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File: 117 KB, 633x480, battler2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8300917 No.8300917 [Reply] [Original]

I've already read Umineko episodes 1-7.

tell me why i should read episode 8.

>> No.8300920

You shouldn't. Now get out of /jp/.

>> No.8300937


>tell me why i should read episode 8.

Because Umineko is one of the best visual novels ever created.

>> No.8300940

then why didnt they license the ps3 version?

>> No.8300946

They couldn't understand love.

>> No.8300950
File: 221 KB, 473x768, Huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Ryukishi07

>> No.8300955

you don't order me around pal

>> No.8300967

Only read it if you don't think it's mystery.

>> No.8300988

maybe you shouldn't, faggot

>> No.8301063

So you can be trolled at the fact that it pretends the end is a choice but in reality the correct answer is what Ryukishi07 thinks and the wrong answer is disgreeing with him in any way

>> No.8301066

It's the best fucking episode, hands down.

That's why.

>> No.8301098


But how can i know what Ryukishi07 think? I can't read thoughts of others, at least not to my knowledge ...

>> No.8302052

Not sure if you are a troll or an idiot... Go read MLA, kiddo

>> No.8302054

He forces it down your throat a lot.

>> No.8302063

The whole premise of ep8 was to make you choose MAGIC.
Basically R07 went senile, he chose escapism over dealing with the truth. His career as a writer is finished.

>> No.8302105

Yet another illiterate who doesn't know Umineko stopped being a mystery novel in Chiru.

>> No.8302108

>Basically R07 went senile, he chose escapism over dealing with the truth.
No, he chose 'moving on' over 'dwelling on the past'.

>> No.8302133

Here come the R07 defense force.

>'dwelling on the past'.
Sure thing guys.

>> No.8302149

Umineko is a babby's first VN of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of setting and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and META. The NEET anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for normal, sociable, underage faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The metaworld characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the magic, the peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole "colored text" faggotry and everything about the Umineko world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on love, and the overall preachiness of the whole series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes normals and underage retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Umineko is basically THE series to attract the most hated visual novel fanbase known to /jp/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this franchise and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Umineko threads ever encourage the normalfags to show their faces here.

>> No.8304251

Because it's the best episode ever.

>> No.8304260
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Because Will punches a giant goat in the face. And Krauss punches that bitch Erika to the moon.

>> No.8304264

No matter how many times it is posted, this pasta will always taste fresh to me.

>> No.8304290

>Chose escapism over dealing with the truth

Like every other VN ever made?

>> No.8304292
File: 82 KB, 646x514, Capturee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gohda is the true culprit.
He is the one who fails during the fake argument. It was a hint from R07 to say that he is the only one people should blame.
And that's why all the characters say that the truth is lame.

>> No.8304294
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>> No.8304299

Going with the whole purple text thing, the culprits are those three assholes, Curly, Larry, and Moe.

>> No.8304368

I actually really liked the "true" Trick ending, even though it doesn't count as the real ending (since the Tea Party does not get unlocked). I thought it was just as a valid ending as the real, magic ending.

This may be because I find Erika Furude to be ten shades of awesome.

>> No.8304398

erika's last name is furudo

>> No.8304401

Because you've already come so far. Why not finish what you started? You chicken?

>> No.8304453

I agree. I liked the tea party but not the ???? so overall the trick ending was funnier

>> No.8304476

Apparently every VN in /jp/ is babby's first VN of the worst kind.

>> No.8304797
File: 86 KB, 640x480, Erika5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krauss missed Erika with his punch. I guess he's not much better as a boxer than a businessman.

>> No.8304824
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>> No.8305348
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The best character returns.

>> No.8305419

It is a bad ending because it doesn't make sense considering what the player chose

Basically, Ryukishiki07 has decided that the truth is pointless, and so this is fact. He has also decided that anyone who disagrees with him and wants to know the truth about the murders must somehow be murderers themselves as well.

If it was just 'Ange continues living an unhappy life but continues seeking the truth' then that is fine and what everyone expected. However, it was 'Ange magically knows the truth then instantaneously becomes Erika somehow and does a personality 180 from what she has been like the last several hours of reading, then is also happy to kill someone who might well have nothing to do with the plot to kill her even though this is contrary to her personality previously.

It just made no sense and seemed like ryu was forcing his view on the reader without properly foreshadowing it or respecting the intelligence of the reader.

>> No.8305448
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I hope someone is picking this up for c81, whatever this is

>> No.8305449

It's not a bad ending, she only acts like her family (since trick means she accepts that there are murderers amongst the Ushiromiya). Survival above anything else. Why should she be unhappy?

>> No.8305451
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>> No.8305461

Because the entire point was

Magic: Stop looking for the truth and accept delusions so you can be happy

Trick: Reject delusions and continue looking for the truth even though you know it won't make you happy

There was nothing to indicate that it would have any effects beyond this, certainly not to the extent shown in the ending.

>> No.8305562

What i got from ep 8 was.. basically that the solution was so stupid and contrived that you might as well not even bother.

Like when you discover santa's not real if you were raised that way, it's not earth shattering. But people were thinking that the truth would've been intresting and were digging.

Maybe after R07 had put out the first 4 episodes he realized that it was a stupid solution so went in a roundabout way to disguise it.

To put it bluntly, he's ashamed of shkannontrice/kyrie and rudolph murders.

Read episode 8 if you like the meta battles, it finally has lambda and bern battling as well as a pretty nice scene with all the cast fighting against the stupid theories that've come up across the years.

>> No.8305567
File: 287 KB, 740x740, edit_Madotsuki_bernkastel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. The "Trick" ending was pretty cool.
2. There is a mystery in it and it was pretty clever without dwelling into a too much retarded, twisted logic and actually have a damn answer.
3. Because you don't have anything better to do anyway.
4. It laughs at you for being a goat.
5. Ryu07: "I don’t want to go out and blurt out some kind of answer and forcing it onto you."
Battler through the whole game: I know you'll make the right choice Ange, btw check out those magic tricks.

>> No.8305584

Umineko used to be good, then ryukishi07 took an arrow to the knee xD

>> No.8305974

Ange was already unstable, it's not that much of a stretch to have her go insane once she finds out the truth.

>> No.8306681


>> No.8306712

Was funny to find out most of her real world interactions were delusions.

>> No.8306900

>Ryu07: "I don’t want to go out and blurt out some kind of answer and forcing it onto you."

yeah, but this is the same guy (R)

>George’s idea of their future after marriage might have put severe pressure on Shannon

>K I thought about this just now when we were discussing the events in Natsuhi’s room, but would the piece Shannon really be able to kill George? That is something that really bugs me.

>R While the body is Shannon, it’s worth thinking about whose body this was originally. Because in the end it is just a question of software. Even though the clothes belong to Shannon, if what’s within is another being then that person would surely be able to kill George. Clothes are not a personality. And so, even though the cloths and the hairdo might be Shannon’s, but there is the possibility that it was another person, when she started asking questions about George.

>> No.8308503

That doesn't even make any fucking sense.

>> No.8308528

That means that Shannon and Kanon changed their clothes for each other.
Kanon didn't like what George said so he killed him.

>> No.8309821

I just got through it yesterday, and I still think Umineko is a great fantasy story.

I feel like there is too much wording plays to be able to solve half the so called mysteries as well. Like the one in 8 where they said "You can consider Kanon dead as well" at which moment I was thinking "So is Shannon dead for real, or is Shannon faking death but killed her Kanon personality to give me a trick red truth?"

>> No.8311082
File: 620 KB, 732x1035, 23928982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trick ending = true ending

>> No.8311132
File: 69 KB, 631x564, 1320611531423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umineko = shit

>> No.8312349

madoka a umineko

>> No.8314357

If you have nothing else to do, why not?

>> No.8314371

umiunko this *grabs toilet*

>> No.8317373
File: 483 KB, 1181x1748, 24002290_big_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it for Ange. She got her happy ending.

>> No.8317485
File: 61 KB, 480x480, 1244837842829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed Umineko, but I have to say that it did go downhill after episode 4. There was no basis for choosing the fragment in which EVA returns as the true fragment. The other games had endings in which everyone else died, so those could be possible futures too. I had just wanted this to be about Battler vs. Beato, but that dream was crushed. The endless cycle of Battler loosing like a bitch and then coming back also got tiring. Episode 8 was enjoyable overall though.

Also, bitches, bitches everywhere.

>> No.8317822

for the soundtrack

>> No.8317867
File: 314 KB, 320x457, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it so you can read this later.

>> No.8317948

What in the name of desire is this?

>> No.8317955

Erika returns, FUCK YEAH

>> No.8318015


Can'tr you read? google it

>> No.8318045
File: 86 KB, 460x692, 1308434673820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I hear 'desire'?

>> No.8318093
File: 92 KB, 250x250, 1315018782476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait....Kinzo is Asian?

Oh! Desire!

>> No.8318097

Are you the one who made this or something? Who on earth would advertise this?

Go sacrifice some sheep to Gohda or whatever.

>> No.8318263

I was going to read this until...
>A copy of Umineko EP4 must be installed under the same directory where your Umineko EP8 main directory is.

The fuck?

>> No.8318275
File: 69 KB, 484x700, yasudemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this. Is it real, /jp/? Are Confessions scans out already?

>> No.8318278

For extra music only, not for the game itself (from what I understand)

>> No.8318288

Uh..I don't even have episode 8. I was under the impression that it was a regular game and not a PATCH. Thanks Vndb~

>> No.8318307

When is the booklet and extra tips gonna be out. Also Higanbana is coming out too, right? Will anybody translate the booklet when it gets uploaded?

>> No.8318375

Well, Ryuukishi did say something about a new demon in one of his blog posts.

>> No.8318403

Inbefore "our confessions" only tell us what we already know and avoid the subject of anything that still doesn't have a fucking explanation

>> No.8318420

There's a pretty strange screenshot on there from the new extra TIP too. Something about Will and Lion being forced to participate in a steamy romance scene, I think?

>> No.8318448

Would anybody translate the extra tips/booklet when it comes out?

>> No.8318460

Witch Hunt will be translating the book apparently.
>nb4 "Meanwhile, at Witch Hunt..."

>> No.8318468

Really, when did they say this? Why wont they translate the tips?

>> No.8318495

they mentioned many stuff, and it seems they are interested in translating tsubasa and hane, but when, how, if, it's anyone's guess.

>> No.8318899

Thanks for telling me about Witches and Woodlands.
I'm having fun reading through it on youtube (I can't install it on this terminal.)

>> No.8319822
File: 110 KB, 1141x1405, 16156529_big_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it for Eva Batman. Best mother of the century.

>> No.8319865

Well it reveals that Yasu was blackmailing the adults with the bomb in episode 1-4.
Though which adults was blackmailed is different based on the episode.
Everything else is just like we knew.

Oh and nothing about the "true" Rokkenjima.
And the whole thing was 5000 yens, what a rip-off

>> No.8319892
File: 73 KB, 425x480, eva_bat1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8319935

R07 knows how to milk his cow.

>> No.8319952

"The whole thing" was a bag with three new games in it. The booklet was a freebie.

>> No.8319966

Read the first four episodes, and then comparing them to the last four, it's almost like it was written by two entirely different people.

>> No.8319980
File: 58 KB, 1024x576, 1325117326941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beato sex scene, dude.

>> No.8319989

Episode 1-8 was released ages ago, all the Umineko fags, the people who will buy it, already had it.
Our confessions is a crappy short game that reveal nothing.

Do you understand how high 5000 yens is for a doujin? Probably not.

>> No.8320033

Are you an idiot? Our Confession isn't even a game in the first place, it's a little 30-page booklet that you get as a bonus when you buy Higanbana 2nd Night and Ougon Musoukyoku Cross together. Those games are both new releases and they cost 2500 yen each.

>> No.8321424

But that's that girl from Euphoria, not Beato.

>> No.8321478

So we're starting with the fake spoilers already?

>> No.8321743


There's a reason for that.

R07's editor/bumbuddy died inbetween eps 3+4 i think, so 5+ is r07 without restraint.

>> No.8321754
File: 7 KB, 300x168, u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up the PSP version with episodes 1 and 2 a few days back.

I read the first episode, thought it was pretty good even though the end left me pretty disappointed. Well now I'm reading episode 2 and I'm wondering what the hell is this shit. Not only do I feel like the whole thing is repeating itself too much but it's gotten ridiculously stupid as well. I find some of the characters really cool but it doesn't help that it seems they keep getting killed right off the bat. Should I keep reading or does this thing really turn into everyone being magical girls and shooting kamehameha beams like I fear?

>> No.8321781


If you don't like it by the end of ep 2, then no, you won't like it.

But i'd at least read up to ep 3 to see why so many of us (Used to) love the character of Beato.

>> No.8321795


Also, the repetition is a part of the story. It's how it's told. If you can't deal with it, then don't.

>> No.8321801

Episode 3 is the only time I ever felt trolled by Umineko. And it was horrible and grand at the same time.

>> No.8321803


I wanna correct this Anon.

If you don't like it by the end of episode 3, you're never gonna like it. You can stop there, since that's one of the best episodes.

>> No.8321815

Although even if you like it by the end of episode 3 you'll come to hate it some point after, in all likelihood.

>> No.8321811

I wouldn't say if you dont like it by ep 2, then you won't like it. Ep 2 was shitty imo.

Read up to 3, if you enjoy it by then, keep going. Skip 7, because really, I don't think it fucking matters.

>> No.8321842

He died after Ep5 was released though

>> No.8321881
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Read it because Erika is in it.

>> No.8321924
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>> No.8321958

Our Confessions


Anyone here who knows moon?

Looks to me like Yasu's murder plans and notes.

>> No.8321987
File: 473 KB, 640x480, 54654802546548065478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the sub-story (haha) with Kinzo, but the rest of it was just random shit. The trap(s) were cool though. But yeah, Episode 4 pack > Episode 8 Pack.
Remember when this was about Battler?

>> No.8322022
File: 263 KB, 639x300, 36-umineko-requiem-new-beatrice-claire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This story was never about batteler or yasu or kinzo or anyone other than Ushiromya Ange.

>> No.8322024
File: 195 KB, 1039x1504, www.dotup.org2447526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It stopped being about Battler after EP 6.

EP 7 was just clearing up the backstory and EP 8 was just the after party and giving Ange her due.

Anyway what the hell is this Ryukishi.

>> No.8322041

>Remember when this was about Battler?

It was never about Battler.

Now, remember when this story was about Beatrice?

>> No.8322046
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>> No.8322078


Yasu demon.

In otherwords, that's what yasu looks like.

>> No.8322073
File: 109 KB, 875x880, AHAHAHAHA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a dedicated believer in the afterlife and Meta World being real since EP 3
>read EP 8
>enjoy and understand completely

Along the way I challenged the gameboard mysteries for fun, yet I enjoyed his fantasy powerlevel bullshit too.

I love not being a Goat.

>> No.8322080
File: 6 KB, 640x480, 1318548484234840584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that was the thing, old and busted Ange never seemed that important, mainly because I believed that Battler would man the fuck up and win, thus freeing everyone, I didn't expect it to nose dive into a shitstorm.

Granted the true ending was alright, but still, I just never thought that the old Ange was the way to go.

Oh Battler, you card.

>> No.8322085

Sorry ZUN but Ryukishi invented that catgirl first.

>> No.8322090

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8322094

Beato felt like adding a childish demon to contrast Ronove and Virgilia, so she picked one from the Key of Solomon at random. It ended up being a guy, but she actually wanted a girl, so she genderswapped it. Then she added cat ears because they were cute on Sakutarou.

>> No.8322099

says the faggot brony

>> No.8322108


That stopped being an option once he became a witch though. The Ushiromiya family is pretty much a bunch of ghosts trapped in a crazy afterlife thanks to the catbox. Ange being outside of it allows her to have a future, so she's kinda important.

We even saw 3 different possibilities for her

Killed on Rokkenjima

>> No.8322116

Ryukishi invented Marisa and tsurupettan.

>> No.8322113

Yes you are, remember ep8.

>> No.8322114 [SPOILER] 
File: 44 KB, 182x215, Sakuya rabies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Yasu confirmed for female?

>> No.8322117


But the meta world ISN'T real. It isn't.

It - Is - Not.

It's been stated explicitly within the series it's self that all magic is just a trick unless you beleive it not to be, then it's just a delusion that you're hooked into.

Like religion. I mean if it makes you happy broseph, then grats. I got no problem with that shit, but don't for one second try to say that shit is real.

>> No.8322127
File: 150 KB, 462x480, fea_defa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey atheists,

If magic isn't real, then how come Ikuko never aged?
Magic: 1
Trick: 0

>> No.8322135
File: 272 KB, 1039x1511, www.dotup.org2447779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna dump Our Confession

>> No.8322136


confirmed since ecades ago...

>> No.8322137
File: 29 KB, 810x471, battler%20crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believed that Battler would man the fuck up and win, thus freeing everyone

S-stop that, that hurrrrrrrrts my hearrrt ;_;

>> No.8322130

Not him but I'm just fine with that. I liked reading Umineko as a fantasy because I like fantasy. I liked the closure I got out of it as a Fantasy.

>> No.8322134
File: 153 KB, 822x655, 3109 - araki_hirohiko immortal immortal_fairy jojo's_bizarre_adventure yearbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Being immortal isn't magic. Just ask this guy.

>> No.8322141

Goat detected.
First 2eps are Yasu's ramblings.
The rest happened in Battler's head.
Only real shit that happened is a slight variation of Ep7 and Ep8 is basically Ange's inner mind delusion.
Umineko is a piece of shit work.

>> No.8322142

Ryu being too lazy to give her a new sprite

>> No.8322146
File: 391 KB, 640x480, 56465498475614894705674654756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand Ange's importance with the direction that they took the story, but prior to that point she was just one possibility. Before episodes 5-8 it was possible that the old Ange was just one way for things to end if only Eva returned. In the other outcomes no one returned, so I believed it was possible for still more outcomes to exist, which would totally change Ange's personality.

I get the overall concept of what the story is now, but before certain things were made clear it was possible for multiple outcomes.

>> No.8322148

Battler could have never gotten his cow tits sandwich. Pads aren't edible.


>> No.8322151
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>> No.8322153

Because she's an alien.
Aliens =/= magic

>> No.8322157
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>> No.8322167
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>> No.8322173
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>> No.8322171
File: 207 KB, 580x326, kagamifacepalmmq4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying magic as in "make the candy rain" and the metaphysical realm are the same thing

>> No.8322188
File: 284 KB, 1033x1507, www.dotup.org2448095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wonder what the bolded parts mean.

Closed room constructions?

>> No.8322200
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>> No.8322195

What's with the dlanor a knox part?
Is she confessing all this to heaven?

>> No.8322208

damn, if only a lot of you took the time tu read the side material, the interviews, etc, pretty much everything before talking. I would probably facepalm way less at every umineko thread.


>> No.8322212


That's just Orin to me.

>> No.8322214
File: 237 KB, 1030x1509, www.dotup.org2448100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8322230

Meta definitely happened. All the stuff with regards to Kotobuki in the last ???? couldn't be possible otherwise. The magic with regards to all the stuff that happened on the physical island, on the other hand, was all trick.

>> No.8322243
File: 284 KB, 1045x1499, www.dotup.org2448102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8322254

What exactly would be impossible?

>> No.8322255

it's basically snippets showing how beato blackmailed people into helping her. The bold is the "literal" explanation, the rest is narrration with characters and all

>> No.8322257

I love how you trust absolutely everything at face value when you feel like it and ignore everything else when you don't.

>> No.8322273

>side material, the interviews
But that is not how it is supposed to work:
Van Dine's 1st and 15th
What do you think everyone?
Captcha: good ulthPro (thanks Erika)

>> No.8322268

>you trust absolutely everything at face value when you feel like it and ignore everything else when you don't.
umineko in a nutshell

>> No.8322284

>I got no problem with that shit, but don't for one second try to say that shit is real.

Likewise, I've got no problem with you not believing shit, but don't try to act like you already know the truth about how the universe work and stuff.
Protip: You don't.

>> No.8322280

She has direct memory of everything that happened in EP8's meta. That and she re created the palor entirely from memory. Not exactly all that possible if the last time you saw it was when you were six.

>> No.8322294


For all its crazy shit, Meta can't affect the real world. The story has been pretty consistent about that. And to even see or contact Meta beings you have to be pretty goddamn crazy, you have to be a witch.

Well usually Meta can't affect the real world but sufficiently powerful beings like Aurora can have vessels and travel from the real world and Meta world at will and physically affect both.

>> No.8322310
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Interesting! Thanks. It's nice to have confirmation about shit like that.

>> No.8322317

Aurora doesn't "travel" between the meta-world and the real world, the meta-world is a novel that she writes and inserts herself into. She is a creator because she's the author. Likewise Battler gets plothax at the end against Bern because he's co-author with her, so although Bern within the context of the story thought Battler was just one tiny fragment, insignificant to the scope of the world she is aware of, the story was actually about Battler.

>> No.8322308

you people still dont know what the meta world is? oh my god really.. havent you completed more than the first 2-3 EP's or whats wrong with you...

>> No.8322323

And you do, if you actually read what you have to read. Besides, it's not that obligatory, it just avoids the LOL IT'S MAGIC bullshit that shouldn't happen in the first place, since 7 wwhole episodes were about making this disappear.
Point is, the more the story advances, the less it must be taken literally in every aspect. But everyone with a brain should already know this. SHOULD.

>> No.8322324

And I love how mysteryfags twist everything they see, so it fits their theory. Your point?

(not that anon, btw)

>> No.8322325

Saying that meta actually happened has nothing to do with face value, since the story kinda makes it out to not have really happened.

>> No.8322341

If the meta of EP8 is nothing but Ange's lucid dream, which would make sense seeing how she can manipulate Bern and Beato at will, and seeing how it's hinted quite many times when the novel shoves in your face how the great library is just the skyline Ange is looking at from the top of the skyscraper, then how is that impossible that she remembers it?

Also there are many ways the great hall could have recreated. In the first place it is said that the portrait was remade by the same artist who made the original and who still had a picture.

There are probably pics of the mansion around. Even Kumasawa had one pic of the chapel, for example.

>> No.8322350
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This thread needs more DESIRE!

>> No.8322359

Go read the previous eps again and we'll talk. Interpreting is not the same as forgetting things when it's more convenient and taking only the informations you want to take into account because "it's the lasst episode, everything must be true". By this logic, I could stop after ep1 and say that Beato is a magic unicorn.

>> No.8322363
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>> No.8322369

Why can't you faggots understand, that the existance of meta-world =/= "THE WITCH DID IT LOL"

>> No.8322378
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Feels good man!

>> No.8322380

What exactly is being forgotten then?

>> No.8322388

The real question is, why can't you understand that the existence of another plane of existence with yuri witches raping each other and toying with fate is STILL magic?

>> No.8322384

Because the existence of the mystery world has the same implications as THE WITCH DID IT to them, it means magic exists, which they won't allow at all anywhere in Umineko. It has to be a delusion, or a novel, or a dream, anything unreal.

>> No.8322395


The entire Meta World can't be Aurora's creation, she's just one Great Witch among others. It's a Senate not a monarchy.

Agree on Battler though, hence why at the end much ado was made of disconnecting his gameboard from the Library. The moment Aurora stopped writing, Battler made the tale and narration his. This probably happened right after Lambda's sacrifice, since Aurora was too "busy" writing her death scene to help.

>> No.8322406

Because I'm not bound by your limited worldview, perhaps? I don't know.

>> No.8322411


It fucking won't let me upload more. Oh well, just download at the link and hope moon readers can give a summary some day.

>> No.8322432

The Senate is something entirely of Ikuko (and Tohya's) own creation in her novel. It's the same thing with Bern thinking she was actually worlds above Battler when really the entire world she exists in is just a setting in a story that's centered around Battler & co.

Aurora is Ikuko's self-insert, and she has her own reality within the novel as a character so it's not quite right to say she made the meta-world, but the real person who she represents did.

>> No.8322438
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>Battler afraid of boats
>Drives a boat without going "UWAAAAH" at the end

Wait a goddamn minute here...

>> No.8322450

So "this" is because of my limited worldview?
Another plane of existence with yuri witches is not magic, so, in other words, it's real?

Damn, the real world became much more interresting suddenly, too bad I never saw such a wonderful place.

>> No.8322452
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Battlers...Battlers everywhere.

But in all seriousness, based on the ending, the truth is whatever each individual in the future wants it to be. Basically, what you believe. Thus you can reject magic or accept it, and whatever anybody else says doesn't matter. You are free to think whatever you want.

>> No.8322468

Hey, with some sweet Beatrice ass in front of him, he had to grow a spine sometime. (that part didn't make sense anyway)

>> No.8322473

People tend to forget that the cat box was used approximatively 3000 times per episode until now, apparently.

>> No.8322465

But there are another planes of existence in the real world, so why wouldn't there be some in Umineko?

>> No.8322475

Ange only achieves the status of the witch of resurrection by becoming so delusional she ignores the truth even when she knows it is the truth.

Sure, magic can make people happy and all that bullshit, but the reality remains the same.

>> No.8322495

Yes it is, but you will probably never experience it, due to you being too damn close minded.
Any more questions?

>> No.8322503

The only issue with the lucid dream idea is that the main part of the episode sort of sits on the edge of meta and reality with all of the scenes with Ikuko throughout the episode. There's likely a way it can be made to fit though.

>> No.8322523

I kinda like the visual effect there, with the fairy-tale border fading into Yasu's spiral-bound plot notebook.

>> No.8322531
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But it is true for her. Your perception is merely different. Same with people in our world believing in ghosts, while I myself don't believe, who am I to say that they don't exist for anyone? Reality is slightly different for everyone, how each individual perceives the world is different.

>> No.8322533


Rereading that scene reveals interesting shit.

Battler lost his jacket and this is fucking important because it's his piece of clothing with the one winged eagle. So that's why he wasn't identified.

For some reason he also knows about Beatrice Castiglione's story and buys into Beato's reincarnation bullshit. He also says the kidnapping line.

Shitdamnit, this scene is another riddle.

>> No.8322540

Maybe the parts with the fairy-tale border are where she talks in uncertain, magic-laced terms, while the parts with the notebook explicit state her plans in very realistic terms.

>> No.8322557

No, that's not how it works.
Things either exist or not, no matter if you believe in them.
Would you still say you don't believe in ghosts if you saw one for yourself?

>> No.8322561

I think the scene is Tohya trying to remember what happened in Battler's last moments. His memory surrounding the events is still fuzzy. He's basically mixing reality with fantasy, and information only he came to know from his research. Likely, the real Battler never even met Yasu, since the episode 7 tea party is probably Eva's diary read by Bern.

>> No.8322562
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>Dropping a VN on the final episode
Stay classy, /jp/.

>> No.8322563

Another problem with the lucid dream idea is that there's backreferences to EP4 and EP6 where she already jumped off the building. You'd have to lift half of the story into Ange's head, not just EP8.

>> No.8322576

>lucid dream
lol, /jp/, you so desperate

>> No.8322592


Look, meta is real. Completely real.

It all makes sense if you accept that.

Ikuko is just a vessel of the really powerful Creator witch. As a Creator she's the only one with that privilege. Other meta beings can't manifest and speak in the real world due to the anti magic toxin.

Ange's soul was split off and sent into a longass journey. Along the way her physical body dies but since she's a soul she can just return to the various kakeras where she lives. Hence the doors leading her to two different points. Different kakeras. She's the only Ushiromiya who can do this because there is no future where the others return as confirmed by Bern. The rest of the souls are in the catbox/golden land.

>> No.8322585

>Likely, the real Battler never even met Yasu
And by never even met I mean never came to learn the reality of her, because she was shot dead.

>> No.8322589
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>Trying to come up with bullshit theories on the ending
>Not just accepting that it was all magic

>> No.8322608
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>> No.8322607


>her physical body dies

Twice now.

Shot dead on Rokkenjima and splat down the building. The first was just due to Bern dicking around but the second one was "for real" and the end of their guardianship.

>> No.8322650


battler is only afraid because of yasu. at the end he isnt afraid anymore, so everything wents fine

>> No.8322663
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Wait, so does that mean Tohya doesn't exist or does he or is he Ikuko/FAA's pseudo-meta boy toy?

>> No.8322671


This. Beato jumping off wasn't the reason Battler fell out, he was just autisming all over the place because he was on a boat. He had no choice but to be on a boat to escape.

I guess Battler's fears were justified, he almost drowns and then he gets hit by a car.

>> No.8322674

>As a Creator she's the only one with that privilege. Other meta beings can't manifest and speak in the real world due to the anti magic toxin.

What about Hanyuu?

>> No.8322689

Tohya's post-disaster Battler in the physical world. All he does is write all of the games after 2 with Ikuko while he's trying to remember everything and, under the assumption that meta happened, created a whole world with Ikuko (remember all of that crap about a world being creatable with just two people?).

>> No.8322696

Hanyuu was Featherine when her horn got damaged and she forgot who she was and what she looked like.

>> No.8322714

Hanyuu is cute and not an old hag, what the fuck were you smoking?

>> No.8322704

They might be the same person. The whole memory damage thing, Ryu supposedly alluding to it in an interview or something, and the whole Ikuko not aging thing.

>> No.8322721

Hanyuu was cute because she forgot she was a hag and imagined herself differently.

>> No.8322718
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, [DmonHiro] Umineko No Naku Koro Ni 03(8418A5CA).mkv_snapshot_18.24_[2011.08.31_20.28.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Optical illusions how do they work?
You don't understand humans very well, they are illogical. You could show someone a library of proof that the moon is made of rock, and that person could still believe that it was made of cheese. Sure that doesn't mean that the moon is made of cheese for me, but it could be for someone else until they actually go to the moon, and even then they could use some twisted excuse to continue justifying their belief. You need to think deeper about reality. Are you really here? Is this just my dream? Is it your dream? That is the nature of this philosophical debate, which ultimately we cannot resolve.

>> No.8322753

Ryu implied that Hanyuu was supposed to die in Matsuribayashi (the whole 'make a more perfect Matsuribayashi' thing). Bern revives Featherine in EP6, has her memories back and looks entirely different. Featherine's name is all wording that refrences Hanyuu. Both are basically god figures and are generally inhuman enough that meta and all that other crap could happen in some way because of them. It's all just implication, no solid evidence.

>> No.8322747

WTF is Maria's eye doing in that image?

>> No.8322757

But Hanyuu has a whole, different backstory about her.
And even if she was Featherinne, that would mean, she is also a god. A god of one small village. So there are probably tons of different gods and other spirits who can manifest at will whenever they want, if she can do that.

>> No.8322774

She was the god of Hinamizawa, but there really isn't any indication that there are any other such gods wandering around, unless they were of a lesser rank (aka all of the senate witches and that sort of stuff). If there was I would agree entirely.

>> No.8322789

People who think the meta is real clearly didn't understand shit about Umineko.
It's not like it's deep or something, get some reading comprehension people

>> No.8322791
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, [DmonHiro] Umineko No Naku Koro Ni 02(7E5CFB2D).mkv_snapshot_23.49_[2011.08.31_20.06.13].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I kawaii uguu??

>> No.8322792

>It all makes sense if you accept that.

Oh god. So indeed, 7 episodes ALWAYS saying it was not enough for people to understand that the most obvious answer isn't always the good one. Umineko should have been longer.

>> No.8322794

Fuck off

>> No.8322802

>She was the god of Hinamizawa, but there really isn't any indication that there are any other such gods wandering around, unless they were of a lesser rank (also known as all of the senate witches and that sort of stuff). If there was I would agree entirely.

>> No.8322809

Well, Japanese mythology has a shitton of gods and guardian spirits for every fucking thing. And I assumed she is one of them due to her having a shrine, shrine maiden, rituals and all of that shit.
So why would she be the only one?

>> No.8322818

Thing is it really isn't the obvious answer. It involves more crap to say that meta did happen while being able to back it up than it does to say that it didn't.

>> No.8322835

>7 episodes ALWAYS saying it was not enough for people to understand that the most obvious answer isn't always the good one

Except it was about the murders and Rokkenjima incident

>> No.8322836

Ange is a character in Ikuko's fiction. There are no scenes of a real Ange. This isn't difficult, guys.

>> No.8322842

Then I'll wait for someone to back it up in another way that "LOL LOOK AT EP8 IT'S OBVIOUS". Basing statements on a single ep is a huge fail anyway. Then we'll see.

>> No.8322859
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I think I solved it.

>> No.8322850

>is a huge fail
Well, opinion disregarded. Thank you.

>> No.8322862

The next time I recommend Umineko I'm gonna say this

Umineko is a simple story about a dead guy's family in purgatory and the witches who torment him.

No misconceptions, no regrets. Just entertainment.

>> No.8322867

That works out under the assumption that Hanyuu is a figure of Japanese mythology. The village just recognized her as Oyashiro-sama and built a whole culture around her according to Shinto customs, but there really isn't an indication of whether or not she represents anything in Japanese mythology. If there was, then that would be a completely different story.

>> No.8322864

It wwas about the truth. Period. If there was not enough talking about the nature of truth itself, without caring especially about the murders, for you, I don't know what you need.
I can't even say that you want to be mouth-feeded, since it's already something obvious for anyone used to read things about "philosophical" subjects as truth.

>> No.8322877

I admit I laughed. She does seem to be rather sensitive about her age when she meets Battler. So why not?

>> No.8322878
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, [DmonHiro] Umineko No Naku Koro Ni 05(29B5FA0E).mkv_snapshot_08.44_[2011.08.31_21.41.04].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INB4 Battler actually fell off the boat an every episode is in his mind while he is in a coma.

>> No.8322886

Well, that's kind of what it was.

>> No.8322881

Okay, then It'll say that the only episode that matter is the... mmh. Let's say the 5th. And everything after it is bullshit in for fanservice. Including your meta-world thing. No objection, right?

>> No.8322901

Didn't she come from some demon tribe to marry a guy from Hinamizawa to be later killed by her daughter to make up for the people's sins thus ascending into godhood and then being worshipped as one of the Shinto gods and HAVING HER OWN SHINTO SHRINE AND SHRINE MAIDENS AND RITUALS AND SHIT?

>> No.8322903

Read Ryukishi's interviews.

Umineko is his catbox and he's proud of the many interpretations surrounding. It's his stated goal.

All fanfictions and theories are valid. There's a chance one of the many theories is the Single Truth but no one will ever know.

It's a goddamn catbox.

Fuck him.

>> No.8322905


For those here when the VN was out in japanese.
Oh god, those guys were laughable.

>> No.8322912

Wouldn't be any less plausible considering everything...

>> No.8322924

Find me one thing in any of the other episodes that completely denies meta being real.

>> No.8322925

It was about truth regarding what really happened on Rokkenjima.
The rest is just how you interpreted it.

>> No.8322928

There is a single truth, we just don't know shit about it. There IS enough hints to know the answer IF YOU USE YOUR BRAIN, but there is no "truth" told directly.

If ep8 wasn't clear enough about the catbox thing for you guys, I don't know how much clearer you need it to be.

>> No.8322937

You is an idiot.

>> No.8322949

Not sure if trolling. If not, you should read the whole damn thing again, and you should not only pay attention to the lolmurders. They are quite a secondary thing in the whole story, and chiru proved it.

>> No.8322955

I am quoting the author FYI. But I love you too, yeah.

>> No.8322961

>everyone has crippling money problems
>Battler and Eva survived.
>Ange never goes to the meeting.
>Island boomplodes.
That's pretty much all the facts you can suck out of everything

>> No.8322969

Except I never cared about murders.

>> No.8322964

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8322996
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And he will never confirm your answer, whether it is right or not.

You just have to believe in your heart that it is true.

>> No.8323008


>> No.8323020

She did come from a demon clan, but the thing is she was probably the leader of the clan considering how she became the god and stood out amongst the others. Only knowing that, it still doesn't put any other deities higher or at equal power to her, so it still doesn't conflict all that much with Featherine's backstory.

The whole Shintoism thing can still throw the entire theory off. It's just that there isn't indication that it's all identical to Shintoism as far as I'm aware.

>> No.8323022
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So what was the deal with Shannon and Kannon, I never got that shit.

>> No.8323029

Yeah, so it's pretty much what I said. The murders in umineko are an excuse for an arguing about the nature of truth itself. And not only truth about what happens on Rokkenjima at this moment. What apply at this moment also apply on a wider scale.
Umineko isn't the first one which did this, and I seriously doubt that all that talk about THE truth not always being the most convenient one was just something he pulled out of his ass for the occasion.

To quote someone I saw here a long time ago;
"If Ryukishi was a competent author (which he isn't), now would be the time for him to make us apply and use what he taught us during ep 1-7. But since he isn't. "

After that, it all depends of wether you think that Ryu have at least a little bit of talent or not.

>> No.8323042
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>> No.8323043


>> No.8323047


Samefag along with BEATORICHE.

People used to think it was schizoprhenia/split personalities.

Turns out yasu(The real name of Shkannontrice) is such a good actor that she/he can fool everyone into believeing he/she is more than one person!

Ok, not really. The servants all go along with it and the family don't give a fuck about the servants so do not and will not notice.

>> No.8323069
File: 420 KB, 899x476, oh you guys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the gold old shkanontrice wars. That was the best part of Umineko.

>> No.8323091
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, [DmonHiro] Umineko No Naku Koro Ni 24(AF1C9617).mkv_snapshot_14.27_[2011.09.02_21.26.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that was the case too, but there are occasions where both Shannon and Kannon appear at the same time, so you are saying that Battler and company just ignore this one man show? Oh and how were they going to get with George and Jessica, respectively. Was it some kind of Dick box, where you don't know until you open it?

>> No.8323100


>> No.8323106

You already know the answers to those things.

>> No.8323109

Shkanon is completely irrelevant to figuring anything out other than characterization. So just determine whether you think it means the bitch is crazy or not and roll with it. It seriously doesn't matter and you're not missing anything if you don't quite "get it" (mainly because no one "gets it" because Ryukishi's interview explanation of it is fucking nonsense).

>> No.8323121

Except it's the key necessary to solve episode 1-4

>> No.8323126

No it isn't, and it never was.

>> No.8323131

Solve Natsuhi's closed room and the linked closed rooms in episode 3 without Shkanontrice.

If you manage to do so in some contrived manner, it doesn't change that your solution is wrong.

>> No.8323149

I'm not saying it's not true, I'm saying you don't need it to solve 1-4. Shkanon never actually confers any benefit that "Shannon was faking + lies + Kanon is made up" doesn't, so even though one is true and the other isn't, they're mechanically identical and it's never actually needed.

It's important solely because it matters to Beatrice. The only time it's actually used by anyone as the sole possible and necessary solution is by Battler in ep6.

>> No.8323141

Well, Hanyuu IS a shinto god, simply because her worshippers are shintoists and she wouldn't be called a god without worshippers.
That doesn't stop her from being a witch at all, though I would rather not associate something as cute as Hanyuu with something as Featherinne.
Also, I don't remember was she actually stated to be the most powerful being ever?
Even if she was, it doesn't necessarily mean she is the only one so mighty, after all Bern and Lambda also have the "most powerful witch in the universe" in their profile description, and it turns out they weren't in the end.

>> No.8323142

How isn't it nessecary? You have one less physical person to take account of. Any scene where one of them dies has a completely different meaning if they're both the same person. Seem's pretty damn nessecary.

>> No.8323156
File: 52 KB, 450x450, small_bombs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you manage to do so in some contrived manner, it doesn't change that your solution is wrong.
Classy answer, even when there's no confirmed solutions.

>> No.8323161

Under the assumption that she isn't the strongest being ever, then their backstories don't even conflict with the whole Shintoism thing. So yeah, it's all still sort of possible that way.

>> No.8323160

Then go ahead and solve the rooms I told you to. Right now.

And again, even if you come up with a contrived solution, that solution is wrong, you didn't solve anything.

>> No.8323167

Adults are bribed to misreport and make everything up.

Wow, that was hard.

It's wrong, but it's still possible. The Logic Error is not possible with a solution other than Shkanon. That's what "necessary" means.

>> No.8323166

Except there are. Episode 7 solutions with Will, interview solutions (Natsuhi one is made especially blatant), and now this answer book that probably gives both even more explicitly.

>> No.8323175


>> No.8323183

So basically, you ignore the reconstruction of the closed rooms given to Meta-Battler to side-step the issue, creating a "solution" that is wrong. The idea is to find the truth, not to make up your own truth and claim that since you made this bullshit up, the real truth isn't needed.

How about Natsuhi's room? Let me guess, there was a copy of the key that was never even mentioned?

>> No.8323202

Are you even capable of quoting posts?

>> No.8323197

You are too connecte4d to the writer to think straight.

>> No.8323207
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An enjoyable discussion of Umineko with different interpretations of the catbox? Thank you, /jp/.

>> No.8323208

How exactly is Natsuhi's room difficult again? The only trick anyone needed there was hiding the weapon, which Ryukishi already explained in an interview. It requires no identity-switch tricks of any kind.

>> No.8323220
File: 820 KB, 4999x4968, 1316886910216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when we found out that the red truth wasn't worth shit? Good times.

>> No.8323251

Except only Shannon's body is in a position to perform this. This makes Shannon the culprit of killing George, and the mastermind, when we are told that she genuinely loves George by R07. And what about how Kanon's corpse disappeared from Jessica's room.

>> No.8323263

Hideyoshi isn't a required character in the story, Rudolf could have just fucked Eva. His existence is not required to explain anything, even Rudolf's company could serve the place Hideyoshi's did.

>> No.8323276

So? Ryukishi only said that after 1-4. There's no actual evidence Shannon was incapable of killing George in that episode from the parts Ryukishi actually told us to look at. We can't rely on shit he made up later to solve the part he told us to solve at the point he told us we could solve it. Unless, you know, he's a hack and full of shit.

Also I guess Shannon WAS capable of killing Gohda. What a bitch.

>> No.8323287

You really can't quote posts, can you?

>> No.8323336

Shkanontrice option: Beatrice kills the other servants and constructs all closed rooms save for the chapel and the parlor, all of them being above the ground level so they are harder to access by window. She leaves the chapel open, enters the parlor, and locks the parlor from the inside and pretends to be dead, waiting for the adults to break in through the window as it is the only ground floor room. Once they find her body and move on to the rest of the link closed rooms that lead them to the chapel last, she takes the ample time to relocate to the chapel and fake her death as Kanon there. (Confirmed solution)
Non-shkanontrice option: the adults lied and so did Virgilia to Battler.

Fucking creative.

>> No.8323465

In case anyone hasn't seen them yet:


>> No.8323505


wait, is that you renall?

>> No.8323510

Those first two were painful.

>> No.8323534

I like her but I think I wanted someone like Mamiko Noto.

>> No.8323560

Are there any good examples of Erika's voice uploaded yet?

>> No.8323579

Dlanor is fucking awesome.
But I want moar Bern and Lambda.

>> No.8323600

FFfff....if only someone would patch the pc version to this, in glorious 1080p and not shitty 420p


>> No.8323614


She sounds really, really good in Ougon.

>> No.8323654

brb, fappan

>> No.8323682

Who is the announcer? Bern?

>> No.8323751

Dat pirate ship stage in action
Dat instrumental Chiru OP

>> No.8323755

What the hell is going on for Erika's first special?

>> No.8323798

I'm guessing it's the part where she puts them in a bag and beheads them.

>> No.8324067

Durnit, has someone uploaded Cross yet?

>> No.8324649

So any translation of the booklet and also a download for the games/vns from r07?
