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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 159 KB, 1000x750, djt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38040753 No.38040753 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous threads:
>>38026588 (#3114)
>>38009753 (#3113)
>>37995466 (#3112)

>> No.38040770
File: 64 KB, 828x902, 1494939514687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're a beginner, please read the guide first.

Updated guide: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
Resources: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/resources.html
FAQ: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/faq.html

Daily reminder: targeted sentence cards are the most effective way to combine Anki with immersion.

Big news!
Anki CroPro has been updated to work with newer versions of Anki https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1772763629

>> No.38040791
File: 16 KB, 946x124, t57pfGX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beginners, this is a patreon scam made by a spamming schizo, ignore it

>> No.38040852

i agree with ethan

>> No.38040888


>> No.38041012

ethan doesn't know japanese

>> No.38041041

i'm sorry for all the spam recently but i got blocked by my findom a few days ago. she was a really cute neet and the only person i regularly talked to for like a year. i'm trying to put my angst into learning japanese but posting is more cathartic

>> No.38041048

neither do i, but people keep paying me

>> No.38041057

wtf is a findom

>> No.38041062

no one here does

>> No.38041067
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so where did you spend your holidays djt?

>> No.38041095
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An mpv-based video player for studying Japanese.


>> No.38041126

How do I tell the difference between 困る(to be in trouble) and 因る(to be due to; to be caused by)?

>> No.38041131

yep this guy needs radicals

>> No.38041140
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>> No.38041148
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Oh no no no

>> No.38041154

the one on the left has its dick out in public, which will get you in trouble

>> No.38041178

its more for others sake than your own really

>> No.38041182
File: 243 KB, 800x800, chugging_bad_anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your problem with that?

>> No.38041243

oh that's good

>> No.38041253

>>157644082 lmfao

>> No.38041626
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>> No.38041755
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had a dream today that i was watching anime with a cute asian girl
she looked like kson but in a pyjama, glasses, and her hair in a messy top knot, but a bit cuter than pic
she asked me dumb shit like what does わっしょい mean

hugged her real good just before waking up ;__;

>> No.38041779

tatsu's right, you know. you just can't grow up out of shitty games, analcream.

>> No.38041835
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>> No.38041840

it's bad advice. someone who does this will have a terrible accent and bad pronunciation habits after the 1.5-2 years anyway.
>Don't hope that a native speaker will correct your mistakes.
this is wrong too. there are plenty of native speakers who will do this if you help them with english.

external feedback from a listener, the physical feedback from the parts of your body involved in sound reproduction, practice/experience, and of course listening (input) are all crucial for language learning. this is why musicians start playing their instruments and performing in some form very early in their music education. and why they generally have instructors ("native speaker") to guide the formation of listening ability, proper playing form, and all the other habits that go into becoming a good musician ("native speaker").

no student no matter how smart can perceive all of their own mistakes and bad habits. external feedback from an expert is necessary for the formation of good habits. nobody who's proficient in anything would recommend 1.5-2 years of preparation before the real thing, unless it's like, heart surgery. it's extremely stupid to try to learn language by only listening for years before trying to speak, because listening and speaking are intertwined. this is true of every skill. the best musicians are skilled listeners, the best writers are perceptive readers, the best athletes understand their sport so well that people assume it's instinct. they all learned in both directions at the same time, while making sure to form and keep good habits, and received advice and instruction from more accomplished practitioners. none of that 2 year silence bullshit. sorry for typing so much, i can't sleep.

>> No.38041848
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forgot the pic of the whole section.

>> No.38041877

glad i dont get gay ass dreams like this

>> No.38041895

now say that again in japanese in a vocaroo

>> No.38041908

didn't read but if you said 1.5 years is too long then i agree

>> No.38041962

Should I do wani kanji alongside core2k

>> No.38041983

yeah. 1.5 years is counterproductive since it doesn't solve the original problem of bad pronunciation, and creates more problems on top. at best it's a harmful postponement of speaking practice.

>> No.38041989
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>> No.38042021

I can't use yomichan on images

>> No.38042031
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>> No.38042032

all of that is n5

>> No.38042270


lets fucking gooooooooooo

>> No.38042275
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>> No.38042292
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If you're a beginner, please read the guide first.

Updated guide: https://www.tofugu.com/learn-japanese/
Resources: https://www.tofugu.com/japanese/
WaniKani: https://www.wanikani.com

Daily reminder: Genki and WaniKani is all you need to become fluent and maybe even gas

>> No.38042325
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>> No.38042573

>Video games are bad for immersion because they're hard to mine from
this dude looks at every aspect of japanese through the prism of how to best add it to his anki retard droning sessions lmfao

>> No.38042741

its also not even correct

>> No.38042761


>> No.38042963

loretta turns me on like you would believe

>> No.38042982

i am not thinking with my head

>> No.38043010

i hate women

>> No.38043205
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>> No.38043280
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week number 2.

>> No.38043364

hate to break it to you but learning kanji is a waste of time, especially if you are doing it by jlpt levels

>> No.38043386


>> No.38043571

is it true that that moe is a pedophile?

>> No.38043771
File: 1.06 MB, 899x899, 1641389443863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am i supposed to properly use anki when i have an erratic sleeping pattern?

>> No.38043804

some of the most erotic words in japanese:

>> No.38043856

do 2 days worth in a single day

>> No.38043919

how does that affect anki? cant you just do it once every calendar day, regardless of the time you go to sleep and wake up?

>> No.38043938

not if u stay up for 2 days straight, or stay up for 20 hours then sleep 10 or something

>> No.38043984

as long as you dont sleep 24 continous hours it shouldnt be a problem
and if thats the case yes you will have to do 2 days worth in 1 day at times

>> No.38043994

some of the most erotic words in japanese:

>> No.38044046
File: 111 KB, 1047x1047, opviolin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of the most erotic words in japanese:

>> No.38044069


>> No.38044082
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guess ill have to watch porco rosso on saturday

>> No.38044095

some of the most erotic words in japanese:

>> No.38044102

mined 腹上死

>> No.38044113

read that as 大黒柱

>> No.38044125

/jp/bros it's worth learning chinese? I love kanjis a lot

>> No.38044185

yeah china will be a superpower soon so it cant hurt
the more japanese i learn the more i feel like its a super useless language

>> No.38044192

knew it but epic word

>> No.38044195

chink fantasy is way better than nip isekai or westernshit

>> No.38044266

if you have a stem degree chinese is almost guaranteed to make you more money

you always knew jap was useless, you just wanted to jerk off without having to wait for translations, like the rest of us

>> No.38044267


>> No.38044296

mined 価値哲学

>> No.38044316

50 cent army present and accounted for, huh

>> No.38044321
File: 3.44 MB, 8000x3000, 1621959225324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've reached the peak of chink sloppa with the ingredients i have available to me

new things i tried
>chink papaya enzyme meat tenderizer
works amazing, this was hangar and it was as tender as the fillet roast i made the other day
the meat was almost too rich and savory tasting, could have probably added a bit more vinegar to cut through it
>put 1/2 of the minced garlic in raw at the end so it retains more of an edge
didn't notice a difference but my garlic tolerance is insane
>bit of toasted sesame oil at the end
didn't notice a difference

>> No.38044325

so it's not useless

>> No.38044338

try adding doubanjiang

>> No.38044349

as long as i have a month or so heads up to download terabytes of japanese media i’m indifferent to the chinks taking japan

>> No.38044362

low iq post

>> No.38044363
File: 1.11 MB, 1058x796, 1623296941685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't get it here, i use this chili garlic sauce i make but it's not fermented so probably doesn't fill the same role. i also used the lao gan ma fermented bean in chili oil which is probably closer to it.

>> No.38044373

the world isn't a video game no one's taking over

>> No.38044381

take a shower

>> No.38044397


>> No.38044403

all the new media they make is shit
make better media and i’ll care if the chinks reverse nanking them

>> No.38044416

what would you download that they would nuke
do you think animebytes would be affected lol

>> No.38044430

i hate women

>> No.38044433

if the cultural revolution is anything to go by the chinks will try to wipe that shit out even online

>> No.38044437

ok dude

>> No.38044445

doubt they could

>> No.38044464
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It always puzzles me how they choose which kanji to give furigana to, since it usually goes to some really easy shit.

>> No.38044486

that makes sense to me

>> No.38044494

talking bout china

>> No.38044495


>> No.38044519
File: 45 KB, 704x394, スクリーンショット 2022-01-05 151938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats just how modern kanji standards are
what really puzzles me is when something comes up without furigana first and then later it has furigana or is in kana

>> No.38044520 [DELETED] 

chinks aren’t like our elite
ours are masters of persuasion, there’s are masters of coercion
look at how quickly they twisted arms in hong kong

>> No.38044534

What's that triangle supposed to be?

>> No.38044544

>what really puzzles me is when something comes up without furigana first and then later it has furigana or is in kana
they must all use the same program and it sets the furigana for index 1 instead of 0 in the array of words

it happens way too often

>> No.38044558
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censorship is china is really gay and its progressively getting worse

>> No.38044576

how so

>> No.38044582

funny how much of kobayashi's audience are normalfags considering it's just degenerate fetish pandering and judging from the comments they are clueless

>> No.38044609

you're fluent?

transcribe this then

>> No.38044625

does xi pay this well

>> No.38044627

2 seconds gonna my 140 iq obasan to help me (=_=;)

>> No.38044630

funny how much of anime audience are normalfags considering it's just degenerate fetish pandering and judging from the comments they are clueless

>> No.38044633
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>> No.38044647

only the shit anime are

>> No.38044668

they have control over search engines and safe mode search is basically always on
they enacted a bunch of bans on creativity where you cant write stuff thats gorey or sexual
one of my favorite chink novels got banned because the author included a lot of political stuff that shed a bad light on government
its absolutely mind boggling

>> No.38044685


oh my god
nami seems cute though

>> No.38044693

it means that its not normally in that kanji

>> No.38044694

as for me its ogs breasts

>> No.38044720


>> No.38044728

don’t get me wrong the chinese are a long term civilisational enemy to me
but they aren’t the most immediate enemy

>> No.38044734
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well at least oda seems to be involved

>> No.38044739



>> No.38044754

if burgerland, bongland, chinkland, israel and the entirety of africa were glassed the world would be infinitely better off

>> No.38044777

midwit opinion

>> No.38044779

you’re dumb if you think it’s a matter of nations anymore

>> No.38044792


>> No.38044799

kill yourself faggot
it'll help, even if marginally

>> No.38044807


>> No.38044811

da fuck

>> No.38044818

touch grass

>> No.38044836 [DELETED] 

chink/bong/kike/burger/nog hands typed that post

>> No.38044839

you’re the eternal midwit

>> No.38044855


is it just me or is matts new partner pretty gay? i mean not in an insulting way - i mean really gay. the way he talks and his whole attitude is like low key gay.

>> No.38044870

is this photoshoppd to have the same face?

>> No.38044875


>> No.38044913

midwit withdrawal tactic

>> No.38044914

>enzyme meat tenderizer
what that

>> No.38044942
File: 49 KB, 1200x675, metrosexual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats just metrosexual

>> No.38044953

i am 100% sure he is banging mattos gf

>> No.38044972


>> No.38044997
File: 625 KB, 581x779, 1634996805528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's an extract from papaya that they turn into a powder in combination with baking soda. chinks use it for what they call "velveting" the meat. it's how when you get a beef dish at a takeout place the meat is very tender despite being from the cheapest, toughest cut of meat

>> No.38045006

it took them almost 30 years since hong kong was handed back over to make an impact

>> No.38045012

dont think anon

>> No.38045032

I got your number

>> No.38045037

sounds like baking soda alone would do that, also never using chink condiments lmfao who knows what's in that

>> No.38045050


>> No.38045052

literally pfft'd. live action adaptations of anime...

>> No.38045053


>> No.38045069

you linked the wrong video

>> No.38045078

never noticed anything that would seem like that

>> No.38045083

i'd used baking soda alone and this works a lot better. as for whats in it, dont care

>> No.38045165 [DELETED] 

i hate chinks and everything they do

>> No.38045196

i hate women

>> No.38045200

i love obasans

>> No.38045232

lmao that 肉 looks like meatspin

>> No.38045236 [DELETED] 

>as for whats in it, dont care
figures, chinklover

>> No.38045279
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>> No.38045290

never spoken to a chink in my life

>> No.38045302

she punches like a bitch

>> No.38045309

obasan does stuff like that to me as a joke

>> No.38045311

can you explain what he means?

>> No.38045321

arrays start at 0, programmers with lack of sleep start them at 1 so the first instance is omitted

>> No.38045322

she'd break her first

>> No.38045342

yeah but how does it relate to what he is talking about

>> No.38045344

ive been trying to fix an error with no explanation for the whole day. turns out I made a spelling mistake in a file ;_;
gonna kms now

>> No.38045348

that's a long ass stretch

>> No.38045363

i'll give you an ass stretch *shoves foot up ass*

>> No.38045379


>> No.38045396

nvm i get it

>> No.38045398

OG ajatter patrick is in refold discord server roasting matt. you love to see it

>> No.38045423


>> No.38045433

funkopop said sometimes the first instance of a work lacks furigana but it later shows up with furigana, which is something that makes no sense
the other anon said that maybe an automated script that sets furigana is badly coded and skips the first instance of words
i dont really know if this is what you are asking

it is

>> No.38045449

i found cure dolly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pswo1LyaA6k

>> No.38045453

its more common that something like 朧げ shows up first and then later its おぼろげ
but the thing with furigana ive seen before for sure

>> No.38045467

show pics i refuse to use discord

>> No.38045469

Hello friends.
I'm making a flashcard program startup.
What are some complaints you have about Anki?

>> No.38045473

makes me sad. patrick is that friend you outgrow and have to leave behind or he'll drag you down with him.

>> No.38045584

if you CAN NOT deadlift ATLEAST 400lb you WILL NOT be able to learn japanese.

>> No.38045617

there is a inverse correlation betweek how healthy you are both mentally and physically and how good you will ever get at japanese

>> No.38045658

in the beginning i thought でしょう was another way of saying ですよ

>> No.38045660

also if you are strong and muscular no one will call you a loser for learning the anime language

>> No.38045702
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>> No.38045776

kinda envy the guy he gets money for promoting japanese youtube channels on djt

>> No.38045789
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it makes me miserable.

>> No.38045803

do you tell others you learn Japanese? Someone told me to learn a more useful language. Didnt know what to say

>> No.38045808

i get nothing for it - i just love the dudes who make the content and want to support them.

also they are extremly good immersion.

>> No.38045810

memento bros...
we won?

>> No.38045834
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>> No.38045879
File: 19 KB, 476x157, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw ngmi

>> No.38045935

At least you're fast
At the beginning I had a shit retention rate AND I took like 15 seconds per card

>> No.38045936
File: 428 KB, 1227x1068, dekinai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38045943

>I took like 15 seconds per card
if i dont get it in like 2 seconds i just press again am i doing it wrong kek

>> No.38045953

this is probably the honeymoon phase of adding a billion cards im gonna get fucked on mature retention

>> No.38045960

>again count 15
gaint brain confirmed

>> No.38045967

never had below 90% in anki

>> No.38045983

skype girl used 抄訳 but i read it as ちょくやく to begin with

>> No.38046065

idk fastest i get is about 5-6 seconds. but im trying to recall meaning and reading and then listen to the audio.

>> No.38046081

you mean bench 400lb

>> No.38046087

which way do you read this?

>> No.38046099

switched to doing anki between sets to save time so i dont go for the 5s thing anymore

>> No.38046103

how did you figure it out?
actually wasn't that explained in tae kim?

>> No.38046112

yeah i found out it was wrong reading tae kim but i had been immersing a fair bit by then

>> No.38046121


>> No.38046122
File: 372 KB, 800x652, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38046142


>> No.38046192

she pulled an og

>> No.38046202

will i get a news article when i finally off myself?

>> No.38046211


>> No.38046223 [DELETED] 

dead gooks is good gooks

>> No.38046226

what's your issue

>> No.38046248

imagine being born in asia
it never begun for her

>> No.38046257

dying of an 叔母 dose

>> No.38046324

one is big, one is a tree

>> No.38046393

oh yeah?
post your thoughts about the vaccine anywhere
ill wait

>> No.38046453


>> No.38046472

its hard work but someone gotta do it
im glad i ran across it
based jat black poster

>> No.38046473


>> No.38046485

das rite, be ashamed

>> No.38046494

terrifying but just a coincidence
her last words?
boost for me friends...

>> No.38046544

does he talk specially fast or just normal

>> No.38046551

下げるs 頭

>> No.38046573
File: 603 KB, 750x496, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38046577

sorta slow at the start, then mostly normal but on the slow side
most people talk faster than that

>> No.38046593

unfathomably based

>> No.38046607
File: 2 KB, 222x110, 1628328407705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would you read this?

>> No.38046613

yeah this is my new twitter banner

>> No.38046656

>Here's the link to get Ken's interview with me where I reveal details about my past that I've never discussed publicly before

lmao this guy isn even trying to hide hes being a scammer anymore with these kinds of wording

>> No.38046666
File: 456 KB, 583x890, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38046683

crazy violent bitches are hot af in my head but i know its misery irl

>> No.38046684

what do you do about things like this, do you just expect that everything will get cleared out eventually or do you actively try to look stuff up once in a while?

>> No.38046701
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>> No.38046716


>> No.38046741

just had a lucid nap wtf
eventually you notice

>> No.38046761

i hate women

>> No.38046768
File: 684 KB, 1118x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38046777

>doesn't know japanese
>in japan
>weird bone structure
>healthy and safe
>10/10 manko
bros... op is og... it was always in front of us

>> No.38046783

such an unsettling posture

>> No.38046793

his arm is thinner than my cock, how is that possible?

>> No.38046797 [DELETED] 
File: 1.47 MB, 253x300, 9D0AD823-E484-453D-8806-111C4D38D960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to rip Amazon Prime subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmPQXKqHNe4

DeepL machine translation: https://www.deepl.com/en/translator

>> No.38046807

what did he mean by this

>> No.38046810

bots be posting

>> No.38046812
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>> No.38046825

if i get omicron i'm dead. it's only a matter of time. i'm scared to even leave my room.

>> No.38046829


>> No.38046832

yòng lì

>> No.38046833

based og getting all the immersion she can

>> No.38046840


>> No.38046844

i had omicron and its not that bad.

>> No.38046855
File: 1.22 MB, 946x2048, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone tried japanese tinder?

>> No.38046856

allow dependencies within decks
so you can make it that for example the vocab card 完全 only unlocks when i know the radical/kanji cards for that at a certain interval

should be more useful outside of languages though, for physics/maths for example when you require basic knowledge of some topics before tackling a new one

>> No.38046865

yeah this retard is the pajeet who used to cut himself .
india truly is a curse on earth.

>> No.38046868

yea i didn't like this angle at all. matt's gotta fix this in his next interview with tall matt.

>> No.38046871

wow it's like you can see the chiteki shougai in her eyes. hot.

>> No.38046872

filtered to the gods

>> No.38046877


>> No.38046884

>pajeet who used to cut himself.
what are you on about?

>> No.38046885

finna get a speedmaster reduced when i move to japan

>> No.38046890

im 29 too

>> No.38046901

how would you translate マジウケる?

>> No.38046902

id immerse in her if you know what i mean

>> No.38046908

i wouldnt

>> No.38046922

thats my shit

>> No.38046923

wow what a catch lmfao

>> No.38046924
File: 147 KB, 962x1064, 1640198265029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see ご飯 for the thousandth time
>read it as gomeshi

>> No.38046926

how do you find quality girls like this?

>> No.38046931

> Someone told me to learn a more useful language.

I'd tell them I'm learning Japanese to be able to consume Japanese media, so unless Japan suddenly changes its official language, I have no use for whatever the fuck they consider a "useful" language.

>> No.38046935

actually laughed at this one

>> No.38046940

good news, theyre everywhere friend

>> No.38046941


the hardest words of the jp language

>> No.38046949

im still laughing idk why that tickled me so hard

>> No.38046957


>> No.38046959

i hate women

>> No.38046974
File: 65 KB, 961x595, migaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miagku addons be like...

>> No.38046992

i've got such a massive ntr fetish that the baby would only be a bonus

>> No.38046997
File: 103 KB, 996x561, firefox_XJKsL5wsvr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whachu reading bros? I'm reading pic related, which is almost insultingly easy, so much that I'm pretty sure it's on purpose to be educational, but I'm too stupid to find out.
That image is the hardest part btw, the rest is the characters talking and repeating the same shit day in and day out. They go out to purify a cave, then come back to the inn, eat dinner, sleep, next day the same but instead of purifying the cave to the east, they go to the cave to the NORTH WOAH.

>> No.38047006

How much does she charge?

>> No.38047010

go back to /int/ uppercaser

>> No.38047020


>> No.38047022

is having casual sex with an intelectually disabled girl ethical?
my mind tell me no but my dick tells me yes

>> No.38047025

>is having casual sex ethical

>> No.38047029

only if you're french, have a phd and promise her a cooking show

>> No.38047034 [DELETED] 

if jews on tv tell you something is unethical then it's probably not unethical

>> No.38047043

sex is all right, but it's unethical to create retarded babies

>> No.38047047

i dont own a tv and i dont pay attention to anything someone with a nose bigger than mine has to say

>> No.38047056

when i learn to program some day i hope i can contribute to small but fun projects like migaku

>> No.38047066

he does it for free

>> No.38047081

thank you anon

>> No.38047085

why the fuck is this guy hanging out in migaku repo when he should fucking fix and update morphman or just delete it so we finally get rid of this piece of crap

>> No.38047091

if you want to get a coding job with no credentials then i imagine you have to do stuff like free to pad your portfolio don't you

>> No.38047094

>uses morphman

>> No.38047099

does anyone actually use morphman? sounds like a chinese torture and when you look into it you find out it is

>> No.38047105

what if they tell you the opposite

>> No.38047117


>> No.38047127

based, ignore that anon, he's not well

>> No.38047129


>> No.38047138

kanji god is the most fucking retarded name ever what the fukc were they thinknin

>> No.38047142

>intellectually disabled girl
that's all of them tho

>> No.38047148
File: 997 KB, 693x729, opsantacamera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38047156

she looks kinda derpy but i bet she fucks like a mare

>> No.38047157


>> No.38047159

you are pathetic. can't even get a proper 2d waifu. slavering after some 3d whore like a normalfag. kill yourself.

>> No.38047184

women don't feel much pleasure during sex so probably not

>> No.38047186

cum washes off incel

>> No.38047194
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, hq720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

migaku is top cringe

>> No.38047198

>say your dick is tiny without saying it

>> No.38047200

based thumbnail

>> No.38047205

women say size matters but it doesn't really make vaginal great for them. they view sex as a chore to make their boyfriend happy

>> No.38047206

jojo references are the best

>> No.38047208

ey my dick is tiny and i can pleasure woman

>> No.38047243

oh muh gawd thats ur like sooo hilarious

>> No.38047265

lmfao i must be in a good mood today cause im laughing constantly at the dumb shit itt

>> No.38047275
File: 50 KB, 640x889, gfanki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit memes time?
reddit memes time

captcha: JJJJ4

>> No.38047320

mine doesn’t

>> No.38047322

you should work on your reading comprehension

>> No.38047327
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>> No.38047346
File: 12 KB, 198x300, 1638093631144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i dab

>> No.38047361

im glad you are well dabfag, i was starting to worry

>> No.38047418
File: 47 KB, 657x380, densha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38047421

laughed at this as well

>> No.38047437

true true

>> No.38047457
File: 357 KB, 1050x1050, z74h36wutu981.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i belly dance

>> No.38047460

quite literally a bop

>> No.38047470

a-anon thats not your belly

>> No.38047492


>> No.38047502


>> No.38047509
File: 2.90 MB, 472x848, 1639032071526.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>riding 電車
>not giving the bitches a ride yourself
he never had a chance

>> No.38047522


>> No.38047523

yo new arifureta tomorrow lets gooooooo

>> No.38047550

you're going straight to hell following a painful decapitation

>> No.38047551

is garyben based

>> No.38047553

they pushed it back one week bro it airs on the 13th

>> No.38047561
File: 129 KB, 463x274, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says it starts next week though

>> No.38047563



>> No.38047570

they needed a few more days to polish the cgi dragons

>> No.38047585
File: 24 KB, 360x232, FHydB-laMAAlAvK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he retweeted this so yeah

>> No.38047608

damn he even threw a kys in there for good measure, prolly not the smartest move making these tweets on a profile linked to ur actual identity lol

>> No.38047625

so this is what djt has come to huh. literally just posting random porn videos. 悲しいかな

>> No.38047632

she doesnt even look japanese

>> No.38047649

he's just a chad who doesn't care what anyone thinks of him

>> No.38047650


>> No.38047652

must really suck being a black dude with a 6incher or below

>> No.38047653

cmon gary

>> No.38047655

post the tweet

>> No.38047677

based pekora lmao

>> No.38047682

i hate women

>> No.38047686
File: 744 KB, 1280x720, 1613957567987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh come on they had to bring this stupid bitch into the final battle too???

>> No.38047689
File: 68 KB, 544x536, 1641403458836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38047695
File: 3 KB, 415x67, 1626409659971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we get it retard

>> No.38047699


>> No.38047713

mainly dropped it because of her but i also could no longer give a fuck about any of the characters or where the story goes

only exception was that guy from the library, that was a decent episode

>> No.38047715

im so glad i dropped it

>> No.38047730

there are no characters at this point, the main guys schtick is the same shit since episode 1 with no development and the rest of them are paper cutouts. the blue haired bitch is barely in the season at all too. its boring as shit

>> No.38047742
File: 115 KB, 1080x914, 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38047744

>you know what would make this REALLY GOOD? what if we remove the tension and drama and add a generic moeblob?

>> No.38047752

the show was too serious it really needed a loli that talks like an grandma from a samurai movie

>> No.38047753

is porn legal in china?
i thought they cant even use social media without illegal vpns

>> No.38047754


>> No.38047765


>> No.38047772

yeah there wasn't even a reason to make a s2
like all character arcs were finished already

>> No.38047780

its illegal but similar to piracy in the west unless you are making a profit off it or downloading huge amounts of content they really dont care

>> No.38047789

what about making porn

>> No.38047791

the chinese society would grind to a halt if the authorities actually bothered to enforce the laws

>> No.38047796
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, XhLF0pjMwnst=12-[00.12.679-00.13.680].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looks nice

>> No.38047797

they use kanji in china

>> No.38047803

no they dont they use hànzì

>> No.38047804

read 常日頃 as 日常頃

>> No.38047808


>> No.38047812

read 本日 as 日本

>> No.38047825

china should have adopted pinyin when they had the chance

>> No.38047831

How would you translate あっという間?

>> No.38047835

the timeframe it takes to say "a"

>> No.38047863


>> No.38047888

they do use pinyin

>> No.38047901 [DELETED] 

muh nigga muh nigga

>> No.38047902

i mean just forget about hanzi just use pinyin

>> No.38047952 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 290x232, imagen_2022-01-05_203253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38047973
File: 146 KB, 284x233, oppika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting again for naming purposes

>> No.38047981

great new everyone the cancerous eceleb worshipper has found his next target to spam

>> No.38048012

wrong person

>> No.38048029

how do you even come up with a name as dumb as refold

>> No.38048054
File: 342 KB, 651x582, 1614529543621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont feel like watching any of this. maybe mushoku but the episode i stopped on was about paulo who i want to die asap so im not feeling it

>> No.38048059

unless you mean the shit taste spammer in which case you're probably right

>> No.38048099

you could try watching something good for a change

>> No.38048100

watched the first 2 episodes of arifureta after it was mentioned just now
the fucking cg is killing me the shitty rocks when he 錬成s is really something
probably still going to chug it because vengeance stories get my dick hard

>> No.38048108

i wish i could find something good to watch

>> No.38048113
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, 1639672255001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arifureta is such a flaming turd

>> No.38048127

just wait till he shoves a spear into a cgi dragons asshole

>> No.38048132
File: 549 KB, 644x368, 1641255025736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about 1000 times folded steel used in nippon katana

>> No.38048137

probably after his dick

>> No.38048157

how about just reading cause you enjoy the content instead of trying to find hard things to read?

>> No.38048163

i want to fuck them both

>> No.38048187

the paolo arc in s2 isnt that long, i think maybe 2-3 eps

>> No.38048191

he's a supergenius so if he's chugging vomit u should be chugging vomit

>> No.38048214

tori no uta stuck in my head again

>> No.38048223
File: 2.25 MB, 620x620, external-content.duckduckgo.com.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys enjoy content?

>> No.38048263

lol sounds retarded

>> No.38048267
File: 563 KB, 1920x1080, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't? why are you here

>> No.38048274

even a retard knows more japanese than you turbo retards

>> No.38048278

the blonde vampire loli better sweeten this chug

>> No.38048297

your sentence makes no logical sense. obviously a turbo retard would know less than a retard, so "even a retard" doesn't follow logically.

>> No.38048306
File: 2.49 MB, 500x324, 1636351955097.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38048317

didn't one of you retards watch this turd like 4 times

>> No.38048320

turbo retards are retards but stronger so turbo retards know more japanese

>> No.38048321

she doesnt, its a truly terrible show with no redeemable qualities

>> No.38048322

>ywn play transparent tile mahjong against an insane geezer for your own blood in a game lasting 20 real time years just to rage quit after he dies and abandon the money
it hurts...

>> No.38048328

and it gets better every time

>> No.38048339

achtually, retard means slow but turbo means very fast, so a turbo retard would likely be average at worst, and quite possibly, a genius at best, depending on the type of turbo and retard used

>> No.38048376

don't get it, she is pregnant and wants casual sex?

>> No.38048388

she wants natural testosterone supplements for her baby

>> No.38048390
File: 55 KB, 566x67, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else know this feel?

>> No.38048397

nvm i think she meant to ask for forgiveness for the casual sex or something

>> No.38048398

watch Id Invaded, it's gud

>> No.38048401

bunch of ur compatriots in hell ktf and you can tell them all about it when i send you there

>> No.38048404

official episode guide:
episode 1 is a complete disaster if you've made it through this you've already seen some of the worst
episode 2 is alright and the best episode of the first half
episode 3 and 4 are atrocious cgi ridden garbage
episode 5 is slow but watchable
episode 6 is a terrible attempt at condensing 3/4 of an entire linnie volume into a single episode
episode 7 is once again cgi hell but it's still mildy entertaining and the ending is great
episode 8-13 are unironically fine and definitely the high point of the show

>> No.38048410

makes me feel good knowing all the retards on /a/ would love to know japanese like i do

>> No.38048423

even full blooded natives get the treatment

>> No.38048425

i fucking hate you and sumire

>> No.38048428

I can't enjoy the content if I don't understand it

>> No.38048437

funny how u learn japanese and then realize anime and manga don't interest u anymore. i do love lording it over the people who still chug that shit though.

>> No.38048438

crazy how people actually watch garbage shows like these and dont just drop them on episode 1

>> No.38048446

just mined 濡れる

>> No.38048455

>realize anime and manga don't interest u anymore
never understood this feel

>> No.38048456

this is the intermediate thread

>> No.38048467

for me its that ive seen and read the vast majority of stuff that interests me. wish i was into vinnies and linnies but im not

>> No.38048473

dont have an imouto but ill do the imouto route on my vinnie next

>> No.38048476



>> No.38048477

immediately recognized araragi-kun he always sounds the same in every role

>> No.38048481

勘弁して means to miss her with that shit

>> No.38048496

crazy how there are a bunch european languages in catagory 4 but afrikaans is in category 1

>> No.38048508

afrikaans is essentially a european language
it's just a dialect of dutch, which is also in category 1

>> No.38048512

the top male VAs all sound exactly the same in every role they play. araragis va, dios va, jotaros va, archers va etc etc. female vas are a lot more flexible

>> No.38048518

this is why japanese voice acting cant compete with western. they just do the same shit every time, whereas if you watch the simpsons you wouldnt even realize how many characters are the same va. now that's talent.

>> No.38048527

hey it's the incel anime

>> No.38048529

we watch los simpson in spanish here

>> No.38048533
File: 51 KB, 556x67, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38048535

yosh time to read some manga for the first time in like 6 months

>> No.38048537

it used to be different, where there was like 10 actors in the 90's, but they all had good range

>> No.38048538

djt has moved away from los simpson

>> No.38048542

>read manga

>> No.38048549

have sex herbivore

>> No.38048552

vegetas va always sounded the same in everything back then too

>> No.38048554

? he is doing the opposite of that
no a turbo retard is more retarded than a retard obv

>> No.38048556

crazy how urusei yatura still has no jpsubs past episode 46

>> No.38048558

>not absorbing manga by placing it open against his face and hitting it hard enough each individual character imprints on his brain

>> No.38048564


>> No.38048574

>no a turbo retard is more retarded than a retard obv
exactly what i said. if a turbo retard is more retarded then obviously they'll know less japanese. whereas your sentence implies the opposite by saying "even a retard" as if a retard is lower on the retardation scale.

>> No.38048581

never got this meme

>> No.38048586 [DELETED] 


>> No.38048593


>> No.38048598


>> No.38048600

I tried that, anon.
It didn't work.

>> No.38048605


>> No.38048610


>> No.38048612


>> No.38048618

you should probably learn english, i'm saying turbo retards because they know even less japanese than a retard which makes them turbo retarded as a consequence and it's an idea i'm bringing forwards not something already established, essentially i'm saying you guys know less than a retard THEREFORE you must be turbo retarded

>> No.38048622

crazy how there isnt a more accessible way to make ur dick bigger in this day and age. the potential target market is literally billions of people

>> No.38048635

>the potential target market is literally billions of people
not including me haha

>> No.38048652

y..yeah... imagine having a small dick.. ha.. haha...

>> No.38048655

god what have i got myself into

>> No.38048667

No, I'm reading that shit BECAUSE I understand it

>> No.38048671

there's only one way out.

>> No.38048677

then why are you bitching that it's not hard?

>> No.38048679

lol based inmendham poster

>> No.38048680

woah the new season of snk is airing in 3 days oh wait i dont give a shit

>> No.38048697
File: 575 KB, 1505x514, 1639743890795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many times can they make the same fuckin show

>> No.38048699

someone else posted him before but i remember seeing some of his videos since like 2009. crazy shit

>> No.38048714

listened to the first two linnie volumes
very comfy

>> No.38048716

it makes me mad it's so popular among normies.

>> No.38048717
File: 359 KB, 1555x500, 1622594286726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this

>> No.38048728

>someone else posted him before
yeah me thats why i had to lol

>> No.38048735

read the manga
very comfy

>> No.38048743

you dont even chugg you straight up dive into the septic tank

>> No.38048763

dame this antinatalism shit kinda based...

>> No.38048771

>they're still making the soulless lotgh remake
just why lol

>> No.38048776

antinatalist arguments fail in the face of nihilism but i can't deny i sympathize with them

>> No.38048792

finna drop it as soon as the soulless urusei yatura remake comes out

>> No.38048797

shut da fuck up

>> No.38048798

this word triggers the fuck out of me

>> No.38048807

ciaran your arguments are dogshit don't even try it

>> No.38048810

I hate japan.
two more nukes please

>> No.38048815

i decapitated ciaran and skullfucked his severed head

>> No.38048823

and the crash begins

>> No.38048829

jamal says and the crash begins
stock market drops 0.1 percentage points

>> No.38048840

bros just took a crazy fuckin big shit

>> No.38048850 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 571x129, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38048859

>months pass
>months pass
>recession that's part of the business cycle and we're due for finally happens

stfu jamal

>> No.38048875

what do u mean months

>> No.38048919


>> No.38048920

I'm not

>> No.38048943 [DELETED] 


>> No.38048948
File: 50 KB, 1553x782, firefox_PDgBbHqc1K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i want to be a trucker in japan bros.

>> No.38048971

why not be a trucker anywhere else lol whats the difference

>> No.38048984
File: 423 KB, 680x535, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38048986

landscape doesnt look as dreamy and in europe trucking is cucked by eastern low prices.

>> No.38048999

dont double post

>> No.38049001

the trucker has the be in japan because thats the only way he could speak japanese

>> No.38049002

japan is tiny trucking isnt even a real job there

>> No.38049021

i have subsribed to 6 trucker youtubes. there is tons of other videos about japanese trucking.

>> No.38049027


haha wow this is hilarious

>> No.38049030 [DELETED] 

its not real trucking lol they are no more than 6 hours from home at any given point

its better to say they r truck drivers

>> No.38049034

this but unironically

>> No.38049044

why are you trying to piss on truck-friend's dreams?

>> No.38049049

its a 22 hour drive from aomori to kumamoto. probably longer than any european truck journey

>> No.38049080 [DELETED] 

cuz hes a fukken weeb and japan doesnt want him they r not his people it is not his home

22 hours sounds pretty pathetic its just slightly longer than california end to end and u can do that in much less lmao

typical asian drivers

>> No.38049090

>22 hours sounds pretty pathetic its just slightly longer than california end to end
it's about the same as dallas to new york. you saying people who make that journey wouldnt be considered truckers?

>> No.38049094

jamal mogakuing lol

>> No.38049100

yes bc outside of literally driving from 1 end of japan to the other u can hop on a train and be home the same day

not real truckers sorry dont @ me

>> No.38049111

what's a real trucker then?

>> No.38049112

thats just because their public transportation system is miles better. also ur full of shit, cali end to end is only 12 hours. it's more like san diego to vancouver

>> No.38049123

i mean ye that sakura木とpinkさ just gives it the right 風情 lol

>> No.38049127
File: 252 KB, 744x1748, juuni taisen ushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks ushi-san, you've taught me a real life lesson.

>> No.38049132
File: 1.49 MB, 1280x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a trucker
fuck yeah finna get deep vein thrombosis and have one half of my face age faster than the other from driving the same route and having the sun shine on it

>> No.38049138

wtf i read the last chapter of gigant didnt realize it was the last chapter till i finished it. was alright i guess

>> No.38049142
File: 411 KB, 1536x2048, 1626701050255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course it's instantly more lovely when you know that the town isn't full of shitty white gypsies

>> No.38049144

ur gonna get deep vein thromboners sitting in ur dx racing gamer chair but lol @ that dudes face

>> No.38049164

it's the same as being a trucker anywhere else u weeb stooge

>> No.38049166

of course you ignore >>38049111 cause you have no real answer
also ignoring >>38049112 too

>> No.38049168

people who drive trucks are truckers
this is the most retarded gatekeeping attempt ive ever seen

>> No.38049177

WTF jagaan also finished, only have 7 chapters left of that too

>> No.38049180

if you drive trucks in japan you can send people to the 異世界 lol

>> No.38049188

people who swim are swimmers. right? no. people who drive trucks aren't truckers. if you like driving trucks for fun, you're an amateur trucker, or a hobby trucker.

>> No.38049202

being a trucker isnt the same elsewhere. you dont get 速弁 anywhere else

>> No.38049213

this bitch is so fucking hot picked up

>> No.38049215

ye a person who swims casually on the weekends could call himself a swimmer and i wouldn't autistically rage at him for not being professional

>> No.38049216

my father was a truck driver. and i can confidently say, truck drivers are some of the stupidest people there are. but what can you expect from someone whose job it is to sit in a metallic cage for 8 hours a day with no human contact

>> No.38049219 [DELETED] 

the #1 reason why u cant ever be a japanese trucker is u cant physically fit inside them

they just arent built for anything but tiny bug ppl

>> No.38049220

can you stop shilling this bro you've made the same post like 3 times in the past week

>> No.38049227
File: 582 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38049231

but i haven't even been posting the past week

>> No.38049234

theres human contact like when u honk ur horn at ppl and yell at them or when u have to tell the guy on the radio to fuck off

>> No.38049237

>sit in a metallic cage for 8 hours a day with no human contact
thats like me except i work from home and my cage is made of different materials

>> No.38049240


>> No.38049244

>to sit in a metallic cage for 8 hours a day with no human contact
haha yeah...

>> No.38049245

thats the biggest car they have in japan and its still not enough for him

>> No.38049259

that was me actually

>> No.38049283

crazy how tyko sam is forced to lower his already extremely low life expectancy by riding a motorbike because they dont make japanese cards big enough for him

>> No.38049286

he is operating the steering wheel with his huge gut

>> No.38049313

that fatass ough to lose some weight instead of complaining about the world.

>> No.38049315 [SPOILER] 
File: 782 KB, 1400x1958, kkm71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38049316

jammmarrruuuuuu my shitttooo coinss

>> No.38049369


>> No.38049448
File: 2.52 MB, 1200x1679, 1626410256247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished it, lame that it went from a body horror manga with art so good that it grosses you out a bit to essentially a fuckin marvel superhero comic. the ending arc also dragged on forever.

>> No.38049459

i warned u

>> No.38049482

muy basado

>> No.38049492

i will say the sex scenes in it were super good

>> No.38049506

miss the early 2000s

>> No.38049516

whats the investment play right now?

>> No.38049521

slurped a bit

>> No.38049523


is this extreme grooming?

>> No.38049525

>You really do have to be careful when learning Japanese, foreigner guys in particular are infamous in Japan for speaking like women without realizing it. (often times because they learned Japanese from a female teacher or a girlfriend)
wtf, rec me some male youtubers so i dont sound gay.

>> No.38049526 [DELETED] 

go short

on everything

buy small caps

>> No.38049533

i never understood this shit, what are they even referring to? all i can think of is stuff like ending sentences with だわ

>> No.38049537


>> No.38049539


>> No.38049543


>> No.38049548

mou anon tara

>> No.38049553


>> No.38049561

just slur everything and talk in て form and end sentences in よ or 兄貴/姉ちゃん as appropiate and start and online business selling wet panties

>> No.38049562

sorry i have a rule that i never watch anything produced by westerners regarding japan

>> No.38049568

this dudes got problems and im not talking about his hair and face

>> No.38049572

>talk in て form

>> No.38049585

te vi

>> No.38049593

i hate women

>> No.38049601

wonder if i could be conversational in spanish in like 3 months considering i speak english and some italian

>> No.38049612

he said he doesn't want to sound gay

>> No.38049616
File: 522 KB, 538x552, opzuckerberg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38049621

must be nice having japanese tv

>> No.38049633

you can get it for free by googling for 5 minutes

>> No.38049637
File: 76 KB, 549x669, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38049639

except watching scheduled bangumi has soul even if youve seen it already

>> No.38049647

im talking about streaming japanese tv live

>> No.38049658

do all young nihonjin dress and act like fucking koreans nowadays?

>> No.38049659

if you read a word you've never seen before correctly and guess its meaning correctly do you still mine it?

>> No.38049660

was going to post the gary ben いやだわ clip but it's dead

>> No.38049669

i didn't use to
but now i barely have anything to mine so i do

>> No.38049670

imagine the smell
sure, watch caballeros del zodiaco and read manga for immersion

>> No.38049674

someone just posted it

>> No.38049680

ye i saw it afterwards

>> No.38049684

basically a combination of 一人称 and 語尾

>> No.38049688

didn't know og was hispanic

>> No.38049689

finna watch todays スッキリ for 15 minutes then get bored and stop

>> No.38049691
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>> No.38049700

she is a hot blonde so i doubt it

>> No.38049705


>> No.38049708


>> No.38049709

she dyes her hair lol she has black roots

>> No.38049711

the universal solution to not sound gay is to emulate dudes that are guaranteed to be 100% straight, those that do manly jobs

>> No.38049712

crazy how i actually know less vocab now than a year ago when i was still doing anki

>> No.38049715

see there's a lot to that pic
i imagine those pants used to fit her in her youth
but she aged and grew fat, but she can still struggle her way into them if she keeps the zipper a bit open
she's lying to herself
she knows she's lying to herself
but it's comforting that she can still fit into the same pair of pants that she wore when she wasn't a crusty old post-menopause husk

>> No.38049717


>> No.38049720


>> No.38049721
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>> No.38049724


>> No.38049725


>> No.38049730
File: 1.17 MB, 1896x971, 1628877231886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaah that's the stuff

>> No.38049732


>> No.38049733

suit yourself but he and small matt are experts on japan

>> No.38049737

will people love me if i dye my hair too?

>> No.38049742

still in disbelieve that they're actually shilling protocol 100

>> No.38049747

When people start thinking you're a hafu that has lived in Japan their whole life

>> No.38049754
File: 245 KB, 471x526, 1620710796642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*fakes astonishment toward something extremely mundane*

>> No.38049760


>> No.38049763


>> No.38049765

matt says if you don't find stuff like this funny then you just don't understand japanese comedy yet

>> No.38049773


>> No.38049776

he's more of a guttural おおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお kinda guy

>> No.38049780

ok im fucked
i keep reading sentences and know all the words but don't know what it means cuz i dont actually know what conjugations represent i just know they exist like wtf does 誘わない actually mean idk but i know the word
should i just read tae kim again or is nihongo no mori better

>> No.38049784

tae kim if you dont mind being taught by a korean

>> No.38049791

nice try but japanese doesnt have conjugations

>> No.38049794

isn't the best way to learn to output to get a vpn and get into arguments on 5ch

>> No.38049797

wow that sucks and all but i dont give a fuck haha

>> No.38049809

you havent made it till your post gets a ton of yous and put on a matome site

>> No.38049816

さそわない (to not invite)
learn your forms. It's only, like, 10

>> No.38049818

5ch doesnt seem that good rn
i prefer がるちゃん but even then its not that interesting

>> No.38049830


>> No.38049831

5ch is good if you go to places you care about.
Also, it is good as an anonymous board, not for learning japanese, 5ch japanese will fuck you up

>> No.38049838

>5ch japanese will fuck you up
its fine you just have to romる a little

>> No.38049850

lmao ydkj

>> No.38049855

More on the fact that it's not correctly structured gramatically or vocabulary-wise

>> No.38049856

cave story is based 兄貴達
cant believe id been sleeping on it

>> No.38049865

dont care about ur n5 opinions retard

>> No.38049866
File: 1.99 MB, 1875x872, 1614585609142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy frickin based

>> No.38049867

the cringe is palpable here

>> No.38049869


>> No.38049872


>> No.38049873

its epic

>> No.38049907
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 1641423899120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time for my reps... then it's back to naruto shippuden. i've been watching at 1.25x speed because the characters talk in a slow manner

>> No.38049909
File: 1.29 MB, 1617x900, 1622662938931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kinda wanna fuck her

>> No.38049928

we are reaching levels of thirst that can't even be measured

>> No.38049930


>> No.38049940

lol guys i'm all in on tqqq at 160.9
preparing to have my anus fucking devastated tomorrow

>> No.38049955
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>> No.38049959

i should have learn how to code instead

>> No.38049993

i hate women

>> No.38050054


>> No.38050058

you know a hobby is pozzed when...

>> No.38050071

skype girls all around me...

>> No.38050075


>> No.38050089
File: 58 KB, 450x400, 1625690872865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cave story was one of the first games i played in japanese because i like the mimigas

>> No.38050096

i tried playing it twice over like 10 years and played for an hour or two at most before quitting because it's just another boring platformer

>> No.38050101

just be yourself

>> No.38050112

didnt work so far

>> No.38050116

also no
its a metroidvania with SVUL

>> No.38050123

if being yourself isn't working try being someone else

>> No.38050140


>> No.38050143

thank you anon now i will become a tech billonaire see you losers

>> No.38050148

do you write bosyuus or answers others?
if you write your own you get the gaijin hunters

>> No.38050170

if it works i will sacrifice the first obasan i get to your god of preference

>> No.38050193

dealing with html and css is so fucking annoying, i just wanna do the backend stuff on the babby project im working on but its taking me forever to get the stuff ive coded to display in a way that is actually usable

>> No.38050199

is that german guy that did this and got a job still here

>> No.38050207
File: 2.17 MB, 1889x889, 1610855919902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*take it easy by the eagles starts playing in the background*
the music choices for this show are so weird

>> No.38050222
File: 1.72 MB, 1903x1009, スクリーンショット 2022-01-06 004341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

planning on watching this and drinking some beer when i finish my 宿題 in a while

>> No.38050224

are you old enough to drink?

>> No.38050230

you can buy beer her from 16

>> No.38050257


>> No.38050266

whys djt so fuckin dead tonight

>> No.38050292

dno but im going to read right now so -1

>> No.38050294

we decided to learn to code

>> No.38050295

its still a banger

>> No.38050299

the boys are busy taking over kazakstan

>> No.38050307

whats wrong with it honestly

>> No.38050315

got a 3 month headstart on u faggots so im making it first

>> No.38050359

yea i think like 9 more months of motivational videos like "how i got my first front end coding job with no degree" and i'll think about trying odinproject or something

>> No.38050369

putting off watching this video i think will help me but its made by an esl

>> No.38050382

today's minute ended?

>> No.38050383

i quit the first time i tried cause html and css is so fucking boring so i did python this time and its a lot more fun

>> No.38050394


>> No.38050424

this is my favourite video where she eats

>> No.38050437

i hate women

>> No.38050458

i'm ok with women

>> No.38050461

do i need to get you banned by reporting every one of ur posts or what, just shut da fuck up

>> No.38050497

imagine eating chocolate off her naked body

>> No.38050528

favorite female nip name?

as for me, あんず or いずみ

>> No.38050530
File: 181 KB, 900x1200, EJowlqUUcAM_USJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the old emirin
she changed..

>> No.38050536


>> No.38050541

まゆ or みゆ

>> No.38050570


>> No.38050572


>> No.38050607

i noticed that japanese people cannot say "year" properly, they always say "ear"
and it made me wonder:
is it possible to construct a word or a name that is literally impossible for japanese people to say out loud?

>> No.38050618


>> No.38050625

gonna report you for announcing your reports

>> No.38050633

half the words in polish

>> No.38050667

holy shit, the android port of professor layton is by far the best immersion material i've found yet

>> No.38050679

no idea what that is but judging by the fact that you use the term "immersion material" its probably dogshit

>> No.38050704

holy shit, the android port of professor layton is by far the best fap material i've found yet

>> No.38050724


>> No.38050750

i feel bad for the old woman you'll end up with because she'll be in it for love but you'll be in it for a short term fling

>> No.38050755

wow she doesn't look a day older than 48.

>> No.38050757

just heard かじかむ on すっきり and understood it despite not having seen it since i mined it 2 years ago. the context made it really obvious but i guess the context will always be obvious

>> No.38050764


>> No.38050778
File: 780 KB, 4096x2724, 1641171218802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love women and im not gping to pretend i don't

>> No.38050783

id be in it for that too though?

>> No.38050807

>bunko kun do these granny panties make my cameltoe look huge?

>> No.38050823

>i hope this scene is over soon
>i want to go home to get dicked by takeshi
>she smells like a slut
>i bet she didn't wash her manko

>> No.38050826


>> No.38050844

>for fucks sakes i hope that thing on my finger is not cum

>> No.38050855

every chick bunko goes after will be short time
they keep dying of old age

>> No.38050873

心中 tho

>> No.38050897

nah it's perfect! intermediate level vocabulary with furigana which makes reading and mining new words easy, puzzles that involve a lot of reading which makes understanding the language immediately salient beyond just the story, visuals that make the language more comprehensible, especially in puzzle. plus it has voice acted cutscenes and a comfy atmosphere with enjoyable gameplay that you can spend 3 minutes or 3 hours on. since you haven't heard of it you're probably underage or just some kind of mutt since it was pretty popular in civilized regions. definitely recommend it

>> No.38050909

yeh but it will be the one sided og style

>> No.38050912

crazy how my ngmi detector is never wrong

>> No.38050927

thats hot

>> No.38050937

i refuse to believe there are people on this thread that didnt know of layton

>> No.38050942

How do you get this big in Japan? The food portions there are tiny

>> No.38050945

the skype girl i phoned yesterday talked about layton
i havent played it though

>> No.38050954

You obviously haven't lived in Japan
In the right places they are huge

>> No.38050956

ive heard that name before. i think its some kind of brain teaser game for handheld consoles. never played it, never cared. i dont play video games

>> No.38050973
File: 408 KB, 834x601, 1627806361031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude looks like filthy frank

>> No.38050984

honestly i think i would have to watch out not to gain weight in japan since 外食 is so cheap and the standards for food are so high

>> No.38050996

i'm severely obese. i need to watch what i eat anywhere at any time. i hope there's not a djt meet because it'd suck to miss it.

>> No.38051011


>> No.38051012


>> No.38051019

only heard about layton because of the ace attorney cross over
never played it though

>> No.38051030

just stop eating like a fucking pig and go for a walk or bike ride you worthless fat sack of shit

>> No.38051036

i don't want to do any of that

>> No.38051041

no fuck you if god wanted me to walk he wouldn't have invented wheels

>> No.38051045

doesn't seem like watching what you eat is working out for you if you are severely obese. just do intermittent fasting + keto diet, the weight will melt off. then once you are at a normal weight, switch to a regular healthy diet, but stay low carb.

>> No.38051046

not eating is literally doing nothing

>> No.38051058

>intermittent fasting
doesn't that destroy your metabolism

>> No.38051060

how much do you weight?

>> No.38051061

Japanese portions are not bigger than American ones

>> No.38051063

>just walk bro

>> No.38051069

no, i have never heard of anything like that

>> No.38051070

move more
eat less

>> No.38051074

walk a lot
cut out drinks with calories
eat more greens

>> No.38051075

huh? no, it makes you chad

>> No.38051086

most important thing is cutting out sugar and processed foods. it's the insulin response that matters for gaining and losing fat.

>> No.38051089


>> No.38051094

then stay fat and disgusting fuckin pigs lmfao

>> No.38051097

when you are obese its just calories bro

>> No.38051098

I mean you're comparing no.1 obese country in the world, of course they're number 1
I can still go out and get 3 pounds of meat + 1 pound of rice for 1 meal

>> No.38051101

they examined the biggest losers' metabolism years after they appeared on the show and they were all really low and had gained most of their weight back

>> No.38051102

it's literally recommended by doctors to patients who need to lose a lot of weight for surgery. it's the best weight loss method there is. i'm not saying do it long term.

>> No.38051106

>just do intermittent fasting + keto diet, the weight will melt off.
neither of those things equate to a caloric deficit intrinsically, dumbfuck
cause they did starvation diets at ridiculous deficits

>> No.38051107


>> No.38051110

i don't want to do that either

>> No.38051113

if you try to become giga chad all of a sudden you will last for a week and than go back to being fat
start making healthier choices little by little, from this week on i will only drink water, and from next week on i will eat less calories for dinner, and then i will change dessert for fruit and so on
all the other advice is good but do it gradually you dont have as much mental will as you think you do

>> No.38051115

no this is actual medicine, the calories in calories out meme is the broscience.

>> No.38051120

>no.1 obese country in the world
That’s Nauru or the Cook Islands not the US

>> No.38051125

how long does it take to raise your metabolism if you've done a starvation diet?

>> No.38051132

caloric deficit literally doesn't matter. your body will adapt its metabolic requirements to the amount of energy you take in. that's why people on caloric deficit diets plateau and then rapidly gain back weight once they start eating normally again.

>> No.38051145

yeah bro just starve ur brain and lose iq points

>> No.38051146

i lost 90 lbs 5 years ago and kept it off, the key is a manageable deficit and finding foods that are high volume/satiation and relatively low calory. potatoes are the goat for that. don't give a fuck about muh keto, potatoes are the best diet food because you can roast half a kilo in the oven with 1 tbsp of oil and its satiating and low calorie.

biking is the best form of cardio because the difficulty to calories burned ratio is unbeatable and its more fun than running
i wish i could put a bullet in ur stupid fucking brain

>> No.38051159

actually good advice

>> No.38051164

sup morbido bro

>> No.38051175

its generic af
sasuga adhd schizo

>> No.38051180

i don't care what genetic trash thinks of me

>> No.38051186

exercise bikes any good

>> No.38051190

i mo they feel really もどかしい because youre not going anywhere

>> No.38051198

get a peloton the classes really help with how boring stationary biking is

>> No.38051222

i have one and its extremely boring. when u bike outside the fact that you're moving takes away from discomfort you feel from the exercise itself while on an exercise bike that's all you have to focus on. even watching stuff on my tv didn't alleviate that issue so i just bike on an actual bike
do not spend 1500 or whatever the fuck dollars it is on a fucking stationary bike

>> No.38051227

most gyms have exercise bikes with tvs they make cardio much less of a chore

>> No.38051233

yeah i'm not spending a grand on an exercise bike
also laughing about the story behind their stock plummeting

>> No.38051235

since becoming obese i've noticed i wake up a lot in the middle of the night. last night i woke up 5+ times that i can remember, and probably much more that i don't.

>> No.38051246

you probably have sleep apnea which is something u can die from lol

>> No.38051251


>> No.38051258

sounds dumb but i'm morally not allowed to ride a bike outside

>> No.38051271

ill bite, story?

>> No.38051280

not him but i once broke an arm riding a bike and know im scared

>> No.38051281

the peloton is actually pretty reasonably priced for a quality exercise bike that can actually stand up to the punishment of a hard workout. a cheaper bike would probably fall apart the minute an obese person got on it. but you could also get a cheaper bike and just stream the peloton classes though their app, the subscription is like 5 dollars a month

>> No.38051282

just hacked my 3ds

what are some good games to get?

>> No.38051285

>ill bite
put the fork down and go outside fatty

>> No.38051289


>> No.38051298

my brother died riding his bike when he was 13

>> No.38051299


>> No.38051304

no fuck you troll its a pandemic and also really cold

>> No.38051319

did a 30 minute run yesterday and my average heart rate was 183. would be cool if i just dropped dead in the middle of a run

>> No.38051322

used to have an old roadbike like this and it was so fast and easy to ride
some of my best memories are from going stupid amounts of kilometers on really 田舎 roads during summer as a 中学生
but if you puncture youre fucked

>> No.38051325

why waste hours of your time commuting back and forth from a frothing cauldron of disease when you could just put an exercise bike in front of your computer monitor at home

>> No.38051336
File: 144 KB, 1080x810, peugeot-retro-racer_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38051339

>all this talk of exercise and diet and no mention of SEX, the most fun, most calorie intensive human activity

>> No.38051347

didn't know morbidly obese guy hates himself

>> No.38051361


>> No.38051369

i'd have to settle for an obese girl and i don't want that

>> No.38051373

i dont its just that im a literal schizoid so i get very little pleasure from anything

>> No.38051394

what are you doing with python? like random small projects like learning to make a chess game or whatever?

>> No.38051399

y..yeah ill just have more sex.. haha..

>> No.38051416

have you tried making out with moe?

>> No.38051445

i did 100 days of code on udemy so i did a lot of small projects.

right now im making a clone of supercook.com using django. basically finished the backend functionality cause it's a simple site just need to get a working interface for it done.

i liked the udemy course, you code every day and the projects are spread out in various domains. you make a blog with flask, you make some basic OOP stuff, you do some basic data work etc. good for the basics

>> No.38051459

Genki unironically taught me the correct pitch accent on passive verbs I the present tense with no soul searching required unlike Ken Conman

>> No.38051468

ive never heard of somebody who got thin just by having sex.

>> No.38051476 [DELETED] 
File: 1.57 MB, 383x520, a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38051477
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, スクリーンショット (117).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it even unhealthy for women to be ぽっちゃり

>> No.38051478

You literally get tested on how much you actually understand when playing the right games. Fuck anki droning

>> No.38051496
File: 19 KB, 400x300, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i rec pic related you have to make sentences all the time and depending on what you say the answer is different

>> No.38051498

sex probably burns a lot of calories but you only do it for like 5-15 minutes at a time so it's obviously not going to be an effective method

>> No.38051520

i like pussy not hair

>> No.38051523

Sure an english textbook about learning Japanese sucks, but what about a Japanese textbook about some random topic like chemistry?

>> No.38051534

bunko's chinpo is THAT big?

>> No.38051536

if you say "eww" at the sight of a pussy then you're gay, no exceptions

>> No.38051538

theres a pretty good grammar dictionary on itazuraneko somewhere. it's in japanese so i'd think it's written by a native. it's basically dojg but in japanese.

>> No.38051553

well then you have bad taste

>> No.38051561

pussies look freaky

>> No.38051565

your girth is probably above 4.5"/11.4cm though

>> No.38051567

your gimmick has already gotten old.

>> No.38051587

havent measured girth because its not gonna change

>> No.38051597

he's a cringy twenty year old doing cringy twenty year old shit. his gimmick was old years ago.

>> No.38051619

eww she has mosaic disease
always use protection when with jp girls bros you don't wanna get mosaic on your face

>> No.38051648

Fuck off mat, you know people here wanna see the drama. Fuck off with your fomo, expensive, exclusive secret shit. Do you still have a paywall behind that list of pirated torrents and mega links?

>> No.38051683

Best thing is if you actually try to access the video you have to give Ken an email address and then it goes to a placeholder page saying he's still editing it

>> No.38051699

shut the fuck up tourist retard, nobody cares

>> No.38051701


>> No.38051708


>> No.38051775
File: 692 KB, 916x1080, Screenshot (24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38051827


>> No.38051841

are you ready to get your shitty japanese #uprooted?

I will guess right now what they will price it at and how long the program will take: 30 days, 4 hours each at $200/h making it $96'000

>> No.38051852

this dude really going through the thread and only replying to mutt posts while seething

>> No.38051865

my listening comprehension is so fucking garbage outside of just normal conversations

>> No.38051882

this isn't even true either, you can mine from vidya just have a yuge word bank in a separate deck and tag and move as you go

>> No.38051884

need to find a good game to play while listening to podcasts
or maybe i can get back into minecraft soon

>> No.38051902

try sevtech. the first age is rough though.

>> No.38051928

too autistic for mods

>> No.38052019


>> No.38052022


Hope someone here does the course and makes a condensed video for me to laugh at

>> No.38052039

used to do that but i forgot about it

>> No.38052044

people get pretty autistic about minecraft mods

>> No.38052047

knew it was analfaggot making these posts

>> No.38052095
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>> No.38052128
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>> No.38052135
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>> No.38052201

I was thinking the same. You only need one person to record everything and you'll have hours of meme material. They'll probably make you sign an NDA and other shit.
Tbh, I think they'll only charge a couple thousand dollars. They're probably gauging right now how much they can charge the whales. Since they said it's gonna be very expensive and since the protocol 80 shit from Ken Cannon is $500 like agf said in his videos, it's gotta be more than that.

>> No.38052202


>> No.38052238

how much was silver spoon? i have 2k in mind for some reason but i don't know where i got that

>> No.38052241

my imoto likes this one

>> No.38052279

matt didn't say anything racist in those videos anacreon made so i don't get why he calls him racist in them. maybe he's hoping a sponsor will hear matt mention race in one minute and iq in the fourth minute and fire him based on the association or something? that's super slimy which i thought anacreon hated.

>> No.38052295

This guy claimes he paid 2.6k:

>> No.38052299
File: 562 KB, 617x453, スクリーンショット 2022-01-06 041338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38052302

gotta agree with matt on this one

>> No.38052314

>The program came with a "Fo Shizzle" Guarantee
im dead

>> No.38052323


>> No.38052327


>> No.38052336

"If you have been allowed to join the SilverSpoon/Neutrino program,you are entitled to a full refund as part of the "Fo-Shizzle Fluency Guarantee".

I hope I'm allowed into project uproot

>> No.38052338

at least anacreon created content.
his replacement does nothing but spam these disgusting fetish images every single day.
almost considering leaving djt because it's gotten so obnoxious.

>> No.38052340

Adderall guy came thru, finally can grind again

>> No.38052345

Oh yeah that's the one, haven't played either in a while but the calendar fucking stands out

>> No.38052352

that shit just makes me horny af

>> No.38052359

fuck you are such a piece of shit

>> No.38052360

oh for sure, the first 30 mins is lying face down and struggling with the urge to rape

>> No.38052368


>> No.38052376

yh ngl i liked unko fantasizing about fucking his mother better

>> No.38052380

for me its more like i seriously consider asking random women on the street if i can lick their entire body
havent done stims in forever though they make me so depressed after

>> No.38052384

wonder if adderall would help me or if im already maxed out
2 hours of anki is a lot

>> No.38052393

i have a confession i tricked og into thinking i was bunko and she sent me her face over email

>> No.38052395

what color are her eyes

>> No.38052409

doubt shed have sent me her face

>> No.38052412

blue i think its hard to tell from the lighting
i said i wanted to see if she looked like your sister

>> No.38052413

how do people learn to listen it's so much more fucking boring and hard than learning to read! i suck at both but with reading it's so easy to flick my cursor over the tons of words i don't know.

>> No.38052416

was it just the eyes?

>> No.38052423

nice shitpost

>> No.38052425

these people literally deserve to be scammed. im jealous im not getting their money

>> No.38052432

middle of her face eyes and nose

>> No.38052439

nice bro when was this

>> No.38052448

weird if true
did she look like her?

>> No.38052453

10 gorillion hours of unsubbed anime

>> No.38052474

when bunko was wanting to email her i had it saved for the right moment
im sorry og
she looked white but i dont like whitoids

>> No.38052475

fucking crazy how 10万 hours of anime is equivalent to watching the entirety of one piss 30 times

>> No.38052479

read one piece, then watch it.

>> No.38052485

crazy how og was sexting 4bc and bunko at the same time

>> No.38052492

i'm so fucking jealous i can't believe that was happening and i didn't realize it. i never even got a chance

>> No.38052494

nothing like that at least for me

>> No.38052498



>> No.38052503

yea ok mr "average" i'm sure nothing sexual was going on even though she definitely had a crush on you

>> No.38052511

crazy how 4bc got tricked into suiciding by a two-timing whore

>> No.38052520


>> No.38052525

take psilocybin
you start to understand what words means by pure context

>> No.38052535

doubt it
i think she saw me more as an 弟

>> No.38052546

pretty sure it's og lore that she wanted to fuck her brother

>> No.38052548

i don't do drugs because i have peace

>> No.38052556

everybody has a chance if you stick a name on she'll start sucking up to you no matter how useless you are

>> No.38052559

Who has time to transcribe 35 minutes dude.
If it's watching/listening/understanding I can do it just fine

>> No.38052568

you can't build any type of meaningful relationship with someone through fucking 4chan

>> No.38052572

drugs are the only way you can make it unless you are underage

>> No.38052593

you know how seriously she took this thread

>> No.38052606

i'm pretty sure she was merely pretending

>> No.38052611


>> No.38052612

lmao i'll make sure to remind him if he comes back

>> No.38052623

he's never coming back

>> No.38052624

actually she looks like the white version of the crazy megane bitch jamal use to post all the time

>> No.38052647

yh fake

>> No.38052652

he could prove it by screenshotting the email without the pic

>> No.38052660

lets just wait for him to edit something together then

>> No.38052666

you can fake email text tho

>> No.38052681

og does sounds like the kind of retard who would fall for that

>> No.38052689

naa she was the paranoid type

>> No.38052700

definitely not 30 though shes a self-hating zoomer like i thought

>> No.38052722

she's said all these things in the thread herself. sounds like an elaborate shitpost

>> No.38052728

hentai unironically stunted my social growth

>> No.38052734

read cool vinnies and act like the main characters

>> No.38052802

>im not graping (raping)

>> No.38053940




>> No.38054021

speak for yourself

>> No.38054736


>> No.38054752

>learn your forms. It's only, like, 10
if you actually think this ou're ngmi

>> No.38054869
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>> No.38054911

stfu og

>> No.38054939

except outside you have to watch for traffic and you can't watch tv or do other shit

>> No.38054951

lmao at the """""crash"""""

>> No.38054966

what did you use?

>> No.38055001

burning calories is retarded lmfao

>> No.38055017

dude stop using this thread you're too retarded

>> No.38055093

yeah find a game and fuck off
it's funny cause anacreon actually used racial slurs
wtf you were on adderall, why?
that's 100k not 10k

>> No.38055295





>> No.38056279
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>> No.38056289

You don't know anything, greenhairedlancerpfp

>> No.38058860

why are 80% of posts on 5ch using sage?

>> No.38058864

did you find a proxy site for it or are you using a vpn?

>> No.38058994

2ch is the proxy site, no?

>> No.38060162

State mandated Japanese waifu when?

>> No.38060183


>> No.38060201

this thread is dead stop posting

>> No.38060214

fuck u
ill post
and you can't
stop it

>> No.38061783

is there anything like yomichan but for images (and offline)?
