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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 178 KB, 1600x1134, 5dd13d14e96a3fc0935ce50d064bcc40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8503457 No.8503457 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about your day, /jp/!

I'll read every reply, I swear.

>> No.8503466

Woke up, browsed /jp/, fapped, did some anki reps, browsing /jp/.

>> No.8503478

woke up, felt horrible, had cereal, drank some beer, and smoked a bowl. Getting ready to sit in my room for the next 10 hours b4 exiting to get food/beer/drugs every now and again.

nothing out the ordinary it seems

>> No.8503475

I was thinking about this game, about how happy I was to discover it 3 years ago, and about how sad I feel about its lack of updates.

>> No.8503480

Woke up, reported some shitty threads, currently patiently awaiting their deletion.

>> No.8503557
File: 151 KB, 500x700, 1280363666370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woke up, went outside to freeze and take out some papers to the townhall, after that played some Dark Souls and MW3. Pew peww. Been eating lotsa chocolate today, I feel bit nasty. I also noticed that my stamina is lower than before, cant dancu too long before getting tired. Oh well, anyways in few hours its L4D2 and BF3 prettymuch.

Oh you

>> No.8503565

Woke up, Take my dog for a walk, browse /jp/, went to college, I don't have any friends, feel sad and walk back home.

It's really cold out there so now i'm snuggling under my blanket and drinking hot chocolate while browsing /jp/

>> No.8503566
File: 13 KB, 320x240, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went late to bed again,
wake up after 5 hours
go out to coffee
come to /jp/ back
post a few momu images
see korean shit on /jp/
feel sleepy

>> No.8503568

Will you read my reply?

>> No.8503576
File: 258 KB, 467x700, 1319103421418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8503577

I already have, anon.

Also, thanks for the Anki program, didn't know of that. It'll help me with physics tests that are coming up.

>> No.8503590

Played some PoFV, did some Anki drills, watched youtube PoFV netplay, wrote a letter to my research supervisor, watched Slayers for the 4th time, making up excuses to myself as not to go to the fighting club right now.

>> No.8503595


>fighting club


>> No.8503596

I refuse, tell me about your day.

>> No.8503597


Did the creator ever finish this game?

>> No.8503600
File: 77 KB, 213x243, 1324830406413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was supposed to go to an interview today but I couldn't be bothered. I watched CSL and played some League of Legends.

>> No.8503609


Skipping school, got up at 13:00, ate tasteless porridge, read /fit/ wiki for cardio workout, fapped, did workout, started thread, took bath. Going to study physics and work on my movement in QL, I hope I go to sleep on time today.

I finished it, but didn't complete it 100 %. I think I unlocked all abodes though.

>> No.8503613

Woke up around 5pm, watched TV for a while, jumped on the computer, and hours later here I am playing those SCP fangames.

>> No.8503620

I've been up for 16 hours. Played and watched Starcraft II, played League of Legends and re-read a few chapters of TWGOK.

>> No.8503621

You said you'd read them all, but will you reply to them all too?

>> No.8503622


/fit doesn't do cardio. I knew you couldn't be trusted.

>> No.8503623

Did I write something wrong or something that is hard to comprehend?

>> No.8503625

It's in the sticky. Quit being mean.

>> No.8503636

You should sleep properly you butt.

>> No.8503633

Woke up at 4 AM, skipped all my university lectures, and went in for a couple of hours of practical work. I don't know what I'll do when I finish my degree, I'm too nice to leech of my parents but I don't want to work.

>> No.8503634

Fap after the workout man. More intensity during, better release after.

>> No.8503644

Lots of people skipping on their commitments today, as expected of /jp/!

>> No.8503647

Don't tell me what do, I don't want to hear advice from a suicidal drug addict.

>> No.8503649

I woke up, ate some food, browsed /jp/ and it feels like I've done nothing at all, I don't like this life I life, I want to escape from it but don't want to do anything in specific. People make me feel uncomfortable, it feels awkward just being in my own skin, it's horrible. I'm contemplating swallowing a live frog in the morning so I know the rest of my day won't get any worse.

>> No.8503654


Nobody reads the sticky! Why do you lie!?

>> No.8503659

Swallowing a live frog? What the fuck? Why may I ask?

>> No.8503662

>nobody reads the sticky

>> No.8503664


Learn Japanese or something if you don't know it already. Just get some skills and learn some stuff, you know.

>> No.8503666
File: 146 KB, 1275x718, 1280781703476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I dont take any meds or anything anymore! Hidoiiiii, do you need a hug?

>> No.8503669

I just woke up, went to check /jp/ and IRC, and, well, I haven't been awake very long.

>> No.8503673

I'm feeling very unwanted everywhere I go lately.
Even on the Internets.
I just feel like no one wants me there.

>> No.8503676
File: 187 KB, 1024x768, cyclops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I knew it! Have you not caused me enough suffering?

>> No.8503678

What places aside from the internet? If you dont mind me asking.

>> No.8503682

woke up, played victoria 2 for about 5 hours as Persia
Took a bath and really scrubbed every part of my body, I mean i got in that shit, i scrubbed my colon
im clean as fuck

then I realized i haven't taken my prozac for a few days and thought " well this isn't good"

the i turned on cnn
now im about to read Material Brave
also, today my new headphones + mic arrive. i already have my headset stand and my amp ready to go. just waiting for the headphones to enjoy some ear sex
that's about it

>> No.8503690



>> No.8503696
File: 577 KB, 126x95, 69679624.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nowhere I guess..

>> No.8503703

Ohs, well when internet is a large part of your life (assuming that it is) and you dont feel welcome it sure can feel bad. Kinda like coming home and getting a kick in the butt and flyinf 4.6meters and landing on the hard pavement butt first.

>> No.8503711

I don't need no hug from someone who spreads inner evil. You are sick and twisted.

>> No.8503716
File: 203 KB, 308x400, Gumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your input is wanted here, anon :3

>> No.8503725
File: 232 KB, 1300x990, 1326659245308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The fuck you just say bout my iluvop?

>> No.8503728

That sounds incredibly painful.
You'll always have an opinion that someone shares. It's just easier to find someone over the internet who shares that opinion.

>> No.8503740

Look at his post, he has the number of the beast.

>> No.8503749

>material sniper.

And well, I just spent the morning reading these http://danbooru.donmai.us/pool/show/4168 and listening to my C81 collection.

>> No.8503750


Well as one example, I've never been a very confidant kinda person.
And I'd been watching some motivational self help type videos, and these people were going on about how you should have a self confidant positive output on life then people want to be around you more etc.
I took this on board and tried to be more positive, having the attitude of I can instead I can't.

Turns out people were mistaking my self confidant approach as arrogance and self importance.
So that helped a fucking lot.
Back to being quiet and shy normal self.

>> No.8503759

I woke up at 9 AM, browsed internet, I think I was looking for soul calibur 5 videos, but somehow ended up looking at some touhou remake of makai tenshi jibril opening??? ate breakfast, went to university with bus. Damn it was so cold outside. Anyways, I didn't even follow the lecture. Just kept drawing something while listening to music. Ate. Got back home, and Im in the internet again. Played Tribes: vengeance. I kind of wanted to go see my friend, but it's so goddamn cold that I decided to stay inside. Went to /jp/.

>> No.8503767

More importantly. Why are you blushing holding a metal bat? And why are you stroking it?

>> No.8503766

Just be yourself on 4chan. We don't need self help videos to help fit in here. That's the point of anonymous.
If you say something that people don't like, it's not like they'll recognise you again.

>> No.8503770

I went for a jog despite -7 °C
in before amerifats and their backwards measurements

>> No.8503785
File: 10 KB, 342x289, hikikomori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my "day" started about 36 hours ago. It's hard to keep track of time when you do absolutely nothing worthwhile while you're awake.

>> No.8503810

Had a dream I kissed a girl. Woke up.

Did some push ups.

Now grinding math.

>> No.8503840
File: 149 KB, 780x600, smiling chinese Touhou ripoff(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went out today to do few important things, and I forgot camera. Now I'm preparing to go to hairdresser but I think I will do that tomorrow.

>> No.8503855

Only -7°C?
It's -30°C here

>> No.8503856
File: 274 KB, 1000x708, 17761562cc66adeed8bdeba0a2e9a4b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had my first Touhou dream last night.
I woke up in Hakurei shrine, I think I was sick because Reimu was standing over me looking worried, I couldn't speak and barely had strength to move.
I lay on her floor drifting in and out of consciousness for a while, until Marisa arrived and began to examine me curiously.
At which point I gathered up the strength to get up on my knee's, crawled over to her, gently embraced one foot, then loving kissed it.
She blushed at first, but then started to giggle as I gently sucked on one of her toes.
Baka Reimu then interrupted us and said I should rest.
I went back to my make shift bed on the floor and slept for a while.

Later that night still half asleep and presumably Reimu was also asleep.
The shrine had an unexpected visitor, a thief in the night, but she wasn't there to steal donations or books, no she was there to steal me !
Marisa had come to take me away to be her foot loving slave for all eternity.

Then I woke up sad that life will never ever be that awesome.

>> No.8503865

I don't get °C.

I know at some temperatures the difference of ten degrees is like going from a nice sunny day to "oh shit I'm in alaska in my underwear". Which would make each individual degree matter a fuckload.

Guess it's just weird to me becuase I never pay attention to the second digit of the temperature unless it's in the 30s. Even then it doesn't really matter I just like knowing if it's above freezing or not.

-7 °C
Should be around 20 °F or so, I think. Which isn't so bad.

>> No.8503871

Woken up at 6 a.m. by an SMS of our monitoring system: At least 5 servers down, seven other dying while I was reading.
Rode to office on a bicycle at -10°C. Arrived just to notice it was a routing problem in the data center, nothing down, everything reachable again.
Spent the next nine hours installing and debugging some Windows PCs.
Rode back at -5°C to crawl into bed again and cuddle with my dakimakura to warm up.

Also, the mentally challenged shop girl gave me some cute smiles.

>> No.8503880

For our Americans: 15 and 25 °F respectively.

This is the fucking Mediterran, no ice allowed.

>> No.8503928

If true, that is amazingly cute. I'm not even into feet.

>> No.8503954


Oddly enough I wasn't in to feet either.
Though after that dream I probably am now, if only Marisa's :3

>> No.8503962

I didn't go to an exam which counts for the final grading of my degree. Stayed in bed and daydreamed about carrying Ikuno around, whenever she needed to get in and out of her wheelchair.
Haven't gone to a class in a while. No interest in doing anything.

Life is pretty tough. Think I might give up on education and just get a job that pays money, then sign the rest of my life away to the repetition that follows.
Or curl into a ball on the floor and cry myself to sleep.
Actually, I probably won't cry, because I have plenty of Ikuno to think about. The option's there if I want to explore it though.

>> No.8503986

That is so sweet.

Those dreams that touch your soul are awful, in that you wake up the next day, feeling almost as though reality is the dream, and it has somehow stolen away your happy life on the other side.

I swear, if I ever do off myself, it'll be after one of those.

I had a dream where I got married and had a child, but the wife didn't like taking care of the kid, so I was a stay at home dad.
It was a boy, and I'd always insisted that I'd have a girl (the boy can go in the river), but after that...
I just want a family.

>> No.8503983


Tough it out dude, it;s worth it.
School isn't that bad compared to working 12 hour shifts in a factory, which is the kinda job you end up with if you have no qualifications.

I wish someone had told me what I'm telling you now when I was in your shoes.

>> No.8503984

Slept through 3 classes (went to sleep at 3am because of a vanilla WoW nostalgia thread on /v/), woke up to my autist/assburger roomate's chomping and slurping as he ate a sub and made noise with the wrapper while watching interviews and those stupid shows where they do random shit (subbed). I got up, went out for all-day breakfast while considering learning how to make money on ForEx. Ate while on /g/, and then here to /jp/.

>> No.8504002
File: 129 KB, 850x944, 1325487959420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Has someone already frozen to death in your country?

>> No.8504008

woke up
several hours for revision
took an exam
realize it was the last exam in the university, or maybe in my life
feel loss now ;_;

>> No.8504013

Yeah, but I'm not going to be working in my field of study.

I mean, I'm a miserable person, but not miserable enough to be a fucking lawyer.

>> No.8504030


>> No.8504039

There are four engineers travelling in a car -- a mechanical engineer, a chemical engineer, an electrical engineer, and a computer scientist. The car breaks down.

"Sounds to me as if the pistons have seized. We'll have to strip
down the engine before we can get the car working again", says the mechanical engineer.

"Well", says the chemical engineer, "it sounded to me as if the fuel might be contaminated. I think we should clear out the fuel system."

"I thought it might be an grounding problem", says the electrical engineer, "or maybe a faulty plug lead."

They all turn to the computer scientist, who up to then had reading his first edition SICP, and asked "Well, what do you think?"


"Ahem, Dr. Sussman?"

>> No.8504051


>> No.8504050

Are you SUAVE?
Are you a SPACE TOAD?

If you answered "Yes" to all of the above questions, then SICP (STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS) might be exactly what you've been looking for! Read SICP (STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS) today, and enjoy all the benefits of being a satorized SICP reader. SICP (STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS) is the fastest-growing SMUG LISP WEENIE community with THOUSANDS of members all over the Internet! You, too, can be a part of SICP if you join today! Why not? It's quick and easy - only 3 simple steps!
* First, you have to obtain a copy of SICP and read it. You can read it online using your favorite web browser.
* Second, you need to succeed in founding a Lisp-related meme in /prog/ on world4chan, a popular "programming for trolls" website.
* Third, you need to join the official SICP home /prog/ on world4chan, and apply for membership.
Talk to one of the satorized overlords or any of the other members in the board to sign up today! Upon submitting your application, you will be required to submit links to your successful meme, and you will be tested on your knowledge of STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS. If you are having trouble locating /prog/, the official STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS board, you might be on a wrong web sight. The correct address is >>>/prog/. Follow this link if you are using a http client such as telnet. If you have Sussman points and would like to support SICP, please don't sage this post.

o //SICP `.,
,....OOo. .c;.',,,.'``.,,.`
.' ____.,'.//

>> No.8504054

I hate you with every fiber of my being.

>> No.8504058

It's cut.

They all turn to the computer scientist, who up to then had reading his first edition SICP, and asked "Well, what do you think?"


"Ahem, Dr. Sussman?"

"Why am I reading this book?"

"Uh, I don't know?"

"So that the room will be empty."

"Wait a second, we aren't in a r... !"

And at that time the three engineers were Enlightened.

>> No.8504061

Asakura released the knife and jumped five meters away. Opening up the distance in an instant, Asakura landed elegantly and continued smiling as usual. The Sussman raised his wand and pointed it directly at the ceiling, not taking his eyes off Asakura. The wand released a wave of glowing white parentheses and the space around The Sussman began to distort.

"It's time for some ENTERPRISE QUALITY!" Asakura cheerfully cried as she conjured the spirits of the JVM, producing a flood of boiling-hot coffee that rushed its way towards The Sussman, who stood motionless, parentheses continuing to issue from his wand like electromagnetic radiation.
"You think your turkey solutions can stop me?" The Sussman said calmly before lowering his wand, forming the pool of parentheses now gathered around him into a sharp pointed cone aimed at Asakura. Suddenly he shouted "LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISP!" and the parentheses shot forward into the waves of coffee, pushing the boiling hot liquid back towards where it came.

"Nooooooo....." her cries became weaker as she became engulfed in the dark brown liquid. Everything turned black and I felt as though I had fainted. I awoke to a familiar voice.

"...before we do that for the next couple of lectures we're gonna be talking about..."

I opened my eyes and raised my head to find myself seated in a lecture theater. I glanced at the clock and found that I had missed most of the lecture. "Damnit! I was looking forward to the first lecture of the last semester of 6.001!" I thought to myself.

>> No.8504066

This is /jp/, right?

>> No.8504079

OP, are you still there?

>> No.8504102

going to go get something to eat real quick, but I'll be back! post away.

>> No.8504117


I hope you get the family you want one day anon.

>> No.8504129

A year ago I was babysitting my step cousin. She's 12. 5'0" and has the lightest, most insanely beautiful beach-blonde hair, 100% natural. Her skin is a gorgeous milky white, not pasty but porcelain. Her cheeks are always flushed and her lips are naturally thick and reddish-pink. Anyway she's like a doll, she's real perfect and thin, with a cute slightly upturned ski slope nose.. This story isn't copypasta, it's 100% truth. We were watching a movie in her bedroom together and sitting on my lap. I began to think less about the movie and more about her. I was getting a boner from the pressure of her sitting down on my cock and it was just about to make its way through my jeans. She shifted in my lap, which made a shitload of precum seep out. I couldn't take it anymore. I NEEDED to go into the bathroom and FAP. VIGOROUSLY. I wasn't wearing a belt this day, by the way, which was just fucking perfect.

"Hey I'm going to the bathroom for a sec, OK?" "Mm hm" and as I stood up my jeans fell down, exposing my boner, which stuck out through the opening in my boxers. I switched immediately to for-fuck's-sake-God-make-me-invisible mode because I knew she was going to see my big stupid cock. She stared, mouth open at my erection for a moment that seemed like forever. Her eyes on me made me even more pre-jizz leak out onto the fluffy white carpet.

"Daniel, did you want to fuck me?"

"What, did you?" I asked, pulling up my jeans.

"You got me very wet," she sighed, staring down at her lilac knee socks.

"I do want you," I admitted.

Turned out she had a cock and raped me in the ass. I cry every night about it. But I guess that's life. Should I get help, /jp/?

>> No.8504133

Re-reading my post makes me miserable in so many ways.

Anyway, thanks very much anon.

>> No.8504139

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>> No.8504145

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>> No.8504149

Drank myself to sleep. Wake up at around 11, Visa expired yesterday. Hurry to the embassy and get approval for extension. Head to Immigration department. Everything went smoothly. Return home. Moving out to another place in 5 days. Landlord calls, wants to sign the documents. Head over to the new place. Return home, shave my balls. Finally some peace, time to read my backlog. No motivation to read anything. Sleep for a while. wake up, still no motivation. Go on a reporting spree. See this thread. Post. Report. Go back to sleep.

>> No.8504153

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>> No.8504159

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>> No.8504172

Well, lets see...

I woke up, watched some anime, downloaded that new hentai with the dark elves from fakku, and then some asshole mexicans started making a bunch of noise next door. I complained on irc about it, and apparently pointing out the fact that they were mexican is now racist instead of unnecessarily descriptive. Some lesbian moderator there threw a bitchfit over it, and since a lot of suckups there like her, they all decided to agree with her and insult me for the next 15 minutes.

I didn't really care, but found it kind of funny, since all of those who agreed with her actually used to say and joke about racist stuff all the time. But ever since that lesbian became a mod, she's become an arrogant whore who always threatens bans on people who don't agree with her opinions or people who aren't sucking up to her all the time. She's trying to turn a chat full of 30 somethings into a chatroom age appropriate for 10 year olds.

So after that, I just left irc and started packing up some stuff around the house, and went to bed.

>> No.8504177

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>> No.8504215

Oh don't get me started on lesbians on IRC.

>> No.8504223


Fucking lesbian.
I hate people that try and police the internet, always trying to be a mod on every fucking site they visit, reporting every off topic post that they see.
People like that probably vote for SOPA

You tell that bitch anon said suck my cock.

>> No.8504224

Let's see today I worked at my crappy minimum wage job at Toys R Us; Where I found out that

- according to my co-workers it takes 2 hours to flip a game on it's side without fixing the rest of the case

- I'm the only one doing anything that even correlates to work like organizing and cleaning while everyone else just kind of sits around gabbing all day

- I'm trained to do everyone else' job and as a sales associate I'm doing back of house, ticketing and asset protection stuff

- No one will train me for my job, which lead to our Disney vendor saying I obviously didn't care about it, because I didn't set up a display that neither my manager nor my supervisor told me to set up or in fact even knew about

- one of my co-workers knew about it, but because it might involve her not talking with her friends she chose not to do it. One of the managers found out about it, but refused to do anything

When I got home I found out that

- My sister needed $150 for her rent or else they'll evict her and take her security deposit. If she's evicted she'll move back home with me and my mom. Which must be avoided at all costs

- That $150 bucks was meant for my new external Hard drive and I'll probably never see that money again, but it's so worth it

- Also after I work out I become a horny idiot. If I can't work out for the whole week I become a hornier idiot. It is a most vexing problem.

- Comcast has a time guarantee, this guarantee is completely invalidated if they call you before the scheduled time and tell you they can't make it. This includes if they call you 5 minutes ahead of time.

- They're also the only ISP in my region that isn't DSL

- So I'm stuck in the library near my house, browsing 4chan with weirdos checking out my screen just because I also had to check my mail.

I'd rather be home playing games.

>> No.8504222

Shift_JIS art sucks. The variable widths make shit not line up, even with PGothic/Mona/whatever.
Japs have shit taste in everything.

>> No.8504225

Well now you've got me interested. Wanna share?

>> No.8504233

Its only been 7 hours.

Woke up at 5 AM, brushed my teeth, drew a bit, ate breakfast, watched anime, drew a bit more, now about to play video games.

>> No.8504231

The short, bearded figure stood on the stage, gesturing furiously as he declaimed on the evils of the RIAA and occasionally pacing around a bit.

"Richard, you've changed," murmured the balding, nondescript-looking man in the audience to himself.

After the talk, the bearded man strolled up the stairs, unconcerned by the train of scruffy-looking undergraduates following after. He was headed for the cookie table. As he began to shovel handfuls of madeleines and pecan brownies into his mouth, the bald, mustachioed man approached.

"Eric," the bearded man gasped, nearly dropping a handful of shortbread cookies (but not quite.)

"Richard," the bald man said firmly.

"What brings you here?" asked the bearded man. The undergraduates merely stared wide-eyed, knowing something special was happening, but not knowing quite what. At least, the ones who weren't also going for the cookie table.

"Well, Richard, you'll remember how we knew each other, seven years before you started the GNU project," said Eric.

"Yes..." Richard began to say, when he was interrupted by a particularly young-looking undergraduate.

"In the biblical sense?" taunted the undergraduate, as she adjusted her baseball cap and pulled on her red hair.

There was silence.

"Yes, young ladies and gentlemen, in the biblical sense," said Eric.

"I think we need to go upstairs, to my office," said Richard.

>> No.8504234

Together, they headed for the elevator as the crowd of undergraduates, graduate students, and administrators who had gathered (no faculty members, since they wouldn't have wanted to be seen at a gathering where students would be present) gaped speechlessly. They got off at the seventh floor and Richard directed them towards a corner office.

"Don't worry, Professor mumble mumble won't be here for the rest of the afternoon," said Richard, who still had managed to make those fudge wafers last for four floors.

As they settled at opposite ends of the black leather couch that occupied a small portion of the office, Eric looked at Richard.

"You looked better with short hair," he said.

"Well, you looked better before you gained that 30 pounds," said Richard.

"It's all muscle," he said, and they both laughed. Then they were silent.

Eric broke the silence. "Open-source software, free software, why did we let such distinctions of terminology divide us so? Linux has been such a huge success and we've both contributed to that. We have more similarities than differences."

"That's GNU/Linux, Eric, and you ought to know why as well as anybody. Why, the Linux operating system would be completely nonfunctional without the many software utilities contributed by volunteers for the GNU project, including--"

"Richard, Richard. You're not talking to a journalist. You're talking to me. The only man you ever loved."

>> No.8504237

Eric's arm extended across the back of the couch. Richard inched ever so slightly closer.

"Well, you have no idea what it's like to live alone in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with only my four honorary doctorates to keep me company while you and your open-source friends get all the glory. It's just so hard, Eric."

Eric's eyes sparkled, "Just so hard, eh?"

Richard squirmed. "Well..."

"It's been so long."

"Well, yes, that is how I remembered it..."

"So, you said that Professor cough cough wasn't going to be back this afternoon, right? Because if you wanted to, we could go find a place to stay for the evening..." (The professor's name was once again obscured when Eric had a brief dryness in his throat.)

"No, let's just make good use of the place we have for now. It's free, after all."

"Free as in freedom?"

"No, free as in love."

They embraced. Richard's shirt came off, knocking loose the halo made from a disk platter that was still attached to his head. Before too long, the two men's back hair became an indistinguishable thatch of dark curls as Eric's cathedral entered Richard's bazaar.

"Sometimes being open to the point of promiscuity can have its advantages," breathed Richard.

>> No.8504236


They're just like disgusting old men in the body of a woman. On top of that they have that sense of entitlement women tend to have.

>> No.8504238

Wake up, go to school, meet a guy from /a/ after school, get home, sleep, go on /jp/, see this

>> No.8504246

"And you know I've always believed that there were some situations where tight control over the development process was necessary," sighed Eric.

Afterward, they lay together on the couch as the afternoon sun shone on them, stroking each other's beards. "You're even better now that you have a Jesus complex," said Eric.

"You certainly seemed to think that it wasn't just a complex!"

"That was five minutes ago, this is now."

"Oh." They cuddled some more. "I guess we'll always have the AI Lab."

"So, I have a date later on to play the recorder for some birds. Would you like to... come along?"

"Whenever I hear about you doing that kind of thing, I reach for my gun," said Eric.

"Ha ha!" they both laughed.

"Actually, I wasn't kidding."

>> No.8504284

Fuck, I hate that. I had to watch my favorite IRC channel turn from amusing to a place for bored and easily-offended normalfags to hang out.

>> No.8504304

What is this? I keep seeing it.

>> No.8504310

IRC that is, excuse me.

>> No.8504314

My stepmom had infantilism. If you don't know what that means, it's when you get off on diapers. When I was around eleven, she diapered me frequently, whenever she had free time, following an incident where I urinated in public. She never blackmailed me or convinced me that what she was doing was somehow an act of love, she was just physically stronger then me. If I happened to be particularly objectionable to this process, she would sit on my upper torso so that I could offer little in the way of physical resistance.

Along with this, she put a crib in our guest room and made me take naps in it. Of course, she also wanted to change me. If I tried to take a diaper off when she put one on me, I would be spanked. If I tried to talk when she put a pacifier in my mouth, I would be slapped. If I was not particularly forthcoming with urinating or shitting myself, but not disobeying her directly, she would forcefeed me this awful herbal milk stuff which made my body quite complicent of these functions even when I was not. In later occasions, she would give me the formula and then not do anything about it until I asked her, "Will you change my diaper please, mommy?". This probably had something to do with willfull submission.

Bottles were thrust into my mouth as often as cocks would be shoved into a whore's. For evening meals, I was pinned to a highchair and forcefed with a paper spoon while she made obnoxious sounds.

>> No.8504318

Please tell me you're not older than 20.

Anyway, here's a brief explanation:

>> No.8504322

She made quite sure my body lacked any kind of hair, excluding the stuff on my head. Some nights, when I got to wear what I wanted, she would come in as I was asleep, remove what I had on, and diaper me up, occasionally bottlefeeding me yet again. For a while, she took pills to make her breasts produce milk and breastfed me, although she stopped after they made her sick. She would take naked pictures of me, mostly of my ass as I lay down, and sometimes with a full diaper, or after tickling me to make it seem like I loved her or something.

When she spanked me, she often did it with my diaper on. When she held me in her arms, she often played with my ass. She frequently took my temperature the old fashioned way. I guess it turned her on.

Sometimes, she fondled me when she changed me.

She made me take baths with her as my arms were bound. In later years, when I was bigger then her, she would often bind and drug me, although I was still very small for my age and she was very fit, and she could still occasionally overpower me outright.

I'm probably missing some stuff.

All this continued untill I was 18 and went to college. My dad was pretty oblivious to the whole thing, and most likely still doesn't know, if they are still alive. I don't know where they are. I don't care.

What a fucking bitch.

>> No.8504328


>> No.8504335


Almost 19. That's not too far from what I was picturing it as. Thanks.

>> No.8504343

“Shanghai, come help me clean up. Marisa is coming over soon!”

Master is very excited today. Her good friend Marisa-san is coming to visit today. They haven’t seen each other since Master got married.

“Shanghai, clean up those beer cans!” Master calls from the kitchen.

I obediently bag up the cans of Suweiser. Master’s husband is such a slob.

“Master, wouldn’t it be nice if Anonymous-san would clean up after himself every once in a while?”

“Shanghai, don’t talk about my husband like that. It’s a wife’s duty to keep a house clean, you know?” she says, while wiping the grime off the coffee table.

“Marisa said she has an important announcement to make. I wonder if she finally found a nice guy to marry, like me?” Master mused.

A knock on the door caught Master off-guard.

“Oh, she’s early! Shit, the cleaning isn’t finished!” Master says, while throwing some dirty socks behind the couch.

“Go answer it while I freshen up,” she says, running to the bathroom.

I knew that she was going to put on some makeup to hide her bruises. I flew over to the door and struggled just to turn the knob. Houses really aren’t made for dolls. When I finally pull it open, I see a sight for sore eyes. Marisa Kirisame-san, radiant in a summer dress, stood on the porch.

>> No.8504351

Pff... Not that guy, but I'm 18 and I use IRC.

>> No.8504359
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>this guy

>> No.8504360

“Hello, Shanghai. Can I come in?” she says with a beaming smile.

“Of course! Please, have a seat. Master will be out in a second.”

Marisa hangs her witch hat on the coat rack, and then sits with her hands in her lap as I begin to pour some tea. It’s really cheap tea, so I make sure to put out lots of honey and sugar. She deliberately leans forward, so she won’t get her hair dirty on the greasy back of the couch.

“Marisa! Long time no see!”

Master finally emerges from the bathroom in a clean dress. I didn’t think she even had any clean clothes anymore…
The two girls hug each other like sisters. Master does her best to hide a look of pain when Marisa squeezes her. I know she complained of a bruised rib the other day…

“So what’s your big announcement, Marisa? I’ve been waiting all day to hear it! Oh, but we’ll have to be quick. My husband will get upset if he comes home and sees your broomstick in the driveway again.”

Marisa-san said nothing, but simply raised her hand. On her finger was a modest, but beautiful ring.
“Oh my gosh, you really are getting married! I’m so happy for you? So, who’s the lucky guy?”

>> No.8504369

Heh, I'm sophomore and I failed two university subjects. That means I'll have to do it all over again next year. It wouldn't suck so much if I hadn't already failed the previous year... sigh

I don't think my family will support me anymore.
I can't even work up the courage to bring it up.

>> No.8504377

> Almost 19

> I'm 18

Get out of /jp/. Yes I know what the rules say.
Get out, come back in 2-3 years, then lurk more.

>> No.8504401

I'm the goddamn OP, I've been lurking for years. Quit being a superiority complex faggot.

>> No.8504404

Fuck off I'm OP.

>> No.8504409
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>> No.8504419
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I've been trying to work myself up to call the auto repair shop all day so I can get my car fixed tomorrow.

They close in an hour so it's down to the wire.

>> No.8504433

I made a cheesecake last night and I ate two slices today with some Darjeeling to wash it down. I don't know what I'll do today. It's nice out, but kids are returning from school and adults will be getting home from work soon so I really don't want to go out.

>> No.8504436

Going to therapy in half an hour. How was your day op?

>> No.8504447

Already posted it: >>8503609

Therapy? Do tell, it's relevant to my interests, might be getting some in a month or so.

>> No.8504455

>Therapy? Do tell, it's relevant to my interests
I go because I suck a lot of dick and need help
>might be getting some in a month or so.
lol no youre not ure just an attention whore

>> No.8504465 [DELETED] 

at least some meds, quit being so mean you fuck, it's not like I forced you to tell me what you were getting therapy for, I was just curious.

>> No.8504466


It's just depression stuff mostly. It's nice, but there's a lot of stuff I don't talk about, and they're okay with that. Overall I feel a lot better than when I started like 6 months ago. I got my meds adjusted too, which helps.

>> No.8504481

Um... How much better? Could you explain in detail?

>> No.8504487

Preordered TERA. Beta for NA starts this Saturday.

>> No.8504501

I know that feel all too well.

>> No.8504506
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Well, basically before I didn't even want to get out of bed. I hated facing the day, hated going to class. Didn't know what I wanted to do with my life.

After I started, they had me took an aptitude test and we discussed things I might be interested in. I went to my academic advisor at campus and they helped set me up with some courses for the major I was interested in, and I like those classes well enough.

Really the big thing is that it helped me get a little more motivated and find a direction. It's not like everything is suddenly perfect but for me personally, having someone to talk to helps a lot. They don't criticize or judge me, they just help me understand myself and others a bit better.

Basically, therapy and good meds make me feel well enough to do other productive things, like taking walks for some exercise or doing my homework. It gives me the boost I need to do shit I should honestly be doing myself.

Anyway I gotta go, I hope you guys have a nice day /jp/.

>> No.8504509


had me take*

>> No.8504517

I started working on a new visual novel.
I think it's coming along very nicely.

>> No.8504527

That sounds exactly how I wanted my therapy to go.
Seems like I was even in much the same situation.

Now, five years later, I'm >>8503962.

It may sound like I'm joking, but I'm not; I sincerely hope you the best. Good luck with enjoying your degree.

>> No.8504535

I envy the posters who have a life free of worry and have parents nice enough to leave them alone. Mine bitch at me almost all day no matter what I do, and I'm seriously threatened at least twice a day. I've never been able to dedicate myself to learning something, so now I just sleep, scream, and etch out some meager enjoyment at night.

Speaking of which, it's back to sleep for me. Catch you later, /jp/.

>> No.8504543

Got up at 9:00 AM, browsed /jp/ and played Touhou until 1:00 PM, I took a shower, then played some more Touhou until 3:00 PM. I had lunch, then studied Algebra from 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM because I've got my final tomorrow.

I actually like Algebra a lot so it was kind of entertaining. I'm also the top student in my uni class.

>> No.8504549

Got back from university, finally, a week without anything to do. Went to get battery replaced in my watch, they stopped about two years ago. It was good. Now, i can just relax and forget about everything and dive into abyss. Fuck.

>> No.8504550

Woke up hungover, found graphics card fucked up upon boot. Uninstall crap drivers. Install new ones. Fix'd. Start laundry. Start physics homework. Start TCP/IP networking homework. Finish physics homework. Can't be arsed to finish networking homework. School in 2 hours and haven't showered yet. Mac and Cheese more important. Priorities man. Priorities.

>> No.8504621

Master was speechless, her mouth agape.

“Sweetie, by now I thought you would’ve grown out of your girl-crushes,” she finally blurts out. Surprisingly, Marisa-san doesn’t look offended.

“But we love each other, Alice,” Marisa-san says with a warm smile.
“We’re going to live in the shrine together. We’ve already discussed adopting a child-“

“Oh? And how do you think you’ll pay for all the expenses? You’re a two-bit magician who plays kids shows and she’s a miko with no weekly paycheck. Do you think her donations will put your child through college? Sweetheart, let me find you a nice guy, like my husband.”

“Like that husband who beats you?” Marisa-san said, while wiping the makeup off Master’s face, revealing the bruises underneath. Master smacked Marisa-san’s hand away roughly.

“I told you, I tripped on my dress! And I’m pregnant now, so he wouldn’t hit me!” Master says, lifting her dress to show Marisa-san her stomach with its steadily growing bump.

“Honey, I had no idea… Well, if he ever hits you again, I want you to call me, OK?”

>> No.8504650

“Alice, I’m worried that one day he’ll be more than angry. I know what he did at the Scarlet Devil Mansion. He’s capable of killing, you know…”

“What the hell are you talking about? He promised me he’d never go back there after I caught him fooling around with the gate guard.”

“You know those books he got you as a wedding present? He stole them from Patch’s library, may she rest in peace. I was there when the mansion burned down. After Anon stole the books, he let Flandre out of her room. He pricked his finger and shoved it in her mouth and said his blood was delicious candy. Being a vampire, she wanted more and flew into a furor. He said that she can get more candy from Sakuya. Flandre found Sakuya and began ripping her to shreds. She barely had time to yell for help before Flandre decapitated her and began to drink her blood. Meiling heard Sakuya’s screams, but because of all the abuse she suffered at Sakuya’s hands, she took off into the woods instead of saving her boss. No one has heard from Meiling since. By the time Remilia was roused from her slumber, Flandre had already made it into the library and had impaled a straw into Patchouli’s half-dead body and was drinking her dry. Remilia confronted her sister, and after a fierce battle that wrecked the mansion and set it on fire, Flandre was finally killed. Remilia, vowing to never return to Gensokyo, gathered up Sakuya’s head and flew off into the night. I confronted Anonymous about why he set this chain of events into motion. He said, ‘I did it for the lulz’. Don’t you see, Alice? He’ll hurt you without even blinking!”

>> No.8504679

going to sleep now, thanks for talking with me, /jp/!

>> No.8504684

>Beta for NA starts this Saturday.

>> No.8504968

I bought a pound of oolong tea for $144 from the tea store. I then ate salad and ramen.

>> No.8504997

Master’s face was bright red at this point. She’d heard enough, even if it was all true.

“You’re lying! How would you know all this, anyway? There’s a restraining order against you from going near the mansion ever since you assaulted Patchouli when she didn’t have a book that you wanted to steal!”

“I… I snuck back in to steal some more books. I didn’t want to report Anonymous to the police, since I knew he would be unstable if he thought he would be caught, and I was worried about you. I thought you would come to your senses about him and leave him by now…”

A cracking sound split the tension in the room like a peal of thunder. Master’s anger had finally reached its boiling point, and she slapped her best friend. Marisa-san, stunned at this outburst, gingerly felt the large red mark on her cheek.

“How dare you come into my house and insult my husband like this? Get the fuck out, right now!”

“Alice, please! You’re a victim, we can get you help-“ Marisa-san tried to plead with Master. Her golden eyes were full of worry.

Master would have none of it. She yanked Marisa-san up by her arm and shoved her towards the door.

“Shanghai, get the door!” Master ordered curtly. Not wanted to disobey, I swung the door open. Master pushed Marisa-san out. She landed roughly on the porch. Master grabbed Marisa-san’s hat and threw it in her face.

>> No.8507594

got up at 6:30,went to high school,
studied math and physic to pass 2nd exam,went to home,
Browsed 2ch,2chan and 4chan,
watched anime and movie.
as you know I'm japanese.haha

>> No.8507873

Got up, watched kpop videos on youtube
Ate a sandwhich
Practiced DOJBL of MAME for a couple hours
Played DOJBL on the 360 for a couple hours, got a new high score (371m)
Watched more kpop videos on youtube
Watched episode 5 of Six Feet Under. It was good.
About to watch episode 6
Then later I will probably watch The Good, the Bad, the Weird.

>> No.8507937
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Woke up, fapped, drank some milk while lamenting my lack of food, played steins gate, studied, showered, browsed /jp/
My life in a nutshell

>> No.8509469

Woke up at 4 AM; self-pleasured myself, played some touhou, got my daily dose, read some things that I shall not mention, eat something, browsing /jp/.
