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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 170 KB, 308x600, Luviagelita_Edelfelt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8758086 No.8758086 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /jp/ discriminate against Finnish people so much these days?

>> No.8758089
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>> No.8758109
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oikeesti me kaikki ollaan suomalaisia :DDD

>> No.8758129
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En epäilisi yhtään.

>> No.8758134

because they're shitposters

>> No.8758144

because they're always spamming shit like sprölölölölölölö everywhere.

>> No.8758159

Mee vittuun assburger.

>> No.8758164

u frustrated :DDDDDDD

>> No.8758169

lol ebin

>> No.8758180
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Finland is a lovely country. And they make the best Touhou 4komas.


>> No.8758185
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There is not nearly enough discrimination towards Finns, they've earned every single insult thrown at them.
Fucking shitposters.

>> No.8758189

benis in da bud :---DDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.8758192

/jp/ has a very high percentage of Finnish posters and what you've said is extremely offensive.

>> No.8758201
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Fuck you mudskin :DDD

>> No.8758203

I know, I'm a Finn myself.
I've just had enough of these kids from Ylilauta and similar shitholes.

I'd be perfectly fine with banning our entire nation if it meant the end to this shit.

>> No.8758208
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the rumour is anime fans are faggots

>> No.8758211

>I've just had enough of these kids from Ylilauta and similar shitholes.
>Posts on 4chan
stay classy, newfag

>> No.8758217
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Sudo Spurdo

>> No.8758218


>> No.8758219
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>> No.8758220

Compelling arguments, sir.
I suggest you visit the site and tell me you don't honestly think it's much worse than here.

>> No.8758222
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how do I become a Finn

>> No.8758224

Sell your soul to Perkele.

>> No.8758225
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anime culture is already here

>> No.8758227
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>> No.8758233
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Because most of us deserve it. I'd be okay if it would be only regular finns who happen to like Touhou and such, but seeing that majority of finns here seem to be retarded underaged pieces of shit spamming the same old shitty meme...

>> No.8758234
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I game here to steal your animu and dubs

>> No.8758232
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Where does it say that Luvia is Finnish?

>> No.8758240

Because they're fucking retarded, basically an entire country with a /b/-level mindset.

>> No.8758239
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We are not all shitposters. Sorry you have to see this.

>> No.8758253
File: 12 KB, 200x136, 1331721249254586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not see why people complain about other cultures here on /jp/ where most people surely know how it feels like to be a reject!

Take this image for example, it's artistic. The thousand-yard-stare of the character is a symbol of modern times where individuals are oppressed for what they believe in and freedom of thought has been extinguished. I am sure you people can understand how it feels to be oppressed, right? It also refers to a popular (though occidental, ugh!) song, which deepens the metaphor. In that sense it's a bit like flashing panties in Evangelion, there to remind us of the fleeting moments that are all there is, in the end.

>> No.8758254
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we have our fair set of animeassburgers like you too.

>> No.8758255
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Did you know that many of the spurdo posters aren't even Finnish?

>> No.8758261
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dem dubs

>> No.8758265
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>> No.8758271

Why FIN here?

And I don't know what you're talking about, finns were some of the nicest people I've met!

>> No.8758275
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>> No.8758279
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>> No.8758289
File: 235 KB, 525x700, carl_k_sprigfell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We finns are actually very smart and nice people. We just want to let our selfs go an be free. We do not take life so seriously.

>> No.8758294

I did a project on Finland in 5th Grade. Ask me anything.

>> No.8758299

I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't understand that. You guys simply know how to take it easy.

>> No.8758306
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do you like ES?

>> No.8758304

You think finns are bad?

Look at http://krautchan.net/jp/.. You don't even have to speak German to see that all of the topics are PURE VILE SHIT

>> No.8758303
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Why are they so subhuman

>> No.8758308

Suicide and depression rates b-b-back this up.

>> No.8758309

Krautchan's English board is incredibly shitty as well.

>> No.8758312
File: 269 KB, 670x500, jani_toivola_punastuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly we are above everyone in that picture.

>> No.8758313

They don't have 3 Touhou imagedump threads on the front page at all times.

How awful.

>> No.8758318
File: 41 KB, 577x667, 43382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scratch a civilized finn and you find a finnish swede.

>> No.8758320

Why Finland is so heterogenic?

There are only few people and so many groups that detest one other. Even hatred between cities is legendary.

>> No.8758325

It looks like a more on-topic version of 4chan's /jp/.

>> No.8758327
File: 76 KB, 430x243, sorry you have to see this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno how correct the depression rate is when it is customary in Finland to whine about everything.

>> No.8758328

I didn't say it's better, but it explains why our /jp/ is so shitty at times.

They probably think 4chan's /jp/ is more prestigious to shitpost on or something.

>> No.8758329

Filthy gaijin can't even spell right.
Good thing he went homu.

>> No.8758333
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Still waiting for glorious fanart of Luvia and the Finnish memes together.

>> No.8758337
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Touhou is superior you baka! BAKA BAKA BAKA!

>> No.8758338
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Typical Krautchan's /jp/'s poster's desktop.

>> No.8758340

Isn't he austrian?

>> No.8758342

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8758344
File: 148 KB, 513x820, juttusyrjinta26JP22_uu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Restaurant discriminated against people with disabilities

Helsinkiläisravintola converted mentally retarded Havumäki Kalle, 19, was brutally from his door.

Saturday's festival was supposed to be 19-year-old Kalle Havumäki. A good friend had come up to Rovaniemi, and the boys were heading for a gig in Helsinki crane. Uppermost in mind, however, the evening was a disappointment when a Helsinki restaurant converted boys rudely from his door.

Revealed in the show before, and his friends had gone to eat hamburgers, drink lemonade and a hamburger. No alcohol was consumed neither.

When Mokoma-band gig was still time, young people decided to go for a moment to sit across from a crane located on Hemingway's restaurant. The restaurant at the door Havumäki stumbled a little, as his disability is due to the habit of sometimes. The restaurant's employees had noticed kompuroinnin and interpreted by the young men to be drunk.

- He had said that the entrance was so much fumbling, that you are not welcome here, says Clark's mother, TV1 newsreader Marjukka Havumäki.

>> No.8758343
File: 58 KB, 387x404, 1331667864725687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

>> No.8758347

I know! I think a lot of people who there also post here, because I keep seeing their shitty 'memes' on here.

>> No.8758350

But their shitty 'memes' come from here.

>> No.8758351
File: 33 KB, 1304x111, tabseverywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 tabs


>> No.8758352


>> No.8758360
File: 78 KB, 610x960, laura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laura thread?

>> No.8758362
File: 7 KB, 188x268, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sorry you had to see this I'm so sorry people have violated the sanctity of drawn little girls I'm so sorry

>> No.8758368

That feel when I am finn browsing /jp/ and I notice other /jp/ers pretending to be finnish and constantly making anti-finnish threads and everyone joining in to make fun of finns and the janitors/mods lets it slide since they also like to make fun of finns and I can't do nothing about it since I am a finn and get reported for being finnish.

>> No.8758373

I don't give a shit, but from his screenshot it's obvious he's a fucking retard normal who can barely use his computer without drooling all over the keyboard.

Fucking unterschicht.

>> No.8758372

Not really, I don't care.

>> No.8758371
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>> No.8758375
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>> No.8758376
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wrst thred /jp/

>> No.8758378

Oh no.
How about keeping your nationality to yourself and not getting buttfrustrated over insignificant things?

>> No.8758382

Finland - The Ass of Europe

>> No.8758383

Where did all these Finns come from? Why am I one of them?

>> No.8758384

That feel when I'm so sorry you had to see this >>8758368 post. I'm so, sorry.

>> No.8758386
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>> No.8758401
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Spärdö burgers? uliuli spagetti sputnik xDD

>> No.8758404
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Informative kopipe posted by Anon before:

>>The word "Ebin" has its roots to Finnish chans in late 2009s, when the word 'epic' was wordfiltered on the major chan those times. Posters avoided the wordfilter by writing 'epig', 'epin', 'ebig', etc. Soon it evolved to "ebin". Ebin is like spurdo spärde -version of the word 'epic'.

>>To understand the meaning of 'ebin' you should know how the Finnish memes work. One of the greatest Finnish meta memes has been to ironize Jonnes (stereotypical underage boys, mostly 10-15 year old) and act like you were one. 'Ebin' was born the same way as Spurdo spärde was born. Spurdo was born when posters ironized jonnes and called pedo bear as "budo boar" or "bedro spero" etc (because Jonnes don't know how to write it the right way). Soon pedo bear evolved to spurdo spärde.
