Surely I can't be the only alcoholic on /jp/?

>> No.8063440

It depends on how much you use really. There was once a wise doctor who said that "every medicine in world can be turned into poison in excess doses and every poison can be turned into medicine in right doses"

>> No.8063448


Of course not. Although, I would drink 3-4 times a week, not everyday. Usually about 1.2 litres of spirits like vodka, whisky etc.

>> No.8063453

>half a litre of 10% beer
>one euro
You motherfucker. I have to pay 21 euros for 24 x 33cl of 4.5% beer. It also tastes like shit.

>> No.8063459

Here in Australia it is $40 AUD (keep in mind our dollar is stronger than USD lately) for a 24 of fucking Heineken. Utter garbage like Corona is $55~ at some places.

$36 for a CHEAP, NASTY bottle of rum.

>> No.8063474
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it dulls the pain of living

>> No.8063481
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Due to my abusive alcoholic parents i have never as much as had a glass of beer myself.
The mere thought of it makes me want to vomit.

That said my "parents" were also druggies, life truly was a living hell when those two were still alive.

Thankfully i got away with only a "few" scratches and bruises.
My chance of ever becoming a wizard was lost though.

>> No.8063496

>My chance of ever becoming a wizard was lost though.
Please tell me that didn't really happen.

>> No.8063509

It did happen.

I was around 10-11 when my parents thought it was was a good idea to lend me out to a old lady and her husband for money to buy more alcohol and drugs.

>> No.8063519
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And i thought my parents were bad.

>> No.8063520

What other negative effects were you beginning to receive aside from the revealing of your underlying eating disorder?

I'm curious as someone nearing the ounce a month mark. I'm the happiest I've ever been and can't see it going downhill in the future.

You can't forget the obvious medical uses that come with fucked up. Insomnia, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and pain being the most common.

When I first started it was just to help with severe insomnia. I smoke less than .3g before bed and sleep like a baby for 12 hours of the utmost restful sleep.

>> No.8063542

Oh, I'm not arguing it doesn't have uses. I never get sick, so I don't ever think about it from that standpoint. I tend to be insomniac myself without it, shifting inevitably into something along the lines of a 36 hour daily schedule-- up for 24, down for 12. But this isn't a problem now that I'm unemployed.

>> No.8063554

>underlying eating disorder?

You are an idiot. Me, and all of my friends had an underlying eating disorder? No. What I mean is, I would wake up, try to eat some cereal or fruit and it would make me gag and feel sick. I couldn't eat unless I was well stoned.

I WAS happy too. The happiest I'd ever been. I started using it for insomnia as well, but that eventually wears off and you need more and more to sleep and eventually only get 4-5 hours sleep. Well, that is what happened to me anyway. Relying on a drug for insomnia or depression is a bad idea I learned in hindsight.

Using weed to "treat" depression and insomnia is no different than drinking yourself to sleep every night. It is just less harmful. But it is a fucked up pattern and habit to get into. I found it harder to stop smoking weed than tobacco and I smoked tobacco for 10 years.

If you already have mental health issues, there is quite a good chance you could develop psychosis. If you stop smoking weed and get better, good good. If you keep smoking weed the psychosis could deepen and you could end up with full blown schizophrenia.

>> No.8063556

Keep in mind I'm talking about using 2 ounces a month which is a lot (I think?) and being pretty much stoned 24/7. Of course, it started out at lower amounts and led to that amount to get the same effect.

>> No.8063555
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Shut up bitch I'll drink what I want.

>> No.8063560

oh wow.

My parent's weren't anything special, they weren't good parents but they weren't bad parents. Basically as soon as I was old enough to they pretty much stopped helping me with anything. Want to eat supper? Make it yourself. Need to go to school and its the middle of winter and it is -42C outside? Walk. At least I learned to be independent. Its not like we were poor or anything, as a matter of fact we were pretty well off, parents made something like $260K a year.

Two Christmases ago I went back to visit family and found out my father became a weaboo or "japanophile" as he called it . Thinking of him reminds me of ken-sama but 59 years old and not moving to japan, only visiting every year or so. I don't care enough about any possible inheritance to go back ever again.

>> No.8063564

>a good chance
A possibility, yes. A "good chance"? [citation needed]

>> No.8063568

Depending on the severity of your pre-existing condition it can very well be a good chance.

Or for example, you are already depressed, have severe anxiety, OCD etc. smoke a lot of weed, then a life crisis happens. All these things increase the risk of a psychotic episode.

I wouldn't worry too much, and I'm not trying to be a fearmonger but fuck, it IS a risk and it is worth thinking about.

>> No.8063585


Listen to this man. I spent Dec. through March in a cannabis induced haze and eventually put a gun in my mouth. Didn't pull the trigger, but ended up getting charged with domestic violence when I came home and got into a fight with a family member.

Weed is good for recreation but don't use it to self medicate depression. Burying your problems doesn't solve them.

>> No.8063584

Soo..What exactly did they do to you?

>> No.8063599

On the other hand, it does help with the malaise and apathy that depression can bring, and can help you get out of the funk by letting you enjoy things again.
If you find you HAVE to be under its effects, you've got problems. But that's true of anything.

>> No.8063602

I will leave that to your imagination.
As bad as spending 2 days with a pair of old pedophiles was i think the worst part was when i got home.

Having your parents bribe you with a pizza and a coke to shut you up after what they did was the worst.

>> No.8063620

I know what you're saying but weed makes one quite content. Having emptiness and apathy replaced with contentment doesn't really help. Especially when, let's be honest, a lot of us are more depressed for reasons to do with our day to day lives than chemical imbalance.

>> No.8063639

I kind of feel bad for fapping to rape and guro porn now.

But then again, I'm not hurting anyone by doing so.

>> No.8063645

I'm already retarded and unmotivated without any drugs, thank you very much.

>> No.8063650
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I smoke marijuana because it alleviates the symptoms of my schizophrenia. My hallucinations slow to a trickle.

And to get fucked up.

And because all the food is delicious.

But if you experience horrible audio/visual hallucinations for one reason or the other I suggest you try it.

>> No.8063674
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This, pretty much.

Besides, we're all on /j[/, do any of us REALLY want to live long lives?

>> No.8063683
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What the HELL is "/j["

>> No.8063691

Cut him some slack for god's sake.

>> No.8063702

I meant /jp/.

>> No.8063704
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> /j[/,
Whoa.....Made my day

>> No.8063710

Haven't drank anything in a couple weeks, trying to cut back on spending. Seasonal ones are changing though, so I'll probably try them out sometime.

I read that as 'alcohol kills grains', and was disappointed when it wasn't a beermaking joke.

I dunno about that... I mean, I look a few years younger than 21, but nobody gives weird looks or anything. Someone did say I barely got in once, which was weird since that was more than half a year after my birthday. Worst thing is that people spend upwards of 15 seconds trying to figure out where my DoB is on my license, since it's out-of-state and all shiny.

>> No.8063715
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Jesus fucking Christ it's like I'm back in high school.

>> No.8063723

I generally don't drink to get drunk. I just enjoy a good craft beer.

>> No.8063730

> I generally don't drink to get drunk.
Waste. Just drink juice or something then; it's a lot tastier.
> craft beer.
When you have friends over and they bring you Budweiser or Carlsberg, do you complain because it's not up to your mature tastes as an expert beer taster?

Just kidding, you don't have any friends.

>> No.8063753

But I don't drink OP.

Anime, manga, VNs and 4chan are my drug.

>> No.8063754

Nope, we're the ones that dropped out. Our darkness is blacker than the blackest black times infinity.

>> No.8063772

My few friends have similar mature and expert tastes but I do drink Bud and such on the rare occasions I go to parties.

>> No.8063803

Just to let you know /jp/, I have tremendous respect for you guys.

Dealing with all this shit takes more guts than all of /sp/ combined.

>> No.8063849

Juice is good too, but beer has more variation. There's a lot of culture in beer, and there are some really good beers out there.
Do you perchance think all beer tastes like shit because you've only tasted the shit ones?

>> No.8063877

What's wrong with wanting to escape from this horrible world?

>> No.8063888

I don't drink nigga. I need to lay off the chocolate though.
I mean, fuck, I bought a giant 1kg chocolate slab a week ago. Sure, I still haven't finished it yet, but if this keeps up I'll move around by rolling rather than walking.

>> No.8063908

Fantastic post. Would read again.


captcha- Trappists

>> No.8063909

same here.

>> No.8063920

My dad just bought me a $30 shot of winkle 25 year while I was eating rare seared tuna and pumpkin cheese cake. Delicious night.

>> No.8063918

Whoa, man, you got an unfinished chocolate slab too?
We should get to gather and pretend to have a pokemon battle with them or something!

>> No.8063923
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Ah man, that reminds me, because it's the day after Halloween, all the local supermarkets are going to be trying to dump their candy ASAP, marking it down like 70% sometimes. I'm not fat but afraid that I'll get fat if I keep scooping up the post-Halloween candy sales. You can get a big ol' bag of Kitkats for two dollars for example, an amount that normally could cost 10-20 if you bought the regular candy.

So, you can get LOT of candy, and either keep it cool and dry, or dump it in the freezer if it's got chocolate, and there you go, instant noms for a couple months, maybe until next Halloween if you got a lot/don't eat it often. Not a recommended strategy for diabetics.

>> No.8063929

What the fuck am I reading? You don't SHOOT anything that old. You SAVOR it.

>> No.8063948

i'll drink to that!

>> No.8064025

Drinking and listening to music is all I do these days. I can't even be arsed to watch Chinese cartoons.

>> No.8064044

>Chinese cartoons

Your /b/ is showing.

>> No.8064063

Seems more of /a/ to me.
