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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9540094 No.9540094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would you do if your country's government finds out about your Touhou folder and sentences you to 15 years in prison because of a few images?

Would you weather those years in prison? Would you try to escape the authorities? Would you kill yourself?

>> No.9540103

You make it sound as though I save lewd pictures.

>> No.9540109
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TRANSFORM: Anti-Statist Ranger!

>> No.9540121
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I would escape to a far away island and live in the wilderness like in those movies! But the only problem is I have no idea how to hunt.. or fish.. or make a fire. But that doesn't matter because it will be super awesome.

>> No.9540133

I would use the time to learn all sort of things, given I've got the resources. When I get bored I would try to escape. If that fails too I would consider suicide.

>> No.9540151

I'd sell crack to niggers

>> No.9540159

Why would I care about prison? It wouldn't be so different from what I do now.

>> No.9540167


What country do you live in?

>> No.9540171

Do you already get raped by blacks on a daily basis?

>> No.9540182

I'd start a violent uprising against the government, and probably die in a shoot out with a government agency, or execution.

>> No.9540202

I'd be more worried about my cp folder, also the only ones who get arrested here are those who try to contact kids on messenger or facebook.

>> No.9540242

I have a serious question, what is so great about 3D Loli?

I find them to be disgusting, and annoying.... Just tell me what you personally like about it so I can at least kinda understand.

>> No.9540267 [SPOILER] 
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Only in my dreams.

>> No.9540296

sanae a slut

>> No.9540315

Because I don't even have them, they wouldn't be illegal and prison wouldn't be so different from what I do now. I feel sorry for you who live in trigger-happy nations.

>> No.9540318

Not that guy, but I find them extremely cute which makes more sense to me sexually than what most people understand as "sexy" with large curves and what not. I find that they're innocent and I would love to have a relationship with a loli, we could go to amusement parts and watch movies cuddling under a blanket trying to stay warm during winter. Their playful nature just makes they want to have fun, enjoy themselves and take it easy. I don't understand why most people DON'T want to have a relationship with a loli. They're attractive, have great personalities that I can relate to and pure/innocent.

>> No.9540327

You forgot the puffy vulva.

>> No.9540336

> have great personalities
This one is 2D only though.

>> No.9540341

No it's not.

>> No.9540342

Not really, I have to work with children daily and the vast majority of them are very pleasant and we have a great time together.

>> No.9540350

Since you had the guts to answer, I must say that their lack of intelligence and general inability to do anything would be the main reasons. If we ignore the common moral standards, of course.

>> No.9540351


Have you ever done anything sexual with a child?

>> No.9540358

My Tōhō folder only has the Tōhō games. No kidding.

>> No.9540366

Nothing explicit at all.

>> No.9540371

That's interesting - mine has everything BUT the games. No kidding.

>> No.9540372

You might not want to talk about working with children on 4chan.
Though the idea of someone who has a loli folder working with kids makes me uneasy too.

>> No.9540377

I normally delete all the fanmade content I like after a while.

>> No.9540379

They're actually very intelligent and have a natural tendency to learn; their brains are like sponges and they almost remember anything you tell them.
Now the "normal" moral grounds part is just a stupid thing to bring up, the "normal" moral grounds in Sparta were to throw any inperfect babies off a cliff, but that's not very moral at all now. So if there are objective morals (which I do believe in) then just because society says it's wrong it doesn't mean it's wrong.
No, nothing explicit whatsoever.

>> No.9540383

>Though the idea of someone who has a loli folder working with kids makes me uneasy too.

look at this fuggin normal

>> No.9540388
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Would you give her a kiss?

>> No.9540387

Why would it upset you that I would have a loli folder? I just think they're so darn cute!

>> No.9540389

Not saying it will happen, but you shouldn’t actively seek out working with children if you sexualise them. That’s asking for trouble.

>> No.9540392

I'd fuck her to death with my dick
I'd tear her little ass with my fist and then cum inside until it leaks out

>> No.9540393

People who work are normals, no exceptions.

>> No.9540394
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I don't really have that many lewd pictures.

>> No.9540396


You're missing out on a lot.

>> No.9540397

He's working with kids because he enjoys them. As long as you're working because you enjoy it and not because you're a wage slave there's nothing wrong with it.

Take it easy.

>> No.9540398 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 425x282, sick little girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You give pedophiles are bad name. Please stop.

>> No.9540399

I would! This picture really makes me want to go on a hike or something with her. Although I've never been a big fan of trail-mix, I wonder if she is?
I don't think I'm a threat to the safety of children, I would never do something against their will or use my position of authority to take advantage of their lack of knowledge. I want to help them, make better and make them happy.

>> No.9540403
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You give pedophiles a bad name. Please stop.

>> No.9540402
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>> No.9540405

you know what /jp/
maybe..maybe we should be a little more active during all these "evil lolicon sentenced to prison" cases..what if the same thing happens to you? I think..we should all organize and try save every single person sentenced to prison for something like that, even if we consider them Thad-level scum.

>> No.9540406

>I would never do something against their will or use my position of authority to take advantage of their lack of knowledge.
This implies you would actually do anything sexually with a kid as long as you think it is consensual. That’s a problem, you see. Even if you don’t care about society and their morals, it’s a danger to your freedom as a person for obvious reasons.

>> No.9540408

No. He is a traitor to the 2D world and this board if he interacts with other humans in the 3D world.

>> No.9540411


truNEETs 4 lyfe

>> No.9540412

But if you're active about it you must be one of them! Why would you support them if you had no ulterior motive? You're probably just trying to get your despicable fantasies legalized!

>> No.9540420

If he wants to fugg a kid and thinks it is worth the risk, why do you care nerdling?

>> No.9540417

It's time to sign petitions, ne?

>> No.9540422

But they hardly work, do they?

>> No.9540425

If by "hardly" you mean "not at all", yes.

>> No.9540428

I know, but if we truly loved each other then she wouldn't want me to go away to prison and I would have nothing to fear. Society might not think they can consent, but I know they could given time and a strong relationship with each other. I mean I don't want to just have sex with a loli, that's of secondary importance, I want to have an amazing emotional relationship with one that I truly love as a person.

>> No.9540429

>They're actually very intelligent and have a natural tendency to learn; their brains are like sponges and they almost remember anything you tell them.
Yes, but they know very little and I have no interest in teaching them. They can't handle complex stuff because they lack the required base knowledge and general life experience. Have you ever talked about vector analysis or World War II with a child? As you can see, I have trouble liking people in general. Kids are the worst and I can't help it.

>> No.9540430

Then what, armed uprising in the name of loli?

>> No.9540432
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I hope you achieve your dreams!

>> No.9540453

I don't know. That would be cool, but I believe something less extreme would do, too.
It's just the matter of organization

If pacifist and eco-fags all over the world can band together and actually get some results, why can't we?

>> No.9540457

I can respect your opinions about people and children and your dislike for them, however, I find that even fully grown adults cannot make informed or mature decisions themselves, so perhaps it's a trait all humans have and nothing can stop them from doing that without forcing them to do what you believe is the correct decision to be making.

Now most adults cannot even have a conversation besides gossip or some horribly awkward small talk, yet kids have not been tainted with all the idiocy that plagues our culture now; they mostly talk about things that they feel are important to simply enjoy life and not try to get ahead in this hedonistic life. They might not be able to tell you the definition of hedonistic, but they could teach you much more about the pure intrinsic values and principles that exist within all humans at their birth and how you need to just enjoy your life and do what you enjoy even if you don't drive the nicest car or live in the biggest house.

Just as much as we gain knowledge about how our society views life, they have knowledge from a humanistic perspective and we destroy that with our corrupt world, I see it first hand every week outside of vacation.

>> No.9540469

> If pacifist and eco-fags all over the world can band together and actually get some results, why can't we?
Because all lolicons are beta by nature.

>> No.9540470

Occupy wall street = sat around, nothing changed.
Middle east uprising = shot the bad guys, things changed.

>> No.9540475
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so what?

>> No.9540496
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>> No.9540504

We don't want people to notice us. Of course we'd love to be accepted by society but fighting for that is just way too dangerous.
What if we fail and people won't accept us? What if they make fun of us? We might even be put in jail.

>> No.9540506

I seriously want to start a revolution with you guys, but I know that over 80% of you are useless sadly.

>> No.9540515

you care what other people think about you? seriously?

>> No.9540523
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I'm going to be president someday. What do you guys think a good age of consent would be? Maybe 12, and 6 if you have the permission of the girls father?

>> No.9540536

At the very least I don't want them to think I'm a pedophile.

>> No.9540538


What if I am the girls father?

Personally I think it depends on how mentally mature they are as an individual. But you can't make laws for everyone based off individual's now can you.

I would say 13 is about right for age of consent.

>> No.9540544

Your not going to be the president you turbobaka.

Even if you were the president you'd just be a fuckin' puppet

>> No.9540552

Yes I am and when I'm elected I will have my secret service beat you up.

>> No.9540553

Age of consent should just get thrown out and children should learn proper sex education in school by like 3rd grade so it sticks better.

>> No.9540558

But then what if they have lewd videos taken of them? That will haunt them all their life.

>> No.9540579

>but they could teach you much more about the pure intrinsic values and principles that exist within all humans at their birth
No thank you. That would be like rubbing salt into my wounds. I can't change the environment I live in. It's everywhere. It kicks you down if you touch it and there sure as hell isn't anybody to bring you back up.

>> No.9540673
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3D might be tempting sometimes but ultimately 2D is always superior.
Also, 3D is very dangerous so there's no real point in going for 3D when there is 2D.
From today on, I will never again look at 3D. I'm sure my life will improve with this.
