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31977391 No.31977391 [Reply] [Original]



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Previous thread: >>31549411

>> No.31977491

>I'm sure it works wonderfully for situation CDs
It is hit and miss. Half the time the self insert does nothing at all which makes it feel even less like (you) are there and more like the dude is jacking off into the mike. When they give (you) a semblance of a personality it's kind of nice, but they inevitably end up like that wallflower girl who can cum from her nipples

>> No.31978152

I remember listening to a series a few years back where the MC was a literal inanimate doll.

>> No.31981630

Yeah, that one was weird. And she had some weird charm that made everyone over the centuries go yandere for her. I think Shinnosuke did a volume for that

>> No.31982128

Hey, if I remember correctly, that one was pretty interesting. Definitely weird, yes, but fun weird.

For those who don't know of it, it's just a bunch of very unwell men falling in love with an inanimate object. The cutest and (personally) most memorable of the bunch was crazy enough to tell his family that he and (You) were in love and were going to be together forever, and when they tried to haul him off to the loony bin he came back and offed himself instead.

I feel like this series came out 10 years ago but it's only been 5.

>> No.31982398

R18 situation CDs are a suprisingly recent phenomenon, they weren't much of a thing until 2013 or 14 if I remember right.

>> No.31982422
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RIP in peas, Ani was best girl and Luze was best girl (male)

>> No.31987759
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My opinion on the piofiore boys must be updated after 1926
>damaged goods
>self loathing
>zero actual self esteem
>kinda mentally ill
>a failure
>loves you a ton
>but doesn't want to touch (you) because he's so dirty
He is, truly, a treasure. After the main game gave him basically a really short side end this route was basically everything I wanted from it and one hell of a redemption arc in general. Didn't chicken out, didn't make him a misunderstood dindu and was extremely clear cut with its themes and the romance was handled actually well.
In fact, 1926 has been a lot better than the original game, from the after stories I've read at least, Nicola and Orlock. They actually bother with character arcs and having proper themes and stuff. Making it a proper sequel with actually decently sized routes was a big plus.
Gonna try Gil and Yang even if I didn't enjoy the stockholm syndrome: battered wife edition that was the romance in Yang's route since the other two were actually a good read.
Honestly the only kinda boring part was alternativa because it's basically following the non-haremshit ending and it's kinda boring since it's going through the motions and basically only works as a setup.
Also that Liliana still has basically no personality and Dante is still incredibly bland, and so is their romance as a result so not even bothering with his after story, especially after his original route.

>> No.31988820

the few days when the general didn't exist was a bit lonely. Anyway, despite the Hashihime's crew karaoke singing, I'm starting to really like Minakami and Tamamori's songs. I guess maybe this is Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.31991399

I'm pretty sure it was down for less than a day, anon.

>> No.31992657 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.31993080

You weren't supposed to point this out

>> No.31994449

Stop making them them sound more interesting than they likely are. You're an aksys employee undercover, aren't you? Tell me what you think of dante

>> No.32006762
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I can't believe I spent 2 years hate-reading this shit and a college game still didn't get made.

>> No.32008452
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Hakase's character song is unironically a bop. Is his seiyuu a pro?

>> No.32009192

Did you get the limited edition? The short stories that come with it are definitely worth reading.

>> No.32010238

It been more than a fucking decade but finally. I'm glad the writer didn't drag the retarded misunderstanding any longer (the art still sucks though). And I feel you, anon. I actually expected something during the anniversary announcement but all we got is a damn mobage that won't probably last for too long.

>> No.32014829

Dante was probably the biggest fuckup in the whole game, since his character is basically "seeming cold but with a cute side".That's it, he even gets the staple cat scene.
He barely does anything interesting or mafia-like since all the shady shit goes to Nicola anyway, which I guess it's just to make him more likeable but he just comes off as the blandest character in the game.
He's basically the most vanilla and boring idea you can come up with when you read the premise of the game and his original route was so horribly dull it was by far the worst part of it.

>> No.32022673

Except the fact that they turned Silvio into a yandere husband who is suspected of killing Chloe because she tried to kill Beatrice to make it seem like Henri's revenge made sense (which I find rather retarded), I agree. They reveal more about his questionable character in Dante's sequel route but I suppose they have to go with that direction because Henri's hatred for the mafia was dumb if you erase the sequel because it will look like it just came from a serious misunderstanding.

But yeah, I agree. He had one of the best routes in the game which is a huge improvement from the previous game. Alternativa is personally my favourite plot-wise because I find the scenes where they incorporated existing works such as 12th night, Shylock etc. in the story rather neat. Including some historical events which actually hints to the villain's grand plan. The most boring route for me is probably Gilbert's because nothing literally happens for the first 5 chapters in his route and they just kept going around in circles (its also mostly just sex and flirting in his route. It doesn't help that Gilbert and Lily's interactions are boring as fuck). The way they solved the problem is also anticlimactic and retarded after all that "build up". Yang's route in the sequel is also pretty good imo so you should definitely try it. If your problem with Dante is he doesn't do any mafia shit in the main game then he does more in the sequel because Nicola went to America to fix some business shit so he's away for most of the time and Dante had to handle the businesses by himself in Burlone. This is also where they reveal more about Teo and his past.

>> No.32024988

I mean, you don't have to be yandere to take care of someone who is kind of threatening to kill your wife and child because she's an insane bitch Like, that part is super understandable and he killed Nicola's mom for the exact same reason.
Like, that's perfectly normal within the setting and the characters do far worse stuff for even less reason.
But about Dante, I mostly just find him kinda boring and his interactions with Lilianna are sleep inducing in general, I suspected it'd have more with Teo since Nicola already handwaves that part kinda
but having to deal with Dante himself is a huge turnoff.
The historical parts in alternativa are cool I agree, as well as the messages and shit, but I think the route spends more time basically doing nothing and having Lilianna do stuff with her harem than actually dealing with plot, which is why I enjoyed Henri since at least it was laser focused on one character and their romance, which honestly works better.

>> No.32027809

Liliana is a slut who pleases criminals before marriage ohoho

>> No.32029699

>latest kinshiiku blog post briefly mentions Majo part 2
M-Maybe in the next 3 years we'll get it

>> No.32029854

I want to believe

>> No.32030104

has the recommendation chart been updated lately

>> No.32030123

Wait, really? Please, gayooshi. I've been thinking about Majo again lately, and I miss it.

>> No.32030760
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It's just a brief one-line reference to it, but I'm happy it hasn't been completely forgotten. The rest of the post just shows off concept art for their new game, though.

>> No.32037935

Found a bunch of Lamento merch tucked away in my closet, how time flies.

>> No.32038004

Normally an artist's art gets better over time, but wtf happened to Yat's art.
Hanayaka Nari's art was really good, ok some details like hands were a bit weird, but overall it was really good.
Then Hanayakas fandisk's art got weird all of a sudden, but fandisks art tends to be different as most of the times it's done by the assistants. But from time to time her art got completely crap.
Jakou no Lyla art wasn't that shit but still, the hell with the Gakuen handsome chins and glassy eyes when I pay 60$.

>> No.32038407

Learn to staff search. Follow the links for his resume; he mostly has just done mobage voice work and narration. Not much overall.

>> No.32040027

do translated bl vns even sell well?

>> No.32040103

When your art style evolves even if it's in a worst direction you just can't choose to go back, even if you want to.

>> No.32041311

Enough to pay the bills at least. I wonder how popular Lucky Dog 1 will be once it comes out.

>> No.32041333

Hm, I was always under the assumption that BL releases tended to sell poorly for some reason

>> No.32042025

He's pretty good at singing for someone who only does that

>> No.32042162

Sure you change your art style on a whim, just ask Hanamura

>> No.32042883

>once it comes out
There may not be much interest in 2098. Since at that point of time VR would allow you to make any 2D scenario real

>> No.32046677

oh forgot about her, her style got shit too. What otomate does to these poor artists?

At least satois art is getting better...but always wasted on shitty plots and ntr characters.

>> No.32046818

Have you been in coma anon? https://uguucageoflove.wordpress.com/2020/03/22/yuiga-satoru-on-being-the-victim-of-tracing/

>> No.32047306

>What otomate does to these poor artists?
Force them to trace.

>> No.32047611

I thought this when it came out too but this whole debacle is stupid to the point of being baffling. If you're only copying the most basic fucking outline from a cartoony drawing rather than clothing, hair and details(and how incompetent/lazy do you have to be to even need that in the first place?) can't you just get Design Doll? Or at least copy a drawing by an artist who's not from not only the same industry but same fucking company you're working for?
I don't get it at all. What the fuck did she mean by this?

>> No.32047808

Didn't know about all this drama, this past year I focused more on BL. Thanks, anon!

So Rejet hires copypaste artists, broccoli fujoshi, or those who run away from otomate, so their shitty plot games can sell, but otomate was on another level all along.

>> No.32049894

It's not even like the traced stuff was difficult poses, the examples on that blog are like, static headshots. How do you become a professional illustrator without learning how to draw a 3/4 angle face?

>> No.32050241

Yeah, that's what annoys me. It's such a straight-up retarded thing to do.
Sure there's some time saved when she gets the basic proportions from somewhere else but it's nothing compared to all the rendering and polishing she's actually doing herself, which takes way more work. A fucking child can do an ok job at drawing such a basic low detail cartoony animu face themselves, why the hell does she have to put herself at risk like that by taking such a retarded and needless shortcut?

>> No.32055282

Basic drawing skills aside, there artists who copy because they don't want to come up with an original composition and it's just easier and faster to trace. There are artists who got the skills and still choose to trace and copy.

>> No.32055439
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But what she copies is so minimal and needless. I feel like gathering the elements to trace for something like this would take longer than just tracing the damn thing.

>> No.32055501

It was a necessary change because it'd make Henri's motivations look dumb otherwise. Sofia also said something like how love changes a person or some shit which is possibly why Silvio did that despite of caring for Chloe like a sister. The case with Nicola's mom was a lot more understandable since she actually holds power and authority so she could target Dante's life anytime she wants to that's why Silvio had to take her out asap. In Chloe's case he could've sent her into a mental hospital or a remote area instead of giving us "He pushed her off the cliff because of love". Somehow the he's even worse in Dante's route when Marco reveals the other side of his past, which Henri also had a huge involvement in.
I actually like how the characters are thinking of the insane shit that the antagonist plans to do next instead of immediately making a rash move. I guess I also liked how the hints that Sebastiano sends in the recorder slowly builds up to this grand plan and the other insane shit he does even in the other paths kept me entertained. It helps that Alternativa also has a route for all characters so it isn't really a complete harem route. I'm actually impressed that they put this much thought on a supposedly harem route cont. which I don't see a lot in otome.

>> No.32055547

Low IQ moment, I mean drawing the damn thing. But the point stands, at that point you're barely saving any time. If it were a whole composition I'd understand but these sorts of faces are so basic they're basically the only thing other artists who trace actually bother to draw themselves.

>> No.32056166
File: 519 KB, 960x540, EpQ4f6BVEAUOyo7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yomis at gunpoint right now while making virche.

>> No.32056218

That's a cute girl.

>> No.32056775

What a pretty little princess. I like that eye color a lot.

>> No.32056910


Out of interest about tracing and plagiarism in Japan, would you happen to have any more links / resources to read about the topic?

>> No.32057250
File: 503 KB, 960x540, EpQ4ozIU8AIKgj0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dropping this shit if they hire another copy cat to do the CGs

>> No.32057367

Only one I know, Some of them are a stretch and I do not think they count as plagiarism.

>> No.32057472

Clamp one is a good example of plagiarizing compositions.

>> No.32057564

>However, Guo never paid the fine, refused to apologize, and instead released a third novel.
>It was widely believed that Rush to the Dead Summer was Guo's way of asking for forgiveness and to show his resolve to change. However, soon after Rush to the Dead Summer came out, fans again accused it of copying Ai Yazawa's Nana. In the end it was discovered that not only did Rush to the Dead Summer copy the popular shojo manga's story, characters, but even entire dialogues were lifted.

>> No.32057677

>Ai Yazawa NANA

>> No.32058102

The cn artists have had enough and now he's being boycotted. His latest movie was pulled from the theatres

>> No.32070355


>> No.32070494

extremely optimistic

>> No.32071511

I counting on that date since I want the uncensored Bad Egg by 2297

>> No.32071831

Not deleting my embarrassment

>> No.32078576

>see steam top sellers
>KgK (cn)
So Ken ga kimi english version isn't happening in this century?

>> No.32078682

It's a pretty bad game, you aren't missing much.

>> No.32078894


>> No.32079113

>Ken ga kimi

>> No.32080134

>That time Rejet said Dorico would be out before the last Eva movie

ded company

>> No.32080572


>> No.32080885

They are working on an eng fan patch, for the Steam version atm.
Some years ago, a fan eng patch for kgk was about to release, it was like 98% translated, but something happened and they stopped the project.
Now another team is working on it from scratch.
Atm, it's 30% something translated.

>> No.32083399

Are they the type to require a photo of your pleasing yourself with a figure (with a check that shows you bought it to support rejet) of the poster boy

>> No.32083886

I don't think so, but even if they do, won't it fail as always?
Didn't that dl psv eng patch leak after like 2 days?

>> No.32084748 [SPOILER] 
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Anon who recommended MajeMajo: Thank you very much. I don't really like colorful magicky stories, but you sold it really well and as I went through I was surprised at how accurately you described everything. I went after Mitsuki and Ruu, and I was very happy with both of them. Only did Mitsuki's happy end because I don't think I could bear seeing him unhappy but I did do all of Ruu's endings.
Ruu's a disaster of a human being and I enjoyed my time with him because of that rather than in spite of it. He ticked a bunch of boxes for me overall: says boku, looks fruity, has a great deal of problems and a pretty intense fall from grace, etc. Lapis is truly a saint for willingly putting up with all of that. I can't believe over the course of the route she became his babysitter, therapist, and mother. But by also liking this delicate, selfish, lonely manchild, I also understand this desire to babysit him. Unfortunately. I thought his 依存 ending was endearing in a weird way. Like, this grown man has regressed to such a childlike state that he's asking a girl about a decade younger than him to tell him he's a good boy. It (and the age gap in general, and I like age gaps mind you) is so pathetic that it still makes me laughinggirls.jpg. Now that's kimoe if I've ever seen it. I don't think I've ever seen a character quite like him in an all ages otome game before.
I do think Lapis is a relatively cool protagonist. She's also very cute. I liked how the "correct" options towards the good ends were mostly about solving conflicts in a regular human being way as opposed to unavoidable uguu misunderstandings and "I love you!" solving every problem. Lastly, I was surprised at how blatantly she and the boys fuck.

>> No.32087365

I kind of agree. The art is pretty, but I found everything else to be pretty cookie cutter and predictable. I don't know why this is shilled here as kamige.

>> No.32088299 [SPOILER] 
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Glad you had a good time, Anon. Ruu really is next-level kimoe, I'm glad they had the courage to make him as horrible and worthless as he is. That's where all his charm is at.
Lapis is nice, for all her sheltered upbringing and literally being from another world she's still more reasonable and has more common sense than most other otome protagonists.

>> No.32092090

Reject bough there company dying onto themselves. Theyll never translate it Into English but let the thieving chinks take over which resulted in them stealing assets from there games

>> No.32092115

Every otome and BL game should be rated 13

I hate sex and degenerates

>> No.32093356


>> No.32093398

this but unironically

>> No.32093548


Degeneracy doesn't mean anything, its just another empty boogeyman word

>> No.32093593

Every otome and BL should be rated only 80+
I love sex and degenerates

>> No.32093728

>no 80+ ojisan boys

>> No.32093774

I don't think you're still "boy" at that age.

>> No.32093990

Fine let's go with boys in their 50s

>> No.32094206

There's that R18 doujin game that had all old men including a dnd wizard looking guy with a white beard and shit. Can't remember the name though.

>> No.32095170

I miss GBA/DS otome

>> No.32096723

Why are all older men in otome either hideous, evil or 25?

>> No.32097058

>or 25
What did he mean by this?

>> No.32097321

That otome games still consider 13-16 year-old girls their prime target audience, so when the game is promising you older guys it's always in the 23-25 range. Meanwhile in that case you're the older one

>> No.32097633

This is untrue. Nips are just better at self-inserting as the little girl.

>> No.32097964

Little girls tend to have eyes

>> No.32098000

So do most otome protagonists unless it's a low budget mobile kusoge.

>> No.32098075

>turns the voice and sprite off

>> No.32098243

Now this is based.

>> No.32098623

>character is middle-aged
>still looks like he's in his 20s

>> No.32099172

Bell chimes for gold?

>> No.32100938

And that's a good thing.

>> No.32102843

>still no new game where you can bully old men until they cry

>> No.32104937

so just play console games.

>> No.32106002

Most still have super implicit sex though.

>> No.32109772

old men.

>> No.32118400
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we should have been able to fuck the frog

>> No.32123712

too pure (save for Kawase's ending)

>> No.32125149
File: 29 KB, 1280x720, クラブ・スーサイド_068_08012021_091911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Club Suicide and I loved it.
More than anything I was impressed by the writer's tact and good sense that made everything work. Even with the subject matter it was regularly funny and heartwarming. Scenes don't drag, it doesn't feel emotionally manipulative or distasteful, the writing is pleasant to read and effortlessly weaves touching moments with punches to the gut. There's a ton of variety to the endings and most did a great job feeling fresh while fitting to the guys' characters.
Moments like Eba telling Ringo she's like a second family to him when you know just how great his parents are, or Ringo telling Shiki she loves him as a person, or Ringo's evaluation of Mitsuki switching from demon to angel were painfully sweet, and the writing makes them carry far more significance than template romance scenes in lesser games regularly do. It doesn't feel like it went out of its way to not be romance either, it just feels like a reasonable amount of affection built given the time frame and events and differs between the characters for reasons that make sense.
My boy ranking winded up Shiki > Eba >> Mitsuki > Masaya > Meiyou, but really everyone was great.
It was a close call between Shiki and Eba but in the end the gap moe of seeing what Shiki's porn stash consisted of was too good and every time he showed up the rest of the game I'd just think about it again and laugh. Also in contrast to Eba being surprisingly noble and strong in his resolve in his endings Shiki was pretty cowardly and selfish and I eat that shit up. I feel like their problems coming with them being lonely people benefited their routes and lent well to both the subject and their endings being convincing too, since ultimately finding a genuine human connection again was enough for them to give it another shot. While I appreciated the variety in other routes Mitsuki and Meiyou weren't quite as affecting for me for different reasons(both had a ton of stuff going on with some problems being more external than internal and the writing sometimes stumbled with convenient developments there). Their "I want to die before I grow to become the thing that I hate" mentality was great though and they had some really passionate scenes about their beliefs.
Masaya was an angel and I actually thought his route was solid but his reason for wanting to die is simply too pure and I am not a good enough person to relate to any of that.
Definitely the kind of work that sticks with you for a while after reading and I'm very satisfied.

>> No.32127207

it looked very good. I remembered when everyone was bullying it when it was announced.

>> No.32127603

Not that anon but I also finished it recently.
I always liked the designs and promo stuff but I did get the feeling the writing wasn't going to live up to them (which was not the case at all, it's a solid game). I think the low price made people wary.

>> No.32130006

Any blog games with sharkboys with 2 penises?

>> No.32130425

What's even the point of more than one dick

>> No.32130498

For you and your other boyfriend

>> No.32130567

why the fuck is there a thread for faggots and whores in 4chan? holy shit, this site has become a cesspool

>> No.32131346

Whores? This thread is for pure boys and girls who don't have sex only, anon

>> No.32131379

Don't reward low-quality bait with (You)s, I don't think that Anon knew how to read when /blog/ first started.

>> No.32131395

She is just jealous her boyfriend got stolen in tokimemo. Imagine being such a failure, you can't even get a guy

>> No.32133463
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>Imagine being such a failure, you can't even get a guy
Haha... yeah, imagine that...

>> No.32133514

Sis, don't fall for the 3d meme..

>> No.32134259

I really wish there were more romance in it, I want more

>> No.32134836

If there was romance in it I think it would be so forced.

>> No.32137283

How do you even manage to have guys turn you down in a game about romancing guys

>> No.32137681

I'd happily take a year after epilogue with the guys but even then I don't think romance would fit for all of them.

>> No.32141274
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>Imagine being such a failure, you can't even get a guy

>tfw lost the gaijin dumbass to your bff in GS2

How do you get those backstabbing whores off your guy?

>> No.32141610

You either completely grab your dude by the balls or you play nice with the girls.

>> No.32146241 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.32146279

rare /blog/ oc

>> No.32148541

never forget how /v/ managed to remain a virgin in that western homo game by missing literally every correct choice

>> No.32149107

I need sauce with these burgers.

>> No.32155326

I would never.
What can I say, Kei is a picky bitch

>> No.32158677


>> No.32158845
File: 55 KB, 518x372, peak otome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found his female fiancee

>> No.32164893

Is Hashihime the only time loop bl/otome game? Higurashi is giving me a craving.

>> No.32169063

Technically there's also Nie no Machi but otherwise not really.
Of course every VN can feel like timeloop stuff thanks to the routes/bad ends.

>> No.32174314
File: 2.25 MB, 1201x860, otome_heroine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one would you most like to be friends with?

>> No.32175002

I'll take Little.

>> No.32175389

The TMGS heroines so I can steal their man.

>> No.32184060

Everytime I try to finish Piofiore and Code realize I fall asleep immediately. Bros please help, tell me the secret of not being bored to death

>> No.32184220

stop playing otomate games

>> No.32184838

Uta no pri avocado eyed one.
After gaining her trust, I would act as cupid and get her together with her lesbo friend.
Then the time to get the LIS has come.
First thing first, is getting Masato's virginity.
Then I'd mind break the already broken glasses violin fag and turn him into a living dildo.
I'd fuck Ren as well.
The rest of the fags can fuck themselves for all I care.
Ranmaru fag and one of the teachers are fine too.
Not the okama one.

>> No.32186983

>calling based Ringo okama
The only dick here you deserve is genki red's. And he will sing while you're having sex.

>> No.32191326

I honestly thought there'd be more brunettes but pink and blondes are pretty common too

>> No.32191335

Wow, fxxxk me royally is such a disappointment. I just want a decent game where you prowl for cute cherry boys.

>> No.32191392

Is there an actual game where the MC is a huge slut hunting for virgins?

>> No.32191428

let me search in /2dhg/

>> No.32191526

I mostly want a game where the MC makes the virgins super fucking flustered.
She'd need a tiny bit of personality so the hurdle may be too big, but still.

>> No.32194995

>falling for mangagamer otome meme
They have no good otome games.Their goal seems to be in localizing the shittiest choices that have nothing to do with the games that ranked high in their own polls

>> No.32196877
File: 88 KB, 670x800, mada_kobo_mascot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mada Kobo's (Hadaka Shitsuji) official mascot

>> No.32197158

I'm so glad hadaka shitsuji exists.
So many fetishes rolled into one game, with proper length sex scenes for each.
I want another nukige like that.

>> No.32204252

What's wrong with it, exactly? Haven't tried it out yet.

>> No.32204541

It panders to straight men
The boys are ugly

>> No.32206243

>It panders to straight men
Not sure what this means.
What do straight men like? Women?

>> No.32206542

Naked women, women having sex with women, women having sex with ugly men but the focus is on women's bodies

>> No.32206774

Otome h-scenes should just be POV and have more petting and eating out. PIV is easily the most overhyped and boring part of sex.

>> No.32207315

Looks like the Argonavis game is out. What's the verdict?

>> No.32207374

Go ask /vmg/

>> No.32207852

Too lazy, someone else do it

>> No.32207914

Just go to the joseimuke thread dummy they're already talking about it.

>> No.32208098
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It's shit.

>> No.32211087

Does it have the classic otome and TL cliche of the sexually aggressive girl going hard on flirting and foreplay only to be immediately turned into the bottom when sex actually happens? Or worse, she "gets tired" after riding herself to orgasn or three seconds of cowgirl

>> No.32211772

>she "gets tired" after riding herself to orgasn
As in getting off and not letting the guy cum? That sounds based.

>> No.32212930 [SPOILER] 
File: 741 KB, 1280x720, 1610655596542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appeals to the male/female fantasy

>> No.32213538

I don't think that misshapen booba appeals to anyone.

>> No.32213610

kalmia8 really don't want to hire artists that can make their work look erotic.

>> No.32215054

What do you guys think of the Olive Town bachelors? They seem pretty boring to me. Got more excited over the archeologist gyaru.

No, it's not that she doesn't deliberately let the guy cum, she just gets exhausted so the guy takes over for the rest of the sex scene. A lot of times she doesn't even orgasm when riding, but the scene has the dude praise her for trying so it makes you feel like she did something. Stuff like that sucks because half the time when he's doing the moving he looks way more aroused than if she did it.

>> No.32218415

They all look like trash. I'm still busy being mad about the changes to the FoMT art style, anyway.

>> No.32219700

This is why pure games are the best. Don't have to deal with sexual scenes where the guy has to act like he's coaching a mentally challenged girl into kissing him

>> No.32221010
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Some of the songs are unironically catchy, I'll read the game one day

>> No.32223232


>> No.32223879
File: 140 KB, 745x702, Ero7QAqXAAkbpLn?format=jpg&name=900x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32223994

>go on a date
>blush while holding his hand and judge sluts around you
>cook some more
This is your "pure" game in a nutshell. In fact you're a closeted slut who only thinks about dicks

>> No.32224214 [SPOILER] 
File: 882 KB, 770x642, 1610679102713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even is that. Her collarbone also looks kind of fucked up now I take another look.
I'm beginning to think almost every artist who does otome games frankensteins their work together Hanamura-style and has never drawn a human body freehand in their life.

>> No.32224217

nice meme

>> No.32224431

big tits are gross what else is new

>> No.32224603

Have you ever seen boobs (female)

>> No.32224652
File: 190 KB, 630x692, ErvbtVIU0AEJvVf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you have sex with an alien for free

>> No.32224898


>> No.32225143

anon-chan... if your breasts look like that please go to a doctor

>> No.32225529

Kalmia8 senpai I happen to be looking for a job. I know that boobs are lumps of fat that can be transferred to any part of your body at will. Pls hire me

>> No.32225618

Based flattie.

>> No.32227227

Some of them look nice, but i feel like it lost some personality in their remake designs.

>> No.32229249

They're painfully just okay. I married the Doc and while I feel that he's acceptably good looking, characters like Popuri and Gray who were originally so charming just look dead. And Carter is really ugly, which I'm mad about for no good reason.

>> No.32235674

Need more ryona games.

>> No.32236055


>> No.32236356

Highly based.

>> No.32237265

Ryona is worse than scat and mink route combined together

>> No.32237787

I want a game where the MC just abuses her love interests, really fucking hard.
Like kaguya-hen.

>> No.32238008

I just want a game where I can die aesthetically

>> No.32238058

Only aesthetic deaths in VNs I've seen happen in innocent grey games, truly beautiful ones.

>> No.32238088

What the fuck does that mean?

>> No.32239568
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>> No.32239673

>no last minute delays
Nice, Only a month and a half until towa sluts it up for real.

>> No.32241173

kek I didn't even notice skewed collarbone, what the shit

>> No.32248431

I can't believe this is actually coming out. I remember the teasers from 2016 still

>> No.32249451

I want to see the one in glasses slowly fall for mc and deal with the fact that he wants to fill his holes

>> No.32251854

I like FML a lot though.

>> No.32253130

>It’s official! “Slow Damage” has a confirmed release date of 2/25! There will be no additional delays and the game will ship on that date.

Hype for GOTY

>> No.32253194

>BL game brand Mada Koubo, who brought us “Hadaka Shitsuji,” now has an official Twitter and they’ve created a fun way to gain some followers! For every landmark they hit, a surprise will be released by the brand. The latest one was a set of Ahegao icons from Hadaka Shitsuji!

>Their next follower goal is, of course, 801! If you’re interested in helping out all you need to do is follow their account. No additional entry is required. They may even give us some more details on their upcoming game, “Kanja S no Kyuusai!”


>> No.32253597

If I want to bully virgins, you just play TMGS3 while dressing up like a slut.

>> No.32257957

I hope we get some info because I REALLY want to see Manabu fucked into oblivion.

>> No.32260561

They now have 804 followers. Where are the deets.

>> No.32261712
File: 891 KB, 1637x1421, 80890765_p12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still don't know what GS4's system is like

I just want to know if GS3 will still be the peak of otome...

>> No.32268689

You know with those shit designs that it will

>> No.32269000

M-Maybe GS4's system will be good but it's just really ugly. I was about to say "like doujin games" but it absolutely shouldn't be like that considering the company

>> No.32279219

>page 10

>> No.32280323

I kinda want to play Hadaka Shitsuji again. Not sure if I want to deal with the ryona though.

>> No.32282659

blame Vtubers' simps

>> No.32285611
File: 28 KB, 300x70, bn_promo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if it was already posted, but some audio dramas are now available for free on DLsite https://www.dlsite.com/girls/campaign/listen-asmr2101?order=trend&genrekey=listenasmr202101

>> No.32288636

Nice thanks for sharing.

>> No.32296142

Is Sweet Pool good

>> No.32296418

People here seem to really like it.

>> No.32297226

there is only one ryona route, so you can avoid it if you want it.

>> No.32297755

and not 100% complete the game like a basic bitch?

>> No.32301501

Yes, unironically.

>> No.32302932

If you were planning to buy it on steam, be wary of the fact that the steam version is censored, you have to buy 5$ patch on JAST site to restore the cut content (which is every sex scene. And story won't make sense without them since there's a fair bit of dialogue in them).

>> No.32303562

It's my favorite N+C game along with Saya's game.

>> No.32306210

Yes, it's the best nitro+ game with the most likable protagonist

>> No.32308738

Personally I don't need to see the dog scene more than once.

>> No.32310423

The Komine dog scene is one of the best of the game.
Such a fun route too, where fucking him means game over and you need to lock him up into mindbreak for days to start the relationship. really unique.

>> No.32313920

...And it's still being dual-released?

>> No.32313942

>He doesn't know

>> No.32314059

the art is shit tho

>> No.32314593

No, but the translator was whining to her fans that she was afraid of someone fan translating it faster. So expect it to take at least 5+ months

>> No.32314612

do you have the translator's @

>> No.32319826

sharpest_rose and verdelishJP
The latter one did TaiAli and sweet pool, the former DMMD and if I'm not mistaken other Justblue nitro+ games

>> No.32320295

Aren't the other nitro+ official releases just the old fan translations?

>> No.32320766

Sweet pool fan tl didn't have makoto talking like an american soccer player/ slut, so it's not the old fan tl.
I think they bought lamento translation and I'm not sure about TnC.

>> No.32324300
File: 79 KB, 560x420, RJ313523_img_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eyeless MC thing that's pretty common on the covers of situation dramas already tended towards uncanny but the effect is so much worse when it's for a twin sister yuri CD.

>> No.32325437

They should have left out her mouth too while they were at it for full immersion.

>> No.32326503

Wtf happened to my twin

>> No.32332755

Isnt there two ryona routes? The bara bait and the shota, right? To be fair, I only remember the boxer dude and the one who gets fucked by the dog.

>> No.32332890
File: 1.10 MB, 640x360, kuuko blushing1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self-insert yuri CDs

>> No.32332896

You barely abuse Toudou.
Arisato is spends most of his route being chocked and stranged and dying.

>> No.32333035

Huh, my memory must be failing me then.

>> No.32338076

Komine never really gives in completely, right? At least I remember from his ending it sounded like in his heart he didn't want to submit completely to Tomoaki like the others did.

>> No.32338616

Oh, sweet pool was translated by the Taisho x Alice person? Man, I should have bought it during the steam sale.

>> No.32339780

Don't miss out on your american references, buy it at full price

>> No.32341221

He mostly just accepts Tomoaki will never be able to actually love him because he's a sadistic psycho.

>> No.32343160

Umineko ep 7 if you squint.

>> No.32343897

Is Gunjou no Yuki not about time loops? I haven't read it yet.

>> No.32347433

There's a couple on the DLsite girls section, and a lot in the mens but I think those ones are mostly genderbending ones where (you) are a man who's been turned into a girl through some contrivance.

>> No.32353663

Sweet Pool was completely redone, TNC was a re-edited fan TL, DMMD is also re-edited fan-TL. Lamento is planned to be done from scratch; I believe Verd had read it in preparation to start working on it next, until Slow Damage took over release priority.

>> No.32356113

Why do m*les want to be women so badly.

>> No.32358049

an easier life

>> No.32366871


>> No.32371624

You wouldn't fuck your brother, would you

>> No.32371677

I fucking hated what they did to one of the guys. Can they leave their amerifat slang to themselves

>> No.32371734

* I meant sweet pool
Does anyone know how their other releases are?

>> No.32372900

I might.

>> No.32374162


>> No.32375242

Big brothers are overrated. Little brothers are where it's at.

>> No.32377188

For me? It's twin brothers.

>> No.32377210
File: 13 KB, 601x315, Soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it, sisters. Soon I will be able to play Tokyo 24-ku.

>> No.32377432

Only if it's otome. Gay twin stuff is weird.
Regular brother/brother incest is fine though.

>> No.32379264

Jeez, just fuck clones at that point.

>> No.32379528

Yes please.

>> No.32379661

Antything with proper selfcest?

>> No.32380064

Collar x Malice, Code:Realize or Piofiore?

>> No.32380088

Is none not an option?

>> No.32380482

I think Kichiku Megane has some, not entirely sure how it works though.

>> No.32380501

That has the guy who got him the glasses make a special room where both personalities can fuck.
It was not pleasant.

>> No.32381125

Collar x malice >>>> sleep >> the rest

>> No.32381521

Are they that bad?

>> No.32381595

CxM is pretty bad.
C:R has a plot, but it's kinda dull aside from a couple of parts.
The only decent part of piofiore is the untranslated sequel.

>> No.32381811

How do they compare to TaishoAlice Ep2 at least

>> No.32384344

Way worse.
Taisho alice 2 is super fun and fucked up interesting character stuff happens.
These have generally bad and boring plots with a cardboard cutout for a MC unlike based Yurika.

>> No.32389688

My standards are pretty much on the more basic side, I'll admit, but I personally enjoyed code realize and collar x malice to a somewhat lesser extent (haven't played Piofiore). I guess because I just liked the character banter for the most part in the two.
I wouldn't really be able to compare them to Taishou alice episode 2 because that one was an in depth character study type romance that showed the more twisted side of all the characters while the two are more standard affairs by comparison and even the somewhat more dark aspects are pretty basic anime angst (more so in code realize than collar x malice). I'd say if you have time to kill and just want to nab something generally competently written there are worse options available.

>> No.32390479

Only the younger ones

>> No.32391128

what's with the little brother fuckers here

>> No.32393721

Maybe they're afraid that muricans would fly into a burger-powered rage if they see teenage characters talking normally.

>> No.32396072

toshishita is the superior fetish and how else are NEETs supposed to meet guys

>> No.32400764

No awkward pauses for MC's name if he's calling her nee-san.

>> No.32402068
File: 214 KB, 1280x720, 2021011906464900-57B4628D2267231D57E0FC1078C0596D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I bought them anyway because I want to support devs.

>> No.32402179

Not the worst purchase on that screen.

>> No.32402245 [DELETED] 

Hey, I like #TMS

>> No.32402283

Hey, I like #TMS

>> No.32402350

Crazy ass.

>> No.32404189
File: 107 KB, 540x327, 6YBhNNb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this accursed creation again

>> No.32404700

Holy fucking shit taste.

>> No.32405115

CxM isn't a masterpiece but mc gets called out on being a retard and some of the guys committed more crimes than piofiore characters.
Piofiore is a snooze fest with mc being treated like a precious cooking onahole. The only thing the bitch does is sleeping, eating and staying in her room, she also does cook sometimes. That's like a hikki neet simulator but with boring guys
CR is extremely boring, the guys are your walking otome LI tropes with 2 most annoying VAs in the cast. It feels like a disney show, they befriend the villain and tell them it's bad to break the law and the villain befriends them back as thanks

>> No.32405655

Is it the one with huge Raidou head as a stand?

>> No.32410974

Anyone defending anything Otomate has the most garbage taste. How much of their underwhelming writing and characters can one tolerate?
Imagine supporting tracers and feeling good about it.

>> No.32414066
File: 919 KB, 1173x907, 1606812305378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is probably what you're thinking of.

>> No.32418217

So I'm guessing Mochida is a bad guy.

>> No.32422041

I don't know who that is but yes

>> No.32422187

Burn that garbage, burn it.

>> No.32422395

>otomate bad
>do i fit in guys?

>> No.32422411

I feel like people here are much harsher on otomes then BL?

Why is that

>> No.32422645

In recent years there's a lot more otome games coming out than BL so it's fine to be picky. BL fans are more willing to hype up mediocre products to maintain the delusion their genre isn't dying (at least in terms of official games).

>> No.32422812

Otomate puts out a lot of garbage, A LOT.
Their good/bad ratio is really fucking awful.

>> No.32429499 [SPOILER] 
File: 259 KB, 1280x720, 1611065302776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collar x Malice wasn't that bad. Though I wonder about this translation.

>> No.32430557

honestly nah, only R18 otome and BL games tend to be good and there's a lot more of the latter than the former ratio-wise. basically:

>> No.32434990

Plot, mc and love interest wise, BL can get more creative, since the writers aren't restricted by purityfags, self-inserters and old poeple who think that the love interest must always be either a good guy with a cage inclinations, sister beater who mends his ways or 100% morally pure guy. Which is not the case for BL at all and the writers usually use this opportunity.

There's also more otome games, while BL VNs come out once in a blue moon. Not to mention you have to wait years since their announcement only to sometimes see them getting stuck in a development hell.
If you are talking about english speaking sites, the majority of BL games also just don't get translated. Everything that has gotten released in english for the past 5 years, either already had a fan patch, was an edited fan patch, or a parade game. If you look at the popularity chart in Japan, the most popular and most well received games, don't even have any english translations to begin with. And trashing nitro+ and parade games single time gets boring after a while.

>> No.32435008

Husbando wars by proxy.

>> No.32436813

People are not harsh enough on BL

>> No.32439746

Just tell 1 only 1 decent otome game.

>> No.32439980
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>> No.32440789
File: 575 KB, 2048x1036, IMG_20210119_144052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda sad MC cant change genders too

>> No.32443753

>shit on parade games
>shit on nitro+ games
>call omerta trash too
>trash other hashihime routes and writing in uuultra
>call omega vampire and pigeon blood entertaining shit
There's like 3 BL games which /blog/ absolutely likes. If you meant other sites, no one gives a shit about otome games, and it's mostly otomefags who criticize otome games they don't like. BL games get even less attention from non BL VN fans

>> No.32444037

I hate this kind of shit, just a slippery slope to full tranny. Doesn't fit otome at all.

>> No.32444094

Okay fag

>> No.32444708

Traps were always a thing retard

>> No.32444738

Otome is shit and inferior to BL, that's why.

>> No.32444821

Rejoice otomedykes, you don't have to pretend to like boys anymore.

>> No.32444893

This isn't traps it's TSF. Which has also always been a thing but it's a very different thing.

>> No.32445369

Doesn't mean they want to go through a hormone therapy and become women. What the fuck happened, these things have never caused such retarded reactions and levels of protection before

>> No.32445668

Anon, you may not know this but there is a large difference between a man dressed up as a woman and a man in the body of a woman. Is it so shocking that a person might like one and hate the other?

>> No.32445769

Genderbending sucks.

>> No.32447089

I hope the fluffy one is a secret ojisan

>> No.32447303

>There's like 3 BL games which /blog/ absolutely likes.
Shingakkou, Luckydog1, Taishou Mebiusline, did I get that right? Swap any one of the three with Sweet Pool depending on personal preferences.

>> No.32447308

I will die for TaiAli

>> No.32447666

They will never be Boueibu

>> No.32448587

>CV changes to female

>> No.32448857

>>32429499 Collar x Malice would be better if Sanjou and Morioka had routes

>> No.32452368

Boueibu's studio is doing symphogear with boy fairies this year

>> No.32452786

That's a good thing.

>> No.32452928

No. If your gonna be fucking a women make it a a real women. Not this half baked gays ass Male female thing

>> No.32452974

You will never be a man. And if you were no other man would want your dick so youd have to resort to std ridden 70 year old who need hours getting it up

>> No.32453118

Poor taste.

>> No.32453149

Wtf sis?? Even I don't dream of fucking 70 year old and I'm into old men

>> No.32453253


>> No.32454230


>> No.32455297

There's barely any BL games. If you shit on at least 10 you're basically halfway through the entire catalog. And when you're into BL it's kind of expected you'd be a degenerate anyway.

>Girl designs are cuter than the guys
Is this the goal all along? To make girls dykes?

>> No.32458041

What's gay about having standards? If he's older than 65 I'm not touching that

>> No.32459638

Collar x Malice would be better if there's a Kazuki route

>> No.32459642

>She wouldn't fuck a 200 year old shotajiisan elf
Cringe, sis.

>> No.32459679

God, I wish. The side characters were overall more attractive than the main cast.

>> No.32459756

You can't exactly say you have standards when 65 is your upper limit. Unless you are around that age yourself.

>> No.32460111

I just want to be bullied by a boyish little brother.

>> No.32460519

Japan seems to have trouble comprehending the concept of magical boys (even if they pop up in magical girl anime from time to time). You either get this or parodies.

>> No.32460720

Even when they're in magical girl anime they tend to not transform like the girls do. All these years later and Shugo Chara still did it best.

>> No.32460776

Considering gundam's popularity, where's my space mecha otome game?

>> No.32460954

silly anon, girls don't like giant robots

>> No.32460977


>> No.32460978

Yeha, it's not like they are in it for the totally not homoerotic relationships between the pilots ever since the original gundam.

>> No.32461193

Denpa otome game where

>> No.32461371

Literally never, sadly.
