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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8193688 No.8193688 [Reply] [Original]

Dear mods/moot:

/jp/ should get a sticky, saying what does and doesn't belong here. A lot of other boards have them (see >>>/e/, >>>/ic/, >>>/s/, etc), and /jp/ deserves one just as much due to the amount of off-topic threads we see posted every day, which I think is because the rules on /jp/ are too vaguely defined. If you go over the first few pages of /jp/, there will be advice threads, cute anime girl picdumps, greentext story threads, and other random bullshit that doesn't relate to otaku culture at all (or only does very loosely) and would be better suited for other boards. It would be really nice if you could put up a sticky clearly defining what topics are suitable for /jp/ and which ones aren't, and board quality would definitely increase.

>> No.8193689

nobody cares lol

>> No.8193697

-NEET threads
-visual novels

Did I miss anything?

>> No.8193695
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/jp/ - Meta Thread Culture
HELL jea...

>> No.8193696

What an awful idea.
Those stickies don't do anything, it's just that no one goes to any of those boards for any reason but the board material. People come to /jp/ to post shitty shit. A sticky won't stop them. Look at /tg/.

>> No.8193701


>> No.8193699

oh and the idols. I knew I forgot something

>> No.8193704

"Loosely" related is still related. Here are the rules:

1) Everything 2D allowed.
2) No /b/ randomness like nukes or 3D naked people.

That's it. Enjoy friends.

>> No.8193705


>> No.8193703

nope, go fuck yourself.

>> No.8193708
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>> No.8193709

I prefer the shitposters to those 3D loving normalfags.

>> No.8193718

shut the f**k up sh*tposter n*rd

>> No.8193733

It's good to see the old ZUN!bar back.

>> No.8193729


>> No.8193742

Everyone knows rules are for nerds.

>> No.8193741

Sup ZUN!bar. Stop samefagging praise for yourself.

>> No.8193751

How new are you gayfag? It's intentionally like that. Now how about you stop whining, and suck my cock dude.

>> No.8193760

Dakikamura threads are usually okay, and I don't think discussions about Japanese language / Japanese life / Japanese culture are that bad.

>> No.8193766

ZUN!bar takes the trophy once again

>> No.8193773

I like the unofficial /jp/ rules that were on easymodo:
Unfortunately I doubt people from other boards (/v/ and /a/ in particular) are capable of reading something over two sentences long without greentext, or lurking for more than ten minutes.

The best sticky would just be "Take it easy!" in a huge font.

>> No.8193774

/jp/ is weeaboo /b/. It's here to all the shit (or at least some of it) gets off the boards moot feels that matter. This place is supposed to be shit, and it will only continue to get worse. Each meido works off arbitrary "rules" with which they govern the board, and either they burn out, or do nothing at all. Congratulations, you've got your very own shit pile, and all you can do is hope to sit at the top.

suck my cock, dude

>> No.8193806

Signs of new /jp/ denizens:

-Appears constantly irritated, sometimes even enraged
-Never posts without using sage
-Feels the need to police the board
-Will spam board redirects to anyone who disagrees with or irritates them
-Complains about greentext, image macros, and other standard image board fare
-Tends to overuse the terms "summer", "shitpost(er)", "newfag", and "samefag"
-On that note, they will almost invariably call two people who disagree with them "samefag"
-All in all, treats /jp/ as if it's a secret club that only they belong to

>> No.8193823

>Will spam?

Don't be ridiculous, Will's story was the most interesting off topic thing to happen here in years.

>> No.8193824

If you want it done so badly, then why don't you mail moot and shit his mailbox up with yout 'request'.

Also: denied. I just need to look through the first 3 pages and can tell this board is shitted up by /jp/ as it is. What's a sticky going to do other than be ignored like always as it's a slow board?

>> No.8193830
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I hate that this is true. We're to /a/ what /soc/ is to /b/. It's just a stupid way of moving the problem elsewhere rather than requiring the mods to do their jobs properly. It would not surprise me if moot added a /pony/ board next, and then a (permanent) /fur/ board.

>> No.8193854

It always seemed weird how much moot cares about /a/.

Normalfag example: it's like that shitty car with the awful fuel economy you keep pouring money into.

>> No.8193869

Rule 1: Take it easy - We don't care about how inuyashasgirlfriend1997 made the most retarded weeaboo video in youtube and you "raged" for 26 minutes to it while killing your cat with your keyboard in the process. Or how some kid in Gaia plays Touhou and FS/N. We just take it easy, since we know the cause of most of these things are kids acting like kids (and if they aren't kids, we know they are just retards). This also means we don't want stupid drama.

Rule 2: Don't respond to trolls - If some guy posted something really stupid and provocative that made you angry and you want to kill him, don't respond to him. Don't even bother to tell him off while using sage; it's most likely a troll that just wants some replies. In /jp/, troll threads tend to be really easy to spot, so there's really no excuse for this. If too many people get baited, it will end up in a stupid 200 post long drama thread nobody wants to see in the first page.

Rule 3: Don't use smilies - Smilies aren't accepted in /jp/, please refrain from using them. We are all heartless bastards who don't want to see what kind of faces you make IRL while posting (This also applies to reaction images, if you want to post them so badly go to /a/ or /v/) Exceptions: ;_; (Life-like texture ;_;), 2ch smilies and ransmirk.jpg

>> No.8193885

I would like to point out that would include any anime. We have /a/ for that.

>> No.8193892

Corrupted saves?

>> No.8193915 [DELETED] 

You wonder why /jp/ is in such a state? That's like wondering why the fucking town dump looks like shit. Let's see, could it be it the reason it looks that way is, oh I dunno, it's because that's where we fucking dump our trash?

Let's face it, the first wave of people here were probably seen as shit human beings and shit posters, but we were all from the same cloth, and got along well enough becuase of it. And sure, a lot of us still treated each other like shit, but when some outsider wandered in, everyone did their part to yell and spam and chase the little fucker off. Afterall this may be a giant fucking turd, but at least it was OUR giant turd.

But guess what, most of these original settlers weren't living sustainable lifestyles. And other boards still were getting more shitposters, so what'd they do? Sent them to the board made to house their shitposters! And they'll keep doing that, and these new immigrants will continue to outnumber the old holdouts, and ignore their traditions in order to make their own. This is probably how those assholes on /b/ felt in 2007, hell, most of you probably are those assholes from /b/. We're being phased out, nothing will improve this board, as it doesn't exist to be improved, it's a place for people to dump their shitposters. Half the people from the old hikki threads are probably dead, half of the survivors are probably working so much they don't have time for the hobbies, let alone time to talk about them here. So, what's left?
And if anything, we've got far more people on the board than we ever have before. So, just keep in mind how much of a minority you really are.

>> No.8193919

Didn't he say /v/ is his favourite board? I don't understand. It's as though he _enjoys_ shitposts. Although he parrots the worst memes, so it wouldn't surprise me. I'm still grateful that he made 4chan though. I'd be lost without you guys.

Some anime discussion on /jp/ is fine. There's obviously a lot of overlap between many boards' interests. For example I've had plenty of good Planescape/NetHack/Dwarf Fortress discussions on /tg/ that I could never have had on /v/. A good /jp/ anime example was the 90s thread we had the other day. That was fun.

>> No.8193938

That thread was shit since half the posts were from that maniac who makes all those meta-threads.

>> No.8194973

>Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc.) on the imageboards can result in post deletion and banishment.
>The administrator will address your questions, comments, complaints, and concerns via e-mail.

moot@4chan.org <---
