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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 285 KB, 681x1000, average-touhou-players-by-difficulty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8187662 No.8187662 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8187665

That order should be reversed.

>> No.8187672

Not if it's a 'which one would you fuck' scale.

>> No.8187679

> zyzz
Poor guy. Should've seen it coming sauna or later.

>> No.8187694

I want those posters.

>> No.8187706

How can you make shitty threads when zyzz is dead?

>> No.8187712

Seems fine to me.
Typical secondary
Typical /v/ asking about toho
Typical /jp/sie

>> No.8187720

Can you be any more of a pretentious shit? I think not.

>> No.8187721

I know someone who browses /fit/. I remember when this guy died. I woke up, got on AIM, and within seconds I got an IM saying, "dude, zyzz died". I had no idea who the fuck that was, so I didn't say anything. He kept going on and on about this guy, and it really pissed me off. That was essentially the foundation of my hatred for all of /fit/.

>> No.8187722

Lunatic is the true touhou metagamer. Although, I think there should be something for those truly hardcore players that can 1cc at least one of the games on Ultra. Even better if they can do no-focus no-bomb runs of Ultra.

I'd actually pay money to see somebody do a no-miss no-bomb no-focus time out run of Ultra.

>> No.8187716

I laughed.

I didn't know /jp/ was so /fit/.

>> No.8187717

I'll help:
Typical /jp/sie after working them abs out from practice modo

>> No.8187727



Angry bump

>> No.8187728

Zyzz went to Gensokyo

Now, either he keeps working out and all touhous are mirin' or he turned into a fit little girl.

>> No.8187729

But I'm not a fat neckbeard who wears vests and plays touhou with a console controller

>> No.8187731

Kill yourself. Zyzz was an awesome guy.

>> No.8187732

I saw investment banker in /fit/ one day.

He's fucking all your favorite tohos.

>> No.8187749


>> No.8187753


They'd be repulsed by his steroid use, and associated physical effects.

>> No.8187761

>They'd be repulsed by his steroid use, and associated physical effects.
>associated physical effects.

Godly aesthetics tend not to repulse people, but rather the opposite.

>> No.8187759
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Looks a lot like me, actually. Huh.

>> No.8187764

This. I had a fat-turned-/fit/ friend and I saw him working in ASDA for the first time in months. I expected a nice reunion but instead I got, "Hey did you hear about Zyzz? Zyzz died! We'll be mirin' you in heaven, bro. Aesthetics!"
Not only was he meme parroting in real life, he was using memes nobody but himself cared about. I'm glad we've stopped talking.

>> No.8187766

I generally dislike people who are addicted to working out excessively. Weight lifting in specific. I have not met one person who was likable that spent most of their time working out or on some kind of retarded diet.

>> No.8187767


Yeah, but absurd proportions, horrible full-body acne and raisin-sized testes do tend to.

>> No.8187768

Typical person who departs for Gensokyo.

>> No.8187775

Fuck Zyzz. A true /fit/ /jp/er:

>> No.8187778

That's funny, I have not met one likable person who didn't get along with the type of people that dedicate themselves to fitness.

>> No.8187781

No. This is a true /jp/er.


>> No.8187782

You're kidding me. Take a likeable person to your typical gym and ask their opinion of the regulars. They will say they're assholes.

>> No.8187794

>likeable person
>will say they're assholes
And just judging by appearance? You're a funny guy.

>> No.8187793

>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
>Sorry about that.
What a faggot.

>> No.8187804

PCT will fix or prevent most side effects.

>absurd proportions

zyzz's proportions are amazing and it's easy to stop usage or modify training if you're starting to look funny.

>> No.8187800

I mean after speaking to them and so on. I also mean the regulars who obsess over their AESTHETICS.

Just go to a gym right now and have a conversation with the manly men who hang out in the weight lifting area. Go on. It's your homework.

>> No.8187802

Unfortunately, Lunatic is not for the weak-hearted.

>> No.8187820

So let's look at this. Someone goes to the gym to push their limits. Regulars are doing things you probably couldn't dream of on a mental and physical level. And you are imagining going up and just talking to them out of the blue. While they're concentrating. This is why you don't get along with people.

>> No.8187827

This is what I'm talking about. You literally can't talk with or even enjoy being around these people that obsess so much over what they eat and what kind of exercises they should be doing. I know someone (same person) who occasionally falls into a hardcore fitness fling every now and then. One time he told me how many calories my meal had and I wanted to punch him in the face. I eat because I like to taste food. I couldn't care less if what I'm eating is horrible for me, as long as it tastes good. You need to teach yourself moderation for times like that. That was also the last time I ever ate with him.

This same guy loves to drink beer. Honestly though, I'm sure he does not know what how it's made nor what it's made out of. I'm sure if I told him he was basically drinking liquid bread he'd stop drinking.

The funny thing is, he's almost twice my weight (no, not muscle.) and a half a foot shorter than me. He's fat, to put it bluntly.

>> No.8187833

You're pathetic.

>> No.8187837 [SPOILER] 
File: 105 KB, 1522x801, HS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy = normal = hard = lunatic

>> No.8187839

/fit/ disapproves of this kind of person as well. He's just a miserable whelp with no self control.

>> No.8187840

you sound frustrated bro

>> No.8187841

>I eat because I like to taste food.
>You need to teach yourself moderation

>> No.8187843

>regulars who obsess over their AESTHETICS
But they're a minority which nobody gives a shit about.

>> No.8187845

I went to the gym and they were not all terrible people. Of course, I never tried to do small talk with them, I hate small talk, but I asked for advice on how to use this or that and they happily answered.

My instructor was kind of an ass, though,

>> No.8187852

Wow, you're as asshole.
Your friend was just trying to indirectly tell you to take care of your own body.

>> No.8187854

/fit/ & /jp/ crossover really is the best

>> No.8187857


There's actually a decent number of /fit/ users lurking on /jp/ I think. Mind you, they aren't posting about aesthetics and how strong their quads are. They're really just better-looking shut-ins with just as much bitter misogyny as the rest of us. A close friend of mine is even more of a shut-in, yet he has a great body and hates women.

>> No.8187862

We're just in permanent cocoon mode.

>> No.8187874

Wow, is that really a K-1 transmission? Holy fucking shit.

this is what I would expect of an anime con or a Reitassai, but a kickboxing event. I'm blown away.

>> No.8187880

/fit/ discovering /jp/ here, working out didn't made me a jerk, it made me confident enough to be honest with people that I don't like.

>> No.8187879

That kickboxer is always wearing some sort anime/otaku related cosplay during his entrances. I like him.

>> No.8187882

By stating the caloric intake of one meal? I don't quite understand. It was about 1000 calories, and like always, I hadn't eaten yet that day and he knew it, since we had been together all day having a lot of fun doing things that didn't involve fitness or food.

I don't give a shit how 'indirectly' he was trying to tell me. It was plain rude.

>> No.8187889

working out is a waste of time

don't let the normalfags on /fit/ make you think all the "IT'LL CHANGE YOUR LIFE BRO YOU'LL BE BRIMMING WITH CONFIDENCE AT ALL TIMES EVERYBODY BE MIRIN!"

you do get more attention from the opposite (and same) sex if that's what you want though.

>> No.8187894

He actually won World Max 2010, by the way.

>> No.8187895

> you do get more attention from the opposite (and same) sex if that's what you want though.
Nobody on /jp/ goes outdoors, so that's kind of a moot point.

>> No.8187898

You're right, the normalfags on /fit/ are pretty annoying. True bros understand that you don't work out for women.

>> No.8187913


>> No.8187917


Getting in good shape actually does do wonders for your life and self-confidence.

Will it help you get girls? No. Will it stop you from feeling like shit every time you look in the mirror? Yes. Will it force people to respect you, at least on some primal level? Yes.

It also goes without saying that it eradicates that irrational fear that everyone's out to hurt you if you're confident they can't in the first place. Being fit doesn't necessarily mean you have to give up your shut-in lifestyle.

>> No.8187920


You obviously haven't lurked enough. They're constantly screaming "Only faggots work out for women!"

>> No.8187925

> Will it help you get girls? No.
I imagine it would for most people, particularly on /jp/. Of course it's not going to turn me into a socialite overnight, but I do think I would be a lot more attractive if I worked out. I just can't be bothered.

>> No.8187935

I have to be honest here, if I could look like lunatic without a significant enough investment in time and resources(by common standards) I'd be all for it. I mean why not? Checks body-image off my list, gives me a reason to not avoid reflective surfaces, allows me to defend honor of my touhou from hooligans etc.

>> No.8187945

I would not. I very much prefer the look of a scrawny body to a buff (overly so) one.

For this reason, I have no problem with my body and wouldn't want to change anything about it.

>> No.8187943
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> avoid reflective surfaces
I am not alone!

>> No.8187952
File: 107 KB, 800x732, 96fa6e11abb6991c2a04729fefa1e1c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are never alone here!

>> No.8187953

I keep myself in shape because my waifu deserves it.
I mean all I have to do is not eat garbage and spend an hour a week lifting heavy stuff that was free off craigslist. I spend 50x+ that time here.

>> No.8187949

That was kind of the point.

>> No.8187959

>They're constantly screaming "Only faggots work out for women!"

And then those people are accused of being beta neckbeards. /fit/ has a sizable number of posts devoted to women and relationships.

>> No.8187962
File: 67 KB, 464x376, nyoron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8187963

That is fucking retarded. I mean, I agree, but doing it for any other standard reason is just as bad. If you live a life that requires fitness, like a soldier or astronaut or whatever, sure, I get that. If you sit in a cubicle all day, some cardio would probably serve, sure.
Those guys who look like they could bench press a Cadillac? That's just stupid.

>> No.8187985

I have pretty much the same motivation, but I run instead. She would expect physical discipline.

>> No.8187996

>particularly on /jp/.
Based on my personal experience, I disagree strongly. Getting to shape just confirmed me that my problems have very little to do with the way I look.

>> No.8187999

Winter is a somewhat shitty season to run... but I guess the earlier sunset might be advantageous to those who like running in the dark. I for don't really like it. And I somehow can't be bothered to run in the morning.

>> No.8188003

What I find retarded with /fit/ is the people working for girls and such (I know, they are not all like that), their obsession with lifting weight, obsession with quads etc.
It's like all they want is HUGE BODIES. No love for bodyweight exercises, good cardio, full-contact sports or whatever.
All they want is "them huge muscles, them quads, them roids".
Of course, there are exceptions.

>> No.8188011

Due to anxiety, I've only started running outside in the past couple months to work on my 5k time. I have a treadmill I trained on and that I use when it's raining too hard.

>> No.8188028

I actually know the person in the easy mode picture.

>> No.8188037

I usually wake up at 4-5 in the morning to go out running, the air is crisp and running in the darkness is such a liberating feeling I wouldn't trade it for anything.

>> No.8188036

I could not care less.

>> No.8188044

I don't know if I should be surprised at how many people work out on /jp/, having no other obligations than staying alive has allowed me to work on my body whenever I want. Nobody bothers me and I can just do my thing.

>> No.8188063

Easy here.

Feels good.

>> No.8188146
File: 419 KB, 681x1000, average-touhou-players-by-difficulty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed. Sometimes cosplayers are damn good thought.

Got completely dominated once in PoFV by one cirno cosplayer at one Con.

>> No.8188159

Punakone pois mun jeepeestä.

>> No.8188186
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>> No.8188193
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mistä vitusta tiesit että oon suomalainen?
Mutta ei en oo punakone.

>> No.8188349
File: 167 KB, 500x699, average touhou fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did Zyzz died and how?

>> No.8188355
File: 24 KB, 395x530, zyzz cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you even cosplay when zyzz is dead?

>> No.8188362
File: 229 KB, 768x1024, 16e7ae230a884a0c453944d5651237ef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I love this fucking pic

I fucking love posting this pic

>> No.8188369
File: 408 KB, 824x792, 1315033462567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ok

>> No.8188375
File: 164 KB, 700x879, 1320761774305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even lift, /jp/?

>> No.8188383

>Do you even score, /jp/?

>> No.8188389

Heheh eheheheh you said score

>> No.8188399

His heart stopped.

>> No.8188414

Oh, dear. Is he all right?

>> No.8188426

Oisko vaikka tää:

Conisyöpä pois täältä.

>> No.8188436


>> No.8188476

Spurdo sparde ebin X----------DDDDDD!!!!one1!

>> No.8188480

Why is this thread suddenly reminding me of that one thread from way back when where we all more or less agreed that cosplay girls who aren't horrendously ugly are slutty cumdumpsters who crave dozens of cocks?

Does we still believe that?

>> No.8188484

>Does we still believe that?

Yes, we does.

>> No.8188490

yes, we does. /cgl/ a shit

>> No.8188505


>I wish I had a cosplaying girlfriend

I remember this comment, and then some guy saying his ex cheated on him at a con with three different guys (at the same time.) ;_;

Total sluts, yes.

If not easy, they're at least arrogant. Which is weird, because to most of the world they're perceived as being weird.

Would fap to pictures of them, would not touch them with a ten foot pole.

>> No.8188517

People ever thought otherwise?

Just visit /cgl/. They're all disgusting hambeasts complaining that the other half of the cosplay community are massive sluts.

>> No.8188520

>Does we still believe that?
Yes, yes we does, Precious!

>> No.8188529

But /cgl/ is full of massive sluts as well.
So even the hambeast cosplayers are whores.

>> No.8188523


>his ex cheated on him at a con with three different guys (at the same time.) ;_;
>with three different guys (at the same time)
>(at the same time)


>> No.8188538

Well maybe it's because I haven't lurked enough, but I haven't seen many sluts. Mostly whales who wish they were sluts, and take out their frustration by flaming other sluts.

>> No.8188557

If you didn't know females = sluts.

>> No.8188559

True, true. Although my delicious 2D females are pure.

>> No.8188568

I hate when I'm reminded that some otaku, anime fans, ect, are out there, getting laid. And that, there are some that even cheat on their partners.

It just seems so unsettling with me. It feels like, it's against nature itself or something.

>> No.8188578


Otakus lacking dignity making others look bad, right?

In b4 "dignity."

>> No.8188614

I've seen thread on /cgl/ about how they whore themselves out so they can buy brand name loligoth clothes.
Or the threads where they talk about their con sexcapades.

>> No.8188630
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>I've seen thread on /cgl/ about how they whore themselves out so they can buy brand name loligoth clothes. Or the threads where they talk about their con sexcapades.

>> No.8188637
File: 457 KB, 590x1000, 1322520541918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ei tätä keskustelua suomeksi tarvitse käydä täällä kun ollaan

Seriously what is wrong with going to conventions?

it's not like there wouldn't be any cute ones.

>> No.8188666

[X] Rape the Maids

>> No.8188674

Cons are for normalfags (which you obviously are since you like 3D pigs).

>> No.8188817


I sincerely hope you're being sarcastic.

>> No.8188828

There could be a few cons worth going to, namely things such as comiket, the big merchandise cons.

>> No.8188851

I've never been on cgl, and I'm never going there. Only heard rumors.
If that is true I hope it keeps itself quarantined.

>> No.8188998

No, I'm not.

>If that is true I hope it keeps itself quarantined.
It's contained most of the time but I remember that /cgl/ girl who had a gangbang in her hotel room.
When this came out her picture (not of the gangbang, just a random picture of her) was posted on every board of 4chan for several days.
This happened last year, I think. Might have been 2 years ago.
My hikikomori life has really screwed up my sense of time.

>> No.8190308
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>> No.8190316

They're a bunch of 3D's that actively seek relationships with other 3D's yet can somehow hate women and slut shame harder than /jp/ could.

>> No.8190330

should Extra be easier than hard?

>> No.8190432

Moot should just merge /fit/, /cgl/, and /jp/ together and call it a day.

>> No.8190463

Monday is squats, deadlifts, and abs day.

Best day because by the end it feels like one of those Alien babbies is going to burst through your stomach. Or maybe they burst through the chest. Can't remember.

>> No.8190469

Did you really need to bump this thread to post some off-topic bullshit no one cares about?

>> No.8190483


I can see moot doing this just to torment us.

>> No.8190515 [DELETED] 

So how did Zyzz die? And who was he really? Just a random /fit/ tripfriend that worked out a lot? Did he use roids?

>> No.8190546

Just a trip friend I think. Died at babby age (21 or something) because of his rabid fondness for roids and many types of drugs.

Then he took a trip to Thailand where you can get all that fun stuff for like 25 cents, and just ended up taking it too far and dying in a sauna.

>> No.8190557

He roided and we all know it despite his denial. But he was the king of aesthetics to many of /fit/. I never really went for it.

He had a heart attack in a sauna in...... some asian country I forget where on vacation. Undiagnosed condition probably made worse from roid use.

>> No.8190561 [DELETED] 

How does everyone know he had a heart attack in a sauna and all this information about him? Did everyone know his real name and all that?

>> No.8190567

Just remember kids, zyzz said you don't need cardio and look what happened to him.

>> No.8190584

He also had a heart defect, but yeah, the "cardio kills gains" crowd is retarded.

>> No.8190588

Why is he so venerated if he was a drug abuser? If anything he should be pitied for his low self-image being directly responsible for his death. Being healthy is important but substance abuse isn't the way to go about it.

>> No.8190616

Because he was funny, charismatic, and aesthetic as fuck.

>> No.8190618

>But he was the king of aesthetics to many of /fit/
He was the king of aesthetics from the neck down. His face looked like it was transplanted from a gorilla with Down's Syndrome.

>> No.8190643

Well. Yeah. He was relatively known off the internet in Australia. And /fit/ just knew quickly through his crew on facebook and eventually in the news.

Most of us didn't like his roid usage because it does undermine hard work. But he had charm. Despite all his douchy behavior he gained the ability to draw people to him.

>> No.8190695

you have got to be fucking kidding me
/fit/ freaks get the fuck out of /jp/ you have already fucked up /ck/ beyond repair

>> No.8190771

/jp/ so full of normalfags now, what the heck is this? Are you guys serious?

>> No.8190776

All the true NEETs went to /bun/.

Fuck you, /bun/. Fuck you.

>> No.8191827


So just because people lift, it makes them a normalfag? Ever heard of a home gym?
