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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 83 KB, 500x500, jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37905680 No.37905680 [Reply] [Original]

>what is this?
FELT is disbanding with their album release at comiket 99.
We're making a shikishi with messages expressing appreciation/respect etc.

>who is FELT?
A touhou doujin circle since 2010.
You've probably heard their music if you're interested in touhou music at all.

>what is a shikishi?
A square hard card paper, usually used for signatures.
It can be filled with individual messages from /jp/ anons (or anyone who contributes is welcome)

>cool, how do I contribute?
reply to OP with your message to FELT.
if you're shy use this form: https://forms.gle/MjpNTXokhDk4kdus9
if you want it written and styled in a certain way, write it and post a image as a reply. I'll do my best to copy it.
That's it. Simple.

I will compile the contributions, make the shikishi, and give it to FELT at C99.
Deadline is night before Friday (12/31). So sometime midday for EU and NA anons.

>> No.37905716
File: 348 KB, 720x383, img-20170327214204_720_383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shikishi will likely be something like this.
I don't have much drawing skill unfortunately.

Will be going to sleep soon. Checking back in morning.

>> No.37906600

It doesn't have to be in moonrunes, right?

>> No.37908506

FELT was unique among the Touhou doujin music scene, no other circle seem to produce that same style of music.
They deserve a warm send-off, I hope other anons will join this too.
I don't have any artistic abilities sadly and I can't write in japanese but since they made songs I english I guess at least some of them would be able to read this. And anyway, I think it's the kind of thing where having messages from people all over the world is more important than the content of the message itself.

Better to keep it relatively short as I imagine you'll have to copy everyting by hand, so:

> For producing so many songs I've listened to for years and will continue to do so for a long time: Thank You
> Your disappearance will really leave an irreplaceable spot in the Touhou doujin music world
> - From France

>> No.37908933

Any language is fine.

>> No.37909096

Real shame they are disbanding.

>> No.37909133

FELT and other touhou music was my gateway to touhou, it's sad to see them go

>> No.37909435

Now i feel really sad...
But i guess everything good have to end eventually.

>> No.37910695

Reposting from the music thread my message so that OP can find it here.
>"Love your albums. Sad to see you go, but I'll always have the memories and music with me.

>A fan."
Thanks OP for doing it. I hope they like your efforts.

>> No.37910830

Vivienne the angel of Engrish
daisuki FELT saiko daaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.37912423

Bumping. I posted a message to the form.

>> No.37913007

does this counts as a submission?

>> No.37913617

only if you want it to

>> No.37914642

I found FELT about half a year after their disbandment and going down the rabbit hole of Touhou doujin circles early 2019
Bit of a shame. Feels like I missed out on a lot and the growth of not only this circle but the vast majority of others

>> No.37915292

Same. But I'm glad their works are still available.to listen.

As for the shikishi, I just want to say thanks for the great music, and that Mika is my favorite!

>> No.37915679

And so it shall.

>> No.37919988

"Dear FELT, while our time together was short, I and many others on /jp/ will continue to pass on your musical legacy for many years to come, for as long as Touhou doujin music still resonates with people's hearts.

Yours truly, Anonymous"

>> No.37920001

I'm fully expecting them to go "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeh?!" upon realization that they have fans in the west

>> No.37921242

Sent my message through the form.
I don't think it'll be surprising given their track record of decent engrish.

>> No.37922300

done my part, thank you for doing this OP

>> No.37929268

Ok sent mine

>> No.37931025

sent mine

>> No.37933042

Damn, that's really sad that they're disbanding. Definitely one of my favorite groups. I sent my message using the form.

>> No.37933525

OP here.

Thanks for all the responses so far.
There are currently 20+ contributions so I think it's going to look good. (but even more would be even better)

If you haven't sent in anything or know someone who would like to, might want to hurry.
The deadline will be around 22 hours from this post.

Must to sleep soon. Have C99 day 1 ahead of me.

>> No.37935096

sent mine

>> No.37936813

i love you
idk what to say but i like FELT a lot
if you want to make something up and say it's from me you have my consent
- anon

>> No.37939628

Thank you for putting this together. They deserve a warm send-off.
I listened to FELT almost daily during the period when they uploaded their complete discography to their Youtube channel, so they've played a larger role than ever before in my life this year, despite it being their final year.
>"Remaining is the warmth you gave", always. Thank you for everything so far.
>"Nobody knows the way it's gonna be, without you", but "You're the Shine" wherever you go!
> - From Sweden. (Please tell whoever is running the Youtube channel to create playlist for the later albums.)

>> No.37939646

This is the best possible message to FELT.

>> No.37940389

Just sent a response. I'm glad to see anons appreciated their music.

>> No.37940481

>"...The truth is hard for me to take: That I'll only get to see you in my faded memories."
>"With your memory here inside me. Let my voice please reach you."
>"Thank you for the memories and all that you've done."

>> No.37941409

the touhou cashcow ran out huh.

>> No.37941783

I haven't been into doujin music for some time but am wanting to get back into it. Just saying OP I appreciate you doing this. I don't have any message to add.
FELT gained some 'internet mainstream' popularity in the West because a particular DotA streamer played alot of their music on his stream.

>> No.37946293

this but unironically, most doujin group are either dead or jumping to vtuber/fgo shit

>> No.37947040

Thanks you to everyone who sent their message in. The form is now closed.

Have been working on it for ~2 hours. Wish I had more colors.

Will post the finish product before the end of the night.

>> No.37948053

please do that and also open the form but deny new additions, I missed the form period but i would still like to read the messages through and give my proper appreciation

>> No.37948510
File: 3.53 MB, 1650x1262, ci4w - コピー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And done.

Honestly I would've been happy to get a dozen responses so that the shikishi isn't too barren, but you anons blew me away with the number of submissions for FELT.

At 38 submissions (37 if you don't count the ran bomb) it was very difficult to fit everything by the end.

I'm very sorry if your message is not very cleanly written or squeezed into a weird shape. I really wish I could've done better there.

Writing everyone's message was very rewarding and I hope people are happy with the result.

Special mentions to the people who wrote in their own language or wrote Japanese. I also did my best in preserving the bad grammar and nonsensical comments.

(Sorry chink anon, I did my best but being squeezed for space the characters ended up somewhat deformed.)

>> No.37948526
File: 803 KB, 1855x1916, sks_over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top view for better visibility.

>> No.37948646

Looks incredible! OP saiko daaaaaaa

>> No.37948680
File: 195 KB, 465x453, marisa ebin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks absolutely wonderful
Gracias shikishi anon for going through all the effort of this little project to show our gratitude
It'll be a nice gift for their final send off

>> No.37949237 [DELETED] 

spoken like somebody who doesnt know shit about doujin circles
the only ones that jumped are the same retards that jumped for kancolle

>> No.37949297

thank you anon, i hope they like it

>> No.37949731

Someone post the comiket chart showing how fgo lost like 1000 doujin circles in two years

>> No.37950117

Thanks you for doing this

>> No.37950141

*Thank you

>> No.37950390

>straight up quoting Goodbye
I really FELT this one.

>> No.37950640

lovely stuff! thanks again for setting this up, hope it gives the circle some smiles

>> No.37951407

This is beautiful, I would love to see their faces when they receive it.

>> No.37951414

Thanks for this OP. I hope they get a kick out of all these non-nip responses.

>> No.37951683
File: 208 KB, 411x445, happy whale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks so good, thank you for making this a reality anon

>> No.37951896

It looks great OP. Thanks for doing this.

>> No.37952261

Cool. Thanks OP.

>> No.37952770

It came out great. Good work everyone and thanks for putting this together OP.

>> No.37954202

Can't believe my comment is actually on there.
This is pretty cool. Nice job!

>> No.37956170

Thanks OP. I hope you have a great day!

>> No.37958139
File: 90 KB, 938x512, pls rember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye FELT
Thank you for the memories and all that you've done

>> No.37961541

Did they get it? How did they react?

>> No.37964581

How did I miss this...

Now I'm even sadder that I couldn't attend.

>> No.37965786
File: 2.49 MB, 2112x4608, photo_mosa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the wait. Post-C99 celebrations kept me from posting.

There were some hiccups, but in the end I was able to get the gift to FELT.

They were very surprised to receive something from overseas fans but were very happy about it.
They had seen many comments online, on their YouTube uploads, etc and are thankful for the support from fans abroad.

I had some time to chat with the members, we talked about how the shikishi got made (who is this 4chan?) and what their music meant to people. I told them that though many fans couldn't come they still wished to convey their feelings.

I bought their last releases and asked for it to be autographed.
That was about it.

There wasn't some deep moving moment, but I think both FELT and overseas fans will be happy to have shared a moment together.

Pic related is Vivienne, myself, and Nagi (left to right). (Maika was busy signing autographs so she couldn't be in the shot)
Faces have been censored for privacy reasons, I hope people understand.

>> No.37965860

Thank you sks-anon. And goodbye FELT.

>> No.37966052

Thank you for getting this to FELT, in spite of everything.

>> No.37966263

Cheers again anon!!
>They were very surprised to receive something from overseas fans
Haha, called it!

>> No.37966267
File: 13 KB, 416x416, chair spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many thanks anon, i'm glad the interaction turned out well. It's sad to seem them go
Hope they'll cherish this gift and moment

>> No.37966454

Comments on the Internet are nice and all but it's so rare to be able to communicate in a more "direct" way with a circle like this. Although I did nothing more than posting a message in this thread, somehow it feels nice that it and all the others ended up in their hands.

Thank you again anon.

>> No.37966518

I'm glad things worked out, thank you for allowing our thoughts to reach FELT anon, and happy new year

>> No.37967318
File: 843 KB, 1866x1477, IMG_20211231_230939__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last post from me.

I wanna give a big thank you to everyone in these threads. I couldn't have done it without your encouragements.

Making a present for my favorite music group was an idea that popped into my head a few days before Comiket. I couldn't have imagined the support from anons across the world.

For entrusting me with your words and feelings, thank you.


>> No.37967368

all mankind share same thing
love for FELT, through FELT unity.

>> No.37967803

Good to see it worked out. Thanks again anon.

>> No.37968596

Thank you anon!

>> No.37970147

I can't thank you enough for this. You went above and beyond literally giving our thoughts to FELT.

>> No.37972196

I was gonna try to do a remaster project of some of their songs but I don't know if doujin circles are willing to provide original files for the songs. Wonder if it's too late to ask through email.

>> No.37973751


>> No.37974453

you've done a wonderful thing anon, both FELT and everyone who contributed appreciate it

this is a once in a lifetime experience, so make sure you cherish it just as much as we do, enjoy FELT's last goods for those of us who don't have a similar opportunity!

>> No.37980793

god tier thread, thank you anon

>> No.37980905

So, pump up the levels to max?

>> No.37981082

So which is people's favorite FELT song
here is few of mine.

I must admit that i became aware of FELT with that one dota player (particulary that first song) but i was already hoarding 2hu songs/albums at that time so i guess it was fine even though i failed to spot their masterpieces earlier.

Anyway thanks FELT for your contributions to scene.
Hopefully end of FELT is start of something other greatness with same magnitude.

>> No.37981444

Awesome, thank you for doing it. Feelsgoodman

I was wondering which dota streamer >>37941783 was talking about but I figured it out from the comments on the song you posted. I knew he was a weeb but never watched his stream myself.

I can't narrow it down any further; these 4 are all tied for my favorite:

I'm sure I was vaguely aware of FELT beforehand (crossfades in Comiket threads, etc), but Grow Color was the first album I really listened to. I remember listening to Crumbling on repeat for days.

>> No.37981661

>thanks for the hard work! you will be missed

>> No.37983655

Damnit FELT has too many amazing songs, it's really hard to keep it small.
My top picks that I can single out are these lovely pieces:

I came across FELT around the summer of 2020 from youtube recommendations I think, which was quite a while after their last album at the time.
The most important songs that hooked me and made me download their entire discography were Midnight Boogie, Lies in Reality, and Puppet in the Dark.

I still remember the night I first started going through their albums chronologically and You're the Shine started playing, it was absolutely magical. That's when I knew I was in for an amazing experience

>> No.37983705

i still have silver drive on my pc

>> No.37983874

This one is really good indeed, kinda lewd too?
forgot to list it my favorites >>37981082

>> No.37984655

so hard to pick the ones that had the biggest impact on me
special mention to puppet in the dark

I shamelessly adore plenty of their romantic songs

>> No.37987750


Step for me is still their best work. I remember being incredibly impressed with the crossfade for Milky Wink around the time it dropped so I waited well past the drop date of the actual album for a download link since I didn't know where to get them. From the second one onwards I learned that they posted the albums in the Comiket threads here and so it became a bi-yearly wait for the album drops from then on. Those were the times.

>> No.37988423
File: 1.55 MB, 1414x1000, __toyosatomimi_no_miko_touhou_drawn_by_aono_meri__0822e367b8793fde9cffb2511debd8ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puppet in the Dark is the one which got me to check their releases more regularly, I still clearly remember that i was doing when I listened to it for the first time. Lost in the Abyss is also incredible.

I can't rank all those songs so here's just some great ones

>> No.37988520

Thank you so much!

>> No.37988847

I personally always felt they were super hit or miss depending on the song, but it's still a shame to see them go.

>> No.37995312 [DELETED] 


>> No.37997412


>> No.38010329

one bump

>> No.38013154

another one

>> No.38014028

Thought I'd chime in with the songs that will always have a special place in my heart.


>> No.38014433


This one.

>> No.38025793

