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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8939214 No.8939214 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else getting bored of everything?

My hobbies have stopped being enjoyable for some reason so I have no reason to continue doing my reps so I can play a whole bunch of untranslated games that I don't even care to play anymore. Staying inside is boring, but going outside isn't any more interesting. Same thing with socialization.

Everything just feels so boring. I can't think of a single thing I want to do.

>> No.8939219

No, fuck off.

>> No.8939221

yeah buddy

>> No.8939222

I don't like your gimmick. chubby.jpg was similar, but more fun.

>> No.8939235

Humans need excitement. Feeling lethargic is the result of a lack of excitement.

Go skydiving, get into a fight, walk through a bad area of city and throw a rock at an angry looking person and then run away, any of these things would work.

>> No.8939245

No, I actually like my hobbies.

>> No.8939253


It doesn't matter if you like your hobbies. Once depression kicks in then that won't matter anymore.

>> No.8939262

I improved my diet and exercised a little and I felt great. Then I started reading textbooks and understood what people meant by "intellectual stimulation." I was absorbing information and had an attention span of more than five minutes, which was a big step-up.

But ultimately, I think I prefer being a depressed, lethargic mess.

>> No.8939273

You're just growing up

>> No.8939280

Not everyone is the same as you.

>> No.8939285

Being a shut-in will do that to you.

Please overcome your fears and try to live /jp/.

>> No.8939292

No...People are terrible.
I recently learned a lot of people on /jp/ are terrible people also.

>> No.8939300

I hope you die a horrible and exruciating death.

>> No.8939298

Not him, but a lot of shut-ins are obviously depressed or will become depressed in time, and depression leads to being completely apathetic about things you used to care about.

Is there any study on this, by the way? Like locking rats/people in a room for a while and seeing if they become miserable? I'd be interested to see the numbers.

>> No.8939299

>Major depressive disorder (MDD) (also known as recurrent depressive disorder, clinical depression, major depression, unipolar depression, or unipolar disorder) is a mental disorder characterized by [...] loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities

sorry what were you saying

>> No.8939306

Yes, I just want to sleep, be warm and cozy, never wake up and be done with it.
Nothing satisfies me.

>> No.8939309

Hey /jp/:

Remember fun?

Me neither.

>> No.8939321

>My hobbies have stopped being enjoyable for some reason

You are probably overdosing yourself on shit content, OP. So get way more elitist than you are now, accept only the best, nothing less.

>> No.8939323

Guess I am one of the lucky ones.

>> No.8939329

The problem with this is that you end spending more time collecting and organizing things than watching/reading/listening to them.

>> No.8939332

But those are the people who never enjoy themselves.

>> No.8939336

You are.

Though I don't doubt it happens. Plenty of traditional hermits led very happily lives, even if they never really did anything. Now we have a whole world of information and media in front of our very eyes.

Overall I think I am less depressed than when I was outgoing, but I'm still a bit mopey, and my psychiatrist agrees. I basically went from being miserable and hating the world to simply not caring about anything, and that's fine with me. Or not. Whatever.

>> No.8939340

We're social animals. When you aren't social then you usually get depressed.

Varying your hobbies, doing different things, excercising, etc, are all just ways to avoid and postpone the obvious core problem that most people on /jp/ have.

>Oh look, we're all shut-ins and we never communicate with other human beings. I wonder why we're feeling sad? Of course it can't be because we have no human contact. It must be something else.

>> No.8939350

>The problem with this is that you end spending more time collecting and organizing things

Make a hobby of that too so you end up enjoying yourself whatever you do.

>> No.8939345

If I could highfive someone over the internet, this would be the time.

>> No.8939351

>We're social animals.
We don't need to be any more though. At least, not as we used to be. We will always need teams, but it's not like we have to get to know our tribe in order to survive.

Autism is the next step in our evolution.

>> No.8939357

At some point it kind of dawns on you that you have gigabytes of programming ebooks and you've never opened a single one.

Anyone need any programming book recommendations? I don't know how to program nor do I know the contents of any books, but I can sure as hell recommend some.

>> No.8939366

I do.
Go on.

>> No.8939372


>Autism is the next step in our evolution.

It seems like /jp/ is filled with two different types of people. The first group is actually autistic, loves their hobbies, has no need for social contact whatsoever and is dumbfounded when they see these threads. The second group tries to convince themselves they have autism, constantly lies to themselves about their need for social contact, and inevitably feels depressed.

>> No.8939375


What can you recommend for C#?

>> No.8939376

Yes anon. Recommend me some programing books. Maybe you have some textbooks on logic too ?

>> No.8939381

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about enteting schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low.

>> No.8939379


Not learning C#.

>> No.8939386

I was diagnosed when I was around 4, and I had a lot of autistic tendencies, I found 4chan when I was 13 like 6 years ago, it turned me into a social creature who needs to talk to people.

>> No.8939396


>Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about enteting schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

I don't give a shit about any of that. I still feel lonely though.

There's a difference between being someone that wants social validation and status symbols and just wanting some basic human contact. Isolation isn't healthy for most people, you have to be autistic to truly be happy with complete isolation.

>> No.8939398

I don't mean real life.
I mean online.

>> No.8939402

Gross oversimplification. Diagnosed autists commonly speak negatively about their inability to communicate & have meaningful relationships.

>> No.8939405

I tried to make friends with some people on /jp/.
All of them didn't like talking to me.
I think that's autism mixed in with being a bad person.

>> No.8939415

I find it better to talk to people online. Most people around me are just fucktards.

>> No.8939413

Maybe you're boring.

>> No.8939414

So, you were like underage for, like five years, huh?

>> No.8939417

Yeah, I was.

>> No.8939422

>have meaningful relationships.
I think autistic relationships are more meaningful than "neurotypical" (fuck, I hate that word) ones because they're more honest. A lot of normal people fill their conversations with platitudes and filler talk and a lot of bullshit. I've spoken to autistic people before and they would completely ignore social norms and say something like, "I think your hair looks stupid today," or, "I don't want to talk about this." Sometimes it's kind of offensive and I get why people think autistic people are "just rude", but it's also really refreshing and makes your relationship more real. Not to mention I'd trust the word of someone who gives me their honest thoughts a lot more than someone who tells me what I want to hear or the "best" answer.

Here's a nice story that made me happy:

>> No.8939428

"da world hasent become a boring place u've become a boring person"
- tumblr

>> No.8939440

3 years of being a NEET will make you that.

After the 6 year I just want to sleep and never wake up

>> No.8939444

You can't take anything that /jp/ says seriously. Most people here are obviously deluding themselves.

The vast majority of /jp/ has never been in a relationship and yet they say that they know that they don't want one and become overly hostile at the mere mention of it. The same goes for friendship.

/jp/ is like that little kid who says that he hates swimming even though he has never been swimming in his entire life. The truth is that he's just scared of swimming and tries to convince himself that he hates it so he doesn't have to confront his fears.

>> No.8939450

Hahahahaha, yeah. No.

That was almost as accurate as:


>> No.8939456

I've been NEET for 6 years now and everyday is still as exciting and fun as the first. Don't group me or people like me in with you.

>> No.8939459


>Hahahahaha, yeah. No.

Keep on lying to yourself.

You can be a truNEET once you've been in one or two real relationships and know that you hate them. Until that point you're just a scared little kid. There's no way around it. You can't make a decision on whether or not you like something until you've tried it.

>> No.8939463

I agree slightly. I think people who complain about women/sex/relationships without having BEEN in a relationship are kind of dumb. I have more respect for the people who led a semblance of a normal life before becoming a shut-in.

However I think you're stereotyping too much, and you don't need to have first-hand experience of something to know it's bad. There is a reason we are rejecting the world we lived in for at least 16 years.

>> No.8939467

Not really.
We're just not interested.
We're not scared of the water, nor act like we hate it.
It's like saying "COME HAVE A SWIM"
"I don't really want to swim, I would prefer to just read"

>> No.8939468

I never ate my shit but I know I don't want to eat it.

>> No.8939479

I've been homeschooled almost my entire life and I have very limited experience with people. My only social contact has been 4chan and I've just been going off the word of all of you that relationships are terrible.

Should I try them or should I just keep being a NEET? I'm conflicted. I've had no bad experiences, but the stories I've read here have scared me enough to not really want to go out.

>> No.8939481
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It's more of a "I dont give a shit" type of thing, also I dont feel like socializing with disgusting normalfags in any case.

Just look at Komeiji the infamous tripfag from /a/, compare his experiences with 3D women.

>> No.8939483

>She was the only girl to have ever asked questions about his obsessive interests — chemistry, libertarian politics,

libertarians confirmed sperglords; news shocks no one

>> No.8939490

I suppose, and that makes sense. Just please don't blog about how you hate women or whatever. Look at the moment PotC posts some feminist bullshite, the misogyny crowd come out to play.

Keep that shit on /r9k/. If you claim to not care, then, well, you wouldn't care.

>> No.8939491

You're projecting so hard that your post hurt to read. I've been in a number of relationships in the past, and had more "friends" than I could even count at one point. Relationships are a waste of time, and more importantly money, and are just overall stressful and annoying even when the other person isn't manipulative or selfish.
I respect people who never made the mistake of doing that in the first place because they obviously had more common sense than to fuck up there like I did. In this case it's more like looking at a pool filled with piss and saying "I'm not swimming in that, that pool is full of piss."

>> No.8939493


1. He's making up stories on 4chan for attention.
2. He lives in the ghetto.
3. He is a terrible judge of character and has some of the worst luck that anyone could ever have.

Most relationships are nothing like any of the things he said.

>> No.8939496

Well duh. Autistic people don't understand simple social and cultural pragmatism. In a conservative country they would probably swear in church, and ask their lovers for sex before marriage.

Not in MY America.

>> No.8939501


Are most people on /jp/ like this?

I always assumed I had asperger's since I get nervous in social situations, but I cringe when I hear this guy speak. He sounds like a robot. I'm nothing like that.

Is that what asperger's is?

>> No.8939512


If anything, the guy just got incredibly unlucky. To think all 3D women are like that and simply "giving up" on them is borderline paranoid. It's the same sort of thinking that leads to the retarded kind of racism.

I think 2D is better than 3D, but that's because I prefer it. It's more attractive and the personalities are more appealing than real people living in the real world. Just as I prefer anonymous communication to having a name or speaking face-to-face. I have nothing against people who do these things, I simply do not care.

>> No.8939507

Does shyness not exist anymore? I don't know why so many people are trying to label themselves as having some kind of mental problem when in reality they're just shy.

>> No.8939509

Meido has been sucking all of the quality content and fun out of /jp/ for about a week now and CurryButt is just the person we need to stop him.

>> No.8939514
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I haven't watched the video on that, but I saw the Louis Theroux documentary, and this guy right here, I think is what a person with aspergers sounds like, he reminds me of myself a lot.

>> No.8939517
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Most funny of all is when a shut-in turned normalfriend tries to convince a normalfriend turned shut-in that things are better outside. Although, maybe normalfriend is a bit much in my case. It's more like I tried to be social and do what college kids do while I was there but I hated it. The girl I loved in high school cheated on me with a guy I thought was a close friend and by the time I got to college, girls weren't even interested in the idea of courting. It was just alcohol and sex, neither of which I wanted from such harlots.

I don't try to promote this lifestyle though as I know it's incredibly unhealthy and just because I'm happy like this doesn't mean that other people should be. Three months from now, it'll be a decade since I started on the road to becoming the loser I am today. I got broadband and a new PC for my birthday and soon after that it became accepted and normal for me to skip classes and spend entire nights and days on the internet.

People like OP aren't meant to be like this though. We're not the same at all. If you don't enjoy your life, change it. Even if that requires some sort of therapy.

>> No.8939519

Single moms are the best, just don't get attached.

>> No.8939520

ron pual 2012 kill your parents

>> No.8939521

Yes, his speech patterns are fairly typical and a common sign of Asperger's. Some people have a little more tonality and expression, but this is quite standard.

You might have social anxiety disorder or something similar. Don't assume bad with people = autism, it narrows your view and you could be missing out on proper support.

>> No.8939532

>when a shut-in turned normalfriend tries to convince a normalfriend turned shut-in that things are better outside
On /jp/, the experience is usually the opposite. Search for "got a job" or something, we get people complaining that a normal life is so much worse even months or years down the line.

I think it depends who you are though. Plenty of normal people go through depressive/shut-in phases, then they "get better". I say look to your childhood and teenage years. Did you wish you were at home on your computer instead of playing with your classmates? Did you ever try to occupy yourself with other things to get out of social situations? Were you happier doing the work in the library by yourself instead of going to class?

I'm not sure exactly when, but your personality traits are pretty much set after a certain age. If you've always been an introvert, there's a strong chance you always will be.

>> No.8939535
File: 63 KB, 720x720, Curry Butt believes in you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you should go for it, anon. Learning about relationships from /jp/ is like learning about minorities from /pol/.

>> No.8939551

Heh. I did well at normalcy too. I could socialize with other kids well enough, I even got a girlfriend, back in eighth grade. I hated it as well. The world of normals just made me feel fake and empty and depressed.

>> No.8939562

Not that guy, but I don't want to lose my truNEET status by getting a girlfriend.

>> No.8939595

only half the time. But if you just take it from /jp/ instead of trying it for yourself, thats stupid.

>> No.8939596

If you find the right type of girl you could increase your NEET status by leeching money off her

>> No.8939603

I think
is right. Youre not actually TRUNEET untill youve extensivly observed relationships in depth or been one or two yourself, if part of your value for that title(I use jokingly) is being uninterested or hateful of 3d relationships.

>> No.8939600

Yeah, it's called Nihilism ... or depression. One usually follows the other. It's a sign that you've grown up and let go of your childish fantasies. Your reward for having come this far is a lifetime of boredom and crippling depression. The only ray of light in this dark abysmal world is going to sleep and hoping you never wake up. You finally come to understand the saying "Ignorance is bliss."

Also, for the idiots claiming they've "evolved" above human contact, the fact that you're on /jp/ proves that you're fucking retarded.

>> No.8939607

Not a status symbol.

>> No.8939609

Yep. Nihilism is both the most logically definite perception of the world and also the most pointless, depressing, and horrible one. I switched from nihilism to romanticism sometime in my teens. The former is so bleak.

>> No.8939611

Yes it is. Stop trying to force this to make yourself feel better.

>> No.8939620

To be fair, you can be uninterested in something without having experienced it. You don't have to engage in acts of sodomy before you can call yourself a heterosexual.

Though I do suppose most people here wanted a girlfriend or boyfriend at some point. Just don't stereotype everyone to fit your worldview. There are lots of really nice people out there.

>> No.8939637

I live in Sweden, all of the girls here are sluts that have no self-control, are way too judgemental, and along with their 5 or 6 other female friends they laugh at you, right infront of your face with no mercy. Unless you're perfect and fit that is.

Hell, you're lucky enough if you manage to find one single girl here that can be considered smart enough to know how to act in a relationship. Even though most of this shit im spouting generally applies to 15-25 year olds, and grow out of it later on and probably settles down with any kind of guy. It's still a bitch.

Add this up with my kind of hobbies, and that narrows everything down to zero. And I'm not tearing all my merchandise and stuff just for the sake of wanting to be in a unsignificant thing as a relationship and experience this fictional piece of crap called love.

Sure, I might be deluding myself but, I just dont give a fuck. My own experiences by itself back when I was a teen makes me hate all that kind of shit.

Sorry for being a subhuman /r9k/ blogging piece of shit.

>> No.8939639

Oh, I know. I actually have a good amount of friends! They are just ones ive met online. There are good people there, but modern culture is hedonistic, overly-rationalistic, and there are lots of bad people that caused this or are caused by this too.

>> No.8939658

No it isn't. And nobody's forcing anything--this has been an accepted fact for years to the point where some faggot like Jones has probably printed it on t-shirts.

>> No.8939661

>fictional piece of crap called love
thats not true. You just really cant expect to find it in a country full of sluts like that. So I suppose it may be in sweden then.

>> No.8939674


>thats not true. You just really cant expect to find it in a world full of sluts like that

FTFY. The relationships portrayed anime, manga, and VNs are about as real as giant robots.

>> No.8939690

The entire WORLD isnt sluts. I knew a few girls who werent, and know two online as of now. They're just fairly rare is all.

>> No.8939702

Actually, you're wrong.
But that doesn't really matter becuase you're just trying to stir up shit.

>> No.8939703

Yes. I'm between work at the moment til the next contract kicks in. I'm beginning to regress into a hikkikomori state. There's lots of stuff I could be doing but I just don't want to do it. Don't want to watch anime, don't want to play games, don't want to be productive and do some stuff I was planning to do once I did get free time.

>> No.8939707

I thought Sweden was a paradise

>> No.8939718

Get out /r9k/ scum.

>> No.8939720

When it comes to leeching of the state for money when you dont have any job, it can be considered one, yes.

>> No.8939781

Im not! Though to be honest...one of said girls is only a girl if we go by the gender/sex being social construct/biological gender thing...in which case, they are indeed male.

>> No.8940867

You know, I dropped out of high school and have been NEET for 6 years now. Lost my virginity about a year ago, I've probably had sex 4 times in total since. I tried to get into a relationship but it didn't work, I'm not entirely sure if it's because I wasn't manipulative enough or just lack emotional awareness. I've always had a love-hate relationship with who/what I am.

Reading this thread reminded me that I belong here. I've always wanted a normal social life, but that seems impossible. I do have anxiety problems, but I've also always been socially withdrawn even as a child.

In a way I just want something better. But then I go out into the world and everything has gone to shit out there, even worse than I remember. The shut-in lifestyle has its ups and downs, but it can't last forever.

I may try to become more normal simply because I haven't tried it. It won't make anybody else or the world less shitty, but it will be a new experience and likely frustrating as hell. I'll probably withdraw again since I withdrew in the first place because I can never fit in thus feel an intense urge to mass murder innocents because of this helplessness. That or actually give in and mass kill innocents if somebody pisses me off enough.

>> No.8940878

This thread is sickening. Did people stop visiting your blogs or something?

>> No.8940888

This type of posting, and these sorts of threads are getting even more popular than they have been.

I think we might just be watching the last big shit to be taken on this board. Only this summer will tell.

>> No.8941027

It's kind of like the progression of most boards I guess.

On the /v/ of 4-6 years ago, it would have been shameful to admit you played WoW, and utterly inconceivable to mention you played MapleStory.

2-4 years ago, WoW became a common and often popular topic. MapleStory was still approximately inconceivable to mention at least.

Nowadays, WoW is nigh revered, and many posters talk about "Vanilla WoW", "nostalgia", and "perfection" in the same sentences. There have been MapleStory general threads on /vg/.

Only a couple years prior to now, /jp/ers had been trolling themselves after having found a video of a Hotglue guild on youtube, playing MapleStory. Just a few months ago, there was a completely non-ironic MapleStory thread on /jp/, even including guild recruitment.

I guess this kind of thing is just what happens as the kids get older and start to outnumber the others.

>> No.8942318
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The pointlessness of it all is actually liberating. You are free to do what you want, without having to conform to the expectations of others. To most /jp/sies, this allows them to indulge in their hobbies.

Also fuck off with your elitism, /jp/ doesn't cound as social contact.

>> No.8942334

I am desperate.

>> No.8942345
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>> No.8942351

/jp/ is nowhere near that level.
Why are you so shocked about NEET threads on a board for Japanese/Otaku culture? I'm aware their frequency can be a pain in the ass, but for fuck's sake look where you are.

>> No.8942380 [DELETED] 
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who NEET here

>> No.8942397

Don't bring pigs into this faggot.
They are a glorious creature who have done nothing wrong and have nothing to due with the situation at hand.

>> No.8942400

You don't belong here.

>> No.8942402
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>> No.8942406

fucking this, are you my twin sir?

>> No.8942416


Hey. You.
Psychology and prozac doesn't work.

>> No.8942423

fuck off nerd

>> No.8942436

Simple. It's because you're not taking it easy.

>> No.8942441

How do I go about that?

>> No.8942446

I've been NEETing for 4 years, and I could no longer sustain my lifestyle.

Unable to find a job I got the autism bucks, and they force me to join a special program for people with depression. Its absolutely horrible, i consists of nearly only housewives in their 50s.

>> No.8942454

Why would they?
You showed signs of depression?

>> No.8942455

>I dropped out of high school and have been NEET for 6 years now.

You fucking have everything you need in front of you before the JEWS take everything down this year.
>Lost my virginity about a year ago
to a cragslist whore? sex hotline in texas?
>I tried to get into a relationship but it didn't work
Why didn't you try to finish high school at least? Or how about your GED?
>Reading this thread reminded me that I belong here.

No you don't belong here, kill yourself out of /jp/

>> No.8942457

You should have refused

>> No.8942467

FUCK, why did I fucking watch Welcome To The NHK, biggest mistake I've ever made. Now I feel obliged to kill myself.

>> No.8942468

u guys are fags

>> No.8942473
File: 26 KB, 399x260, NonPhixionPIC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live like each day is giong to be your last

>> No.8942487
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1. Relax
2. Kill time until you fall asleep.

If you feel dull & bored of [everything]. Take a break from the usual things you do, I felt the same towards anime and I took a break for like half a month before the feeling of watching it came back. Explore other activities you've never done, even just for experience.

Do it.

>> No.8942496

anime is for nerds id rather smoke weed

>> No.8942524
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Just write like 3 paragraphs then I realized it's all pointless.

Those of you out there that know how to enjoy yourself, god speed. Those that are down in the dumps, we all know how you feel man, you and only you can find the way out. The bad always comes with a silver lining.

Peace fellow NEETs.

sage because this is r9k shit.

>> No.8942603

Jews can't take down anything.

The regular internet has been dead for years.

>> No.8942612

same chair dude

>> No.8942625
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I got too much time on my hands, MMOs have gotten boring for me especially when I play alone. I'm up to date on my backlog. Shitposting seems to be the funnest thing for me at the moment.

>> No.8942666

I miss the days when I could get excited about a new video game...
Everything is just boring now for me

>> No.8942694

I went through that phase when I was 14 too, dude.

>> No.8942762

Welcome to adaptation level theory.

You would be a lot happier as a Soviet farmer, but that wasn't good enough for your people.

>> No.8943368

There are the third type: schizoids

Also, my truneet depressed bros try some prozac. I am on it and it feels pretty cool.

>> No.8943390

If he was depressed, he most likely was not truNEET.

>> No.8943420

Why does social contact have to be physical or face to face goddamnit?! /jp/, online friends, games, etc, all is social interaction! Unless people dont engage in those either, being a shut in doesnt mean depression because no socialization!

>> No.8943427

Unless you're a faggy extrovert "..." you faggot.

>> No.8943443

but im not depressed. Im actually really happy.

>> No.8943449 [SPOILER] 
File: 5 KB, 186x159, everythingsperfectlyfine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have friends online either.

>> No.8943454

I wasn't referring to you.

>> No.8943453

Ill be your friend if you want.

>> No.8943460

But you'll end up disliking me like everyone else does.

>> No.8943465

Nihilism is self negating. There is really no point in believing in nihilism and just that, I think. There are lots of other ways to justify your hobby, most of them just don't involve the sorts of rationalism you'd find from a sociopath.

>> No.8943477
File: 324 KB, 618x960, 1334278663212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now why would I do that?

>> No.8943487

Okay, y-you can leave your email or something if you want.

>> No.8943493

skype and steam is the same as email

>> No.8943563
File: 20 KB, 500x461, i-know-that-feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8943575

I'd recommend drawfagging, but that takes several years get good at it. If you plan on living less than 5 years longer, then it may be just waste of time.

>> No.8943590
File: 471 KB, 750x750, 1331166318457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get bored but that doesn't mean anything. You'll still drag your feet through every day of your life till you die a natural death no matter how boring each day is.

>> No.8943592

Indie music changed my life

>> No.8943600

Everyone in this thread who was in a real relationship doesn't belong here. I'm getting tired of all those fake NEETs lately.

>> No.8943611

But being a NEET has nothing to do with relationships.

>> No.8943620
File: 340 KB, 600x458, 26561886_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8943624
File: 63 KB, 450x550, ai044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is trolling , same like the " You arent truNEET if you don't piss in bottles" guys

>> No.8943628

You're thinking of NEERT.

>> No.8943663

Because it is pretty alright, but it's still farfetched, so it's pure entertainment.

if you didn't notice, there's a bit of a theme there, people on the outside insulting how you live your life are no better than you, no matter what they think. People are equals no matter what they do, they just don't want to admit it.

>> No.8944248

It's basic psychology, it's your brain's way of telling you you need to get laid.

At least you're not still a teenager it's a million times worse for us.

>> No.8945136


>to a cragslist whore? sex hotline in texas?

More like an acquaintance of a friend. You know, the kind of friend you see a few times a year when it's convenient just to drink and smoke some weed and have an excuse to get out of the house.

>Why didn't you try to finish high school at least? Or how about your GED?

I got the GED a few years ago for the hell of it. They dragged the process out into a week minimum of pretests before I took it.

>No you don't belong here, kill yourself out of /jp/
I never planned on sticking around.
