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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8783292 No.8783292 [Reply] [Original]

I am Japanese.
Please tell me the difference between "a" and "the".

>> No.8783298

one is a letter

the other is a word

>> No.8783296

One is used for the indefinite article and one is used for a definite article.

"A dog" could mean any dog, while "the dog" means a certain dog.

>> No.8783299 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 135x180, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw u will always be asian

>> No.8783308

I'm also Japanese.

Fack you.

>> No.8783316

Why do people usually say 'I have a dog' instead of 'I have the dog'?

>> No.8783320

Thick penis. Are you having the penis?

>> No.8783325


>> No.8783327

When you say "I have a dog." the person you are talking about does not know the dog.

>> No.8783341

a = one
the = important thing

>> No.8783343

You would say "I own the dog" if your dog was in the room, maybe. When you say that you own dogs, you're not talking about specific dogs.

>> No.8783345

Because they haven't introduced the dog to the context yet. "I have a dog. The dog is shaggy." - First, one is introducing a previously unmentioned dog and specifying it as a dog that he himself possesses. Then, he can continue to speak about the dog and the "the" implies that he's referring to the same dog he introduced earlier.

>> No.8783357

Fuck you

>> No.8783370

The implies that there's only one thing. If there was only one dog on earth, he would be called the dog. There are lots of dogs though, so you refer to a single dog as a dog. However, lets say your dog is named Charles. Your best friend is also named Charles. Another friend asks "Where is Charles"? You would ask "The dog?" in order to know whether your friend wants to know where the dog is or where your best friend is.

>> No.8783372

a pear = this pear
the pear = any pear

>> No.8783374

Please tell me the difference between は and が.

It's essentially the same thing with "a" and "the".

And if the person already knows the dog, you would say "I have/I own the dog."

Basically the dog just needs to be introduced previously before you can refer to it specifically. It's quite logical.

>> No.8783389


"I have a dog" would mean they have one dog, as opposed to two or more.

>> No.8783391

Many Japanese people are extremely racist. They think every non-Japanese person except White people are inferior. Japanese people especially love to insult Koreans and Chinese. On 2ch and 2chan, there are many racists who insult Korea. There is
even a special board called "Nida" on 2ch for people to insult Korea. Japan is the most racist country in the world. I am very ashamed of this sad fact.

I am Japanese also.

>> No.8783400

I also dislike Koreans and Chinese (for no particular reason, nida <ヽ`∀´>). I am not Japanese. Does that make me racist?

>> No.8783406
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How does Japan feel about Canadians?

>> No.8783405


>> No.8783411

we have a board just for white racist

its called /pol/ LMAo

>> No.8783409

This copypasta.
And nostalgia ;_;/

>> No.8783418

Are you that new?

>> No.8783427

beware of the troll. proper version is:

a pear = any pear
the pear = this pear

>> No.8783431

八紘一宇! 万歳!
I am Japanese also.

>> No.8783434
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>> No.8783453

I am taking THE dog out for a walk.
I wish I had A dog.

>> No.8783466

a = indefinite article
the = definite article


>> No.8783461

人を抜いて全て自分に劣ると思っている。 欧米人は特に黒人やアラブ諸国の出身者たちを罵倒するのが好きです。 4CHANや他のネット掲示板ではNiggerやmudslimeなどの差別的用語がよく使われま

I am also a westerner.

>> No.8783473


I am taking A dog out for a walk.

English is so fucked.

>> No.8783492

Many western people are extremely racist. They think every non-western person except east asians are inferior. western people especially love to insult blacks and Arabic people. On 4chan and other internet boards, there are many racists who insult the middle east and Africa. There is
even a special board called /int/ on 4chan for people to insult non-whites. The west is the most racist place in the world. I am very ashamed of this sad fact.

I am also a westerner.

>> No.8783503

I remember as kid, i was baffled with "the"

One time i was wandering on streets and came across this movie poster. The movie's name was "THE BOMB" For some reason i found it very humorous.

>> No.8783588

Here is a different scenario to highlight the difference between "a" and "the".

Example 1
Bob: "I bought a pie yesterday."
James: "Isn't pie great? I am eating a pie now."

Example 2
Bob: "I bought a pie yesterday."
James: "Isn't pie great? I am eating the pie now."

In the second example, James is saying that he is eating the pie that Bob bought yesterday. In the first example, James does not specify which pie he is eating. Thus, in the first example, James could be eating the pie Bob purchased yesterday, or he could be eating a different pie.

And remember, "a" and "an" are the same word. You use "a" before a word starting with a consonant sound. You use "an" before a word starting with a vowel sound.
A cake. A pie. A dog.
An apple. An opinion. An honest opinion.

That last one is tricky. H is a consonant, but in the word "honest", the H is silent. Thus, the word "honest" starts with an O sound.
And notice that I said "an O sound" instead of "the O sound". The letter O can make different sounds. I did say which O sound was being used, so I used "an" instead of "the".

>> No.8783613

thats a fantastic example. listen to this OP.

>> No.8783622

Can you use "the" for plural form? Like "The retards"?

>> No.8783632



>> No.8783629

A = nonspecific
The = specific

Really /jp/?

>> No.8783636

white guilt pls die

>> No.8783662

If Japanese are so smart, why can't they into English?

Gaijin: 1
Japan: 0

>> No.8783676

>Please tell me the difference between は and が.
>It's essentially the same thing with "a" and "the".

It's not.

the =definite
a = indefinite

は = topic
が = emphatic

Something can be a topic without being definite, and something can be emphatically introduced into conversation without being indefinite. If you were having a conversation about famous landmarks, and you just happened to bring up the Eiffel Tower or some other proper noun name of a building, you would introduce it with が, despite there being only one authentic Eiffel Tower.

>> No.8783689


I am having the penis.

>> No.8783771

Thanks for... proving his point?

>> No.8783834


You're retarded.

>> No.8783848
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>I am Japanese.

Read the rules, foreigner.

>> No.8783854
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>> No.8783855


>> No.8783861
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>> No.8783863
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>> No.8783869

The Iron Shiek posts on /jp/?

>> No.8783884

How much of a head start does a japanese have at learning chinese then a westerner?

>> No.8783920
File: 654 KB, 796x1214, genki char.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could have sexual intercourse with Ms. Green, Miho and Risa at full force in vagina mouth and anus.

>> No.8783935
File: 17 KB, 350x489, eng599s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ms. Green = Paizuri
Miho = Vaginal
Risa = anal

In that order.

>> No.8783959

"a" introduces something that the listener does not yet know about. "the" is for things that the listener can already tell from context.

For example, in "A dog came running down the street." introduces a dog that the listener does not know about. If there is already a dog in this context, that statement implies that the dog that is running down the street is a different dog. "The dog came running down the street." refers to a dog that the listener already knows from context. If the listener does not know about any dogs in this context, that statement will be very confusing.

>> No.8783973

So Japanese do not necessarily need context for something to make sense to them. That's why you can have a sentence without a subject and it would still be correct. Interesting.

>> No.8783997

I don't really understand what that has to do with what I said.

>> No.8784009

context is important in english whereas it's not as important in japanese

>> No.8785059

I'm also Japanese.

Fakku you.

>> No.8785922

>I am Japanese.

>> No.8786017

Lets change that.

>> No.8786033
File: 18 KB, 396x385, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No one in here is actually japanese.

>Real Japanese people will never speak to you

>> No.8786041


>> No.8786038

My gf is japanese.

>> No.8786047


>> No.8786045

I once talked to a Japanese person in krautchan. Because I'm such a huge weeaboo faggot I asked him if anyone ever left a note in his footlocker telling him to wait under the sakura tree behind school after classes. he responded "no, that is only my dream" with one of those sad smiley thingies.

>> No.8786056

( ´_ゝ`)

>> No.8786067

I like how there are 5 million explanations of "ga" and "wa" for japanese.

Obviously if there are so many explanations, its not something that can be understood by explanations?

>> No.8786078

He used a different smiley, it looked like he was crying.

>> No.8786090

"A" also implies that there is more than one of the thing being mentioned while "the" may mean there is just one.

>the pleasure of being cummed inside
>a pleasure of being cummed inside

The first implies that there is only one pleasure of being cummed inside while the second implies that it is referencing one of multiple pleasures of being cummed inside.

>> No.8786118

>with one of those sad smiley thingies.

( ´_ゝ`)´_ゝ`)´_ゝ`)

>> No.8786193

>the second implies that it is referencing one of multiple pleasures of being cummed inside.

Not necessarily. It does imply it's referencing one of multiple pleasures, but it's ambiguous whether it's one of multiple pleasures-of-being-cummed-inside or one of multiple pleasures, specifically the one of being cummed inside.

>> No.8789045

so do you know now or what

>> No.8789066

I am American
Please tell me the difference between "l" and "r" in your language

>> No.8789092

one does not exist, another is inexistent

>> No.8789119

I'm Slav.
Please tell me why Japanese only has one swear word.

>> No.8789129

Baka slav-kuso post you have there.
