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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 50 KB, 400x531, jpfit-Rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9498382 No.9498382 [Reply] [Original]

It's time.

>> No.9498383
File: 35 KB, 278x278, cirnodowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9498387

Every day until we like it, huh?

>> No.9498390
File: 43 KB, 300x296, 1309598599664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start tomorrow.

>> No.9498396

I'm in bed all day and I can't ever be bothered to take care of my body. But I do like this thread.

>> No.9498398

Any lifting today?

>> No.9498402

rin is pretty hot.

>> No.9498400

I like it.

>> No.9498403

Are we ever going to get good content in these threads or is it just going to be general daily dose shit.

Things to improve your stamina, or light exercise routines that won't be hard on flabby NEET physiques and will improve their lives.

>> No.9498407

lol fatty, go to the gym

>> No.9498406

Do you even lift?

>> No.9498410

I'm the skinny sort of otaku. Do some jogging for depression but don't care much about fitness. Just wondering if these threads would actually turn into "let's all get fit together" and be more than spam

>> No.9498415
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No, I am referring to the Olympics.

>> No.9498416

well if youd stop being a bitch and go to the gym, you can easily get help and get fit instead of just sitting here in a thread waiting for people to hold your hand.

>> No.9498417

>>>/fit/ is nice

>> No.9498421

managed to do 100 sit ups and 100 pushups all at once last week. feels good. would rather be good at bench but pushups are how people at karate measure strength so meh.

>> No.9498438

Is there a way to get fitter without leaving the house and with no equipment /jp/?

>> No.9498455

body weight exercises (situps, pushups, squats, etc)
plus a lot of moving around. jumping, going to the floor on all fours then getting back up to your feet, punching, kicking, shadow boxing, etc

>> No.9498468
File: 56 KB, 720x480, 877928451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This: >>9498455

But unless you live in a dangerous dystopian world I suggest you to go outside at least for walking a bit, don't worry nobody cares that much about you.

Some basic equipment doesn't cost much btw.

>> No.9498495

When I tried running people on the road made fun of me

>> No.9498500

This is a normal trying to trick you into thinking people don't care about you. While the caring part is true, they don't care for you or feel anything positive towards you, they do want to take the slightest chance to laugh and mock someone different from them. Don't fall for it and exercise at home.

>> No.9498502



>> No.9498661

two of my favorite boards acting as one. I am so hard right now.

>> No.9498724

I used to be fat as hell, and like you was embarrassed to show myself anywhere. I basically did 3 things:

1) Eat 3 meals a day, no junk food between. These meals should be filling, you can still eat a decent amount as long as you aren't drinking cokes or eating chips all day. Low calorie snacks like Jello, gum, drinking a ton of water, helped a lot.

2) Found a nice trail in the woods to walk/jog on without people.

3) Bought dumbells and looked up exercises online. You can do a lot with just these in your own room. When you gain muscle you burn more calories just from doing nothing, so its a pretty good deal. And you're gonna look way better.

Getting fit is a lot like playing an RPG, once you see that you are actually progressing you will want to continue with it. Obviously now I go to the gym and look better than 90% of the normalfags there, feels pretty good. Unfortunately if you are starting from being skinny, I can't really help you.

>> No.9498731
File: 5 KB, 201x178, squigglyblock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already do Starting Strength /jp/. What more do you want?

>> No.9498758

Did some snatches and front squats today, I feel very springy.

>> No.9498766

You're supposed to READ Starting Strength and then do Stronglifts 5x5

>> No.9498831

The only thing I cant think of is Chris-chan weightlifting those 6 packs. Stop lying /jp/

>> No.9499212
File: 45 KB, 640x480, Rin Nakai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sweaty Rin Nakai holding you down and panting as her rips gyrated furiously. Your manhood deep within her anus. Her barefeet planted soles down on either side of you to maintain her balance as she grinds down heavily on your cock. As you blow your load into her hindquarters she shutters violently and collapses on top of you. You offer to go make dinner but she insists that you let her lay on you and enjoy the afterglow as your seed oozes out of her ass.

She expects you to take responsibility.

>> No.9499232

For what? Does she think babies are made in her ass?

>> No.9499312


You took her innocence.

You have to marry her now.

>> No.9499320

Her barefeet planted soles


>> No.9499379

Poop comes from there, it was never innocent to begin with!

>> No.9499434

Fuck /fit/. I used to play Badminton at U18 county level, so I had to remain as light as possible to move around quickly. That means, very little fat and only as much muscle as I needed (183cm, 68kg at the time).
All the HURRDURRNEEDMOARMUSCLE cunts kept calling me skinnyfat, despite me kicking their asses at pretty much every sport that wasn't rowing. So yeah, fuck bodybuilding.

>> No.9499458


Post the "Post the do you even lift one" one

>> No.9499457


Good lord, the purity fetishists are becoming even more incoherent. Now basic biological functions are impure.

>> No.9499518

Woah, I never realized you were such a badass

>> No.9500866

Oh god i fucking hate that block. It's always messing with my nice plain surfaces.
Also often lose in tetris, because i sort the blocks by color.

>> No.9501143

>very little fat and only as much muscle as I needed
>(183cm, 68kg at the time)
you were skinny/skinnyfat
you definitely wasn't anywhere near bodybuilder mode or aesthetic

>> No.9501157

sex is technically a basic biological function.

>> No.9501171


Actually you have an advantage: you don't need to cut and you can immediately concentrate on bulking.

>> No.9501174


>> No.9501385

/v/ and /b/?
why not /fit/?

you'll probably need to cut when you get too bulkier anyway though.
the point is he more than likely wasn't aesthetic

>> No.9501446
File: 90 KB, 246x246, 1343790069306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havent lifted in nearly 11 weeks due to injury.

You cant.. you cant really help it, it's just this inexorable feeling, of shame and self hatred, and pain. my gains slowly slipping away, with nothing I can do about it.

>> No.9501458

OP is crossboard scum.

>> No.9501474

Cheer up, bro. Just look forward to the day when you can lift again.

>> No.9502021

She's also known as "The Tank"
Tanks don't like taking it up the butt

>> No.9503301

Mods better delete this shit before it draws in more crossboard scum.

Fit is full of faggots and not the cool kind.

>> No.9503353

We used to discuss diet and exercise without any /fit/ involvement. Health is something worth paying attention to when living inactive lifestyles. Hence /jp/ relevance.

The thread would've been fine without /fit/ being mentioned in the OP.

>> No.9503834

diet and exercise for jp is cool, but i don't want any other board here ever.

this is just ridiculous. god damn, i want to make my own jp imageboard.

how much would it cost? i've looked at tohno-chan and i've heard they're total shit and like 3DPD and have stupid threads, but the boards they have are ideally fine.

this place was fine cause it was obscure for the most part, but because it's on 4chan and it's gotten popularity, it's never gonna be the same again
