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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9670686 No.9670686 [Reply] [Original]

Being on /jp/ for so long really warps your idea of what is acceptable to normalfags.

My brother saw a pic of Kirino on here and was staggered at how people could find a drawn girl cute.

I can't help but wonder what his reaction to some of the doujins I possess would be.

Has /jp/ ever misjudged what is acceptable to normalfags?

>> No.9670705

How the hell can someone find real girls cute?

>> No.9670706

It always surprises me how different 4chan is, and how something that becomes your "default" mindset is completely abhorrent to regular people (or even just your run-of-the-mill nerds online, no matter how weird or normal they may be).

A few days ago I was discussing lolicon with a friend, and she couldn't fathom how such a sick and twisted thing exists. I pointed out the usual arguments, about how no real children were harmed, it's not abusive in any way, and a study found it non-harmful, but to her (and I'm guessing many other people), it's just inherently this horrible thing that should be removed from the face of the Earth.

>> No.9670709

you should hang out with your in your free time

>> No.9670717


Go ahead and show him something light. Nothing to hardcore.

>> No.9670714

you should hang out with your brother in your free time

>> No.9670718
File: 75 KB, 227x239, asfsafasf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"normalfag"? Come on, anonymous, don't make me laugh. Who is something such as "normal" in this world? There are nothing normal here. Everyone is a miserable little pile of secrets. I am a devil. I do what I want, when I want, as I want. I don't have to explain shit to anyone else. If they ask, I tell them to care about their own business. No matter what is "acceptable" or not.

>> No.9670724

Girls are generally protective of kids, as a rule. It's not actually a bad thing, it's one of the few things that 3d girls have still retained about their character that is rather cute and appealing. Maternal instinct and all that.

>> No.9670725

Not about 2D as I kinda hide that because most people want to talk to me about "Vampire Knight" or "Black Butler" after I say I like anime/manga (I don't like those series) but when I was in high school I used to love talking about transgender beauty pagents and would always get guys to call them cute before I told them and then they would go back over and pick out some random body part and say "Well you could it was a guy because of X" nobody really cared because I was known to be weird but nice (I wasn't nice just good at hiding my bitchy side)

>> No.9670731

I suppose, but they're not real.

For once I'm the one with a clear-cut distinction between fantasy and reality, and it's everyone else who is mad.

>> No.9670739

>that pic

you see his head lean but you can see his nose more on the opposite direction

the prospective is not followed and is more artistic

that is art

>> No.9670740

It's not cute and appealing when they start thinking completely illogical things because they can't control their instincts. Sometimes it's the difference between a bitch and a reasonable person.

>> No.9670746

I still remember how my mom said some VN girl looked like a fish monster when she saw it.

I can't remember what I had open at the time, sadly.

>> No.9670748

she has a really punchable face

>> No.9670750


>It always surprises me how different 4chan is

I don't like the fact that I can't go to any other forum/place and have a conversation the way I can on imageboards. Everything other than imageboards just feels like I'm browsing yahoo answers or something, with a bunch of fucking morons and kids.


Well, there's some overlap you're not taking into account. If you like 2D loli, despite them not being real, you're still literally a pedophile. And you know how people treat them.

>> No.9670753


You let your mom watch you play a VN?

>> No.9670754

>I used to love talking about transgender beauty pagents and would always get guys to call them cute
That's really weird

>> No.9670755

>My brother saw a pic of Kirino on here and was staggered at how people could find a drawn girl cute.
This sounds insane. Cute drawn females aren't just anime thing, they're on every culture. Hasn't your brother ever seen Disney films? Those are full of cute drawn stuff.

>> No.9670761

I read that as "Kirno" at first and nearly choked.

>> No.9670762

>I don't like the fact that I can't go to any other forum/place and have a conversation the way I can on imageboards. Everything other than imageboards just feels like I'm browsing yahoo answers or something, with a bunch of fucking morons and kids.
Seconded. A lot of the shit we ridicule Something Awful for is just the standard way of thinking/talking on the rest of the web.

>Well, there's some overlap you're not taking into account. If you like 2D loli, despite them not being real, you're still literally a pedophile. And you know how people treat them.
I suppose, but the public perception of paedophiles is another example. When you clearly explain that you're a lolicon only, it makes no sense to still be flustered by it. You could tell someone you're a killer, they'd be shocked. Then you'd elaborate and say you're a soldier for the Army, they'll loosen up and breathe a sigh of relief.

>> No.9670763


They're here, too, they just mostly lurk. Or post on /b/, /v/, /a/, etc.

>> No.9670769


>A lot of the shit we ridicule Something Awful for is just the standard way of thinking/talking on the rest of the web.


>> No.9670772


I did an Exhentai image search on that I only found sauce in japanese and chinese. Where did you get the translated version?

>> No.9670774

She has an unparalleled skill at walking into my room while I'm fapping, so I stopped caring what she saw years and years ago, and she doesn't seem to care what she sees either.

>> No.9670776


I know they're here, believe me I do. But they're very diluted and miniscule in the entire userbase, atleast relative to most other communities.

I think that was kind of funny what he did.

>> No.9670777

>fapping while your mother is home

do you use dildo too?

>> No.9670781

Paedophilia and anime are good examples.

Some old front page stuff about 4chan:

>> No.9670782

Japanese 101

>> No.9670783


>I think that was kind of funny what he did.

Didn't mean to post that.

>> No.9670785

Yeah but she usually mans the dildo for me

>> No.9670791

Yeah I was weird but I guess people kinda liked me for it.

These girls I was sitting with in art class all started discussing porn with me and we laughed about fake twink incest and a girl shoving a baseball bat up her vag...then the conversation somehow went to food and music.

>> No.9670793

My sister would probably tell my parents if she found my incest doujins.

>> No.9670800

And then what, they'll ground you?
Do you still live with your parents?

>> No.9670803

My personal definition of normalfag is someone who will try to hunt down and ridicule anything that goes against his view of the world

>> No.9670806


One time my sister found a incest doujin, about a sister finding her brothers incest doujin, about a sister finding her brother's doujins.

>> No.9670810

Dildos? Naw I ain't gay and I'm too poor for onaholes.

Stop that, you.

>> No.9670815
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Then what happened? I'm c-c-curious.

>> No.9670816

I never used somethingawful, but everytime I hear about this site it's never anything good in any conceivable way. I'm still trying to understand if it's a forum for 4chan /b/-tier trolls and retards or if it's just a bunch of whipped faggots who think they still matter in the internet. As time goes on, I lean more and more towards the latter.

>> No.9670817


You don't have to be gay to want a phallic shaped object up your ass.

>> No.9670839

Well I don't know about SA specifically, but we usually criticize forums for their encouragement of modfaggotry and asskissing, their retarded infraction systems, the circle-jerking, the complete disregard for intelligent thought, and so on...

The worst thing is how shocked people get. If you were to post a what would be a stale, boring, relatively mild image from 4chan, you'd have hundreds of replies telling you to get mental help and reporting you to the FBI, then your thread would be locked and you'd get an infraction point and maybe lose some rep. Similarly, if you make a joke about death or something, you are going to get a 10 paragraph reply about how it was out of line because xXxPurpleGirlD's brother died recently and you should apologize.

This seems to be common activities for most of the english speaking internet, including old usenet posts from 25 years ago.

>> No.9670851

Don't make light of /jp/'s dependency on our parents. They can do terrible things, like cut off our internet or stop buying us ramen.

>> No.9670853

SA is about as relevant as 7chan is. They are also very whipped. They accept their bans by feminazi mods while asking for more, then they pay Lowtax another 10$ for a new account.

>> No.9670856

It's like 4chan, in a way. Has some strong stereotypes grounded in truth, but otherwise it's a pretty run-of-the-mill forum.

>> No.9670862

Feels good to be surrounded by students of natural and formal sciences. I guess their rare kind of prosociality stems from the fact that, unlike most people, they don't hate thinking.

>> No.9670861

If normals knew the kind of things I masturbate to, they'd probably try to hurt me. It's one of the many reason I prefer to keep my distance from those savages.

>> No.9670867

> we usually criticize forums for their encouragement of modfaggotry and asskissing, their retarded infraction systems, the circle-jerking, the complete disregard for intelligent thought, and so on...

SA has all of those in spades, you have no idea.
I guess they're fairly intelligent because of the barrier to entry and retarded bans/probations, though.

>> No.9670865

>Everything other than imageboards just feels like I'm browsing yahoo answers or something, with a bunch of fucking morons and kids.

It also does for me. Sometimes I get tired of seeing people here ironically pretending to be retards and think ``for fucks sake, nobody is actually that idiot'', but then when I end up in some other kind of forum I always think ``are these people fucking retarded'', ``there are so many wrong things on that comment it's not worth it to even try to argue with you'', with emoticons and overall mediocre quality discussion. Most of the time I'd take an off topic 4chan discussion over an on topic discussion elsewhere.

As for the topic, well... sometimes I feel a bit scared because my mindset has deviated a lot from "normal" and, while this is not something bad, it could give me problems interacting with others (like I did, but still).

>> No.9670873

Wow, remove yourself from /jp/, crossboarder-trash.

>> No.9670876

Can I just ask you guys?

What's wrong with living with your parents?

Going out and getting your own place at 18 or 21 is fucking wasteful! Even if you're working, you get to save a load of money from working and living with your parents.

All the smart races like chinese do it, it's a way of pooling together resources.

>> No.9670877

What about the opposite, /jp/?

I went outside in the streets for the first time in over a year the other day. I expected to see transpeople doing slutwalks and telling cis scum to die, teenage girls having public sex in the street, and Jewish gangs stealing money then complaining about the Holocaust. But everyone was just normal, walking around and stuff.

>> No.9670880

They do that when you aren't looking.

>> No.9670882


Eat shit and die, liberal.

>> No.9670885


>Has /jp/ ever misjudged what is acceptable to normalfags?

Never. I try to keep the two worlds as far away from each other as I can.

>> No.9670892

>What's wrong with living with your parents?
In Spain, with youth unmployment over 50% and one of the biggest housing bubbles in the world, it's almost impossible to emancipate until you're in your late 20s. And the government recently cut renting aid for young people...

>> No.9670893
File: 27 KB, 425x383, anti-bullying_blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't care for hyouka either, but I don't like you at all.

>> No.9670888

Nothing. If they have a room and handle supplies/chores, you're dumb not to. Parents are basically the best housemates you could ever wish for. And with housing and the economy the way they are, more people are realizing this.

Ideally, I would like some more privacy and freedom, but it's a small price to pay for a free room.

>> No.9670900

Women are more abusive toward children than men are. I don't know where you are getting this from.

>> No.9670901

lol the sign is pink
fuckin gay d00d
gay as HELL

>> No.9670894

Is "liberal" pronounced the way I think it is?

>> No.9670896

Preaching to the choir.

>> No.9670903

This isn't a 4chan thing. This is a Japan thing.

I've bought loli figures with a normal as can be girl accompanying me in Japan with nothing more than being jokingly called a lolicon.

Your doujins are mostly acceptable here.

>> No.9670905

Uh, you know nothing in his post implied that he liked transpeople.

>> No.9670906

Stop parroting shitposters and their "forced memes".

>> No.9670907

>What's wrong with living with your parents?
My mother opens my packages so I'm scared to buy anything that I can't explain as "it's a Final Fantasy game."

>> No.9670910

Nothing at all really. You should eventually move out on your own, of course, but moving out while still college aged would be pretty much impossible.

>> No.9670911

Why does she do that? Tell her not to open your stuff, what the fuck.

>> No.9670922

how else would we be able to spot shitposters with 100% then?

>> No.9670919

I told her but I'm too scared to buy anything in case she does it anyway.

She's a nice person really but doesn't understand privacy in the slightest.

>> No.9670921


2 syllables, LEEB-ral.

>> No.9670943
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Not everyone lives in the promised land.

You'll find that everywhere you go, a large percentage of the population are slaves to the opinions of their peers.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of man remain the same.

>> No.9671809

>most of the english speaking internet

Fucking this.

I could go to a Russian porn tracker and watch people politely discuss a video of girl being hanged from the ceiling by the hooks in her back with pins or nails in her breasts. Maybe it's CGI, but it looks real enough.

On the other hand almost every single guro gallery on exhentai has a top comment telling me how sick this is and show I should kill myself for masturbating to this. As if people can choose the things they get aroused by.

>> No.9671865

I haven't, but I have to watch myself on other forums so I don't revert to "4chan mode". But I have noticed I give far less of a shit about not pissing off the moderators than I did before I started coming here. These days, I just find their childish dick-waving amusing.

>> No.9671889

Really? I always thought my arrowgays were lying to me about girls lightly teasing guys for being a lolicon but not actually giving much of a shit.

>> No.9671939

>I don't like the fact that I can't go to any other forum/place and have a conversation the way I can on imageboards
I'm disturbed by how a lot of forums I see have 4chan culture all over them. Your thing is true of boards like large video game, or even anime, or normalfag forums. Anything with niche interests is different though,.

>> No.9671966

Don't forget that people can't really chose what they are disgusted and horrified by either.

>> No.9671968


Behold, what normal people.

>> No.9672020

You just have to be careful.
My rule is "everything from Japan is no-go". Otherwise yes, the concept of what's acceptable would become blurred and I could let something slip.
"Maybe this song"... and when you realize it you're letting other people listen to something just a bit too close to denpa.

>> No.9672065

Thanks for the rage. I know it's staged, but let's call it "placebo rage".

>> No.9672117

I brought up oreimo with fans who only watch dubbed anime. She was all "wait, is says on wiki this show is about a guy fucking his sister?" and other was like "Omg incest shit lol."

It occured to me then that normals view us the same way we view bronies.

>> No.9672145

Dude, that's your fucking sister. You can't do that to her, it's completely wrong.

>> No.9672203

Living on your own leaves you much more open to explore fetishes.

I lived without roommates for a while. I was buying shit tons of girls' cloths, vibrators, onaholes, etc. I'd really love to be able to do that again.

>> No.9672212

This is why I'm careful of looking down on groups I find strange.

>> No.9672244

I was watching Oreimo and some of the last eps of YnS as well as Fate/Zero while a few normals were in the room.
I was watching it with a straight face while they all stared in horror and got all twitchy. Just watching their reactions was hilarious. Then one of them came over to me to tell me how pedophilia/incest is wrong and he got TOLD when I argued the opposite and demanded citation for his biased claims and false facts against some of the stuff I watched. What's more funny is he couldn't keep his eyes off of it the entire time a while after.
Funny how the guys who feel the most against it are also drawn to it the most. They're so insecure and it's so obvious that I laugh in their face how they're the very thing they claim to hate so much.

>> No.9672273

I have a friend which is a 2/3 of an anon. He likes some kinds of hard hentai, but makes fun of the things I masturbate to (obviously he doesn't know). He's the only one I have reveled something like incest and sucubus shit, but I can't revel the other shit.

The other day I did something that I considered "normal". The seat in the bus was free, and a girl was just by my side, and then I thought "fuck that, she's not special, I'm taking the seat". And then she and her friends started to make comments about how rude I was.

I don't know, maybe my views of what's "moral" has become weak. Although I still refuse to give in the seat to a slut I'm not going to fuck.

>> No.9672287

Equal rights, she gets to stand just like every other man before her. That's what I call progress.

>> No.9672309

I would have been mad if you ended that story by saying you gave the seat to her.

>> No.9672318

>Funny how the guys who feel the most against it are also drawn to it the most.

Reminds me of super homophobic republican senators/congressmen being found fucking dudes in public restrooms. Or priests who preach chastity and abstinence and then rape little boys.

I wonder how they rationalize it?

>> No.9672325

I guess it was still pretty beta to be there, hearing how they talk about how they are not gentleman nowadays, but I stayed firm at the end.

I remember that I used to be ultra catholic and against masturbation when I was 11 yo. So I struggled against the urge to masturbate, and used things like music to help me calm. I failed and fapped like crazy. At the end I kept being catholic for a while (until I was 15 yo) but I ignored the sin of masturbation. I suppose these people act like this too.

>> No.9672407


You don't have to subscribe to chivalry to be a decent human being. It's called common courtesy because it should be the standard for how you treat everyone. Holding open the door for someone carrying something helps out regardless of gender.

>Although I still refuse to give in the seat to a slut I'm not going to fuck.

Also, please try to remember that other people are in fact people and that their worth is in no way tied to how useful they are to you.

>> No.9672413


There is a picture of someone being banned for liking kodomo no jikan, that comes to mind.

>> No.9672427

I don't think so. I view bronies as over-enthusiastic and thus irksome, but there actual interests I don't mind. I've never watched MLP but even if I dislike it I wouldn't find it weird that a person would like it.

They view us as actually immoral. Heck, I talked to my friend the other day about lolicon and he said it'd be fine if a person went to jail for buying something like that. I didn't understand it at all but didn't want to look like a pedophile so didn't argue.

>> No.9672452

I see that you're trying to be decent. I used to think like you. Now I'm not as sure. In fact, I don't know what should and shouldn't be, and maybe that's why I'm psychotic.

Besides my behavior that moment and in my previous comment, I believe that I'm still a good person, even if my thoughts try to run in another way.

I'm replying because your comment makes me see that you still believe in something, and I find that very nice, cute and interesting (I'm not being sarcastic). Hang on to that. I didn't expect to find someone here that thinks like that.

>> No.9672472

>about lolicon
I see you are a fucking idiot who believes "lolicon" is the same as "loli".
Hell, let's call anime "otaku".

>> No.9672473

You lot should give up on loli and start promoting bestiality like like furries and /mlp/. Maybe people will start hating that and take the heat off loli. Would still be ironic if it was more accepted though. "Yes sir, I would rather fuck a literal bitch than a loli; at least she is in heat"

>> No.9672475

Lolicon is also used to refer to loli erotica.

>> No.9672480

Lets call porn doujins! And animal ear girls nekos!

Lets also assume Shonen and Seinen and Shoujou and Josei refer to genres of cartoons!

>> No.9672490

Did you see they're going to release an official Otaku or Little Busters?

>> No.9672493

In the USA, if you are tolerant, you get demonized as a liberal democrat by most republicans. On the other hand, democrats rarely demonize people to the same degree for being intolerant republicans. Thus, over time, since the 1980's when this process started after Reagan made it fashionable to think "me first" and to be intolerant, the USA culture has shifted quite a bit towards the conservative right.

No, there is no way many people today in the USA can really admit to accessing sadpanda or even tolerating it. That's because if you have a good corporate job that has a security clearance, many people know how to stab you in the back effectively - just report to the company you are doing things wrong and violating the security clearance. Even if you are acquitted or the company considers it a joke, it will STILL BE WRITTEN DOWN and attached to your security record. If that person who was disgusted by what you were watching, or your ex-GF or ex-friend gets a group of people together to submit the same claims, then all of a sudden you can get a harder time renewing your security clearance.

Because of that kind of Chilling Effect, people might give up even looking at sadpanda because the security clearance (like mine) has stuff about whether or not you access "these types of sites" on the internet. You know the chilling effect exists since /jp/ is often worried about importing figures, doujins, games, etc, to the USA since at the border, the official prosecutable loli age is 18 (all under 18 is officially loli and prosecutable as child porn).

>> No.9672498

Stop being stupid.

>> No.9672501

... What the fuck? You got the point entirely wrong, faglord.

>> No.9672503

They aren't talking to you, they are talking to themselves, trying to ease their conscience for fapping. Toddlercon gets an instant -100 on gelbooru, but people still bitch, even though you'd have to actively search for it.

>> No.9672506

My point is merely to show that you sound like an idiot.

>> No.9672523

KnJ can get you a global permaban from /a/ for `pedo anime', and many a IM thread was deleted a few years ago.

>> No.9672527

>KnJ can get you a global permaban from /a/ for `pedo anime'

That's completely not true. /a/, for how shitty it may be, is not SA.

>> No.9672529
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>I see you are a fucking idiot who believes "lolicon" is the same as "loli".

"loli" is the short version of "lolicon". As for what the federal government regards as prosecutable child porn, the official age in the federal statutes is 18.

There is virtual lolicon and that is currently handled by multiple laws and statutes. Some of them, but not all, are part of the Protect Act passed by the republicans. If you remember, during the republican presidential primaries which Bush won, the various candidates had porn as one of their items. So did Bush, and Bush made good on his promise since he tried hard to get anime and manga regulated the same as other media in the USA but failed since at that time the Supreme Court was liberal due to Clinton's appointees. The current Supreme Court is conservative, so if Obama can't appoint enough extra justices (3 more), after his 2nd term is done, republicans will probably win the presidency again, thus removing the veto on Protect Act 2 which will probably finally change anime and manga to be regulated the same as all other pornographic entertainment media in the USA. What that means is that "lolicon" will then be EITHER the declared age of the char is under 18 (regardless of how old the char looks) or the char looks to be under 18 (regardless of how old the char actually is).

>> No.9672530

You can get banned for posting anything that's not Naruto in /a/ nowadays.

>> No.9672532


The heck is IM?

>> No.9672534

Naruto gets banned

>> No.9672537

I was once permabanned from 4chan saying something along the lines of "What's wrong with liking little girls?". I'm really worried this place will be overrun with normalfags. I don't have any back ups that are in english, though.

>> No.9672541

>What that means is that "lolicon" will then be EITHER the declared age of the char is under 18 (regardless of how old the char looks) or the char looks to be under 18 (regardless of how old the char actually is).

Eventually someone is going to realize they're going to have to ban all of anime and Japanese media in general, as well as remove what exists or change the law.

>> No.9672542

It is true. The right mod just has to pass though. Another tip: You have a less chance of being been permabanned for posting loli on a worksafe board than you do on /b/. About 10% of the lolicon threads on /b/ end up with a CP or `replying to paedophile thread' threadban.

Ichigo Mashimaro

>> No.9672543


Did you really?

I find that hard to believe. Hope whoever he/she was either gets fired, or has already been fired. We don't need dumb-fuck mods who act on behalf of their own personal agenda's here.

>> No.9672546
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>> No.9672547
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>> No.9672548

I e-mailed moot and he revoked it. I don't know whether that person is still a mod, though.

>> No.9672555
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Why didn't you just change MAC address and unplug/replug your router?


Shit like that is what really gets me.

>> No.9672558
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>> No.9672567

When it comes to unfair perma-bans, rather than just 1-3 day bans, it's a better idea to email Moot first. That way he'll know what happened and it'll be a strike against the mod in question, who may very well end up losing his position. If Moot never replies or you don't get unbanned, then you should do that.

>> No.9672576

I was banned 4 or so times a couple of years ago on /g/ just so the mods could put music in the public ban message.

>> No.9672584

I didn't really have anything I wanted to post at the time anyways. And I just hated the fact that there was some loli-hating mod on 4chan.

>> No.9672598

>Eventually someone is going to realize they're going to have to ban all of anime and Japanese media in general, as well as remove what exists or change the law.

No, most anime and manga that exists today is completely legal even if the "treat anime/manga the same as other entertainment media" ruling gets passed. The hentai category only seems large to those who immerse themselves in that world.

One thing usa law requires of current porn is that their publishers have to get a license in order to sell it. So you can see there are a lot of subtle changes that can jump up and stymie doujin sales in the usa if anime/manga gets treated the same as all other print/video media in the usa. But you have to agree that on the surface it seems "reasonable" to treat manga like other usa printed media comics and satire illustrated works, right? And you know usa-made cartoons have to follow certain standards, so why not anime too? See how reasonable it sounds when you look at it from a non-anime/manga fan's perspective? My parents think anime/manga should be regulated like other media. To them it sounds fair because right now anime/manga is getting unfairly good treatment by not being subject to the same laws just because it might offend the japanese businesses and gov't that collects taxes from them. In other words, my voting republican parents think that anime/manga exists in a LOOPHOLE, and they want that loophole closed.

>> No.9672628

They have a nice Let's Play subforum, and that's about it.

>> No.9672645
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My last girlfriend was completely fine with me being a lolicon. But that's probably because she was a shotacon.

>> No.9672649

>The hentai category
I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about how common it is to have underaged girls in naked and sexual situations in normal shows. You might not think of them as underage because they aren't 10, but they are mostly under 18.

Unless you're saying the law will only cover porn and it's okay to molest an 11 year old anime girl with tentacles as long as it isn't a porno to begin with.

>> No.9672652

It's more accurate to say the Let's Play subforum has nice Let's Plays.

>> No.9672653
File: 132 KB, 500x575, HuntingSeason 365-24-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earlier in the primaries, almost all of the republican candidates were publicly against porn, including Mitt Romney. Romney's vice presidential candidate Ryan is quite religious and is probably in 2nd place after Barbara Bachmann as being against imported pornography. Now, they don't use words like "anime" or "manga" in the primaries, but most of us can guess what Bachmann meant by referring to the large amounts of imported porn from asia means.

>> No.9672664

>And you know usa-made cartoons have to follow certain standards, so why not anime too?

But they do follow standards, at least the ones that make it to television. And those are usually so heavily edited that it doesn't even matter anymore.

Theres no laws for cartoons being sold on DVD aside from a ratings system, and generally any pornographic covers either have to be sold in a special section or not on display in public.

The type of anime and manga being targeted doesn't get sold in traditional stores and will never be aired on TV anytime soon, and i'm almost certain any western made cartoons that don't intend to get any airtime will get the same treatment.

Theres no "loophole", theres just a section that was completely uncharted because western cartoon makers don't care about that shit, despite the huge demand for horrifically drawn simpsons porn.

>> No.9672679

>regulated like other media

There is no fucking point to regulate media other than to "protect the children". If it's fiction then there is no point to regulate it at all if the viewer is an adult. If it's real (like a snuff film, or real child porn) then regulations make sense. Otherwise it's fucking bullshit. If it airs on t.v. then you could regulate it, but even most t.v. regulations are fucking bullshit.

>> No.9672680

You are mixing laws up and that results in incorrect conclusion on your part.

First, assume the law is passed to have all entertainment media treated the same. That would supersede the Protect Act which is actually the remnants of the multiple failed attempts to get anime/manga regulated.

Under current usa media regulations for live media, if either the actual age is under 18 or the apparent age is under 18, then it is possible to have charges filed in court for an attempted prosecution as child porn. And yes, there have been CP prosecutions for when the actress looked under 18 but the actual age of the actress was in the twenties. If the intent was to depict CP, and the jury agrees the live-action character looks under 18, then it is CP for the buyer. Strangely enough, the company was not prosecuted for case I read about. Another business-friendly law loophole I guess since america loves its businesses but hates liberal individuals.

>> No.9672713

>People complaining about not being able to buy loli in America when they get it all from the internet anyway

>> No.9672714


>In United States of America v. Extreme Associates a pornography distributor from North Hollywood, California, was judged to be held accountable to the community standards applying in western Pennsylvania, where the Third Circuit made its ruling, because the materials were available via Internet in that area. The Ninth Circuit has ruled that a "national community standard" should be used for the internet, but this has yet to be upheld at the national level.

>> No.9672734

I like 2D brown little brown girls the most.
Not only do normals hate me, I also get hated because they're brown ;__;

>> No.9672758

>If it airs on t.v. then you could regulate it, but even most t.v. regulations are fucking bullshit.
The FCC sure is strange. I just got done watching BrBa. They have to remove the bad words, but they can show 10 people getting murdered in the space of 2 minutes with blood splatters and seeing the fear on a mans face as he's burning alive and begging for mercy. I don't get it.

>> No.9672767

I found it interesting back when San Andreas came out, that in a game where you sold drugs and regularly butcher people, it was a secret sex scene that had parents worry about the effect it might have on kids.

>> No.9672769


You're actually allowed to say "Bitch ass nigger" on TV, but you are not allowed to say the word piss, or tits.

>> No.9672778

Every GTA including 1 has had a (probably largely fake/hyped up) controversy about every aspect of it.

>> No.9672792

The ESRB isn't government, it's an industry group that censors themselves to prevent the government from doing it*, the FCC is. Jack Thompson tried to get GTA banned as a public nuisance, not for violating regulations.

* Given that the Comic Code reduced the western comic industry to heroes who never kill or go over the speed limit, the government regulation like the FCC does for TV would probably be much better than the ESRB or MPAA.

>> No.9672794

That's true.
Still a tad odd how murder is a okay, but a stray nipple is cause for bringing out the torches.

Not that this has any impact on me, mind you. Just one of those quirks about american society that manage to stand out.

>> No.9672799

That makes me wonder if pedos are racist. You usually think of little white or asian kids when you think of illegal materials. I wonder if there's some sub-fanbase for lolinegro porn.

>> No.9672806

>Given that the Comic Code reduced the western comic industry to heroes who never kill or go over the speed limit
Why do people always post about 90s comics and complain they were all dark and edgy with cyborgs punching the spines out of bad guys and stuff?

>> No.9672811
File: 199 KB, 1000x1000, 6333949753aed826c6b90387e7c35f12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little brown girls are the best.

>> No.9672815

The word 'fuck' lacks "artistic merit".

>> No.9672817

Niggers can't work cameras or the internet.

>> No.9672819

>the government regulation like the FCC does for TV would probably be much better than the ESRB
Nah, the ESRB doesn't do shit but put meaningless ratings on games that are usually ignored unless they are AO. The only censorship in games comes from overzealous localization groups.

>> No.9672833

Because I like to do weird things and I'm going to go through a sex change.

I want my independence and the freedom to fully express myself as who I really am. I'm also tired of having to deal with the silly things my family does.

The problem with this is that I will have to work to sustain myself.

>> No.9672836

They don't have hard power, but they have lots of soft power, because no store will sell AO games, which makes the developers self-censor to get a larger market share. It's exactly what they did with GTA, they threatened to make it AO so that people couldn't buy it at walmart, which would have cut 50% of their profit, so they had to actually remove what was already disabled and couldn't be accessed without mods anyway.

>> No.9672848

>normals view us the same way we view bronies.

so we're passing fads from the western pop culture?

>> No.9672866

First, people seriously buy games at Wal-Mart?
Second, the only AO games are porn visual novels, Illusion style erogames, and tryhard western SO ADULT AND NAKED immature games. There's nothing they would take out that would have significantly contributed to the game value.
Third, AO is meaningless for computer games as they can be bought online nowadays.

The ESRB itself might be a little outdated as consoles move towards only selling games in their shops. The regulations that come from only selling games you approved for your console is sure to be the worst of all.

You make enough money to get a sex change?

>> No.9672869

I have never misjudged what is acceptable, there are always guidelines you must follow. It's interesting to act like a normal person and suddenly a guy in the group comes out to everyone with a weird fetish or hobby, I can't help but smirk because I've usually done it before they discovered it.

>> No.9672875

>You make enough money to get a sex change?
No. I haven't even started it yet. All I know is that I won't be able to do it while living with my parents. It's probably naive for me to think that I'll be able to go through college and get a sex change while sustaining myself independently without my parents, but I don't know what else to do. I really want to go through with it and I don't want to wait any longer. I've never even had a job before. This is going to be hard.

>> No.9672878

lolicon is a fad. The fashion of old school swimsuits, bloomers, and sailor uniforms will give way to bike shorts, blazers, and competition swimsuits. The elder lolicons will insult the taste of the younger lolicons and styles and tastes will continue to change. By 2020, lolicon may even be all about oppai lolis in yoga pants

>> No.9672882

>First, people seriously buy games at Wal-Mart?
Yes, it's a huge market. Billions of dollars worth.

>Second, the only AO games are porn visual novels, Illusion style erogames, and tryhard western SO ADULT AND NAKED immature games. There's nothing they would take out that would have significantly contributed to the game value.
There's lots of western games that get AO, think like Postal and stuff. You don't here about them because no one wants to sell them.

>Third, AO is meaningless for computer games as they can be bought online nowadays.
You need to think more like a normal. This is mostly teenagers who have to get their mommies credit card to buy things, then pay her back later by mowing the grass.

>The ESRB itself might be a little outdated as consoles move towards only selling games in their shops. The regulations that come from only selling games you approved for your console is sure to be the worst of all.
I really fucking doubt that MS or Sony are going to AO in their stores, as it would cause a huge fucking outcry from soccer moms, and Nintendo of America for a long time banned references to religion and pills, so those moralfags sure as shit aren't going to allow it.

>> No.9672884

>I really want to go through with it and I don't want to wait any longer.
Why? Just crossdress and force everyone to call you a girl. It's the same thing anyway. If you think you'd look good as a trans, you can probably pass now anyway with a little effort. Plus you get to keep your dick so you actually have something to masturbate with.

>> No.9672888

>probably largely fake/hyped up

You might be too young to remember, but ten years ago, every kid had a PS2 with GTA in it.

>> No.9672907

>I'm going to go through a sex change.
>The problem with this is that I will have to work to sustain myself.

Trying way too hard to fit in with the board. I miss when /jayp/ was heterosexual, all the way back before June 2011.

>> No.9672908

That's not good enough for me. I want hormones and a vaginoplasty. Also, it's not going to be easy to crossdress with my parents around. They are not going to like me going around for everyone to see with skirts and stockings on.

>Plus you get to keep your dick so you actually have something to masturbate with.
I don't want it. I'm not in this for sexual gratification. I legitimately want to be a woman.

>> No.9672914


>> No.9672921

So, he's doing the exact opposite of trying to fit in with /jp/.

>> No.9672929

I guess you're right. The only thing I can do to fix /jp/ is to make a billion loli threads everyday.

>> No.9672933

>playing GTA on PS2
Yeah looks like a typical kid calling someone older a kid.

Every single GTA has had "controversy" around it before it came out.

>> No.9672937

I'd be happy if we could just have a /jp/ Manor thread that went somewhere other than page 16.

>> No.9672938

Buy "computer parts". They are very fragile and only you can unpack them.

>> No.9672943

>think like Postal
That's exactly what I was thinking of. Try hard immature bullshit.

>I really fucking doubt that MS or Sony are going to AO in their stores, as it would cause a huge fucking outcry from soccer moms, and Nintendo of America for a long time banned references to religion and pills, so those moralfags sure as shit aren't going to allow it.
You misread or misunderstood or I miswrote or something. I was implying that basically even M games will probably eventually end up not being allowed on their consoles. Even if it's called M, it'll be more like T.

>> No.9672945

So if this law passes it means I have to throw away half of my anime and manga?

>> No.9672952

>You misread or misunderstood or I miswrote or something.
You are right and we seem to agree. It was my fault for misunderstanding you. Sorry.

>> No.9672961

It means you'll be able to find lots of free otaku lolicon goods in dumpsters.

>> No.9672958

Just do what everyone else does, wait for the no knock, flip your thermite switch, and blow the brains out the back of your skull.

>> No.9672972

No knock?

>> No.9672975

It's where twelve guys run a tank through your house, hit you with chemical weapons, and then shoot your 427 times because the broom next to you looked like a weapon.

>> No.9672980

Ah. I think I'll just move if it passes.

>> No.9672981
File: 914 KB, 2800x1600, lolies at a bookstore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this a couple of years ago at a local bookstore. It's the closet thing that I have to physical loli material, and I'd be really sad to lose it. I think I'd just kill myself before destroying it. Might as well just leave it for the evidence room guys to admire after I've been sent to the pedo concentration camp.

>> No.9672982

He means a no-knock raid, like they do for drug dealers, with the SWAT team.

>> No.9672994

Remember that for /b/ the mods actually can ban you on a whim.

Permabanning is a bit much though, I suppose.

>> No.9673044

Someone should make a list of countries good for loli refugees to flood to. Enough people and you could make an insular /jp/town.

>> No.9673046

>Enough people and you could make an insular /jp/town.
Sounds like a good way to be hit by an `accidental' drone strike.

>> No.9673049

>flip your thermite switch, and blow the brains out the back of your skull
what's the point in doing both, just do one of them

>> No.9673060

Jokes on them, wasting drones on a bunch of losers while terrorists run free.

>> No.9673065

Have you tried making one on this board? >>>/soc/

>> No.9673069

That's an interesting idea. Who do the normals hate more: pedophiles, or terrorists?

>> No.9673071

Please fuck off and die in a hole, far away from the internet.

>> No.9673091

That surely hit the nerve.
Lets try it again

>> No.9673093

>So he didn't dump on you?
>No, he just didn't pay attention to me!

>> No.9673154

Kill yourself.

>> No.9673247

I'm going to live with my parents until I save over 100k

>> No.9673258

They hate pedophile terrorists the most, but out of just pedophiles and terrorists I would say they hate pedophiles more.

>> No.9673274
File: 71 KB, 849x1099, BILLS-112hr1981ih.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolicon is already illegal in the US:
(okay, possessing it isn't, but downloading/uploading/mailing/receiving it is)

There's actually a wonderfully-titled bill called the "Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act" that amends this law to make possession properly illegal, with a prison term of up to 20 years. It also requires ISPs to harvest user data for at least a year to aid in catching all those nasty pedophiles.
It largely flew under the radar because SOPA and PIPA were more fashionable to care about, but thankfully a lot of privacy advocates have raised concerns and it doesn't look like it'll go anywhere. What worries me is that they might tone down the snooping, but throw the child pornography parts into another bill. After all, what true-blooded patriotic American doesn't want to protect their children from internet pornographers?

>> No.9673279

Penises could rape children. Better cut off all penises. Who doesn't want to protect their children?

>> No.9673287

If it saves JUST ONE CHILD, Anonymous, then we'll do it.

>> No.9673320

Prosecuting lolicon doesn't even make sense. Child pornography is easy to understand. It's pornography that depicts people under the age of 18. The only thing that you might argue is what constitutes a "pornographic" depiction. But how do you define lolicon? A drawing that looks like a child? At what point does someone looks like a child, and at what point do they not? As far as I know, someone a day before turning 18 is illegal to star in a pornographic film, but the day after they are allowed even though their look hasn't changed at all, and the only thing that has changed is their age. So it's not the look that constitutes illegality since someone who just turned 18 would look just like they did the day before they were legal, and they most likely look almost exactly alike when they were 17 or even 16. So then how do you decide if something is lolicon and thus depicting minors? Since they are fictional characters they could very well be any age imaginable.

Although everything I said is null if what >>9672680 said is true. If it is true that an actress who looks underage is considered CP then that is just fucking retarded because now you have to consider what "looks" underage. I thought the law was made to protect children not punish adults watching consensual adults star in pornography.

>> No.9673323

Doesn't matter if laws are passed, only if they're enforced.

>> No.9673336

How do internet pornographers affect children? Isn't it the offline pornographers that take images of them and then upload them?

Is that bill to protect kids from BangBros or something?

>> No.9673347

The opinion of a "I know it when I see it judge" when he is decided to send your ass to court. Of course there is no strict line know when you've gone too far. You may suddenly become a criminal because of a prosecutor's/judge's opinion.

And in some countries, if you have a flat chest and a baby face, it is illegal for you to make porn because it looks like you're underage.

>> No.9673350

This thread.
Holy fuck I'm so glad I live in a shithole where they let everything fly.

>> No.9673352

>it is illegal for you to make porn because it looks like you're underage
That's retarded. What's the point? Why even ban lolicon? Who does it protect? I thought laws were made to protect people. Who is protected from banning lolicon? Imaginary children? The guy who masturbates to it?

>> No.9673354

What you're describing applies to real porn though, as you yourself pointed out. It's difficult to quantify things in a photograph. What's obviously a minor to one person is clearly an adult to another. Something that is obscene and offensive to someone may be kosher to someone else.

Borderline cases happen all the time. That's why we have nonsense like the Miller test. How ages are handled in the US, I don't know, but I remember in Australia (and I think Canada) there was some controversy over pornography featuring adult women with small breasts being classed as child porn.

I suppose with lolicon it ultimately depends on whether they give you the benefit of the doubt. With photographic porn they can often contact the studio and ask about it (though this obviously isn't always possible, particularly with older/foreign porn). With lolicon there's not really any such possibility, so any response is going to met with controversy.

Perhaps they'll just take your word for it if you say you believed she was an over-18 character depicted in a cute way. Maybe the fact that you believed this makes it okay, since you lack mens rea (?) or something like that. A few days ago some Anon imported a JAV that was stopped by customs, and he just had to answer that he believed she was over 18 and then they let him have it. That might be more of a policy thing, though.

>> No.9673356
File: 223 KB, 1000x1333, a4ed4627896dc9326ca3d32b0bd0a734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you guys are having fun discussing loli legality, but I think this would fit the thread.

I too have a (younger) brother. He likes anime, vidya, and other Jap stuff to an extent. I'm not sure how he views "cute drawn girls", he really hasn't exclaimed that something was cute or that he likes the look of a female character.
He also doesn't watch any "moe" shows either and likes to joke about my like for "uguu" games. I've also made him play a few VNs: a year ago he read C;H about half way through before stopping for some reason and just recently finished 999 which he loved. I recommended Remember11 to him, but it hasn't really "hooked him yet" according to his own words.

So, I'm presented with a dilemma. Sooner or later I'm going to run out of SFW VNs for him to read (smaller library since he doesn't read Japanese) and I'm wondering if I should recommend him some story heavy babby's first eroge next. And if so should I just say "Hey, this game also has hentai, but it's really good story wise." or just let him get hooked with a good story and then be surprised when it also has ero content? I wonder if he would look at me weird. I do usually have rather lewd Touhou wallpapers, but he doesn't seem to give a shit apart from exclaiming "Oh yeah, it's Anon's wallpapers again" and telling about how his friends think I'm weird.

>> No.9673359

Because pornographers are the ones harming America's children by producing child porn. They could have called it "Protecting Children from Internet Users" or "Protecting Children from Internet Bipeds", but they just a conveniently evil-sounding subset of people. Pornographers are scum, and they're out to get YOUR children.

>> No.9673360

>If it is true that an actress who looks underage is considered CP then that is just fucking retarded because now you have to consider what "looks" underage. I thought the law was made to protect children not punish adults watching consensual adults star in pornography.

This is why (if I can get back to liking 3D) I am going to marry the shortest, flattest, youngest looking, non-midget, legal age woman I can find. Just to spite them. Calling a grown woman a child because she doesn't look like an aged hag just offends me on some deep level. It's like saying they shouldn't be allowed to marry because only a pedo would probably marry them.

>> No.9673366
File: 69 KB, 490x599, Megan_Fox_promoting_Transformers_in_Paris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will like who the globalist media tells you to like.

>> No.9673368


>> No.9673370

If you lived near me, I would like to get to know you.
I also need independence for my own reasons, but I'm
better off getting a room mate.

>> No.9673373
File: 121 KB, 600x600, 1298104039770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This woman really looks revolting.

>> No.9673375

Another thing about banning lolicon that doesn't make any fucking sense is that it is a drawing of an imaginary girl with no real child involved. I could open paint right now and draw a "twelve year old girl" in a sexual situation. Would that be a crime according to some anti-lolicon law? Or since my paint drawing skills suck and it wont look like a real girl will they just pass it off as harmless? And lolicon is already highly stylized so I don't see how anyone could confuse it with a real child. In my personal opinion real children look like nothing depicted in lolicon, and I don't even know why people would be attracted to them, but then again I'm not attracted to much 3D in general.

>> No.9673379

>there was some controversy over pornography featuring adult women with small breasts being classed as child porn.
That was bullshit lies spread by the Australian Sex Party who come from the adult industry.

>> No.9673384
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, love_lolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9673385 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 865x676, cp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, check out this cp

>> No.9673386

Be the bigger man. Tell him what's in it and let him decide.

>> No.9673388

Depends on the kind of the relationship you have with your brother; how comfortable you are talking about "sex" stuff and how young he is. Have you ever discussed your masturbation habits? I am not sure if brothers even talk about this stuff.

I know a friend recommended me Night Shift Nurses hentai when we were like 14. At the time I thought it was okay. But we were friends, not brothers.

>> No.9673391

You really don't need to stipulate why making drawings illegal is a stupid idea.

>> No.9673394

All the leaves have fallen off that tree!

>> No.9673400

The last post in the archive was pretty hot, those chicks totally want his cock.

>> No.9673402

It's like personal drug use. It's all built on the idea that you could harm someone else, it fuels some sort of evil distribution and it might lead to a slippery slope ("first it's lolicon, then..."). Plus paedophilia is a mental disorder. Harming your body or mind is wrong, you are government property, hands off.

It's all fallacious and dumb. I'd say I wish the politicians would listen to that Dutch study, but they won't.

>> No.9673405

Let's be honest, if we were normalfags in elected office and we heard some sick fucks were masturbating to depictions of little kids, most of us would have the same reaction "We need to stop this!". It's only because we actually have experience with said material that we realize how silly this is.

>> No.9673407
File: 13 KB, 400x400, citation_needed_bumper_sticker-p128912061722662976en8ys_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plus paedophilia is a mental disorder.

>> No.9673409
File: 3 KB, 438x274, cp(created using free software and children).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9673413

But I thought everything the DSM said was true.. like how homosexuality used to be a mental disease but now it's not.

>> No.9673416

wud suck

>> No.9673422

Fuck off with your cursive, yuropoor.

>> No.9673423

>And lolicon is already highly stylized so I don't see how anyone could confuse it with a real child.
I remember there was some law, can't remember counter, might have been USA, where it said it didn't have to resemble a real person. Even if they had cat ears and stuff, it was still a little girl. So even monstergirllolis were banned.

>I too have a (younger) brother.
You know when I watched when I was 11-12? Ninja Scroll. I don't know if you're that old but if you got into anime in the 90s you've probably seen some shit as a kid. For some reason I wouldn't show any of that stuff I watched back then to 12 year olds, but it probably wouldn't bother them just the same.

Basically you should ask him what anime he watches. If it's something like Sekion no Quasar, then he won't give a shit if it has ero.

HOWEVER, you said you're basically forcing him to play VNs. Quit it. Forcing him to play an Ero VN is even worse.

Also it's objectively illegal to show porn to a minor.

>> No.9673424

You all care way too much about this. Until loli is criminalized in the land of the suppliers, nothing will change. A few .com websites will jump ship to a more friendly territory, the more paranoid members of our disgusting community will put up a TOR condom, and business will resume as usual.

As long as it's being made, this shit is about as effective as those sternly worded letters from the United Nations that singlehandedly maintain worldwide peace and order.

>> No.9673425
File: 158 KB, 1015x878, pedophilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good example of how mental disorders reflect social norms. Pedosexuality will be a socially accepted sexual orientation by 2050, calling it now.

>> No.9673426

Using TOR isn't paranoid, it's common sense.

>> No.9673431

>if we were normalfags in elected office and we heard some sick fucks were masturbating to depictions of little kids, most of us would have the same reaction "I don't give a fuck! ...but voters probably will, so I'd better prepare to speak out against it!"

fixed for reality

>> No.9673432

>I remember there was some law, can't remember counter, might have been USA, where it said it didn't have to resemble a real person. Even if they had cat ears and stuff, it was still a little girl. So even monstergirllolis were banned.

Not quite the same thing, but laws have covered "pseudo-photographs" for decades. Pseudo-photographs are basically CP "fakes", e.g. pasting a child's head onto an adult's body. I don't see why this is the case if you can confirm it's an adult, and I guess that's what led to the bullshit about cartoons and drawings today.

>> No.9673434

Wasn't pedophilia accepted at some time in various cultures? Or was that the lies of left-wing progressivist revisionist Marxist historians?

Speaking about the left-wing, how do liberals or even libertarians feel about lolicon?

>> No.9673435


Nope, people seriously care. Mostly due to media FUD.

This comes back to what I said early on in the thread about my friend being sickened by lolicon. Most people react in the same way, 4channers are the "weird" ones.

>> No.9673438

Libertarians believe it's a victimless crime, like drugs.

>> No.9673440

spoiler: there are a lot more lolicons than you know. not everyone has the balls to reveal it to other people like you, especially if they're trying to convince others they're normalfags.

>> No.9673441

People with latent urges are likely to be against it even more than normal people, like how a lot of violent homophobes turn out to be gay.

>> No.9673444

Japan bends over to the united states. Only when Japan grows some balls and regains independence will loli be safe.

I can draw though, so even if Japan bans it, some one will need to physically remove my hands to take my loli away.

>> No.9673446

>Be the bigger man.
Actually he is a bit taller and a lot stronger than me
>how comfortable you are talking about "sex" stuff
We are pretty comfortable discussing such thing to an extent. F.ex. I once complained to him about the lolicon treatment which people are discussing right now ITT and he pretty much agreed with me.
We also openly talk about "girl" stuff and how he pretty much shares my notion that the opposite sex is too much of a hassle (so maybe he could be swinging to 2D?). Perhaps I could subtly ask about his impressions on some of female characters next time we're watching anime. Now that I'm thinking about it, I did witness him having Lain character wallpaper on his cellphone once, but he removed it the next day I think.

>Have you ever discussed your masturbation habits?
Not really. I wouldn't know how he would react if I asked something like that out of the blue. I used to have friends, one of which accidentally blurted out word "masturbation" and afterwards we pretty much discussed all our fetishes VERY openly. Though it is a bit hard to imagine sharing such confidential information with my bro...

>Basically you should ask him what anime he watches.
We pretty much share tastes (apart from the occasional moe) and watch together most of the time. He liked Eva, Texhnolyze, ef, Baccano, Phantom, Nasu stuff, Tokyo Magnitude etc.
>objectively illegal to show porn to a minor.
he really wouldn't go cry out for that imo

>> No.9673450

If Japan bends to the US then why is it still legal to own CP there?

>> No.9673451

Some places accepted/tolerated pedophilia (notably the Arab world), but it isn't as common as a lot of people think. Pedophilia is abnormal, even if it's not unnatural, so it becomes a taboo in most cultures.

Child marriages in most parts of the developed world were rare, at least for the past 500 years or so. The typical marriage age in Western Europe has always been around the mid-twenties, and it was a little lower in historic America. Marrying a 12-year-old may not have been illegal, but it was certainly unusual and only really practiced by the aristocracy for political/familial reasons.

Also keep in mind that girls used to achieve menarche at 15 or 16 until the last century or two. I think it went down due to improved health conditions and better food.

>> No.9673455

And the estrogen in the animal products and in the water.

>> No.9673456

Freud was an attention-whoring Jew who lied to his patients and faked records to support his theories, only a small percentage of which hold up with some merit today.


>> No.9673461
File: 532 KB, 768x1024, 1342864488561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason, normalfags really seem to despise my love and admiration of little boys. I can't thank 4chan enough for accepting me. I'd feel really lonely otherwise.

>> No.9673462

Your friend probably jacks off to dog dicks or something similarly weird. His opinion doesn't really mean much.

>> No.9673460

Help, I think my younger brothers might be “nerds”.
They play Minecraft and Skyrim and download Japanese games with translation patches for their PSP.

Does this sound dangerously nerd?

>> No.9673464

Production and distribution is illegal, though. This is recent, and a perfect example of Japan pandering to America's bullshit.

>> No.9673465


>> No.9673469

This is lolicons only. Shota get out.

>> No.9673472

Without western influence and hiroshima, they wouldn't be producing anime. So cry more nerdling.

>> No.9673477
File: 324 KB, 600x784, 1346545159940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, no, you guys are supposed to be acceptive.

>> No.9673478

>4channers are the "weird" ones
I think that some 4channers have very delusional views in regards to the world. Views that could be considered "weird". However there are so many things that are not accepted with "normal" people that are perfectly fine here and sometimes I forget that it isn't acceptable so much so that I am amazed to be reminded that it isn't acceptable. Like lolicon. And then I think normal people are weird.

>> No.9673480

I'm not going to support someone who collects pictures of little boys and jacks off to seeing their tiny little prepubescent penises.

Don't try to lump us in with you. You're scum.

>> No.9673482
File: 871 KB, 1067x1510, 1340142364907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little boys and little girls are both cute.

>> No.9673483

>media FUD

So many different entities cashed in on pedophilia hysteria, making it insanely popular in US. Hello, Chris Hansen. Now all normalfag males have to deal with baseless suspicion and ridiculous accusations. There is is no way lolicons will get any slack in that kind of environment.

In most other countries pedophilia is just another crime, just like rape or murder. People know it exists, but it doesn't get any special attention.

>> No.9673484

Yep, that's what I mean, and it's why I'm always so consistently shocked to hear the "normal" viewpoint.

>> No.9673485
File: 399 KB, 950x1348, pai_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think pedophilia was ever accepted in the prepubescent sense, except for marriages which I doubt were as pedophilic as people think. It's more like "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed" Some cultures, this was like 12, others waited until they were 20s. People will call the 13 year old cultures pro-pedophilia.

>Also keep in mind that girls used to achieve menarche at 15 or 16 until the last century or two. I think it went down due to improved health conditions and better food.
We really need to do something about this. This is the main reason lolis don't actually exist in the real world.
Pic related - a typical modern day little girl.

>> No.9673487
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>> No.9673491
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Why not? there's nothing wrong with that.
Little girls are pretty bland, to be honest. But I have nothing against lolicons.

>> No.9673492
File: 1.13 MB, 1272x2516, 1342010936833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberals are actually the reason why our culture is full of degenerates and devoid of lolis. Reminder that it was liberal feminists who were hellbent on raising the age of consent, in some place it used to be as low as 7.

>> No.9673494

>I don't think pedophilia was ever accepted in the prepubescent sense

Then it's not pedophilia.

>It's more like "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed"

Nope. Typical age was puberty + 10 years, at least in Europe and later America. They probably didn't give a fuck in Africa and most parts of Asia though, and things worked out okay for them.

>> No.9673495

In Japan, samurai would take little boys as their apprentices and have sex with them.

>> No.9673498

Yep, Oda Nobunaga was believed to have had a sexual relationship with his page, Ranmaru.
It wasn't uncommon.

>> No.9673499

Pictures like this upset me, because I prefer the right more, but I identify with the things on the left more, even if I hate everything depicted.

>> No.9673500

I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing.

>> No.9673506 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.9673509

That belly hair.

>> No.9673512

It doesn't matter if it harms children or not. The adults have way too much power over children to properly make the distinction between consensual and non-consensual activities.

>> No.9673514

> take little boys as their apprentices and have sex with them.


>> No.9673515

I don't know if it was common practice but why did mentors have sex with their apprentices? Is it some bonding thing? I heard it happened in Ancient Greece too.

>> No.9673519

It's for fun. Having sex with little boys is wonderful.

>> No.9673516

You probably identify with the left more because it's the culture you were raised in so it's more familiar.

>> No.9673517

Why does that man have breasts?

>> No.9673520

Because the mentors were lewd and abusive.

>> No.9673521

Shits hot yo, there is no actual reason to do it

>> No.9673523

You sound like feminists who believe all heterosexual sex is rape because men "have more power in society than women".

>> No.9673524

I guess they just did everything for them? Carving stone, fetching coffees, washing their back, the odd handjob. Eventually it would have just culminated in sex. I guess it was more common for males because chastity isn't a big deal for boys, since nothing really changes.

>> No.9673525

It was a common practice, known as 男色, it was meant to be a serious relationship that helped the younger member of the party come into adulthood.
The mentor could decide to take his apprentice as his sexual partner, but they had to separate once the apprentice graduated and became a true man.

>> No.9673527
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>> No.9673531

That's because adult male homosexuality is disgusting.

>> No.9673533

Maybe it's just me but I wouldn't want to have sex with little boys. I'm just not attracted to them.

I guess >>9673525 makes sense in a way, as in a healthy sexual relationship helps someone grow up.

>> No.9673541

What's not to like about cute cocks?

>> No.9673544

Women still fall for reverse psychology, huh?

>> No.9673546

>I could go to a Russian porn tracker and watch people politely

maybe they're only doing so because you, a baka gaijin is watching them?

>> No.9673548

It might vary, though on most cases the child IS actually hurt. It's much safer to put an arbitary "age limit" such as 16 or 18 and be done with it, rather than handle everything case by case basis. Same thing with drivers' lisence, working, alcohol and smoking (though the last two have immediate negative effects on the human body).

I personally think the limit is a good idea (for now), but couldn't really judge a person who can clearly show that there is no malice in whatever he/she is doing and isn't actually hurting the "child", physically or mentally.

I pretty much agree with >>9673512
Children are (usually) mentally vulnerable before and during their puberty.

I might want to add that I myself am a huge consumer of loli/shota artwork. But I really couldn't fathom being in a "relationship" with one (or anyone else for that matter). Don't you remember how annoying those tiny fuckers really are? The "minors" portrayed in animu/manga/eroge are usually very, very idealized petite adults even if we're told they're under 18.

>> No.9673552

The thing with the picture is that it proposes that strength, obedience, order, conformity, and traditionalism are qualities that are considered valuable above all others, whereas people in modern more liberal societies would say otherwise. Yes, there are alluring qualities towards a fascist society since it identifies itself with masculinity and strength, but how many of us would like to give up our freedoms to live in such a society? Probably quite a few, but not the majority. Nowadays we are taught to value freedom above all else, when in reality no value system is above another without context.

>> No.9673555

That's not confidence. She's just given up already.

>> No.9673560

>but how many of us would like to give up our freedoms to live in such a society?
Pretty much. Funny how someone who idolises fascist states also bitches about society and that they don’t understand/tolerate his taste in media/fetishes/porn.

>> No.9673563

300 reply discussion about loli, people preaching to the choir and replying to people who pretend to have a different opinion than them

GJ janitor, epic win

>> No.9673564
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When America was established people who committed sodomy were executed. Just because you can't practice degenerate behavior doesn't mean you aren't free. You'd have to be retarded to pretend like 90% of people aren't mindless sheep who do what they're told, it's just instead of a leader telling them what to do, it's the media indirectly through advertising.

Your "freedom" is an illusion, liberal.

>> No.9673566
File: 924 KB, 641x682, IMG_0702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First report: http://www.freep.com/article/20120229/NEWS03/120229035/southfield-child-pornography-FBI-Facebook
FBI's request for arrest/search warrant: http://www.mediafire.com/?5b3cnad1ibrvcy2
Thad pays bond: http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2012120301054
Various court docs: http://ia700806.us.archive.org/4/items/gov.uscourts.mied.267304/gov.uscourts.mied.267304.docket.html

Stallman's wise words: The nominee is quoted as saying that if the choice of a sexual partner were protected by the Constitution, "prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography, and even incest and pedophilia" also would be. He is probably mistaken, legally--but that is unfortunate. All of these acts should be legal as long as no one is coerced. They are illegal only because of prejudice and narrowmindedness.

Some rules might be called for when these acts directly affect other people's interests. For incest, contraception could be mandatory to avoid risk of inbreeding. For prostitution, a license should be required to ensure prostitutes get regular medical check-ups, and they should have training and support in insisting on use of condoms. This will be an advance in public health, compared with the situation today.

For necrophilia, it might be necessary to ask the next of kin for permission if the decedent's will did not authorize it. Necrophilia would be my second choice for what should be done with my corpse, the first being scientific or medical use. Once my dead body is no longer of any use to me, it may as well be of some use to someone. Besides, I often enjoy rhinophytonecrophilia (nasal sex with dead plants).

>> No.9673567

A huge strawman. Don't compare adult women to financially dependent, mentally undeveloped children.

These feminists must be pretty fucking retarded to portray themselves so weak.

>> No.9673572

Degenerate behavior is in the eye of the beholder. For some people staying in all day, living off welfare, not being "socially healthy", watching cartoons all day and jacking off to them is degenerate behavior.

>> No.9673578
File: 159 KB, 1900x1200, 1344629190237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could argue that a secretary is financially dependent on her boss, should it be illegal for them to have sex? The whole "power" argument is fallacious because it assumes sex is the same for both parties. Sex is an act of dominance of a male over a female, so to pretend like it isn't fair when the male is more powerful is ridiculous. If you haven't noticed, women are attracted to powerful men, whether it be famous actors, or businessmen with millions of dollars(in our society money=status).

Inequality is not wrong, equality is. People aren't equal, cope with the situation.

>> No.9673576

>though the last two have immediate negative effects on the human body

But driving doesn't? More people die from traffic accidents than from sex. Sex is safe as houses if you do it properly. Kids do much more dangerous things every day.

>> No.9673581
File: 2 KB, 125x93, 1345970306315s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's the first generation of incest, the chance of having a mutant freak baby is relatively low. After so many generations of inbreeding is when the risk greatly increases. Hence "recessive genes".

>> No.9673585

Again, a western democracy is one that embraces equality, plurality, self-expression, freedoms, and individualism. This is what gives rise to "undesirable" behaviors, thoughts, and actions. Fascism finds those qualities to be useless at best, "degenerate" at worst, and fascist societies wish to eliminate those parts from society. To join a fascist society is to give up all that a western democracy embraces. Some people are willing to do that, others aren't. Some people like to just be lazy and live their life as they please rather than be forced into a "military" lifestyle that people who idolize fascism embrace.

Of course your just a try-hard edgy troll.

>> No.9673584

NEETs are a product of a society that tolerates such behavior. If were raised in a fascist society that idolized strength and masculinity, most of us wouldn't have ended up like we did.

If only Hitler had won..

>> No.9673587

All sexual "crimes" only exist because of societal stigmas. There is no switch in your brain that goes off when you have sex. The impact is only felt because you are told by society that there should be a impact.

>> No.9673589

>Children are (usually) mentally vulnerable
Women are like this even as adults.
Hell, there was this one case where like 20+ women and one guy were in some pedophile ring and they tried to say the guy manipulated all those women into doing it because they were mentally vulnerable. If that's the case than any sex with a woman of any age is pedophilia.

>But I really couldn't fathom being in a "relationship" with one (or anyone else for that matter). Don't you remember how annoying those tiny fuckers really are?
Loud, filthy, annoying, spoiled, immature money leeches. Adult women are the same, except slightly less filthy. I couldn't imagine being in a relation ship with either. I do think that kids wouldn't be able to have a meaningful relationship, but I also submit that most men don't want anything but to fuck anyway.

>The "minors" portrayed in animu/manga/eroge are usually very, very idealized petite adults even if we're told they're under 18.
The minors are either normal little girls, non idiot little girls, or like 14 when they should know better. The idea that a 14 year old is a kid, or even that a 12 year old shouldn't be able to think for themselves is a problem with American child raising more than anything. Barring a genius type character, or those non-existent in reality (even in adult women) types that love to cook and clean, I don't think I've ever seen a loli type character act outside of what a child would know or possibly do.

>> No.9673591

>All sexual "crimes" only exist because of societal stigmas
No you can rape and people definitely rape children and do other forms of sexual abuse on them.

>> No.9673592

Are you one of those "depressed NEETs" that hate their situation?

>> No.9673594
File: 68 KB, 430x500, nietszche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because slave morality is a reaction to oppression, it villainizes its oppressors. Slave morality is the inverse of master morality. As such, it is characterized by pessimism and cynicism. Slave morality is created in opposition to what master morality values as 'good'. Slave morality does not aim at exerting one's will by strength but by careful subversion. It does not seek to transcend the masters, but to make them slaves as well. The essence of slave morality is utility: the good is what is most useful for the whole community, not the strong. Nietzsche saw this as a contradiction. Since the powerful are few in number compared to the masses of the weak, the weak gain power by corrupting the strong into believing that the causes of slavery (viz., the will to power) are 'evil', as are the qualities they originally could not choose because of their weakness. By saying humility is voluntary, slave morality avoids admitting that their humility was in the beginning forced upon them by a master. Biblical principles of turning the other cheek, humility, charity, and pity are the result of universalizing the plight of the slave onto all humankind, and thus enslaving the masters as well. "The democratic movement is the heir to Christianity, the political manifestation of slave morality with its obsession with freedom and equality."

>> No.9673598

Shut up and let us have our /jp/ clubhouse debate.

>> No.9673601

Yes, I've heard Nietzsche philosophy before. How about trying less to look like an 2edgy4me troll? I don't even know why I'm responding, I guess I didn't expect to find an Ubermensch on /jp/.

And how about the next time you post a fascism vs democracy picture you show the best of democracy and the worst of fascism?

>> No.9673600

>The whole "power" argument is fallacious

Not if you attempt to quantify that power by introducing concepts like the age of consent. It doesn't work perfectly, but it's better to have it than not.

An adult has many options (leave the job, report sexual harassment/blackmail) the child maybe not even be aware of.

>> No.9673602

But these things are only seen as horrible because of societal stigma.
If we were going natural, there wouldn't be anything in our brains that told us not to.

>> No.9673603


>> No.9673604

>And how about the next time you post a fascism vs democracy picture you show the best of democracy and the worst of fascism?
But that wouldn't support my opinion and ridicule yours, silly.

>> No.9673608 [DELETED] 

When you have an actual response argument "but muh freedoms :(" let me know.

>> No.9673610
File: 53 KB, 500x691, 1341184199635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what democracy and liberals do to children.

>> No.9673617

I don't think S&M is anything natural.

>> No.9673612

Yeah, I was just putting a disclaimer in case someone called me out on "you can't compare intoxicants to safe sex".
>Sex is safe as houses if you do it properly. Kids do much more dangerous things every day.
Still, there is a possibility of "opression" from the authority figure even if it's not intentional. For example a situation where an adult wants to start sex with a minor. The kid might first say "I don't really feel like it..." and the adult responds with "Please? Pretty please?". There is no real coercion involved but children pretty much automatically abide by adults' rules and requests more often than their peers even when they're really not willing to do so.

How much this "damages and traumatizes" the child, I do not know. I actually think that a large part of exploitation (and rape) "trauma" comes not from the act of "abuse", but from the society itself. In the best possible situation, a child haves fun in a relationship and likes sex, but then comes the media and moralfags who brand these children as "victims" and treat them as such for the rest of their lives. In essence, it's not the act that's essentially bad, but the society and media who patronize the "innocent victims who are now scarred for their lives"

Of course, real rape and coercion is an entirely different thing

>Women are like this even as adults.
I don't really agree with this "fact" you're presenting. One group of idiotic "after sex shame" femnazis isn't going to convince me.

>> No.9673615

When you have an actual argument that isn't "but muh freedoms :(" let me know.

>> No.9673616

Didn't Nietszche hold anti-fascist views? I recall reading somewhere that in his lifetime he was against the sort of bullshit the Nazis later pulled, but they twisted his writings to match their ideology.

Of course, that was probably liberal propaganda written by feminist or something.

>> No.9673618

>Adult women are the same

Fuck you generalizations.

>The idea that a 14 year old is a kid

There are places where age of consent is 13-14. I thought the discussion was about really young children.

>> No.9673619

Actually Sadism and Masochism are naturally occuring personality types.

>> No.9673620

Arguing against freedom while being on /jp/ is the most hypocritical thing I can even think of. You're no different from LBGT-activists in a sense if you are on /jp/. You're propagating to do what ever the fuck you want as opposed to what other people want you to do. Saying things like "if I grew up under fascist rule, I wouldn't be here" and all that shit is completely ridiculous, that's not even an argument.

>> No.9673621

He was against anti-semitism and blind nationalism, democracies are just as capable of both of those things.

>> No.9673622

>In the best possible situation, a child haves fun in a relationship and likes sex, but then comes the media and moralfags who brand these children as "victims" and treat them as such for the rest of their lives.

When has this ever happened? If anything, a child that didn't have a problem would probably never tell anyone.

>> No.9673626

Are you a woman? Please get out of /jp/.

>> No.9673629

We wouldn't be on /jp/ masturbating to lolis if neither of these things were tolerated or allowed, this is simply a fact.

>> No.9673631

>Fuck you generalizations.
>Generalizes kids

>I thought the discussion was about really young children
You said "minors," not little kids.

>> No.9673632

And I like the way things are. If you don't, I suggest you fuck off and do something about it instead of complaining about it on /jp/.

>> No.9673634

When are yuropoors going to bed? I hear you can't even draw a swastika in Germany or you get arrested, that's some nice democracy and free speech you guys have. Wouldn't want fascism to rise again and have leaders telling you what to do and say..

>> No.9673635

Yuropoors just woke up. 3:30pm for most of civilized Europe.

>> No.9673638

If you grew up in a fascist society you wouldn't have liked "things the way they are" because you never would have experienced them. Did people in the 1920's miss the internet? No, because they didn't know what the fuck it was.

Why are you mentally retarded?

>> No.9673640

>The idea that a 14 year old is a kid, or even that a 12 year old shouldn't be able to think for themselves is a problem with American child raising more than anything. Barring a genius type character, or those non-existent in reality (even in adult women) types that love to cook and clean, I don't think I've ever seen a loli type character act outside of what a child would know or possibly do.

>> No.9673641

You are wishing for things that are absolutely impossible to happen and you're basing your "arguments" around those. I think you are the mentally retarded person here.

>> No.9673642

>When has this ever happened? If anything, a child that didn't have a problem would probably never tell anyone.
I would think this is more of a situation where a child is in happy relationship with an adult outsider. Then his/her somehow parents find out, brand the adult in question a criminal and everyone (parents, media, social workers, friends) treats the child as a "victim with deep, irremovable scars" for the rest of their lives, to the point they themselves start believing it and fall in despair.

I really don't know how common this situation could be, but my point was this:
If I ever was raped (or "molested" as child), I would obviously be furious at the perp and maybe even want to kill him. As much I'd want to beat up and kill your everyday spurgu if he just pounded me to ground. I wouldn't suddenly "lose my will to live" and consider the rest of my life as "living through endless hell of quilt and sorrow".

>> No.9673644

>You wouldn't have cared if you never experienced it.
>And that is why fascism is the best system ever, because it deprives you from knowing better.

By the way I'm quoting you're faulty logic.

>> No.9673646

How many people would masturbate to 2D lolis on the internet if they didn't exist? Zero.

>> No.9673648

>derp herpdy derpity trololololol
>312 posts and 37 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

Suck some more cock, why don't you?

>> No.9673649

>Women are like this even as adults.

Look up Colleen Stan. She was a 20-year-old woman who ran off with a man and his wife to live with them and perform lewd sex acts together. She helped with the gardening, she went out with them, she even phoned home and met her family face-to-face to introduce her new friends. Of course, later in court, she "revealed" that she was kidnapped and kept in a wooden box, and she was too scared to tell anyone. For seven years. Again, she phoned her parents. She introduced this new guy as her boyfriend. She wrote letters to him saying how in love with him she was. But no, she was kidnapped, raped, kept in a box (which was conveniently burned along with the other evidence), and had Stockholm syndrome. Obviously, her emotional appeal won the courts over, and now the dude is serving 105 years in prison.

Women are so emotionally fragile, and it's beneficial because it works. For another example, look up Nayirah. When Iraq occupied Kuwait, she claimed to be a nurse working at a hospital. Iraqi soldiers came and took babies out of their incubators and left them on the floor to die. She gave a very powerful and tragic speech about all this at a human rights hearing. When the US decided to back Kuwait in the Gulf War, pretty much every pro-war senator cited this story. But after Kuwait was liberated, it was revealed that she didn't work in a hospital at all. She was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador, and the whole thing was a set-up by a Jewish public relations company.

I seriously don't know who's worse: the women who pull this shit, or the men who get so swayed by it that it becomes legally binding. In the future we probably won't need empirical evidence--we'll just measure the emotionality of women involved and arrest men based on that.

>> No.9673652

People don't miss what they never had.

>> No.9673653

I don't see how that is relevant to the argument, seeing as how "2D lolis and the internet exists" and fascism doesn't outside of basement-dwelling losers like you that think that a strong hand would have turned their miserable lives for the better.

>> No.9673654

So it's okay to deprive them of things, right?

>> No.9673656

>now the dude is serving 105 years in prison.
That poor guy.
What a bitch.

>> No.9673657

You guys are still going to argue with me even though we've hit the bump limit, a-aren't you? ;_;

>> No.9673659

/jp/ - Otaku to Pedophilia Discussion to Misoguny Culture

>> No.9673661


>people might give up even looking at sadpanda because the security clearance (like mine)

If you're that scared you should just use a VPN and pay for it with bitcoins/prepaid CC.

>> No.9673662

Someone post the compilation image of women trying to leech divorce money.

(I know they're a minority and I'm not a misogynist, but I like reading things from assholes)

>> No.9673663

You have that book too?!

Well, at least I'll know somebody at the loli concentration camp got dumped there for the same reason as me.

>> No.9673664


>> No.9673672

Hastings? The town in Sussex?

>> No.9673673
File: 189 KB, 985x1000, 1345281737434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have developed a severe distaste for real females. I can't say that it's the fault of drawn/fictional girls. I think it just stems from the fact that I'm in my early 20's and never even had a girlfriend or even kissed a girl. I imagine vaginas to be disgusting in person. Even the "prettiest" airbrushed princesses posted around here have no effect on me. I write every girl off as a shallow slut and I use every opportunity to be as rude as possible to them online. I honestly hate real girls a lot. I like my 2d's, they don't exist though and I know that. It's fine that way though. It took a long time but I've fully convinced myself that when I die that I'll be able to spend eternity with my one true love.

>> No.9673676

Such a thing is commonplace here, discard 3D and embrace the wonder that is 2D.
Real women can't compare to the dimension of perfection.

>> No.9673677

Yeah, looking Colleen Stan up didn't give me any information to at all suggest that they guy wasn't wrong at all, so I don't see how you came to your conclusion unless you had information I didn't find. Although I will say that the wikipedia page was horribly written, like literally, horrible.

>> No.9673678

>In the future we probably won't need empirical evidence--we'll just measure the emotionality of women involved and arrest men based on that.

Sounds Discworld-esque

>> No.9673683

Sounds like you have /r9k/ syndrome.

Let me ask you this: do you care about the stuff happening in Syria? Apparently there's stuff happening there. I don't care. I doubt you do. It could be terrible things, but because it doesn't affect us, why care? It's the outside world. Maybe they'll make a manga based on it, who cares. That's the same approach you should take with females. Take it easy, otherwise you're just going to frustrate yourself over something that doesn't matter to you.

>> No.9673686

Did you know that it's standard for women to claim the husband molested the kids in divorce cases?

Most times it's uncovered as bullshit, but it works anyway, and the kids go to the wife.

This is how "nice" women are.

>> No.9673689

Not all women are the same, Misogynist-kun.

>> No.9673693

I hate /r9k/ faggots, they're either loud women haters or>tfw no gf .
2D really is the best, everything else should be disregarded.

>> No.9673696

Sounds like a lot of people missed out of free gropes of their kids. Cry wolf and all that.

Why would you WANT you children though? Just fuck off and disappear and let her go into prostitution to support the kids she malnourishes and beats. Don't even do the divorce part. Just fuck off into the night.

>> No.9673699

But most are.

>> No.9673704

>Not all women are the same
Do we live on the same planet?

>> No.9673724

He has it wrong, you just have to avoid doing anything potentially blackmail-able. Now that does include avoiding doing anything illegal, it's not really the same. And the only "good jobs" outside of the military and FBI where you need clearance are government boondoggles like weapons companies. As the foreign sophists (globalist bank ceo types, mostly UK) lose effectiveness in sneaking their drunk-ass patsies into government and getting us to invade random countries that don't actually pose a threat of any kind, weapons companies and similar "good jobs" will start to dry up a bit. And right now they're paid for with everybody else's taxes, so the money is sourced from businesses that actually make something the government isn't just buying to give away money, only to have to go look for an artificial excuse to use it so they can buy it again.

There are tons of sites openly hosted in the U.S. with /l/ material, your porn site is NOT a big secret.

>> No.9673738

...Oh and your home computer connecting to a VPN is only going to set off alarm bells in the head of anybody checking you out.

>> No.9673746

>but because it doesn't affect us
What kind of gigantic i...
>It's the outside world.
I wouldn't be able to NEET it up until my death.

>> No.9673825
File: 321 KB, 1920x1080, oreimobutts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same faggot? Anyway, this crap can be contradicted by simple observation, if you happen to be going to university. Universities and cities with lots of universities are chock full of hot women. I saw a pair of them just earlier today walking around in shorts, looked pretty similar to Kirino, except of course she wasn't jailbait.

>> No.9673829

Haha no.
Don't assume people with superior opinions are samefagging.
Enjoy your whores.

>> No.9673830

ack, meant "if she wasn't jailbait"

Fuck the submit button. Fuck it.

>> No.9673990

> their worth is in no way tied to how useful they are to you.
What? Of course it is. That is the very definition of worth.

>> No.9674022

I like philosophy threads on /jp/ because similar ones on other boards actually have people that have studied philosophy in them and they're justrepeating shit they've read whereas it's obvious most of /jp/ hasn't picked up a philosophy book in their lives and so the theories and views posted are far more original.

>> No.9674032


That's what /jp/ is all about, it's OC - short for Original Culture and original contents. Also OCD.

>> No.9674042

And then there's this one retard that keeps parroting the opinion of some random guy and it's really disgusting to read through all that vomit.

>> No.9674185

> No you can rape and people definitely rape children and do other forms of sexual abuse on them.
Whether or not something is rape is subjective.

>> No.9674363

>quilt and sorrow
Wrapping yourself up in a nice homemade quilt and moping around is rather comforting.

>> No.9674469

The first think Trotsky wrote in the USSR constitution, was: if there is no victim, there is no crime. Blame Stalinism for changing that, not pure Marxism.

I can't speak for actual libertarians, but the people who call them selves libertarians seem to only care about economic freedom. Think Larry Sanger. He identifies as a libertarian, but he flipped out and tried to get the government to enforce morals by reporting Wikipedia to the FBI for the image on the Lolicon page.

>> No.9674592


>> No.9675070

Libertarian is a broad field there are economic libertarian and libertarian socialism.
Basically one is all economy and see an government intervention as inefficient and evil. They love the "freedom" aspect because it protects their own capital.
The other one is just a hybrid model

>> No.9675369

I think like him too. But sadly there aren't many people like this these days.
