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3698436 No.3698436 [Reply] [Original]

Any Japanese/Asian girls here?

How do you feel about being "fetishized" by American men?

I had a discussion with a Japanese classmate of mine the other day, and she told me the reason she doesn't date outside of Japanese men is because she doesn't want to be "fetishized". I found this interesting.

>> No.3698448

Everything is a fetish.

>> No.3698443

/jp/ isn't about japan, bro.

>> No.3698450


Though I guess this could apply to Western men in general, not just Americans.

>> No.3698464

What are you doing there, Saten.

>> No.3698469

As a girl (not Asian though), I feel that we're always risked at being fetishized just because that's the way men are.

She might as well become a lesbian if it scares her so much.

>> No.3698481

Sometimes I wonder if there's a woman out there who has a fetish for men like me.

>> No.3698483

Isn't being a lesbian a fetish too?

>> No.3698485

>she doesn't date outside of Japanese men

To help preserve the blood of GLORIOUS NIPPON

>> No.3698489

Tell her that she's being a fucking retard; racial preference is not fetishism any more than liking a specific cup size.

>> No.3698495

What if it's not an overly sexual fetish like petting.

>> No.3698500

That's stupid, even for a girl who clearly defines herself by her race.

>> No.3698506

Tell her she is an uneducated faggot. A fetish is something that MUST be present for the fetishcist to orgasm/become aroused.

>> No.3698508
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Of course they exist. Pic related

>> No.3698518

No it's not.

>> No.3698519

Most psychological terms have entered general usage as things completely unrelated to their actual psychological meaning.


>> No.3698516

Anything that is not consensual clothed missionary in the dark is a fetish.

>> No.3698522

Dating leads to sex?

>> No.3698528

Wait how is racial preference not a fetish.

>> No.3698534

People are fucking stupid, I don't think this should surprise you anymore.
Wait, I just read the posts in this thread. I guess even the stupidity of /jp/ still surprises me. It's like people are competing on who can be the biggest idiot, or something.

>> No.3698535


>> No.3698537

what does she mean in this context by 'fetishized' that separates it from 'attractive to' ?

>> No.3698543

Who cares? Everything can be a damn fetish. She's no less at a risk of being "feithshized" than any other kind of female out there, but why is this a problem? If she really hates men, then she could do as >>3698469 said, but >>3698483 !

>> No.3698552

but what about people with fetishes for flat/big chests? (Depending on what the girl has)

>> No.3698556

I ask girls out because I think they're cute (especially if I don't know what they're like), because we have similar interests, or I find her attractive at an intellectual level.

The fact that she'd think I'd 'fetishize' her is insulting and a nice red flag for me to look out for.

tl;dr Tell her she's too fucking paranoid for anyone to find her attractive.

>> No.3698564

Doesn't look like Ruiko.

>> No.3698565

oh wait, i think i figured it out, she just doesn't want someone to date her because they think she's attractive instead of because they honestly share common interests and like talking to each other. Whereas with an asian man she wouldn't be considered 'exotic' and they would look past her looks to who she is.

>> No.3698566

I don't see what's wrong with being fetishized, as long as the emotional bonds are true. I'd be pretty happy to be my lover's fetish, as long as I know I'm loved back.

And people are just hooking up for sex, then fetishization is even more natural, isn't it? Why fight nature?

>> No.3698587


We are speaking hypothetically right or are you seriously insulted by what a possibly non-existent woman thinks about western men?


I'm gonna suppose that she just doesn't want to be treated as a trophy asian girlfriend by some greasy yellow fever fag. Most relationships based on sexual interest have some sort of fetishization in it.

>> No.3698594

Your classmate is lying. She just don't want to corrupt her pure japanese lineage with the inferior genes of a dirty gaijin.

>> No.3698598


This is what I believe she meant. It sounds worse here, but it didn't really come of as that pompous or racist when she said it.

>> No.3698606

Is she japanese american? Because it's only japanese americans that have these kinds of really retarded issues.

Actual Japanese girls living in Japan have completely different retarded issues.

>> No.3698609

>doesn't date outside of Japanese men

>> No.3698614

Fetish is sexualization of something not traditionally associated by sex. By definition humans can't be a fetish, nor can be something like breasts. Collarbones or mobile phones can be fetish.
I guess she meant something like "sexual objectification," meaning treating her like a tool for sex. But she's so fucking dumb she deserves to be treated like an object.

Also to the those fucking dolts talking about personality, intellect, blah blah blah. Human attraction is fucking shallow, it doesn't matter in which words you try to disguise it, it's still just a stupid instinct to reproduce. Thinking it's anything else is just deluding yourself.

>> No.3698615


>Is she japanese american?

As far as I know. I just talk to her after class sometimes and dont really know extremely well. There's no hint of a Japanese accent on her, so I've assumed she was at least raised here.

>> No.3698623

That amount avoidance of non-japanese men based on stereotype amounts to being a big hypocrite.
I mean, she doesn't want to date a non-japanese man because she is afraid of being treated differently based on her ethnicity, yet she is willing to treat a non-japanese man differently based on their ethnicity.

>> No.3698624

How would you feel if a girl wanted to be with you only because of stereotypes about your race?

It may be drastic, but I can see where she's coming from.

>> No.3698629

Actually, it's more than that. There's also something intrinsically comforting about having someone close that you believe you can trust with all things, who will be on your side to take care of you in times of need. Someone to provide comfort for your loneliness, to fill the empty space in your heart.

>> No.3698630

You don't know her well but you had a conversation about her being fetishized?

>> No.3698637


Look do I have to link dictionary.com?

Don't worry I think the woman in the op is rather misguided too, there is room to agree both with her use of the word fetishized and for your irrational seething hatred of her!

>> No.3698639

Not asian, but am a white girl dating a Japanese man. While he likes Japanese girls, he has told me he definitely has a "thing" for white girls.

I don't really see what the big deal is. Sounds like it could be some insecurity thing with Japanese-American girls.

>> No.3698640

First off, Japanese men can have a fetish for Jap girls just as easily as any other race. Actually - just about every chink, gook, and nip i've ever known was really into jap women only and only because of their nationality and race.

Secondly, that's just her excuse for not being able to get a real man.

>> No.3698644


You don't need to have an extremely personal relationship with someone to discuss life and relationships with them.

>> No.3698667

Asking someone how they feel that their race is fetishized isn't really normal conversation. Anyway I read the OP wrong and though the girl was half Japanese as well as it being in a Japanese class, which would have made the OP come off as kind of creepy. But I guess if it was some other class it's different ┐(´ー`)┌

>> No.3698714

Is it just me, or does it just seem like she's trying to justify being a xenophobic bitch?

>> No.3698722

I guess you don't think humans socialize just because in the past living in a pack would increase their chances of survival, now do you?
I don't care what you do, but talking about your delusions like they are fact is rather annoying.

>> No.3698757


Protip: There are more factors in selecting a mate than physical appearance in any species of animal. Things like intellect are desireable because it improves genetic stock. Things like a caring nature, cooking or similar ability are desired traits for raising young.

And the whole love thing is about trust that they will remain with you rather than sneak off and find a new mate.

You're arguement defeats itself, love is about selecting a mate yes; but from that rises all the complex flowery bullshit that people associate with it.

Love being a chemical reaction for finding a mate != Physical traits are the only descriminate for selecting a mate.

>> No.3698758

7/10 Good troll.
> I guess you don't think humans socialize just because in the past living in a pack would increase their chances of survival, now do you?
That's one reasoning for humans being social creatures. Just being here on /jp/ is "socializing"
The actual degree a human craves for being with others depends on each person, but >>3698629 has a point.

>> No.3698785

Butthurt fags detected.

>> No.3698808

So you think anything that doesn't only concern appearance, can not be shallow?

Also, you beautiful theory can't really fit in fetishes. Because if fetishes exists and your theory is true, then the process of evaluating a mate is incredibly broken. I would wager it's just a simple "has tits -> fuck it" rather than something more complex.

>> No.3698817

Turn the chessboard around.
Isn't she the one who isn't looking past looks if she only dates Japanese men for that very reason?
