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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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36838800 No.36838800 [Reply] [Original]



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Previous Thread >>36697293

>> No.36838922

Otome with porn and femdom? Don't say jooubachi no oubou.

>> No.36839054

Mink more like stink

>> No.36839126

mashou megane

>> No.36840425

Ken ga Kimi/Toki art isn't done by Yomi anymore. I can't believe Yomi dumped Rejet for Otomate

>> No.36840453

How about those coolb scans, is friendly lab still in dev hell or is there progress?

>> No.36841409

I listened to some CD called オフパコ目当ての泣き虫ヲタ男子におしおきっ, it was a fucking riot
I recommend it to all the kimoe aficionados in here.

>> No.36842140

>simultaneously releases your game one year later
Nothing personal EOPs

>> No.36842428

played the demo for peachleaf valley, did it really take this long for a group of western devs to realize
>hey instead of making an ugly piece of shit if we mimic the shiny soullessness of otomate we can actually make money?

>> No.36842556

Okay, well. I only listened to some of the samples, but I'm amazed at how the VA can sound like that and say hilarious lines and not be obnoxious. I bought this one thing maybe a month ago, M男なカレシを抵抗できない状態にして無理やり何度も射精させる, and I wanted to go deaf after maybe 10 minutes of listening. Also, how is this kimoe?

Just listen to Namidame.

I will always be here to shill Namidame and also lament the fact that it's gone ;_;

>> No.36843034
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Has a character ever made you want to get fit?

>> No.36843144

That's a dyel brosis

>> No.36843335

Just wait until they start discussing consent and binaries before kissing with lights off

>> No.36843342
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But Haru got the perfect twink body, skinny but with a little bit of muscle in the right places.

>> No.36843463

oh yeah, I forgot to mention but his uueee, funya, kudachai etc really sold it for me
>how is this kimoe?
i mean he's a worhtless crossdressing otaku virgin with stockholm syndrome who somehow manages to be ridiculously cute, I thought it was the best word for that

>> No.36844279


terms women will never understand

>> No.36844763 [DELETED] 

You're embarrassing yourself, tranny.

>> No.36845883

Actually sisters it's called a ``twunk."

>> No.36846053

It's called ottermode body in non weeb.

>> No.36846080

Some men should never undress

>> No.36846083

If by non-weeb you mean /fit/, sure

>> No.36846340

moshi moshi, is this the kusoge general?

>> No.36846428

yes how may I direct your call

>> No.36846454

I need all of your worst boys

>> No.36846708

>laito diabolik lovers
>saionji clock zero
>majima choudoku
>yang piofiore
>auger bws
>lindo dance with devils
Fuck I miss rejet more, every day that passes

>> No.36848163

Are the Alice games any good?

>> No.36850559

Cuck butler
True route is a mistake
Whore monk

>> No.36850643

>not Akaza

>> No.36850729

He is bland as fuck but his route is better and he doesn't go full retard

>> No.36851179

Heart no kuni no Alice? Alice=Alice? TaiAli? Alice soft? Why are there so many franchises with "alice" anyway.

>> No.36851517

The cunt taniyama was wasted on
>Uta no pri
Everyone except Yuzuki and megane homo
>Code Realize
Morikubofag without teeth
The kaji yuki blonde one
Everyone expect the ojisan that I could not date
>Chou no Doku
The cucklord richfag
>Diabolik Lovers
Shuu and morikubo glasses one
The syphilis with legs
Hanazawa and fucking true route

>> No.36854185

Japanese are obsessed with Alice in wonderland because they are obsessed with any media that has little girls. They either want to fuck little girls or be the little girl.

>> No.36854195

>Ken ga Kimi
>Gekka Ryouran Romance
>Nie no Machi

>> No.36855559

Why does this general like Mink and scat so much

>> No.36855697

>psychedelica BB
>mashou megane

>> No.36855714

Not enough otome where you can be the little girl.

>> No.36855742

The worst boy is always the manwhore, unless there's one of those sweets loving shota twink guys in which case it's him instead.

>> No.36855752

Enishi was the best

>> No.36855776

>sweets loving shota twink
I loved taking my anger out on that trope in hadaka

>> No.36856218

His actual manwhore of a VA aside, Hinase was amazing

>> No.36856228

I'll fucking stab you for this

>> No.36856236

Isekai appeal and iconic imagery

>> No.36856271
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>> No.36856332
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Based Yomi

>> No.36856453

If anyone's getting this please report back.

>> No.36856534

How good is Cupid Parasite? The plot sound wild but the designs for the boys are a little too flashy for me but I'll overlook it if their fun at least.

>> No.36856975

Someone here told me it were shit

>> No.36857058

/blog/ says that about every game...

>> No.36857286

But blog was right about code sleep, snooze fiore and bustafellows true route

>> No.36857486

Heart no Kuni no Alice I thought that was the only one with multiple games? Seemed pretty popular back in the days but didn't see a lot of people talking about the new one that just came out

>> No.36857685
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>tfw worst boy is the one shilled most in promotional merch/art

>> No.36857706

Yes, but that's a rare case of being able to truly abuse them. Usually its
>Token blond shota that is the one route MC can top in
>super fluffy

>> No.36857719

I have no love for Shiki but at least I remember him, can't say the same for cardigan man.

>> No.36857733

True, I forgot about him until skimming over the tvtropes page.

>> No.36858024

Kesuke isn't shilled though

>> No.36858051

I know it's called club suicide but can you force them to live

>> No.36858079

just play the game

>> No.36858161
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>implying Keisuke is worst boy when >>36857685 >>36857719 exist

>> No.36858229

NAYRT but Keisuke was my least favourite years ago and I really don't think my mind would be changed now. I didn't like his design or him as a character and I didn't really like Sugita in this role.

>> No.36858230

>Sugita going full ham
>worst boy
at least it's funny how big of a homo he is, Shiki is just some boring "cool" (citation needed) doS fag

>> No.36858282


>> No.36858295

No hate, I understand. I didn't like him much when I first read it like a decade ago I remember liking those two rapist bandit guys But the combo of childhood friend/pining/yandere hit after a while. Plus >>36858230

>> No.36858385

>dresses like a hobo
>probably smells like piss
>his only personality trait is stalking and inserting screwdrivers into his friend's anus
At least Shiki was hot and he also took showers. Imagine the number of belts he had to deal with every morning

>> No.36858454

>smelly hobo yandere stalker
yes, kesske was best boy

>> No.36858461

>At least Shiki was hot
If you like lesbians.

>> No.36858489

Lesbian > drugged hobos that reek of piss

>> No.36858776

I just don't like the tsundere bastard boyfriend types. That being said I was really surprised I liked Kawase's route in Hashihime No need to start a weird fight.

>> No.36858804

No one is claiming Shiki isn't shit though. He is shit but at least he looks better than the rest of the cast

>> No.36859088

I guess Akira did smell cheese too. No wonder Shiki shoved him inside the bathtub before ass raping him. Even after that rain, Shiki still bathed him. I can't imagine the smell.

>> No.36859131

Hinase was a slut for sleeping with Sayo the second his route started but he wasn't actually a manwhore.

>> No.36859227

Takeru, I actually unironically enjoy certain types of tsunderes (some of Mineo's tsundere moments were pretty cute, I guess I just like seeing boys flustered like that, it's fun), however, the "will call you names with pokerface and this isn't even funny" ones just seem boring and annoying, the worst traits of kuuderes (which are very rarely done in a not boring way) and tsunderes combined.
>Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly
Kagiha. Half of the time he was boring and annoying, the rest of the time — obsessive and annoying, somehow still boring.
Mink, not into that, and even if I were, it's not like the game is written nearly well enough to make it compelling

Some of the other games I played I haven't beaten that much of yet, so I can't speak about their characters, or didn't really have anyone that got on my nerves that much (didn't dislike anyone in Lamento, for exampe, although I lost saves before playing Bardo's route and never got to it), if I can't remember.

Speaking of which, I seriously tried thinking about the worst boy in C:R, but the writing there is so weirdly inoffensive that I can't pick the worst one even though I didn't really like anyone there. My tastes are pretty vanilla, and yet this game felt somehow sterile and boring to me, which is something that is discussed somewhat frequently there, but I can't understand how it got quite so popular, considering how, for instance, collarxmalice is pretty much just as vanilla, but has a better protagonist and boys (well, some of them, anyway), while not feeling so plain, and yet it seems considerably less popular. And that's without mentioning the better stuff. I'm unironically curious why.

>> No.36859254

That's simply called being really in love with each other while knowing you have limited time.
I wish his route was better executed because you pretty much need to read the proper chapter after reading it just to know what the fuck was happening.

>> No.36859281

How do they smell like

>> No.36859304

>blood and cum
>blood and cum and smoke
>blood and cum and drugs
>actually smells nice

>> No.36859355

God I hated that green manlet so much, he was pure distilled tsundere for the sake of filling in otomate's shit trope checklist, no real reason and with no real depth. Only other traits were muh donuts and muh mom. Not only did he bully that cute mmo addict routelet he literally changed a law because wahhh mommy. I hope he dies from obesity related complications.

>> No.36859378

To be fair, none of the characters in it were any good, maybe Mineo kinda since the one consistent thing in otomate is that the only time a MC can have a personality is when they shit on the LI.

>> No.36860368

I unironically enjoyed Mineo's character. I like cringe humor, it's enjoyable.

>> No.36860369

This isn't accurate...

>> No.36860379

So, have you ever set MC's name as your own?

>> No.36860387

I usually try to find a canon name and if I can't I just use something generic

>> No.36860402

I named tokimeki one manko. Just to hear Ishida akira say it.

>> No.36860403

No, but I have used the name of a blank slate I've projected onto for roughly 10 years. I'm freed from the limitations of cringe, to a certain degree.

>> No.36861081

No I lose immersion when using non japanese name in japanese setting.

>> No.36861937

Only a shortening of my name, full name feels too cringe. Shortened, my name sounds like an actual Japanese name so it fits Japanese settings.

>> No.36862113

I just make up a new name since anime boys saying my real name feels awkward.

>> No.36862343

Love it when the name is unchangeable. Imagining the taste of yumejo's bitter tears as she hears her husband say the name of another woman.

>> No.36862483

I leave it as a default in case the name is voiced, I don't like to self-insert so it doesn't matter to me what her name is

>> No.36862714

Shit. I forgot this existed and all I remembered was the anime adaptation. What was this called again?

>> No.36862721

Yes because my name is not ugly. I don't do this when the character has a personality though

>> No.36865535

When I see a picture of an anime character somewhere unexpected I always think back to that anon who said that a martial arts center in their city had a poster of Shiki in the window.

>> No.36865590

Usually default name if there isn't one then I use the name of a character I am currently obsessed with.

>> No.36865871

I've been over the edgey all black with red eyes bad boy type since high school

>> No.36866501

Togainu No Chi.

>> No.36866834

No, I'm from the subset of players that give MC-chans really dumb meme names, it livens things up.

>> No.36867137

Thanks. All I remembered from this is the amount of porn I came across when searching it up years ago.

>> No.36868734

Spoil this game to blog without scat shitposting

>> No.36868964

No wonder Satoru Yuiga got traced, their art is pretty great.

>> No.36869211

I feel like she fucks up face and head proportions a lot but the coloring and overall "polish" of her works is great.

>> No.36869405

Will she land another otome job after going against everything otomate stands for

>> No.36870004

She should do art for a jrpg, feel like the psychedelics series would have been better if they were that

>> No.36870350

Any nip leak for yomis game?

>> No.36870365
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So, pairing dynamics
>What do you want to see more of?
>What do you want to see less of?
>Any random dynamic you've thought about but never seen before?

>> No.36870579
File: 32 KB, 735x464, 69 billion hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boy getting bullied by girls boys his circumstances and the consequences of his own actions seeking comfort from mc who still bullies them but slightly less
>perfect boring guy x perfect boring girl and its the true route fuck yoouuuu
>two sluts that get gangbanged by faceless men every night together while they hold hands and cuddle after. they are siblings.

>> No.36870607

>two sluts that get gangbanged by faceless men every night together while they hold hands and cuddle after. they are siblings
Anon, you never played choudoku?

>> No.36870613

Was on my backlog. Good 2 know

>> No.36870697

It's just an ending, I also want an entire game out of it.

>> No.36870699

>reverse rape virgin LIs
>morikubo voicing LIs, the boring childhood friend route
>mentally ill yandere heroine, who locks LIs into cages, rapes them every single night with a strapon, and sells the videos to perverts, to fund her dream-like dungeon. One of the LIs must be her blood-related oni chan and a shota .

>> No.36870814

Unfortunately, the closest and the best you could get to otome was that
>brother selling his body to hardcore old perverted hags in order to buy his lil sister some bread to eat
>fandisk ending holding hands while fucked by everyone and the other brother
>and that notorious one
I feel anon overall

>> No.36870926

Want to see more:
>A obsessed with fighting B, B really doesn't give a shit
>Unhealthy codependence
>Gap moe couple, especially when A is proudly head over heels for B (see: Way of the Slideshow)
>Goofy manzai dynamic

Want to see less:
>vanilla childhood friend
>Rich A and poor B
>Oniichan wasn't really blood related/is only a half brother
>Healed by pussy/Manic pixie dream girl

Not currently imaginative enough to think up or remember any random dynamics

>> No.36871267

>What do you want to see more of?
Nonhuman or otherwise in on the masquerade MC and regular human guy
Boy blindly devoted to scumbag MC taking advantage of him
Human and the demon or familiar they have a contact with
Blood related sibling incest

>What do you want to see less of?
Playboy asshole fixed by pure maiden
Boring childhood friend and boring MC
Crossdresser who really wants to be manly deep down
Baity faux-yuri route

>Any random dynamic you've thought about but never seen before?
A game with a villain protagonist that isn't in the souseme rapefest way would be cool. Not sure if that counts as a dynamic though.

>> No.36871315

>Boy blindly devoted to scumbag MC taking advantage of him
Isn't that pretty common though?

>> No.36871493

If you read Korean bl

>> No.36871808

I remember reading one where it starts all nice then it develops into the LI having murdered the mc's family and friends.
And then it went back to being a wacky romcom because he's a funny yandere.

>> No.36871991

>Villain/evil female mc corrupting innocent/virgin "good" guy
>female on male rape/dubcon
>dominant female mc
>otome with porn on par with hetero eroges
>female mc bully and shy/quiet/nervous male love interest

>> No.36872004

Forgot to mention this is all:
>>What do you want to see more of?
Also I would like to see more of
>sister brother incest

>> No.36872005

I don't think most of those have EVER happened.

>> No.36872043

In the game I'm making it does.
You're right though, I misunderstood. I meant that these are all things I want to see in general. I wish otome would be more like hetero porn games in general, way too vanilla and samey for me.

>> No.36872069
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What do you want to see more of?
>Confident power bottoms
>Non-abusive tsunderes
>Stoic guys that aren't shafted by a shit route
>long haired guys who aren't necessarily effeminate/super androgynous

What do you want to see less of?
>blond token shota
>manic pixie dream boys/girls

Any random dynamic you've thought about but never seen before?
>enemies to lovers where both parties are villains, preferably if it evolves into pic related

>> No.36872202

Is there actually manic pixie dream girls in otome?

>> No.36872272


>> No.36872562

Female MCs playing therapist and MPDGs are not the same thing. The wish fulfillment fantasies behind them are different to begin with.

>> No.36872586

Addictive fruit twins came to my mind, but it's a manga.

>> No.36872696

Manic pixie dream girls are something 3d men fantasize about. Why would those exist in an otome game, where the audience is women?

>> No.36872835

They happen. Usually when they're mary sues trying to redeem a badboy.

>> No.36872870

That's the "I can fix him" fantasy. Not the same thing.

>> No.36873062

I just want more fantasy setting in otome/bl why is there so little?

>> No.36873205

Easier to write it as reality/real life settings will be something the author will know the best. If it's historical:
>need to do research (might still get shit wrong), historical accuracy for the customs/foods/clothing/culture of the time and setting.
and fantasy:
>requires an imagination, world building, a lot of effort put into the characters backstories/their stories. Actually needs a plot.
Real life settings can just have simple high school teenagers going to a normal japanese school with a genki boy, shota boy, bad boy, etc living their normal everyday lives. It's just easier.

>> No.36873285

The girls are chipper and the ones doing all the work to improve a guy. Yes, it does count.

>> No.36873295

I mean het stuff does it all the time. Not really an excuse.

>> No.36873308

That's not what the manic pixie dream girl trope is.

>> No.36873356

otome isekai took all of it

>> No.36873792

Otome isekai is weird as shit to me since it reads more like a poorly written telenovela with shoujoshit instead of an actual otome game.
The whole genre feels like it was written by and for people who've never played otome games but have a thing for NTR.

>> No.36873834

So every male protagonist in a bishoujo game is a manic pixie dream boy?

>> No.36873862

Then otome fans either have:
>low standards and are willing to read/play anything as long as it has cute boys
>actually prefer boring ass school settings set in reality in modern day japan.

>> No.36873873

>no eyes
>no personality
>big boobs
>cleans and cooks all the time
You've got zero idea what that trope is

>> No.36873959

I actually don't remember the last time I saw an otome with an eyeless mc since almost all of them have a cutesy brunette or plain but pretty girl.

>> No.36874006

I don't know what kind of otomege you must be reading to get this impression from them. Do even mobage do eyeless MCs anymore?

>> No.36874032

>big boobs

the biggest rack i've seen on a chick in otomes is usually on a side character, the MC is usually average to flat

>> No.36874229

Otome main characters could never be mpdg because they're too boring. The entire point of a mpdg is how "quirky" and "unique" they are. Every otome mc is always described as "plain/average" with no special skills or deep interests in anything. They are no Ramona Flowers or Zoey Dechanel.
>MPDGs are usually static characters who have eccentric personality quirks and are unabashedly girlish. They invariably serve as the romantic interest for a (most often brooding or depressed) male protagonist.
There are no male protags for otome. Men are not playing otome games falling in love with the main character.

>> No.36874707

Has Suwabe ever done r18? His voice is just the sexiest

>> No.36875093

He voiced the protagonist at kara no shoujo 2. Not the remaster version.
But I think he did some old blvn or otome. Check here, the ones with aliases.

>> No.36875453

where's the son fucking though? adopted is fine too.

>> No.36875612

I think you may be retarded, anon

>> No.36875631

Are you guys ok?
>Have no fear, the Manic Pixie Dream Girl is here to give new meaning to the male hero's life! She's stunningly attractive, energetic, high on life, full of wacky quirks and idiosyncrasies (generally including childlike playfulness), often with a touch of wild hair dye. She's inexplicably obsessed with our stuffed-shirt hero, on whom she will focus her kuh-razy antics until he learns to live freely and love madly.

>> No.36875670

So nothing like otome MCs. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.36875889

if your blotome boyfrend saw you argue on 4chan would he try to help you win the argument? Would he write your posts for you or come in as a second party?

>> No.36875941

Is everyone here female?

>> No.36875968

How's virche?

>> No.36876175

If only...

>> No.36876388

otome mcs are basically the exact opposite of everything you just brought up, anon

>> No.36876554

>otome MCs
>high on life
I can think of Yurika and she was legit insane.
Just watch Scott Pilgrim and compare the actual MPDG to otome MCs.

>> No.36876923

And read your post yourself to prove yourself wrong

>> No.36876964
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Finished JackJeanne. Really enjoyed it. It's a sports manga at its core with a lot of seishuning and teamwork and senpais watching out for kouhais.
It has some issues at the start like chunks of terrible exposition and the amount of annoyingly quirky side characters that get thrown at you back-to-back, but around the 3rd play the first point improves a lot and even the side characters get fleshed out and have good roles depending on route.
All playthroughs after the first one are a very different experience. You don't have that same fun of seeing all the plays for the first time, but you slowly get to see more of the cast outside of them on stage and as they all stay relevant in all routes it never feels like a waste of development or that it came too late. The main cast themselves were all endearing and everyone got character development and moments to shine in the common route even if they got dealt a lacking individual route. My best boy was Fumi for the gap moe of being very pretty but in all other aspects the coolest most 男前 and reliable guy in the cast.

I could list a million things I both liked and disliked about the system. The huge variety in random day and map scenes means you're constantly seeing new content even when redoing the common route which was nice, but it also made skipping even more painful and the stat raising was bland and sucked. The rhythm game sections were actually a good touch and added to the experience but it's godawful that you can't skip them even after SS ranking them which means you have to play all 15 tracks 7 times for all the routes. You don't even have the option of playing the hardest difficulty in story mode to make it more fun.
I'd say the peak of my enjoyment was between my 2nd - 4th routes, which was the sweet spot of still enjoying the different approaches to similar developments in individual routes while not being completely sick of all the skipping and reading through all the minute changes in the final play. There are only so many ways you can state the power of dreams and nakama before it cheapens the initial effect it had.
Still think I would've preferred it without the simulation elements, but they did add enough for me to accept the game for how it is.

Overall a good time. I would especially recommend it to people who enjoy serious josou or those who haven't gotten over Yumecast's EoS(this is me).

>> No.36876994

Otomate MCs are always hot girls with big boobs. Even if they're described as average, you can't deny most of them is hot. The boob size varies depending on the cg.
>Collar x malice grandma
>yomi's new game mc
>cooking robot from priofiore etc
These days it's harder to find mcs with small boobs. Among these heroines only Olympia has a personality and she is also far from a manic pixie dream girl

>> No.36877061
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My favorite are ringo's fat ringos.

>> No.36877461

Sounds interesting. I've heard many mixed reviews on this game and a lot of the designs for the guys don't really appeal to me but I've heard the story and characters are likable atleast.

>> No.36877477

Does it actually feel like an otome? How's the romance and MC?

>> No.36877899
File: 228 KB, 1280x720, 2021100717175200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess? None of the character archetypes felt out of place for something female targeted if that's what you mean. Anything different about them was down to how they were handled. It actually made me like the yandere osananajimi by virtue of making him sufficiently cute and pitiful and depressed. I'd say the most unique guy by himself was Kokuto because that eccentric oddball genius type is on the rare side for otome. Romance was average, good in some routes and bad in others(Kai was a mess). The only route that felt like it had barely any was Mitsuki.
Kisa was good. She had the skill and drive necessary for the protag of this kind of story and came with her own struggles that were satisfying to see her overcome. Her seiyuu was very good at portraying differences in her acting too and that added a lot. She also made a lot of cute noises.

Sounds about right. How well you can tolerate the system is vital to enjoyment. If I had to sit through one more route I might have broke. Took me 100 hours to full comp.

>> No.36878181

I lost my interest in Suwabe completely for some reason, but iirc there are one or two scenes in the Flesh & Blood drama cd series that could qualify - pretty sparse. Could be he's featured in other BLCD titles from that era.

>> No.36878219

He has quite a few, yeah.
I tried to look for uke suwabe but nope.

>> No.36878287

he'd probably already be posting anonymously talking about how he is best boy

>> No.36878749

Anyone got any recommendations for bastard boyfriend cds? Especially if there's a scene where he scolds you for crying after/during sex.

>> No.36878811

I guess you'd have to be invested in the characters just to get through the routes if the gameplay is that tedious and romance isn't that great. The only one I'm kinda interested in is the redhead since he looks pretty cute.

>> No.36878918

Sounds good anon, I'll pick this up with my next paycheck
>The only route that felt like it had barely any was Mitsuki.
That's a real shame though, looking at the cast list now and Mitsuki is the cutest. Gakuto is a bonus too.

>> No.36879914

I really like the setting and the artstyle in Bustafellows and the story sounds cool. Is it worth playing?

>> No.36880224

Routes, sure, cool enough, avoid the true ends.

>> No.36880227

Yes but the true routes suck. Really suck. Either prepare yourself for that or just read the character routes and move on. You won't be missing anything.

>> No.36880734

Well damn, if it's that bad with the true routes then I'll probably just skim over those, thanks for the advise.
I'll probably get it on steam but I read some of the reviews saying the port is shit. I'll give it shot though.

>> No.36880829

I said girl/boys, fags. I don't even like otome, most are shit lmao

>> No.36881033

>i was just pretending to be retarded
